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Birrul Qodriyyah, S.Kep., Ns.

School of Nursing, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia.

Farmako Street, Sekip, Sleman,Yogyakarta. Telp: (0274) 545674,
Fax.(0274) 631204
Home Adress Puton RT 04, Trimulyo, Jetis, Bantul, Daerah
Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Postal code: 5578
Email birrulqodriyyah@yahoo.co.id/
Web www.birrulsholikhah.blogspot.com
Mobile +62-87871430848
Birthday 26th June, 1992

2014-2015 Ners Professional program, School of Nursing, Gadjah Mada University,
Indonesia (GPA 3,98/4,00)
2010-2014 Academic Bachelor of Nursing, School of Nursing, Gadjah Mada University,
Indonesia. (GPA 3,75/4.00).
Thesis “Association Between Religiousity and Sexual Attitude Among Prisoners in
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Wirogunan Yogyakarta”. Supervisors:
Wenny Artanty Nisman,S.Kep.,M.Kes and Lely Lusmilasari,S.Kep.Ns,
M.Kes. Research funding awarded by Indonesian Ministry of higher

Teaching/ Work experiences

2013 Anatomy laboratory assistant, Respati University (UNRIYO) Indonesia
Teaching and assist midfery diploma student programme about anatomycal
2012-yet National independent trainer (more than 150 university events across

Selected Honours and Awards

2016 national LPDP Scholarship Awardee for Master Degree, MSc Advancing
Nursing Practice Ediburgh University, UK.
2015 international Poster presentation East Asean for Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) 2015,
Taipei, Taiwan 5-6 Feb 2015
2015 national Hoshi Zora Awards for the endeavor to fight dream, Yayasan
Hoshizora Indonesia
2014 national Speech in front of Indonesia President representing 140.000 Bidik Misi
Scholar students in Indonesia.
2014 international Oral presentation on ASEAN Media and Communication Studies and
Research Center (AMSAR) Transforming Communication Landscape:
Lessons from ASEAN+, Bangkok, Thailand.
2014 national Documented by TV Edukasi Indonesia from Indonesian Center of
Communication and Technology (PUSTEKKOM) Kemdikbud RI in
short movie entitled with “Sketsa Mimpi Birrul”.
2014 international Oral presentation on International Annual One Health Summit
“Unpredictable link between environtmental management and
deworming effectivity”, Indonesia.

2014 international Trainer on Global Heatlh Youth Leader Forum holded by USAID and
INDOHUN Indonesia.
2014 Province 2 Winner of Islamic Speech competition Pekan Tilawatil Qur’an at
DIY Province.
2014 National Research Grant by DIKTI in PKM-T programme entitled with Goat
Automatic Incubator with Colostrum System.
2014 National Research Grant by DIKTI in PKM-KC programme entitled with
2013 National The Most Inspiring Students of Indonesia on National Outstanding
Student Election hold by DIKTI Indonesia (Directorate of General
Higher Education), selected among 5 millions students of Indonesia.
2013 University 1st Winner of Mahasiswa Berprestasi UGM (The Most Outstanding
Students) of Universitas Gadjah Mada
2013 National 1st Winner of Indonesian Nursing Ambassadors, selected among all of
Indonesian Nursing Students, hold by Universitas Indonesia.
2013 National Awarded by KEMENDIKBUD (Indonesian Ministry of Education and
Cultural) Indonesia as The Best Students of Bidik Misi Scholarship,
selected among 20.000 Bidik Misi scholarship students of Indonesia.
2013 National 1st Winner on Nursing Moslem Figure of Indonesia, selected among all
moslem nursing students of Indonesia, hold by Universitas Indonesia.
2013 ASEAN Awarded as 100 Young Leader for Indonesia by Mc. Kinsey and
Region Company, selected among 600 best students of Indonesia.
2013 Province The Best Etoser (The Best Beastudi Etos Scholarship students) of
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Region, 2012 & 2013
2013 National 3rd winner of National Scientific Competition of Nursing Udayana
2013 Faculty Best Students of Medical Faculty, UGM
2013 Yogyakarta 1st Winner of Islamic Speech “Kampanye Muballighat Liga Laga
town Nasyi’ah 2013”.
2013 international Poster presentation on Animal Nutritional Association (AINI)
International Seminar, Padang, Indonesia.
2013 National Research Grant by DIKTI in PKM-M programme entitled with “Tasbih
Pak Becak”, Persembahan Anak Bangsa untuk Nguri-uri Budaya Lokal
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
2012 National 1 Winner of National scientific paper competition “7th Annual
Communication Days”, Jakarta, Indonesia.
2012 National 3 Winner of National Islamic Speech competition Pekan Tilawatil
Qur’an RRI, Banjarmasin, Kalimantan.
Province 1 Winner of Islamic Speech competition Pekan Tilawatil Qur’an RRI
at DIY Province.
2012 DIY-Central 1 Winner of Muslimah Clinician Competition FULDFK Yogyakarta-
Java Central Java Regions (Scientific paper).
2012 Province 3 Winner of Islamic Scientific Paper “Musabaqoh Menulis Ilmiah Al-
Qur’an (M2IQ) on MTQ competition holded by Ministry of Religion
DIY Province.
2012 international The 4 runner up of International poster presentation by Indonesian
Palliative Care Association, “Granting Death with dignity: Senenan
Moslem Learning Club Perspective”
2013 National Research Grant by DIKTI in PKM-KC programme entitled with
Automatic Incubator with Colostrum System
2012 National Research Grant by DIKTI in PKM-M programme entitled with Kader
Guru Mata Sehat: Deteksi Dini Gangguan Penglihatan Demi Masa
Depan Anak Bangsa.
2012 National Research Grant by DIKTI in PKM-K programme entitled with Jilbab
”MEATUS SHOBA” : Solusi Jitu Paramedis Berjilbab.
2012 National Research Grant by DIKTI in PKM-K programme entitled with “KKJ
(Kamus Kedokteran bahasa Jawa) Kamus Saku Tenaga Kesehatan,
Jurus Jitu Telurusi Keluhan Pasien Jawa”
2012 National Research Grant by DIKTI in PKM-P programme entitled with Daya
Antibakteri Ekstrak Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum Burmanii ) terhadap
Methicillin- Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
2012 National Finalist of Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) XXV
2011 National The best female participants of annual national meeting of Beastudi
Etos Indonesia, selected among all of Beastudi Etos students in
2011 Province 2 Winner of Islamic Scientific Speech Competition Teknik On Action,
Faculty of Engineering, UGM.
2011 Nursing 1 Winner of poetry competition among Nursing Students in Nursing
Major Major, Faculty of Medicine UGM.
2010 University 1 Winner of Islamic Speech competition “MTQ Mahasiswa” at UGM
2010 Province 1 Winner of Musabaqoh Syarhil Qur’an (MSQ) MTQ holded by
Ministry of Religion DIY Province.

Leadership Experiences and Academic Community Involvement

2015-yet National Bidik Misi and Alumnae students forum (PERMADANI DIKSI
Nasional), Founder and national advisor.
2014-yet Santri Inspiration Center (SIC), youth movement for islamic boarding students
at DIY region, Founder.
2014-yet Gadjah Mada Inspiration Forum (GMIF), outstanding students forum for
Gadjah Mada new intake students, Founder.
2013-2014 Outstanding students community (KOMMAPRES UGM), Gadjah Mada
University, Vice president.
2014-2015 Nursing student major association (HIMIKA) Gadjah Mada University,
2012-2013 Nursing student major association (HIMIKA) Gadjah Mada University,
2012-2013 Keluarga Mahasiswa Bidik Misi (Student’s Family of Bidikmisi Scholarship)
Gadjah Mada University, Representative Council of Medical Faculty.
2011-2012 Student Executive Board (BEM), Faculty of Medicine UGM, human resources
2011-2012 Medical Sciences Club Faculty of Medicine UGM, research staff.

