Felski, Context Sucks
Felski, Context Sucks
Felski, Context Sucks
Author(s): Rita Felski
Source: New Literary History, Vol. 42, No. 4, Context? (AUTUMN 2011), pp. 573-591
Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/41328987
Accessed: 04-10-2019 06:20 UTC
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"Context Stinks!"
Rita Felski
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literary object. That such arguments have done little to stop the current
historicist tide stems, I hypothesize, from two main reasons. First, they
sometimes rely on a division between "exceptional texts" that exceed
their historical moment and "conventional" or "stereotypical" texts that
remain determined by it, reinstating a high/low culture dichotomy that
has come to seem ever less persuasive to many scholars. And second, the
repudiation of context can result in a rarefied focus on poetic language,
form, and textuality far removed from the messy, mundane, empirical
details of how and why we read. That a questioning of context, done
differently, might allow for a greater attention to such details is one of
the counterintuitive claims of this essay. "Context," to continue with
Latour, "is simply a way of stopping the description when you are tired
or too lazy to go on."3
My own second thoughts about context are tied to a larger inquiry
into the role of critical reading in the recent history of literary studies.
The "hermeneutics of suspicion" is the name usually bestowed on this
technique of reading texts against the grain and between the lines, of
cataloging their omissions and laying bare their contradictions, of rub-
bing in what they fail to know and cannot represent. While suspicion
can manifest itself in multiple ways, in the current intellectual climate
it often pivots on a fealty to the clarifying power of historical context.
What the literary text does not see, in this line of thought, are the larger
circumstances that shape and sustain it and that are drawn into the light
by the corrective force of the critic's own vigilant gaze. The critic probes
for meanings inaccessible to authors as well as ordinary readers, and
exposes the text's complicity in social conditions that it seeks to deny
or disavow. Context, as the ampler, more expansive reference point, will
invariably trump the claims of the individual text, knowing it far better
than it can ever know itself.
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"context stinks!" 575
of literature - a subject
canny provocation to o
time, things and perso
ous relays between mo
blasts away the cobweb
ethos of detachment,
argued elsewhere, is n
disposition or sensibilit
attitudinal components
reasoning will require us
to feel differently.4
History is Not
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of a West-centered viewpoint. T
Dipesh Chakrabarty's well-known
ground up, how we historicize
similar restiveness with historicis
the spectrum of literary studi
posthistoricist school, a multit
revolts are underway, triggere
"time after history." Queer theo
the affinities between earlier times and our own that does not blanch
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"context stinks!" 577
To be sure, New Historicism has struggled mightily against the iron grip
of the text/ context distinction. Testifying, in an oft-cited phrase, to the
historicity of texts and the textuality of history, it muddies and muddles
the boundaries between word and world. Works of art no longer loom
like mighty monuments against a historical backdrop that is materially
determining but semiotically inert. Instead, history itself is revealed as
a buzzing multiplicity of texts - explorers' diaries, court records, child-
rearing manuals, government documents, newspaper editorials - whose
circulation underwrites the transmission of social energies. By the same
token, the literary work does not transcend these humdrum circum-
stances, but remains haplessly and hopelessly entangled in fine-meshed
filaments of power, one more social text among others.
And yet, while a key text of New Historicism famously proclaimed a
desire to speak with the dead, most of the work produced under this
rubric remains closer to diagnosis than dialogue, generating the sense of
an unbridgeable distance between past texts and present lives, between
"then" and "now." Historicism serves as the functional equivalent of
cultural relativism, quarantining difference, denying relatedness, and
suspending - or less kindly, evading - the question of why past texts still
matter and how they speak to us now. Of course, it has become a theo-
retical commonplace that we cannot ever know the past as it really was,
that history is always, at least in part, the history of the present. And in
their introductions, preambles, and afterwords, scholars often testify to
their present-day passions and volunteer their political commitments. Yet
these avowals rarely translate into transhistorical methodologies or the
tracing of cross-temporal networks; rather, the literary object remains
trapped in the conditions that preside over the moment of its birth, its
meaning determined in relation to texts and objects of the same moment,
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"context stinks!" 579
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"context stinks!" 581
Arguments about wh
beyond the boundarie
alities of what and ho
identification with pe
expertise, announced
attended, the courses
to reinforce the idea t
salient meaning and t
across several periods
declares Bruce Robbin
anthropocentric norm
laziness. It is one leve
than any other, but a
as an equally salient c
of literature, one that
poral connections, rep
compelling intellectua
remain the final auth
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Of course, the siren calls of Mrs Dalloway or "Brown Eyed Girl" do not
echo in a void; no explanation of their appeal can omit the high-scho
clique that finally convinced you of the genius of Van Morrison; the amb
tious parents whose rapturous praise of your second-grade assignmen
propelled you toward graduate school; the vocabularies propagated b
Critical Inquiry or Rolling Stone that gave you a language through which
to articulate and justify your obsession. But what exactly do we gain b
stripping down the number of agents and influences at play, by boosting
the plenipotentiary power of "context" at the expense of "text" in th
name of some final reduction? Why do we need to downplay the ro
of artworks in enabling their own survival, to overlook the multifarious
ways in which they weasel themselves into our hearts and minds, the
dexterity in generating attachments?
