1. Which element in the circular chain of infection can be eliminated by preserving skin integrity?
A. Host B. Reservoir C. Mode of transmission D. Portal of entry
2. Which of the following will probably result in a break in sterile technique for respiratory isolation?
A. Opening the patient’s window to the outside environment
B. Turning on the patient’s room ventilator
C. Opening the door of the patient’s room leading into the hospital corridor
D. Failing to wear gloves when administering a bed bath
8. Which of the following constitutes a break in sterile technique while preparing a sterile field for a dressing
A. Using sterile forceps, rather than sterile gloves, to handle a sterile item
B. Touching the outside wrapper of sterilized material without sterile gloves
C. Placing a sterile object on the edge of the sterile field
D. Pouring out a small amount of solution (15 to 30 ml) before pouring the solution into a sterile container
9. A natural body defense that plays an active role in preventing infection is:
A. Yawning B. Body hair C. Hiccupping D. Rapid eye movements
10. All of the following statement are true about donning sterile gloves except:
A. The first glove should be picked up by grasping the inside of the cuff.
B. The second glove should be picked up by inserting the gloved fingers under the cuff outside the glove.
C. The gloves should be adjusted by sliding the gloved fingers under the sterile cuff and pulling the glove over the
D. The inside of the glove is considered sterile
11. When removing a contaminated gown, the nurse should be careful that the first thing she touches is the:
A. Waist tie and neck tie at the back of the gown B. Waist tie in front of the gown
C. Cuffs of the gown D. Inside of the gown
12. Which of the following nursing interventions is considered the most effective form or universal
A. Cap all used needles before removing them from their syringes
B. Discard all used uncapped needles and syringes in an impenetrable protective container
C. Wear gloves when administering IM injections
D. Follow enteric precautions
13. All of the following measures are recommended to prevent pressure ulcers except:
A. Massaging the reddened area with lotion B. Using a water or air mattress
C. Adhering to a schedule for positioning and turning D. Providing meticulous skin care
14. Which of the following blood tests should be performed before a blood transfusion?
A. Prothrombin and coagulation time B. Blood typing and cross-matching
C. Bleeding and clotting time D. Complete blood count (CBC) and electrolyte levels.
16. Which of the following white blood cell (WBC) counts clearly indicates leukocytosis?
A. 4,500/mm³ B. 7,000/mm³ C. 10,000/mm³ D. 25,000/mm³
17. After 5 days of diuretic therapy with 20mg of furosemide (Lasix) daily, a patient begins to exhibit fatigue,
muscle cramping and muscle weakness. These symptoms probably indicate that the patient is experiencing:
A. Hypokalem B. Hyperkalemia C. Anorexia D. Dysphagia
20. A patient with no known allergies is to receive penicillin every 6 hours. When administering the
medication, the nurse observes a fine rash on the patient’s skin. The most appropriate nursing action would
be to:
A. Withhold the moderation and notify the physician
B. Administer the medication and notify the physician
C. Administer the medication with an antihistamine
D. Apply corn starch soaks to the rash
21. All of the following nursing interventions are correct when using the Z-track method of drug injection
A. Prepare the injection site with alcohol B. Use a needle that’s a least 1” long
C. Aspirate for blood before injection
sD. Rub the site vigorously after the injection to promote absorption
22. The correct method for determining the vastus lateralis site for I.M. injection is to:
A. Locate the upper aspect of the upper outer quadrant of the buttock about 5 to 8 cm below the iliac crest
B. Palpate the lower edge of the acromion process and the midpoint lateral aspect of the arm
C. Palpate a 1” circular area anterior to the umbilicus
D. Divide the area between the greater femoral trochanter and the lateral femoral condyle into thirds, and select the
middle third on the anterior of the thigh
23. The mid-deltoid injection site is seldom used for I.M. injections because it:
A. Can accommodate only 1 ml or less of medication B. Bruises too easily
C. Can be used only when the patient is lying down D. Does not readily parenteral medication
27. The physician orders gr 10 of aspirin for a patient. The equivalent dose in milligrams is:
A. 0.6 mg B. 10 mg C. 60 mg D. 600 mg
28. The physician orders an IV solution of dextrose 5% in water at 100ml/hour. What would the flow rate be
if the drop factor is 15 gtt = 1 ml?
A. 5 gtt/minute B. 13 gtt/minute C. 25 gtt/minute D. 50 gtt/minute
29. Which of the following is a sign or symptom of a hemolytic reaction to blood transfusion?
A. Hemoglobinuria B. Chest pain C. Urticaria D. Distended neck veins
31. All of the following are common signs and symptoms of phlebitis except:
A. Pain or discomfort at the IV insertion site B. Edema and warmth at the IV insertion site
C. A red streak exiting the IV insertion site D. Frank bleeding at the insertion site
32. The best way of determining whether a patient has learned to instill ear medication properly is for the
nurse to:
A. Ask the patient if he/she has used ear drops before
B. Have the patient repeat the nurse’s instructions using her own words
C. Demonstrate the procedure to the patient and encourage to ask questions
D. Ask the patient to demonstrate the procedure
33. Which of the following types of medications can be administered via gastrostomy tube?
A. Any oral medications
B. Capsules whole contents are dissolve in water
C. Enteric-coated tablets that are thoroughly dissolved in water
D. Most tablets designed for oral use, except for extended-duration compounds
34. A patient who develops hives after receiving an antibiotic is exhibiting drug:
A. Toleranc B. Idiosyncrasy C. Synergism D. Allergy
35. A patient has returned to his room after femoral arteriography. All of the following are appropriate
nursing interventions except:
A. Assess femoral, popliteal, and pedal pulses every 15 minutes for 2 hours
B. Check the pressure dressing for sanguineous drainage
C. Assess a vital signs every 15 minutes for 2 hours
D. Order a hemoglobin and hematocrit count 1 hour after the arteriography
37. An infected patient has chills and begins shivering. The best nursing intervention is to:
A. Apply iced alcohol sponges B. Provide increased cool liquids
C. Provide additional bedclothes D. Provide increased ventilation
39. The purpose of increasing urine acidity through dietary means is to:
A. Decrease burning sensations B. Change the urine’s color
C. Change the urine’s concentration D. Inhibit the growth of microorganisms
41. In which step of the nursing process would the nurse ask a patient if the medication she administered
relieved his pain?
A. Assessment B. Analysis C. Planning D. Evaluation
43. Which of the following is a primary nursing intervention necessary for all patients with a Foley Catheter
in place?
A. Maintain the drainage tubing and collection bag level with the patient’s bladder
B. Irrigate the patient with 1% Neosporin solution three times a daily
C. Clamp the catheter for 1 hour every 4 hours to maintain the bladder’s elasticity
D. Maintain the drainage tubing and collection bag below bladder level to facilitate drainage by gravity
44. The ELISA test is used to:
A. Screen blood donors for antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
B. Test blood to be used for transfusion for HIV antibodies
C. Aid in diagnosing a patient with AIDS
D. All of the above
45. The two blood vessels most commonly used for TPN infusion are the:
A. Subclavian and jugular vein B. Brachial and subclavian veins
C. Femoral and subclavian veins D. Brachial and femoral veins
46. Effective skin disinfection before a surgical procedure includes which of the following methods
A. Shaving the site on the day before surgery
B. Applying a topical antiseptic to the skin on the evening before surgery
C. Having the patient take a tub bath on the morning of surgery
D. Having the patient shower with an antiseptic soap on the evening before and the morning of surgery
47. When transferring a patient from a bed to a chair, the nurse should use which muscles to avoid back injury?
A. Abdominal muscles B. Back muscles C. Leg muscles D. Upper arm muscles
48. Thrombophlebitis typically develops in patients with which of the following conditions?
A. Increases partial thromboplastin time B. Acute pulsus paradoxus
C. An impaired or traumatized blood vessel wall
D. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
49. In a recumbent, immobilized patient, lung ventilation can become altered, leading to such respiratory
complications as:
A. Respiratory acidosis, atelectasis, and hypostatic pneumonia
B. Apneustic breathing, atypical pneumonia and respiratory alkalosis
C. Cheyne-Stokes respirations and spontaneous pneumothorax
D. Kussmaul’s respirations and hypoventilation
2. The act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery is theorized by
3. For her, Nursing is a theoretical system of knowledge that prescribes a process of analysis and action
related to care of the ill person
4. According to her, Nursing is a helping or assisting profession to persons who are wholly or partly
dependent or when those who are supposedly caring for them are no longer able to give care.
5. Nursing is a unique profession, Concerned with all the variables affecting an individual’s response to
stressors, which are intra, inter and extra personal in nature
6. The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those
activities contributing to health that he would perform unaided if he has the necessary strength, will and
knowledge, and do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible.
7. Caring is the essence and central unifying, a dominant domain that distinguishes nursing from other health
disciplines. Care is an essential human need.
8. Caring involves 5 processes: KNOWING, BEING WITH, DOING FOR, ENABLING and MAINTAINING
10.Caring means that person, events, projects and things matter to people. It reveals stress and coping
options. Caring creates responsibility. It is an inherent feature of nursing practice. It helps the nurse assist
clients to recover in the face of the illness.
11. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about profession according to Marie Jahoda?
14. This is the distinctive individual qualities that differentiate a person to another
15. Refers to the moral values and beliefs that are used as guides to personal behavior and actions
16. As a nurse manager, which of the following best describes this function
C. Coordinates the activities of other members of the health team in managing patient care
D. Provide in service education programs, Use accurate nursing audit, formulate philosophy and vision of the
19. These are nursing intervention that requires knowledge, skills and expertise of multiple health
20. What type of patient care model is the most common for student nurses and private duty nurses?
21. This is the best patient care model when there are many nurses but few patients.
22. This patient care model works best when there are plenty of patient but few nurses
23. RN assumes 24 hour responsibility for the client to maintain continuity of care across shifts, days or visits.
35. Freud postulated that child adopts parental standards and traits through
36. According to them, Morality is measured of how people treat human being and that a moral child strives
to be kind and just
A. Zderad and Peterson B. Benner and Wrubel C. Fowler and Westerhoff D. Schulman and Mekler
37. Postulated that FAITH is the way of behaving. He developed four theories of faith and development based
on his experience
38. He described the development of faith. He suggested that faith is a spiritual dimension that gives meaning
to a persons life. Faith according to him, is a relational phenomenon.
