Abelmoschus Esculentus (L.) : Bioactive Components'
Abelmoschus Esculentus (L.) : Bioactive Components'
Abelmoschus Esculentus (L.) : Bioactive Components'
Portugal; souto.eliana@gmail.com
4 CEB-Centre of Biological Engineering, University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
Abstract: The main features of the okra, Abelmoschus esculentus (L.), are highlighted. The evaluation
of interactions between biologically active compounds and other components of the food matrix can
be considered as the first action in the investigation of potential benefits of this annual herb.
Moreover, updated examples of current and innovative directions in an integrated and
multidisciplinary approach are discussed, with particular attention to chemometrics. Among the
main effects attributed to okra, its antidiabetic property is the focus. Finally, the use of okra in
different fields will be discussed.
2. Biologically Active Components in Okra: Study Approach and Current and Innovative
spectrum of aqueous and methanolic seed extracts of Abelmoschus esculentus: FTIR spectra revealed
the presence of various functional groups such as alkyl, ketone, aldehyde, carboxylic acids, esters,
and amide in the aqueous and methanolic extracts of Abelmoschus esculentus, respectively.
The recent work of Xia et al. [58] developed a rapid method based on Fourier transform near
infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy for analysis of antioxidant compounds and activity of okra seeds.
Another example was given by Zhang et al. [59] that used near-infrared (874–1734 nm) hyperspectral
imaging technology combined with chemometrics to identify parental and hybrid okra seeds.
The current research of Wang et al. [60] determined the optimal conditions for ultrasound-
assisted extraction of a water-soluble polysaccharide, raw okra polysaccharide (ROP), from the fruit
of okra using response surface methodology: with the optimal condition and purification using a
DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow column and Sepharose CL-6B column three elution peaks—ROP −1, −2,
and −3—were isolated. The authors identified and characterized the primary structural features
(glucose, mannose, galactose, arabinose, xylose, fructose, and rhamnose) and molecular weight (1.92
× 105 Da) of ROP-2 the peak with the highest yield, by gas chromatography, Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy, and high-performance liquid chromatography [60]. Moreover, as reported by
the authors [60], superoxide radical scavenging assay and DPPH radical scavenging assay further
revealed the significant in vitro antioxidant activity of ROP-2.
It is worth mentioning the work of Pande et al. [61] that reported an innovative utilization of
aqueous extract of Abelmoschus esculentus (okra) in an environmental friendly method to synthesize
silver nanoparticles. The biosynthesis involved reducing the number of silver ions in the solution of
silver nitrate with an aqueous vegetable extract of Abelmoschus esculentus, was monitored by FTIR.
Several authors characterized the okra mucilage for studying its use in the biofilm [62,63].
hyperglycemia is carried out by Khosrozadeh et al. [78]; the authors [78] marked how different
studies showed that Abelmoscus esculentus (AE)/okra extract has a hypoglycemic effect that helps
decrease blood glucose level. In addition, it leads to inhibition of cholesterol absorption and
subsequently decreases the level of lipid and fat in the blood.
Some authors, in order to understand which chemical plays an important role in the antidiabetic
activity of okra, are focused on study of okra polysaccharide and related characteristics. The structure
of pectin in okra have investigated in several reports [79–81]. The recent work of Xu et al. [81] reported
molecular characteristics and rheological properties of water-extractable polysaccharides derived
from okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.): the proportions of galacturonic acid and monosaccharides in
the refined polysaccharides were 62.47% and 13.47%, respectively. Some reports have mentioned that
okra polysaccharides are associated to several bioactivities linked to diabetes management, i.e.,
hypoglycemic activity, and are indicated as novel immunomodulators [37,82,83], in addition to others
[84–88]. Fan et al. [37] reported that okra polysaccharide can lower body weight and glucose levels,
improve glucose tolerance, and decrease total serum cholesterol levels in high-fat diet-fed C57BL/6
mice: okra polysaccharide regulated the gene expression of liver X receptors (LXRs) and peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) and their target genes in the liver and in the adipose tissue
of the mice; the same authors [37] suggested that okra polysaccharide may have therapeutic effects
on metabolic diseases via the inhibition of LXR and PPAR signaling. Chen et al. [83] reported that
okra polysaccharide can increase the spleen index, splenocyte proliferation, and cytokine secretion
in vivo. Moreover, Peng et al. [89] described the effects of okra water extracts as an adjuvant for
diabetic nephropathy.
