MIT16 55F14 Lecture6-7
MIT16 55F14 Lecture6-7
MIT16 55F14 Lecture6-7
Experimentally, detectors in the lab frame would count the events ν12 and the flux Γ12 . For
some “events the rate ν12 will be affected by the fact that the particles 2 are, in general,
also moving, and the cross-section definition must then specify the frame of reference used.
It will turn out that the most useful definition for all rate calculations is when the rela-
tive frame is used, i.e., the frame in which a particular particle
2 is taken to be at rest.
Laboratory measurements must then be corrected to that frame. We will return to this later.
g dΩ = sinχdχdφ (2)
b χ φ or if there is symmetry, for all φ,
dΩ = 2πsinχdχ (3)
The differential scattering cross-section is
then defined as,
# of particles
1 scattered per second into dΩ
σ12 (χ) = (4)
n1 g
Notice that, in general, for a particular interaction potential V (r) between the particles, the
scattering angle χ depends on relative velocity g and “impact parameter b (miss distance).
If g is fixed, the number of particles scattered into the solid angle (ring) 2πsinχdχ is the
same as that arriving within the ring 2πbdb, provided χ = χ(b):
b db
σ12 (χ) = (6)
sinχ dχ
where the absolute value is used because the same argument applies whether χ increases or
decreases with b.
Considering all possible impact parameters that lead to an interaction (notice that a cutoff
distance might be invoked), the total scattering cross-section is,
12 (g) = 2πbdb = π(b2max ) (7)
or, π
12 (g) = 2π σ12 (g, χ)sinχdχ (8)
Momentum-Transfer Cross-Section
As noted, the definition of Qtot 12 is generally divergent, unless a clear cutoff bmax can be
identified. A more useful total cross section results from consideration of the momentum
transferred during the collision. A more precise argument would require transformation of
the equations to the relative frame of 2 (which we will do later); for now, we notice that
the forward momentum of 1 before collision is m1 g, while after collision (accepting that in
an elastic collision the magnitude of the velocity does not change, i.e., g = g), it is m1 gcosχ.
The momentum loss by 1 (or gain by 2 ) is then,
and if we choose to represent the momentum loss rate as the momentum flux μ12 n1 g 2 times
a cross-section, we must define that cross-section as,
Q12 (g) = 2π σ12 (g, χ)sinχ(1 − cosχ)dχ (11)
or, alternatively, ∞
Q∗12 (g) = 2π b [1 − cosχ(b)] db (12)
where we now can extend the range of b to ∞, since the factor 1 − cosχ(b), which becomes
very small for large b (small χ) ensures convergence in general (although not always!).
As a general rule, Q∗ and Qtot are comparable for nearly isotropic types of scattering (e.g.,
electron-neutrals at low energy, or neutral-neutral), but Q∗ is clearly lower than Qtot (by up
to 50%) for high-energy collisions, which tend to be more forward-biased.
Since collisions occur at atomic distance, their rigorous analysis requires Quantum Mechan-
ics. Specifically, this is so whenever the distance of closest approach, (of the order of Q∗ ) is
to or√less than the Broglie wavelength for the relative momentum /p. Putting
p ∼ μ kT /μ = μkT , quantum effects dominate when,
Q < (13)
For n-n collisions, μ > mH = 1.7 × 10−27 kg, and at T = 3000K this requires Q∗ <
10−22 m2 actual Q∗ . So for this type of collision, classical dynamics can be used. For
e-n collisions, μ ∼ me ∼ 10−30 kg, and taking T ∼ 10eV ∼ 105 K , the condition is
Q∗en < 8 × 10−21 m2 . Typical Q∗en values tend to be ∼ 10−19 m2 , so even in this case
we have some grounds for using classical dynamics. But in detail, many features of e-n
collision behavior are traceable to Quantum effects (such as the Ramsauer deep minimum
in Q∗ at energies where electrons resonate with the atoms potential well).
In what follows, we use Classical Mechanics for estimating some cross-sections, and then
also for calculating overall collisional effects using these cross-sections. In practical use, the
cross-sections are themselves obtained by laboratory measurements (or sometimes by precise
quantum computations), but since momentum and energy conservation are common to both
theories, the use of Classical Mechanics given the cross-section is on firm grounds.