Perhaps Latour's idea of the nonhuman actor can clear a path.
What, first of all, are nonhuman actors? Speedbumps, microbes, mug
ships, baboons, newspapers, unreliable narrators, soap, silk dresses,
strawberries, floor plans, telescopes, lists, paintings, cats, can opener
To describe these radically disparate phenomena as actors is not at a
to impute intentions, desires, or purposes to inanimate objects n
to ignore the salient differences between things, animals, texts, an
people. An actor, in this schema, is anything that modifies a state
affairs by making a difference.12 Nonhuman actors do not determin
reality or single-handedly make things happen - let us steer well clea
of technological or textual determinism. And yet, as Latour points ou
there are "many metaphysical shades between full causality and she
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"context stinks!" 583
inexistence," between
terly inert and withou
is not a self-authoriz
up actions and orches
via their relations wi
linked in extended constellations of cause and effect.
Nonhuman actors, then, help to modify states of affairs; they are par-
ticipants in chains of events; they help shape outcomes and influence
actions. To acknowledge the input of such actors is to circumvent, as far
as possible, polarities of subject and object, nature and culture, word and
world, to place people, animals, texts, and things on the same ontologi-
cal footing and to acknowledge their interdependence. Speed bumps
cannot prevent you from gunning your car down a suburban street, but
their presence makes such behavior far less likely. The literary device
of the unreliable narrator can always be overlooked or misunderstood,
but it has nevertheless schooled countless readers to read against the
grain and between the lines. The salience of speed bumps or story-telling
techniques derives from their distinctive properties, their nonsubstitut-
able qualities - all of which go by the board if they are dissolved into
a larger theory of the social, seen only as bearers of predetermined
functions. If a single cause is used to explain a thousand different ef-
fects, we are left no wiser about the distinctiveness of these effects. To
treat the relationship between silk and nylon merely as an allegory for
divisions between upper and lower-class taste, as Latour comments in a
tacit dig at Bourdieu, is to reduce these phenomena to illustrations of
an already established scheme, to bypass the indefinite yet fundamental
nuances of color, texture, shimmer, and feel that inspire attachments
to one fabric or the other.14 Silk and nylon, in other words, are not pas-
sive intermediaries but active mediators; they are not just channels for
conveying predetermined meanings, but configure and refigure these
meanings in specific ways.
What would it mean for literary and cultural studies to acknowledge
poems and paintings, fictional characters and narrative devices, as ac-
tors?15 How might our thinking change? Clearly, the bogeyman in the
closet is aesthetic idealism, the fear that acknowledging the agency of
texts will tip us into the abyss of a retrograde religion of art and allow a
thousand Blooms to flower. If we start talking about the power of art to
make us think and feel differently, can the language of transcendence
and the timeless canon be far behind? "Every sculpture, painting, haute
cuisine dish, techno-rave and novel," remarks Latour, "has been explained
to nothingness by the social factors 'hidden behind' them. . . . And here
again, as always, some people, infuriated by the barbarous irreverence
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object to begin with, because any such object would have long sin
sunk into a black hole of oblivion rather than coming to our attent
Artworks can only survive and thrive by making friends, creating allie
attracting disciples, inciting attachments, latching on to receptive host
If they are not to fade quickly from view, they must persuade people t
hang them on walls, watch them in movie theaters, purchase them
Amazon, dissect them in reviews, debate them with their friends. Thes
networks of alliances, relations, and translations are just as vital to
life of experimental art as to blockbuster fiction, even if the netw
vary in kind and what counts as success looks radically different.
