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"Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System": 1.1 General

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“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 1



Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System Project is about the Real Time Automatic
Irrigation System. The report consists of Introduction, Block Diagram, Interfaces, Soil Moisture
Sensor, Solenoid Valve, Relays. The continuous increasing demand of food requires the rapid
improvement in food production technology. In a country like India, where the economy is
mainly based on agriculture and the climatic conditions are isotropic, still we are not able to
make full use of agricultural resources. The main reason is the lack of rains & scarcity of land
reservoir water.

Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the soil usually for assisting in growing
crops. In crop production it is mainly used in dry areas and in periods of rainfall shortfalls, but
also to protect plants against frost

1.1 General
A properly designed irrigation system addresses uniform irrigation application in a
timely manner while minimizing losses and damage to soil, water, air, plant, and animal
resources. The design of a conservation irrigation system matches soil and water characteristics
with water application rates to assure that water is applied in the amount needed at the right
time and at a rate at which the soil can absorb the water without runoff. Physical characteristics
of the area to be irrigated must be considered in locating the lines and spacing the sprinklers or
emitters, and in selecting the type of mechanized system. The location of the water supply,
capacity, and the source of water will affect the size of the pipelines, irrigation system flow
rates, and the size and type of pumping plant to be used. The power unit selected will be
determined by the overall pumping requirements and the energy source available. Key points
in designing an irrigation system include:
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 2

• The irrigation system must be able to deliver and apply the amount of water needed to meet
the crop-water requirement.
• Application rates must not exceed the maximum allowable infiltration rate for the soil type.
Excess application rates will result in water loss, soil erosion, and possible surface sealing. As
a result, there may be inadequate moisture in the root zone after irrigation, and the crop could
be damaged.
• Flow rates must be known for proper design and management.
• Soil textures, available soil water holding capacity, and crop rooting depth must be known for
planning and designing system application rates, irrigation water management, and scheduling
irrigations so that water applied is beneficially used by the crop.
• The water supply, capacity, and quality need to be determined and recorded.
• Climatic data - precipitation, wind velocity, temperature, and humidity must be addressed.
• Topography and field layout must be recorded.
• Farmer’s preferences in irrigation methods, available operation time, farm labor, cultural
practices, and management skills must be noted for selecting and planning the type and method
of irrigation.
. The most opportune time to discuss and review problems and revise management plans that
affect design and operation of the irrigation system is during the planning and design phase.
The physical layout of a system can be installed according to data from this guide. Operational
adjustments then must be made for differing field and crop conditions.
Minimum requirements for the design, installation, and performance of irrigation systems
should be in accordance with the standards of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the
American Society of Agricultural Engineers, and the National Irrigation Association. Material
and equipment used should conform to the standards of the American Society for Testing
Materials (ASTM) and the Irrigation Association.

The continuous increasing demand of food requires the rapid improvement in food
production technology. In a country like India, where the economy is mainly based on
agriculture and the climatic conditions are isotropic, still we are not able to make full use of
agricultural resources. The main reason is the lack of rains & scarcity of land reservoir water.
The continuous extraction of water from earth is reducing the water level due to which lot of
land is coming slowly in the zones of un-irrigated land.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 3
Another very important reason of this is due to unplanned use of water due to which a
significant amount of water goes to waste.
In modern drip irrigation systems, the most significant advantage is that water is
supplied near the root zone of the plants drip by drip due to which a large quantity of water is
saved. At the present era, the farmers have been using irrigation techniques in India through
manual control in which farmers irrigate the land at the regular intervals. This process
sometimes consumes more water or sometimes the water reaches late due to which crops get
dried. Water deficiency can be detrimental to plants before visible wilting occurs. Slowed
growth rate, lighter weight fruit follows slight water deficiency. This problem can be perfectly
rectified if we use automatic micro controller based drip irrigation system in which the irrigation
will take place only when there will be acute requirement of water.Irrigation system uses valves
to turn irrigation ON and OFF. These valves may be easily automated by using controllers and
solenoids. Automating farm or nursery irrigation allows farmers to apply the right amount of
water at the right time, regardless of the availability of labor to turn valves on and off. In
addition, farmers using automation equipment are able to reduce runoff from over watering
saturated soils, avoid irrigating at the wrong time of day, which will improve crop performance
by ensuring adequate water and nutrients when needed. Automatic Drip Irrigation is a valuable
tool for accurate soil moisture control in highly specialized greenhouse vegetable production
and it is a simple, precise method for irrigation. It also helps in time saving, removal of human
error in adjusting available soil moisture levels and to maximize their net profits.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 4



Deweshvree Rane at el:(2015) (1) agriculture plays an important role for development in food
production. In our country, agriculture are depends on the monsoons which is not sufficient
source of water. So the irrigation is used in agriculture field. In Irrigation system, depending
upon the soil type, water is provided to plant. In this paper, automatic irrigation system based
on ARMs and RF module. All the system will be setup using ARM and RF module. The most
important factor of this system is RF module which is used to send and receiving the message
to the controller. This system used three nodes which communicate each other and irrigate
paddy field automatically. The aim of our project is to modernizing agriculture technology by
programming components and built the necessary component for the system. The system is real
time based and extracts the exact condition of paddy field. There is one central node used which
to control other node. The main function of RF module is to pass the message to the node and
operate the system.

