International Student
International Student
International Student
Student Guide
In a
world of
02 Welcome to ACU - a place to call home
08 Our campuses
19 Community engagement
20 Living in Australia
22 Student services
24 Things to consider
26 Programs at ACU
Applying to ACU
At ACU, we’ve
got a lot to offer
A perfect fit International acclaim
When you study at ACU, you become part of We’ve been recognised by leading international ranking systems
a community. Our campuses and classes are for excellence in a number of subjects, including nursing,
the perfect size, so you won’t get lost in the education, sport science, arts and humanities, clinical health
crowd. Your lecturers will know your name and public health.1 100% of our research outputs have been
and you’ll make great friends and strong benchmarked at world standard or above.2
networks. THE World University Rankings by Subject, QS World University Rankings by
No. 1
Higher Education Statistics, Aus Gov, DET, Teacher
Education 2017
No. 1
Higher Education Statistics, Aus Gov, DET, Nursing 2017
Top 3
Overall employment rate, domestic undergraduate
cohort, Graduate Outcomes Survey 2017
Top 5
Student Experience Survey, undergraduate cohort 2017
Top 10
Employer Satisfaction Survey, undergraduate cohort 2017
Top 10
Student Experience Survey, undergraduate cohort 2017
5 stars
Good Universities Guide 2019
that count
Top 10
Times Higher Education World University Rankings,
IFCU members 2018/2019
Top 100
(#26 ARWU 2018)
(#41 ARWU 2018)
(Top 75 ARWU 2018)
Rank 101-200
(#25 for good health and wellbeing, SDG 3)
(#40 for quality education, SDG 4)
(#55 for gender equality, SDG 5)
(#58 for decent work and economic growth, SDG 8)
Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2019, based on *Percentage calculated as ACU’s world rank as a proportion of the total number of
universities in the world: International Handbook of Universities 2018, Palgrave
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) MacMillan.
Our campuses
Choosing a campus is about more than the course you want to study – the
city you live in will shape your ACU experience and the life you lead beyond
university. As an international student, there are six campuses for you to choose
from. While they all offer hugely different Australian experiences, there are a
few things that are the same no matter where you go: high-quality curriculum,
stunning new facilities and a welcoming, multicultural student community.
Top left to bottom right– Ballarat Campus, Brisbane Campus, Canberra Campus, Melbourne Campus, North Sydney Campus, Strathfield Campus, Canberra Campus and Rome Campus, Italy.
Head to to take a virtual tour of your campus.
Ballarat is located in the beautiful Central Highlands region 5km to city centre
of Victoria, just 110 kilometres north-west of Melbourne.
When you study in Ballarat, you’ll be choosing small-city
living at its best. It’s a friendly, communal and cultural If you’ve ever wanted to study in a student town, then picture
place of just over 150,000 people, and it’s home to some of yourself in Canberra. Home to five universities, Australia’s
Australia’s most glittering gold rush history. capital city is set up to support the student experience in more
ways than one. Study at the Australian National Library,
BALLARAT (AQUINAS) CAMPUS access the city’s extensive network of bike paths for a cheap
The ACU Aquinas Campus is right near Ballarat’s commercial and easy way to get around, and take advantage of the many
centre and comes complete with a new, state-of-the-art arts and cultural institutions located here. When it comes to
physiotherapy building with labs and simulation rooms, as weather, it does change markedly from season to season. Hot,
well as a renovated cafeteria and beautifully landscaped dry summers give way to cold, crisp winters, but you’ll enjoy
gardens. Courses in nursing, philosophy, physiotherapy, and beautiful sunny days nearly all year round.
teaching and education, are all available here.
The ACU Canberra Campus, called Signadou, is just five
kilometres away from the main city centre and easily
accessible by bus, bike and the new light rail system. It’s an
intimate, welcoming campus that’s been built around a series
of beautiful, peaceful gardens. Nursing, philosophy, social
ACCOMMODATION work, and teaching and education are all on offer here; in
between classes, you can take advantage of the swimming
For information on student
pool and cafeteria or spend some time relaxing or playing pool
accommodation near one of our
in the communal student lounge.
campuses see page 20.
† Statistical Digest, March 2019.
* The EIU Global Liveability Survey 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
† Statistical Digest, March 2019.
Scholarships and
financial support
At ACU, we value our international students and the contribution they make
to campus life. You can see it in our multicultural student community, our
multi-faith support services and in the scholarship opportunities we provide
for students like you.
Pathway and
diploma programs
We know you’re ready for university which is why our pathways are
integrated. If you haven’t met the eligibility requirements for your chosen
degree, these programs can help you become the student you want to be.
If you don’t meet the requirements for entry into your Our diploma programs offer an alternative entry option if you
chosen course, don’t panic. Our programs will help you haven’t met the academic or English language requirements
build the language proficiency, academic skills and to study at ACU. Each diploma is linked to one of our bachelor
confidence you need to succeed at university. degrees, so when you complete the diploma, you can progress
straight into undergraduate study.
Choose from:
Choose from:
• E
nglish for Academic Purposes (EAP) - Direct Entry
- see page 15 • D iploma in Business Information Systems - see page 63
• T
ertiary Preparation Program (Health Sciences) • Diploma in Commerce - see page 38
- see page 32. • Diploma in Educational Studies (Tertiary Preparation)
- see page 109
For English and pathway programs, visit:
• Diploma in Liberal Studies - see page 57
• Diploma in Visual Arts and Design - see page 46
• Diploma in Youth Work - see page 57.
1st year - B of Early 2nd year - B of Early 3rd and 4th year - B of Early
Childhood Education (Birth Childhood Education (Birth Childhood Education
to 5 years), B of Education to 5 years), B of Education (Birth to 5 years), B of
Diploma in Educational
(Primary), B of Education (Primary), B of Education Education (Primary), B of
Studies (Tertiary Preparation)
(Early Childhood and (Early Childhood and Education (Early Childhood
Primary) OR B of Teaching Primary) OR B of Teaching and Primary) OR B of
double degrees double degrees Teaching double degrees
2nd year - B of Visual Arts 3rd year - B of Visual Arts Diploma students: Credit will
Diploma in Visual Arts
and Design and Design be given for units completed in
the diploma course.
Note: some bachelors degrees and double
Diploma in Youth Work 2nd year - B of Youth Work 3rd year - B of Youth Work degree programs are four years long.
An English language
course for you
Whether you want to prepare for university study, enhance your career or
develop your network of social and professional contacts, you’ll find a course
to meet your needs at the ACU Centre for Languages.
Choose the course that meets your needs:
PATHWAYS TO ACU (Academic English and Tertiary Preparation)
February Bris
0.5 IELTS band March Bris/Mel/Syd
below required
10 weeks May Bris/Mel/Syd
level for ACU
• Gain direct entry into most ACU diploma or degree October Bris/Mel/Syd
courses1 (may be packaged with an ACU November Bris/Mel/Syd
English For
diploma or degree).
Academic January Bris/Mel/Syd
Purposes (EAP) - • Get to know your campus so you feel at 1.0 IELTS band
home once you start your ACU degree. below required February Bris/Mel/Syd
Direct Entry 20 weeks
• Master the academic English and level for ACU July Bris/Mel/Syd
Cricos: 063671F diploma or degree
eLearning tools you will use throughout August Bris/Mel/Syd
your degree program.
1.5 IELTS band May Bris/Mel/Syd
below required
30 weeks
level for ACU
November Bris/Mel/Syd
diploma or degree
• A n excellent pathway option if you
Tertiary need to meet the English language
Completion February Bris/Mel/Syd
Preparation or academic entry requirements for 1 year
of senior high
Program (Health Bachelor degrees in the Faculty of (Brisbane
school; IELTS 6
Sciences) Health Sciences (see page 32). intensive
with no individual
• Develop your English language 9 months)
Cricos: 073628D band less than 5.5 May Bris
proficiency within the context of your
ENGLISH FOR GLOBAL MOBILITY (General English for everyday communication or for business purposes)
• D
evelop the confidence to communicate
General English in English. Elementary
(GE) 2 5 to 50 Every 5
• B
uild your vocabulary and grammatical to upper Bris/Mel/Syd
weeks weeks
Cricos: 030125E accuracy. intermediate
• A
ttend a free careers workshop.
• E
nhance your language learning by
taking an internship in an Australian
English for the Intermediate
workplace. 5 to 10 Every 5
Workplace2 to upper Bris/Syd
• P
repare and check your resumé. weeks weeks
Cricos: 084320M intermediate
• B
risbane course includes optional
internship, where visa permits.
TEST PREPARATION (Test-taking skills and English proficiency development)
• U
nderstand IELTS Test requirements.
IELTS Test • D
evelop your English language
Preparation proficiency. 5 to 10 Every 5
intermediate Bris/Mel/Syd
• Take
practise tests and receive feedback. weeks weeks
Cricos: 057435B to advanced
• R
eceive one free IELTS Test if you enrol
for 10 weeks.
• P
repare for the IELTS Test in your
IELTS Online own time. Purchase online at: N/A N/A Various Online
Not applicable to law and postgraduate psychology.
May also be packaged with English for Academic Purposes (EAP).
For further information, see English language proficiency requirements (Schedule 2):
More than an
Australian experience
At ACU, we believe strongly in the power of an international
university experience.
Travel is about more than sightseeing and selfies – it’s about EXPLORE YOUR WORLD
understanding your place in the world and your responsibility
Undertaking an exchange or international placement allows
to make a meaningful contribution in your interactions with
you to keep exploring the world, even while you study. We’ve
the global community. As such, we offer a wide range of
got a growing network of international partners that spans
learning abroad programs to help you experience the world as
more than 200 organisations across 40 countries. Our
part of an ACU degree.
partnerships deliver a wealth of opportunities that have
TAKE YOUR DEGREE OVERSEAS the potential to transform your ACU degree into a global
You might be coming to Australia as an international student,
but ACU can also be your ticket into the wider world. Each You’ll have access to traditional semester-based exchange
year, more than 1,000 of our students study outside Australia programs, professional placements and faculty-led study tours,
at one of ACU’s international partner organisations, or at our community engagement opportunities and International Core
Rome Campus in Italy. In most cases, you’ll receive credit for Curriculum programs. The common thread between them is
the units you study overseas, which means the experience their underlying commitment to the greater good: you could
won’t increase the duration of your ACU degree. find yourself studying in Europe or North America, teaching
children in Vanuatu, assisting in a community organisation
in Cambodia, working with migrant communities in Rome
or helping to develop youth soccer teams in Timor Leste.
You might also be eligible for the ACU Vice Chancellor
and President Travel Grant to help fund the cost of your
ACU students, International Core Paris
The Core
At ACU, we know that you are more than your degree. That’s why we
encourage you to look at our world with empathy, compassion and
confidence. To listen and to lead. To challenge stereotypes and develop the
courage you need to make an impact.
And that’s at the heart of our Core Curriculum. It’s a key part AN INTERNATIONAL CORE CURRICULUM
of every ACU undergraduate student’s university experience. The Core Curriculum encompasses global ideas, so why not
The Core Curriculum is made up of two subjects and a transform your Core Curriculum units into an international
community engagement unit that are part of all ACU experience? When you complete UNCC300 – Justice and
undergraduate degrees. They’re an embodiment of the change in a global world, you can take your ACU studies to
ACU ethos that will shape not only your future professional Rome, Beijing, New York or Leeds (UK). We also offer generous
activities but the way you make decisions throughout your travel grants and scholarships to help cover your costs.
life. Here’s what you’ll study:
There are two subjects that make up the Core Curriculum,
offered in face-to-face, online or intensive modes:
• U NCC100 Self and community: exploring the anatomy
of modern society
• UNCC300 Justice and change in a global world
As well as providing an ethical framework to your university
degree, these units will also help build your sense of curiosity,
define your creativity and drive your ability to engage with the
world in a meaningful way. Employers recognise and value
these attributes, so you’ll be building professional capability
and good judgement all at the same time.
Here at ACU, we do more than simply talk about making a difference
in the world. We’ve embedded community engagement initiatives in
our undergraduate degrees.
ACU provides real opportunities for you to build lasting Here’s what you’ll gain:
connections in the world outside of academic learning. It’s • A strong sense of Australian culture, its values and
all part of our mission to produce graduates who promote a challenges.
more just society. • The opportunity to contribute to personal, social and
Community engagement is a two-way street. As a student, organisational change.
you’ll contribute your knowledge and skills to create • The chance to contribute the richness of your own culture
positive outcomes for a wide range of individuals and and individual experiences to the communities you work
community organisations. In return, you’ll develop networks, with.
gain practical experience, and build confidence to drive • The ability to reflect critically on your studies and
meaningful change in local and global settings. experiences.
Living in
Miguel Cordero Residence, Sydney
Student services
Finding your place at ACU is about much more than enrolling in classes. As
an ACU student, you’ll be supported every step of the way. Whether you need
academic support, social connections, health services or a place to express
your faith, our student services will help you make the most of your time
at university.
We want all our students to experience everything
ACU has to offer. We have a disability adviser on every
campus who can help you access the resources you
need to support your studies. If you can, it’s best to
contact your adviser before you arrive in Australia,
so they can make a plan for you before classes start.
Make the most of ACU’s print and online knowledge
collections with a visit to an ACU library. As well a
place to access valuable resources to support your
studies, our campus libraries are also a great place
to meet friends, work on group projects, and finish
Get involved in ACU campus life thanks to our
Student Enrichment teams. These teams are focused
on building a strong and inclusive student community.
Make the most of special events, student support
networks, mentoring programs and social activities for
a rich and well-rounded university experience.
Things to consider
Before you start the application process, you’ll need to make If you’re under the age of 18, you won’t be accepted into ACU
sure you meet the definition of an international student. unless you have a parent or suitable nominated relative living
Here’s how you can tell: with you in Australia who can take responsibility for your
• You’re not a citizen or permanent resident of Australia. welfare. This nominated relative must be approved by the
• You’re not a citizen of New Zealand. Department of Home Affairs.
• You’re required to study on campus in Australia, and to
hold a student visa or temporary visa with study rights. student-500/welfare-arrangements-students-under-18
Note that as an international student, you can’t study online APPLICATION DEADLINES
or offshore – you need to be here, in Australia, in person. International students can apply to ACU any time before the
course commencement date, except for certain courses that
SELECTING A COURSE have specific application deadlines (see below). Please note
Using this guide and the courses section of the ACU website, the University reserves the right to close applications and
you may choose up to three courses to list on your ACU acceptances for any course once enrolment quotas have been
application. Listing three courses provides you with a safety reached.
net, as we’ll assess your application against all three of your
options. If you’re not accepted into your first choice, we’ll then
consider you for your second choice. If you’re not accepted into
your second choice, we’ll then consider you for your third. Applications must be submitted by the end of October 2019 (to start in Semester 1, 2020).
Note: Applications for the following degrees must
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS be lodged before 30 September 2019: Bachelor of
Semester 1
Before you apply, use this guide or the ACU website to Psychological Science (Honours), Graduate Diploma
in Psychology, Master of Psychology (Clinical), Master
make sure you meet the all the entry requirements for your of Psychology (Educational & Developmental), Master
preferred ACU course(s). These include: of Professional Psychology.
• academic requirements
Applications must be submitted by the end of April
• English language proficiency requirements. Semester 2
Entry requirements differ for all our degrees. Depending
on where you completed your high school (pre-university)
studies, you may also need to complete a graduate diploma HOW TO APPLY TO STUDY
or equivalent program before gaining entry into an ACU ABROAD AND ENGLISH
postgraduate degree. LANGUAGE PROGRAMS
If you’d like to study at ACU but don’t
ADDITIONAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS want to enrol in a full degree, we’ve
got a range of short course options that have been
For some courses, you may be required to complete extra
developed for students like you. These include exchange
steps in order to gain admission; for example, submitting
programs, study abroad courses and English language
a portfolio, completing an interview, or undergoing health
and/or security checks. Use this guide or the ACU website
to make sure you meet the entry requirements for your Find out more:
chosen course(s). For English language courses, see page 14-15 or for
study abroad and exchange programs see page 17.
Before you apply to study in Australia, it’s important to Your student visa will generally be issued for the duration
develop a realistic budget for your trip. If you’re a single of your course and will be granted on the condition that you
international student, you’ll need at least AUD$20,000 per leave Australia soon after completing your studies. You’re also
year to cover your rent, food, transport and other essential required to finish your course within the minimum duration
living expenses. Tuition fees, text books and social activities that’s listed on your Confirmation of Enrolment. ACU is
are extra, as is the cost of running a car (if you need one), so required to report students who fail to attend classes or make
make sure you’ve got additional funds for these items. satisfactory academic processes to the Department of Home
Note that this figure is just an estimate – it can vary depending Affairs, so make sure you study hard while you’re here. If you
on where you live in Australia and the sort of lifestyle you lead. want to stay in Australia for your graduation ceremony, you
may need to apply for a visitor class visa while you’re here.
If you’re planning to bring family members with you to
Accommodation $150-300+
Australia, you’ll need to discuss your plans with your nearest
Food $60-90+ Australian consular office to make sure your visa allows
dependants to travel with you. Make sure you do this before
Transport $15-40+
you travel to Australia. Once you’re here, you’ll be responsible
Extras $50-80+ for supporting your dependants, including paying any tuition
fees required for school-age children.
Students are also advised to $400 per semester
allow a semester budget for Permanent resident visa status
books or supplies If you become a permanent resident while you’re in Australia,
Yearly total $15,100 – $27,320+ you’ll need to let ACU know. To do this, submit a Notification
of Permanent Residency Form (PR Form), before the census
When it comes to applying for a student visa, the Department date if you want to be eligible for domestic student fees. If
of Home Affairs requires you to have access to AUD$20,290* you submit it after the census date, you’ll continue paying
per year for living expenses. international student fees for the remainder of that study
period, switching to domestic fees at the start of the following
For more information, please visit:
Allied health
A world of wellbeing
is a world of well beings.
Allied health practitioners help us live life
to the fullest. You can diagnose, treat and
rehabilitate patients and help improve
their quality of life.
Why study this program? Pathways to further study: Bachelor of Human Services
• Apply skills from areas such as policy and law, sociology, graduates may be eligible to progress to a range of postgraduate
psychology and ethics to meet the needs of people. coursework programs, eg Graduate Certificates and Graduate
• Gain an insight into the key issues facing the community Diplomas and, through them and/or with relevant work
sector and help solve personal and social problems. experience, to Masters degree program including a Master of
Social Work.
• Learn to think critically and analyse social problems while
learning about social welfare arrangements in Australia. Career path examples: Case worker in child and family
welfare, family support work, aged care and correctional
Course description: With the rapid evolution and growth
facilities; opportunities in development and implementation
of the community welfare sector, there’s a strong demand for
of individual National Disability Insurance Scheme plans; and
people who can provide direct services to people in the diverse
provision of support for people with disabilities living in the
areas of child and family welfare, disability, corrections, and
aged care. This is why we launched the Bachelor of Human
Services. You will learn to apply skills from areas such as policy Further information: For the latest information about this
and law, sociology, psychology, and ethics to meet the needs of course, please refer to:
people and help solve personal and social problems.
Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp),
comprised of specified units (180cp), Core Curriculum units
(20cp), professional experience units (20cp), elective units
(20cp); or 240 credit points from the Bachelor of Social Work.
Professional experience: You will undertake a minimum of
nine weeks or 300 hours of supervised professional practice
across the two field education units – one unit (150 hours) in
second semester of second year, and the other (150 hours) in
second semester of third year.
social work
Semester 2 Contemporary society and Applications of psychology Human rights and social justice Self and community: exploring
change the anatomy of modern society
Semester 1 Working with CALD Ethics in human services Lifespan development Practice skills for human
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 7.0 (7.0 min per band) Brisbane Duration: 4 years
Certificate, including studies in one of the IBT: 100 (25 all bands) Melbourne Year fee: A$38,320
following: biology, chemistry, physics, or ACU: A (75-100%) North Sydney Total fee: A$153,280
personal development, health and physical PTE: 68 (65 min per band) Cricos: 078172B
education (see table of recognised high school CAE: 185 (min 185 all tests)
qualifications on pages 128-131).
Why study this program? Pathways to further study (honours degree): The Bachelor
• C
hoose a career that’s about helping people overcome the of Occupational Therapy (Honours) course is an in-depth
physical, cognitive and psychosocial challenges that prevent academic program for high-achieving students. As an honours
them from engaging fully with life. student, you will undertake an independent research project
• S
hape the lives of individuals, groups and communities in in occupational therapy activity across the lifespan using the
early childhood, aged care, acute care, injury management, knowledge and skills gained in the undergraduate program.
rehabilitation and mental health. You will have the opportunity to develop skills in research and
prepare for higher degree studies at masters and doctoral level.
• E
mbark on a highly flexible employment path that will
adapt to your changing interests over the course of your The honours program is embedded in the third and fourth
working life. years of the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Pass) program.
To be eligible to apply for admission to the honours program,
Course description: Occupational therapists play an you must have completed 160cp from the first and second
important role in the lives of individuals and communities, years of the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Pass) degree,
helping them look after themselves, be productive and with a grade point average of at least 5.75 on the ACU
participate in leisure activities. To do this, occupational seven-point scale.
therapists need to know how the human body functions and
need the skills to practise competently and safely. You will Career path examples: Occupational therapist working
learn how to analyse and assess occupational performance, individually or as part of a multidisciplinary health care team
apply and evaluate interventions to enable occupational in a hospital, community health centre, rehabilitation centre,
performance, and collaborate and communicate effectively mental health service, school, early intervention program for
with clients and their families and colleagues. children, private practice, disability service, aged care facility,
government policy unit.
