The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders
The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders
The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders
Classification of Mental
and Behavioural
In the early 1960s, the Mental Health Programme of the World Health Organization
(WHO) became actively engaged in a programme aiming to improve the diagnosis and
classification of mental disorders. At that time, WHO convened a series of meetings to
review knowledge, actively involving representatives of different disciplines, various
schools of thought in psychiatry, and all parts of the world in the programme. It
stimulated and conducted research on criteria for classification and for reliability of
diagnosis, and produced and promulgated procedures for joint rating of videotaped
interviews and other useful research methods. Numerous proposals to improve the
classification of mental disorders resulted from the extensive consultation process, and
these were used in drafting the Eighth Revision of the International Classification of
Diseases (ICD-8). A glossary defining each category of mental disorder in ICD-8 was
also developed. The programme activities also resulted in the establishment of a network
of individuals and centres who continued to work on issues related to the improvement
of psychiatric classification (1, 2).
In 1978, WHO entered into a long-term collaborative project with the Alcohol, Drug
Abuse and Mental Health Administration (ADAMHA) in the USA, aiming to facilitate
further improvements in the classification and diagnosis of mental disorders, and
alcohol- and drug-related problems (3). A series of workshops brought together scientists
from a number of different psychiatric traditions and cultures, reviewed knowledge in
specified areas, and developed recommendations for future research. A major
international conference on classification and diagnosis was held in Copenhagen,
Denmark, in 1982 to review the recommendations that emerged from these workshops
and to outline a research agenda and guidelines for future work (4).
In addition, several lexicons have been, or are being, prepared to provide clear
definitions of terms (8). A mutually beneficial relationship evolved between these
projects and the work on definitions of mental and behavioural disorders in the Tenth
Revision of the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
(ICD-10) (9). Converting diagnostic criteria into diagnostic algorithms incorporated in
the assessment instruments was useful in uncovering inconsistencies, ambiguities and
overlap and allowing their removal. The work on refining the ICD-10 also helped to
shape the assessment instruments. The final result was a clear set of criteria for ICD-10
and assessment instruments which can produce data necessary for the classification of
disorders according to the criteria included in Chapter V(F) of ICD-10.
The Copenhagen conference also recommended that the viewpoints of the different
psychiatric traditions be presented in publications describing the origins of the
classification in the ICD-10. This resulted in several major publications, including a
volume that contains a series of presentations highlighting the origins of classification in
contemporary psychiatry (10).
The preparation and publication of this work, Clinical descriptions and diagnostic
guidelines, are the culmination of the efforts of numerous people who have contributed
to it over many years. The work has gone through several major drafts, each prepared
after extensive consultation with panels of experts, national and international psychiatric
societies, and individual consultants. The draft in use in 1987 was the basis of field trials
conducted in some 40 countries, which constituted the largest ever research effort of this
type designed to improve psychiatric diagnosis (11, 12). The results of the trials were
used in finalizing these guidelines.
This work is the first of a series of publications developed from Chapter V(F) of ICD-10.
Other texts will include diagnostic criteria for researchers, a version for use by general
health care workers, a multiaxial presentation, and "crosswalks" - allowing cross-
reference between corresponding terms in ICD-10, ICD-9 and ICD-8.
Use of this publication is described in the Introduction, and a subsequent section of the
book provides notes on some of the frequently discussed difficulties of classification.
The Acknowledgements section is of particular significance since it bears witness to the
vast number of individual experts and institutions, all over the world, who actively
participated in the production of the classification and the guidelines. All the major
traditions and schools of psychiatry are represented, which gives this work its uniquely
international character. The classification and the guidelines were produced and tested in
many languages; it is hoped that the arduous process of ensuring equivalence of
translations has resulted in improvements in the clarity, simplicity and logical structure
of the texts in English and in other languages.
A classification is a way of seeing the world at a point in time. There is no doubt that
scientific progress and experience with the use of these guidelines will ultimately require
their revision and updating. I hope that such revisions will be the product of the same
cordial and productive worldwide scientific collaboration as that which has produced the
current text.
Norman Sartorius
Director, Division of Mental Health
World Health Organization
1.Kramer, M. et al. The ICD-9 classification of mental disorders: a review of its
developments and contents. Acta psychiatrica scandinavica, 59:241-262 (1979).
3.Jablensky, A. et al. Diagnosis and classification of mental disorders and alcohol- and
drug-related problems: a research agenda for the 1980s. Psychological medicine,
13:907-921 (1983).
6.Wing, J.K. et al. SCAN: schedules for clinical assessment in neuropsychiatry. Archives
of general psychiatry, 47: 589-593 (1990).
8.Lexicon of psychiatric and mental health terms. Vol. 1. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 1989.
The individuals who produced the initial drafts of the classification and guidelines are
included in the list of principal investigators on pages 312-325: their names are marked
by an asterisk. Dr A. Jablensky, then Senior Medical Officer in the Division of Mental
Health of WHO, in Geneva, coordinated this part of the programme and thus made a
major contribution to the proposals. Once the proposals for the classification were
assembled and circulated for comment to WHO expert panels and many other
individuals, including those listed below, an amended version of the classification was
produced for field tests. These were conducted according to a protocol produced by
WHO staff with the help of Dr J. Burke, Dr J.E. Cooper, and Dr J. Mezzich and involved
a large number of centres, whose work was coordinated by Field Trial Coordinating
Centres (FTCCs). The FTCCs (listed on pages xi-xii) also undertook the task of
producing equivalent translations of the ICD in the languages used in their countries.
Dr N. Sartorius had overall responsibility for the work on the classification of mental and
behavioural disorders in ICD-10 and for the production of accompanying documents.
Throughout the phase of field testing and subsequently, Dr J.E. Cooper acted as chief
consultant to the project and provided invaluable guidance and help to the WHO
coordinating team. Among the team members were Dr J. van Drimmelen, who has
worked with WHO from the beginning of the process of developing ICD-10 proposals,
and Mrs J. Wilson, who conscientiously and efficiently handled the innumerable
administrative tasks linked to the field tests and other activities related to the projects. Mr
A. L'Hours provided generous support, ensuring compliance between the ICD-10
development in general and the production of this classification, and Mr G. Gemert
produced the index.
Among the agencies whose help was of vital importance were the Alcohol, Drug Abuse
and Mental Health Administration in the USA, which provided generous support to the
activities preparatory to the drafting of ICD-10, and which ensured effective and
productive consultation between groups working on ICD-10 and those working on the
fourth revision of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual (DSM-IV) classification; the WHO Advisory Committee on ICD-10, chaired by
Dr E. Strömgren; and the World Psychiatric Association which, through its President, Dr
C. Stefanis, and the special committee on classification, assembled comments of
numerous psychiatrists in its member associations and gave most valuable advice during
both the field trials and the finalization of the proposals. Other nongovernmental
organizations in official and working relations with WHO, including the World
Federation for Mental Health, the World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation, the
World Association of Social Psychiatry, the World Federation of Neurology, and the
International Union of Psychological Societies, helped in many ways, as did the WHO
Collaborating Centres for Research and Training in Mental Health, located in some 40
The ICD-10 proposals are thus a product of collaboration, in the true sense of the word,
between very many individuals and agencies in numerous countries. They were
produced in the hope that they will serve as a strong support to the work of the many
who are concerned with caring for the mentally ill and their families, worldwide.
Numerous publications have arisen from Field Trial Centres describing results of their
studies in connection with ICD-10. A full list of these publications and reprints of the
articles can be obtained from Division of Mental Health, World Health Organization,
1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
Dr D. Kemali, University of Naples, First Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Institute of
Medical Psychology and Psychiatry, Naples, Italy
Dr N. Wig, Regional Adviser for Mental Health, World Health Organization, Regional
Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, Alexandria, Egypt
It is important that users study this general introduction, and also read carefully the
additional introductory and explanatory texts at the beginning of several of the individual
categories. This is particularly important for F23.-(Acute and transient psychotic
disorders), and for the block F30-F39 (Mood [affective] disorders). Because of the
long-standing and notoriously difficult problems associated with the description and
classification of these disorders, special care has been taken to explain how the
classification has been approached.
For each disorder, a description is provided of the main clinical features, and also of any
important but less specific associated features. "Diagnostic guidelines" are then provided
in most cases, indicating the number and balance of symptoms usually required before a
confident diagnosis can be made. The guidelines are worded so that a degree of
flexibility is retained for diagnostic decisions in clinical work, particularly in the
situation where provisional diagnosis may have to be made before the clinical picture is
entirely clear or information is complete. To avoid repetition, clinical descriptions and
some general diagnostic guidelines are provided for certain groups of disorders, in
addition to those that relate only to individual disorders.
When the requirements laid down in the diagnostic guidelines are clearly fulfilled, the
diagnosis can be regarded as "confident". When the requirements are only partially
fulfilled, it is nevertheless useful to record a diagnosis for most purposes. It is then for
the diagnostician and other users of the diagnostic statements to decide whether to record
the lesser degrees of confidence (such as "provisional" if more information is yet to
come, or "tentative" if more information is unlikely to become available) that are implied
in these circumstances. Statements about the duration of symptoms are also intended as
general guidelines rather than strict requirements; clinicians should use their own
judgement about the appropriateness of choosing diagnoses when the duration of
particular symptoms is slightly longer or shorter than that specified.
The diagnostic guidelines should also provide a useful stimulus for clinical teaching,
since they serve as a reminder about points of clinical practice that can be found in a
fuller form in most textbooks of psychiatry. They may also be suitable for some types of
research projects, where the greater precision (and therefore restriction) of the diagnostic
criteria for research are not required.
These descriptions and guidelines carry no theoretical implications, and they do not
pretend to be comprehensive statements about the current state of knowledge of the
disorders. They are simply a set of symptoms and comments that have been agreed, by a
large number of advisors and consultants in many different countries, to be a reasonable
basis for defining the limits of categories in the classification of mental disorders.
ICD-10 is much larger than ICD-9. Numeric codes (001-999) were used in ICD-9,
whereas an alphanumeric coding scheme, based on codes with a single letter followed by
two numbers at the three-character level (A00-Z99), has been adopted in ICD-10. This
has significantly enlarged the number of categories available for the classification.
Further detail is then provided by means of decimal numeric subdivisions at the
four-character level.
The chapter that dealt with mental disorders in ICD-9 had only 30 three-character
categories (290-319); Chapter V(F) of ICD-10 has 100 such categories. A proportion of
these categories has been left unused for the time being, so as to allow the introduction
of changes into the classification without the need to redesign the entire system.
Neurosis and psychosis
The traditional division between neurosis and psychosis that was evident in ICD-9
(although deliberately left without any attempt to define these concepts) has not been
used in ICD-10. However, the term "neurotic" is still retained for occasional use and
occurs, for instance, in the heading of a major group (or block) of disorders F40-F48,
"Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders". Except for depressive neurosis,
most of the disorders regarded as neuroses by those who use the concept are to be found
in this block,and the remainder are in the subsequent blocks. Instead of following the
neurotic-psychotic dichotomy, the disorders are now arranged in groups according to
major common themes or descriptive likenesses, which makes for increased convenience
of use. For instance, cyclothymia (F34.0) is in the block F30-F39, Mood [affective]
disorders, rather than in F60-F69, Disorders of adult personality and behaviour;
similarly, all disorders associated with the use of psychoactive substances are grouped
together in F10-F19, regardless of their severity.
All disorders attributable to an organic cause are grouped together in the block F00-F09,
which makes the use of this part of the classification easier than the arrangement in the
The new arrangement of mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance
use in the block F10-F19 has also been found more useful than the earlier system. The
third character indicates the substance used, the fourth and fifth characters the
psychopathological syndrome, e.g. from acute intoxication and residual states; this
allows the reporting of all disorders related to a substance even when only
three-character categories are used.
The block that covers schizophrenia, schizotypal states and delusional disorders
(F20-F29) has been expanded by the introduction of new categories such as
undifferentiated schizophrenia, postschizophrenic depression, and schizotypal disorder.
The classification of acute short-lived psychoses, which are commonly seen in most
developing countries, is considerably expanded compared with that in the ICD-9.
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The behavioural syndromes and mental disorders associated with physiological
dysfunction and hormonal changes, such as eating disorders, nonorganic sleep disorders,
and sexual dysfunctions, have been brought together in F50-F59 and described in greater
detail than in ICD-9, because of the growing needs for such a classification in liaison
Some further comments about changes between the provisions for the coding of
disorders specific to childhood and mental retardation can be found on pages 18-20.
Problems of terminology
The term "disorder" is used throughout the classification, so as to avoid even greater
problems inherent in the use of terms such as "disease" and "illness". "Disorder" is not
an exact term, but it is used here to imply the existence of a clinically recognizable set of
symptoms or behaviour associated in most cases with distress and with interference with
personal functions. Social deviance or conflict alone, without personal dysfunction,
should not be included in mental disorder as defined here.
The term "psychogenic" has not been used in the titles of categories, in view of its
different meanings in different languages and psychiatric traditions. It still occurs
occasionally in the text, and should be taken to indicate that the diagnostician regards
obvious life events or difficulties as playing an important role in the genesis of the
"Psychosomatic" is not used for similar reasons and also because use of this term might
be taken to imply that psychological factors play no role in the occurrence, course and
outcome of other diseases that are not so described. Disorders described as
psychosomatic in other classifications can be found here in F45.- (somatoform
disorders), F50.- (eating disorders), F52.- (sexual dysfunction), and F54.- (psychological
or behavioural factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere). It is
particularly important to note category F54.- (category 316 in ICD-9) and to remember
to use it for specifying the association of physical disorders, coded elsewhere in ICD-10,
with an emotional causation. A common example would be the recording of
psychogenic asthma or eczema by means of both F54 from Chapter V(F) and the
appropriate code for the physical condition from other chapters in ICD-10.
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The terms "impairment", "disability" and "handicap" are used according to the
recommendations of the system adopted by WHO.1 Occasionally, where justified by
clinical tradition, the terms are used in a broader sense. See also pages 8 and 9 regarding
dementia and its relationships with impairment, disability and handicap.
It is recommended that clinicians should follow the general rule of recording as many
diagnoses as are necessary to cover the clinical picture. When recording more than one
diagnosis, it is usually best to give one precedence over the others by specifying it as the
main diagnosis, and to label any others as subsidiary or additional diagnoses. Precedence
should be given to that diagnosis most relevant to the purpose for which the diagnoses
are being collected; in clinical work this is often the disorder that gave rise to the
consultation or contact with health services. In many cases it will be the disorder that
necessitates admission to an inpatient, outpatient or day-care service. At other times, for
example when reviewing the patient's whole career, the most important diagnosis may
well be the "life-time" diagnosis, which could be different from the one most relevant to
the immediate consultation (for instance a patient with chronic schizophrenia presenting
for an episode of care because of symptoms of acute anxiety). If there is any doubt about
the order in which to record several diagnoses, or the diagnostician is uncertain of the
purpose for which information will be used, a useful rule is to record the diagnoses in the
numerical order in which they appear in the classification.
The use of other chapters of the ICD-10 system in addition to Chapter V(F) is strongly
recommended. The categories most relevant to mental health services are listed in the
Annex to this book.
International classification of impairments,
disabilities and handicaps. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 1980.
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Notes on selected categories
in the classification of mental and
behavioural disorders in ICD-10
In the course of preparation of the ICD-10 chapter on mental disorder, certain categories
attracted considerable interest and debate before a reasonable level of consensus could be
achieved among all concerned. Brief notes are presented here on some of the issues that
were raised.
This is an opportune moment to refer to the general issue of the relationships between
symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and the system adopted by WHO for describing
impairment, disability, and handicap.2 In terms of this system, impairment (i.e. a "loss or
abnormality... of structure or function") is manifest psychologically by interference with
mental functions such as memory, attention, and emotive functions. Many types of
psychological impairment have always been recognized as psychiatric symptoms. To a
lesser degree, some types of disability (defined in the WHO system as "a restriction or
lack... of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered
normal for a human being") have also conventionally been regarded as psychiatric
symptoms. Examples of disability at the personal level include the ordinary, and usually
necessary, activities of daily life involved in personal care and survival related to
washing, dressing, eating, and excretion. Interference with these activities is often a
direct consequence of psychological impairment, and is influenced little, if at all, by
culture. Personal disabilities can therefore legitimately appear among diagnostic
guidelines and criteria, particularly for dementia.
In contrast, a handicap ("the disadvantage for an individual... that prevents or limits the
performance of a role that is normal...for that individual") represents the effects of
impairments or disabilities in a wide social context that may be heavily influenced by
culture. Handicaps should therefore not be used as essential components of a diagnosis.
International classification of impairments,
disabilities and handicaps. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 1980.
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Duration of symptoms required for
schizophrenia (F20.-)
Prodromal states
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Given the present lack of knowledge about both schizophrenia and these more acute
disorders, it was considered that the best option for ICD-10 would be to allow sufficient
time for the symptoms of the acute disorders to appear, be recognized, and largely
subside, before a diagnosis of schizophrenia was made. Most clinical reports and
authorities suggest that, in the large majority of patients with these acute psychoses,
onset of psychotic symptoms occurs over a few days, or over 1-2 weeks at most, and that
many patients recover with or without medication within 2-3 weeks. It therefore seems
appropriate to specify 1 month as the transition point between the acute disorders in
which symptoms of the schizophrenic type have been a feature and schizophrenia itself.
For patients with psychotic, but non-schizophrenic, symptoms that persist beyond the
1-month point, there is no need to change the diagnosis until the duration requirement of
delusional disorder (F22.0) is reached (3 months, as discussed below).
There has also been considerable debate about the most appropriate duration of
symptoms to specify as necessary for the diagnosis of persistent delusional disorder
(F22.-). Three months was finally chosen as being the least unsatisfactory, since to delay
The international pilot study of schizophrenia.
Geneva, World Health Organization, 1973 (Offset
Publication, No. 2).
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the decision point to 6 months or more makes it necessary to introduce another
intermediate category between acute and transient psychotic disorders (F23.-) and
persistent delusional disorder. The whole subject of the relationship between the
disorders under discussion awaits more and better information than is at present
available; a comparatively simple solution, which gives precedence to the acute and
transient states, seemed the best option, and perhaps one that will stimulate research.
The term "schizophreniform" has not been used for a defined disorder in this
classification. This is because it has been applied to several different clinical concepts
over the last few decades, and associated with various mixtures of characteristics such as
acute onset, comparatively brief duration, atypical symptoms or mixtures of symptoms,
and a comparatively good outcome. There is no evidence to suggest a preferred choice
for its usage, so the case for its inclusion as a diagnostic term was considered to be weak.
Moreover, the need for an intermediate category of this type is obviated by the use of
F23.- (acute and transient psychotic disorders) and its subdivisions, together with the
requirement of 1 month of psychotic symptoms for a diagnosis of schizophrenia. As
guidance for those who do use schizophreniform as a diagnostic term, it has been
inserted in several places as an inclusion term relevant to those disorders that have the
most overlap with the meanings it has acquired. These are: "schizophreniform attack or
psychosis, NOS" in F20.8 (other schizophrenia), and "brief schizophreniform disorder or
psychosis" in F23.2 (acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder).
This category has been retained because of its continued use in some countries, and
because of the uncertainty about its nature and its relationships to schizoid personality
disorder and schizotypal disorder, which will require additional information for
resolution. The criteria proposed for its differentiation highlight the problems of defining
the mutual boundaries of this whole group of disorders in practical terms.
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symptom must be present with the affective symptoms during the same episode of the
It seems likely that psychiatrists will continue to disagree about the classification of
disorders of mood until methods of dividing the clinical syndromes are developed that
rely at least in part upon physiological or biochemical measurement, rather than being
limited as at present to clinical descriptions of emotions and behaviour. As long as this
limitation persists, one of the major choices lies between a comparatively simple
classification with only a few degrees of severity, and one with greater details and more
The 1987 draft of ICD-10 used in the field trials had the merit of simplicity, containing,
for example, only mild and severe depressive episodes, no separation of hypomania from
mania, and no recommendation to specify the presence or absence of familiarly clinical
concepts, such as the "somatic" syndrome or affective hallucinations and delusions.
However, feedback from many of the clinicians involved in the field trials, and other
comments received from a variety of sources, indicated a widespread demand for
opportunities to specify several grades of depression and the other features noted above.
In addition, it is clear from the preliminary analysis of field trial data that in many
centres the category of "mild depressive episode" often had a comparatively low
inter-rater reliability.
It has also become evident that the views of clinicians on the required number of
subdivisions of depression are strongly influenced by the types of patient they encounter
most frequently. Those working in primary care, outpatient clinics and liaison settings
need ways of describing patients with mild but clinically significant states of depression,
whereas those whose work is mainly with inpatients frequently need to use the more
extreme categories.
Further consultations with experts on affective disorders resulted in the present versions.
Options for specifying several aspects of affective disorders have been included, which,
although still some way from being scientifically respectable, are regarded by
psychiatrists in many parts of the world as clinically useful. It is hoped that their
inclusion will stimulate further discussion and research into their true clinical value.
Unsolved problems remain about how best to define and make diagnostic use of the
incongruence of delusions with mood. There would seem to be both enough evidence
and sufficient clinical demand for the inclusion of provisions for mood-congruent or
mood-incongruent delusions to be included, at least as an "optional extra".
Since the introduction of ICD-9, sufficient evidence has accumulated to justify the
provision of a special category for the brief episodes of depression that meet the severity
criteria but not the duration criteria for depressive episode (F32.-). These recurrent states
are of unclear nosological significance and the provision of a category for their recording
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should encourage the collection of information that will lead to a better understanding of
their frequency and long-term course.
There has been considerable debate recently as to which of agoraphobia and panic
disorder should be regarded as primary. From an international and cross-cultural
perspective, the amount and type of evidence available does not appear to justify
rejection of the still widely accepted notion that the phobic disorder is best regarded as
the prime disorder, with attacks of panic usually indicating its severity.
Psychiatrists and others, especially in developing countries, who see patients in primary
health care services should find particular use for F41.2 (mixed anxiety and depressive
disorder), F41.3 (other mixed disorders), the various subdivisions of F43.2 (adjustment
disorder), and F44.7 (mixed dissociative [conversion] disorder). The purpose of these
categories is to facilitate the description of disorders manifest by a mixture of symptoms
for which a simpler and more traditional psychiatric label is not appropriate but which
nevertheless represent significantly common, severe states of distress and interference
with functioning. They also result in frequent referral to primary care, medical and
psychiatric services. Difficulties in using these categories reliably may be encountered,
but it is important to test them and - if necessary - improve their definition.
The term "hysteria" has not been used in the title for any disorder in Chapter V(F) of
ICD-10 because of its many and varied shades of meaning. Instead, "dissociative" has
been preferred, to bring together disorders previously termed hysteria, of both
dissociative and conversion types. This is largely because patients with the dissociative
and conversion varieties often share a number of other characteristics, and in addition
they frequently exhibit both varieties at the same or different times. It also seems
reasonable to presume that the same (or very similar) psychological mechanisms are
common to both types of symptoms.
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Although omitted from some classification systems, neurasthenia has been retained as a
category in ICD-10, since this diagnosis is still regularly and widely used in a number of
countries. Research carried out in various settings has demonstrated that a significant
proportion of cases diagnosed as neurasthenia can also be classified under depression or
anxiety: there are, however, cases in which the clinical syndrome does not match the
description of any other category but does meet all the criteria specified for a syndrome
of neurasthenia. It is hoped that further research on neurasthenia will be stimulated by its
inclusion as a separate category.
Culture-specific disorders
The need for a separate category for disorders such as latah, amok, koro, and a variety of
other possibly culture-specific disorders has been expressed less often in recent years.
Attempts to identify sound descriptive studies, preferably with an epidemiological basis,
that would strengthen the case for these inclusions as disorders clinically distinguishable
from others already in the classification have failed, so they have not been separately
classified. Descriptions of these disorders currently available in the literature suggest that
they may be regarded as local variants of anxiety, depression, somatoform disorder, or
adjustment disorder; the nearest equivalent code should therefore be used if required,
together with an additional note of which culture-specific disorder is involved. There
may also be prominent elements of attention-seeking behaviour or adoption of the sick
role akin to that described in F68.1 (intentional production or feigning of symptoms or
disabilities), which can also be recorded.
The inclusion of this category should not be taken to imply that, given adequate
information, a significant proportion of cases of postpartum mental illness cannot be
classified in other categories. Most experts in this field are of the opinion that a clinical
picture of puerperal psychosis is so rarely (if ever) reliably distinguishable from affective
disorder or schizophrenia that a special category is not justified. Any psychiatrist who is
of the minority opinion that special postpartum psychoses do indeed exist may use this
category, but should be aware of its real purpose.
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Disorders of adult personality (F60.-)
After initial hesitation, a brief description of borderline personality disorder (F60.31) was
finally included as a subcategory of emotionally unstable personality disorder (F60.3),
again in the hope of stimulating investigations.
Two categories that have been included here but were not present in ICD-9 are F68.0,
elaboration of physical symptoms for psychological reasons, and F68.1, intentional
production or feigning of symptoms or disabilities, either physical or psychological
[factitious disorder]. Since these are, strictly speaking, disorders of role or illness
behaviour, it should be convenient for psychiatrists to have them grouped with other
disorders of adult behaviour. Together with malingering (Z76.5), which has always been
outside Chapter V of the ICD, the disorders from a trio of diagnoses often need to be
considered together. The crucial difference between the first two and malingering is that
the motivation for malingering is obvious and usually confined to situations where
personal danger, criminal sentencing, or large sums of money are involved.
The policy for Chapter V(F) of ICD-10 has always been to deal with mental retardation
as briefly and as simply as possible, acknowledging that justice can be done to this topic
only by means of a comprehensive, possibly multiaxial, system. Such a system needs to
be developed separately, and work to produce appropriate proposals for international use
is now in progress.
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Disorders with onset specific to childhood
Oppositional defiant disorder (F91.3) was not in ICD-9, but has been included in ICD-10
because of evidence of its predictive potential for later conduct problems. There is,
however, a cautionary note recommending its use mainly for younger children.
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need. The key defining criterion used in ICD-10 is the appropriateness to the
developmental stage of the child of the emotion shown, plus an unusual degree of
persistence with disturbance of function. In other words, these childhood disorders are
significant exaggerations of emotional states and reactions that are regarded as normal
for the age in question when occurring in only a mild form. If the content of the
emotional state is unusual, or if it occurs at an unusual age, the general categories
elsewhere in the classification should be used.
In spite of its name, the new category F94.- (disorders of social functioning with onset
specific to childhood and adolescence) does not go against the general rule for ICD-10 of
not using interference with social roles as a diagnostic criterion. The abnormalities of
social functioning involved in F94.- are of a limited number and contained within the
parent-child relationship and the immediate family; these relationships do not have the
same connotations or show the same cultural variations as those formed in the context of
work or of providing for the family, which are excluded from use as diagnostic criteria.
A number of categories that will be used frequently by child psychiatrists, such as eating
disorders (F50.-), nonorganic sleep disorders (F51.-), and gender identity disorders
(F64.-), are to be found in the general sections of the classifications because of their
frequent onset and occurrence in adults as well as children. Nevertheless, clinical
features specific to childhood were thought to justify the additional categories of feeding
disorder of infancy (F98.2) and pica of infancy and childhood (F98.3).
Users of blocks F80-F89 and F90-F98 also need to be aware of the contents of the
neurological chapter of ICD-10 (Chapter VI(G)). This contains syndromes with
predominantly physical manifestations and clear "organic" etiology, of which the
Kleine-Levin syndrome (G47.8) is of particular interest to child psychiatrists.
There are practical reasons why a category for the recording of "unspecified mental
disorder" is required in ICD-10, but the subdivision of the whole of the classificatory
space available for Chapter V(F) into 10 blocks, each covering a specific area, posed a
problem for this requirement. It was decided that the least unsatisfactory solution was to
use the last category in the numerical order of the classification, i.e. F99.
The process of consultation and reviews of the literature that preceded the drafting of
Chapter V(F) of ICD-10 resulted in numerous proposals for changes. Decisions on
whether to accept or reject proposals were influenced by a number of factors. These
included the results of the field tests of the classification, consultations with heads of
WHO collaborative centres, results of collaboration with nongovernmental
organizations, advice from members of WHO expert advisory panels, results of
translations of the classification, and the constraints of the rules governing the structure
of the ICD as a whole.
