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SUBMITTED BY : A.INIYAN (15040141126)


BATCH : 2015-2020







POSITIVE EFFECTS OF MEDIA (Advantages)……………………………………...9

EDUCATIONAL TELEVISON……………………………………………………….10


CULTURAL PROGRAMMS……………………………………………………...……12


INSAT PROJECTS………………………………………………………………..……13

THE MOTION PICTURES……………………………………………………………..15


NEGATIVE EFECTS OF MEDIA (Disadvantages)…………………………….……...16



Education exists in the communication area in the training of pupils, students and
specialists, and the relationship between the transmitter which is the teacher that must provide
the communicational and media skills on one hand, and the pupil or the receiver on the other.
The explosion of technology and the media nowadays increased their influence in teaching the
student. Since communication channels can be compromised and the media influence has
increased exponentially, analysis is required to give a suitable form for the conclusions drawn.
The objectives of this paper are to identify the main aspects of the media influence on education
and to propose recommendations based on the conclusions stated. In order to develop the
research, we shall use the bibliographical study method, and the documentation for this research
consists of studies in psychology, sociology and pedagogy. Following Neveanu P. (1979, p. 220)
education is understood as a social phenomenon of development, training, formation of people as
subjects of action, knowledge and values through communication and practice, by modeling their
behavior and integration into business and social relations.


Wimmer R.and Dominick J. (2013, p. 3) define “mass communication, which is any form of
communication transmitted through a medium (channel) that simultaneously reaches a large
number of people. Mass media are the channels that carry mass communication.” The explosive
changes at the global level from the last century, either of an economic nature or at the
information level have created the proper field for mass-media to develop, the emergence of
internet and implicitly the massive changes at the level of the society or the individual. The
complexity of the changes, the attitude and compartmental changes of the individuals, the change
of the values and even of the current practices, hamper the development of the society. In this
way, the responsibility for education and formation does not proof itself sufficient not even for
the part that comes from the family or that part that comes from the school. It is completed by the
influences out of the school medium, the individual formation and his social integration being
ultimately made in the educogene medium, the psychosocial factors being the essential condition
for the unitary completion of this process. The involvements of the individuals in the

modifications that take place imply a change in the traditional education and the shift to a
permanent education which can integrate the formal, informal and non formal education.

The “mass” concept has to be understood from the sociological point of view, the mass of people
could suffer different modes of aggregation from group to the mass. The agglomeration in a
unique mass is defined by single binder, the cultural product that is consumed, the respective
mass of people, even though members of the conglomerate do not know each other, do not have
goals and shared values and are not near from each other from the spatial point of view.

Salavastru D. (2004, p. 184) “the human communication benefits from different typologies,
differentiated based on the assumed criterion, depending on the number of participants and the
type of relation between them and in this way are delimitated the following types of
communication, the intrapersonal communication, the interpersonal communication, the group
communication;, the public communication, the mass communication. The computerization of
the society is a phenomenon of no return, the mass communication belongs to the modern world
but because education through mass-media is a two blade weapon we need a short analysis of the
negative sides of this non formal type of education.


Mass-media influences a society on all the channels that it has, and the consumer is the one that
rejects or decodes the information. Even if the consumer can never be obliged through mass-
media channels to react in a way wished by the one that transmits the information, even though
mass-media creates currents, modifies opinions builds or destroys personalities, promotes models
with or without intention, the impact with the consumer is overwhelming because does not
address itself to a single individual which can refuse the non-value, the bad taste, the illiteracy,
the kitsch, the dilettantism, immorality, the subproject, but it addresses an immense mass of
consumers and always a big part of them (especially if they are young) can be modeled in a
negative sense. To become operational mass media can consume a longer or shorter time. The
effect of mass media on the individual, when the promoted values and opinions converge makes
the individual adhering to the message, an evident thing especially regarding the youngsters and
especially in the entertainment domain or can make the individual assimilate the behavior values
and models transmitted by mass-media and to use them as personal values.

