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TSS SS400 Yokogawa

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<<Contents>> <<Index>>

General Model SS400

Specifications MLSS Analyzer

GS 12E6A1-E

The Model SS400 MLSS Analyzer is a measuring system
best suited to continuously and consistently measure the
concentration of mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) in
an activated-sludge treatment process found in sewage or
industrial wastewater treatment facilities.
The analyzer consists of an MLSS detector comprising light-
emitting and photodetector units, an MLSS converter with a
digital display for instant recognition of readings, and one
of several types of holders. Designed to be more light-
weight and compact for easier handling when compared
with conventional equipment, the analyzer also has a
construction that allows easy system maintenance.
The SS400G MLSS converter has a measuring range as
wide as 500-20000 mg/l (ppm). Microprocessor-based, it
has a wealth of self-diagnostic functions and alarm contact
outputs like other converters in the EXA series, as well as
excellent operability.
The SS300G MLSS detector uses a measuring method that
compares transmitted light with scattered light. The
detector is designed with due care to the arrangement of the Detector
optical system. These design makes the detector less • Easy-to-maintain, lightweight, compact probe-like
susceptible to disturbing light. The optional jet or wiper sensor
cleaning unit permits continuous and consistent measure- • Virtually no need for replacing light source and
ment even in an application where the detector is exposed photodetector unit F0101.EPS

to contaminants. • Pulse-driven light emission, eliminating effects of

A self-cleaning floating holder is available in addition to disturbing light
free-standing and immersion models, offering a wide range • Arrangement of optical system highly immune to
of choices according to the application needs. effects of light reflecting from boundary surface
• Choice of wiper or jet cleaning unit
• Choice of varias types of holders according to
■ FEATURES application needs
• Wide output ranges, 0-1000 mg/l to 0-20000 mg/l
• Output in different two ranges
• Abundont contact outputs
• Enhanced self-diagnosis functions including failure in
light source

SS350G SS300G MLSS Holder, Holders with cleaning unit SS400G MLSS
controller for sensor converter
wiper cleaning ? PH8HG ? PB350G or PB360G Output signal:
guide pipe floating ball Two outputs; 4-20 mA DC

Alarm contact output:

Four contacts: upper/lower
? DOX8HS limits, cleaning timer, FAIL
and HOLD contacts
calibration kit 100-240 V AC
Terminal box 24 V DC 610%


For details on holders, see the GS 12J5C2-E

general specifications leaflet.

Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12E6A1-E

2-9-32, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750 Japan ©Copyright July 1998(YK)
Tel.: 81-422-52-5617 Fax.: 81-422-52-6792 1st Edition July 1998(YG)
3rd Edition July 2008(YK)
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 2
Light beams released from the light-emitting unit scatter
because of suspended substances in water. The SS400
MLSS analyzer receives transmitted and scattered light Output J of photodetector = V1 — V0
beams at its photodetector unit to convert them to an electric
signal. The analyzer then compares the transmitted light V1
beams with the scattered ones to calculate the ratio and V1 V0
determine the MLSS concentration. Figure 1 is a brief V0
illustration explaining the measuring principle using the
When there is no When there is When there are
transmitted/scattered light comparison method. Scattered DC component both
disturbing light
light J1 and transmitted light J2 are represented as equations of disturbing light AC and DC components
of disturbing light
(1) and (2), respectively. Since I1 in the illustration is F02.EPS

represented as equation (3), the ratio of J1 to J2 is expressed

as equation (4). The MLSS concentration S is therefore Figure 2 Effects of Disturbing Light in Pulse-Driven Light
determined by equation (5) if the photodetector is configured Emission
to satisfy I2 = I3. The optical system is arranged so that light beams do not
directly hit the wall or boundary surface, as shown in Figure
Scattered light 3. This construction makes the sensor hardly susceptible to
Sample Photodetector unit the effects of light reflecting from the boundary surface.