- 22 -
It was normally easy to reject proposals that were idiosyncratic and unsupported by
evidence, and to accept others that were accompanied by sound justification. Some
proposals, although reasonable when considered in isolation, could not be accepted
because of the implications that even minor changes to one part of the classification
would have for other parts. Some other proposals had clear merit, but more research
would be necessary before they could be considered for international use. A number of
these proposals included in early versions of the general classification were omitted from
the final version, including "accentuation of personality traits" and "hazardous use of
psychoactive substances". It is hoped that research into the status and usefulness of these
and other innovative categories will continue.
- 23 -
List of categories
Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders
F01Vascular dementia
F01.0Vascular dementia of acute onset
F01.1Multi-infarct dementia
F01.2Subcortical vascular dementia
F01.3Mixed cortical and subcortical vascular dementia
F01.8Other vascular dementia
F01.9Vascular dementia, unspecified
F03Unspecified dementia
F06Other mental disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction and to physical
F06.0Organic hallucinosis
F06.1Organic catatonic disorder
- 24 -
F06.2Organic delusional [schizophrenia-like] disorder
F06.3Organic mood [affective] disorders
.30 Organic manic disorder
.31 Organic bipolar affective disorder
.32 Organic depressive disorder
.33 Organic mixed affective disorder
F06.4Organic anxiety disorder
F06.5Organic dissociative disorder
F06.6Organic emotionally labile [asthenic] disorder
F06.7Mild cognitive disorder
F06.8Other specified mental disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction and to
physical disease
F06.9Unspecified mental disorder due to brain damage and dysfunction and to physical
- 25 -
Mental and behavioural disorders due to
psychoactive substance use
F19.-Mental and behavioural disorders due to multiple drug use and use of other
psychoactive substances
Four- and five-character categories may be used to specify the clinical conditions, as
- 26 -
.25 Continuous use
.26 Episodic use [dipsomania]
- 27 -
Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
F20 Schizophrenia
F20.0 Paranoid schizophrenia
F20.1 Hebephrenic schizophrenia
F20.2 Catatonic schizophrenia
F20.3 Undifferentiated schizophrenia
F20.4 Post-schizophrenic depression
F20.5 Residual schizophrenia
F20.6 Simple schizophrenia
F20.8 Other schizophrenia
F20.9 Schizophrenia, unspecified
- 28 -
F24 Induced delusional disorder
- 29 -
Mood [affective] disorders
- 30 -
F33 Recurrent depressive disorder
F33.0 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode mild
.00 Without somatic syndrome
.01 With somatic syndrome
F33.1 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode moderate
.10 Without somatic syndrome
.11 With somatic syndrome
F33.2 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe
psychotic symptoms
F33.3 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe with
F33.4 Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in remission
F33.8 Other recurrent depressive disorders
F33.9 Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified
- 31 -
Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders
- 32 -
F44.5 Dissociative convulsions
- 33 -
Behavioural syndromes associated with physiological
disturbances and physical factors
- 34 -
F53.1 Severe mental and behavioural disorders associated with
puerperium, not elsewhere classified
F53.8 Other mental and behavioural disorders associated with
puerperium, not elsewhere classified
F53.9 Puerperal mental disorder, unspecified
- 35 -
Disorders of adult personality and behaviour
- 36 -
F65.5 Sadomasochism
F65.6 Multiple disorders of sexual preference
F65.8 Other disorders of sexual preference
F65.9 Disorder of sexual preference, unspecified
- 37 -
Mental retardation
- 38 -
Disorders of psychological development
- 39 -
Behavioural and emotional disorders with onset
usually occurring in childhood and adolescence
- 40 -
F98 Other behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually
occurring in childhood and adolescence
F98.0 Nonorganic enuresis
F98.1 Nonorganic encopresis
F98.2 Feeding disorder of infancy and childhood
F98.3 Pica of infancy and childhood
F98.4 Stereotyped movement disorders
F98.5 Stuttering [stammering]
F98.6 Cluttering
F98.8Other specified behavioural and emotional disorders with onset
usually occurring in childhood and adolescence
F98.9Unspecified behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually
occurring in childhood and adolescence
Unspecified mental disorder
- 41 -
Clinical descriptions
diagnostic guidelines
- 42 -
Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders
F01Vascular dementia
F01.0Vascular dementia of acute onset
F01.1Multi-infarct dementia
F01.2Subcortical vascular dementia
F01.3Mixed cortical and subcortical vascular dementia
F01.8Other vascular dementia
F01.9Vascular dementia, unspecified
F03Unspecified dementia
F06Other mental disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction and to physical
F06.0Organic hallucinosis
F06.1Organic catatonic disorder
F06.2Organic delusional [schizophrenia-like] disorder
- 43 -
F06.3Organic mood [affective] disorders
.30 Organic manic disorder
.31 Organic bipolar disorder
.32 Organic depressive disorder
.33 Organic mixed affective disorder
F06.4Organic anxiety disorder
F06.5Organic dissociative disorder
F06.6Organic emotionally labile [asthenic] disorder
F06.7Mild cognitive disorder
F06.8Other specified mental disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction and to
physical disease
F06.9Unspecified mental disorder due to brain damage and dysfunction and to
physical disease
F07Personality and behavioural disorders due to brain disease, damage and dysfunction
F07.0Organic personality disorder
F07.1Postencephalitic syndrome
F07.2Postconcussional syndrome
F07.8Other organic personality and behavioural disorder due to brain disease,
damage and dysfunction
F07.9 Unspecified organic personality and behavioural disorders due to brain
disease, damage and dysfunction
- 44 -
This block comprises`a range of mental disorders grouped together on the basis of
their common, demonstrable etiology in cerebral disease, brain injury, or other insult
leading to cerebral dysfunction. The dysfunction may be primary, as in diseases,
injuries, and insults that affect the brain directly or with predilection; or secondary, as
in systemic diseases and disorders that attack the brain only as one of the multiple
organs or systems of the body involved. Alcohol- and drug-caused brain disorders,
though logically belonging to this group, are classified under F10-F19 because of
practical advantages in keeping all disorders due to psychoactive substance use in a
single block.
The majority of the disorders in this block can, at least theoretically, have their onset
at any age, except perhaps early childhood. In practice, most tend to start in adult life
or old age. While some of these disorders are seemingly irreversible and progressive,
others are transient or respond to currently available treatments.
Use of the term "organic" does not imply that conditions elsewhere in this
classification are "nonorganic" in the sense of having no cerebral substrate. In the
present context, the term "organic" means simply that the syndrome so classified can
be attributed to an independently diagnosable cerebral or systemic disease or disorder.
The term "symptomatic" is used for those organic mental disorders in which cerebral
involvement is secondary to a systemic extracerebral disease or disorder.
It follows from the foregoing that, in the majority of cases, the recording of a
diagnosis of any one of the disorders in this block will require the use of two codes:
one for the psychopathological syndrome and another for the underlying disorder. The
etiological code should be selected from the relevant chapter of the overall ICD-10
- 45 -
A general description of dementia is given here, to indicate the minimum requirement
for the diagnosis of dementia of any type, and is followed by the criteria that govern
the diagnosis of more specific types.
If depressive symptoms are present but the criteria for depressive episode (F32.0-
F32.3) are not fulfilled, they can be recorded by means of a fifth character. The
presence of hallucinations or delusions may be treated similarly.
Diagnostic guidelines
The primary requirement for diagnosis is evidence of a decline in both memory and
thinking which is sufficient to impair personal activities of daily living, as described
above. The impairment of memory typically affects the registration, storage, and
retrieval of new information, but previously learned and familiar material may also be
lost, particularly in the later stages. Dementia is more than dysmnesia: there is also
impairment of thinking and of reasoning capacity, and a reduction in the flow of
ideas. The processing of incoming information is impaired, in that the individual finds
it increasingly difficult to attend to more than one stimulus at a time, such as taking
part in a conversation with several persons, and to shift the focus of attention from one
topic to another. If dementia is the sole diagnosis, evidence of clear consciousness is
- 46 -
required. However, a double diagnosis of delirium superimposed upon dementia is
common (F05.1). The above symptoms and impairments should have been evident for
at least 6 months for a confident clinical diagnosis of dementia to be made.
Dementia may follow any other organic mental disorder classified in this block, or
coexist with some of them, notably delirium (see F05.1).
There are characteristic changes in the brain: a marked reduction in the population of
neurons, particularly in the hippocampus, substantia innominata, locus ceruleus, and
temporoparietal and frontal cortex; appearance of neurofibrillary tangles made of
paired helical filaments; neuritic (argentophil) plaques, which consist largely of
amyloid and show a definite progression in their development (although plaques
without amyloid are also known to exist); and granulovacuolar bodies. Neurochemical
changes have also been found, including a marked reduction in the enzyme choline
acetyltransferase, in acetylcholine itself, and in other neurotransmitters and
As originally described, the clinical features are accompanied by the above brain
changes. However. it now appears that the two do not always progress in parallel: one
may be indisputably present with only minimal evidence of the other. Nevertheless,
the clinical features of Alzheimer's disease are such that it is often possible to make a
presumptive diagnosis on clinical grounds alone.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 47 -
(a) Presence of a dementia as described above.
(b)Insidious onset with slow deterioration. While the onset usually seems difficult to
pinpoint in time, realization by others that the defects exist may come suddenly.
An apparent plateau may occur in the progression.
(c)Absence of clinical evidence, or findings from special investigations, to suggest
that the mental state may be due to other systemic or brain disease which can
induce a dementia (e.g. hypothyroidism, hypercalcaemia, vitamin B12
deficiency, niacin deficiency, neurosyphilis, normal pressure hydrocephalus, or
subdural haematoma).
(d)Absence of a sudden, apoplectic onset, or of neurological signs of focal damage
such as hemiparesis, sensory loss, visual field defects, and incoordination
occurring early in the illness (although these phenomena may be superimposed
Dementia in Alzheimer's disease may coexist with vascular dementia (to be coded
F00.2), as when cerebrovascular episodes (multi-infarct phenomena) are
superimposed on a clinical picture and history suggesting Alzheimer's disease. Such
episodes may result in sudden exacerbations of the manifestations of dementia.
According to postmortem findings, both types may coexist in as many as 10-15% of
all dementia cases.
Diagnostic guidelines
As for dementia, described above, with onset before the age of 65 years, and usually
with rapid progression of symptoms. Family history of Alzheimer's disease is a
contributory but not necessary factor for the diagnosis, as is a family history of
Down's syndrome or of lymphoma.
- 48 -
Dementia in Alzheimer's disease where the clinically observable onset is after the age
of 65 years and usually in the late 70s or thereafter, with a slow progression, and
usually with memory impairment as the principal feature.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 49 -
F01 Vascular dementia
Diagnostic guidelines
Associated features are: hypertension, carotid bruit, emotional lability with transient
depressive mood, weeping or explosive laughter, and transient episodes of clouded
consciousness or delirium, often provoked by further infarction. Personality is
believed to be relatively well preserved, but personality changes may be evident in a
proportion of cases with apathy, disinhibition, or accentuation of previous traits such
as egocentricity, paranoid attitudes, or irritability.
Vascular dementia may coexist with dementia in Alzheimer's disease (to be coded
F00.2), as when evidence of a vascular episode is superimposed on a clinical picture
and history suggesting Alzheimer's disease.
- 50 -
This is more gradual in onset than the acute form, following a number of minor
ischaemic episodes which produce an accumulation of infarcts in the cerebral
Diagnostic guidelines
Diagnostic guidelines
- 51 -
(a) a progressive dementia;
(b)a predominance of frontal lobe features with euphoria, emotional blunting, and
coarsening of social behaviour, disinhibition, and either apathy or restlessness;
(c)behavioural manifestations, which commonly precede frank memory impairment.
Frontal lobe features are more marked than temporal and parietal, unlike Alzheimer's
Diagnostic guidelines
The rapid course and early motor involvement should suggest Creutzfeldt-Jakob
- 52 -
Diagnostic guidelines
Diagnostic guidelines
- 53 -
affected individuals the illness may present atypically as an affective disorder,
psychosis, or seizures. Physical examination often reveals tremor, impaired rapid
repetitive movements, imbalance, ataxia, hypertonia, generalized hyperreflexia,
positive frontal release signs, and impaired pursuit and saccadic eye movements.
HIV dementia generally, but not invariably, progresses quickly (over weeks or
months) to severe global dementia, mutism, and death.
- 54 -
This category should be used when the general criteria for the diagnosis of dementia
are satisfied, but when it is not possible to identify one of the specific types (F00.0-
Diagnostic guidelines
- 55 -
loss (Z76.5). Korsakov's syndrome induced by alcohol or drugs should not be
coded here but in the appropriate section (F1x.6).
This category should not be used for states of delirium associated with the use of
psychoactive drugs specified in F10-F19. Delirious states due to prescribed
medication (such as acute confusional states in elderly patients due to antidepressants)
should be coded here. In such cases, the medication concerned should also be
recorded by means of an additional T code from Chapter XIX of ICD-10.
Diagnostic guidelines
For a definite diagnosis, symptoms, mild or severe, should be present in each one of
the following areas:
The onset is usually rapid, the course diurnally fluctuating, and the total duration of
the condition less than 6 months. The above clinical picture is so characteristic that a
- 56 -
fairly confident diagnosis of delirium can be made even if the underlying cause is not
clearly established. In addition to a history of an underlying physical or brain disease,
evidence of cerebral dysfunction (e.g. an abnormal electroencephalogram, usually but
not invariably showing a slowing of the background activity) may be required if the
diagnosis is in doubt.
- 57 -
F06 Other mental disorders due to brain damage
and dysfunction and to physical disease
Conditions (a) and (b) justify a provisional diagnosis; if all four are present, the
certainty of diagnostic classification is significantly increased.
The following are among the conditions known to increase the relative risk for the
syndromes classified here: epilepsy; limbic encephalitis; Huntington's disease; head
trauma; brain neoplasms; extracranial neoplasms with remote CNS effects (especially
carcinoma of the pancreas); vascular cerebral disease, lesions, or malformations;
lupus erythematosus and other collagen diseases; endocrine disease (especially hypo-
and hyperthyroidism, Cushing's disease); metabolic disorders (e.g., hypoglycaemia,
porphyria, hypoxia); tropical infectious and parasitic diseases (e.g. trypanosomiasis);
toxic effects of nonpsychotropic drugs (propranolol, levodopa, methyldopa, steroids,
antihypertensives, antimalarials).
- 58 -
Diagnostic guidelines
In addition to the general criteria in the introduction to F06 above, there should be
evidence of persistent or recurrent hallucinations in any modality; no clouding of
consciousness; no significant intellectual decline; no predominant disturbance of
mood; and no predominance of delusions.
Includes: Dermatozoenwahn
organic hallucinatory state (nonalcoholic)
Diagnostic guidelines
The general criteria for assuming organic etiology, laid down in the introduction to
F06, must be met. In addition, there should be one of the following:
Other catatonic phenomena that increase confidence in the diagnosis are: stereotypies,
waxy flexibility, and impulsive acts.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 59 -
The general criteria for assuming an organic etiology, laid down in the introduction to
F06, must be met. In addition, there should be delusions (persecutory, of bodily
change, jealousy, disease, or death of the subject or another person). Hallucinations,
thought disorder, or isolated catatonic phenomena may be present. Consciousness and
memory must not be affected. This diagnosis should not be made if the presumed
evidence of organic causation is nonspecific or limited to findings such as enlarged
cerebral ventricles (visualized on computerized axial tomography) or "soft"
neurological signs.
Diagnostic guidelines
In addition to the general criteria for assuming organic etiology, laid down in the
introduction to F06, the condition must meet the requirements for a diagnosis of one
of the disorders listed under F30-F33.
The following five-character codes might be used to specify the clinical disorder:
- 60 -
F06.4 Organic anxiety disorder
A disorder characterized by the essential descriptive features of a generalized anxiety
disorder (41.1), a panic disorder (F41.0), or a combination of both, but arising as a
consequence of an organic disorder capable of causing cerebral dysfunction (e.g.
temporal lobe epilepsy, thyrotoxicosis, or phaechromocytoma).
Diagnostic guidelines
The main feature is a decline in cognitive performance. This may include memory
impairment, learning or concentration difficulties. Objective tests usually indicate
abnormality. The symptoms are such that a diagnosis of dementia (F00-F03), organic
amnesic syndrome (F04) or delirium (F05.-) cannot be made.
- 61 -
Examples are abnormal mood states occurring during treatment with steroids or
F06.9 Unspecified mental disorder due to brain damage and dysfunc- tion and to physical
F07Personality and behavioural disorders due to brain disease, damage and dysfunction
Diagnostic guidelines
- 62 -
Includes: frontal lobe syndrome
limbic epilepsy personality syndrome
lobotomy syndrome
organic pseudopsychopathic personality
organic pseudoretarded personality
postleucotomy syndrome
Diagnostic guidelines
The manifestations may include general malaise, apathy or irritability, some lowering
of cognitive functioning (learning difficulties), altered sleep and eating patterns, and
changes in sexuality and in social judgement. There may be a variety of residual
neurological dysfunctions such as paralysis, deafness, aphasia, constructional apraxia,
and acalculia.
- 63 -
Diagnostic guidelines
At least three of the features described above should be present for a definite
diagnosis. Careful evaluation with laboratory techniques (electroencephalography,
brain stem evoked potentials, brain imaging, oculonystagmography) may yield
objective evidence to substantiate the symptoms but results are often negative. The
complaints are not necessarily associated with compensation motives.
F07.8 Other organic personality and behavioural disorders due to brain disease, damage
and dysfunction
Brain disease, damage , or dysfunction may produce a variety of cognitive, emotional,
personality, and behavioural disorders, not all of which are classifiable under the
preceding rubrics. However, since the nosological status of the tentative syndromes in
this area is uncertain, they should be coded as "other". A fifth character may be added,
if necessary, to identify presumptive individual entities such as:
This category should only be used for recording mental disorders of known
organic etiology.
- 64 -
Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive
substance use
Four- and five-character codes may be used to specify the clinical conditions, as follows:
- 65 -
F1x.4 Withdrawal state with delirium
.40 Without convulsions
.41 With convulsions
- 66 -
This block contains a wide variety of disorders that differ in severity (from
uncomplicated intoxication and harmful use to obvious psychotic disorders and
dementia), but that are all attributable to the use of one or more psychoactive
substances (which may or may not have been medically prescribed).
The substance involved is indicated by means of the second and third characters (i.e.
the first two digits after the letter F), and the fourth and fifth characters specify the
clinical states. To save space, all the psychoactive substances are listed first, followed
by the four-character codes; these should be used, as required, for each substance
specified, but it should be noted that not all four-character codes are applicable to all
Diagnostic guidelines
Objective analyses provide the most compelling evidence of present or recent use,
though these data have limitations with regard to past use and current levels of use.
Many drug users take more than one type of drug, but the diagnosis of the disorder
should be classified, whenever possible, according to the most important single
substance (or class of substances) used. This may usually be done with regard to the
particular drug, or type of drug, causing the presenting disorder. When in doubt, code
the drug or type of drug most frequently misused, particularly in those cases involving
continuous or daily use.
Only in cases in which patterns of psychoactive substance taking are chaotic and
indiscriminate, or in which the contributions of different drugs are inextricably mixed,
should code F19.- be used (disorders resulting from multiple drug use).
Cases in which mental disorders (particularly delirium in the elderly) are due to
psychoactive substances, but without the presence of one of the disorders in this block
(e.g. harmful use or dependence syndrome), should be coded in F00-F09. Where a
state of delirium is superimposed upon such a disorder in this block, it should be
coded by means of F1x.3 or F1x.4.
- 67 -
F1x.0 Acute intoxication
A transient condition following the administration of alcohol or other psychoactive
substance, resulting in disturbances in level of consciousness, cognition,
perception, affect or behaviour, or other psychophysiological functions and
This should be a main diagnosis only in cases where intoxication occurs without more
persistent alcohol- or drug-related problems being concomitantly present.
Where there are such problems, precedence should be given to diagnoses
of harmful use (F1x.1), dependence syndrome (F1x.2), or psychotic
disorder (F1x.5).
Diagnostic guidelines
Acute intoxication is usually closely related to dose levels (see ICD-10, Chapter XX).
Exceptions to this may occur in individuals with certain underlying organic
conditions (e.g. renal or hepatic insufficiency) in whom small doses of a
substance may produce a disproportionately severe intoxicating effect.
Disinhibition due to social context should also be taken into account (e.g.
behavioural disinhibition at parties or carnivals). Acute intoxication is a
transient phenomenon. Intensity of intoxication lessens with time, and
effects eventually disappear in the absence of further use of the substance.
Recovery is therefore complete except where tissue damage or another
complication has arisen.
Symptoms of intoxication need not always reflect primary actions of the substance:
for instance, depressant drugs may lead to symptoms of agitation or
hyperactivity, and stimulant drugs may lead to socially withdrawn and
introverted behaviour. Effects of substances such as cannabis and
hallucinogens may be particularly unpredictable. Moreover, many
psychoactive substances are capable of producing different types of effect
at different dose levels. For example, alcohol may have apparently stimu-
lant effects on behaviour at lower dose levels, lead to agitation and
aggression with increasing dose levels, and produce clear sedation at very
high levels.
Differential diagnosis. Consider acute head injury and hypoglycaemia. Consider also
the possibilities of intoxication as the result of mixed substance use.
The following five-character codes may be used to indicate whether the acute
intoxication was associated with any complications:
F1x.00 Uncomplicated
Symptoms of varying severity, usually dose-dependent, particularly at high dose
- 68 -
F1x.01 With trauma or other bodily injury
Diagnostic guidelines
The diagnosis requires that actual damage should have been caused to the mental or
physical health of the user.
Harmful patterns of use are often criticized by others and frequently associated with
adverse social consequences of various kinds. The fact that a pattern of use
or a particular substance is disapproved of by another person or by the
culture, or may have led to socially negative consequences such as arrest or
marital arguments is not in itself evidence of harmful use.
Acute intoxication (see F1x.0), or "hangover" is not in itself sufficient evidence of the
damage to health required for coding harmful use.
- 69 -
There may be evidence that return to substance use after a period of
abstinence leads to a more rapid reappearance of other features of the
syndrome than occurs with nondependent individuals.
Diagnostic guidelines
The dependence syndrome may be present for a specific substance (e.g. tobacco or
diazepam), for a class of substances (e.g. opioid drugs), or for a wider
- 70 -
range of different substances (as for those individuals who feel a sense of
compulsion regularly to use whatever drugs are available and who show
distress, agitation, and/or physical signs of a withdrawal state upon
The diagnosis of the dependence syndrome may be further specified by the following
five-character codes:
Diagnostic guidelines
Withdrawal state is one of the indicators of dependence syndrome (see F1x.2) and this
latter diagnosis should also be considered.
Withdrawal state should be coded as the main diagnosis if it is the reason for referral
and sufficiently severe to require medical attention in its own right.
- 71 -
common features of withdrawal. Typically, the patient is likely to report
that withdrawal symptoms are relieved by further substance use.
Differential diagnosis. Many symptoms present in drug withdrawal state may also be
caused by other psychiatric conditions, e.g. anxiety states and depressive
disorders. Simple "hangover" or tremor due to other conditions should not
be confused with the symptoms of a withdrawal state.
The diagnosis of withdrawal state may be further specified by using the following
five-character codes:
F1x.30 Uncomplicated
Prodromal symptoms typically include insomnia, tremulousness, and fear. Onset may
also be preceded by withdrawal convulsions. The classical triad of
symptoms includes clouding of consciousness and confusion, vivid
hallucinations and illusions affecting any sensory modality, and marked
tremor. Delusions, agitation, insomnia or sleep-cycle reversal, and
autonomic overactivity are usually also present.
The diagnosis of withdrawal state with delirium may be further specified by using the
following five-character codes:
- 72 -
A cluster of psychotic phenomena that occur during or immediately after
psychoactive substance use and are characterized by vivid hallucinations
(typically auditory, but often in more than one sensory modality),
misidentifications, delusions and/or ideas of reference (often of a paranoid
or persecutory nature), psychomotor disturbances (excitement or stupor),
and an abnormal affect, which may range from intense fear to ecstasy. The
sensorium is usually clear but some degree of clouding of consciousness,
though not severe confusion, may be present. The disorder typically
resolves at least partially within 1 month and fully within 6 months.
Diagnostic guidelines
A psychotic disorder occurring during or immediately after drug use (usually within
48 hours) should be recorded here provided that it is not a manifestation of
drug withdrawal state with delirium (see F1x.4) or of late onset. Late-onset
psychotic disorders (with onset more than 2 weeks after substance use)
may occur, but should be coded as F1x.75.
Particular care should also be taken to avoid mistakenly diagnosing a more serious
condition (e.g. schizophrenia) when a diagnosis of psychoactive
substance-induced psychosis is appropriate. Many psychoactive
substance-induced psychotic states are of short duration provided that no
further amounts of the drug are taken (as in the case of amfetamine and
cocaine psychoses). False diagnosis in such cases may have distressing
and costly implications for the patient and for the health services.
- 73 -
The diagnosis of psychotic state may be further specified by the following
five-character codes:
F1x.50 Schizophrenia-like
F1x.56 Mixed
Diagnostic guidelines
Personality changes, often with apparent apathy and loss of initiative, and a tendency
towards self-neglect may also be present, but should not be regarded as
necessary conditions for diagnosis.
- 74 -
Includes: Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome, alcohol- or other
psychoactive substance-induced
Diagnostic guidelines
Onset of the disorder should be directly related to the use of alcohol or a psychoactive
substance. Cases in which initial onset occurs later than episode(s) of
substance use should be coded here only where clear and strong evidence
is available to attribute the state to the residual effect of the substance. The
disorder should represent a change from or marked exaggeration of prior
and normal state of functioning.
The disorder should persist beyond any period of time during which direct effects of
the psychoactive substance might be assumed to be operative (see F1x.0,
acute intoxication). Alcohol- or psychoactive substance-induced dementia
is not always irreversible; after an extended period of total abstinence,
intellectual functions and memory may improve.
Conditions induced by a psychoactive substance, persisting after its use, and meeting
the criteria for diagnosis of psychotic disorder should not be diagnosed
here (use F1x.5, psychotic disorder). Patients who show the chronic
end-state of Korsakov's syndrome should be coded under F1x.6.
- 75 -
F1x.70 Flashbacks
May be distinguished from psychotic disorders partly by their episodic nature,
frequently of very short duration (seconds or minutes) and by their
duplication (sometimes exact) of previous drug-related experiences.
F1x.73 Dementia
Meeting the general criteria for dementia as outlined in the introduction to F00-F09.
Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
F20 Schizophrenia
F20.0 Paranoid schizophrenia
F20.1 Hebephrenic schizophrenia
F20.2 Catatonic schizophrenia
F20.3 Undifferentiated schizophrenia
F20.4 Post-schizophrenic depression
F20.5 Residual schizophrenia
F20.6 Simple schizophrenia
F20.8 Other schizophrenia
F20.9 Schizophrenia, unspecified
- 76 -
F20.x9 Course uncertain, period of observation too short
A fifth character may be used to identify the presence or absence of associated acute
F23.x0 Without associated acute stress
F23.x1 With associated acute stress
- 77 -
Schizophrenia is the commonest and most important disorder of this group. Schizotypal disorder
possesses many of the characteristic features of schizophrenic disorders and is probably genetically
related to them; however, the hallucinations, delusions, and gross behavioural disturbances of
schizophrenia itself are absent and so this disorder does not always come to medical attention. Most of
the delusional disorders are probably unrelated to schizophrenia, although they may be difficult to
distinguish clinically, particularly in their early stages. They form a heterogeneous and poorly
understood collection of disorders, which can conveniently be divided according to their typical
duration into a group of persistent delusional disorders and a larger group of acute and transient
psychotic disorders. The latter appear to be particularly common in developing countries. The
subdivisions listed here should be regarded as provisional. Schizoaffective disorders have been
retained in this section in spite of their controversial nature.
F20 Schizophrenia
- 78 -
abilities (e.g. being able to control the weather, or being in communication
with aliens from another world);
(e)persistent hallucinations in any modality, when accompanied either by fleeting or
half-formed delusions without clear affective content, or by persistent
over-valued ideas, or when occurring every day for weeks or months on end;
(f)breaks or interpolations in the train of thought, resulting in incoherence or irrelevant
speech, or neologisms;
(g)catatonic behaviour, such as excitement, posturing, or waxy flexibility, negativism,
mutism, and stupor;
(h)"negative" symptoms such as marked apathy, paucity of speech, and blunting or
incongruity of emotional responses, usually resulting in social withdrawal and
lowering of social performance; it must be clear that these are not due to
depression or to neuroleptic medication;
(i)a significant and consistent change in the overall quality of some aspects of personal
behaviour, manifest as loss of interest, aimlessness, idleness, a self-absorbed
attitude, and social withdrawal.