The mass media information presented accessibly, nicely attracts the child or the youth and
stimulates it intellectually and affectively and a convergent action school-mass-media focalized
on the student can be extremely effective in the formation of necessary aptitudes in the modern
society, but it has to be extremely efficient in aptitude formation necessary to the modern
society, because it has to be used correctly because family, school and mass-media model
behavior. Promoting values as freedom, dignity, honor etc. have to be projected and promoted in
detriment of passivity, commodity in behavior and thinking, the search of superficiality,
aesthetical and moral mediocrity, antisocial acts that instigate, homogenization and behavioral
standardization, the sexual emphasis, violence instigation, spiritual homogenization, inadequate
vocabulary or mass-media excess that leads to dependence that brings about nervous exhaustion,
stress and even depressions. Using the reasoning methods of research, the inductive reasoning
more, and the deductive one less, we identified several conclusions, which led us to


Radio acts as the medium of mass-communication. It is used mainly to broadcast events to far
and wide places of the world. It is also a very important source of entertainment. Every day, we
listen various talks, discussions and debates from radio. These are extremely important and
useful for the students. Especially for the purpose of teaching, many programmes are broadcast
over the radio. So radio acts as a great recreational and education force. It broadcasts scientific
and cultural facts. It enlightens public opinion. It stimulates curiosity and interests. The radio has
proved a valuable supplement to class teaching and learning Educational broad-casting is
comparatively a new experiment and is catching on well. Through school broadcasts, expert
leaching in such diverse fields of science, social studies, art, music, languages, politics, current
affairs and other areas, can provide information and enrichment for pupils and for the teacher.
The educational programmes are broadcasting by the expect teachers with effective methods
which demonstrate new ideas and approaches to classroom procedures. Programmes are
especially designed in-collaboration with the experts for different age groups in the schools.

Radio acts as the medium of mass-communication. It is used mainly to broadcast events to far
and wide places of the world. It is also a very important source of entertainment. Every day, we
listen various talks, discussions and debates from radio. These are extremely important and

useful for the students. Especially for the purpose of teaching, many programmes are broadcast
over the radio. So radio acts as a great recreational and education force. It broadcasts scientific
and cultural facts. It enlightens public opinion. It stimulates curiosity and interests. The radio has
proved a valuable supplement to class teaching and learning Educational broad-casting is
comparatively a new experiment and is catching on well. Through school broadcasts, expert
leaching in such diverse fields of science, social studies, art, music, languages, politics, current
affairs and other areas, can provide information and enrichment for pupils and for the teacher.

The educational programmes are broadcasting by the expect teachers with effective methods
which demonstrate new ideas and approaches to classroom procedures. Programmes are
especially designed in-collaboration with the experts for different age groups in the schools.
Radio acts as the medium of mass-communication. It is used mainly to broadcast events to far
and wide places of the world. It is also a very important source of entertainment. Every day, we
listen various talks, discussions and debates from radio. These are extremely important and
useful for the students. Especially for the purpose of teaching, many programmes are broadcast
over the radio. So radio acts as a great recreational and education force. It broadcasts scientific
and cultural facts. It enlightens public opinion. It stimulates curiosity and interests.

The radio has proved a valuable supplement to class teaching and learning Educational broad-
casting is comparatively a new experiment and is catching on well. Through school broadcasts,
expert leaching in such diverse fields of science, social studies, art, music, languages, politics,
current affairs and other areas, can provide information and enrichment for pupils and for the
teacher. The educational programmes are broadcasting by the expect teachers with effective
methods which demonstrate new ideas and approaches to classroom procedures. Programmes are
especially designed in-collaboration with the experts for different age groups in the schools.


1. Educational radio broadcasts provide ‘listening participation’ In current history:

In radio the emphasis is on sound, rather than on picture. So many programmes especially for the
purpose of teaching are broadcast over the radio and special events and (occurrences in the world
are brought from the source immediately into the classroom.

2.Educational radio broadcasts are effective means of presenting music, drama and

Radio is also a very important source of entertainment. Various talks, debates & discussions held
over the radio are extremely informative and useful. For the school children, different items of
the school subjects can be presented in the form of dramatised programmes. Educational radio
has excellence through dramatization, dialogue, musical features and other creative programmes
which are not possible in day-to-day classroom teaching. Besides these, school concerts, folk and
classical music, drama and discussion programmes of school, local and from other states are
sometimes broadcast for listening in by other schools in India.

3. Educational radio broadcasts are team-teaching demonstrations:

The radio also provides opportunity for student participation in various programmes such as quiz
competitions, travel talks, plays, stories, development of lessons, projects and work programmes
in the form of team teaching demonstrations. This is being arranged by the combined efforts of
the best resources in consultation with the specialists and some other subject experts. Subject
content, curriculum validity, suitability for age groups and teaching methods are all kept in mind
while accomplishing the programme.

