Academic Audit Report
Academic Audit Report
Academic Audit Report
Audit Title Audit Details
Academic Audit & Administrative Audit Audit information for last four years from
2016-17 (A. Y. 2012-13 to A.Y. 2015-16)
Academic Audit & Administrative Audit Audit information for last Academic Year
2017-18 (A. Y. 2016-17)
5. Electronics & Tele Communication Academic Audit & Administrative Audit 2016-17
Engineering Department
6. Electronics & Tele Communication Academic Audit & Administrative Audit 2017-18
Engineering Department
7. Applied Science Department Academic Audit & Administrative Audit 2016-17
3. Examination System: Annual/ Semester/Choice Based Credit System/ Credit and Grading system/
any other system, specify:
Class Examination System
SE Semester Pattern with Online examination & Credit System
2015-16 TE Semester Pattern with In-Sem Examination
BE Semester Pattern with In-Sem Examination
SE Semester Pattern with Online examination
2014-15 TE Semester Pattern with In-Sem Examination
BE Semester Pattern
SE Semester Pattern with Online examination
2013-14 TE Semester Pattern
BE Semester Pattern
SE Semester Pattern
2012-13 TE Semester Pattern
BE Semester Pattern
4. Participation of the department in the curriculum development for courses offered by the
Date and
A. Y. Name of the teachers Workshop/Seminars Attended
One Day FDP on "Syllabus
Mr. D. M. Bhoge Implementation workshop for FEA" 29/12/2015
BE-2012 course
A workshop on "Syllabus
2015-16 Mr. A.G. Whatte Implementation of Robotics of BE 21/12/2015
Mech 2012 pattern"
A workshop on "Syllabus
Mr. D.P. Yesane Implementation of Mechanical 21/12/2015
System Design
A workshop on "Syllabus
Mr. S.S More Implementation of Robotics of BE 21/12/2015
Mech 2012 pattern"
A workshop on "Syllabus
Mr. G. G. Jagadale Implementation of Robotics of BE 21/12/2015
Mech 2012 pattern"
Two days workshop on Outcomes 02/08/2015
Mr. R.S. Patil
Based Education -03/08/2015
Syllabus Implementation Workshop
Mr. N. B. Dhamane 01/08/2015
on BE Mech Examiner Guidelines
Syllabus Implementation Workshop
Mr. G. G. Jagadale 06/05/2016
on Value Education
One day workshop on "Syllabus
Mr. G.L.
Formulation workshop of Reliability 08/04/2015
One day workshop on "Syllabus
Mr. N.B. Dhamane Revision of subject design of Pumps, 28/03/2015
Blowers and Compressors"
One day workshop on "Syllabus
Mr. G. G. Jagadale formulation and Implementation for 24/03/2015
the subject Industrial Engg. / OR"
One day workshop on "Syllabus
2014-15 Mrs. M.Y. Mokashi Revision of BE Mech for 2012 24/03/2015
pattern" at DYPIET, Pimpri
Syllabus formulation workshop of
Mr. M. P. Pandagale 20/03/2015
CAD/CAM & Automation
Workshop on " Syllabus
Mr. D. M. Bhoge Implementation of Theory of 17/07/2014
Machines II-2012 pattern"
Workshop on " Syllabus
07/07/2014 -
Mr. D.P. Yesane Implementation of Theory of
Machines I-2012 pattern"
Workshop on "Implementation of
Mr. D. M. Bhoge Revised Syllabus of SE Mech-2012" 04/01/2014
at Cummins COEW
A Workshop on "Revised Syllabus
Mr. M.P.Pandagale Implementation of Computer Aided 25/06/2013
Machine Drawing”, S.E.Mech at MIT
A Workshop on "Revised Syllabus
Mr. G.L Allampallewar Implementation of Computer Aided 25/06/2013
2013-14 Machine Drawing”, S.E.Mech at MIT
Syllabus Revision of Design of
Mr. D.P. Yesane Machine Elements-I and Design of 19/03/2014
Machine Elements-II
Implementation of Revised Syllabus
Mr. D. M. Atar of Engineering Metallurgy 2012 pat 12/12/2013
Implementation of Revised Syllabus
Mr. D. M. Atar 03/07/2013
of material science 2012 pat
Syllabus Revision of Heat Transfer
Mr. E. D. Kurhe 2012 Patt. 04/04/2014
5. List of Visiting Fellows/Teachers, Adjunct and Emeritus Professors, (for last 4 years).
Academic Number of
Guest Lecture Expert Person Date
Year Participants
Basics of Strength of Mr. Srirang Bendale 18/03/2016
2015-16 Materials (Professor, MIT COE , Pune) 110
Steam Nozzle and Steam Mr. Vivek Shinde (Asso. Mr. 09/02/2016
2015-16 Turbine Trinity COE Pune) 123
7. Information about research grants, projects completed and ongoing from National funding agencies
(like BCUD, UGC, DST) (Last 4 Years):
Academic Name of the Title of the Project Funding Amount Remarks if any
Year Principle Agency, (in
Investigator Duration & Lakh)
date of
8. Publications (Last 4 Years):
9. Details of patents filed & granted and revenue income generated: Nil
10. Consultancy services provided, name of the teacher/s and income generated:
1 Repairing of College
2015-2016 Mr. E D Kurhe Rs. 8,200.00
Gym Equipments
2 2014-2015 Mr. E D Kurhe Chourang Manufacturing Rs. 15,550.00
11. Details of teachers invited as resource persons for Refresher courses, Orientation courses, Seminars,
Workshops, Conferences at national and international levels.
Courses Expert Person
Basics of Strength of Materials Mr. Srirang Bendale (Professor, MIT COE ,
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Dr. Avinash Desai (Principal, Ramchandra
COE Pune)
Opportunities Through Gate MR. Vijay Doiphode, M.Tech IIT BOMBAY)
Steam Nozzle and Steam Turbine Mr. Vivek Shinde (Asso. Mr. Trinity COE
One day Workshop on FEM and CFD Dr.Rajesh Kumar Shrivastava (Cummins
Research and Technology India Ltd. Pune)
One Day Workshop on Water Rocket Mr. D D Patil (MMIT Pune)
Two days State Level Workshop on Mr. Jitendra Jagtap (Optimizt Engineering
Product Design and Development Services, Pune)
5 Days Workshop on Automobile and Mr. Khushal Singh and Mr. Rahul Ranjan
Vehicle Dynamics
12. Details of teachers participated in Refresher courses, Orientation courses, Seminars, Workshops,
Conferences at national and international levels. (participant, presented paper, chaired the session)
(Last 4 Years):
1 2015-16 21 5 4
2 2014-15 12 9 7
3 2013-14 23 7 1
4 2012-13 2 2 2
13. Participation of teachers in various academic activities as members of committees at University level,
State level, National level, International level bodies. (give details)
Date and
A. Y. Name of the teachers Workshop/Seminars Attended
Syllabus formulation workshop of
Mr. M.P.Pandagale 20/03/2015
CAD/CAM & Automation
Workshop on " Syllabus
Mr. D.M.Bhoge Implementation of Theory of 17/07/2014
Machines II-2012 pattern"
Workshop on " Syllabus
Mr. D.P. Yesane Implementation of Theory of
Machines I-2012 pattern"
Workshop on "Implementation of
Mr. D.M.Bhoge Revised Syllabus of SE Mech- 04/01/2014
2012" at Cummins COEW
A Workshop on "Revised Syllabus
Implementation of Computer
Mr. M.P.Pandagale 25/06/2013
Aided Machine Drawing,
S.E.Mech" at MIT
A Workshop on "Revised Syllabus
Implementation of Computer
Mr. G.L Allampallewar 25/06/2013
Aided Machine Drawing,
S.E.Mech" at MIT
Syllabus Revision of Design of
Mr. D.P. Yesane Machine Elements-I and Design of 19/03/2014
Machine Elements-II
Implementation of Revised
Mr. D. M. Atar Syllabus of Engineering 12/12/2013
Metallurgy 2012 pat
Implementation of Revised
Mr. D. M. Atar Syllabus of material science 2012 03/07/2013
Syllabus Revision of Heat Transfer
Mr. E. D. Kurhe 04/04/2014
2012 Pat.
15. Awards / Prizes and recognitions received by teachers at university, state, national and international
16. Awards and Prizes received by students at university, state, national and international level:
Name of
Year Name of Event (Co-curricular) Event Level Remark
Secured A
2015-16 Shubham Fasale Ansys Workbench Trainning National
Automotive IC Engine design & Awarded as
2014-15 Monika Sajgure National
Development 80 hrs Internship Best Trainee
Optimist Technology Catia V5 Secured A
2014-15 Mahesh Hinge National
Certification Grade
Paper Published
2013-14 Unmesh Khare ICEAT2014 International
2012-13 Unmesh Khare MECHNOVA13 State 1st Rank
2013-14 Kishore Thorat Aarohan 14 (solo dance) Inter college Winner
2013-14 Rajesh Khandekar COEP ZEST - 2014 (Shot Put) National Bronze Medal
2013-14 Siddharth Pawar Spectrum 2014 (Computer Gaming) National 1st Position
in All India Aircraft Flying Best Cadet
2012-13 Suraj Jaybhaye National
Competition. Medal
2012-13 Chinmay Kulkarni ASM (Fashion Show) State Winner
2012-13 Nupur Marne State
ASM (Fashion Show)
18. Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. / D.Lit.: Nil
19. Curricular Aspects:
a) Does the department offer program with sufficient no. of electives options?
Course Elective
Energy Audit Management
Reliability Engineering
Machine Tool Design
Gas Turbine Propulsion
Product Design and Development
Operation Research
Advanced Manufacturing Processes
2012 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
COURSE Equipment Design
Elective-III Robotics
Industrial Engineering
Open Elective **
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Finite Element Analysis
Design of Pumps, Blowers and
Energy Audit and Management
Product Design and Development
2013-14 2008 Elective I
Design of Pumps, Blowers and Compressors
2012-13 COURSE
Elective II Automobile Engineering
Machine Tool Design
Quantitative and decision-making Techniques
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Finite Element Method
Elective III
Advanced Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
Industrial Heat Transfer Equipments
Management Information System
Elective IV
Reliability Engineering
Open Elective
b) While framing curriculum is feed-back taken from stakeholder’s viz. Students, Alumni, Parents,
Employers considered? YES.