f1 Sensor

l l3 f2

Boundary surface

Incident J2
Photodetector F03.EPS
l1 l2 unit
Figure 3 Arrangement of Sensor’s Optical System
S = Concentration of suspended substances; m = Scatter factor
C = Concentration of coloring components; k = Absorption factor
f = Shape factor due to aperture
Display and Information Items
Figure 1 Principle of Measurement Using Transmitted/
The display presents a continuous view of all necessary items
Scattered Light Comparison Method
of information. Messages appear on the second line,
J1 = f1 I1 m Sl exp.(-k C l3) exp. (-m S l3) equation (1) prompting the operator, on an interactive step-by-step basis,
J2 = f2 I0 exp.(-k C (l1+l2) exp. (-m S (l1+l2)) equation (2) as to which key he/she should press. The user interface is
simple, consisting of only six touch-sensitive keys accessible
I1 = I0 exp.(-k C l1) exp. (-m S l1) equation (3)
through the soft window cover.
J1/J2= (f1 /f2) m S l exp. -k C (l2–l3) exp. -m S (l2–l3)
equation (4) Calibration
S = (f1 /f2 m l) (J1/J2) equation (5) Before shipment, the SS400 MLSS analyzer is calibrated to a
value based on Yokogawa-produced kaolin that is used as the
The use of the transmitted/scattered light comparison method reference substance. The user, therefore, must calibrate the
has made it possible to measure even low concentrations analyzer during setup to the user’s own reference substance
which have been difficult to measure with the conventional to define the correction coefficient. In order to get consistent
scattered-light comparison method. This method eliminates measurements over a prolonged period, the user needs to
the effects of coloring components. A long-life LED lamp is make zero calibrations at fixed intervals using tap water or
used as the light source in the light-emitting unit, eliminating other alternative standards, as well as span calibrations using
both worries about a breakdown in the light source and the the supplied span-calibrating plate. The value given by the
need for replacing the light source. The LED lamp is pulse- plate is predetermined using Yokogawa-produced kaolin as
driven. Even if disturbing light enters the photodetector unit the reference substance. In the calibration mode using the
and raises the baseline, the analyzer eliminates the effects of calibrating plate, the correction coefficient automatically
the light by subtracting V0 from V1 to get the difference resets to zero and, therefore, values in this mode are different
between the two signals, as shown in Figure 2. The analyzer from ones obtained in the measurement mode. A calibration
can thus acquire a signal for the MLSS component only. kit is available with the MLSS analyzer for easier calibration.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1998, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12E6A1-E 3rd Edition Feb.10, 2011-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 3
Cleaning Functions FAIL Output
The detector of the MLSS analyzer comes with an optional Used when a control room needs to be informed of a failure
wiper- or jet-cleaning unit. This option is recommended for (S4 contact only). If any failure occurs during measurement,
applications where the detector may be exposed to contami- the FAIL indicator comes on and this contact turns on,
nants. Note that the option is not available if the sensor is allowing the control room to immediately learn that a failure
used together with a floating ball holder. has occurred. The S4 contact used as the FAIL contact also
closes if the power is turned off.
Self-Diagnosis Functions of Sensor
The MLSS analyzer has enhanced self-diagnostic functions
that automatically detect a breakdown or open circuit in the
sensor’s light source, a failure in the converter or other

MLSS concentration
faults. Should a failure be found as a result of diagnosis, the
FAIL contact turns on, causing the output signals to go into
the “burnout” state, if set accordingly (only output 1 goes
into that state in the case of a converter failure). A FAIL
marker appears on the display, the LED indicator comes on,
and the message line shows an error code, thus allowing the Cleaning Relaxation
operator to learn the reason for the failure. In addition, the
analyzer automatically recognizes a failure in the detector
during calibration, showing an error code (the contacts and Cleaning interval Time
burnout function are not activated at that moment).
Figure 4 Response During Cleaning
Alarm and Control Functions
The contact outputs of the MLSS analyzer have the follow-
ing functions:
• Process alarm
The state of the contact changes if the process
value reaches its upper or lower limit.
• Variable parameters:
Setpoint of process value, hysteresis of open/ Detector Power supply

close action and delay time of relay

HOLD Contact Output
Used when, for example, a control room needs to be Contact

informed that the output is in a HOLD state during cleaning outputs

4-20 mA Output
or system maintenance. The control room itself can learn of signals
this state from the output signal. 4-20 mA

