Icem CFD
Icem CFD
Icem CFD
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4 authors, including:
Jawed Mustafa
Najran University
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Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0
Noorul Huda1, Mohammad Khalid2, Saif Akram3,
Jawed Mustafa4, Nadeem Hasan5 and S.F. Anwer6
1,3Post-Graduate student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh–202002
2Post-Graduate student, Department of Chemical Engineering, ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh–202002
4.5,6Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh–202002
1. Creating the geometry in ICEM CFD 14.0
2. Mesh generation in ICEM CFD 14.0
3. Exporting the mesh to ANSYS Fluent 14.0
The geometry consists of a cylinder of diameter=1m, and a fluid domain of diameter=40m with
an inflow and an outflow boundary.
The geometry can be created as follows:
1. Open ICEM CFD 14.0
The ICEM CFD window will look like as shown in Figure 1. On the top there is a toolbar with all
the geometry and meshing options. The left portion of the window shows a model tree.
1. In the geometry function tab, click on Geometry button and then select the (create
point) as shown below.
2. Under (explicit Locations), enter the coordinates for creating the points for the
cylinder. Enter x=0.5, y=0 and z=0 and click Apply. A point will be created at the center of
the window. Similarly enter x=0, y=0.5 and z=0 and Apply to create another point. Similarly
enter coordinates (-0.5,0,0), (0,0.5,0) and (0,-0.5,0) to create rest of the points.
3. Now in the geometry function tab click (create/ modify curve). On the left side of the
window under create/modify curve, select (Arc). Under Create Arc, retain the method
as selection from 3 Points. Click (select location(s)). Select 3 points in the left half of
the geometry as shown in Figure 2. Moving in the same way, complete the circle.
4. Now scale this geometry to make the outer circular fluid domain. Click
(Transform geometry). Under transformation tools on the left side, select (scale
geometry). Click (select geometry) and select both the curves along with the points over
them and press enter. Under scale option, tick mark before the Copy optionto create a separate
scaled copy of the geometry. Enter 40 for x and y scale factors and 1 for z scale factor. Leave other
options as default and click Apply.
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 69
A circular domain of diameter equal to 40m will be created around the cylinder as shown
in Figure 3.
5. Now we will create a surface for the fluid domain. For that select (create/modify
surface) from the Function Tab. On the left, under create/ modify surface, select
(simple surface) Use the selection method From 2-4 Curves and take the default value of
tolerance as 0.01 as shown.
Note: Adjacent curve ends must be within this tolerance distance in order for boundaries of the
surface to be created.
70 Workshop and Finishing School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
6. Click (select curve(s)) and select the curves of the inner circle and press MMB. Enable
the display of surfaces from the display tree. A surface will be created inside the inner
cylinder. Click Apply. Again click (select curve(s)), and this time select curves of both
the inner and the outer circles. Click Apply. Another surface will be created separated from
the first one and having a different shade around the inner cylinder in the outer domain as
shown in Figure 4.
7. Finally, select (Delete Surface), and from the left, click (select surface(s)).
Select the surface inside the inner cylinder and and click Apply. The surface inside the inner
cylinder will be deleted. It is necessary since we want to generate mesh in the outer fluid
domain only.
Note: By default, the surface will be displayed in wireframe mode. For better visibility change it to
solid display if necessary as shown below.
Note: For selecting the curves of the inner cylinder press F9. It brings us from selection mode to
dynamic mode so that we can zoom into the figure and select small parts. After selecting the small
curves, return to the selection mode by again pressing F9. Also we can slide the geometry across
the screen by pressing the MMB and dragging the mouse without releasing it.
8. Now expand the part display tree by clicking the + before Parts. The geometry is contained
in a single part. We will put the geometry in different parts to define different boundary
regions. Click right mouse button RMB on the Parts and select Create Part. A create part
window will appear as shown below.
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 71
9. Create a new part for the cylinder. Write cylinder in place of PART 1. Select (create
part by selection) and click (select entities) as shown below.
12. Similarly, select the left curve of the outer circle with the toggle selections remained
unchanged and type inflow as part name and press MMB or Apply. Similarly, select the
right curve of the outer circle and type outflow as part name and Apply.