In particular, to understand which chemical plays an important role in the antidiabetic activity
of okra, Liu et al. [82] purified and identified the dominant polysaccharide of okra as
rhamnogalacturonan. The same authors [82] have documented the hypoglycemic effect of
rhamnogalacturonan in vivo: by comparing with model group, the high-dose rhamnogalacturonan
group showed decreased blood glucose level and glucose tolerance. The authors also underlined that
further works are needed for the comprehension of hypoglycemic mechanism of
rhamnogalacturonan [82].
Others were addressed towards the involvement some of quercetin derivatives [90,91]—well-
known antioxidants [92]. Thanakosai & Phuwapraisirisan [90] describe two flavonolglucosides—
isoquercetin and quercetin-3-O-β-glucopyranosyl-(1′′→6′′)-glucoside—in okra seeds as α-
glucosidase inhibitors.
It is worth mentioning the recent review of Prahume et al. [93] that describes the state-of-art
potential of Abelmoschus esculentus as a dietary agent in the treatment of diabetes induced
hyperglycemia. In particular, Prahume et al. [93] marked how animal studies which involve
Abelmoschus esculentus were statistically able to prove the blood glucose lowering effect in STZ
induced diabetic rats [37,76,94–97].
As reported in Table 1, some examples of current researches in animal models are moving in
this direction [91,98–102].
Molecules 2019, 24, 38 5 of 13
Studied Components of
Animal Models Treatment Okra Extract or Material Main Targeted Results Ref.
The Abelmoschus esculentus peel, Abelmoschus esculentus
Animals were administered Abelmoschus esculentus peel
seed, and Abelmoschus esculentus seed and peel (AESP)
(AEP), Abelmoschus esculentus seed (AES), and Abelmoschus
groups showed a significant decrease in blood glucose (p
Alloxan-induced esculentus seed and peel (AESP), all at 100 mg/kg and
No data accessible < 0.05) compared to the metformin group. AESP most [98]
diabetic Wistar rats distilled water for the control. The last group had
significantly (p < 0.05) reduced blood glucose (96.84 ±
metformin at 100 mg/kg. Blood glucose was measured
9.09) compared to metformin group (182.70 ± 34.81) on
using the on days 5, 10 and 15.
day 15.
The rats were randomly divided into four large groups:
(Whole Okra (WO), Okra Peel (OP), and Okra Seed (OS) All parts of the okra fruits (WO, OP, and OS) showed
and Control group (C)). Each one in subgroups based on significant (p < 0.05) reduction in blood glucose level,
dose of 100, 200, and 300 mg/kg/day. The control groups No data glycated hemoglobin and improvement on lipid profile [99]
diabetic rats
were Metformin (MC) (500 mg/kg), Diabetic (DC), and compared with the diabetic nontreated control and
Normal (NC) Control groups. After a day of treatment comparable with metformin positive control.
blood samples were collected.
24 Diabetic rat and eight normal rats were grouped as
follows: -Normal rats Fasted (NF); -Diabetic rats Fasted
Various parts of okra fruit have the ability to stimulate
(DF); -Normal rats, fasted and re-fed, untreated (NFRU); -
glycogen synthesis in the liver and delay intestinal
Diabetic rats, fasted and re-fed, untreated (DFRU); -
absorption of glucose with very significant glucose
Alloxan-induced Diabetic rats, fasted, re-fed, and treated with 300 mg/kg
No data dialysis retardation index (GDRI) and high glucose [100]
diabetic rats Whole Okra fruit (WO); -Diabetic rats, fasted, re-fed, and
adsorption capacity (GAC). Histological examination of
treated with 300 mg/kg Okra peels (OP); -Diabetic rats,
the pancreatic tissue after administration of okra fruit
fasted, re-fed and treated with 300 mg/kg Okra seed (OS);
revealed evidence of pancreatic islets cells regeneration.
-Diabetic rats, fasted, re-fed, and treated with 500 mg/kg
Streptozotocin and Animals were randomly assigned to six groups of 10 rats Daily administration of processed and UTF and seed
high-fat diet- each, and treated for 28 days with either metformin or suspensions significantly decreased (p < 0.05) the blood
Total phenolic content
induced type 2 suspensions of one of the following, untreated fruits glucose level of rats. [101]
Free radical scavenging
diabetes Wistar (UTF), boiled fruits, untreated seeds, and roasted seeds. Boiling and roasting do not significantly influence the
activity (DPPH)
rats Controls were made up of untreated non diabetic (T−) and antidiabetic potential of A. esculentus fruits and seeds.