The number and breadth of these networks prove far more sali
to a text's survival than matters of ideological agreement. If you're
unrepentant avantgardist creating installations out of soiled diapers
statues of the Virgin Mary, your allies are not just the respectful revie
in the pages of ArtForum , but the conservative pundit who invokes yo
example to lambast the state of contemporary art, amping up its vis
ity and talked-aboutness and generating a flurry of commentary, a
on National Public Radio, and, a few years down the road, an edit
collection of essays. Romantic visions of solitary subversion make it eas
to forget that rupture vanishes without trace if it is not registered
acknowledged, that is to say, made the object of new attachments,
nections, and translations between actors. Artworks must be sociable to
survive, whatever their attitude to "society." Or, more pithily: no nega-
tion without relation.
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"context stinks!" 585
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This impulse has a tendency to reassert itself in even the most sophis-
ticated renderings of reception. For example, Tony Bennett's well-known
concept of the "reading formation" strives to mediate between internalist
and externalist theories of meaning, between text-centered theories of
reader response and the reductiveness of conventional sociological expla-
nation. Instead, Bennett draws attention to the "discursive and intertex-
tual determinations that organize and animate the practice of reading."19
How we respond to works of art, in other words, is governed neither by
the internal structures of the text nor by the raw social demographics of
race, gender, or class, but by the cultural frameworks and interpretative
vocabularies we have unconsciously absorbed. Indeed, this idea of the
reading formation captures crucial aspects of mediation, underscored
by Bennett's insistence that meaning is inherently relational and texts
exist only in their use. Repudiating any notion of the "text itself' as the
last gasp of Kantian idealism, Bennett stoutly declares that texts have no
existence "prior to or independently of the varying 'reading formations'
in which they have been constituted as objects-to-be read."20
Yet the use of the passive voice and the choice of noun ("objects-to-
read") is revealing, underscoring a view of texts as acted upon rather
than acting. Films and novels dissolve into the cultural assumptions
and interpretative frameworks of their audiences; as described here by
Bennett, they seem to possess no independent existence, no distinctive
properties, no force, or presence of their own. We fumble to account for
the often unforeseen impact of texts: the song on the radio that unex-
pectedly reduces you to tears; the horror movie gorefest that continues
to haunt your dreams; the novel that finally persuaded you to take up
Buddhism or to get divorced. As in Stanley Fish's discussion of interpreta-
tive communities, the text is reduced to a blank screen on which groups
of readers project their preexisting ideas and beliefs. In consequence,
we are hard-pressed to explain why any text should matter more than
any other, why we register the differences between individual texts so
strongly, or how we can be aroused, disturbed, surprised, or brought to
act by such texts in ways that we did not expect and may find it hard to
explain. As Bennett himself admits, context trumps and transcends text.
And yet, if Bennett's contexts are themselves textual - namely critical
vocabularies and interpretative frameworks - it is hard to see why this
should be the case, why these frameworks should have exclusive power
to determine meaning, while films and novels are afforded none. Why
freeze a single relationship between figure and ground, object and
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"context stinks!" 587
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And yet the social make-up, buying power, and beliefs of audiences
also remain more central to the equation than Moretti seems ready to
concede. A text's formal properties, after all, cannot single-handedly
decide or determine its cross-temporal reach, which also pivots on the
vagaries and contingencies of its relations with many other actors - hu-
mans, other texts, institutions. Literary works go in and out of vogue;
what was once indispensable come to seem obsolete and old-hat, while
works overlooked on their first publication can acquire an energetic,
even frenetic, afterlife. The reasons for these shifts are thematic and
political as well as formal; that Hemingway's stock has gone down, while
Kate Chopin steadily accumulates visibility and prestige, is hardly a mat-
ter explicable by literary devices alone. Texts do not act by themselves,
but only in tandem with countless other, often unpredictable, co-actors.
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"context stinks!" 589
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University of Virginia
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"context stinks!" 591
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