2015-16 27
2014-15 25
2013-14 28
2012-13 24
Number of
students Name of subject/topic Class Date
2015-16 182 SE, TE Mech 15/04/2016 TO 27/04/2016
2014-15 209 02/04/2015 TO 17/04/2015
DOM Mech
Bridge Courses
Mr. D D Patil (MMIT Pune) One Day Workshop on Water
2015-16 50 26/09/2015
Mr. Jay Gaikwad (Imminent Wireless Communication 19/12/2014 to
2014-15 40 Technology) & Mr. Amit Kenjale Pneumatic System for Robots 21/12/2014
Mr. Jitendra Jagtap (Optimizt Product Design and
23/12/2014 to
2014-15 81 Engineering Services, Pune) Development-Two Days State
Level Workshop
Mr. Khushal Singh and Mr. Automobile & Vehicle
Rahul Ranjan, Elite Techno Dynamics- 5 Day Workshop 24/08/2014 to
2014-15 74
Groups 28/08/2014
Sachin Hawaldar, DASSAULT CATIA Certification by
2014-15 31 System DASSAULT System- 8 HRS 25/12/2014
ADD ON Course
Mr. Amit Kenjale Basic Concepts in Robotics
and Demonstration of Typical 06/09/2013 to
2013-14 50
Robotic System-3 Days 07/09/2013
Training Program
Mr. Rohit More, EDS CATIA V5- Primer &
Technology Intermediate-CATIA 06/09/2013 to
2013-14 23
Advanced certified course - 12/10/2013
48 HRS ADD ON Course
Mr. Umesh Raut Workshop on Aircraft
designing and Aeromodelling 16/09/2012 &
2012-13 41
show 17/09/2012
Whether the performance of the teacher assessed by the students? If yes, are the feedback reports
analysed and suggestions communicated to teachers? Yes. Feedback reports are analysed and
suggestions are communicated to teachers in every semester.
a) Whether suggestion boxes are kept in the department to get suggestions from students on
infrastructural facilities available in the department? Suggestion Box is kept at college level
b) Do teachers submit Self-Appraisal Reports? Are these reports appraised by HOD and forwarded
to the Principal with comments? Yes. Self-Appraisal reports submitted by the teachers and
appraisals of every teacher is carried out in presence with HOD and Principal in accordance with
analysis of results, students feedback and review of academic record files.
c) What is the Departmental Average Appraisal Score _____? How many teachers have Appraisal
Score or Grade A, B, C and D? Departmental average Appraisal Score 25 out of 30.
22. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving
external experts.
Guest Lectures
Academic Number of
Guest Lecture Expert Person Date
Year Participants
Basics of Strength of Mr. Srirang Bendale (Professor,
2015-16 18/03/2016 110
Materials MIT COE , Pune)
Refrigeration and Dr. Avinash Desai (Principal,
2015-16 05/09/2015 67
Air Conditioning Ramchandra COE Pune)
Opportunities MR. Vijay Doiphode, M.Tech IIT
2015-16 17/03/2016 31
Through Gate BOMBAY)
Guest Lecture on Dr. M M Bhoomkar (Certifide
2015-16 03/08/2015 80
Operation Research Energy Auditor)
Steam Nozzle and Mr. Vivek Shinde (Asso. Mr.
2015-16 09/02/2016 123
Steam Turbine Trinity COE Pune)
Power Plant Mr. S B Bhandekar (Exec. Chief
2015-16 19/01/2016 88
Engineering Engineer MSEB)
Energy Audit and
2015-16 Mr. Kiran Purandare 22/08/2015 37
Mr. K H Munde ( AP DYP SOE
2013-14 Theory of Machines 22/03/2014 96
Guest Lecture on Mr. Yashwant Chapke 13/08/2013
2013-14 Milling And 80
Power Plant Mr. Arvind Paranjape (GM, Tata 04/03/2013
2012-13 51
Engineering Power Co.)
Open GL Mr. P V Deshmukh (AISSMS COE 25/07/2012
2012-13 45
Programming PUNE)
Energy Audit Case Mr. Vrajlal Kanitkar (Energy 04/10/2012
2012-13 95
Study Auditor)
Academic Number of
Workshop Expert Person Date
Year Participants
One day Workshop Dr.Rajesh Kumar Shrivastava 15/09/2015
2015-16 on FEM and CFD (Cummins Research and 50
Technology India Ltd. Pune)
One Day Workshop Mr. D D Patil (MMIT Pune) 26/09/2015 50
2015-16 on Water Rocket
Two days State Mr. Jitendra Jagtap (Optimizt 23/12/2014
Level Workshop on Engineering Services, Pune) &
2014-15 81
Product Design and 24/12/2014
5 Days Workshop Mr. Khushal Singh and Mr. Rahul 24/08/2014
2014-15 on Automobile and Ranjan to 74
Vehicle Dynamics 28/08/2014
Workshop on Mr. Umesh Raut 16/09/2012
Aircraft designing &
2012-13 41
and Aeromodeling 17/09/2012
Student Teacher
Academic Year No. of Teacher No. of Students
24. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and vacant (Last 4 Years):
Associate Professor 5 0
Assistant Professor 19 23
Total 26 24
Professor 2 1
2014-15 Associate Professor 5 0
Assistant Professor 19 23
Total 26 24
Professor 2 1
Associate Professor 5 0
Assistant Professor 19 20
Total 26 21
Professor 2 2
Associate Professor 5 0
Assistant Professor 19 20
Total 26 22
25. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, experience, nature of appointment (confirmed/
probation/temporary) (Last 4 Years):
Nature of
A.Y. Name Designation Qualifications Teaching/Research
Mr. Patil Rajat Shatigouda Professor ME 28 confirmed
Mrs. Mokashi Mayura
2015-16 Lecturer ME 6 confirmed
Mr. Pandagale Martand
Asstt. Prof. M. Tech 4 temporary
Mr. Yesane Dayanand
Lecturer ME 6 confirmed
Mr. More Sudhir Sarjerao Asst. Prof. M. Tech 6 confirmed
Mr. Dhamane Naresh
Lecturer ME 4 temporary
Mr. Mahajan Ritesh
Lecturer M. Tech 3 temporary
Mr. Atar Dadasaheb
Asst. Prof. M. Tech 2 temporary
Mr. Bhanage Amol
Asst. Prof. M. Tech 3 temporary
Mr. Jagdale Ganesh
Lecturer ME 6 temporary
Mr. Whatte Abhinav G. Lecturer M. Tech 1 temporary
Mr. Bhoge Dhananjay
Lecturer ME 4 temporary
Mr. Shrikant Gulab
Lecturer ME 2 temporary
Mr. Dhiraj Deepakrao
Lecturer BE 3 temporary
Mr. Gaurao Ramesh
Lecturer ME 3 temporary
Mr. Rahul Shankarrao
TPO MBA 3 temporary
Mr. Girish Allampallewar Asst.Prof. M. Tech 8 confirmed
Mr. Shivaji Yadav P. Lecturer ME 5 temporary
Mr. Gopal Bharat Patil Lecturer BE 1 temporary
Mr. Sateesha Neelkanthrao
Lecturer ME 3 temporary
Ms. Bhagyashrei
Lecturer BE 1 temporary
Mrs. Sharvari Patil Lecturer ME 1 temporary
Mr. Onkar Sunil
Lecturer ME 1 temporary
Mr. Patil Rajat Shatigouda Professor ME 27 confirmed
Ms Mamta Dolhare Lecturer BE 3 temporary
Mrs. Mokashi Mayura
Lecturer ME 5 confirmed
Mr Prafulla Meshram Asst. Prof. ME 4 confirmed
Mr. Pandagale Martand
Asst. Prof. M. Tech 3 temporary
2014-15 Pandurang
Mr. Yesane Dayanand
Lecturer ME 5 confirmed
Mr. More Sudhir Sarjerao Asst. Prof. M. Tech 5 confirmed
Mr Vinayak Walikar Lecturer BE 3 temporary
Mr Saurabh Joshi Lecturer BE 2 temporary
Mr Gaurav Chaudhari Lecturer BE 2 temporary
Mr Rahul Jagtap TPO MBA 2
Mr. Dhamane Naresh temporary
Lecturer ME 3
Mr. Mahajan Ritesh temporary
Lecturer M. Tech 2
Mr. Atar Dadasaheb temporary
Asst. Prof. M. Tech 1
Mr. Bhanage Amol temporary
Asst. Prof. M. Tech 2
Mr. Yadav Shivaji P. Lecturer BE 4
Mr Abhijeet Kadam Lecturer ME 2
M. Tech 2 temporary
Mr Martand Pandagale Asst. Prof.
MBA 1 temporary
Mr Rahul Jagtap TPO
BE 1 temporary
Mr Abhijeet Kadam Lecturer
BE 1 temporary
Mr Mangesh Mane Lecturer
BE 1 temporary
Mr Yogesh Maske Lecturer
BE 1 temporary
Mr Rahul Kamble Lecturer
BE 3 temporary
Mrs Mayura Mokashi Asst. Prof.
26. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff sanctioned, filled and vacant:
Laboratory Attendant 00 00 00
Peon 02 02 02
Laboratory Assistant 03 03 03
2014-15 Laboratory Attendant 00 00 00
Peon 02 02 02
Laboratory Assistant 03 03 03
2013-14 Laboratory Attendant 00 00 00
Peon 02 02 02
Laboratory Assistant 03 03 03
2012-13 Laboratory Attendant 00 00 00
Peon 02 02 02
Class Appeared Passed Pass %
SE 149 26 16.56
2015-16 TE 153 67 42.68
BE 168 139 82.74
SE 140 77 55.00
2014-15 TE 156 77 49.35
BE 121 119 98.34
SE 148 66 44.59
2013-14 TE 155 66 42.58
BE 126 112 88.88
SE 145 80 54.42
2012-13 TE 114 50 43.86
BE 74 74 100.00
29. Student progression/ placement record: Number/ percentage of students proceeded for higher studies
Number/percentage of students placed:
30. Present details of departmental infrastructural & other facilities with regard to
2014-15 UG 7 2 4 0
2013-14 UG 8 4 2 0
2012-13 UG 7 5 3 0
32. Number of students cleared Civil Services and Defense Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE
and other competitive examinations? Give Category wise data.
NET/ Other
SET Exams
2015-16 - - 0 2 2
2014-15 - - 3 2 5
2013-14 - - 10 2 12
2012-13 - - 1 1 2
Scanned by CamScanner
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s
Institute of Technology
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
IQAC/ 2017-18 /36 Date: 22/05/2017
5. Participation of the department in the curriculum development for courses offered by the
Date and
A. Y. Name of the teachers Workshop/Seminars Attended
Workshop on Syllabus Detailing of
Mr. Rohit Polas 08/11/16
Turbo Machines
Workshop on Syllabus Structuring
Mr. S.S. More 23/9/2016
2016- of TE Mech 2015 Course
17 Workshop on Syllabus Structuring
Mr. R.G. Mahajan 23/9/2016
of TE Mech 2015 Course
Workshop on Syllabus Structuring
Mr. R.S. Patil 23/9/2016
of TE Mech 2015 Course
8. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and vacant:
Professor 2 2
Associate Professor 5 0
Assistant Professor 19 23
Lecturer 00 04
Total 26 29
Assistant M.E 6 yrs. probation
Mrs.Nirale Manju Sudhir
Assistant M. E 7 yrs. probation
Ms. Monalisa Mitra
Assistant M. E 3 yrs. probation
Ms. Chandankar Bhagyashri G
Assistant M. E 1 yrs. probation
Ms. Patil Rupali R
Assistant M. Tech 1 yrs. probation
Mr. Bhatti Jasprit Singh
Assistant M. E 1 yrs. probation
Ms. Chaudhary Jagruti Kiran
Assistant M. E 1 yrs. probation
Ms. Avati Vijaya Narasu
12. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff sanctioned, filled and
2 Laboratory Attendant 00 00 00
3 Peon 02 02 02
6 V S Jagadale Nano-Composite
7 N V Mohite CFD
14. Information about research grants, projects completed and ongoing from National funding
agencies (like BCUD, UGC, DST)
Sr. Name of the Title of the Project Funding Amount Remarks if any
No. Principle Agency, (in Lakh)
Investigator Duration &
date of
15. Research facilities available in the department and recognition received, if any?
FFT Analyser, UTM & Torsion tester
17. Publications:
Sr. Academic Papers SCOPUS, Web Citations h-index Impact factor
No. Year published in of Science range/Average
peer reviewed Indexing Impact factor
journals Papers
1 2016-17 50 3 6.3 1.3 5.6
18. Details of patents filed & granted and revenue income generated. Nil
19. Does the department have Incubation Centre? Incubation center established at institute level and
students participated from the department.