Social and Community Development

2015 Community Nursing Practice at Betokan Village, Mlati, Sleman in
collaboration with Puskesmas Mlati II and community departement of nursing ,
2014 “One Health application accross study focus collaboration” (Head of human
health project), Kuliah Kerja Nyata at Bantulan Village, Sleman, Yogyakarta.
2013 Pasific Angel Health Care Service (coordinator of nursing translator), on
cooperation with United States Airforce, TNI AU, Faculty of Medicine UGM,
YAKKUM, MDMC, at Kalasan Yogyakarta.
2013 Health Cadre Village on School (Founder), health school training for health
village cadre. Young Leader for Indonesia Project, Mc Kinsey Company.
2013 Kader Guru Mata Sehat (Co-Founder), Training centre for elementary school
teacher at Kecamatan Kretek Bantul Region in detecting students eye problems
in colaboration with PERDAMI (Persatuan Dokter Mata Indonesia).
2013 Tasbih Pak Becak (Founder), Socioenterpreunership programme for pedicab
driver community along Malioboro street Yogyakarta, in collaboration with
Dinas Pariwisata Kota Yogyakarta (Yougyakarta Tourism center). Funding
award by Indonesian Ministry of Higher Education.
2010-2012 Social School Responsibility on Merapi victims at Bronggang Village (head of
health division), focus on social recovery post disaster, in collaboration with
Dompet Dhuafa NGO.
2011 Volunteer on National Merapi Recovery FULDFK (Education staff), post
traumatic disaster treatment, Indonesian Medical Moslem Student Association.

Professional qualifications and personal development

2015 Trainee facilitator on One Health Youth forum holded by Indonesian
University Network (INDOHUN) and USAID, Solo, Indonesia.
2014 Global Health True Leaders, holded by INDOHUN and USAID, Makassar,
2013 Young Leader for Indonesia, 100 Young Leader from all over Indonesia, Mc
Kinsey & Company, Jakarta, Indonesia
2013 Astra Leadership development Challenge Batch 2, selected 40 among 260
young leader of UGM, Astra Foundation.
2012 Sahabat Percepatan Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan (SP2MP) UGM, selected
120 among 10.000 students of UGM
2012 Tranformational Leadership Training, focused leadership training for all
chairman leader of organization in UGM.

Scholarship Awards
2010 –2015 Bidik Misi scholarship (Bachelor level) for full fee and maintenance from
Indonesian Directorate of General Higher Education.
2010 - 2013 Etos scholarship, 3 year free dormitory and leadership building. From Dompet
Dhuafa national non govermental organization.
2013 100 Young Leader for Indonesia, leadership building programme. Selected
from 600 best young leader of Indonesia. Mc. Kinsey & Company.
2013 Global Health True Leader, a week regional leadership forum for health
students, full fee from INDOHUN & USAID.

Book Author
Probosuseno, Qodriyyah B, Mariana U, Mutik SP, Fikru R. 2012. Medical-Javanesse
Dictionary. Yogyakarta: Garas media.ISBN 979-26-600-66.

Research and Publications

1. Qodriyyah, B., Wenny A, and Lely L. (2015). Association Between Religiousity and
Sexual Attitude Among Prisoners in Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Wirogunan
Yogyakarta. In proceedings of The 18th East Asean for Nursing Scholars (EAFONS),
787 (576). Taiwan.
2. Qodriyyah B, Probosuseno, Mariana U, Mutik SP, Fikru R. Medical-Java Dictionary:
Integrating Cross Cultural Languages on Modern Medical Practice. International
Proceeding. In proceeding of ASEAN Media and Communication Studies and Research
Center (AMSAR),Thailand. 2014; 354: 6-12.
3. Qodriyyah B, and Probosuseno. Granting Death with dignity: Senenan Moslem
Learning Club Perspective. In proceeding of 1st International Conferrence on Palliative
Care, Yogyakarta, 2012.
4. Qodriyyah B, Mariana U, Mutik SP. Medical Java Dictionary: stategic way to interprete
patients illness. National Journal Proceeding of 7th annual communication days. Vol.1.
2012. ISSN 2302-6546.
5. Qodriyyah B, Irkham W, Nindo HP, Fivien F, Agus W, “AISOC” animal incubator with
Automatic Colostrum System. In proceeding of 3rd AINI International seminar. Padang,
2013.Hal 127. Page all: 162.
6. Riris DW, Birrul Q, Putu C, Alfarisa N, Soedarmanto.(2014).Unpredictable Link
Between Environtmental Management and Deworming Effectivity: Study in Bantulan
Village. In proceedings of International symposium on One Health aand INDOHUN
annual meeting (p. 21 of 53, abstract only). Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
7. Qodriyyah B, Dwi K, Agus W, Seandrasto AKW, GOTICS “Goat Automatic Incubator
with Colostrum System”, Solusi Peningkatan Produktivitas Kambing Lokal, DIKTI-
Grants, 2014.
8. Qodriyyah B, Mariana U, Ayuminasari S, Yogi AP, Rachmawan BK, ARMIT
PHANTOMATIC JET (Automatic Response on Medical Injection Treatment) Inovasi
Panthom Injeksi Medis berbasis Sensor Logam untuk Keselamatan Pasien, DIKTI-
Grants, 2014.
9. Qodriyyah B, “Tasbih Pak Becak”, Persembahan Anak Bangsa untuk Nguri-uri Budaya
Lokal Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, DIKTI-Grants, 2013.
10. Qodriyyah B, Syifa S, Shinta S, Daya Antibakteri Ekstrak Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum
Burmanii) terhadap Methicillin- Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, DIKTI-Grants, 2013
11. Qodriyyah B, Wenny A, Ipang F, Perilaku Seksual Narapidana Lapas Kelas II A
Yogyakarta, DIKTI-Grants, 2013.
12. Qodriyyah B, Dyah B, Fiharjatin, Uly K, Jilbab ”MEATUS SHOBA” : Solusi Jitu
Paramedis Berjilbab, DIKTI-Grants, 2012.
13. Qodriyyah B, Adelia UR, Yasinta, Kirana AS, Kader Guru Mata Sehat: Deteksi Dini
Gangguan Penglihatan Demi Masa Depan Anak Bangsa, DIKTI-Grants, 2012.

Oral/ Poster Presentator:

2015, Feb The 18th East Asean for Nursing Scholars (EAFONS), Taipei,Taiwan (poster
presentator).February 2015.
2015, March International Annual One Health Summit, Solo, Indonesia (Oral presentator).
October 2014.
2014, April ASEAN Media and Communication Studies and Research Center
(AMSAR)Transforming Communication Landscape: Lessons from ASEAN+,
Bangkok, Thailand (oral presentator). April 2014.
2012, June The 1st International Conferrence on Palliative Care in conjunction with 5th
congress of Indonesian Palliative Society and Asia Pasific Hospice Palliative
Care Network (APHN) Council meeting, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Poster
presentation). September 2012.

Adjudicator experiences on Paper Competition

2015 National Enterpreunership Essay Competition (NEEC), National essay
competition among Bidikmisi Scholars student, Universitas Hassanuddin
2015 National Poster and short documentary health promotions competition among
medical students, “New era of national health insurance, from medical
perspective”, Indonesia holded by Student Executive Board, UGM.
2014 National Bussiness Plan Competition among students in Indonesia, holded by
2014 Regional scientific paper competition among moslem health students, holded
by FULDFK (Forum Ukhuwah Lembaga Dakwah Fakultas Kedokteran
Indonesia) DIY-Central Java region.

Attended Workshop and attended seminar

2013 Worshop for Nursing Service Management in Specialist Hospital holded by
Ministry of Health, Bandung. Full scholarship.
2013 Basic Live Saving training for national nursing students, Bapelkes Batam.
2012 Basic Skills Training (DIKLATSAR) for new staff of Red Crescent Indonesia,
DIY Region.
2012 Knowing the difference: Discussion among faculty of medicine students with
different major holded by faculty of medicine UGM.
2012 Interprofessional Education on your next career collaboration: mini simulation
about IPE, holded by faculty of medicine UGM.
2012 Representative student for PPNI DIY annual meeting at DIY regions.
2012 Emergency disaster training for nursing students holded by School of Nursing,
Faculty of medicine, UGM.

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