Diagnostic guidelines
The normal requirement for a diagnosis of schizophrenia is that a minimum of one very clear
symptom (and usually two or more if less clear-cut) belonging to any one of the groups listed
as (a) to (d) above, or symptoms from at least two of the groups referred to as (e) to (h), should
have been clearly present for most of the time during a period of 1 month or more.
Conditions meeting such symptomatic requirements but of duration less than 1 month
(whether treated or not) should be diagnosed in the first instance as acute schizophrenia-like
psychotic disorder (F23.2) and reclassified as schizophrenia if the symptoms persist for longer
periods. Symptom (i) in the above list applies only to the diagnosis of Simple Schizophrenia
(F20.6), and a duration of at least one year is required.
Viewed retrospectively, it may be clear that a prodromal phase in which symptoms and
behaviour, such as loss of interest in work, social activities, and personal appearance and
hygiene, together with generalized anxiety and mild degrees of depression and
preoccupation, preceded the onset of psychotic symptoms by weeks or even months.
Because of the difficulty in timing onset, the 1-month duration criterion applies only to the
specific symptoms listed above and not to any prodromal nonpsychotic phase.
The diagnosis of schizophrenia should not be made in the presence of extensive depressive or
manic symptoms unless it is clear that schizophrenic symptoms antedated the affective
disturbance. If both schizophrenic and affective symptoms develop together and are evenly
balanced, the diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder (F25.-) should be made, even if the
schizophrenic symptoms by themselves would have justified the diagnosis of schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia should not be diagnosed in the presence of overt brain disease or during states
of drug intoxication or withdrawal. Similar disorders developing in the presence of epilepsy
or other brain disease should be coded under F06.2 and those induced by drugs under F1x.5.
Pattern of course
The course of schizophrenic disorders can be classified by using the following five-character
F20.x0 Continuous
F20.x1 Episodic with progressive deficit
F20.x2 Episodic with stable deficit
F20.x3 Episodic remittent
F20.x4 Incomplete remission
F20.x5 Complete remission
F20.x8 Other
F20.x9 Course uncertain, period of observation too short
- 79 -
F20.0 Paranoid schizophrenia
This is the commonest type of schizophrenia in most parts of the world. The clinical picture
is dominated by relatively stable, often paranoid, delusions, usually accompanied by
hallucinations, particularly of the auditory variety, and perceptual disturbances.
Disturbances of affect, volition, and speech, and catatonic symptoms, are not prominent.
Thought disorder may be obvious in acute states, but if so it does not prevent the typical
delusions or hallucinations from being described clearly. Affect is usually less blunted than in
other varieties of schizophrenia, but a minor degree of incongruity is common, as are mood
disturbances such as irritability, sudden anger, fearfulness, and suspicion. "Negative"
symptoms such as blunting of affect and impaired volition are often present but do not
dominate the clinical picture.
The course of paranoid schizophrenia may be episodic, with partial or complete remissions,
or chronic. In chronic cases, the florid symptoms persist over years and it is difficult to
distinguish discrete episodes. The onset tends to be later than in the hebephrenic and
catatonic forms.
Diagnostic guidelines
The general criteria for a diagnosis of schizophrenia (see introduction to F20 above) must be
satisfied. In addition, hallucinations and/or delusions must be prominent, and disturbances
of affect, volition and speech, and catatonic symptoms must be relatively inconspicuous. The
hallucinations will usually be of the kind described in (b) and (c) above. Delusions can be of
almost any kind but delusions of control, influence, or passivity, and persecutory beliefs of
various kinds are the most characteristic.
- 80 -
In addition, disturbances of affect and volition, and thought disorder are usually prominent.
Hallucinations and delusions may be present but are not usually prominent. Drive and
determination are lost and goals abandoned, so that the patient's behaviour becomes
characteristically aimless and empty of purpose. A superficial and manneristic preoccupation
with religion, philosophy, and other abstract themes may add to the listener's difficulty in
following the train of thought.
Diagnostic guidelines
The general criteria for a diagnosis of schizophrenia (see introduction to F20 above) must be
satisfied. Hebephrenia should normally be diagnosed for the first time only in adolescents or
young adults. The premorbid personality is characteristically, but not necessarily, rather shy
and solitary. For a confident diagnosis of hebephrenia, a period of 2 or 3 months of
continuous observation is usually necessary, in order to ensure that the characteristic
behaviours described above are sustained.
Diagnostic guidelines
The general criteria for a diagnosis of schizophrenia (see introduction to F20 above) must be
satisfied. Transitory and isolated catatonic symptoms may occur in the context of any other
subtype of schizophrenia, but for a diagnosis of catatonic schizophrenia one or more of the
following behaviours should dominate the clinical picture:
- 81 -
F20.3 Undifferentiated schizophrenia
Conditions meeting the general diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia (see introduction to F20
above) but not conforming to any of the above subtypes (F20.0-F20.2), or exhibiting the
features of more than one of them without a clear predominance of a particular set of
diagnostic characteristics. This rubric should be used only for psychotic conditions (i.e.
residual schizophrenia, F20.5, and post-schizophrenic depression, F20.4, are excluded) and
after an attempt has been made to classify the condition into one of the three preceding
Diagnostic guidelines
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)the patient has had a schizophrenic illness meeting the general criteria for schizophrenia
(see introduction to F20 above) within the past 12 months;
(b)some schizophrenic symptoms are still present; and
(c)the depressive symptoms are prominent and distressing, fulfilling at least the criteria for a
depressive episode (F32.-), and have been present for at least 2 weeks.
If the patient no longer has any schizophrenic symptoms, a depressive episode should be
diagnosed (F32.-). If schizophrenic symptoms are still florid and prominent, the diagnosis
should remain that of the appropriate schizophrenic subtype (F20.0, F20.1, F20.2, or F20.3).
Diagnostic guidelines
- 82 -
For a confident diagnosis, the following requirements should be met:
If adequate information about the patient's previous history cannot be obtained, and it
therefore cannot be established that criteria for schizophrenia have been met at some time in
the past, it may be necessary to make a provisional diagnosis of residual schizophrenia.
Diagnostic guidelines
Simple schizophrenia is a difficult diagnosis to make with any confidence because it depends
on establishing the slowly progressive development of the characteristic "negative" symptoms
of residual schizophrenia (see F20.5 above) without any history of hallucinations, delusions,
or other manifestations of an earlier psychotic episode, and with significant changes in
personal behaviour, manifest as a marked loss of interest, idleness, and social withdrawal over
a period of at least one year.
- 83 -
A disorder characterized by eccentric behaviour and anomalies of thinking and affect which
resemble those seen in schizophrenia, though no definite and characteristic schizophrenic
anomalies have occurred at any stage. There is no dominant or typical disturbance, but any
of the following may be present:
The disorder runs a chronic course with fluctuations of intensity. Occasionally it evolves into
overt schizophrenia. There is no definite onset and its evolution and course are usually those
of a personality disorder. It is more common in individuals related to schizophrenics and is
believed to be part of the genetic "spectrum" of schizophrenia.
Diagnostic guidelines
This diagnostic rubric is not recommended for general use because it is not clearly
demarcated either from simple schizophrenia or from schizoid or paranoid personality
disorders. If the term is used, three or four of the typical features listed above should have
been present, continuously or episodically, for at least 2 years. The individual must never
have met criteria for schizophrenia itself. A history of schizophrenia in a first-degree relative
gives additional weight to the diagnosis but is not a prerequisite.
Includes: borderline schizophrenia
latent schizophrenia
latent schizophrenic reaction
prepsychotic schizophrenia
prodromal schizophrenia
pseudoneurotic schizophrenia
pseudopsychopathic schizophrenia
schizotypal personality disorder
This group includes a variety of disorders in which long-standing delusions constitute the
only, or the most conspicuous, clinical characteristic and which cannot be classified as
organic, schizophrenic, or affective. They are probably heterogeneous, and have uncertain
relationships to schizophrenia. The relative importance of genetic factors, personality
characteristics, and life circumstances in their genesis is uncertain and probably variable.
- 84 -
are highly variable in content. Often they are persecutory, hypochondriacal, or grandiose,
but they may be concerned with litigation or jealousy, or express a conviction that the
individual's body is misshapen, or that others think that he or she smells or is homosexual.
Other psychopathology is characteristically absent, but depressive symptoms may be present
intermittently, and olfactory and tactile hallucinations may develop in some cases. Clear and
persistent auditory hallucinations (voices), schizophrenic symptoms such as delusions of
control and marked blunting of affect, and definite evidence of brain disease are all
incompatible with this diagnosis. However, occasional or transitory auditory hallucinations,
particularly in elderly patients, do not rule out this diagnosis, provided that they are not
typically schizophrenic and form only a small part of the overall clinical picture. Onset is
commonly in middle age but sometimes, particularly in the case of beliefs about having a
misshapen body, in early adult life. The content of the delusion, and the timing of its
emergence, can often be related to the individual's life situation, e.g. persecutory delusions in
members of minorities. Apart from actions and attitudes directly related to the delusion or
delusional system, affect, speech, and behaviour are normal.
Diagnostic guidelines
Delusions constitute the most conspicuous or the only clinical characteristic. They must be
present for at least 3 months and be clearly personal rather than subcultural. Depressive
symptoms or even a full-blown depressive episode (F32.-) may be present intermittently,
provided that the delusions persist at times when there is no disturbance of mood. There
must be no evidence of brain disease, no or only occasional auditory hallucinations, and no
history of schizophrenic symptoms (delusions of control, thought broadcasting, etc.).
Includes: paranoia
paranoid psychosis
paranoid state
paraphrenia (late)
sensitiver Beziehungswahn
Systematic clinical information that would provide definitive guidance on the classification of
acute psychotic disorders is not yet available, and the limited data and clinical tradition that
must therefore be used instead do not give rise to concepts that can be clearly defined and
separated from each other. In the absence of a tried and tested multiaxial system, the method
used here to avoid diagnostic con- fusion is to construct a diagnostic sequence that reflects the
- 85 -
order of priority given to selected key features of the disorder. The order of priority used here
(a)an acute onset (within 2 weeks) as the defining feature of the whole group;
(b)the presence of typical syndromes;
(c)the presence of associated acute stress.
The classification is nevertheless arranged so that those who do not agree with this order of
priority can still identify acute psychotic disorders with each of these specified features.
The typical syndromes that have been selected are first, the rapidly changing and variable
state, called here "polymorphic", that has been given prominence in acute psychotic states in
several countries, and second, the presence of typical schizophrenic symptoms.
Associated acute stress can also be specified, with a fifth character if desired, in view of its
traditional linkage with acute psychosis. The limited evidence available, however, indicates
that a substantial proportion of acute psychotic disorders arise without associated stress, and
provision has therefore been made for the presence or the absence of stress to be recorded.
Associated acute stress is taken to mean that the first psychotic symptoms occur within about
2 weeks of one or more events that would be regarded as stressful to most people in similar
circumstances, within the culture of the person concerned. Typical events would be
bereavement, unexpected loss of partner or job, marriage, or the psychological trauma of
combat, terrorism, and torture. Long-standing difficulties or problems should not be
included as a source of stress in this context.
Complete recovery usually occurs within 2 to 3 months, often within a few weeks or even
days, and only a small proportion of patients with these disorders develop persistent and
disabling states. Unfortunately, the present state of knowledge does not allow the early
prediction of that small proportion of patients who will not recover rapidly.
These clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines are written on the assumption that they
will be used by clinicians who may need to make a diagnosis when having to assess and treat
patients within a few days or weeks of the onset of the disorder, not knowing how long the
disorder will last. A number of reminders about the time limits and transition from one
disorder to another have therefore been included, so as to alert those recording the diagnosis
to the need to keep them up to date.
The nomenclature of these acute disorders is as uncertain as their nosological status, but an
attempt has been made to use simple and familiar terms. "Psychotic disorder" is used as a
term of convenience for all the members of this group (psychotic is defined in the general
introduction, page 3) with an additional qualifying term indicating the major defining feature
of each separate type as it appears in the sequence noted above.
Diagnostic guidelines
None of the disorders in the group satisfies the criteria for either manic (F30.-) or depressive
(F32.-) episodes, although emotional changes and individual affective symptoms may be
prominent from time to time.
- 86 -
These disorders are also defined by the absence of organic causation, such as states of
concussion, delirium, or dementia. Perplexity, preoccupation, and inattention to the
immediate conversation are often present, but if they are so marked or persistent as to suggest
delirium or dementia of organic cause, the diagnosis should be delayed until investigation or
observation has clarified this point. Similarly, disorders in F23.- should not be diagnosed in
the presence of obvious intoxication by drugs or alcohol. However, a recent minor increase
in the consumption of, for instance, alcohol or marijuana, with no evidence of severe
intoxication or disorientation, should not rule out the diagnosis of one of these acute
psychotic disorders.
It is important to note that the 48-hour and the 2-week criteria are not put forward as the
times of maximum severity and disturbance, but as times by which the psychotic symptoms
have become obvious and disruptive of at least some aspects of daily life and work. The peak
disturbance may be reached later in both instances; the symptoms and disturbance have only
to be obvious by the stated times, in the sense that they will usually have brought the patient
into contact with some form of helping or medical agency. Prodromal periods of anxiety,
depression, social withdrawal, or mildly abnormal behaviour do not qualify for inclusion in
these periods of time.
A fifth character may be used to indicate whether or nor the acute psychotic disorder is
associated with acute stress:
If the symptoms persist for more than 3 months, the diagnosis should be changed.
(Persistent delusional disorder (F22.-) or other nonorganic psychotic disorder (F28) is likely
to be the most appropriate.)
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)the onset must be acute (from a nonpsychotic state to a clearly psychotic state within 2
weeks or less);
(b)there must be several types of hallucination or delusion, changing in both type and
intensity from day to day or within the same day;
(c)there should be a similarly varying emotional state; and
(d)in spite of the variety of symptoms, none should be present with sufficient consistency to
fulfil the criteria for schizophrenia (F20.-) or for manic or depressive episode
(F30.- or F32.-).
- 87 -
F23.1 Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia
An acute psychotic disorder which meets the descriptive criteria for acute polymorphic
psychotic disorder (F23.0) but in which typically schizophrenic symptoms are also
consistently present.
Diagnostic guidelines
For a definite diagnosis, criteria (a), (b), and (c) specified for acute polymorphic psychotic
disorder (F23.0) must be fulfilled; in addition, symptoms that fulfil the criteria for
schizophrenia (F20.-) must have been present for the majority of the time since the
establishment of an obviously psychotic clinical picture.
If the schizophrenic symptoms persist for more than 1 month, the diagnosis should be
changed to schizophrenia (F20.-).
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)the onset of psychotic symptoms must be acute (2 weeks or less from a nonpsychotic to a
clearly psychotic state);
(b)symptoms that fulfil the criteria for schizophrenia (F20.-) must have been present for the
majority of the time since the establishment of an obviously psychotic clinical
(c)the criteria for acute polymorphic psychotic disorder are not fulfilled.
If the schizophrenic symptoms last for more than 1 month, the diagnosis should be changed
to schizophrenia (F20.-).
Diagnostic guidelines
- 88 -
(a)the onset of psychotic symptoms must be acute (2 weeks or less from a nonpsychotic to a
clearly psychotic state);
(b)delusions or hallucinations must have been present for the majority of the time since the
establishment of an obviously psychotic state; and
(c)the criteria for neither schizophrenia (F20.-) nor acute polymorphic psychotic disorder
(F23.0) are fulfilled.
If delusions persist for more than 3 months, the diagnosis should be changed to persistent
delusional disorder (F22.-). If only hallucinations persist for more than 3 months, the
diagnosis should be changed to other nonorganic psychotic disorder (F28).
A delusional disorder shared by two or more people with close emotional links. Only one of
the people suffers from a genuine psychotic disorder; the delusions are induced in the other(s)
and usually disappear when the people are separated.
These are episodic disorders in which both affective and schizophrenic symptoms are
prominent within the same episode of illness, preferably simultaneously, but at least within a
few days of each other. Their relationship to typical mood [affective] disorders (F30-F39)
and to schizophrenic disorders (F20-F24) is uncertain. They are given a separate category
because they are too common to be ignored. Other conditions in which affective symptoms
are superimposed upon or form part of a pre-existing schizophrenic illness, or in which they
coexist or alternate with other types of persistent delusional disorders, are classified under the
appropriate category in F20-F29. Mood-incongruent delusions or hallucinations in affective
disorders (F30.2, F31.2, F31.5, F32.3, or F33.3) do not by themselves justify a diagnosis of
schizoaffective disorder.
Patients who suffer from recurrent schizoaffective episodes, particularly those whose
symptoms are of the manic rather than the depressive type, usually make a full recovery and
only rarely develop a defect state.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 89 -
A diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder should be made only when both definite schizophrenic
and definite affective symptoms are prominent simultaneously, or within a few days of each
other, within the same episode of illness, and when, as a consequence of this, the episode of
illness does not meet criteria for either schizophrenia or a depressive or manic episode. The
term should not be applied to patients who exhibit schizophrenic symptoms and affective
symptoms only in different episodes of illness. It is common, for example, for a schizophrenic
patient to present with depressive symptoms in the aftermath of a psychotic episode (see
post-schizophrenic depression (F20.4)). Some patients have recurrent schizoaffective
episodes, which may be of the manic or depressive type or a mixture of the two. Others have
one or two schizoaffective episodes interspersed between typical episodes of mania or
depression. In the former case, schizoaffective disorder is the appropriate diagnosis. In the
latter, the occurrence of an occasional schizoaffective episode does not invalidate a diagnosis
of bipolar affective disorder or recurrent depressive disorder if the clinical picture is typical in
other respects.
Diagnostic guidelines
There must be a prominent elevation of mood, or a less obvious elevation of mood combined
with increased irritability or excitement. Within the same episode, at least one and preferably
two typically schizophrenic symptoms (as specified for schizophrenia (F20.-), diagnostic
guidelines (a)-(d)) should be clearly present.
This category should be used both for a single schizoaffective episode of the manic type and
for a recurrent disorder in which the majority of episodes are schizoaffective, manic type.
- 90 -
the prognosis is less favourable. Although the majority of patients recover completely, some
eventually develop a schizophrenic defect.
Diagnostic guidelines
This category should be used both for a single schizoaffective episode, depressive type, and
for a recurrent disorder in which the majority of episodes are schizoaffective, depressive type.
Psychotic disorders that do not meet the criteria for schizophrenia (F20.-) or for psychotic
types of mood [affective] disorders (F30-F39), and psychotic disorders that do not meet the
symptomatic criteria for persistent delusional disorder (F22.-) should be coded here.
Mood [affective] disorders
- 91 -
F30.1 Mania without psychotic symptoms
F30.2 Mania with psychotic symptoms
F30.8 Other manic episodes
F30.9 Manic episode, unspecified
- 92 -
F33 Recurrent depressive disorder
F33.0 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode mild
.00 Without somatic syndrome
.01 With somatic syndrome
F33.1 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode moderate
.10 Without somatic syndrome
.11 With somatic syndrome
F33.2Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe without psychotic symptoms
F33.3Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe with psychotic symptoms
F33.4Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in remission
F33.8Other recurrent depressive disorders
F33.9Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified
- 93 -
The main criteria by which the affective disorders have been classified have been chosen for
practical reasons, in that they allow common clinical disorders to be easily identified. Single
episodes have been distinguished from bipolar and other multiple episode disorders because
substantial proportions of patients have only one episode of illness, and severity is given
prominence because of implications for treatment and for provision of different levels of
service. It is acknowledged that the symptoms referred to here as "somatic" could also have
been called "melancholic", "vital", "biological", or "endogenomorphic", and that the
scientific status of this syndrome is in any case somewhat questionable. It is to be hoped
that the result of its inclusion here will be widespread critical appraisal of the usefulness of
its separate identification. The classification is arranged so that this somatic syndrome can
be recorded by those who so wish, but can also be ignored without loss of any other
Distinguishing between different grades of severity remains a problem; the three grades of
mild, moderate, and severe have been specified here because many clinicians wish to have
them available.
The terms "mania" and "severe depression" are used in this classification to denote the
opposite ends of the affective spectrum; "hypomania" is used to denote an intermediate state
without delusions, hallucinations, or complete disruption of normal activities, which is often
(but not exclusively) seen as patients develop or recover from mania.
Three degrees of severity are specified here, sharing the common underlying characteristics
of elevated mood, and an increase in the quantity and speed of physical and mental
activity. All the subdivisions of this category should be used only for a single manic
episode. If previous or subsequent affective episodes (depressive, manic, or
hypomanic), the disorder should be coded under bipolar affective disorder (F31.-).
Includes: bipolar disorder, single manic episode
- 94 -
F30.0 Hypomania
Hypomania is a lesser degree of mania (F30.1), in which abnormalities of mood and
behaviour are too persistent and marked to be included under cyclothymia (F34.0)
but are not accompanied by hallucinations or delusions. There is a persistent mild
elevation of mood (for at least several days on end), increased energy and activity,
and usually marked feelings of well-being and both physical and mental efficiency.
Increased sociability, talkativeness, overfamiliarity, increased sexual energy, and a
decreased need for sleep are often present but not to the extent that they lead to
severe disruption of work or result in social rejection. Irritability, conceit, and
boorish behaviour may take the place of the more usual euphoric sociability.
Concentration and attention may be impaired, thus diminishing the ability to settle down to
work or to relaxation and leisure, but this may not prevent the appearance of
interests in quite new ventures and activities, or mild over-spending.
Diagnostic guidelines
Several of the features mentioned above, consistent with elevated or changed mood and
increased activity, should be present for at least several days on end, to a degree and
with a persistence greater than described for cyclothymia (F34.0). Considerable
interference with work or social activity is consistent with a diagnosis of hypomania,
but if disruption of these is severe or complete, mania (F30.1 or F30.2) should be
Differential diagnosis. Hypomania covers the range of disorders of mood and level of
activities between cyclothymia (F34.0) and mania (F30.1 and F30.2). The increased
activity and restlessness (and often weight loss) must be distinguished from the same
symptoms occurring in hyperthyroidism and anorexia nervosa; early states of
"agitated depression", particularly in late middle age, may bear a superficial
resemblance to hypomania of the irritable variety. Patients with severe obsessional
symptoms may be active part of the night completing their domestic cleaning
rituals, but their affect will usually be the opposite of that described here.
When a short period of hypomania occurs as a prelude to or aftermath of mania (F30.1 and
F30.2), it is usually not worth specifying the hypomania separately.
Perceptual disorders may occur, such as the appreciation of colours as especially vivid (and
usually beautiful), a preoccupation with fine details of surfaces or textures, and
subjective hyperacusis. The individual may embark on extravagant and impractical
schemes, spend money recklessly, or become aggressive, amorous, or facetious in
- 95 -
inappropriate circumstances. In some manic episodes the mood is irritable and
suspicious rather than elated. The first attack occurs most commonly between the
ages of 15 and 30 years, but may occur at any age from late childhood to the seventh
or eighth decade.
Diagnostic guidelines
The episode should last for at least 1 week and should be severe enough to disrupt ordinary
work and social activities more or less completely. The mood change should be
accompanied by increased energy and several of the symptoms referred to above
(particularly pressure of speech, decreased need for sleep, grandiosity, and excessive
- 96 -
F31 Bipolar affective disorder
This disorder is characterized by repeated (i.e. at least two) episodes in which the patient's
mood and activity levels are significantly disturbed, this disturbance consisting on
some occasions of an elevation of mood and increased energy and activity (mania or
hypomania), and on others of a lowering of mood and decreased energy and activity
(depression). Characteristically, recovery is usually complete between episodes, and
the incidence in the two sexes is more nearly equal than in other mood disorders. As
patients who suffer only from repeated episodes of mania are comparatively rare, and
resemble (in their family history, premorbid personality, age of onset, and long-term
prognosis) those who also have at least occasional episodes of depression, such
patients are classified as bipolar (F31.8).
Manic episodes usually begin abruptly and last for between 2 weeks and 4-5 months
(median duration about 4 months). Depressions tend to last longer (median length
about 6 months), though rarely for more than a year, except in the elderly. Episodes
of both kinds often follow stressful life events or other mental trauma, but the
presence of such stress is not essential for the diagnosis. The first episode may occur
at any age from childhood to old age. The frequency of episodes and the pattern of
remissions and relapses are both very variable, though remissions tend to get shorter
as time goes on and depressions to become commoner and longer lasting after
middle age.
Although the original concept of "manic-depressive psychosis" also included patients who
suffered only from depression, the term "manic-depressive disorder or psychosis" is
now used mainly as a synonym for bipolar disorder.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)the current episode must fulfil the criteria for hypomania (F30.0); and
(b)there must have been at least one other affective episode (hypomanic, manic, depressive,
or mixed) in the past.
F31.1 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode manic without psychotic symptoms
Diagnostic guidelines
- 97 -
(a)the current episode must fulfil the criteria for mania without psychotic symptoms
(F30.1); and
(b)there must have been at least one other affective episode (hypomanic, manic, depressive,
or mixed) in the past.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)the current episode must fulfil the criteria for mania with psychotic symptoms (F30.2);
(b)there must have been at least one other affective episode (hypomanic, manic, depressive,
or mixed) in the past.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)the current episode must fulfil the criteria for a depressive episode of either mild (F32.0)
or moderate (F32.1) severity; and
(b)there must have been at least one hypomanic, manic, or mixed affective episode in the
A fifth character may be used to specify the presence or absence of the somatic syndrome in
the current episode of depression:
F31.4Bipolar affective disorder, current episode severe depression without psychotic symptoms
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)the current episode must fulfil the criteria for a severe depressive episode without
psychotic symptoms (F32.2); and
(b)there must have been at least one hypomanic, manic, or mixed affective episode in the
F31.5Bipolar affective disorder, current episode severe depression with psychotic symptoms
- 98 -
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)the current episode must fulfil the criteria for a severe depressive episode with psychotic
symptoms (F32.3); and
(b)there must have been at least one hypomanic, manic, or mixed affective episode in the
Diagnostic guidelines
Although the most typical form of bipolar disorder consists of alternating manic and
depressive episodes separated by periods of normal mood, it is not uncommon for
depressive mood to be accompanied for days or weeks on end by overactivity and
pressure of speech, or for a manic mood and grandiosity to be accompanied by
agitation and loss of energy and libido. Depressive symptoms and symptoms of
hypomania or mania may also alternate rapidly, from day to day or even from hour
to hour. A diagnosis of mixed bipolar affective disorder should be made only if the
two sets of symptoms are both prominent for the greater part of the current episode
of illness, and if that episode has lasted for at least 2 weeks.
- 99 -
In typical depressive episodes of all three varieties described below (mild (F32.0), moderate
(F32.1), and severe (F32.2 and F32.3)), the individual usually suffers from depressed
mood, loss of interest and enjoyment, and reduced energy leading to increased
fatiguability and diminished activity. Marked tiredness after only slight effort is
common. Other common symptoms are:
The lowered mood varies little from day to day, and is often unresponsive to circumstances,
yet may show a characteristic diurnal variation as the day goes on. As with manic
episodes, the clinical presentation shows marked individual variations, and atypical
presentations are particularly common in adolescence. In some cases, anxiety,
distress, and motor agitation may be more prominent at times than the depression,
and the mood change may also be masked by added features such as irritability,
excessive consumption of alcohol, histrionic behaviour, and exacerbation of
pre-existing phobic or obsessional symptoms, or by hypochondriacal
preoccupations. For depressive episodes of all three grades of severity, a duration of
at least 2 weeks is usually required for diagnosis, but shorter periods may be
reasonable if symptoms are unusually severe and of rapid onset.
Some of the above symptoms may be marked and develop characteristic features that are
widely regarded as having special clinical significance. The most typical examples of
these "somatic" symptoms (see introduction to this block, page 112 [of Blue Book])
are: loss of interest or pleasure in activities that are normally enjoyable; lack of
emotional reactivity to normally pleasurable surroundings and events; waking in the
morning 2 hours or more before the usual time; depression worse in the morning;
objective evidence of definite psychomotor retardation or agitation (remarked on or
reported by other people); marked loss of appetite; weight loss (often defined as 5%
or more of body weight in the past month); marked loss of libido. Usually, this
somatic syndrome is not regarded as present unless about four of these symptoms
are definitely present.
