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Afsana Afroz, Khurshid Alam, Mohammed J Alramadan, MD Nassif Hossain, Hasina Akhter Chowdhury, Liaquat Ali, Dianna J Magliano, Baki Billah

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Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 18 No.

03 July’19

Original article:
Cost-Of-Illness and its Determinants for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Bangladesh: Protocol for a
Cross-Sectional Study
Afsana Afroz , Khurshid Alam , Mohammed J Alramadan 3, Md Nassif Hossain4, Hasina Akhter
1 2

Chowdhury5, Liaquat Ali6, Dianna J Magliano7, Baki Billah8

Background: Diabetes is one of the most prevalent non-communicable diseases (NCDs) all over the world
and leading cause of death, disability, and economic loss. Diabetes imposes a heavy economic burden on
individuals, their families and society as a whole. The aim of this study is to estimate the economic burden of
type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in Bangladesh and to find association between glycemic control and Health
Related Quality of Life with cost-of-illness (COI). Methodology: This will be an analytical cross-sectional
cost-of-illness study. Within a specific time period participants aged ≥18 years, registered with Bangladesh
Diabetic Somiti and having type 2 diabetes for more than one year will be recruited from selected hospitals
inside and outside Dhaka to cover all level of health care services. A pre-tested electronic questionnaire will
be used for data collection. The questionnaire will include demographic, clinical, behavioral information
of the participants and all cost related information related to diabetes management during last one years.
Descriptive statistics will include mean (±SD) or median (percentile) or relative frequencies (percentage)
depending on the data. Two samples independent t-test or Mann-Whitney U-test, ANOVA or Kruskal-
Wallis test and chi-squared tests will be used for univariate analysis. The multivariable regression analysis
and bootstrap method will also be employed to analyze the relationship between the total cost of care
(dependent variable) and several potential explanatory variables (independent variables). Logistic regression
analysis will be performed to assess the factors affecting glycemic control and health related quality of life
(HRQoL). The calculated total cost-of-illness will be projected for T2DM in Bangladesh by a mathematical
modelling.Discussion: The results of the study will be useful as background information to forecast the
economic burden of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Bangladesh and will be beneficial to conceptualize health
strategies at national level. Furthermore, recognizing the factors of cost-of-illness will help both patients
and health care providers to improve the management plan and cost control and hence, to have better quality
of life. Evidence about the magnitude of the burden of T2DM is important for public health policymakers
who are involved in making health care priorities and allocating scarce resources to facilitate the greatest
benefits for type 2 diabetic people in Bangladesh.
Keywords: Bangladesh, Cost-of-illness, Direct and indirect cost, Economic burden, Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 18 No. 03 July’19. Page : 501-507

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/bjms.v18i3.41617

Background related mortality and disability has been rising

Diabetes is one of the most prevalent non- around the globe, especially in South-East Asia.
communicable diseases (NCDs) globally. It is According to recent estimates by the International
identified as a major threat to global development Diabetes Federation (IDF), the South East-Asia
as it is the leading cause of death, disability and (SEA) region is home to more than 79 million adults
economic loss 1-4. The burden of diabetes and its (age group 20-79 years) with diabetes in 2017, and

1. Afsana Afroz, MPhil, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia,
E-mail: afsana.afroz@monash.edu
2. Khurshid Alam, PhD, School of Population and Global Health, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia,
E-mail: khurshid.alam@uwa.edu.au
3. Mohammed J. Alramadan, MBBS, MPH, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University,
Melbourne, Australia, E-mail: mohammed.alramadan@monash.edu
4. Md Nassif Hossain, BBMed, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia,
E-mail: mdnassif.hossain@monash.edu
5. Hasina Akhter Chowdhury, MPH, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS), Dhaka, Bangladesh, E-mail:
6. Liaquat Ali, PhD, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS), Dhaka, Bangladesh, E-mail: liaquat304@gmail.com
7. Dianna J Magliano, MPH, PhD, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia, E-mail: dianna.magliano@bakeridi.edu.au
8. Baki Billah, PhD Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia,
E-mail: baki.billah@monash.edu