Cleaning Contact Output outputs
Used to control the intervals between jet cleanings. The inputs FAIL

intervals between or duration of cleanings differ depending F05.EPS

on the sensor’s degree of contamination. Parameters,

therefore, must be reset according to the process condition. Figure 5 Example of External Wiring
• Variable parameters:
Cleaning time, post-cleaning relaxation time
and cleaning interval ■ STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS
Measuring object: Concentration of mixed liquor
suspended solids (MLSS) in an aeration failure
tank in a sewage or industrial wastewater • Both signals (setpoint or the most-recent value) can
treatment plant be retained during system maintenance or cleaning.
Note: MLSS analyzer can not be used for • The range of concentration can be set separately for
measurement of suspended solids (SS) both of these signals.
concentration in effluent after aeration Output range:Minimum = 0-1000 mg/l
treatment, neutralization facilities, and Maximum = 0-20000 mg/l
seawater. Zero suppression can be set for readings up
When a guide-pipe type sensor is used in to 60% of the range
excreta disposal facilities, the cable must not Indication: Main display section = LCD six-digit display
come in contact with the liquid. Consult
(maximum reading: 99999 mg/l ; number of
Measuring method: Transmitted/scattered light significant digits: 3)
comparison method Message display section: = Six-digit
Measuring range: 500-20000 mg/l alphanumeric display
Output signal: Two 4-20 mA DC signals; maximum Contact output:
load resistance: 600 Ω Types of alarm: S1, S2 and S3 = alarm for upper/lower
• The range of mA 1 output can be switched by remote limits of concentration, HOLD, cleaning
control. S4 = FAIL alarm
• 22 ±0.5 mA (burnup) or 2 mA±0.5 mA (burndown) Alarm actions: Configurable with on/off output,
can also be selected as an output current during hysteresis and delay time

