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Midrex Process

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3rd/4th quarter 2009


2 commentary:
It’s Not Easy Being Green

3 The Production Of Steels
Applying 100% DRI for
Nitrogen Removal

9 Massive Savings in CO2

Generation by Use of HBI

12 News & Views:

Jindal Steel & Power Limited
Announces New Coal Gasification
MIDREX® Plant in India

13 Midrex Opens UK Office

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Commentary process, we continue to find new ways to

improve carbon, nitrogen and sulfur

It’s Not Easy emissions both in terms of technology and

operational advancements.
Being Green One of our key corporate objectives is
By Christopher Ravenscroft environmental responsibility through
Marketing Manager minimizing emissions from plants and
offering recycling options. Along with our
In 1970, a year after the first MIDREX Plant
project partners, we have designed and
started up in Portland Oregon, songwriter supplied facilities that are successfully
Joe Raposo penned a timeless tune sung operating under some of the strictest
by a children’s favorite who crooned simply environmental standards in the world.
that “it’s not easy being green.” How In this issue of Direct from Midrex
true that sentiment is on many levels, and we highlight where we’ve been and where
more still today. Regarding the environment, we’re going on both emissions and better
the difficulty of being green is no excuse for quality steelmaking. First, is a paper from
avoiding the issue. ArcelorMittal Lázaro Cardenas Flat Carbon “As a natural gas-
In December world leaders met in (AMLC-FC), which is a world leader in
Copenhagen for the United Nations Climate producing most of its steel grades using based ironmaking
Change Conference (COP 15). Their goal was 100% DRI. Their technique allows the
for “a comprehensive, ambitious and fair making of steels with low nitrogen content process, the MIDREX
international climate change deal” to be in an electric arc furnace. Our second
agreed upon by world leaders in attendance. article examines just one way the steel Process has been very
How much progress they make remains to industry can lower emissions through use
be seen; however, it is clear that the global of HBI in the blast furnace. And lastly,
we are publishing new emissions numbers
“green” since the
movement is here on a grand scale and the
steel industry must continue to be proactive based on our latest plants’ performances
by minimizing its environmental impact. and detailed calculations.
As a natural gas-based ironmaking MIDREX® Plants are designed for 100
process, the MIDREX Process has been very percent recycling of process gases and
“green” since the beginning. Natural gas water to minimize emissions and maximize
is a clean and abundant fuel that allows energy efficiency and our emission levels
the MIDREX Process to continue to play an are lower than all applicable World Bank
important role in today’s environmentally standards. Plants can be designed to meet
focused steel industry, by producing only even stricter local regulations.
one third the CO2 that a traditional blast It’s not easy being green, but in our
furnace/coke oven complex produces. nearly 40 years in the industry we have
As the focus on CO2 emissions increases, shown our commitment to it and we
alternative solutions and better methodology continue to be proactive in reducing the
are working their way in to common practice. environmental impact of our ironmaking
Midrex was fortunate to have been ahead of processes.
the curve, but as a company and ironmaking Green is good, and it’s the color we
like to be.

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The Experience of ArcelorMittal Lázaro Cardenas Flat Carbon

By R. Lule 1), F.Lopez 2), J. Espinoza 3) R. Torres 4) & R.D. Morales 5)
Editor’s Note: This is an abridged paper adapted from the original presentation given at AISTech 2009.

