Definition of Product Profile Based On Innovation Menagment: January 2011
Definition of Product Profile Based On Innovation Menagment: January 2011
Definition of Product Profile Based On Innovation Menagment: January 2011
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4 authors, including:
Milan S Banic
University of Niš
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Abstract: Due to globalization and increase of product complexity requirements, as well as with a customer tendency to
prefer more simple and profitable solutions, design engineers must use up to date management tools, methods and
systems in their practice in order to be competitive in the market. The education of design engineers has to react to
these new professional requirements and excellence in management competence must be generated. This is especially
important in area of innovations management as innovative products drive the company success. The education of
mechanical engineering students in machine design can make a decisive contribution in obtaining technique and
management skills necessary for later professional success.
This paper presents the definition of product profile based on innovation management, used in education process of
design engineers at Mechanical Engineering Faculty, University of Nis.
Key words: innovation management, new education model, industrial product development
Vojislav Miltenović, Jelena Milisavljević, Aleksandar Miltenović, Milan Banić: Definition of Product Profile Based on Innovation Menagment;
Machine Design, Vol.3(2011) No 1, ISSN 1821-1259; pp. 7-12
Vojislav Miltenović, Jelena Milisavljević, Aleksandar Miltenović, Milan Banić: Definition of Product Profile Based on Innovation Menagment;
Machine Design, Vol.3(2011) No 1, ISSN 1821-1259; pp. 7-12
In product planning One of the methods of product In definition of product profile it is uttermost important to
planning students are trained in is Conjoint analysis. The orientate the in regard to internal (technology) and
Conjoint Analysis shows, which combination of attributes external (market) factors.
a product must have in order to maximize the customers Orientation in planning at Mechanical Engineering
advantage. It enables the optimisation and modulation of Faculty, University of Nis is performed by Orientation
product profile even in saturated and new markets. matrix (Fig. 10).
A useful tool implemented at Mechanical Engineering Orientation matrix divides the „innovation world“ into 9
Faculty, University of Nis is Quality Function fields. The more distant the product profile from the
Deployment as it enables deduction of product origin is, the bigger are the risks.
requirements from the customers’ requirements. Incremental innovation occurs in adjacent areas of an
The House of Quality is the first matrix in a four-phase orientation and constitutes around 15% of all innovation.
QFD (Quality Function Deployment) process. It's called Radical innovations occur in remote areas of an
the House of Quality because of the correlation matrix orientation matrix on totally new market and a complete
that is roof shaped and sits on top of the main body of the new technology They include 5% of all innovation, but
matrix. The correlation matrix evaluates how the defined they are accompanied by total risk. Radical innovation
product specifications optimize or sub-optimize each can cause innovation/progress, meet the requirements of
other. customers who were not so far or have not been met
Target positions rival portfolio (Fig. 9) is used to position because of technical reasons.
own products compared to the ones of competitors and to
complete the actual presentation by expected future
Vojislav Miltenović, Jelena Milisavljević, Aleksandar Miltenović, Milan Banić: Definition of Product Profile Based on Innovation Menagment;
Machine Design, Vol.3(2011) No 1, ISSN 1821-1259; pp. 7-12
Vojislav Miltenović, Jelena Milisavljević, Aleksandar Miltenović, Milan Banić: Definition of Product Profile Based on Innovation Menagment;
Machine Design, Vol.3(2011) No 1, ISSN 1821-1259; pp. 7-12