The categories of mild (F32.0), moderate (F32.1) and severe (F32.2 and F32.3) depressive
episodes described in more detail below should be used only for a single (first)
depressive episode. Further depressive episodes should be classified under one of
the subdivisions of recurrent depressive disorder (F33.-).
These grades of severity are specified to cover a wide range of clinical states that are
encountered in different types of psychiatric practice. Individuals with mild
depressive episodes are common in primary care and general medical settings,
whereas psychiatric inpatient units deal largely with patients suffering from the
severe grades.
- 100 -
Acts of self-harm associated with mood [affective] disorders, most commonly self-poisoning
by prescribed medication, should be recorded by means of an additional code from
Chapter XX of ICD-10 (X60-X84). These codes do not involve differentiation
between attempted suicide and "parasuicide", since both are included in the general
category of self-harm.
Differentiation between mild, moderate, and severe depressive episodes rests upon a
complicated clinical judgement that involves the number, type, and severity of
symptoms present. The extent of ordinary social and work activities is often a useful
general guide to the likely degree of severity of the episode, but individual, social,
and cultural influences that disrupt a smooth relationship between severity of
symptoms and social performance are sufficiently common and powerful to make it
unwise to include social performance amongst the essential criteria of severity.
The presence of dementia (F00-F03) or mental retardation (F70-F79) does not rule out the
diagnosis of a treatable depressive episode, but communication difficulties are likely
to make it necessary to rely more than usual for the diagnosis upon objectively
observed somatic symptoms, such as psychomotor retardation, loss of appetite and
weight, and sleep disturbance.
Diagnostic guidelines
Depressed mood, loss of interest and enjoyment, and increased fatiguability are usually
regarded as the most typical symptoms of depression, and at least two of these, plus
at least two of the other symptoms described on page 119 (for F32.-) should usually
be present for a definite diagnosis. None of the symptoms should be present to an
intense degree. Minimum duration of the whole episode is about 2 weeks.
An individual with a mild depressive episode is usually distressed by the symptoms and has
some difficulty in continuing with ordinary work and social activities, but will
probably not cease to function completely.
A fifth character may be used to specify the presence of the somatic syndrome:
- 101 -
F32.1 Moderate depressive episode
Diagnostic guidelines
At least two of the three most typical symptoms noted for mild depressive episode (F32.0)
should be present, plus at least three (and preferably four) of the other symptoms.
Several symptoms are likely to be present to a marked degree, but this is not
essential if a particularly wide variety of symptoms is present overall. Minimum
duration of the whole episode is about 2 weeks.
An individual with a moderately severe depressive episode will usually have considerable
difficulty in continuing with social, work or domestic activities.
A fifth character may be used to specify the occurrence of the somatic syndrome:
Diagnostic guidelines
All three of the typical symptoms noted for mild and moderate depressive episodes (F32.0,
F32.1) should be present, plus at least four other symptoms, some of which should
be of severe intensity. However, if important symptoms such as agitation or
retardation are marked, the patient may be unwilling or unable to describe many
symptoms in detail. An overall grading of severe episode may still be justified in
such instances. The depressive episode should usually last at least 2 weeks, but if the
symptoms are particularly severe and of very rapid onset, it may be justified to make
this diagnosis after less than 2 weeks.
During a severe depressive episode it is very unlikely that the sufferer will be able to
continue with social, work, or domestic activities, except to a very limited extent.
This category should be used only for single episodes of severe depression without psychotic
symptoms; for further episodes, a subcategory of recurrent depressive disorder
(F33.-) should be used.
- 102 -
Includes: single episodes of agitated depression
melancholia or vital depression without psychotic symptoms
Diagnostic guidelines
A severe depressive episode which meets the criteria given for F32.2 above and in which
delusions, hallucinations, or depressive stupor are present. The delusions usually
involve ideas of sin, poverty, or imminent disasters, responsibility for which may be
assumed by the patient. Auditory or olfactory hallucinations are usually of
defamatory or accusatory voices or of rotting filth or decomposing flesh. Severe
psychomotor retardation may progress to stupor. If required, delusions or
hallucinations may be specified as mood-congruent or mood-incongruent (see
Differential diagnosis. Depressive stupor must be differentiated from catatonic
schizophrenia (F20.2), from dissociative stupor (F44.2), and from organic forms of
stupor. This category should be used only for single episodes of severe depression
with psychotic symptoms; for further episodes a subcategory of recurrent depressive
disorder (F33.-) should be used.
- 103 -
there is evidence of brief episodes of mild mood elevation and overactivity which
fulfil the criteria of hypomania (F30.0) immediately after a depressive episode
(sometimes apparently precipitated by treatment of a depression). The age of onset
and the severity, duration, and frequency of the episodes of depression are all highly
variable. In general, the first episode occurs later than in bipolar disorder, with a
mean age of onset in the fifth decade. Individual episodes also last between 3 and 12
months (median duration about 6 months) but recur less frequently. Recovery is
usually complete between episodes, but a minority of patients may develop a
persistent depression, mainly in old age (for which this category should still be used).
Individual episodes of any severity are often precipitated by stressful life events; in
many cultures, both individual episodes and persistent depression are twice as
common in women as in men.
The risk that a patient with recurrent depressive disorder will have an episode of mania
never disappears completely, however many depressive episodes he or she has
experienced. If a manic episode does occur, the diagnosis should change to bipolar
affective disorder.
Recurrent depressive episode may be subdivided, as below, by specifying first the type of
the current episode and then (if sufficient information is available) the type that
predominates in all the episodes.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)the criteria for recurrent depressive disorder (F33.-) should be fulfilled, and the current
episode should fulfil the criteria for depressive episode, mild severity (F32.0); and
(b)at least two episodes should have lasted a minimum of 2 weeks and should have been
separated by several months without significant mood disturbance.
Otherwise, the diagnosis should be other recurrent mood [affective] disorder (F38.1).
A fifth character may be used to specify the presence of the somatic syndrome in the current
- 104 -
F33.01 With somatic syndrome
(See F32.01)
If required, the predominant type of previous episodes (mild or moderate, severe, uncertain)
may be specified.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)the criteria for recurrent depressive disorder (F33.-) should be fulfilled, and the current
episode should fulfil the criteria for depressive episode, moderate severity
(F32.1); and
(b)at least two episodes should have lasted a minimum of 2 weeks and should have been
separated by several months without significant mood disturbance.
Otherwise the diagnosis should be other recurrent mood [affective] disorder (F38.1).
A fifth character may be used to specify the presence of the somatic syndrome in the current
If required, the predominant type of previous episodes (mild, moderate, severe, uncertain)
may be specified.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)the criteria for recurrent depressive disorder (F33.-) should be fulfilled, and the current
episode should fulfil the criteria for severe depressive episode with psychotic
symptoms (F32.3); and
(b)at least two episodes should have lasted a minimum of 2 weeks and should have been
separated by several months without significant mood disturbance.
Otherwise the diagnosis should be other recurrent mood [affective] disorder (F38.1).
- 105 -
If required, the predominant type of previous episodes (mild, moderate, severe, uncertain)
may be specified.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)the criteria for recurrent depressive disorder (F33.-) should have been fulfilled in the past,
but the current state should not fulfil the criteria for depressive episode of any
degree of severity or for any other disorder in F30 - F39; and
(b)at least two episodes should have lasted a minimum of 2 weeks and should have been
separated by several months without significant mood disturbance.
Otherwise the diagnosis should be other recurrent mood [affective] disorder (F38.1).
This category can still be used if the patient is receiving treatment to reduce the risk of
further episodes.
These are persistent and usually fluctuating disorders of mood in which individual episodes
are rarely if ever sufficiently severe to warrant being described as hypomanic or even
mild depressive episodes. Because they last for years at a time, and sometimes for the
greater part of the individual's adult life, they involve considerable subjective distress
and disability. In some instances, however, recurrent or single episodes of manic
disorder, or mild or severe depressive disorder, may become superimposed on a
persistent affective disorder. The persistent affective disorders are classified here
rather than with the personality disorders because of evidence from family studies
that they are genetically related to the mood disorders, and because they are
sometimes amenable to the same treatments as mood disorders. Both early- and late-
onset varieties of cyclothymia and dysthymia are described, and should be specified
as such if required.
F34.0 Cyclothymia
A persistent instability of mood, involving numerous periods of mild depression and mild
elation. This instability usually develops early in adult life and pursues a chronic
course, although at times the mood may be normal and stable for months at a time.
The mood swings are usually perceived by the individual as being unrelated to life
events. The diagnosis is difficult to establish without a prolonged period of
- 106 -
observation or an unusually good account of the individual's past behaviour.
Because the mood swings are relatively mild and the periods of mood elevation may
be enjoyable, cyclothymia frequently fails to come to medical attention. In some
cases this may be because the mood change, although present, is less prominent than
cyclical changes in activity, self-confidence, sociability, or appetitive behaviour. If
required, age of onset may be specified as early (in late teenage or the twenties) or
Diagnostic guidelines
The essential feature is a persistent instability of mood, involving numerous periods of mild
depression and mild elation, none of which has been sufficiently severe or prolonged
to fulfil the criteria for bipolar affective disorder (F31.-) or recurrent depressive
disorder (F33.-). This implies that individual episodes of mood swings do not fulfil
the criteria for any of the categories described under manic episode (F30.-) or
depressive episode (F32.-).
Differential diagnosis. This disorder is common in the relatives of patients with bipolar
affective disorder (F31.-) and some individuals with cyclothymia eventually develop
bipolar affective disorder themselves. It may persist throughout adult life, cease
temporarily or permanently, or develop into more severe mood swings meeting the
criteria for bipolar affective disorder (F31.-) or recurrent depressive disorder (F33.-)
F34.1 Dysthymia
A chronic depression of mood which does not currently fulfil the criteria for recurrent
depressive disorder, mild or moderate severity (F33.0 of F33.1), in terms of either
severity or duration of individual episodes, although the criteria for mild depressive
episode may have been fulfilled in the past, particularly at the onset of the disorder.
The balance between individual phases of mild depression and intervening periods
of comparative normality is very variable. Sufferers usually have periods of days or
weeks when they describe themselves as well, but most of the time (often for months
at a time) they feel tired and depressed; everything is an effort and nothing is
enjoyed. They brood and complain, sleep badly and feel inadequate, but are usually
able to cope with the basic demands of everyday life. Dysthymia therefore has much
in common with the concepts of depressive neurosis and neurotic depression. If
required, age of onset may be specified as early (in late teenage or the twenties) or
Diagnostic guidelines
The essential feature is a very long-standing depression of mood which is never, or only
very rarely, severe enough to fulfil the criteria for recurrent depressive disorder, mild
or moderate severity (F33.0 or F33.1). It usually begins early in adult life and lasts for
at least several years, sometimes indefinitely. When the onset is later in life, the
- 107 -
disorder is often the aftermath of a discrete depressive episode (F32.-) and associated
with bereavement or other obvious stress.
Differential diagnosis. In contrast to those with dysthymia (F34.1), patients are not
depressed for the majority of the time. If the depressive episodes occur only in
relation to the menstrual cycle, F38.8 should be used with a second code for the
underlying cause (N94.8, other specified conditions associated with female genital
organs and menstrual cycle).
- 108 -
F39 Unspecified mood [affective] disorder
- 109 -
Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders
- 110 -
F44 Dissociative [conversion] disorders
F44.0 Dissociative amnesia
F44.1 Dissociative fugue
F44.2 Dissociative stupor
F44.3 Trance and possession disorders
F44.4 Dissociative motor disorders
F44.5 Dissociative convulsions
F44.6 Dissociative anaesthesia and sensory loss
F44.7 Mixed dissociative [conversion] disorders
F44.8 Other dissociative [conversion] disorders
.80 Ganser's syndrome
.81 Multiple personality disorder
.82 Transient dissociative [conversion] disorders occurring in childhood and
.88 Other specified dissociative [conversion] disorders
F44.9 Dissociative [conversion] disorder, unspecified
- 111 -
Neurotic, stress-related, and somatoform disorders have been brought together in one large overall
group because of their historical association with the concept of neurosis and the association of a
substantial (though uncertain)proportion of these disorders with psychological causation. As noted in
the general introduction to this classification, the concept of neurosis has not been retained as a major
organizing principle, but care has been taken to allow the easy identification of disorders that some
users still might wish to regard as neurotic in their own usage of the term (see note on neurosis in the
general introduction (page 3).
Mixtures of symptoms are common (coexistent depression and anxiety being by far the most
frequent), particularly in the less severe varieties of these disorders often seen in primary care.
Although efforts should be made to decide which is the predominant syndrome, a category is
provided for those cases of mixed depression and anxiety in which it would be artificial to force a
decision (F41.2).
In this group of disorders, anxiety is evoked only, or predominantly, by certain well-defined situations
or objects (external to the individual) which are not currently dangerous. As a result, these
situations or objects are characteristically avoided or endured with dread. Phobic anxiety is
indistinguishable subjectively, physiologically, and behaviourally from other types of anxiety
and may vary in severity from mild unease to terror. The individual's concern may focus on
individual symptoms such as palpitations or feeling faint and is often associated with
secondary fears of dying, losing control, or going mad. The anxiety is not relieved by the
knowledge that other people do not regard the situation in question as dangerous or
threatening. Mere contemplation of entry to the phobic situation usually generates
anticipatory anxiety.
The adoption of the criterion that the phobic object or situation is external to the subject implies that
many of the fears relating to the presence of disease (nosophobia) and disfigurement
(dysmorphobia) are now classified under F45.2 (hypochondriacal disorder). However, if the
fear of disease arises predominantly and repeatedly from possible exposure to infection or
contamination, or is simply a fear of medical procedures (injections, operations, etc.) or
medical establishments (dentists' surgeries, hospitals, etc.), a category from F40.- will be
appropriate (usually F40.2, specific phobia).
Phobic anxiety often coexists with depression. Pre-existing phobic anxiety almost invariably gets
worse during an intercurrent depressive episode. Some depressive episodes are accompanied
by temporary phobic anxiety and a depressive mood often accompanies some phobias,
particularly agoraphobia. Whether two diagnoses, phobic anxiety and depressive episode, are
needed or only one is determined by whether one disorder developed clearly before the other
and by whether one is clearly predominant at the time of diagnosis. If the criteria for
depressive disorder were met before the phobic symptoms first appeared, the former should
be given diagnostic precedence (see note in Introduction, pages 6 and 7).
Most phobic disorders other than social phobias are more common in women than in men.
In this classification, a panic attack (F41.0) occurring in an established phobic situation is regarded as
an expression of the severity of the phobia, which should be given diagnostic precedence.
Panic disorder as a main diagnosis should be diagnosed only in the absence of any of the
phobias listed in F40.-.
F40.0 Agoraphobia
The term "agoraphobia" is used here with a wider meaning than it had when originally introduced
and as it is still used in some countries. It is now taken to include fears not only of open
- 112 -
spaces but also of related aspects such as the presence of crowds and the difficulty of
immediate easy escape to a safe place (usually home). The term therefore refers to an
interrelated and often overlapping cluster of phobias embracing fears of leaving home: fear of
entering shops, crowds, and public places, or of travelling alone in trains, buses, or planes.
Although the severity of the anxiety and the extent of avoidance behaviour are variable, this is
the most incapacitating of the phobic disorders and some sufferers become completely
housebound; many are terrified by the thought of collapsing and being left helpless in public.
The lack of an immediately available exit is one of the key features of many of these
agoraphobic situations. Most sufferers are women and the onset is usually early in adult life.
Depressive and obsessional symptoms and social phobias may also be present but do not
dominate the clinical picture. In the absence of effective treatment, agoraphobia often
becomes chronic, though usually fluctuating.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)the psychological or autonomic symptoms must be primarily manifestations of anxiety and not
secondary to other symptoms, such as delusions or obsessional thoughts;
(b)the anxiety must be restricted to (or occur mainly in) at least two of the following situations:
crowds, public places, travelling away from home, and travelling alone; and
(c)avoidance of the phobic situation must be, or have been, a prominent feature.
Differential diagnosis. It must be remembered that some agoraphobics experience little anxiety
because they are consistently able to avoid their phobic situations. The presence of other
symptoms such as depression, depersonalization, obsessional symptoms, and social phobias
does not invalidate the diagnosis, provided that these symptoms do not dominate the clinical
picture. However, if the patient was already significantly depressed when the phobic
symptoms first appeared, depressive episode may be a more appropriate main diagnosis; this
is more common in late-onset cases.
The presence or absence of panic disorder (F41.0) in the agoraphobic situation on a majority of
occasions may be recorded by means of a fifth character:
Diagnostic guidelines
- 113 -
(a)the psychological, behavioural, or autonomic symptoms must be primarily manifestations of
anxiety and not secondary to other symptoms such as delusions or obsessional
(b)the anxiety must be restricted to or predominate in particular social situations; and
(c)the phobic situation is avoided whenever possible.
Includes: anthropophobia
social neurosis
Differential diagnosis. Agoraphobia and depressive disorders are often prominent, and may both
contribute to sufferers becoming "housebound". If the distinction between social phobia and
agoraphobia is very difficult, precedence should be given to agoraphobia; a depressive
diagnosis should not be made unless a full depressive syndrome can be identified clearly.
(a)the psychological or autonomic symptoms must be primary manifestations of anxiety, and not
secondary to other symptoms such as delusion or obsessional thought;
(b)the anxiety must be restricted to the presence of the particular phobic object or situation; and
(c)the phobic situation is avoided whenever possible.
Includes: acrophobia
animal phobias
examination phobia
simple phobia
- 114 -
F41 Other anxiety disorders
Manifestations of anxiety are the major symptoms of these disorders and are not restricted to any
particular environmental situation. Depressive and obsessional symptoms, and even some
elements of phobic anxiety, may also be present, provided that they are clearly secondary or
less severe.
Diagnostic guidelines
In this classification, a panic attack that occurs in an established phobic situation is regarded as an
expression of the severity of the phobia, which should be given diagnostic precedence. Panic
disorder should be the main diagnosis only in the absence of any of the phobias in F40.-.
For a definite diagnosis, several severe attacks of autonomic anxiety should have occurred within a
period of about 1 month:
Differential diagnosis. Panic disorder must be distinguished from panic attacks occurring as part of
established phobic disorders as already noted. Panic attacks may be secondary to depressive
disorders, particularly in men, and if the criteria for a depressive disorder are fulfilled at the
same time, the panic disorder should not be given as the main diagnosis.
- 115 -
Diagnostic guidelines
The sufferer must have primary symptoms of anxiety most days for at least several weeks at a time,
and usually for several months. These symptoms should usually involve elements of:
(a)apprehension (worries about future misfortunes, feeling "on edge", difficulty in concentrating, etc.);
(b)motor tension (restless fidgeting, tension headaches, trembling, inability to relax); and
(c)autonomic overactivity (lightheadedness, sweating, tachycardia or tachypnoea, epigastric
discomfort, dizziness, dry mouth, etc.).
In children, frequent need for reassurance and recurrent somatic complaints may be prominent.
The transient appearance (for a few days at a time) of other symptoms, particularly depression, does
not rule out generalized anxiety disorder as a main diagnosis, but the sufferer must not meet
the full criteria for depressive episode (F32.-), phobic anxiety disorder (F40.-), panic disorder
(F41.0), or obsessive-compulsive disorder (F42.-)
Individuals with this mixture of comparatively mild symptoms are frequently seen in primary care,
but many more cases exist among the population at large which never come to medical or
psychiatric attention.
- 116 -
Includes: anxiety hysteria
The essential feature of this disorder is recurrent obsessional thoughts or compulsive acts. (For
brevity, "obsessional" will be used subsequently in place of "obsessive-compulsive" when
referring to symptoms.) Obsessional thoughts are ideas, images or impulses that enter the
individual's mind again and again in a stereotyped form. They are almost invariably
distressing (because they are violent or obscene, or simply because they are perceived as
senseless) and the sufferer often tries, unsuccessfully, to resist them. They are, however,
recognized as the individual's own thoughts, even though they are involuntary and often
repugnant. Compulsive acts or rituals are stereotyped behaviours that are repeated again and
again. They are not inherently enjoyable, nor do they result in the completion of inherently
useful tasks. The individual often views them as preventing some objectively unlikely event,
often involving harm to or caused by himself or herself. Usually, though not invariably, this
behaviour is recognized by the individual as pointless or ineffectual and repeated attempts are
made to resist it; in very long-standing cases, resistance may be minimal. Autonomic anxiety
symptoms are often present, but distressing feelings of internal or psychic tension without
obvious autonomic arousal are also common. There is a close relationship between
obsessional symptoms, particularly obsessional thoughts, and depression. Individuals with
obsessive-compulsive disorder often have depressive symptoms, and patients suffering from
recurrent depressive disorder (F33.-) may develop obsessional thoughts during their episodes
of depression. In either situation, increases or decreases in the severity of the depressive
symptoms are generally accompanied by parallel changes in the severity of the obsessional
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is equally common in men and women, and there are often prominent
anankastic features in the underlying personality. Onset is usually in childhood or early adult
life. The course is variable and more likely to be chronic in the absence of significant
depressive symptoms.
Diagnostic guidelines
For a definite diagnosis, obsessional symptoms or compulsive acts, or both, must be present on most
days for at least 2 successive weeks and be a source of distress or interference with activities.
The obsessional symptoms should have the following characteristics:
- 117 -
first; when both types are present but neither predominates, it is usually best to regard the
depression as primary. In chronic disorders the symptoms that most frequently persist in the
absence of the other should be given priority.
Occasional panic attacks or mild phobic symptoms are no bar to the diagnosis. However, obsessional
symptoms developing in the presence of schizophrenia, Tourette's syndrome, or organic
mental disorder should be regarded as part of these conditions.
Although obsessional thoughts and compulsive acts commonly coexist, it is useful to be able to specify
one set of symptoms as predominant in some individuals, since they may respond to different
The relationship between obsessional ruminations and depression is particularly close: a diagnosis of
obsessive-compulsive disorder should be preferred only if ruminations arise or persist in the
absence of a depressive disorder.
Compulsive ritual acts are less closely associated with depression than obsessional thoughts and are
more readily amenable to behavioural therapies.
This category differs from others in that it includes disorders identifiable not only on grounds of
symptomatology and course but also on the basis of one or other of two causative influences -
an exceptionally stressful life event producing an acute stress reaction, or a significant life
change leading to continued unpleasant circumstances that result in an adjustment disorder.
Less severe psychosocial stress ("life events") may precipitate the onset or contribute to the
- 118 -
presentation of a very wide range of disorders classified elsewhere in this work, but the
etiological importance of such stress is not always clear and in each case will be found to
depend on individual, often idiosyncratic, vulnerability. In other words, the stress is neither
necessary nor sufficient to explain the occurrence and form of the disorder. In contrast, the
disorders brought together in this category are thought to arise always as a direct
consequence of the acute severe stress or continued trauma. The stressful event or the
continuing unpleasantness of circumstances is the primary and overriding causal factor, and
the disorder would not have occurred without its impact. Reactions to severe stress and
adjustment disorders in all age groups, including children and adolescents, are included in
this category.
Although each individual symptom of which both the acute stress reaction and the adjustment
disorder are composed may occur in other disorders, there are some special features in the
way the symptoms are manifest that justify the inclusion of these states as a clinical entity.
The third condition in this section - post-traumatic stress disorder - has relatively specific and
characteristic clinical features.
These disorders can thus be regarded as maladaptive responses to severe or continued stress, in that
they interfere with successful coping mechanisms and thus lead to problems in social
Acts of self-harm, most commonly self-poisoning by prescribed medication, that are associated closely
in time with the onset of either a stress reaction or an adjustment disorder should be recorded
by means of an additional X code from ICD-10, Chapter XX. These codes do not allow
differentiation between attempted suicide and "parasuicide", both being included in the
general category of self-harm.
Individual vulnerability and coping capacity play a role in the occurrence and severity of acute stress
reactions, as evidenced by the fact that not all people exposed to exceptional stress develop the
disorder. The symptoms show great variation but typically they include an initial state of
"daze", with some constriction of the field of consciousness and narrowing of attention,
inability to comprehend stimuli, and disorientation. This state may be followed either by
further withdrawal from the surrounding situation (to the extent of a dissociative stupor - see
F44.2), or by agitation and over-activity (flight reaction or fugue). Autonomic signs of panic
anxiety (tachycardia, sweating, flushing) are commonly present. The symptoms usually
appear within minutes of the impact of the stressful stimulus or event, and disappear within
2-3 days (often within hours). Partial or complete amnesia (see F44.0) for the episode may be
Diagnostic guidelines
There must be an immediate and clear temporal connection between the impact of an exceptional
stressor and the onset of symptoms; onset is usually within a few minutes, if not immediate.
In addition, the symptoms:
- 119 -
(a)show a mixed and usually changing picture; in addition to the initial state of "daze", depression,
anxiety, anger, despair, overactivity, and withdrawal may all be seen, but no one
type of symptom predominates for long;
(b)resolve rapidly (within a few hours at the most) in those cases where removal from the stressful
environment is possible; in cases where the stress continues or cannot by its nature
be reversed, the symptoms usually begin to diminish after 24-48 hours and are
usually minimal after about 3 days.
This diagnosis should not be used to cover sudden exacerbations of symptoms in individuals already
showing symptoms that fulfil the criteria of any other psychiatric disorder, except for those in
F60.- (personality disorders). However, a history of previous psychiatric disorder does not
invalidate the use of this diagnosis.
Typical symptoms include episodes of repeated reliving of the trauma in intrusive memories
("flashbacks") or dreams, occurring against the persisting background of a sense of
"numbness" and emotional blunting, detachment from other people, unresponsiveness to
surroundings, anhedonia, and avoidance of activities and situations reminiscent of the
trauma. Commonly there is fear and avoidance of cues that remind the sufferer of the
original trauma. Rarely, there may be dramatic, acute bursts of fear, panic or aggression,
triggered by stimuli arousing a sudden recollection and/or re-enactment of the trauma or of
the original reaction to it.
There is usually a state of autonomic hyperarousal with hypervigilance, an enhanced startle reaction,
and insomnia. Anxiety and depression are commonly associated with the above symptoms
and signs, and suicidal ideation is not infrequent. Excessive use of alcohol or drugs may be a
complicating factor.
The onset follows the trauma with a latency period which may range from a few weeks to months
(but rarely exceeds 6 months). The course is fluctuating but recovery can be expected in the
majority of cases. In a small proportion of patients the condition may show a chronic course
over many years and a transition to an enduring personality change (see F62.0).
Diagnostic guidelines
This disorder should not generally be diagnosed unless there is evidence that it arose within 6 months
of a traumatic event of exceptional severity. A "probable" diagnosis might still be possible if
the delay between the event and the onset was longer than 6 months, provided that the
clinical manifestations are typical and no alternative identification of the disorder (e.g. as an
anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder or depressive episode) is plausible. In addition to
evidence of trauma, there must be a repetitive, intrusive recollection or re-enactment of the
event in memories, daytime imagery, or dreams. Conspicuous emotional detachment,
numbing of feeling, and avoidance of stimuli that might arouse recollection of the trauma are
- 120 -
often present but are not essential for the diagnosis. The autonomic disturbances, mood
disorder, and behavioural abnormalities all contribute to the diagnosis but are not of prime
The late chronic sequelae of devastating stress, i.e. those manifest decades after the stressful
experience, should be classified under F62.0.
Individual predisposition or vulnerability plays a greater role in the risk of occurrence and the shaping
of the manifestations of adjustment disorders than it does in the other conditions in F43.-, but
it is nevertheless assumed that the condition would not have arisen without the stressor. The
manifestations vary, and include depressed mood, anxiety, worry (or a mixture of these), a
feeling of inability to cope, plan ahead, or continue in the present situation, and some degree
of disability in the performance of daily routine. The individual may feel liable to dramatic
behaviour or outbursts of violence, but these rarely occur. However, conduct disorders (e.g.
aggressive or dissocial behaviour) may be an associated feature, particularly in adolescents.
None of the symptoms is of sufficient severity or prominence in its own right to justify a more
specific diagnosis. In children, regressive phenomena such as return to bed-wetting, babyish
speech, or thumb-sucking are frequently part of the symptom pattern. If these features
predominate, F43.23 should be used.