In 1994, the electric steelmaking shop of ArcelorMittal Lázaro table I Nitrogen Requirements for Steel Applications
Cardenas Flat Carbon began using 100% DRI for some heats. Since NItrogen
then, it has become the normal practice. The main variables of Application Requirement (ppm)
DRI steelmaking, degree of metallization, carbon content, gangue Reinforcing Bar 120
content (especially acid gangue; SiO2 + Al2O3) have been studied Forging Grades 80
and evaluated extensively at AMLC-FC through the years. This Cold Heading Quality 80
analysis has allowed AMLC-FC to determine the most cost effec- Low Carbon Wire 60
tive methods throughout the value chain of steel production. Each SBQ Wire 50
variable has a special impact in the final cost of the steel produced. Hot Band (Commercial) 60
Usage of 100% DRI has been a very important tool for Hot Band (High Quality) 40
the production of clean steels, with very low tramp elements
Deep Drawing for Automotive Parts 20
(Cu+Ni+Cr+Sn = 0.05%), as well as the production of steel with
API X Steel Grades for Sour Gas Application 45
low nitrogen content (< 25 ppm at meltdown and 40 ppm in final
product) for the API X steel grades. Table I shows the nitrogen
requirements for some steel grades. EAF and Secondary Metallurgy Process Engineer, Ruben.Lule@arcelormittal.com,

EAF-LF-CC Process Engineering Manager, Francisco.Lopez@mittalsteel.com,
Steelmaking and CC Director, Raul.Torres@arcelormittal.com, 5) Professor Department
of Metallurgy, IPN-ESIQIE and K&E Technologies President, rmorales@ipn.mx.

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Nitrogen control of steel grades produced in BOFs and in EAFs

has been extensively studied, establishing a better understanding table II Nitrogen content for several technological
of the metallurgical basis. Table II indicates typical levels of routes for steel production.
nitrogen content, according to steelmaking method. In recent
recent years, high carbon levels in DRI have been studied as a Process Nitrogen Content at Steel Tap
means of to CO evolution to remove nitrogen from the steel. EAF (Scrap Processed) 60-100 ppm
Since 2000, several trials were conducted melting DRI with BOF 30 ppm
differing %C (2.00- 2.20-2.40- 2.60 and 2.90%). These trials provided EAF with 100% DRI and 2.40% C 25 ppm
evidence that the high carbon in the DRI could decrease the nitrogen EAF with 100% DRI and 2.70% C 15 ppm
content in the steel. As these trials were carried out, the main goal

Figure 1 Effect of High %C on the Nitrogen content at meltdown and at the Ladle Furnace.

was to increase the %C in the DRI in order to decrease the energy via dilution. The observations indicate that the CO from DRI is
consumption in the EAF. The results obtained were in excellent evolved rapidly while the pellet remains buoyant in the slag phase.
agreement with the calculated expectations. Besides the benefit of The rate of CO evolution from DRI at steelmaking temperatures
decreasing the energy consumption, another important improvement is fast, controlled by heat transfer, and occurs at relatively low
was observed, namely the fact that the nitrogen content at meltdown temperatures ranging between 800°C to 1200°C.
was lower as the %C increased in the DRI. At that time, the main idea In the electric steelmaking shop at ArcelorMittal Lázaro Cardenas
was to prove that the high %C in the DRI can be important to decrease Flat Carbon, the normal practice is to feed 100% DRI for the production
the energy consumption of the EAF by means of increasing oxygen of steels that require low residual elements and low nitrogen
injection (the oxidation of carbon representing an important energy content. A hot heel practice is always used. Prior to Power On, 5000 kg
contribution). However, during these trials, the final nitrogen was of DRI together with 1,000 kg of coke are fed onto the 50-60 ton of the
very low when DRI with 2.90 %C was applied. The results showed hot heel that remains from the previous heat. Immediately a vigorous
the final nitrogen content at meltdown with this carbon content in foaming slag formation takes place and allows the pre-deoxidation of
the DRI was 7-12 ppm. The next charts show these results. the metal bath and decreases the %FeO in the slag. This practice is
In previous research, Goldstein and Fruehan established the mandatory because 30 seconds after the Power On, the EAF reaches
mechanism for nitrogen removal by applying large proportions its highest active power (135 MW). The CO formation continues
of DRI. They established that nitrogen removal was possible due to through all the heat because the DRI is fed to the EAF by continuous
the CO evolution by the carbon oxidation, and additionally that by charging at a rate of 4500-5000 kg/minute. The %C in the DRI is 2.70%,
applying big proportions of DRI, low nitrogen levels are possible therefore the carbon contribution by the DRI per minute is 135 kg.