20. Consultancy services provided, name of the teacher/s and income generated:
21. Details of teachers invited as resource persons for Refresher courses, Orientation courses,
Seminars, Workshops, Conferences at national and international levels. Nil
22. Details of teachers participated in Refresher courses, Orientation courses, Seminars, Workshops,
Conferences at national and international levels.(participant, presented paper, chaired the session)
Mr. H. D. Kopurwar 2 Days National Level Workshop on "Convective
8 Heat Transfer- Theory, Experiments and 09-10/09/2016
9 Mr. Rohit Polas Staff Development Program 08-09/07/2016
Mr. E.D. Kurhe 2 Day Faculty Training Workshop on Industrial
10 03-04/05/2017
Mr.S.S.More 2 Day Faculty Training Workshop on Industrial
11 03-04/05/2017
Mr. D.M.Bhoge 2 Day Faculty Training Workshop on Industrial
12 03-04/05/2017
Mr. D.P. Yesane Two days workshop on "Intellectual Property
13 25-26/08/2016
Rights" at MSME
Mr. Vishal Jagdale One day Training Programme on Fundamentals of
14 27/02/2016
Tool Engineering & CAD/CAM
15 Mr.A.G. Whatte Automation Studio User's Meet-2015 05/06/2015
Mr. S.S More Two weeks FDP on," Advances in Micro
16 01-12/06/2015
Mr. G L Allampallewar 2 Day Faculty Training Workshop on Industrial
17 03-04/05/2017
Mr. M P Pandagale 2 Day Faculty Training Workshop on Industrial
18 03-04/05/2017
Mrs. A J Joshi 2 Day Faculty Training Workshop on Industrial
19 03-04/05/2017
Mr. D M Atar 2 Day Faculty Training Workshop on Industrial
20 03-04/05/2017
Selection as a Reviewer International Journal of
Engineering and Techniques (IJET)
25. Awards / Prizes and recognitions received by teachers at university, state, national and
international level:
Name of Staff Nature of Award Details of Event / Competition
BHAU Institute if Innovation,
Ist Rank as Best Innovative
Mr. A. S. Bhanage Entrepreneurship & Leadership,
College of engineering, Pune
Auto India Racing Championship-
Mr.. M. P. Pandagale Ist Dronacharya Award
2017, Pune
26. Awards and Prizes received by students at university, state, national and international level:
30. Student progression/ placement record: Number/ percentage of students proceeded for higher
studies Number/percentage of students placed:
31. Present details of departmental infrastructural & other facilities with regard to
a) Central Library Books and Journals, etc, relevant to Department : 50
b) Online (books, journals etc.) Subscribed : -
c) Computers and Internet facilities for staff : 23
d) Total number of class rooms : 05
e) Class rooms with ICT facility : 01
f) Students’ laboratory : 08
g) Research laboratories : 01
h) Any other facility LCDs, : 05
32. Diversity of Students:
33. Number of students cleared Civil Services and Defense Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE
and other competitive examinations? Give Category wise data.
34. Student progression/ placement record: Number/ percentage of students proceeded for higher
studies Number/percentage of students placed:
Teaching faculty %
from the same university 48.2
from other universities within the State 41.4
from other States 10.34
from outside the country 00
36. Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. / D.Lit.: Nil
2 Subject detailing Subject Teachers
3 Syllabus implementation Subject Teachers
b) Does the department offer program with sufficient no. of electives options?
Course Elective
Energy Audit Management
Reliability Engineering
Machine Tool Design
Gas Turbine Propulsion
Product Design and Development
Operation Research
Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Equipment Design
Elective-III Robotics
Industrial Engineering
Open Elective **
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Finite Element Analysis
Design of Pumps, Blowers and
c) While framing curriculum is feed-back taken from stakeholder’s viz. Students, Alumni, Parents,
Employers considered? Yes.
3) Use of ICT methods to support lectures: Google Apps, Email, NPTEL, PPT, 5 LCD Projectors, 1
Audio-video systems etc. are used by all faculties
4) Does the Department have Peer review processes? If yes, are the suggestions effectively used to
improve the teaching quality?
Departmental Academic co-ordinator reviews and monitors the teaching process is to improve the
quality of teaching as per the policy of Dean Academics.
5) Does the department have any mechanism to ensure that entire syllabus is completed?
As per the Policy of Dean Academic departmental academic co-ordinator takes syllabus
completion report every month in each semester from all faculties to ensure completion of entire
syllabus on time.
Number of
students Name of subject/topic Class Date
SOM, EM, EE, FM, TD, 20/09/2016 TO 22/09/2016,
2016-17 448 TM, TOM, NMO, RAC, 30/03/2017, 17/04/2017 to
MATRX, MSD 29/04/2017
Bridge Courses
Number Name of the agencies involved Name of subject/topic
Academic of with contact details
Year students
Mr. Mukul Khare (Asso. Vice National Conference on
President Thyssen Krupp) Product Modeling,
Mr. Stahyaprakash (Mahesh Simulation and
Softwares system pvt. Ltd) Manufacturing in
collaboration with
Mr. Vinod Dagmale (Entuple CADD Center and 09/09/2016 to
2016-17 136 Technologies) Publication Partner 10/09/2016
Dr. Ganesh Soni (MSC INPRESSCO
Software corporation pvt. Ltd.)
Dr. T P Singh (Symbiosis
Institute of Technology, Pune)
Mr. Aniket Mind, CEO, Nexus Dynamics of ATV 05/06/2016 &
2016-17 58
Training Institute Vehicle 09/06/2016
2 Brainstorming on higher education 26/08/2016 38
opportunities in abroad
3 Brainstorming on GD & PI 22/09/2016 69
4 Theatre based program 23/07/2016 135
3) Students Centric activities – Industrial visit, Onsite learning, Internships, MoU with Industries for
MoUs: -
No. of
A.Y. Activity under MOU Resource Person Duration
5 Days National Level 05/06/2016
Mr. Aniket Mind, CEO,
2016-17 Workshop on Dynamics & 58
Nexus Training Institute
of ATV Vehicle 09/062016
Conference Paper Dr. D Mhatre Editor IJECT
2016-17 to 63
Seminar on Application
of CAD CAM using Mr. Stav Pratik (Satav Cad
2016-17 15/02/2017 70
Mechanical Softwares Solution)
Industrial Visits:
Academic No. of
Class Details of Industrial Visit / Tour Place Date of visit
Year Students
40. Quality of the Students:
1) Mechanism for Identification of Advanced Learners and slow learners:
Institution identifies slow learners and advanced learners on the basis of qualifying marks and
established procedure. Students learning levels are evaluated based on performance of the
students in internal evaluation like unit test, on-line practice test and external evaluation of
University like In-SEM, on-line and theory examinations. On the basis of results fetched,
institution recognizes the slow and advanced learners.
2) Year wise Performance in Unit Test I/Unit Test II/ Viva/Term Work
Unit Test
Sr. No. Class Appeared Pass Average Result
1 SE 147 140 95.23%
2 TE 134 123 91.79%
3 BE 138 126 91.3%
No. of
No. of No. of
Academic Students
Semester Class Students Students Percentage Percentage
Year with
Appeared All Clear
SE 150 19 12.67 NA NA
SEM-I TE 118 33 27.96 NA NA
BE 145 67 46.21 NA NA
SE 147 49 33.33 88 59.86
SEM-II TE 114 60 52.63 99 86.84
BE 145 135 93.10 NA NA
Mr. Vinod Dagmale (Entuple collaboration with CADD
Technologies) Center and Publication
DR. Ganesh Soni (MSC Partner INPRESSCO
Software corporation pvt. Ltd.)
DR. T P Singh (Symbiosis
Institute of Technology, Pune)
Mr. Aniket Mind, CEO, Nexus Dynamics of ATV Vehicle 05/06/2016 &
2016-17 58 Training Institute 09/06/2016
2016-17 60 CADD Center, Pune CATIA certification course 18/07/2016
a) Whether the performance of the teacher assessed by the students? If yes, are the feedback reports
analysed and suggestions communicated to teachers? Yes. Feedback reports are analysed and
suggestions are communicated to teachers in every semester.
b) Whether suggestion boxes are kept in the department to get suggestions from students on
infrastructural facilities available in the department? Suggestion Box is kept at college level
c) Do teachers submit Self-Appraisal Reports? Are these reports appraised by HOD and forwarded
to the Principal with comments?. YES.
d) What is the Departmental average Appraisal Score _____? How many teachers have Appraisal
Score or Grade A, B, C and D? For Academic Year 2016-17 Appraisal grades are in process.
42. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving
external experts.
Guest Lectures
Number of
Guest Lecture Expert Person Date
Audit Course Road Safety Mr. Bhimrao Garje (PSI, RSP, Pune) 23/09/2016 48
Number of
Seminar Expert Person Date
Seminar on Application of CAD CAM 15/02/2017 70
Mr. Stav Pratik (Satav Cad Solution)
using Mechanical Softwares
Academic Number of
Workshop Expert Person Date
Year Participants
5 Days National Level Mr. Aniket Mind, CEO, Nexus 05/06/2016
2016-17 Workshop on Dynamics Training Institute & 9/06/2016 58
of ATV Vehicle
43. How does the department ensure that DEPARTMENT VISION and MISSION statements are
constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored?
47. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension activities. : Nil
48. Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the
A. Strengths
B. Weaknesses
1) Research and consultancy
2) Less Students internship
3) Poor soft skills and communication skills of students
C. Opportunities
1) To explore the presence of industrial areas in the vicinity for collaboration in research and
2) To increase number of MOU’s to impart soft skill development training to students
D. Challenges
1) Enhancing students employability to cater current industry requirements
2) To increase the student placements in the scenario of decreasing job opportunities and increase
in number of engineering graduates
Scanned by CamScanner
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s Institute of Technology
Survey No. 35, Plot No. 5/6, Vadgaon Shinde Road,
Lohgaon, Pune-411047
3. Examination System: Annual/ Semester/Choice Based Credit System/ Credit and Grading system/
any other system, specify:
Class Examination System
SE Semester Pattern with Online examination & Credit System
2015-16 TE Semester Pattern with In-Sem Examination
BE Semester Pattern with In-Sem Examination
SE Semester Pattern with Online examination
2014-15 TE Semester Pattern with In-Sem Examination
BE Semester Pattern
SE Semester Pattern with Online examination
2013-14 TE Semester Pattern
BE Semester Pattern
SE Semester Pattern
2012-13 TE Semester Pattern
BE Semester Pattern
4. Participation of the department in the curriculum development for courses offered by the
5. List of Visiting Fellows/Teachers, Adjunct and Emeritus Professors, (for last 4 years):
Academic Name Designation Qualifications Industry Nature of
Year /Research appointment
2015-16 Dr. Shridhar S. Deo Assistant PHD 15 Years Visiting
Ms. Uma Karanje Assistant ME 3 Years Visiting
2014-15 Mrs. Vidya Nadkarni Assistant Msc 12 Years Visiting
Professor Mathematics
Sr. Name of the Title of the Project Funding Amount Remarks if any
No. Principle Agency, (in Lakh)
Investigator Duration &
date of
9. Details of patents filed & granted and revenue income generated: Nil
10. Consultancy services provided, name of the teacher/s and income generated:
Sr. No. Year Name of the teacher Nature of consultancy Funds generated
1 2015-16 Prof. S. S. Chaudhari 4,14,360/-
2 2014-15 Prof. S. S. Chaudhari 5,42,354/-
3 2013-14 Prof. S. S. Chaudhari 3,68.299/-
4 2012-13 Nil Nil Nil
11. Details of teachers invited as resource persons for Refresher courses, Orientation courses,
Seminars, Workshops, Conferences at national and international levels.