1 ≡ velocity of particle
1 in lab frame, before collision
2 ≡ velocity of particle
2 in lab frame, before collision
w ≡ velocity of particle
1 in lab frame, after collision
w ≡ velocity of particle
2 in lab frame, after collision
Instead of the pair (w
1, w
2 ) the collision will be analyzed using the pair,
= m1 w
1 + m2 w
m 1 + m2 (14)
1 − w
g = w 2
1 and w
Solving for w 2,
+ m2
1 = G g
m 1 + m2
m1 (15)
w −
2 = G g
m 1 + m2
Let F21 (r) be the force exerted by
2 on
1 , which is assumed to be a function of r = |r1 − r2 |,
and to be along the r1 − r2 vector. Then,
m1 = F21
dt (16)
m2 = −F21
From (16),
= 0 (17)
is not changed by the interaction. Also, from (16),
So the c.m. velocity G
dg 1 1 m 1 + m2
= + F21 = F21
dt m 1 m2 m1 m2
μ12 = F21 (18)
where μ12 is the Reduced Mass,
m 1 m2
μ12 = (19)
m 1 + m2
(notice if m1 << m2 , μ12 ≈ m1 , while if m1 = m2 , μ12 = m1 /2).
Comparing (18) to (16) we see that the relative motion of particle 1 (as seen from the
accelerated frame of 2 ), under their mutual force, is as if 2 were at rest, except that
the mass m1 is to be replaced by the smaller mass μ12 . All dynamical properties known
for motion about a fixed center of force can be applied now. In particular, the angular
L = μ12r × g (20)
is a constant vector, which shows the motion is planar and that within this plane (using
polar coordinates),
L = μ12 r2 θ̇ ≡ constant (21)
The total kinetic energy in the lab frame is (with m = m1 + m2 ),
1 1
K = m1 w12 + m2 w22
2 2
m 2 μ12 2
K = G + g (22)
2 2
whereas the overall momentum is,
p = m1 w
1 + m2 w
2 = mG (23)
We already know that G is constant. If, in addition, the collision is elastic, then K is constant
as well, and then Eq. (22) shows that,
1 − m1 w
ΔP1 = m1 w 1
m1 m 2
ΔP1 = (g − g ) (27)
which justifies a result we advanced in a previous section.
Similarly, the increase in energy of
1 (decrease for 2 ) is,
1 1
ΔE1 = m1 w12 − m1 w12
2 2
Hence, since g = g,
ΔE1 = μ12 (g − g ) · G
= ΔP1 · G
Important observation:
Even though the collision is elastic, and no total energy is lost, there is an exchange of energy
between the particles, unless their c.m. is at rest.
The Classical Calculation of Elastic Scattering Cross-Sections
r2 θ̇ = gb (32)
g 2 b2 2V
ṙ2 + r2 4
+ = g2
r μ
b2 2V (r)
ṙ = ±g 1− − (33)
r2 μg 2
Time can be eliminated by dividing (33) by θ˙ = gb/r2 ,
dr r b2 2V (r)
= ± 1− 2 − (34)
dθ b r μg 2
Here the (+) sign applies past the point M of closest approach, while the (−) applies before
M. At M, the distance rm follows from dr/dθ = 0, or,
b2 2V (rm )
1− 2
− = 0 (35)
rm μg 2
Turning (34) upside down, and integrating from (r = ∞, θ = 0), with the (−) sign, to
(r = rm , θ = θm ), we obtain,
(b/r2 )dr
θm = −
1 − rb2 − 2Vμg(r)
2 2V (b/ξm )
1 − ξm − = 0 (36)
μg 2
and therefore, ξm
θm =
2V (b/ξ)
0 1 − ξ2 − μg 2
From the geometry,
χ = π − 2θm (38)
1 − cosχ = 2cos2 θm
sinχ = 2sinθm cosθm
and one can then complete the differential scattering cross-section using (6) and the total
and momentum transfer cross-sections using (8) and (11), or (12).
If each molecule behaves as a hard sphere (R1 for 1 , R2 for 2 ), the interaction can be
replaced by that of a point mass
1 with a field particle
2 of effective radius R0 = R1 + R2 ,
as in the figure.
which, in this case, turns out to be the same as Q∗12 . An important observation is that
neither of them depends on g. All other interaction potentials yield cross-sections that do
depend on g.
