Introduction and Bentham
Introduction and Bentham
Introduction and Bentham
1. Introduction:
This school is known as the Analytical School because it seeks to analyze the
first principles of law as they actually exist in the given legal system. This
school deals with law as it exists in the present form.
This school is also known as Imperative School because it treats law as the
command of the sovereign, namely, the State.
This school is also known as Positive School because this school are neither
concerned with the past of the law nor with the future of it, but it is only
confined with the law as it actually exist, i.e. positive law.
(a) He determined, in the first place, the principles of which reforms should
be based.
(b) He determined the method i.e., the mode of legislation, by which reforms
should be carried out in England.
(2) Bentham also criticised against his theory of utilitarianism because the
pleasure and pain can’t be the final test of adequacy of law.
(3) He said that the purpose of law should be to remove the bondage or
restraint on individual’s freedom and provide him opportunities for
development of the self. But in later times it was found that legislation
was used to restrict individual’s freedom in economic matters.