Yogesh G. Gawali at el:(2016) (2) Automated irrigation system consists of a feedback control
system that employs monitoring of environmental parameters and controlling irrigation.
Environmental parameters such soil moisture, temperature and humidity plays an important role
in overall development of the crop and good yield. Conservation of water and other resource
can be achieved by optimizing these parameters. The advancements in science and technology
have enabled the use of modern technology, like Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), in such
system at very low cost. WSN can be incorporated to distribute the monitoring over entire crop
field. This paper reviews for various sensors available to monitor above environmental
parameters and focuses on wireless technologies to suite such types of end application

Prathyusha.K at el:(2013) (3) Agricultural sector is playing vital role in Indian economy, in
which irrigation mechanism is of key concern. Our paper aims to find the exact field condition
and to control the wastage of water in the field and to provide exact controlling of field by using
the drip irrigation, atomizing the agricultural environment by using the components and
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 5

building the necessary hardware. For the precisely monitoring and controlling of the agriculture
filed, different types of sensors were used. To implement the proposed system ARM LPC2148
Microcontroller is used. The irrigation mechanism is monitored and controlled more efficiently
by the proposed system, which is a real time feedback control system. GSM technology is used
to inform the end user about the exact field condition. Actually this method of irrigation system
has been proposed primarily to save resources, yield of crops and farm profitability

Mritunjay Ojha at el:(2016) (4) Watering the plant is the most important cultural practice and
one of the labor intensive tasks in daily greenhouse operation. Watering systems ease the burden
of getting water to plants when they need it. Knowing when and how much to water is two
important aspects of watering process. To make the gardener works easily, the automatic plant
watering system is created. There have a various type using automatic watering system that are
by using sprinkler system, tube, nozzles and other. This system uses watering sprinkler system
because it can water the plants located in the pots. This project uses Arduino board, which
consists of ATmega328 Microcontroller. It is programmed in such a way that it will sense the
moisture level of the plants and supply the water when required. This type of system is often
used for general plant care, as part of caring for small and large gardens. Normally, the plants
need to be watered twice daily, morning and evening. So, the microcontroller has to be coded
to water the plants in the garden or farms about two times per day. People enjoy plants, their
benefits and the feeling related to nurturing them. However for most people it becomes
challenging to keep them healthy and alive. To accommodate this challenge we have developed
a prototype, which makes a plant more self-sufficient, watering itself from a large water tank
and providing itself with artificial sunlight. The pro-To type reports status of its current
conditions and also reminds the user to refill the water tank. The system automation is designed
to be assistive to the user. We hope that through this prototype people will enjoy having plants
without the challenges related to absent or forgetfulness.

Rahul Ghodake at el:(2016) (5) The developments in the agricultural field are the buzzword
in the market. In the field of agriculture, use of proper method of irrigation is important and it
is well known that irrigation by drip is very economical and efficient. In the conventional drip
irrigation system, the farmer has to keep watch on irrigation timetable, which is different for
different crops and it is very difficult. This paper mainly focuses on designing of an accurate &
cost effective Global System for Mobile (GSM) Based Automatic Drip Irrigation System using
micro-controller. In order to fulfill these objectives we have used relay and solenoid valve along
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 6

with a 16×2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) that can be connected to the microcontroller, which
will displays the soil moisture level and ambient temperature. The developed irrigation method
removes the need for workmanship for flooding irrigation. Efficient water management plays
an important role in the irrigated agricultural cropping systems. Time based control mechanism;
volume based control mechanism and priority based mechanism can be designed in one system.

Nagarajapandian M at el:(2015) (6) This project on "Automatic Irrigation System on Sensing

Soil Moisture Content" is intended to create an automated irrigation mechanism which turns
the pumping motor ON and OFF on detecting the dampness content of the earth. In the domain
of farming, utilization of appropriate means of irrigation is significant. The benefit of employing
these techniques is to decrease human interference and still make certain appropriate irrigation.
This automated irrigation project brings into play an Arduino board ATmega328 micro-
controller ,is programmed to collect the input signal of changeable dampness circumstances of
the earth via dampness detecting system.

N.Prakash at el:(2014) (7) Implementation of submersible pump control based on water

pressure from the outlet of the pump. Pressure level from the outlet of pump is monitored
periodically by timer in arm processor LPC 2148.Amount of water pumped by the pump can
be measured. Threshold pressure value can be set and pump can be turned ON and OFF by
comparing the current pressure value with threshold value. Temperature, current are monitored.
Current reading can be monitored and the motor can be turned off when there is a drastic change
in current to avoid damage to the motor and the amount of current and voltage consumed by the
pump can be measured and displayed. The overall efficiency can be increased by utilizing the
electricity effectively. This monitoring and control system can be used for pumping water from
well and to supply water to the agricultural land.

Dhawan S. Thakur at el:(2013) (8) irrigation system in the country which can provide water
to the farms according to their moisture and soil types. Modern drip Irrigation is today’s need
because water resources are very limited, diminishing day by day and most of them depend
upon monsoons. The one and only one solution to this problem is automated Drip Irrigation
system. In the field of agriculture, use of proper method of irrigation is important and it is well
known that irrigation by drip is very economical and efficient.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 7

In the conventional drip irrigation system, the farmer has to follow a schedule for
watering, which is different for different crops. In the automatic microcontroller based drip
irrigation system, irrigation will take place only when there will be intense requirement of water.
A variety of drip irrigation methods have been proposed, but most of them have been
found to be very expensive and complicated to use. In future each and every farmer, whether
poor or uneducated might wake up in need of such a system, therefore the proposed applications
targeting an automatic irrigation system with minimal cost, time and human-computer
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 8


Methods of Field Water Application

Methods of Field Water Application

Surface Irrigation Sub Surface Irrigation

Border Irrigation Basin Border Natural Sub Surface Artificial Sub Surface
Irrigation Irrigation

Drip Sprinkler Furrow

Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation

Fig:-3.0 Tree Diagram Irrigation System.

Irrigation water conveyed to the head or upstream point of a field must be applied
efficiently on the whole area such that the crops growing in the either fields gets water more or
less uniformly. Naturally it may be observed that a lot depends on the topography of the land
since a large area with uneven topography would result in the water spreading to the low lying
areas. The type of crop grown also immensely matter as some like rice, require standing water
depths at almost all stages of its growth. Some, like potato, on the other hand, suffer under
excess water conditions and require only the right amount of water to be applied at the right
time. Another important factor determining the way water is to apply in the fields is the quantity
of water available at any point of time. If water is scarce, as what is actually happening in many
parts of the country, then it is to be applied through carefully controlled methods with minimum
amount of wastage. Usually these methods employ pressurized flow through pipes which is
either sprinkled over the crop or applied carefully near the plant root. On the other hand when
water is rather unlimited during the crop growing season as in deltaic regions, the river flood
water is allowed to inundate as much area as possible as long the excess
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 9

water is available. Another important parameter dictating the choice of the irrigation method is
the type of soil. Sometimes water is applied not on the surface of the field but is used to moist
the root zone the plants from beneath the soil surface. Thus, in effective the type of irrigation
methods can be broadly divided as under:

• Surface irrigation method.

