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We believe, the global ethics emanates from the Chanakya in the chapter 7 of Chanakya Niti says so of
Individual to the family, the society, community, country profits in business:
and the world. All the transactional events like business One must be satisfied with whatever he has as
are a part of the Samyak or total concept of global wife, wealth, and income. Still, one must never
ethics. There is a beautiful sloka on human interaction get satisfied with the knowledge and acts of
in Mahābhārata’s Shānti-Parva 167:9 where Vidura charity.
tells Yudhisthira:
Earlier, businessmen feared that any ethical conduct or
adopting of moral philosophies would lead to sacrifice
of efficiency and productivity; and the competitiveness
in the market place would fade away. Lately, this
By self-control and by making dharma (right conduct) misconception about the business ethics has changed,
your main focus, treat others as you treat yourself. as businesses believe that being ethical and moral
This thought is reflected again in Bible Luke 6:31 “Do would provide loyal customers and greater acceptance
for other people everything you want them to do in the society. Today, more and more businesses
for you. Treat others the same way you want them are accepting ‘business ethics’ as a part of business
to treat you”. conduct.
The Need Cast doubt on many things that we believed or knew
In my opinion this maxim ‘Do not do unto others what until now. We have read that eminent philosophers
you do not want others to do unto you’ forms the basis like Milton Friedman were of the view that the aim
for emergence of ethics. According to Prof. Richard T De of the business is to earn profits by utilizing
George, University Distinguished Professor of Philosophy the resources and engaging in open and free
at the University of Kansas, “the focus of ethics competition, without deception or fraud. But does
discussion has moved from theological and religious this happen?
matters to ecological issues, social problems and more This process generates uncertainty, imbalances and
recently social responsibility and business ethics”. conflicts both socially (by confronting sectors which
* Chairman, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalore Kendra. This is a modified version of the key note address by the author in symposium on
Business Ethics on March 6, 2016.