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prepared by
Vishal Chavda (P17TD010)
Ashish Yadav (P17TD011)
Mohak Patel (P17TD012)

▪ Primary purpose of a burner is to transfer heat from the combustion

products to some type of load.

▪ A burner is a mechanical device that.

➢ supplies required amount of fuel and air

➢ creates condition for rapid mixing of fuel and air
➢ produces a flame which transfers thermal energy to furnace and
Why burner is required ?

▪ It is required to satisfy the condition of combustion.

▪ Conditions which are required for combustion are as follow;

➢ Mixing of air and fuel
➢ Ignition of the mixture
➢ Chemical reaction
➢ The mixing rate of air and fuel directly affects the flame stability, shape
and emission.
Burning system

➢ FURNACE : confined space where fuel is burnt. Provides supports and

enclosure for burning equipment.

➢ For solid fuels like coal, coke, wood, etc. : STOKERS to convey the
coal, GRATE to hold the fuel

➢ For pulverized coal and liquid fuels : BURNERS

Location of burner
Orientation of burners

 There can be three orientation of


1. Hearth fired
2. Wall fired
3. Roof fired
Parts of burning system

 Source of air
 Source of fuel
 A burner
 Valves
 Proportioning devices
classification of burners

 According to fuel
Pulverized coal burner

➢ The function of the coal burners is to fire the pulverized coal along with
primary air into the furnace. while the secondary air is supplied around the

➢ A good coal burner should be able to produce a uniform and stable flame.

➢ A good design of the burner is essential to achieve complete combustion

of the fuel. Thus a good burner should meet a number of design
Important Requirement

➢ It should create proper· turbulence for air-fuel mixing and maintain a

stable combustion.
➢ It should mix the fuel and primary air thoroughly and inject the mixture into
the furnace.
➢ It should be able to control the flame shape and flame travel by varying
the amount of secondary air.
➢ Coal-air mixture should move away from the burner at a rate equal to the
flame travel so as to avoid flash back.
➢ It should be projected properly to avoid over heating, wear and internal
Performance factors

➢ The characteristics of the fuel used

➢ Particles size of the pulverized coal
➢ Mixing place of fuel and air
➢ Proportion of primary and secondary air
➢ Volatile matter content in coal
➢ Furnace design
Classification of coal burners

 There are four types of burners used for the pulverized fuel burning.

1) long-Flame or U-Flame or Stream lined burner

2) Short Flame or Turbulent Burner
3) Tangential Burners
4) Cyclone Burner
Long flame or U-flame or stream line
 The burner is placed such that it produces a long,
u-shaped flame.
 The burner injects a mixture of primary air and fuel
vertically downwards in thin streams practically
with no turbulence and produces a long flame.
 Hot secondary air is introduced at right angle to
the flame which provides necessary mixing for
better and rapid combustion.
Long flame or U-flame or stream line
 A tertiary air is supplied around the burner for better mixing of the fuel with
 In this burner due to long flame travel, high volatile coals can be burnt
 Velocity of the air fuel mixture at the burner tip is around of 25 m/sec.
Short Flame or Turbulent Burner

 It can fire horizontally at some angle by

adjustment in such a way that the secondary
hot air are pass through the burner due to this
proper turbulence is created in the furnace.
 Due to this mixture burns as soon as it enters
and combustion completed in short distance.
 This generally preferred for high volatile coal.
Tangential burners

➢ Four burners are located in the four

corners of the furnace and fires in
such a way that the four flames are
tangential to an imaginary circle
formed at the center.
➢ Due to this sufficient turbulence is
➢ It avoids the requirements of high
turbulence at the burner itself.
Cyclone burner

 Fuel particles are subjected to a great turbulence

by combustion air supplied.
 This burner can easily burn low grade coal with high
ash and moisture content.
 This burner burns the coal particles in suspension,
thus avoiding fly-ash problems, which is common in
other types of burners.
Liquid fuel burners

➢ The function of oil burner are to mix the fuel and air in the proper proportion
and to prepare the fuel for combustion.

➢ In this type of burner mixing of oil with air is done in such a way that it
require minimum excess air for achieving the maximum temperature

➢ Generally oil burner are used for small capacity boiler for industrial process
➢ Fuel oil burner must be capable of properly atomizing the oil within furnace
of minimum dimension .

➢ The burner must be producing efficient firing over a wide range of oil flow

➢ The burner must be able to rapidly respond to changes of load to meet

flexible requirements.

 Vapourising burner : The oil may be vapourised or gasified by heating

within the burner.
 Atomising burner : The oil may be atomized by the nozzle of burner
and its vapourisation in combustion space.
These burners are used for oil fired furnace and boiler
Atomization of oil is done in two ways

(A) Steam or High pressure air atomizing burner :

➢ The oil is broken into into small droplets by using air or steam under pressure
it is known as blast atomization.

➢ Principle : the oil is delivered under pressure through a central tube or

steam or air supplied along the annular area between the oil pipe and the
concentric outer tube near the tip of burner two streams are mixed
together which result in atomization of fuel take place.
Atomization of oil is done in two ways

 Before supplying the oil to

the burner, it is heated to
a temperature about
93˚C to 120˚C to reduce
its viscosity and improve
combustion condition.
(B) Mechanical burner :
➢ The oil is pressurized by means of positive displacement pump or by
centrifugally dispersing the oil from a rotating wheel.
➢ Spray nozzle is used for oil injection under high pressure about 25 to 35 bar.
Principle : in case of mechanical burner the oil leaves the orifice in the form of
hollow cone of fine fuel particles due to centrifugal action.
 Principle : in case of mechanical burner the oil
leaves the orifice in the form of hollow cone of
fine fuel particles due to centrifugal action.

 in this type of burner auxiliary consumption is less

and less excess air is required for atomization.
Selection of burner

Combustion volume
➢ The space occupied by the fuel and the products of combustion varies considerably with t
he burner design, upstream pressures and flow rates.
Stability of flame
➢ Turndown ratio is defined as the ratio of minimum heat input rate to maximum heat input r
➢ In order to maintain stability of flame proper turn down ratio is necessary.
Combustion systems and burner components

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