Correspondence to: Baki Billah, PhD, Senior Lecturer of Biostatistics, Department of Epidemiol-
ogy and Preventive Medicine School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine Monash University
553 St. Kilda Rd., Level 4, Melbourne VIC 3004, Phone: +61 3 9903 0160, Fax: +61 3 9903 0556
Email: baki.billah@monash.edu
Cost-Of-Illness and its Determinants for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Bangladesh: Protocol for a Cross-Sectional Study

this number is projected to be 629 million in 2045 However, in the context of Bangladesh, background
. Results of several small-scale population-based data associated to the economic burden of diabetes is
studies in Bangladesh showed an increasing trend of limited in the literature. The aim of the current study
diabetes prevalence in rural 6-12, semi-urban 12, and is to estimate the direct and indirect costs of type 2
urban 8, 13 communities. diabetes and its association with glycaemic control
Diabetes is an expensive disease due to its chronic and quality of life. Furthermore, to formulate a cost
nature and its related complications. An estimated model to evaluate the economic burden of diabetes
amount of US$727 billion of global healthcare on individuals and at a country level.
expenditure was spent in 2017 to treat and prevent Specific objectives
diabetes and its related complications, which This study has three main objectives. Firstly, to
represents an 8% increase compared to the 2015 estimate the cost-of-illness and to evaluate the
estimate and the amount is projected to be USD 776 determinants of cost-of-illness of type 2 diabetes
billion by 2045 means 7% growth 5. People living mellitus in Bangladesh. Secondly, to find the
in low- and middle-income countries pay a larger determinants of glycaemic control and health-
share of out-of-pocket health expenditures due to related quality of life. Thirdly, to assess the potential
lack access to health insurance or publicly available relationship of poor glycaemic level and health related
medical services, compared with people living in quality of life with diabetes-related hospitalization
high-income countries. Low- and middle-income costs. The secondary objective is to estimate the
countries which are home to 75.4 % of total population national economic burden of type 2 diabetes mellitus
with diabetes, only 19% of global health expenditure in Bangladesh by a mathematical modelling.
on diabetes was spent on them 14. An increasing trend Outcome measures
of expenditure associated with diabetes was observed The primary outcome measures will be cost-of-illness
in developed 15-19 and developing 20-26 countries. of T2DM in a descriptive manner. The determinants
Maintaining the blood glucose level within the of cost will be assessed by an analytical operation.
recommended range reduces the risk of diabetes To evaluate the determinants of glycemic control and
complications and thereby reduce related cost. quality of life all potential variables including COI
Thus, it has positive impact on economy. The role of will be considered as independent variable.
improved glycemic control in the reduction of micro- The secondary outcome measure of the study
and macrovascular complications of diabetes has is to estimate the economic burden of T2DM in
been supported by many observational studies and Bangladesh.
randomized controlled clinical trials 10, 27-29. Privation Methodology
of optimal awareness of diabetes control may result Ethical Approval
in less-strict disease management, which in turn may The project has been approved by the Monash
lead to increase risk of diabetes-related complications University Human Research Committee and the
and associated higher healthcare costs 31. Studies Ethical Review Committee of the Bangladesh
have shown that more intensive management of University of Health Sciences. The approval from
the disease, while initially costly, can be very cost- the Diabetic Association of Bangladesh (BADAS)
effective or can lead to long-standing cost savings was also obtained.
by reducing the incidence or delay the progression Study Design
of the costly complications 32-34. To be able to assess For primary outcome measure the study design will be
the financial burden of diabetes and plan the future observational analytic with a cross-sectional bottom–
health care needs, estimation of the cost-of-illness of up prevalence-based approach. For secondary
diabetes is an empirical need. outcome the study will be based on mathematical
Among the south-east Asian countries, Bangladesh modeling.
has the second-highest prevalence of diabetes. Study Population
Therefore, diabetes and its related complications are The study population will consist of people with
placing a significant financial burden on individuals, type 2 diabetic attending two tertiary level hospitals
the health care system and on the economy of the (BIRDEM and BIHS Hospitals) in Dhaka (the
country as a whole. In order to allocate limited capital), two tertiary level hospitals in Dinajpur
resources and to set healthcare priorities, it is and Thakurgaon (two north-western districts in
important for public health policymakers to Bangladesh) and two secondary level health care
understand the magnitude of the burden of diabetes. centers in the same northern districts. All these