39. Established in 1906 by the Baptist foreign mission society of America. Miss rose nicolet, was it’s first
A. St. Paul Hospital School of nursing B. Iloilo Mission Hospital School of nursing
C. Philippine General Hospital School of nursing D. St. Luke’s Hospital School of nursing
40. Anastacia Giron-Tupas was the first Filipino nurse to occupy the position of chief nurse in this hospital.
41. She was the daughter of Hungarian kings, who feed 300-900 people everyday in their gate, builds
hospitals, and care of the poor and sick herself.
42. She dies of yellow fever in her search for truth to prove that yellow fever is carried by a mosquitoes.
A. Clara louise Maas B. Pearl Tucker C. Isabel Hampton Robb D. Caroline Hampton Robb
45. They put girls clothes on male infants to drive evil forces away
46. In what period of nursing does people believe in TREPHINING to drive evil forces away?
47. This period ended when Pastor Fliedner, build Kaiserwerth institute for the training of Deaconesses
48. Period of nursing where religious Christian orders emerged to take care of the sick
50. This period marked the religious upheaval of Luther, Who questions the Christian faith.
51. According to the Biopsychosocial and spiritual theory of Sister Callista Roy, Man, As a SOCIAL being is
A. Like all other men B. Like some other men C. Like no other men D. Like men
52. She conceptualized that man, as an Open system is in constant interaction and transaction with a
changing environment.
54. Who postulated the WHOLISTIC concept that the totality is greater than sum of its parts?
55. She theorized that man is composed of sub and supra systems. Subsystems are cells, tissues, organs and
systems while the suprasystems are family, society and community.
A. Roy B. Roger C. Henderson D. Johnson
56. Which of the following is not true about the human needs?
58. According to Maslow, which of the following is NOT TRUE about a self actualized person?
C. Follows the decision of the majority, uphold justice and truth D. Problem centered
59. According to Maslow, which of the following is TRUE about a self actualized person?
A. Born May 12, 1840 B. Built St. Thomas school of nursing when she was 40 years old
64. Which of the following is recognized for developing the concept of HIGH LEVEL WELLNESS?
65. One of the expectations is for nurses to join professional association primarily because of
67. Which of the following provides that nurses must be a member of a national nurse organization?
A. R.A 877 B. 1981 Code of ethics approved by the house of delegates and the PNA
68. Which of the following best describes the action of a nurse who documents her nursing diagnosis?
A. She documents it and charts it whenever necessary B. She can be accused of malpractice
C. She does it regularly as an important responsibility D. She charts it only when the patient is acutely ill
A. RA 71 B. RA 9173 C. BON Res. Code Of Ethic D. BON Res. Scope of Nursing Practice
70. A nurse who is maintaining a private clinic in the community renders service on maternal and child
health among the neighborhood for a fee is:
A. September 22, 1922 B. September 02, 1920 C. October 21, 1922 D. September 02, 1922
73. Defines health as the ability to maintain internal milieu. Illness according to him/her/them is the failure to
maintain internal environment.
74. Postulated that health is a state and process of being and becoming an integrated and whole person.
76. Stated that health is WELLNESS. A termed define by the culture or an individual.
78. She defined health as the soundness and wholness of developed human structure and bodily mental
79. According to her, Wellness is a condition in which all parts and subparts of an individual are in harmony
with the whole system.
80. Postulated that health is reflected by the organization, interaction, interdependence and integration of the
subsystem of the behavioral system.
81. According to them, Well being is a subjective perception of BALANCE, HARMONY and VITALIT
A. Leavell and Clark B. Peterson and Zderad C. Benner and Wruber D. Leddy and Pepper
82. He describes the WELLNESS-ILLNESS Continuum as interaction of the environment with well being
and illness.
83. An integrated method of functioning that is oriented towards maximizing one’s potential within the
limitation of the environment.
87. In health belief model, Individual perception matters. Which of the following is highly UNLIKELY to
influence preventive behavior?
89. Conceptualizes that health is a condition of actualization or realization of person’s potential. Avers that
the highest aspiration of people is fulfillment and complete development actualization.
90. Views people as physiologic system and Absence of sign and symptoms equates health.
91. Knowledge about the disease and prior contact with it is what type of VARIABLE according to the health
belief model?
92. It includes internal and external factors that leads the individual to seek help
93. Influence from peers and social pressure is included in what variable of HBM?
95. According to Leavell and Clark’s ecologic model, All of this are factors that affects health and illness
96. Is a multi dimensional model developed by PENDER that describes the nature of persons as they interact
within the environment to pursue health.
97. Defined by Pender as all activities directed toward increasing the level of well being and self actualization.
98. Defined as an alteration in normal function resulting in reduction of capacities and shortening of life span.
100. According to her, Caring is defined as a nurturant way of responding to a valued client towards whom
the nurse feels a sense of commitment and responsibility.
Test 6
1. When the General adaptation syndrome is activated, FLIGHT OR FIGHT response sets in. Sympathetic
nervous system releases norepinephrine while the adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine. Which of the
following is true with regards to that statement?
2. Which of the following response is not expected to a person whose GAS is activated and the FIGHT OR
FLIGHT response sets in?
A. The client will not urinate due to relaxation of the detrusor muscle
3. State in which a person’s physical, emotional, intellectual and social development or spiritual functioning is
diminished or impaired compared with a previous experience.
4. This is the first stage of illness wherein, the person starts to believe that something is wrong. Also known as
the transition phase from wellness to illness.
5. In this stage of illness, the person accepts or rejects a professionals suggestion. The person also becomes
passive and may regress to an earlier stage.
7. In this stage, the person tries to find answers for his illness. He wants his illness to be validated, his
symptoms explained and the outcome reassured or predicted
8. The following are true with regards to aspect of the sick role except
A. One should be held responsible for his condition B. One is excused from his societal role
C. One is obliged to get well as soon as possible D. One is obliged to seek competent help
10. Refers to the degree of resistance the potential host has against a certain pathogen
12. A woman undergoing radiation therapy developed redness and burning of the skin around the best. This
is best classified as what type of disease?
13. The classification of CANCER according to its etiology Is best described as:
14. Term to describe the reactiviation and recurrence of pronounced symptoms of a disease
16. Diseases that results from changes in the normal structure, from recognizable anatomical changes in an
organ or body tissue is termed as
18. This is the study of the patterns of health and disease. Its occurrence and distribution in man, for the
purpose of control and prevention of disease
19. Refers to diseases that produced no anatomic changes but as a result from abnormal response to a stimuli.
20. In what level of prevention according to Leavell and Clark does the nurse support the client in obtaining
OPTIMAL HEALTH STATUS after a disease or injury?
21. In what level of prevention does the nurse encourage optimal health and increases person’s susceptibility
to illness?
25. A regular pap smear for woman every 3 years after establishing normal pap smear for 3 consecutive years
Is advocated. What level of prevention does this belongs?
26. Self monitoring of blood glucose for diabetic clients is on what level of prevention?
1. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely an absence of disease or
30. The theorist the advocated that health is the ability to maintain dynamic equilibrium is
32. Osteoporosis and degenerative diseases like Osteoarthritis belongs to what type of risk factor?
34. This is a person or animal, who is without signs of illness but harbors pathogen within his body and can
be transferred to another
35. Refers to a person or animal, known or believed to have been exposed to a disease.
36. A substance usually intended for use on inanimate objects, that destroys pathogens but not the spores.
38. The third period of infectious processes characterized by development of specific signs and symptoms
39. A child with measles developed fever and general weakness after being exposed to another child with
rubella. In what stage of infectious process does this child belongs?
41. Considered as the WEAKEST LINK in the chain of infection that nurses can manipulate to prevent
spread of infection and diseases
42. Which of the following is the exact order of the infection chain?
A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 B. 5, 4, 2, 3, 6, 1 C. 4, 5, 3, 6, 2, 1 D. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
43. Markee, A 15 year old high school student asked you. What is the mode of transmission of Lyme disease.
You correctly answered him that Lyme disease is transmitted via
44. The ability of the infectious agent to cause a disease primarily depends on all of the following except
46. Transmission occurs when an infected person sneezes, coughs or laugh that is usually projected at a
distance of 3 feet.
47. Considered as the first line of defense of the body against infection
49. Graciel has been injected TT5, her last dosed for tetanus toxoid immunization. Graciel asked you, what
type of immunity is TT Injections? You correctly answer her by saying Tetanus toxoid immunization is a/an
50. Agatha, was hacked and slashed by a psychotic man while she was crossing the railway. She suffered
multiple injuries and was injected Tetanus toxoid Immunoglobulin. Agatha asked you, What immunity does
TTIg provides? You best answered her by saying TTIg provides
51. This is the single most important procedure that prevents cross contamination and infection
A. Above the elbow, The hands must always be above the waist
B. Above the elbow, The hands are cleaner than the elbow
C. Below the elbow, Medical asepsis do not require hands to be above the waist
D. Below the elbow, Hands are dirtier than the lower arms
54. The suggested time per hand on handwashing using the time method is
55. The minimum time in washing each hand should never be below
57. Which of the following is not true about sterilization, cleaning and disinfection?
C. Some organism are easily destroyed, while other, with coagulated protein requires longer time
D. The number of organism is directly proportional to the length of time required for sterilization
58. Karlita asked you, How long should she boil her glass baby bottle in water? You correctly answered her
by saying
B. Boil the glass baby bottler and other articles for atleast 10 minutes
D. It doesn’t matter how long you boil the articles, as long as the water reached 100 degree Celsius
59. This type of disinfection is best done in sterilizing drugs, foods and other things that are required to be
sterilized before taken in by the human body
60. A TB patient was discharged in the hospital. A UV Lamp was placed in the room where he stayed for a
week. What type of disinfection is this?