Courses Expert Person
Computer Graphics Mr. Suhas Patil(Assistant Professor
Trinity COE, Pune)
2014-15 Computer Graphics Prof. Praveen Hore (AIT Pune)
Operating System Partition Prof. Tushar Patil , Sinhgad College of
2014-15 & Space Requirement Engineering, Pune
Computer Graphics and Prof. R. B. Rathod, PDAE , Manjari,
2013-14 Gaming Pune
Operating System & Its Prof. Anant Kaulage, Keystone College
2013-14 Installation of Engineering, Pune
2013-14 VHDL and Its Practical's Mr. Amit Govingwani, AIT, Pune
12. Details of teachers participated in Refresher courses, Orientation courses, Seminars, Workshops,
Conferences at national and international levels. (participant, presented paper, chaired the
session) (Last 4 Years):
Sr. No. Academic Year No. of Workshop Attended No. of Paper Presentation
International National
1 2015-16 18 01 ---
2 2014-15 20 01 04
3 2013-14 21 05 05
4 2012-13 07 02 03
15. Awards / Prizes and recognitions received by teachers at university, state, national and
international level:
Sr. No. Year Name of Faculty Recognition Bodies
n received
Reviewer for V. B. Kolte COE,Malkapur
1. 2015-16 Mr. S. A. Agrawal
ICRTRES-15 (Buldhana)
Excellence in work as
Organizing Committee member
for National Level workshop on
2. 2015-16 Mr. U. L. Tupe Appreciation
"Bigdata & Hadoop
Administration" sponsored by
3. 2015-16 Mrs.M.V. Khadase Appreciation IEEE Best Paper Award
4. 2015-16 Mr.S.S.Chaudhari Appreciation Institute of USA
5. 2015-16 Mr.S.A.Agrawal Appreciation Institute of USA
6. 2014-15 Ms.K.V.Deshmukh Outstanding
MMIT, Magzine Committee
7. 2014-15 Mr.S.S.Chaudhari Performance
MIT COE in Association with
8. 2014-15 Mrs. T.S. Bhoye Appreciation
MIT COE in Association with
9. 2014-15 Mrs. T.S. Bhoye Appreciation
10. 2013-14 Mrs.Manisha Bhise Appreciation Institute of USA
16. Awards and Prizes received by students at university, state, national and international level:
21. Pravin Masal
22. Tushar Lande
23. Sagar Mahajan
24. Sarang Kamble
25. Manish Giri
26. Mukesh Borana
27. Ehsan Nirwan
28. Heena Shaikh
29. Shrutika Hule
30. Anurag Rao
31 SKN Medical College
Sameer Pable SYNCYTIUM 2016
& Genral Hospital
32 Vikram Nath 3rd in Badminton M.M Karandak 2016
33 Inter College Cultural
Winner in Glam-
Vikram Nath Fest held by ASM
Slam Event
Group of Isntitutes
Mrunal Survey Dace Association with
35 Mewar Malika
TOEFL IBT International level
36 Kedari Akshay TOEFL IBT International level
37 2015-16 Mandar Gade TOEFL IBT International level
38 Tatar Rohit TOEFL IBT International level
39 SKN Medical College
Mahesh Aher SYNCYTIUM 2016
& Genral Hospital
40 All India Shooting
Ajay Tambe National Cadet Corps
41 Participated & Sinhgad
Shivanii Beri Awarded in Inter Institutes(Sinhgad
College Event Karandak)
42 Inter Collge
Priya Kashe Runner Up Compitition(Insignia
43 Smt.Hiraben Nanavati
Institute of
1st Prize in Fashion
Pooja Kasbe Management &
2014-15 Research for
44 Inter College Cultural
Winner in Glam-
Mrunal Surve Fest held by ASM
Slam Event
Group of Isntitutes
45 Participated in
Atish Kaware ALACRITY 2015
National Event
46 Smt.Hiraben Nanavati
Institute of
1st Prize in Fashion
Kishor Thorat Management &
Research for
47 Chaparwal
TOEFL International Level
Prashant Govind
48 3rd Position in Shot
Komal Dhobale
MMIT Pune, Annual
49 2013-14 Rani Nadia
3rd Position in Social Gathering
50 Priyanka Gaikwad
Throw Ball
51 Pooja Nikan
17. Details of Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops/FDP organized at university, state, national and
international level and the source of funding with details:
18. Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. / D.Lit.: Nil
19. Curricular Aspects:
a) Does the department offer program with sufficient no. of electives options: YES
Sr. No Academic Year Semester Name of Elective No of Students
Elective-IV-MA/BAI 39/56
Elective-III-MC/CC 67/28
1 2015-16
Elective-IIP/DMTA 13/82
Elective-II-PC 95
Elective-IV-IS/CC 45/7
Elective-III-AD 52
2 2014-15
Elective-I-SA 52
Elective-II-STQA 52
Elective-IV-IS 69
Elective-III-AD 69
3 2013-14
Elective-I-AI/SA 18/51
Elective-II-STQA 69
Elective-IV-IS/CC 51/18
Elective-III-AD 69
4 2012-13
Elective-I-AI/SA 32/37
Elective-II-MS 69
b) While framing curriculum, is feed-back taken from stakeholder’s viz. Students, Alumni, Parents,
Employers considered: Yes
c) Number of teachers preparing & following Academic Teaching plan: All
d) Do you offer Bridge/Remedial courses? If yes, Give details.
No. of
A.Y. SEM Class Subject Faculty Name Result student
Bridge Courses
2015-16 41 Fizzible Tech Pvt. One Day 1/8/2015
Ltd. Workshop on
Individual faculty members have primary authority and responsibility in all these areas and
are charged with carrying out those responsibilities in a professional manner.
Students are made aware of the assessment methods at the beginning of the semester and
whenever necessary. The assessed answer sheets as well as Model answer sheet of internal
tests (Unit Test) are given to the students and performance is discussed by the course teacher.
Students having grievances with the internal evaluation process can directly discuss their
doubts individually with respective faculty members.
Students can approach the Head of the Department & Dean Academic, in case of any
a) Whether the performance of the teacher assessed by the students? If yes, are the feedback reports
analysed and suggestions communicated to teachers? Yes
b) Whether suggestion boxes are kept in the department to get suggestions from students on
infrastructural facilities available in the department? Yes
c) Do teachers submit Self-Appraisal Reports? Are these reports appraised by HOD and forwarded
to the Principal with comments? Yes
d) What is the Departmental Average Appraisal Score _____? How many teachers have Appraisal
Score or Grade A, B, C and D?
22. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving
external experts.: Special Lectures
Sr. Academic
Title of Programme Date Venue Speaker
No. Year
Mr. Suhas Patil,
Guest Lecture on Computer Computer
1 20-02-2016 Trinity College of
Graphics Network Lab
engineering, Pune
Mr. Swapnil Udar,
Guest Lecture on C++ Oriented
2 06-02-2016 cognizant pvt ltd,
Programming Programming
2015-2016 Lab
Class Room &
Mr. Prasad
3 The Java Orientation Program 23-09-2015 Tasgaonkar, MBTB,
Guest Lecture on Networking Computer
4 07-09-2015 Dr. Kailas R. Patil
and Cyber Security Network Lab
Guest Lecture on Computer Departmental Prof. Praveen Hore ,
5 28-03-2015
Graphics Computer Lab AIT, Pune
Satish Madanwad,
Guest Lecture on Python
6 07-02-2015 Computer Lab persistent pvt ltd
2014-2015 Programming pune
Mr. Vaibhav
Guest Lecture on Applet in Oriented
7 23-08-2014 Kotalwar, synechron
Java Programming Programming
pvt ltd, Pune
Guest Lecture on Operating Prof. Tushar Patil ,
8 System Partition & Space 09-08-2014 Sinhgad College of
System Lab
Requirement Engineering, Pune
Guest Lecture on Computer Class Room & Prof. R. B. Rathod,
9 Graphics and 14-03-2014 Computer PDAE , Manjari,
Gaming Centre Pune
24. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and vacant (Last 4 Years):
25. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, experience, nature of appointment
(confirmed/ probation/temporary) (Last 4 Years):
Academic Year 2015-16
Research Nature of
Name Designation Qualifications Experience appointment
HOD, Assistant ME(CE) 21 Years Confirmed
Mrs. P. M. Daflapurkar
6 Years 5
Mr. D. B. Satre Assistant Professor ME(CSE-IT) Confirmed
8 Years 5
Mr. S. G. Rathod Lecturer BE(CE) Confirmed
Mr. S. S. Shinde Lecturer ME(CS) 6 Years Confirmed
2 Years 6
Ms. S. V. Thakare Lecturer ME (CE) Temporary
ME (CE) 1 Years 6
Ms. N. S. Jadhao Lecturer Temporary
7 Years 5 Confirmed
Mr. S. G. Rathod Lecturer BE(CE)
Ms. S. S. Muley Lecturer ME (CN) 7 Years Temporary
4 Years 5
Mr. D. B. Satre Assistant Professor ME(CSE-IT) Confirmed
6 Years 5
Mr. S. G. Rathod Lecturer BE(CE) Confirmed
Ms Shubhada Pawar Lecturer BE(CE) 2 Years Temporary
3 Years 5
Mr. D. B. Satre Assistant Professor ME(CSE-IT) Confirmed
5 Years 5
Mr. S. G. Rathod Lecturer BE(CE) Confirmed
26. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff sanctioned, filled and
3 Peon 0 1 1
4 2014-15 Laboratory Assistant 0 2 2
5 Laboratory Attendant 0 0 0
6 Peon 0 1 1
7 2013-14 Laboratory Assistant 0 2 2
8 Laboratory Attendant 0 0 0
9 Peon 0 1 1
10 2012-13 Laboratory Assistant 0 2 2
11 Laboratory Attendant 0 0 0
12 Peon 0 1 1
29. Student progression/ placement record: Number/ percentage of students proceeded for higher
studies Number/percentage of students placed:
Year % proceeded for higher studies % of students placed
M. Tech M.S.
2015-16 0 1 47.37
2014-15 2 0 76.92
2013-14 2 2 85.71
2012-13 2 2 75.36
30. Present details of departmental infrastructural & other facilities with regard to
Description 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-2016
Central Library 905 Titles 905 Titles 905 Titles 1480 Titles
Books and Journals, 2690 Volumes 2690 Volumes 2690 Volumes 4561 Volumes
etc, relevant to National National National National
Department Journal 11 Journal 11 Journal 11 Journal 11
International International International International
Journal 02 Journal 02 Journal 02 Journal 02
Computers and
2. Internet facilities for 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1
Total number of
3. 04 04 04 04
class rooms
Class rooms with
4. ICT facility 04 04 04 04
5. Students’ laboratory 06 07 09 12
6. Research Lab 00 00 00 00
7. LCD Projectors and
05 05 08 08
32. Number of students cleared Civil Services and Defense Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE
and other competitive examinations? Give Category wise data.