Molecules 2019, 24, 38 6 of 13
For instance, Abi et al. [98] concluded that whole extracts of okra are beneficial for a reduction
in blood glucose when compared to a routine hypoglycemic agent or other okra extracts. Anjani et
al. [91] showed that intervention of okra extract based on quercetin compound showed
antihyperglycemic potential and improved malondialdehyde level in the streptozotocin-induced
diabetic rat.
An interesting aspect was investigated by Muhammad et al. [99] who studied the antidiabetic
effects of different parts i.e., whole okra, okra peel, and okra seed of one of the varieties of okra ex-
maradi in alloxan-induced diabetic rats: all parts of the okra fruits showed significant (p < 0.05)
reduction in blood glucose level, glycated hemoglobin, and improvement in lipid profile compared
with the diabetic non treated control and comparable with metformin positive control [99]. A further
work of the same authors proposed a possible mechanism of action of ex-maradi okra fruit variety
(Abelmoschus esculentus) on alloxan-induced diabetic rats, by indicating that various parts of okra fruit
have ability to stimulate glycogen synthesis in the liver and delay intestinal absorption of glucose
with very significant glucose dialysis retardation index and high glucose adsorption capacity [100].
Moreover, the authors reported how histological examination of the pancreatic tissue after
administration of okra fruit revealed evidence of pancreatic islets cells regeneration [100].
The effect of boiling and roasting on the antidiabetic activity of Abelmoschus esculentus (okra)
fruits and seeds in type 2 diabetic rats was currently investigated by Nguekouo et al. [101]: boiling
and roasting do not significantly influence the antidiabetic potential. This research underlines how
appropriate processing methods or culinary form should be established in order to increase the
health-promoting properties of this plant [101].
The current work of Majd et al. [102] evaluated the effects of okra powder on pancreatic islets
and its action on the expression of PPAR-γ and PPAR-α genes in pancreas of high-fat diet (HFD) and
streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: downregulation of PPARs genes in the pancreas of diabetic rats
after treatment with okra, demonstrates that okra may improve glucose homeostasis and β-cells
impairment in diabetes through a PPAR-dependent mechanism.
It is worth mentioning a study by Moise et al. [103] based on cross-sectional design among
African type 2 diabetics; the results showed how regular intake of Mediterranean diet, Brassica Rapa,
beans, Abelmoschus, and Musa acuminate may significantly reduce the risk of blindness or its major
causes [103].
Moreover, the current work of Muhammad et al. [104] has developed and tested a potential okra-
based antidiabetic nutraceutical formulation from Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench (ex-maradi
variety): this formulation consists of a 10:90% (seeds:peel) formulation and has shown a reduction
effect the rate of glucose adsorption and diffusion and thus can retard increase in postprandial blood
glucose level than the other combinations tested in the study (proportions of the powdered seeds and
peels samples 80:20%, 70:30%, 60:40%, 50:50%, and vice versa).
current work of Araújo et al. [63]: okra mucilage/corn starch films for food applications were
developed by casting and then characterized to establish its main requirements for packing material.
Lee et al. [111] proposed an extraction from a plant-based bioflocculant—Hibiscus/Abelmoschus
esculentus (okra)—using an environmentally friendly and economically feasible process; the authors
marked how okra bioflocculant could offer a feasible and sustainable alternative to synthetic
flocculants for water treatment and sludge dewatering applications due to its high efficiency in
flocculating and dewatering, and can be extracted using only water as a solvent, minimizing the
environmental footprint of the extraction process [111].
Finally, it is worth mentioning the work of Gogoi et al. [112] on utilization of agro-waste okra
and its potentiality: fiber was extracted from the waste stem of the okra plant and was utilized for
making different utility products to fulfill day today needs, i.e., ropes, paper, cleaning brushes,
painting brushes, etc.
5. Conclusions
Generally evidence of the antidiabetic properties of okra and its oligosaccharides is achieved
throughout several researches, even if full elucidation of the mechanism is needed in further studies.
Few studies on other related components such as quercetin are present in the literature. Further
studies should be addressed in the direction of developing functional foods, nutraceuticals, or drugs
from okra components.
Moreover, the overarching goal is to carry out clinical trials addressing the formulation of new
nutraceuticals as alternatives for diabetes management.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.D., M.L., E.N., P.D., and A.S.; Validation, A.D., M.L., E.N., E.B.S.,
P.D., A.S.; Data Curation, A.D., M.L., P.D., A.S.; Writing-Original Draft Preparation, A.D., M.L., P.D., A.S.;
Writing-Review & Editing, A.D., M.L., E.N., E.B.S., P.D., A.S.
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