A. Wash hand before and after patient contact B. Keep soiled linens from touching the clothings
62. Which of the following is true about autoclaving or steam under pressure?
A. All kinds of microorganism and their spores are destroyed by autoclave machine
B. The autoclaved instruments can be used for 1 month considering the bags are still intact
C. The instruments are put into unlocked position, on their hinge, during the autoclave
A. Mask should only cover the nose B. Mask functions better if they are wet with alcohol
C. Masks can provide durable protection even when worn for a long time and after each and every patient care
65. Needles, scalpels, broken glass and lancets are considered as injurious wastes. As a nurse, it is correct to
put them at disposal via a/an
A. Using a long forceps, Push it back towards the cervix then call the physician
D. Call the physician, You are not allowed to touch, re insert or remove it
67. After leech therapy, Where should you put the leeches?
D. Leeches are brought back to the culture room, they are not thrown away for they are reusable
68. Which of the following should the nurse AVOID doing in preventing spread of infection?
D. Do not give fresh and uncooked fruits and vegetables to Mr. Gatchie, with Neutropenia
69. Where should you put Mr. Alejar, with Category II TB?
A. In a room with positive air pressure and atleast 3 air exchanges an hour
B. In a room with positive air pressure and atleast 6 air exchanges an hour
C. In a room with negative air pressure and atleast 3 air exchanges an hour
D. In a room with negative air pressure and atleast 6 air exchanges an hour
70. A client has been diagnosed with RUBELLA. What precaution is used for this patient?
71. A client has been diagnosed with MEASLES. What precaution is used for this patient?
72. A client has been diagnosed with IMPETIGO. What precaution is used for this patient?
73. The nurse is to insert an NG Tube when suddenly, she accidentally dip the end of the tube in the client’s
glass containing distilled drinking water which is definitely not sterile. As a nurse, what should you do?
A. Don’t mind the incident, continue to insert the NG Tube B. Obtain a new NG Tube for the client
C. Disinfect the NG Tube before reinserting it again D. Ask your senior nurse what to do
D. If you can reach the object by overreaching, just move around the sterile field to pick it rather than reaching for it
A. Autoclaved linens and gowns are considered sterile for about 4 months as long as the bagging is intact
D. If a scrubbed person leaves the area of the sterile field, He/she must do handwashing and gloving again, but the
gown need not be changed.
A. The dominant hand B. The non dominant hand C. The left hand
77. As the scrubbed nurse, when should you apply the goggles, shoe cap and mask prior to the operation?
A. Immediately after entering the sterile field B. After surgical hand scrub
78. Which of the following should the nurse do when applying gloves prior to a surgical procedure?
A. Slipping gloved hand with all fingers when picking up the second glove
B. Grasping the first glove by inserting four fingers, with thumbs up underneath the cuff
D. Adjust only the fitting of the gloves after both gloves are on
A. The glove of the non dominant hand B. The glove of the dominant hand
C. The glove of the left hand D. Order in removing the gloves Is unnecessary
80. Before a surgical procedure, Give the sequence on applying the protective items listed below
A. 4, 3, 5, 1, 2 B. 2, 3, 1, 5, 4 C. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
82. In pouring a plain NSS into a receptacle located in a sterile field, how high should the nurse hold the
bottle above the receptacle?
83. The tip of the sterile forceps is considered sterile. It is used to manipulate the objects in the sterile field
using the non sterile hands. How should the nurse hold a sterile forceps?
A. The tip should always be lower than the handle B. The tip should always be above the handle
D. The handle should point downward and the tip, always upward
84. The nurse enters the room of the client on airborne precaution due to tuberculosis. Which of the following
are appropriate actions by the nurse?
2. She washes her hands before and after removing gloves, after suctioning the client’s secretion
3. She removes gloves and hands before leaving the client’s room
4. She discards contaminated suction catheter tip in trashcan found in the clients room
A. 1, 2 B. 1, 2, 3 C. 1, 2, 3, 4 D. 1, 3
85. When performing surgical hand scrub, which of the following nursing action is required to prevent
1. Keep fingernail short, clean and with nail polish 2. Open faucet with knee or foot control
A. 1, 2 B. 2, 3 C. 1, 2, 3 D. 2, 3, 4
86. When removing gloves, which of the following is an inappropriate nursing action?
C. Use glove to glove skin to skin technique D. Remove mask and gown before removing gloves
88. According to this theorist, in his modern stress theory, Stress is the non specific response of the body to
any demand made upon it.
89. Which of the following is NOT TRUE with regards to the concept of Modern Stress Theory?
A. Stress is not a nervous energy B. Man, whenever he encounters stresses, always adapts to it
C. Stress is not always something to be avoided D. Stress does not always lead to distress
90. Which of the following is TRUE with regards to the concept of Modern Stress Theory?
91. Which of the following is TRUE in the stage of alarm of general adaptation syndrome?
95. Where in stages of GAS does a person moves back into HOMEOSTASIS?
96. Stage of GAS that results from prolonged exposure to stress. Here, death will ensue unless extra adaptive
mechanisms are utilized
C. Adaptive response is immediately mobilized, doesn’t require time D. Response varies from person to person
98. Andy, a newly hired nurse, starts to learn the new technology and electronic devices at the hospital.
Which of the following mode of adaptation is Andy experiencing?
99. Andy is not yet fluent in French, but he works in Quebec where majority speaks French. He is starting to
learn the language of the people. What type of adaptation is Andy experiencing?
100. Andy made an error and his senior nurse issued a written warning. Andy arrived in his house mad and
kicked the door hard to shut it off. What adaptation mode is this?
1. The coronary vessels, unlike any other blood vessels in the body, respond to sympathetic stimulation by
A. Vasoconstriction B. Vasodilatation
2. What stress response can you expect from a patient with blood sugar of 50 mg / dl?
A. Body will try to decrease the glucose level B. There will be a halt in release of sex hormones
C. Protect the issue from injury by producing pain D. Prepare for tissue repair
A. There will be sudden redness of the affected part B. Heat will increase on the affected part
C. The affected part will loss its normal function D. Exudates will flow from the injured site
6. What kind of exudates is expected when there is an antibody-antigen reaction as a result of microorganism
C. Pain, which causes guarding of the area D. Increase heat due to transient vasodilation
8. The client has a chronic tissue injury. Upon examining the client’s antibody for a particular cellular
response, Which of the following WBC component is responsible for phagocytosis in chronic tissue injury?
11. Icheanne then asked you, what is the first process that occurs in the inflammatory response after injury,
You tell her:
12. Icheanne asked you again, What is that term that describes the magnetic attraction of injured tissue to
bring phagocytes to the site of injury?
A. Icheanne, you better sleep now, you asked a lot of questions B. It is Diapedesis
C. We call that Emigration D. I don’t know the answer, perhaps I can tell you after I find it out later
13. This type of healing occurs when there is a delayed surgical closure of infected wound
14. Type of healing when scars are minimal due to careful surgical incision and good healing
15. Imelda, was slashed and hacked by an unknown suspects. She suffered massive tissue loss and laceration
on her arms and elbow in an attempt to evade the criminal. As a nurse, you know that the type of healing that
will most likely occur to Miss Imelda is
16. Imelda is in the recovery stage after the incident. As a nurse, you know that the diet that will be
prescribed to Miss Imelda is
17. Miss Imelda asked you, What is WET TO DRY Dressing method? Your best response is
A. It is a type of mechanical debridement using Wet dressing that is applied and left to dry to remove dead tissues
B. It is a type of surgical debridement with the use of Wet dressing to remove the necrotic tissues
C. It is a type of dressing where in, The wound is covered with Wet or Dry dressing to prevent contamination
D. It is a type of dressing where in, A cellophane or plastic is placed on the wound over a wet dressing to stimulate
healing of the wound in a wet medium
18. The primary cause of pain in inflammation is
19. The client is in stress because he was told by the physician he needs to undergo surgery for removal of
tumor in his bladder. Which of the following are effects of sympatho-adreno-medullary response by the
20. The client is on NPO post midnight. Which of the following, if done by the client, is sufficient to cancel the
operation in the morning?
C. Brush his teeth the morning before operation D. Smoke cigarette around 3:00 A.M
21. The client place on NPO for preparation of the blood test. Adreno-cortical response is activated and
which of the following below is an expected response?
A. Low BP B. Decrease Urine output C. Warm, flushed, dry skin D. Low serum sodium levels
D. Maintained even after the client doesn’t need anymore of the Nurse’s help
23. According to her, A nurse patient relationship is composed of 4 stages : Orientation, Identification,
Exploitation and Resolution
24. In what phase of Nurse patient relationship does a nurse review the client’s medical records thereby
learning as much as possible about the client?
25. Nurse Aida has seen her patient, Roger for the first time. She establish a contract about the frequency of
meeting and introduce to Roger the expected termination. She started taking baseline assessment and set
interventions and outcomes. On what phase of NPR Does Nurse Aida and Roger belong?
27. Nurse Aida, in spite of the incident, still consider Roger as worthwhile simply because he is a human
being. What major ingredient of a therapeutic communication is Nurse Aida using?
28. Nurse Irma saw Roger and told Nurse Aida “ Oh look at that psychotic patient “ Nurse Aida should
intervene and correct Nurse Irma because her statement shows that she is lacking?
C. It has been always a part of human experience D. It is something each person has to cope
30. Martina, a tennis champ was devastated after many new competitors outpaced her in the Wimbledon
event.She became depressed and always seen crying. Martina is clearly on what kind of situation?
31. Which of the following statement is not true with regards to anxiety?
32. Lorraine, a 27 year old executive was brought to the ER for an unknown reason. She is starting to speak
but her speech is disorganized and cannot be understood. On what level of anxiety does this features belongs?