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Figure 2 Melting pattern used for 100% DRI melting.

With this technology, there are several reactions responsible for

Figure 3 Schematic representation of the chemical reactions that
the CO formation through the heat. They were explained by R. take place during slag foaming practice in the EAF. (Numbers in the
Morales in a previous document. figure refer to the chemical reactions described in the text.)
The first reaction takes place at the slag-metal interface
during the addition of DRI and coke onto the hot heel in order to All of the reactions promoting CO formation are important.
carry out the metal bath pre-deoxidation. They help avoid nitrogen pick up form the air. By means of
continuous slag flushing, the dissolved gases collected in the
C + (FeO) = CO + Fe (1) slag are removed. DRI containing high carbon is the key to
maintenance of proper slag foaming by means of CO evolution
When the oxygen injection begins, there is a direct reaction thoughout the heat.
between the gaseous oxygen and the carbon in the metal bath,
taking place at the gas-metal interface. NITROGEN CONTENT IN THE EAF RAW MATERIALS
In steels produced in an EAF, nitrogen comes from two main sources:
C + 1/2 O2 = CO (2)
• From the scrap (mainly from purchased scraps)
The decarburization of the metallic charge promotes FeO forma- • By air infiltration into the EAF
tion. Lowering carbon level in the bath raises oxygen levels and
vice versa. The next reaction is generated by the reduction of iron To assure low nitrogen content of the steel and to avoid sudden
oxide by the carbon in the slag at the carbon-slag interface. changes in nitrogen from the raw materials, all raw material inputs
to steelmaking were sampled and analyzed. Results of these
(FeO) + C = Fe + CO (3) analyses are shown in Table III. (following page)
Based upon this analysis, care is taken to minimize addition
And, there are two reactions which consume CO. The first is of any materials that might represent an important nitrogen
reduction of iron oxide at the surface of a CO bubble, shown as contribution.
Reaction (4). This can be controlled by an intermediate reaction
which is shown as Reaction (5). Reactions (4) and (5) occur at the
slag-gas and carbon-gas interfaces, respectively.

(FeO) + CO = Fe + CO2 (4)

CO2 + C = 2CO (5)

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Maintenance of the bench of the working door is essential