Consider interaction forces of the general type F (r) = ±α/rs , leading to,
V (r) = F (r)dr =
r (s − 1)rs−1
In terms of ξ = b/r, we have,
αξ s−1
V (ξ) = ± (41)
(s − 1)bs−1
Attractive potentials carry the (−) sign, repulsive ones the (+) sign. The relative velocity
influences cross-sections (Eq. 37) through the group,
2V 2 αξ s−1
= ±
μg 2 μg 2 (s − 1)bs−1
2V 2 ξ s−1
= ± (43)
μg 2 s − 1 (b/b0 )s−1
Define now y = b/b0 , and substitute in (37) and then in (12),
⎡ ⎤
⎢ ξm dξ ⎥
Q12 = 4πb0 2
ydycos ⎣ ⎥ (44)
s−1 ⎦
0 0 2
1− ξ2 ∓ s−1
s (+) or (−) A1
2 ± ∞
3 + 0.783
5 + 0.422
7 + 0.385
∞ + 0.5
The Case of Coulomb Collisions
z1 z2 e2
α = and s=2 (47)
(z1 , z2 are the charge numbers of the particles; z = −1 for electrons, +n for an nth -charged
positive ion). From this, the characteristic impact parameter is,
z1 z2 e2
b0 = (48)
4π0 μg 2
which can be positive (repulsion) or negative (attraction). Notice that for the case of electron-
electron collisions, μee = me /2, whereas for electron-ion, μei ≈ me . Hence,
Since b > 0, the quantity y = b/b0 can be positive or negative, so both cases are represented
by (from (37)),
θm = (50)
0 1 − ξ 2 − 2ξ/y
where ξm + 2ξm /y − 1 = 0, i.e.,
1 1
ξm = − ± +1 (51)
y y2
In order to have ξm = b/rm > 0, the (+) side must be adopted for either attraction or
repulsion in (51).
Eq. (50) can be integrated explicitly to,
ξ + 1/y 1 1
θm = sin−1 = sin−1 (1) − sin−1 = cos−1 (52)
1 + 1/y 2 0
1 + y2 1 + y2
χ 1 χ
cos2 θm = sin2 = leading to y = cot (53)
2 1 + y2 2
b = b0 cot (54)
For attraction, both b0 and χ are negative, so b is still positive.
We can now calculate the differential scattering cross-section from (6) and,
db b0 1 χ χ
= − 2 and sinχ = 2sin cos
dχ 2 sin χ/2 2 2
σ = (55)
4sin4 (χ/2)
which was first derived by Rutherford. This is clearly very forward-biased (strong decrease
of σ(χ) as χ increases from zero).
In terms of b, using,
χ 1
sin2 =
2 1 + y2
b20 b2
σ = 1+ 2 (56)
4 b0
The momentum transfer cross-section is then,
∞ ∞
∗ 2 2 ydy ∞
Q = 4π b0 cos θm ydy = 4π 2
= 2πb20 ln 1 + y 2 0 → ∞ (57)
0 0 1+y
Here, even the factor 2cos2 θm = (1 − cosχ) is not enough to eliminate the divergence that
happens at large b (small χ). Clearly, that is because of the strong singularity of σ(χ) at
χ = 0. The divergence is weak (logarithmic) and should not arise for any potential that is
less spread-out than the Coulomb potential.
Physically, we know that the plasma has a strong tendency to shield away any region of
concentrated charge. We make a small detour here to show that this modifies the Coulomb
potential of an isolated charge (ze) in an essential way, and we will then use this result to
complete the calculation above.
Consider a plasma where electrons have (as a fluid) negligible inertia, so that only pressure
gradients and electric fields matter, ∇Pe ≈ −ene E.
= −∇φ,
With constant Te , using Pe = ne kTe and E
∇ne e∇φ eφ
= → ne = ne0 e kTe (58)
ne kTe
where ne0 is the electron density where φ = 0. Consider now an isolated ion of charge (ze)
and assume the ion density in its neighborhood is undisturbed (equal to ne0 ) due to their
large inertia, while the electron density may locally increase (in a statistical sense) due to
the ions attraction. The net charge density is then −e(ne − ne0 ), and from Poissons equation
in spherical coordinates,
1 d 2 dφ ene0 kT
r = e e − 1 (59)
r2 dr dr 0
Not very near the ion, φ << kTe /e, so expand the exponential to 1st order,
1 d 2 dφ ene0 e
r ≈ φ
r dr dr 0 kTe
e2 n
The group 0 kTe0e is 1/λ2D (λD = Debye’s length). Also, put φ = ψ/r. Substituting and
d2 ψ ψ
− 2 = 0
dr λD
the solution that does not explode as r → ∞ is,
C −r/λD
ψ = Ce−r/λD or φ = e (60)
Near the ion (r λD ) this behaves as φ ∼ C/r, so C must be ez/4π0 ,
ez −r/λD
φ = e (61)
4π0 r
This shows that the ions potential is Coulombic only inside its Debye sphere, while it decays
much faster (exponentially) outside. This screened Coulomb potential should be used in Eq.
