Lecture3 5 PDF
Lecture3 5 PDF
Lecture3 5 PDF
S – Curve method
• If the time base of the unit hydrograph is Tb hr, it reaches constant outflow
(Qe) at T hr, since 1 cm of net rain on the catchment is being supplied and
removed every tr hour and only T/tr unit graphs are necessary to produce an
S-curve and develop constant outflow given by,
Qe = (2.78·A) / tr
Qe = constant outflow (cumec)
tr = duration of the unit graph (hr)
A = area of the basin (km2 or acres)
Module 3
Unit hydrograph
To obtain tr-hr UG
multiply the S-curve
difference by tr/trI
Discharge Q (Cumec)
Unit hydrograph in
Succession produce
Constant outflow
Lagged s-curve
Qe cumec Constant flow Qe (Cumec)
Lagged by tr-hr
Lagged Time t (hr) Module 3
Unit hydrograph
Example Problem
700 S-curve
2 hr UH
Q (cfs)
400 Lagged by 2 hr
0 2 4 6 Time (hr) 8 10 12 14
Make a spreadsheet with the 2-hr UH ordinates, then copy them in the next column
lagged by D=2 hours. Keep adding columns until the row sums are fairly constant.
The sums are the ordinates of your S-curve.
Module 3
Unit hydrograph
Example Problem
Find the one hour unit hydrograph using the excess rainfall hyetograph and
direct runoff hydrograph given in the table
Module 3
Unit hydrograph Contd….
Input Pn Output Qn
P1 P2 P3 Output Qn = ∑ PmUn−m+1
U2 U3 U4
U1 U5
Un-m+1 Unit pulse response applied to
Unit hydrograph Contd….
Q1 = PU
11 m*
Qn = ∑ PmUn−m+1
=2 P2U1 + PU
1 2 m=1
Q3 =P3U1 + P2U2 + PU
1 3 n = 1, 2,…,N
QM+1 =
0 + PMU2 + ..... + P2UM + PU
1 M+1
• The ERH and DRH in table have M=3 and N=11 pulses respectively.
• Hence, the number of pulses in the unit hydrograph is N-M+1=11-3+1=9.
• Substituting the ordinates of the ERH and DRH into the equations in table
yields a set of 11 simultaneous equations
Similarly calculate for remaining ordinates and the final UH is tabulated below
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Un (cfs/in) 404 1,079 2,343 2,506 1,460 453 381 274 173
Module 3