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Final Report: Godaddy Site

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DBMS - CS351 


Group no 8 

14114068 Tarun Kumar 
14114069 Tejal Singh 
14114071 Vaibhav Gosain 


A domain name registrar is an organization or commercial entity that manages the reservation
of Internet domain names. The management is done in accordance with the guidelines of the
designated domain name registries.

Of the registrars who initially entered the market, many have continued to grow and outpace
rivals. Go Daddy is the largest registrar.

What are DNS Records?

The DNS records are automatically bundled up into a zone file, which is what allows the Internet
to look up the correct IP address for your domain. Three types which we have included in our
database are:
1. A -IPv4 address for the record.
2. AAAA -IPv6 address for the record.
3. CNAME -domain name to which this domain name forwards request.
4. MX -mail server address.

*A website cannot have both CNAME and A values simultaneously.





1. Users have already registered on godaddy and filled payment method details. 
2. Godaddy’s system daily checks if there that day is due date of any user, notifies 
him accordingly. 
3. If user opts for site hosting fixed storage space is offered. 
4. A registered user on goDaddySite can buy 0 or more domain names and a 
particular site can be owned by at most one registered user. 
5. A registered user can host zero or more site on goDaddySite. 
6. A particular record can have one and only one corresponding site whereas a 
particular site can have zero or more records associated with it. 





1. ‘sites’ Table enlists all the existing domain names registered with any domain 
registrar. Thus it will help goDaddy system to check which domain names are 
still available. 
2. ‘users’ table has the names and contact details of all the registered users on 
3. user_goDaddySite contains information regarding any domain name registration 
done via goDaddy. 
a. dueDate: date when the next payment installment is due 
b. paymentPeriod: period of installment , -1 if it is a one-time payment 
c. paymentAmount: amount of installment  
d. expiryDate: the date until which this domain name registration is valid 
4. goDaddySite record contains all DNS records of domian names registered via 
a. recordType can be one of DNS record types like: A, CNAME, MX etc. 
b. TTL: Time To Live for the particular record 
5. Record_value : Value of each DNS record can be multivalued , hence these have 
been stored in another table, to reduce redundancy. 
6. goDaddy also provides the hosting server space if one opts for it. 
user_hostedSite contains all records of sites hosted by goDaddy. 
7. Expiry date tells date till when domain name will be flushed if not renewed. 
However the due date is date till which if user dont pays then all records of 
domain name are seized though domain name is not flushed. 




Tables Information: 
CK = Candidate Key 
PK = Primary Key 
FD = Functional Dependency 
CK ​=​ siteId​,​ domainName
PK ​=​ siteId
siteId ​->​ domainName
domainName ​->​ siteId

CK ​=​ userId​,​email​,​contactNo.
PK ​=​ userId
userId ​->​ email​,​name
email ​->​ contactNo​.


contactNo​.​ ​->​ userId

PK ​=​ CK ​=​ goDaddySideId
goDaddySiteId ​->​ userId​,​dueDate​, p
​ aymentPeriod​,
paymentAmount​, ​expiryDate

PK ​=​ CK ​=​ ​(​userId​,​hostServerIPAddress)
(userID​,​hostServerIdAddress)​->​ storageSpace​,​ dueDate​,
paymentPeriod​,​ paymentAmount​,​ expiryDate.

