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Pharmacist Drug Interactions Reporting Form by Dr.S.Balamurugan PharmD

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1. Date of event: Type of facility: *Government/Private location of event:

Time of event: Hospital Clinic Pharmacy Ward A&E Clinic Pharmacy

Others: Others:

2. Describe interaction or problem 3.In which Process did the interaction occur?

Drug-drug interactions

Drug – Food interactions

Drug – Beverage interactions

Drug – Lab Test interactions

Drug – Infusion fluid interactions

Drug – Disease interactions

Drug – Host interactions

Drug – Parasite interactions

Drug – Echochemical interactions:

Others (Please specify):………………

4. Did the interaction reach the Yes 5.Seriousness of the interaction

Patient? No Death (dd/mm/yyy)------ Congenital anomaly

6. Outcomes Life threatening required intervention

Fatal Recovering Hospitalization-initial to prevent permanent

Unknown Continuing or prolonged impairment/damage

Recovered Other (specify) Disability others………………

7. Indicate the possible interaction(s) and contributing factor(s)

Multiple drug therapy Multiple prescribers Multiple pharmacological effect of drug

Multiple diseases/predisposing illness Poor patient compliance Advancing age of patient

Drug-related factors Others (Please specify):………………………..

8.If available, please provide patients particulars(Don’t provide any identifiers)

Age: Years/months Gender: Male Female Diagnosis: ----------------------------------

9. Please complete the following for the product(s)involved. If more space is needed for additional products, kindly attach a
separate page.

S.No Drug name #1 Drug name #2 Clinical impact

10. Reports are most useful when relevant materials such as 11.Suggest any recommendation, or describe polices or
product label,copy of prescription/oreder.etc.,can be reviewed procedure you instituted or plane to institute to prevent
can these materials be provided? Future similar interactions. If available, kindly attach
investigational reports e.g., Root Cause Analysis(RCA)

Yes, Please specify


Reporter- Please tick as appropriate: Doctor Pharmacist Dentist Nurse Other:............................


Address: Signature:………………………………..


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