Scanned by CamScanner
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s
Institute of Technology
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
IQAC/ 2017-18 /36 Date: 22/05/2017
2. Year of establishment:2008
4. Examination System: Annual/ Semester/Choice Based Credit System/ Credit and Grading system/
any other system, specify:
BE Semester
1 2016-17 TE Semester
SE Credit and Grading system
5. Participation of the department in the curriculum development for courses offered by the
University: NIL
8. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and vacant:
25 Ms. K. N. Ushir Assistant Professor ME(CE) 2.5 Years Temporary
12. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff sanctioned, filled and
14. Information about research grants, projects completed and ongoing from National funding
agencies (like BCUD, UGC, DST)
Sr. Name of the Title of the Project Funding Amount Remarks if any
No. Principle Agency, (in Lakh)
Investigator Duration &
date of sanction
15. Research facilities available in the department and recognition received, if any?
BeagleBone Kits
17. Publications:
Sr. Academic Papers SCOPUS, Web Citations h-index Impact factor
No. Year published in of Science range/Average
peer reviewed Indexing Impact factor
journals Papers
1 2016-17 39 0 0 0 3.65
18. Details of patents filed & granted and revenue income generated.: NIL
20. Consultancy services provided, name of the teacher/s and income generated:
Sr. Name of the teacher Nature of consultancy Funds generated
1 Prof. S. S. Chaudhari TCS iON 4,35,114/-
2 Prof. S. A. Agrawal National Conference NCRTCT 2017 4,887/-
21. Details of teachers invited as resource persons for Refresher courses, Orientation courses,
Seminars, Workshops, Conferences at national and international levels.
22. Details of teachers participated in Refresher courses, Orientation courses, Seminars, Workshops,
Conferences at national and international levels.(participant, presented paper, chaired the session)
Sr. No. No. of Workshop Attended No. of Paper Presentation
International National
1 13 01 27
25. Awards / Prizes and recognitions received by teachers at university, state, national and
international level:
Sr. Name of Faculty Awards/Recognition
Recognition Bodies
No. received
1 In SEED IT Idol Contest 2016
Mrs.Pradnya M Daflapurkar Appreciation helped by SEED Infotech and
SPPU, Pune
2 Mr.C. R. Mankar Best Paper Award NCRTCT 2017, MMIT
3 Mr. S. G. Rathod Certificate as Mentor Smart India Hackathon, 2017
26. Awards and Prizes received by students at university, state, national and international level:
Sr. No. Name of Student Awards/Recognition Recognition Bodies
1 Lokesh Vishvakarma
2 Swapnil Ingale
3 Dhaval Shah
Smart India Hackathon Sponsored by Govt. of India
4 Yogesh Bhaturkar
5 Shivkanya Shinde
6 Vishal Bhamare
7 Priyanka Chaudhari Best Paper Award NCRTCT-2017,MMIT,Pune
8 Shivani Beri Best Paper Award NCRTCT-2017,MMIT,Pune
9 Rohit Kadam Best Paper Award NCRTCT-2017,MMIT,Pune
10 Rushikesh kaware GATE Qualified GATE Organizing Committee
11 Sumit Chidrawar CAT Qualified IIM 2016
12 Sudarshan patil Dy SP MPSC
30. Student progression/ placement record: Number/ percentage of students proceeded for higher
studies Number/percentage of students placed:
31. Present details of departmental infrastructural & other facilities with regard to
a) Central Library Books and Journals, etc, relevant to Department :
1480 Titles, 4561 Volumes, National Journal: 11, International Journal: 02
b) Online (books, journals etc.) Subscribed :
c) Computers and Internet facilities for staff : 1:1
d) Total number of class rooms : 04
e) Class rooms with ICT facility : 04
f) Students’ laboratory : 12
g) Research laboratories : 00
h) Any other facility: LCD Projectors & Screen : 08
33. Number of students cleared Civil Services and Defense Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE
and other competitive examinations? Give Category wise data.
Year MPSC/UPSC NET/ SET GATE Other Exams Total
2016-17 01 00 01 CAT (01) 03
34. Student progression/ placement record: Number/ percentage of students proceeded for higher
studies Number/percentage of students placed:
% proceeded for higher studies % of students placed
UG to PG
16.67 25%
Teaching faculty %
from the same university 23
from other universities within the State 03
from other States 00
from outside the country 00
36. Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. / D.Lit.: NIL
Mobile Computing 88
Cloud Computing 27
2 II
Mobile Applications 88
Business Analytics & Intelligence 27
c) While framing curriculum is feed-back taken from stakeholder’s viz. Students, Alumni, Parents,
and Employers considered? Yes
5) Does the department have any mechanism to ensure that entire syllabus is completed?
Department have Syllabus coverage sheet mechanism to ensure that entire syllabus is completed.
The sheet is monthly circulated among the subject teachers through Class Teacher, Academic
Coordinator and Dean.
7) What is the method for conducting internal evaluation?
Students are made aware of the assessment methods at the beginning of the semester and
whenever necessary.
The assessed answer sheets as well as Model answer sheet of internal tests (Unit Test) are
given to the students and performance is discussed by the course teacher.
Students having grievances with the internal evaluation process can directly discuss their
doubts individually with respective faculty members. Students can approach the Head of the
Department & Dean Academic, in case of any grievances. The final decision will be based
solely on relevant evidence and information.
4) Students Personality Development: Mock Interviews, Competitions etc.: Training and Practice
sessions on Group Discussion, Personal Interview was arranged in relation with MM’s Corporate
Relation Division on 21/01/2017 with external evaluators. Department also conducted weekly
Aptitude test series collaboration with
2) Year wise Performance in Unit Test I/Unit Test II/ Viva/Term Work
Sr. No. Class Appeared Passed Pass %
1 BE 115 100 86.95
2 TE 60 54 90
3 SE 98 90 91.83
3) Year wise Performance in University IN SEM /END SEM Exams
Sr. No. Class Appeared Passed Pass %
1 BE 115 108 93.91
2 TE 60 26 43.33
3 SE 98 11 11.22
4) Participation in Skill Development Courses.
Date Training Course Resource Person
18/06/2016 to Aptitude & Business English Mr. Vinay Nair,
25/06/2016 Communication Training Prof. Anjali
7/07/2016 to
3 Theatre Based Personality Development Mr. Amarjeet Amle
13/07/2016 to
4 Barclay’s Training Prof. Dhiraj Patil MMIT
Mr. Sachidanand Kulkarni HR
5 19/01/2017 Guest Lecture on Career Guidance
Webonise LAb
6 20/01/2017 SEED IT IDOL Competition Seed Infotech Ltd.
Practice session on Group Discussion IMERT Faculty
7 21/01/2017
and Personal Interview Prof.Sanjay Tapas
Guest Lecture on UPSC/MPSC Mr. Sandip Patil
8 02/02/2017
Preparation TechRel
41. Teacher Performance:
a) Whether the performance of the teacher assessed by the students? If yes, are the feedback reports
analysed and suggestions communicated to teachers? YES
b) Whether suggestion boxes are kept in the department to get suggestions from students on
infrastructural facilities available in the department? YES
c) Do teachers submit Self-Appraisal Reports? Are these reports appraised by HOD and forwarded
to the Principal with comments? YES
d) What is the Departmental average Appraisal Score _____? How many teachers have Appraisal
Score or Grade A, B, C and D? In Process. 3.6 out of 5
1. Mrs. P. M. Daflapurkar 1
2. Mr. D. B. Satre 1
3. Mr. S. A. Agrawal 1
4. Mrs. G. S. Patil 1
5. Mr. S. G. Rathod 1
6. Mrs. D. J. Bonde 1
7. Mrs. S. T. Shinde 1
8. Ms. Y. P. Warke 1
42. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving
external experts:
Department focuses on enriching the students with various activities. Invitation of expert faculties
for teaching different courses is kept mandatory for each semester. With this, students develop
more interest on particular subject with the valuable lectures given by experts. Students are also
encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities like NCC, Sports, Technical festivals,
Cultural festivals, Seminars, Talks etc. Students are trained for Industrial technologies by
Industry Expert
Title of Programme Date Venue Speaker
Guest Lecture on Class Room
1 25-03-2017 ICT Academy
Virtualization & Openstack E-101
Guest Lecture on Practical's & Mr. Anand Iyer,
Class Room
2 Industrial Usage of Data 20-03-2017 Software Engineering
Structures TIBCO Software Inc.
Guest Lecture on Project
Class Room
3 Guidelines for Final Year BE 20-03-2017 Mr. Sanjay Gaikwad
Ms. Anita Joshi,
Guest Lecture on Xen Class Room Assistant Professor at
4 18-03-2017
Virtualization & CUDA E-102 Sinhagad College of
Guest Lecture on Mobile Class Room
5 15-02-2017 Mr. Sanjay Gaikwad
Application E-104
Expert Talk on Advance Java Class Room
6 30-01-2017 ICT Academy
Programming E-104
Expert Talk on Career Class Room
7 29-07-2016 Gate Forum, Pune
Opportunities After BE E-104
Expert Talk on Guidelines for
Class Room
8 how to select the project & 30-06-2016 Dr. W. Z. Gandhare
Ms. Anita Joshi,
Guest Lecture on "Software
Class Room Assistant Professor at
9 Design Methodologies and 01-02-2016
E-101 Sinhagad College of
43. How does the department ensure that DEPARTMENT VISION and MISSION statements are
constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored?
In order for the objectives to be met, class-wise course planning is made by the concerned faculty
considering the number of working days. If the objectives are not met within the planned
duration, extra classes are arranged so that none of the courses will be left undone.The learning
outcomes are monitored by daily assessment of their comprehension through verbal quizzes, time
to time surprise written quizzes class tests and mock tests.
Scanned by CamScanner
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s Institute of Technology
Survey No. 35, Plot No. 5/6, Vadgaon Shinde Road,
Lohgaon, Pune-411047
2. Year of establishment:2008
3. Examination System: Annual/ Semester/Choice Based Credit System/ Credit and Grading system/
any other system, specify:
Class Examination System
SE Semester Pattern with Online examination & Credit System
2015-16 TE Semester Pattern with In-Sem Examination
BE Semester Pattern with In-Sem Examination
SE Semester Pattern with Online examination
2014-15 TE Semester Pattern with In-Sem Examination
BE Semester Pattern
SE Semester Pattern with Online examination
2013-14 TE Semester Pattern
BE Semester Pattern
SE Semester Pattern
2012-13 TE Semester Pattern
BE Semester Pattern
4. Participation of the department in the curriculum development for courses offered by the
5. List of Visiting Fellows/Teachers, Adjunct and Emeritus Professors, (for last 4 years).
Details of Adjunct faculty/ Visiting faculty (Last 4 Years):
Nature of
Year Name Designation Qualifications /Research
Career Counselor,
Mr.Vijay BE Production,
2015-16 Author, Speaker, 15 Years Guest Lecture
Navale MBA
2014-15 Pranjal MBA 10Years Guest Lecture
Career Counselor,
Mr.Vijay BE Production,
2013-14 , Author, Speaker, 15Years Guest Lecture
Navale MBA
2012-13 -- -- -- -- --
7. Information about research grants, projects completed and ongoing from National funding
agencies (like BCUD, UGC, DST) (Last 4 Years):
Sr. Name of the Title of the Project Funding Agency, Amount Remarks if
No. Principle Duration & date of (in Lakh) any
Investigator sanction
1 Mr. J. M. Analysis & BCUD, SPPU, Pune 1,00,000/- ongoing
Bakliwal Implementation of
LED Driving
Topologies for the
improvement of
solid state
2 2014-15 14 - - - 5-6
3 2013-14 11 - 1 1 5-6
4 2012-13 5 - 2 1 5-6
9. Details of patents filed & granted and revenue income generated: Nil
10. Consultancy services provided, name of the teacher/s and income generated:
Sr. No. Year Name of the teacher Nature of consultancy Funds generated
11. Details of teachers invited as resource persons for Refresher courses, Orientation courses,
Seminars, Workshops, Conferences at national and international levels.
No. of
Name of Conference/ Participants
Year Name of Resource Person
Seminars / Workshops
Student Faculty
Mr.Vijay Navale, Career Guest Lecture on Career
2015-16 Counselor, , Author, Guidance and Industrial 77 02
Speaker, Mentor Management
Mr.Vijay Navale, Career Guest Lecture on Career
2013-14 Counselor, , Author, Guidance and Industrial 62 08
Speaker, Mentor Management
Dr.Sanjay Dudhal,
Dr.Rajendra Kanphade, Two days National Level
2013-14 Dr.Atul Padalkar, Workshop on Research -
Dr.S.G.Kandawane Methodology
12. Details of teachers participated in Refresher courses, Orientation courses, Seminars, Workshops,
Conferences at national and international levels. (participant, presented paper, chaired the
session) (Last 4 Years):
No. of Paper
Sr. Academic No. of Workshop Attended No. of Seminar Attended
No. Year
International National International National International National
1 2015-16 - 02 - - -- 01
2 2014-15 - - - - - -
3 2013-14 01 04 - 01 05 -
4 2012-13 - 01 - - - -
Paper Setter & Examiner
Subject- Electronics Product Design
2012-13 External Senior Supervisor for University
5 J.M. Bakliwal
Theory Examination Oct/Nov 12-13
15. Awards / Prizes and recognitions received by teachers at university, state, national and
international level:
1 2015-16 Mr. P. K. Warky 24/4/16 NPTEL Online NPTEL Online Certification for
Certification Introduction to research with 86%
16. Awards and Prizes received by students at university, state, national and international level:
Name of Conference/
Funding No. of University/State/National/
Year Seminars / Dates
agency Participants International
Two days National Level 29-30
2013-14 Workshop on Research Self 40 National April
Methodology 2014
18. Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. / D.Lit.: Nil
19. Curricular Aspects:
a) Does the department offer program with sufficient no. of electives options: Yes. Department
offers sufficient number of Elective choice options to students by taking elective choice from
Year Semester Elective Name of Electives No. of Students
I Embedded Systems & RTOS36 85
II Electronic Product Design 85
III Audio Video Engineering 85
IV Biomedical Signal Processing 85
b) While framing curriculum is feed-back taken from stakeholder’s viz. Students, Alumni, Parents,
Employers considered? Yes.
c) Number of teachers preparing & following Academic Teaching plan: All
Number of teachers preparing & following
Year Academic Teaching plan
2015-16 15
2014-15 14
2013-14 20
2012-13 19
d) Do you offer Bridge/Remedial courses? If yes, Give details. Yes
No of No of No of
A.Y. Class SEM Subjects Subject teacher students Students Students
appeared Passed Failed
a) Whether the performance of the teacher assessed by the students? If yes, are the feedback reports
analysed and suggestions communicated to teachers? Yes
b) Whether suggestion boxes are kept in the department to get suggestions from students on
infrastructural facilities available in the department? Yes
c) Do teachers submit Self-Appraisal Reports? Are these reports appraised by HOD and forwarded
to the Principal with comments? Yes. Self-Appraisal reports submitted by the teachers and
appraisals of every teacher is carried out in presence with HOD and Principal in accordance with
analysis of results, students feedback and review of academic record files.
d) What is the Departmental Average Appraisal Score _____? 86.70 How many teachers have
Appraisal Score or Grade A, B, C and D?
22. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving
external experts.
Guest Lectures
Year Class Guest Lectures
BE E&TC How Project helps to get into Industry
BE E&TC Computer Network
TE E&TC Z-Transform
1 2015-16 Career guidance & opportunities by C-DAC
BE E&TC Computer Network
BE E&TC Industrial Management & Career after Graduation
Career Opportunities & Awareness by Sai Vidya
Education Institute
2 2014-15 TE E&TC Industrial Management by IMERT
BE E&TC Industrial Automation by Adroit Autotech, Pune.
3 2013-14
TE,BE E&TC Complete Automation Training by PCMA Engineers
2012-13 BE E&TC CCNA Security by Technocorp Solution Pvt. Ltd.
SE,TE,BE E&TC Quantitative Aptitude & Verbal reasoning
Workshop and Seminars
2015-16 15: 01
2014-15 16: 01
2013-14 16: 01
2012-13 17: 01
24. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and vacant (Last 4 Years):
No of teachers
Academic Year
Sanctioned Filled
2015-16 14 15
2014-15 14 14
2013-14 14 20
2012-13 14 19
25. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, experience, nature of appointment
(confirmed/ probation/temporary) (Last 4 Years):
Year Name Designation Qualifications Research Nature of
Experience appointment
Mr. Jitendra M. Bakliwal Assistant ME, PhD* 18 Confirmed
Mrs. Pallavi D. Wadkar ME Electronics 5.5 Temporary
Mrs. Shital A. Nirve ME Electronics 3 Temporary
Ms. Sarita P. Shinde ME E&TC 0.3 Temporary
Mrs. Ashwini Shreshthi ME Electronics 3 Temporary
Assistant ME 1.5 Temporary
Mr. Navendu Kunar
Assistant M. TECH E&TC 4.5 Temporary
Mrs. Vaishali Sankale
Assistant Temporary
Ms. Rohini Jawale ME Electronics 1.5
Mrs. Vrushali Waghmare Assistant Temporary
Assistant Temporary
Mrs. Pallavi B. Chandake ME E&TC 5
Assistant ME Temporary
Mr. Sarjerao V. Bhise 8
Professor Communication
Assistant Temporary
Mr. Pankajkumar Warkey ME E&TC 5
Assistant Temporary
Mrs. Meghna R. Yashwante ME Electrical 6.5
Mrs. Meghana Yashwante ME Electrical 5.5 Confirmed
Mr. Pankajkumar Warkey ME E&TC 4 Confirmed
Ms. Snehal Koparde ME E&TC 1.6 Confirmed
ME Temporary
Mr. Bhise Sarjerao Lecturer 7
HOD, Assistant
Mr. Jitendra M. Bakliwal ME, PhD* 16 Confirmed
Assistant Temporary
Mrs. Pallavi D. Wadkar ME Electronics 3.5
Mr. Navnath Narawade 13 Confirmed
Professor ME E&TC
Ms. Kadu Shweta 6 Confirmed
ME Electronics
Assistant ME E&TC
2013-14 Ms. Snehal Koparde 1.6 Confirmed
Assistant ME
Mr. Sarjerao V. Bhise 6 Temporary
Professor Communication
Lecturer Confirmed
Ms. Swati Parvat ME Electronics 3.5
Lecturer Temporary
Ms. Poonam Mahapure Msc. Physics 1.6
Lecturer Temporary
Mr. Ganesh Pokale M.Tech 0.6
Lecturer Temporary
Ms. Amruta Kapre ME Computer 1.6
HOD, Assistant
Mr. Jitendra M. Bakliwal ME, PhD* 15 Confirmed
Assistant Temporary
Mrs. Pallavi D. Wadkar ME Electronics 2.5
Ms. Snehal Koparde ME E&TC 2 Confirmed
Lecturer ME Temporary
Mr. Sarjerao V. Bhise 5
Lecturer Temporary
Ms. Poonam Mahapure Msc. Physics 0.6
Lecturer Temporary
Ms. Amruta Kapre ME Computer 0.6
26. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff sanctioned, filled and
Year Posts Filled Actual
Laboratory Assistant 04 04 03
2015-16 Laboratory Attendant 00 00 00
Peon 00 00 00
Laboratory Assistant 04 04 03
Peon 00 00 00
Laboratory Assistant 04 04 03
Peon 00 00 00
Laboratory Assistant 04 04 03
Peon 00 00 00
S.E. 20 3 15%
B.E. 85 70 82.35%
T.E. 77 35 45.45%
B.E. 70 65 92.85%
S.E. 75 36 48%
T.E. 81 30 37.03%
B.E. 66 63 95.50%
S.E. 73 18 24.65%
T.E. 69 27 39.13%
B.E. 67 66 98.50%
29. Student progression/ placement record: Number/ percentage of students proceeded for higher
studies Number/percentage of students placed:
30. Present details of departmental infrastructural & other facilities with regard to
% of % of
students students % of
Name of the % of students
from other from students
Programme Year from the same
universities universitie from other
within the s outside countries
State the State
2012-13 42.85 52.38 4.76 0
2013-14 35 60 5 0
UG 2014-15 31.25 62.5 6.25 0
2015-16 12.5 75 12.5 0
2016-17 20 40 40 0
32. Number of students cleared Civil Services and Defense Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE
and other competitive examinations? Give Category wise data.
33. Student progression/ placement record: Number/ percentage of students proceeded for higher
studies Number/percentage of students placed:
Scanned by CamScanner
Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s
Institute of Technology
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
IQAC/ 2017-18 /36 Date: 22/05/2017
4. Examination System: Annual/ Semester/Choice Based Credit System/ Credit and Grading
system/ any other system, specify:
5. Participation of the department in the curriculum development for courses offered by the
Sr. Year Budget Proposed Rs. Budget Allocated Rs. Laboratory Expen. Rs
No of teachers
Year Sanctioned Filled
2016-17 14 15
Research Nature of
Name Designation Qualifications Experience appointment
Mr. Jitendra HOD, Assistant
ME, PhD* 19 Confirmed
M. Bakliwal Professor
Mrs. Pallavi
Assistant Professor ME Electronics 6.5 Confirmed
D. Wadkar
Mrs. Mosami
Assistant Professor ME Electronics 0.8 Confirmed
P. Pulujkar
Ms. Mamata
Assistant Professor ME Electronics 0.2 Confirmed
V. Lohar
Ms. Prachi
Assistant Professor ME E&TC 0.6 Temporary
Mrs. Ashwini
Assistant Professor ME Electronics 4 Temporary
Mr. Mahesh
Assistant Professor ME Electronics 0.2 Confirmed
A. Pawar
Mr. Sarjerao
Assistant Professor ME Communication 9 Temporary
V. Bhise
Mrs. Shital A.
Assistant Professor ME Electronics 4 Temporary
Ms. Sarita P.
Assistant Professor ME E&TC 1.3 Temporary
Ms. Smruti
Assistant Professor MTECH VLSI 0.6 Temporary
Mrs. Madhuri
Assistant Professor ME 2 Temporary
Mrs. Shweta
Assistant Professor ME Electronics 7 Temporary
Mr. Sanjay Temporary
Assistant Professor ME 0.6
Mrs. Vaishali Temporary
Assistant Professor M. TECH E&TC 3.5
10. List of Visiting Fellows/Teachers, Adjunct and Emeritus Professors:
12. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff sanctioned, filled and
Peon 00 00 00
13. Thrust areas of research as identified by the department: Power Electronics based power
efficient applications
14. Information about research grants, projects completed and ongoing during the period of last 4
years from National funding agencies (like UGC, CSIR, DST, DBT etc): 01
Sr. Name of the Title of the Project Funding Amount Remarks if any
No. Principle Agency, (in Lakh)
Investigator Duration &
(C0- date of
investigator) sanction
1 Mr. J. M. Analysis & BCUD, 1,00,000/ ongoing
Bakliwal Implementation of LED SPPU, Pune -
Driving Topologies for the
performance improvement
of solid state Luminaries
15. Research facilities available in the department and recognition received, if any? Matlab 10.0
License version
17. Publications:
1 7 - - - 5-6
20. Consultancy services provided, name of the teacher/s and income generated: Nil
Sr. No. Year Name of the teacher Nature of consultancy Funds generated
21. Details of teachers invited as resource persons for Refresher courses, Orientation courses,
Seminars, Workshops, Conferences at national and international levels.
1 - - - - 01 01
24. Details of teachers appointed/nominated on Editorial Boards at university, state, national and
international levels. : Nil
25. Awards / Prizes and recognitions received by teachers at university, state, national and
international level:
S.E. 21 1 4.76%
T.E. 14 5 35.71%
B.E. 67 63 94.02%
30. Student progression/ placement record: Number/ percentage of students proceeded for higher
studies Number/percentage of students placed:
31. Present details of departmental infrastructural & other facilities with regard to
Details Quantity
Central Library Books and Journals, etc, 646
relevant to Department
Online (books, journals, etc.) subscribed 2 DELNET, NDL
Computers and Internet facilities for staff 6
Total number of class rooms 3
Class rooms with ICT facility 2
Students’ laboratory 8
Research laboratories -
Any other facility LCDs 3
32. Diversity of Students: (Year-wise)
% of students
% of students
Name of the % of students from % of students
from other
Programme from the same universities from other
university outside the countries
within the State
UG 20 40 40 0
33. Number of students cleared Civil Services and Defense Services examinations, NET, SET,
GATE and other competitive examinations? Give Category wise data.
34. Student progression/ placement record: Number/ percentage of students proceeded for higher
studies Number/percentage of students placed:
Teaching faculty %
from the same university 73.33
from other universities within the State 26.66
from other States 0
from outside the country 0
36. Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. / D.Lit.: Nil
b) Does the department offer program with sufficient no. of electives options.: Yes. Department
offers sufficient number of Elective choice options to students by taking elective choices from
c) While framing curriculum is feed-back taken from stakeholder’s viz. Students, Alumni, Parents,
Employers considered? Yes
38. Teaching-Learning, Evaluation
4) Does the Department have Peer review processes? If yes, are the suggestions effectively
used to improve the teaching quality? Yes. Departmental Academic coordinator reviews and
monitors the teaching process to improve the Quality of teaching as per the policy of Dean
5) Does the department have any mechanism to ensure that entire syllabus is completed?
Yes. Department have Syllabus coverage sheet mechanism to ensure that entire syllabus is
completed. The sheet is monthly circulated among the subject teachers through Class Teacher,
Academic Coordinator and Academic Dean
1. Involvements of students in role play, case studies, and puzzle solving: Faculty involve
students in role play, case studies and puzzle solving in classrooms as well as lab session.
2. Sessions on Brainstorming and Panel discussion: Brainstorming and Panel Discussion
sessions are conducted regularly for final year students to improve their soft skills
3. Students Centric activities – Industrial visit, Onsite learning, Internships, MoU with
Industries for learning:
Industrial Visits
Sr. Class Industrial Visits
1 BE E&TC BSNL Bhavani Peth Pune
BE E&TC Doordarshan Kendra Paud road Pune
SE E&TC PMP Automation Pvt. Ltd
BE E&TC Just Engineering
BE E&TC Electronics Test and Development Center,Kothrud,Pune.
Year Workshop
2016-17 3 Days workshop on Advanced Industrial Automation using PLC and SCADA
1 day training on Cadence OrCAD PCB Designer
2 days workshop on “Advance Embedded Technology – Raspberry- pi”
Japanese Language Workshop
Workshop on Road safety & Traffic Management
Extra Curricular
a) Whether the performance of the teacher assessed by the students? If yes, are the feedback
reports analyzed and suggestions communicated to teachers? YES.
b) Whether suggestion boxes are kept in the department to get suggestions from students on
infrastructural facilities available in the department? : YES.
c) Do teachers submit Self-Appraisal Reports? Are these reports appraised by HOD and
forwarded to the university with comments? : YES.
d) What is the Departmental average API? How many teachers have API > Average API:
(2016-17) In Process
1. Mrs. P. D. Wadkar 1
42. Details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving
external experts:
Guest Lectures
Particular Monitoring
Developing Problem Solving Skills. Testing of Electronic Boards
Inculcate and Imbibe Latest Technologies. Use of Simulation Software
Designing Circuits & Fabricating Printed Circuit Participation in PCB Design
Boards. Competition
Creating Multi-Disciplinary Environment Final Year Sponsored Project
44. Highlight the Special facilities (if, any) of the Department: - License Softwares Matlab,
1. Yoga day
2. Tree plantation
3. Blood Donation
4. Personality Development
5. Constitution Day
1) Strong Academics
2) Well equipped laboratories
3) Class rooms are well equipped for audio, video aids
4) Well enthusiastic, disciplined & self-motivated staff
5) Student progress-oriented programs are conducted
6) Ethical approach of faculty towards teaching
7) Healthy environment in department
8) Good cooperation & mutual understanding among staff members
9) Proper documentation
10) Departmental library with good collection of books & e- learning material
11) Support to students for national / international publications
12) Support to students for college / inter college cultural activities & sports activities
b. Weaknesses:
c. Opportunities:
d. Challenges:
4. Participation of the department in the curriculum development for courses offered by the University.
5. List of Visiting Fellows/Teachers, Adjunct and Emeritus Professors, (for last 4 years).
Name Designation Qualifications Industry /Research Nature of appointment
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
6. Percentage of classes taken by temporary/visiting faculty (programme-wise information): - Nil
7. Information about research grants, projects completed and ongoing from National funding agencies
(like BCUD, UGC, DST) (Last 4 Years):
Sr. Name of the Title of the Project Funding Agency, Amount Remarks if
Principle Duration & date (in any
Investigator of sanction Lakh)
1 Dr. P. B. Lihitkar Investigation of nano- BCUD, University 2.91 Completed
and materials and their of Pune successfully
Mr. N. S. Pande polymer nano-composites (2012-14)
2 Mrs. M. R. Cost reduction & BCUD, University 1.5 Completed
Yashwante performance of Pune successfully
improvement in earthing (2014-17)
system by various ways
9. Details of patents filed & granted and revenue income generated: Nil
10. Consultancy services provided, name of the teacher/s and income generated: Nil
11. Details of teachers invited as resource persons for Refresher courses, Orientation courses, Seminars,
Workshops, Conferences at national and international levels.
12. Details of teachers participated in Refresher courses, Orientation courses, Seminars, Workshops,
Conferences at national and international levels.(participant, presented paper, chaired the session)
(Last 4 Years):
2012-13 -- 02 -- 05 -- -- -- -- --
2013-14 02 01 -- 09 -- -- -- -- --
2014-15 02 01 -- 03 -- -- -- -- --
-- 04 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Name of the Title of the Professional Development Date and Duration
Teachers Program (from – to)
Mr. International Conference on Green Route
2014-15 Nishigandh Synthesis of Iron Nanoparticles and 22/02/2015
Pande Antibacterial Studies
International Conference on Geometric
Ms. Meena 18/12/2014-21/12/2014
2014-15 Function Theory and Its Applications
Dr. Shazia R. 23/06/2014-27/06/2014
2014-15 Annual Conference of RMS 2014
Mr. Hanmant A tool for Personal & Professornal 19/06/2014-20/06/2014
S. Nayane Competence
Mrs. Manjula National conference on Engineering 05/06/2014-06/06/2014
Alloli Applications of Mathematics
3 days National Level Faculty Development
Mr. Hanmant
2013-14 Program on Research Based Teaching & 07/04/2014-09/04/2014
Mrs. Meena International Symposium on Complex Analysis
2013-14 28/12/2013-30/12/2013
More and Conformal Geometry, IIT Indore
Dr. Shazia R.
2013-14 Pure and Applied Mathematics 17/12/2013-19/12/2013
Mrs. Manjula Workshop on Engg. Maths-III at K.K.Wagh
2013-14 18/12/2013
A. Alloli IEER, Nashik
Mrs. Meena Workshop on Engg. Maths-III at K.K.Wagh
2013-14 18/12/2013
More IEER, Nashik
Ms. Vaishali National Conference on Pure & Applied
2013-14 17/12/2013-19/12/2013
Patil Mathematics At COE Pune
International Conference on Advanced
2013-14 Nishigandh 11/10/2013-13/10/2013
Polymeric Materials, at Kerala
Two Days State level workshop on Strategies
Mrs. Manjula
2013-14 for Performance Outcome Based Engg. 10/10/2013-11/10/2013
A. Alloli
Education, At D.Y. Patil IET, Pimpri, Pune
Dr. Shazia R.
2013-14 Engineering Maths-III 21/06/2013
Dr. Prashant
2013-14 Physics for Energy & environment 14/06/2013
B. Lihitkar
Ms. Nilofer National conference on Engg Applications of
2013-14 06/06/2013-07/06/2013
Sayyed Maths, At MIT Alandi
Mrs. Manjula
2012-13 Discrete Mathematics, Algebra & Analysis 21/04/2014-24/04/2013
A. Alloli
Mr. Hanmant Innovative Techniques in the Teaching of
2012-13 16/03/2013
S. Nayane English Language & Literature
Dr. Shazia R.
2012-13 Discrete Mathematics, Algebra & Analysis 22/12/2012-24/12/2012
Mr. One day workshop on Syllabus
2012-13 Nishigandh Implementation Engg Chemistry for FE, At 30/07/2012
Pande D.Y. Patil COE, Akurdi, Pune
One day workshop on Syllabus
Mr. Prashant
2012-13 Implementation Engg Chemistry for FE, At 30/07/2012
B. Lihitkar
D.Y. Patil COE, Akurdi, Pune
13. Participation of teachers in various academic activities as members of committees at University level,
State level, National level, International level bodies. (give details)
Sr. Faculty Name of College Date Remark
1 Dr. Umesh P. Moharil Jaihind College of Engineering, 12/08/2012 SPPU Staff Selection
Kuran, Dist. Pune – 410511 Committee
2 Dr. Umesh P. Moharil AISSMS Institute of Information 04/04/2013 SPPU Staff
Technology, Kennedy Road, Selection Committee
Pune – 411001
3 Dr. Umesh P. Moharil Sandip Foundation, Nashik 09/05/2013 SPPU Staff
Selection Committee
4 Dr. Umesh P. Moharil Sandip Foundation, Nashik 11/06/2015 SPPU Staff
Selection Staff
5 Dr. Umesh P. Moharil AISSMS College of 28/05/2016 Local Staff Selection
Engineering, Kennedy Road, Committee
Pune – 411001
15. Awards / Prizes and recognitions received by teachers at university, state, national and international
level: - Nil
16. Awards and Prizes received by students at university, state, national and international level: - Nil
18. Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. / D.Lit.:
a) Does the department offer program with sufficient no. of electives options?