13. Now Disable (Toggle selection of points), Toggle selection of curves, and
(Toggle selection of bodies) (material region definition) to avoid the selection of
entities other than surfaces. Ensure that (Toggle selection of surfaces) is enabled,
select the surface around the inner circle and enter Fluid as part name.
72 Workshop and Finishing School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Similarly, enable (Toggle selection of points), and disable all other toggle selections,
and create a part for all the points. The part display tree would look like this.
Note: If the Fluid domain is not visible in the window, then turn on the surfaces in display tree
model. In fact, we can turn off and on any part from the display tree. Finally, save the project.
14. Click file in the Utility menu. Under geometry select save geometry as, select a suitable
location and save the geometry.
Mesh Generation
1. Now turn off the surface from the display tree window. Select Mesh from the Function Tab
and select (Global mesh set up) icon under it as shown.
2. A global mesh set window will appear on the left. Take Global element factor as 1.
3. Take Global element seed size as 5.
Note: Global element scale factor multiplies other mesh parameters to globally scale the model.
Under Global element seed size. For example, if the Max Element Size of a given entity is 4 units,
and the Global Element Scale Factor is 3.5, then the actual maximum element size used for meshing
of that entity will be 4 * 3.5 = 14.0 units.
4. Select (Part Mesh Setup) from the Function Tab. Part mesh set up window will appear.
Enter the parameters as shown. The Part Mesh Setup option opens a dialog where you can
specify the mesh parameters for different parts. Enter the parameters as shown below and
click Apply.
5. In the Function Tab, under mesh option, click (Compute Mesh). Mesh will generated as
shown in Figure 6.
6. The mesh generated is course and also it is not smooth. So the next procedure is to smooth
the mesh followed by its refinement.
7. Under Edit Mesh select (Smooth Hexahedral Mesh Orthogonal). A Smooth
Hexahedral Mesh Orthogonal window will appear on the left. Retain the default selections
and click Apply.
Note: The unstructured hexahedral smoother relaxes unstructured hexahedral meshes in order to
obtain smooth grid lines orthogonal to the boundary as well as smooth grid angles and transitions
in the inner volume
8. Now under Edit Mesh select (Smooth Mesh Globally). A smooth mesh globally window
will appear on the left. Enter a value 30 for smoothening iterations, for upto value, enter 0.6
and select quality criteria as Aspect ratio. Scroll down and click Apply.
74 Workshop and Finishing School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
9. For refining the mesh, select (Adjust Mesh Density) Under Edit Mesh. A adjust mesh
density display window will appear on the left. Retain the default values and click Apply.
10. The mesh will be refined globally but it would not be smooth Therefore again select
(Smooth Hexahedral Mesh Orthogonal) and retain the default selections and click Apply.
You will notice that the grid lines have become smooth but the quality is low. So select
(Smooth Mesh Globally) and enter the parameters as taken before and click Apply.
11. Follow the steps VII and VIII one more time to get a refined and smooth mesh as shown
in Figure 7.
12. At the last, check the quality of the mesh generated. For this, Select (Display Mesh
Quality) under Edit Mesh. Click Apply. Quality of the mesh will be displayed in the form of
a histogram as shown.
Click File. Under Save Project as, save the file to a suitable location.
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 75
2. A select solver window will be displayed. Select Output solver as ANSYS Fluent and
Common Structural solver as ANSYS. Click Apply.
4. Now click on create new below Fluid and in the selection sub window, select fluid and click
Okay as shown.
5. Similarly select wall for CYLINDER. Select velocity inlet for INFLOW, pressure outlet for
After all the BC have been given, click Accept at the bottom.
6. Finally, click (Write Input) and save the file. At the last, select grid dimensions as 2D,
when ANSYS Fluent sub window appears. Click Done.
7. A file named fluent.msh file will be created that will be exported to ANSYS Fluent.
Start ICEM CFD. This will open ICEMCFD like in figure 9.
Fig. 9
4. This will create a point as shown below.(Use mouse wheel for zoom purpose, if point is
not visible)
78 Workshop and Finishing School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
6. Click on create/modify curve then choose from points to join these points
Select the two points with left button and middle to join.
Note: Press the wheel for moving geometry.
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 79
7. Similarly draw other two squares of length 1m and a spacing of 1m between them.
c. Similarly name the other parts as Outflow for top most part, farfield_left for left boundary,
farfield_right for right boundary, Cyl_1 for lower cylinder and finally Cyl_2 for higher
9. Create Surfaces
a. Left click on Create/ Modify Surfaces.
b. Choose simple curve then select whole geometry.