Course structure: Completion of 320 credit points (cp),
comprised of foundation units (70cp), Core Curriculum units Further information: For the latest information about this
(10cp), occupational therapy units (180cp), and professional course, please refer to:
practice education units (60cp).
Professional experience: During your degree, you will
undertake 1,000 hours of professional experience, starting in
first year. This meets the entry-level competency standards
required for the World Federation of Occupational Therapists
(WFOT). Practice education will begin in the first semester of
your first year of study (10 hours) and continues through each
In fourth year, you will complete a 10-week, full-time
placement in first semester and a one-day-per-week capstone
placement in second semester.
Professional recognition: The Bachelor of Occupational
Therapy has been developed to ensure that you meet the
competency standards of the WFOT and Occupational
Therapy Australia Limited (OTAUS) upon graduation from the
course. ACU adheres to accreditation requirements of WFOT
and OTAUS and the Occupational Therapy Council (OTC) in
the implementation of the program.
This course is fully accredited by the OTC. Graduates can
register as practising occupational therapists with the
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
and members of OTAUS.
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 7.0 (7.0 min per band) Ballarat Duration: 4 years
Certificate, including studies in biology, IBT: 100 (min 25 all bands) Brisbane Year fee: A$38,320
chemistry or physics (see table of recognised ACU: A (75-100%) North Sydney Total fee: A$153,280
high school qualifications on pages 128-131). PTE: 68 (68 min per band) Cricos: 071515G
Note: Entry is on a competitive basis. Applicants must CAE: 185 (min 185 all tests)
submit an evidence of English requirement at the time of
Why study this program? Professional recognition: Graduates from both QLD
• Assist patients to participate more fully in life by helping and NSW programs are eligible for registration with the
them overcome a range of physical challenges. Physiotherapy Board of Australia under the auspices of the
• Work with patients across the lifespan, from young Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
children to the elderly, and build skills that will prepare The programs offered in QLD and NSW hold accreditation
you for specialist practice in areas such as women’s health, without conditions. The program in Ballarat is accredited
rehabilitation or sports physiotherapy. by the Physiotherapy Board of Australia for three years with
conditions. Please refer to the Registration Standards for
• Transform your theoretical learning into extensive practical
Physiotherapy on the AHPRA website:
experience, with more than 1,000 hours of professional
experiences over the course of your degree. Pathway to further study (honours degree): The Bachelor of
Physiotherapy (Honours) program is embedded into third and
Course description: As a physiotherapist, you will work
fourth years of the Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Pass) program.
with people who have problems with their cardiorespiratory,
To be eligible to apply for admission to the honours program,
musculoskeletal or neurological systems. By optimising
you must have completed 160cp from the first and second
movement and function, you’ll help people overcome
years of the Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Pass) degree, with a
movement disorders, either present at birth or associated
grade point average of at least 5.75 on the ACU
with ageing or life-changing events.
seven-point scale.
Course structure: Completion of 320 credit points (cp),
Careers: Physiotherapist working in hospital, health centre,
comprised of foundation units (70cp), inter-professional
sports medicine clinic, rehabilitation centre, aged-care
units (20cp), physiotherapy practice units (210cp), and
facilities, maternity hospital, private practice, education, health
Core Curriculum unit (20cp).
promotion, management, research.
Professional experience: During your degree, you will
Further information: For the latest information about this
undertake more than 1,000 hours of professional experience.
course, please refer to:
Practice 1
Semester 2 Physiotherapy anatomy 2 Human biology 2 Self and community: exploring Foundations of physiotherapy
the anatomy of modern society practice 2
Semester 1 Pathophysiology for Neuroscience for Research and evidence-based Musculoskeletal physiotherapy
Semester 2 Neurological physiotherapy Health care ethics Paediatric physiotherapy Integrated physiotherapy
practice 2 practice practice in selected
Physiotherapy practice in complex health care issues
Semester 1 Physiotherapy clinical Physiotherapy clinical Physiotherapy clinical
Bachelor of Social Work
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 7.0 (7.0 min per band) Brisbane Duration: 4 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 100 (25 all bands) Canberra Year fee: A$23,624
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: A (75-100%) Strathfield Total fee: A$94,496
PTE: 68 (65 min per band) Cricos: 084790C
CAE: 185 (min 185 all tests)
Course structure: Completion of 320 credit points (cp), Career path examples: Social work within community
comprised of foundation units (70cp), Core Curriculum units organisations, government or welfare agencies; human services
(20cp), social work units (150cp, including 20cp of units and program planning.
incorporating community engagement), field education units Further information: For the latest information about this
(50cp), and electives (30cp). course, please refer to:
Professional experience: The course includes a total of
1,000 hours of supervised field education and training over
the second, third and fourth years of the course. You will also
undertake 50 hours of community engagement experience in
other units of study.
Semester 2 Applications of psychology Contemporary society and Human rights, social justice Self and community: exploring
change and social work (= 20 hours the anatomy of modern society
Semester 1 Lifespan development Ethics and theories in social Social work skills in practice Social work with culturally
work with individuals and linguistically diverse
Semester 2 Social work with children, Law and social work Health care ethics Field education in social
youth and families work 1 (280 hours)
Semester 1 Field education in social Aboriginal and Torres Strait Justice and change in a global
work 2 (360 hours) Islander peoples and social world
work practice
Semester 2 Group work in social work Research in social work Mental health and social work Social work and community
practice practice
Semester 1 Social policy and social work Elective Fields of social work practice Collaborative and
interdisciplinary social work
practice in organisations
Semester 2 Field education in social Elective Elective
work 3 (360 hours)
Tertiary Preparation Program (Health Sciences)
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February:
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.0 (5.5 min per band) Brisbane all campuses. May:
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 79 (20 all bands) Melbourne Brisbane only.
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: C (60-64%) North Sydney Duration: 1 year
PTE: 54 (42 in all bands) Year fee: A$18,392
CAE: 169 (min 162 all tests) Total fee: A$18,392
Cricos: 073628D
Master of Rehabilitation
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February
(i) Minimum grade point average (GPA of 4.0 on a IELTS: 7.0 (6.5 min per band); Brisbane Duration: 1.5 years
seven-point point scale). Applicants must hold a IBT: 100 (min 25 per band); Year fee: A$23,400
bachelors degree from an accredited four-year program ACU: A (75-100%); Total fee: A$35,100
for speciality disciplines or an accredited three-year PTE: 68 (58 min per band). Cricos: 086188E
program for non-speciality pathway, graduate entry
masters, doctor (extended masters), or approved
equivalent in related discipline.
(ii) Minimum of two years’ clinical experience in the
appropriate discipline.
(iii) Current registration as required by your discipline,
with the required authority in Australia or registration
authority in your country of current practice.
Why study these programs? disorders. The program culminates with these advanced
• Transform the lives of people with chronic diseases and practicum opportunities and a clinical research project
disabilities by building evidence-based clinical rehabilitation within the discipline and fields of either aged or neurological
skills. rehabilitation.
• Explore the treatment and management of age-related Course structure:
and complex neurological conditions, and develop strategies Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation - Completion of
and interventions that can assist people to live more 80 credit points (cp), consisting of:
participatory lives. For specialisation pathway: specified units (30cp),
• T ake a hands-on approach to learning with inter-professional specialisation units - for discipline/field (30cp), research units
coursework, workshop intensives and a range of professional (20cp) or
practice opportunities. For non-speciality pathway: specified units (30cp),
health units (20cp), elective units (10cp), and research units
Course description: This suite of postgraduate programs
in rehabilitation aims to provide evidence-based advanced
studies for health professionals. This includes registered Master of Rehabilitation - Completion of 120 credit points
physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, (cp, consisting of:
nurses and other allied health professionals. It is suitable For specialisation pathway: specified units (30cp),
for those who wish to extend their knowledge and skills in specialisation units - for discipline/field (70cp), research units
the fields of gerontological or neurological physiotherapy, (20cp) or
speech pathology, occupational therapy, or more generally, For non-speciality pathway: specified units (30cp), health
rehabilitation. units (50cp), elective units (20cp), and research units (20cp).
These courses include purposely designed inter-professional Pathways to further study: Graduates may be eligible to
coursework units in conjunction with discipline specific undertake a higher degree research course such as the Doctor
streams. Workshop intensives and application of advanced of Philosophy.
skills and knowledge within the workplace and other practice
settings will enable each discipline to apply highly integrative Career path examples: Clinician, case worker, team leader,
and evidence based-content to allow the development of consultant, researcher.
advanced skills and practice. As a clinician, you will use critical Further information: For the latest information about these
appraisal to evaluate strategies and interventions as well as courses, please refer to:
implement optimal programs in your workplace and during an
advanced practicum for holistic management and enhanced
participation of people with complex aged and neurological
Master of Social Work
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February
(i) Equivalent of an Australian bachelors IELTS: 7.0 (7.0 min per band) Brisbane Duration: 2 years
degree in a related field which includes a IBT: 100 (25 all bands) Canberra Year fee: A$23,400
minimum of eight units (two full semesters) ACU: A (75-100%) Strathfield Total fee: A$46,800
of study in the social and behavioural sciences. PTE: 68 (65 min per band) Cricos: 066741F
These units may include psychology, sociology, CAE: 185 (min 185 all tests)
anthropology, policy studies, history, law,
health and disability, technology, philosophy,
indigenous studies, culture and human
diversity, media study, gender studies, social
theory and population studies.
(ii) The undergraduate degree must include
at least one unit of study in human behaviour
and one unit of study in sociology.
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of 160 credit points.
• C
ombine your passion for social and behavioural sciences Professional experience: In order to meet the requirements
and commitment to social justice with a degree that’s all of the AASW, you will be required to complete 1,000 hours
about empowering disadvantage. of supervised field education. This is undertaken in two
• A
ddress complex social problems, contribute to social reform placements in approved agencies. Each placement is normally
and play a critical role in making the world a more fair and 14–20 weeks long.
equitable place.
Professional recognition: This is an AASW-accredited
• U
ndertake 1,000 hours of supervised professional
qualification. It is an entry qualification into the social work
placements and emerge with a degree that’s accredited by the
profession and has been determined to meet the Australian
Australian Association of Social Workers.
Social Work Education and Accreditation Standards.
Course description: The Master of Social Work is a vibrant
Career path examples: Social work within community
and challenging program that encourages you to build on
organisations, government or welfare agencies; human services
your existing knowledge and experience, and to gain a sound
and program planning.
understanding of social work values and practice approaches.
Course content emphasises social justice, human rights, and on Further information: For the latest information about this
achieving the best possible outcomes for the most marginalised course, please refer to:
and disadvantaged members of our community.
You will be taught by leading social work practitioners and
academics and there is a strong focus on experiential learning
throughout the course.
But not as usual.
A career in business means opportunities. With
us, you’ll get more than your usual business
degree. You’ll learn how to lead in business to
create positive and sustainable change.
Global Excellence
Take advantage of ACU’s exclusive Global Excellence Scholarship, available
to all international undergraduate and postgraduate students commencing
business and information technology programs in 2020.
The Peter Faber Business School will be awarding scholarships to the value
of AUD$2,500 each semester for the duration of the course.
For further information, visit:
Bachelor of Accounting and Finance
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.0 (6.0 W&S, 5.5 L&R) Brisbane Duration: 3 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 79 (min 22 in writing) Melbourne Year fee: A$28,248
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: C (60-64%) North Sydney Total fee: A$84,744
PTE: 54 (50 W&S & 42 L&R) Cricos: 079454F
CAE: 169 (169 W&S & 162 L&R)
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp),
• G
ain intensive exposure to contemporary accounting comprised of specified units (210cp), community engagement:
and finance theory, take part in community engagement building strengths and capabilities (10cp), and Core
experiences and build a holistic picture of what it means to Curriculum units (20cp).
be a competent and ethical business professional. Community engagement: During your degree, you will
• P
repare for professional accreditation with CPA Australia, undertake 35-70 hours of voluntary work with a not-for-profit
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and organisation.
the Institute of Public Accountants with course content that
reflects existing industry standards. Professional recognition: This course is accredited by CPA
Australia, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand,
• B
ecome the graduate employers are looking for with
and the Institute of Public Accountants.
specialist skills in auditing, budget analysis, portfolio
management and taxation strategy, among others. Career path examples: Accountant auditor, budget manager,
chief financial officer, financial adviser, financial assurance and
Course description: The Bachelor of Accounting and Finance
compliance manager, financial manager, financial planner,
is a specialist degree offering comprehensive studies in the
investment analyst, tax agent.
theory and applications of accounting and finance. The
course involves units in accounting that will prepare you to be Further information: For the latest information about this
recognised as both an accounting and finance professional. course, please refer to:
Because of the comprehensive nature of the course, you will be
particularly well qualified in specialised areas such as auditing,
budget analysis, portfolio management, investment analysis,
mergers and acquisitions, banking, stockbroking and taxation
Semester 2 Business data analysis Marketing markets Introduction to business law: Self and community: exploring
legal frameworks the anatomy of modern society
for business
Semester 1 Management accounting Financial accounting Financial instruments and Principles of finance
Semester 2 Corporate accounting Company law: directors Entrepreneurial finance: Portfolio management:
and corporate regulation new venture financing investing wisely
Semester 1 Community engagement: Taxation law Accounting information Justice and change
building strengths and systems in a global world
Semester 2 Auditing Strategic management Working with diversity and Financial risk management:
accounting conflict or Professional protecting the enterprise
Why study this program? Professional experience: You can choose to enrol in a
• Develop expertise in a wide range of business disciplines, professional experience unit involving a professional placement
including economics, organisational behaviour, within a business organisation (in the relevant discipline area)
management, marketing and business information systems. over a period of 105 hours.
• Become a critical thinker and an agile influencer with an Community engagement: During your degree, you will
awareness of your social responsibilities as they relate to undertake 35-70 hours of voluntary work within a not-for-
business practice. profit organisation.
• Use ACU’s flexible course structure to create a degree that
Career path examples: Business analysis, advertising, human
reflects your professional interests and career aspirations.
resource management, personal investment, purchasing,
Course description: In our global, competitive world, a buying or trading, employment relations, marketing
comprehensive knowledge of business is more useful than management, policy administration, financial management,
ever. The best business administrators are skilled at managing market research, retailing and wholesaling, international trade
people as well as numbers. They’re leaders, problem-solvers, and investment.
and innovators. And by studying with us, you’re free to create
Further information: For the latest information about this
your own business degree without having to specialise in a
course, please refer to:
particular field.
Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp),
comprised of specified units (130cp), any business units at
second or third year level (40cp) offered by any ACU bachelors
degree courses (40cp), Core Curriculum units (20cp), and
community engagement unit (10cp).
Semester 2 Business elective 1 Business elective 2 Self and community: exploring Elective 1
the anatomy of modern society
Semester 1 Organisational behaviour Economics: policy frameworks International business Applied human resource
and markets management
Diploma in Commerce
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.0 (5.5 min per band) Brisbane Duration: 1 year
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 79 (min 20 in writing) Melbourne Year fee: A$18,960
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: C (60-64%) North Sydney Total fee: A$18,960
PTE: 54 (42 all bands) Cricos: 072325E
CAE: 169 (min 162 all tests)
Why study this program? Specified units: English communication skills; Introduction
• B
uild a solid foundation in commerce and business and take to accounting or Money matters; Working with technology;
your first step towards the Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor Managing markets; Managing people and organisations.
of Business Administration or Bachelor of Accounting and Electives: Any two units from the Peter Faber Business School
Finance. offerings.
• E
ngage with in-depth studies in accounting, economics, Pathways to further study: Upon completion of the Diploma
management and marketing and get a broad overview of the in Commerce, you can apply for entry into the Bachelor of
wider business sector. Commerce, Bachelor of Business Administration or Bachelor
• C
ombine your business subjects with the study of Australian of Accounting and Finance. You will also receive credit for
society and the English language in preparation for your units completed in the diploma course.
future undergraduate degree.
Further information: For the latest information about this
Course description: As a diploma student, you will start course, please refer to:
building your commerce knowledge and relevant professional
skills. You will receive learning and development support and
will be encouraged to undertake relevant non-discipline units
to support the development of your English language skills.
Course structure: Completion of 80 credit points (cp),
comprised of specified units (50cp), electives (20cp), and
a Core Curriculum unit (10cp).
Bachelor of Commerce
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.0 (6.0 W&S, 5.5 L&R) Brisbane Duration: 3 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 79 (min 22 in writing) Melbourne Year fee: A$28,248
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: C (60-64%) North Sydney Total fee: A$84,744
PTE: 54 (50 W&S & 42 L&R) Strathfield* Cricos: 068238E
CAE: 169 (169 W&S & 162 L&R) *Available major
You can choose an additional eight units made up of either a second major, two minors, one minor and four electives (from any ACU faculty),
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce
Academic requirements: English requirements Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.0 (6.0 W&S, 5.5 L&R) Brisbane Duration: 4 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 79 (min 22 in writing) Melbourne Year fee: A$28,248
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: C (60-64%) North Total fee: A$112,992
PTE: 54 (50 W&S & 42 L&R) Sydney/ Cricos: 068241K
CAE: 169 (169 W&S & 162 L&R) Strathfield*
Why study this program? Community engagement: During your degree, you will
• S
tudy general and specialist business subjects and engage undertake 35-70 hours of voluntary work within a not-for-profit
with professional placements that will prepare you for organisation.
real-world commerce practice. Professional recognition: If you graduate with an accounting
• B
uild expertise across a wide variety of arts disciplines and major and accreditation minor, you will be eligible for
gain additional capabilities in research, communication and membership with CPA Australia, Chartered Accountants
analysis. Australia and New Zealand, and the Institute of Public
• C
ombine the skills you’ve gained in both degrees and emerge Accountants.
as a creative, innovative and ethical practitioner who can
Career path examples: Accountant, advertising manager,
approach business in new and exciting ways.
employment relations officer, human resource manager,
Course description: Our commerce degree can be tailored to marketing manager, policy administrator, retailing and
your career aspirations. With a range of subjects on offer, from wholesaling manager, entrepreneur market researcher,
accounting to marketing and human resource management, it data analyst.
will open up opportunities in every area of business. Our arts
Further information: For the latest information about this
degree explores vital contemporary issues and teaches research
course, please refer to:
skills and clear expression. Together, they provide a world of
Course structure: Completion of 320 credit points
(cp), comprised of 180cp selected in accordance with the
requirements of the Bachelor of Commerce degree, 120cp
selected in accordance with the requirements for the Bachelor
of Arts degree, and Core Curriculum units (20cp).
Bachelor of Commerce/
Bachelor of Business Administration
Academic requirements English requirements Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.0 (6.0 W&S, 5.5 L&R) Brisbane Duration: 4 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 79 (min 22 in writing) Melbourne Year fee: A$28,248
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: C (60-64%) North Sydney Total fee: A$112,992
PTE: 54 (50 W&S & 42 L&R) Strathfield Cricos: 078169G
CAE: 169 (169 W&S & 162 L&R)
Why study this program? marketing), plus a combination of minors in the Bachelor of
• Develop expertise in a wide range of business disciplines, Commerce and elective units from the Peter Faber Business
including economics, organisational behaviour, School (40cp), community engagement unit (10cp), other
management, marketing and business information systems. elective units (40cp), and Core Curriculum units (20cp).
• Become a critical thinker and an agile influencer with an Community engagement: During your degree, you will
awareness of the ethical, social, political and economic issues undertake 35-70 hours of voluntary work within a not-for-
that shape effective business practice. profit organisation.
• Prepare for accreditation with a wide range of professional
Professional recognition: If you graduate with an accounting
organisations, including CPA Australia, Chartered
major and accreditation minor, you will be eligible for
Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and the Australian
professional accreditation with CPA Australia, Chartered
Human Resource Institute, depending on your major.
Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and the Institute of
Course description: Our commerce degree can be tailored Public Accountants. Completing a major in human resource
to your career aspirations. With a range of subjects on offer, management will make you eligible for accreditation with the
from accounting to marketing and finance, it will open Australian Human Resources Institute.
up opportunities in every area of business. Our business Career path examples: Accounting, forensic accounting,
administration degree lets you explore an even broader range business analysis, advertising, human resource management,
of subjects. Together, you’ve got business covered. purchasing, buying or trading, employment relations,
Course structure: Completion of 320 credit points (cp), marketing management, market research, policy
comprised of Bachelor of Commerce specified units (50cp), administration, financial management, retailing and
Bachelor of Business Administration specified units (80cp), wholesaling, international trade and investment.
80cp from at least one of the listed majors from the Bachelor Further information: For the latest information about this
of Commerce (accounting, event management, finance, human course, please refer to:
resource management, informatics, management,
Semester 2 Commerce major 1 International business Bachelor of Commerce minor Self and community: exploring
or Business elective 1 the anatomy of modern society
Semester 1 Economics: policy Organisational behaviour Commerce major 2 Human resource management:
frameworks and markets staffing and employee
Semester 2 Commerce major 3 International business Bachelor of Commerce minor Community engagement:
or Business elective 2 building strengths and
Semester 1 Managing entrepreneurship Commerce major 4 Sustainable organisational Justice and change
Semester 2 Bachelor of Commerce minor Strategic management General elective 4 Working with diversity and
or Business elective 4 conflict or Professional
Note: Not all majors and minors will be available on all campuses.