33. Elton, 21 year old nursing student is taking the board examination. She is sweating profusely, has
decreased awareness of his environment and is purely focused on the exam questions characterized by his
selective attentiveness. What anxiety level is Elton exemplifying?
34. You noticed the patient chart : ANXIETY +3 What will you expect to see in this client?
A. When anxiety is +
B. When the client starts to have a narrow perceptual field and selective inattentiveness
A. Frequent hand movement B. Somatization C. The client asks a question D. The client is acting out
37. Which of the following intervention is inappropriate for client’s with anxiety?
38. Which of the following statement, if made by the nurse, is considered not therapeutic?
A. “How did you deal with your anxiety before?” B. “It must be awful to feel anxious.”
A. Systematically tensing muscle groups from top to bottom for 5 seconds, and then releasing them
B. Concentrating on breathing without tensing the muscle, Letting go and repeating a word or sound after each
40. What type of relaxation technique does Lyza uses if a machine is showing her pulse rate, temperature and
muscle tension which she can visualize and assess?
44. Grace, believes that her relationship with God is broken. She tried to go to church to ask forgiveness
everyday to remedy her feelings. What kind of spiritual distress is Grace experiencing?
45. Remedios felt “EMPTY” She felt that she has already lost God’s favor and love because of her sins. This
is a type of what spiritual crisis?
46. Blake is working with a schizophrenic patient. He noticed that the client is agitated, pacing back and
forth, restless and experiencing Anxiety +3. Blake said “You appear restless” What therapeutic technique did
Blake used?
47. Ronny told Blake “I see dead people.” Blake responded, “You see dead people?” This exchange is an
example of what therapeutic communication technique?
48. Ronny told Blake, “Do you think I’m crazy?” Blake responded, “Do you think you’re crazy?” Blake uses
what example of therapeutic communication?
49. Myra, 21 year old nursing student has difficulty sleeping. She told Nurse Blake “I really think a lot about
my ex-boyfriend recently.” Blake told Myra “And that causes you difficulty sleeping?” Which therapeutic
technique is used in this situation?
50. Myra told Blake “I cannot sleep, I stay away all night.” Blake told her “You have difficulty sleeping?”
This is what type of therapeutic communication technique?
51. Myra said “I saw my dead grandmother here at my bedside a while ago.” Blake responded “Really? That
is hard to believe. How do you feel about it?” What technique did Blake used?
A. “You are not a GOD, you are Professor Tadle and you are a PE Teacher, not a Nurse. I am Glen, your nurse.”
C. “Hello Mr. Tadle, You are here in the hospital, I am your nurse and you are a patient here”
D. “How can you be a GOD Mr. Tadle? Can you tell me more about it?”
53. Erik John Senna, Told Nurse Blake “ I don’t want to that, I don’t want that thing.. that’s too painful!”
Which of the following response is NON THERAPEUTIC?
A. “This must be difficult for you, but I need to inject you this for your own good”
D. “Why are you so anxious? Please tell me more about your feelings Erik”
54. Mr. Poncho was caught by the police because of his illegal activities. When he got home after paying for
the bail, he shouted at his son. What defense mechanism did Mr. Poncho used?
55. Later that day, he bought his son ice cream and food. What defense mechanism is Mr. Poncho
unconsciously doing?
56. Crisis is a sudden event in ones life that disturbs a person’s homeostasis. Which of the following is NOT
TRUE in crisis?
58. Levito Devin, the Italian prime minister, is due to retire next week. He feels depressed due to the
enormous loss of influence, power, fame and fortune. What type of crisis is Devin experiencing?
60. The tsunami in Thailand and Indonesia took thousands of people and change million lives. The people
affected by the tsunami are saddened and do not know how to start all over again. What type of crisis is this?
61. Which of the following is the BEST goal for crisis intervention?
A. Bring back the client in the pre crisis state B. Make sure that the client becomes better
62. What is the best intervention when the client has just experienced the crisis and still at the first phase of
the crisis?
3. It is focused on helping the patient solve problems and achieve health-related goals
64. The client is scheduled to have surgical removal of the tumor on her left breast. Which of the following
manifestation indicates that she is experiencing Mild Anxiety?
65. Which of the following nursing intervention would least likely be effective when dealing with a client with
aggressive behavior?
C. Maintain eye contact with the client D. Isolate the client from others
66. Whitney, a patient of nurse Blake, verbalizes… “I have nothing, nothing… nothing! Don’t make me close
one more door, I don’t wanna hurt anymore!” Which of the following is the most appropriate response by
67. Whitney verbalizes that she is anxious that the diagnostic test might reveal laryngeal cancer. Which of the
following is the most appropriate nursing intervention?
A. Tell the client not to worry until the results are in B. Ask the client to express feelings and concern
D. Advice the client to divert his attention by watching television and reading newspapers
68. Considered as the most accurate expression of person’s thought and feelings
69. Represents inner feeling that a person do not like talking about.
71. A type of record wherein each person or department makes notation in separate records. A nurse will use
the nursing notes, the doctor will use the Physician’s order sheet etc. Data is arranged according to
information source.
72. Type of recording that integrates all data about the problem, gathered by members of the health team.
73. These are data that are monitored by using graphic charts or graphs that indicated the progression or
fluctuation of client’s Temperature and Blood pressure.
74. Provides a concise method of organizing and recording data about the client. It is a series of flip cards kept in
portable file used in change of shift reports.
75. You are about to write an information on the Kardex. There are four (4) available writing instruments to
use. Which of the following should you use?
A. Mongol #2 B. Permanent Ink C. A felt or fountain pen D. Pilot Pentel Pen marker
76. The client has an allergy to Iodine-based dye. Where should you put this vital information in the client’s
A. In the first page of the client’s chart B. At the last page of the client’s chart
78. Which of the following, if seen on the Nurses notes, violates characteristic of good recording?
A. The client has a blood pressure of 120/80, Temperature of 36.6 C, Pulse rate of 120 and Respiratory rate of 22
79. The physician ordered: Mannerix a.c , what does a.c means?
80. The physician ordered, Maalox, 2 hours p.c, what does p.c means?
82. The physician ordered, Magnesium Hydroxide cc Aluminum Hydroxide. What does cc means?
84. Which of the following indicates that learning has been achieved?
A. Martin starts exercising every morning and eating a balance diet after you taught her mag HL tayo program
B. Donya Delilah has been able to repeat the steps of insulin administration after you taught it to her
C. Marsha said “ I understand “ after you a health teaching about family planning
D. John rated 100% on your given quiz about smoking and alcoholism
85. In his theory of learning as a BEHAVIORISM, he stated that transfer of knowledge occurs if a new
situation closely resembles an old one.
B. Goals should be hard to achieve so patient can strive to attain unrealistic goals
87. According to Bloom, there are 3 domains in learning. Which of these domains is responsible for the ability
of Donya Delilah to inject insulin?
88. Which domains of learning is responsible for making John and Marsha understand the different kinds of
family planning methods?
B. It conveys feeling of warmth, acceptance and empathy from the nurse to a patient in relaxed atmosphere
C. Therapeutic communication is a reciprocal interaction based on trust and aimed at identifying patient needs and
developing mutual goals
90. Which of the following concept is most important in establishing a therapeutic nurse patient relationship?
A. The nurse must fully understand the patient’s feelings, perception and reactions before goals can be established
C. The nurse must recognize that the patient may manifest maladaptive behavior after illness
D. The nurse should understand that patients might test her before trust is established
91. Which of the following communication skill is most effective in dealing with covert communication?
94. Which of the following teaching method is effective in client who needs to be educated about self injection
of insulin?
96. Which of the following nursing intervention is needed before teaching a client post spleenectomy deep
breathing and coughing exercises?
A. Tell the patient that deep breathing and coughing exercises is needed to promote good breathing, circulation and
prevent complication
B. Tell the client that deep breathing and coughing exercises is needed to prevent Thrombophlebitis, hydrostatic
pneumonia and atelectasis
97. The client has an allergy with penicillin. What is the best way to communicate this information?
98. An adult client is on extreme pain. He is moaning and grimacing. What is the best way to assess the
client’s pain?
A. Perform physical assessment B. Have the client rate his pain on the smiley pain rating scale
C. Active listening on what the patient says D. Observe the client’s behavior
100. The PCS gave new guidelines including leaflets to educate cancer patients. As a nurse, When using
materials like this, what is your responsibility?
A. Read it for the patient B. Give it for the patient to read himself
C. Let the family member read the material for the patient D. Read it yourself then, Have the client read the
Test 8
1.She is the first one to coin the term “NURSING PROCESS.” She introduced three (3) steps of nursing
process which are: Observation, Ministration and Validation.
2. The American Nurses Association formulated an innovation of the Nursing process. Today, how many
distinct steps are there in the nursing process?
3. They are the first ones to suggest a four (4) step nursing process called APIE or assessment, planning,
implementation, and evaluation.
4. Which characteristic of nursing process is responsible for proper utilization of human resources, time and
cost resources?
5. Which characteristic of nursing process addresses the INDIVIDUALIZED care a client must receive?
6. A characteristic of the nursing process that is essential to promote client satisfaction and progress. The care
should also be relevant with the client’s needs.
7. Rhina, who has Menieres disease, said that her environment is moving. Which of the following is a valid
3. The source of the data is primary 4. The source of the data is secondary
8. Nurse Angela, observe Joel who is very apprehensive over the impending operation. The client is
experiencing dyspnea, diaphoresis and asks lots of questions. Angela made a diagnosis of ANXIETY R/T
INTRUSIVE PROCEDURE. This is what type of Nursing Diagnosis?
9. Nurse Angela diagnosed Mrs. Delgado, who have undergone a BKA. Her diagnosis is SELF ESTEEM
DISTURBANCE R/T CHANGE IN BODY IMAGE. Although the client has not yet seen her lost leg, Angela
already anticipated the diagnosis. This is what type of Diagnosis?
