TAX102: Transfer and Business Taxation: Optional Registration
TAX102: Transfer and Business Taxation: Optional Registration
TAX102: Transfer and Business Taxation: Optional Registration
Transporting passenger, goods or cargoes by air or sea from the Philippines to other countries.
Basic rule. Generally, business entities subject to percentage tax shall register under such taxation
However, the law allows optional registration for business covered by percentage tax system. In relation
to the optional registration of business subject to percentage tax, the following guidelines may be
1. Businesses with annual gross sales of less than P100,000 are exempt from VAT and percentage tax;
2. Businesses with annual gross sales in the preceding year of less than P1,500,000 are subject to 3%
percentage tax; and
3. Businesses subject to 3% percentage tax may opt to register under the VAT system.
Taxpayers subject to percentage tax. The following businesses are subject to percentage tax:
Businesses with gross annual sales of not more than P1,500,000 are subject to 3% percentage tax.
Under Section 116 to 127 of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), the following businesses are
also subject to percentage tax:
1. Carriers (domestic and international) and keepers of garages;
2. International carriers
3. Franchise grantees;
4. Overseas communication from the Philippines;
5. Banks and non-banks financial intermediaries;
6. Other non-bank financial intermediaries;
7. Life insurance companies;
8. Agents of foreign insurance companies;
9. Amusement places;
10. Tax on winnings; and
11. Sale of shares of stock through the local stock exchange.
llustration 5.2
Mr. Alfredo opened a business in January 2011. For 2011, the annual gross sales of the business totaled
P1,100,000. In January 2012, the business gross sales amounted to P280,000 with purchases from VAT-
registered suppliers of P110,000, exclusive of VAT.
Query: What business tax/es is/are applicable to the business of Mr. Alfredo in year 2008?
Answer: Generally, Mr. Alfredo will be subject to percentage tax of 3% or P8,400 (P280,000x3%).
However, he may opt to register under the VAT system. In case Mr. Alfredo will favor the VAT
registration, his business tax liability will be as follows:
Output tax (P280,000x12%) P33,600
Less input tax 13,200
Value-added tax payable P20,400
Generally, the law on percentage tax is implemented to cover business entities that render services. It is
likewise imposed on business entities not subject to value added tax when the gross sales or receipts of
the preceding taxable period are less than P1,500,000.
Basically, percentage tax is a gross receipt tax. This is a business tax imposed on persons or entities who
sell or lease goods or services in the course of trade or business in the Philippines. Percentage tax, which
is imposed on the privilege of doing business, is a broad-based, low rate tax imposed on all income
received by a business without any deduction for costs of doing business.
The computation of percentage tax is based on gross receipts.
What are gross receipts?
Definition: Gross receipts refer to total money or its equivalent actually or constructively received including
the amount charged to services rendered and advance payments
Receivables do not represent money collected; hence, they should not be included as part of the gross
As the word “gross” suggests, no deduction or expenses should be made or allowed.