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1998, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12E6A1-E 3rd Edition Feb.10, 2011-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 4
Type of contact: Relay (voltage-free) Flow velocity: 1 m/sec maximum
Capacity: 100 VA maximum at 250 V AC, 2 A Cable length: 3, 5, 10, 15 or 20 m
50 W maximum at 30 V DC, 2 A Material of wetted part or junction:
States of contact : Body = Stainless steel (SUS304 or equiva-
State of State of Contact at Power-On Window = glass
Contact Contact at O-ring = nitrile rubber
Power-Off When not Activated When Activated
Cable = PVC
S1 Open Open Closed Weight: Approximately 0.5 kg plus N × 0.12 kg, where
S2 Open Open Closed N is cable length m.
Cleaning unit (optional): Wiper or jet cleaning
S3 Open Open Closed Note: No cleaning unit can be used if the sensor is
S4 Close Open Closed equipped with a floating ball holder.
T01.EPS Material of wiper cleaning unit: Nitrile rubber and
SUS304 (wetted part)
Contact input: Voltage-free contact for remote range Material of jet cleaning unit: Polypropylene, polyethyl-
selection and start of cleaning ene and SUS304 (wetted part)
ON input resistance: 200 Ω or less Relay Terminal Box
OFF input resistance: 100 kΩ or more Used to install the converter and detector unit separately in
Ambient temperature: -10° to 55°C the distance.
Relative humidity: 10 to 90% RH (non-condensing) Ambient temperature: -10° to 50°C
Construction: Complies with JIS C0920 watertight, IEC Construction: Complies with JIS rainproof standard
IP65 and NEMA TYPE 4X standards Casing material: Fiberglass-reinforced polycarbonate
Material: Casing = Molded aluminum alloy resin
Cover = Polycarbonate Electrical connections:
Hood for sun protection (optional): Carbon steel or Detector side: JIS A8-equivalent plastic watertight plug
Stainless steel Converter side: JIS A15-equivalent plastic watertight
Mounting brackets (optional): Stainless steel plug with accessory cable (40 m long
Finish: Baked polyurethane coating (standard) or epoxy maximum); conduit adapter optional
baked finish (optional) Casing color: Grayish green (Munsell 2.5GY5.0/1.0)
Color: Casing = Frosty white (equivalent to Munsell Weight: Body = 0.5 kg
2.5Y8.4/1.2) Mounting bracket = 0.7 kg
Cover = Deep sea moss green (equivalent to Calibration Kit
Munsell 0.6GY3.1/2.0) Calibration-purpose vessel
Installation: JIS 50A (50-mm nominal diameter) pipe- Magnetic stirrer
mounted, wall-mounted or panel-mounted Beaker (300 ml)
Supply voltage: 100-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz Erlenmeyer flask (250 ml)
24 V DC Polyethylene bottle (500 ml)
Power consumption: 22 VA maximum (AC power) Tissue paper
5 W maximum (DC power) Controller for wiper cleaning
Weight: Approximately 2.5 kg Ambient temperature: -10° to 55°C
Dimensions: 144 (W) × 144 (H) × 135 (D) (mm) Relative humidity: 10 to 90% RH (non-condensing)
Cable inlet: Six ports, including sensor cable inlet; Construction: Complies with JIS C0920 watertight, IEC
equipped with plastic watertight plugs IP65 and NEMA TYPE 4X standards
equivalent to DIN PG13.5 (outer diameter of Material: Casing = Molded aluminum alloy
cable: 6-12 mm) Cover = Polycarbonate
Cable terminal: 0.13 to 4 mm2 in size (connectable to Hood for sun protection (optional): Carbon steel or
pin terminals only) Stainless steel
Conduit adapter (optional): G1/2 (PF1/2) female Mounting brackets (optional): Stainless steel
thread or 1/2NPT thread Finish: Baked polyurethane coating
Detector Color: Casing = Frosty white (equivalent to Munsell
Shape: Probe-like Sensor 2.5Y8.4/1.2)
Measuring object: Concentration of mixed liquor Cover = Deep sea moss green (equivalent to
suspended solids (MLSS) in an aeration tank Munsell 0.6GY3.1/2.0)
in a sewage or industrial wastewater Installation: JIS 50A (50-mm nominal diameter) pipe-
treatment plant mounted, wall-mounted or panel-mounted
Note: MLSS analyzer can not be used for Supply voltage: 100-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
measurement of suspended solids (SS) 24 V DC
concentration in effluent after aeration Power consumption: 18 VA maximum (AC power)
treatment, neutralization facilities, and
5 W maximum (DC power)
When a guide-pipe type sensor is used in Weight: Approximately 2.5 kg
excreta disposal facilities, the cable must not Dimensions: 144 (W) × 144 (H) × 135 (D) (mm)
come in contact with the liquid. Consult Cable inlet: Six ports, including sensor cable inlet;
Yokogawa. equipped with plastic watertight plugs
Measuring principle: Scattered/transmitted light equivalent to DIN PG13.5 (outer diameter of
comparison method cable: 6-12 mm)
Measuring range: 500-20000 mg/l Cable terminal: 0.13 to 4 mm2 in size (connectable to
Temperature of measured object: 0°-50°C pin terminals only)
Pressure of measured object: 0-200 kPa (0-2 kgf/cm2)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1998, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12E6A1-E 3rd Edition Feb.10, 2011-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 5
Conduit adapter (optional): G1/2 female thread or
1/2NPT thread
Relay Terminal Box
Linearity: ±4.5% F.S. (by stable kaolin)
WTB10 Relay terminal box
Repeatability: 2% F.S. (by stable kaolin)
Stability: Zero ±2% F.S./day (by city water) Use -SS1 For MLSS analyzer
Span ±2% F.S./day (by calibration kit) -SS2 For MLSS wiper cleaning
F.S. means upper setting value of output -NN Always “NN”
range. Cable length -00 No cable (supplied by user)
-05 5m
-20 20 m
MLSS Converter -30 30 m
-40 40 m
[Style: S2.2]
Suffix Option
Model Description Bracket /P Pipe mounting
Code Code
/W Wall mounting
SS400G MLSS converter Adapter for conduit /AWTB G1/2 (female thread)
-N Always “N” installation /ANSI 1/2NPT thread
Supply -1 100-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz The cable is a maximum of 50 m long, including the length of the
voltage -4 24 V DC *1 sensor cable.
Language for -J Japanese
cautionary English
Calibration Kit
notes or other Suffix Option
Model Description
remarks Code Code
SS380G Calibration kit for MLSS
Bracket /U Pipe or wall mounting (stainless steel)
/PM Panel mounting (stainless steel)
Hood /H3 Hood for sun protection (carbon steel) -NN Always “NN”
/H4 Hood for sun protection (stainless steel) T05.EPS
Tag plate /SCT With stainless-steel tag plate
Finish /X1 Epoxy baked finish Controller for Wiper Cleaning
Unit /PPM Readings in ppm Suffix Option
Model Description
Adapter for conduit /AFTG G1/2 (female thread) Code Code
installation /ANSI 1/2NPT thread SS350G Controller for Wiper Cleaning
/SPS With screws for salt protection *2
-NN Always “NN”
*1 NOT 2-wire system T02.EPS
*2 The SUS screws with teflon coating are used at four corners of the cover. Supply -1 100-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
voltage -4 24 V DC *1
MLSS Detector Bracket /U Pipe or wall mounting (stainless steel)
[Style: S2] /PM Panel mounting (stainless steel)
Hood /H3 Hood for sun protection (carbon steel)
Suffix Option /H4 Hood for sun protection (stainless steel)
Model Description
Code Code Tang plate /SCT With stainless-steel tag plate
Adapter for conduit /AFTG G1/2 (female thread)
SS300G MLSS detector installation /ANSI 1/2NPT thread
-NN Always “NN” *1 NOT 2-wire system T06.EPS

