118 A GR L-13007 People V Cunanan - Digest
118 A GR L-13007 People V Cunanan - Digest
118 A GR L-13007 People V Cunanan - Digest
On the evening of April 23, 1953, Dorotea Fernandez, wife of Dr. Zosimo Fernandez, their daughter Fe and the family
driver, Buenaventura Fernandez, were forcibly taken from their house and brought to the mountains by a band of about
seventeen (17) armed men headed by defendant Lope Cunanan. The defendant ordered the wife to write a ransom letter to
Dr. Fernandez for their release. On different occasions during their captivity, Cunanan bade the wife to write more letters
urging her husband to expedite the raising of the ransom money. Upon payment thereof early on May 8, 1953, the captives
were released.
The accused et. al. was convicted by the CFI for the crime of kidnapping with ransom and sentencing each of them
to life imprisonment.
WON the commission of the crime at Nighttime and by a Band is an aggravating circumstance. (NO)
The victims positively identified the defendants as the among those who abducted them and guarded them during
their captivity. Although, there is no direct evidence as to the identity of each and everyone of the members of the band,
there is nothing to indicate that there had been a change, either of the band, or in the composition thereof, at any time during
the period of captivity. The events stated on record leave no room for doubt that the defendants committed the crime
imputed against them.
Although the same was perpetrated at night time, with the assistance of armed men, constituting a band, the
maximum of the penalty prescribed by the law for said offense - namely death - cannot be imposed upon appellant herein,
for lack of the number of votes necessary therefor, owing to the fact that the head of the band, Lope Cunanan, had been
sentenced to life imprisonment.