Postgraduate programs in business administration
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
(i) Equivalent of an Australian bachelors IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 min per band); Melbourne Duration: 0.5 years
degree in any discipline; or (ii) at least two IBT: 90 (min 25 in writing); North Sydney Total fee: A$15,500
years’ industry experience in a relevant role. ACU: B (65-74%); Cricos: 048590K
PTE: 61 (50 min per band);
CAE: 176 (min 169 all tests)
risk management
Semester 2 Corporate finance Business elective Strategic management for Business elective
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of 80 credit points from
• Advance your career with a postgraduate award that leads specified units.
to enhanced professional recognition and marketability. Pathways to further study: The Graduate Diploma in
• Embrace concepts of ethical and sustainable decision Financial Planning articulates into the Master of Finance.
making that are focused on the role of business as a driver
of change. Career paths: Chief executive officer, chief financial officer,
financial advisor/planner, financial controller, financial
• Build extensive knowledge of business management and
director, investment consultant, wealth manager.
financial principles and use your extensive elective choices
to customise your degree. Further information: For the latest information about this
course, please refer to:
Course description: The Graduate Diploma in Financial
Planning allows you to specialise in the area of personal
financial planning. The program embraces the importance
of ethical and sustainable decision making.
Master of Finance
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
(i) Equivalent of an Australian bachelors IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 min per band) North Sydney Duration: 2 years
degree in any discipline; or (ii) a graduate IBT: 90 (min 25 in writing) Year fee: A$31,000
certificate in a related discipline. ACU: B (65-74%) Total fee: A$62,000
If you hold the equivalent of an Australian PTE: 61 (50 min per band) Cricos: 092657G
bachelors degree in a related discipline, you CAE: 176 (min 169 all tests)
will be eligible for up to four units credit.
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of credit points (cp), comprised
• Prepare for client-focused or senior management roles that of specified units (150cp) and electives (10cp) from the
emphasise financial planning or corporate finance expertise. Schedule of Postgraduate Unit Offerings from the Peter Faber
• Embrace concepts of ethical and sustainable decision Business School.
making that are focused on the role of business as a driver Professional recognition: The Master of Finance has been
of change. designed to meet the entry requirements of the Financial
• Build extensive knowledge of business management and Planning Association of Australia.
financial principles use your extensive elective choices to
Pathways to further study: Master of Finance graduates may
customise your degree.
be eligible to pursue extended study and/or research in the area
Course description: The Master of Finance allows you to of finance or financial planning.
advance your career with a postgraduate award that leads to
Career path examples: Chief executive officer, chief financial
enhanced professional recognition and marketability.
officer, financial advisor/planner, financial controller, financial
As a graduate of the Master of Finance you will have a sound director, investment consultant, wealth manager.
understanding of business ethics, financial decision making as
well as a comprehensive understanding of the operations and Further information: For the latest information about this
activities of financial markets and financial institutions. This course, please refer to:
combination of financial analysis skills, knowledge and ethical
frameworks will equip you to gain employment as a well-
rounded finance professional.
Semester 2 Superannuation and retirement Finance modelling and risk Ethical leadership Estate planning and Capstone
planning analysis project
(ACU’s overall employment rate for postgraduate business students is 96%
with a median salary of $118,700. Graduate Outcomes Survey 2016-2018).
Why study this program? You will learn essential accounting principles, practices and
• A
cquire advanced skills in auditing, financial reporting, techniques and be able to apply them to a variety of situations,
internal controls and management accounting, even if you’ve including auditing, financial reporting, internal controls, and
never studied accounting before. finance and management accounting.
• P
repare for accreditation and membership with peak As a graduate, you will also appreciate the ethical, legal and
professional accounting bodies, including CPA Australia and professional dynamics of accounting and the accounting
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. profession.
• Build
awareness of the ethical, legal and professional Course structure: Completion of 160 credit points from
dynamics of the accounting profession and integrate what specified units.
you learn into your own professional practice.
Professional recognition: Upon graduation from the masters
Course description: If you want to meet the entry requirements program, you will obtain the minimum requirements for entry
of professional accounting bodies, including CPA Australia, into CPA Australia, Chartered Accountants Australia and New
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and the Zealand, and the Institute of Public Accountants.
Institute of Public Accountants, then this accounting degree is
for you. The Master of Professional Accounting will teach you Career path examples: Accounting, financial management.
how to analyse, research and make informed recommendations Further information: For the latest information about this
about a broad range of accounting problems and issues. course, please refer to:
Creative arts
Bachelor of Creative Arts
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.0 (6.0 W&S, 5.5 L&R) Brisbane Duration: 3 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 78 (min 21W, 12R, 18S, 11L) Melbourne Year fee: A$23,400
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: C (60-64%) Total fee: A$70,200
PTE: 54 (50 W&S & 42 L&R) Cricos: 084346A
CAE: 169 (min 169 W&S, 162 L&R)
Course description: As a creative arts student, you will join a Further information: For the latest information about this
unique community working in a range of disciplines to inspire, course, please refer to:
inform and educate audiences. You will develop your passion
for drama, communication, creative writing, graphic design,
literature, media, music and visual arts; gain expert knowledge,
practical skills and professional experience through your major
creative project; and take advantage of the international study
opportunities. As part of this degree, you will undertake a
major project and a community-based placement, choosing
between working on a local community project or gaining
industry experience through the Big ideas: social enterprise
and innovation project.
Course description: This course is for international students Further information: For the latest information about this
interested in a broad-based program that integrates the study course, please refer to:
of studio-based art, graphic design or history and theory of art
and design with the option to study relevant communication
and business skills.
Why study this program? Professional experience: The course includes an internship
• Nurture your creative passions with a specialist visual arts placement, which aims to give your qualification a vocational
and design course. focus as you prepare for a diversity of careers in visual arts and
• Build technical and theoretical skills across the spectrum of design practice.
studio-based art, graphic design, and art and design history Professional recognition: Upon graduation, you will be
and theory. eligible to apply for accreditation with the Australian Graphic
• Use art as a tool to engage with the wider world through Design Association, Australian Print Council, Australian
professional internship placements and exhibitions in ACU’s Sculptors Association, International Council of Museums,
on-campus art galleries. International Association of Art or the National Association for
the Visual Arts.
Course description: Tailor your talent with a Bachelor of
Visual Arts and Design. The degree’s mix of studio-based fine Pathways to further study (honours degree): Successful
art, graphic design and art history will extend and refine your students may apply to undertake the one-year honours degree
creative skills. We know there’s only so much knowledge you through the Bachelor of Arts program.
can gain inside the classroom, which is why all of our students
Career path examples: Administrator, art conservator, art
undertake industry internships and are encouraged to venture
gallery manager, art theory research assistant, art therapist, art
abroad to study in the UK, USA, or Italy. You will exhibit work
creative director, curatorships, events coordinator, professional
in the ACU gallery space throughout your studies, culminating
artist, theatre and set designer, film maker and editor, visual
in a final year graduate exhibition that will showcase your work
merchandiser, teacher.
and curating skills at a professional standard.
Further information: For the latest information about this
Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp),
course, please refer to:
comprised of 2D Studies (40cp), 3D/4D object design (30cp),
major project and self-directed studio (20cp), art and design
history and theory (30cp), graphic design minor (40cp), arts
minor or arts electives (40cp), specified units (20cp) and Core
Curriculum units (20cp).
BA elective 1
Semester 2 Art in the early 20th century Painting Design for publication Self and community: exploring
the anatomy of modern society
Semester 1 Print media Postmodern art in the 20th Web design Video/installation
Semester 2 Photography Object design Design for multimedia BA minor 2 or
BA elective 2
Semester 1 Justice and change in a global Professional practice Self-directed studio BA minor 3 or
world BA elective 3
Semester 2 Community internship Contemporary art in a Visual arts and design major BA minor 4 or
globalised world or project BA elective 4
International study tour:
Venice Biennale (intensive
winter term)
Early childhood
Why study this program? Professional experience: During your degree, you will
• Enrol in a leading education degree that’s built on more complete professional experience consisting of up to 80 days
than 100 years of teacher education experience. of structured observational tasks and supervised professional
• Study general education concepts as well as specialist experience.
subjects that are focused on the early learning experience. Professional recognition: Upon completion of this course,
• Graduate with a strong grounding in early childhood you will be eligible to seek accreditation as a four-year-trained
practice and theory and prepare to play a formative role early childhood teacher in early childhood settings.
in shaping young children’s lives.
Requirements for working with children: All students
Course description: As an early childhood educator, you will must apply for and obtain background checks as required
help young children develop critical lifelong skills, engaging by federal and state/territory laws, including the Working
them through art, music, maths, science and literacy. You with Vulnerable People Check, Working with Children Check
will also become adept at managing social, cultural and and National Police Check, before they will be permitted
developmental diversity. to participate in the professional experience program.
International students must bring police check documentation
Course structure: Completion of 320 credit points (cp),
from their own countries.
comprised of education studies (90cp), curriculum foundation
studies (70cp), curriculum and pedagogy (80cp), Core Career path examples: Early childhood educator,
Curriculum units (20cp), electives (30cp), professional kindergarten teacher, policy developer.
experience units (30cp), community engagement unit.
Further information: For the latest information about this
course, please refer to:
Semester 1 Elective Science, inquiry and Children’s literature for Contexts for learning
sustainability literacy and development
Semester 2 Creative arts in the early Exploring mathematics Linguistics for literacy Self and community:
years 1 exploring the anatomy
of modern society
Semester 1 Elective Mathematics learning Literacy education 1 Indigenous cultures and
and teaching 1 peoples or Aboriginal
and Torres Strait
Islander perspectives for
Semester 2 Professional identity as Partnerships: inclusive Elective Curriculum decision-
teacher in early learning and diverse learning making in the early
contexts years: connections and
continuities (3 to 5
years) 15 days
Semester 1 Positive environments Creating inclusive, safe Early childhood Understanding self and Community
for learning and and supportive learning curriculum and society: contemporary engagement
Global studies
Bachelor of Applied Public Health/
Bachelor of Global Studies
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 min per band) Melbourne Duration: 4 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 90 (min 25 writing) Year fee: A$23,400
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: B (65-74%) Total fee: A$93,600
PTE: 61 (50 min per band) Cricos: 079445G
CAE: 176 (min 169 all tests)
Course description: This double degree focuses on the role The Bachelor of Global Studies core content investigates the
of public health entrepreneurship, the importance of national social, political, cultural, legal, environmental and economic
and multi-national communication, and the scientific basis influences and changes shaping our world. As a student of this
of public health through the study of relevant case-based course you will undertake an international study exchange or
issues and practical problems. The Bachelor of Applied Public internship in your third year of study.
Health core content delivers a background in factors that
Further information: For the latest information about this
determine health at the community and population level, and
course, please refer to:
demonstrates how these can be shaped to effect improvements
in health.
Bachelor of Arts/
Bachelor of Global Studies
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.0 (6.0 W&S, 5.5 L&R) Brisbane Duration: 4 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 78 (min 21W, 18S, 12R, 11L) Melbourne Year fee: A$23,400
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: C (60-64%) Strathfield Total fee: A$93,600
PTE: 54 (50 W&S, 42 L&R) Cricos: 074606B
CAE: 169 (min 169 W&S, 162 L&R)
Course description: This double degree provides you with Further information: For the latest information about this
opportunities to engage with the major social, political, course, please refer to:
cultural, environmental and economic issues of our times. You
will learn about different societies and cultures, and consider
the challenges and opportunities associated with significant
global disruption. While deepening your knowledge about the
world, you will also develop vital research skills and the ability
to communicate complex information with sophistication
and purpose. Choose from more than 20 areas of study on
topics such as environmental sustainability, global health,
international development, and world politics and justice.
ACU’s Rome Campus and other overseas study options,
including international internships, will give you access to a
world of possibilities as you turn your major interests into a
rewarding career.
Why study this program? Professional experience: During your degree, you will study
abroad for a semester through ACU’s exchange program at one
• Look beyond a standard business qualification and pursue a
of over 80 partner institutions around the world. Countries
dual degree with a truly international outlook.
include Austria, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Japan,
• Explore concepts of equity and social justice as key to the Mexico, Sweden, the UK and USA. In some cases, you may
ACU business approach. undertake an approved international internship of your choice.
• Study abroad as part of your degree and learn to think about
Please note there are additional costs and administrative fees
business in a global context.
associated with the study abroad and internship program.
Course description: By studying this degree, you will have
Career path examples: Work in the private and public sectors
the opportunity to learn about the social, political, cultural,
and in global or multinational organisations, accounting,
environmental and economic changes shaping the world,
administration, banking, business analysis/development,
combining this knowledge with a semester of study at one
business management, communications, computing, financial
of over 80 partner institutions around the world. As an
management, human resource management, international
alternative to studying abroad, selected students may have
business, international marketing, management consultancy,
the opportunity to do an approved internship that provides
marketing, recruitment and staff development, sales,
international work experience. You will also study business
international business, social enterprise.
administration and gain knowledge in many areas of business
management, including accounting, commercial law, Further information: For the latest information about this
finance, marketing, human resource management, business course, please refer to:
information systems, international business, and management. *Campus availability: Students will undertake global studies units at the
Strathfield Campus and all other units at the North Sydney Campus.
Course structure: Completion of 320 credit points (cp),
comprised of Bachelor of Business Administration core units
(130cp), Peter Faber Business School units (40cp), community
engagement (10cp), global studies units (60cp), global study
abroad/international internship (40cp), Core Curriculum units
(20cp), global studies electives (20cp).
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Global Studies
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.0 (6.0 W&S, 5.5 L&R) Brisbane Duration: 4 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 79 (min 22 writing) Melbourne Year fee: A$25,504
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: C (60-64%) North Total fee: A$102,016
PTE: 54 (50 W&S & 42 L&R) Sydney/ Cricos: 074607A
CAE: 169 (min 169 W&S, 162 R&L) Strathfield*
Course description: This degree is designed to provide you Further information: For the latest information about this
with an informed international perspective that will be valued course, please refer to:
in the global workplace. During the degree, you will have *Campus availability: In Sydney, the course is offered over two campuses.
the opportunity to learn about the social, political, cultural, Students will undertake global studies units at the Strathfield Campus and
environmental and economic changes that are shaping the commerce units at North Sydney Campus.
world, and combine this knowledge with a period of study
at one of over 80 partner institutions around the world. As
an alternative to studying abroad, selected students may
have the opportunity to do an approved internship providing
international work experience. Within the Bachelor of
Commerce, you will gain essential management skills and have
the opportunity to focus on a major area of commerce. You will
also undertake one unit of community engagement during your
degree and may choose to do professional work experience.
Course description: Explore questions of knowledge, identity, Further information: For the latest information about this
and value, and uncover the meaning and significance of faith. course, please refer to:
This double degree provides you with opportunities to engage
with the major social, political, cultural, environmental and
economic issues of our times. You will learn about different
societies and cultures and consider the challenges and
opportunities associated with significant global disruption.
By adding global studies to your theology degree, you will also
expand your world view and gain critical work experience
thanks to a study abroad semester or international internship.
Humanities and
social sciences
Bachelor of Arts
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.0 (6.0 W&S, 5.5 L&R) Brisbane Duration: 3 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 78 (min 21W, 12R, 18S, 11L) Melbourne Year fee: A$23,400
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: C (60-64%) Strathfield Total fee: A$70,200
PTE: 54 (50 W&S & 42 L&R) Cricos: 001300B
CAE: 169 (min 169 W&S, 162 L&R)
Why study this program? Elective areas: Communication, computing, creative writing,
• Choose subjects from 20 different disciplines and create a developmental studies, drama, economics, geography, graphic
degree that reflects your personal interests. design, healthy development, history, literature, mathematics,
• Pursue new knowledge and receive credit towards an ACU media, music, philosophy, politics and international relations,
Bachelor of Arts or pre-service teaching degree. psychology, sociology, study of religions, theological studies,
visual arts, youth work.
• Take the first steps towards a career in government, industry,
journalism, creative arts, and education. Note: Electives are subject to campus availability.
Course description: The Diploma in Liberal Studies will Pathways to further study: Upon successful completion of
provide you with a flexible one-year introduction to tertiary your diploma, you will be eligible for entry to the Bachelor
studies through the completion of 80 credit points of arts of Arts, Bachelor of Creative Arts, Bachelor of International
units. As a diploma student, you can choose your units from Development and Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Global Studies.
a wide range of arts subjects. Career path examples: The course prepares you for a diverse
Course structure: Completion of 80 credit points (cp), range of careers in areas such as government, industry,
comprised of specified units (20cp) and arts electives (60cp). business, creative arts and further study.
Core units: English language communication skills, Self and Further information: For the latest information about this
community: exploring the anatomy of modern society. course, please refer to:
Why study this program? Other pre-requisites: Working with Children Check is
• Make a difference in the lives of young people by building required.
specialist knowledge that responds to their needs. Pathways to further study: The Diploma in Youth Work is a
• Gain skills that have resonance in real-world settings and pathway program into the Bachelor of Youth Work. Students
receive credit towards the Bachelor of Youth Work. who have successfully completed the Diploma in Youth Work
• Pursue entry-level roles in community and government will be able to enter in the second year of the Bachelor of Youth
that will bring you face-to-face with youth work policy, Work.
administration or practice.
Career path examples: On completion of the Diploma
Course description: This one-year introduction to youth in Youth Work, you may seek entry-level employment
work will lead you to a range of entry-level careers in a variety opportunities in a variety of public and community
of public and community organisations. Upon completion of organisations. Roles may include working with young people
your diploma, you will be granted one year of credit into the or assisting with the administration of youth organisations.
Bachelor of Youth Work.
Further information: For the latest information about this
Course structure: Completion of 80 credit points comprised course, please refer to:
of the following:
Core units: Australian Indigenous peoples: past and
present; Psychological practice: theory and techniques; Self
and community: exploring the anatomy of modern society;
Knowing young people; Introduction to the youth sector;
The developing young person; Introduction to sociology or
Contemporary society and change and electives.
Bachelor of Youth Work
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.0 (6.0 W&S, 5.5 L&R) Melbourne Duration: 3 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 78 (min 21W, 18S, 12R, 11L) Year fee: A$23,400
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: C (60-64%) Total fee: A$70,200
PTE: 54 (50 W&S, 42 L&R) Cricos: 084316G
CAE: 169 (min 169 W&S, 162 L&R)
Why study this program? Other pre-requisites: Working with Children Check is
• E
ngage with young people from all walks of life by building required.
the knowledge required to respond to their needs. Professional experience: You will undertake up to 70 days
• G
ain experience with contemporary prevention and of professional experience in a supervised field-based youth
intervention strategies that will shape how you approach work organisation during your degree. This will provide you
your future career. with first-hand experience in dealing with the needs of young
• M
ake a commitment to young people’s health and wellbeing people.
by preparing for face-to-face or policy roles in community
Career path examples: Community education worker,
and government agencies.
local government employee, youth officer, school retention
Course description: Want to make a difference in the lives of and participation officer, youth activities officer, youth and
young people? Youth workers improve young people’s social community worker, youth and family mediation, youth
and personal development, helping them establish a voice development officer, youth engagement worker, youth health
and sense of place in their communities. This course responds educator, youth liaison worker, youth officer, youth outreach
to community need for highly trained and skilled youth worker, youth policy officer, youth support worker, youth
workers to work with young people. It is an inclusive program welfare worker, youth worker.
that will provide you with theoretical insights and practical
Further information: For the latest information about this
competencies. You can study sociology, youth work counselling
course, please refer to:
and electives from a wide range of other subjects.
Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp),
comprised of youth work units (110cp), youth work sociology
minor (40cp), specified youth work electives (40cp), Core
Curriculum units (20cp), practicum units (20cp), electives
Semester 1 Knowing young people Australian Indigenous peoples Psychological practice: theory Sociology elective 1
– past and present and techniques
Semester 2 Introduction to the youth The developing young person Counselling theories and Self and community:
work sector interventions exploring the anatomy of
modern society
Semester 1 Building relationships and Ethical principles and People count: researching Sociology elective 2
supporting young people practice of youth work quantitatively or Youth work
Semester 2 Trauma informed practice Youth work in community and Field placement 1 Meaning of life: researching
family settings qualitatively or Youth work
Semester 1 Working with vulnerable Field placement 2 Social issues and policy or Justice and change in a global
education and
disability studies
In different abilities
lie different possibilities.
As a professional in this field, you will
support those with a disability to reach
their full potential. You’ll become a
champion of advocacy, social justice,
inclusion and empowerment.
Associate Degree in Inclusive Education
and Disability Studies
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 min per band) Strathfield Duration: 2 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 90 (21W, 18S, 20R, 19L) Year fee: A$23,400
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: B (65-74%) Total fee: A$46,800
PTE: 61 (50 min per band) Cricos: 055934K
CAE: 176 (min 169 all tests)
Why study this program? Professional experience: As part of your course, you will
• T
ake your first step towards the Bachelor of Inclusive complete a number of compulsory professional placements
Education and Disability Studies with a pathway program throughout your program. In order to participate in
that will prepare you for success. professional experience, it is your responsibility to ensure
• U
se your electives and professional practice specialisations to that you successfully complete the child protection screening
build a tailored course that reflects the things you care about. required in your state. A Working with Children Check is also
• M
ake a meaningful contribution to the disability sector with
a community service or education career. Requirements for working with children: All students
must apply for and obtain background checks as required
Course description: Are you seeking a career in disability or
by federal and state/territory laws, including the Working
human service management? This course will assist you to
with Vulnerable People Check, Working with Children Check
develop a holistic view of disability and the social structures
and National Police Check, before they will be permitted
that influence learning and development for people with
to participate in the professional experience program.
special needs. Areas of study include social justice and
International students must bring police check documentation
empowerment, advocacy, the influence of disability on
from their own countries.
learning, social dynamics and positive behaviour support. You
can tailor the course to your interests by selecting topics in Pathways to further study: Upon successful completion of the
assessment tasks, fieldwork components and specialisation Associate Degree in Inclusive Education and Disability Studies,
units. you may receive advanced standing in the Bachelor of Inclusive
Education and Disability Studies.
