Ba Bi O3
Ba Bi O3
Ba Bi O3
Received 25 September 2016; Revised 13 November 2016; Accepted 14 November 2016; Published 16 December 2016
Ceramics of the composition BaBiO3 (BB) were sintered in oxygen to obtain a single phase with monoclinic I2/m symmetry as
suggested by high-resolution X-ray diffraction. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed the presence of bismuth in two valence
states — 3þ and 5þ. Optical spectroscopy showed presence of a direct bandgap at 2.2 eV and a possible indirect bandgap at
0.9 eV. This combined with determination of the activation energy for conduction of 0.25 eV, as obtained from ac impedance
spectroscopy, suggested that a polaron-mediated conduction mechanism was prevalent in BB. The BB ceramics were crushed,
mixed with BaTiO3 (BT), and sintered to obtain BT–BB solid solutions. All the ceramics had tetragonal symmetry and exhibited a
normal ferroelectric-like dielectric response. Using ac impedance and optical spectroscopy, it was shown that resistivity values of
BT–BB were orders of magnitude higher than BT or BB alone, indicating a change in the fundamental defect equilibrium
conditions. A shift in the site occupancy of Bi to the A-site is proposed to be the mechanism for the increased electrical resistivity.
Keywords: BaBiO3; BaTiO3; conduction mechanism; transport properties; synchrotron; X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; im-
pedance spectroscopy; defects.
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N. Kumar, S. L. Golledge & D. P. Cann J. Adv. Dielect. 6, 1650032 (2016)
solid solutions were prepared with small mole fractions of BB parameters, scale, lattice parameters, atomic positions, isotro-
to study the resultant dielectric and transport properties. This pic displacement parameters, thermal parameters, and others.
work also includes a full structural characterization of the BB Prior to any electrical measurements, Ag electrodes were
and BB–BT ceramics prepared in this study. applied on both sides of the pellets and then fired at 700 C
for 30 min. For undoped BB ceramics, instead of Ag, Pt
electrodes were used and with a firing temperature of 700 C
for 2 h in oxygen. The pellets were placed in a high tem-
2. Experimental Procedure
perature measurement cell (NorECs AS ProbostatTM, Oslo,
Solid-state methods was used to prepare BB ceramics using Norway) or low temperature environmental chamber (Delta
the precursors BaCO3 (Alfa Aesar, >99.8%) and Bi2O3 Design 9023, California, USA) and the dielectric properties
(Aldrich, >99.9%). The powders were mixed together in the were measured using an LCR meter (Agilent 4284A, Santa
proper stoichiometric ratio, ground using a vibratory mill for Clara, CA, USA). An impedance analyzer (Solartron
by on 10/23/19. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.
6 h and dried overnight in an oven ( 80 C). The powders SI1260A equipped with Solartron 1296A dielectric interface,
were then calcined in alumina crucibles at 725 C for 24 h and Farnborough, UK) was used to measure the impedance in the
then milled with 3 wt.% Rhoplex binder and dried again. frequency range 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz. The SMaRT impedance
Green pellets in the shape of thin discs were prepared by measurement software program was used to collect the data.
cold-pressing uniaxially at a pressure of 200 MPa and then The optical measurements were carried out on crushed sin-
sintered in oxygen at 825 C for 12 h. It was difficult to
J. Adv. Dielect. 2016.06. Downloaded from
N. Kumar, S. L. Golledge & D. P. Cann J. Adv. Dielect. 6, 1650032 (2016)
(a) (b)
by on 10/23/19. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.
Fig. 1. (Color online) (a) XRD pattern of BB sintered in air (bottom) and oxygen (top). The square boxes show the color of the pellets after
being sintered in air and oxygen. (b) Rietveld refinement of a high-resolution XRD pattern of BB sintered in oxygen. The data presented with
(þÞ symbol is the observed data and the black curves are calculated intensities. The bottom-most curve (blue) is the difference between
observed and calculated intensities.