A. Actual B. Probable C. Possible D. Risk
10. Nurse Angela is about to make a diagnosis but very unsure because the S/S the client is experiencing is not
ONE. She then focus on gathering data to refute or prove her diagnosis but her plans and interventions are
already ongoing for the diagnosis. Which type of Diagnosis is this?
11. Nurse Angela knew that Stephen Lee Mu Chin, has just undergone an operation with an incision near the
diaphragm. She knew that this will contribute to some complications later on. She then should develop what
type of Nursing diagnosis?
A. Fluid volume deficit R/T Diarrhea B. High risk for injury R/T Absence of side rails
13. Among the following statements, which should be given the HIGHEST priority?
14. Which of the following need is given a higher priority among others?
B. The client has disturbance in his body image because of the recent operation
C. The client is depressed because her boyfriend left her all alone
D. Example is : After discharge planning, Client demonstrated the proper psychomotor skills for insulin injection.
19. All of the following are characteristic of the Nursing process except
20. Which of the following is true about the NURSING CARE PLAN?
21. A framework for health assessment that evaluates the effects of stressors to the mind, body and
environment in relation with the ability of the client to perform ADL.
22. Client has undergone Upper GI and Lower GI series. Which type of health assessment framework is used
in this situation?
24. A type of heat loss that occurs when the heat is dissipated by air current
A. The highest temsperature usually occurs later in a day, around 8 P.M to 12 M.N
D. Elderly people are risk for hyperthermia due to the absence of fats, Decreased thermoregulatory control and
sedentary lifestyle.
27. Tympanic temperature is taken from John, A client who was brought recently into the ER due to frequent
barking cough. The temperature reads 37.9 Degrees Celsius. As a nurse, you conclude that this temperature is
A. High B. Low C. At the low end of the normal range D. At the high end of the normal range
28. John has a fever of 38.5 Deg. Celsius. It surges at around 40 Degrees and go back to 38.5 degrees 6 times today
in a typical pattern. What kind of fever is John having?
29. John has a fever of 39.5 degrees 2 days ago, But yesterday, he has a normal temperature of 36.5 degrees. Today,
his temperature surges to 40 degrees. What type of fever is John having?
30. John’s temperature 10 hours ago is a normal 36.5 degrees. 4 hours ago, He has a fever with a temperature of 38.9
Degrees. Right now, his temperature is back to normal. Which of the following best describe the fever john is
32. When John has been given paracetamol, his fever was brought down dramatically from 40 degrees Celsius to
36.7 degrees in a matter of 10 minutes. The nurse would assess this event as:
A. The goal of reducing john’s fever has been met with full satisfaction of the outcome criteria
D. The goal has been met but not with the desired outcome criteria
33. What can you expect from Marianne, who is currently at the ONSET stage of fever?
34. Marianne is now at the Defervescence stage of the fever, which of the following is expected?
36. Considered as Safest and most non invasive method of temperature taking
39. How long should the Rectal Thermometer be inserted to the clients anus?
40. In cleaning the thermometer after use, The direction of the cleaning to follow Medical Asepsis is :
A. From bulb to stem B. From stem to bulb C. From stem to stem D. From bulb to bulb
41. How long should the thermometer stay in the Client’s Axilla
43. The following are correct actions when taking radial pulse except:
A. Put the palms downward B. Use the thumb to palpate the artery
C. Use two or three fingers to palpate the pulse at the inner wrist
44. The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure is termed as
D. Pulse is paradoxically high when client is in standing position and low when supine.
48. Which of the following is responsible for deep and prolonged inspiration
49. Which of the following is responsible for the rhythm and quality of breathing?
51. Which of the following is TRUE about the mechanism of action of the Aortic and Carotid bodies?
52. All of the following factors correctly influence respiration except one. Which of the following is incorrect?
53. When does the heart receives blood from the coronary artery?
A. Systole B. Diastole C. When the valves opens D. When the valves closes
56. Which of the following is TRUE about the blood pressure determinants?
58. How many minutes are allowed to pass if the client had engaged in strenuous activities, smoked or ingested
caffeine before taking his/her BP?
A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 30
59. Too narrow cuff will cause what change in the Client’s BP?
A. True high reading B. True low reading C. False high reading D. False low reading
A. An arm with the most contraptions B. The left arm of the client with a CVA affecting the right brain
A. Read the mercury at the upper meniscus, preferably at the eye level to prevent error of parallax
D. If the BP is taken on the left leg using the popliteal artery pressure, a BP of 160/80 is normal.
62. Which of the following is the correct interpretation of the ERROR OF PARALLAX
A. If the eye level is higher than the level of the meniscus, it will cause a false high reading
B. If the eye level is higher than the level of the meniscus, it will cause a false low reading
C. If the eye level is lower than the level of the meniscus, it will cause a false low reading
D. If the eye level is equal to that of the level of the upper meniscus, the reading is accurate
63. How many minute/s is/are allowed to pass before making a re-reading after the first one?
A. 1 B. 5 C. 15 D. 30
64. Which of the following is TRUE about the auscultation of blood pressure?
A. Ask the client to void first B. Knees and legs are straighten to relax the abdomen
68. Dr. House is about to conduct an ophthalmoscope examination. Which of the following, if done by a nurse, is a
correct preparation before the procedure?
69. If the client is female, and the doctor is a male and the patient is about to undergo a vaginal and cervical
examination, why is it necessary to have a female nurse in attendance?
A. To ensure that the doctor performs the procedure safely B. To assist the doctor
70. In palpating the client’s breast, which of the following position is necessary for the patient to assume before the
start of the procedure?
71. When is the best time to collect urine specimen for routine urinalysis and C/S?
72. Which of the following is among an ideal way of collecting a urine specimen for culture and sensitivity?
A. Use a clean container
B. Discard the first flow of urine to ensure that the urine is not contaminated
D. Add preservatives, refrigerate the specimen or add ice according to the agency’s protocol
73. In a 24 hour urine specimen started Friday, 9:00 A.M, which of the following if done by a Nurse indicate a
NEED for further procedural debriefing?
A. The nurse ask the client to urinate at 9:00 A.M, Friday and she included the urine in the 24 hour urine specimen
C. The nurse included the Saturday 9:00 A.M urine of the client to the specimen collection
D. The nurse added preservatives as per protocol and refrigerates the specimen
74. This specimen is required to assess glucose levels and for the presence of albumin the the urine
75. When should the client test his blood sugar levels for greater accuracy?
76. In collecting a urine from a catheterized patient, Which of the following statement indicates an accurate
performance of the procedure?
A. Clamp above the port for 30 to 60 minutes before drawing the urine from the port
B. Clamp below the port for 30 to 60 minutes before drawing the urine from the port
C. Clamp above the port for 5 to 10 minutes before drawing the urine from the port
D. Clamp below the port for 5 to 10 minutes before drawing the urine from the port
77. A community health nurse should be resourceful and meet the needs of the client. A villager ask him, “Can you
test my urine for glucose?” Which of the following technique allows the nurse to test a client’s urine for glucose
without the need for intricate instruments.
A. Acetic Acid test B. Nitrazine paper test C. Benedict’s test D. Litmus paper test
78. A community health nurse is assessing client’s urine using the Acetic Acid solution. Which of the following, if
done by a nurse, indicates lack of correct knowledge with the procedure?
A. The nurse added the Urine as the 2/3 part of the solution
B. The nurse heats the test tube after adding 1/3 part acetic acid
C. The nurse heats the test tube after adding 2/3 part of Urine
D. The nurse determines abnormal result if she noticed that the test tube becomes cloudy
79. Which of the following is incorrect with regards to proper urine testing using Benedict’s Solution?
A. Heat around 5ml of Benedict’s solution together with the urine in a test tube
C. Heat the Benedict’s solution without the urine to check if the solution is contaminated
80. “+++ Positive” result after Benedicts test is depicted by what color?
81. Clinitest is used in testing the urine of a client for glucose. Which of the following, if committed by a nurse,
indicates error?
A. Specimen is collected after meals B. The nurse puts 1 clinitest tablet into a test tube
82. Which of the following nursing intervention is important for a client scheduled to have a Guaiac Test?
83. In collecting a routine specimen for fecalysis, which of the following, if done by a nurse, indicates inadequate
knowledge and skills about the procedure?
A. The nurse scoop the specimen specifically at the site with blood and mucus
C. Ask the client to call her for the specimen after the client wiped off his anus with a tissue
84. In a routine sputum analysis, which of the following indicates proper nursing action before sputum collection?
B. Discard the container if the outside becomes contaminated with the sputum
D. Tell the client that 4 tablespoon of sputum is needed for each specimen for a routine sputum analysis
85. Who collects blood specimen?
86. David, 68 year old male client is scheduled for Serum Lipid analysis. Which of the following health teaching is
important to ensure accurate reading?
A. Tell the patient to eat fatty meals 3 days prior to the procedure
C. Ask the client to drink 1 glass of water 1 hour prior to the procedure
D. Tell the client that the normal serum lipase level is 50 to 140 U/L
87. The primary factor responsible for body heat production is the
89. A process of heat loss which involves the transfer of heat from one surface to another i
90. Which of the following is a primary factor that affects the BP?
91. The following are social data about the client except
A. Patient’s lifestyle B. Religious practices C. Family home situation D. Usual health status
92. The best position for any procedure that involves vaginal and cervical examination is
93. Measure the leg circumference of a client with bipedal edema is best done in what position?
94. In palpating the client’s abdomen, Which of the following is the best position for the client to assume?
96. Which of the following is a correct nursing action when collecting urine specimen from a client with an
Indwelling catheter?