• Subsurgace irrigation method.
• Sprinkler irrigation system.
• Drip irrigation system.
Each of these methods has been discussed in the subsequent section of this lesson.

3.1Surface Irrigation Methods

In this system of field water application the water is applied directly to the soil from
a channel located at the upper reach of the field. It is essential in these methods to construct
designed water distribution systems to provide adequate control of water to the fields and proper
land preparation to permit uniform distribution of water over the field.
One of the surface irrigation method is flooding method where the water is allowed to
cover the surface of land in a continuous sheet of water with the depth of applied water just
sufficient to allow the field to absorb the right amount of water needed to raise the soil moisture
up to field capacity,. A properly designed size of irrigation stream aims at proper balance against
the intake rate of soil, the total depth of water to be stored in the root zone and the area to be
covered giving a reasonably uniform saturation of soil over the entire field.
Flooding method has been used in India for generations without any control what so
ever and is called uncontrolled flooding. The water is made to enter the fields bordering rivers
during folds. When the flood water inundates the flood plane areas, the water distribution is
quite uneven, hence not very efficient, as a lot of water is likely to be wasted as well as soils of
excessive slopes are prone to erosion. However the adaptation of this method doesn’t cost much.

The flooding method applied in a controlled way is used in two types of irrigation methods as

• Border irrigation method

• Basin irrigation method
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 10

As the names suggest the water applied to the fields by this inundates or floods the land, even
if temporarily. On the other hand there are many crops which would try better if water is applied
only near their root zone instead of inundating.
Such an irrigation method is called the Furrow irrigation method. All these methods are
discussed in the subsequent sections.

3.1.1 Border Irrigation

Borders are usually long uniformly graded strips of land separated by earth bunds (low ridges)
as shown in Figure.

Fig 3.1.1.(A) :- Border irrigation with water being applied to the borders with help of
flexible pipes, acting as siphons.

The essential feature of the border irrigation is to provide an even surface over which the water
can flow down the slope with a nearly uniform depth. Each strip is irrigated independently by
turning in a stream of water at the upper end as shown in Figure.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 11

Fig3.1.1(B) :- water entering each border strip independently.

The water spreads and flow down the strip in a sheet confined by border ridges. When the
advancing water reaches the lower end of the border, the stream is turned off.
For uniform advancement of water front the borders must be properly leveled. The
border shown in the figures above are called straight borders, in which the border strips are laid
along the direction of general slope of the field. The borders are sometimes laid along the
elevation contours of the topography when the land slope is excessive. Those method of border
is called contour border method of irrigation.

Fig 3.1.1(C) :- Contour border method of irrigation.

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 12

The straight border irrigation is generally suited to the larger mechanized farms as it is designed
to produce long uninterrupted field lengths for ease of machine operations. Borders can be 800m
or more in length and 3 – 30 m wide depending on variety of factors. It is less suited to small
scale farms involving hand labour or animal powered cultivation methods. Generally, border
slopes should be uniform, with a minimum slope of 0.05% to provide adequate drainage and a
maximum slope of 2% to limit problems of soil erosion.
As for the type of soil suitable for border irrigation, deep homogeneous loam or clay
soils with medium infiltration rates are preferred. Heavy, clay soils can be difficult to irrigate
with border irrigation because of the time needed to infiltrate sufficient water into the soil. Basin
irrigation is preferable in such circumstances.

3.1.2 Basin Irrigation

Basins are flat areas of land surrounded by low bunds. The bunds prevent the water from
flowing to the adjacent fields. The basins are filled to desired depth and the water is retained
until it infiltrates into the soil. Water may be maintained for considerable periods of time.
Basin method of irrigation can be formally divided into two, via; the check basin method and
the ring basin method. The check basin method is the most common method of irrigation used
in India. In this
method, the land to be irrigated is divided into small plots or basins surrounded by checks,
levees (low bunds); as shown in Figure

Fig3.1.2(A) :-Check basin method of irrigation.

Each plot or basin has a nearly level surface. The irrigation water is applied by filling
the plots with water up to the desired depth without overtopping the levees and the water
retained there is allowed to infiltrate into the soil. The levees may be constructed for temporary
use or may be semi permanent
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 13

for repeated use as for paddy cultivation. The size of the levees depends on the depths of water
to be impounded as on the stability of the soil when wet.
Water is conveyed to the cluster of check basins by a system of supply channels and
lateral field channels or ditches. The supply channel is aligned on the upper side (at a higher
elevation) of the field for every two rows of plot as shown in the figure.
The size of basins depends not only on the slope but also on the soil type and the available water
flow to the basins. Generally, it is found that the following holds good for basin sizes.

Basin size should be small if the

1. Slope of the land is steep.

2. Soil is sandy.
3. Stream size to basin is small.
4. Required depth of irrigation application is small.
5. Field preparation is done by hand or animal traction

Basin size can be large if the

1. Slope of the land is flat

2. Soil is clay.
3. Stream size to the basin is large
4. Required depth of the irrigation is large.
5. Field preparation is mechanized.

Basin irrigation is suitable for many field crops. Paddy rice grows best when its roots are
submerged in water and so basin irrigation is the best method for use with the crop.
The other form of basin irrigation is the ring basin method which is used for growing trees in
orchards. In this method, generally for each tree, a separate basin is made which is usually
circular in shape, as shown in Figure.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 14

Fig3.1.2(B):-Ring basin method of irrigation.

Sometimes, basin sizes are made larger to include two more trees in one basin. Water to the
basins is supplied from a supply channel through small field channels conveyed the basins with
the supply channel.

Trees which can be irrigated successfully using the ring basin method include citrus and banana.