(37), but this would require numerical integrations. Instead, a simple device is to exclude in
the impact parameter integration (57) all values of b larger than one Debye length. Given
the weakness of the integral’s divergence, this should be adequate. We therefore return to
(57) and set the upper limit of the integral equal to λD /b0 ,
∗ 2
2 λD /b0 2 λ2D
Q ≈ 2πb0 ln 1 + y 0 = 2πb0 ln 1 + 2 (62)
The quantity,
Λ = 1+ (63)
is called the “Coulomb logarithm, and our result can be written,
According to (48),
z1 z2 e2
b0 =
4π0 μg 2
which shows Q∗ ∼ 1/g 4 , which implies that Coulomb collisions are most important at low
energies. Inside the logarithm, it is sufficient to use the average value of μg 2 , from,
1 2 3
μg = kTe → μ g 2 = 3kTe
2 2
so that,
λD 0 kTe 12π0 kTe 12π (0 kTe )3/2
= = (65)
b0 e2 ne z1 z2 e2 z1 z2 e3 n1/2
This ratio is related to the average number of electrons inside the Debye sphere,
4 4π 0 kTe
ND = πλ3D ne = ne (66)
3 3 e2 ne
= 9ND (67)
For validity of our statistical treatment of the ion’s neighborhood, we should have ND 1
(and hence Λ 1). For verification, assume Te = 1eV = 11600K, ne = 1018 m−3 , z1 = z2 =
1 . We calculate λD = 7.4 × 10−6 m and b0 = 4.8 × 10−10 m,
≈ 1.5 × 104 1
and so, to a good approximation, (63) becomes simply,
Λ ≈ (68)
For our example, lnΛ = ln(1.5 × 104 ) ≈ 9.6. For most plasmas of interest, lnΛ ranges only
from about 5 to about 20.
The parameter b0 has in this case a simple interpretation.
g g
g or
b0 (+) g
From (54), b = b0 cot(χ/2), so that b = b0 implies χ = ±90◦ . b0 is called the Landau impact
parameter, or “90◦ deflection parameter”.
1 = G
w + m2 g = m1 w1 +
m m m
These relationships are best viewed graphically in the fig-
w m2
g ure.
m The lab-frame deflection of 1 is the rotation χL of w
1 as
it becomes w 1 . We have,
χL χ
m 1
w sinχ
= m1 w
m2 tanχL = m2
G 1 w
1 m 1
w cosχ + mm1 w1
m m
tanχL = (69)
cosχ + m 1
In the simple case m1 /m2 = 1, this gives χL = χ/2, and in general χL < χ, due to the recoil
of particle
2 (notice we only assumed w 2 = 0).
2 = 0, but not w
Suppose now a detector measures the number of particles scattered into unit solid angle
2πsinχL dχL in the lab frame, and this is used to determine the differential scattering cross-
section σL (χL ). As long as χ and χL are interrelated through (69), we can also express the
number in terms of relative frame quantities, so that,
We can then use (69) to calculate dχL /dχ and χ(χL ). The result, after some algebra, is,
(1 + r2 + 2rcosχ) m1
σL = σ with r= (71)
1 + rcosχ m2
or, perhaps more directly useful,
1 − r2 sin2 χL + rcosχL 1 − r2 sin2 χL
σ = σL 3/2 (72)
r2 − 1 + 2 1 − r2 sin2 χL 1 − r2 sin2 χL + rcosχL
Because of (70), the total cross-section Qtot will be the same when computed in either frame;
but since the factors 1 − cosχ and 1 − cosχL are not accounted for, the momentum transfer
cross-section will be different. But Q∗ is only useful in the relative (or c.m.) frame. In fact,
the momentum transfer from 1 to 2 is not μ12 w1 (1 − cosχL ), because w1
= w1 .