C. Use sterile syringe to aspirate urine specimen from the drainage port
D. Insert the syringe straight to the port to allow self sealing of the port
97. Which of the following is inappropriate in collecting mid stream clean catch urine specimen for urine analysis?
A. Collect early in the morning, First voided specimen B. Do perineal care before specimen collection
98. When palpating the client’s neck for lymphadenopathy, where should the nurse position himself?
99. Which of the following is the best position for the client to assume if the back is to be examined by the nurse?
100. In assessing the client’s chest, which position best show chest expansion as well as its movements?
Test 9
A. For clearance mechanism such as coughing B. Transport gases to the lower airways
2. It is the hair that lines the vestibule which function as a filtering mechanism for foreign objects
3. This is the paranasal sinus found between the eyes and the nose that extends backward into the skull
5. Gene De Vonne Katrouchuacheulujiki wants to change her surname to something shorter, The court denied her
request which depresses her and find herself binge eating. She accidentally aspirate a large piece of nut and it passes
the carina. Probabilty wise, Where will the nut go?
A. Right main stem bronchus B. Left main stem bronchus
6. Which cell secretes mucus that help protect the lungs by trapping debris in the respiratory tract?
8. The presence of the liver causes which anatomical difference of the Kidneys and the Lungs?
10. The normal L:S Ratio to consider the newborn baby viable is
11. Refers to the extra air that can be inhaled beyond the normal tidal volume
12. This is the amount of air remained in the lungs after a forceful expiration
13. Casssandra, A 22 year old grade Agnostic, Asked you, how many spikes of bones are there in my ribs? Your
best response is which of the following?
C. Humans have 16 pairs of ribs, and that was noted by Vesalius in 1543
15. Cassandra asked you : How many air is there in the oxygen and how many does human requires? Which of the
following is the best response :
A. God is good, Man requires 21% of oxygen and we have 21% available in our air
B. Man requires 16% of oxygen and we have 35% available in our air
C. Man requires 10% of oxygen and we have 50% available in our air
D. Human requires 21% of oxygen and we have 21% available in our air
A. Patient assumes position for 10 to 15 minutes B. Should last only for 60 minutes
A. It is a dependent nursing action B. Spout is put 12-18 inches away from the nose
21. Ernest Arnold Hamilton, a 60 year old American client was mobbed by teen gangsters near New york, Cubao.
He was rushed to John John Hopio Medical Center and was Unconscious. You are his nurse and you are to suction
his secretions. In which position should you place Mr. Hamilton?
22. You are about to set the suction pressure to be used to Mr. Hamilton. You are using a Wall unit suction machine.
How much pressure should you set the valve before suctioning Mr. Hamilton
24. There are four catheter sizes available for use, which one of these should you use for Mr. Hamilton?
25. Which of the following, if done by the nurse, indicates incompetence during suctioning an unconscious client?
A. Measure the length of the suction catheter to be inserted by measuring from the tip of the nose, to the earlobe, to
the xiphoid process
26. Which of the following is the initial sign of hypoxemia in an adult client?
27. Which method of oxygenation least likely produces anxiety and apprehension?
A. Nasal Cannula B. Simple Face mask C. Non Rebreather mask D. Partial Rebreather mask
28. Which of the following oxygen delivery method can deliver 100% Oxygen at 15 LPM?
A. Nasal Cannula B. Simple Face mask C. Non Rebreather mask D. Partial Rebreather mask
A. Oxygen is odorless, tasteless and colorless gas. B. Oxygen can irritate mucus membrane
30. Roberto San Andres, A new nurse in the hospital is about to administer oxygen on patient with Respiratory
distress. As his senior nurse, you should intervene if Roberto will:
B. Put a non rebreather mask in the patient before opening the oxygen source
C. The client’s heart rate is 50 BPM D. Client is frequently turning from side to side
32. Miguelito de balboa, An OFW presents at the admission with an A:P Diameter ratio of 2:1, Which of the
following associated finding should the nurse expect?
33. The best method of oxygen administration for client with COPD uses:
34. Mang dagul, a 50 year old chronic smoker was brought to the E.R because of difficulty in breathing. Pleural
effusion was the diagnosis and CTT was ordered. What does C.T.T Stands for?
35. Where will the CTT be inserted if we are to drain fluids accumulated in Mang dagul’s pleura?
36. There is a continuous bubbling in the water sealed drainage system with suction. And oscillation is observed. As
a nurse, what should you do?
A. It is the process in which food are broken down, for the body to use in growth and development
B. It is a process in which digested proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates are transported into the
C. It is a chemical process that occurs in the cell that allows for energy production, energy use, growth and tissue
D. It is the study of nutrients and the process in which they are use by the body
39. All of the following is true about digestion that occurs in the Mouth except
C. The action of ptyalin or the salivary tyrpsin breaks down starches into maltose
D. Deglutition occurs after food is broken down into small pieces and well mixed with saliva
40. Which of the following foods lowers the cardiac sphincter pressure?
A. Roast beef, Steamed cauliflower and Rice B. Orange juice, Non fat milk, Dry crackers
C. Decaffeinated coffee, Sky flakes crackers, Suman D. Coffee with coffee mate, Bacon and Egg
43. All but one is true about digestion that occurs in the Stomach
D. HCl converts pepsinogen to pepsin, which starts the complex process of protein digestion
44. Which of the following is NOT an enzyme secreted by the small intestine?
45. The hormone secreted by the Small intestine that stimulates the production of pancreatic juice which primarily
aids in buffering the acidic bolus passed by the Stomach
46. When the duodenal enzyme sucrase acts on SUCROSE, which 2 monosaccharides are formed?
47. This is the enzyme secreted by the pancrease that completes the protein digestion
48. The end product of protein digestion or the “Building blocks of Protein” is what we call
49. Enzyme secreted by the small intestine after it detects a bolus of fatty food. This will contract the gallbladder to
secrete bile and relax the sphincter of Oddi to aid in the emulsification of fats and its digestion.
A. It absorbs around 1 L of water making the feces around 75% water and 25% solid
B. The stool formed in the transverse colon is not yet well formed
51. This is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg water to 1 degree Celsius
52. Assuming a cup of rice provides 50 grams of carbohydrates. How many calories are there in that cup of rice?
B. Females in general have higher BMR and therefore, require more calories
C. During cold weather, people need more calories due to increase BMR
55. Among the following people, who requires the greatest caloric intake?
56. Which nutrient deficiency is associated with the development of Pellagra, Dermatitis and Diarrhea?
57. Which Vitamin is not given in conjunction with the intake of LEVODOPA in cases of Parkinson’s Disease due
to the fact that levodopa increases its level in the body?
59. The inflammation of the Lips, Palate and Tongue is associated in the deficiency of this vitamin
A. Green leafy vegetables B. Vegetable oil C. Fortified Milk D. Fish liver oil
62. Among the following foods, which food should you emphasize giving on an Alcoholic client?
A. Pork liver and organ meats, Pork B. Red meat, Eggs and Dairy products
63. Which food group should you emphasize giving on a pregnant mother in first trimester to prevent neural tube
A. Broccoli, Guava, Citrus fruits, Tomatoes B. Butter, Sardines, Tuna, Salmon, Egg yolk
C. Wheat germ, Vegetable Oil, soybeans, corn, peanuts D. Organ meats, Green leafy vegetables, Liver, Eggs
64. A client taking Coumadin is to be educated on his diet. As a nurse, which of the following food should you
instruct the client to avoid?
C. Butter, Egg yolk, breakfast cereals D. Banana, Yeast, Wheat germ, Chicken
65. Vitamin E plus this mineral works as one of the best anti oxidant in the body according to the latest research.
They are combined with 5 Alpha reductase inhibitor to reduce the risk of acquiring prostate cancer
66. Incident of prostate cancer is found to have been reduced on a population exposed in tolerable amount of
sunlight. Which vitamin is associated with this phenomenon?
67. Micronutrients are those nutrients needed by the body in a very minute amount. Which of the following vitamin
is considered as a MICRONUTRIENT
68. Deficiency of this mineral results in tetany, osteomalacia, osteoporosis and rickets.
69. Among the following foods, which has the highest amount of potassium per area of their meat?
71. Which of the following provides the richest source of Iron per area of their meat?
72. Which of the following is considered the best indicator of nutritional status of an individual?
73. Jose Miguel, a 50 year old business man is 6’0 Tall and weights 179 lbs. As a nurse, you know that Jose Miguel
is :
74. Jose Miguel is a little bit nauseous. Among the following beverages, Which could help relieve JM’s nausea?
76. What Specific gravity lab result is compatible with a dehydrated client?
78. Which of the following statement by a client with prolonged vomiting indicates the initial onset of hypokalemia?
A. Popsicles B. Pureed vegetable meat C. Pineapple juice with pulps D. Mashed potato
B. Measure the amount of the tube to be inserted from the Tip of the nose, to the earlobe, to the xiphoid process
D. Check the placement of the tube by introducing 10 cc of sterile water and auscultating for bubbling sound
84. Which of the following is the BEST method in assessing for the correct placement of the NGT?
A. X-Ray B. Immerse tip of the tube in water to check for bubbles produced
D. Instilling air in the NGT and listening for a gurgling sound at the epigastric area
85. A terminally ill cancer patient is scheduled for an NGT feeding today. How should you position the patient?
86. A client is scheduled for NGT Feeding. Checking the residual volume, you determined that he has 40 cc residual
from the last feeding. You reinstill the 40 cc of residual volume and added the 250 cc of feeding ordered by the
doctor. You then instill 60 cc of water to clear the lumen and the tube. How much will you put in the client’s chart
as input?
87. Which of the following if done by a nurse indicates deviation from the standards of NGT feeding?
A. Do not give the feeding and notify the doctor of residual of the last feeding is greater than or equal to 50 ml
B. Height of the feeding should be 12 inches about the tube point of insertion to allow slow introduction of feeding
C. Ask the client to position in supine position immediately after feeding to prevent dumping syndrome
D. Clamp the NGT before all of the water is instilled to prevent air entry in the stomach
A. Hold the syringe 18 inches above the stoma and administer the feeding slowly
D. A Pink stoma means that circulation towards the stoma is all well
90. A client with TPN suddenly develops tremors, dizziness, weakness and diaphoresis. The client said “I feel weak”
You saw that his TPN is already empty and another TPN is scheduled to replace the previous one but its provision is
already 3 hours late. Which of the following is the probable complication being experienced by the client?