N. Kumar, S. L. Golledge & D. P. Cann J. Adv. Dielect. 6, 1650032 (2016)
by on 10/23/19. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) Permittivity and dielectric loss as a function of temperature at 1, 10 and 100 kHz for BB ceramics, and (b) Arrhenius plot of applied
frequency and 1/Tm , where Tm are the temperatures at dielectric tangent maximum.
similar thermally activated phenomenon in their study and The value of 0.92 eV reported here is based on the as-
J. Adv. Dielect. 2016.06. Downloaded from
attributed it to polaron hopping.33 Debye theory can be used sumption that the rise in the intensity of the signal close to
to analyze the dielectric relaxation involving polaron hop- 1 eV in Fig. 4(b) was due to the indirect bandgap in BB. The
ping. An Arrhenius plot of the frequency and the temperature presence of these bandgaps makes BB an indirect bandgap
of relaxation peak yielded the activation energy for relaxation semiconductor. Band-structure calculations have predicted
as shown in Fig. 3(b).33,34 The activation energy calculated in that BB should be metallic if bismuth were present in the 4þ
Fig. 3(b) was approximately 0.24 eV, which was consistent state as it would have a half-filled Bi 6s conduction
with literature reports.26 It was also close to the activation band.40,41 The origin of semiconduction in BB is believed to
energy for conduction calculated through ac impedance be due to result of the disproportionation of bismuth into 3þ
spectroscopy ( 0.25 eV, Fig. 4(c)), which may suggest that and 5þ valence states, followed by ordering and accompa-
similar mechanisms control both the dielectric relaxation and nied by alternate expansion and contraction of oxygen oc-
conduction mechanism. tahedra. In other words, the strong soft-phonon related
The Kubelka–Munk function and Tauc plot were used to electron–phonon interaction, which is considered to be re-
calculate the indirect and direct bandgaps, which were esti- sponsible for superconductivity in BB-based ceramics, is
mated to be 0.92 eV and 2.2 eV, respectively (Figs. 4(a) completely softened leading to static displacement of the
and 4(b)).35–37 These values were consistent with literature oxygen atoms in undoped BB. This, in turn, leads to a
values.38,39 It is worth mentioning that previous literature configuration called charge density wave (CDW) or
reports have largely failed to directly assess the indirect band- breathing mode distortion, and is believed to be responsible
gap through techniques like optical reflectance, photocon- for the observed indirect bandgap at the Fermi level, which
ductivity, photoacoustic spectroscopy, and other techniques. then gives rise to semiconducting properties.31,33
N. Kumar, S. L. Golledge & D. P. Cann J. Adv. Dielect. 6, 1650032 (2016)
tween 0.1 mol% and 2 mol%. The \ " indicates secondary phase, if which claimed an increase in Curie point by 30 C on
adding 0.5% BB to BT.17 The room temperature dielectric
constant varied between 2000 and 3000. Notably, the
Figure 4(b) shows the activation energy for bulk con- dielectric loss values remained low (<5%) up to 300 C at
duction for BB, calculated using ac impedance spectroscopy. 1 kHz for all compositions, which was better than BB (Fig. 3)
or BT44 alone.
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N. Kumar, S. L. Golledge & D. P. Cann J. Adv. Dielect. 6, 1650032 (2016)
(d) (e)
Fig. 6. Permittivity and dielectric loss as a function of temperature at 1, 10 and 100 kHz for (a) BT–0.1BB, (b) BT–0.3BB, (c) BT–0.5BB, (d)
BT–1BB, and (e) BT–2BB ceramics.
bismuth cations on the A-sublattice, where by replacing apparent with increasing BB concentrations. Generally, it is
barium it will act as a donor. This possibility will be dis- considered to originate from disorder in a crystal such as
cussed later in this paper. localized defects, lattice vibrations, and other factors.36 These
Figure 7(b) shows the Tauc plots using the Kubelka– features lead to electronic states just above the valence band
Munk function, as was shown for undoped BB ceramics or immediately below the conduction band, and the transition
earlier. The indirect bandgaps for all compositions were between these bandtail states may give rise to Urbach tails.
3.1 eV, which is close to the value expected for titanate- More details about these Urbach tails can be found else-
based perovskites and is consistent with previous literature where.49,50 Another observation which can be made is that
reports.44 The peculiar characteristic present in all these plots the extrapolations of these tails intercept at the x-axis at
were the Urbach tail-like features, which became more 1.8–2.2 eV, which is close to the value of direct bandgap
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. (a) Arrhenius plots for bulk resistivity obtained from ac impedance spectroscopy for BT–BB ceramics. Plots for undoped BB and BT
have been shown for reference. (b) Kubelka–Munk and Tauc plots for BT–BB ceramics. The appropriate function for indirect bandgap was
chosen. Representative fit lines have also been shown.
N. Kumar, S. L. Golledge & D. P. Cann J. Adv. Dielect. 6, 1650032 (2016)
N. Kumar, S. L. Golledge & D. P. Cann J. Adv. Dielect. 6, 1650032 (2016)
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