Course structure: Completion of 160 credit points (cp),
comprised of discipline studies (130cp), professional practice Career path examples: Accommodation support, respite
studies (20cp), Core Curriculum units (10cp). support, employment support, transition to work and
community participation programs, advocacy and information
Discipline studies
services, policy development.
Foundation studies: Attitudes and inclusion; Contexts for
learning and development; Disability studies. Further information: For the latest information about this
Learning/teaching: Understanding technology and course, please refer to:
communication systems; Human rights and equity;
Inclusive learning; Instructional delivery; Technology and
communication systems in action.
Social inclusion: Family studies and disability; Belonging and
Professional practice studies: Disability support practice;
Person-centred practice.
Behaviour support: Understanding behaviours and disability.
Disability: Diversity and wellbeing; Ethical considerations for
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp),
• Become a voice for disability issues with a degree that comprised of discipline studies (170cp), professional practice
explores the concept of disability and inclusion in the studies (30cp), elective units (20cp) and Core Curriculum units
community services and school education sectors. (20cp).
• Tailor your subject plan and professional practice Professional experience: During your degree, you will
opportunities to create a degree that reflects your passions. complete up to 100 hours professional experience.
• Prepare for graduate studies in early childhood, primary
Career path examples: Education; social justice;
and secondary teaching, or a career in disability and human
empowerment or advocacy in the disability, community or
human services sectors; student support. Further study will
Course description: Empower people with a disability to take enable you to become a primary school teacher.
their rightful place as full and participating members of society.
Further information: For the latest information about this
You will help change attitudes toward people with a disability,
course, please refer to:
and be a voice for inclusion. This course is also a pathway into
a primary teaching degree (see page 115).
Semester 2 Understanding technology and Diversity and wellbeing Inclusive learning Self and community: exploring
communication systems the anatomy of modern society
Semester 1 Human rights and equity Understanding behaviours and Person-centred practice Elective
disability (100 hours of professional
Semester 2 Belonging and inclusion Family studies and disability Leadership for inclusion 1 Instructional delivery
Semester 1 Technology and Evidence-based practice Ethical considerations for Supporting learning
communication systems (100 hours of professional diversity
in action experience)
Semester 2 Understanding self and Positive behaviour approaches Elective Leadership for inclusion
society: contemporary
Explore technology.
Find humanity.
As a constantly evolving industry, IT offers
an exciting future. Shape the way we work,
socialise, communicate and entertain.
Global Excellence
Take advantage of ACU’s exclusive Global Excellence Scholarship, available
to all international undergraduate and postgraduate students commencing
business and information technology programs in 2020.
The Peter Faber Business School will be awarding scholarships to the value
of AUD$2,500 each semester for the duration of the course.
For further information, visit:
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of 80 credit points (cp),
• Build a solid foundation in information systems and comprised of core units (20cp) and electives (60cp).
take your first step towards the Bachelor of Information Core units: English communication skills; Working with
Technology. technology.
• Develop a broad understanding of key commercial and Electives: Money matters or Introduction to accounting;
business concepts and learn about the role of information Managing markets; Managing people and organisations;
systems in supporting business operations. Information technology infrastructure; Fundamentals of
• Learn about the changing role of technology and your business information systems; Business data analysis.
responsibility to deliver safe, ethical and responsive IT
Pathways to further study: Upon completion of the Diploma
in Business Information Systems, you will be eligible for entry
Course description: As a diploma student, you will start with credit into the Bachelor of Information Technology and
building your knowledge and skills in the field of information Bachelor of Commerce (Informatics major).
systems. You will receive learning and development support
Further information: For the latest information about this
and will be encouraged to undertake relevant non-discipline
course, please refer to:
units to assist with the development of your English language
Bachelor of Information Technology
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.0 (6.0 W&S, 5.5 L&R) North Sydney Duration: 3 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 79 (min 22 in writing) Year fee: A$28,248
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: C (60-64%) Total fee: A$84,744
PTE: 54 (50 W&S & 42 L&R) Cricos: 071241F
CAE: 169 (169 W&S & 162 L&R)
Why study this program? Community engagement: During your degree, you will
• B
uild capabilities in business studies, information and undertake 35-70 hours of voluntary work with a not-for-profit
communication technologies and learn to deliver safe and organisation.
ethical business information systems that support effective Professional recognition: Upon graduation, you will be
decision making. eligible for membership with the Australian Computer Society
• B
ecome an IT people person with exceptional relationship following appropriate work experience.
skills and the ability to work effectively in interdisciplinary
teams. Career path examples: Applications developer, systems
analyst, systems administrator, software architect, database
• T
ake guidance from an experienced IT mentor who can help
administrator, information systems manager, IT support
shape your academic and professional aspirations.
technician, systems project manager, programmer, software
Course description: Studying IT at ACU will prepare you for engineer, technical and network support professional, web
a career in a booming industry. You’ll contribute to the way we specialist and developer, IT support technician, systems project
socialise, work, communicate and entertain ourselves in the manager, programmer, software engineer, technical and
future. network support professional, web specialist and developer.
Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp), Further information: For the latest information about this
comprised of business specified units (60cp), informatics units course, please refer to:
(80cp), data analytics minor (40cp), elective units from any
from any ACU bachelors degree (40cp), and Core Curriculum
units (20cp).
Semester 2 Systems analysis and design Community engagement: Data analytics and decision Elective 2
building strengths and making
Semester 1 Business process modelling Data visualisation Elective 3 Justice and change in a global
and analytics world
Semester 2 Elective 4 Information systems security Information systems strategy Working with diversity and
and management conflict or Professional
Bachelor of Information Technology
Why study this program? Business specified units: Refer to Bachelor of Business
• Combine your business and management expertise with Administration (see page 37).
an understanding of the systems that support effective Informatics specified units: Refer to Bachelor of Information
organisational decision making. Technology (see page 64).
• Build complementary skills across the disciplines of business Professional recognition: Upon graduation, you will be
and IT, including economics, management, marketing, eligible for membership with the Australian Computer Society
information and communication technologies, and business following appropriate work experience.
information systems.
• Become an agile influencer with a commitment to ethical Career path examples: Business systems analyst, database
practice who can be a driving force behind positive administrator, information systems manager, software
organisational change. engineer, technical and network support professional.
Course description: In our global, competitive world, a Further information: For the latest information about this
comprehensive knowledge of business is more useful than ever. course, please refer to:
Combine it with cutting-edge knowledge in IT and you’ve got
all the options you need.
Course structure: Completion of 320 credit points (cp),
comprised of business specified units (120cp), informatics
units (80cp), other Peter Faber Business School bachelors
degree units (50cp), data analytics minor (40cp), community
engagement unit (10cp) and Core Curriculum units (20cp).
Semester 2 International business Fundamentals of business Business data analysis Self and community: exploring
information systems the anatomy of modern society
Semester 1 Information technology Organisational behaviour Economic: policy frameworks Data and information
infrastructure and markets management
Semester 2 Systems analysis and design Business elective 1 Data analytics and decision Community engagement:
making building strengths and
Semester 1 Programming concepts Business elective 2 Business elective 3 Justice and change in a global
Semester 2 Marketing communications: Business elective 4 Managing organisational Strategic management
engaging stakeholders change
Semester 1 Business process modelling Business elective 5 Data visualisation Managing entrepreneurship
and analysis and innovation
Semester 2 Information systems strategy Information systems security Project management Working with diversity and
and management conflict or Professional
Master of Information Technology
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
(i) Equivalent of an Australian bachelors IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 min per band) North Sydney Duration: 2 years
degree in any discipline, or (ii) a graduate IBT: 90 (min 25 in writing) Year fee: A$31,000
certificate in a related discipline. ACU: B (65-74%) Total fee: A$62,000
PTE: 61 (50 min per band) Cricos: 079874G
If you hold the equivalent of an Australian
CAE: 176 (min 169 all tests)
bachelors degree in a related discipline you
will be eligible for up to four units of credit.
Embrace law
to fight injustice.
Our law degrees open doors. With our emphasis
on justice, equity, and the dignity of all human
beings, you’ll get the opportunity to make an
impact through a fulfilling legal career.
Bachelor of Laws
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 7.0 (6.5 min per band) Melbourne Duration: 4 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 100 (25 all bands) North Sydney Year fee: A$30,000
qualifications on pages 128-131). CAE: 185 (min 176 all tests) Total fee: A$120,000
Cricos: 079438F
Why study this program? Professional recognition: The course has been approved for
• S
tudy an internationalised law curriculum that reflects the admission to practise law in New South Wales and Victoria..
global nature of the legal sector and of your future legal Pathways for further study: Students who have completed
career. 120 credit points of law units with a grade point average of 5.75
• U
se your electives to build specialist legal skills in areas that and above may apply to complete an honours degree.
matter to you, such as family, environmental, taxation and
employment law. Career path examples: Private practice as a solicitor or
barrister; legal officer in the public sector; employment in a
• C
ommit to extensive pro-bono placements in legal,
community legal centre; legal policy advisor; in-house counsel
community and social justice agencies and use the law to
for corporations, regulatory authorities, trade unions and
give a voice to those in need.
Course description: Become a lawyer who stands up for
Further information: For the latest information about this
people in need and causes that matter. Our focus is on making
course, please refer to:
a strong and positive contribution to our communities, and you
will put it all into practice with pro-bono work.
Course structure: Completion of 320 credit points (cp),
comprised of law compulsory units (200cp), law elective units
(80cp), general elective units (20cp), and Core Curriculum
units (20cp).
Professional experience: You will complete up to 70 hours of
pro-bono experience during the course.
Semester 2 Introduction to Australian public Commercial law Self and community: exploring General elective 2
law the anatomy of modern society
Semester 1 Torts Property Statutory interpretation Law elective 1
Semester 2 Business organisations Land law Civil procedure and alternative Law elective 2
dispute resolution
Semester 1 Evidence Legal ethics and professional Community legal engagement Law elective 3
Semester 2 Constitutional law Equity and trusts Justice and change in a Jurisprudence
global world
Pro-bono placement: 70 hours
Why study this program? Professional experience: You will complete up to 70 hours of
• Add an internationalised legal qualification to your existing pro-bono experience during the course.
undergraduate degree and prepare for a legal career that can Professional recognition: The course has been approved for
take you all over the world. admission to practise law in New South Wales and Victoria..
• Undertake pro-bono work experience placements and
engage with real-world organisations that use the law to Pathways for further study: Students who have completed
promote principles of social justice. 120 credit points of law units with a grade point average of 5.75
and above may apply to complete an honours degree.
• Gain the skills you need for work in private practice, for
legal roles in the public and private sectors, or for career Career path examples: Private practice as a solicitor or
opportunities in your field of undergraduate study where barrister; legal officer in the public sector; employment in a
your legal qualifications will be valued. community legal centre; legal policy advisor; in-house counsel
for corporations, regulatory authorities, trade unions and
Course description: If you already have an undergraduate
degree and you want to become a lawyer, this program is for
you. Our focus is on making a strong and positive contribution Further information: For the latest information about this
to our communities, and you will put it all into practice with course, please refer to:
pro-bono work.
Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp),
comprised of law compulsory units (200cp), law elective units
(30cp), and a general elective unit (10cp).
Course description: Become a lawyer who stands up for *Campus availability: In Sydney, the course is offered over two campuses.
Students will undertake law units at North Sydney Campus and all other units
people in need and causes that matter. By combining law at Strathfield Campus.
with an arts degree, you can explore other areas of interest
and perfect your research skills.
Further information: For the latest information about this
course, please refer to:
Course description: By combining law and biomedical Further information: For the latest information about this
science, you will be uniquely positioned to apply legal course, please refer to:
knowledge to health-related issues. Take a legal career path or
explore the pharmaceutical and medical technology industries.
Bachelor of Business Administration/Bachelor of Laws
Academic requirements English requirements Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 7.0 (6.5 min per band) Melbourne Duration: 5 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 100 (25 all bands) North Sydney Year fee: A$30,000
qualifications on pages 128-131). CAE: 185 (min 176 all tests) Total fee: A$150,000
Cricos: 079430C
Course description: In our global, competitive world, a Further information: For the latest information about this
comprehensive knowledge of business is more useful than ever. course, please refer to:
Combine it with our law degree and you’ve got all the options
you need.
Course description: Our commerce degree can be tailored Further information: For the latest information about this
to your career aspirations. With a range of subjects on offer, course, please refer to:
from accounting to marketing and finance, it will open up
career opportunities in every area of business. Our law degree
is focused on making a strong and positive contribution to our
communities. Together, they provide a world of opportunities.
Course description: Become a lawyer who stands up for Further information: For the latest information about this
people in need and causes that matter. This double degree course, please refer to:
provides you with opportunities to engage with the major *Campus availability: In Sydney, the course is offered over two campuses.
social, political, cultural, environmental and economic issues of Students will undertake law units at North Sydney Campus and all other units
our times. You will learn about different societies and cultures, at Strathfield Campus.
and consider the challenges and opportunities associated with
significant global disruption. By adding global studies, you will
broaden your world view and gain critical work experience
thanks to a study abroad semester or international internship.
Course description: Law and psychology intersect at every Graduate Diploma in Psychology will be eligible for provisional
turn and are united by their interest in human behaviour. registration as a psychologist with the PsyBA. Please note that
Combining law with a psychology degree will give you a unique after completion of an APAC-accredited undergraduate degree,
skill set and open up a world of professional opportunities. a further minimum of three years of education and training
in psychology are required to register as a psychologist in
Professional recognition: This program is currently
accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council
(APAC) and the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA). Further information: For the latest information about this
This course is undergoing a scheduled re-assessment of course, please refer to:
its accreditation status in 2019 for 2020 onwards. Upon *Campus availability: In Sydney, the course is offered over two campuses.
completion of an APAC-accredited undergraduate degree, Students will undertake law units at North Sydney Campus and all other units
students who go on to complete either the honours or at Strathfield Campus.
Course description: Theology is fuel for an inquisitive mind Further information: For the latest information about this
and lawyers are inquisitive by nature. By combining law with a course, please refer to:
theology degree, you will be equipped to stand up for people in *Campus availability: In Sydney, the course is offered over two campuses.
need and causes that matter. Students will undertake law units at North Sydney Campus and all other units
at Strathfield Campus.
Bachelor of Nursing
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 7.0 (6.5 min per band) Ballarat Duration: 3 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 100 (25 all bands) Brisbane Year fee: A$29,080
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: A (75-100%) Canberra Total fee: A$87,240
Note: This course is subject to a strict enrolment quota. PTE: 68 (58 min per band) Melbourne Cricos: 001293G
CAE: 185 (176 all tests) North Sydney
Why study this program? Clinical placements: During your degree, you will undertake
• Join the ultimate caring profession with a degree from at least 800 hours of clinical practice experience in a wide
Australia’s leading provider of graduate nurses. range of health care facilities. Please note that there are certain
• Combine face-to-face teaching with online study and requirements for students to be able to undertake clinical
extensive practical placements and see your theoretical placements.
learning transform into hands-on nursing care. Pathways to further study: The Bachelor of Nursing
• Prepare for a highly flexible career as a nursing leader – work (Honours) is an additional year of study (fourth year) on top of
full-time or part-time, in Australia or overseas, within a huge the three-year Bachelor of Nursing. It is designed to give you
range of specialist nursing disciplines. relevant research training enabling you to make a contribution
to scholarship and evidence-based nursing practice.
Course description: Our graduate nurses are in demand for
their skills, quick thinking and compassion. As the largest To be eligible to apply for admission to the honours degree,
provider of graduate nurses in Australia, we’re connected you must have completed a Bachelor of Nursing and attained a
to an extensive range of hospitals and health care partners, GPA of 5.75 on the ACU seven-point scale in that degree.
giving you the best opportunities for industry placements and As a graduate of the honours degree, you may be eligible
future employment. If you’re after an overseas experience, we to progress to a variety of postgraduate research degrees in
also work with care facilities in a number of developed and nursing or a Doctor of Philosophy.
developing countries.
Career path examples: Medical or surgical nursing, aged
Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp), care, community-based care, mental health nursing, paediatric
comprised of inter-disciplinary learning units (60cp), nursing nursing. With further study you can become a clinical nurse
theory units (100cp), clinical nursing practice units (60cp), and specialist in a range of specialties including critical care, mental
Core Curriculum units (20cp). health, paediatrics, emergency and operating suite.
Professional recognition: This course is accredited by the Further information: For the latest information about this
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council. course, please refer to:
Upon graduation, you may be eligible for registration with the
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
Please refer to the Registration Standards for Nursing and
Midwifery on the AHPRA website:
assessment in health
Semester 2 Human biological science 1 Self and community: exploring The person, health and Integrating practice 2
the anatomy of modern society wellbeing
Semester 1 Human biological science 2 Principles of nursing: mental Principles of nursing: surgical Integrating practice 3
Semester 2 Principles of nursing: medical Principles of nursing: contexts Health care ethics Integrating practice 4
of ageing
Semester 1 Justice and change in a global Building healthy communities Principles of nursing: chronic Integrating practice 5
Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurses)
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February
A Diploma in Nursing (Enrolled Nursing) IELTS: 7.0 (6.5 min per band) Ballarat Duration: 2 years
that leads to eligibility for registration as an IBT: 100 (25 min per band) Brisbane Year fee: A$29,080
enrolled nurse with the Australian Health ACU: A (75-100%) Canberra Total fee: A$58,160
Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). PTE: 68 (58 min per band) Melbourne Cricos: 086187F
Note: This course is subject to a strict enrolment quota. CAE: 185 (176 min per band) North Sydney
Why study this program? Professional experience: You will undertake at least 680
• J oin the ultimate caring profession with a degree from hours of clinical placements in hospitals and community
Australia’s leading provider of graduate nurses. facilities.
• E ngage with extensive practical experience that brings you Professional recognition: This course is accredited by
face-to-face with real patients thanks to ACU’s partnership ANMAC.
with a range of health care providers.
Upon graduation, you may be eligible for registration with the
• E mbark on a career path that offers in-built flexibility – work
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
full-time or part-time, in Australia or overseas, within a huge
Please refer to the Registration Standards for Nursing and
range of specialist nursing disciplines.
Midwifery on the AHPRA website:
Course description: If you are a diploma-qualified nurse with
Pathways to further study: An honours year is available to
an Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council
meritorious students who meet the admission requirements
(ANMAC)-approved Diploma in Nursing, and would like to
for the Bachelor of Nursing (Honours).
boost your qualifications with a bachelors degree, this program
is for you. Our graduate nurses are in demand for their skills, The Faculty of Health Sciences offers a suite of postgraduate
quick thinking, and compassion. As the largest provider of coursework degrees and research degrees in nursing.
graduate nurses in Australia, we’re connected to an extensive Specialities include leadership and management in health care
range of hospitals and health care partners giving you the best and the health administration.
opportunities for industry placements and future employment. Career path examples: Aged care nursing, community-based
Course structure: Completion of 160 credit points (cp), care, disability nursing, mental health nursing, paediatric
comprised of inter-professional learning units (30cp), nursing nursing.
theory units (80cp), clinical nursing practice units (40cp) and Further information: For the latest information about this
Core Curriculum units (10cp). course, please refer to:
Semester 2 Principles of nursing: medical Justice and change in a global Promoting health in extended Health care ethics
world care
Semester 1 Principles of nursing: mental Building healthy communities Integrating practice 4 Integrating practice 5
Semester 2 Principle of nursing: a palliative Clinical leadership Integrating practice 6 Transition to professional
approach nursing
Top 50
(#41 ARWU 2018)
Bachelor of Nursing/
Bachelor of Business Administration
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 7.0 (6.5 min per band) Brisbane Duration: 4.5 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 100 (25 all bands) Melbourne Year fee: A$29,080
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: A (75-100%) North Sydney Total fee: A$130,860
Note: This course is subject to an enrolment quota. PTE: 68 (58 min per band) Cricos: 074588K
CAE: 185 (min 176 all tests)
Course description: Our nurses are skilled, quick thinking Further information: For the latest information about this
and compassionate. Our business administrators know how to course, please refer to:
manage people as well as numbers. Combine the two and you
will be well equipped to meet evolving business management
expectations in the health industry.
