Overtime Pay
Overtime Pay
Overtime Pay
is the additional pay rate paid for working is the payment of the regular daily wage for
more than a specific number of hours any unworked holiday.
OTP = hourly rate x OT hours 2 Different kinds of HOLIDAY
ORDINARY WORKDAY Note: The hourly rate for those who will be asked to
The hourly rate for those who will be asked work on their rest day is increased by 30%.
to work on an ordinary workday is increased
1.Regular Holiday
by 25%
OW = hourly rate x 1.25 x OT hours Holiday with fixed date such as New Year’s
Day, Independence Day and Christmas Day.
1. Ellena works for her aunt 8 hours a day for The only exceptions are National Heroes
P57.00 / hour. She was asked by her aunt to Day and the religious holidays of Maundy
stay for 4 hours more for they need Thursday and Good Friday.
manpower. How much overtime pay (OTP) OTP = hourly rate x 1.3 x OT hours
shall be added to her regular pay? How
much did she earn that day? Holiday Pay for Employees Who Didn’t Work
If you work during a special non-working If you worked on a special non-working day
day, you must receive an additional 30% of that also falls on your rest day, you’ll get an
your basic wage on the first eight hours additional 50% of your basic wage for the
worked. first eight hours.
OTP = daily rate + 1.3 OTP = daily rate x 1.5
7. Today is a Chinese New Year, however Pam Computation of Holiday Pay for Employees Who
has to work. Her overtime pay is PHP 254, Worked Overtime on Their Rest Day
how much is her hourly rate?
If you worked overtime on a special non-
working day (which is also your rest day),
you’ll get paid an additional 30% of your
hourly rate.
OTP = daily rate x 1.5 x 1.3 x OT hours
9. Mr. Salazar is the CEO of the fast-rising
company in the country. His overtime pay if
he works 15 hours on a special non-working
holiday which is also his rest day is P135,990.
How much is his daily rate?
OT rate
Ordinary Workday 25%