1. Measure σL (χL )
2. Calculate σ(χ)
3. Integrate to Q∗ = 2π 0
σ(χ)(1 − cosχ)sinχdχ
Application: Thompson’s calculation of ionization cross-section by
electron impact
Ionization occurs when a free e imparts more than E∞ − En to a bound electron in the nth
state. Assume this e is at rest and free.
m1 2 me me 1
ΔE2 = −ΔE1 = μ(1 − cosχ) w1 = (1 − cosχ) w12 = (1 − cosχ)me w12
m 2 2me 4
χmin 1 − cosχmin 2ΔE
sin2 = =
2 2 me w12
me w12
Qi = πb20 −1
Now define,
m w2
2 e 1 e4
u ≡ → πb20 =
ΔE 16π2 20 (ΔE)2 u2
In terms of the Bohr radius,
e2 me v 2 4π0 2
= and me va0 = → a0 =
4π0 a20 a0
me e2
and the ionization cross section is,
EiH u−1 Ee
Qi = 4πa20 2
with u =
Ei u Ei
where, for instance, Ee is the energy of an incident electron and Ei is the ionization energy
of the target particle in the nth state. We observe that,
u−1 1
= when u = 2
u max 4
i = πa20
Qi (Ee )
∝ 1/E
Ei 2Ei
˚2 ) = 3.52 u − 1
Qi (in A with u=
Ee (in eV )
u2 13.6
This gives Qmax
i = 0.88A ˚2 at Ee = 27.2eV (actual is 0.7A
˚2 at 70eV ). It also gives
˚2 , actual is 0.44A
Qi (200eV ) = 0.22A ˚2 .
Note:The cross sections were for a stationary target, and as such contain relative speed g and
reduced mass μ. To account for the motion of the target, we need the velocity distribution
function f , and will treat that later.
For the Coulomb case, it turns out (1st order Chapman-Enskog theory) that the effective mo-
mentum transfer cross-section (to be associated with the mean thermal speed) in 6π 2 p20 lnΛ
instead of 4π 2 p20 lnΛ.
Notice that in a Coulomb orbit K = − 12 V and Etot = K + V = −K, i.e., the electron K is
numerically equal to the ionization potential from its orbit. Now, this is the least energy in
impairing electron can have if it is to produce ionization; therefore, the energy of the bound
electron is always less than that of the ionizing electron, and this partially justifies Thomp-
son’s assumption of neglecting the bound electron motion. The other assumption, namely,
that the electron is effectively free, has a similar justification, since |V | = −2K, so that |V |
is at most 2 times the energy of the impinging electron, and so the assumptions are expected
to be good at several times the ionization potential, and moderately good near the threshold.
u−1 E
g(u) = ln(1.25β2 u) , u =
u2 Ekλ
Gryzinski: QGR (E,Ekλ ;ΔE) = Cross section for transfer of energy > ΔE by electron at
E to electron in level k
E1λ E Ek
QGR = 4πa02 ξk g(u, v) ; u = , V = λ
3/2 v+1
v # $ 1/2 %&
u−1 u 1 2v 1 u−1
g(u1 v) = 1− 1+ 1− ln e +
u2 u+v u 3 2u v
Applies for Te Ei , because at high Te it is hard to arrange that any e loses so much energy
as to be captured.
pee ≡ Probability of an e-e collision while the 1st electron is within the ion’s SOI
Strictly speaking, the e-e collision would have to be such that one of the electrons would
afterward have negative total energy and be captured (both have initially positive total en-
ergies before being accelerated into the ion’s field, and one of them should surrender enough
K to the other, so that its own K is now less than the magnitude of its (negative) potential
energy in the field of the ion). But since e-e collisions are effective for energy transfer, the
fraction of all possible e-e collisions satisfying this is of order 1 (for low Te ).
R1 ne ni c̄e πr02 and Pee = 1 − e−r0 /λee = r0 ne Qee with Qee ∼ πr02
8 kTe e2 1.04 × 10−20
R ne ni c̄e πr02 r0 ne πr02 R n2e ni π 2 r05 c̄e α=π 2
! " π me 6π0 kTe Te
1.09 × 10−20
R= 9/2
n2e ni
R 1.64 × 10−20
∼ 9/2
ne ni Te
So, good within an order of magnitude, and has the right trends in it.
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