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Mobility PC Programmer Dealer

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PG Drives TTechnology
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Fax: +1 (714) 978 9512 Fax: +44 (0)1425 272655 Fax: +886 (0)2 2579 8381
www.pgdt.com www.pgdt.com www.pgdt.com

© PG Drives Technology. 2004

All rights reserved.
This manual is furnished under copyright and may only be used in accordance with the terms laid out by PG Drives Technology.
The information in this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be
construed as a commitment by PG Drives Technology.
Except as permitted by such terms, no part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in
any form or be any means electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise - without the prior written permission of PG Drives
Technology. +044 (0) 1425 271444

SK76768/7 II

About this manual ......................................................................................................... iv
Chapter 1 - Introduction ..................................................................... 1
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2
2 Hardware ..................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 CD ROM ................................................................................................. 2
2.2 Programming Cable(s) .......................................................................... 2
3 Vehicle Control Systems ................................................................................. 2
Chapter 2 - User Guide ...................................................................... 3
1 Connecting to a Control System ............................................................. 4
2 Operation Initiation ............................................................................................ 4
3 The Application Window ................................................................................ 5
3.1 Program Information Bar ........................................................................ 5
3.2 Drop Down Menus ................................................................................. 6
3.3 Toolbar ................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Program Button ...................................................................................... 8
3.5 Program Display Area ............................................................................ 8
3.6 Status Bar ............................................................................................... 9
4 System Log Window ......................................................................................... 10
5 Upgrades ...................................................................................................................... 11

SK76768/7 III

About this manual

The Electronic Manual gives a complete guide to the PC Programmer its functionality and operations.
Throughout the manual icons are used to draw the reader’s attention.
The icons used are:

Note - A general point for best practice.

Caution - A point of safety which if ignored could result in damage to the control system or the

Warning - A point of safety which if ignored could cause injury to the individual.

PG Drives Technology accept no liability for any losses of any kind if the points are not followed.

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1 Introduction
The Mobility PC Programmer software allows PG Drives Technology powered mobility control systems to be programmed with a
PC. In addition to programming, the PC Programmer can be used to perform diagnostic operations on the vehicle’s electrical
The main advantage of using programmable controllers is that they can be easily tailored to the specific needs and
capabilities of a particular vehicle while taking into account safe performance characteristics.
The programmable controller achieves this great flexibility by referring to a set of internal parameters which govern factors such
as the vehicle’s speed, acceleration and braking. These parameters can be changed over a wide span to suit different
vehicles and users, using a simple, hand-held programmer.

It is possible to set up a control system so that it is unsuitable for some users or even some
vehicles. For all of the above reasons it is important that you contact PG Drives Technology if you
have the slightest doubts or if you need any advice on programming.

Programming and diagnostics should only be conducted by healthcare professionals with in-depth
knowledge of PG Drives Technology electronic control systems. Incorrect programming could result
in an unsafe setup of a vehicle for a user. PG Drives Technology accept no liability for any losses
of any kind if the programming of the control system is altered from the factory preset values.

2 Hardware
The PC Programmer pack comprises of the following items:

• Programming Cable(s)

• Technical Manual (Hardcopy in Packaging)

2.1 CD ROM
The CD ROM contains installation, executable and information files. There are two version of CD ROM
• Dealer programming

• OEM programming. The OEM version is only available to vehicle manufacturers.

It is recommended that you print a copy of the latest Electronic manual and keep it in a convenient place.

2.2 Programming Cable(s)

The programming cables connect the PC to the vehicle control system via a communications port. Depending on the PC
Programmer ordered, there will be one of the following 2 cable options supplied. One programmer cable type for wheelchair
control system’s which terminates at one end in a RS232 connector and at the other in a Neutrik plug suitable for connection to
Pilot+ and VSI. The other programmer type is for scooter control system’s which terminates at one end in a RS232 connector
and at the other in a Molex ‘Mini fit Jnr.’ 4 way plug suitable for connection to S-Drive and Egis control systems. As different control
systems and PC’s are developed, alternative cables may be necessary.