91. To assess the adequacy of food intake, which of the following assessment parameters is best used?
A. Food likes and dislikes B. Regularity of meal times C. 3 day diet recall D. Eating style and habits
98. What is the BMI Of Budek, weighing 120 lbs and has a height of 5 feet 7 inches
A. 20 B. 19 C. 15 D. 25
A. Strawberry tongue B. Currant Jelly stool C. Beefy red tongue D. Pale [ HYPOCHROMIC ] RBC
100. The nurse is browsing the chart of the patient and notes a normal serum lipase level. Which of the following is
a normal serum lipase value?
1. A 2 year-old child is receiving temporary total parental nutrition (TPN) through a central venous line. This is the
first day of TPN therapy. Although all of the following nursing actions must be included in the plan of care of this
child, which one would be a priority at this time?
a. Use aseptic technique during dressing changes b. Maintain central line catheter integrity
2. Nurse Jamie is administering the initial total parenteral nutrition solution to a client. Which of the following
assessments requires the nurse’s immediate attention?
3. Nurse Susan administered intravenous gamma globulin to an 18 month-old child with AIDS. The parent asks why
this medication is being given. What is the nurse’s best response?
d. “It will increase the effectiveness of the other medications your child receives.”
4. When caring for a client with total parenteral nutrition (TPN), what is the most important action on the part of the
a. Record the number of stools per day b. Maintain strict intake and output records
c. Sterile technique for dressing change at IV site d. Monitor for cardiac arrhythmias
5. The nurse is administering an intravenous vesicant chemotherapeutic agent to a client. Which assessment would
require the nurse’s immediate action?
6. Nurse Celine is caring for a client with clinical depression who is receiving a MAO inhibitor. When providing
instructions about precautions with this medication, the nurse should instruct the client to:
7. While providing home care to a client with congestive heart failure, the nurse is asked how long diuretics must be
taken. The BEST response to this client should be:
a. “As you urinate more, you will need less medication to control fluid.”
b. “You will have to take this medication for about a year.”
8. George, age 8, is admitted with rheumatic fever. Which clinical finding indicates to the nurse that George needs to
continue taking the salicylates he had received at home?
9. An order is written to start an IV on a 74-year-old client who is getting ready to go to the operating room for a
total hip replacement. What gauge of catheter would best meet the needs of this client?
a. 18 b. 20 c. 21 butterfly d. 25
10. A client with an acute exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis is admitted to the hospital for treatment. Which drug,
used to treat clients with rheumatoid arthritis, has both an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effect?
11. Which of the following is least likely to influence the potential for a client to comply with lithium therapy after
12. Which of the following is least likely to influence the potential for a client to comply with lithium therapy after
13. The nurse is caring for an elderly client who has been diagnosed as having sundown syndrome. He is alert and
oriented during the day but becomes disoriented and disruptive around dinnertime. He is hospitalized for evaluation.
The nurse asks the client and his family to list all of the medications, prescription and nonprescription, he is
currently taking. What is the primary reason for this action?
14. A 25-year-old woman is in her fifth month of pregnancy. She has been taking 20 units of NPH insulin for
diabetes mellitus daily for six years. Her diabetes has been well controlled with this dosage. She has been coming
for routine prenatal visits, during which diabetic teaching has been implemented. Which of the following statements
indicates that the woman understands the teaching regarding her insulin needs during her pregnancy?
d. “These finger sticks make my hand sore. Can I do them less frequently?”
15. Mrs. Johanson’s physician has prescribed tetracycline 500 mg po q6h. While assessing Mrs. Johanson’s nursing
history for allergies, the nurse notes that Mrs. Johanson’s is also taking oral contraceptives. What is the most
appropriate initial nursing intervention?
a. Administer the dose of tetracycline b. Notify the physician that Mrs. Johanson is taking oral contraceptives.
c. Tell Mrs. Johanson, she should stop taking oral contraceptives since they are inactivated by tetracycline.
d. Tell Mrs. Johanson, to use another form of birth control for at least two months.
16. An adult client’s insulin dosage is 10 units of regular insulin and 15 units of NPH insulin in the morning. The
client should be taught to expect the first insulin peak:
A. as soon as food is ingested. B. in two to four hours. C. in six hours. D. in ten to twelve hours.
17. An adult is hospitalized for treatment of deep electrical burns. Burn wound sepsis develops and mafenide acetate
10% (Sulfamylon) is ordered bid. While applying the Sulfamylon to the wound, it is important for the nurse to
prepare the client for expected responses to the topical application, which include:
18. Ms.Clark has hyperthyroidism and is scheduled for a thyroidectomy. The physician has ordered Lugol’s solution
for the client. The nurse understands that the primary reason for giving Lugol’s solution preoperatively is to:
d. potentiate the effect of the other preoperative medication so less medicine can be given while the client is under
19. A two-year-old child with congestive heart failure has been receiving digoxin for one week. The nurse needs to
recognize that an early sign of digitalis toxicity is:
20. Mr. Bates is admitted to the surgical ICU following a left adrenalectomy. He is sleepy but easily aroused. An IV
containing hydrocortisone is running. The nurse planning care for Mr. Bates knows it is essential to include which of
the following nursing interventions at this time?
a. Monitor blood glucose levels every shift to detect development of hypo- or hyperglycemia.
b. Keep flat on back with minimal movement to reduce risk of hemorrhage following surgery.
c. Administer hydrocortisone until vital signs stabilize, then discontinue the IV.
d. Teach Mr. Bates how to care for his wound since he is at high risk for developing postoperative infection.
Test 11
1. The nursery nurse is putting erythromycin ointment in the newborn’s eyes to prevent infection. She places
it in the following area of the eye
A. under the eyeli B. on the cornea. C. in the lower conjunctival sac D. by the optic disc.
2. The physician orders penicillin for a patient with streptococcal pharyngitis. The nurse administers the
drug as ordered, and the patient has an allergic reaction. The nurse checks the medication order sheet and
finds that the patient is allergic to penicillin. Legal responsibility for the error is:
A. only the nurse’s—she should have checked the allergies before administering the medication.
B. only the physician’s—she gave the order, the nurse is obligated to follow it.
C. only the pharmacist’s—he should alert the floor to possible allergic reactions.
D. the pharmacist, physician, and nurse are all liable for the mistake
3. James Perez, a nurse on a geriatric floor, is administering a dose of digoxin to one of his patients. The
woman asks why she takes a different pill than her niece, who also has heart trouble. James replies that as
people get older, liver and kidney function decline, and if the dose is as high as her niece’s, the drug will tend
A. have a shorter half-life. B. accumulate. C. have decreased distribution .D. have increased absorption.
4. The nurse is administering augmentin to her patient with a sinus infection. Which is the best way for her to
insure that she is giving it to the right patient?
A. Call the patient by name B. Read the name of the patient on the patient’s door
C. Check the patient’s wristband D. Check the patient’s room number on the unit census list
5. The most important instructions a nurse can give a patient regarding the use of the
antibiotic ampicillin prescribed for her are to
C. take all of the medication prescribed even if the symptoms stop sooner.
7. Mrs. Jane Gately has been dealing with uterine cancer for several months. Pain management is the
primary focus of her current admission to your oncology unit. Her vital signs on admission are BP 110/64,
pulse 78, respirations 18, and temperature 99.2 F. Morphine sulfate 6mg IV, q 4 hours, prn has been ordered.
During your assessment after lunch, your findings are: BP 92/60, pulse 66, respirations 10, and temperature
98.8. Mrs. Gately is crying and tells you she is still experiencing severe pain. Your action should be to
B. give her a back rub, put on some light music, and dim the lights in the room.
8. When counseling a patient who is starting to take MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitors such as Nardil for
depression, it is essential that they be warned not to eat foods containing tyramine, such as:
9. The physician orders an intramuscular injection of Demerol for the postoperativepatient’s pain. When
preparing to draw up the medication, the nurse is careful to remove the correct vial from the narcotics
cabinet. It is labeled
10. The nurse is administering an antibiotic to her pediatric patient. She checks the patient’s armband and
verifies the correct medication by checking the physician’s order, medication kardex, and vial. Which of the
following is not considered one of the five “rights” of drug administration?
A. draw up and administer the dose B. shake the vial in an attempt to disperse the clumps
C. draw the dose from a new vial D. warm the bottle under running water to dissolve the clump
12. A client with histoplasmosis has an order for ketoconazole (Nizoral). The nurse teaches the client to do
which of the following while taking this medication?
A. take the medication on an empty stomach B. take the medication with an antacid
13. A nurse has taught a client taking a xanthine bronchodilator about beverages to avoid. The nurse
determines that the client understands the information if the client chooses which of the following beverages
from the dietary menu?
14. A client is taking famotidine (Pepcid) asks the home care nurse what would be the best medication to take
for a headache. The nurse tells the client that it would be best to take:
15. A nurse is planning dietary counseling for the client taking triamterene (Dyrenium). The nurse plans to
include which of the following in a list of foods that are acceptable?
16. A client with advanced cirrhosis of the liver is not tolerating protein well, as eveidenced by abnormal
laboratory values. The nurse anticipates that which of the following medications will be prescribed for the
17. A female client tells the clinic nurse that her skin is very dry and irritated. Which product would the
nurse suggest that the client apply to the dry skin?
A. to take the medication with food only B. to rise slowly from a lying to a sitting position
C. to discontinue the medication if nausea occurs D. that a therapeutic effect will be noted immediately
19. Auranofin (Ridaura) is prescribed for a client with rheumatoid arthritis, and the nurse monitors the client
for signs of an adverse effect related to the medication. Which of the following indicates an adverse effect?
20. A client has been taking benzonatate (Tessalon) as ordered. The nurse tells the client that this medication
should do which of the following?
. An infection in a central venous access device is not eliminated by giving antibiotics through the catheter.
How would bacterial glycocalyx contribute to this?