Afsana Afroz, Khurshid Alam, Mohammed J Alramadan, Md Nassif Hossain, Hasina Akhter Chowdhury, Liaquat Ali, Dianna J Magliano, Baki Billah

facilities are directly or indirectly (through affiliated anthropometric measures and review of medical
local Associations) are owned by the Diabetic record), freedom of participation and the use of
Association of Bangladesh (a not-for- profit but collected information. The eligible participants will
mostly self-sustained social welfare organization). be invited and an explanatory statement will be given
All of these, in addition to tertiary or secondary health with instructions to read and ask for clarification (if
care, provide primary health services to the diabetic any). Upon their agreement to participate by signing
subjects. The comprehensive care, provided by these the consent form, they will be interviewed.
facilities, are fairly structured following policies and Data collection instrument
guidelines by the central Association. A structured questionnaire has been developed
The primary reason for choosing these facilities in the based on published literature and using different
present study is their cost recovery approach which standardized questionnaires. It has been developed
gives a fairly good idea about the cost of illness, to in simple and plain English language and again
be explored in the present study, under an acceptable have been translated into Bangla. Then, the Bangla
clinical management level. The selection of the version has been translated back into English to
specific facilities was done to create a rural-urban check the consistency of meaning between versions.
as well as professional mix and to get a population A minor modification (vocabulary to ensure a better
attending various levels of services. Data from understanding) has done after the pilot survey.
the present facilities will also have the advantage The approximate time for data collection using the
of representing the mid-level costs which can be questionnaire was about 35 minutes per participant.
downscaled to the cost of public sector of facilities Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) will
(with deduction of certain costs) and those can also be used to collect and manage the data 35. REDCap
be up scaled to the cost of the for-profit private sector is a secure web-based application for constructing
facilities (by adding certain costs and profit). Thus electronic surveys and collecting data for research
the data will be useful for attaining the national studies. It provides a user-friendly interface with
economic burden of type 2 diabetes in Bangladesh validated data entry, audit trails for tracking data
by the mathematical modeling. manipulation, and an automated export procedure
Sample Size for seamless data downloads into common statistical
The present study is the first study which will estimate software packages.
cost-of-illness of type 2 diabetes in Bangladesh, there Using the same questionnaire for all participants, the
is no sufficient background information to calculate a following information will be collected:
formal sample size for this study. Based on available • Diabetes centre detail and participant’s
budget and time, data will be collected from patients identification: hospital name, participant’s name,
attending the selected hospitals. In order to attain a contact details.
good power, we are aiming to recruit at least 1200 • Participant’s socio-demographics and economic
participants during a time period of six months. factors: age, gender, marital status, religion,
Recruitment education, professional status, personal income,
A systematic random sampling method will be used household income and number of children.
to recruit participants. The expected number of • Anthropometric information: weight, height,
participants that will be recruited every day is 10. waist circumference, hip circumference and neck
Each day, the data collectors will start by randomly circumference.
selecting a participant with type 2 diabetes from the • Medical history: duration of diabetes, family
first K participants attending the hospital and invite history of diabetes, frequency of follow up,
him/her to participate. The value of K will depends mode of treatment, self-monitoring blood
on the number of people attending the hospital every glucose, hypoglycaemic events, and medical
day. After that, every K-th patient will be approached. history of diabetes-related comorbidities and
If the K-th person declines or he/she is not a type complications.
2 diabetic, the next person will be invited. The • Diabetes cost information: cost regarding
recruitment will continue for a period of six months. treatment, duration of leave for each visit,
Patients’ consent information about the accompanying person,
At the beginning of the interview, the data collector information about the treatment bearer due to
will briefly inform each participant about the purpose cost, information about in-patient events.
of the study, the data collection procedure (interview, • Adherence to management: medication, blood
Cost-Of-Illness and its Determinants for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Bangladesh: Protocol for a Cross-Sectional Study