Nutrition and
Why study this program? Professional experience: You will complete 185 hours of
• C hange lives through science with a degree that’s focused on professional experience comprised of 80 hours of community
the study of disease, its causes and treatment. engagement in an organisation supporting disadvantaged
• Develop a sound theoretical base in biology, gain extensive individuals or families experiencing socially-determined health
lab experience and experience life as a scientist through our issues, plus 105 hours of industry immersion.
workplace learning opportunities. Pathways to further study: The honours degree is an
• Emerge as an ethical, conscientious practitioner and get additional year of study (fourth year) on top of the three-
ready to use your expertise to advance the common good. year Bachelor of Biomedical Science. To be eligible to apply
for admission to the honours degree, you must complete a
Course description: If you’re interested in science and its
Bachelor of Biomedical Science with a GPA of 5.75 on the
practical application, health care and how the human body
ACU seven-point scale in that degree. As a graduate of the
works, then biomedical science could be for you. You will
honours degree, you may be eligible to progress to a variety
learn methods for diagnosing, analysing and treating disease
of postgraduate research degrees in science or a Doctor of
and gain practical laboratory experience in areas such as
anatomy and physiology, biochemistry, genetics, immunology,
microbiology, and molecular and cellular biology. Career path examples: Medical laboratory scientist, research
assistant, consultant, scientific officer, scientific journalist,
Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp),
technical officer, laboratory assistant.
comprised of specified units (160cp), community engagement
(10cp), Core Curriculum units (20cp), and electives (60cp). Further information: For the latest information about this
course, please refer to:
design of life
Semester 2 Self and community: exploring Introductory biostatistics Human body in health and Foundations of chemistry
the anatomy of modern society disease 1
Semester 1 Issues in bioethics or Health Human body in health and Human genetics Organic chemistry and
Semester 2 Community engagement Exploring problems in human Elective Elective
Bachelor of Biomedical Science/
Bachelor of Applied Public Health
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 min per band) Melbourne Duration: 4 years
Certificate, including studies in mathematics IBT: 90 (min 25 writing) Year fee: A$23,624
and English (see table of recognised high ACU: B (65-74%) Total fee: A$94,496
school qualifications on pages 128-131). PTE: 61 (50 min per band) Cricos: 088051F
CAE: 176 (min 169 all tests)
Course description: In our biomedical science degree, you Further information: For the latest information about this
will study life processes to understand how the human body course, please refer to:
works and learn how to diagnose, analyse and treat disease. In
our applied public health degree, you will look at applying that
knowledge to improve systems and services. Combine the two
and you will be helping to prevent disease, prolong life, and
promote health and wellbeing in individuals and populations
around the world.
Course description: As a biomedical scientist, you will Further information: For the latest information about this
understand life processes and how the human body works and course, please refer to:
learn how to diagnose, analyse and treat disease. Combine this
expertise with a comprehensive knowledge of business and
skills in managing people and you’ve got all the career options
you need.
Why study this program? Professional recognition: Upon graduation, you will be
• B ecome an exceptional science communicator who can help eligible to apply for registration as a nutritionist with the
individuals and communities make better food choices. Nutrition Society of Australia.
• Study general health care principles and chronic disease Pathways to further study: As a graduate, you may apply for
management, and get acquainted with niche areas of health admission to postgraduate studies in nutrition and dietetics,
care need in which good nutrition can make a lasting postgraduate studies in high performance sport, one-year
difference. honours courses, in preparation for higher degree research,
• Graduate ready to work in a wide range of nutrition-related and further study in other allied health professions.
roles or pursue postgraduate studies in dietetics.
Career path examples: Nutrition scientist, nutrition advisor,
Course description: As a nutritionist you will give advice nutrition research in government or non-government agencies,
on food choices for healthy eating. You will understand the public health nutrition, food science; sports nutrition.
nutritive value of foods, the nutrients that bodies need at
Further information: For the latest information about this
different stages of development and the role that nutrients
course, please refer to:
and diet play in health promotion and disease prevention. The
focus on general health care, chronic disease management and
Indigenous health will prepare you for work in the emerging
areas of need in the industry.
Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp),
comprised of specified units (200cp), Core Curriculum units
(20cp), and elective units (20cp).
Semester 2 Physical and organic chemistry Human body in health and Food science Self and community: exploring
disease 1 the anatomy of modern society
Semester 1 Biochemistry Human body in health and Lifespan nutrition Indigenous health and culture
disease 2
Semester 2 Advanced metabolic Nutritional physiology Foundations of health Epidemiology
biochemistry Promotion
Semester 1 Diet, health and disease Food safety: compliance and Elective Public health research
management methods
Semester 2 Community and public health Food product design and Elective Justice and change in a global
nutrition development world
Course description: In our nutrition science degree, you will Further information: For the latest information about this
learn about the nutritive value of foods, the nutrients that course, please refer to:
bodies need at different stages of development, and the role
that nutrients and diet play in health promotion and disease
prevention. Our business administration course will give you a
comprehensive knowledge of business. Together, they provide a
world of opportunities.
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of 320 credit points (cp),
• Ask the big questions and seek the big answers with a degree comprised of theology specified units (160cp), which include
that delivers both contemporary and historical perspectives two university Core Curriculum units and two integrated
on faith, religion and philosophy. theological studies units; philosophy units (80cp), and electives
• Build a range of practical skills that will help you apply your (80cp).
learning in the real world – analyse, reflect, engage, write Electives can be selected from theology, philosophy or liberal
and research. arts.
• Develop the knowledge and highly transferable skill set that Career path examples: Theology/philosophy lecturer,
will help you to stand out in your career. researcher or academic; teacher or curriculum designer
Course description: Combining the study of theology and (with further study); journalist or writer; chaplain; minister
philosophy isn’t just intellectually rewarding, it’s also culturally of religion; youth minister; counsellor, social worker or
enriching, socially valuable and will give you skills prized by psychologist (with further study); pastoral associate or lay
employers. You will explore the foundations of the modern minister; community worker/advocate; ethics consultant to
world and the nature of thought, existence and belief systems. businesses; bioethics or health care ethics consultant; public
This will enhance your ability to engage with and respond to policy advisor; diplomatic or consular officer.
the challenges faced by today’s societies, governments and Further information: For the latest information about this
organisations. If you’re interested in an overseas experience, course, please refer to:
you can study at our Rome Campus, at one of our partner
universities around the world, or on a study tour to Israel.
Why study this program? Pathways to further study (honours degree): High-achieving
• Study the science of the human mind and behaviour and graduates from this program may be eligible to apply for
take your first steps towards professional psychology fourth-year studies in psychology (honours degree in
accreditation. psychological science). ACU also offers accredited postgraduate
• Make meaningful contributions to improving the outcomes psychology programs in the area of clinical psychology and
of clients, customers, colleagues and collaborators in a in educational and developmental psychology, which provide
diverse range of settings. pathways to professional registration (see page 86).
• Pursue a career in psychology (with further study), or take Career path examples: Welfare support officer, deployment
on people-centric roles in counselling, child development, consultant, child care worker, career counsellor, research
community work and human services. assistant, case worker, juvenile justice officer, drug and alcohol
counsellor, advertising agent.
Course description: Explore how the mind works and
why people behave the way they do. Our program looks at Further information: For the latest information about this
human behaviour and includes a focus on Indigenous and course, please refer to:
multicultural issues to reflect Australian society today.
Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp),
comprised of psychology specified units (140cp), philosophy
specified unit (10cp), minor units (40cp), psychology
community engagement unit (10cp), elective units (20cp,
including at least one psychology elective) and Core
Curriculum units (20cp).
Professional recognition: This program is currently
accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council
(APAC) and approved by the Psychology Board of Australia
(PsyBA). Students who complete either the honours degree or
Graduate Diploma in Psychology will be eligible for provisional
registration as a psychologist with the PsyBA. A minimum
six-year sequence of education and training in psychology is
required to register as a psychologist in Australia.
This course is undergoing a scheduled re-assessment of its
accreditation status in 2019 for 2020 onwards.
and techniques
Semester 2 Applications of psychology Research design and Self and community: Exploring Minor 2
statistics 1 the anatomy of modern society
Semester 1 Lifespan development Research design and Individual differences Minor 3
statistics 2
Semester 2 Learning and behaviour Abnormal psychology General elective or Minor 4
Psychology elective*
Semester 1 Brain and behaviour Research design and Psychological services Social psychology
statistics 3 experience
Semester 2 Cognitive psychology Justice and change in a global Psychological assessment General elective or Psychology
world elective*
* Students must take at least one psychology elective.
Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Arts
Academic requirements English requirements Campus: Entry: February
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 7.0 (7.0 min per band) Melbourne Duration: 4 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 100 (25 all bands) Strathfield Year fee: A$23,624
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: A (75-100%) Total fee: A$94,496
PTE: 68 (65 min per band) Cricos: 098379K
CAE: 185 (min 185 all tests)
Course description: Our psychological science courses Upon completion of an APAC-accredited undergraduate
explores how the mind works and why people behave the degree, students who go on to complete either the honours
way they do. Our arts degree is about learning to gather and degree or Graduate Diploma in Psychology will be eligible
evaluate evidence, think critically, and apply ethical principles for provisional registration as a psychologist with the PsyBA.
in decision making. Combine the two degrees and you will be Please note that after completion of an APAC-accredited
well equipped to help people address issues and challenges in undergraduate degree, a further minimum of three years of
their lives. education and training in psychology is required to register as a
psychologist in Australia.
Professional recognition: This program is currently
accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council Further information: For the latest information about this
(APAC) and the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA). course, please refer to:
This course is undergoing a scheduled re-assessment of its
accreditation status in 2019 for 2020 onwards.
Course description: Our psychological science course explores Upon completion of an APAC-accredited undergraduate
how the mind works and why people behave the way they do. degree, students who go on to complete either the honours
Our commerce degree can be tailored to your interests, from degree or Graduate Diploma in Psychology will be eligible
human resource management to marketing. Together, they for provisional registration as a psychologist with the PsyBA.
provide a world of opportunities. Please note that after completion of an APAC-accredited
undergraduate degree, a further minimum of three years of
Professional recognition: This program is currently
education and training in psychology is required to register as a
accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council
psychologist in Australia.
(APAC) and the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA).
This course is undergoing a scheduled re-assessment of its Further information: For the latest information about this
accreditation status in 2019 for 2020 onwards. course, please refer to:
Course description: Our psychological scientists explore Upon completion of an APAC-accredited undergraduate
how the mind works and why people behave the way they degree, students who go on to complete either the honours
do. Exercise scientists improve the health, performance and degree or Graduate Diploma in Psychology will be eligible
participation of individuals, teams and athletes through for provisional registration as a psychologist with the PsyBA.
exercise programming and delivery, athlete training, and Please note that after completion of an APAC-accredited
health advice. When you combine skills in both disciplines, undergraduate degree, a further minimum of three years of
you will be ready to help clients reach peak performance. education and training in psychology is required to register as a
psychologist in Australia.
Professional recognition: This program is currently
accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Further information: For the latest information about this
Council (APAC), the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA), course, please refer to:
and has qualifying accreditation status with Exercise and
Sports Science Australia (ESSA). This course is undergoing a
scheduled re-assessment of its psychology accreditation status
in 2019 for 2020 onwards.
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February
Completion of a bachelors degree with a IELTS: 7.0 (7.0 min per band) Melbourne Duration: 1 year
GPA of at least 5.75 on the ACU seven-point IBT: 100 (25 all bands) Strathfield Year fee: A$23,624
scale within the past five years that meets the ACU: A (75-100%) Total fee: A$23,624
following requirements: a three-year sequence PTE: 68 (65 min per band) Cricos: 083215J
in psychology with accreditation from the CAE: 185 (min 185 all tests)
Australian Psychology Accreditation Council,
and distinction level or above in a total of
at least four of the second and third-year
psychology units.
Note: Entry is on a competitive basis. Applications must be
submitted by 30 September the year prior to admission. All
applicants are ranked in October before selected applicants
are advised of an offer between December and February.
Why study this program? Professional recognition: This course is currently accredited
• Make a meaningful impact on the community around you by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC)
through your contribution to psychological and mental and approved by the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA) as
health services. a suitable program of study for the purpose of registration as
• Enhance your knowledge of both science and practice with a a psychologist. Please note that a minimum six-year sequence
course that’s built on the science practitioner model. of education and training in psychology is required for an
individual to become eligible for general registration as a
• Prepare for psychological practice or a psychology research
psychologist in Australia.
career that will deliver positive change to individuals and
communities. This course is undergoing a scheduled re-assessment of its
accreditation status in 2019 for 2020 onwards.
Course description: This course has been designed to provide
graduates with an approved, accredited fourth year of training Pathways to further study: Students who complete a
in psychology. Graduate Diploma in Psychology are eligible to apply for entry
to postgraduate courses in psychology, such as the Master of
Course structure: Completion of 80 credit points (cp), Professional Psychology and Master of Psychology.
comprised of specified units (30cp), research units (40cp) and
elective unit (10cp). Further information: For the latest information about this
course, please refer to:
Master of Professional Psychology
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February
(i) Four years of an accredited undergraduate IELTS: 7.0 (7.0 min per band) Melbourne Duration: 1 year
psychology sequence, comprising either an IBT: 100 (25 all bands) Year fee: $27,096
honours degree in psychology, or a three-year PTE: 68 (65 min per band) Total fee: $27,096
degree including an accredited sequence in Cricos: 085312C
psychology plus an accredited fourth year
in psychology with a minimum of honours
IIB; and (ii) assessment of psychology
qualifications by the Australian Psychological
Society; and (iii) referee reports (one
professional/personal and one academic); and
(iv) an interview for shortlisted candidates.
Applicants must be eligible for provisional
registration as a psychologist with the
Psychology Board of Australia.
Note: Entry is on a competitive basis. Applications must
be submitted by 30 September the year prior to admission.
All applicants are ranked in October the year prior to
admission before selected applicants are advised of an offer
between December and February.
Why study this program? Professional experience: This course is currently accredited
• Make a meaningful impact on the community around by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC)
you through evidence-based and culturally appropriate and approved by the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA) as
psychological assessment and intervention. a suitable program of study for the purpose of registration as a
• Enhance your knowledge of both science and practice with a psychologist.
course that’s built on the science practitioner model. This course is undergoing a scheduled re-assessment of its
• Develop your skills in a supportive environment that features accreditation status in 2019 for 2020 onwards.
simulated learning experiences and external placements. Please note that a minimum six-year sequence of education
and training in psychology is required for an individual to
Course description: This fifth- and sixth-year program
become eligible for general registration as a psychologist in
in clinical psychology is open to successful graduates of an
accredited program in psychology. As a student of this course,
you will develop ethical values, advanced knowledge and Career path examples: Graduates will be qualified to assess,
professional skills in psychology using the scientist-practitioner diagnose and treat people in clinical settings with moderate to
model. When you graduate, you will be ready to work as a severe mental illness in a variety of settings and will be eligible
practitioner psychologist or skilled researcher in a range for the registrar program in clinical psychology.
of institutions and agencies that provide psychological and
Further information: For the latest information about this
mental health services.
course, please refer to:
Course structure: Completion of 160 credit points (cp),
comprised of specified units (50cp), practicum units (40cp),
thesis units (30cp), and specialisation units (40cp).
Specified units: Professional practice in psychology;
Practicum skills; Evidence-based practice for psychologists;
Psychological assessment; Therapeutic skills.
Specialisation units: Adult clinical psychology; Child
clinical psychology; Clinical health psychology and
psychopharmacology; Advanced psychotherapeutic
Master of Psychology (Educational and Developmental)
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February
(i) A four-year sequence in psychology with IELTS: 7.0 (7.0 min per band) Melbourne Duration: 2 years
accreditation from the Australian Psychology IBT: 100 (25 all bands) Year fee: A$27,096
Accreditation Council, comprising an honours PTE: 68 (65 min per band) Total fee: A$54,192
degree in psychology; or (ii) a three-year Note: Applicants who have Australian Cricos: 084339M
degree, including an accredited sequence in qualifications but have not done their secondary
psychology plus an accredited fourth year in school education in English need to refer to the
Psychology Board of Australia’s English Skills
psychology or equivalent. All non-Australian Registration Standard.
qualifications must be accompanied by a letter
of assessment by the Australian Psychological
Society indicating that the qualification is
equivalent to a four-year Australian degree.
A minimum of Second Class Honours Upper
(H2A) is required. Your application must
include referee reports (one professional/
personal and one academic). Shortlisted
applicants must attend an interview.
Applicants must be eligible for provisional
registration as a psychologist with the
Psychology Board of Australia.
Note: Entry is on a competitive basis. Applications must be
submitted by 30 September the year prior to admission. All
applicants are ranked in October before selected applicants
are advised of an offer between December and February.
Why study this program? Professional recognition: This course is currently accredited
by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC)
• D
evelop practical skills in assessment and intervention
and approved by the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA) as
across the lifespan including a clear focus on early
a suitable program of study for the purpose of registration as
intervention for mental health difficulties.
a psychologist. Please note that a minimum six-year sequence
• G
ain exposure to real world situations in the Autism of education and training in psychology is required for an
Spectrum Disorder Clinic and build skills in autism individual to become eligible for general registration as a
assessment and interventions. psychologist in Australia.
• E
njoy individual mentorship thanks to our small student
This course is undergoing a scheduled re-assessment of its
accreditation status in 2019 for 2020 onwards.
Course description: This fifth and sixth-year program in
Career path examples: Work with people across the life span
psychology is open to successful graduates of an accredited
in a range of settings related to education and development,
program in psychology. As a student of this course, you will
including roles such as school psychologist, psychologist in
acquire the knowledge and skills you need for professional
aged care or child psychologist. Upon graduation, you will
practice and research in educational and developmental
also be eligible for the registrar program in educational and
psychology. The program will provide you with ethical values,
developmental psychology.
advanced knowledge and professional skills in psychology
using the scientist-practitioner model. In addition to studying Further information: For the latest information about this
core subjects such as psychological assessment and therapeutic course, please refer to:
skills, you will gain practical experience in delivering a range
of psychological services, and build specialist skills through
subjects such as Learning difficulties: assessment and
Course structure: Completion of 160 credit points (cp),
comprised of specified units (60cp), practicum units (40cp),
thesis units (30cp), and specialisation units (30cp).
Specified units: Professional practice in psychology;
Practicum skills; Evidence-based practice for psychologists;
Psychological assessment; Therapeutic skills.
Specialisation units: Applied developmental psychology;
Applied educational psychology; Learning difficulties:
assessment and intervention.
Public health and
Bachelor of Applied Public Health
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 min per band) Melbourne Duration: 3 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 90 (min 25 writing) Year fee: A$23,624
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: B (65-74%) Total fee: A$70,872
PTE: 61 (50 min per band) Cricos: 079451J
CAE: 176 (min 169 all tests)
Why study this program? Professional experience: You will undertake up to 300
• L earn how to apply a rigorous evidence-based approach to hours of valuable professional placements, concentrated in
understand disease determinants. the third year of the course. Some placements will be available
• Gain the skills to take an evidence-based approach to a during summer recess, and opportunities exist for interstate or
variety of public health challenges. international experience.
• Make a difference in the wider health care system by Pathways to further study: To be eligible for admission to the
improving your understanding of health care policy, honours degree, you must complete a relevant bachelors degree
legislation and advocacy. and attain a GPA of 5.75 on the ACU seven-point scale in that
Course description: As a public health specialist you will
play a vital role in preventing disease, prolonging life, and Career path examples: Public health officer, community
promoting health and wellbeing in individuals and populations development worker, epidemiologist, policy analyst, program
around the world. For your practical experience, you will evaluator, health educator, project officer, consumer advocate.
be encouraged to explore a field that interests you from With further studies, you can pursue fields such as nursing,
humanitarian organisations to international projects. rehabilitation or social work.
Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp), Further information: For the latest information about this
comprised of core public health units (140cp), inter- course, please refer to:
professional units (50cp), health promotion units (20cp),
Core Curriculum units (20cp), and Elective units (10cp).
Semester 2 Research design and Epidemiology Foundations of health Self and community: exploring
statistics 1 promotion the anatomy of modern society
Semester 1 Globalisation, environment Human biological science 2 Public health research Research design and
and health methods statistics 2
Semester 2 Public health emergency Elective Public health economics Public health community
response engagement
Semester 1 Public health policy and law Public health advocacy Justice and change in a Applied public health 1
global world
Semester 2 Applied public health Contemporary issues in Programs and practices in Applied public health 2
communication public health health promotion
Course description: As a public health specialist, you will Further information: For the latest information about this
play a vital role in preventing disease, prolonging life, and course, please refer to:
promoting health and wellbeing in individuals and populations
around the world. Our business administration degree will give
you the skills to manage people as well as numbers. Combine
the two and you’ll have all the options you need.
Master of Leadership and Management in Health Care
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
(i) The equivalent of an Australian bachelors IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 min per band) North Sydney Duration: 2 years
degree in a health or human services related IBT: 90 (min 25 in writing) Year fee: A$23,848
discipline; or (ii) the equivalent of an ACU: B (65-74%) Total fee: A$47,696
Australian graduate certificate or graduate PTE: 61 (50 in all bands) Cricos: 097207E
diploma in health administration; or (iii) the CAE: 176 (min 169 all tests)
equivalent of an Australian bachelors degree
in any discipline and relevant work experience
in a health or human services role.
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of 160 credit points (cp),
• A
cquire the knowledge and skills to be able to take the lead comprised of specified units (140cp) and elective units (20cp).
in strategic development and quality improvement within Pathways to further study: This course will provide a solid
local, national and global health care contexts. foundation for graduates who wish to pursue further study in
• E
ngage with industry through ACU’s strong ties with the health industry.
hospitals and other health partners.
Career path examples: As a graduate of the course, you will
• D
evelop decision-based skills based on theory, evidence and
be well equipped to lead and manage a range of health care
ethical principles and make a positive contribution to the
services from local, national and global perspectives. Potential
social good.
roles include health services manager, nurse unit manager,
Course description: This course is designed to prepare you chief executive officer in a health facility, leader or manager in
to be an ethical and effective health care leader and manager a humanitarian or social welfare organisation, or manager of a
who can lead health service delivery into the future. It has a public or private health-related facility.
strong focus on strategic organisational management, leading
Further information: For the latest information about this
change in health service delivery, clinical redesign and in being
course, please refer to:
a facilitative leader who is able to engage staff in developing
innovative quality improvements.