PK ​=​ CK ​=​ ​(​recordId​,​recordValue)

CK ​=​ recordTypeId​,​ recordType
PK ​=​ recordTypeId
recordTypeId​->​ recordType
recordType​->​ recordTypeId

Highest Normal Forms: 
All the tables are in BCNF. 
Table Creation Code: 
CREATE TABLE ​`user_goDaddySite`​ (
`userId`​ ​int,
`goDaddySiteId`​ ​int,
`dueDate`​ DATE,
`paymentPeriod`​ ​int,
`paymentAmount`​ ​double,
`expiryDate`​ DATE,
PRIMARY KEY ​(​`goDaddySiteId`)

CREATE TABLE ​`site`​ (


`siteId`​ ​int,
`domainName`​ varchar​(​20​),
PRIMARY KEY ​(​`siteId`)

CREATE TABLE ​`record_value`​ (

`recordId`​ ​int,
`recordValue`​ varchar​(​20​),
PRIMARY KEY ​(​`recordId`​,​`recordValue`)

CREATE TABLE ​`goDaddySite_record`​ (

`goDaddySiteId`​ ​int,
`recordId`​ ​int,
`recordTypeId`​ ​int,
`TTL`​ bigint,
PRIMARY KEY ​(​`recordId`)

CREATE TABLE ​`user_hostedSite`​ (

`userId`​ ​int,
`hostServerIPAddress`​ varchar​(​20​),
`storageSpace`​ ​int,
`dueDate`​ DATE,
`paymentPeriod`​ ​int,
`paymentAmount`​ ​double,
`expiryDate`​ DATE,
PRIMARY KEY ​(​`userId`​,​`hostServerIPAddress`)

CREATE TABLE ​`recordType_info`​ (

`recordTypeId`​ ​int,
`recordType`​ varchar​(​20​),
PRIMARY KEY ​(​`recordTypeId`)

ALTER TABLE ​`user_goDaddySite`​ ADD CONSTRAINT ​`user_goDaddySite_fk0`​ FOREIGN KEY ​(​`userId`​)

REFERENCES ​`user`​(​`userId`​);

ALTER TABLE ​`user_goDaddySite`​ ADD CONSTRAINT ​`user_goDaddySite_fk1`​ FOREIGN KEY

(​`goDaddySiteId`​)​ REFERENCES ​`site`​(​`siteId`​);

ALTER TABLE ​`goDaddySite_record`​ ADD CONSTRAINT ​`goDaddySite_record_fk0`​ FOREIGN KEY

(​`goDaddySiteId`​)​ REFERENCES ​`site`​(​`siteId`​);

ALTER TABLE ​`goDaddySite_record`​ ADD CONSTRAINT ​`goDaddySite_record_fk1`​ FOREIGN KEY

(​`recordId`​)​ REFERENCES ​`record_value`​(​`recordId`​);

ALTER TABLE ​`user_hostedSite`​ ADD CONSTRAINT ​`user_hostedSite_fk0`​ FOREIGN KEY ​(​`userId`​)

REFERENCES ​`user`​(​`userId`​);



ALTER TABLE ​`recordType_info`​ ADD CONSTRAINT ​`recordType_info_fk0`​ FOREIGN KEY

(​`recordTypeId`​)​ REFERENCES ​`goDaddySite_record`​(​`recordTypeId`​); 
Possible Query Types: 
1. When a user wants to register a new domain name, check whether the domain name 
already existing site or not: 
select​ count​(*)​ ​from​ site
where​ domainName ​=​ ​'tarunkumar.in';

2. Display all subdomain names for a given domain name: 
select​ domainName ​from​ site
where​ domainName like ​'%amanto.be';

3. For a given domain-name, display its expiry date if it is registered under goDaddy ( this 
query will be useful if another user wants to know expiry date of a domain name he is 
interested in ): 
select​ expiryDate ​from​ user_goDaddySite ​as​ A​,​ site ​as​ B
where​ A​.​goDaddySiteId ​=​ B​.​siteId ​and​ B​.​domainName ​=​ ​'amanto.be';



4. All websites whose dueDate is within next 30 days (to notify user), print email-id for 
corresponding users (useful to notify the concerned user): 
select​ email​,​ domainName​,​ dueDate
from​ user ​as​ A​,​ user_goDaddySite ​as​ B​,​ site ​as​ C
where​ A​.​userId ​=​ B​.​userId ​and​ B​.​goDaddySiteId ​=​ C​.​siteId ​and​ DATE_ADD​(​CURDATE​(),​INTERVAL ​30
DAY​)​ ​>​ dueDate ​and​ CURDATE​()​ ​<=​ dueDate;

