ECC Classifications
ECC Classifications
ECC Classifications
Latest Revision
An associated risk factor to microbial etiology is high con- Evidence increasingly suggests that preventive interven-
sumption of sugars. 18 Caries-conducive dietary practices tions within the first year of life are critical. 31 This may be
appear to be established by 12 months of age and are main- best implemented with the help of medical providers who, in
tained throughout early childhood. 19 Frequent nighttime many cases, are being trained to provide oral screenings, apply
bottle-feeding with milk and ad libitum breast-feeding are preventive measures, counsel caregivers, and refer infants and
associated with, but not consistently implicated in, ECC.20 toddlers for dental care.32
Night time bottle feeding with juice, repeated use of a sippy
or no-spill cup, and frequent in-between meal consumption of Policy statement
sugar-added snacks or drinks (e.g., juice, formula, soda) in- The AAPD recognizes early childhood caries as a significant
crease the risk of caries.21 While ECC may not arise from breast chronic disease resulting from an imbalance of multiple risk
milk alone, breast-feeding in combination with other carbohy- and protective factors over time. To decrease the risk of devel-
drates has been found in vitro to be highly cariogenic.22 Frequent oping ECC, the AAPD encourages professional and at-home
consumption of between-meal snacks and beverages containing preventive measures that include:
sugars increases the risk of caries due to prolonged contact 1. Avoiding frequent consumption of liquids and/or solid
between sugars in the consumed food or liquid and cariogenic foods containing sugar, in particular:
bacteria on the susceptible teeth.23 The American Academy of • Sugar-sweetened beverages (e.g., juices, soft drinks,
Pediatrics has recommended that infants should not be given sports drinks, sweetened tea) in a baby bottle or
juice from bottles or covered cups that allow them to consume no-spill training cup.
juice throughout the day, and intake of 100 percent fruit juice • Ad libitum breast-feeding after the first primary tooth
should be limited to no more than four to six ounces per day begins to erupt and other dietary carbohydrates are
for children one through six years old.24 Additionally, newly- introduced.
erupted teeth, because of immature enamel, and teeth with • Baby bottle use after 12-18 months.
enamel hypoplasia may be at higher risk of developing caries.25 2. Implementing oral hygiene measures no later than the
Current best practice to reduce the risk of ECC includes time of eruption of the first primary tooth. Toothbrush-
twice-daily brushing with fluoridated toothpaste for all chil- ing should be performed for children by a parent twice
dren in optimally-fluoridated and fluoride-deficient commu- daily, using a soft toothbrush of age-appropriate size.
nities.26,27 When determining the risk-benefit of fluoride, the In children under the age of three, a smear or rice-sized
key issue is mild fluorosis versus preventing dental disease. A amount of fluoridated toothpaste should be used. In
smear or rice-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste children ages three to six, a pea-sized amount of fluori-
(approximately 0.1 mg fluoride; see Figure) should be used dated toothpaste should be used.
for children less than three years of age. A pea-sized amount 3. Providing professionally-applied fluoride varnish treat-
of fluoridated toothpaste (approximately 0.25 mg fluoride) is ments for children at risk for ECC.
appropriate for children aged three to six. 28 Parents should 4. Establishing a dental home within six months of erup-
dispense the toothpaste onto a soft, age-appropriate sized tion of the first tooth and no later than 12 months of age
toothbrush and perform or assist with toothbrushing of to conduct a caries risk assessment and provide parental
preschool-aged children. To maximize the beneficial effect of education including anticipatory guidance for prevention
fluoride in the toothpaste, rinsing after brushing should be of oral diseases.
kept to a minimum or eliminated altogether.29 5. Working with medical providers to ensure all infants and
Professionally-applied topical fluoride treatments also are toddlers have access to dental screenings, counseling, and
efficacious in reducing prevalence of ECC. The recommended preventive procedures.
professionally-applied fluoride treatments for children at risk 6. Educating legislators, policy makers, and third party
for ECC who are younger than six years is five percent so- payors regarding the consequences of and preventive
dium fluoride varnish (NaFV; 22,500 ppm F).30 strategies for ECC.
Smear – under 3 yrs. Pea-sized – 3 to 6 yrs.
1. Proceedings of the conference: Innovations in the pre-
vention and management of early childhood caries.
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3. Tinanoff N. Introduction to the conference: Innovations
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4. Drury TF, Horowitz AM, Ismail AI, et al. Diagnosing 20. Reisine S, Douglass JM. Psychosocial and behavioral is-
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5. Dye BA, Hsu K-L, Afful J. Prevalence and measurement 21. Tinanoff NT, Kanellis MJ, Vargas CM. Current under-
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6. O’Sullivan DM, Tinanoff N. The association of early 2002;24(6):543-51.
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school children. J Public Health Dent 1996;56(2):81-3. man breast milk in caries development. Pediatr Dent
7. Al-Shalan TA, Erickson PR, Hardie NA. Primary inci- 1999;21(2):86-90.
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8. Ladrillo TE, Hobdell MH, Caviness C. Increasing preval- tions for preschool children. J Pub Health Dent 2000;
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care 1997-2001. J Am Dent Assoc 2006;137(3):379-85. 24. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutri-
9. Griffin SO, Gooch BF, Beltran E, Sutherland JN, Barsley tion. Policy statement: The use and misuse of fruit juices
R. Dental services, costs, and factors associated with in pediatrics. Pediatrics 2001;107(5):1210-3. Reaffirmed
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10. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Total den- severe early childhood caries: A proposed definition. J
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11. Edelstein BL, Reisine S. Fifty-one million: A mythical 27. American Dental Association Council on Scientific
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12. Blumenshine SL, Vann WF, Gizlice Z, Lee JY. Children’s 28. Wright JT, Hanson N, Ristic H, Whall CW, Estrich
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16. Li Y, Caufield PW. The fidelity of initial acquisition of 2006;28(2):102-105, discussion 192-8.
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17. Berkowitz RJ. Mutans streptococci: Acquisition and Academic Pediatr 2009;9(6):452-6.
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18. Moynihan PJ, Kelly SAM. Effect on caries of restricting
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19. Kranz S, Smiciklas-Wright H, Francis LA. Diet quality,
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