The onset is usually within 1 month of the occurrence of the stressful event or life change, and the
duration of symptoms does not usually exceed 6 months, except in the case of prolonged
depressive reaction (F43.21). If the symptoms persist beyond this period, the diagnosis
should be changed according to the clinical picture present, and any continuing stress can be
coded by means of one of the Z codes in Chapter XXI of ICD-10.
Contacts with medical and psychiatric services because of normal bereavement reactions, appropriate
to the culture of the individual concerned and not usually exceeding 6 months in duration,
should not be recorded by means of the codes in this book but by a code from Chapter XXI
of ICD-10 such as Z63.4 (disappearance or death of family member) plus for example Z71.9
(counselling) or Z73.3 (stress not elsewhere classified). Grief reactions of any duration,
considered to be abnormal because of their form or content, should be coded as F43.22,
F43.23, F43.24 or F43.25, and those that are still intense and last longer than 6 months as
F43.21 (prolonged depressive reaction).
Diagnostic guidelines
The presence of this third factor should be clearly established and there should be strong, though
perhaps presumptive, evidence that the disorder would not have arisen without it. If the
stressor is relatively minor, or if a temporal connection (less than 3 months) cannot be
- 121 -
demonstrated, the disorder should be classified elsewhere, according to its presenting
If the criteria for adjustment disorder are satisfied, the clinical form or predominant features can be
specified by a fifth character:
The common theme shared by dissociative (or conversion) disorders is a partial or complete loss of the
normal integration between memories of the past, awareness of identity, immediate
sensations, and control of bodily movements. There is normally a considerable degree of
conscious control over the memories and sensations that can be selected for immediate
attention, and the movements that are to be carried out. In the dissociative disorders it is
presumed that this ability to exercise a conscious and selective control is impaired, to a degree
that can vary from day to day or even from hour to hour. It is usually very difficult to assess
the extent to which some of the loss of functions might be under voluntary control.
These disorders have previously been classified as various types of "conversion hysteria", but it now
seems best to avoid the term "hysteria" as far as possible, in view of its many and varied
- 122 -
meanings. Dissociative disorders as described here are presumed to be "psychogenic" in
origin, being associated closely in time with traumatic events, insoluble and intolerable
problems, or disturbed relationships. It is therefore often possible to make interpretations
and presumptions about the individual's means of dealing within intolerable stress, but
concepts derived from any one particular theory, such as "unconscious motivation" and
"secondary gain", are not included among the guidelines or criteria for diagnosis.
The term "conversion" is widely applied to some of these disorders, and implies that the unpleasant
affect, engendered by the problems and conflicts that the individual cannot solve, is somehow
transformed into the symptoms.
The onset and termination of dissociative states are often reported as being sudden, but they are rarely
observed except during contrived interactions or procedures such as hypnosis or abreaction.
Change in or disappearance of a dissociative state may be limited to the duration of such
procedures. All types of dissociative state tend to remit after a few weeks or months,
particularly if their onset was associated with a
traumatic life event. More chronic states, particularly paralyses and anaesthesias, may develop
(sometimes more slowly) if they are associated with insoluble problems or interpersonal
difficulties. Dissociative states that have endured for more than 1-2 years before coming to
psychiatric attention are often resistant to therapy.
Individuals with dissociative disorders often show a striking denial of problems or difficulties that may
be obvious to others. Any problems that they themselves recognize may be attributed by
patients to the dissociative symptoms.
Depersonalization and derealization are not included here, since in these syndromes only limited
aspects of personal identity are usually affected, and there is no associated loss of performance
in terms of sensations, memories, or movements.
Diagnostic guidelines
Convincing evidence of psychological causation may be difficult to find, even though strongly
suspected. In the presence of known disorders of the central or peripheral nervous system,
the diagnosis of dissociative disorder should be made with great caution. In the absence of
evidence for psychological causation, the diagnosis should remain provisional, and enquiry
into both physical and psychological aspects should continue.
- 123 -
amnesia often vary from day to day and between investigators, but there is a persistent
common core that cannot be recalled in the waking state. Complete and generalized amnesia
is rare; it is usually part of a fugue (F44.1) and, if so, should be classified as such.
The affective states that accompany amnesia are very varied, but severe depression is rare.
Perplexity, distress, and varying degrees of attention-seeking behaviour may be evident, but
calm acceptance is also sometimes striking. Young adults are most commonly affected, the
most extreme instances usually occurring in men subject to battle stress. Nonorganic
dissociative states are rare in the elderly. Purposeless local wandering may occur; it is usually
accompanied by self-neglect and rarely lasts more than a day or two.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)amnesia, either partial or complete, for recent events that are of a traumatic or stressful
nature (these aspects may emerge only when other informants are available);
(b)absence of organic brain disorders, intoxication, or excessive fatigue.
Differential diagnosis. In organic mental disorders, there are usually other signs of
disturbance in the nervous system, plus obvious and consistent signs of clouding of
consciousness, disorientation, and fluctuating awareness. Loss of very recent memory is more
typical of organic states, irrespective of any possibly traumatic events or problems.
"Blackouts" due to abuse of alcohol or drugs are closely associated with the time of abuse, and
the lost memories can never be regained. The short-term memory loss of the amnesic state
(Korsakov's syndrome), in which immediate recall is normal but recall after only 2-3 minutes
is lost, is not found in dissociative amnesia.
Amnesia following concussion or serious head injury is usually retrograde, although in severe
cases it may be anterograde also; dissociative amnesia is usually predominantly retrograde.
Only dissociative amnesia can be modified by hypnosis or abreaction. Postictal amnesia in
epileptics, and other states of stupor or mutism occasionally found in schizophrenic or
depressive illnesses can usually be differentiated by other characteristics of the underlying
The most difficult differentiation is from conscious simulation of amnesia (malingering), and
repeated and detailed assessment of premorbid personality and motivation may be required.
Conscious simulation of amnesia is usually associated with obvious problems concerning
money, danger of death in wartime, or possible prison or death sentences.
- 124 -
Diagnostic guidelines
Differential diagnosis. Differentiation from postictal fugue, seen particularly after temporal
lobe epilepsy, is usually clear because of the history of epilepsy, the lack of stressful events or
problems, and the less purposeful and more fragmented activities and travel of the epileptic.
Diagnostic guidelines
Differential diagnosis. Dissociative stupor must be differentiated from catatonic stupor and
depressive or manic stupor. The stupor of catatonic schizophrenia is often preceded by
symptoms or behaviour suggestive of schizophrenia. Depressive and manic stupor usually
develop comparatively slowly, so a history from another informant should be decisive. Both
depressive and manic stupor are increasingly rare in many countries as early treatment of
affective illness becomes more widespread.
- 125 -
Trance disorders occurring during the course of schizophrenic or acute psychoses with
hallucinations or delusions, or multiple personality should not be included here, nor should
this category be used if the trance disorder is judged to be closely associated with any physical
disorder (such as temporal lobe epilepsy or head injury) or with psychoactive substance
The degree of disability resulting from all these types of symptom may vary from occasion to
occasion, depending upon the number and type of other people present, and upon the
emotional state of the patient. In other words, a variable amount of attention-seeking
behaviour may be present in addition to a central and unvarying core of loss of movement or
sensation which is not under voluntary control.
In some patients, the symptoms usually develop in close relationship to psychological stress,
but in others this link does not emerge. Calm acceptance ("belle indifférence") of serious
disability may be striking, but is not universal; it is also found in well-adjusted individuals
facing obvious and serious physical illness.
Premorbid abnormalities of personal relationships and personality are usually found, and
close relatives and friends may have suffered from physical illness with symptoms resembling
those of the patient. Mild and transient varieties of these disorders are often seen in
adolescence, particularly in girls, but the chronic varieties are usually found in young adults.
A few individuals establish a repetitive pattern of reaction to stress by the production of these
disorders, and may still manifest this in middle and old age.
Disorders involving only loss of sensations are included here; disorders involving additional
sensations such as pain, and other complex sensations mediated by the autonomic nervous
system are included in somatoform disorders (F45.-).
Diagnostic guidelines
The diagnosis should be made with great caution in the presence of physical disorders of the
nervous system, or in a previously well-adjusted individual with normal family and social
The diagnosis should remain probable or provisional if there is any doubt about the
contribution of actual or possible physical disorders, or if it is impossible to achieve an
understanding of why the disorder has developed. In cases that are puzzling or not clear-cut,
- 126 -
the possibility of the later appearance of serious physical or psychiatric disorders should
always be kept in mind.
Isolated dissociative symptoms may occur during major mental disorders such as
schizophrenia or severe depression, but these disorders are usually obvious and should take
precedence over the dissociative symptoms for diagnostic and coding purposes.
Conscious simulation of loss of movement and sensation is often very difficult to distinguish
from dissociation; the decision will rest upon detailed observation, and upon obtaining an
understanding of the personality of the patient, the circumstances surrounding the onset of
the disorder, and the consequences of recovery versus continued disability.
Loss of vision is rarely total in dissociative disorders, and visual disturbances are more often a
loss of acuity, general blurring of vision, or "tunnel vision". In spite of complaints of visual
loss, the patient's general mobility and motor performance are often surprisingly well
Dissociative deafness and anosmia are far less common than loss of sensation or vision.
- 127 -
F44.8 Other dissociative [conversion] disorders
In the common form with two personalities, one personality is usually dominant but neither
has access to the memories of the other and the two are almost always unaware of each
other's existence. Change from one personality to another in the first instance is usually
sudden and closely associated with traumatic events. Subsequent changes are often limited
to dramatic or stressful events, or occur during sessions with a therapist that involve
relaxation, hypnosis, or abreaction.
- 128 -
F45 Somatoform disorders
The main feature of somatoform disorders is repeated presentation of physical symptoms, together
with persistent requests for medical investigations, in spite of repeated negative findings and
reassurances by doctors that the symptoms have no physical basis. If any physical disorders are
present, they do not explain the nature and extent of the symptoms or the distress and preoccupation
of the patient. Even when the onset and continuation of the symptoms bear a close relationship with
unpleasant life events or with difficulties or conflicts, the patient usually resists attempts to discuss the
possibility of psychological causation; this may even be the case in the presence of obvious depressive
and anxiety symptoms. The degree of understanding, either physical or psychological, that can be
achieved about the cause of the symptoms is often disappointing and frustrating for both patient and
Differential diagnosis. Differentiation from hypochondriacal delusions usually depends upon close
acquaintance with the patient. Although the beliefs are long-standing and appear to be held against
reason, the degree of conviction is usually susceptible, to some degree and in the short term, to
argument, reassurance, and the performance of yet another examination or investigation. In addition,
the presence of unpleasant and frightening physical sensations can be regarded as a culturally
acceptable explanation for the development and persistence of a conviction of physical illness.
Marked depression and anxiety are frequently present and may justify specific treatment.
The course of the disorder is chronic and fluctuating, and is often associated with long-standing
disruption of social, interpersonal, and family behaviour. The disorder is far more common in women
than in men, and usually starts in early adult life.
Dependence upon or abuse of medication (usually sedatives and analgesics) often results from the
frequent courses of medication.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 129 -
A definite diagnosis requires the presence of all of the following:
(a)at least 2 years of multiple and variable physical symptoms for which no adequate physical
explanation has been found;
(b)persistent refusal to accept the advice or reassurance of several doctors that there is no physical
explanation for the symptoms;
(c)some degree of impairment of social and family functioning attributable to the nature of the
symptoms and resulting behaviour.
Physical disorders. Patients with long-standing somatization disorder have the same chance of
developing independent physical disorders as any other person of their age, and further
investigations or consultations should be considered if there is a shift in the emphasis or stability of
the physical complaints which suggests possible physical disease.
Affective (depressive) and anxiety disorders. Varying degrees of depression and anxiety commonly
accompany somatization disorders, but need not be specified separately unless they are sufficiently
marked and persistent as to justify a diagnosis in their own right. The onset of multiple somatic
symptoms after the age of 40 years may be an early manifestation of a primarily depressive
Delusional disorders (such as schizophrenia with somatic delusions, and depressive disorders with
hypochondriacal delusions). The bizarre qualities of the beliefs, together with fewer physical
symptoms of more constant nature, are most typical of the delusional disorders.
Short-lived (e.g. less than 2 years) and less striking symptom patterns are better classified as
undifferentiated somatoform disorder (F45.1).
If a distinct possibility of underlying physical disorder still exists, or if the psychiatric assessment is
not completed at the time of diagnostic coding, other categories from the relevant chapters of
ICD-10 should be used.
- 130 -
Differential diagnosis. As for the full syndrome of somatization disorder (F45.0).
Marked depression and anxiety are often present, and may justify additional diagnosis. The
disorders rarely present for the first time after the age of 50 years, and the course of both symptoms
and disability is usually chronic and fluctuating. There must be no fixed delusions about bodily
functions or shape. Fears of the presence of one or more diseases (nosophobia) should be classified
This syndrome occurs in both men and women, and there are no special familial characteristics (in
contrast to somatization disorder).
Many individuals, especially those with milder forms of the disorder, remain within primary care
or nonpsychiatric medical specialties. Psychiatric referral is often resented, unless accomplished
early in the development of the disorder and with tactful collaboration between physician and
psychiatrist. The degree of associated disability is very variable; some individuals dominate or
manipulate family and social networks as a result of their symptoms, in contrast to a minority who
function almost normally.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)persistent belief in the presence of at least one serious physical illness underlying the presenting
symptom or symptoms, even though repeated investigations and examinations have
identified no adequate physical explanation, or a persistent preoccupation with a
presumed deformity or disfigurement;
(b)persistent refusal to accept the advice and reassurance of several different doctors that there is
no physical illness or abnormality underlying the symptoms.
Somatization disorder. Emphasis is on the presence of the disorder itself and its future
consequences, rather than on the individual symptoms as in somatization disorder. In
hypochondriacal disorder, there is also likely to be preoccupation with only one or two possible
physical disorders, which will be named consistently, rather than with the more numerous and
often changing possibilities in somatization disorder. In hypochondriacal disorder there is no
marked sex
differential rate, nor are there any special familial connotations.
- 131 -
Depressive disorders. If depressive symptoms are particularly prominent and precede the
development of hypochondriacal ideas, the depressive disorder may be primary.
Delusional disorders. The beliefs in hypochondriacal disorder do not have the same fixity as those
in depressive and schizophrenic disorders accompanied by somatic delusions. A disorder in which
the patient is convinced that he or she has an unpleasant appearance or is physically misshapen
should be classified under delusional disorder (F22.-).
Anxiety and panic disorders. The somatic symptoms of anxiety are sometimes interpreted as signs
of serious physical illness, but in these disorders the patients are usually reassured by physiological
explanations, and convictions about the presence of physical illness do not develop.
In many patients with this disorder there will also be evidence of psychological stress, or current
difficulties and problems that appear to be related to the disorder; however, this is not the case in a
substantial proportion of patients who nevertheless clearly fulfil the criteria for this condition.
In some of these disorders, some minor disturbance of physiological function may also be present,
such as hiccough, flatulence, and hyperventilation, but these do not of themselves disturb the
essential physiological function of the relevant organ or system.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)symptoms of autonomic arousal, such as palpitations, sweating, tremor, flushing, which are
persistent and troublesome;
(b)additional subjective symptoms referred to a specific organ or system;
(c)preoccupation with and distress about the possibility of a serious (but often unspecified)
disorder of the stated organ or system, which does not respond to repeated explanation
and reassurance by doctors;
(d)no evidence of a significant disturbance of structure or function of the stated system or organ.
- 132 -
Excludes: psychological and behavioural factors associated with disorders or
diseases classified elsewhere (F54)
A fifth character may be used to classify the individual disorders in this group, indicating the organ
or system regarded by the patient as the origin of the symptoms:
Pain presumed to be of psychogenic origin occurring during the course of depressive disorder or
schizophrenia should not be included here. Pain due to known or inferred psychophysiological
mechanisms such as muscle tension pain or migraine, but still believed to have a psychogenic
cause, should be coded by the use of F54 (psychological or behavioural factors associated with
disorders or diseases classified elsewhere) plus an additional code from elsewhere in ICD-10
(e.g. migraine, G43.-).
Includes: psychalgia
psychogenic backache or headache
somatoform pain disorder
Differential diagnosis. The commonest problem is to differentiate this disorder from the histrionic
elaboration of organically caused pain. Patients with organic pain for whom a definite physical
diagnosis has not yet been reached may easily become frightened or resentful, with resulting
attention-seeking behaviour. A variety of aches and pains are common in somatization disorders
but are not so persistent or so dominant over the other complaints.
- 133 -
pain NOS (acute/chronic) (R52.-)
tension-type headache (G44.2)
Any other disorders of sensation not due to physical disorders, which are closely associated in time
with stressful events or problems, or which result in significantly increased attention for the
patient, either personal or medical, should also be classified here. Sensations of swelling,
movements on the skin, and paraesthesias (tingling and/or numbness) are common examples.
Disorders such as the following should also be included here:
(a)"globus hystericus" (a feeling of a lump in the throat causing dysphagia) and other forms of
(b)psychogenic torticollis, and other disorders of spasmodic movements (but excluding Tourette's
(c)psychogenic pruritus (but excluding specific skin lesions such as alopecia, dermatitis, eczema, or
urticaria of psychogenic origin (F54));
(d)psychogenic dysmenorrhoea (but excluding dyspareunia (F52.6) and frigidity (F52.0));
F48.0 Neurasthenia
Considerable cultural variations occur in the presentation of this disorder; two main types occur,
with substantial overlap. In one type, the main feature is a complaint of increased fatigue after
mental effort, often associated with some decrease in occupational performance or coping
efficiency in daily tasks. The mental fatiguability is typically described as an unpleasant intrusion
of distracting associations or recollections, difficulty in concentrating, and generally inefficient
thinking. In the other type, the emphasis is on feelings of bodily or physical weakness and
exhaustion after only minimal effort, accompanied by a feeling of muscular aches and pains and
inability to relax. In both types, a variety of other unpleasant physical feelings, such as dizziness,
tension headaches, and a sense of general instability, is common. Worry about decreasing mental
and bodily well-being, irritability, anhedonia, and varying minor degrees of both depression and
anxiety are all common. Sleep is often disturbed in its initial and middle phases but hypersomnia
may also be prominent.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)either persistent and distressing complaints of increased fatigue after mental effort, or persistent
and distressing complaints of bodily weakness and exhaustion after minimal effort;
(b)at least two of the following:
- feelings of muscular aches and pains
- dizziness
- tension headaches
- sleep disturbance
- 134 -
- inability to relax
- irritability
- dyspepsia;
(c)any autonomic or depressive symptoms present are not sufficiently persistent and severe to fulfil
the criteria for any of the more specific disorders in this classification.
The number of individuals who experience this disorder in a pure or isolated form is small. More
commonly, depersonalization-derealization phenomena occur in the context of depressive
illnesses, phobic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Elements of the syndrome may also
occur in mentally healthy individuals in states of fatigue, sensory deprivation, hallucinogen
intoxication, or as a hypnogogic/ hypnopompic phenomenon. The
depersonalization-derealization phenomena are similar to the so-called "near-death experiences"
associated with moments of extreme danger to life.
Diagnostic guidelines
For a definite diagnosis, there must be either or both of (a) and (b), plus (c) and (d):
(a)depersonalization symptoms, i.e. the individual feels that his or her own feelings and/or
experiences are detached, distant, not his or her own, lost, etc;
(b)derealization symptoms, i.e. objects, people, and/or surroundings seem unreal, distant, artificial,
colourless, lifeless, etc;
(c)an acceptance that this is a subjective and spontaneous change, not imposed by outside forces or
other people (i.e. insight);
(d)a clear sensorium and absence of toxic confusional state or epilepsy.
- 135 -
Differential diagnosis. The disorder must be differentiated from other disorders in which "change
of personality" is experienced or presented, such as schizophrenia (delusions of transformation or
passivity and control experiences), dissociative disorders (where awareness of change is lacking),
and some instances of early dementia. The preictal aura of temporal lobe epilepsy and some
postictal states may include depersonalization and derealization syndromes as secondary
- 136 -
F51.4 Sleep terrors [night terrors]
F51.5 Nightmares
F51.8 Other nonorganic sleep disorders
F51.9 Nonorganic sleep disorder, unspecified
F53 Mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not
elsewhere classified
F53.0Mild mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not
elsewhere classified
F53.1Severe mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not
elsewhere classified
F53.8Other mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not
elsewhere classified
F53.9Puerperal mental disorder, unspecified
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F50 Eating disorders
(a)the clinical features of the syndrome are easily recognized, so that diagnosis is
reliable with a high level of agreement between clinicians;
(b)follow-up studies have shown that, among patients who do not recover, a
considerable number continue to show the same main features of anorexia
nervosa, in a chronic form.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)Body weight is maintained at least 15% below that expected (either lost or
never achieved), or Quetelet's body-mass index4 is 17.5 or less.
Quetelet's body-mass index = weight (kg) to be
used for age 16 or more
- 138 -
Prepubertal patients may show failure to make the expected weight gain
during the period of growth.
(b)The weight loss is self-induced by avoidance of "fattening foods". One or more
of the following may also be present: self-induced vomiting; self-induced
purging; excessive exercise; use of appetite suppressants and/or diuretics.
(c)There is body-image distortion in the form of a specific psychopathology
whereby a dread of fatness persists as an intrusive, overvalued idea and the
patient imposes a low weight threshold on himself or herself.
(d)A widespread endocrine disorder involving the hypothalamic - pituitary -
gonadal axis is manifest in women as amenorrhoea and in men as a loss of
sexual interest and potency. (An apparent exception is the persistence of
vaginal bleeds in anorexic women who are receiving replacement
hormonal therapy, most commonly taken as a contraceptive pill.) There
may also be elevated levels of growth hormone, raised levels of cortisol,
changes in the peripheral metabolism of the thyroid hormone, and
abnormalities of insulin secretion.
(e)If onset is prepubertal, the sequence of pubertal events is delayed or even
arrested (growth ceases; in girls the breasts do not develop and there is a
primary amenorrhoea; in boys the genitals remain juvenile). With
recovery, puberty is often completed normally, but the menarche is late.
[height (m)]2
- 139 -
anorexia nervosa by virtue of sharing the same psychopathology. The age and sex
distribution is similar to that of anorexia nervosa, but the age of presentation tends
to be slightly later. The disorder may be viewed as a sequel to persistent anorexia
nervosa (although the reverse sequence may also occur). A previously anorexic
patient may first appear to improve as a result of weight gain and possibly a return
of menstruation, but a pernicious pattern of overeating and vomiting then
becomes established. Repeated vomiting is likely to give rise to disturbances of
body electrolytes, physical complications (tetany, epileptic seizures, cardiac
arrhythmias, muscular weakness), and further severe loss of weight.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 140 -
also not uncommon, but if the depressive symptoms justify a separate diagnosis of
a depressive disorder two separate diagnoses should be made.
Obesity may be the motivation for dieting, which in turn results in minor affective
symptoms (anxiety, restlessness, weakness, and irritability) or, more rarely, severe
depressive symptoms ("dieting depression"). The appropriate code from F30-F39
or F40-F49 should be used to cover the symptoms as above, plus F50.8 (other
eating disorder) to indicate the dieting, plus a code from E66.- to indicate the type
of obesity.
- 141 -
Includes: pica of nonorganic origin in adults
psychogenic loss of appetite
This section includes only those sleep disorders in which emotional causes are
considered to be a primary factor. Sleep disorders of organic origin such as
Kleine-Levin syndrome (G47.8) are coded in Chapter VI (G47.-) of ICD-10.
Nonpsychogenic disorders including narcolepsy and cataplexy (G47.4) and
disorders of the sleep - wake schedule (G47.2) are also listed in Chapter VI, as are
sleep apnoea (G47.3) and episodic movement disorders which include nocturnal
myoclonus (G25.3). Finally, enuresis (F98.0) is listed with other emotional and
behavioural disorders with onset specific to childhood and adolescence, while
primary nocturnal enuresis (R33.8), which is considered to be due to a
maturational delay of bladder control during sleep, is listed in Chapter XVIII of
ICD-10 among the symptoms involving the urinary system.
- 142 -
Insomnia is a condition of unsatisfactory quantity and/or quality of sleep, which
persists for a considerable period of time. The actual degree of deviation from
what is generally considered as a normal amount of sleep should not be the
primary consideration in the diagnosis of insomnia, because some individuals (the
so-called short sleepers) obtain a minimal amount of sleep and yet do not consider
themselves as insomniacs. Conversely, there are people who suffer immensely
from the poor quality of their sleep, while sleep quantity is judged subjectively
and/or objectively as within normal limits.
Children are often said to have difficulty sleeping when in reality the problem is a
difficulty in the management of bedtime routines (rather than of sleep per se);
bedtime difficulties should not be coded here, but in Chapter XXI of ICD-10
(Z62.0, inadequate parental supervision and control).
Diagnostic guidelines
- 143 -
disorder. Other coexisting disorders should be coded if they are sufficiently
marked and persistent to justify treatment in their own right. It should be noted
that most chronic insomniacs are usually preoccupied with their sleep disturbance
and deny the existence of any emotional problems. Thus, careful clinical
assessment is necessary before ruling out a psychological basis for the complaint.
The present code does not apply to so-called "transient insomnia". Transient
disturbances of sleep are a normal part of everyday life. Thus, a few nights of
sleeplessness related to a psychosocial stressor would not be coded here, but could
be considered as part of an acute stress reaction (F43.0) or adjustment disorder
(F43.2) if accompanied by other clinically significant features.
Some patients will themselves make the connection between their tendency to fall
asleep at inappropriate times and certain unpleasant daytime experiences. Others
will deny such a connection even when a skilled clinician identifies the presence
of these experiences. In other cases, no emotional or other psychological factors
can be readily identified, but the presumed absence of organic factors suggests
that the hypersomnia is most likely of psychogenic origin.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 144 -
(a)excessive daytime sleepiness or sleep attacks, not accounted for by an
inadequate amount of sleep, and/or prolonged transition to the fully
aroused state upon awakening (sleep drunkenness);
(b)sleep disturbance occurring daily for more than 1 month or for recurrent
periods of shorter duration, causing either marked distress or interference
with ordinary activities in daily living;
(c)absence of auxiliary symptoms of narcolepsy (cataplexy, sleep paralysis,
hypnagogic hallucinations) or of clinical evidence for sleep apnoea
(nocturnal breath cessation, typical intermittent snorting sounds, etc.);
(d)absence of any neurological or medical condition of which daytime somnolence
may be symptomatic.
- 145 -
the relative contribution of psychological or organic factors. Individuals with
disorganized and variable sleeping and waking times most often present with
significant psychological disturbance, usually in association with various
psychiatric conditions such as personality disorders and affective disorders. In
individuals who frequently change work shifts or travel across time zones, the
circadian dysregulation is basically biological, although a strong emotional
component may also be operating since many such individuals are distressed.
Finally, in some individuals there is a phase advance to the desired sleep-wake
schedule, which may be due to either an intrinsic malfunction of the circadian
oscillator (biological clock) or an abnormal processing of the time-cues that drive
the biological clock (the latter may in fact be related to an emotional and/or
cognitive disturbance).
The present code is reserved for those disorders of the sleep-wake schedule in
which psychological factors play the most important role, whereas cases of
presumed organic origin should be classified under G47.2, i.e. as non-psychogenic
disorders of the sleep-wake schedule. Whether or not psychological factors are of
primary importance and, therefore, whether the present code or G47.2 should be
used is a matter for clinical judgement in each case.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 146 -
walk out of the house, and is thus exposed to considerable risks of injury during
the episode. Most often, however, he or she will return quietly to bed, either
unaided or when gently led by another person. Upon awakening either from the
sleepwalking episode or the next morning, there is usually no recall of the event.
Sleepwalking and sleep terrors (F51.4) are very closely related. Both are
considered as disorders of arousal, particularly arousal from the deepest stages of
sleep (stages 3 and 4). Many individuals have a positive family history for either
condition as well as a personal history of having experienced both. Moreover,
both conditions are much more common in childhood, which indicates the role of
developmental factors in their etiology. In addition, in some cases, the onset of
these conditions coincides with a febrile illness. When they continue beyond
childhood or are first observed in adulthood, both conditions tend to be associated
with significant psychological disturbance; the conditions may also occur for the
first time in old age or in the early stages of dementia. Based upon the clinical and
pathogenetic similarities between sleepwalking and sleep terrors, and the fact that
the differential diagnosis of these disorders is usually a matter of which of the two
is predominant, they have both been considered recently to be part of the same
nosologic continuum. For consistency with tradition, however, as well as to
emphasize the differences in the intensity of clinical manifestations, separate codes
are provided in this classification.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)the predominant symptom is one or more episodes of rising from bed, usually
during the first third of nocturnal sleep, and walking about;
(b)during an episode, the individual has a blank, staring face, is relatively
unresponsive to the efforts of others to influence the event or to
communicate with him or her, and can be awakened only with
considerable difficulty;
(c)upon awakening (either from an episode or the next morning), the individual
has no recollection of the episode;
(d)within several minutes of awakening from the episode, there is no impairment
of mental activity or behaviour, although there may initially be a short
period of some confusion and disorientation;
(e)there is no evidence of an organic mental disorder such as dementia, or a
physical disorder such as epilepsy.