table III Nitrogen Content in Raw Materials for Steelmaking to keep the door closed as much as possible and to retain a
sufficient slag volume.
Materials ppm
Shredded Scrap 100
EAF Tapping
Internal Scrap 50
Steel grades produced require high manganese (1.6% Mn).
DRI 20 Therefore, addition of FeMn is mandatory. Table III shows the
Coke 9000 nitrogen composition of different FeMn alloys. Addition of 100
Anthracite 10000 kg of Low Carbon FeMn increases steel nitrogen by about 5 ppm.
Graphite for Injection 13000 FeMn electrolytic (flakes), normally used because of their low
FeSi 320 nitrogen content, increase the cost of the steel. High Carbon
SiMn 85 FeMn has low nitrogen content, but its addition will often over-
FeNb 270 carburize the steel. Charge mix selection is crucial to minimize
FeMn LC 710 nitrogen content and minimize costs.
FeMn HC 140
FeMn Electrolytic (flakes) 45 Vacuum Degassing
CaF2 3060 100% of steel grades with nitrogen restrictions receive vacuum
Fluxes 450 degassing treatment to achieve the lowest sulfur and to lower
nitrogen. API X steel grades require 0.0024% S max and 45 ppm
NITROGEN CONTROL DURING EAF STEELMAKING of nitrogen max. 100% DRI helps to tap the heats with low sulfur
To assure lowest nitrogen at meltdown, normal melting practice content (0.014%).
is to use 100% DRI, avoiding usage of purchased scrap. (In the
AMLC EAF steelmaking shop only shredded scrap is used.) Also, Vacuum Degassing
coke addition at the beginning of the heat is controlled and Special care must be taken during argon bubbling. An excessive
graphite injection is completely avoided. When DRI with high flow rate causes an “eye” to form in the metal bath. This will
carbon (>2.5%) is used, the CO formation is sufficient throughout promote nitrogen absorption from the atmosphere. Additionally,
the heat without any need for carbonaceous materials for foaming CaF2 consumption must be minimized due to high nitrogen con-
the slag. tent. The Power On time must also be adjusted to avoid nitrogen
As previously mentioned, a hot heel practice is implemented dissociation. Addition of fluxes, carbon and manganese are mini-
on 100% of the heats. Vigorous CO formation begins even before mized in order to avoid their nitrogen contributions.
Power On of the EAF, minimizing nitrogen absorption of the steel.
The CO bubbles adsorb nitrogen as they ascend to the surface, Continuous Casting
releasing the gases to the atmosphere. This CO formation helps Special care must be taken with the mechanism of the slide gate
to protect the metal bath from air infiltration, providing a barrier (ladle to tundish) to avoid infiltration of air. Argon bubbling for
between the steel and the atmosphere. sealing in the long nozzle and SEN must be proper. An excessive
argon flow will promote reoxidation of the steel and nitrogen pick
EAF Closed Door Practice up.
This practice is very important to avoid nitrogen absorption from
the atmosphere. At AMLC the only time the door is opened is after
the ‘peak’ hour. Due to energy restrictions the steel shop works RESULTS
22 hours per day, Monday-Friday. As stated earlier, never again, Melting 100% DRI with high %C (>2.5%) has allowed the
for the next 22 hours, is the EAF door opened. After tapping, production of steel grades demanding low nitrogen content. At
coke and DRI are added to the hot heel to pre-deoxidize it. Then present AMLC produces 1.4 million tons per year of API X grades,
the DRI addition begins via continuous feed; 250 tons per heat. about 35% of its total output. In addition to using 100% DRI with

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high carbon, raw material selection is very important to assure low To avoid nitrogen pick up in the ladle furnace, it is important to
nitrogen content. control the argon flow rate as well as to avoid fluxes (lime and CaF2 )
Figure 4 shows the results obtained regarding Nitrogen and carbonaceous material additions. Power On time must also be
versus the carbon content of the DRI. controlled in order to avoid nitrogen dissociation. Figure 6 shows
histograms of nitrogen content at EAF meltdown and at the end of
the LF process. Figure 7 indicates the %S in the steel relative to the
nitrogen obtained.

Figure 4 The Effect of %C on nitrogen (100% DRI)

API X grades require very low %S (0.0024% max). Usage of

100% DRI and proper selection of raw materials are extremely
important, not only to avoid nitrogen content but also to avoid
Figure 6 Nitrogen content at EAF meltdown and at the end of the
sulfur. All of these steels receive treatment at the vacuum Ladle Furnace treatment
degassing station. The effectiveness of nitrogen removal in the
vacuum degasser depends on the sulfur level since sulfur is a
surface active element. Once the first stage is concluded
successfully, the next stage is to respect the fundamentals
described during the vacuum degassing and ladle furnace
treatment. Figure 5 shows the sulfur content in the different
stages for steelmaking. It is important to see the sulfur removal
in each process stage and the final %S in the steel.

Figure 7 Nitrogen and sulfur contents after vacuum degassing

treatment using 100% DRI

Nitrogen control for steelmaking is not easy unless the

steelmaking shop has the proper equipment installed and the
availability of low nitrogen raw materials. These are needed to
control nitrogen from the beginning of the EAF process.
Figure 5 Sulfur content in each process stage for steelmaking.

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Figure 8 shows nitrogen content at each process stage.