-- NOTE: above query will check with respect to current date, using the CURDATE() function. To 
compare with respect to someother date, replace CURDATE() everywhere with date , like 
5. All websites whose dueDate was yesterday ( we use this query to discontinue services 
for those websites ): 
select​ domainName
from​ user_goDaddySite a ​ s​ A​,​ site a​ s​ B
where​ A​.​goDaddySiteId =​ ​ B​.​siteId a​ nd​ dueDate ​=​ DATE_SUB​(​CURDATE​(),​INTERVAL ​1​ DAY​);

-- NOTE: above query will check with respect to current date, using the CURDATE() function. To 
compare with respect to someother date, replace CURDATE() everywhere with date , like 


6. Update expiryDate for a website, when user renews his registration for a domain name 
(standard Expiry duration is 365 days): 
update user_goDaddySite ​as​ A​,​ site ​as​ B
set​ expiryDate ​=​ DATE_ADD​(​expiryDate​,​INTERVAL ​365​ DAY)
where​ A​.​goDaddySiteId ​=​ B​.​siteId ​and​ B​.​domainName ​=​ ​'amanto.be';

-- NOTE: input domain parameter for above query is: 'amanto.be' 

7. Print all the ip-addresses for the sites registered by a user on goDaddy: 
select​ domainName​,​ recordValue
from​ user ​as​ A​,​ user_goDaddySite ​as​ B​,​ site ​as​ C​,​ goDaddySite_record ​as​ D​,​ record_value ​as​ E
where​ A​.​userId ​=​ B​.​userId ​and​ B​.​goDaddySiteId ​=​ C​.​siteId ​and​ C​.​siteId ​=​ D​.​goDaddySiteId
and​ D​.​recordId ​=​ E​.​recordId ​and​ name ​=​ ​'Vaibhav Gosain'
and​ D​.​recordTypeId =
select​ F​.​recordTypeId ​from​ recordType_info ​as​ F
where​ F​.​recordType ​=​ ​'A'

-- NOTE: input user name parameter for above query is: ‘Vaibhav Gosain’ 
8. Given a domain name, check if it is an alias of another website, and display that 
website’s ip-address: 
select​ B​.​recordValue
from​ goDaddySite_record ​as​ A​,​ record_value ​as​ B
where​ A​.​recordId ​=​ B​.​recordId ​and​ A​.​recordTypeId =
​select​ C​.​recordTypeId ​from​ recordType_info ​as​ C
​where​ C​.​recordType ​=​ ​'A'
and​ A​.​goDaddySiteId =
​select​ D​.​siteId ​from​ site ​as​ D
​where​ D​.​domainName ​in
select​ G​.​recordValue
from​ site ​as​ E​,​ goDaddySite_record ​as​ F​,​ record_value ​as​ G
where​ E​.​siteId ​=​ F​.​goDaddySiteId ​and​ F​.​recordId ​=​ G​.​recordId ​and​ F​.​recordTypeId =
​select​ H​.​recordTypeId ​from​ recordType_info ​as​ H
​where​ H​.​recordType ​=​ ​'CNAME'
​and​ E​.​domainName ​=​ ​'morban.co.uk'


-- NOTE: input domain name parameter for above query is: ‘morban.co.uk’ 

9. Display hostserver data for all server-spaces bought by a user: 

select​ hostServerIPAddress​,​ storageSpace
from​ user ​as​ A​,​ user_hostedSite ​as​ B
where​ A​.​userId ​=​ B​.​userId ​and​ name ​=​ ​"Tarun Kumar";

10. Display userinfo for a user 
select​ ​*​ ​from​ user ​where​ name ​=​ ​"Tarun Kumar";


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