- 147 -
Dissociative fugue (see F44.1) must also be differentiated from sleepwalking. In
dissociative disorders the episodes are much longer in duration and patients are
more alert and capable of complex and purposeful behaviours. Further, these
disorders are rare in children and typically begin during the hours of wakefulness.
Sleep terrors and sleepwalking (F51.3) are closely related: genetic, developmental,
organic, and psychological factors all play a role in their development, and the two
conditions share the same clinical and pathophysiological characteristics. On the
basis of their many similarities, these two conditions have been considered
recently to be part of the same nosologic continuum.
Diagnostic guidelines
In differentiating sleep terrors from epileptic seizures, the physician should keep
in mind that seizures very seldom occur only during the night; an abnormal
clinical EEG, however, favours the diagnosis of epilepsy.
- 148 -
F51.5 Nightmares
Nightmares are dream experiences loaded with anxiety or fear, of which the
individual has very detailed recall. The dream experiences are extremely vivid
and usually include themes involving threats to survival, security, or self-esteem.
Quite often there is a recurrence of the same or similar frightening nightmare
themes. During a typical episode there is a degree of autonomic discharge but no
appreciable vocalization or body motility. Upon awakening, the individual
rapidly becomes alert and oriented. He or she can fully communicate with others,
usually giving a detailed account of the dream experience both immediately and
the next morning.
Diagnostic guidelines
(a)awakening from nocturnal sleep or naps with detailed and vivid recall of
intensely frightening dreams, usually involving threats to survival, security,
or self-esteem; the awakening may occur at any time during the sleep
period, but typically during the second half;
(b)upon awakening from the frightening dreams, the individual rapidly becomes
oriented and alert;
(c)the dream experience itself, and the resulting disturbance of sleep, cause
marked distress to the individual.
- 149 -
Includes: emotional sleep disorder NOS
Some types of dysfunction (e.g. lack of sexual desire) occur in both men
and women. Women, however, tend to present more commonly with complaints
about the subjective quality of the sexual experience (e.g. lack of enjoyment or
interest) rather than failure of a specific response. The complaint of orgasmic
dysfunction is not unusual, but when one aspect of a women's sexual response is
affected, others are also likely to be impaired. For example, if a woman is unable
to experience orgasm, she will often find herself unable to enjoy other aspects of
lovemaking and will thus lose much of her sexual appetite. Men, on the other
hand, though complaining of failure of a specific response such as erection or
ejaculation, often report a continuing sexual appetite. It is therefore necessary to
look beyond the presenting complaint to find the most appropriate diagnostic
Includes: frigidity
hypoactive sexual desire disorder
- 150 -
F52.11 Lack of sexual enjoyment
Sexual responses occur normally and orgasm is experienced but there is a lack of
appropriate pleasure. This complaint is much more common in women than in
In women, the principal problem is vaginal dryness or failure of lubrication. The cause
can be psychogenic or pathological (e.g. infection) or estrogen deficiency (e.g.
postmenopausal). It is unusual for women to complain primarily of vaginal dryness
except as a symptom of postmenopausal estrogen deficiency.
- 151 -
Dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse) occurs in both women and men. It can
often be attributed to a local pathological condition and should then be
appropriately categorized. In some cases, however, no obvious cause is apparent
and emotional factors may be important. This category is to be used only if there is no
other more primary sexual dysfunction (e.g. vaginismus or vaginal dryness).
Includes: nymphomania
F53 Mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not
elsewhere classified
This classification should be used only for mental disorders associated with the
puerperium (commencing within 6 weeks of delivery) that do not meet the criteria for
disorders classified elsewhere in this book, either because insufficient information is
available, or because it is considered that special additional clinical features are
present which make classification elsewhere inappropriate. It will usually be possible
to classify mental disorders associated with the puerperium by using two other codes:
the first is from elsewhere in Chapter V(F) and indicates the specific type of mental
disorder (usually affective (F30-F39), and the second is 099.3 (mental diseases and
diseases of the nervous system complicating the puerperium) of ICD-10.
F53.0Mild mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not elsewhere
F53.1Severe mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not
elsewhere classified
F53.8 Other mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not
elsewhere classified
- 152 -
F54 Psychological and behavioural factors associated with disorders or
diseases classified elsewhere
Examples of the use of this category are: asthma (F54 plus J45.-); dermatitis and
eczema (F54 plus L23-L25); gastric ulcer (F54 plus K25.-); mucous colitis (F54
plus K58.-); ulcerative colitis (F54 plus K51.-); and urticaria (F54 plus L50.-).
F55.0 Antidepressants
(such as tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants and monamine oxidase
- 153 -
F55.1 Laxatives
F55.2 Analgesics
(such as aspirin, paracetamol, phenacetin, not specified as psycho-active in
F55.3 Antacids
F55.4 Vitamins
F55.9 Unspecified
Disorders of adult personality and behaviour
- 154 -
F62.1 Enduring personality change after psychiatric illness
F62.8 Other enduring personality changes
F62.9 Enduring personality change, unspecified
- 155 -
Personality disorders differ from personality change in their timing and the mode
of their emergence: they are developmental conditions, which appear in childhood
or adolescence and continue into adulthood. They are not secondary to another
mental disorder or brain disease, although they may precede and coexist with
other disorders. In contrast, personality change is acquired, usually during adult
life, following severe or prolonged stress, extreme environmental deprivation,
serious psychiatric disorder, or brain disease or injury (see F07.-).
Each of the conditions in this group can be classified according to its predominant
behavioural manifestations. However, classification in this area is currently
limited to the description of a series of types and subtypes, which are not mutually
exclusive and which overlap in some of their characteristics.
- 156 -
Cyclothymia and schizotypal disorders were formerly classified with the
personality disorders but are now listed elsewhere (cyclothymia in F30-F39 and
schizotypal disorder in F20-F29), since they seem to have many aspects in
common with the other disorders in those blocks (e.g. phenomena, family
Diagnostic guidelines
- 157 -
(c)the abnormal behaviour pattern is pervasive and clearly maladaptive to a
broad range of personal and social situations;
(d)the above manifestations always appear during childhood or
adolescence and continue into adulthood;
(e)the disorder leads to considerable personal distress but this may only
become apparent late in its course;
(f)the disorder is usually, but not invariably, associated with significant
problems in occupational and social performance.
- 158 -
(g)excessive preoccupation with fantasy and introspection;
(h)lack of close friends or confiding relationships (or having only one) and
of desire for such relationships;
(i)marked insensitivity to prevailing social norms and conventions.
- 159 -
F60.30 Impulsive type
The predominant characteristics are emotional instability and lack of
impulse control. Outbursts of violence or threatening behaviour are
common, particularly in response to criticism by others.
- 160 -
(g)unreasonable insistence by the patient that others submit to exactly his
or her way of doing things, or unreasonable reluctance to allow
others to do things;
(h)intrusion of insistent and unwelcome thoughts or impulses.
- 161 -
F60.8 Other specific personality disorders
A personality disorder that fits none of the specific rubrics F60.0-F60.7.
This four-character code is not included in Chapter
V(F) of ICD-10.
- 162 -
prolonged mental disorder. It may be difficult to differentiate between an
acquired personality change and the unmasking or exacerbation of an
existing personality disorder following stress, strain, or psychotic
experience. Enduring personality change should be diagnosed only when
the change represents a permanent and different way of being, which can
be etiologically traced back to a profound, existentially extreme
experience.The diagnosis should not be made if the personality disorder is
secondary to brain damage or disease (category F07.0 should be used
Diagnostic guidelines
This personality change must have been present for at least 2 years, and
should not be attributable to a pre-existing personality disorder or to a
mental disorder other than post-traumatic stress disorder (F43.1). The
- 163 -
presence of brain damage or disease which may cause similar clinical
features should be ruled out.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 164 -
(f)significant impairment in social and occupational functioning compared
with the premorbid situation.
Those who suffer from this disorder may put their jobs at risk, acquire
large debts, and lie or break the law to obtain money or evade payment of
debts. They describe an intense urge to gamble, which is difficult to
control, together with preoccupation with ideas and images of the act of
gambling and the circumstances that surround the act. These
preoccupations and urges often increase at times when life is stressful.
This disorder is also called "compulsive gambling" but this term is less
appropriate because the behaviour is not compulsive in the technical sense,
nor is the disorder related to obsessive-compulsive neurosis.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 165 -
The essential feature of the disorder is persistently repeated gambling,
which continues and often increases despite adverse social consequences
such as impoverishment, impaired family relationships, and disruption of
personal life.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 166 -
behaviour such as aggression, or other indications of lack of concern
with the interests and feelings of other people;
(d)fire-setting in schizophrenia (F20.-), when fires are typically started in
response to delusional ideas or commands from hallucinated voices;
(e)fire-setting in organic psychiatric disorders (F00-F09), when fires are
started accidentally as a result of confusion, poor memory, or lack of
awareness of the consequences of the act, or a combination of these
Diagnostic guidelines
F63.3 Trichotillomania
A disorder characterized by noticeable hair loss due to a recurrent failure to
resist impulses to pull out hairs. The hair-pulling is usually preceded by
mounting tension and is followed by a sense of relief or gratification. This
diagnosis should not be made if there is a pre-existing inflammation of the
skin, or if the hair-
pulling is in response to a delusion or a hallucination.
- 167 -
Excludes: stereotyped movement disorder with hair-plucking (F98.4)
F64.0 Transsexualism
A desire to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex, usually
accompanied by a sense of discomfort with, or inappropriateness of, one's
anatomic sex and a wish to have hormonal treatment and surgery to make
one's body as congruent as possible with the preferred sex.
Diagnostic guidelines
For this diagnosis to be made, the transsexual identity should have been
present persistently for at least 2 years, and must not be a symptom of another
mental disorder, such as schizophrenia, or associated with any intersex,
genetic, or sex chromosome abnormality.
- 168 -
not sufficient. The diagnosis cannot be made when the individual has
reached puberty.
Diagnostic guidelines
More is known about these disorders in boys than in girls. Typically, from
the preschool years onwards, boys are preoccupied with types of play and
other activities stereotypically associated with females, and there may often
be a preference for dressing in girls' or women's clothes. However, such
cross-dressing does not cause sexual excitement (unlike fetishistic
transvestism in adults (F65.1)). They may have a very strong desire to
participate in the games and pastimes of girls, female dolls are often their
favourite toys, and girls are regularly their preferred playmates. Social
ostracism tends to arise during the early years of schooling and is often at a
peak in middle childhood, with humiliating teasing by other boys. Grossly
feminine behaviour may lessen during early adolescence but follow-up
studies indicate that between one-third and two-thirds of boys with gender
identity disorder of childhood show a homosexual orientation during and
after adolescence. However, very few exhibit transsexualism in adult life
(although most adults with transsexualism report having had a gender
identity problem in childhood).
In clinic samples, gender identity disorders are less frequent in girls than in
boys, but it is not known whether this sex ratio applies in the general
population. In girls, as in boys, there is usually an early manifestation of a
preoccupation with behaviour stereotypically associated with the opposite
sex. Typically, girls with these disorders have male companions and show
an avid interest in sports and rough-and-tumble play; they lack interest in
dolls and in taking female roles in make-believe games such as "mothers
and fathers" or playing "house". Girls with a gender identity disorder tend
not to experience the same degree of social ostracism as boys, although
they may suffer from teasing in later childhood or adolescence. Most give
up an exaggerated insistence on male activities and attire as they approach
- 169 -
adolescence, but some retain a male identification and go on to show a
homosexual orientation.
Includes: paraphilias
F65.0 Fetishism
Reliance on some non-living object as a stimulus for sexual arousal and sexual
gratification. Many fetishes are extensions of the human body, such as articles
of clothing or footware. Other common examples are characterized by some
particular texture such as rubber, plastic, or leather. Fetish objects vary in their
importance to the individual: in some cases they serve simply to enhance
sexual excitement achieved in ordinary ways (e.g. having the partner wear a
particular garment).
Diagnostic guidelines
Fetishism should be diagnosed only if the fetish is the most important source of
sexual stimulation or essential for satisfactory sexual response.
Fetishistic fantasies are common, but they do not amount to a disorder unless
they lead to rituals that are so compelling and unacceptable as to interfere
with sexual intercourse and cause the individual distress.
- 170 -
Diagnostic guidelines
F65.2 Exhibitionism
A recurrent or persistent tendency to expose the genitalia to strangers (usually
of the opposite sex) or to people in public places, without inviting or intending
closer contact. There is usually, but not invariably, sexual excitement at the
time of the exposure and the act is commonly followed by masturbation. This
tendency may be manifest only at times of emotional stress or crises,
interspersed with long periods without such overt behaviour.
Diagnostic guidelines
F65.3 Voyeurism
A recurrent or persistent tendency to look at people engaging in sexual or
intimate behaviour such as undressing. This usually leads to sexual excitement
and masturbation and is carried out without the observed people being
F65.4 Paedophilia
A sexual preference for children, usually of prepubertal or early pubertal age.
Some paedophiles are attracted only to girls, others only to boys, and others
again are interested in both sexes.
- 171 -
F65.5 Sadomasochism
A preference for sexual activity that involves bondage or the infliction of pain
or humiliation. If the individual prefers to be the recipient of such stimulation
this is called masochism; if the provider, sadism. Often an individual obtains
sexual excitement from both sadistic and masochistic activities.
Includes: masochism
Erotic practices are too diverse and many too rare or idiosyncratic to justify a
separate term for each. Swallowing urine, smearing faeces, or piercing
foreskin or nipples may be part of the behavioural repertoire in
sadomasochism. Masturbatory rituals of various kinds are common, but the
more extreme practices, such as the insertion of objects into the rectum or
penile urethra, or partial self-strangulation, when they take the place of
ordinary sexual contacts, amount to abnormalities. Necrophilia should also be
coded here.
Includes: frotteurism
- 172 -
The following five-character codes may be used to indicate variations of
sexual development or orientation that may be problematic for the
F66.x0 Heterosexual
F66.x1 Homosexual
F66.x2 Bisexual
To be used only when there is clear evidence of sexual attraction to
members of both sexes.
- 173 -
Includes: compensation neurosis
The motivation for this behaviour is almost always obscure and presumably
internal, and the condition is best interpreted as a disorder of illness behaviour
and the sick role. Individuals with this pattern of behaviour usually show signs
of a number of other marked abnormalities of personality and relationships.
This code should be used only as a last resort, if the presence of a disorder
of adult personality and behaviour can be assumed, but information to
allow its diagnosis and allocation to a specific category is lacking.
Mental retardation
- 174 -
F70 Mild mental retardation
F71 Moderate mental retardation
F72 Severe mental retardation
F73 Profound mental retardation
F78 Other mental retardation
F79 Unspecified mental retardation
- 175 -
If the cause of the mental retardation is known, an additional code from ICD-10
should be used (e.g. F72 severe mental retardation plus E00.- (congenital
iodine-deficiency syndrome)).
The presence of mental retardation does not rule out additional diagnoses coded
elsewhere in this book. However, communication difficulties are likely to make it
necessary to rely more than usual for the diagnosis upon objectively observable
symptoms such as, in the case of a depressive episode, psychomotor retardation,
loss of appetite and weight, and sleep disturbance.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 176 -
For a definite diagnosis, there should be a reduced level of intellectual functioning
resulting in diminished ability to adapt to the daily demands of the normal social
environment. Associated mental or physical disorders have a major influence on
the clinical picture and the use made of any skills. The diagnostic category chosen
should therefore be based on global assessments of ability and not on any single
area of specific impairment or skill. The IQ levels given are provided as a guide
and should not be applied rigidly in view of the problems of cross-cultural
validity. The categories given below are arbitrary divisions of a complex
continuum, and cannot be defined with absolute precision. The IQ should be
determined from standardized, individually administered intelligence tests for
which local cultural norms have been determined, and the test selected should be
appropriate to the individual's level of functioning and additional specific
handicapping conditions, e.g. expressive language problems, hearing impairment,
physical involvement. Scales of social maturity and adaptation, again locally
standardized, should be completed if at all possible by interviewing a parent or
care-provider who is familiar with the individual's skills in everyday life. Without
the use of standardized procedures, the diagnosis must be regarded as a
provisional estimate only.
Mildly retarded people acquire language with some delay but most achieve
the ability to use speech for everyday purposes, to hold conversations, and
to engage in the clinical interview. Most of them also achieve full
independence in self-care (eating, washing, dressing, bowel and bladder
control) and in practical and domestic skills, even if the rate of
development is considerably slower than normal. The main difficulties are
usually seen in academic school work, and many have particular problems
in reading and writing. However, mildly retarded people can be greatly
helped by education designed to develop their skills and compensate for
their handicaps. Most of those in the higher ranges of mild mental
retardation are potentially capable of work demanding practical rather than
academic abilities, including unskilled or semiskilled manual labour. In a
sociocultural context requiring little academic achievement, some degree
of mild retardation may not itself represent a problem. However, if there is
also noticeable emotional and social immaturity, the consequences of the
handicap, e.g. inability to cope with the demands of marriage or
child-rearing, or difficulty fitting in with cultural traditions and
expectations, will be apparent.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 177 -
If the proper standardized IQ tests are used, the range 50 to 69 is indicative
of mild retardation. Understanding and use of language tend to be delayed
to a varying degree, and executive speech problems that interfere with the
development of independence may persist into adult life. An organic
etiology is identifiable in only a minority of subjects. Associated conditions
such as autism, other developmental disorders, epilepsy, conduct disorders,
or physical disability are found in varying proportions. If such disorders
are present, they should be coded independently.
Includes: feeble-mindedness
mild mental subnormality
mild oligophrenia
Diagnostic guidelines
- 178 -
although most moderately retarded people are able to walk without
assistance. It is sometimes possible to identify other psychiatric conditions,
but the limited level of language development may make diagnosis difficult
and dependent upon information obtained from others who are familiar
with the individual. Any such associated disorders should be coded
Includes: imbecility
moderate mental subnormality
moderate oligophrenia
Diagnostic guidelines
Diagnostic guidelines
- 179 -
their most severe form, especially atypical autism, are particularly frequent,
especially in those who are mobile.
Includes: idiocy
profound mental subnormality
profound oligophrenia
- 180 -
F84 Pervasive developmental disorders
F84.0 Childhood autism
F84.1 Atypical autism
F84.2 Rett's syndrome
F84.3 Other childhood disintegrative disorder
F84.4Overactive disorder associated with mental retardation and stereotyped
F84.5 Asperger's syndrome
F84.8 Other pervasive developmental disorders
F84.9 Pervasive developmental disorder, unspecified
- 181 -
In most cases, the functions affected include language, visuo-spatial skills and/or
motor coordination. It is characteristic for the impairments to lessen progressively
as children grow older (although milder deficits often remain in adult life).
Usually, the history is of a delay or impairment that has been present from as early
as it could be reliably detected, with no prior period of normal development.
Most of these conditions are several times more common in boys than in girls.
- 182 -
familiar situations than in others, but language ability in every setting is
- 183 -
uneven pattern of intellectual performance and especially with a degree of
language impairment that is more severe than the retardation in nonverbal
skills. When this disparity is of such a marked degree that it is evident in
everyday functioning, a specific developmental disorder of speech and
language should be coded in addition to a coding for mental retardation
Diagnostic guidelines
The age of acquisition of speech sounds, and the order in which these
sounds develop, show considerable individual variation.
- 184 -
inconsistencies in the co-occurrence of sounds (i.e. the child may produce
phonemes correctly in some word positions but not in others).
The diagnosis should be made only when the severity of the articulation
disorder is outside the limits of normal variation for the child's mental age;
nonverbal intelligence is within the normal range; expressive and receptive
language skills are within the normal range; the articulation abnormalities
are not directly attributable to a sensory, structural or neurological
abnormality; and the mispronunciations are clearly abnormal in the
context of colloquial usage in the child's subculture.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 185 -
It is frequent for impairments in spoken language to be accompanied by
delays or abnormalities in word-sound production.
The diagnosis should be made only when the severity of the delay in the
development of expressive language is outside the limits of normal
variation for the child's mental age, but receptive language skills are within
normal limits (although may often be somewhat below average). The use
of nonverbal cues (such as smiles and gesture) and "internal" language as
reflected in imaginative or make-believe play should be relatively intact,
and the ability to communicate socially without words should be relatively
unimpaired. The child will seek to communicate in spite of the language
impairment and will tend to compensate for lack of speech by use of
demonstration, gesture, mime, or non-speech vocalizations. However,
associated difficulties in peer relationships, emotional disturbance,
behavioural disruption, and/or overactivity and inattention are not
uncommon, particularly in school-age children. In a minority of cases
there may be some associated partial (often selective) hearing loss, but this
should not be of a severity sufficient to account for the language delay.
Inadequate involvement in conversational interchanges, or more general
environmental privation, may play a major or contributory role in the
impaired development of expressive language. Where this is the case, the
environmental causal factor should be noted by means of the appropriate Z
code from Chapter XXI of ICD-10.The impairment in spoken language
should have been evident from infancy without any clear prolonged phase
of normal language usage. However, a history of apparently normal first
use of a few single words, followed by a setback or failure to progress, is
not uncommon.
Includes: developmental dysphasia or aphasia, expressive type
Diagnostic guidelines
- 186 -
include inability to understand grammatical structures (negatives,
questions, comparatives, etc.), and lack of understanding of more subtle
aspects of language (tone of voice, gesture, etc.).
The diagnosis should be made only when the severity of the delay in
receptive language is outside the normal limits of variation for the child's
mental age, and when the criteria for a pervasive developmental disorder
are not met. In almost all cases, the development of expressive language is
also severely delayed and abnormalities in word-sound production are
common. Of all the varieties of specific developmental disorders of speech
and language, this has the highest rate of associated
socio-emotional-behavioural disturbance. Such disturbances do not take
any specific form, but hyperactivity and inattention, social ineptness and
isolation from peers, and anxiety, sensitivity, or undue shyness are all
relatively frequent. Children with the most severe forms of receptive
language impairment may be somewhat delayed in their social
development, may echo language that they do not understand, and may
show somewhat restricted interest patterns. However, they differ from
autistic children in usually showing normal social reciprocity, normal
make-believe play, normal use of parents for comfort, near-normal use of
gesture, and only mild impairments in nonverbal communication. Some
degree of high-frequency hearing loss is not infrequent, but the degree of
deafness is not sufficient to account for the language impairment.
- 187 -
seizures and loss of language is rather variable, with either one preceding
the other by a few months to 2 years. It is highly characteristic that the
impairment of receptive language is profound, with difficulties in auditory
comprehension often being the first manifestation of the condition. Some
children become mute, some are restricted to jargon-like sounds, and some
show milder deficits in word fluency and output often accompanied by
misarticulations. In a few cases voice quality is affected, with a loss of
normal inflexions. Sometimes language functions appear fluctuating in
the early phases of the disorder. Behavioural and emotional disturbances
are quite common in the months after the initial language loss, but they
tend to improve as the child acquires some means of communication.
The etiology of the condition is not known but the clinical characteristics
suggest the possibility of an inflammatory encephalitic process. The
course of the disorder is quite variable: about two-thirds of the children are
left with a more or less severe receptive language deficit and about a third
make a complete recovery.
Includes: lisping
- 188 -
developmental disorders, the conditions are substantially more common in
boys than in girls.
Third, there is the difficulty that scholastic skills have to be taught and
learned: they are not simply a function of biological maturation. Inevitably
a child's level of skills will depend on family circumstances and schooling,
as well as on his or her own individual characteristics. Unfortunately,
there is no straightforward and unambiguous way of differentiating
scholastic difficulties due to lack of adequate experiences from those due to
some individual disorder. There are good reasons for supposing that the
distinction is real and clinically valid but the diagnosis in individual cases is
difficult. Fourth, although research findings provide support for the
hypothesis of underlying abnormalities in cognitive processing, there is no
easy way in the individual child to differentiate those that cause reading
difficulties from those that derive from or are associated with poor reading
skills. The difficulty is compounded by the finding that reading disorders
may stem from more than one type of cognitive abnormality. Fifth, there
are continuing uncertainties over the best way of subdividing the specific
developmental disorders of scholastic skills.
- 189 -
Nevertheless, within all education settings, it is clear that each
chronological age group of schoolchildren contains a wide spread of
scholastic attainments and that some children are underachieving in
specific aspects of attainment relative to their general level of intellectual
Diagnostic guidelines
There are several basic requirements for the diagnosis of any of the specific
developmental disorders of scholastic skills. First, there must be a
clinically significant degree of impairment in the specified scholastic skill.
This may be judged on the basis of severity as defined in scholastic terms
(i.e. a degree that may be expected to occur in less than 3% of
schoolchildren); on developmental precursors (i.e. the scholastic difficulties
were preceded by developmental delays or deviance - most often in speech
or language - in the preschool years); on associated problems (such as
inattention, overactivity, emotional disturbance, or conduct difficulties); on
pattern (i.e. the presence of qualitative abnormalities that are not usually
part of normal development); and on response (i.e. the scholastic
difficulties do not rapidly and readily remit with increased help at home
and/or at school).
- 190 -
Second, the impairment must be specific in the sense that it is not solely
explained by mental retardation or by lesser impairments in general
intelligence. Because IQ and scholastic achievement do not run exactly in
parallel, this distinction can be made only on the basis of individually
administered standardized tests of achievement and IQ that are
appropriate for the relevant culture and educational system. Such tests
should be used in connection with statistical tables that provide data on the
average expected level of achievement for any given IQ level at any given
chronological age. This last requirement is necessary because of the
importance of statistical regression effects: diagnoses based on subtractions
of achievement age from mental age are bound to be seriously misleading.
In routine clinical practice, however, it is unlikely that these requirements
will be met in most instances. Accordingly, the clinical guideline is simply
that the child's level of attainment must be very substantially below that
expected for a child of the same mental age.
- 191 -
associated disorder be separately coded in the appropriate neurological
section of the classification.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 192 -
In later childhood and in adult life, it is common for spelling difficulties to
be more profound than the reading deficits. It is characteristic that the
spelling difficulties often involve phonetic errors, and it seems that both the
reading and spelling problems may derive in part from an impairment in
phonological analysis. Little is known about the nature or frequency of
spelling errors in children who have to read non-phonetic languages, and
little is known about the types of error in non-alphabetic scripts.
- 193 -
problem is solely one of handwriting should not be included, but in some
cases spelling difficulties may be associated with problems in writing.
Unlike the usual pattern of specific reading disorder, the spelling errors
tend to be predominantly phonetically accurate.
Diagnostic guidelines
Diagnostic guidelines
- 194 -
hearing, or neurological function, and should not have been acquired as a
result of any neurological, psychiatric, or other disorder.
Arithmetical disorders have been studied less than reading disorders, and
knowledge of antecedents, course, correlates, and outcome is quite limited.
However, it seems that children with these disorders tend to have
auditory-perceptual and verbal skills within the normal range, but
impaired visuo-spatial and visual-perceptual skills; this is in contrast to
many children with reading disorders. Some children have associated
socio-emotional-behavioural problems but little is known about their
characteristics or frequency. It has been suggested that difficulties in social
interactions may be particularly common.
The arithmetical difficulties that occur are various but may include: failure
to understand the concepts underlying particular arithmetical operations;
lack of understanding of mathematical terms or signs; failure to recognize
numerical symbols; difficulty in carrying out standard arithmetical
manipulations; difficulty in understanding which numbers are relevant to
the arithmetical problem being considered; difficulty in properly aligning
numbers or in inserting decimal points or symbols during calculations;
poor spatial organization of arithmetical calculations; and inability to learn
multiplication tables satisfactorily.
- 195 -
Includes: developmental expressive writing disorder
Diagnostic guidelines
The extent to which the disorder mainly involves fine or gross motor
coordination varies, and the particular pattern of motor disabilities varies
with age. Developmental motor milestones may be delayed and there may
be some associated speech difficulties (especially involving articulation).