Figure 8 Nitrogen behavior in each process stage (100% DRI)

1. The usage of 100% DRI with high carbon (> 2.50%) is extreme-
ly important for the production of the steel grades that specify
low nitrogen contents (< 45 ppm). Our experience allows us to
produce 1.4 MT per year.

2. CO formation when DRI with high carbon (> 2.50%) is applied,

promotes through all the heat vigorous CO formation. This CO
formation helps to protect the metal bath from the air infiltration
of the atmosphere providing a barrier between the steel and the

3. In 100% of the heats produced the hot heel practice is imple-

mented. The vigorous CO formation takes place even before Power
On of the EAF, preventing nitrogen absorption in the steel from this
stage onward.

4. Proper selection of raw materials is very important in order to

avoid sudden changes in the nitrogen content.

5. 100% of the steel grades with nitrogen restrictions receive

VD treatment. Sulfur removal is extremely important in order to
increase the efficiency of nitrogen removal in the VD process.

6. In continuous casting, argon bubbling for sealing the long

nozzle and SEN must be appropriate. An excessive Air flow will
promote the reoxidation of the steel and therefore cause an
important nitrogen pick up.

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Massive Savings in CO2

Generation by Use of HBI

By Robert Hunter,
Product Application Manager
Midrex Technologies, Inc.

Carbon emissions are a growing issue on a global scale. Modern

society has advanced through industrialization and that has led
to better standards of living and prosperity worldwide but also
contributed to increased emissions. As greater focus on CO2
becomes more mainstream, alternative solutions and better
methodology are working their way into common practice. The
industrial world contributes in a significant way to CO2 emissions
and ironmaking, like agriculture and transportation, is a major
culprit, but there is also room for improvement. This paper
examines just one way the steel industry can lower carbon
emissions through use of HBI.

Ironmaking Ironmaking’s contributiuon to the world’s

From the dawn of the Iron Age, over 3,000 years ago until the CO2 generation
early-1700’s, all iron was made using charcoal as the reductant. All of these fuels, except for natural gas, share one important
Then, around 1710, Abraham Darby built the first blast furnace to characteristic. They are comprised almost totally of carbon and
be fueled by coke. Darby’s development was revolutionary and it generate lots of carbon dioxide as a by-product. Including the
was one of the founding events of the Industrial Revolution. It was processing step to make the coke from metallurgical coal,
essential to provide the enormous quantity of iron used in mod- approximately 1.8 tons of CO2 are produced for every ton of iron
ern times. Each of the past two years (2007 and 2008) the world that is made. Different sources give figures varying from 1.6 tons
produced approximately one billion tons of iron, an amount that of CO2 to 2.2 ton of CO2. The differences evolve from how one
would be unsustainable using charcoal, because there simply accounts for other by-products of coke making. For instance, if
aren’t enough trees in the world to make the requisite amount of some of the coke oven gas is used to generate electricity, the
charcoal year after year. CO2 produced by burning that coke oven gas should not be
counted against the iron. On the other hand, any coke oven gas
From charcoal to coke to natural gas that is burned to heat the coke battery should be accounted
Even though it was a major innovation, ironmaking with coke took as being used in ironmaking.
hold slowly. It did not become the dominant method of ironmaking Regardless of how one calculates it, ironmaking is clearly
until the mid-19th century. Today coke-fueled blast furnaces responsible for a massive amount of CO2 generation. Using the
produce well over 90 percent of the world’s iron. Natural gas 1.8 tons of CO2 per ton of hot metal figure and multiplying by
(methane) is responsible for about five percent, coal for about two the tonnage of hot metal produced each year gives about 1.8
percent (primarily in rotary kilns) and only about one percent, or billion tons of CO2 per year. Figures for the total contribution of
less, is made with charcoal. Many of the blast furnaces, especially CO2 for all of mankind also vary, from 31 billion tons per year to
the newer, larger ones, also employ an additional fuel other 35 billion tons per year. Ironmaking is responsible for five to six
than coke (pulverized coal, oil, methane). percent of the entire production of CO2 by all of civilization!

