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Bunny Lilu - Coneja

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DESIGNER – Tatiana Kostochenkova https://vk.com/tkostochenkova

Instagram - @tkostochenkova


1. Yarn Alize Cotton Gold of a milk color
(62), Yarn Art Jeans of pink (18), purple (19),
yellow (67) colors;
2. The hook 2.00 mm;
3. Stuffing (hollofayber);

4. Two black halfbeads 10 mm in diameter;

5. Buttons for attaching the legs;

6. A black sewing thread for the decoration

of the muzzle;

7. Plastic buttons for decoration of the

8. A thick needle for sewing of the details;
9. Scissors;
10. А moment glue or glue gun.

MR – magic ring; ATTENTION!!!
ch – chain; All rights reserved. It is forbidden to
sl st – slip stitch; copy or distribute the materials of this pat-
sc – single crochet; tern. You can sell the toys crocheted with
dc – double crochet; the help of this pattern.
inc – increase (crochet two sc in 1 loop);
dec – decrease (crochet two sc together);
fr lp – front loop;
bk lp – back loop.

- HEAD -
Crochet with the yarn of the main color. Stuff tightly in the course of crocheting.
1 rnd: 6 sc in MR; 15-20 rnd: 60 sc;
2 rnd: 6 inc (12); 21 rnd: 4 sc, dec, (8 sc, dec)*5, 4 sc (54);
3 rnd: (1 sc, inc)*6 (18); 22 rnd: (7 sc, dec)*6 (48);
4 rnd: 1 sc, inc, (2 sc, inc)*5, 1 sc (24); 23 rnd: 3 sc, dec, (6 sc, dec)*5, 3 sc (42);
5 rnd: (3 sc, inc)*6 (30); 24 rnd: (5 sc, dec)*6 (36);
6 rnd: 2 sc, inc, (4 sc, inc)*5, 2 sc (36); 25 rnd: 2 sc, dec, (4 sc, dec)*5, 2 sc (30);
7 rnd: (5 sc, inc)*6 (42); 26 rnd: (3 sc, dec)*6 (24);
8 rnd: 3 sc, inc, (6 sc, inc)*5, 3 sc (48); 27 rnd: 1 sc, dec, (2 sc, dec)*5, 1 sc (18);
9 rnd: (7 sc, inc)*6 (54); 28 rnd: (1 sc, dec)*6 (12);
10-13 rnd: 54 sc; 29 rnd: 6 dec (6).
14 rnd: 4 sc, inc, (8 sc, inc)*5, 4 sc (60); Tighten the opening, hide the end of the
thread inside the detail.

- ARMS -
Crochet with the yarn of the main color. Stuff till 20th rnd.
1 rnd: 5 sc in MR;
2 rnd: 5 inc (10);
3-27rnd: 10 sc;
28 rnd: (3 sc, dec)*2 (8).
Fold the detail in half and connect the edges by 4 sc. Cut the yarn, hide the end of the
thread inside the detail. Crochet second arm the same way.

- BODY -
Begin with the yarn of the main color. Stuff tightly in the course of crocheting.
1 rnd: 6 sc in MR; 7 rnd: (5 sc, inc)*6 (42);
2 rnd: 6 inc (12); 8 rnd: 3 sc, inc, (6 sc, inc)*5, 3 sc (48);
3 rnd: (1 sc, inc)*6 (18); 9 rnd: (7 sc, inc)*6 (54);
4 rnd: 1 sc, inc, (2 sc, inc)*5, 1 sc (24); 10 rnd: 54 sc;
5 rnd: (3 sc, inc)*6 (30); Change the yarn to the pink.
6 rnd: 2 sc, inc, (4 sc, inc)*5, 2 sc (36); 11 rnd: 54 sc;
12-13 rnd: for bk lp 54 sc; 27 rnd: (3 sc, dec)*6 (24);
14-18 rnd: 54 sc; 28 rnd: 4 sc, attach the first arm, crochet 4 sc
19 rnd: (7 sc, dec)*6 (48); grasping 4 loops of the arm and 4 loops of the
20 rnd: 48 sc; body together, 8 sc, attach the second arm, cro-
21 rnd: 3 sc, dec, (6 sc, dec)*5, 3 sc (42); chet 4 sc grasping 4 loops of the arm and 4 loops
22 rnd: 42 sc; of the body together, 4 sc (24);
23 rnd: (5 sc, dec)*6 (36); 29 rnd: 24 sc;
24 rnd: 36 sc; Change the color to the main one.
25 rnd: 2 sc, dec, (4 sc, dec)*5, 2 sc (30); 30 rnd: for bk lp 24 sc;
26 rnd: 30 sc; 31 rnd: 24 sc.
Cut the yarn, leaving a long end enough for sew-