4. Educational radio broadcasts enlist the participation of local teachers and pupils:

Well-planned radio broadcasts are presented in such a way as to engage the active participation
of the local teachers and pupils. So there should be preliminary study and discussion on the topic
before broadcast time. The class may be encouraged through broadcast suggestions to carry on
follow-up discussion, projects or creative activities. The teachers and the pupils both should
prepare material thoroughly before presenting the programme. They should utilize all resources
possible to make the programme of a very high quality and worth-listening into from the point of
view of content, speech, style, audibility and presentability.

5. Educational radio broadcast helps in the long run, to make learning an open system:

Educational radio can offer corrective programmes for self learning by the individuals. It can
reach the participants while at work, at play, at drawing room, at recreational centres breaking all
boundaries and constraints of formal education. Being an expensive medium, it has reached
villages and is now available in very comer of the society. Since learning directly from the
teacher is minimal and there is increasing stress on a system of open learning to overcome the
rigidities of formal education, and there is more emphasis on learning through various mass
media. Educational radio broadcasts are expected to play an important role towards a system of
open learning. The non-formal approaches of educational radio can supplement the movement
for de-schooling society. All the programmes lead towards a learning society where everybody
can learn at any time at any place. Radio is, at present, not only one of the popular mass media,
but also a potential instructional tool in the formal, informal and non-formal education. It is now
giving more emphasis on the planning and production of science programmes in both the formal
and no-formal spheres of educational broadcasts.

There are also special programmes for teachers and teacher-education in most of the stations.
These are intended to familiarize methods of teaching. These service has been more necessitated
in recent years on account of large changes in school curriculum and methodology particularly in
subjects like science, mathematics, social studies and English. Secondary School Broadcasts aim
at helping students and teachers by giving up-to-date content knowledge, providing new
approaches and methods of teaching. A few non-syllabus programmes are however, broadcast in
order to break away from the stereotyped formal education, for doing away with monotony in the
curricular topics and also to stimulate awareness and curiosity about the modem world dealing
with them ranging from popular science to current affairs. Besides secondary schools broadcasts,
primary school programmes have recently assumed greater importance. This has been done in
order to reduce wastage and stagnation at the primary school stage by making the school
situation more attractive and interesting. The radio with its vast resources can organize a series of
programmes in order to bring universalisation of primary education and promote adult literacy.
The programmes are being related to their education, health, hygiene, nutrition etc. with a thrust
on bringing the audience into the mainstream of national life. So, radio is an effective medium. It
has occupied a significant place in communication. It is also playing an important role in

education. It not only informs, but also inspires. It not only inculcates values and virtues, but also
creates attitudes, interests and appreciation. As a part of classroom teaching, an educational
programme may be preceded by an introduction by the class teacher and followed by long
discussion among students on the subject-matter under the broadcast discussion. A talented
teacher may teach through radio for the benefit of the students. So important happenings,
elections, inventions, political developments in other countries and other current topics may be
heard and discussed in the classroom. Television:

Today, television has become an extremely popular source of entertainment among youngsters.
We listen and see the instruction of the speaker from the television. So the whole personality of
the child is engaged in the task. Hence, it has become the most important and powerful agency of
mass communication. In television, news items are not only read out but the events are shown.
As a result of which not only problems are discussed but practical remedies and solutions are
also suggested. So, educational television is the most recent audio-visual media for class
instruction. There are programmes on the television especially for the school children. These
programmes are aimed at educating the school children and they instill good moral values.
Television can give a very good idea of the history of the country through dances, short-films on
historical places, museums etc. Thus television plays a vital role as a means of mass media in
educating the masses.


 Mass Media provide information to the mass within a less time.

 It takes a wide coverage of information regarding anything that is happening in any
comer of the world.
 It brings the entire world to the individual or to the classroom. Children spend hours
together sitting in front of the television and can visualize, hear and acquire knowledge
about the world.
 These media easily reach groups, allow repeated use, give more reality, influence
attitudes, show cause and effect relationships and ultimately motivate the audience.
 It sends information to remote places and helps in distant learning.