glucose monitoring, diet, exercise. by School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
• Family support for diabetes at Monash University. Participants’ names will be
• Lifestyle data including smoking status, dietary removed from the database and each participant
habits 36 and physical activity 37. will be identified by a numeric code generated
• Psychological aspects including depression (The by REDCap. The database containing all information
Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) 38 and will be saved in a separate secure electronic folder,
anxiety (Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale which will not be used for data analysis. Only the
(GAD-2) 39 research team will have access to the identified and
• Patient’s health-related quality of life (EQ-5D- de-identified electronic databases.
5L) 40 and six-item Cognitive impairment test Descriptive statistics will include either mean (±SD)
(6CIT) 41. or median (lower and upper quartiles) for continuous
• Information from the patient’s guide book: data, and relative frequencies (percentages) for
most recent blood pressure measures, fasting categorical data. The t-test or Mann-Whitney U-test,
blood sugar measures, after-breakfast blood and the ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis test will be used
sugar measures, HbA1c, lipid profile, SGPT, for comparing two and multiple groups, respectively.
serum creatinine, urine albumin, albumin/ Categorical variables will be compared using chi-
creatinine ratio, eGFR and currently prescribed squared tests. The liner regression analysis will be
medications. employed to analyze the relationship between the
• Anthropometrics: height, weight, blood pressure total cost of care (dependent variable) and several
and waist and hip circumference. Information potential explanatory variables (independent
about height and weight will be recorded from variables). Multilevel logistic regression will be used
patient’s registered guide book. Waist and hip to assess the factors affecting glycaemic control and
circumference of the patient will be measured health-related quality of life (HRQoL) as outcome
using measuring tape following the procedures variable, and to find its association with cost of
below: care as independent variable. One-way sensitivity
Waist circumference: Participants will be measured analysis will be used for analyzing the uncertainty
against thin clothing (for cultural reasons), on of the results. The national economic burden of type
exhalation, midway between the lower rib margin 2 diabetes mellitus in Bangladesh will be estimated
and the anterior superior iliac spine (hip bone), or using a mathematical modelling.
the narrowest abdominal point. The subject should Outcomes measures
be relaxed with arms held loosely at their sides. The Cost calculation method: The COI studies
tape measure must be kept horizontal for a standing traditionally represents the earliest form of economic
measurement. This will be done twice and if the evaluation that stratify costs into three categories:
measurements differ by more than 2 cm, a third direct, indirect, and intangible costs. Since the
measurement will be taken. The waist circumference intangible costs have seldom been quantified in
will be recorded to the nearest 0.5 cm. monetary terms due to the measurement difficulties,
Hip circumference: Will be measured at the widest we mainly focus on the first two cost categories:
circumference around the hip bones, so that the tape direct and indirect costs.
passes over the greatest protrusion of the gluteal The direct economic costs will reflect the resources
muscles. The tape measure must be kept horizontal used in treating or coping with the disease including
for a standing measurement. This will be done expenditures for medical care and the treatment of
twice, and if the measurements differ by more than diabetes. Direct cost will be calculated under two
2 cm, a third measurement will be taken. The hip sub categories – (a) direct medical costs which will
circumference will be recorded to the nearest 0.5 cm. include costs of hospitalization, outpatient visits,
Data management and analysis drug, laboratory tests, materials, emergency services,
During the data-collection period, the data will be and (b) direct non-medical costs will include cost of
saved in the secure web-based application REDCap transportation to the health care providers, household
hosted by Monash University. The application will be expenditures, costs of meal and informal cares of any
accessible by the research team only. After completion kinds.
of data collection, data will be exported to the IBM To calculate direct cost the micro-costing approach
SPSS statistical package and will be saved on the will be used by identifying cost items as much detail
secure network storage (Monash (S:) drive) allocated as possible. Patients’ demographic characteristics,