3 Vehicle Control Systems

This issue of PC Programmer software has the capability to program:
• VSI control systems.

• PILOT+ Control Systems.

• S-Drive Control Systems.

• Egis Control Systems.

• VR2 Control Systems.

See the software update site at www.pgdt.com for the latest release.

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1 Connecting to a Control System

For programming operations you can connect the PC Programmer cable to a control system at any time, regardless of the
operating condition of the control system.

The control unit must be connected and ON before program transfer can be achieved.

If you are using the PC Programmer for diagnostics purposes, then to view the current trip code you must connect the PC
Programmer while the control system is in a tripped state, i.e. the battery gauge is flashing rapidly.
To attach the control system to the PC use the programming cable as follows:
• Insert the RS232 plug into the communications port to be used.


Control System Connector

PC RS232 Connector PC RS232 Connector

• Insert the Neutrik plug (for wheelchairs) or the Molex plug (for scooters) into the control system.

• Switch the control system ON.

As long as the connection correct the PC programmer will register the connection with COMMS ACTIVE in the Status bar.

Ensure the PC Programmer cable has been disconnected from the control system before you start

2 Operation Initiation
PC Programmer can be used to edit existing control systems or to perform initial programming acts. Once a program has
been loaded into PC Programmer editing tasks can be performed at any time.
Upon opening PC Programmer the following warning window will appear. It is important that this warning is read and
understood before programming commences.

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Clicking Continue opens the PC Programmer Application Window. If a control system is connected, and ON, then the status
bar will state what type the connected system is.

If the Control System is not supported by the version of PC programmer currently installed then the
program will alert the user.

To begin using the PC Programmer one of two things must occur:

• A New program must be opened.
• An existing program must be opened.

3 The Application Window

For ease of description the application window will be separated into 6 different sections. These are:
3.1 - Program Information Bar
3.2 - Drop Down Menus
3.3 - Toolbar
3.4 - Program Button
3.5 - Program Display Area
3.6 - Status Bar

3.1 Program Information Bar

3.1.1 Description
The description box contains user defined information about the current program being viewed. When a new program is
opened the description will read Default Program until it is adjusted
As soon as the program is adjusted a <Mod> notation will appear after the description.

Original Adjusted

3.1.2 File Name

The file name box contains user defined name for the current program being viewed. When a new program is opened the
name will read Default Program until it is adjusted
As soon as the program is adjusted a <Mod> notation will appear after the name.

Original Adjusted

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3.1.3 Group Menu Selection

The group menu selection is a drop down menu. The menu lists the program parameter groups which are available for display
and adjustment either individually or as a whole.

3.2 Drop Down Menus

3.2.1 File
This menu contains standard Windows operational elements.

When opening a New program the menu will display the current list of templates available. One of the templates must be
When the print option is used only the parameters listed within the Group Menu Selection will be printed.

3.2.2 Controller
This menu contains specific programming tools.

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Write Controller - Downloads ALL the program parameter information into the control system connected.
Read Controller - Inputs all the program parameter information from the control system connected.
Preset - Restores all program parameters to factory settings.

3.2.3 Tools
This menu contains specific control system information tools.

Diagnostics - If the connected control system is in a tripped state then this option will display the specific trip code and
System Log - Displays the diagnostic Log of the connected control system. Within the window is also the option to clear the
Log information. For detailed information on the System Log window refer to section 4.
Timers - Displays the connected control system’s timer information. This is in the form of an hour read out, which refers to
the time the control system has been driven.
Controller Info - Displays control system specific information such as the identification number.
Protect - Allows PC Programmer to be secured using a password. Once the program has been protected then users
can only Open / Close , Read From / Write To and Program attached control systems.
Comms - Allows the user to select which communication Port to attach the control system to the PC.
File Type - Displays the format in which the file was created. ie. a Dealer or OEM Programmer.

3.2.4 Help
This menu contains specific information about the PC Programmer software.

Contents - Displays the available Help topics. This follows a Windows typical control method.
About Box - Displays the PC Programmer software issue information.