- LEGS -
Crochet with the yarn of the main color. Stuff tightly in the course of crocheting.
1 rnd: 6 sc in MR;
2 rnd: 6 inc (12);
3 rnd: (1 sc, inc )*6 (18);
4 rnd: 1 sc, inc , (2 sc, inc )*5, 1 sc (24);
5-13rnd: 24 sc;
14 nd: 1 sc, dec, (2 sc, dec)*5, 2 sc (18);
15 rnd: 7 sc, 5 ch (5 sc skip), 6 sc (18);
16 rnd: (1 sc, dec)*6 (12);
17 rnd: 6 dec (6).
Tighten the opening, hide the end of the thread inside the detail. Attach the main color
yarn to the loop between the heel and the foot.
1 rnd: 1 sc between the heel and the foot, 5 sc on the foot, 1 sc в between the heel and the foot ,
5 sc on the chain of the 15th row (12);
2-26 rnd: 12 sc;
27 rnd: 6 dec(6).
Tighten the opening, hide the end of the thread inside the detail. Crochet second leg the
same way.

- EARS –
Crochet with the yarn of the main color. Don’t stuff.
1 rnd: 6 sc in MR;
2 rnd: 6 sc;
3 rnd: (1 sc, inc)*3 (9);
4 rnd: 9 sc;
5 rnd: 1 sc, inc, (2 sc, inc)*2, 1 sc (12);
6 rnd: 12 sc;
7 rnd: (1 sc, inc)*6 (18);
8 rnd: 18 sc;
9 rnd: 1 sc, inc, (2 sc, inc)*5, 1 sc (24);
10-19 rnd: 24 sc;
20 rnd: 1 sc, dec, (2 sc, dec)*5, 1 sc (18).
Fold the detail in half and connect the edges by 9 sc. Refold the detail in half and again
connect the edges by 5 sc. Cut the yarn, leaving a long end enough for sewing. Crochet second
ear the same way.


Begin with the tightening for the eyes.
To do this mark the points 1 and 2 between the 15 and 16 rows, the space between them
is 10 sc and the points 3 and 4 between the 16 and 17 rows directly under the points 1 and 2 (as
it is shown at the photo).
Now insert a needle in the head, fasten off a thread and take it out in the point 1, then
insert in the head in the point 3 and take out in the point 2, tighten a thread.
Again insert a needle in the head in the point 4 and take it out in the point 1, tighten a
thread. Repeat this action 2-3 times, fasten off, cut a thread and hide inside the head.

The next step is gluing the eyes with the help of a glue gun.

Then I embroider the eyelids, the lash and the brows with black thread, the nose with
purple thread.

For cheeks crochet with a pink color 2 ch, 10 hdc, sl st in the 2nd ch in MR. Cut the yarn,
leaving a long end enough for sewing. Sew cheeks to the head.

Try on the ears to the head with the help of pins

and sew them at the level of the 5th row.

For bows crochet with a purple color 3 ch, 3 dc,

3 ch, sl st, 3 ch, 3 dc, 3 ch, sl st in MR. Tight , wrap the bow
and sew to the head.