Basins can also be constructed on hillside. Here, the ridges of the basins are constructed as in
contour border method thus making the only difference between the two is in the application of
water. In the border method, the water is applied once during an irrigation cycle and is allowed
to flow along the field and as the water infiltrates, till the supply is cutoff. In the basin method,
as in a rice field the water is higher at a desired level on the basin. Basin irrigation is suitable
for many field crops. Paddy rice grows best when its roots are submerged in water and so basin
irrigation is the best method for use with this crop.

3.2 Subsurface irrigation methods

As suggested by the name, the application of water to fields in this type of irrigation
system is below the ground surface so that it is supplied directly to the root zone of the plants.
The main advantages of these types of irrigation is reduction of evaporation losses and less
hindrance to cultivation works which takes place on the surface.
There may be two ways by which irrigation water may be applied below ground and these are
termed as:
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 15

 Natural sub-surface irrigation method

 Artificial sub-surface irrigation method

These methods are discussed further below

3.2.1. Natural Sub-surface irrigation method

Under favorable conditions of topography and soil conditions, the water table may be
close enough to the root zone of the field of crops which gets its moisture due to the upward
capillary movement of water from the water table. The natural presence of the water table may
not be able to supply the requisite water throughout the crop growing season. However, it may
be done artificially by constructing deep channels in the field which may be filled with water at
all times to ensure the presence of water table at a desired elevation below the root zone depth.
Though this method of irrigation is excellent from both water distribution and labour saving
points of view, it is favorable mostly for the following

• The soil in the root zone should be quite permeable

• There should be an impermeable substratum below the water table to prevent deep percolation
of water.
• There must be abundant supply of quality water that is one which is salt free, otherwise there
are chances of upward movement of these salts along with the moisture likely to lead the
conditions of salt incrustation on the surface.

3.2.2 Artificial subsurface irrigation method

The concept of maintaining a suitable water table just below the root zone is obtained
by providing perforated pipes laid in a network pattern below the soil surface at a desired depth.
This method of irrigation will function only if the soil in the root zone has high horizontal
permeability to permit free lateral movement of water and low vertical permeability to prevent
deep percolation of water. For uniform distribution of water percolating into the soil, the pipes
are required to be very closely spaced, say at about 0.5m. Further, in order to avoid interference
with cultivation the pipes have to be buried not less than about 0.4m below the ground surface.
This method of irrigation is not very popular because of the high expenses involved, unsuitable
distribution of subsurface moisture in many cases, and possibility of clogging of the perforation
of the pipes.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 16

 Drip irrigation
 Sprinkler irrigation
 Flow Irrigation.
The conventional irrigation methods like overhead sprinklers, flood type feeding systems
usually wet the lower leaves and stem of the plants. The entire soil surface is saturated and often
stays wet long after irrigation is Completed. Such condition promotes infections by leaf mold
fungi. On the contrary the drip or trickle irrigation is a type of modern irrigation technique that
slowly applies small amounts of water to part of plant root zone. Water is supplied frequently,
often daily to maintain favorable soil moisture condition and prevent moisture stress in the plant
with proper use of water resources. Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation saves water because only the plant’s root zone receives moisture. Little
water is lost to deep percolation if the proper amount is applied. Drip irrigation is popular
because it can increase yields and decrease both water requirements and labour.

Fig :- Drip Irrigation.

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 17

Fig Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation requires about half of the water needed by sprinkler or surface irrigation.
Lower operating pressures and flow rates result in reduced energy costs. A higher degree of
water control is attainable. Plants can be supplied with more precise amounts of water. Disease
and insect damage is reduced because plant foliage stays dry. Operating cost is usually reduced.
Federations may continue during the irrigation process because rows between plants remain

Fig3.2.2.1(C):- Typical drip irrigation

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 18

The automated control system consists of moisture sensors, analog to digital converter,
microcontroller, Relay driver, solenoid control valves.
The important parameters to be measured for automation of irrigation system are soil
moisture. The entire field is first divided into small sections such that each section should
contain one moisture sensor. These sensors are buried in the ground at required depth. Once the
soil has reached desired moisture level the sensors send a signal to the micro controller to turn
on the relays, which control the valves.

Advantages of Drip Irrigation

1. Less requirement of irrigation water.
2. Water supply at optimum level.
3. Water logging avoided.
4. High yield.
5. Cultivation of cash crops.
6. No over irrigation.
7. Variation in application rate.
8. Weed control.
9. No soil erosion.
10. Suitable any topography.
11. Maintenance of high surface temperature.
12. Reduce labour cost.

1. High initial cost.
2. Danger of blockade of nozzles.
3. Change in spacing of nozzles.
4. Shallow root depth. Sprinkler Irrigation System

Sprinkler irrigation is a method of applying water which is similar to natural rainfall but
spread uniformly over the land surface just when needed and at a rate less than the infiltration
rate of the soil so as to avoid surface runoff from irrigation.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 19

This is achieved by distributing water through a system of pipes usually by pumping

which is then sprayed into the air through sprinklers so that it breaks up into small water drops
which fall to the ground. The system of irrigation is suitable for undulating lands, with poor
water availability, sandy or shallow soils, or where uniform application of water is desired. No
land leveling is required as with the surface irrigation methods. Sprinklers are, however, not
suitable for soils which easily form a crust. The water that is pumped through the pump pipe

Sprinkler system must be free of suspended sediments. As otherwise there would be

chances of blockage of the sprinkler nozzles.

A typical sprinkler irrigation system consists of the following components:

• Pump unit

• Mainline and sometimes sub mainlines

• Laterals

• Sprinklers

Fig Sprinkler Irrigation.

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 20

Fig Sprinkler Irrigation.

The pump unit is usually a centrifugal pump which takes water from a source and provides
adequate pressure for delivery into the pipe system.

The mainline and sub mainlines are pipes which deliver water from the pump to the
laterals. In some cases, these pipelines are permanent and are laid on the soil surface or buried
below ground. In other cases, they are temporary, and can be moved from field to field. The
main pipe materials include asbestos cement, plastic or aluminum alloy.The laterals deliver
water from the main lines or sub mainlines to the sprinklers. They can be permanent but more
often they are portable and made of aluminum alloy or plastic so that they can be moved easily.

A) Perforated pipe system: This consists of holes perforated in the lateral irrigation pipes
in specially designed pattern to distribute water fairly uniformly. The sprays emanating
from the perforations are directed in both sided of the pipe and can cover a strip of land
6 m to 15m wide.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 21

Fig A:- Perforated pipe system

B) Rotating head system:
Here small sized nozzles are placed on riser pipes fixed at uniform intervals along the
length of the lateral pipe. The lateral pipes are usually laid on the ground surface. The
Nozzle of the sprinkler rotates due to a small mechanical arrangement which utilizes the
thrust of the issuing water.

Fig B: - Rotating head system.

As such, sprinkler irrigation is suited for most rows, field as tree crops and water can
be sprayed over or under the crop canopy.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 22

However, large sprinklers are not recommended for irrigation of delicate crops such as
lettuce because the large water drops produced by the sprinklers may damage the crop.
Sprinkler irrigation has high efficiency. It however, varies according to climatic
conditions; 60% in warm climate; 70% in moderate climate and 80% in humid or cool climate.
Sprinkler irrigation was not widely used in India before the 1980. Although no statistics are
available on the total area under sprinkler irrigation, more than 200000 sprinkler sets were sold
between 1985 and 1996(with 65000 for 1995-96) according to the National Committee on the
use of plastics in agriculture. The average growth rate of sprinkler irrigated area in India is about
25 percent. The cost of installation of sprinkler irrigation depends on a number of factors such
as type of crop, the distance from water source.

Advantages of sprinkler irrigation

1. Erosion can be control.
2. Uniform application for water is possible.
3. It is stand by drainage pumping plant.
4. Surface run off is eliminated.
1. The power requirement is high.
2. Wind may distort sprinkling pattern.
3. Water must be clean and free form sand.
4. Heavy soil with poor intake cannot be irrigated efficiently. Furrow Irrigation

Furrows are small channels, which carry water down the land slope between the
crop rows. Water infiltrates into the soil as it moves along the slope. The crop is usually grown
on ridges between the furrows, as shown in Fig. This method is suitable for all row crops and
for crops that cannot stand water for long periods, like 12 to 24 hours, as is generally
encountered in the border or basin methods of irrigation.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 23

Fig Furrow Irrigation

Water is applied to the furrows by letting in water from the supply channel, either by
pipe siphons or by making temporary breaches in the supply channel embankment. The length
of time the water is to flow in the furrows depends on the amount of water required to replenish
the root zone and the infiltration rate of the soil and the rate of lateral spread of water in the soil.
Furrow irrigation is suitable to most soils except sandy soils that have very high infiltration
water and provide poor lateral distribution water between furrows. As compared to the other
methods of surface irrigation, the furrow method is advantageous as:

• Water in the furrows contacts only one half to one-fifth of the land surface, thus reducing
peddling and clustering of soils and excessive evaporation of water. Earlier cultivation is
possible Furrows may be straight laid along the land slope, if the slope of the land is small
(about 5 percent) for lands with larger slopes, the furrows can be laid along the contours.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 24

Fig Furrow Irrigation

Fig3.2.2.3(C):- Furrow Irrigation

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 25

4.1 Application of smart irrigation to field

Fig 4.1:-Smart Irrigation System.

Soil moisture sensors are designed to estimate soil volumetric water content based on
the dielectric constant (soil bulk permittivity) of the soil. The dielectric constant can be thought
of as the soil's ability to transmit electricity. The dielectric constant of soil increases as the water
content of the soil increases. This response is due to the fact that the dielectric constant of water
is much larger than the other soil components, including air. Thus, measurement of the dielectric
constant gives a predictable estimation of water content.
Bypass type soil moisture irrigation controllers use water content information from the
sensor to either allow or bypass scheduled irrigation cycles on the irrigation timer.
The microcontroller has an adjustable threshold setting and, if the soil water content
exceeds that setting, the event is bypassed. The soil water content threshold is set by the user.
The required readings can be transferred to the Remote Computer via Sigsbee for further
analytical studies, through the serial port present on microcontroller unit.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 26

While applying the automation on large fields more than one such microcontroller units
can be interfaced to the Centralized Computer the microcontroller unit has in-built timer in it,
which operates parallel to sensor system. In case of sensor failure the timer turns off the valves
after a threshold level of time, which may prevent the further disaster. The microcontroller unit
may warn the pump failure or insufficient amount of water input with the help of flow meter.


1 .Are relatively simple to design and install

2. This is very useful to all climatic conditions any it is economic friendly
3. This makes increase in productivity and reduces water consumption
4. Here we are using micro controllers so there is error free
5. This is safest and no manpower is required. Permit other yard and garden work to continue
when irrigation is taking place, as only the immediate plant areas are wet
6. Reduce soil erosion and nutrient leaching.
7. Reduce the chance of plant disease by keeping foliage dry.
8. May be concealed to maintain the beauty of the landscape, and to reduce vandalism and
liability when installed in public areas.
9. Require smaller water sources, for example, less than half of the water needed for a sprinkler
The Microcontroller based irrigation system proves to be a real time feedback control system
which monitors and controls all the activities of drip irrigation system efficiently. The present
proposal is a model to modernize the agriculture industries on a small scale with optimum
expenditure. Using this system, one can save manpower, water to improve production and
ultimately profit.

4.2 Soil Moisture

Soil moisture is an important component in the atmospheric water cycle, both on a small
agricultural scale and in large-scale modelling of land/atmosphere interaction. Vegetation and
crops always depend more on the moisture available at root level than on precipitation
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 27

Water budgeting for irrigation planning, as well as the actual scheduling of irrigation
action, requires local soil moisture information. Knowledge of the degree of soil wetness helps
to forecast the risk of flash floods, or the occurrence of fog.

Fig 4.2:- Soil Moisture Sensor

4.2.1 Making of the Soil Moisture Sensor Parts:

1. A pair of 5 inch nails.
2. A block of wood (2 inch by 2 inch by 1 inch in length width and height)
3. Insulation Tape
4. Soldering Iron
5. Signal processing board.
6. Connecting Wires
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 28

The steps involved in the construction are as follows:

1. Prepare 4 blocks (for 4 sensors) of wood of given dimension (2, 2, and 1)
2. Drill two holes through each block of wood, for the nails to go through. These holes must be
at a constant distance from one another for all blocks. (The distance used was 1 inch).
3. Insert the nails through the holes.
4. Insulate the exposed part of the nails from top to bottom leaving a certain length of nail
exposed at the bottom. This length that is left insulated will act as the probes. This length must
be common to all nails. The length also determines the depth of soil which is tested for soil
5. Solder connecting wires onto the top of the nails.
6. Take leads from the signal processing board and connect it to the sensor via these connecting
7. (Optional) to make the wood water resistant, oil paint the blocks of wood.
The working of the sensor is simple and straightforward. The probes (the 5 inch nails)
will be connected to the signal processing board via the soldering at the top of the nails as shown
in the figure. The resistance of the soil between the probes changes with changes in soil moisture
content. The signal processing board basically consists of a voltage divider circuit as shown
With increasing levels of soil moisture, the voltage output between the probes will
decrease. By tabulating the output voltage values for different levels of soil moisture, we can
calibrate the sensors. The table below shows the tabulated values for the following values of
resistance and capacitance in the signal processing board.

Circuit Diagram
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 29

4.3 Soil Water Content

Soil water content is an expression of the mass or volume of water in the soil, while the
soil water potential is an expression of the soil water energy status.
The relation between content and potential is not universal and depends on the characteristics
of the local soil, such as soil density and soil texture.
The basic technique for measuring soil water content is the gravimetric method. Because
this method is based on direct measurements, it is the standard with which all other methods are
compared. Unfortunately, gravimetric sampling is destructive, rendering repeat measurements
on the same soil sample impossible. Because of the difficulties of accurately measuring dry soil
and water volumes, volumetric water contents are not usually determined directly.

4.3.1 Measurement of Soil water content: indirect methods

The capacity of soil to retain water is a function of soil texture and structure. When
removing a soil sample, the soil being evaluated is disturbed, so its water-holding capacity is
altered. Indirect methods of measuring soil water are helpful as they allow information to be
collected at the same location for many observations without disturbing the soil water system.
Moreover, most indirect methods determine the volumetric soil water content without any need
for soil density determination. A few of the indirect methods are listed below.


Control unit Motor System Filtration

& Well Tank

Power Supply
Section Irrigation Venturi
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 30

4.4 Component Design

4.4.1 Power supply unit:-

To provide regulated power supply to all blocks a special required power

supply is designed for digital IC +5v is achieved for Op-Amp adder is +12V is generated as
well as for ADC a signal +10Vis generated power supply. Block consists of transformer the
sensor and switches.
Power supply is the first and the most important part of our project. For our project we
require +5v regulated power supply with maximum current rating 500 mA Following basic
building blocks are required to generated power supply.


P 9 +5V
IC 7812
100 µf
D1 D2 25V - 5V

N 100 µf
D3 D4
IC 7912

3 Terminal
Step Down Rectifie Filter Vtg.
230vac r Region/p
r r


Consider Transformer of 12 – 0 12 volt. I.e. center trap transformer

Vin = (2) 1/2 * Vin

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 31

= (2) 1/2 Vin = 21.213V

PIV for center trap transformer and rectifier

PIV = 2 * Vin

= 2*21.213

= 42.426V

Diodes are an4001 to 1N4007

We use here 1N4007 having PIV = 1000v

Value of capacitor as filter

DC = Vin – 50001 * dc/c

4.4.2 Relay Board:-

A relay is device that functions as an electrically operated switch. Most relay
are electromagnetically operated. Current through a coil generates a magnetic field that attract
and armature, which inter closes or opens the electrical contacts.

 Working
Drip irrigation is today’s need because Water – nature’s gift to mankind is not
unlimited and free forever. World water resources are fast diminishing.
After detailed study of inter–relationship among soil, water, crop, land terrain and
related agro climatic conditions, designed a suitable and economically viable system to deliver
a measured quantity of water at the root zone of each plant at regular intervals. This is to ensure
that the plants do not suffer from stress or strain of less and over watering. The system installed
at the farmer’s field is commissioned and training imparted to the farmer, followed by regular
after sales services.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 32

Benefits of irrigation system

 Has recorded increase in yield up to 230%.

 Saves water up to 70% compared to flood irrigation. More land can be irrigated with the
water thus saved.
 Crop grows consistently, healthier and matures fast.
 Early maturity results in higher and faster returns on investment.
 Fertilizer use efficiency increases by 30%.
 Cost of fertilizers, inter–culturing and labor use gets reduced.
 Fertilizer and Chemical Treatment can be given through Micro Irrigation System itself.
 Undulating terrains, Saline, Water logged, Sandy & Hilly lands can also be brought
under productive cultivation.

4.4.3 Radiological Methods

Two different radiological methods are available for measuring soil water content.
One is the widely used neutron scatter method, which is based on the interaction of high-energy
(fast) neutrons and the nuclei of hydrogen atoms in the soil. The other method measures the
attenuation of gamma rays as they pass through soil. Both methods use portable equipment for
multiple measurements at permanent observation sites and require careful calibration,
preferably with the soil in which the equipment is to be used.

Soil water dielectrics When a medium is placed in the electric field of a capacitor or
waveguide, its influence on the electric forces in that field is expressed as the ratio between the
forces in the medium and the forces which would exist in vacuum. This ratio, called permittivity
or “dielectric constant”, is for liquid water about 20 times larger than that of average dry soil,
because water molecules are permanent dipoles. The dielectric properties of ice, and of water
bound to the soil matrix, are comparable to those of dry soil. Therefore, the volumetric content
of free soil water can be determined from the dielectric characteristics of wet soil by reliable,
fast, non-destructive measurement methods, without the potential hazards associated with
radioactive devices. Moreover, such dielectric methods can be fully automated for data
At present, two methods which evaluate soil water dielectrics are commercially
available and used extensively, namely time-domain reflectometry and frequency domain
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 33

4.4.4 Time-Domain Reflectometry

Time-domain reflectometry is a method which determines the dielectric constant of the soil
by monitoring the travel of an electromagnetic pulse, which is launched along a waveguide
formed by a pair of parallel rods embedded in the soil. The pulse is reflected at the end of the
waveguide and its propagation velocity, which is inversely proportional to the square root of
the dielectric constant, can be measured well by actual electronics.

4.4.5 Frequency-Domain Measurement

While time-domain reflectometry uses microwave frequencies in the gigahertz range,
frequency domain sensors measure the dielectric constant at a single microwave megahertz
The microwave dielectric probe utilizes an open-ended coaxial cable and a single
reflectometer at the probe tip to measure amplitude and phase at a particular frequency. Soil
measurements are referenced to air, and are typically calibrated with dielectric blocks and/or
liquids of known dielectric properties. One advantage of using liquids for calibration is that a
perfect electrical contact between the probe tip and the material can be maintained (Jackson,
1990). As a single, small probe tip is used, only a small volume of soil is ever evaluated, and
soil contact is therefore critical.

 Resistance blocks
Electrical resistance blocks, although insensitive to water potentials in the wet range,
are excellent companions to the tensiometer. They consist of electrodes encased in some type
of porous material that within about two days will reach a quasi-equilibrium state with the soil.
The most common block materials are nylon fabric, fiber glass and gypsum, with a working
range of about –50 kPa (for nylon) or 100 kPa (for gypsum) up to –1 500 kPa. Typical block
sizes are 4 cm × 4 cm × 1 cm. Gypsum blocks last a few years, but less in very wet or saline
soil (Perrier and Marsh, 1958). This method determines water potential as a function of

direct current gives polarization effects. However, resistance decreases if soil is saline, falsely
indicating a wetter soil.

Gypsum blocks are less sensitive to soil saltiness effects because the electrodes are
consistently exposed to a saturated solution of calcium sulphate. The output of gypsum blocks
must be corrected for temperature (Aggelides and Londra, 1998).
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 34

Because resistance blocks do not protrude above the ground, they are excellent for
semi-permanent agricultural networks of water potential profiles, if installation is careful and
systematic (WMO, 2001).
When installing the resistance blocks it is best to dig a small trench for the lead wires
before preparing the hole for the blocks, in order to minimize water movement along the wires
to the blocks. A possible field problem is that shrinking and swelling soil may break contact
with the blocks. On the other hand, resistance blocks do not affect the distribution of plant roots.
Resistance blocks are relatively inexpensive. However, they need to be calibrated individually.
This is generally accomplished by calibrating the sensors for maximum point and minimum
points of the range.
Unfortunately, the resistance is less on a drying curve than on a wetting curve, thus
generating hysteresis errors in the field because resistance blocks are slow to equilibrate with
varying soil wetness (Tanner and Hanks, 1952).
As resistance-block calibration curves change with time, they need to be calibrated
before installation and to be checked regularly afterwards, either in the laboratory or in the field.
This last method mentioned was the one we have used in this project. We picked it for
feasibility and fairly accurate readings that the sensors provided. Let us look at the construction
of the sensor.
Technically a resistance block measures soil water tension. When the soil is dry it is
not possible for electricity to pass between the probes, essentially making the probe an insulator
with infinite resistance. As water is added to the soil more electrons can pass between the probes
effectively reducing the amount of resistance between the problem to the point when it is fully
saturated where the probe has virtually zero resistance. By using this range of values you can
determine the amount of water than exists in your soil.

4.5 Step Down Transformer:

Step down transformer is the first part or regulated power supply. To step down the
mains 230V A.C. we require step down transformer. Following are the main characteristic of
electronic transformer.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 35

1. Power transformer are usually designed to operate from source of low

impedance at a single freq.
2. It is required to construct with sufficient insulation of necessary dielectric
3. Transformer rating are expressed in volt-amp. The volt-amp of each secondary
winding or windings is added for the total secondary VA. To this are added the
load losses
4. Temperature rise of a transformer is decided on two well-known factors i.e.
losses on
transformer and heat dissipating or cooling facility provided unit.

4.6 Rectifier Unit:

Rectifier unit is a ckt. Which converts A.C. into pulsating D.C. Generally semi-
conducting diode is used as rectifying element due to its property of conducting current in one
direction only generally there are two types of rectifier.
1. Half wave rectifier.
2. Full wave rectifier.
3. In half wave rectifier only half cycle of mains A.C. rectified so its efficiency
is very poor. So we use full wave bridge type rectifier, in which four diodes
are used. In each half cycle, two diodes conduct at a time and we get
maximum efficiency at o/p

4.7 Filter circuit:

Generally a rectifier is required to produce pure D.C. supply for using at various places
in the electronic circuit, however, the o/p of rectifier has pulsating character i.e. if such a D.C.
is applied to electronic circuit it will produce a hum i.e. it will contain A.C. and D.C.
components. The A.C. components are undesirable and must be kept away from the load.

To do so a filter circuit is used which removes (or filter out) the A.C. components
reaching the load. Obviously a filter circuit is installed between rectifier and voltage regulator.
In our project we use capacitor filter because of his low cost,small size and little weight and
good characteristic. Capacitors are connected in parallel to the rectifier o/p because it passes
A.C. but does not pass D.C. at all.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 36

1) Time setting timer on delay type IC PIC 16F877A – 1 Nos.
2) Pump controllers only ON / OFF

Technical Specifications:-
1) Supply – 230V AC.
2) Logic – Timer based.
3) Pump- AC
4) Relay – 12V dc.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 37

5.0 Cost Estimation.
5.1 Cost Estimation Of Project
The project, automation irrigation system is implemented with a proper cost to
performance ratio. Being a development proto, many repetitions are there, which cannot be
avoided. Also, each spare of the project is to be done in 01 quantity, so the costing is more.
Later if the regular production will be started, the costing will be less. The price details for our
development are given as below

Sr. No Name of part Material Material Assembly Total(Rs)

Cost(Rs) Quantity Cost(Rs)

1 Electronic Kit 1000 1 500 1500

2 Transformer 500 2 50 550

3 Control IC 380 1 100 480

4 Water pump 300 1 0 300

5 Wooden 750 1 0 750


6 Water tank 70 1 0 70

7 Wires Overall 15 10Ft 0 150

8 Craft Paper 20 5 0 100

9 Miscellaneous 285 20 0 285

10 Soil Moisture 150 1 0 150

12 Crop 6 36 0 216

13 Coconut 10 38 0 380

14 Modulus 1000 0 0 1000

TOTAL 5715
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 38

5.2 Time Management

1 Project Selection 10 Days

2 Literature Survey 5 Days
3 Title Finalization 2 Days
4 Selection of model 5 Days
5 Selection of Project material 10Days
6 Selection of water motor & Drip pipe 02 Days
7 Purchase of fume material 02 days
8 Purchase of other part 07 days
9 Assembly of Component 10 Days
10 Mechanical Trials 02 Days
11 Taking the joint trials of mechanical system 02 Days
12 Achieving the results 03 Days
13 Model Completion 15Days
14 Report preparation 10 Days
Total Days 85 Days
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 39


6.0 Scope Of Project:-

Day by day, the field of electronics is blooming and have caused
great impact on human beings. The project which is to be implemented is an automated
irrigation method and has a huge scope for future development. The project can be extended to
greenhouses where manual supervision is far and few in between. The principle can be extended
to create fully automated gardens and farmlands. Combined with the principle of rain water
harvesting, it could lead to huge water savings if applied in the right manner. In agricultural
lands with severe shortage of rainfall, this model can be successfully applied to achieve great
results with most types of soil.

6.1 Advantages Of Project:-

1) It is real time operating system.

2) It is accurate.

3) The system is MC programmable.

4) The battery back-up is NOT provided.

5) Cost is less.

6) Construction is very simple and Suitable.

6.2 Disadvantages:-

1) It is not very fast in action.

2) Accuracy is most important.

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 40

3) Motor assembly is very accurate that time system work.

4) When power supply system fail that time system not useable.


1) Mostly advance irrigation system

2) In educational organization.

3) In industries.

4) Can be used to pollyhouse.

5) It is used in poll house manufacturing industries.

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 41


A totally customized, efficient and long–life system early maturity and a bountiful
harvest, season after season, year after year. Apart from all this,

1. Savings In Labour And Fertilizer Costs.

2. Time Saving.

3. Power Saving.

4. Water Saving.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 42


The proper guidance of project head and the sincere efforts of our group have lead
to the successfully accomplishment of our concerned projects.
The project based on Automatic real time Drip irrigation System was
interesting to work on and was also gained in this project work.
The primary applications for this project are for farmers and gardeners who
do not have enough time to water their crops/plants. It also covers those farmers who are
wasteful of water during irrigation. As water supplies become scarce and polluted, there is a
need to irrigate more efficiently in order to minimize water use and chemical leaching. Recent
advances in soil water sensing make the commercial use of this technology possible to automate
irrigation management for vegetable production. However, research indicates that different
sensors types perform under all conditions with no negative impact on crop yields with
reductions in water use range as high as 70% compared to traditional practices.
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 43


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[5] Rahul Ghodake “Sensor Based Automatic Drip Irrigation System” Journal For Research|
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[8] Dhawan S. Thakur “A Low Cost Design & Monitoring Of Automatic Irrigation System
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[9] Chandrika Chanda , Surbhi Agarwal , Er. B.Persis Urbana Ivy, “A Survey of Automated
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[10] Kshitij Shinghal et. al. “Wireless Sensor Networks Agriculture: For Potato Farming”,
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(8), 2010, 3955-3963
[11] Mahir Dursun, Semih Ozden, “A wireless application of drip irrigation automation
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[12] Mr. Srinubabu Aravapalli, Mrs. Ch.Sridevi, Dr. N.S.Murthy Sarma, Mr. K.Raja Sekhar,
“Design and Implementation of GSM based Irrigation System Using ARM7”, IJRCCT 2278-
5841, Vol 1, Issue 7,December 2012.
[13] LPC-ARM-Book-srn, TheInsider’s Guide to the PHILIPS ARM&-Based Microcontroller
AT Commands from wave-com.
[14] www. Drip Irrigation Images.com.
[15] http://gardenbot.org/howTo/soilMoisture/
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 44



1. “Real Time Techsports-2018 8th-9th -
Automatic S N D Collage, Yeola Jan,2018
2. “Real Time Paroksha 2k18 23th -24th -
Automatic G.H Raisoni, Feb 2018
Drip Ahmednagar
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 45

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 46
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 47
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 48
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 49
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 50
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 51
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 52
“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 53


Photo No: 1 Model On Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System

Photo No: 2 Model On Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 54

Photo No: 3 Water Pump

Photo No: 4 Soil Moisture Sensor

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 55

Photo No: 5 Electric Circuit

Photo No: 6 Venturi

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 56

Photo No: 7 Water Filter

Photo No: 8 Working In Cutting In Bar

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 57

Photo No: 9 Working In Cutting In Bar

Photo No: 10 Working In Joining Bar

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 58

Photo No: 11 Working In Welding In Table

Photo No: 12 Working On Cutting Table

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 59

Photo No: 13 Working In Model

Photo No: 14 Working In Model

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 60

Photo No: 15 Working In Model

Photo No: 16 Working In Water Tank

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 61

Photo No: 17 Model On Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System

Photo No: 18 Model On Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System

“Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System” 62

Photo No: 19 Model On Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System

Photo No: 20 Model On Real Time Automatic Drip Irrigation System

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