The young child may be awkward in general gait, being slow to learn to
run, hop, and go up and down stairs. There is likely to be difficulty
learning to tie shoe laces, to fasten and unfasten buttons, and to throw and
catch balls. The child may be generally clumsy in fine and/or gross
movements - tending to drop things, to stumble, to bump into obstacles,
and to have poor handwriting. Drawing skills are usually poor, and
children with this disorder are often poor at jigsaw puzzles, using
constructional toys, building models, ball games, and drawing and
understanding maps.
- 196 -
In most cases a careful clinical examination shows marked
neurodevelopmental immaturities such as choreiform movements of
unsupported limbs, or mirror movements and other associated motor
features, as well as signs of poor fine and gross motor coordination
(generally described as "soft" neurological signs because of their normal
occurrence in younger children and their lack of localizing value). Tendon
reflexes may be increased or decreased bilaterally but will not be
The clumsy child syndrome has often been diagnosed as "minimal brain
dysfunction", but this term is not recommended as it has so many different
and contradictory meanings.
- 197 -
This group of disorders is characterized by qualitative
abnormalities in reciprocal social interactions and in patterns of
communication, and by restricted, stereotyped, repetitive
repertoire of interests and activities. These qualitative
abnormalities are a pervasive feature of the individual's
functioning in all situations, although they may vary in degree. In
most cases, development is abnormal from infancy and, with
only a few exceptions, the conditions become manifest during
the first 5 years of life. It is usual, but not invariable, for there to be
some degree of general cognitive impairment but the disorders
are defined in terms of behaviour that is deviant in relation to
mental age (whether the individual is retarded or not). There is
some disagreement on the subdivision of this overall group of
pervasive developmental disorders.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 198 -
flexibility in language expression and a relative lack of creativity and
fantasy in thought processes; lack of emotional response to other people's
verbal and nonverbal overtures; impaired use of variations in cadence or
emphasis to reflect communicative modulation; and a similar lack of
accompanying gesture to provide emphasis or aid meaning in spoken
- 199 -
emotional/behavioural disorder; schizophrenia (F20.-) of unusually early
onset; and Rett's syndrome (F84.2).
Diagnostic guidelines
- 200 -
of the tongue; and a loss of social engagement. Typically, the children
retain a kind of "social smile", looking at or "through" people, but not
interacting socially with them in early childhood (although social
interaction often develops later). The stance and gait tend to become
broad-based, the muscles are hypotonic, trunk movements usually become
poorly coordinated, and scoliosis or kyphoscoliosis usually develops.
Spinal atrophies, with severe motor disability, develop in adolescence or
adulthood in about half the cases. Later, rigid spasticity may become
manifest, and is usually more pronounced in the lower than in the upper
limbs. Epileptic fits, usually involving some type of minor attack, and with
an onset generally before the age of 8 years, occur in the majority of cases.
In contrast to autism, both deliberate self-injury and complex stereotyped
preoccupations or routines are rare.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 201 -
environment, by stereotyped, repetitive motor mannerisms, and by an
autistic-like impairment of social interaction and communication. In some
respects, the syndrome resembles dementia in adult life, but it differs in
three key respects: there is usually no evidence of any identifiable organic
disease or damage (although organic brain dysfunction of some type is
usually inferred); the loss of skills may be followed by a degree of recovery;
and the impairment in socialization and communication has deviant
qualities typical of autism rather than of intellectual decline. For all these
reasons the syndrome is included here rather than under F00-F09.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 202 -
F84.5 Asperger's syndrome
A disorder of uncertain nosological validity, characterized by the same kind
of qualitative abnormalities of reciprocal social interaction that typify
autism, together with a restricted, stereotyped, repetitive repertoire of
interests and activities. The disorder differs from autism primarily in that
there is no general delay or retardation in language or in cognitive
development. Most individuals are of normal general intelligence but it is
common for them to be markedly clumsy; the condition occurs
predominantly in boys (in a ratio of about eight boys to one girl). It seems
highly likely that at least some cases represent mild varieties of autism, but
it is uncertain whether or not that is so for all. There is a strong tendency
for the abnormalities to persist into adolescence and adult life and it seems
that they represent individual characteristics that are not greatly affected
by environmental influences. Psychotic episodes occasionally occur in
early adult life.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 203 -
F89 Unspecified disorder of psychological development
Behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually
occurring in childhood and adolescence
- 204 -
F95.8 Other tic disorders
F95.9 Tic disorder, unspecified
F98 Other behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring
in childhood and adolescence
F98.0 Nonorganic enuresis
F98.1 Nonorganic encopresis
F98.2 Feeding disorder of infancy and childhood
F98.3 Pica of infancy and childhood
F98.4 Stereotyped movement disorders
F98.5 Stuttering [stammering]
F98.6 Cluttering
F98.8Other specified behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually
occurring in childhood and adolescence
F98.9Unspecified behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in
childhood and adolescence
- 205 -
F90 Hyperkinetic disorders
Secondary complications include dissocial behaviour and low self esteem. There
is accordingly considerable overlap between hyperkinesis and other patterns of
disruptive behaviour such as"unsocialized conduct disorder". Nevertheless,
current evidence favours the separation of a group in which hyperkinesis is the
main problem.
Hyperkinetic disorders are several times more frequent in boys than in girls.
Associated reading difficulties (and/or other scholastic problems) are common.
Diagnostic guidelines
The cardinal features are impaired attention and overactivity: both are necessary
for the diagnosis and should be evident in more than one situation (e.g. home,
classroom, clinic).
- 206 -
Impaired attention is manifested by prematurely breaking off from tasks and
leaving activities unfinished. The children change frequently from one activity to
another, seemingly losing interest in one task because they become diverted to
another (although laboratory studies do not generally show an unusual degree of
sensory or perceptual distractibility). These deficits in persistence and attention
should be diagnosed only if they are excessive for the child's age and IQ.
The associated features are not sufficient for the diagnosis or even necessary, but
help to sustain it. Disinhibition in social relationships, recklessness in situations
involving some danger, and impulsive flouting of social rules (as shown by
intruding on or interrupting others' activities, prematurely answering questions
before they have been completed, or difficulty in waiting turns) are all
characteristic of children with this disorder.
Learning disorders and motor clumsiness occur with undue frequency, and
should be noted separately (under F80-F89) when present; they should not,
however, be part of the actual diagnosis of hyperkinetic disorder.
Symptoms of conduct disorder are neither exclusion nor inclusion criteria for the
main diagnosis, but their presence or absence constitutes the basis for the main
subdivision of the disorder (see below).
Diagnosis of hyperkinetic disorder can still be made in adult life. The grounds are
the same, but attention and activity must be judged with reference to
developmentally appropriate norms. When hyperkinesis was present in
childhood, but has disappeared and been succeeded by another condition, such as
dissocial personality disorder or substance abuse, the current condition rather
than the earlier one is coded.
- 207 -
present, and the hyperactivity is pervasive and severe, "hyperkinetic conduct
disorder" (F90.1) should be the diagnosis.
A further problem stems from the fact that overactivity and inattention, of a rather
different kind from that which is characteristic of a hyperkinetic disorder, may
arise as a symptom of anxiety or depressive disorders. Thus, the restlessness that
is typically part of an agitated depressive disorder should not lead to a diagnosis of
a hyperkinetic disorder. Equally, the restlessness that is often part of severe
anxiety should not lead to the diagnosis of a hyperkinetic disorder. If the criteria
for one of the anxiety disorders (F40.-, F41.-, F43.-, or F93.-) are met, this should
take precedence over hyperkinetic disorder unless there is evidence, apart from
the restlessness associated with anxiety, for the additional presence of a
hyperkinetic disorder. Similarly, if the criteria for a mood disorder (F30-F39) are
met, hyperkinetic disorder should not be diagnosed in addition simply because
concentration is impaired and there is psychomotor agitation. The double
diagnosis should be made only when symptoms that are not simply part of the
mood disturbance clearly indicate the separate presence of a hyperkinetic disorder.
Acute onset of hyperactive behaviour in a child of school age is more probably due
to some type of reactive disorder (psychogenic or organic), manic state,
schizophrenia, or neurological disease (e.g. rheumatic fever).
- 208 -
This residual category is not recommended and should be used only when there is
a lack of differentiation between F90.0 and F90.1 but the overall criteria for F90.-
are fulfilled.
Includes: hyperkinetic reaction or syndrome of childhood or adolescence NOS
Diagnostic guidelines
Judgements concerning the presence of conduct disorder should take into account
the child's developmental level. Temper tantrums, for example, are a normal part
of a 3-year-old's development and their mere presence would not be grounds for
diagnosis. Equally, the violation of other people's civic rights (as by violent crime)
is not within the capacity of most 7-year-olds and so is not a necessary diagnostic
criterion for that age group.
Examples of the behaviours on which the diagnosis is based include the following:
excessive levels of fighting or bullying; cruelty to animals or other people; severe
destructiveness to property; fire-setting; stealing; repeated lying; truancy from
school and running away from home; unusually frequent and severe temper
tantrums; defiant provocative behaviour; and persistent severe disobedience. Any
one of these categories, if marked, is sufficient for the diagnosis, but isolated
dissocial acts are not.
- 209 -
Differential diagnosis. Conduct disorder overlaps with other conditions. The
coexistence of emotional disorders of childhood (F93.-) should lead to a diagnosis
of mixed disorder of conduct and emotions (F92.-). If a case also meets the
criteria for hyperkinetic disorder (F90.-), that condition should be diagnosed
instead. However, milder or more situation-specific levels of overactivity and
inattentiveness are common in children with conduct disorder, as are low
self-esteem and minor emotional upsets; neither excludes the diagnosis.
Diagnostic guidelines
In most cases these family-specific conduct disorders will have arisen in the
context of some form of marked disturbance in the child's relationship with one or
more members of the nuclear family. In some cases, for example, the disorder
may have arisen in relation to conflict with a newly arrived step-parent. The
nosological validity of this category remains uncertain, but it is possible that these
highly situation-specific conduct disorders do not carry the generally poor
prognosis associated with pervasive conduct disturbances.
- 210 -
Diagnostic guidelines
The lack of effective integration into a peer group constitutes the key distinction
from "socialized" conduct disorders and this has precedence over all other
differentiations. Disturbed peer relationships are evidenced chiefly by isolation
from and/or rejection by or unpopularity with other children, and by a lack of
close friends or of lasting empathic, reciprocal relationships with others in the
same age group. Relationships with adults tend to be marked by discord,
hostility, and resentment. Good relationships with adults can occur (although
usually they lack a close, confiding quality) and, if present, do not rule out the
diagnosis. Frequently, but not always, there is some associated emotional
disturbance (but, if this is of a degree sufficient to meet the criteria of a mixed
disorder, the code F92.- should be used).
The disorder is usually pervasive across situations but it may be most evident at
school; specificity to situations other than the home is compatible with the
Diagnostic guidelines
- 211 -
Relationships with adults in authority tend to be poor but there may be good
relationships with others. Emotional disturbances are usually minimal. The
conduct disturbance may or may not include the family setting but if it is
confined to the home the diagnosis is excluded. Often the disorder is most
evident outside the family context and specificity to the school (or other
extrafamilial setting) is compatible with the diagnosis.
Diagnostic guidelines
- 212 -
Frequently, this behaviour is most evident in interactions with adults or peers
whom the child knows well, and signs of the disorder may not be evident during a
clinical interview.
The key distinction from other types of conduct disorder is the absence of
behaviour that violates the law and the basic rights of others, such as theft, cruelty,
bullying, assault, and destructiveness. The definite presence of any of the above
would exclude the diagnosis. However, oppositional defiant behaviour, as
outlined in the paragraph above, is often found in other types of conduct disorder.
If another type (F91.0-F91.2) is present, it should be coded in preference to
oppositional defiant disorder.
Diagnostic guidelines
The severity should be sufficient that the criteria for both conduct disorders of
childhood (F91.-) and emotional disorders of childhood (F93.-), or for an
adult-type neurotic disorder (F40-49) or mood disorder (F30-39) are met.
Insufficient research has been carried out to be confident that this category should
indeed be separate from conduct disorders of childhood. It is included here for its
potential etiological and therapeutic importance and its contribution to reliability
of classification.
- 213 -
Includes: conduct disorder (F91.-) associated with depressive disorder
The third of these points lacks empirical validation, and epidemiological data
suggest that, if the fourth is correct, it is a matter of degree only (with poorly
differentiated emotional disorders quite common in both childhood and adult
life). Accordingly, the second feature (i.e. developmental appropriateness) is used
as the key diagnostic feature in defining the difference between the emotional
disorders with an onset specific to childhood (F93.-) and the neurotic disorders
(F40-F49). The validity of this distinction is uncertain, but there is some
empirical evidence to suggest that the developmentally appropriate emotional
disorders of childhood have a better prognosis.
- 214 -
the focus of the anxiety and when such anxiety arises during the early years. It is
differentiated from normal separation anxiety when it is of such severity that is
statistically unusual (including an abnormal persistence beyond the usual age
period) and when it is associated with significant problems in social functioning.
In addition, the diagnosis requires that there should be no generalized disturbance
of personality development of functioning; if such a disturbance is present, a code
from F40-F49 should be considered. Separation anxiety that arises at a
developmentally inappropriate age (such as during adolescence) should not be
coded here unless it constitutes an abnormal continuation of developmentally
appropriate separation anxiety.
Diagnostic guidelines
Many situations that involve separation also involve other potential stressors or
sources of anxiety. The diagnosis rests on the demonstration that the common
element giving rise to anxiety in the various situations is the circumstance of
separation from a major attachment figure. This arises most commonly, perhaps,
in relation to school refusal (or "phobia"). Often, this does represent separation
anxiety but sometimes (especially in adolescence) it does not. School refusal
arising for the first time in adolescence should not be coded here unless it is
primarily a function of separation anxiety, and that anxiety was first evident to an
abnormal degree during the preschool years. Unless those criteria are met, the
syndrome should be coded in one of the other categories in F93 or under
- 215 -
Excludes: mood [affective] disorders (F30-F39)
neurotic disorders (F40-F48)
phobic anxiety disorder of childhood (F93.1)
social anxiety disorder of childhood (F93.2)
Diagnostic guidelines
This category should be used only for developmental phase-specific fears when
they meet the additional criteria that apply to all disorders in F93, namely that:
Diagnostic guidelines
Children with this disorder show a persistent or recurrent fear and/or avoidance
of strangers; such fear may occur mainly with adults, mainly with peers, or with
both. The fear is associated with a normal degree of selective attachment to
parents or to other familiar persons. The avoidance or fear of social encounters is
of a degree that is outside the normal limits for the child's age and is associated
with clinically significant problems in social functioning.
- 216 -
younger) sibling. In most cases the disturbance is mild, but the rivalry or jealousy
set up during the period after the birth may be remarkably persistent.
Diagnostic guidelines
The emotional disturbance may take any of several forms, often including some
regression with loss of previously acquired skills (such as bowel or bladder
control) and a tendency to babyish behaviour. Frequently, too, the child wants to
copy the baby in activities that provide for parental attention, such as feeding.
There is usually an increase in confrontational or oppositional behaviour with the
parents, temper tantrums, and dysphoria exhibited in the form of anxiety, misery,
or social withdrawal. Sleep may become disturbed and there is frequently
increased pressure for parental attention, such as at bedtime.
- 217 -
This is a somewhat heterogeneous group of disorders, which have in common
abnormalities in social functioning that begin during the developmental period,
but that (unlike the pervasive developmental disorders) are not primarily
characterized by an apparently constitutional social incapacity or deficit that
pervades all areas of functioning. Serious environmental distortions or privations
are commonly associated and are thought to play a crucial etiological role in many
instances. There is no marked sex differential. The existence of this group of
disorders of social functioning is well recognized, but there is uncertainty
regarding the defining diagnostic criteria, and also disagreement regarding the
most appropriate subdivision and classification.
Diagnostic guidelines
Other socio-emotional disturbances are present in the great majority of cases but
they do not constitute part of the necessary features for diagnosis. Such
disturbances do not follow a consistent pattern, but abnormal temperamental
features (especially social sensitivity, social anxiety, and social withdrawal) are
usual and oppositional behaviour is common.
- 218 -
Includes: selective mutism
Diagnostic guidelines
Many normal children show insecurity in the pattern of their selective attachment
to one or other parent, but this should not be confused with the reactive
attachment disorder which differs in several crucial respects. The disorder is
characterized by an abnormal type of insecurity shown in markedly contradictory
- 219 -
social responses not ordinarily seen in normal children. The abnormal responses
extend across different social situations and are not confined to a dyadic
relationship with a particular care-giver; there is a lack of responsiveness to
comforting; and there is associated emotional disturbance in the form of apathy,
misery, or fearfulness.
- 220 -
and later childhood, individuals may or may not have developed selective
attachments but attention-seeking behaviour often persists, and poorly modulated
peer interactions are usual; depending on circumstances, there may also be
associated emotional or behavioural disturbance. The syndrome has been most
clearly identified in children reared in institutions from infancy but it also occurs
in other situations; it is thought to be due in part to a persistent failure of
opportunity to develop selective attachments as a consequence of extremely
frequent changes in care-givers. The conceptual unity of the syndrome depends
on the early onset of diffuse attachments, continuing poor social interactions, and
lack of situation-specificity.
Diagnostic guidelines
Diagnosis should be based on evidence that the child showed an unusual degree
of diffuseness in selective attachments during the first 5 years and that this was
associated with generally clinging behaviour in infancy and/or indiscriminately
friendly, attention-seeking behaviour in early or middle childhood. Usually there
is difficulty in forming close, confiding relationships with peers. There may or
may not be associated emotional or behavioural disturbance (depending in part on
the child's current circumstances). In most cases there will be a clear history of
rearing in the first years that involved marked discontinuities in care-givers or
multiple changes in family placements (as with multiple foster family
- 221 -
neck-jerking, shoulder-shrugging, and facial grimacing. Common simple vocal
tics include throat-clearing, barking, sniffing, and hissing. Common complex tics
include hitting one's self, jumping, and hopping. Common complex vocal tics
include the repetition of particular words, and sometimes the use of socially
unacceptable (often obscene) words (coprolalia), and the repetition of one's own
sounds or words (palilalia).
There is immense variation in the severity of tics. At the one extreme the
phenomenon is near-normal, with perhaps 1 in 5 to 1 in 10 children showing
transient tics at some time. At the other extreme, Tourette's syndrome is an
uncommon, chronic, incapacitating disorder. There is uncertainty about whether
these extremes represent different conditions or are opposite ends of the same
continuum; many authorities regard the latter as more likely. Tic disorders are
substantially more frequent in boys than in girls and a family history of tics is
Diagnostic guidelines
The major features distinguishing tics from other motor disorders are the sudden,
rapid, transient, and circumscribed nature of the movements, together with the
lack of evidence of underlying neurological disorder; their repetitiveness; (usually)
their disappearance during sleep; and the ease with which they may be voluntarily
reproduced or suppressed. The lack of rhythmicity differentiates tics from the
stereotyped repetitive movements seen in some cases of autism or of mental
retardation. Manneristic motor activities seen in the same disorders tend to
comprise more complex and variable movements than those usually seen with
tics. Obsessive- compulsive activities sometimes resemble complex tics but differ
in that their form tends to be defined by their purpose (such as touching some
object or turning a number of times) rather than by the muscle groups involved;
however, the differentiation is sometimes difficult.
Tics often occur as an isolated phenomenon but not infrequently they are
associated with a wide variety of emotional disturbances, especially, perhaps,
obsessional and hypochondriacal phenomena. However, specific developmental
delays are also associated with tics.
There is no clear dividing line between tic disorder with some associated
emotional disturbance and an emotional disorder with some associated tics.
However, the diagnosis should represent the major type of abnormality.
- 222 -
Meets the general criteria for a tic disorder, in which there are motor or vocal tics
(but not both); tics may be either single or multiple (but usually multiple), and
last for more than a year.
F95.2 Combined vocal and multiple motor tic disorder [de la Tourette's syndrome]
A form of tic disorder in which there are, or have been, multiple motor tics and
one or more vocal tics, although these need not have occurred concurrently.
Onset is almost always in childhood or adolescence. A history of motor tics before
development of vocal tics is common; the symptoms frequently worsen during
adolescence, and it is common for the disorder to persist into adult life.
The vocal tics are often multiple with explosive repetitive vocalizations,
throat-clearing, and grunting, and there may be the use of obscene words or
phrases. Sometimes there is associated gestural echopraxia, which also may be of
an obscene nature (copropraxia). As with motor tics, the vocal tics may be
voluntarily suppressed for short periods, be exacerbated by stress, and disappear
during sleep.
- 223 -
bladder control. The later onset (or secondary) variety usually begins about the
age of 5 to 7 years. The enuresis may constitute a monosymptomatic condition or
it may be associated with a more widespread emotional or behavioural disorder.
In the latter case there is uncertainty over the mechanisms involved in the
association. Emotional problems may arise as a secondary consequence of the
distress or stigma that results from enuresis, the enuresis may form part of some
other psychiatric disorder, or both the enuresis and the emotional/behavioural
disturbance may arise in parallel from related etiological factors. There is no
straightforward, unambiguous way of deciding between these alternatives in the
individual case, and the diagnosis should be made on the basis of which type of
disturbance (i.e. enuresis or emotional/ behavioural disorder) constitutes the main
Diagnostic guidelines
- 224 -
Diagnostic guidelines
Diagnostic guidelines
- 225 -
Minor difficulties in eating are very common in infancy and childhood (in the
form of faddiness, supposed undereating, or supposed overeating). In themselves,
these should not be considered as indicative of disorder. Disorder should be
diagnosed only if the difficulties are clearly beyond the normal range, if the nature
of the eating problem is qualitatively abnormal in character, or if the child fails to
gain weight or loses weight over a period of at least 1 month.
(a)conditions where the child readily takes food from adults other than the usual
(b)organic disease sufficient to explain the food refusal;
(c)anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders (F50.-);
(d)broader psychiatric disorder;
(e)pica (F98.3);
(f)feeding difficulties and mismanagement (R63.3).
- 226 -
Excludes: abnormal involuntary movements (R25.-)
movement disorders of organic origin (G20-G26)
nail-biting, nose-picking, thumb-sucking (F98.8)
obsessive-compulsive disorder (F42.-)
stereotypies that are part of a broader psychiatric condition (such as
pervasive developmental disorder)
tic disorders (F95.-)
trichotillomania (F63.3)
F98.6 Cluttering
A rapid rate of speech with breakdown in fluency, but no repetitions or
hesitations, of a severity to give rise to reduced speech intelligibility. Speech is
erratic and dysrhythmic, with rapid, jerky spurts that usually involve faulty
phrasing patterns (e.g. alternating pauses and bursts of speech, producing groups
of words unrelated to the grammatical structure of the sentence).
F98.8 Other specified behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in
childhood and adolescence
- 227 -
Non-recommended residual category, when no other code from F00-F98 can be used.
- 228 -
This appendix contains a list of conditions in other chapters of ICD-10 that are
often found in association with the disorders in Chapter V(F) itself. They are
provided here so that psychiatrists recording diagnoses by means of the Clinical
Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines have immediately to hand the ICD terms
and codes that cover the associated diagnoses most likely to be encountered in
ordinary clinical practice. The majority of the conditions covered are given only
at the three-character level, but four-character codes are given for a selection of
those diagnoses that will be used most frequently.