It might be possible that surfaces are not visible, so expand geometry and choose sufaces.
e. Name the surface using Create part option as FLUID. While naming surface, toggle
selection of points, selection of curves and selection of bodies so that only surface
would be named.
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 81
In this case, you will first do two vertical splits and four horizontal split
a. Create vertical split.
I. Ensure that Curves under Geometry is enabled
II. Retain default selection of Screen select from the Split Method drop-down list in
Split Block DEZ.
IV. Similarly do for another cylinder, and for inflow,Outflow and farfield_right.
V. Verify that the correct associations have been set (Figure 13).
a. Right click on edges and enabled show association as shown in Figure 13.
86 Workshop and Finishing School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Note: After completion, if the associations do not appear correctly, you can associate the edges to
the correct curves again. It is not necessary to disassociate and then re-associate. Associating the
edge to a new curve will overwrite the previous association. The steps of operation can also be
retraced using Undo and Redo button.
b. Deselect Show association.
I. Snap project vertices.
II. Select Select edge(s) or Edge parameters and select edge 53-52 (one side of
Cylinder 2) when prompted.
88 Workshop and Finishing School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
III. In the Pre-Mesh Params DEZ, enter 0.01 for Spacing 1 and Spacing 2
IV. Number of Nodes 50.
Note: Spacing 1 refers to the node spacing at the beginning of the edge,and Spacing 2 refers to the
spacing at the end of the edge. The begin-ning of the edge is shown by the white arrow after the
edge is selected.
V. Enter 1.2 for Ratio 1 and Ratio 2.
VI. Click Apply.
VII. Enable copy parameters and select Method To All Parallel Edges
Note: The Mesh law is by default set to BiGeometric. This allows the nodes to be biased towards
both ends of the edge. The expansion rate from the end is a linear progression. Several other
mathematical progression functions (laws) are available.
VIII. Similarly, re-select or , select edge53-61, change Nodes to50, and choose
default mesh law click Apply.
Similarly determine Nodes on all edges of both squares and alsoon edge between two squares.
IX. Enable Pre-Mesh and recompute to view the new mesh
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 89
Note: Figure 14 shows a structured grid. When the number of nodes is changed on one edge, all
parallel opposing edges will automatically have the same number of nodes. In this case, edges 53-
52 and 45-37 will have the same number of Nodes as edges 46-38 and 61-60 respectively.
X. Disable Pre-Mesh and Curves to view the bunching on the edges.
XI. Re-select or , select edge 45-53, change Nodes to 25, choose Mesh law
Geometric 2.
XII. Enter 0.01 for spacing 2 and 1.2 for Ratio 2.
XIII.Click apply.
Requested values for spacing and ratio are entered in the first column. Actual values are
displayed in the second column. The requested ratios cannot beattained due to the number of
Nodes, Mesh law,.Increase or decrease the number of Nodesas the case may be using the arrow
until the ratios are close to the entered value, 1.2 for Ratio 2 & 0.01 for spacing 2.
Note: Geometric 1 refers to the node spacing at the end of the edge,and Geometric 2 refers to the
spacing at the beginning of the edge. The beginning of the edge is shown by the black arrow after
the edge is selected.
XIV. Repeat step viii, ix & x for edge 61-46 except for mesh type. This time select
Geometric 1and enter same Values for spacing 1 & Ratio 1as that of spacing 2&
Ratio 2 in previous case.
90 Workshop and Finishing School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
XV. Similarly for edge 49-50 select mesh law: geometric 2, spacing 2: 0.01 and Ratio 2:
1.07 and set the number of nodes to be 50 (according to spacing & Ratio).
XVI. Similarly for edge 53-54select mesh law: geometric 1, spacing 1: 0.01 and Ratio 1:
1.07 and set the number of nodes to be 66 (according to spacing & Ratio).
XVII. Enable Pre-Mesh and re-compute to view the refined mesh shown in Figure 15.
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 91
I. save the file and open the given mesh file, you can also change file name here.
92 Workshop and Finishing School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Step 7: Conclusion
2-cylinders.msh file will be generated in working folder.
Step 6: Create Curve from the Points and then Surface as Described for the Airfoil
SPLIT →O GRID BLOCK →select middle block →L M B →select right side of the block →L M B →
SPLIT →SPLIT BLOCK → select the edge to split →APPLY
The output Fluent.msh can now be imported in ANSYS Fluent Solver directly from the
The ICEM CFD window will look like as shown in Figure 17. On the top there is a toolbar with
all the geometry and meshing options. The left portion of the window shows a model tree.
II. First, we will import the airfoil coordinates. For that follow the steps: FILE → IMPORT
GEOMETRY→ FORMATTED POINT DATA →select airfoil data ile from the directory →
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 101
VI. Under explicit Locations, enter the coordinates (0,5,0), (0,-5,0), (-5,0,0), (5,5,0), (5,-5,0) and
click Apply. The imported airfoil coordinates and the points of the domain have been
shown in the Figure. 18
VII. Now join the coordinates for creating the curves for the outer domain. In the geometry
function tab click (create/ modify curve). On the left side of the window under
create/modify curve, select (from points). Select two points at a time and press MMB,
then select another pair of points and press MMB. Moving in the similar fashion, make the
outer fluid domain as shown in Figure 19.
VIII. Now we will create the surface from the curves. For that select (create/modify
surface) from the Function Tab. On the left, under create/ modify surface, select
(simple surface) Use the selection method From 2-4 Curves and take the default value of
tolerance as shown below.
IX. Click (select curve(s)) and select the curves of the airfoil and press MMB. Enable the
display of surfaces from the display tree. A surface will be created inside the inner airfoil.
Click Apply. Again click (select curve(s)), and this time select the outer fluid domain
and airfoil both. Click Apply. Another surface will be created separated from the first one
and having a different shade around the inner cylinder in the outer domain as shown in
Figure 20.
Note: By default, the surface will be displayed in wireframe mode. For better visibility change it to
solid display if necessary as shown below.
X. Finally, select (Delete Surface), and from the left, click (select surface(s)).
Select the surface inside the inner cylinder and and click Apply. The surface inside the inner
cylinder will be deleted. It is necessary since we want to generate mesh in the outer fluid domain
only Figure 21.
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 103
Note: For selecting the curves of the airfoil press F9. It brings us from selection mode to dynamic
mode so that we can zoom into the figure and select small parts. After selecting the small curves,
return to the selection mode by again pressing F9. Also we can slide the geometry across the screen
by pressing the MMB and dragging the mouse without releasing it.
XI. Now expand the part display tree by clicking the + before Parts. The geometry is contained
in a single part. We will put the geometry in different parts to define different boundary
regions. Click right mouse button RMB on the Parts and select Create Part. A create part
window will appear as shown below.
Now we will make different parts namely far field, airfoil, fluid out of this single geometry.
XII. Create a new part for the airfoil. For this, write airfoil for the airfoil boundary in place of
PART.1. Select (create part by selection) and click (select entities) as shown
Note: If the Fluid domain is not visible in the window, then turn on the surfaces in display tree
model. In fact, we can turn off and on any part from the display tree. Finally, save the project.
XIV. Click file in the Utility menu. Under geometry select save geometry as, select a suitable
location and save the geometry.
III. A global mesh set window will appear on the left. Take Global element factor as 1.
Take Global element seed size as 5. Take other parameters as default. Click Apply.
Note: Global element scale factor multiplies other mesh parameters to globally scale the model.
Under Global element seed size. For example, if the Max Element Size of a given entity is 4 units,
and the Global Element Scale Factor is 3.5, then the actual maximum element size used for meshing
of that entity will be 4 * 3.5 = 14.0 units.
Global element seed size controls the size of the largest element. The largest element size in
the model will not exceed the Max Element size multiplied by the Global Element Scale Factor.
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 105
IV. Select (Part Mesh Setup) from the Function Tab. Part mesh set up window will appear.
Enter the parameters as shown. The Part Mesh Setup option opens a dialog where you can
specify the mesh parameters for different parts. Enter the parameters as shown below and
click Apply.
V. In the Function Tab, under mesh option, click (Compute Mesh). An Unstructured
triangular mesh will be generated over the airfoil in the fluid domain.
VI. The mesh generated is course and also it is not smooth. So the next procedure is to smooth
the mesh followed by its refinement.
VII. Under Edit Mesh select (Smooth Hexahedral Mesh Orthogonal). A Smooth
Hexahedral Mesh Orthogonal window will appear on the left. Retain the default selections
and click Apply.
Note: The unstructured hexahedral smoother relaxes unstructured hexahedral meshes in order to
obtain smooth grid lines orthogonal to the boundary as well as smooth grid angles and transitions
in the inner volume.
VIII. Now under Edit Mesh select (Smooth Mesh Globally). A smooth mesh globally
window will appear on the left. Enter a value 30 for smoothening iterations, for up to
value, enter 0.6 and select quality criteria as Aspect ratio. Scroll down and click Apply.
IX. For refining the mesh, select (Adjust Mesh Density) Under Edit Mesh. A adjust mesh
density display window will appear on the left. Retain the default values and click Apply.
X. The mesh will be refined globally but it would not be smooth Therefore again select
(Smooth Hexahedral Mesh Orthogonal) and retain the default selections and click Apply.
You will notice that the grid lines have become smooth but the quality is low. So select
(Smooth Mesh Globally) and enter the parameters as taken before and click Apply.
106 Workshop and Finishing School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
XI. Follow the steps VII and VIII one more time to get a refined and smooth mesh Figure 22.
XII. Finally, check the quality of the mesh generated. For this, Select (Display Mesh Quality)
under Edit Mesh. Click Apply. Quality of the mesh will be displayed in the form of a
XIII. Click File. Under Save Project as, save the file to a suitable location.
2. A select solver window will be displayed. Select Output solver as ANSYS Fluent and
Common Structural solver as ANSYS. Click Apply.
3. Finally, click (Write Input) and save the file. At the last, select grid dimensions as 2D,
when ANSYS Fluent sub window appears. Click Done.
4. A file named fluent.msh file will be created that will be exported to ANSYS Fluent.
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 107
Start ICEM CFD. This will open ICEMCFD like in Figure 23.
Fig. 23
Click on transform geometry then choose from translate to create copy in z direction.
Select the four points with left button and middle to join. Roll the mouse wheel (middle
button) for zoom purpose. Press the wheel for moving geometry.
108 Workshop and Finishing School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Click on create/modify curve then choose from points to join these points.
Select the four points with left button and middle to join. Roll the mouse wheel (middle button)
for zoom purpose. Press the wheel for moving geometry.
Left click on Create/ Modify Surfaces, choose simple curve then select all faces of the geometry
one by one.
Create parts
Click on parts then select the face inlet, outlet, side1, side2, top and bottom.
110 Workshop and Finishing School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
In this step, you will associate edges of the blocking to the curves of the CAD geometry. You should
first select edges and then curves to which you want to associate the edges. If two or more curves
are selected per operation, those curves will automatically be grouped.
Associate the outer edge to farfield.
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 111
Select edge(s) or Edge parameters and select edge (one side of the channel) when
prompted. In the Pre-Mesh Params, enter uniform grid for x and z direction (select no of points)
and Click Apply. For variable grid Select edge(s) or Edge parameters and select edge (one
side of the channel) when prompted.
In the Pre-Mesh Params DEZ, enter 0.001 for Spacing 1 and Spacing 2
Note: Spacing 1 refers to the node spacing at the beginning of the edge,and Spacing 2 refers to the
spacing at the end of the edge. The begin-ning of the edge is shown by the white arrow after the
edge is selected.
Enter 1.2 for Ratio 1 and Ratio 2. and Click Apply.
112 Workshop and Finishing School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
save the file and open the given mesh file, you can also change file name here.
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 113
1. Create the geometry
2. Generate Mesh
III. Curve along with the points will be generated as shown in Figure 24.
IV. Select Local Coordinate systems from the utility menu. Under Defined by, select 1
Point as shown.
V. Now select the point at the trailing edge of the airfoil and Apply or MMB. A local coordinate
system will be generated with origin at the trailing edge as shown in Figure 25.
VI. Select (Create/Modify Surface) from the Function Tab. On the left, under create/
modify surface, select (simple surface) Use the selection method From 2-4 Curves
and take the default value of tolerance as 0.01 as shown.
Note: Adjacent curve ends must be within this tolerance distance in order for boundaries of the
surface to be created.
VII. Select the two curves of the airfoil and Apply. A surface will be created as shown in
Figure 26.
VIII. In the geometry function tab, click on Geometry button and then select the (create
point) as shown below
IX. Under (explicit Locations), enter the coordinates (6,2,0), (6,-2,0), (-4,2,0), (6,-2,0) to
create points at these locations.
116 Workshop and Finishing School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
X. Now in the geometry function tab click (create/ modify curve). On the left side of the
window under create/modify curve, select (From points). Select two adjacent points
and press MMB or Apply. A line will be created joining those two points. Similarly, join
other points as shown in Figure 27.
XI. Again go to (create/modify surface) from the Function Tab. On the left, under create/
modify surface, select (simple surface) Use the selection method From 2-4 Curves and
take the default value of tolerance. Select all the outer four curves and the inner two
curves of the airfoil and Apply. A surface would be created in the
whole domain.
XII. Finally, select (Delete Surface). Select the surface inside the inner airfoil and click Apply.
The surface inside the airfoil will be deleted. It is necessary since we want to generate mesh
in the outer fluid domain only as shown in Figure 28.
XIII. Enable surfaces, curves and points from the display model tree. Go to (Transform
geometry) and select (Translate Geometry). Mark a tick before Copy to translate a
separate copy of the whole geometry. Enter a value of -4 for Z offset. Select the whole
geometry and Apply. The whole geometry will be translated in opposite to Z direction as
shown in Figure 29.
XIV. Now in the geometry function tab click (create/ modify curve). On the left side of
the window under create/modify curve, select (From points). Connect the surfaces
with the lines as shown in Figure 30.
XV. Create a surface for the wing. Go to (create/modify surface) from the Function Tab and
select (simple surface). Disable the surfaces. Select the four curves as shown in
Figure 31 to create the bottom surface of the airfoil.
XVI. Similarly, create a bottom surface for the wing. Now enable surfaces from the model
display tree and the surfaces can be seen as in Figure 32.
Similarly, create all other faces of the domain as shown in Figure 33.
XVII. Click right mouse button RMB on the Parts and select Create Part. A create part window
will appear as shown below.
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 119
XVIII. Create a new part for the cylinder. Write Inflow in place of PART.1. Select (create
part by selection) and click (select entities) as shown below.
XXI. Now select (Create Body). On the left subwindow enter Fluid Part. Select Centroid of
2 points.
Note: Change the surface mode from solid display to wireframe mode to view the points and the
created fluid body clearly.
I. Select the two points and Apply shown in Figure 35.
Note: A material body is used to define the region of the fluid domain.
Click file in the Utility menu. Under geometry select save geometry as, select a suitable
working geometry and save the geometry.
Mesh Generation
I. Now turn off the surface from the display tree window.
II. Select Mesh from the Function Tab and select (Global mesh set up) icon under it as
Mesh Generation using ICEM CFD 14.0 121
3. A global mesh set window will appear on the left. Take Global element factor as 1.
4. Take Global element seed size as 1.
6. The Function Tab, under mesh option, click (Compute Mesh). Mesh will generated as
shown in Figure 36.
III. Select (Part Mesh Setup) from the Function Tab. Part mesh set up window will
appear. The Part Mesh Setup option opens a dialog where you can specify the mesh
parameters for different parts. Enter the parameters as shown below and click Apply.
IV. Click RMB on the Mesh in display control tree and see the cut plane in Figure 37.
Fig. 37
V. From Figure 38 it can be seen that the growth ratio is not gradual. Therefore we will
replace this Robust (Octree) mesh with Delaunay mesh as it fills the volume more
efficiently and has smoother volume transition.
1. For this, first we will delete the volume mesh and retain the surface mesh. Then we will
smooth the surface mesh and use this surface mesh for generating Delaunay mesh.
2. Disable Fluid from the model display tree. Go to edit mesh in the Function Tab and select
(Delete Elements). A tool bar will appear. Select (all appropriate Blanked
Objects) and Apply.
5. Select Mesh from the Function Tab and click select (Global mesh set up).
6. Under (Volume Meshing Parameters), change the mesh method to Quick (Delaunay) and
7. Under mesh option, click (Compute Mesh). Mesh will generated as shown in Figure 39.
8. Again go to the Manage cut plane as before see the generated mesh once again in Figure 39.