The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 114 DECEMBER 2014 1017
Key performance indicators – a tool to assess ICT applications in underground coal mines
The proposed activities off the participating mines have off the monitored machinery, data concerning the logistics
been allocated to different clusters. Table I presents a map of underground, and process-related figures. Due to the specific
the activity clusters with names of companies participating in ICT installations, the varying operational objectives, and the
each kind of activity. Because the backbone for any local conditions for each mine, individual KPIs have been
application is an adequate network infrastructure, a common designed. After an intensive discussion with project partners,
field of interest for all mining companies is the development some of the drafted KPIs were altered in accordance with the
of modern network infrastructure (cluster c1). The other recommendations of the mining companies. There was a
fields of interest are generally site-specific and reflect the general commitment that the selected KPIs should describe
areas that require improvement from the point of the view of the status before and after implementing the new technol-
management. These fields of interests have been gathered ogy. At the end, it was commonly agreed that each mine
and identified in a group of activity clusters. should adopt at least three indicators that should cover the
essential process improvements gained by the new ICTs.
Key performance indicators The determination of KPIs requires a number of
As stated in the Grant Agreement of the project, the operational data. The basic requirements for data collection
introduction of KPIs is essential to evaluate the improvements were set as follows:
created by new ICTs. KPIs are a set of selected parameters, ➤ In general, data collection consists of two measuring
designated to facilitate the ongoing assessment of an activity periods, one before and one after implementing ICT
and its results. Due to the complex nature of an operational ➤ Between the two periods, a sufficient testing and
process, the parameters have to be selective. It is essential to troubleshooting time for implementing the technology
select the most important factors to obtain a reliable and clear has to be considered
view of the operational process. ➤ With regard to the time frame of the project, a third
Implementing new ICT underground covers a multi- period of data collection should take place six month
layered process and depends on many parameters with a after the second period. The sustainability of the
dynamic behaviour. Additionally, the operational setting improvements will be the focus of this activity
varies as coal mining is not always a steady, well-defined ➤ A minimum number of 10 data-sets are required for
production process. Therefore the assessment of ICT each KPI
implemented underground is quite a complex task and ➤ The data-sets must cover at least one month
requires some simplifications. ➤ The partners must check whether operational
Prior to the selection of the KPIs, the academic partners deviations regarding the KPIs have occurred. If so, a
SUT and DMT-TFH had to determine the general differential treatment of the raised data and the
requirements that suitable KPIs have to fulfil. These calculation of concerned KPIs must be carried out.
requirements are not limited to the coal mining sector; they
are commonly agreed upon in the industry. KPIs applied by RAG Anthrazit Ibbenbüren GmbH
➤ Key performance indicators must reflect the operational (RAG-A), Germany
➤ Key performance indicators must be quantifiable by Figure 1 outlines the system structure that RAG-A has
numbers applied in the cluster ‘Material logistics’.
➤ Key performance indicators must be free of authori- The technology in this cluster consists of a network
tative judgements structure expansion with fibre optic cables (FOCs) in the
➤ Key performance indicators must depend on data that production area ‘Beustfeld’. In addition to 5000 m of FOC and
is reasonably easy to obtain. 20 FOC distributers, 15 industrial-grade PCs (IPCs) and 9
mining infrastructure computers (MICs) have been installed.
With regard to their scientific and industrial experience,
(Mueller, C. and Hübner, R.) The MICs equipped with RFID
the academic partners designed a number of KPIs applicable
for the new ICTs and fulfilling the above requirements. These
KPIs covered technical issues of the technology, parameters
Table I
1018 DECEMBER 2014 VOLUME 114 The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Key performance indicators – a tool to assess ICT applications in underground coal mines
readers are able to detect and utilize the passive tags. The indicates an improved level off information
f about the location
RFID tags are affixed to the transport units to enable their of the transport units underground. Table II represents the
location to be tracked. recorded data, starting in May 2012 when the new
The informative link between the transport unit, for technology was not yet in place. In this month the operator
example the number ‘370’, and the loaded material is received in average of 2.17 known locations of a transport
executed with an additional barcode label attached to the unit underground. After implementing the new ICT
transport unit. The information from these two different technology in the Beustfeld area, this figure ranged between
labels is interconnected (marriage) before the transport unit 3.01 in February 2013 and 5.14 in August 2013.
arrives at the shaft. The IITU (column 5 of Table II) shows the operator
One KPI is called ‘Specific transport performance indicator receives on average 60% more information about the location
(TPI)’ and is aimed at indicating the productivity of the of the transport units. This is a very welcome improvement.
workforce engaged in the transport of the material units. A widely branched coal mine is often called a ‘black hole’ due
KPI: ‘TPI’ Specific transport performance indicator in to the fact that knowledge about numbers of units, their
1/MS (Man Shift) location, and content is often very limited. Less information
leads to failed, missed, or dispensable transports.