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2008 World Gas-based Production by Process

Other Gas
Total World Production: 50.9 Mt
2007 2008

MIDREX 76.3% 78.4%

Midrex HYL/Energiron  21.7% 19.5%
Other Gas 2.0% 2.1%
Source: Midrex Technologies, Inc.

The remainder of processing steps in steelmaking generate an injected into the blast furnace at the tuyeres). This carbon monox-
additional one to two percent. Note that each one percent repre- ide diffuses into the highly porous ore and collects an additional
sents 310 million tons per year. oxygen atom from the iron oxide, creating metallic iron (Fe) and
forming carbon dioxide. On the other hand, when methane is used,
Using Natural Gas Direct Reduction each molecule of CH4 is first reformed into one carbon monoxide
So, let’s return to the question of how iron is reduced from the oxide molecule) and two hydrogen molecules (each is H2). Each of these
into metal. In 1957 in Monterrey, Mexico, Juan Celada of Hylsamex three molecules will take one oxygen atom fromeach molecule of
started up the first commercial ironmaking plant using methane CH4 is first reformed into one carbon monoxide molecule) and two
as the reductant. In 1969, Don Beggs of Midland-Ross commis- hydrogen molecules (each is H2). Each of these three molecules will
sioned the first MIDREX Direct Reduction Plant for Gilmore Steel
take one oxygen atom from the iron oxide. So the products of the
in Portland, Oregon. Today the heirs of these technologies make reduction reaction are two water molecules (H2O) and one carbon
over 50 million tons per year of direct reduced iron using natural dioxide molecule (CO2). Only one-third as much CO2 is generated.
gas. In 2008, 40 million tons were made by the MIDREX Pro- ®
Were it possible to produce the entire world’s iron with natural
cess, almost 10 million tons by the HYL/Energiron Process and an gas direct reduction plants, over one billion tons of CO2 could be
additional one million tons by a plant in Venezuela which avoided per year. While that is not likely, the CO2 savings through
operates using the Finmet Process. use of DRI are significant. An example is the use of DRI in the blast
What is different about using methane instead of charcoal furnace, as is done by AK Steel of Middletown, Ohio.
or coke? Answer: the environmental effects. Methane is a far
cleaner fuel, especially when CO2 generation is considered. Results: Experience at AK Steel
To reduce iron with coke or charcoal each atom of oxygen in the For nearly two decades, AK Steel has been adding hot briquetted
iron oxide (iron ore) requires one atom of carbon. In a blast furnace iron (HBI) to the charge mix of their blast furnace. This is quite
the carbon from the coke or charcoal is first partially oxidized to car- similar to the practice of adding prepared scrap or other metallic
bon monoxide (CO) using gaseous oxygen. This oxygen is provided sources of iron (used grinding balls, for instance) to a blast
by the blast air (heated air enriched with additional oxygen, then furnace. It greatly enhances the productivity of the furnace while

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simultaneously achieving vast savings of fuel (on a ‘per ton

