The Ignatian Charism For The World of Today: Organizing Institutions
The Ignatian Charism For The World of Today: Organizing Institutions
The Ignatian Charism For The World of Today: Organizing Institutions
(Manresa, Spain; Member of the Ignatian Spirituality Team - GEI)
ever-manifesting the divine pedagogy.
Tuesday 21st to Thursday 23rd May
Lecturer: George Pattery, SJ
(President of the South Asia Jesuit Conference)
In touch with the Sources Tuesday 4th to Friday 7th June
Opening session
of the Ignatian Charism
and Introductions
From the very beginning after finishing the
Sunday 28th afternoon to Monday 29th April “Deliberations 1539”, the First Jesuits confront and Summing up of the whole
solve the important and unexpected crossroads and experience
conflicts in their ministries. What is the role of the
uring one of the Transition Days a visit to
I gnatius of Loyola and Us. “First Companions” in the Foundation of the Society of Ignatian Barcelona will be offered.
The Autobiography and Jesus? How that group was led by the Holy Spirit and
how they grasped the historical events as “coming from Saturday 8th June
the Spiritual Diary
above”? How to approach today the silent presence of
A sapiential reading of the Autobiography as
women in the life of St. Ignatius and his companions?
the matrix of a spiritual process, comparing the
experience of Ignatius with our own experience Lecturer: José García de Castro, SJ
and spiritual autobiography. The study of the (Universidad Pontificia Comillas- Madrid -
Member of the Ignatian Spirituality Team - GEI) Sunday 9th June
Spiritual Diary will not only introduce us to the
Saturday 25th to Tuesday 28th May
highest levels of Ignatius’ spirituality but will
also make it possible to understand better the
characteristics of Ignatian mysticism.
The Society of Jesus as a different form
Lecturer: Javier Melloni, SJ
(Manresa, Spain; Member of the Ignatian Spirituality
of religious life and pattern of a new
Team - GEI) apostolic enterprise
Tuesday 30th April to Sunday 5th May Ignatius and his First Companions founded a new religious
order set for a missionary goal. In the light of contemporary
Several visits to Ignatian Manresa
Apostolic Spirituality, a thorough study of the Ignatian
A visit to Montserrat
charism needs to pay due attention to documents like the
Formula of the Institute and the Constitutions. The spirit of
these foundational documents continues to inspire Jesuits
n 8-day Individually Guided
A and all the Ignatian family to renewing and cultivating an
Retreat apostolic body, appropriating to each their unique
Director: Cecil Azzopardi, SJ
vocation and commitment.
(Rome-Malta), assisted by a team of co-directors Lecturer: Hung T.Pham, SJ
Monday 6th May evening to Tuesday 14th May (Assistant Professor of Ignatian Spirituality at Jesuit School of
Theology of Santa Clara University in Berkeley – USA)
A visit to Loyola and Javier
(Thursday 16th to Sunday 19th May) Thursday 30th May to Sunday 2nd June