Pub Mac Os X Hacks
Pub Mac Os X Hacks
Pub Mac Os X Hacks
• Index
• Reviews
• Reader Reviews
• Errata
Mac OS X Hacks
By Rael Dornfest, Kevin Hemenway
Publisher : O'Reilly
Pub Date : March 2003
ISBN : 0-596-00460-5
Pages : 430
Mac OS X Hacks reflects the real-world know how and experience of those well
steeped in Unix history and expertise, sharing their no-nonsense, sometimes
quick-and-dirty solutions to administering and taking full advantage of
everything a Unix desktop has to offer: Web, Mail, and FTP serving, security
services, SSH, Perl and shell scripting, compiling, configuring, scheduling,
networking, and hacking. Add to that the experience of die-hard Macintosh
users, customizing and modifying their hardware and software to meet their
needs: System Preferences, GUI mods and tweaks, hardware tips, vital
shareware and freeware, AppleScript, AppleTalk and equivalents, keyboard
modifiers, and general Macintosh-style tomfoolery.
• Table of C ontents
• Index
• Reviews
• Reader Reviews
• Errata
Mac OS X Hacks
By Rael Dornfest, Kevin Hemenway
Publisher : O'Reilly
Pub Date : March 2003
ISBN : 0-596-00460-5
Pages : 430
C opyright
C redits
About the Authors
C ontributors
How to Use This Book
How This Book Is Organized
C onventions Used in This Book
How to C ontact Us
C hapter 1. Files
Section 1.1. Hacks #1-12
Hack 1. Understanding and Hacking Your User Account
Hack 2. Taking the Bite Out of Backup
Hack 3. Backing Up on the Go
Hack 4. Dealing with Archives of Many C olors: .img, .sit, .tar, .gz
Hack 5. A Line Break Is a Line Break
Hack 6. Fiddling with Type/C reator C odes and File Extensions
Hack 7. Locking and Unlocking Files
Hack 8. Stubborn Trash, Stuck Images, and Jammed C Ds
Hack 9. Aliases, Symlinks, and Hard Links
Hack 10. Recent Filenames
Hack 11. Inspecting the C ontents of an .app Package
Hack 12. Opening Microsoft Word Documents Without Microsoft Word
C hapter 2. Startup
Section 2.1. Hacks #13-17
Hack 13. Getting a Glimpse of the Boot Process
Hack 14. Booting from Another Device
Hack 15. Turning Your Mac into a Hard Drive
Hack 16. Using Open Firmware Password Protection
Hack 17. OS X for This Old Mac
C hapter 6. Networking
Section 6.1. Hacks #66-78
Hack 66. Anatomy of an Internet Shortcut
Hack 67. Renewing Your DHC P-Assigned IP address
Hack 68. Sharing an Internet C onnection
Hack 69. C reating a One-Wire Network
Hack 70. Secure Tunneling with VPN or SSH
Hack 71. Remotely Log In to Another Machine via SSH
Hack 72. Running Windows on and from a Mac
Hack 73. Sharing Files Between Mac and Windows PC s
Hack 74. Mounting a WebDAV Share
Hack 75. Mounting a Remote FTP Directory
Hack 76. Exchanging a File via Bluetooth
Hack 77. Using Your C ell Phone as a Bluetooth Modem
Hack 78. Setting Up Domain Name Service
C hapter 7. Email
Section 7.1. Hacks #79-84
Hack 79. Taming the Entourage Database
Hack 80. Using IMAP with Apple's Mail Application
Hack 81. Setting Up IMAP and POP Mail Servers
Hack 82. Getting sendmail Up and Running
Hack 83. Downloading POP Mail with fetchmail
Hack 84. C reating Mail Aliases
C hapter 9. Databases
Section 9.1. Hacks #99-100
Hack 99. Installing the MySQL Database
Hack 100. Installing the PostgreSQL Database
C olophon
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and the topic of Mac OS X is a trademark of O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
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trademarks are property of their respective owners.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the
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About the Authors
Rob Flickenger was born the son of a pig farmer in Bucharest. This young
ne'er-do-well had few ambitions above mucking out the slop stall before
dinner. But that was just at the dawn of the digital age. Who would have
thought that five years later the same boy who thought cow tipping
shouldn't go above 10% would go on to invent the Internet and eventually
become the first living human with an ADSL line surgically attached to his
spinal column. Now, in these increasingly untethered times, he has
eschewed his former 6Mbit neural I/O port for an 11Mbit, encrypted,
wireless version. It certainly makes it easier to leave the house without
the need for miles of extension cord. In his spare time, he also writes; Rob
is the author of Building Wireless Community Networks and Linux Server
Erik T. Ray has worked for O'Reilly as a software developer and XML
specialist since 1995. He helped to establish a complete publishing solution
using DocBook-XML and Perl to produce books in print, on CD-ROM, and
for the new Safari web library of books. As the author of the O'Reilly
bestseller Learning XML and numerous articles in technical journals, Erik is
known for his clear and entertaining writing style. When not hammering
out code, he enjoys playing card games, reading about hemorrhagic
fevers, practicing Buddhist meditation, and collecting toys. He lives in
Saugus, MA with his wife Jeannine and seven parrots.
We would like to thank all those who contributed their ideas and code for Mac
OS X hacks to this book.
First and foremost, to Asha and Sam always my inspiration, joy, and best
My extended family and friends, both local and virtual, who'd begun to wonder
if they needed to send in a rescue party.
I'd like to thank Dale Dougherty for bringing me in to work on the Hacks
series; working from the other side of the page has been a learning experience
and a half. The O'Reilly editors, production, product management, and
marketing staff are consummate professionals, hackers, and mensches.
They've helped me immeasurably in my fledgling editorial stint. Extra special
thanks goes out to my virtual cube-mate, Nat Torkington, and Laurie Petrycki
for showing me the ropes.
Thanks to Derrick for suggesting the O'Reilly Network article that eventually
cascaded into my current tech writing position, as well as Aaron for the good
word he may or may not have put in for me.
In short, it's a shocking and flagrant violation of everything the Mac has ever
stood for.
As it turns out, nobody much cares. Newbies plug along, clicking Dock icons
and dragging things to the Trash, without ever suspecting that only a thin shell
of shiny pixels separates them from the seething, thrashing Unix engine
So here they come, out of the woodwork: a nation of once marginalized Unix
geeks, embracing the Mac, hailing Apple as the world's largest manufacturer of
Unix boxes. These people are the pure of heart, the superusers who cluster at
computer conferences with their PowerBook G4s and shoot bits of code at each
other over the wireless network. Apple may have lost the battle for the
corporate desktop, but with Mac OS X, it's picked up a new constituency of its
Part of the pleasure of reading this book comes from the hacks themselves:
controlling iTunes with Perl scripts, using a Bluetooth cellphone as a wireless
modem for your laptop, downloading files from the command line, and other
preposterous stunts.
But much of the pleasure, too, comes from the pure, geeky fun the authors
seem to be having. These are not serious adult males at the peaks of their
writing careers they're five-year-olds stomping in puddles, laughing their
heads off. These are people who don't for a moment question the value of
turning the Mac into an Internet radio station powered by iTunes. Hey it's
cool, and that's the greatest value of all.
These guys will lead you to favorite shareware programs, shine light on clever
Unix command-line hacks, and show you how to turn off the brushed-metal
window look of iChat and iSync. (Why? Because you can!)
This book might occasionally be over the head of many Mac fans. (If you want
more general, less technical, everyday operating tips, try Mac OS X Hints,
Jaguar Edition.)
But some people get as much a kick out of putting a computer through its
paces as they do from everyday issues like productivity. Part of the spirit of
hacking is doing things that the product's developer didn't quite imagine,
finding the new and creative uses that only are possible to those who are
willing to leave the beaten path. For the hackers among us, it's all about the
thrill of discovery. If you're one of them, put on your backpack; you're about to
go on quite a ride.
This presents a unique opportunity for combining traditional Unix hacking and
Mac OS know-how. Mac OS X Hacks goes beyond the peculiar mix of manpages
and not-particularly-helpful Help Center, pulling the best tips, tricks, and
scripts from Mac power users and Unix hackers themselves.
The collection reflects the real-world experience of those well steeped in Unix
history and expertise, sharing their no-nonsense, sometimes quick-and-dirty
solutions to administering and taking full advantage of everything a Unix
desktop has to offer: web, mail, and FTP serving; security services; SSH, Perl,
and shell scripting, as well as compiling, configuring, scheduling, networking,
and hacking. Add to that the experience of die-hard Macintosh users,
customizing and modifying their hardware and software to meet their needs:
System Preferences, GUI mods and tweaks, hardware tips, vital shareware and
freeware, AppleScript, AppleTalk and equivalents, keyboard modifiers, and
general Macintosh-style tomfoolery.
Each hack can be read easily in a few minutes, saving countless hours of
searching for the right answer. Mac OS X Hacks provides direct, hands-on
solutions that can be applied to the challenges facing both those meeting the
Mac for the first time and longtime users delving into Mac OS X and its Unix
underpinnings. The collection should appeal to home users and corporate IT
personnel alike.
How to Use This Book
You can read this book cover-to-cover if you like; but, for the most part, each
hack stands on its own. If there's a prerequisite you ought to know about,
there'll be a cross-reference to guide you on the right path. So feel free to
browse, flipping around whatever section interests you most.
How This Book Is Organized
Chapter 1, Files
Chapter 2, Startup
At startup, there's an awful lot going on behind the scenes to bring your
Mac to life. This section takes a peek beneath the surface at just what's
making all that noise. We'll show you how to boot from another device,
turn your Mac into a FireWire hard drive, get OS X running on that old
Power Mac in your closet, and lock up your Mac good and tight.
Apple has positioned the Mac as a digital hub, the nexus for the otherwise
disparate components of your iLife. This section provides tips and
techniques for getting the most out of the iApps and third-party
multimedia applications. Going beyond what the iApps provide out of the
box, we'll also glue together audio, video, text, and photos in some
unexpectedly useful and fun combinations.
Mac users have a long history of tweaking the Mac OS graphical user-
interface. We provide a collection of inspiring hacks and pointers to third-
party applications for tweaking the look-and-feel, extending the
functionality that's already there, and teaching your Mac to behave "just
as it should."
Chapter 6, Networking
Chapter 7, Email
Chapter 9, Databases
Long the backbone of just about any open source-driven web site, the
MySQL and PostgreSQL database engines are just as at home on your Mac
as they have been in the more traditional Unix shop. This chapter walks
you through the installation and exploration of these two remarkable
database applications, on both the command line and the Desktop.
Conventions Used in This Book
Constant width
Used in examples and tables to show commands or other text that should
be typed literally.
Used in examples and tables to show text that should be replaced with
user-supplied values.
Menu symbols
When looking at the menus for any application, you will see some symbols
associated with keyboard shortcuts for a particular command. For example,
to open an old chat in iChat, you would go to the File menu and select
Open . . . (File Open . . . ), or you could issue the keyboard shortcut, -
O. The symbol corresponds to the key (also known as the "Command"
key), located to the left and right of the spacebar on any Macintosh
You should pay special attention to notes set apart from the text with the
following icons:
The thermometer icons, found next to each hack, indicate the relative
complexity of the hack:
We have tested and verified the information in this book to the best of our
ability, but you may find that features have changed (or even that we have
made mistakes!). As a reader of this book, you can help us to improve future
editions by sending us your feedback. Please let us know about any errors,
inaccuracies, bugs, misleading or confusing statements, and typos that you
find anywhere in this book.
Please also let us know what we can do to make this book more useful to you.
We take your comments seriously and will try to incorporate reasonable
suggestions into future editions. You can write to us at:
You can also send us messages electronically. To be put on the mailing list or to
request a catalog, send email to:
The web site for Mac OS X Hacks lists examples, errata, and plans for future
editions. You can find this page at:
For more information about this book and others, see the O'Reilly web site:
Chapter 1. Files
Hack 4. Dealing with Archives of Many Colors: .img, .sit, .tar, .gz
While all but invisible to the casual user, there are some cracks in the façade,
visible upon closer inspection. Some are useful, others a little irritating, and
still others simply fascinating and quite hack-worthy.
The hacks in this section poke and prod at the seams, revealing some useful
techniques for backing up your system, tweaking files and folders, bending
aliases to your will, understanding how it all fits together even dumpster
divingin the Trash a little.
Hack 1 Understanding and Hacking Your User Account
When Mac OS X first appeared, a lot of people were aghast at the concept of
user accounts, especially when they were the only ones using their computer.
"Why go through all the hassle when only I exist?" they asked. The complaints
only intensified as users were asked to enter an administrator password [Hack
#50] for access to certain files, sometimes even denied access to settings and
files on their very own computers the gall of it!
The reasoning is two-fold: to protect you from yourself and to support Mac OS
X's multiuser environment.
The concept of protecting you from yourself may at first blush appear
intrusive, but we've all had an instance where we've deleted an innocent file
from our OS 9 System Folder, only to discover our idiocy when our system
didn't reboot, our printer didn't print, or our modem didn't sizzle. In this
regard, OS X has your back; crucial files necessary for everyday operation are
protected from overzealous removal.
While a determined user can delete any file on their OS X machine with
enough effort (the easiest way being to boot into OS 9), Apple has wisely
made it difficult to do so through Mac OS X.
Your Short Name is your actual username, or login name, the name by which
your computer knows you. It is usually three to eight characters long,
composed of letters or numbers. While OS X attempts to choose a Short Name
for you based upon what you entered as your Name, it doesn't do a
particularly good job if your name isn't as simple as Sam Smith. And, trust me,
you don't want to spend your days being known by your computer as
johnjacobjingleheimerschmidt. Choose something short and quick to type, like
john, johnj, or schmidt. Here's why . . .
Your home directory is where you'll be keeping all your stuff (see Figure 1-2).
In it you'll find special directories for your documents, pictures, movies, and
settings (that's what the Library is). Of course, you're not forced to organize
your stuff this way, but it is a good convention. Feel free to settle in, create
new folders, and shuffle things about. It's generally a good idea not to throw
out the special folders, as the operating system and its applications often make
use of them and expect them to be there. In particular, don't touch your
Library folder; it's the home of your preferences, settings, and other pieces
used by particular applications.
From the command line's [Hack #48] point of view, your home directory
again, assuming your Short Name is john is /Users/john. You'll sometimes see
it referred to on the command line as ~ . It's a shortcut that saves you from
having to type out your full login name when referring to your home directory.
So ~/Documents actually refers to /Users/john/Documents (Macintosh HD
Users john Documents in the Finder).
All of this must be done as the administrative (or root) user, as you'll be
manipulating files belonging to two other accounts. If you have not already
done so, enable the root user [Hack #50] and log in as root.
First, you'll remove john's home directory; don't worry, since it's brand new, it
doesn't contain much of any worth. Drag the john folder to the Trash.
About the only bit you don't want to be identical is the keychain, still named
johnjacobjingleheimerschmidt in john's new home directory. Navigate to
Macintosh HD Users john Library Keychains and rename the file
johnjacobjingleheimerschmidt to john, as shown in Figure 1-6.
Notice that the john directory is now owned by the john account and is in the
right (staff) group.
You'd think you could do this via the Get Info dialog box. It does, after all, allow you to
change permissions on a folder and "Apply to enclosed items . . . ", but it just doesn't
work as expected. You can apply some changes recursively to the contents of a folder, but
you can't change the ownership in this way.
Log out as the root user and log back in again as yourself. Disable the root
user [Hack #50] and you're done.
Give the new john account a try by logging in and fiddling about. When you're
sure all's as it should be, go ahead and delete the old
johnjacobjingleheimerschmidt account and alter john's Name (System
Preferences Accounts Edit User) as appropriate in this example, we
dropped the II bit.
Deleted accounts, however, are gone but not completely forgotten. If you take
a moment to actually read the confirmation dialog shown in Figure 1-7, you'll
learn that the contents of the now-deleted account's home directory are
archived as a disk image in Macintosh HD Users Deleted Users.
Backup is the bane of anybody's computer existence. You know it's an integral
part of data hygiene not unlike flossing, in fact. But it's late, you have a
presentation in the morning, and you're too busy creating data to bother
finding a CD or some extra hard drive space to shove a backup set onto. Not
that you'd know what and how to back up in the first place.
Backup proves such a pain that you never really think about it until it's too
late again, much like flossing.
2.2 psync
2.3 psyncX
2.3.1 Backing up
If you forego psyncX's GUI interface and would rather run psync from the
command line or regularly out of cron [Hack #53], go ahead and start up the
Terminal [Hack #48]. Run the psync command specifying a source directory to
back up and a destination directory for the backup. Here I back up everything
in my Documents directory to my FireWire drive:
To back up anything but your own home directory, you need superuser
privileges [Hack #50]; after all, you can't back up what you don't have
permission to access. Use the su command to temporarily (for this command
only) become the superuser. For example, the following backs up everything
on the local drive (the / directory and below) to another mounted volume,
By the time you next back up the same source directory to the same
destination directory, you may well have removed some of the original files
that project was over and you wanted to be rid of all traces of it. If you really
don't want them in your backup directory, tell psync to delete those files that
exist in the destination but not in the source, using the -d switch like so:
To test psync to make sure it does the right thing without actually copying any
files, use the -n switch to turn on simulation mode. The psync command
reports what it would have done, but does nothing otherwise.
To back up to a filesystem other than a mounted hard drive, use the -r switch
to turn on remote backup mode:
Since remote filesystems do not behave in quite the same manner as a local
hard drive, psync stores some extra information in a file called .psync.db.
To restore your data, simply reverse the source and destination directories
you're only synchronizing/copying, after all. The psync command
automatically turns into remote restore mode if it finds the .psync.db file in
the source directory, and allows it to restore file ownership and permissions.
[Hack #60]
brian d foy
Hack 3 Backing Up on the Go
Generally speaking, I'm pretty good about backing up my PowerBook data. But
sometimes a few days go by between sessions. I used to think that such a span
was acceptable, but these days, when every hour of work is as precious as
gold, I'm rethinking my old habits.
I don't want to replace my existing system. I like it. What I really want to do is
add the capability to temporarily back up work files to protect me between
archiving sessions. As I was mulling over this situation, I noticed a nice
convergence of technologies that presented me with a solution.
After I upgraded my .Mac membership, I took a look at the new tools available.
At this point, the one that interests me the most is the Backup
( application. Clearly, I didn't see this as a total solution
to my archiving needs, especially with a measly 100MB iDisk, but I thought
that Backup had some potential as a temporary container for my work in
The appealing aspect of this new application is that I can designate particular
folders on my hard drive to be copied to my iDisk whenever I have a network
connection. At the end of each work session, for example, I simply click the
Backup Now button, and the latest version of my designated files is copied to
my iDisk (see Figure 1-10). That means instead of risking 24 hours or more
between archiving sessions, I'm constantly saving my most important
documents many times a day.
For the most part, the application's behavior has been steady. Every now and
then I get a strange pop-up notice that I need to join .Mac to use Backup. I
just click the Quit button, and Backup continues to go about its business
If you want to restore a file in other words, copy it from your iDisk back to
your computer simply select Restore from iDisk from the View menu. Backup
will ask you if you're sure you want to replace your existing file with the iDisk
version before copying it to your hard drive. This function worked well in my
More and more I'm writing outside of the office or home. Travel means that I
find myself working on documents in Starbucks, airports, and other remote
locations. Since I'm using a laptop, I've been concerned about protecting my
work while I'm away from the auxiliary FireWire drive I use at home for
Heaven forbid if my PowerBook ever suffered an ill fate while on the go, but if
so, I won't lose a single hour of work as a result.
You can use Backup to save to CDs also, which does have some merit for larger
archiving sessions. For my purposes on the road, I'm not as interested in this
feature, because if I lose my laptop, chances are that the CDs in the case are
gone too.
Obviously, CD archives offer some protection from hard-drive failure. But for
the most part, I think my existing archiving system covers that base just fine.
This nifty system I've discussed is flexible and, so far, has proved reliable. But
it's a convenience that comes with a price tag. The upgrade to my .Mac
membership was $49 (annual fee), and next year I'll have to pay the full $99.
Wireless access on the road runs from $2.99 a session to as much as $10,
depending on the service you use. Every now and then you may happen upon
a free access point, but generally speaking, you should be prepared to pony up
a few bucks for the connection.
Derrick Story
Hack 4 Dealing with Archives of Many Colors: .img, .sit, .tar, .gz
Stuffit Expander, DropStuff, and their Aladdin ilk have long been stalwarts of
the Mac OS, included on Apple CDs and preinstalled machines. The same can
be said for Unix utilities like gzip, bzip2, and compress, also included with OS
X and available through the Terminal. Throw in Apple's disk-image technology,
which creates archives that look and act like removable disks, and you've got a
veritable cornucopia of compression and archival technologies.
Apple has been providing disk image technology in the shape of its Disk Copy
utility for years now. Creating a disk image is a mindless task simply open
Disk Copy, drag a folder over the floating window (see Figure 1-11), decide if
you want encryption, and choose where to save the resultant file (see Figure
gzip -9 filename.dmg
4.2 bzip2
While gzip is more popular than bzip2 for Unix downloads, bzip2 has been
making headway due to its stronger compression. Stuffit Expander can readily
extract either format. Still more compression flavors exist, however. I've
briefly outlined their usage here you can find more information about their
usage and specific abilities by typing man compress, man zip, or man jar in
your Terminal.
Aladdin Systems realized there would be a need for a simple drag and drop
utility that could compress in other formats besides its own that's why you'll
see DropTar and DropZip utilities in your /Applications/Utilities/Stuffit Lite (or
Stuffit Standard) directory. Using these is as you'd expect simply drag and
drop the files and folders you want to archive over its icon (or drag to its
window), and you're set. DropTar even has the capability to compress in
multiple formats: bzip2, compress, gzip, and the native Stuffit format.
In Table 1-1, we've compressed a 100MB directory using each of the utilities,
with maximum compression. If you're looking for the smallest file, then bzip2
should be your first choice, but gzip could be more compatible with every
computer your archive lands on (if you're worried only about OS X, then bzip2
is a good bet). Be forewarned: the types of files you're archiving will give you
different results with each utility the source directory in this case was filled
with an equal amount of text, image, and binary files, but you'll notice
fluctuating results with large text files, multiple tiny files, and so on.
compress 45,264,549
jar 30,322,992
zip 30,232,529
gzip 30,042,941
DropZip 29,877,021
bzip2 25,825,723
Hack 5 A Line Break Is a Line Break
A line break is a line break is a line break, except when it's not.
Surprisingly, there are three different types of line breaks in the
modern computing world, and OS X uses two of the three.
One might think the innocent line break, that docile whitespace that tells us
when paragraphs begin and end, would be a relatively simple piece of
computer engineering. Unfortunately, there's more to the line break than
meets the eye.
There are three different types of line breaks, all originally unique to the
major operating systems: Windows/DOS, Macintosh, and Unix. A document
using Mac line breaks would look horrid on a Windows system, and a document
using Windows line breaks on Unix also wouldn't be interpreted correctly. The
cause for this is how the line break is actually created. The Mac, by default,
uses a single carriage return (<CR>), represented as \r. Unix, on the other
hand, uses a single linefeed (<LF>), \n. Windows goes one step further and
uses both, creating a (<CRLF>) combination, \r\n.
To make matters still more interesting, until OS X came along, OS-specific line
breaks stayed in their own environment and didn't play nicely with others.
Windows understood only its brethren, Unix cackled madly at anything else,
and the Mac just grinned knowingly. OS X, however, understands both the
original Mac line break and Unix line breaks.
This can cause confusion very easily, especially considering that most Mac
applications (i.e., most anything that runs through the GUI of OS X) read and
save using Mac-style line breaks, while anything used through the Terminal
(like the common text editors [Hack #51]: vi, pico, and Emacs) enforces the
Unix variety.
Thankfully, it's pretty easy to solve problems caused by this dual mentality.
The first step is identifying that you have an issue. Say you have a text file
you saved with SimpleText or a default installation of BBEdit. If you try to open
that file in a shell editor like vi, you'll see this instead of what you'd expect:
See that ugly ^M character stuck in the middle of our two sentences? That's
the best vi (and most Unix applications) can do in an attempt to display a Mac
linefeed. Likewise, if you open a text file crafted in vi with SimpleText, you'll
see square boxes where there should be line breaks. Obviously, this wreaks
havoc with any attempt at poetry or system administration, for that matter.
There are a few solutions, depending on your skills and desires. The most
obvious is to change your text editor to match what you'll be needing most
frequently. If you're constantly going to be writing files that will be used in the
shell, then set your text editor to save as Unix linefeeds. A must-have editor,
BBEdit ( from Bare Bones Software, allows you to
do this quite easily, both on a file-by-file basis (see Figure 1-13) and globally
through BBEdit's ultraconfigurable preferences (see Figure 1-14).
If Terminal-based text editors are more your cup of tea, a stronger version of
vi called vim (for vi, improved) is flexible and infinitely configurable when it
comes to editing files of varying formats. provides more than enough
detail on choosing your own line break.
If you want a less permanent option, a single command line can save you
some hassle. Here, we've listed two simple Perl one-liners. The first translates
Mac linefeeds to their Unix equivalent, and the second does the reverse. You'll
notice that the linefeeds are represented by the same characters we
mentioned before:
On the flip side, if you ever run across a file with Windows linefeeds, you can
easily convert them to your preferred format with the following examples:
Using the examples presented in this hack, you'll be able to piece together the
code needed to convert to Windows linefeeds from either Mac or Unix.
Hack 6 Fiddling with Type/Creator Codes and File Extensions
Every file in OS X and earlier versions of the Mac OS usually have both a type
and creator attribute that help determine which application should open them.
For example, a .html file may have a type and creator that say it should be
opened in Microsoft's Internet Explorer, while a .mov file would have different
attributes that suggest it should be opened by QuickTime. Files also have other
attributes, like stationary, locked or unlocked, and timely information like
creation and modification dates.
Normally, you'd need special software to set or change these types and
creators, making the task more difficult (or expensive) than you'd hope.
Longtime users of the Mac OS would often use the venerable ResEdit to
perform the dirty deed, perhaps also tweaking other application strings in a fit
of mirth and because they're there.
Thankfully, if you've installed Apple's Developer Tools, you can do this easily
with the Terminal [Hack #48].
The easiest way to change a file's type and creator codes is to find a file you
want to mimic and use its type and creator codes as a guide for your changes.
For example, if you had a copy of Apple's home page (
saved as an HTML file named Apple Home.html, you'd enter the following into
a Terminal [Hack #48] window to find its type and creator:
With this, we know that a file associated with Internet Explorer needs to have
a type of TEXT and a creator of MSIE. If you check other files, you'll notice
that types and creators are always four letters in length, often creating
ungodly combinations of whimsy, like DBSE and FTCH, which have nothing to
do with what you might think they do (an Extensis Portfolio database).
To associate some other file with Internet Explorer, you'd enter the following:
Because Mac OS X has a Unix underlayer, some files utilized by the Unix side
of things may have no type and creator. GetFileInfo, in those cases, would
show blank values for those fields:
% /Developer/Tools/GetFileInfo /usr/bin/vi
file: "/usr/bin/vi"
type: ""
creator: ""
attributes: avbstclinmed
created: 11/11/2002 18:28:56
modified: 11/11/2002 18:28:56
What's interesting is how a file with no associated type or creator codes might
still be associated and opened with a particular application. Take, for example,
an archived copy of the source code for Perl 5.8, freshly downloaded off the
% /Developer/Tools/GetFileInfo perl-5.8.0.tar.gz
file: "perl-5.8.0.tar.gz"
type: ""
creator: ""
With no file type and creator, you may be confounded by the fact that tar.gz is
nonetheless associated with Stuffit Expander when you look at it from the
Finder's point of view, as shown in Figure 1-15.
Armed with an understanding of setting types and creators, you can easily fix
this. A gzipped file has a type of Gzip and a creator of SITx; alter the codes on
the command line and all's as expected:
With type and creator set, you can rename that file to your heart's content,
appending whatever extension you like, and it'll remain associated with Stuffit
For years, the Macintosh operating system has allowed you to lock a
file or folder to protect against accidental deletion or modification. In
OS X, you have that same ability, either through the Finder or the shell.
If there's one thing that friends and family know, it's how to find that one file
you've been spending an inordinate amount of time on and then delete it in a
fit of gleeful innocence. For many years in Mac OS 9 and earlier, the first line
of defense for this behavior has been locking a file, making sure that it can't
be changed or deleted unless it is specifically unlocked.
This ability remains in Mac OS X and applies even to the root user (locked files
can't be deleted without being unlocked first, period). Longtime Mac users are
familiar with the following process for locking a file or directory in the Finder:
Either of the following two shell commands do the same thing under OS X:
The chflags utility is part of a default OS X install and changes the uchg flag
of a file, representing the immutable bit (literally, "this file is not subject to
change"). chflags can be performed only by a superuser or the file's owner.
SetFile is a utility that comes with the Developer Tools and operates on a
file's attributes (attributes and flags can be considered equivalent). In this
case, you're saying the locked attribute (-a L) of the file should be set.
Via the Finder, you can tell when a file is locked because it'll have a padlock
icon superimposed over the lower left of its normal icon, as shown in Figure 1-
% ls -ol filename.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 morbus staff uchg 0 Dec 4 01:07 filename.txt
Nothing really surprising there. To unset a uchg or any other file flag using the
chflags utility, simply prefix the flag name with no. When using SetFile,
simply reverse the case of the attribute letters; uppercase letters always add
the flag to the file, and lowercase letters remove the flag.
For details on chflags and SetFile, at the Terminal [Hack #48], type
man chflags and man SetFile, respectively.
Hack 8 Stubborn Trash, Stuck Images, and Jammed CDs
There are times, rare as they may be, when OS X goes a little haywire and
simply won't spit out a CD or DVD, unmount a disk image, or empty the Trash.
Often things have a way of sorting themselves with a little patience, with a
Finder restart, by logging out and back in, or (heaven forbid) by rebooting
your Mac. Sometimes, however, that stuck CD/DVD or image doesn't budge or
the Trash simply refuses to empty.
It does the heart good to do some occasional housekeeping. One such activity
is emptying the Trash folder to free up more disk space for your Mac. This is
usually as simple as Finder Empty Trash . . . or -Shift-Delete. Every so
often, though, a file or folder refuses to leave.
First a little background on the mystical Trash can. Every file you delete is
moved into a folder called .Trash in your home directory:
% ls -al
total 48
drwxr-xr-x 20 weimengl staff 680 Dec 14 12:35 .
drwxrwxr-t 8 root wheel 272 Dec 10 09:30 ..
drwx------ 6 weimengl staff 204 Dec 14 12:55 .Trash
To dip into the Trash, simply open a Terminal [Hack #48] window, navigate to
the .Trash directory, and list files:
% cd .Trash
% ls -al
Emptying the Trash is nothing more than deleting all the contents of your
.Trash folder.
8.1.1 In use
Despite having been placed into the Trash, a file may still be in use by an
application (see Figure 1-17).
The remedy is to guess which application is using it and close the file or shut
down the application if you're no longer using it. Try emptying the Trash again
and, assuming that was the problem, it should empty without incident.
If you aren't able to figure out what application is using the file and have shut
down just about anything you can find, launch the Terminal and use the fstat
(file status) command to ascertain which is the offending program:
% fstat .Trash/file1
weimengl LaunchCFMA 2070 30 347708 -rw-r--r-- 31974 rw
Notice the PID (process ID) of the application holding the file hostage. Let's see
what application that corresponds to by using the ps (process status)
command. The -p 2070 argument specifies the process ID, and -w displays
the first 132 characters of the process name rather than just as much as can
fit on one Terminal line.
% ps -wp 2070
2070 ?? S 23:47.77 /Applications/Microsoft Office X/M
Applications/Microsoft Office X/Microsoft Word -psn_0_18
There we are! It's Microsoft Word. Get it to release the file and try emptying
the Trash again.
8.1.2 Locked
Another problem that crops up occasionally is locked files [Hack #7] in the
Trash. While you shouldn't be able to put a locked file into the Trash in the first
place, sometimes one sneaks by. Look in your Trash folder via the Finder and
see if the offending file is locked (the icon is overlaid by a small lock), as
shown in Figure 1-18.
To unlock the file, select File Get Info or press -I for the File Info inspector
(see Figure 1-19). If the Locked checkbox is checked, click it to unlock the file.
If the file refuses to unlock, try one of the techniques covered in [Hack #7].
8.1.3 Permissions
Another possibility is that a file in your Trash may not belong to you. You'll
need to alter the permissions or take ownership [Hack #49] of the file before
you're able to empty it from the Trash.
8.1.4 rm
It's still there and refusing to budge? Try simply removing the offending file(s)
using the rm [Hack #48] command, like so:
% rm ~/.Trash/file1
% rm -f ~/.Trash/file1
If there's a whole hierarchy of folders and files causing you trouble, you can
recursively delete all the files in your Trash using sudo to get around
permissions issues, -i to ask for confirmation before deleting each, and -r to
recurse through the hierarchy:
Be forewarned! Most books on Unix will warn you of the disastrous outcome if you are not
careful with the rm -r combination, and I'm going to say it again. Imagine the effects of
inadvertantly adding a space like so: sudo rm -rf ~/. Trash; you'd remove all the
contents of your home directory. Before deleting anything, think twice before you hit the
Return key.
You've pressed -E and dragged that mounted disk image to the Trash until
you're blue in the face, but still it won't disappear. No complaints, no errors,
nothing; it simply ignores your every attempt to eject it.
This is usually one of those situations best cleaned up by a logging out and
back in, relaunching the Finder, or rebooting. It's safer and less likely to
mangle the data on the disk image if you avoid resorting to brute force tactics.
CD/DVD loading and unloading on all recent Macintoshes are done through the
operating system rather than the physical eject buttons you usually find on
other systems. Windows users are often caught looking nervously about for
the CD eject button I have to admit I've done so myself. What to do if that
CD/DVD gets stuck?
Your first course of action is to pull out your handy-dandy paper clip, the tool
of choice for the Mac generation. Oh, you don't have one? Shame on you! All
right, so there's actually another way to do it that will work, just so long as
there's nothing physically wrong with the drive that's keeping it from ejecting
your CD/DVD. Launch the Terminal and use the df command to find the
filesystem ID of your CD/DVD:
% df -l
Filesystem 512-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted
/dev/disk0s9 120091280 31348032 88231248 26% /
fdesc 2 2 0 100% /dev
/dev/disk1s1s2 614256 478912 135344 77% /Volume
% disktool -e disk1s1s2
disk1s1s2 device will attempt to be ejected ...
***Notifications Complete for type 1
***Disk Unmounted('disk1')
***Disk Unmounted('disk1s1s1')
***Disk Unmounted('disk1s1')
***Responding yes to unmount - disk1s1s2
***Disk Unmounted('disk1s1s2')
***Responding yes to eject - disk1
***Responding yes to eject - disk1s1s1
***Responding yes to eject - disk1s1s2
***Responding yes to eject - disk1s1
***Disk Ejected('disk1')
***Disk Ejected('disk1s1s1')
***Disk Ejected('disk1s1s2')
Poking about with aliases, symlinks, and hard links reveals some
interesting entanglements in the merging of the Mac GUI and its Unix
Aliases (shortcuts, if you're from the Windows world) are indispensable for
those of us who insist upon filing things in more than one place or like to have
access to particular groupings of applications, files, and whatnot within easy
reach. An alias provides a trail of bread crumbs to the original item aliased,
keeping track of it no matter where it might reside. It was common in OS 9 to
add aliases for your oft-used applications and folders either right on the
desktop or in the Apple menu, or, indeed, both. Now, thanks to the Dock and
some Dock alternatives [Hack #51], there's little need to clutter your Apple
menu or Desktop with aliases.
That's not to say that OS X doesn't have aliases; it does indeed. Simply select
a file, folder, application, or whatnot and select File Make Alias or press -L
(in OS 9 it was -M, which now, sadly, minimizes the current window instead).
OS X being a hybrid of the Mac and Unix worlds causes some interesting
entanglements when it comes to keeping track of the locations of things and
their aliases. Mac OS X does a seamless job of glossing over the details. That
doesn't mean, however, it's not worth poking about a bit.
The Unix world's aliases actually called links come in two flavors: hard and
soft (symbolic). With a hard link, two or more filenames point to the same data
on disk; think my house, our house, and the house where I live. A symbolic
link (a.k.a. soft link or symlink) is a different file from the original, holding
nothing but a link to the original's filename; think address book, signpost, or
bank account number. Remove one of two hard links and your data still exists.
Remove the last remaining hard link and a symlink doesn't do you a bit of
good, holding no real data itself.
The ln command creates and alters links on the command line via the
Terminal [Hack #48]. Figure 1-20 shows me creating a file, original, then hard
linking, and symlinking to it. Note that the original alias was created on the
desktop via the Finder's Make Alias option.
Touching the original (touch original) again to alter its timestamp affects
only the original and hard link as expected, since they are indeed the same
Hack 10 Recent Filenames
Mac OS X has some tricky ways of remembering which files were used
Did you know that OS X applications don't actually remember the names of
recent files you've opened? That's not to say that they don't recall what you've
been editing; after all, Open Recent does work rather nicely.
What the application remembers is the location of the file on disk. Rename
that file. Change its file extension. Move it somewhere else entirely. Just as
long as it's still on the same disk (inodes don't transfer from disk to disk), your
app should be able to find it the next time you choose Open Recent.
Why's this useful? Let's say you've created a marvelous piece of poetry, saved
it to the Desktop in a hurry as your plane lands, later renamed it to something
more appropriate than Untitled1.doc, and moved it somewhere or other. Sure,
Sherlock may be able to find it if you search by content, date changed, or
document type. Or you could simply relaunch the app you believe you were
using at the time, select it from the list of recent files, and you're off to the
Hack 11 Inspecting the Contents of an .app Package
In earlier versions of the Mac OS, files could have data forks and resource
forks. The data fork was the gooey inside, and the resource fork was the fluffy
outside whether it be image thumbnails, saved editing data from applications
like BBEdit, or application widgets, like window layouts, user interface images,
and so forth. With Apple's ResEdit, you could easily access this resource fork
and change the fluff it wasn't easily possible to change the coding of an
application, but it was certainly mindless to change interface elements.
In OS X, with its grounding in the BSD operating system, resource forks are
rarely used for applications, effectively making ResEdit useless. Instead, we've
got packages or, less jargony, files that end in .app. You've got .app files spread
all over your OS X system already you just may not know it. Take, for
instance, Apple's popular Mail program. It sits innocently in your Applications
folder, acting as if it were a single file. Instead, it's really called; the
.app is hidden from view (you can confirm its existence by examining the Get
Info properties).
The magic of these .app files is that they're really a special kind of folder called
a package; they contain a good portion of the same fluff available in an OS 9
application's resource fork. Even better, you don't need an extra utility like
ResEdit to start fiddling; simply Control-click on a file you know is an .app and
choose Show Package Contents, as shown in Figure 1-21.
The .tiff and .icns files are obvious; modify them in your preferred graphic
editor, restart Mail, and you'll see your changes. .plist files are the equivalent
of preferences; there are usually frontends to these settings via the program
itself (not always though in Mail's case, you can edit urlPrefixes.plist to add
more clickable bits of text in mail messages, or Colors.plist to edit two more
levels of quote coloring).
The .nib and .string files, located under English.lproj for English-speaking
users, are where you can find some user-interface aspects of the program in
question. You won't see these for every package you open (like iTunes), but in
the case of Mail, you can go nuts editing warning messages, like this one in
Prefs.strings (perhaps to the more ferocious "Ya Screwed Up, Idiot!"):
On the other hand, if you know your way around Apple's Interface Builder
(available if you have the Apple Developer Tools [Hack #55] installed), you
can open up one of the many .nib files and further tweak display elements.
As with the typical warnings when using ResEdit, be sure to make a backup
before doing anything more than exploring (and exploring is when the best
discoveries are made, like the ability to peel the annoying chrome [Hack #47]
from a shiny iApp, add new boards and pieces to Chess, or change the default
search engine in Internet Explorer).
Hack 12 Opening Microsoft Word Documents Without Microsoft Word
The text of any Microsoft Word document is readable with the greatest
of ease thanks to a tiny, free utility and a little open source know-how.
You open an innocent email from some long-lost relative, and she's sent you a
vitally important document. "Open now!" the email shouts, comical in its
attempt to disguise the friendly spam it really is. Even worse, the attachment
is a Microsoft Word document, and you've yet to pony up the dough for Office
under OS X. How do you read it? Run out and get some large Word equivalent
like AbiWord or AppleWorks, or download a free, 300K utility?
Crafty, experimental users realize that every file or document ever created can
be opened up in a plain-old text editor. Whether you actually get something
useful is up for grabs, but more times than not, you can recover a bit of
meaning from a Word document by dropping it into your friendly neighborhood
text editor, as shown in Figure 1-23. In some cases, you can actually learn
information the sending user didn't intend for you to know like the location on
her hard drive where it was originally saved.
But I digress. Opening Word documents in BBEdit or TextEdit (or even vi, pico,
or Emacs for shell [Hack #48] lovers) is a hack at best one we could certainly
do without in our beloved OS X. That's where AntiWordService
( from DEVONtechnologies comes in. It's
a very small and easy-to-install piece of freeware that will give any Cocoa
application the ability to open Microsoft Word documents. Download, drop into
your ~/Library/Services directory, log out and back in, and drag that dastardly
.doc to TextEdit. Bingo! Instant plain text. It's not perfect, as the
documentation confesses: only plain text is preserved, no images and no
formatting. But in most cases that's more than enough, since you're opening
up a Word document; naturally, you should be interested only in the words.
One thing of note about AntiWordService is how it's a perfect marriage of the
OS X ease of use and the power of Unix, now part of Apple's OS for the next
fifteen years. In actuality, AntiWordService is just an OS X wrapper around an
open source shell utility called antiword (, available
for ten different operating systems. You'll also find two other OS X utilities
based on antiword: the antiword port
( by Ronaldo Nascimento and
DOCtor ( from Stone Design. Of the three OS
X variants, AntiWordService integrates best with your day-to-day work,
making the translation effort invisible.
Chapter 2. Startup
As you stare admiringly at that elegant white-on-gray Apple logo and are
mesmerized by that spiraling progress spinner, you may notice the quiet
ticking, grinding, and plinking emanating from your Mac's innards. Before
fading to a brilliant blue and filling your screen with colorful icons and that
familiar menu bar, there's an awful lot going on behind the scenes to bring
your Mac to life.
This chapter takes a peek beneath the surface at just what's making all that
noise. We'll show you how to boot from another device, turn your Mac into a
FireWire hard drive, get OS X running on that old Power Mac in your closet,
and lock up your Mac good and tight so that only those with the right key can
get to your stuff.
Hack 13 Getting a Glimpse of the Boot Process
A lot goes on behind the scenes whenever you restart your Macintosh;
verbose booting provides a unique glimpse of the Unix underpinnings
of Mac OS X.
A lot goes on behind the scenes whenever you restart your Macintosh. In pre-
OS X days, we couldn't really tap into this knowledge; at most, we knew what
control panels and extensions had been started, but that was about it. Nicely,
OS X gives us a few ways we can turn on verbose booting, providing more
esoteric knowledge for our coffers.
Being able to see exactly what goes on when you start your computer is easier
than you may think. Longtime OS 9 users may recall the Shift or spacebar
keyboard tricks: hold one down during bootup and you'll disable, or
interactively choose, your extensions, respectively. The same principle lies
behind verbose booting in OS X: simply hold down the and V keys.
When you do this during startup, your screen should turn black and you'll see
tiny text instead of the normal happy Mac or Apple logo. Most of this text may
not make much sense to you, but some messages about your hardware will
appear as OS X tries to figure out what you've got plugged in or installed.
You may find that the text scrolls by too fast for your inquisitive mind to
handle. No worries, though; since OS X is based on Unix, nearly everything
gets written down. Once you're logged into the Finder, open a Terminal window
and enter the following command:
This displays the system message buffer and covers everything before the OS
X logging daemon boots up (called syslogd, it's common across Unix
installations). The output from your dmesg will contain most of the hardware
lines I mentioned before, as well as a few other nitpicks here and there; what
you see will be unique for your combination of hardware and equipment.
Once the OS X logging daemon comes into play, the rest of your data is saved
into /var/log/system.log, the normal place for messages like these. If you open
that file up in any text editor (like vi or Emacs), you'll see the output from
dmesg (as the buffer is flushed to the system.log), as well as a few other
ConsoleMessage lines which should be the same as what you'd see right
before the OS X login screen (or Finder, if autologin is enabled).
If you want to see the verbose messages for each and every bootup, there's an
easier way then holding down the two keys, and that's by modifying your
computer's nonvolatile RAM to remember your preference. Enter the following
With this, your computer will always restart with verbose booting and will
continue to do so until the PRAM is zapped or you boot into OS 9. To stop the
verbosity manually, simply leave boot-args empty:
For details on dmesg and nvram, at the Terminal [Hack #48], type man
dmesg and man nvram, respectively.
Boot and run your Mac from another device, whether it's an internal
hard drive or an external FireWire drive.
I was thrilled to have the chance to try out a seed build or two of Mac OS X
10.2 (Jaguar) before final release. That is, until yet-unnoticed bugs with the
Quartz rendering engine turned my screen to mush and compatibility problems
with some of my old settings rendered an application all but unusable.
Thank goodness I'd not actually installed the prerelease on my iBook's hard
drive, but was running it from an external FireWire hard drive. A quick reboot
and I was back to my trusty 10.1.5 partition running on my internal drive.
Macintosh makes it easy to boot from another device. No need to fiddle with a
BIOS or horrid boot.ini files. And absolutely no need to unplug one drive to
have the Mac recognize and use another.
To boot from another device, make sure it's plugged in, is recognized by Mac
OS X, and has a bootable partition containing a usable operating system. Shut
down your Mac (Apple menu Shut Down). While holding down the Option
key, turn on your Mac. You'll be greeted with the screen shown in Figure 2-1.
I have only one partition listed, despite having an external FireWire drive
plugged in; the FireWire drive doesn't have a viable operating system on it at
present, so it is excluded from the list of possibilities. Were I to have more
than one usable device/operating system, they would be listed alongside
Macintosh HD.
Your mouse pointer will probably look like a watch for a time as your Mac
scans attached and internal hardware for possible boot devices. You can force a
rescan perhaps after plugging in another device by clicking the button with
the semicircular icon on the left.
Of course, if you just want to boot from another partition on your local hard
drive you want to pop into Mac OS 9 for a moment, for instance you should
use the Startup Disk preference pane (Applications System Preferences
Startup Disk). Select the system you wish to boot and click the Restart . . .
button, as shown in Figure 2-2.
Boot your Mac in target mode and treat it like just another FireWire
I got my brand-spanking-new 800MHz iBook the other day. I was short on time
finishing this book, in fact but couldn't wait to make the switch from my
existing Mac to my sleek, snappy bundle of OS X joy. How could I move all of
my applications and home directory (/Users/rael)? I could do without the
eternity I'd have to wait transferring it over the network. I didn't relish the
number of CDs I'd have to burn to bring across all 3 gigabytes. And the idea of
picking through the clutter on my external FireWire drive to make room left
me ill.
If only I could mount my old machine's hard drive alongside the new one
without tools and duct tape. Surely I could just treat my old Mac as a hard
drive somehow. I sure could, and did.
It turns out you can mount one Mac's hard drive onto another Mac over
FireWire quite easily. You simply tie them together with a FireWire cable and
reboot one of them with the T (for target) key held down.
This assumes, of course, that you have a FireWire-capable Mac on both ends.
After just a few seconds, my old machine booted into what's known as target
mode, the screen blinking a FireWire logo where usually there'd be a Mac OS X
login screen. A click, spinup, and whirr later, my old hard drive showed up
right on my new Mac's desktop.
Thanks to Macintosh's tradition of not spreading installed software all over the
hard drive, I was able to drag over individual applications from my Applications
folder. I dragged my home directory over and logged out and back in again and
I was moved in, preferences and Desktop as I'd left them on the other
machine. And all that in around 23 minutes, from boot to enjoy.
When you're done, eject the mounted drive by dragging it to the Trash or
selecting it and pressing -E. As far as the target machine's concerned, just
turn it off or reboot it when you're finished; it'll come back up as if it were all
just a dream.
Hack 16 Using Open Firmware Password Protection
There are times when you want nary a finger but your own fiddling with your
computer. No sister, no boss, no mother looking for porn, no husband reading
chat logs. With the Open Firmware built into newer models of the Mac (iBooks,
G4s, some iMacs, etc.), you have access to a strong, low-level way of password
protecting your Mac from meddling interlopers and innocent wanderers.
Before we go any further, you'll have to check whether your computer has the
necessary firmware. To do so, open the Apple System Profiler (under
/Applications/Utilities/) and look under the System Overview section for the
Boot ROM version (which also represents your Open Firmware version), as
shown in Figure 2-3. On my dual 450MHz G4 running 10.2.2, you can see
Boot ROM info with a value of 4.2.8f1. To be eligible for password protection,
you'll need later than 4.1.7 or 4.1.8 (firmware upgrades are available at
Apple's web site).
Once we've met the version prerequisites, what exactly does this password
protection prevent? Longtime users of the Mac OS may recall such pre-OS X
hacks as holding down the Shift key or customizing your extensions with the
spacebar, as well as the ability to boot from a CD. While extensions don't exist
under OS X, Open Firmware blocks all other avenues that do, including
booting up with the C, N, or T keys depressed, in single or verbose mode, or
zapping the PRAM. It'll also require a password if you try to edit its settings or
get into the Startup Manager.
As with most technology, there's more than one way to set the password,
depending on your skills. Apple provides a utility that will do all the magic for
you in a pretty GUI (see the link in the See Also section of this hack). Simply
download the installer, run the single screen configuration, and reboot your
machine to solidify your password protection.
Disabling the password protection can be done with Apple's provided utility or
by booting into Open Firmware (as before), typing setenv security-mode
none, entering your password, and then rebooting the computer with reset-
The inevitable has happened: you've forgotten the password you've set in
Open Firmware. Luckily, there are a couple of alternatives: booting into OS 9
(and optionally zapping the PRAM) or removing some memory DIMMs. But if
you're lucky enough to still be logged into the Finder (before a worrisome
reboot), you can download an OS 9 utility called FW Sucker. With a simple
double-click, it'll display the current firmware password, from which you can
then disable the protection or change it to something more suitable (via the
earlier instructions).
Give your legacy Mac hardware a nudge into OS X with the XPostFacto
Wait, don't throw out that old Power Mac or Umax clone; it may just be up for
a little Mac OS X sprucing. Some of those old Macs will actually run Mac OS X
10.2 (Jaguar) with a little help from an unassuming-looking control panel.
Also, make sure your machine has been recently backed up. You're dealing
with an unsupported hack here.
It'll take a while, mind you. Have some coffee, read The New York Times,
watch a movie, and have a good meal. When you return, if all's gone according
to plan, OS X should be humming away on your old throwaway Mac.
Other World Computing does offer XPostFacto support for a one-time $10 fee. If you're
going to be running OS X on a legacy machine in a real production environment as
opposed to just seeing if it can be done making the investment in some help may just be
Chapter 3. Multimedia and the iApps
Apple has positioned the Mac as a digital hub, the nexus for the otherwise
disparate components of your iLife. It has more than backed up this claim with
a suite of simply powerful applications: iPhoto, your digital shoebox; iTunes,
your personal audio jukebox; iMovie and iDVD, for the budding independent
filmmaker; iCal to keep track of where you're supposed to be next; and iSync
to keep all your devices in sync.
Add to this Apple's .Mac online service, ever more integrated into your Mac's
online life. Back up your Mac's preferences and those important documents
you have with you on the road. Check your mail, consult your address book,
and share your calendar through any ordinary web browser.
It's all coming together rather nicely. That doesn't mean there isn't room to
hack. This chapter provides tips and techniques for getting the most out of the
iApps and third-party multimedia applications. Going beyond what the iApps
provide out of the box, we'll also glue together audio, video, text, and photos
in some unexpectedly useful and fun combinations.
Hack 18 Top iChat Tips
The moment it became available, just about every Mac geek I knew dropped
their AIMs, Adiums, Fires, Jabbers, and Proteuses and made the switch to
iChat, Apple's iApp-flavored instant messaging client. What's not to love? It's
colorful, friendly, and decidedly Mac. But there's more beneath the candy-
coated surface than just another instant messenger (IM) application.
This hack is all about getting the most out of iChat through a few useful tips
and delightful surprises discovered between "Up late?," "We're moving that
meeting to Friday," and "Dinner's ready!"
Before you do anything else, be sure to put a face to your IM name. There's
nothing quite as distancing as a conversation with a generic AIM (AOL Instant
Messenger) icon. Whether you choose a cartoon character close to your heart
or a recent promo snapshot you were badgered into, simply drag an image into
the buddy icon well at the top right of the iChat buddy list window (see Figure
3-1) and it'll appear along with your name or IM handle in your buddies' buddy
As shown in Figure 3-2, iChat's Buddy Icon dialog allows you to scale and
position your preferred image until it's just right. Slide the little blue ball left
and right to scale the image. Drag the image itself around until it's where you
like it. Click Done when you're done.
Figure 3-2. Resizing and positioning a buddy icon
Change your buddy icon any time you wish, depending on mood, interest, or
just randomly to confuse and delight your friends.
18.2 Rendezvous
Even if you're not connected to the Internet, you can chat on your local
Ethernet or AirPort network through the wonders of Rendezvous. Rather than
IM messages flowing between two buddies via AOL's Instant Messenger
servers, they flow directly, peer to peer. This means too that file transfer over
iChat is much faster, limited by the speed of your local network rather than
your connection to the Internet and responsiveness of AOL's servers.
You're chatting with a buddy about some latest bit of shareware and want to
pass it along. Perhaps you're checking in with a coworker a world away about
the latest copy of that report you're both suppposed to have finished already.
Simply drag that shareware installer, PowerPoint report, or any other file to
the name or icon representing someone in your buddy list. He'll be notified
that you've initiated a file transfer, confirm receipt, and away that file goes. No
need for uploading the report to your enterprise server for download by your
coworker. No need for turning on Apache, figuring your your IP address, and
providing your buddy with a URL.
iChat's perfect when you want to copy a file quickly from one machine to
another. No need to set up a separate IM name; Rendezvous will take care of
the introductions for you. Just drag the file onto your alter ego's name in your
Rendezvous buddy list and roll your chair across the floor to the other machine
to accept the file transfer.
If you have multiple files to transfer, unfortunately, iChat won't simply allow
you to drag them all onto a buddy's name. What you can do, however, is put
the files into a folder and drag and drop the folder to your buddy.
File transfer works regardless of operating system or IM application, just as long as you're
both using an AOL Instant Messenger- or IM client. Your firewall will
also need to be liberal enough to allow peer-to-peer file transfer.
18.5 Whereabouts
Even when I don't chat with the gaggle of buddies winking in and out of
existence in my buddy list, it's nice to see them passing through. Sometimes I
even get a slightly more detailed glimpse of what they're up to and where
they're going, thanks to buddy status messages. Set your status by clicking
the existing status message below your name at the top of your Buddy List
window, as shown in Figure 3-4.
Your custom status will be reflected wherever you appear in someone's buddy
list (see Figure 3-3).
If you ever want to remove old status messages en masse, select Edit List . . .
from the status list.
Selecting a red status light means that anyone who doesn't notice that you're unavailable
and tries to initiate a chat will receive your status message as an autoreply. You'll still have
their incoming message waiting for you when you return.
18.6 Chatrooms
iChat allows more than just one-to-one IM chats. You can create a new ad hoc
chatroom and invite buddies to join you, all chatting together in a secluded
little online space. There are actually two types of chat space: invite-only and
a more traditional chatroom where people can pop in at will assuming they
know of its existence.
To start an invite-only chat space, select File New Chat ( -N). This creates
a chat space just as with any other one-to-one conversation. The differences
are that you are currently the only participant and a Participants pane is
attached to the side of the chat window. To invite someone, click the plus sign
(+) in the Participants pane and select a buddy. Do this for as many buddies as
you like.
Actually, any one-to-one chat can be turned into an invite-only chat space by
clicking the person icon (that's the leftmost button on the bottom of a chat
window) to open the Participants pane and then proceeding as before.
In the Go To Chat . . . dialog, leave the AOL Instant Messenger service selected
and type the name of an existing chatroom or whatever you'd like to name a
new one in the Chat Name field, as shown in Figure 3-7. Click Go and you'll be
whisked away to your chatroom after a few seconds.
To leave a chat space, simply close the chat window. Your buddies can continue
chatting as if you'd never been there.
18.7 Buddies
Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, iChat doesn't have any easy way to
add someone you've been chatting with to your buddy list. You'd think it'd just
be a matter of dragging his buddy name from the chat window to the buddy
list, but that simply doesn't work.
To add a buddy, click the plus sign (+) button on the bottom left of your Buddy
List window (see Figure 3-8).
You'll be offered the opportunity to search for or select someone from your
Address Book. If she is in your Address Book but doesn't yet have an AIM or
@mac handle associated with her, enter one in the supplied field and you're
done. If she's not already one of your contacts, click New Person and fill in the
form to create an entry in the Address Book and add her to your buddy list
simultaneously (see Figure 3-9).
18.8 Logs
Unless you've chanced upon them in your Documents directory, you probably
don't know that iChat keeps logs of every chat you have. You'll find them all in
Documents/iChats. They're listed by buddy (full name or buddy handle) and
number, starting with 1 (e.g., Steve Jobs Don't bother trying to read
them in a text editor; they're serialized objects (noise to you and me)
viewable either programmatically or from within iChat.
Open an old chat by selecting File Open . . . ( -O) and selecting it from the
list, as shown in Figure 3-10.
Figure 3-11 shows an exact replica of an earlier chat, replete with buddy icons
and smileys.
Of course you can remove old logs at any time by simply deleting them from
Hack 19 AIM Alternatives
iChat (
Since Apple ships iChat with its OS X 10.2, there's a very good chance that
iChat will become the reigning champ of AIM imitators. Created with the
blessing of AOL itself, iChat supports chats, file transfers, and buddy icons
and uses a GUI that manifests messages into cartoon-style balloons (which
don't look as bad as they sound). It has strong support for Mail (a column
that tells you if the sender of the email is online) and the Address Book,
along with the ability to customize which actions will be performed for a
number of common events (buddy logging in, buddy typing, etc.).
Adium (
Adium has been gaining a strong following for guerrilla AIM users, mainly
due to its immense customization and its low system requirements. It has
a clean and refined interface, as well as being minimal for those worried
about screen real estate. It's free and is built using Cocoa (and thus gets a
number of things for free: spellchecking, antialiasing, etc.).
Fire (
Proteus (
Proteus, my current favorite, is much like Fire in that it hooks into a
number of providers: AIM, Yahoo!, MSN, ICQ, and Jabber. It benefits by
having a strong amount of customization, with the interesting ability to
run shell scripts at various points (such as when messages are received, so
that, for instance, you could make your own logging system), along with
the ability to choose themes, icons, soundsets, and so on. Its GUI is a little
more refined than Fire's.
If these AIM alternatives don't satisfy your messaging itch, don't hesitate to
browse the excellent VersionTracker ( for more
possibilities. You may also want to take a look into Jabber messenging
systems, which can hook into any IM protocol that the Jabber server supports.
The best way to find these XML-based alternatives is to search Sourceforge
( or VersionTracker.
Hack 20 Printing to PDF or Bitmapped Image
OS X's reliance on PDFs for everything from the Dock to Print Preview presents
quite a boon when it comes to PDF viewing support and the creation of simple
PDFs. While it's something that ordinarily requires specialized software,
printing to PDF or bitmapped TIFF image under OS X is built right in, available
to almost any application with the ability to print.
From your application, choose Print almost always File Print or -P. In the
Print dialog, select the application-specific settings from the pull-down menu
(Copies & Pages should be selected by default) and make any adjustments you
wish. These range from simple font selection to Internet Explorer's wide-page
handling and control over the inclusion of headers and footers, images, and
backgrounds. Some applications make their options available outside of the
Print dialog via an Option button. When you're ready, rather than being
tempted by the pulsating Print button, click Preview (see Figure 3-12).
If Print Preview's more visual way of adjusting options is more your game and
is available to you in the application at hand go right ahead. When you're
finished, click Print in the Print Preview dialog followed by Preview in the Print
dialog and you're back with the class.
If you prefer to save the preview as a bitmapped TIFF image, select instead
File Save As . . . or the key combination Shift- -S.
Of course, using a specialized application like Adobe Acrobat for your PDF
creation and editing needs provides much more fine-grained control over text
formatting, image scaling, margins, indenting, and the like. If, however, you
just want to quickly package up a web page for offline viewing [Hack #86] or a
rough cut of your latest brochure for a friend without needing anything but a
PDF viewer, Save As PDF in Preview sure does the trick.
Hack 21 Image Conversion in a Pinch
The ability to convert images from one format to another with minimal
retouching and manipulation is built right into Mac OS X.
Every so often but not often enough to warrant shelling out for a full-scale
draw or paint program I find myself needing to convert an image from one
format to another. Perhaps I have a photo in TIFF format I'd like to incorporate
into my web site as a JPEG or GIF. Or I need to share a screenshot with a
Windows user who prefers BMP to PNG.
21.1 Preview
Preview takes me back to the days when a web browser became a launchpad
for a plethora of helper apps, specialized viewers for images, movies, or
sounds. It's the helper you always wished for for all things image, able to
open, save, and convert PDF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and others, as well as to export
a Photoshop image as a GIF, a Windows BMP to Quicktime, or a fancy new PNG
to old faithful MacPaint.
21.2 iPhoto
Launch iPhoto. Drag one or more images into its window or select files via File
Import . . . iPhoto will import your specified images and add them to its
library. Click the Last Import roll in the lefthand pane to narrow your view to
only what you just imported. If you'd like to do some editing, select an image
and click Edit at the bottom of the Preview (righthand) pane.
21.4 More
Of course if you need more advanced image manipulation and drawing tools,
you may be in the market for something like Photoshop or Illustrator. The
major drawback is, of course, price; comprehensive commercial packages do
come rather dear. A free, open source alternative is The Gimp
(, the GNU Image Manipulation Program (read: Photoshop-
alike); although it runs only under X11 for Mac OS X
( or XonX ( (that's
X Windows on OS X), you certainly can't beat the power/price combination.
Hack 22 Top 10 iPhoto Tips
This process is so easy, in fact, that the next thing you know you have
hundreds, if not thousands of images annexing real estate on your hard drive.
At some point sobriety settles in, and you realize that you need to back up
those iPhoto images. Or you may want to move them to another computer or
free up space on your hard drive for even more pictures.
So, you open your iPhoto Library folder, which has grown to more than a gig in
size, and figure you'll just grab logical parts of it and burn a few CDs. Problem
is, there appears to be nothing logical about the contents of this folder. All you
see are numbered directories, which when you open them contain more
numbered directories. Suddenly you realize that sorting all this out isn't going
to be so easy.
This scenario is based on the premise that you've figured out the best way to
shoot your pictures in the first place. You've heard some recommendations
here and there about how to take good digital images, but you're still not sure
about things such as: Do you always shoot at the highest resolution? How do
you take flattering portraits of people outdoors? And how the heck do you
prevent red eye?
By now you may be thinking, "Hey, I thought iPhoto was going to solve all my
problems. I'm more confused than ever. You're bringing me down, man."
The truth is, iPhoto is really quite powerful (and complicated), even though it
appears simple on the surface. The following 10 tips will put you on the fast
track to avoiding the iPhoto "gotchas" that lurk beneath its Aqua surface.
I refer to this first section (the first five tips) as "Data In" because iPhoto is
really just another database. As with all databases, the higher the quality of
the information going in, the better your output will be. Taking good pictures is
key to an enjoyable iPhoto experience.
22.1.1 Tip #1: Buy a bigger memory card for your camera.
Forget about that cheesy 8MB card that came with your digicam and buy
yourself some real memory. Pony up for at least 32MB for 1.3-megapixel
cameras, 64MB for 2-megapixel models, 128MB for 3-megapixel digis, and
256MB for 4-megapixel shooters anything less will force you to shoot at low
resolution, tempt you to pass on creative pictures, or send you constantly
running to your hotel room to upload images because your memory card is full
again. Stick the 8MB card in your pocket for emergencies and go with the big
guns in your camera.
You'll need a decent-sized memory card to do this, but it's worth the
investment many times over. You may think that you only want vacation
photos for your web site, but what if one turns out to be a real winner?
Wouldn't it be nice to have it as an 8-by-10-inch print too? You'll need all the
resolution your camera can muster to make a photo-quality print that size.
Remember, you can always scale high-resolution images down for other uses,
but you can't go the other way without loss of quality.
To get the most out of your camera, look for settings such as SHQ (superhigh
quality) and avoid anything marked as standard resolution which is really
camera-company lingo for substandard.
Casual photographers tend to stand too far away from their subjects. Sure you
can crop the image later in iPhoto, but that's like turning your pricey 3-
megapixel camera into a run-of-the-mill 2-megapixel model. Get close to your
subject, frame it in your viewfinder, then get even closer. Your shots will
require less cropping and have more personality.
22.1.4 Tip #4: Find the fill flash setting and use it.
Fill flash means that the camera's flash fires every time, even in broad
daylight. You see, just because it's light outside doesn't mean that the light is
good on your subject's face. By turning on the fill flash and getting within 10
feet of your model, you illuminate his handsome features and add a nice
twinkle to his eyes.
Look for the flash icon that's usually a plain lightning bolt. Remember that
your flash will most likely return to the default autosetting when you turn off
the camera, which means your camera, not you, will decide when to use the
You can help avoid red eye by having the subject look at a lamp or an open
window (that is, if it's light outside!) right before the shot. Other tricks include
turning up the room lights or shooting from a slight angle so that the subject
isn't looking directly into the camera.
If all else fails, iPhoto does include a red-eye-removal tool that can help with
this problem, but it's best to avoid postproduction work as much as possible.
This section (the last five tips) focuses on managing the mountain of data
you'll be loading into your computer in the form of JPEG files. With just a little
foresight, and by adding a couple of free (or really inexpensive) tools, you'll
never suffer from the iPhoto backup blues.
Every time you upload a photo, your iPhoto library grows a little more. Before
too long it can easily swell to a gigabyte or more. Unless you own a DVD
burner or you have lots of spare space on a FireWire hard drive, you're going
to have a hard time fitting libraries onto standard CDs for backup and
portability. Plus, if you hang out in the iPhoto discussion groups, you know that
performance tends to slow down as libraries grow in size.
You can check the size of your iPhoto library by following this path: Macintosh
HD Users Your Name Pictures iPhoto Library. Click once on the
folder to highlight it, then choose Show Info from the File drop-down menu (or
press -I). If your library is approaching 650MB, burn it onto a CD, then pull it
out of your Pictures folder. The next time you launch iPhoto, it will create a
brand-new library.
Brian Webster's nifty piece of freeware enables you to select the iPhoto library
you want to view before you launch the program. If you have three different
libraries on your hard disk (each 650MBs or less!), then simply launch iPhoto
Library Manager first and select the library you want to load, as shown in
Figure 3-14. You can download Brian's software at
I recommend that you keep all your iPhoto libraries in your Pictures folder. I give each
library a descriptive name such as iPhoto Library (Vol 2) to help me keep track of them. I
also like to put a ~ at the beginning of the filename, so the iPhoto libraries show up at the
top of the window when I open my Pictures folder in list view.
To create an album in iPhoto, just click the + button in the lower-left corner.
By creating custom albums in iPhoto, you force the application to create data
that can be retrieved quickly by cataloging applications such as CDFinder.
Over time, you'll probably end up with dozens of iPhoto libraries stored on
dozens of CDs. If you use cataloging software such as CDFinder
(, it will capture all of those album names you created
within each iPhoto library (see Figure 3-16). When you need to find out which
CD (iPhoto library) a group of photos resides on, such as European Vacation
2001, then just use the Find command in your CD-catalog program, and it will
tell you which iPhoto library contains those images.
When preparing a picture in iPhoto for printing or other specific output, you
may want to duplicate it before you start editing. This allows you to keep the
pristine, original image for future use right beside the edited version. To
duplicate a photo, click on the thumbnail once to highlight it, then press -D
or choose File Duplicate.
If you forget to duplicate and want to restore an edited photo back to its
original state, you can select File Revert to Original.
Digital cameras are user-friendly in many ways, but the files they produce are
not. iPhoto can help you create logical names for your pictures that replace the
alphanumeric system the cameras use. This functionality is particularly nice
for images that you want to export for other uses outside of iPhoto, such as
creating web pages, email attachments, and CD libraries.
First, click once on the iPhoto thumbnail to highlight it, then enter the
information you want to use as the filename in the Title field, as shown in
Figure 3-17. You have to enter each photo's title individually unless you want
to opt for one of iPhoto's batch options: Roll Info, File Name, or Date/Time. To
use one of these labels to replace the existing filenames for an entire batch of
photos, Shift-click all the images you want selected, and choose Set Title To
under the Edit drop-down menu.
Most likely though, you're going to want to add filenames that are more
descriptive, such as Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, or Crazy Taxi Driver. In that case,
highlight the thumbnail, enter the descriptive name in the Title field, and press
the Return key.
You may want to enlarge the size of your thumbnails using the slider bar on
the lower-right side of iPhoto's application window. This will make it easier to
identify the picture.
Once you have all of your new titles entered the way you want them, create a
new album (by clicking on the + key in the lower-left side of iPhoto and drag
all the newly named images into the album. Then click once on the album to
highlight it, and click on the Share button to reveal the Export icon in the
lower-right corner of iPhoto. Click on Export and choose File Export from the
tabbed dialog box.
In the File Export dialog box, be sure to click on the Use Titles radio button
under Name. Once you've decided the other parameters you want, click the
Export button. iPhoto will ask you where you want these images placed on
your hard drive. Navigate to the desired folder, click OK, and iPhoto) will
export the entire album and include the names you wrote in the Title field as
the new filenames for the pictures.
Now here's something really cool: if you want to build an iPhoto library that
has all descriptive filenames for your JPEGs, and then include them in your
Title field too, follow these easy steps:
All of your pictures will retain their descriptive filenames in iPhoto, and those
names will also be displayed in the Title field.
Editor's note: Since the time of this writing, Apple has released its much-anticipated
upgrade, iPhoto2. Nevertheless, all of the information in this hack still holds true. For a
quick run-down of some of the changes, upgrade guidelines, and initial impressions, see
"iPhoto It's Mostly Good News" (
Derrick Story
Hack 23 Make Your Own Documentary
Using only digital photographs, music, a $10 app, and what the iApps
provide, you can put together a rather nice documentary.
A lot has been going on in the video industry lately. Emmy winner and master
of the documentary film, Ken Burns, has rereleased a digitally remastered
copy of his epic film The Civil War. The Digital Hollywood conference has come
and gone. And someone named Chris Meyer has released a $10 application
called Photo to Movie (,
which I consider a milestone in video production.
Editor's note: Apple's newly released iMovie3 actually incorporates much of the functionality
of Photo to Movie as a "Ken Burns Effect." Still, Photo to Movie offers more control over
movement and key frames.
Basically, this small app (approximately 1MB) allows you to take a photo or
image and do a panning motion effect across it (Pan & Scan), a la Ken Burns.
This caused me to have a strange time-warp experience; all of a sudden I
thought about my old studio. I remembered editing video and doing animation
on my $100,000 Mac Media 100 workstation (with a $15,000 10GB drive
array, $20,000 in software, a blazing fast 8100 running at 110MHz, an
unheard-of 256MB of RAM, etc.).
Then it dawned on me that I can now do more advanced video work than I
could with that system, with a $1,600 laptop and a $9.95 program. Heck, you
don't even need a video camera to use iMovie.
Thanks to Apple, more and more people are exploring digital video, but I
wasn't sure if people realized how far we've come in such a short time. The
whole art form has been liberated and simplified. I recently set up a Bryce
server farm in my house to render animation between three Macs and a PC. It
took about 30 minutes of setup time. Six years ago, that type of computing
power would have been nearly impossible without several SGI machines and
$1,000,000. Apple has opened the door to new filmmakers who have no idea
how lucky they are.
iPhoto or Photoshop
Some music
When making our documentary video, we need to decide what it will be about.
Remember, video is story/concept driven, so pick items that have a narrative
thread. I thought that I would use some photos from my childhood on the
My first decision was about how many photos I planned to use. Part of this
decision had to do with the length of the audio track. So, if you plan on setting
your movie to music, you need to do a quick-and-dirty calculation of time per
shot. So, let's get our audio piece lined up, shall we?
As a source of audio, you can use any MP3 file or even pull a CD track right
from your CD-ROM while in iMovie. I decided to use an audio track from one of
the selections up on iDisk. There is a folder in Software Extras called
FreePlay Music. Inside, you'll find hundreds of royalty-free MP3 audio clips for
use in your movies. The clips' lengths range from 10 seconds to several
If you view the tracks in column view, you can sample the audio before you download.
Now, take the length of the audio track and divide it by the number of images
you've selected. My audio track was 2:03, so I converted that to seconds and
dropped the extra three seconds in order to work with a simple number. Later,
I could always fudge (trim) the length of my clips to accommodate the extra
three seconds. I took 120 seconds and divided it by the number of photos I
was using. In my case, I decided on six photos, which gave me 20 seconds per
clip. Now, I know that 20 seconds doesn't sound like a lot of time, but go over
to your TV and count to yourself for 20 seconds. How many shot changes do
you see in the typical commercial?
I scanned my six photos onto one sheet. This saved me a great deal of
scanning time. If you're using iPhoto, you can mimic Photoshop's editing
abilities by importing the image several times and then cropping each copy or
just scan individual photos. Let's not forget you can use any images for this,
not just scanned photos.
Let's talk about image resolution for a moment. Later, when we get to the
Photo to Movie application, we want to avoid getting artifacts in our video (the
same goes for iMovie), so when I scanned my image, I opted for a minimum of
300 dots per inch (dpi) to prevent unwanted distortions. You can get away with
72-dpi images for video, but when zooming in and out of an image, it is best to
start with a higher resolution.
Since the look of the video we are trying to mimic is that of a Ken Burns black-
and-white documentary, I decided to alter my photos by converting them to
grayscale (change them to Black and White), adjusting the curves (play with
the Brightness and Contrast, as shown in Figure 3-18), and adding some grain
and imperfections to each image. I didn't want the photos to appear perfect, or
the illusion of time would be lost.
23.4 Storyboard
To save time, it is smart to plan out your movie before you begin to edit it. For
me, I took the original photos and laid them out in the order in which I wanted
them to appear. If you are planning to add narration to your movie, you may
want to take this time to write the script that will go with each photo, and then
time how long it takes for you to speak it (this is where the stopwatch comes
in handy). You may want to use little sticky notes beneath each image (and
I'm referring to actual pieces of paper). If you're using purely digital images,
you can insert them into a Word doc, type the text there, and then print it out.
It is rare to find an application that does what it should in such a simple and
straightforward way. And although Photo to Movie is missing a few features
(which I hear are coming) that, as a professional video editor, I would like to
see, it does such a respectable job for the price that I hardly miss them.
Begin by dragging your first image into the image well of the application. You'll
see two squares. The green square is the start frame, or where your camera is
when the movie begins. You can adjust the scale of this frame to give the
illusion of zooming in a camera lens. Move the start frame to where you want
the clip to begin and the end frame (the red box) to where you want the clip to
end. Then set the duration of the clip; in Figure 3-19, I set mine to 20
A word about artistic interpretation; since the world of art is a subjective one,
I can't really tell you how to line up your camera shots for this. I can, however,
give you some advice. I suggest that you place your end frame at a point that
holds some significance or is the most powerful point in the image. This is the
image that your viewer will ultimately be left with. Whatever you decide to do,
just remember each image will have its own special meaning, so try to
decipher that when making each clip.
Once we've set the start and end frames, we can preview the clip by using the
Play button. If we're happy with the preview, we can go ahead and render this
Under the File menu, you'll find a menu item called Advanced Options (this
drops down a hidden drawer). Here we have the option of changing the
duration of the clip to a more specific time frame, but we also have some
control over the acceleration/deceleration of the clip and the option to hold the
camera at the start frame/end frame for a period of time to lend more impact
to the image.
For example, say the clip is set to:
Duration: 20 seconds
Acceleration: 10 seconds
Deceleration: 15 seconds
The camera will first hold the start frame in position for 2 seconds. It will go
slow initially, speeding up until 10 seconds into the clip, then track over the
image at the same rate until 15 seconds into the clip. Finally, it will slow down
until it reaches the end frame, where it will stop and hold for 2 seconds.
For my own images, I went ahead and selected a four-second hold at the start
frame, no hold on the end frame, and no acceleration or deceleration. I have
plans to use a certain transition (cross-dissolve) in iMovie, so holding the
camera at the end frame won't be necessary.
Once you are happy with the clip, go ahead and click Make Movie (see Figure
3-20). Name the video clip and save it to a location, such as the Movies folder.
Be careful to select the DV Stream format, and if you live in North America,
select NTSC as the Video Standard. Finally, if this video is going to tape, you
should select high-quality rendering.
I decided to skip a narration, but I want to discuss a few points for those that
decide to use it. There are a few ways to record your narration; one solution is
to record the audio directly into iMovie, as shown in Figure 3-21.
If you take a peek in the iMovie application, you'll see a button called Audio.
Here you'll find a line-level meter and, if your microphone is connected, you
may see the meter spike as it detects sound. The problem with recording here
is that you may run into a problem of iMovie having difficulty recording audio
because of disk speed. It may not be able to keep up. If this happens to you,
you'll need another third-party solution to record your audio. A good free
solution, called Audio In, can be found on VersionTracker. The interface needs
some work, but the price is right and it does a respectable job.
I recorded a few samples and found that iMovie wouldn't recognize the AIFF
format of the Audio In files. I'm not sure why this is, but in case this happens
to you, I have a fast workaround. When you record your narration tracks with
Audio In, it saves them to the desktop. Drag the files into the Library of
iTunes. Then, from iTunes, select Advanced Convert Selection to MP3. Then
just export the MP3 file to a folder.
Step one is to locate and import all of the video clips we made with Photo to
Movie, and let's not forget our audio tracks (see Figure 3-22).
Drag the imported clips down to the time line in the order in which you would
like them to appear. I suggest you use the tab with the little eyeball (as shown
in Figure 3-23), which gives you a visual representation of the story narrative.
A transition is the change from one scene to the next. It can be a straight cut
or an effect. In iMovie, the transitions are effects that bring two different
scenes together. You don't have to use transitions; good examples of some of
the best straight cuts ever can be found in the movie Lawrence of Arabia. In
one scene, Lawrence has a lit match in his fingers and the moment he blows it
out, there is a straight cut to the sun rising in the desert. Stunning!
However, transition effects can add a lot of substance to the images. The trick
when using transitions in a short piece is using them sparingly and limiting the
variety. In publishing, the rule of thumb is to limit your font choice; the same
applies here. One of my biggest pet peeves when I see a PowerPoint
presentation is when someone has used every available type of transition.
Sometimes, less is more.
I used three transitions in my movie. The first, fade in, was applied at the
beginning of the first clip. It gave me a nice, slow entry into my movie, which
fit the style of the music. The second transition, cross-dissolve, was used
between each pair of clips. One of my favorites, this transition dissolves one
clip out while fading the next clip in. The blend of the two clips has a nice, soft,
and soothing feeling. Finally, my last transition was at the end of the movie. I
used a fade out just as the last chord of music started to fade.
The whole point of this hack was to give you some sense of the power you
have right there in your computer. You don't need the best equipment and you
don't need a $1,000 video camera to get some value out of iMovie. A scanner
or digital camera, a $10 shareware app, and an OS X Mac, and you're making
In total, this movie took approximately one and a half hours to complete, and
by using the video out on my iBook, I was able to transfer it to VHS with very
little effort.
An Introduction to iMovie
( by
N.D. Woods
Alan Graham
Hack 24 From Slideshow to Video Presentation
The so-called media iApps iMovie, iPhoto, and iTunes actually form an ad hoc
integrated development environment (IDE) for creating digital content. You
probably didn't realize this because Apple's marketing focus to consumers is
simplicity, not integrated environments. But there's certainly more to the
iApps than initially meets the eye.
This hack shows you how these components work together by making an
iPhoto slideshow into a full-fledged video presentation. All you need is a
decent digital camera, a stack of music CDs, and Mac OS X.
If you don't have Jaguar (10.2) yet, that's job number one. You need all the
performance you can get when working with digital media, and Jaguar is the
best Apple has to offer.
Next, make sure you have iMovie, iTunes, and iPhoto accessible, because you'll
be opening them a lot. I keep them in the Dock. Put them wherever you want,
but make sure they're easy to get to.
If you haven't upgraded to QuickTime Pro, Version 6
(, now's the time to do it. The
player version is fine for playback, but you'll need the pro tools to do serious
work. And for $29.95, it's not a bad deal, especially since the iApps come
bundled with the operating system.
Serious Mac power users typically have the full version of this versatile
text editor. If you haven't snagged your own copy yet, you can use the free
version until you're ready to upgrade. This tool is necessary for editing
code for tasks such as embedding QuickTime movies into web pages.
It's like the folks at Caffeine Software looked at iPhoto and created an
application to fill its gaps. You'll need this freebie for sharpening, color
adjusting, and levels control.
This application enables you to create multiple iPhoto libraries, store them
on hard drives, then switch between them as necessary. It gives iPhoto the
flexibility you need for managing thousands of pictures without bogging
down the application.
This nifty application allows you to catalog the archive CDs and external
drives where your collection of iPhoto libraries and other media reside. If
you can't remember in which iPhoto library the NY Times Square images
reside, CDFinder will help you locate them.
Now it's time to look at how the iApps can work together. First, let's explore
the two database applications: iTunes and iPhoto. This is where your music and
still images are stored and organized. You can tap these databases from other
applications or through the Finder. If you configure them properly, you can
easily find the content you're looking for when you're outside the cozy
confines of the application interface.
What do I mean by this? Let's say you want to find a song in iTunes to
accompany a slideshow (as we're going to do later in this hack). If all of your
songs in iTunes have their database records completed (artist, album, song,
etc.), then you'll be able to find what you're looking for quickly when searching
your music DB via iPhoto (yes, iPhoto can talk to iTunes) or when looking for a
particular tune via the Finder. If you haven't completed those iTunes records,
then all you'll see is Unknown Artist and Track 01 not much help. More on this
I'm assuming that you have data in iTunes and iPhoto. If you haven't used
these two programs much, go upload some pictures and rip a few CDs so you
have media in there to play with. You'll be surprised at how often you'll tap
this information after it's in there.
Once you have content in your databases, then you can use QuickTime Pro,
iMovie 2, and BBEdit to assemble and enhance your media. The basic process
looks like this:
1. Upload music and images into the database apps (iPhoto and
Organize the content and make sure the database records that accompany
the media are accurate.
Assemble and enhance the raw content with iMovie, QT Pro, and BBEdit.
Share the finished product with coworkers, clients, friends, and family.
Obviously, there are many variations on this theme of iApps working together.
If you're shooting digital video, for example, you may think you never have to
leave the iMovie environment. But what if you want to import still images into
your movie (iPhoto)? How about adding music (iTunes)? Why continue to
shuffle through music CDs when you have your entire library sitting there in
iTunes? Once you understand the iApp relationships, you'll find that you can
create better productions in less time, regardless of which medium you're
primarily working in.
To work with this example, you'll need a decent digital camera and some good
music on a CD. We're going to build a better slideshow. iPhoto enables you to
export pictures and music to QuickTime, but the final product is a little rough
around the edges. By enhancing the core slideshow with iMovie, iTunes, and
QT Pro, you can transform your humble iPhoto slideshow into a polished
After a few minutes of work, you'll see how the iApps function as a full-fledged
development environment. This is only one scenario. There are many other
exciting ways to use these tools.
So, let's start by digging into the two database applications: iTunes and iPhoto.
24.3.1 iTunes
I probably don't have to say this, but you need to have a good variety of music
in your iTunes library. So, take a stack of your favorite CDs and rip them.
Before doing so, however, remember two things:
Encode at 192 kbps to capture as much fidelity as possible. You can always
sample down specific tracks later if you need to reduce their size. But in
terms of file size, music tracks are actually relatively small compared to
video and images. There's no need to scrimp on sound quality unless
you're serving on the Web, which is a different animal altogether.
When you first load a CD in iTunes, you see only the most basic data, such as
Track 01. If you were to rip the music at this point, you wouldn't have much
data to accompany the MP3 files, which makes it difficult to use them outside
of iTunes later on. If you're online, you can access the CDDB resource to
automatically populate the important fields in your songs' database records.
Select Advanced Get CD Track Names to have them filled in for you.
Now, after accessing the CDDB, you have much richer song records, as shown
in Figure 3-24. iTunes will use this information to build a logical folder
structure on your hard drive (as long as you have "Keep iTunes music folder
organized" checked in the Advanced preferences).
24.3.2 iPhoto
Now it's time to get your image database in order. As with iTunes for music,
there are a few details to tend to when populating your database that will
make your workflow smoother later on:
Capture your images at high quality and full resolution. I don't mess much
with saving pictures in TIFF or Raw formats because they are unwieldy
(even though the quality is great!), but I do recommend that you use the
highest quality JPEG settings. You want the best data possible in your
iPhoto libraries, because you never know how you're going to want to use
that information down the road.
Check your camera's date and time settings to make sure they are correct.
When you capture a picture, your camera also writes valuable metadata to
the file header. But your settings have to be on target for this information
to be accurate. For more information about the value of picture metadata,
see "Use Metadata to Improve Your Pictures"
Keep your iPhoto libraries to 650 MBs or less. Use iPhoto Library Manager
to switch between libraries as needed. By limiting the size of your
libraries, iPhoto will perform better and you can easily archive your images
to CD.
Add descriptive information to the Title and Comments fields. Again, the
time you spend adding data to this image record will come back to you
positively in the future when you're trying to find in which iPhoto library
those images reside.
iPhoto also lets you add valuable data to your digital content. The four key
areas are: custom albums (e.g., Tues Uploads in Figure 3-25), Title, Date, and
Comments. When you add information in these record fields, iPhoto stores it in
the iPhoto library with the image files. Now you can search for images across
many iPhoto libraries using catalog apps such as CDFinder.
One of the most powerful methods I have for presenting still images is the
QuickTime slideshow. The pictures seem to come to life as they are organized
by story line and accompanied by music. For example, in my photo business I
now show these two-minute shows at the beginning of wedding appointments
before I hand over the actual prints. The combination of pictures and music
telling the story of their marriage makes a tremendous impact on clients, and
the rest of the appointment always seems to go well.
But like everything else good in life, there's an art to making a persuasive
presentation, whether it be for clients, coworkers, friends, or family. My best
slideshows use iPhoto to create the core presentation, iTunes for the music,
iMovie for the titles, and QuickTime Pro to stitch everything together.
I'm going to breeze through a couple of techniques to give you a feel for how
these apps can cooperate with one another. If you don't have experience
working in iPhoto, iMovie, and QuickTime Pro, you may wish to refer to my
tutorials in the Digital Photography
( and
QuickTime and iMovie
collections on
Here's where iMovie comes in handy for this project: to build your opening
title for the slideshow you created in iPhoto and exported to QuickTime. Open
iMovie and create a new project. Then build your opening title using the Titles
palette, shown in Figure 3-26. This is an amazing tool. Even though you can
create just about any opening sequence possible using Titles in iMovie, keep it
simple for now.
Figure 3-26. The iMovie Titles box is a gold mine for digital
Once you have an opening that you like, you need to render it by dragging it
from the Titles work area to the Clip Viewer bar at the bottom of the iMovie
interface. iMovie will now take a few seconds to build your opening sequence.
This is where you need QuickTime Pro to stitch them together. You're going to
select the entire contents of your core slideshow (exported from iPhoto), copy
it, then add it to the opening sequence you created in iMovie, then exported to
Click on the core slideshow, then grab its content by choosing Select All, then
Copy. Now click on the opening sequence movie and select Add. QuickTime will
add the core slideshow to wherever you have the playback indicator
positioned. In this case, it should be at the end of the clip. Now you have a
slideshow with an opening sequence.
If you have QuickTime Pro, you can stitch various QT clips together by copying
the clip from one player, then adding it to the other (Don't use Paste, or one
clip will replace the other!). In Figure 3-27 I'm adding the soundtrack I
exported from iMovie to my QuickTime slideshow.
You can create as many sequences as you want in iMovie and add them to your
QuickTime presentations. I usually stick with opening and closing titles, but
I'm not limited to them.
Once you have all of your image sequences stitched together, it's time to add
the soundtrack. You probably want to clean out any existing soundtracks in
your presentation. This is easy in QuickTime Pro. Go to Edit and select Delete
Tracks. You'll see a number of video tracks (don't touch those!) and a couple of
soundtracks. Delete all of the soundtracks.
Note the length of your movie. Hopefully it's not longer than a couple of
minutes. Now open iMovie again and select Import File from the File menu.
Navigate to your Music folder where iTunes keeps all of your audio assets. If
you've been conscientious about filing out your song records, then you'll see a
list of folders by artist, with their respective albums inside. But it gets even
better. Open the album folder, and you'll see all of the MP3 files with the song
titles as the filenames. Sweet.
Import the song you want to use for your presentation into iMovie where it will
be placed on the audio portion of the Clip Viewer. Move the endpoints of the
track to make it the same length (or a tad shorter) than your slideshow. (For
example, if your slideshow is 2 minutes long, then you might move the audio
endpoints to create a music track that is 1 minute, 55 seconds in length.)
Then, check the Fade In and Fade Out boxes so your music doesn't begin and
end abruptly. Fade Out is especially important and worth using iMovie just for
that function.
Now export your edited music track to QuickTime just as you did your title clip.
I usually choose no compression for my music unless I plan on serving it on
the Web.
When you open the music track in QuickTime, you'll see that it also has an
unnecessary video track. Use Delete Tracks to get rid of it, then Select All,
Copy, and Add to your slideshow. Now you have a custom soundtrack that is
the perfect length for your show and fades at the end.
If you want, you can add many soundtracks at various points throughout your
presentation. And, for that matter, you can add voiceover too.
Once you have your presentation the way you want it, save it as a self-
contained movie. This will put all of your parts in one container that you can
play off your hard drive, burn onto a CD, or attach to mail (if it's not too big!).
You can serve it on the Web too, but there are some issues involved, such as
compression (to reduce download times) and authorization for the music. You
can bypass these issues for now by sharing your presentations in person.
Once you've finished your work of art, be sure to use the Save As command
and click the "Make movie self-contained" radio button, as shown in Figure 3-
28. By doing so, QuickTime will place all the movie elements in one portable
container that you can burn to CD or share with friends.
Derrick Story
Hack 25 Hijacking Audio from Mac Apps
Audio Hijack grabs the audio output of any Mac OS X Cocoa or Carbon
application for your listening pleasure.
Launch Audio Hijack, select a target application, and launch it with the Launch
button. Audio Hijack will attach itself this is why you must launch the target
app from the inside and pass through all sound generated by the app. You can
begin and end recording at any time using the Start Recording/Stop Recording
button. You can forego setting a maximum duration if you're not sure what it
should be, but I found setting it and letting it record unattended far more
relaxing than remembering to check back every so often for fear of the audio
filling up my hard drive.
Click the DSPs button and you can apply all manner of sound effects to the
sound output and recording. Add flange or reverb, alter the bass and treble
levels, display a pair of VU meters, or treat yourself to a 10-band equalizer
with savable presets, as shown in Figure 3-29.
A friend pointed out that Audio Hijack is the perfect utility for recording live
audio streams delivered via Real Audio. The application's timers act as an
audio VCR of sorts, launching Real Audio and recording for a specified amount
of time. Drop the recording of NPR's All Things Considered onto iTunes and
sync with your iPod, and you have your favorite public radio on demand and
Finally, I can grab the audio tracks from my yoga class video, allowing me to
take my practice anywhere my iPod goes.
Audio Hijack is available for a 15-day free trial, after which it's only $16 for a
fully licensed version.
Hack 26 Running Your Own Web Radio Station
Create private playlists you can stream 24/7 to almost any web-
enabled device, inside or outside the home.
If the idea of having your own radio webcast, for fun or profit, intrigues you,
then you've come to the right place. Even if you don't plan on sharing your
musical tastes with the world, you can have a lot of fun creating private
playlists you can stream 24/7 to almost any web device in your home. Or
maybe you just want to be able to tune into your music anywhere, anytime,
on any machine. Well, guess what? You've probably got most of what you'll
need sitting on your home machine. Moreover, setting up your own station is
easy to do and costs nothing to get running.
Music (MP3)
A DSL or cable connection isn't fast enough to support a lot of visitors, but it is
usually adequate for serving your personal use. Before you start streaming, be
sure that it doesn't violate the service agreement with your ISP.
The next thing you need to do is download the QT Streaming Server (QTSS)
from Apple's site ( and install
it. Once the install is complete, you'll find the installer placed an icon in your
Applications folder that looks like Figure 3-30.
Since the server can be configured and controlled through a web browser, this
icon will always take you there. Go ahead and configure the server for the first
time with the defaults in place. You may need to make some adjustment based
on your own network settings or personal preferences. Figures Figure 3-31,
Figure 3-32, and Figure 3-33 show various settings being changed in the
Setup Assistant.
Figure 3-35. A setting that could interfere with Apache or other web
servers running on your machine
26.3 Step 3: Create a Promotional Spot
Depending on the level of professional spit and polish you want on your
station, you may want to put together a promo spot to let people know who
you are. There is a really simple way to pull this off using some royalty-free
iMovie music, a microphone, and iMovie.
You can use some of the free music Apple provides in your iDisk, but of course
you must have a .Mac subscription for that. If you don't belong to .Mac, all you
really need is a short piece of music in MP3 format, or you can skip the music
portion of your spot completely.
Open iMovie and import your music clip, then head over to the Audio tab of
iMovie (shown in Figure 3-36) and record the vocals of your promo spot. Since
I don't have any call letters, I settled for, "You're listening to O'Reilly Radio."
Figure 3-36. You'll find the record button in the Audio tab
Drag the music clip into one of the music tracks down below. Your vocal spot
should already be waiting for you. Then just move the two tracks so that they
fit together in a manner that sounds good to you (see Figure 3-37).
Once you're done editing your audio track, export the movie as QuickTime. We
need to make some changes to our file as we export it. When you choose to
export the file as QuickTime, you'll get an option to alter the format. Select
the Expert setting in this menu (see Figure 3-38).
Finally, change the compression settings to MPEG-4 and export (see Figure 3-
The next step is to edit the promo spot song information, so that when you
convert this file to MP3, it will automatically create a promo folder where we
can collect future files. Simply highlight the file and select File Get Info. At
the top of the window, type a title for this spot, like Promo Spot 1. Under
Artist, type something like My Promotional Spots. In the Album field, name it
Promo Spots, and now you have a folder in which to place all future promo
Open the server and jump on over to General Settings. Here we want to
double-check that our media directory matches our iTunes folder. You can set
your maximum number of connections and your maximum throughput.
Remember to calculate your required bandwidth. When your traffic exceeds
the maximum throughput, the server will not allow any more connections. If
you want to run the server 24/7, check "Start Server at System Startup," as
shown in Figure 3-42.
You can create playlists using most text editors, but most people will find it
easier to create a playlist through the server's web interface. Our main QTSS
screen looks like Figure 3-42.
Jump to the Playlists link to the left. At the Playlists screen, click on the button
to create a new MP3 playlist, as shown in Figure 3-43.
Enter the name of your station: whatever name you enter here will be
displayed in the client's music player.
Mount Point
Part of the URL location that your users will use to tune into your station.
By entering different mount points for different playlists, you could run
more than one active playlist for different genres and listeners could listen
to different types of music.
Play Mode
The order in which to play the media. You can specify the following
Plays the media in the order they appear in the playlist. When the last file is done playing, the
broadcast stops.
Sequential Looped
Streams media in the order it appears in the playlist file. When the last file is done, the playlist
restarts in the same order.
Weighted Random
Streams media in random, using the specified weights to decide how often to play an item. The
higher the weight number, the more the item is played. The media plays until you stop it.
Available Media
Select the tracks you want to appear in your playlist and drag them over
to the Playlist column (labeled "6." in Figure 3-44) to the right. You can
Shift-click items, but unfortunately you cannot -click them. You can enter
any folder in the media list by double-clicking. Also in this listing you will
find the folder with your promo spots in it. After creating your playlist,
drag and drop your promo spots wherever you wish for it to play.
Save Changes
Next, you need to start the playlist. Click on the Play button in the Playlist
window (see Figures Figure 3-46 and Figure 3-47).
We've installed our server, created our promos, configured our server, built our
playlists, and started our server. Now it is time to test our station by tuning in.
Open up iTunes and select Advanced Open Stream ( -U). Enter your IP
address or URL followed by the port number and finally the mount point. It
should look something like (where the IP
address or URL is your own). If everything goes well, you should hear some
tunes blasting from your speakers.
One handy feature of the QTSS is remote administration. You can make
changes to the server or your playlist regardless of your location. Access the
server by typing your IP address or URL and specifying port 1220.
Apple has an extensive help file associated with QTSS. You can access it via
the server's interface, but you can also find it here:
There are tons of exciting things you can do with the QTSS and Mac OS X.
Streaming can be a complicated task, but hopefully this will get you started.
Alan Graham
Hack 27 Sharing Your Listening Preferences
iTunes and a little hackery make sharing your currently playing track a
Listening to music while you work is a given for a large portion of the
computing populace. Without music, the halls and cubicles seem a little
lonelier, the days seem a little slower, and eating is more lifeless than usual.
Music is a part of our computing lives, and being without it can be
Just as we enjoy listening, we also lust after more music to whet our auditory
ensembles. Hearing an unknown artist, falling in love, and then orchestrating
a search for MP3s or used CDs is a part of many of our lives as well.
Suggestions from friends is a crucial part of our discovery process.
With iTunes, telling people what you listen to is easier than you think. Utilities
like the donationware Kung-Tunes ( publish
information on your currently playing iTunes track on your web site, allowing
the world to tune in to your musical enjoyment. Alternatively, use the
freeware Moa Tunes ( to alter the signature of
your Entourage or Eudora email messages with the music that accompanied
your response. Even Inter-Relay Chat (IRC) programs are getting into the act,
as the shareware Snak ( provides a MusicalOSX script
that will display tracks in IRC channels.
If that's not enough, and you want iTunes integration with every instrument
you use daily, check out the following piece of AppleScript, which will put the
currently playing song, artist, and album into the clipboard. Simply run, paste,
and seduce!
If you're not an AppleScript roadie, you could use a bit of Perl to ftp the last 10
songs you've heard to your web site. The following code uses the
MacOSX::iTunes ( module:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Mac::iTunes;
use Net::FTP;
# data collector
open(FILE, ">$ftp_file") or die "couldn't create temp file
print FILE "<html><title>iTunes, $itunes_playlist</title>"
print FILE "<body><h1>iTunes, $itunes_playlist</h1><ul>";
iTunes has struck a chord with many music lovers, and these hacks can help
others get in on your groove. (Yes, we know. There were far too many musical
innuendos in this hack for it to be considered good taste. Blame the composer,
not the maestro.)
Hack 28 Controlling iTunes with Perl
The Mac::iTunes module means that controlling iTunes from across the
room or across the world is only a Perl script away.
I created the Mac::iTunes Perl module to control iTunes from my scripts and
from other machines. Everything that I present in this hack comes with either
the Mac::iTunes or Apache::iTunes distribution
(, available on the Comprehensive Perl
Archive Network (CPAN).
Once I have a back end, I can create almost any interface to iTunes that I like
and I do.
I can use Script Editor to create a script, but I can also use the osascript
command-line tool from a Terminal window. I can use the -e switch to run a
short script on the command line:
Or, I can store the script in a file and pass it to the osascript on the
command line:
Scripts for iTunes can automate a lot of my common tasks. Apple has a
collection of scripts (, and Doug's
AppleScripts for iTunes & SoundJam
( has several more good
Although I like AppleScript for very simple things, I think it gets tedious for
complicated scripts. The language is verbose and does not have a good
extension mechanism. Perl, on the other hand, does, but at the moment it
does not have good access to Aqua applications, even though it can control the
usual Unix applications in Mac OS X, just as it can on other Unix platforms.
sub _osascript
my $script = shift;
require IPC::Open2;
return $data;
sub tell
my $self = shift;
my $command = shift;
if( $@ )
carp $@;
$result =~ s/^"|"$//g;
return $result;
Once I have tell( ), I simply feed it an AppleScript string, which it runs and
then returns the result. For example, iTunes can play Internet streams. The
AppleScript way to say this uses open location:
sub open_url
my $self = shift;
my $url = shift;
Just as I ran AppleScripts from the Terminal window with osascript, I can
now run Perl programs that interact with iTunes. I want to play streaming
media with very few keystrokes and without going to the iTunes Open
Streaming . . . menu item; it's just too much work when I do not want to
switch applications. I created a simple program, named stream, using
Mac::iTunes. I create an iTunes controller object, then call the open_url( )
method with the first command-line argument. Perl tells iTunes to play the
MP3 stream, and even though iTunes starts to do something, it stays in the
background while I continue whatever I am doing. I can even use this program
from shell scripts.
use Mac::iTunes;
my $controller = Mac::iTunes->controller;
$controller->open_url( $ARGV[0] );
% stream
With all of that, I cannot carry that computer around my apartment. Even if I
could, I want it to just play music and perhaps perform other silent tasks. I
should not have to interrupt my music because I decide to change something
on the Mac I am working on. I want the music to keep playing even if I restart
the iTunes on my laptop, which I do frequently while developing Mac::iTunes.
I need to control this central MP3 player remotely. I could create a command-
line tool to control iTunes and then log in the machine with ssh, but not
everyone who wants to control iTunes likes using the Terminal. I need a more
pleasing interface. Since Mac OS X comes with the Apache web server (which
runs by default), I can write a CGI script to control iTunes:
use strict;
my $Template = '/Users/brian/Dev/MacOSX/iTunes/html/iTunes
=head1 NAME
=head1 AUTHOR
brian d foy, E<>
my $command = param('command');
my $playlist = param('playlist') || 'Library';
my $set_playlist = param('set_playlist');
if( $command )
my %Commands = map { $_, 1 } qw( play stop pause back_tr
$controller->$command if exists $Commands{$command};
elsif( $set_playlist )
$controller->_set_playlist( $set_playlist );
$playlist = $set_playlist;
my %var;
$var{base} = '';
$var{state} = $controller->player_state;
$var{current} = $controller->current_track_name;
$var{playlist} = $playlist;
$var{playlists} = $controller->get_playlists;
$var{tracks} = $controller->get_track_names_in_playlist( $
First, I have to make the web server run as my user, so I change the User
directive. Along with that, I have to choose another port, since only the root
user can use port numbers below 1024, and Apache expects to use port 80. I
choose port 8080 instead. I will have to pass this nonstandard port along in
any URLs, but my CGI script already does that. As long as I use the web
interface without typing into the web browser's location box, I will not have to
worry about that.
User brian
Port 8080
I also have to change any file paths that Apache expects to write to. Since
Apache runs as my user, it can create files only where I can create files.
PidFile "/Users/brian/"
Once everything is set up, I access the CGI script from any computer in my
home network, Mac or not, and I can control my central iTunes.
CGI scripts are slow. Every time I run a CGI script, the web server has to
launch the script and the script has to load all of the modules that it needs to
do its work. I have another problem with Mac::iTunes, though. The first call to
Mac::AppleScript's RunAppleScript( ) seems to be slower than subsequent
calls. I pay a first-use penalty for that. To get around that, I want to keep my
iTunes controller running so I do not have to pay this overhead over and over
<Location /iTunes>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::iTunes
PerlModule Mac::iTunes
PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC
PerlSetEnv APACHE_ITUNES_HTML /web/templates/iTunes.html
The output, shown in Figure 3-50, looks a little different from the CGI version
because I used a different template that included more features. I can change
the look-and-feel without touching the code.
I already had all of the back-end stuff to control iTunes and none of it was tied
to a particular interface. Even my CGI script could output something other
than HTML, like plain text or even a huge image. I could easily add a Tk
interface to the same thing or so I thought.
Perl can interact with Aqua applications through AppleScript. With Mac::iTunes
as a back end, I can create multiple interfaces to iTunes that I can use on the
same computer or on other computers on the same network. Everyone in my
house, or within range of my AirPort, can control my iTunes.
brian d foy
Hack 29 iCal Calling iTunes
You give people an inch, they'll want to take a mile. In this corner, Apple's
iTunes, MP3 player supreme with smart playlists, XML exports, ratings, play
count, ID3 support, and more. And in the other, Apple's iCal with alerts,
multiple calendar coloring, web-based subscriptions, to-do lists, and drill-down
views. Both free, powerful, and useful. Are people happy with the birds on
their doorsteps? "Not without integration," they sing, and integration comes in
the form of a free AppleScript from Doug Adams.
There's no installation; just stick the application any place you'd like (as is
typical of most AppleScripts). With proper configuration, iCal Calling iTunes
can trigger the start of any iTunes playlist, shuffle that playlist, or likewise
stop that playlist at any date or time.
Configuration is simple. First, create a new calendar called iTunes. It's here
that you'll configure all your sound events (you can configure other events,
but as we'll see, their status will be marked as Tentative). To integrate iCal
with iTunes, define an event named after one of your iTunes playlists, and
configure the dates as you would normally. After that, simply double-click the
iCal Calling iTunes AppleScript, and it'll resolutely play tracks from the
matching play list when the event triggers.
To stop a playlist, set the To date of the event for when you want the litany to
halt, and change the status to Confirmed. Other status changes also exist: if
the iTunes playlist could not be found, the event's status will change to
Tentative, and skipping events is as easy as changing the status to Cancelled.