3. How can central venous access devices (CVADs) be of value in a patient receiving chemotherapy who has
stomatitis and severe diarrhea?
a. The chemotherapy can be rapidly completed allowing the stomatitis and diarrhea to resolve.
4. Some central venous access devices (CVAD) have more than one lumen. These multi lumen catheters:
a. Have an increased risk of infiltration. b. Only work a short while because the small bore clots off.
5. Some institutions will not infuse a fat emulsion, such as Intralipid, into central venous access devices
(CVAD) because:
a. Lipid residue may accumulate in the CVAD and occlude the catheter.
b. If the catheter clogs, there is no treatment other than removal and replacement.
c. Lipids are necessary only in the most extreme cases to prevent essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency.
a. “You are correct. It is a minor procedure performed on the unit and does not necessitate surgical attire.”
b. “To decrease the risk of infection, the doctor inserting the PICC will wear a cap, mask, and sterile gown and
d. “Most doctors only wear sterile gloves, not a cap, mask, or sterile gown.
7. A male patient is to receive a percutaneously inserted central catheter (PICC). He asks the nurse whether
the insertion will hurt. How will the nurse reply?
c. “The insertion site will be anesthetized. Threading the catheter through the vein is not painful.”
8. What volume of air can safely be infused into a patient with a central venous access device (CVAD)?
b. Air entering the patient through a CVAD will follow circulation to the lungs where it will be absorbed and cause
no problems.
d. None.
9. Kent a new staff nurse asks her preceptor nurse how to obtain a blood sample from a patient with a
portacath device. The preceptor nurse teaches the new staff nurse:
a. The sample will be withdrawn into a syringe attached to the portacath needle and then placed into a vacutainer.
b. Portacath devices are not used to obtain blood samples because of the risk of clot formation.
c. The vacutainer will be attached to the portacath needle to obtain a direct sample.
10. What is the purpose of “tunneling” (inserting the catheter 2-4 inches under the skin) when the surgeon
inserts a Hickman central catheter device? Tunneling:
c. Prevents the patient’s clothes from having contact with the catheter
12. Nurse Blessy is doing some patient education related to a patient’s central venous access device. Which of
the following statements will the nurse make to the patient?
b. “These devices seldom work for more than a week or two necessitating replacement.”
d. “Heparin in instilled into the lumen of the catheter to decrease the risk of clotting.”
13. The chemotherapeutic DNA alkylating agents such as nitrogen mustards are effective because they:
a. Cross-link DNA strands with covalent bonds between alkyl groups on the drug and guanine bases on DNA.
14. Hormonal agents are used to treat some cancers. An example would be:
15. Chemotherapeutic agents often produce a certain degree of myelosuppression including leukopenia.
Leukopenia does not present immediately but is delayed several days to weeks because:
a. The patient’s hemoglobin and hematocrit are normal. b. Red blood cells are affected first.
c. Folic acid levels are normal. d. The current white cell count is not affected by chemotherapy.
16. Currently, there is no way to prevent myelosuppression. However, there are medications available to elicit
a more rapid bone marrow recovery. An example is:
17. Estrogen antagonists are used to treat estrogen hormone-dependent cancer, such as breast carcinoma.
Androgen antagonists block testosterone stimulation of androgen-dependent cancers. An example of an
androgen-dependent cancer would be:
19. Methotrexate, the most widely used antimetabolite in cancer chemotherapy does not penetrate the central
nervous system (CNS). To treat CNS disease this drug must be administered:
20. Methotrexate is a folate antagonist. It inhibits enzymes required for DNA base synthesis. To prevent harm
to normal cells, a fully activated form of folic acid known as leucovorin (folinic acid; citrovorum factor) can
be administered. Administration of leucovorin is known as:
21. A male Patient is undergoing chemotherapy may also be given the drug allopurinol (Zyloprim, Aloprim).
Allopurinol inhibits the synthesis of uric acid. Concomitant administration of allopurinol prevents:
a. Myelosuppression. b. Gout and hyperuricemia. c. Pancytopenia. d. Cancer cell growth and replication
22. Superficial bladder cancer can be treated by direct instillation of the antineoplastic antibiotic agent
mitomycin (Mutamycin). This process is termed:
a. It destroys the myelocytes (muscle cells). b. It reduces the size of the cancer tumor.
c. After surgery, it reduces the amount of chemotherapy needed. d. It destroys the bone marrow prior to transplant.
a. Within the first 24 hours after chemotherapy. b. 1-5 days after chemotherapy.
c. The more drug bound to protein, the less available for desired effect.
28. Some drugs are excreted into bile and delivered to the intestines. Prior to elimination from the body, the
drug may be absorbed. This process is known as:
29. An adult patient has been taking a drug (Drug A) that is highly metabolized by the cytochrome p-450
system. He has been on this medication for 6 months. At this time, he is started on a second medication (Drug
B) that is an inducer of the cytochrome p-450 system. You should monitor this patient for:
30. Epinephrine is administered to a female patient. The nurse should expect this agent to rapidly affect:
Walter, a teenage patient is admitted to the hospital because of acetaminophen (Tylenol) overdose.
Overdoses of acetaminophen can precipitate life-threatening abnormalities in which of the following organs?
2. A contraindication for topical corticosteroid usage in a male patient with atopic dermatitis (eczema) is:
3. In infants and children, the side effects of first generation over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines, such as
diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and hydroxyzine (Atarax) include:
a. Reye’s syndrome. b. Cholinergic effects. c. Paradoxical CNS stimulation. d. Nausea and diarrhea.
4. Reye’s syndrome, a potentially fatal illness associated with liver failure and encephalopathy is associated
with the administration of which over-the-counter (OTC) medication?
5. The nurse is aware that the patients who are allergic to intravenous contrast media are usually also allergic
to which of the following products?
6. A 13-month-old child recently arrived in the United States from a foreign country with his parents and
needs childhood immunizations. His mother reports that he is allergic to eggs. Upon further questioning, you
determine that the allergy to eggs is anaphylaxis. Which of the following vaccines should he not receive?
7. The cell and Coombs classification system categorizes allergic reactions and is useful in describing and
classifying patient reactions to drugs. Type I reactions are immediate hypersensitivity reactions and are
mediated by:
8. Drugs can cause adverse events in a patient. Bone marrow toxicity is one of the most frequent types of
drug-induced toxicity. The most serious form of bone marrow toxicity is:
11. Mandy, a patient calls the clinic today because he is taking atorvastatin (Lipitor) to treat his high
cholesterol and is having pain in both of his legs. You instruct him to:
a. Stop taking the drug and make an appointment to be seen next week.
b. Continue taking the drug and make an appointment to be seen next week.
c. Stop taking the drug and come to the clinic to be seen today.
12. Which of the following adverse effects is associated with levothyroxine (Synthroid) therapy?
13. Which of the following adverse effects is specific to the biguanide diabetic drug metformin (Glucophage)
14. The most serious adverse effect of tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) overdose is:
15. The nurse is aware that the following solutions is routinely used to flush an IV device before and after the
administration of blood to a patient is:
16. Cris asks the nurse whether all donor blood products are cross-matched with the recipient to prevent a
transfusion reaction. Which of the following always require cross-matching?
17. A month after receiving a blood transfusion an immunocompromised male patient develops fever, liver
abnormalities, a rash, and diarrhea. The nurse would suspect this patient has:
18. Jonas comes into the local blood donation center. He says he is here to donate platelets only today. The
nurse knows this process is called:
a. Premature infants. b. Children ages 1-20 years c. Adults ages 21-64 years. d. The elderly above age 65 years.
20. A child is admitted with a serious infection. After two days of antibiotics, he is severely neutropenic. The
physician orders granulocyte transfusions for the next four days. The mother asks the nurse why? The nurse
d. “Granulocyte transfusions replenish the low white blood cells until the body can produce its own.”
21. A neighbor tells nurse Maureen he has to have surgery and is reluctant to have any blood product
transfusions because of a fear of contracting an infection. He asks the nurse what are his options. The nurse
teaches the person that the safest blood product is:
22. A severely immunocompromised female patient requires a blood transfusion. To prevent GVHD, the
physician will order:
a. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride (Benadryl). b. The transfusion to be administered slowly over several hours.
23. Louie who is to receive a blood transfusion asks the nurse what is the most common type of infection he
could receive from the transfusion. The nurse teaches him that approximately 1 in 250,000 patients contract:
24. A male patient with blood type AB, Rh factor positive needs a blood transfusion. The Transfusion Service
(blood bank) sends type O, Rh factor negative blood to the unit for the nurse to infuse into this patient. The
nurse knows that:
b. Premedicating the patient with diphenhydramine hydrochloride (Benadryl) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) will
prevent any transfusion reactions or side effects.
d. The patient is at minimal risk receiving this product since it is the first time he has been transfused with type O,
Rh negative blood.
25. Dr. Rodriguez orders 250 milliliters of packed red blood cells (RBC) for a patient. This therapy is
administered for treatment of:
26. A female patient needs a whole blood transfusion. In order for transfusion services (the blood bank) to
prepare the correct product a sample of the patient’s blood must be obtained for:
27. A male patient needs to receive a unit of whole blood. What type of intravenous (IV) device should the
nurse consider starting?
b. The type of IV device the patient has had in the past, which worked well
28. Dr. Smith orders a gram of human salt poor albumin product for a patient. The product is available in a
50 milliliter vial with a concentration of 25 percent. What dosage will the nurse administer?
b. The nurse should determine the volume to administer from the physician.
29. Central venous access devices (CVADs) are frequently utilized to administer chemotherapy. What is a
distinct advantage of using the CVAD for chemotherapeutic agent administration?
a. CVADs are less expensive than a peripheral IV. b. Once a week administration is possible.
c. Caustic agents in small veins can be avoided. d. The patient or his family can administer the drug at home.
30. A female patient’s central venous access device (CVAD) becomes infected. Why would the physician order
antibiotics to be given through the line rather than through a peripheral IV line?
b. To reduce the pain and discomfort associated with antibiotic administration in a small vein