Chapter I
Certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99)
Chapter II
Neoplasms (C00-D48)
C72.-Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord, cranial nerves and other parts of central
nervous system
- 229 -
D42.-Neoplasm of uncertain and unknown behaviour of meninges
Chapter IV
Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E90)
E66.- Obesity
- 230 -
E71.0 Maple-syrup-urine disease
Chapter VI
Diseases of the nervous system (G00-G99)
G24 Dystonia
Includes: dyskinesia
- 231 -
G30 Alzheimer's disease
G30.0 Alzheimer's disease with early onset
G30.1 Alzheimer's disease with late onset
G30.8 Other Alzheimer's disease
G30.9 Alzheimer's disease, unspecified
G40 Epilepsy
G40.0Localization-related (focal) (partial) idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic
syndromes with seizures of localized onset
- 232 -
Includes: attacks with alteration of consciousness, often with automatisms
G43.- Migraine
G91.- Hydrocephalus
Chapter VII
Diseases of the eye and adnexa (H00-H59)
H40 Glaucoma
H40.6 Glaucoma secondary to drugs
- 233 -
Chapter VIII
Diseases of the ear and mastoid process (H60-H95)
Chapter IX
Diseases of the circulatory system (I00-I99)
I66.- Occlusion and stenosis of cerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction
I95 Hypotension
I95.2 Hypotension due to drugs
Chapter X
Diseases of the respiratory system (J00-J99)
- 234 -
J11.8 Influenza with other manifestations, virus not identified
J43.- Emphysema
J45.- Asthma
Chapter XI
Diseases of the digestive system (K00-K93)
K30 Dyspepsia
Chapter XII
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L00-L99)
L98 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue, not elsewhere classified
L98.1 Factitial dermatitis
Chapter XIII
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
- 235 -
M32.- Systemic lupus erythematosus
M54.- Dorsalgia
Chapter XIV
Diseases of the genitourinary system (N00-N99)
N94Pain and other conditions associated with female genital organs and menstrual
N94.3 Premenstrual tension syndrome
N94.4 Primary dysmenorrhoea
N94.5 Secondary dysmenorrhoea
N94.6 Dysmenorrhoea, unspecified
Chapter XV
Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00-O99)
O35 Maternal care for known or suspected fetal abnormality and damage
O35.4Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus from alcohol
O35.5 Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus by drugs
Chapter XVII
Congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal
abnormalities (Q00-Q99)
Q02 Microcephaly
- 236 -
Q04.- Other congenital malformations of brain
Q93 Monosomies and deletions from the autosomes, not elsewhere classified
Q93.4 Deletion of short arm of chromosome 5
Chapter XVIII
Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not
elsewhere classified (R00-R99)
- 237 -
R62 Lack of expected normal physiological development
R62.0 Delayed milestone
R62.8 Other lack of expected normal physiological development
R62.9Lack of expected normal physiological development, unspecified
R78.- Findings of drugs and other substances, normally not found in blood
Chapter XIX
Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes
Chapter XX
External causes of morbidity and mortality (V0I-Y98)
- 238 -
X60Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics
and antirheumatics
- 239 -
X79 Intentional self-harm by blunt object
Assault (X85-Y09)
- 240 -
Y49.4 Butyrophenone and thioxanthene neuroleptics
Y49.5 Other antipsychotics and neuroleptics
Y49.6 Psychodysleptics [hallucinogens]
Y49.7 Psychostimulants with abuse potential
Y49.8 Other psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified
Y49.9 Psychotropic drug, unspecified
Chapter XXI
Factors influencing health status and contact with health services (Z00-Z99)
- 241 -
training in activities of daily living [ADL]
Z54.3Convalescence following psychotherapy
- 242 -
Z63.4Disappearance and death of family member
Z63.5Disruption of family by separation and divorce
Z63.6Dependent relative needing care at home
Z63.7Other stressful life events affecting family and household
Z63.8Other specified problems related to primary support group
Includes: arrest
child custody or support proceedings
- 243 -
Z73Problems related to life-management difficulty
Z73.1Accentuation of personality traits
- 244 -
Includes: parasuicide; self-poisoning; suicide attempt
- 245 -
List of principal investigators
Field trials of the ICD-10 proposals involved researchers and clinicians in some 110
institutes in 40 countries. Their efforts and comments were of great importance for the
successive revisions of the first draft of the classification and the clinical descriptions
and diagnostic guidelines. All principal investigators are named below. The individuals
who produced the initial drafts of the classification and guidelines are marked with an
Dr P. Berner (Vienna)
Dr H. Katschnig (Vienna)
Dr G. Koinig (Vienna)
Dr K. Meszaros (Vienna)
Dr P. Schuster (Vienna)
*Dr H. Strotzka (Vienna)
Dr M.K. Al-Haddad
Dr C.A. Kamel
Dr M.A. Mawgoud
Dr D. Bobon (Liège)
Dr C. Mormont (Liège)
Dr W. Vandereyken (Louvain)
- 246 -
Dr P.B. Abreu (Porto Alegre)
Dr N. Bezerra (Porto Alegre)
Dr M. Bugallo (Pelotas)
Dr E. Busnello (Porto Alegre)
Dr D. Caetano (Campinas)
Dr M. Boyadjieva (Sofia)
Dr A. Jablensky (Sofia)
Dr K. Kirov (Sofia)
Dr V. Milanova (Sofia)
Dr V. Nikolov (Sofia)
Dr I. Temkov (Sofia)
Dr K. Zaimov (Sofia)
Dr J. Beitchman (London)
Dr D. Bendjilali (Baie-Comeau)
Dr D. Berube (Baie-Comeau)
Dr D. Bloom (Verdun)
Dr D. Boisvert (Baie-Comeau)
Dr R. Cooke (London)
Dr A.J. Cooper (St Thomas)
Dr J.J. Curtin (London)
Dr J.L. Deinum (London)
Dr M.L.D. Fernando (St Thomas)
Dr P. Flor-Henry (Edmonton)
Dr L. Gaborit (Baie-Comeau)
Dr P.D. Gatfield (London)
Dr A. Gordon (Edmonton)
- 247 -
Dr J.A. Hamilton (Toronto)
Dr G.P. Harnois (Verdun)
Dr G. Hasey (London)
Dr W.-T. Hwang (Toronto)
Dr H. Iskandar (Verdun)
Dr B. Jean (Verdun)
Dr W. Jilek (Vancouver)
Dr D.L. Keshav (London)
Dr M. Koilpillai (Edmonton)
Dr M. Konstantareas (London)
Dr T. Lawrence (Toronto)
Dr M. Lalinec (Verdun)
Dr G. Lefebvre (Edmonton)
Dr H. Lehmann (Montreal)
*Dr Z. Lipowski (Toronto)
Dr He Wei (Chengdu)
Dr Huang Zong-mei (Shanghai)
Dr Liu Pei-yi (Chengdu)
Dr Liu Xie-he (Chengdu)
*Dr Shen Yu-cun (Beijing)
Dr Song Wei-sheng (Chengdu)
Dr Xu Tao-yuan (Shanghai)
Dr Xu Yi-feng (Shanghai)
*Dr Xu You-xin (Beijing)
Dr Yang De-sen (Changsha)
Dr Yang Quan (Chengdu)
Dr Zhang Lian-di (Shanghai)
- 248 -
Dr A. Acosta (Cali)
Dr W. Arevalo (Cali)
Dr A. Calvo (Cali)
Dr E. Castrillon (Cali)
Dr C.E. Climent (Cali)
Dr L.V. de Aragon (Cali)
Dr M.V. de Arango (Cali)
Dr G. Escobar (Cali)
Dr L.F. Gaviria (Cali)
Dr C.H. Gonzalez (Cali)
Dr C.A. Léon (Cali)
Dr S. Martinez (Cali)
Dr R. Perdomo (Cali)
Dr E. Zambrano (Cali)
Costa Rica
Côte d'Ivoire
Dr B. Claver (Abidjan)
- 249 -
Dr E. Sabas Moraleda (Havana)
Dr M.R. Salazar (Havana)
Dr H. Suarez Ramos (Havana)
Dr I. Valdes Hidalgo (Havana)
Dr C. Vasallo Mantilla (Havana)
Dr P. Baudis (Prague)
Dr V. Filip (Prague)
Dr D. Seifertova (Prague)
Dr D. Taussigova (Prague)
Dr J. Aagaard (Aarhus)
Dr J. Achton (Aarhus)
Dr E. Andersen (Odense)
Dr T. Arngrim (Aarhus)
Dr E. Bach Jensen (Aarhus)
Dr U. Bartels (Aarhus)
Dr P. Bech (Hillerod)
Dr A. Bertelsen (Aarhus)
Dr B. Butler (Hillerod)
Dr L. Clemmesen (Hillerod)
Dr H. Faber (Aarhus)
Dr O. Falk Madsen (Aarhus)
Dr T. Fjord-Larsen (Aalborg)
Dr F. Gerholt (Odense)
Dr J. Hoffmeyer (Odense)
Dr S. Jensen (Aarhus)
Dr. P.W. Jepsen (Hillerod)
Dr P. Jorgensen (Aarhus)
Dr M. Kastrup (Hillerod)
Dr P. Kleist (Aarhus)
Dr A. Korner (Copenhagen)
Dr P. Kragh-Sorensen (Odense)
Dr K. Kristensen (Odense)
Dr I. Kyst (Aarhus)
Dr M. Lajer (Aarhus)
Dr J.K. Larsen (Copenhagen)
Dr P. Liisberg (Aarhus)
Dr H. Lund (Aarhus)
Dr J. Lund (Aarhus)
Dr S. Moller-Madsen (Copenhagen)
Dr I. Moulvad (Aarhus)
Dr B. Nielsen (Odense)
Dr B.M. Nielsen (Copenhagen)
Dr C. Norregard (Copenhagen)
- 250 -
Dr P. Pedersen (Odense)
Dr L. Poulsen (Odense)
Dr K. Raben Pedersen (Aarhus)
Dr P. Rask (Odense)
Dr N. Reisby (Aarhus)
Dr K. Retboll (Aarhus)
Dr F. Schulsinger (Copenhagen)
Dr C. Simonsen (Aarhus)
Dr E. Simonsen (Copenhagen)
Dr H. Stockmar (Aarhus)
Dr S.E. Straarup (Aarhus)
*Dr E. Strömgren (Aarhus)
Dr L.S. Strömgren (Aarhus)
Dr J.S. Thomsen (Aalborg)
Dr P. Vestergaard (Aarhus)
Dr T. Videbech (Aarhus)
Dr T. Vilmar (Hillerod)
Dr A. Weeke (Aarhus)
Dr M. Albus (Munich)
Dr H. Amorosa (Munich)
Dr O. Benkert (Mainz)
Dr M. Berger (Freiburg)
Dr B. Blanz (Mannheim)
Dr M. von Bose (Munich)
Dr B. Cooper (Mannheim)
Dr M. von Cranach (Kaufbeuren)
Mr T. Degener (Essen)
Dr H. Dilling (Lübeck)
Dr R.R. Engel (Munich)
Dr K. Foerster (Tübingen)
Dr H. Freyberger (Lübeck)
Dr G. Fuchs (Ottobrunn)
Dr M. Gastpar (Essen)
- 251 -
*Dr J. Glatzel (Mainz)
Dr H. Gutzmann (Berlin)
Dr H. Häfner (Mannheim)
Dr H. Helmchen (Berlin)
Dr S. Herdemerten (Essen)
Dr W. Hiller (Munich)
Dr A. Hillig (Mannheim)
Dr H. Hippius (Munich)
Dr P. Hoff (Munich)
Dr S.O. Hoffmann (Mainz)
Dr K. Koehler (Bonn)
Dr R. Kuhlmann (Essen)
*Dr G.-E. Kühne (Jena)
Dr E. Lomb (Essen)
Dr W. Maier (Mainz)
Dr E. Markwort (Lübeck)
Dr K. Maurer (Mannheim)
Dr J. Mittelhammer (Munich)
Dr H.-J. Moller (Bonn)
Dr W. Mombour (Munich)
Dr J. Niemeyer (Mannheim)
Dr R. Olbrich (Mannheim)
Dr M. Philipp (Mainz)
Dr K. Quaschner (Mannheim)
Dr H. Remschmidt (Marburg)
Dr G. Rother (Essen)
Dr R. Rummler (Munich)
Dr H. Sass (Aachen)
Dr H.W. Schaffert (Essen)
Dr H. Schepank (Mannheim)
Dr M.H. Schmidt (Mannheim)
Dr R.-D. Stieglitz (Berlin)
Dr M. Strockens (Essen)
Dr W. Trabert (Homburg)
Dr W. Tress (Mannheim)
Dr H.-U. Wittchen (Munich)
Dr M. Zaudig (Munich)
Dr J. F. Allilaire (Paris)
Dr J.M. Azorin (Marseilles)
Dr Baier (Strasbourg)
Dr M. Bouvard (Paris)
Dr C. Bursztejn (Strasbourg)
Dr P.F. Chanoit (Paris)
Dr M.-A. Crocq (Rouffach)
Dr J.M. Danion (Strasbourg)
Dr A. Des Lauriers (Paris)
Dr M. Dugas (Paris)
- 252 -
Dr B. Favre (Paris)
Dr C. Gerard (Paris)
Dr S. Giudicelli (Marseilles)
Dr J.D. Guelfi (Paris)
Dr M.F. Le Heuzey (Paris)
Dr V. Kapsambelis (Paris)
Dr Koriche (Strasbourg)
Dr S. Lebovici (Bobigny)
Dr J.P. Lepine (Paris)
Dr C. Lermuzeaux (Paris)
*Dr R. Misès (Paris)
Dr J. Oules (Montauban)
Dr P. Pichot (Paris)
Dr. D. Roume (Paris)
Dr L. Singer (Strasbourg)
Dr M. Triantafyllou (Paris)
Dr D. Widlocher (Paris)
Dr J. Szilard (Szeged)
- 253 -
Dr M. Prasad (Lucknow)
Dr R. Raghuram (Bangalore)
Dr G.N.N. Reddy (Bangalore)
Dr S. Saxena (New Delhi)
Dr B. Sen (Calcutta)
Dr C. Shamasundar (Bangalore)
Dr H. Singh (Lucknow)
Dr P. Sitholey (Lucknow)
Dr S.C. Tiwari (Lucknow)
Dr B.M. Tripathi (Varanasi)
Dr R. Kusumanto Setyonegoro
Dr D.B. Lubis (Jakarta)
Dr L. Mangendaan (Jakarta)
Dr W.M. Roan (Jakarta)
Dr K.B. Tun (Jakarta)
Dr H. Davidian (Tehran)
Dr A. O'Grady-Walshe (Dublin)
Dr D. Walsh (Dublin)
Dr R. Blumensohn (Petach-Tikua)
Dr H. Hermesh (Petach-Tikua)
Dr H. Munitz (Petach-Tikua)
Dr S. Tyano (Petach-Tikua)
- 254 -
Dr S. Lobrace (Naples)
Dr C. Maggini (Pisa)
Dr M. Maj (Naples)
Dr A. Mucci (Naples)
Dr M. Mauri (Pisa)
Dr P. Sarteschi (Pisa)
Dr M.R. Solla (Naples)
Dr F. Veltro (Naples)
Dr Y. Atsumi (Tokyo)
Dr T. Chiba (Sapporo)
Dr T. Doi (Tokyo)
Dr F. Fukamauchi (Tokyo)
Dr J. Fukushima (Sapporo)
Dr T. Gotohda (Sapporo)
Dr R. Hayashi (Ichikawa)
Dr I. Hironaka (Nagasaki)
Dr H. Hotta (Fukuoka)
Dr J. Ichikawa (Sapporo)
Dr T. Inoue (Sapporo)
Dr K. Kadota (Fukuoka)
Dr R. Kanena (Tokyo)
Dr T. Kasahara (Sapporo)
Dr M. Kato (Tokyo)
Dr D. Kawatani (Fukuoka)
Dr R. Kobayashi (Fukuoka)
Dr M. Kohsaka (Sapporo)
Dr T. Kojima (Tokyo)
Dr M. Komiyama (Tokyo)
Dr T. Koyama (Sapporo)
Dr A. Kuroda (Tokyo)
Dr H. Machizawa (Ichikawa)
Dr R. Masui (Fukuoka)
Dr R. Matsubara (Sapporo)
Dr M. Matsumori (Ichikawa)
Dr E. Matsushima (Tokyo)
Dr M. Matsuura (Tokyo)
Dr M. S. Michituji (Nagasaki)
Dr H. Mori (Sapporo)
Dr N. Morita (Sapporo)
Dr I. Nakama (Nagasaki)
Dr Y. Nakane (Nagasaki)
Dr M. Nakayama (Sapporo)
Dr M. Nankai (Tokyo)
Dr R. Nishimura (Fukuoka)
Dr M. Nishizono (Fukuoka)
Dr Y. Nonaka (Fukuoka)
- 255 -
Dr T. Obara (Sapporo)
Dr Y. Odagaki (Sapporo)
Dr U.Y. Ohta (Nagasaki)
Dr K. Ohya (Tokyo)
Dr S. Okada (Ichikawa)
Dr Y. Okubo (Tokyo)
Dr J. Semba (Tokyo)
Dr H. Shibuya (Tokyo)
Dr N. Shinfuku (Tokyo)
Dr M. Shintani (Tokyo)
Dr K. Shoda (Tokyo)
Dr T. Sumi (Sapporo)
Dr R. Takahashi (Tokyo)
Dr T. Takahashi (Ichikawa)
Dr T. Takeuchi (Ichikawa)
Dr S. Tanaka (Sapporo)
Dr G. Tomiyama (Ichikawa)
Dr S. Tsutsumi (Fukuoka)
Dr J. Uchino (Nagasaki)
Dr H. Uesugi (Tokyo)
Dr S. Ushijima (Fukuoka)
Dr M. Wada (Sapporo)
Dr T. Watanabe (Tokyo)
Dr Y. Yamashita (Sapporo)
Dr N. Yamanouchi (Ichikawa)
Dr H. Yasuoka (Fukuoka)
Dr F. El-Islam (Kuwait)
Dr G. Chaillet (Luxembourg)
*Dr C.B. Pull (Luxembourg)
Dr M.C. Pull (Luxembourg)
- 256 -
Dr J. Hernandez (Mexico D.F.)
Dr M. Hernandez (Mexico D.F.)
Dr M. Ruiz (Mexico D.F.)
Dr M. Solano (Mexico D.F.)
Dr A. Sosa (Mexico D.F.)
Dr D. Urdapileta (Mexico D.F.)
Dr L.E. de la Vega (Mexico D.F.)
New Zealand
Dr M. Bergem (Oslo)
Dr A.A. Dahl (Oslo)
Dr L. Eitinger (Oslo)
Dr C. Guldberg (Oslo)
Dr H. Hansen (Oslo)
*Dr U. Malt (Oslo)
Dr S. Afgan (Rawalpindi)
Dr A.R. Ahmed (Rawalpindi)
Dr M.M. Ahmed (Rawalpindi)
- 257 -
Dr S.H. Ahmed (Karachi)
Dr M. Arif (Karachi)
Dr S. Baksh (Rawalpindi)
Dr T. Baluch (Karachi)
Dr K.Z. Hasan (Karachi)
Dr I. Haq (Karachi)
Dr S. Hussain (Rawalpindi)
Dr S. Kalamat (Rawalpindi)
Dr K. Lal (Karachi)
Dr F. Malik (Rawalpindi)
Dr M.H. Mubbashar (Rawalpindi)
Dr Q. Nazar (Rawalpindi)
Dr T. Qamar (Rawalpindi)
Dr T.Y. Saraf (Rawalpindi)
Dr Sirajuddin (Karachi)
Dr I.A.K. Tareen (Lahore)
Dr K. Tareen (Lahore)
Dr M.A. Zahid (Lahore)
Dr J. Marietegui (Lima)
Dr A. Perales (Lima)
Dr C. Sogi (Lima)
Dr D. Worton (Lima)
Dr H. Rotondo (Lima)
Dr M. Anczewska (Warsaw)
Dr E. Bogdanowicz (Warsaw)
Dr A. Chojnowska (Warsaw)
Dr K. Gren (Warsaw)
Dr J. Jaroszynski (Warsaw)
Dr A. Kiljan (Warsaw)
Dr E. Kobrzynska (Warsaw)
Dr L. Kowalski (Warsaw)
Dr S. Leder (Warsaw)
Dr E. Lutynska (Warsaw)
Dr B. Machowska (Warsaw)
Dr A. Piotrowski (Warsaw)
Dr S. Puzynski (Warsaw)
Dr M. Rzewuska (Warsaw)
Dr I. Stanikowska (Warsaw)
Dr K. Tarczynska (Warsaw)
Dr I. Wald (Warsaw)
Dr J. Wciorka (Warsaw)
Republic of Korea
- 258 -
Dr Young Ki Chung (Seoul)
Dr M.S. Kil (Seoul)
Dr B.W. Kim (Seoul)
Dr H.Y. Lee (Seoul)
Dr M.H. Lee (Seoul)
Dr S.K. Min (Seoul)
Dr B.H. Oh (Seoul)
Dr S.C. Shin (Seoul)
Dr M. Dehelean (Timisoara)
Dr P. Dehelean (Timisoara)
Dr M. Ienciu (Timisoara)
Dr M. Lazarescu (Timisoara)
Dr O. Nicoara (Timisoara)
Dr F. Romosan (Timisoara)
Dr D. Schrepler (Timisoara)
Russian Federation
Dr I. Anokhina (Moscow)
Dr V. Kovalev (Moscow)
Dr A. Lichko (St Petersburg)
*Dr R.A. Nadzharov (Moscow)
*Dr A.B. Smulevitch (Moscow)
Dr A.S. Tiganov (Moscow)
Dr V. Tsirkin (Moscow)
Dr M. Vartanian (Moscow)
Dr A.V. Vovin (St Petersburg)
Dr N.N. Zharikov (Moscow)
Saudi Arabia
Dr A. Abrines (Madrid)
Dr J.L. Alcázar (Madrid)
Dr C. Alvarez (Bilbao)
Dr C. Ballús (Barcelona)
Dr P. Benjumea (Seville)
- 259 -
Dr V. Beramendi (Bilbao)
Dr M. Bernardo (Barcelona)
Dr J. Blanco (Seville)
- 260 -
Dr J. Padierna (Bilbao)
Dr E. Palacios (Madrid)
Dr J. Pascual (Bilbao)
Dr M. Paz (Granada)
Dr J. Pérez de los Cobos (Madrid)
Dr J. Pérez-Arango (Madrid)
Dr A. Pérez-Torres (Granada)
Dr A. Pérez-Urdaniz (Salamanca)
Dr J. Perfecto (Salamanca)
Dr R. del Pino (Granada)
Dr J.M. Poveda (Madrid)
Dr A. Preciado (Salamanca)
Dr L. Prieto-Moreno (Madrid)
Dr J.L. Ramos (Salamanca)
Dr F. Rey (Salamanca)
Dr M.L. Rivera (Seville)
Dr P. Rodríguez (Madrid)
Dr P. Rodríguez-Sacristan (Seville)
Dr C. Rueda (Madrid)
Dr J. Ruiz (Granada)
Dr B. Salcedo (Bilbao)
Dr J. San Sebastián (Madrid)
Dr J. Sola (Granada)
Dr S. Tenorio (Madrid)
Dr R. Teruel (Bilbao)
Dr F. Torres (Granada)
Dr J. Vallejo (Barcelona)
Dr M. Vega (Madrid)
Dr B. Viar (Madrid)
Dr D. Vico (Granada)
Dr V. Zubeldia (Madrid)
Dr T. Bergmark (Danderyd)
Dr G. Dalfelt (Lund)
Dr G. Elofsson (Lund)
Dr E. Essen-Möller (Lysekil)
Dr L. Gustafson (Lund)
*Dr B. Hagberg (Gothenburg)
*Dr C. Perris (Umea)
Dr B. Wistedt (Danderyd)
- 261 -
Dr N. Aapro (Geneva)
Dr J. Angst (Zurich)
Dr L. Barrelet (Perreux)
Dr L. Ciompi (Bern)
Dr V. Dittman (Basel)
Dr P. Kielholz (Basel)
Dr E. Kolatti (Geneva)
Dr D. Ladewig (Basel)
Dr C. Müller (Prilly)
Dr J. Press (Geneva)
Dr C. Quinto (Basel)
Dr B. Reith (Geneva)
*Dr C. Scharfetter (Zurich)
Dr M. Sieber (Zurich)
Dr H.-C. Steinhausen (Zurich)
Mr A. Tongue (Lausanne)
Dr C. Krishna (Bangkok)
Dr S. Dejatiwongse (Bangkok)
United Kingdom
Dr Adityanjee (London)
Dr P. Ainsworth (Manchester)
Dr T. Arie (Nottingham)
Dr J. Bancroft (Edinburgh)
Dr P. Bebbington (London)
Dr S. Benjamin (Manchester)
Dr I. Berg (Leeds)
Dr K. Bergman (London)
Dr I. Brockington (Birmingham)
Dr J. Brothwell (Nottingham)
Dr C. Burford (London)
Dr J. Carrick (London)
*Dr A. Clare (London)
Dr A.W. Clare (London)
- 262 -
Dr D. Clarke (Birmingham)
*Dr J.E. Cooper (Nottingham)
Dr P. Coorey (Liverpool)
Dr S.J. Cope (London)
Dr J. Copeland (Liverpool)
Dr A. Coppen (Epsom)
*Dr J.A. Corbett (London)
Dr T.K.J. Craig (London)
Dr C. Darling (Nottingham)
Dr C. Dean (Birmingham)
Dr R. Dolan (London)
*Dr J. Griffith Edwards (London)
Dr D.M. Eminson (Manchester)
Dr A. Farmer (Cardiff)
Dr K. Fitzpatrick (Nottingham)
Dr T. Fryers (Manchester)
*Dr M. Gelder (Oxford)
*Dr D. Goldberg (Manchester)
Dr I.M. Goodyer (Manchester)
*Dr M. Gossop (London)
*Dr P. Graham (London)
Dr T. Hale (London)
Dr M. Harper (Cardiff)
Dr A. Higgitt (London)
Dr J. Higgs (Manchester)
Dr N. Holden (Nottingham)
Dr P. Howlin (London)
Dr C. Hyde (Manchester)
Dr R. Jacoby (London)
Dr I. Janota (London)
Dr P. Jenkins (Cardiff)
Dr R. Jenkins (London)
Dr G. Jones (Cardiff)
*Dr R.E. Kendell (Edinburgh)
Dr N. Kreitman (Edinburgh)
Dr R. Kumar (London)
Dr M.H. Lader (London)
Dr R. Levy (London)
Dr J.E.B. Lindesay (London)
Dr W.A. Lishman (London)
Dr A. McBride (Cardiff)
Dr A.D.J. MacDonald (London)
Dr C. McDonald (London)
Dr P. McGuffin (Cardiff)
Dr M. McKenzie (Manchester)
Dr J. McLaughlin (Leeds)
Dr A.H. Mann (London)
Dr S. Mann (London)
*Dr I. Marks (London)
- 263 -
Dr D. Masters (London)
Dr M. Monaghan (Manchester)
Dr K.W. Moses (Manchester)
Dr J. Oswald (Edinburgh)
Dr E. Paykel (London)
Dr N. Richman (London)
Dr Sir Martin Roth (Cambridge)
*Dr G. Russell (London)
*Dr M. Rutter (London)
Dr N. Seivewright (Nottingham)
Dr D. Shaw (Cardiff)
*Dr M. Shepherd (London)
Dr A. Steptoe (London)
*Dr E. Taylor (London)
Dr D. Taylor (Manchester)
Dr R. Thomas (Cardiff)
Dr P. Tyrer (London)
*Dr D.J. West (Cambridge)
Dr P.D. White (London)
Dr A.O. Williams (Liverpool)
Dr P. Williams (London)
*Dr J. Wing (London)
*Dr L. Wing (London)
Dr S. Wolff (Edinburgh)
Dr S. Wood (London)
Dr W. Yule (London)
Dr J. Bartko (Rockville)
Dr M. Bauer (Richmond)
Dr C. Beebe (Columbia)
Dr D. Beedle (Cambridge)
Dr B. Benson (Chicago)
*Dr F. Benson (Los Angeles)
Dr J. Blaine (Rockville)
Dr G. Boggs (Cincinnati)
Dr R. Boshes (Cambridge)
Dr J. Brown (Farmington)
- 264 -
Dr J. Burke (Rockville)
Dr J. Cain (Dallas)
Dr M. Campbell (New York)
*Dr D. Cantwell (Los Angeles)
Dr R.C. Casper (Chicago)
Dr A. Conder (Richmond)
Dr P. Coons (Indianapolis)
Mrs W. Davis (Washington, DC)
Dr J. Deltito (White Plains)
Dr M. Diaz (Farmington)
Dr M. Dumaine (Cincinnati)
Dr C. DuRand (Cambridge)
Dr M.H. Ebert (Nashville)
Dr J.I. Escobar (Farmington)
Dr R. Falk (Richmond)
Dr M. First (New York)
Dr M.F. Folstein (Baltimore)
Dr S. Foster (Philadelphia)
Dr A. Frances (New York)
Dr S. Frazier (Belmont)
Dr S. Freeman (Cambridge)
Dr H.E. Genaidy (Hastings)
Dr P.M. Gillig (Cincinnati)
Dr M. Ginsburg (Cincinnati)
Dr F. Goodwin (Rockville)
Dr E. Gordis (Rockville)
Dr I.I. Gottesman (Charlottesville)
Dr B. Grant (Rockville)
*Dr S. Guze (St Louis)
Dr R. Hales (San Francisco)
Dr D. Haller (Richmond)
Dr J. Harris (Baltimore)
Dr R. Hart (Richmond)
*Dr J. Helzer (St Louis)
Dr L. Hersov (Worcester)
Dr J.R. Hillard (Cincinnati)
Dr R.M.A. Hirschfeld (Rockville)
Dr C.E. Holzer (Galveston)
*Dr P. Holzman (Cambridge)
Dr M.J. Horowitz (San Francisco)
Dr T.R. Insel (Bethesda)
Dr L.F. Jarvik (Los Angeles)
Dr V. Jethanandani (Philadelphia)
Dr L. Judd (Rockville)
Dr C. Kaelber (Rockville)
Dr I. Katz (Philadelphia)
Dr B. Kaup (Baltimore)
Dr S.A. Kelt (Dallas)
Dr P. Keck (Belmont)
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Dr K.S. Kendler (Richmond)
Dr D.F. Klein (New York)
*Dr A. Kleinman (Cambridge)
Dr G. Klerman (Boston)
Dr R. Kluft (Philadelphia)
Dr R.D. Kobes (Dallas)
Dr R. Kolodner (Dallas)
Dr J.S. Ku (Cincinnati)
*Dr D.J. Kupfer (Pittsburgh)
Dr M. Lambert (Dallas)
Dr M. Lebowitz (New York)
Dr B. Lee (Cambridge)
Dr L. Lettich (Cambridge)
Dr N. Liebowitz (Farmington)
Dr B.R. Lima (Baltimore)
Dr A.W. Loranger (New York)
Dr D. Mann (Cambridge)
Dr W.G. McPherson (Hastings)
Dr L. Meloy (Cincinnati)
Dr W. Mendel (Hastings)
Dr R. Meyer (Farmington)
*Dr J. Mezzich (Pittsburgh)
Dr C. Moran (Richmond)
Dr P. Nathan (Chicago)
Dr D. Neal (Ann Arbor)
Dr G. Nestadt (Baltimore)
Dr B. Orrok (Farmington)
Dr D. Orvin (Cambridge)
Dr H. Pardes (New York)
Dr J. Parks (Cincinnati)
Dr R. Pary (Pittsburgh)
Dr R. Peel (Washington, DC)
Dr M. Peszke (Farmington)
Dr R. Petry (Richmond)
Dr F. Petty (Dallas)
Dr R. Pickens (Rockville)
Dr H. Pincus (Washington, DC)
Dr M. Popkin (Long Lake)
Dr R. Poss Rosen (Bayside)
Dr H. van Praag (Bronx)
Mr D. Rae (Rockville)
Dr J. Rapoport (Bethesda)
Dr D. Regier (Rockville)
Dr R. Resnick (Richmond)
Dr R. Room (Berkeley)
Dr S. Rosenthal (Cambridge)
Dr B. Rounsaville (New Haven)
Dr A.J. Rush (Dallas)
Dr M. Sabshin (Washington, DC)
Dr R. Salomon (Farmington)
- 266 -
Dr B. Schoenberg (Bethesda)
Dr E. Schopler (Chicago)
Dr M.A. Schuckit (San Diego)
Dr R. Schuster (Rockville)
Dr M. Schwab-Stone (New Haven)
Dr S. Schwartz (Richmond)
Dr D. Shaffer (New York)
Dr R. Almada (Montevideo)
Dr P. Alterwain (Montevideo)
Dr L. Bolognin (Montevideo)
Dr P. Bustelo (Montevideo)
Dr U. Casarotti (Montevideo)
Dr E. Dorfman (Montevideo)
Dr F. Leite Gastal (Montevideo)
Dr A.J. Montoya (Montevideo)
Dr A. Nogueira (Montevideo)
Dr E. Probst (Montevideo)
Dr C. Valino (Montevideo)
Dr N. Bohacek (Zagreb)
Dr M. Kocmur (Ljubljana)
*Dr J. Lokar (Ljubljana)
Dr B. Milac (Ljubljana)
Dr M. Tomori (Ljubljana)
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