 It helps in modification of attitudes, inculcation of desirable values and acquaintance with
cultural heritage.
 Mass media acts as an agency of social change.
 Mass media are useful for reinforcing group dynamics and interpersonal communication.
 Mass media as means of communication make ideas clear to children and help them to
acquire correct knowledge. They help in simplifying and in giving vividness to
 Mass Media make the instruction concrete and stimulate interest and excite curiosity in

”Education today, therefore, has a far greater responsibility than it had ever before. It has to meet
the demands of a dynamic world which change its character every day. Contemporary education
has to be more comprehensive and complete than it was ever before. The role of the various
agencies of education like home, society, community etc. has consequently increased, so has the
role of the mass media like television, radio, cinema, newspaper increased.” So now-a-day,
press, radio, cinema, television, etc. are becoming more and more important in an individual’s


The advantages of educational television are many. The young people watching the television
can get a very good idea of how it really happened. For example the nuclear explosions of the
launching of rockets are programmes of extreme educational value.

 Educational television is capable of making available many needed and so far

inaccessible learning experiences.
 Educational television brings about continuing co-operative planning by teachers,
supervisors, learning materials exports and skilful production teams.
 Good and effective educational television broadcasts result from the outgrowth of
curriculum planning, of content analysis and of the selection of this most appropriate
instructional media

 It can use a variety of audio-visual aids, motion pictures, film-strips, slides, recordings,
drawings, maps and other projected and non-projected aids can be demonstrated through
Television. Video-tapes and recordings on television bring us the launching of space
rockets, of political and social events.
 Educational television brings us a new kind of teaching team into existence.
 It can acquaint the children with past culture, history and social life.
 It can motivate both children and adults, because not only it is educative but also
 The televised-lectures are more thrilling as they bring to the listeners not only verbal
information and the instruction of the speaker but also the whole of his personality
engaged in the task.
 National problems like those of population and poverty and illiteracy are often
highlighted and discussed over the television.
 It plays an important role to play in educating the children on the history and culture of
our country. It gives a very good idea of the history of the country by telecasting various
programme through dances, short films on historical places, museums etc.

Thus television plays a very vital part, as a means of mass media in educating the masses. It is a
dynamic and powerful medium which influence education. Its effective use is based upon the
fundamental psychological principles of learning which apply to all successful processes of


Awareness program is the most important and common program for all TV channel and Radio
Sponsored by UNCEP, Save the children, and UN. By the Awareness program, people can make
themselves awareness about their social life by watching TV and listening Radio such Family
planning, health care and nutituration program for children, mother’s care during the period of
pregnancy, and AIDs. BTV would broadcast one program or Drama by the name of Sobuj Chata.
I appreciate this kind of program. By that Drama, people can learn primary problem how to


Every nation have own their culture. To develop their own culture, there is no alternative way.
For the last two decades Mass media have kept great contribution. TV, Radio and newspaper
arrange different types of cultural program to practicing in Bangladesh as a nation of Bengali.
Mass media encourage to celebrate like as Pohela Boishakh, receive the Fulgune utshob.


The development of educational television in India can be traced back to the General Conference
of UNESCO held in New-Delhi in 1956. Thus the experimental television service was started
with the objectives of “experimentation, training and evaluation” as a part of the UNESCO
Project. During 1960-61 a series of social education programmes were telecast in collaboration
with UNESCO. The nature as well as impact of these programmes was evaluated by the National
Fundamental Education Centre and Indian Adult Education Association, New-Delhi. Regular
TV. Service was inaugurated in Delhi on the 15th August, 1965. It was a landmark in the history
of television with launching of the “Krishi Darshan” p0rogramme for farmers. One grand project
on television was undertaken and accordingly some T.V Sets were installed in secondary schools
by 1985. After execution of this project, this was also evaluated. The experiments of all these
projects were significantly beneficial, enlightening and interesting.

Day-by-day the use of educational television increased at a rapid rate and tremendous progress
has been made in use of educational television in India after 1982. As the number of schools
equipped with T.V. sets increase, benefit of E.T.V. programmes were extended to number of
students in different subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Hindi, English, Geography and current

The famous Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE) was implemented during 1975-
76. This was inaugurated by Smt. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India at Ahmedabad
on the 1st August, 1975. The T.V. Programmes could be telecast with the help of a satellite
called ATS-F loaned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, USA. The T.V.
programmes were related to Education, Agriculture, Health, Family Planning, National
Integration and so on. Rural population was selected as the target audience for this project. In

Orissa the scheme was implemented in three districts- Dhenkanal, Sambalpur and Phulbani.
Besides Orissa, the project was undertaken in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Madhya
Pradesh and Rajasthan. The scheme was effective in educating the rural people.