Students having choice of opting Engineering Physics / Engineering Chemistry and Basic
Electronics Engineering / Basic Electrical Engineering in the first / second semesters.
b) While framing curriculum is feed-back taken from stakeholder’s viz. Students, Alumni, Parents,
Employers considered? Yes (Report is available with Dean, Student Affairs)
b) Whether suggestion boxes are kept in the department to get suggestions from students on
infrastructural facilities available in the department? Yes
c) Do teachers submit Self-Appraisal Reports? Are these reports appraised by HOD and forwarded to the
Principal with comments? Yes. Appraisal is carried out for a academic year based on performance
evaluation of both semesters. Self-appraisal form is given to the faculties. HOD and Principal evaluate
the performance.
d) What is the Departmental Average Appraisal Score _____? How many teachers have Appraisal Score
or Grade A, B, C and D?
22. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving
external experts.
Sr. Name of Guest Organization of Topic for Guest Date of Guest
No Guest Lecture
1 Dr. Amit C. Hiray, Associate MIT, Academy of How to Improve 19/09/2012
Professor Engineering, LSRW skills in
Alandi, Pune English
2 Mr. Ashok Ghuge, Assistant Navsahyadri Personality 09/02/2013
Professor Group of Development &
Institutes, Pune Career Guidance
3 Dr. Bhagwat Biradi, Assistant MIT Polytechnic, SWOT Analysis & 10/09/2013
Professor Pune Goal Setting
4 Dr. Prashant Mothe, Associate Adarsh College, Common Errors in 30/01/2014
Professor Omerga English
5 Mr. Dashrath Kale, Senior HSBC Software Relevance of Soft 17/09/2014
Consultant Specialist, Development Skills in present
Corpoarate Trainer India Pvt Ltd, days
Yerwada, Pune
6 Mr. Ravindra Rahate, HSBC Software Time Management 06/02/2015
Consultant Specialist Development
India Pvt Ltd,
Yerwada, Pune
7 Dr. Atul Patil, Assistant College of Stress Management 08/09/2015
Professor Engineering, Pune
8 Mr, Sunil Patil Corporate Trainer Group Discussion 05/02/2016
& Personal
24. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and vacant (Last 4 Years):
25. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, experience, nature of appointment (confirmed/
probation/temporary) (2015-16):
29. Student progression/ placement record: Number/ percentage of students proceeded for higher studies
Number/percentage of students placed: N.A.
30. Present details of departmental infrastructural & other facilities with regard to
a) Central Library Books and Journals, etc, relevant to Department :
b) Online (books, journals etc) Subscribed :.
Titles: 498, Volumes: 1673
c) Computers and Internet facilities for staff : 1:1
d) Total number of class rooms : 04
e) Class rooms with ICT facility : 04
f) Students’ laboratory : 00
g) Research laboratories : 00
h) Any other facility LCDs : 04
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Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s
Institute of Technology
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
IQAC/ 2017-18 /36 Date: 22/05/2017
4. Examination System: Annual/ Semester/Choice Based Credit System/ Credit and Grading system/ any
other system, specify : Semester / Credit and Grading System
5. Participation of the department in the curriculum development for courses offered by the University.
Designation Sanctioned Filled Filled under
Professor 01 -- --
Associate Professor 03 01 --
Assistant Professor 12 08 --
Total 16 09 --
9. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, experience, nature of appointment (confirmed/
Teaching/ Nature of
Sr. Name Designation Qualifications Research appointme
Experience nt
1 Dr. Mohril Umesh Pradip Ph.D. Physics 12 Years Approved
Dr. Lihitkar Prashant Assistant
2 Ph.D. (Chemistry) 6 Years Approved
Baba Professor
3 Dr. Shaikh Shaziya Ph.D. (Maths) 12 Years Approved
Dr. Amita Gokulchand Assistant
4 Ph.D. (Maths) 10 Years Approved
Pal Professor
Mrs. Alloli Manjula Assistant M.Sc. (Maths),
5 16 Years Approved
Anand Professor Ph.D.*
Mrs.Yashwante Meghna Assistant M.E. (Electrical
6 9 Years Approved
R Professor Engg.), Ph.D.*
7 Mrs. Deshmukh Leena A. M.E. (Civil Engg.) 13 Years Approved
Ms. Bhise Manisha Assistant M.Tech. (Civil
8 10 Years Approved
Devidas Professor Engg)
Assistant M.A. (English),
9 Mr. Nayane Hanmant S. 10 Years Regular
Professor M.Phil, Ph.D.*
12. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff sanctioned, filled and vacant:
3 Peon -- -- --
13. Thrust areas of research as identified by the department:
5 Electrical Earthing
Mrs.Yashwante Meghna R
14. Information about research grants, projects completed and ongoing from National funding agencies
(like BCUD, UGC, DST)
Sr. Name of the Title of the Project Funding Amount Remarks if any
No. Principle Agency, (in Lakh)
Investigator Duration &
date of
1 Mrs. M. R. Cost evaluation and BCUD, 1.5 2014-17
Yashwante reduction of SPPU, Pune
earthing resistance
15. Research facilities available in the department and recognition received, if any? Nil
16. Special laboratories available in the departments: Nil
17. Publications:
Sr. Academic Papers SCOPUS Web of Citations h- Impact factor
No. Year published in Indexing Science index range/Average
peer reviewed Papers Indexing Impact factor
journals Papers
1 2016-17 1 Nil Nil 0 0 0.681
18. Details of patents filed & granted and revenue income generated : Nil
19. Does the department have Incubation Centre? : Yes
20. Consultancy services provided, name of the teacher/s and income generated:
21. Details of teachers invited as resource persons for Refresher courses, Orientation courses, Seminars,
Workshops, Conferences at national and international levels.: Nil
22. Details of teachers participated in Refresher courses, Orientation courses, Seminars, Workshops,
Conferences at national and international levels. (participant, presented paper, chaired the session)
23. Participation of teachers in various academic activities as members of committees at University level,
State level, National level, International level bodies. (give details)
25. Awards / Prizes and recognitions received by teachers at university, state, national and international
level: Nil
26. Awards and Prizes received by students at university, state, national and international level:Nil
27. Details of Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops/FDP organized at university, state, national and
international level and the source of funding with details:
FE 2016-17 98 19 19.4%
50 (ATKT) 50.1%
30. Student progression/ placement record: Number/ percentage of students proceeded for higher studies
Number/percentage of students placed: N. A.
31. Present details of departmental infrastructural & other facilities with regard to
a) Central Library Books and Journals, etc, relevant to Department :
b) Online (books, journals etc.) Subscribed :
Titles: 498, Volumes: 1673
c) Computers and Internet facilities for staff : 1:1
d) Total number of class rooms : 03
e) Class rooms with ICT facility : 03
f) Students’ laboratory : 04
g) Research laboratories : Nil
h) Any other facility, LCDs : 03
33. Number of students cleared Civil Services and Defense Services examinations, NET, SET, GATE and
other competitive examinations? Give Category wise data. : N. A.
34. Student progression/ placement record: Number/ percentage of students proceeded for higher studies
Number/percentage of students placed: N. A.
Teaching faculty %
from the same university --
from other universities within the State 77.7
from other States 22.2
from outside the country --
36. Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. / D.Lit.:
The choice of subjects Engineering Physics / Engineering Chemistry and Basic Electronic
Engineering / Basic Electrical Engineering is given to students in both semesters as per SPPU
c) While framing curriculum is feed-back taken from stakeholder’s viz. Students, Alumni, Parents,
Employers considered? Yes. (Data is available with Dean, Students Affairs)
38. Teaching-Learning, Evaluation:
2) How many number of teachers preparing Course plan with details of number of lectures to be
delivered on each unit of the curriculum : 09
3) Use ICT methods to support lectures: Use of presentations, LCD projectors, video lectures, online
exam practice platform (, moodle, social media, etc
4) Does the Department have Peer review processes? If yes, are the suggestions effectively used to
improve the teaching quality? The department conducts weekly meeting of all faculties. The
suggestions given by all faculties are discussed and are implemented after consensus.
5) Does the department have any mechanism to ensure that entire syllabus is completed?
Every 15 days the review is taken in department meeting. Monthly report is prepared for syllabus
coverage. Depending on the requirement college after hours, holidays and Sundays are utilized for
covering the syllabus.
6) Do you offer Bridge/Remedial courses? If yes, Give details. After every examination, for the subject
with weak results and slow learners the remedial classes are organized.
40. Quality of the Students:
1) Mechanism for Identification of Advanced Learners and slow learners
Institution identifies slow learners and advanced learners on the basis of qualifying marks and
established procedure. Students learning levels are evaluated based on performance of the students in
internal evaluation like unit test, on-line practice test and external evaluation of University like In-
SEM, on-line and theory examinations. On the basis of results fetched, institution recognizes the slow
and advanced learners.
2) Year wise Performance in Unit Test I/Unit Test II/ Viva/Term Work
Unit Tests I, II are conducted on the days of Phase I, II online examinations of SPPU for the same
subject. Immediately after completion of the examination, discussion and difficulty session for around
1 hour is organized. Teachers interact with student and solve their difficulties. The data is available
with Ms. M. D. Bhise (Coordinator)
a) Whether the performance of the teacher assessed by the students? If yes, are the feedback reports
analysed and suggestions communicated to teachers?
The student feedback is taken in a transparent manner and on online system (moodle). The feedback
reports are prepared and are discussed with faculties one-to-one by HOD and Principal (if required).
The comments/suggestions given by student in the online feedback are shared with faculties.
b) Whether suggestion boxes are kept in the department to get suggestions from students on
infrastructural facilities available in the department? Yes
c) Do teachers submit Self-Appraisal Reports? Are these reports appraised by HOD and forwarded to the
Principal with comments?
In every academic year, faculty appraisal is carried out based on performance evaluation of both
semesters. Evaluation is done based on three parameters (a) students feedback (b) results of
examination (c) appraisal. A self appraisal report is given to faculty followed by verification by HOD
and Principal.
d) What is the Departmental Average Appraisal Score _____? How many teachers have Appraisal Score
or Grade A, B, C and D? In Process
42. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) involving
external experts.
Sr. Name of Guest Organization of Guest Topic for Guest Date of Guest
1 Mr. Nitin Pote, Government Use of Free web- 24/08/2016
Assistant Professor Polytechnic College, based applications
Chandrapur for English
2 Dr. Pritam Thakur, Vidya Prathisthan Effective 08/02/2017
Assistant Professor college, Indapur communication
Skills in English
43. How does the department ensure that DEPARTMENT VISION and MISSION statements are
constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored?
CO-PO mapping is carried out after assessment of performance of students on the basis of (a) Internal
Examinations (b) Unit Tests (c) Term End Examination (d) Online Examinations (e) University
Examinations. Depending upon the outcomes of assessment, it is ensured that vision and mission are
Special difficulty solving sessions are arranged for a group of students of a batch. Teacher interacts
with every student, identifies the difficulties in the subject takes corrective action wherever required.
48. Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) of the department.
Experienced faculties, 4 Ph.D., 3 Pursing, Average experience more than 10 years, stable and
dedicated faculties
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