Agile Framework
Agile Framework
Agile Framework
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3 authors:
Stuart Marshall
Victoria University of Wellington
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Agile Project Management
Rashina Hoda Prof. James Noble Dr. Stuart Marshall
Victoria University of Wellington Victoria University of Wellington Victoria University of Wellington
Wellington Wellington Wellington
New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand
+64 4 463 6778 +64 4 463 6736 +64 4 463 6730
ABSTRACT In this new setup, we find three major areas of concern and
As agile software development gains awareness and popularity wish to explore them as the main aims of our research.
in the software industry, it also continues to capture the interest
of the research community. There are several topics within the
1.1 Aim of the Research
The objective of the research is to investigate 'Agile Project
agile software development area that demand deeper
Management' within companies, practitioners, or mentors using
understanding and research. One such topic is 'Agile Project
agile software methodologies such as XP, Scrum, Crystal etc.
Management' which relates to the management of software
The investigation is expected to delve into the following sub-
projects that are developed using various agile frameworks such
topics, and closely examine:
as eXtreme Programming (XP) and Scrum.
The role of the project manager in an agile project.
This paper outlines proposed research on agile project
management. In particular we hope to explore the role of the The process and problems of transitioning into an
project manager, the process and problems of transitioning into agile framework.
an agile framework, and the management of outsourced agile
projects. Management of off-shored or outsourced agile
software projects.
Categories & Subject Descriptors:
K.6.1 Project and People Management: Management 2. MOTIVATION
techniques Looking specifically at the aims of our research above, we
begin to formulate some of the most obvious questions
K.6.3 Software Management: Software development/process
surrounding these issues. For instance, it will be interesting to
explore the kinds of pressure the manager faces in trying to
General Terms bring the agile principles to life. With agile processes
Management, Experimentation, Human Factors, Theory. promoting the concept of 'self-directed teams' [1], is there room
for the conventional project manager or does this role also need
Keywords to evolve to suit the principles of the new paradigm? How are
Agile Methodologies, Agile Project Management, Outsourcing the agile manager roles different from the traditional manager
or Off-shoring, Project Manager, Transitioning. roles?
Table 1. Comparative Chart – Traditional vs. Agile Each short iteration achieves a handful of tasks and its
Categories Traditional Agile recommended that a steady project velocity be maintained.
Developers work in pairs and perform unit tests and integrate
Development Model Traditional Iterative code often. The customer is ideally available on-site and is
closely involved in the development through rapid feedback.
Focus Process People Refactoring the code to renew obsolete designs and remove
redundancy allows for a higher quality product to be produced.
Management Controlling Facilitating Testing is an important part and is undertaken frequently in
form of unit tests and acceptance test. Finally lengthy
Customer Requirements On-site and documentation is avoided and optimization is left till last.
involvement gathering and constantly involved
delivery phases 3.1.2 Scrum
Scrum is another agile development methodology developed by
Developers Work individually Collaborative or in Jeff Sutherland and formalized by Ken Schwaber.
within teams pairs
The roles involved in this process are Product Owner, Scrum
Technology Any Mostly Object Master, and the team. The Product Owner is responsible for
Oriented maintaining the correct business perspective. The Scrum Master
works with the Product Owner and facilitates the team. The
Product Features All included Most important first
team should contains seven (plus/minus two) members.
Testing End of Iterative and/or
Activities include sprint planning, sprint review, and scrum
development cycle Drives code
meeting. A sprint is usually 2 to 4 weeks of development time
Documentation Thorough Only when needed where a set of selected stories are worked on. The sprint review
reviews the previous sprint in terms of tasks achieved and the
next sprint details are defined. The Scrum Master leads a daily
15 minutes meeting where each member briefly describes their
In real life development, its common to experience frequent tasks and concerns.
change requests in customer requirements. The traditional
forms of development left little scope of refactoring to address The artifacts produced are named Product Backlog, Sprint
this need. They adopt the traditional model of development Backlog, and Burndown Chart. The product backlog is a list of
which unrealistically assumes that the customer requirements product features prioritized by value delivered to the customer
remain fixed over the entire length of the project. Agile [5] and is maintained by the Product Owner. The sprint backlog
methodologies on the other hand are focused towards customer refers to the development tasks that are needed in order to
satisfaction and therefore allow for changes through iterative implement a feature and is a subset of the product backlog. The
style of development where only needed functionalities are burndown chart shows the total work remaining in a sprint.
focused on. Since only a hand full of tasks are achieved in one 3.2 Research Method – Grounded
iteration, its easier to modify functionalities as needed and
manage the associated risks better.
We intend to make use of Grounded Theory – a qualitative
research method which was originally developed by Glaser and
There are many versions of agile methodologies such as
Strauss [6].
Crystal, Feature Driven Development (FDD), Dynamic
220 R. Hoda, J. Noble, and S. Marshall