of hot metal’ basis). For each 10 percent of the iron burden
(charge to the furnace) that is metallic, the productivity of
the furnace increases by 8 percent. And, for each 10 percent
metallic, the fuel consumption decreases by 7 percent.
For the past few years, AK Steel has typically charged 30
percent of the burden as metal, primarily HBI from Venezuela,
together with some B-scrap. The furnace productivity has
averaged over four tons per day per cubic meter of working
volume, the best in the world. Similarly, total fuel consumption
is remarkably lowered, to about 440 kg per tonne of hot metal.
The extraordinary advantage this gives AK Steel is
primarily the increase in productivity. With the blast furnace
as the limiting operation of the entire steel works at Middle-
town (as is typical of many integrated steel works), additional
tonnage from the blast furnace means additional tonnage
of salable product. When profit margins are good, this has the major integrated steelmakers have conducted extensive tests
extraordinary leverage at the “bottom line.” When profit (hundreds of thousands of tons of HBI each) with the focus being CO2
margins are lower, this still allows the works to maintain a savings. And, in China, where over half of the world’s iron is made,
broad customer base. a major feasibility study regarding CO2 saving by the steel industry
Also, at AK Steel an additional advantage was available. targeted blast furnace usage of HBI.
Prior to raising the productivity of the Middletown blast
furnace, AK Steel operated another blast furnace at a nearby Copenhagen Climate Change Conference
site (about 30 miles away) in Hamilton, Ohio to supplement For most of December the United Nations Climate Change Conference,
the hot metal output of the Middletown furnace. This was made world headlines. It still remains to be seen to what extent the
necessary to keep the steel shop running at a good rate. conference will have on various countries in the next few years; how-
Once the Middletown furnace raised its production rate, the ever, one thing is definite: the importance of DRI.
Hamilton furnace could be closed. Thomas Graham, then The Stockholm Environmental Institute issued a report for the
president of AK Steel, stated at World Steel Dynamics’ 1994 conference on “Europe’s share of the Climate Challenge” that states
Steel Survival Strategies conference that the closure of the “Perhaps the most promising route [to reduce CO2 ] is to replace Blast
Hamilton blast furnace saved AK $60 million dollars per year Furnace Iron with Direct Reduced Iron.” In addition there is very likely
in fixed costs. (Those were 1994 dollars; today the equivalent decisions to be made which will lead to further monetization of CO2
figure would be over $80 million.) emissions. With this in mind, Midrex has thoroughly examined the
economics of charging HBI to a blast furnace with CO2 penalty/bonus
Usage of HBI in US, Europe, and Japan blast as an added factor. Using expected levels of CO2 pricing from $20/t
furnaces: up to $80/t, and the probable extent of HBI usage,varying from 5%
Since AK Steel began using HBI on a regular basis, nearly up to 30% metallization of the blast furnace burden, the potential CO2
every integrated works in the United States has also employed savings is a very significant factor. But, in none of the cases was CO2
it as blast furnace charge. However, the others typically only as important as the already well known factors, productivity increase,
use it when they need a production boost, or when one blast fuel savings and capital cost savings.
furnace is down in a works which has multiple furnaces. Some Nonetheless, the additional saving is such that we strongly
mills in Western Europe have also tested the concept. In each recommend any and all integrated facilities to conduct their own
of the cases in North America and in Europe, the focus was on economic analyses. Following Copenhagen, the economy of using HBI
improving production rates. Recently, in Japan, at least two of will have one more positive feature, massive savings of CO2.

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MIDREX News & Views

Jindal Steel & Power Limited

Announces New Coal Gasification
MIDREX® Plant in India

(CHARLOTTE, NC, USA) Jindal Steel & Power Limited (JSPL)