[1] Furthermore, it will reduce the productivity of monorails and
operators, as their capacity is not properly matched by the
dispatching system.
TPI: Specific Transport Performance Indicator [-]
The recorded increase in the level of information is very
nTU: Number of delivered Transport-Units per month [-]
well in line with the findings of the previously described KPI
nMS: Number of required Man-Shifts per month [-]
‘TPI’ (Specific Transport Performance Indicator). It is a strong
indication that the new technology leads to significant
Preliminary findings improvements to the operational process of material logistics.
The objective of the improved process is increased produc-
tivity, i.e. the maximization of TPI. The coal mine RAG-A Cost saving, not a KPI, but most important for mining
Ibbenbüren has collected the relevant data for the new companies
mining area, the ‘Beustfeld’ (Figure 2), which has been
equipped with the new ICT system. Additionally, this data Another parameter, which was not selected initially, should
has been recorded for the mine in total (Figure 3). be mentioned. Owing to the new ICT, it is possible to locate
As shown in Figure 3, the specific transport performance the IPC necessary for the control of the longwall faces on
indicator for the mine in total comes to about 2.3, i.e. each surface. In consequence a flame-proof version is not required
worker employed for transport (monorail driver, handling and maintenance etc. is less complex. The Ibbenbüren coal
people etc.) moves 2.3 transport units per shift. In the mine started in 2010 with four IPCs under-ground at an
Beustfeld area (Figure 2), which is completely equipped with expenditure of 159.124 Euro (Table III). In 2013 all these
the new technology, this indicator ranges around 3. The underground IPCs were replaced by IPCs on surface. These
performance in the Beustfeld is thus about 30% higher than
in general. Despite some other parameters that may have an
influence, this is a clear indication that the new ICT system
makes a valuable contribution to the productivity of the
workforce underground.
Another applied KPI refers to the amount of information
the new technology is providing to the operator. The
parameter for this KPI is the location of the transport unit,
and the aim is to know the actual position of each unit at
every time.
KPI: ‘IITU’ Average Increase of the level of information
about locations of Transport-Units in percent:
Figure 2—Specific transport performance indicator TPI for the
[2] Beustfeld area (Kuschel and Misz, 2013)
Preliminary findings Figure 3—Specific transport performance indicator TPI for the mine in
The objective of optimization is a positive IITU as this total (Kuschel and Misz, 2013)
The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 114 DECEMBER 2014 1019
Key performance indicators – a tool to assess ICT applications in underground coal mines
Table II
Number of known locations of transport units in the Beustfeld area (Kuschel and Misz, 2013)
Table III
Expenditure for IPC underground and on surface (Kuschel and Misz, 2013)
Number of IPC Number of IPC Expenses IPC Expenses IPC Expenses IPC Expenses IPC
underground on surface underground on surface before ICT-Inst. after ICT-Inst.
IPCs come to 5944 Euro each, which is about 15% off the deliver a level off information
f at the control room which is
price of an IPC underground. Consequently, a cost saving more accurate in time and more detailed than previously. It is
indicator, SIPC, was introduced, which indicates a saving of expected that this will facilitate remote diagnostics, which in
85%. That does not take into account the reduced effort for combination with better communication will reduce the
installation, maintenance, and the improved reliability. MTTR.
KPI: ‘DMTTR’ Decrease of MTTR (Mean Time to Repair),
KPIs applied by Hulleras del Norte S.A. (HUNOSA), caused by breakdowns, either mechanical or due to
Spain a failure of the control systems
HUNOSA expects that the new ICT system will have an
influence on the performance of extraction functions, [3]
including secondary/auxiliary ventilation and haulage of coal
by belt conveyors. The main reasons for production or
haulage disturbances are breakdowns resulting from DMTTR Decrease of MTTR after implementation of the new
mechanical or control systems failures. The new ICT system ICT [%]
should improve extraction, conveying, and lead to better use MTTRa MTTR after implementation of new ICT [h]
of time during production shifts. The new network MTTRb MTTR before implementation of new ICT [h]
infrastructure for communication and information is shown
in Figure 4.
