The email requests participation in a brief survey about a multi-college research methods project that the recipient participated in as a student. It provides a link and personal access code to access the 5-minute survey, which will help evaluate the effectiveness of the project and improve teaching of research methods. All responses will be kept confidential and participation is voluntary.
The email requests participation in a brief survey about a multi-college research methods project that the recipient participated in as a student. It provides a link and personal access code to access the 5-minute survey, which will help evaluate the effectiveness of the project and improve teaching of research methods. All responses will be kept confidential and participation is voluntary.
The email requests participation in a brief survey about a multi-college research methods project that the recipient participated in as a student. It provides a link and personal access code to access the 5-minute survey, which will help evaluate the effectiveness of the project and improve teaching of research methods. All responses will be kept confidential and participation is voluntary.
The email requests participation in a brief survey about a multi-college research methods project that the recipient participated in as a student. It provides a link and personal access code to access the 5-minute survey, which will help evaluate the effectiveness of the project and improve teaching of research methods. All responses will be kept confidential and participation is voluntary.
Sender Information From: Robert Merton Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 8:30 p.m. To: Informative Subject Subject: Survey of Students Who Took Methods of Social Research
Appeal for help I am writing to you to request your participation in a brief survey. As you may recall from Sociology 224, Methods of Why you were Social Research, your class along with students from other selected and what liberal arts colleges in California and Maine participated in a it’s about multi‐college survey. The instructors would like to get more feedback about your experiences with this project. Your responses to this survey will help us evaluate the effectiveness Usefulness of survey of the multi‐college survey so that we can design better projects and improve the teaching of research methods.
The survey is very brief and will only take about 5 minutes to How to access the complete. Please click the link below to go to the survey Web survey site (or copy and paste the link into your Internet browser) and then enter the personal code to begin the survey.
Clickable link Survey link:
Individualized ID Personal Access Code: 4111944
Confidential and Your participation in the survey is completely voluntary and all voluntary of your responses will be kept confidential. The access code is to remove you from the list once you have completed the survey. No personally identifiable information will be associated with your responses to any reports of these data. The WPI Institutional Review Board has approved this survey. Should you have any comments or questions, please feel free to Contact information contact me at or 444‐444‐4444.
Thank you Thank you very much for your time and cooperation. Feedback Importance from our students is very important to us.