In the documentary film, The Magician’s twin: C. S. Lewis and the Case Against Scientism, Lewis postulated that
“science must be guided by some ethical basis that is not dictated by the science itself. One basis is Aristotle’s
Nichomachean Ethics.
According to Aristotle, an important Greek philosopher:
“Every art and every kind of inquiry, and likewise every act and purpose, seems to aim at some
good: and so it has been well said that the good is that at which everything aims.”
(Nicomachean Ethics 1:1)
On the nutritive degree, all living things, i.e., plants, animals, and humans, require nourishment and have the ability
to reproduce.
On the sensitive degree, only animals and humans have the ability to move and perceive.
On the rational degree, only humans are capable of theoretical and practical functions.
Humans possess the nutritive, sensitive, and rational degrees of the soul.
Only humans are capable of a life guided by reason.
Happiness is a uniquely human function for it can only be achieved through a rationally directed life.