MTTR represents the average time required to repair a
HUNOSA stated that KPIs should be related to the failed device. The data sampling refers always to one month.
average time required to rectify a breakdown affecting the
extraction process or the horizontal conveying, i.e. mean time [4]
to repair (MTTR). The introduction of the new ICT system will
1020 DECEMBER 2014 VOLUME 114 The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Key performance indicators – a tool to assess ICT applications in underground coal mines
Figure 4—Network infrastructure at the Hunosa Mines, Shaft Montsacro and San Nicolas (Garcia José, González Ruisánchez, and Rodri-guez, 2013)
The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 114 DECEMBER 2014 1021
Key performance indicators – a tool to assess ICT applications in underground coal mines
Figure 6—Time to reach a person at two different coal faces, Velenje Mine (Krenker and Skarja, 2013)
➤ Coal face
f ‘G3/C’ without ICT—Face length was 177 m, Summary and outlook
total length 675 m, average seam thickness 5.14 m,
In the demonstration project OPTI-MINE, funded by the
average efficiency (productivity) was 145 t per man
European Union’s RFCS programme, five underground coal
and shift
mines have applied the latest information and commu-
➤ Coal face ‘Fk.-65’ with ICT‚ Face width was 154 m,
nication technologies (ICTs) to improve efficiency, mine
length 480 m, average thickness 6.20 m, average
safety, occupational health, and environmental impacts of
efficiency (productivity) was 112 t per man and shift
their operations. The improvements set by these technologies
The objective is the maximization of DRT, as this have been assessed with key performance indicators. Some off
indicates the reduced time required to reach a craftsman in the KPIs cover transport performance, the increase of the
the longwall area. With regard to the successful attempts, the level of information, the decrease of mean time to repair, the
calculated value of DTR is 82%, which is a welcome average decrease of time to call a person, and cost savings.
improvement The preliminary results give clear evidence that the new
Another KPI is aimed at measuring the ratio of successful enhanced ICT will positively impact mine productivity and
call attempts. This should indicate the range of the WLAN mine safety.
network in the face area and the reliability of the installed The research leading to these results was supported by
devices. the European Unions’s Research Fund for Coal and Steel
KPI: ‘RSC’ Average ratio of successful call attempts to a (RFCS) research programme under grant agreement No.
person equipped with VoIP phone or smartphone RFCP-CT-2011-00001. (Malesza, A. and Szarafinski, M. and
when within the range of the wireless communi- Strozik, G.)
cation network
ALLEKOTTE, K.G. and PAVLIK, R. 2012. Train tracking and driver communication
CSM Mine. 1st OPTI-MINE Industry Forum, Ostrava.
RSC Average ratio of successful call attempts [%]
nSC Number of successful call attempts GARCIA JOSÉ, G., GONZÁLEZ RUISÁNCHEZ, J.R., and RODRIGUEZ, A. 2013.
Demonstration of process optimization for increasing the efficiency and
nTC Total number of call attempts.
safety by integrating leading edge electronic information and communi-
Voice communication within the range of wireless cation technologies (ICT) in coal mines. OPTI-MINE, 5th Coordination
network should in principle allow immediate contact to a Meeting,
g Madrid.
person equipped with a VoIP phone or smartphone. In real
KRENKER, M. and SKARJA, B. 2013. Personal communication and mine safety
conditions, some gaps may occur and a connection may not
integration in an underground lignite mine with very thick seam and large
be established at some moments. This factor is incomparable
production capacity, OPTI-MINE, 5th Coordination Meeting,
g Madrid.
with the state-of-the-art before and after implementation, but
KUSCHEL, B. and MISZ, T. 2013. RFID transport capacity tracking and longwall
describes the reliability of the system and also reflects
control underground, OPTI-MINE, 4th Coordination Meeting,
g Osnabrück.
coverage failures of the wireless network. Measuring this
factor could also help to determine areas where the system MALESZA, A. and SZARAFINSKI, M. Monitoring of the mine personnel’s
efficiency is low and requires, for instance, a denser node net. movements in the areas with increased hazard 2013. OPTI-MINE, 5th
Coordination Meeting,
g Madrid.
Preliminary findings MUELLER, C. and HÜBNER, A. 2013. MineTronics activities by work packages.
OPTI-MINE, 5th Coordination Meeting,
g Madrid.
The objective is the maximization of RFC. The collected data
indicates a RFC of 77%, which shows the positive impact of OPTI-MINE. Not dated.
the ICT on the time required to reach a person but also STROZIK, G. 2013. Assessment of performance and project result. OPTI-MINE,
indicates that there is room for improvement. 4th Co-ordination Meeting,
g Osnabrück. ◆
1022 DECEMBER 2014 VOLUME 114 The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy