Host-Pathogen Interaction in Invasive Salmonellosis: Plos Pathogens October 2012
Host-Pathogen Interaction in Invasive Salmonellosis: Plos Pathogens October 2012
Host-Pathogen Interaction in Invasive Salmonellosis: Plos Pathogens October 2012
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4 authors, including:
Hanna K de Jong
Academisch Medisch Centrum Universiteit van Amsterdam
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Figure 2. Virulence of S. Typhimurium and S. Typhi. S. Typhimurium and S. Typhi possess partly overlapping and a partly distinct repertoire of
virulence factors. Both serovars express the type III secretion system, lipopolysaccharide, and other surface polysaccharides, fimbrae, flagellin, and
bacterial DNA. The Vi antigen is exclusively expressed by S. Typhi and is able to circumvent the innate immune response by repressing flagellin and
LPS expression. SPI, Salmonella pathogenicity islands.
Figure 3. Salmonella and its first encounter with the host. (a) The intracellular life of Salmonella. Invasion of phagocytic and non-phagocytic
cells. Salmonella is a facultative intracellular pathogen that can be found in a variety of phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells, in which it is able to
survive and replicate. To establish this intracellular niche, the T3SS1 and -2 play a predominant role; key virulence factors are involved in accessing
and utilizing these cells [36]. After ingestion, intestinal colonization follows and Salmonella enters enterocytes and dendritic cells in the intestinal
epithelium [36]. Subsequently, Salmonella that reach the submucosa can be internalized by resident macrophages via different mechanisms: by
phagocytosis, active invasion using the T3SS1 or T3SS1-independent invasion using fimbriae or other adhesins on the bacterial surface. (1)
Salmonella-containing-vacuole. Following internalization Salmonella remains within a modified phagosome known as the Salmonella containing
vacuole (SCV) and injects a limited number of effector proteins, such as SipA, SipC, SopB/SigD, SodC-1, SopE2, and SptP into the cytoplasm. These
effectors cause rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton and SCV morphology among other changes. (2) Replication within the SCV. Salmonella
survives and replicates within the SCV, where it is able to avoid host antimicrobial effector mechanisms. The T3SS2 is required for systemic virulence
in the mouse and survival within macrophages. (3) Transport of Salmonella to distant sites. After penetration of the M cells, the invading
microorganisms translocate to the intestinal lymphoid follicles and the draining mesenteric lymph nodes, and some pass on to the
reticuloendothelial cells of the liver and spleen. Salmonella organisms are able to survive and multiply within the mononuclear phagocytic cells
of the lymphoid follicles, liver, and spleen [36]. (b) Host–pathogen interaction in typhoid and non-typhoid Salmonella. Simplified scheme of the first
encounter between Salmonella spp. and the immune system. Specified cells such as neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic, phagocytic, and epithelial
cells recognize specific pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and danger-associated-molecular patterns (DAMPs), thereby eliciting an
immune response. PAMPs such as LPS, Flagella, and bacterial DNA can trigger TRL4, TRL5, and TRL9, respectively. TLR-induced activation of NF-kB is
essential for the production of pro-IL-1b, pro-IL-18, which can be negatively regulated by IRAK-M [90]. The NLRs are situated in the cytosol and can
also recognize PAMPs. However, NLRP3 is triggered by a different, yet unknown, mechanism, although DAMPs are thought to play a crucial role. TLR,
toll-like receptors; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; NF-kB, regulated nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells; IRAK-M, IL-1R-assiociated
kinase-M; IL, Interleukin; ASC, apoptotic speck protein containing a caspase recruitment domain; NLR, NOD-like receptors (including NLRP3 and
NLRC4); MyD88, myeloid differentiation primary response gene [88].
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