Cable length -03 3m

-05 5m
-15 15 m
20 m SS300G MLSS Detector
Unit: mm
Treatment on -PN Pin terminals
cable ends
Cleaning unit /JTJ Rc1/2 * connection with jet
cleaning unit (female thread) 10 46
/JTA 1/2NPT * connection with jet
cleaning unit


/WP With wiper cleaning unit f32

Bracket /MS Hardware for free-standing
installation 154

* Choose this option if a holder is used. T03.EPS Cable length of 3, 5, 10, 15 or

20 m as standard
Note Air bubbles or dirt on the MLSS detector can
interfere with accurate measurement, especially in F07.EPS
the low concentration level. For such applications,
take an appropriate measure, e.g., tilt the detector
approximately 308 or add a cleaning system.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1998, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12E6A1-E 3rd Edition Jul.22, 2008-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 6
Hardware for Free-standing Installation Unit: mm


max. 500

55 min. 236 pitch 44


Suspension wire
(max. 5m)
2-inch stanchion (vertical)


Jet Cleaning Unit for Free-standing Installation

Unit: mm

Horse for cleaning

max. 500 (max. 10m)

55 min. 236 pitch 44

Suspension wire
(max. 5m)


2-inch stanchion (vertical)

Installation Location of Holders
(Guide Pipe, Submersion Type, etc)
The holder should be used in a place that is as vibration Approx. 271
free as possible. Using the holder in a place where it is
affected by vibration, may result in damage to the holder.
105 84

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1998, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12E6A1-E 3rd Edition Feb.10, 2011-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 7
Wiper Cleaning Unit
max. 500
55 min. 236 pitch 44


2-inch stanchion (vertical) Suspension wire
Sensor cable (max. 5m)