This course will appeal to students who want to develop strong
leadership and effective management skills that they can apply
across a range of health care environments.
The course is offered at masters level only. The Graduate
Certificate in Health Administration or the Graduate Diploma
in Health Administration are exit options for this degree.
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of 80 credit points comprised
• Choose a career that’s about helping people overcome the of specified public health units.
physical, cognitive and psychosocial challenges that prevent Pathways to further study: Upon completion of this course,
them from engaging fully with life. you may articulate into the Master of Public Health program or
• Shape the lives of individuals, groups and communities in progress to a research degree.
early childhood, aged care, acute care, injury management,
rehabilitation and mental health. Career path examples: Approximately half of all postgraduate
public health graduates are employed in the health sector, with
• Embark on a highly flexible employment path that will adapt
others finding opportunities in education, government and
to your changing interests over the course of your working
services sectors.
Further information: For the latest information about this
Course description: This course will equip you with the
course, please refer to:
advanced knowledge, understanding and skills in public health
required to improve population health and wellbeing.
On successful completion of the course, you should be able to
demonstrate advanced knowledge across major subject areas
within public health, analyse and utilise best available evidence
to support public health action, and demonstrate skills
needed to critique and implement a range of public health
Master of Public Health
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian bachelors degree IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 min per band) Melbourne Duration: 2 years
in health or related discipline, and either: IBT: 90 (min 25 writing) Year fee: A$23,400
(i) a grade point average of 5.5 (on the ACU ACU: B (65-74%) Total fee: A$46,800
seven-point scale) in the health degree PTE: 61 (50 min per band) Cricos: 089309K
in point 1, and a letter demonstrating CAE: 176 (min 169 all tests)
commitment to public health to the
satisfaction of the course coordinator; or (ii)
have successfully completion of a Graduate
Diploma in Public Health; or (iii) a minimum
of two years, professional experience in health
(or related field), including honours or other
postgraduate study in health; or (iv) suitable
practical experience in public health, global
health or humanitarian assistance to the
satisfaction of the course coordinator.
health research
Semester 2 Health promotion Epidemiology Disease prevention and Public health law and policy
Research pathway
Semester 1 Elective 1 Compulsory research methods Public health research thesis A
Semester 2 Health care ethics: principles Elective 3 Public health research thesis B
and practice
Project pathway
Semester 1 Elective 1 Elective 2 Elective 3 Elective 4
Semester 2 Health care ethics: principles Elective 6 Public health capstone
and practice
Semester 1 History and principles of public Biostatistics Determinants of health Introduction to health sciences
health research
Semester 2 Health promotion Epidemiology Disease prevention and Public health law and policy
Semester 1 Humanitarian assistance and Global health and sustainable Healthcare ethics: principles in Elective
Sport and
exercise science
Rank 26
(#26 ARWU 2018)
Why study this program? Professional experience: During your degree, you will
• Become a voice for the role of sport and exercise in undertake at least two units of compulsory industry experience.
improving the health of people of all ages. Professional recognition: This course is accredited by
• Take part in innovative community engagement projects that Exercise and Sports Science Australia at the exercise science
deliver sports education initiatives in Australia and overseas. level. Depending on the electives you choose, as well as the
• Prepare for a range of careers in health and wellness, or for completion of specific practicum placements, you may be
postgraduate study and future accreditation as a qualified eligible to apply for partial Level 1 accreditation with the
exercise physiologist. Australian Strength and Conditioning Association.
Course description: With this nationally recognised degree, Pathways to further study (honours degree): The honours
you will learn how to improve the health, performance and degree is an additional year of study (fourth year) on top of
participation of individuals, teams and athletes through the three-year Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science. To be
exercise programming and delivery, athlete training and eligible for admission to the honours degree, you must have
health advice. We’re connected to a huge range of sporting completed a relevant bachelor degree and attained a GPA of
organisations, from the Australian Institute of Sport to the 5.75 on the ACU seven-point scale in that degree.
AFL, NRL, A-League clubs, Tennis Australia and America’s
Career path examples: Health and fitness consultant, exercise
NBA giving you the best opportunities for industry placements
scientist, sports scientist, sports coach.
and future employment in Australia and around the world.
Further information: For the latest information about this
Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp),
course, please refer to:
comprised of specified units (160cp), elective units (40cp),
professional experience (20cp), Core Curriculum units (20cp),
and EXSC206 professional experience preparation (0cp).
Bachelor of Exercise Science/
Bachelor of Applied Public Health
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 min per band) Melbourne Duration: 4 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 90 (min 25 writing) Year fee: A$23,624
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: B (65-74%) Total fee: A$94,496
Applicants for Melbourne will also be required PTE: 61(50 min per band) Cricos: 079442K
to have studied either mathematics, biology, CAE: 176 (min 169 all tests)
chemistry, psychology, physical education,
health or physics.
Course description: These two programs are the perfect fit. Further information: For the latest information about this
You will gain an understanding of the principles of exercise course, please refer to:
and healthy lifestyles while learning about key issues affecting
the health of populations, as well as how to plan and manage
health programs.
Course description: Learn how to grow a business while *Campus availability: In Sydney, the course is offered over two campuses.
Students undertake exercise science units at Strathfield Campus and all other
improving the health, performance and participation of units at North Sydney Campus. Students will not be required to travel between
individuals, teams and athletes through training, coaching and campuses on the same day.
Further information: For the latest information about this
course, please refer to:
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp),
• Transform your passion for sport into a lifelong career comprised of specified units (190cp), elective units (20cp),
with a degree that’s focused on the high performance sport Core Curriculum units (20cp), and practicum unit (10cp).
industry. Professional experience: You will complete 200 hours of
• Use your sports expertise to work with elite athletes on appropriate professional experience (practicum).
athlete preparation, management, training and performance.
Professional recognition: This program has qualifying
• Prepare for professional opportunities in high performance
accreditation status with Exercise and Sports Science Australia
sport, performance analysis, and professional coaching and
for the Brisbane, Melbourne and Strathfield campuses. As a
graduate, you will be eligible to apply for Level 2 accreditation
Course description: At the heart of high performance sport with the Australian Strength and Conditioning Association.
is the conditioning of the athlete, with the aim of optimising
Career path examples: Sports scientist; high performance
individual and team performance and keeping players at the
manager, strength and conditioning coach, professional coach,
top of their game. You will gain skills in sports performance
performance analyst, fitness coach.
and analysis, exercise programming, and strength and
conditioning of athletes. You will also learn to design and Further information: For the latest information about this
deliver programs that enhance athletic performance and course, please refer to:
reduce the likelihood of injury and illness.
Semester 2 Justice and change in a global Performance analysis in sport Elective
Bachelor of Physical Activity and Health Science
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 min per band) Brisbane Duration: 3 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 90 (min 25 writing) Melbourne Year fee: A$23,624
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: B (65-74%) Strathfield Total fee: A$70,872
PTE: 61(50 min per band) Cricos: 088340G
CAE: 176 (min 169 all tests)
Why study this program? Teacher registration: Depending on elective unit choices,
• T
ransform your passion for sport into a lifelong career you can work towards a graduate teaching degree; each
with a degree that’s focused on health and wellbeing. state has specific discipline requirements. In Victoria, it is
• P
articipate in innovative projects that deliver exercise and the Victorian Institute of Teaching; in New South Wales, the
healthy living programs to communities in Australia and Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards; and
overseas. in Queensland, the Queensland College of Teachers. The
unit sequence of this revised degree will continue to meet the
• P
repare for professional opportunities in outdoor leadership,
specific registration requirements in each state.
sport and coaching, exercise science, health and health
promotion, and graduate-entry teaching, among others. Equivalent registration of Certificate III and Certificate
IV in Fitness: The course is mapped against the required
Course description: Gain an in-depth understanding of the competencies to facilitate student application for equivalent
role that physical activity, exercise and healthy lifestyles play registration of Certificate III and IV in Fitness by completion
in wellbeing throughout our lives. A wide range of elective of your second year of study.
subjects means you can choose to pursue a career in sport
Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and
and coaching, exercise science, health and health promotion,
Recreation (ACHPER): As a graduate, you will be eligible
outdoor leadership and teaching.
for membership with ACHPER. The benefits of membership
Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp), include access to professional development programs, reduced
comprised of core units (120cp), major/minor and electives registration costs to national conferences and access to
(80cp), industry experience (20cp), Core Curriculum units seminars and workshops.
(20cp), and EXSC205 industry experience preparation (0cp).
Career path examples: Physical activity officer, exercise
Professional experience: As part of your degree, you must scientist, fitness advisor, health and fitness consultant, allied
complete 140 hours of appropriate industry experience. These health assistant.
can be commenced, in part, in year two and completed in year Further information: For the latest information about this
three, or completed entirely in year three. course, please refer to:
Professional recognition:
Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA): Depending
on elective unit choices, the offering of a major that meets
ESSA Graduate Entry Membership requirements will provide
graduates of these majors with an avenue to pursue further
study in order to attain Accredited Exercise Physiology
(AEP) accreditation. Importantly, ACU offers a National
University Course Accreditation Program (NUCAP)-accredited
postgraduate Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology course for
AEP accreditation (upon application). This major also provides
the potential for these graduates to attain membership of ESSA
at the Exercise Science (ES) level.
and ageing
Semester 2 Anatomical foundations of Physiological bases of exercise Self and community: exploring Elective
exercise science the anatomy of modern society
Semester 1 Research and ethics in exercise Psychology of sport Functional anatomy Elective
Semester 2 Health and exercise psychology Resistance training: science Exercise testing, prescription Elective
and application and delivery
Industry experience preparation
Semester 1 Industry experience Elective Elective
Semester 2 Justice and change in a global Motor control and learning Elective Elective
Why study this program? Nutrition and exercise; Foundations of the outdoor experience;
• Transform your passion for sport into a lifelong career with a Journeying in the natural world; Motor control and learning;
degree that’s focused on community health and wellbeing. The aquatic environment and the outdoor experience; River
• Use your sports expertise to address a wide range of health journeys and connections to place; Leadership practices and
issues, from physical to psychological, that prevent people the outdoor experience; Evaluation of the outdoor experience;
from living full and active lives. Physiological bases of exercise; and either Leadership
development in team games, Leadership development in
• Prepare for professional opportunities in outdoor leadership,
physical activity (Brisbane and Melbourne), or Games and
sport and coaching, exercise science, health and health
sport skills or Aquatics and athletics (Strathfield).
Professional experience: You will complete 140 hours of
Course description: Become a leader in outdoor education
appropriate industry experience (practicum) as part of your
and recreation. You will learn about human health, wellness
and performance, with a focus on the role of sport, exercise
and outdoor education. You’ll examine these areas from Pathways to further study: As a graduate you may be eligible
psychological, physiological and exercise prescription to progress to honours study or to a range of postgraduate
perspectives, and explore them in the contexts of community coursework programs, eg masters, graduate diplomas and
health, wellbeing, recreational physical activity, sports graduate certificates.
performance and outdoor education leadership.
Career path examples: Outdoor education instructor,
Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp), commercial and educational outdoor leader, adventure
comprised of specified units (160cp), elective units or minor therapist, outdoor recreation leader, camp director.
units (40cp), industry experience (20cp), and Core Curriculum
Further information: For the latest information about this
units (20cp).
course, please refer to:
Specified units: Human biology 1; Anatomical foundations
of exercise science; Growth, motor development and ageing;
Research and ethics in exercise science; Psychology of sport;
Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February
(i) Completion of an undergraduate degree IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 min per band) Brisbane Duration: 1.5 years
that is accredited by Exercise and Sports IBT: 90 (min 25 writing) Melbourne Year fee: A$23,400
Science Australia (ESSA) at Exercise Science ACU: B (65-74%) Strathfield Total fee: A$35,100
level with a grade point average of at least PTE: 61 (50 min per band) Cricos: 076036D
4.6; or (ii) attainment of ESSA Graduate CAE: 176 (min 169 all tests)
assessment and a non-ESSA accredited
bachelors degree with a grade point average
of at least 4.6; or (iii) attainment of exercise
science accreditation and a non-ESSA
accredited bachelor degree with a grade
point average of at least 4.6. In addition,
applicants must submit evidence of a current
CPR certificate; a letter of application (300-
500 words), which includes why you wish to
complete the degree, and other qualifications
attained (eg Cert III/IV in fitness); and a
supporting professional referee’s report.
Why study this program? Professional recognition: Graduates are currently eligible
• L
earn to use exercise for the prevention, treatment and to apply to become accredited exercise physiologists through
rehabilitation of complex and chronic diseases and ESSA. As an accredited exercise physiologist, you will be
workplace injuries, and as a tool to enhance general health eligible to apply for a provider number through Medicare, the
outcomes. Australian Government Department of Veterans’ Affairs, state-
• B
uild experience in exercise testing and prescription, based Workcover, Comcare and many private health insurers,
movement analysis, sports performance and mental including Medibank Private, GMF Health, BUPA, HBF, Grand
wellbeing, and develop a holistic picture of the exercise United, NIB, CBHS, Teachers’ Health Fund, Australian Unity,
physiology role. HCF, AHM and Reserve Bank Health. This course is due for
re-accreditation 2019-2023.
• R
eceive professional accreditation from ESSA for your
studies and complete 360 hours of professional clinical Career path examples: Chronic disease management,
experience as you go. musculoskeletal rehabilitation, return-to-work conditioning,
primary prevention/wellness, health and fitness, strength and
Course description: This degree will provide you with an
conditioning, workplace wellness, community health.
in-depth understanding of how to use exercise as preventative,
prescriptive and rehabilitative process for complex and chronic Further information: For the latest information about this
disease, work-related injuries and to promote good health. course, please refer to:
Course structure: Completion of 120 credit points (cp),
comprised of: Occupational assessment and rehabilitation;
Neurological analysis, prescription and rehabilitation;
Lifestyle and exercise counselling; Cardiometabolic analysis
and rehabilitation; Responsible clinical practice; Clinical
experience 1; Clinical experience 2; Applied anatomy for
clinical exercise physiologists.
Teaching and
For successful completion of all initial teacher education courses,
students are required to demonstrate they have met mandatory approved
benchmarks in both literacy and numeracy, evidenced through LANTITE
(Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education).
For teacher registration: After completing your initial teacher education
course, the state teacher registration authority may have an English
language requirement (IELTS). Graduates are encouraged to contact the
local authority.
Top 75
(#51 – 75 ARWU 2018)
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of 320 credit points (cp),
• Enrol in a leading education degree that’s built on more than comprised of curriculum and pedagogy (90cp), education
100 years of teacher education experience. studies (80cp), curriculum foundation studies (80cp), Core
• Become an effective, compassionate teacher who can guide Curriculum units (20cp), core curriculum program units
students through their formative learning years. (20cp), electives (30cp); and professional practice.
• Embark on a meaningful career through which you can Electives that can be chosen within this degree include Visual
influence education curriculum and policy development. arts; Dance/drama; Music; Creative arts; Understanding
behaviours and disabilities; Embedding Aboriginal
Course description: As an early childhood and primary perspectives across curriculum; Teaching Aboriginal and
teacher, you will inspire and help children develop critical Torres Strait Islander children; Personal development; Health
lifelong skills from birth to Year 6. You will engage them and physical education.
through key curriculum areas like art, music, maths, science
and literacy, and gain the practical skills to manage social, Professional experience: During your degree, you will
cultural and developmental diversity. By selecting religious complete professional experience consisting of up to 95 days
education and/or theology units, you will be eligible to teach in of school-based learning experiences, structured observational
Catholic and other faith-based schools. tasks, supervised professional experience in prior-to-school
and primary educational settings and 70 hours of community
Professional recognition: Upon graduation, you will be to participate in the professional experience program.
eligible for registration as a primary school or early childhood International students must bring police check documentation
teacher in government, independent and Catholic schools and from their own countries.
early childhood settings.
Career path examples: Early childhood teacher, primary
Requirements for working with children: All students school teacher, educator; policy developer.
must apply for and obtain background checks as required by
Further information: For the latest information about this
federal and state/territory laws, including the Working with
course, please refer to:
Vulnerable People Check, Working with Children Check and
National Police Check, before they will be permitted
experience (3 to 5 years)
(25 days)
Semester 2 Exploring mathematics Literacy education 2 Creative arts education: Teaching and managing Professional experience
2 introduction to creative learning environments upper primary (8 to 12
arts (5 to 12 years) (5 days) years) (20 days)
Semester 1 Creating inclusive, safe Early childhood Positive environments Elective or Introduction Professional experience
and supportive learning curriculum and for learning and to the Bible birth to two years (birth
environments pedagogy development to 2 years) (15 days)
Semester 2 Partnerships: inclusive Personal development, Science and technology Justice and change Community
and diverse learning health and physical for early childhood and in a global world or engagement
education 1 primary teachers 2 Christian symbol, ritual
and sacrament
Semester 1 Transition into the The ecology of Science and technology Elective or religious Professional experience
profession (birth to 12 childhoods education education 1 primary 4: extended
years) reflective practice
Bachelor of Education (Primary)
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February:
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 7.5 (7.0 W&R, 7.5 S&L) Ballarat all campuses. July:
Certificate, including studies in mathematics IBT: 102 (24 R&S, 27 W&L) Brisbane Brisbane, Melbourne,
and English (see table of recognised high ACU: A+ (80 or above) Canberra Strathfield only.
school qualifications on pages 128-131). PTE: Min 68 R&W, 73 S&L Melbourne Duration: 4 years
Non-academic requirements: CAE: Min 185 R&W, 191 S&L North Sydney Year fee: A$23,400
All applicants will be required to complete a Strathfield -A$26,325*
non-academic assessment. This assessment Total fee: A$105,300
is to demonstrate suitability for teaching and Cricos: 040836B
will be part of your application when applying
for admission into this course. For more
information visit
Why study this program? Professional experience: During your degree, you will
• E
nrol in a leading Australian education degree that’s complete professional experience consisting of up to 80 days
been designed to meet the changing needs of the teaching of school-based learning experiences, structured observational
profession. tasks, community engagement and supervised professional
• B
ecome a hands-on practitioner by engaging with regional, experience within educational settings. You’ll also undertake
metropolitan and international professional experience 35 hours of community engagement.
opportunities. Requirements for working with children: All students
• P
repare for a career where you can help shape the lives of must apply for and obtain background checks as required
young people or influence education curriculum and policy by federal and state/territory laws, including the Working
development across Australia. with Vulnerable People Check, Working with Children Check
and National Police Check, before they will be permitted
Course description: As a primary teacher, you will have
to participate in the professional experience program.
a creative, challenging and rewarding career helping and
International students must bring police check documentation
inspiring children to develop important lifelong skills. You will
from their own countries.
become adept at managing social, cultural and developmental
diversity. You can choose to specialise in areas like numeracy Professional recognition: Upon graduation, you will be
and literacy and/or select religious education units that will eligible for registration as a primary school teacher to teach in
prepare you to teach in Catholic and other faith-based schools. government, independent and Catholic schools.
Course structure: Completion of 360 credit points (cp), Career path examples: Primary school teacher, educator in
comprised of education studies (110cp), curriculum studies community education centres, private colleges and inclusive
(110cp), foundation studies (50cp), Core Curriculum units education settings; policy development.
(10cp), discipline minor (50cp), and electives (30cp).
Further information: For the latest information about this
course, please refer to:
Why study this program? Early childhood education units: Linguistics for literacy;
• Gain the confidence to succeed at university with a Exploring mathematics; Science; Inquiry and sustainability;
preparation program that’s been designed for students Creative arts in the early years; Indigenous cultures and
seeking entry into a teaching degree. peoples; Children’s literature for literacy; Contexts for learning
• Build study skills, assessment experience and enhanced and development.
English language proficiency, and see what life at ACU is Primary education units: Digital communication
all about. technologies; Exploring literature; Introduction to
• Receive credit towards an ACU early childhood, primary mathematical thinking; The global citizen: civics and
or secondary initial teacher education degree when you citizenship in a changing world; Science in our world.
successfully complete this course. Secondary education unit: Communicating and interpreting
Course description: The Diploma in Educational Studies
(Tertiary Preparation) is designed for students who want Pathways to further study: Upon successful completion of
to undertake a teaching degree in early childhood, primary this course, you will be eligible to apply for entry into an ACU
or secondary education but do not currently meet the entry teaching degree in early childhood, primary or secondary
requirements for a bachelors degree. By completing this education.
pathway course, you can enter your chosen bachelors degree
Further information: For the latest information about this
with credit.
course, please refer to:
Course structure: Completion of 80 credit points (cp) from
the Schedule of Unit Offerings and electives, within the early
childhood, primary or secondary pre-service teaching degrees,
including the university Core Curriculum and introductory
English, mathematics and science (science: QLD only).
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp),
• Take your first step towards teaching or work in corporate comprised of core units, foundation studies, education studies,
training, educational design, curriculum writing, educational curriculum studies and electives.
consultancy, vocational education and adult learning. Pathways to further study: As a graduate, you may be eligible
• Build study skills, assessment experience and enhanced to progress to a primary or early childhood and primary
English language proficiency, and see what life at ACU teaching course or a range of postgraduate coursework
is all about. programs.
• Receive credit towards an ACU early childhood or primary Career path examples: Corporate trainer, educational
initial teacher education degree when you successfully designer, curriculum writer, educational consultant, vocational
complete this course. educator, adult learning advisor. With further study, you can
Course description: This course is a pathway for students become an early childhood or primary school teacher.
who are passionate about becoming teachers but do not Further information: For the latest information about this
achieve the entry requirements for a teaching degree. When course, please refer to:
you successfully complete your first year of study (subject to
meeting certain progression and non-academic requirements),
you will be guaranteed entry into the second year of the
Bachelor of Education (Primary) or the Bachelor of Education
(Early Childhood and Primary).
Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Arts
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February:
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 7.5 (7.0 W&R, 7.5 S&L) Brisbane Humanities,
Certificate, including studies in mathematics IBT: 102 (24 R&S, 27 W&L) Melbourne Technology
and English (see table of recognised high ACU: A+ (80 or above) Strathfield (Strathfield only);
school qualifications on pages 128-131). PTE: Min 68 R&W, 73 L&S Mathematics
Non-academic requirements: CAE: Min 185 R&W, 191 L&S and Visual Arts
All applicants will be required to complete a (Melbourne and
non-academic assessment. This assessment Strathfield only).
is to demonstrate suitability for teaching and July: Humanities and
will be part of your application when applying Visual Arts.
for admission into this course. For more Duration: 4 years
information visit Year fee: A$23,400
Total fee: A$93,600
Visual Arts:
Why study this program? Requirements for working with children: All students
• B
uild a solid foundation for your teaching career by engaging must apply for and obtain background checks as required
with specialist studies in your chosen arts discipline. by federal and state/territory laws, including the Working
• B
ecome an effective, compassionate teacher who can guide with Vulnerable People Check, Working with Children Check
students through their formative learning years. and National Police Check, before they will be permitted
to participate in the professional experience program.
• E
mbark on a meaningful career through which you can
International students must bring police check documentation
influence education curriculum and policy development.
from their own countries.
Course description: These dual degrees satisfy the
Professional recognition: Upon graduation, you will be
requirements for both the Bachelor of Teaching and Bachelor
eligible for registration as a secondary school teacher to teach
of Arts. Throughout your course, you will study a range of
in government, independent and Catholic schools.
Bachelor of Arts sequences and units, as well as choosing from
a wealth of options for your major and minor sequences; you Career path examples: Secondary school teacher in areas
will be advised to select at least one of these sequences from including humanities, mathematics, technology and visual arts.
a secondary school teaching area. The requirements of the
Bachelor of Teaching will help you develop the professional Further information: For the latest information about this
knowledge, skills and attitudes required to be an effective course, please refer to:
classroom teacher. By selecting religious education and/or (Humanities)
theology units, you will be eligible to teach in Catholic and (Technology)
other faith-based schools. (Mathematics) (Visual Arts)
Course structure: This degree is comprised of 320 credit
points. You can choose to specialise in either humanities, Note: (i) Mathematics and visual arts majors are only available at Melbourne and
Strathfield Campus. Technology major is only available at Strathfield Campus.
mathematics, technology or visual arts choosing from a list of (ii) Pre-requisites may also apply for entry into some major and minor sequences.
majors and minors in these areas of study.
Professional experience: All initial teacher education
programs must include a professional experience component,
where pre-service teachers practise teaching in an educational
context under the direct supervision and guidance of an
appropriately qualified teacher. In order to graduate,
pre-service teachers must satisfy all the requirements of their
program, including the professional experience requirements.
The current requirements are for a minimum of 80 days of
professional experience that occurs in structured, supervised
Why study this program? Requirements for working with children: All students
• Integrate health, outdoor and/or physical education must apply for and obtain background checks as required
knowledge into your teaching practice and get ready to help by federal and state/territory laws, including the Working
students build healthy habits for life. with Vulnerable People Check, Working with Children Check
• Participate in mentoring and other professional practice and National Police Check, before they will be permitted
opportunities and receive guidance from leading exercise to participate in the professional experience program.
science and education practitioners. International students must bring police check documentation
from their own countries.
• Increase your employment options with a dual degree that
will prepare you for roles in both the secondary education Additional certification requirements: (i) A current first
and exercise science sectors. aid certificate (Emergency First Aid Level 2) or equivalent
qualification; and (ii) a current AustSwim Teacher of
Course description: Combine your love of sport and exercise
Swimming and Water Safety certificate or a current Australian
with teaching to be a standout in the classroom. As a health,
Swimming Coaches and Teachers Association - Swim Australia
PE or personal development teacher, you will understand how
Teacher certificate or equivalent qualification.
the human body works and the vital role of exercise in health,
wellbeing and performance. Professional recognition: Upon graduation, you will be
This double degree unlocks the door to a broad range of eligible for registration as a secondary school teacher to teach
teaching options. Depending on the subjects you pick, you in government, independent and Catholic schools.
will graduate with health, physical education and personal Career path examples: Physical Education (PE), Health
development qualifications and the ability to teach a second Opportunities through Physical Education (H.O.P.E) and
teaching area depending on the minor units you choose. Health and Physical Education (H.P.E); secondary school
Course structure: Completion of 320 credit points (cp), teacher; teacher in TAFE, vocational education, community
comprised of education studies (70cp), curriculum studies education centres, private colleges and special education
(40cp), core curriculum program units (10cp), education settings.
electives (10cp), professional experience (30cp), exercise
Further information: For the latest information about this
science units (100cp), core arts unit (10cp), elective minor
course, please refer to:
units (40cp) and Core Curriculum units (10cp).
Professional experience: All initial teacher education
programs must include a defined period of professional
experience where pre-service teachers practise teaching in
a school under the direct supervision and guidance of an
appropriately qualified teacher. In order to graduate, pre-
service teachers must satisfy all the requirements of their
program, including the professional experience requirements.
The current requirements are for a minimum of 80 days of
professional experience that occurs in structured, supervised
Master of Education
Master of Education - stream 1 (120 credit points)
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
(i) Equivalent of an Australian bachelors IELTS: 7.0 (6.0 min per band) Melbourne Duration: 1.5 years
degree in education; or (ii) equivalent of an IBT: 100 (min 21W, 18S, 20R, 19L) Year Fee: A$23,400
Australian bachelors degree and a recognised ACU: A (75-100%) Total Fee: A$35,100
teaching qualification. PTE: 68 (50 min per band) Cricos: 084792A
CAE: 185 (min 169 all tests)
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of 40 credit points (cp),
• Explore the ethics and morals of leadership as they relate comprised of specified units (20cp) and elective units (20cp).
to your values and theoretical knowledge. Pathways to further study: Upon completion of this course,
• Gain the tools to build an inclusive leadership culture you may be eligible for credit recognition in the Master of
that fosters effective partnerships between teachers and Educational Leadership for units already completed.
administrators. Career path examples: The Graduate Certificate in
• Develop an advanced understanding of educational Educational Leadership is for teachers and administrators
leadership in preparation for a career in teaching, policy who want to enhance their professional practice and become
or governance. leaders in their school community or organisation.
Course description: The Graduate Certificate in Educational Further information: For the latest information about this
Leadership is for educators (including teachers and course, please refer to:
administrators) who want to become creative, energetic and
Note: As this program is delivered in intensive mode, international students
innovative leaders with influence in education. will need to contact the ACU International Admissions team to confirm an
You will explore theories of educational leadership, appropriate start date before applying (see back cover for contact details).
management and administration and learn to apply them
appropriately to their own contexts, including in Catholic
and faith-based educational organisations.
Master of Educational Leadership
Master of Educational Leadership - stream 1 (120 credit points)
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: January, June
(i) Equivalent of a four-year Australian IELTS: 7.0 (6.0 min per band) Melbourne Duration: 1.5 years
bachelors degree in education; or (ii) IBT: 100 (min 21W, 18S, 20R, 19L) Year Fee: A$23,400
bachelors degree in an area other than ACU: A (75-100%) Total Fee: A$35,100
education and Postgraduate Certificate in PTE: 68 (50 min per band) Cricos: 084793M
Educational Studies or equivalent. CAE: 185 (min 169 all tests)
Course description: The Master of Educational Leadership Career path examples: Educator, head of department, deputy
is for teachers and administrators who want to enhance their principal, school principal.
professional practice and become leaders in their school Further information: For the latest information about this
community or organisation. This leadership course explores course, please refer to:
new concepts and approaches to teaching and learning that
Note: As this program is delivered in intensive mode, international students
highlight the partnership of teachers and administrators in will need to contact the ACU International Admissions team to confirm an
building leadership culture in schools. appropriate start date before applying (see back cover for contact details).
In addition to exploring the theory and application of
leadership and organisation, you will also delve into the ethical
and moral decisions that educational leaders have to make.
This will prepare you to make responsible choices in complex
and often tension-filled situations.
Specialisations (subject to availability) include: Leading
learning, Indigenous leadership, and Catholic educational
Why study this program? Professional experience: During your degree, you will
• Establish yourself as a creative thinker with the capacity complete professional experience consisting of a minimum
to transform the primary school learning experience. of 60 days of school-based learning experiences, structured
• Become part of a highly sought-after cohort of ACU observational tasks and supervised professional experience in
teaching graduates with the capacity to influence education primary educational contexts.
curriculum and policy development across Australia. Requirements for working with children: All students
• Graduate with theoretical and practical skills that will must apply for and obtain background checks as required
prepare you to shape the lives of students in their early by federal and state/territory laws, including the Working
schooling years. with Vulnerable People Check, Working with Children Check
and National Police Check, before they will be permitted
Course description: The Master of Teaching (Primary) is for
to participate in the professional experience program.
graduates who want to become primary school teachers and
International students must bring police check documentation
have an appropriate undergraduate degree.
from their own countries.
The degree is a pre-service teacher education program that
applies advanced knowledge and research findings to the Professional recognition: Upon graduation, you will be
problems, issues and challenges facing education professionals. eligible for registration as a primary school teacher to teach in
You will become a reflective, independent and flexible thinker government, independent and Catholic schools.
with the ability to apply your skills to improve curriculum Career path examples: The course is designed to prepare
offerings and advance your community’s education. primary teachers to meet the requirements for teaching in
As a student of this course, you will gain professional Catholic, independent and government schools. If you wish
experience through a range of school and community to teach in a Catholic or other faith-based school you will
placements. need to undertake specialist theology and religious education
units in addition to this degree. You can choose to complete
Course structure: Completion of 160 credit points (cp),
the Graduate Certificate in Religious Education (subject to
comprised of education studies and professional experience
(70cp), curriculum studies (80cp), and research (10cp).
Education studies: Fostering positive behaviour; Transition Further information: For the latest information about this
into teaching profession; Catering for diversity in the inclusive course, please refer to:
classroom; Advocacy and leading in areas of specialisation;
Effective teaching and graduate professional experience;
Social and cultural contexts of development and learning;
Preparation for the profession; and Graduate professional
experience primary.
Curriculum studies: Arts, English, health and physical
education, humanities and social science, mathematics, and
Research units: Interpreting and designing educational
Semester 1 Effective teaching and Primary English: Mathematics education 1 The arts curriculum Literacy and numeracy
Graduate professional education 1 diagnostic
experience primary 1
(20 professional
experience days)
Semester 2 Humanities and social Fostering positive Health and physical Science education Literacy and numeracy
sciences education behaviour education curriculum test
Semester 1 Social and cultural Interpreting and Primary English Catering for diversity in
contexts of development designing educational education 2 the inclusive classroom
and learning and research
Graduate professional
experience primary 2
(20 professional
experience days
Semester 2 Preparation for the Transition into the Advocacy and leading in Mathematics education
profession and Graduate primary teaching areas of specialisation
professional experience profession
primary 3
(20 continuous
professional experience
Professional experience: During your degree, you will Career path examples: The course is designed to prepare
complete professional experience consisting of a minimum secondary teachers to meet the requirements for teaching
of 60 days of school-based learning experiences, structured in Catholic, independent and government schools. Students
observational tasks and supervised professional experience in wishing to teach religious education in addition to other
a secondary educational context. secondary curriculum areas can combine the Graduate
Certificate in Religious Education with this degree (Melbourne
Requirements for working with children: All students
and Strathfield subject to availability).
must apply for and obtain background checks as required
by federal and state/territory laws, including the Working Further information: For the latest information about this
with Vulnerable People Check, Working with Children Check course, please refer to:
and National Police Check, before they will be permitted
to participate in the professional experience program.
International students must bring police check documentation
from their own countries.
Professional recognition: Upon graduation, you will be
eligible for registration as a secondary school teacher to teach
in government, independent and Catholic schools.
assessment 1
Semester 2 Fostering positive First teaching subject: Second teaching Graduate professional Literacy and numeracy
behaviour curriculum, pedagogy subject: curriculum, practice secondary 1 test
and assessment 2 pedagogy and (20 days)
assessment 2
Semester 1 Elective Catering for diversity Interpreting and Graduate professional
in the inclusive designing educational practice secondary 2
classroom research (20 days)
Winter Term or Professional Term 5: Transition into the profession
Seeking answers
to life’s big questions.
Do you want to explore the purpose of existence
and living, and uncover the meaning of faith
seeking understanding? Welcome to theology –
food for your enquiring mind.
Bachelor of Theology
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: February, July
Equivalent of an Australian Year 12 IELTS: 6.0 (6.0 W&S, 5.5 L&R) Brisbane Duration: 3 years
Certificate (see table of recognised high school IBT: 79 (min 22 in writing) Melbourne Year fee: A$22,720
qualifications on pages 128-131). ACU: C (60-64%) Strathfield Total fee: A$68,160
PTE: 54 (50 W&S & 42 R&L) Cricos: 029061D
CAE: 169 (169 W&S & 162 L&R)
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of 240 credit points (cp),
• I mmerse yourself in the richness and breadth of historical comprised of theology specified units (160cp), which include
and contemporary theological scholarship and engage two university Core Curriculum units and two integrated
deeply with the Catholic intellectual tradition. theological studies units and electives (80cp).
• B uild a degree that responds to your intellectual passions, You will undertake two majors (80cp) in Christian thought
choosing from a subject list that spans biblical studies, or biblical studies, and a major in Christian thought, biblical
contemporary Christian thought, moral theology, early studies, philosophy or liberal arts.
Christian studies, liturgy and sacraments, ministry, Minors (40cp) are available in Christian thought, biblical
philosophy of religion, interreligious dialogue, ancient studies, Christian practice, studies of religion, philosophy,
languages, world religions and more. ancient languages or biblical languages.
• P repare for careers in Catholic or other faith-based Electives can be selected from theology, philosophy or liberal
institutions, or in secular organisations where the concept arts.
of pastoral care guides human interaction.
Career path examples: Chaplain; minister of religion; youth
Course description: Framed by the Catholic intellectual minister; social worker; pastoral associate or lay minister;
tradition, this course will introduce you to the richness and community worker or advocate; primary school teacher
breadth of theological scholarship. By choosing theology, or secondary school teacher (with further study); theology
you will explore knowledge, identity and value; uncover the lecturer, researcher or academic; journalist or writer.
meaning and significance of faith; and graduate with skills
prized by employers. You will study systematic theology, Further information: For the latest information about this
ministry, liturgy, ancient languages, biblical studies, and course, please refer to:
philosophy, and enjoy the flexibility to choose units from
other disciplines. If you’re interested in an overseas experience,
you can study at our Rome Campus, at one of our partner
universities around the world, or on a study tour to Israel.
Bachelor of Theology
Why study this program? Course structure: Completion of 80 credit points (cp),
• Explore critical questions of theology and religion in one of comprised of Thesis A (80cp), or Thesis B (60cp) and 20cp
Australia’s top-ranking universities in theology, religion and from units (other than religious education units) listed in
religious studies. the Schedule of Unit Offerings for the Master of Theological
• Join an international community of scholars through ACU’s Studies.
extensive international partnership network and contribute Research excellence: ACU’s research in Religion and
to a global body of theological knowledge. Religious Studies was rated at “above world standard” (a 4 in
• Engage with online, face-to-face and intensive learning the 2018 Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) rankings
sessions in a supportive and flexible learning environment. and equal first in that category. The 2018 QS World Rankings
also placed ACU at number 53 in the world in the category of
Course description: The Master of Theology (Research) is
Theology, Divinity and Religion.
a higher degree by research that can be undertaken either
by thesis, or by a combination of coursework and thesis. It Further information: For the latest information about this
will provide you with a substantial background in theology course, please refer to:
and preliminary research training, with the opportunity to Note: For further details on application requirements and instructions on how to
undertake a major piece of theological research in a specialised lodge your application, see
area. students
Research that
shapes the world
Like all universities, we’re committed to
delivering research that makes a meaningful
difference to the world, but here at ACU, that
commitment is built on something deeper.
As a Catholic university, we’ve built our research program on WHERE RESEARCH EXCELLENCE RESIDES
a foundation of Catholic values. Our research aims to build We believe strongly in a values-based approach to research,
a more equitable society; to respond to need, wherever that and that belief translates into research outcomes that sit
need may be; and to expand the potential of individuals, among the best in the world. In the 2018 Australian Research
communities and populations around the world. This Council’s Excellence in Research for Australia initiative, our
commitment to excellence in human-centred research attracts research was recognised as above or well-above world
outstanding academics, students and collaborators from standard in the following areas:
around the globe
• Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology
For further information about research at ACU, visit: • Clinical Sciences
• Human Movement and Sports Science
• Nursing
• Nutrition and Dietetics
As an ACU research student, you can pursue supervised
• Public Health and Health Services
research at either masters or doctoral level. We offer several
higher degrees by research. Whatever your field of enquiry, • Specialist Studies in Education
you’ll work under the supervision of leading academics, • Psychology
becoming an integral part of the ACU research community and • Cognitive Sciences
making a valuable contribution to knowledge. • Curriculum and Pedagogy
• Philosophy
• Religion and Religious Studies
We work hard to support our research community, and our
grants and scholarships for international research students are To find out more, visit:
key to that support.
To find out more about scholarships and grants, visit: PRIORITY RESEARCH FOCUS AREAS
Our research intensification strategy has sought to achieve
excellence by focusing on areas of strategic priority, all of which
support our overarching commitment to social justice and the
common good. These areas of research priority— education,
health, and theology and philosophy—align strongly with
our mission as a leading Catholic university and with the
distinctive profile of our institution.
RESEARCH INSTITUTES 5. Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education
Our research institutes drive our research excellence outcomes Researchers at the Institute for Learning Sciences and
and demonstrate our strength in the priority areas of Teacher Education identify, examine and remove barriers
education, health, theology and philosophy. to learning and wellbeing. They advance new knowledge
that improves opportunities for young people.
1. I nstitute for Positive Psychology and Education 6. Mary MacKillop Institute for Health
The Institute for Positive Psychology and Education The Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research is
brings together leading researchers to address critical home to a research program that addresses critical public
educational and psychosocial issues. Their work finds health issues. These innovative programs deliver better
ways to enable individuals and groups to flourish and health outcomes that change lives.
2. I nstitute for Religion and Critical Inquiry
The Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry currently HOW TO APPLY
works with researchers from around the globe to promote
Candidates may commence in
an exchange of ideas through the research streams of
research term A or C each year with
biblical and early Christian studies, medieval and early
applications closing in the preceding
modern studies, and religion and theology.
research term.
For full details on application
3. Institute for Philosophy deadlines, as well as instructions on
Researchers at ACU’s newly-established Institute for how to apply, please visit:
Philosophy will explore the intersection of moral and
political philosophy and epistemology and metaphysics. international-research-students
This institute will be available for candidates from
4. I nstitute for Religion, Politics and Society
Through international collaborations, researchers at the
Institute for Religion, Politics and Society explore current
issues within the research streams of social and political
theory, law and society, and the political economy.
Higher degree
Master of Philosophy
Academic requirements: English requirements: Campus: Entry: January, July
(i) Equivalent of an Australian bachelors IELTS: 6.5 (6.0 min per band) Ballarat Duration: 2 years
degree with honours at a minimum level of IBT: 90 (min 25 in writing) Brisbane Year fee: A$25,736
Second Class Division A (distinction average); ACU: B (65-74%) Canberra Total fee: A$51,472
or (ii) postgraduate research training (eg PTE: 61 (50 min per band) Melbourne Cricos: 017784A
coursework completed to distinction level or CAE: 176 (min 169 all tests) North Sydney
higher or a master-by-coursework degree); or Strathfield
(iii) demonstrated research experience with
evidence of capacity to undertake independent
research work (eg an authored publication).
Why study this program? Course description: The Master of Philosophy is a two-year,
• Take your first steps towards a research career at a university full-time (or part-time equivalent) research degree in any field
that’s known for excellence in philosophical enquiry.* covered by the University, including theology and philosophy,
• Work in a flexible and supportive learning environment nursing and midwifery, education, business or arts, humanities
alongside internationally acclaimed academics who are and social sciences. It is assessed on the basis of a written
helping to build a global body of knowledge. thesis, which is submitted at the conclusion of the degree.
• Begin a lifelong pursuit of learning and use your expertise Further information: For the latest information about this
to drive positive change in the world. course, please refer to:
* I n the 2018 Excellence in Research Australia rankings, ACU rated “well Note: For further details on application requirements and instructions on how to
above world standard” (ERA score 5) for research in the categories of lodge your application, see
Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology, Clinical Sciences, Human students
Movement and Sports Science, Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics, Public Health
and Health Services, Specialist Studies in Education, Psychology and Cognitive
Sciences. Curriculum and Pedagogy, Philosophy and Religion and Religious
Studies were rated at “above world standard” (ERA score 4). To learn more
about these and other ACU ERA rankings, please visit
Why study this program? Course description: The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is
• Launch your research career at a university that’s known awarded for high-level research. As such, it is expected that
for excellence in philosophical enquiry.* you will make a contribution to knowledge in your chosen field,
• Benefit from ACU’s extensive international partnerships, as well as display an appreciation and understanding of the
work alongside world-leading academics, and build relationship of your own research investigation to a wider field
your research capabilities in a flexible and supportive of knowledge.
environment. Further information: For the latest information about this
• Make a significant contribution to knowledge in your course, please refer to:
chosen field of study and become part of a global research Note: For further details on application requirements and instructions on how to
community that’s using learning to drive change. lodge your application, see
* I n the 2018 Excellence in Research Australia rankings, ACU rated “well
above world standard” (ERA score 5) for research in the categories of
Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology, Clinical Sciences, Human
Movement and Sports Science, Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics, Public Health
and Health Services, Specialist Studies in Education, Psychology and Cognitive
Sciences. Curriculum and Pedagogy, Philosophy and Religion and Religious
Studies were rated at “above world standard” (ERA score 4). To learn more
about these and other ACU ERA rankings, please visit
Academic information
If you’ve undertaken previous tertiary studies in the last 10 Assessment is all about demonstrating the skills and
years, you can apply for credit recognition for subjects that knowledge you’ve gained in your ACU course. We use a
relate to your current degree. As an undergraduate student, range of assessment methods at ACU, including formal
the numbers of credits you may receive depends on the end-of semester examinations, continuous assessment
duration and type of your course, as listed below: throughout the semester, written assignments, essays, and
a. B achelor degree of 3 years standard length, a maximum field trips/projects. When you start your ACU course, your
of two-thirds of the course; teachers will tell you which assessment methods will be used
b. Bachelor degree of 4 years standard length, a maximum in each of your classes.
of three quarters of the course;
c. D ouble bachelor degree, a maximum of one-half of each
course comprising the double degree; If you’ve started at ACU but you want to move to another
education provider, you’ll need to apply to ACU International
d. B achelor honours degree, in addition to the maximums
to be released from ACU. Along with your completed
applied according to (a) and (b) above, a maximum of one-
release letter application form, you’ll need to supply a copy
half of the honours units, excluding theses, dissertation or
of your Letter of Offer from your new provider and any
research projects.
relevant supporting documentation. Note that approvals
s a postgraduate student, you can receive credit for up to
A are not automatically granted. If you’ve completed at least
one-half of your ACU degree. In many cases, credit can be six-calendar months of your principal course (that is, an
assessed at the time of application; however, you’ll need to undergraduate or postgraduate degree, not a pathway
make a formal application for credit recognition at the time program), you won’t need to request a release letter before
of your enrolment. you go, as per the ESOS Act 2000.
Applying to ACU
We know that applying for a uni course can get a bit confusing, so we’ve
broken it down into four easy steps.
2. Letter of Offer
If your application is successful, we’ll send you either a Provisional Letter of Offer or
a Letter of Offer. If you receive a Provisional Letter of Offer, you’ll need to provide
additional information and supporting documents that respond to the Department of
Home Affairs’ Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) and financial capacity requirements.
If your original application meets GTE and financial capacity requirements, we’ll send
you a Letter of Offer, which means no further application documentation is required.
The Letter of Offer will include the following information:
• the course you’ve been accepted into
• the course start date
• the fees payable and the date by which they must be paid
• the conditions of offer, if any – for example, you may need to provide new IELTS test
results in order to gain entry into your course
Recognised high school
If you’re planning to study a bachelors degree, you’ll need to To apply for a postgraduate research degree, you’ll need
have completed the equivalent of year 12 in the Australian have completed an honours degree in accordance with
high school system, or have finished a relevant diploma ACU standards.
For admission to an ACU postgraduate degree, you must hold
the equivalent of an Australian bachelors degree with a pass
average. Individual courses may have specific requirements.
Diplome du Baccalaureate European Zeugnis der Diplome du Baccalaureate European Zeugnis der
European Europaischen Reifeprufung Diploma di Licenze Liceale Europaischen Reifeprufung Diploma di Licenze Liceale
Baccalaureate Europea, Europees Baccalaureates Diploma. Minimum Europea, Europees Baccalaureates Diploma. Minimum
overall grade of 55. overall grade of 52.
West African Senior Maximum aggregate of 12 in the best 6 subjects. Maximum aggregate of 22 in the best 6 subjects.
School Certificate
Australian Australian Year 12. Application through relevant Tertiary ATAR 55.
Year 12 Admissions Centre.
Brazil Successful completion of a recognised pre-tertiary or Certificado de Ensino Medio with an average of 6.5 on
foundation program or successful completion of 1 year of 10-point scale.
study at a recognised tertiary or higher education institution
is required in addition to the completion of high school
Burma (Myanmar) Successful completion of a recognised pre-tertiary or Matriculation Examination Pass Certificate - Completion of
foundation program or successful completion of 1 year of 3 core subjects and 3 elective subjects (excluding optional
study at a recognised tertiary or higher education institution Burmese language) with minimum grade average of 60%.
is required in addition to the completion of high school
Cambodia Successful completion of a recognised pre-tertiary or Diploma of Upper Secondary Education with minimum
foundation program or successful completion of 1 year of overall grade of D.
study at a recognised tertiary or higher education institution
is required in addition to the completion of high school
China National Entrance Exam (Gaokao) with minimum score High School Diploma with minimum grade average of 60%.
required for each Chinese Province.
Colombia Successful completion of a recognised pre-tertiary or Bachiller or Bachillerato (Secondary School 4 Certificate)
foundation program or successful completion of 1 year of with minimum grade average of 70% in final year results.
study at a recognised tertiary or higher education institution
is required in addition to the completion of high school
Fiji Fiji Form 7 (2012 and earlier) with minimum aggregate Fiji Form 7 (2012 and earlier) with minimum aggregate
score of 228 in the best 4 subjects (one of which must score of 215 in the best 4 subjects (one of which must include
include English). Subject grades are converted as A=80, English). Subject grades are converted as A=80, B=65, C=50
B=65, C=50 or 1-2=80, 3-4=65, 5-6=50; or or 1-2=80, 3-4=65, 5-6=50; or
Fiji Year 13 Certificate (2013 onwards) with minimum Fiji Year 13 Certificate (2013 onwards) with minimum
aggregate score of 228 in the best 4 subjects (one of which aggregate score of 215 in the best 4 subjects (one of which
must include English). Subject grades are converted as must include English). Subject grades are converted as
A+=90, A=80, B+=70, B=60, C=50, D=30. A+=90, A=80, B+=70, B=60, C=50, D=30.
France French Baccalaureate with minimum average of 10.5. French Baccalaureate with minimum average of 10.
Germany German Abitur with minimum overall grade of 3.2 or lower. German Abitur with minimum overall grade 4.0 or lower.
Hong Kong Hong Kong A Level (2011 and earlier) with minimum Hong Kong A Level (2011 and earlier) with minimum
aggregate score 2 in best 3 subjects. Ranks on the GCE are aggregate score 1.5 in best 3 subjects. Ranks on the GCE are
calculated on the basis that at the Advanced Level A = 5, calculated on the basis that at the Advanced Level A = 5, B =
B = 4, C = 3, D = 2, E = 1. Advanced Supplementary level 4, C = 3, D = 2, E = 1.
results may be included in the aggregate and contribute the Advanced Supplementary level results may be included
equivalent of half of a subject taken at Advanced Level – A in the aggregate and contribute the equivalent of half of a
= 2.5, B = 2, C = 1.5, D= 1, E = 0.5. Subjects must be taken in subject taken at Advanced Level – A = 2.5, B = 2, C = 1.5, D=
the same academic year (October to June) or 1, E = 0.5. Subjects must be taken in the same academic year
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) (October to June); or
with minimum aggregate score 12 based the best 5 subjects, Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)
including 3 core subjects (Chinese language, English with minimum aggregate score 10 based the best 5 subjects,
languages, mathematics and liberal arts). Category B and including 3 core subjects (Chinese language, English
C subjects are not counted. Grades for all subjects except languages, mathematics and liberal arts). Category B and
mathematics are counted as follows: Level 5** and Level C subjects are not counted. Grades for all subjects except
5* = 6, Level 5 = 5, Level 4 = 4, Level 3 = 3, Level 2 = 2 and Mathematics are counted as follows: Level 5** and Level
Level 1 = 1. Grades for Compulsory mathematics are counted 5* = 6, Level 5 = 5, Level 4 = 4, Level 3 = 3, Level 2 = 2 and
as follows: Level 5** and Level 5* = 3, Level 5 = 2.5, Level 4 Level 1 = 1. Grades for Compulsory mathematics are counted
= 2, Level 3 = 1.5, Level 2 = 1 and Level 1 = 0.5. Grades for as follows: Level 5** and Level 5* = 3, Level 5 = 2.5, Level 4
Extension mathematics are counted as follows: Level 5** and = 2, Level 3 = 1.5, Level 2 = 1 and Level 1 = 0.5. Grades for
Level 5* = 4, Level 5 = 3.5, Level 4 = 3, Level 3 = 2.5, Level 2 Extension mathematics are countedas follows: Level 5** and
= 2 and Level 1 = 1.5. Level 5* = 4, Level 5 = 3.5, Level 4 = 3, Level 3 = 2.5, Level 2
= 2 and Level 1 = 1.5.
India CBSE All India Senior School Certificate (AISSC) with CBSE All India Senior School Certificate (AISSC) with
minimum average of 65% in best 4 academic subjects; minimum average of 60% in best 4 academic subjects;
Indian School Certificate (ISC) with minimum average of Indian School Certificate (ISC) with minimum average of
65% in best 4 academic subjects; 60% in best 4 academic subjects;
Senior Secondary School Certificate from National Open Senior Secondary School Certificate from National Open
Schooling with minimum average of 65% in best 4 academic Schooling with minimum average of 60% in best 4 academic
subjects; subjects;
Higher Secondary Certificate from the state boards listed
Higher Secondary Certificate from the state boards listed below with minimum average of 60% in best 4 academic
below with minimum average of 65% in best 4 academic subjects: Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra,
subjects: Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat,Karnataka, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Telangana
Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Telangana. Higher Secondary Certificate from Punjab and Haryana
Local languages and non-academic subjects are excluded. State Boards with minimum average of 80% in best 4
academic subjects; or
Higher Secondary Certificate from other State Boards with
minimum average of 70% in best 4 academic subjects;
Local languages and non-academic subjects are excluded
Indonesia Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) III Certificate of Graduation Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) III Certificate of Graduation
(SKHUN/STK) with minimum overall grade 7.2. (SKHUN/STK) with minimum overall grade 6.5 or
Completion of SMA III Secondary School Certificate with
minimum overall 70%.
Japan Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shosho (Upper Secondary School Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shosho (Upper Secondary School
Certificate of Graduation) with minimum GPA 3.0 in final Certificate of Graduation) with minimum GPA 2.75 in final
year results. Overall average score for graded subjects on a year results. Overall average score for graded subjects on a
5-point scale (5 = maximum, 2 = pass, and 1= fail). 5- point scale (5 = maximum, 2= pass, and 1= fail).
Kenya Kenyan Certificate of Secondary Education with minimum Kenyan Certificate of Secondary Education with minimum
aggregate score of 53 in maximum of 7 subjects. Based on aggregate score of 45 in maximum of 7 subjects. Based on
A=12, A-=11, B+=10, B=9, B-=8, C+=7, C= 6, C-=5, D+=4, A= 2, A-=11, B+=10, B=9, B-=8, C+=7, C=6, C-=5, D+=4, D
D=3, D-=2, E=1. =3, D-=2, E=1.
Korea College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) (2005 - 2017) with College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) (2005 - 2017) with
minimum overall standardised score (pyojunjumsu) of minimum overall standardised score (pyojunjumsu) of
290, based on the results in Korean language, mathematics 281, based on the results in Korean language, mathematics
and foreign language (English); College Scholastic Ability and foreign language (English); College Scholastic Ability
Test (CSAT) (2018 onwards) with minimum overall Test (CSAT) (2018 onwards) with minimum overall
standard score 260 of language arts(Korean language) and standard score 220 of language arts (Korean language) and
mathematics, and maximum Grade 4 in English; Senior mathematics, and maximum Grade 5 in English; Senior
High School Certificate with minimum overall average High School Certificate with minimum overall average
of 70% in final year results; Graduation Equivalency of 60% in final year results; or Graduation Equivalent
Examination (Geom Jeong Go Si) with minimum overall Examination (Geom Jeong Go Si) with minimum overall
80% for 5 best subjects. 70% for 5 best subjects.
Laos Successful completion of a recognised pre-tertiary or Baccalaureate or Vocational School Certificate with
foundation program or successful completion of 1 year of minimum grade average of 65%.
study at a recognised tertiary or higher education institution
is required in addition to the completion of high school
Lebanon Lebanese Baccalaureate with minimum overall grade of 12. Lebanese Baccalaureate with minimum overall grade of 11.
Malaysia Malaysian Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) - A Malaysian Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) - A
minimum score will be calculated based on the number of minimum score will be calculated based on the number of
subjects completed in the same academic year. The scores subjects completed in the same academic year. The scores
required are 7 for 1 subject, 4 for 2 subjects, 4 for 3 subjects required are 5 for 1 subject, 3 for 2 subjects, 2 for 3 subjects
and 3 for 4 or more subjects. Ranks for the Malaysian STPM and 1 for 4 or more subjects. Ranks for the Malaysian STPM
are calculated on the basis that at the Advanced Level A=7, are calculated on the basis that at the Advanced Level A=7,
A-=6, B+=5, B=4, B-=3, C+=2, C=1, with partial passes C-, A-=6, B+=5, B=4, B-=3, C+= 2, C=1, with partial passes C-,
D+ and D=0. Schedule selection to be based on the number D+ and D=0. Schedule selection to be based on the number
of Advanced Level subjects passed; that is, subjects with fail of Advanced Level subjects passed; that is, subjects with fail
grade (F) or partial passes C-, D+ or D are not assessed or grade (F) or partial passes C-, D+ or D are not assessed or
Malaysian Matriculation Certificate (Matrikulasi) - Malaysian Matriculation Certificate (Matrikulasi) -
Minimum GPA 2.0 or Minimum GPA 1.5 or Malaysian Independent Chinese
Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary Schools Unified Secondary Schools Unified Examination Certificate (UEC)
Examination Certificate (UEC) with minimum aggregate with minimum aggregate score of 30 or less in total of best 5
score of 20 or less in total of best 5 subjects, excluding subjects, excluding English, Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia;
English, Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia; UEC Grading, A1 =1, UEC Grading, A1=1, A2=2, B3=3, B4=4, B5=5, B6=6, C7 =7,
A2=2, B3=3, B4=4, B5=5, B6=6, C7 =7, C8=8. C8=8.
Mexico Successful completion of a recognised pre-tertiary or Bachillerato with minimum overall grade of 7.0 on 10-point
foundation program or successful completion of 1 year of scale.
study at a recognised tertiary or higher education institution
is required in addition to the completion of high school
Nepal Successful completion of a recognised pre-tertiary or Completion of the Higher Secondary School Certificate
foundation program or successful completion of 1 year of with minimum overall GPA of 2.40/4.00 or
study at a recognised tertiary or higher education institution 60% for entry to Tertiary Preparation Program (Health
is required in addition to the completion of high school Sciences) and 2.60/4.00 or 65% for entry to all other
studies; or Completion of the Higher Secondary School diplomas.
Certificate with minimum overall GPA of 3.00/4.00 or 75%
entry to undergraduate programs, except:
• Initial Teacher Education (ITE) or professionally
accredited programs within the Faculty of Education and
• Programs that require professional accreditation to
practice as health care professional within the Faculty of
Health Sciences;
• Law programs within the Faculty of Law and Business.
Pakistan Successful completion of a recognised pre-tertiary or Completion of the Higher Secondary School Certificate or
foundation program or successful completion of 1 year of intermediate with an average of 82% in best 4 academic
study at a recognised tertiary or higher education institution subjects.
is required in addition to the completion of high school
Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Upper Secondary School Certificate Papua New Guinea Upper Secondary School Certificate
with minimum grade average of 3.0 on 4-point scale. Grades with minimum grade average of 2.5 on 4-point scale. Grades
based on: A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, E = 0. based on: A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, E = 0.
Philippines (2017 and earlier) Successful completion of a recognised (2017 and earlier) Successful completion of a recognised
pre-tertiary or foundation program or successful completion foundation studies program, 1 year of university studies or
of 1 year of study at a recognised tertiary or higher education completion of a qualification equivalent to an Australian
institution is required in addition to the completion of high AQF certificate IV; (2018 and onwards) High School
school studies; (2018 and onwards) High School Diploma Diploma (K-12) (Academic track or arts & design track) with
(K-12) (Academic track or arts & design track) with a minimum grade average of 75%; or
minimum of 85% score; or (2018 and onwards) High School (2018 and onwards) High School Diploma (K-12) with
Diploma (K-12) with minimum total score of 1010 for SAT minimum total score of 940 for SAT I Critical Reading, SAT
I Critical Reading, SAT I: mathematical and SAT I: Writing I: Mathematical and SAT I: Writing test scores.
test scores.
Singapore Singapore-Cambridge GCE A Levels with minimum Singapore-Cambridge GCE A Levels with minimum
aggregate score 7 in at least 3 H2 subjects and 1 H1 subject aggregate score 4 in at least 3 H2 subjects and 1 H1 subject
(course pre-requisites still apply). (course pre-requisites still apply).
Aggregate to be calculated on the basis that A = 5, B = 4, C Aggregate to be calculated on the basis that A = 5, B = 4, C
= 3, D = 2, E = 1 for Higher 2 (H2) subjects. U (ungraded) = 3, D = 2, E = 1 for Higher 2 (H2) subjects. U (ungraded)
and S (sub pass) are fail grades with a notional value of 0. and S (sub pass) are fail grades with a notional value of 0.
The notional value of a Higher 1 (H1) subject is half of that The notional value of a Higher 1 (H1) subject is half of that
assigned to a Higher 2 (H2) subject, where A = 2.5, B = 2, C assigned to a Higher 2 (H2) subject, where A = 2.5, B = 2, C
= 1.5, D = 1, E = 0.5. Higher 3 (H3) subjects are not included = 1.5, D = 1, E = 0.5. Higher 3 (H3) subjects are not included
in the calculation of the aggregate. in the calculation of the aggregate.
South Africa South African National Senior Certificate (2008 and South African National Senior Certificate (2008 and
onwards) with minimum average mark 50% and eligible for onwards) with minimum average mark 50%.
admission to higher education (bachelors degree, diploma or
higher certificate) in South Africa.
Sri Lanka Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education A Level (2000 Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education A Level (2000
and onwards) with minimum aggregate score 7 in best 3 and onwards) with minimum aggregate score 5 for Tertiary
Advanced Level subjects, excluding General English or the Preparation Program (Health Science) and 6 for all other
Common General Test. Aggregate to be calculated on the diplomas in best 3 Advanced Level subjects, excluding
basis that A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, S =1. Must be in 1 sitting. General English or the Common General Test. Aggregate to
be calculated on the basis that A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, S = 1. Must
be in 1 sitting.
Taiwan Taiwanese General Scholastic Aptitude Test (GSAT) with Taiwanese General Scholastic Aptitude Test (GSAT) with
minimum aggregate score of 50. GSAT score is calculated minimum aggregate score of 44. GSAT score is calculated
from results for Chinese, English, mathematics, natural from results for Chinese, English, mathematics, natural
sciences and social sciences or Senior High School Diploma sciences and social sciences or Senior High School Diploma
with minimum aggregate mark of 75% in final year results. with minimum aggregate mark of 65% in final year results.
Thailand Thailand Certificate of Secondary Education with minimum Thailand Certificate of Secondary Education with minimum
mark 62 or GPA 2.5 on 4-point scale. mark 50 or GPA 2.0 on 4-point scale.
Uganda Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education with minimum Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education with minimum
aggregate score of 6. Ranks are calculated on the basis that aggregate score of 5. Ranks are calculated on the basis that
at the Advanced Level (A2) A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1, and at the Advanced Level (A2) A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1, and
must include results in Advanced Level (A2) and Principal must include results in Advanced Level (A2) and Principal
Level only. Level only.
United States of High School Diploma with minimum total score of 1370 for High School Diploma with minimum total score of 1270 for
America SAT I Critical Reading, SAT I: Mathematical and SAT I: SAT I Critical Reading, SAT I: Mathematical and SAT I:
Writing test scores (2015 and earlier); Writing test scores (2015 and earlier);
High School Diploma with minimum total score of 1010 for High School Diploma with minimum total score of 940
SAT I Critical Reading, SAT I: Mathematical and SAT I: for SAT I Critical Reading, SAT I: Mathematical and SAT
Writing test scores (2016 onwards); or I: Writing test scores (2016 onwards); Enhanced ACT
Enhanced ACT Assessment with minimum composite score Assessment with minimum composite score of 18; or
of 19. High School Diploma with minimum grade average of 2.5
on a 4-point scale.
Vietnam Upper Secondary Education Graduation Diploma (Bang Upper Secondary Education Graduation Diploma (Bang
Tot nghiep Trung hoc Pho thong) with minimum grade Tot nghiep Trung hoc Pho thong) with minimum grade
average of 8.0 in final year results from gifted high school average of 6.0 in final year results from general and gifted
for undergraduate programs in allied health, global studies, high school.
initial teacher education, law and psychology (course
pre-requisites and competitive GPA still apply to some
Upper Secondary Education Graduation Diploma (Bang Tot
nghiep Trung hoc Pho thong) with minimum grade average
of 7.5 in final year results from gifted high school, or 8.0 from
general high school for all other undergraduate programs
not specified above (course pre-requisites still apply).
ACU programs
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