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3.3 Toolbar
The toolbar icons are shortcuts to the most regularly used functions within the drop down menus.

The Select File Template window will only appear when the New File button is clicked on.
Navigating between the different file types available is achieved using the arrows.
To select the desired file type simply click on the name when it appears.

3.4 Program Button

Downloads the program parameter information from the SELECTED group into the control system connected.

3.5 Program Display Area

All adjustments to the program parameters are made within this window.
Each programmable parameter has its own adjustable entry. All of these parameters have a Help icon located next to them
which give a brief description of what the parameter controls.

Where a parameter has a Warning icon the warning should be read and understood before adjustment
to the parameter is attempted.

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To adjust a parameter move the mouse cursor to the parameter reading and click on the arrows to increase or decrease the
Where there is a toggle selection instead of a reading then simply click on the required selection.

3.6 Status Bar

Displays program relevant information.

Protect - When the PC Programmer has been password protected the protection box will show PROTECTED to alert the
Trip Box - When the connected control system has tripped the trip box will display TRIPPED to alert the programmer. To
view the trip code select Diagnostics in the Tools drop down menu.
Access Level - Displays the level of programing access available with the installed version of PC Programmer.
The three types of access are:
Level: A (Dealer)
Level: B (OEM)
Level: C (Manufacturing)
Control System - Displays the type of control System currently connected to the PC.
Activity - Displays if a control system is switched ON. If a control system is connected but not ON then the Activity will

The above status bar is indicating that the program is PROTECTED and connected to a TRIPPED VSI control system.

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4 System Log Window

Displays Control system trip information.

Control System - Details the type of control system currently connected to the PC, the control system’s software issue and serial
System Log - The system is tripped out in response to an issue external to the control system. The system log lists the last 8
types of system trip that has occurred since the system was either initialized or last cleared. Each type of trip
has an occurrence value and a brief description.

If there is a control trip then the system log records it under a general code which alerts the
technician to check the control log.

The system log window has a row of options along the base. These are:
Copy - Allows the user to copy and paste the logs to another file.
Warning - It is important that this warning is read and understood before further action is taken to correct any trips.
Print - Prints the system log window to the PC’s default printer.
OK - Returns the user to the program display area.

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5 Upgrades
If you have purchased a copy of the PC Programmer software you are eligible for free upgrades. This means each time a new
programmable function or control system is introduced, then you can upgrade you PC Programmer to the latest version.
To qualify for free upgrades, you need to send the following information to ftprequest@pgdt.com:
• Your name
• Your address
• Your organization (the organization which originally purchased the PC Programmer)
• Product type - this is the number, Dxxxxx/x, which can be located on the packing box, the CD and the cable labels.
• Product serial number – this is the number, *Hxxxxxxx*, which can be located on the packing box, the CD and the cable
Once qualification has been recognized you will then be sent an Email containing an unique username and password.
This username and password allows you to access the latest software via the www.pgdt.com website.
This is achieved as follows:
• Upon entering www.pgdt.com site locate the Service Center and click on the ACCESS FTP SITE icon.
• When prompted enter the unique username and password.
• Open the Mobility Customers folder.
• Open the Software folder.
• Open the PC Programmer folder.
• Open the Relevant Program type folder. i.e. - OEM or Dealer.

It is recommended that the Issue log is read prior to a download being attempted. The Issue log
contains a complete history of the improvements, adjustments and changes created within each

• Select the required version upgrade.

All the upgrades will be kept in separate folders to allow users to install earlier versions of the
program if required. Each upgrade overwrites the existing copy on the PC when it is downloaded.
Therefore if an old version is downloaded the latest version will need to downloaded again.

You can check the version of software you have currently installed on your PC by using the About
Box in the Help pull-down menu of the PC Programmer.

• Double-click on the .exe file to start the download.

• Follow the instructions within the Zip wizard.

Each upgrade will have a new Electronic Manual specific to that version within the self extracting

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