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Peros: General Assessment

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Areas Assessed Objective Findings Problem Identified

General Assessment

1. Ask when, where, how the

injury occurred.

2. Does patient lose

consciousness; if so, for how

3. Has been there a change in level

of consciousness. If trauma is
relate to alcohol or drug

4. If the patient experience seizure

after the injury.

 Inspection.  Scalp bruising (ecchymosis)

 Laceration scalp, skull and
exposure of dura of the brain. o Pain
 Hematoma o Risk for infection
 Impacted area of bone bends
inward and the area around it bends
 Bone is pressed inward into the
brain tissue
 CSF leakage from the nose and
 Abnormal head tilt

 Palpate the head. Note

 Tenderness in the scalp
EYES o Risk for injury

1. Check for pupil size and reaction  Pinpoint and noresponsive pupils
to light (penlight).  Pupils that fixed (nonreactive) and
dilated pupils (poor prognostic
 Ovoid pupil- midstage between
normal and dilated pupil size
 Uneven pupils
 Loss of light reaction

2. Check gross vision.  Temporary cortical blindness

If patient’s condition permits.
Have patient read any printed

NEUROLOGIC  Loss of consciousness o Deficient fluid volume

 Mild TBI: 15minutes w/ GCS o Ineffective cerebral
1. Assess LOC using GCS score 13-15 tissue perfusion
 Moderate TBI: 6hrs w/ GCS o Imbalanced body
2. Assess for signs and symptoms score 9-12 temperature related to
ICP elevation  Severe TBI: longer than 6 hrs damaged temperature-
w/ GCS of 3-8. regulating mechanisms
 Disorientation or confusion in the brain
 Amnesia o Risk for injury
 Restlessness or Irritability
 Persistent Headache
 Decrease in arousal or deep
 Seizures (w/in 24 hrs)
 changes in temperature
Assess patients ABC (airway,
breathing, clearance).  Hyperventilation o Ineffective airway
1. Note the respiratory pattern  Bradypnea clearance
(chest wall movement)  Short period of Apnea o Impaired gas exchange.
 Cheyne-stoke respirations o Decreased cerebral and
2. Note the respiratory rate.
 Pulmonary edema tissue perfusion.
3. Auscultate chest for breath
o Self-care deficit
1. Assess of range of motion of  Decerebrate or decorticate o Impaired physical
joints and development of posturing or flaccidity mobility
deformities and spasticity  Hemiparesis
2. Assess for bilateral motor  Immobility
responses.  Ataxia
CARDIOVASCULAR  Hypotension or severe
hypertension o Deficient fluid volume
1. Check BP, HR,PR  Bradycardia
 Thread, irregular and rapid pulse.
 Tachycardia
 Cardiac dysrhythmias

1. Inspect the abdomen for  Projectile vomiting o Imbalance nutrition
distention  Constipation less than body
2. Auscultate bowel sounds  Bowel incontinence requirements
 Paralytic ileus
INTEGUMENTARY  Pressure ulcers o risk for impaired skin
1. Inspect the skin integrity integrity
and character.

1. Record Intake and output  Urinary incontinence

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