Afsana Afroz, Khurshid Alam, Mohammed J Alramadan, Md Nassif Hossain, Hasina Akhter Chowdhury, Liaquat Ali, Dianna J Magliano, Baki Billah

clinical status, quantities of medical services measuring anthropometrics, filling in the electronic
received, types and quantities of drugs and medical questionnaire and obtaining information from the
supplies used during last one year will be retrieved medical records. Training session will also include
by reviewing patient’s guide book. The drug cost will mock interviews between participants and field
be calculated based on cost per defined daily dose practice as a pre-test.
(DDD) 42 of each drug and therapy duration. Costs Quality assurance measures for data collection
of outpatient visits and laboratory testing will be To ensure the quality of data collection, the procedure
calculated using the regular rate of BIRDEM or BIHS will be monitored by the student investigator. In
hospital. Drug cost will be calculated considering addition, the student investigator will carry out
the regular rate of BIRDEM or BIHS pharmacy. a random consistency check for at least 5% of the
Calculation of unit cost of medical services will interviewed questionnaires.
employed the standard costing approach43. The Pilot study
calculation will be composed of four steps, i.e., The questionnaire was piloted on 31 participants
calculation of the unit cost of medical services, direct attending Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences
cost determination, indirect cost determination, and Hospital over a period of one weeks. The
total cost determination. The annual average costs questionnaire was found to be acceptable by most of
on medical care will be estimated by multiplying the the participants and practical by data collectors. The
average per visit costs by the number of visit (records average time required to complete data collection
from patients guide book) per year. from one participant was almost similar (around
The indirect costs will consist of opportunity cost
40 minutes) as planned. The pilot study does not
of time lost due to morbidity (temporary disability).
recommend any major change to the questionnaire.
The morbidity related component includes the
productivity losses of time invested by patients and
This study is a comprehensive multi-center study
their accompanying person. Indirect cost will be
which will provide the most up-to-date in-depth
calculated using the human capital approach44 for
information and a clear picture of economic burden
those who are currently working or keeping house
of diabetes in Bangladesh. The study findings will
but not for persons who are unable to work or who
serve as a research-based evidence to priorities
choose not to work.
All costs will be measured in Bangladeshi Taka and allocate scarce resources and will be beneficial
(BDT); later will be converted to USD applying the to conceptualize national level health strategies.
current currency conversion rate. Furthermore, recognizing the factors of cost-of-
Glycemic control: The proportion of glycosylated illness and the relationship between glycemic control
haemoglobin (HbA1c) measured as a percentage will and quality of life with cost-of-illness will aid
be categorized as: good control (HbA1c ≤ 7.0%), both patients and health care providers to improve
fair control (HbA1c 7%-8%) or poor control (HbA1c the management, to control the cost and hence,
>8.0%). to have improved quality of life. Evidence about
Quality of life: EQ-5D-5L health states scores will the magnitude of the burden of T2DM will assist
be converted into a single index value between 0 and public health policymakers to develop programs and
1, and the quality of life will be categorised as Good policies and cost-effective strategies for the better
quality of life (0.67-1.00), fair quality of life (0.34- management of diabetes in the context of Bangladesh.
0.66) and poor quality of life (≤ 0.33). Author disclosure
Personnel and training All authors report no relation or financial interest
Two interviewers who has completed university with any entity that would pose a conflict of interest.
graduation and have prior experience with surveys Authors’ contribution
will be recruited for data collection. The objectives All authors were involved to the conception and
of the study and contents of the questionnaire will design of the study. All authors critically review to
be explained to the interviewers. They will be improve the content and final approval of version to
trained on approaching the potential participants, be submitted

Cost-Of-Illness and its Determinants for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Bangladesh: Protocol for a Cross-Sectional Study

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