CAGE Analysis Maria Cristiana Veana Andrade Lynn University
CAGE Analysis Maria Cristiana Veana Andrade Lynn University
CAGE Analysis Maria Cristiana Veana Andrade Lynn University
Lynn University
Mexico USA Germany
C Language: Spanish Language: English, Spanish Language: German
U Ethnicities: mestizo (Amerindian-Spanish) Ethnicities: White, Black, Asian Ethnicities: German 91.5%, Turkish 2.4%, Italian 0.7%, Greek
L 60%, Amerindian or predominantly Amerindian Religion: Protestant, Roman 0.4%, Polish 0.4%, other 4.6%
T 30%,white 9%, other 1% Catholic, Mormon, other Christian, Religion: Protestant 34%, Roman Catholic 34%, Other or
U Religion: Roman Catholic Christianity 82.7%, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim Unspecified 28.3%, Muslim 3.7%, Mormon 1.7%
R Other Evangelical Churches: 5%, none 4.7%, Individualistic, punctual, task- Social norm/values: Structure, privacy and punctuality,
A unspecified 2.7%, other 1.9%, Pentecostal based relationships, risk takers, perfectionism, precision, thriftiness, hard work and industriousness
L Christianity: 1.6%, Jehovah’s witnesses 1.4% egalitarian, self-reliant,
Social Norm/values: Hierarchical, highly independent,
stratified, hierarchical relationships, family
oriented, importance of rank
A Colony/colonizer: Colony (Spain) Colony (Britain) Colonizer
D Regional Trading Bloc: Chile, Colombia, EFTA, NAFTA, CAFTA-DR, trade Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon,
M EU, GSTP, Israel, Japan, LAIA, Central American, agreements with Australia, CARIFORUM States EPA, Central America, Chile, Colombia and
I Uruguay, NAFTA, Peru, PTN, Republic of Korea. Bahrain, Chile, Colombia, Israel, Peru, Cote d’Ivoire, Eastern and Southern Africa States Interim
N Currency: Mexican Peso Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Panama, EPA, Egypt, Faroe Islands, Former Yugoslav Republic of
I Type of Government: Federal republic, Peru, Singapore, Macedonia, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Jordan, Republic of Korea,
S democracy, Dollar Lebanon, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Norway, OCT,
T several political parties. Federal republic . Democracy, Palestinian authority, Papua New Guinea/Fiji, Republic of Moldova,
R Legal System: Civil law Several political parties San Marino, Serbia, South Africa, Switzerland/Liechtenstein, Syria,
A Corruption index: 34 Common Law based on English Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, EEA, Canada, EAC, India, Japan,
T Model Malaysia, Philippines, SADC EPA, Singapore, Thailand, USTTIP,
I 73 Vietnam, West Africa EPA
V Euro
E Parliamentary democracy
Civil Law
similarities and differences that may improve or harm the business relationship
they have with the United States. In the cultural aspects, we can see that Mexico
and the United States have a common language (Spanish) whereas although in
Germany they speak an entirely different language, this may facilitate/harm the
relationship they have with the U.S respectively. In other cultural aspects we can
see that the three countries have things in common such as religion and different
such as how Mexico is very family oriented and the US and Germany are more in
In the administrative aspect we can see that they all have common trade
blocs with each other making the exports and imports easier between one another.
However we can see that the three countries have different monetary systems.
Although the three of them are democracies, only the US and Mexico are federal
for the legal system Germany and Mexico both use Civil law while the United
States uses common law system based on the English. However, Mexico has a
very high corruption while the United States and Germany enjoy low corruption
In the geographical aspect Mexico has advantage for being so close to the
United State’s west coast. The three countries have direct access to ports that
facilitates the transportation of goods. Climate is varied for the three countries. The
three countries enjoy from good Internet penetration, the US and Germany has
excellent means of transportation within the countries while Mexico has poorer
transportations while having good ports. Germany, the US and Mexico suffer from
water and air pollution, Mexico suffers from deforestation, desertification and
erosion while Germany suffers from acid rain and hazardous waste.
The three countries are open market while we can see a clear difference
(US, Germany, Mexico), and growth rate (US, Mexico, Germany). Germany and
Mexico are high in natural resources, although Mexico has more expensive natural
resources than Germany; the US is low in the same category. Both Germany and
the U.S have educated, skilled and high cost labor, advanced infrastructure while
Mexico has low cost labor and average infrastructure and good in major cities.
Germany has lower population than Mexico and the United States. The human
development is high in Germany and in the United States while in Mexico, although
not bad, is a little lower. Internet penetration is very high in Germany and in the
The United States could well benefit from performing trade with both
countries given that Germany and Mexico do not compete in many aspects, they
are different so there is no need to exchange with one another, they both
complement each other. Mexico has the advantage of being closer and having
cheap labor, the United States can benefit from this country given that there are a
lot of companies here seeking for cheap labor. It could benefit from Germany,
however, when trading for specialized goods such as cars. Both Countries have
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