BMJ InstructionsForAuthors 05.2018
BMJ InstructionsForAuthors 05.2018
BMJ InstructionsForAuthors 05.2018
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The BMJ welcomes studies that will aid the translation of count for the main text (excluding the abstract, references,
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To learn more about the kind of research articles we more than three paragraphs — on the background to the
give priority to, and what services we offer to authors research question.
of research, please read the editorial “Publishing your
research study in the BMJ?”. Please note that we wel- For an intervention study, the manuscript should include
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evant to general readers and their designs are appropri- and readers to understand fully what happened in
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• Statement of principal findings intervals should be written in the format (15 to 27) within
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discussing important differences in results
• Meaning of the study: possible explanations and Statistical issues
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• Unanswered questions and future research scientifically accurate as possible. We encourage authors
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Structured abstract Published Literature or The SAMPL Guidelines” while
Please ensure that the structured abstract is as complete, preparing their manuscript.
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Submitting a BMJ Research
reading only the abstract.
All BMJ Research articles should be Please include in the results section of your structured
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Completed ICMJE forms are
style abstract. MEDLINE can now handle up to 600 words.
required for ALL Research authors
Abstracts should include the following headings, but they For a clinical trial:
may be modified for abstracts of clinical trials or systematic • Absolute event rates among experimental and control
reviews and meta—analyses according to the requirements groups.
on the the CONSORT extension for abstracts and the • RRR (relative risk reduction).
PRISMA extension for abstracts, respectively. • NNT or NNH (number needed to treat or harm) and its
Research article checklist
We have produced a checklist
95% confidence interval (or, if the trial is of a public health
on to help you decide • Objectives — a clear statement of the main aim of the study intervention, number helped per 1000 or 100,000).
whether The BMJ is the right journal and the major hypothesis tested or research question posed
for your work.
• Design — including factors such as prospective, For a cohort study:
Another resource, the Authors’
Submission Toolkit: A practical randomisation, blinding, placebo control, case control, • Absolute event rates over time (eg 10 years) among
guide to getting your research crossover, criterion standards for diagnostic tests, etc. exposed and non—exposed groups
published, summarises general • Setting — include the level of care, eg primary, • RRR (relative risk reduction)
tips and best practices to increase
awareness of journals’ editorial secondary; number of participating centres. Be general
requirements, how to choose rather than give the name of the specific centre, but For a case control study:
the right journal, submission give the geographical location if this is important • OR (odds ratio) for strength of association between
processes, publication ethics,
peer review, and effective • Participants (instead of patients or subjects) — exposure and outcome
communication with editors. numbers entering and completing the study, sex, and
If your work does not seem to ethnic group if appropriate. Give clear definitions For a study of a diagnostic test:
fit in The BMJ you may prefer to
of how selected, entry and exclusion criteria. • Sensitivity and specificity
try another journal with a more
specialist or local readership, or a • Interventions — what, how, when and for how long. This • PPV and NPV (positive and negative predictive values)
higher acceptance rate. heading can be deleted if there were no interventions but
should normally be included for randomised controlled The box stating what is known and what this study adds
trials, crossover trials, and before and after studies. (see below) should also reflect accurately the above
• Main outcome measures — those planned in the information. Under what this study adds, please give the
protocol, those finally measured (if different, explain why). one most useful summary statistic eg NNT.
• Results — main results with (for quantitative
studies) 95% confidence intervals and, where Please do not use the term ‘negative’ to describe studies that
appropriate, the exact level of statistical significance have not found statistically significant differences, perhaps
and the number need to treat/harm. Whenever because they were too small. There will always be some
possible, state absolute rather than relative risks. uncertainty, and we hope you will be as explicit as possible
• Conclusions — primary conclusions and their in reporting what you have found in your study. Using
implications, suggesting areas for further research wording such as “our results are compatible with a decrease
if appropriate. Do not go beyond the data in of this much or an increase of this much” or ‘this study
the article. Conclusions are important because found no effect’ is more accurate and helpful to readers
this is often the only part that readers look at. than “there was no effect/no difference.” Please use such
• Trial registration — registry and number (for clinical wording throughout the article, including the structured
trials and, if available, for observational studies and abstract and the box stating what the paper adds.
systematic reviews).
Provide one or more references for the statistical package(s)
When writing your abstract, use the active voice but used to analyse the data — for example, RevMan for a
systematic review. There is no need to provide a formal we would like to know if results have been posted, and
reference for a very widely used package that will be familiar where (please provide URLs or trial registration details).
to general readers — for example, Stata — but please say in We require protocols for clinical trials that have now been
the text which version you used. published. We are pleased to consider articles based on
longer systematic reviews and meta—analyses published at
Reporting checklists and guidelines the Cochrane Library or HTA database.
Download recommended Reporting guidelines promote clear reporting of methods
reporting guidelines directly
and results to allow critical appraisal of the manuscript. • In most cases, we will follow suggestions for preferred
All reporting guidelines
recommended here are available We ask that all manuscripts be written in accordance with and non—preferred reviewers. If you have suggestions for
for full download from our the appropriate reporting guideline. Please submit as preferred reviewers, please provide us with their names
Instructions for Authors page. supplemental material the appropriate reporting guideline and contact details; we may invite some of them to review
checklist showing on which page of your manuscript each the paper. Please also let us know if you would not like us to
checklist item appears. A complete list of guidelines can be invite specific reviewers to look at your work but provide an
found in the website of the Equator Network. Below is the explanation for your request.
list of most often used checklists but others may apply.
• Assurance that a study funded or sponsored by industry
follows the guidelines on good publication practice.
These GPP2 guidelines aim to ensure that such studies
Clinical trials: For a clinical trials, use the CONSORT are published in a responsible and ethical manner. The
checklist and also include a structured abstract that
guidelines cover companies’ responsibility to endeavour
follows the CONSORT extension for abstract checklist,
the CONSORT flowchart and, where applicable, the to publish results of all studies, companies’ relations with
appropriate CONSORT extension statements (for example, investigators, measures to prevent redundant or premature
for cluster RCTs, pragmatic trials, etc.). A completed publication, the roles of authors and contributors, and the
TIDieR checklist is also helpful as this helps to ensure role of professional medical writers.
that trial interventions are fully described in ways that
are reproducible, usable by other clinicians, and clear • Assurance that any article written by a professional
enough for systematic reviewers and guideline writers.
medical writer follows the guidelines by the European
Medical Writers’ Association on the role of professional
Systematic reviews and meta—analysis: For systematic
reviews or meta—analysis of randomised trials and medical writers. The guidelines emphasise the importance
other evaluation studies, use the PRISMA checklist and of respecting widely recognised authorship criteria, and
flowchart and use the PRISMA structured abstract checklist in particular of ensuring that all people listed as named
when writing the structured abstract. authors have full control of the content of articles. The
role of professional medical writers must be transparent.
Diagnostic accuracy: STARD checklist and flowchart Please name any professional medical writer among the
Observational studies: For observational studies, use the list of contributors to any article for The BMJ (not only
STROBE checklist and any appropriate extension STROBE original research articles), and specify in the formal funding
statement for the article who paid the writer. Writers and
Genetic risk prediction: GRIPS guidelines.
authors must have access to relevant data while writing
Economic evaluation studies: CHEERS guidelines. articles. Medical writers have professional responsibilities
Prediction models: For studies developing, validating or to ensure that the articles they write are scientifically valid
updating a prediction model, use TRIPOD.
and are written in accordance with generally accepted
ethical standards.
For articles that include explicit statements of the quality
of evidence and strength of recommendations, we prefer
reporting using the GRADE system. Additional information that must be included with reports
of Clinical Trials
Trial Registration
Cover letter In accordance with the International Committee of Medical
A cover letter is your opportunity to introduce your study Journal Editors’ Recommendations for the Conduct,
to the editor, highlighting the most important findings and Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work
Find out more about reporting novelty. Please include the following information: in Medical Journals, The BMJ will not consider reports of
trial registration
clinical trials unless they were registered prospectively
All recommended trial registration
reporting guidance is available • Details of previous publications from the same study before recruitment of any participants. For trials that
to view on our Instructions for — including in scientific abstracts or partial reports by started before 1 July 2005 retrospective registration will be
Authors page. the media at scientific meetings and in foreign language acceptable, but only if completed before submission of the
journals. manuscript to the journal. The trial registration number
and name of register should be included at the end of the
• Details of any previous publication of the same study structured abstract. The BMJ accepts registration in any
in electronic form, including on any preprint server. The registry that is a primary register of the WHO International
BMJ does not consider posting of protocols and results Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) or in ClinicalTrials.
in clinical trials registries to be prior publication, but gov, which is a data provider to the WHO ICTRP.
The Patient and Public Involvement statement should provide a brief response to the following questions, tailored as
appropriate for the study design reported:
• At what stage in the research process were patients/public first involved in the research and how?
• How were the research question(s) and outcome measures developed and informed by their priorities, experience, and
• How were patients/public involved in the design of this study?
• How were they involved in the recruitment to and conduct of the study?
• Were they asked to assess the burden of the intervention and time required to participate in the research?
In addition to considering the points above we advise authors to look at guidance for best reporting of patient and public
involvement as set out in the GRIPP2 reporting checklist. Even if patients were not involved in the study described, we
suggest that you consider enlisting their help in disseminating the research findings.
If information detailing whether there was patient and public involvement, or not, is missing in the submitted manuscript we
will request authors to provide it. Where they have been involved we consider it good practice for authors to name and thank
them in the contributorship statement after seeking their permission to do so; and to clearly identify them as patient/public
contributors. When they have contributed substantially and meet authorship criteria they should be invited to coauthor
the manuscript. Please note also note that it’s The BMJ policy to send relevant research papers for review by patient
reviewers alongside academic peer reviewers.
Ethics approval:
All research studies published in The BMJ should be morally acceptable, and must follow the World Medical Association’s
Declaration of Helsinki. To ensure this, we aim to appraise the ethical aspects of any submitted work that involves human
participants, whatever descriptive label is given to that work including research, audit, and sometimes debate. This policy
also applies on the very rare occasions that we publish work done with animal participants. The manuscript must include
a statement that the study obtained ethics approval (or a statement that it was not required), including the name of the
ethics committee(s) or institutional review board(s), the number/ID of the approval(s), and a statement that participants
gave informed consent before taking part.
Transparency statement:
Please include in your manuscript a transparency declaration: a statement that the lead author (the manuscript’s guarantor)
affirms that the manuscript is an honest, accurate, and transparent account of the study being reported; that no important
aspects of the study have been omitted; and that any discrepancies from the study as originally planned (and, if relevant,
registered) have been explained. The BMJ is committed to making the editorial process transparent and ethical. The BMJ’s
transparency policies are accessible from this link.
If you are submitting an original article reporting an industry sponsored clinical trial, postmarketing study, or other
observational study please follow the guidelines on good publication practice (GPP2) and on properly reporting the role
of professional medical writers. Another resource, the “Authors’ Submission Toolkit: A practical guide to getting your
research published” summarises general tips and best practices to increase awareness of journals’ editorial requirements,
how to choose the right journal, submission processes, publication ethics, peer review, and effective communication with
editors — much of which has traditionally been seen as mysterious to authors.
The BMJ will not consider for publication any study that is partly or wholly funded by the tobacco industry, as explained in this
Data sharing with Dryad Data sharing requesting data to send a rapid response to,
The BMJ has partnered with the We require a data sharing statement for all research describing what they are looking for. If the request is refused
Dryad digital repository datadryad.
org to make open deposition easy papers. For papers that do not report a trial, we do not we will ask the authors of the paper to explain why.
and to allow direct linkage by doi require that authors agree to share the data, just that they
from the dataset to The BMJ's article will say whether they will. In addition, we will follow the new ICMJE data sharing
and back (for The BMJ's articles'
datasets see here) policy that goes into place on July 1, 2018 (see editorial):
For reports of clinical trials, we ask that the authors manuscripts submitted to ICMJE journals that report
commit to making the relevant anonymised patient level the results of clinical trials must contain a data sharing
data available on reasonable request (see editorial). This statement that indicates whether individual de-identified
policy applies to any research article that reports the main participant data (including data dictionaries) will be
endpoints of a randomised controlled trial of one or more shared; what data in particular will be shared; whether
drugs or medical devices in current use, whether or not the additional, related documents will be available (study
trial was funded by industry. protocol, statistical analysis plan, etc); when the data will
become available and for how long; by what access criteria
"Relevant data" encompasses all anonymised data on data will be shared (including with whom, for what types of
individual patients on which the analysis, results, and analyses, and by what mechanism). Clinical trials that begin
conclusions reported in the paper are based. As for enrolling participants on or after January 1, 2019 must also
"reasonable request," The BMJ is not in a position to include a data sharing plan in the trial’s registration. If the
adjudicate, but we will expect requesters to submit a data sharing plan changes after registration this should be
protocol for their re-analysis to the authors and to commit reflected in the statement submitted and published with the
to making their results public. We will encourage those manuscript, and updated in the registry record.
4.2 RESEARCH METHODS AND REPORTING use specific methods under discussion can be included as
additional boxes. If appropriate, include a box of linked infor-
The BMJ is also interested in original studies on research mation such as website urls for those who want to pursue the
methodology, research reporting, peer review, and subject in more depth.
evidence based medicine. The same criteria apply to
these as to all the other types of research we consider. Web extras
We will give priority to studies that will be relevant and We may be able to publish on some additional
interesting to enough of our readers (not only to editors, boxes, figures, and references. Please included these as a web
statisticians, and other experts on methodology) and reference list in the main article file. You may also include
will help them make better decisions when conducting suggestions for linked podcasts or video clips, as appropriate.
research; searching for evidence; or using research
evidence in their practice, their teaching, or their Contributors and sources
learning. We also publish essays about designing, We ask for a 100—150 word supplementary paragraph
conducting, and reporting research, in our research (excluded from word count) to explain the article’s prove-
methods and reporting section. nance. It should include the relevant experience and exper-
tise of each author, his or her contribution to the paper, and
We are willing to consider papers that present new or the sources of information used to prepare it. One author
updated research reporting guidelines, but only if the must be nominated as the guarantor of the article. Include
guideline pertains to a study type that we publish in a statement of sources and selection criteria.
The BMJ. The checklist itself must be included as part
of the paper. We prefer to be the only journal publishing Key messages box
the guideline, but under some circumstances we will Include up to four sentences, in the form of short bullet
consider copublication with up to two other journals. points, highlighting the article’s main points.
Research Methods and Reporting articles should have the RESEARCH METHODS AND REPORTING — OPEN ACCESS
elements below. Research Methods and Reporting articles are not
published as Open Access by default.
Word count and style
We do not set fixed word count limits for RMR articles. None- If you would like your article to be published with an Open
theless, we ask you to make your article concise and make Access licence, we recommend requesting this directly on
every word count. For some submissions this might be pub- submission. Standard BMJ Open Access fees apply to all
lished in full on with a shorter version or abstract Research Methods and Reporting articles published with
in the print BMJ. an Open Access licence. Find out more about our Open
Access policy here.
Title and abstract
A short title is followed by an 100—150 word italicised sum-
mary (the standfirst) which encapsulates the article’s central
Articles should begin with a brief paragraph that captures
readers’ attention and explains the aim of the piece.
The body of the text should be broken up under subheadings
that provide a logical narrative structure. Avoid acronyms
and abbreviations unless they are universally recognised
e.g. DNA. The evidence on which key statements are based
should be explicit and referenced, and the strength of the
evidence (published trials, systematic reviews, observational
studies, expert opinion etc.) addressed.
Please provide two or three sentences (no more than 100 words) explaining the picture, and please send us the signed consent to publication from the
patient. Please make sure that the text includes all authors’ names together with their job titles and addresses (including departments’ and hospitals’
names) at the time the patient was seen, and the email address of the corresponding author. We also need to recieve statements of competing interests
and copyright/licence.
NB: Minerva pictures/articles are not indexed in PubMed.
Endgames The BMJ does not publish standard case reports. We do, however, publish Writing up a Case Review: Varies — authors
articles about real cases if they are suitable for presentation in specific Case Review articles must include a short vignette and 3 questions with short will be contacted
educational formats. These include Endgames case reviews and picture answers for The BMJ’s print edition and three longer discussions/answers for by our editors
quizzes. . Please ensure all information required to answer the questions is prior after forms
contained in the vignette. We encourage accompanying clinical illustrations. have been
Endgames is designed to help doctors across all levels and specialties Please cover important points for generalists including red flags and advice considered
test their knowledge and reflect on their practice for continuing medical for patients.
education. Endgames articles are based on genuine clinical scenarios. The discussions/long answers must be evidence based with relevant
We only consider common topics rather than clinical rarities (or very rare citations.
complications of common diseases, which may be more suitable for A maximum of four authors is allowed for each Case Review article, and each
BMJ Case Reports journal.) We consider hospital and community based author should have no more than 2 articles under consideration at any one
scenarios providing the content is generalisable. We do not publish articles time.
if the patient management is controversial.
Writing up a Spot Diagnosis:
At least one author must be a specialist (consultant, post CCT, or equivalent) Spot Diagnosis articles must based on a clinical image that is distinctive of
in a field relevant to the topic and all authors must satisfy our strict a particular condition. A short vignette should accompany the image and
competing interest criteria. The online competing interests form must be there should be one question relevant to the image and diagnosis. The article
completed by all authors prior to submission. To avoid duplication of large should include no more than two learning points as a take home message for
paragraphs of text from textbooks or journals, we ask authors to provide a readers. A maximum of two authors is allowed for each Spot Diagnosis article,
signed originality of work attestation form. and each author should have no more than 2 articles under consideration at
any one time.
Which cases are suitable?
Please check our archive as we do not repeat topics within 3 years. We only consider common topics rather than clinical rarities and are unlikely to accept
an article if the prevalence of the condition is less than 1/100 000 in the population. This includes very rare complications of common diseases, which may
be more suitable for BMJ’s Case Reports journal. We consider hospital and community based scenarios providing the content is generalisable. We do not
publish articles if the patient management is controversial. If you wish to inquire about the suitability of a particular case for Endgames please complete
this form.
At least one other box or table and at least one figure or image that complement the text of the article.