Approx. 282 Detector Approx. 306

f37 64

Approx. 153

SS400G MLSS Converter

Unit: mm
Hood (optional)
Four M6 screws, 8 deep
Option code : /Hh
184 220


144 20

144 23 112
Adapter for conduit installation
Case Packing

Cable inlet port (21 dia. holes) Cable

equivalent to DIN PG13.5 cable gland gland
A B C A: Sensor cable inlet port Approx.
B: Contact input inlet port 49 55
36 C: Analog output cable inlet port Adapter
D: Contact (S1, S2), output cable inlet port
E: Contact (S3, FAIL), output cable inlet port
D E F 38 F: Power cable inlet port
G1/2 screw (/AFTG)
36 36 F08.EPS 1/2 NPT screw (/ANSI)
Note Adapter for conduit installation are used
Ground terminal Weight: approximately 2.5 kg for five cable inlet ports without sensor cable inlet.
(M4 screw)

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1998, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12E6A1-E 3rd Edition Feb.10, 2011-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 8
Pipe/Wall Mounting Brackets (Option Code: /U) Weight: approximately 0.7 kg
d Example of bracket used for pipe mounting

M6, 4 screw




Nominal 50 mm (OD 60.5 mm) 100

mounting pipe

d Example of bracket used for wall mounting

135 13
M6, 4 screw


10 mm dia. ,3 hole 100

Pipe Mounting Brackets (Option Code: /PM) Weight: approximately 0.4 kg

23 M6, 4 screw
12 max. (panel thickness) Panel cutout dimensions

100 137 +20

137 +20

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1998, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12E6A1-E 3rd Edition Jul.22, 2008-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 9
WTB10 Relay Terminal Box
126 65

4-M5 screws, depth 9

(for mounting)

Adapter for Conduit Work

75 60.2

approx. 55
Cable gland
Extension cable inlet (to be drilled for wiring)

with cable gland (applicable cable o.d.: [9 to 12 mm)
46 Sensor or wiper cable inlet (to be drilled for wiring)
with cable gland (applicable cable o.d.: [5.5 to 7 mm) Adapter

G1/2(/AWTB) or


70 60.2

WTB10-SSu Relay Terminal Box (first of two)

Dedicated Extension Cable (Not Supplied when Suffix Code “-00” is selected)
Unit: mm
Approx. 10 mm in diameter Approx. 7 mm in diameter
Green 19 Green 19
White 11 White 11
Red 12 Red 12
White 13 White 13
Brown 14 Brown 14
White 15 White 15
Black 16 Black 16
White 17 White 17
Orange 18 40 80 80 40 Orange 18

80 L 80

Models and Suffix codes L P/N

WTB10 - SS1 - NN - 05 Approx. 5 000 K9316SR
WTB10 - SS1 - NN - 10 Approx. 10 000 K9316SS
WTB10 - SS1 - NN - 20 Approx. 20 000 K9316ST
WTB10 - SS1 - NN - 30 Approx. 30 000 K9316SU
WTB10 - SS1 - NN - 40 Approx. 40 000 K9316SV

Approx. 10 mm in diameter Approx. 7 mm in diameter

Brown W1 W1 Brown
White W2 W2 White
Green G G Green

40 80 80 40

80 L 80

Models and Suffix codes L P/N

WTB10 - SS2 - NN - 05 Approx. 5 000 K9316RL
WTB10 - SS2 - NN - 10 Approx. 10 000 K9316RM
WTB10 - SS2 - NN - 20 Approx. 20 000 K9316RN
WTB10 - SS2 - NN - 30 Approx. 30 000 K9316RP
WTB10 - SS2 - NN - 40 Approx. 40 000 K9316RQ

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1998, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12E6A1-E 3rd Edition Feb.10, 2011-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 10
Pipe Mounting Bracket (Optional) 100 4 - f5.5 holes
(Option Code: /P) 70
4-M5 screws, depth 9


U-bolt, washer, nut


Nominal 50A
(outer diameter f60.5)
70 pipe
4 - f10 holes (65) 48
Wall Mounting Bracket (Optional) Weight: approximately 700 g
(Option Code: /W) F15.EPS

100 4-f5.5 holes

4-M5 screws, depth 9


70 61 3-f10 holes (65) 13 Weight: approximately 300 g


WTB10-SSu Relay Terminal Box (second of two)

SS350G Controller for Wiper Cleaning

Unit: mm
Hood (optional) Four M6 screws, 8 deep
Option code : /Hh
184 220


144 20

144 23 112

Adapter for conduit installation

Cable inlet port (21 dia. holes)

equivalent to DIN PG13.5 cable gland

A: Converter cleaning contact cable inlet port
B: Wiper-cleaning device cable inlet port Approx.
36 C: Not used 49 55
D: Not used Adapter
D E F 38 E: Not used
F: Power cable inlet port
36 36

Ground terminal Weight: approximately 2.5 kg G1/2 screw (/AFTG)

(M4 screw) 1/2 NPT screw (/ANSI) F20.EPS

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1998, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12E6A1-E 3rd Edition Jul.22, 2008-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 11
Pipe/Wall Mounting Brackets (Option Code: /U) Weight: approximately 0.7 kg
Unit: mm

d Example of bracket used for pipe mounting

M6, 4 screw




Nominal 50 mm (OD 60.5 mm) 100

mounting pipe

d Example of bracket used for wall mounting

135 13
M6, 4 screw


10 mm dia. ,3 hole 100

Pipe Mounting Brackets (Option Code: /PM) Weight: approximately 0.4 kg

23 M6, 4 screw
12 max. (panel thickness) Panel cutout dimensions

100 137 +20

137 +20

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1998, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12E6A1-E 3rd Edition Jul.22, 2008-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 12
SS400G Converter
*3 31 61 *1
Contact output S1 32 S1 mA1 62 4 to 20mA DC

41 65
Contact output S2 42 S2 mA2 66 4 to 20mA DC

*3 51 63
Contact output S3 52 S3
21 *1
71 R1 Contact input R1 (remote cleaning)
Contact output FAIL 72 FAIL
R2 Contact input R2 (remote range switching)
G Relay terminal box WTB10-SS1
*2 *4
Grounding terminal 11 11 11
(M4 screw) 12 12 12
13 13 13
14 *5 14 14
*6 15 15 15
*3 1
Power supply L1 + 16 16 16
100 to 240V AC or 2
L2 - 17 17 17
24V DC 610% 3 SENSOR
18 18 18
19 19 19


*1: ALWAYS use a 6 to 12 mm thick shielded cable.

*2: ALWAYS ground (grounding resistance 100V or less) the grounding terminal of the casing of the MLSS transducer.
(Ground the power cord instead only if the above grounding is not feasible. Do NOT use two-point grounding).
*3: ALWAYS use a 6 to 12 mm thick cable.
*4: Use the relay terminal box only if the MLSS converter is installed separately from the MLSS detector.
(Normally, the box is unnecessary.)
*5: Specify this cable using the suffix code for a relay terminal box.
*6: For 24 VDC power supply, connect the "+" terminal to L1 and the "—" terminal to L2.

MLSS Converter Controller for Wiper Cleaning Relay Terminal Box*3 Wiper Cleaning
SS400G SS350G WTB10-SS2 SS300G
Cleaning ORG ORG
Contact output C1 C2 W1 W2 G W1
L2 L1

3 2 1

*4 Wiper Cable
Dedicated Extension Cable

Power supply F002-2.EPS
100 V- 240 V AC or 24 V DC
*1: ALWAYS use a 6 to 12 mm thick shielded cable.
*2: ALWAYS ground (grounding resistance 100V or less) the grounding terminal of the casing of the Conroller. (Ground the power
cord instead only if the above grounding is not feasible. Do NOT use two-point grounding).
*3: ALWAYS use a 6 to 12 mm thick cable.
*4: Use the relay terminal box only if the Conroller is installed separately from the MLSS wiper cleaning. (Normally, the terminal box
is unnecessary.)
*5: Specify this cable using the suffix code for a relay terminal box.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1998, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12E6A1-E 3rd Edition Feb.10, 2011-00
Subject to change without notice

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