After successful implementation of SITE in 1975-76 in India by NASA, USA; India decided to
have a Satellite of her own. With a view to utilizing the INSAT capability for educational
development, the Ministry of Education initiated action for preparing plans of operation as early
as in July 1979. So a meeting was convened by the Ministry of Education on the 30th January,
1980 to discuss the background paper and all connected issues involved in the satellite utilisation
for radio and television programmes. The Ministry of Education, Government of India, in
collaboration with UNESCO, convened National Workshop on Educational Broadcasting from
December 1 to 6, 1980 at New Delhi. The workshop assumed special significance on account of
the Nation’s renewed emphasis on Educational Broadcasting on the even of putting INSAT in
the orbit.

So the first Indian Satellite, INSAT-IA was launched on 10 April, 1982. The second satellite
INSAT-IB was launched on 30 August 1983 with modified advanced technical equipment’s for
the use of educational broadcasts through television. The Central Institute of Educational
Technology under the NCERT at New Delhi, is mainly concerned with the development of
innovations and with using various media in school education. It is engaged in the development
of an attractive system of education using television through INSAT to reach in and out of school
children and teachers in rural areas. It produces E.T.V. programmes and these programmes are
being telecast via INSAT. State Institute of Educational Technology (SBET) has been set up in
six states such as Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh in
order to implement the INSAT for education project effectively.

Orissa is one of the six states to avail itself the T.V. Services through INSAT. Now-a-days, more
emphasis is given to the production of ETV programmes for the children in the age group 5-8
and 9-11 years and teachers of primary schools. The ETV programmes of Orissa are being
telecast for 45 minutes starting from 10.30 a.m. to 11.15a.m. with 5 minutes for change over.
There are Advisory Committees, one at the state level for the entire INSAT project and another

for ETV programmes through the INSAT. At present more districts like Cuttack, Puri and
Balsasore are being included in the scheme. In the INSAT states (Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, U.P,
Gujarat, Maharashtra and Orissa), Education T.V. Programmes are telecast for five day in a week
for 45 minutes per day. This is done with the school hours. A recent study carried out in Orissa
by the CIET has brought out that only in 15% of the cases, there has been successful utilisation
of the equipment. The six INS AT states were expected to create State Institutes of Educational
Technology (SET) to function autonomously. So far, only Orissa has taken a decision on the
creation of this Institute. As a result, a building for SIET has been constructed at Bhubaneswar.

118 posts for Academic & Production, Engineering and Administration have been released by
the Government of India In the existing institution, technical and professional posts have
remained unfilled. At present ETV programmes are being telecast via INSAT-ID since 1990
after the expiry of INSAT -IB and the failure of INS AT-IC. The INSAT is a challenging
National project and its experiments inter alia, will provide new light and insight into the
viewing problems and conditions of the rural audience deprived of modem sophisticated media.
The Press covers the entire printed matter. These printed matters are books, magazines, journals
or newspapers. Reading matter has vast potentialities. It exerts good influence on the individuals.
It acts on the intelligence and emotions of the individuals in shaping out attitudes and
philosophies of life. An educated individual one who has an open mind, a general awareness and
knowledge of the world around him. His field of knowledge is vast and varied. Newspapers
contribute very largely in education for the above end. Press not only gathers events, they also
present their own views on issues. So the reader gets an opportunity to consider an issue from
many angles. Press also contributes to the study of History, Geography, Science, Literature etc.
The knowledge is supplemented to these subjects by the newspapers. It is possible to link certain
topics with everyday life by means of the press through newspapers and other journals. The child
must be aware of what is happening in the world around him. So the press is an important service
that can render to education by imparting knowledge of current affairs to children. News
regarding earthquakes, cyclones, new planets and political changes may be brought to the notice
of the pupils by the press. It also gives a great deal of historical information. The pupil’s limited
knowledge of history may be elaborated and enhanced by this press. So the press is to serve as
one of the important medium of education and instruction.

The motion pictures exercise a great influence on human mind very skilfully. They help to create

lasting values in the pupils. There is also wider use of films in education. Educational films are

coming into the field to meet the challenge of commercial pictures, to supplement them and to

explore new avenues of educating children and adults. These films can give more reality,

influence attitudes, show cause and effect relation and motivate the students., Thus these motion

pictures have great instructional force which can be used intelligently in the classroom. There are

many areas of learning which can be properly dealt with the help of films. For example, in
teaching of geography or science, we can use these motion-pictures. Rivers of India, climate of
India etc. can also be taught effectively with the help of the motion pictures.


The teacher should make all necessary arrangements for using the mass media very effectively.

He should select the mass media according to the age level of the students. He must know some
general principles of using the mass media.