Attach the legs. I offer to attach them with the help of buttons. Make the fastening with
double thread!
To do this insert a needle between the 8 and 9 rows of the body, leaving a small end, and
take out at the opposite side at the same level. Then insert a needle in the leg between the 24
and 25 rows, fasten a button. Now insert a needle again in the body between the 8 and 9 rows,
in the very same place, from where a thread went out and take it out at the opposite side of
the body in the beginning point. Take the end, which we’ve left in the beginning, tighten and
make a strong knot.
Make the same procedure for the second leg. Pierce it between the 24 and 25 rows, fas-
ten a button and tighten a thread, make a strong knot. Hide the ends of the threads inside the

Now crochet the underskirt. Attach the purple yarn to the last front loop of the 11th rnd
and crochet around.
1 rnd: 3 ch, dc in the same loop, 2 dc in each loop to end of row, sl st to join in the end;
2 rnd: 3 ch, 2 dc in 1 loop, ( dc, 2 dc in 1 loop)*53, sl st to join in the end;
3-4 rnd: 3 ch, 161 dc (1 dc in each loop), sl st to join in the end.
Fasten off, cut the yarn, hide the end of the thread.
After that crochet the upper skirt. Attach the yellow yarn to the last front loop of the 12th
rnd and crochet around.
1 rnd: 3 ch, dc in the same loop, 2 dc in each loop to end of row, sl st to join in the end;
2 rnd: 3 ch, 2 dc in 1 loop, ( dc, 2 dc in 1 loop)*53, sl st to join in the end;
3rnd: 3 ch, 161 dc (1 dc in each loop), sl st to join in the end.
Fasten off, cut the yarn, hide the end of the thread.
Then crochet the collar with a yellow color. Attach the yarn to the last front loop of the
29th rnd and crochet around.
1 rnd: 1 ch, 1 sc in the same loop, 23 sc, sl st to join in the end;
2 rnd: for bk lp 1 ch, (1 sc, 1 dc, 1 sc) in 1 loop, sl st in the next loop, (1 sc, 1 dc, 1 sc) in 1 loop, sl
st in the next loop, alternate until the end of the row, sl st to join in the end.
Fasten off, cut the yarn, hide the end of the thread.

Try on the head to the body and begin sewing. In the course of sewing stuff the neck very
tight, so as the head does not dangle because of its heaviness.

Crochet the shoes. Begin with a yellow yarn, crochet in a spiral without a sl st in the end
of the row. Make a chain of 9 ch and insert the hook in the 2nd loop from the hook.
1 rnd: 7 sc, 3 sc in the last loop of the chain, 6 sc, inc (18);
2 rnd: inc , 6 sc, 3 inc , 6 sc, 2 inc (24);
3 rnd: 1 sc, inc , 6 sc, (1 sc, inc )*3, 6 sc, (1 sc, inc )*2 (30);
4 rnd: 2 sc, inc , 6 sc, (2 sc, inc )*3, 6 sc, (2 sc, inc )*2 (36);
5 rnd: 3 sc, inc , 6 sc, (3 sc, inc )*3, 6 sc, (3 sc, inc )*2 (42);
Change the yarn to the purple.
6 rnd: for bk lp 42 sc;
7-10rnd: 42 sc;
11 rnd: (1 sc, dec)*14 (28);
12 rnd:
- for the right leg: 4 sl st (1 sl st in 1 loop), make a chain of 22 ch, sl st in the same loop (4th
loop), 24 sl st (1 sl st in 1 loop), fasten off, cut the yarn, hide the end of the thread.
- for the left leg: 22 sl st (1 sl st in 1 loop), make a chain of 22 ch, sl st in the same loop (22nd ), 6
sl st, (1 sl st in 1 loop), fasten off, cut the yarn, hide the end of the thread.
Sew the buttons to the shoes. Ready!

Bunny Lilu is ready! Thank you for crocheting

her with me!
DESIGNER – Tatiana Kostochenkova https://vk.com/tkostochenkova
Instagram - @tkostochenkova

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