has announced that it will build a 1.8 million ton per year coal
gasification-based MIDREX® Direct Reduction Plant in Angul,
Orissa, India. The new MIDREX® Module will pair commercially
available gasification technology from Lurgi GmbH of Germany,
together with a 7.15 meter MIDREX® Shaft Furnace to produce
direct reduced iron (DRI) for use in meltshop applications. This Midrex and Jindal have signed an agreement for a new 1.8 million
will be the first time a Lurgi gasifier will be paired will a MIDREX® ton per year coal gasification-based MIDREX® Direct Reduction
Furnace; the new installation will use indigenous coal and iron ore. Plant in Angul, Orissa, India. Pictured are (left) Mr. Naveen Jindal,
Executive Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Jindal Steel and
The new MIDREX® Plant will have the flexibility to produce
Power Ltd (JSPL), with (right) James D. McClaskey, President & CEO
both cold and hot DRI (HDRI) for a new greenfield meltshop to of Midrex Technologies, Inc. on Saturday, December 12, 2009 at the
be supplied by SMS Siemag AG of Germany and will use a hot signing ceremony.
transport conveyor similar to that installed at Hadeed Module E
in Saudi Arabia. This commercially proven system is supplied by A coal gasification plant can use a wide range of low cost
AUMUND Fördertechnik of Germany. fuels, such as bituminous and sub-bituminous coal, lignite, pet
The Angul MIDREX Plant will utilize syngas produced in the coke, and petroleum refinery bottoms to generate a synthesis
gasification plant to produce high quality DRI for melting in an EAF. gas. This syngas can be an acceptable reducing gas source for
Coal gasification is the process that converts coal to Synthesis gas producing DRI in a MIDREX Plant.
by partial oxidation using oxygen and superheated steam as the
reactants. The synthesis gas mainly consists of carbon monoxide, Jindal Steel & Power Limited
hydrogen and methane which will be utilized as a reducing agent http://www.jindalsteelpower.com
for the iron oxide to produce DRI in the MIDREX Shaft Furnace. With an annual turnover of over US $2.00 billion (Rs. 10,000
The world’s first application of coal gasification to produce DRI crore), Jindal Steel & Power Limited (JSPL) forms a part of the US
in a MIDREX Plant started up in 1999 at ArcelorMittal Steel South $12 billion (over Rs. 60,000 crore) Jindal Group. JSPL is a leading
Africa (formerly Saldanha Steel). This facility includes a COREX ® player in steel, power, mining, oil & gas and infrastructure.
Plant, supplied by Siemens VAI, which uses a melter/gasifier to JSPL has consistently tapped new opportunities by
simultaneously produce pig iron and a by-product synthesis gas increasing production capacity, diversifying investments, and
that feeds a MIDREX MEGAMOD® Shaft Furnace. leveraging its core capabilities to venture into new businesses.
The Coal Gas MIDREX ® Direct Reduction Plant is an JSPL’s investment commitments in steel, power, oil & gas and
economica land environmentally sound solution for the iron and mining have touched more than US $30 billion (Rs. 1,50,000
steel industry in areas of the world where natural gas as a fuel is crore). The company, today, is the largest private sector investor
not a viable option. in the state of Chhattisgarh with a total investment commitment
of over US$6.25 billion (Rs. 31,250 crore).

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MIDREX News & Views

Midrex Opens UK Office

Midrex is proud to announce its first European Office, Midrex UK, Ltd. Located in the heart of London, England at
2 London Bridge, Midrex UK marks a strategic move for the company to position Midrex Technologies, Inc. for the
future by increasing projects coordination throughout the world.

With much of Midrex’s present and future direct reduction business in the Middle East and Eastern Europe/CIS, this office
provides an exceptional location for holding meetings with potential clients, suppliers, and others. In addition, it will prove useful
in the future for coordinating and managing projects.
A further benefit is that given London’s preeminence in global financing, there is ready access to a wealth of commercial and
investment banks, financial consultants, and other financial expertise.

Christopher M. Ravenscroft: Editor Contacting Midrex

DIRECT FROM MIDREX is published quarterly by
General E-mail:
Midrex Technologies, Inc.,
2725 Water Ridge Parkway, Suite 100, Charlotte,
North Carolina 28217 U.S.A.,
Phone: (704)373-1600 Fax: (704)373-1611, Phone: (704) 373-1600
Web Site: www.midrex.com under agreement 2725 Water Ridge Parkway
with Midrex Technologies, Inc. Charlotte, NC 28217 USA
The publication is distributed worldwide by email
to persons interested in the direct reduced iron General Press/Media Inquiries
(DRI) market and its growing impact on the iron Christopher M. Ravenscroft
and steel industry. cravenscroft@midrex.com
Phone: (704) 378-3380
©2009 by Midrex Technologies, Inc.

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Direct From Midrex Page 13 third/fourth qUArTER 2009

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