Cobas 4000
Cobas 4000
Cobas 4000
cobas e 411
r Software Simulator
User Manual
SW versions 01-02 and 02-01 2009-05-06
cobas e 411
User Manual Software Simulator
versions 01-02 and 02-01
version changes author
2009-05-06 First compilation H. Vetter
1. Prerequisite: .................................................................................................................3
2. Installation of the software simulator ............................................................................3
3. how to work with the cobas e 411 software simulator ..................................................3
3.1. how to start the software simulator...............................................................................3
3.2. how to terminate the software simulator.......................................................................5
3.3. how to copy customer data to the software simulator ..................................................6
4. Limitations of the software simulator ............................................................................7
1. Prerequisite:
Windows compatible PC with Windows XP Service Pack 2
The tool has to be installed to the C: drive directly, otherwise the defined paths will
not work.
Input R or D to start the software simulator as the Rack or the Disk version of the
analyzer and press the Enter key.
Open the command popup screen shown below by selecting the corresponding tab on the
Windows task area.
If the Windows Desktop and the task area is not visible, because the software simulator is
displayed in full screen mode, please press the Alt+Tab keys first.
The software simulator already contains real data, which will be displayed and used after the
start of the tool.
If specific customer data have to be used, the corresponding data files need to be copied to a
defined folder of the software simulator.
Depending on the software version and the analyzer type, there are various folders, the cus-
tomer data files have be copied to:
Please ensure that always the complete set of data files is copied.
To copy only single files to the software simulator can lead to unexpected malfunctions
due to data inconsistency.
for the sample tracking screens only examles are implemented. They do not reflect
the real situation at the analyzer.
all functions with hardware reaction (to start a run, Reagent Scan, …) cannot be