1. Organisation:

Mass media should be organised as integral part of the educational programmes. They should not
be separated from other curricular activities.

2. Selection:

Mass media should be properly selected and coordinated by the teacher. An experienced and
trained teacher can select the mass media according to the needs of the students.

3. Planning:

Mass media should be available according to the need of the instructional programme. The

teachers should possess skill in the use of mass media. They should have special training in their
preparation. So they should be properly planned.

4. Experience:

Mass media should be related to pupil’s experience.

5. Preparation:

There should be adequate preparation on the part of pupils. The teacher should prepare himself

before using it. He should know what the mass media teach and where they fit into his plan of

teaching. Adequate preparation should be followed by proper presentation and an adequate


6. Evaluation:

Mass media should be evaluated at regular intervals in regards to their use, effect on learning and
their functions.


Channels became rivalry are increasing. In the TRP race, they do not pay attention to the quality
of the program, and just show anything.

Nowadays, the advertisement comes more than the TV program. Those who have TV channels

get money from advertising, so they show ads more in their program, and shorten the program.

To show anything, nowadays, the squat is served. Many times, there are programs in the family

channel that can not be seen sitting with the family, and suddenly all of them feel confused. Most
people have become busy because of the growing channel in TV. After one program, they keep

sitting in front of TV sets. Along with this, more programs come in the different channel at the
same time. It means people’s lives are just around the TV, mainly such women do.

Due to their program, women leave all the works of the house. Many times their husbands are

troubled by this habit. People spend time due to spending more time in social media, social

media. It also affects the social life of the people. Mass media, the worst effect of social media is

on children and students, they take their focus more on this, thereby affecting their studies. Mass

media, social media, in a way puts you in the habit, it becomes difficult for you to remain

without it. This also stops the development of the mind of the person, and they are not able to

think creatively. Continual mass media, exposure to social media, affect children’s brains, and

eyes. Children begin to wear glasses at an early age. Apart from this, many health problems such

as a headache, pain in back etc. There are many problems for those who spend more time in

social media. If the parents do not pay attention, then children fall in the company of wrong

people, and they spoil their future. There are many dirty channels also on the mass media, social

media. This is like a curse for our society, which distorts the future of the country. For this, the

government should take strong action, and such a TV channel should not allow the program to be
broadcasted on TV.

Many people hear the FM, they put headphones, listen to it, do the driving. It has trouble in their

ears, as well as using headphones during driving is also a major reason for the accident. It was

just recently heard that a school bus hit the train, killing 15-20 children. The reason for the

accident was that the driver used to have a headphone so that he could not hear the voice of the

man standing in the gate of the railway. Programs which are shown on mass media, social media,

many times also give wrong education. There are also programs related to crime, which gives
new people a new idea, and this leads to a variety of criminal incidents in our society as well.

Cigarette, alcohol consumption is also shown openly in the mass media, social media programs,

children are also affected with this view, they take it down in their life. The programs shown in
TVs are very rich, poor, caste, religion, and people get wrong education.

By the influence from social media children and young people do some risky at their own home

and make them suffer. During the time of Shaktimaan serial, when the serial was coming, the

children were also following it in their house, so many children went to their life. To make their

news media, they speak anything, they go to any extent. Nowadays the truth in the media is less
content.Talk about wrong about any actor, actress, politician or Famous personality.

In the media of this country, you will not be able to help them during the disaster, accident, but

you will ask them how do you feel? It looks like they have lost their humanity as well. The

media has promoted casteism, sometimes it is said for a particular religion, that people of that

religion are invited, and many times the issues reach the communal riot.Sometimes some rumors
are spread about a particular person so that the reputation of that person is destroyed.


Mass media have proved to help in classifying concepts, stimulating group and individual

activities, developing a collective critical awareness, changing attitudes, imposing a new

structure or organisation on certain subjects and encouraging originality and creativeness.

Therefore, teachers have to be properly motivated and made interested in the use of such

materials. And they have also to be trained and oriented in the adequate use and maintenance of

the materials. As we know, good teachers are not born, they are made. Training in the methods,

techniques, use of various means and media help a teacher to be good and efficient. All

illustrative materials will be “aids” to his teaching. His educational outputs will be optimized

through judicious uses of modem methods, techniques, means and mass media Educational

research has also proved that instruction can be greatly improved through the wise selection and
utilization of modem media of communication.



CLASS : B.A.LLB(Hons) - B

REG NO. : 15040141126

BATCH : 2015-2020


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