Shuffling playlists can be accomplished by appending an asterisk to the event
30.1 Publishing
If you decide not to enable autoupdating, you can always manually push the
latest using Calendar Update. And if you decide to take the calendar down
after an event has passed or the local theater season is over, simply select
Calendar Unpublish.
30.2 Subscribing
Click the Subscribe button and you should see the calendar slot itself nicely
into your own iCal view of the world.
You can make subscription easier on your audience by providing a link directly to the .ics
file, available via email or on your web site, allowing them to simply click on a link to launch
iCal and subscribe.
Erik T. Ray
Hack 31 Using Bluetooth for SMS and Phone-Call Handling
Although Apple has done a good job supporting Bluetooth technology and,
indeed, baking it right in not much has been done to educate users about
what it can do. Recently, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the nifty little
Address Book in Mac OS X has built-in Bluetooth functionality that allows you
to send and receive Short Message Service (SMS) messages through your
Bluetooth-enabled phone, all via your computer!
If you've ever hammered out an SMS note using the buttons on your tiny cell
phone, then you know it would be much easier to use your full-sized computer
keyboard instead. In this hack, I will show you how to use Mac OS X to send
SMS messages easily.
You will need a Bluetooth adapter, such as the D-Link USB Bluetooth Adapter
(available at
productLearnMore=T4728G/B), for your Mac, and a Bluetooth-enabled phone,
such as the Ericsson T68i
( ).
With your Address Book powered up, the first thing to do is to pair it up with
your Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone. To do so, you need to turn on the
Bluetooth radio on your phone, and then click on the Bluetooth icon on the
Address Book (see Figure 3-54).
With the pairing done, you are now ready to send an SMS message! To send
someone in your Address Book an SMS message, select the name and click on
the phone number of the user. Three options will be displayed, as shown in
Figure 3-55.
You can display the number in huge fonts, send the person an SMS message,
or make a call to him. If you select SMS Message, you can key in the message
(maximum of 160 characters) and click Send (see Figure 3-56). Tired fingers
are now a thing of the past!
To reply to the message, simply click the Reply button. You can now reply to a
SMS message directly on the Mac, as shown in Figure 3-58.
When your phone rings, Address Book will notify you and provide three
options (as shown in Figure 3-59): reply to the caller via SMS, activate voice
mail on the mobile phone (the phone will then stop ringing), or simply answer
the call.
Figure 3-59. Incoming call displayed on the Mac
If you click SMS Reply, you can then send an SMS message to the caller,
perhaps to inform him that you will call him later.
When you receive an incoming message, you can save it to your Address Book
for archiving. Clicking on the Save to Note button in the Incoming SMS
Message window will append the message to the contact information, as shown
in Figure 3-60.
Wei-Meng Lee
Hack 32 iSync via Bluetooth
The mobile devices supported by iSync include the latest GPRS, Bluetooth-
enabled ( phones (such as the popular
Ericsson T68 and the Sony Ericsson T68i) and Palm OS devices (such as the
Palm m515). iSync even synchronizes the information on your iPod with your
Installing iSync is a snap, provided you already have iCal installed. iCal is
required for iSync to work. You can download a free copy of iCal from
iSync contains two packages: iSync and iSync_Palm. The latter is required for
synchronization with Palm devices.
For this hack, I have tried iSync using my Ericsson T68 and my Palm m515. I
will walk you through the steps to get the devices connected as well as to set
up Bluetooth on your Mac so that the synchronization can be done wirelessly.
Clicking on the Bluetooth icon reveals the four tabs for configuring Bluetooth
access. As I wanted to establish a connection between my Mac and my Ericsson
T68, I went to the Paired Devices tab (see Figure 3-62) and clicked on New . . .
You also need to turn on the Bluetooth radio on your phone and set it to be
Bluetooth Discoverable. This allows your phone to be seen in the Bluetooth
ether; an undiscoverable phone is an invisible phone.
Once your Mac finds the phone, click Pair to establish a relationship between
the phone and the Mac (see Figure 3-63). Each side of the pairing needs to be
sure that the other is authorized to pair. This is accomplished by a throwaway
passkey (read: one-time password). Anything will do, even 1234. You should
be prompted by both your Mac and your phone to enter the same passkey. If
all goes to plan, the devices should be paired and handle all further
authentication and so forth without needing anything more from you.
Once this step is completed, you should be able to see your T68 icon in the
iSync window (see Figure 3-65). To start syncing, simply click on the Sync
button, shown in Figure 3-66. To customize synchronization, click the phone
icon and select the relevant syncing options (see Figure 3-67).
iSync will synchronize the Contacts and Calendars information on the T68 with
the Address Book and iCal on your Mac, respectively.
I found that if you have an awful lot of data, iSync can get stuck trying to synchronize all
the data from both the Address Book and iCal on the first sync. This is exascerbated if you
insist (as I do) on keeping two weeks' worth of data on your phone. A workaround is to
skip your contacts the first time (uncheck the Contacts box in sync options for your
phone), adding it back in after the initial large sync.
The Palm used for this hack is an m515, shown in Figure 3-68. It comes with a
Secure Digital (SD) slot for SD cards. I use the SD Bluetooth card (made by
Toshiba) with the m515 for Bluetooth connectivity.
As with the phone, you'll need to pair up your Mac and Palm device via
Next, you need to inform HotSync Manager that you want to use the Bluetooth
connection as a serial port for syncing purposes in addition to using the cradle.
Do so by checking both the bluetooth . . . and USB boxes in HotSync's
Connection Settings dialog box, shown in Figure 3-69.
Now you'll need to alter your Conduit Setting (from the HotSync menu) so that
HotSync's default is to do nothing with the Address Book, Date Book, and To
Do List, leaving these up to iSync to handle:
Finally, configure the setting for iSync Configuration so that iSync knows
which items to synchronize with your Palm device. With iSync Conduit
selected, click the Conduit Settings button at the top-left of the window. In the
resulting dialog box (see Figure 3-71), check both Synchronize Contacts and
Synchronize Calendars (To Do Lists are part of Calendars) and click OK.
You should now see the Palm device in iSync, as shown in Figure 3-72.
Figure 3-72. The Palm shows up in the iSync window
When you've completed all the preceding steps, the next time you use
HotSync to synchronize your Palm device the Address Book, Date Book, and To
Do List will be synchronized with the Mac's Address Book and iCal,
respectively. To test this out, I set up some items in iCal (see Figure 3-73) and
used iSync to sync it with my Palm m515. To sync, just click iSync's Sync Now
button. As a precaution, you will be alerted to any changes you make to your
devices (see Figure 3-74), so that you can decide to proceed or to cancel the
Note that there are two ways to sync your Palm devices. You can either use
the Bluetooth connection (in which case you have to use the HotSync icon on
the device) or you can use the cradle. If you are using the cradle, you need to
press the HotSync button on the cradle. Clicking on the syncing button on
iSync does not synchronize Palm devices.
Wei-Meng Lee
Chapter 4. The User Interface
Hack 40. Extending Your Screen Real Estate with Virtual Desktops
Mac users have a long history of tweaking the Mac OS graphical user interface.
Some regard the Mac OS X GUI as a panacea for all the ills of interface design
over the years, a breath of fresh air in a world dominated by dusty windows
and quivering mice. Some find OS X just enough like Mac OS 9 to get by,
perhaps even grow to love. Then there are those who find it an abomination,
fixable by sheer will and determination, something to bend, spindle, and hack
until it looks "just as it should."
Regardless of which of these camps you find yourself in, there's more than
enough power beneath the hood and myriad tools and tricks to customize the
OS X GUI to your heart's content.
Push that clutter of windows aside and get yourself back to your
The second-shortest but best path I've found to the Desktop (introduced in Mac
OS X 10.2, Jaguar) is to click on the Desktop and press Option- -H for Hide
Others. The absolute shortest path is to Option- -click the Finder (Mac OS
smiley-face logo) in the Dock; while this hides all applications other than the
Finder, it does have the unfortunate side effect of opening a Finder window
right in the middle of the Desktop.
It's such an innocent key combination: -Tab. Easy to say, easy to do, easy to
type. Innocent it may be, but embroiled with controversy is this little key
command; sure, it switches you to the next open application (and -Shift-Tab
sends you to the previous one), but still people clamor for more. They want a
smart switcher one that goes in order of application usage, not Dock order, or
even one that understands individual windows within a single application.
In previous versions of OS X, it was easy for software to override the -Tab behavior,
allowing previous usage order to be mimicked with third-party software. To add more fat to
the fire comes this warning from Keyboard Maestro's latest release: Apple has disabled
Keyboard Maestro's (and any other third-party application's) ability to override the -Tab
keystroke from the Dock and replace it with other functionality.
In fact, it's not the Alt-Tab, per se, that's at issue. It's the Mac concept of
windows belonging to applications rather than existing semiautonomously that
causes unrest. While hopping from Mail to Internet Explorer (IE) to BBEdit is a
snap, it's simply impossible to alternate between, say, Google residing in its
own IE windows and Document1 in Word. Some applications do provide their
own local keyboard shortcut -~ in both IE and Mail but this is a rarity and
varies from application to application. Other applications assign windows to -
# keys, but who the heck can bear all that in mind while actually trying to get
some work done.
At heart, there are two issues: Jaguar (but not previous releases of OS X)
allows you to -Tab to go to your previously used application, and applications,
not the windows within them, are -Tab destinations. Some attempts have
been made to alter -Tab behavior. Here are a few of the highlights:
LiteSwitchX (
AppSwitcher (
Keyboard Maestro comes in a limited Lite edition and a full version at $20.
It's more than a simple application switcher, as it allows multiple clipboards
and hot keys with multiple actions. Like the other software listed earlier, it
can sort running applications in usage order, but also includes the ability to
define applications that should always or never be allowed in the list. You
can also tweak the overlay window to display vertically, as opposed to the
more common horizontal display.
QuicKeys (
Finally, there's the popular QuicKeys from CESoft, which does far more
than mere application switching, allowing you to define macros, hot keys,
text insertion, new floating palettes the list goes on and on. Available for
$79.95, it includes the ability to switch applications, giving you the
opportunity to set up a hot key (other than -Tab) that can switch forward,
backward, or to the previously running application. Pricey to some, it
encompasses the abilities of a number of other utilities.
Hack 35 Putting Things in the Apple Menu
Although Mac users are a tried-and-true bunch, stalwart to the end, there are
often outcries when something doesn't function exactly as users expect. Such
moaning was heard when OS X was released: "Where are my beloved Apple
menu items?"
Prior to OS X, the Macintosh had a feature that many of us enjoyed: the ability
to put items into the Apple menu, be they folders, files, AppleScripts, or what
have you. Thankfully, Unsanity has (re)delivered this functionality with an
excellent piece of software called FruitMenu ( that's
just the ticket (see Figure 4-2).
The latest version of FruitMenu supports adding AppleScripts and shell scripts
to your menus, the ability to show your IP address (and upon selection, to
copy it to the clipboard, which is an immense time saver for dial-up users), the
ability to show currently running applications (much like the System menu
from previous OSs), in-menu picture previews (like OS X's Preview pane), as
well as a Move To option, allowing easy organizing across folders you define. To
top it off, you can also assign hot keys to most of your FruitMenu options.
The similarities to the excellent FinderPop from OS 9 don't end there either;
much as you could order the menu items of FinderPop by naming your files
and folders a certain way, FruitMenu supports the same syntax, allowing you
to organize your power any way you wish.
For only $7, FruitMenu along with the many other haxies that Unsanity
develops is an excellent addition to the power user's arsenal.
Hack 36 Keeping Your Snippets Organized
Are you one of those people whose desktop, both real and virtual, is littered
with colorful sticky notes too numerous to actually see much of anything else?
While Jaguar's stickies (Applications Stickies) provide disposable spaces into
which to drop thoughts, URLs, phone numbers anything you can paste it's not
particularly well integrated with your other applications. A URL pasted into a
sticky can't, for instance, be double-clicked and opened in your web browser.
Even an alias to a folder dragged into a sticky doesn't mean the folder is just a
double-click away.
Install DropDrawers and you're provided some sample drawers to get you
A Processes drawer (see Figure 4-3) displays all the applications that are
currently active.
The drawers can be positioned anywhere on the four edges of the screen.
They're opened by clicking on or moving your mouse (configurable) over their
tabs. Figure 4-4 shows the tabs for other sample draws.
The Processes drawer displays a list of applications currently running. You can
switch to an app by clicking its icon. Control-click (or right-click) the icon and
select Reveal, as shown in Figure 4-6, to display the folder containing the
The Launcher and Processes drawers together provide a decent stand-in for
the Dock for those who dislike the Dock, that is.
If you run out of drawer space, you can create additional drawers at any time
by selecting File New Drawer, as shown in Figure 4-7.
Every new drawer you create will be saved in the Drawers folder,
Library/Preferences/Drawers in your home directory.
Wei-Meng Lee
Hack 37 LaunchBar, a Dock Alternative
LaunchBar puts just about anything else you might want within easy
reach from your keyboard.
Beyond what its name suggests, LaunchBar is quite the Alt-Tab stand-in,
affording fast switching between running apps. Assign single character
shortcuts to your oft-used apps M for Mail, O for OmniWeb, A for AIM, X for
Excel and you'll never visit the Dock between applications again.
Whether you love it or hate it, OS X's Dock has been lambasted for being a
user interface nightmare (by an ex-Apple interface designer, no less), while at
the same time receiving hearty cheers from fans of tabbed folders from OS 9.
Either way, you may find yourself falling victim to Dock bloat, a sin many
consider worthy of a few chuckles.
Myself, I'm a fan of the Dock. I've got my recently used Internet applications
first, then text editors, followed by my file-sharing programs, then graphics,
utilities, games, and folder pop ups. What I'd really love would be to get some
more of those vertical lines in there so that I can more clearly differentiate
which applications are in what category. As you can imagine, my Dock is pretty
full, pretty small, and magnifies gratuitously.
Switch Docks via context menu ( -click on the DockSwap Dock icon, as shown
in Figure 4-12) or key command (Control-Esc).
Figure 4-12. Switching Docks using the context menu
With DockSwap, you can have a Dock for every occasion, and multiple Docks I
soon did have. Here's my current setup, switchable with a mouse click or key
Internet Tweakery
Contains various text editors like BBEdit, Microsoft Word, and TextEdit
(with AntiWordService [Hack #12]) and a healthy dose of bookmarks for
dictionaries, thesauri, clichés, word meanings, and so on. It also includes
Sherlock for those quick encyclopedic/knowledge-of-the-Net searches.
TinkerTool's Preference Pane Installer (see Figure 4-13) drops the app into
place simply and cleanly, allowing you to choose whether it's available to all
users or just you.
There are several areas of settings that TinkerTool allows you to customize:
Features related to the Finder, such as the effects of opening files, number
of lines shown for filenames, and so forth (see Figure 4-14)
Some of the TinkerTool features are grayed out in Jaguar, since they're applicable only to
those still running Mac OS X 10.1.
Some features require you to restart the Finder, while others require you to
restart the application before you can see the changed effect. Fortunately, the
handy Relaunch Finder button makes it easy to restart without needing to log
out and back in again.
While Jaguar allows you to place your Dock on the left, right, or bottom
(default) of your screen, TinkerTool lets you define whether it's anchored in
the middle, start, or end of the screen. Figure 4-15 is a screenshot of my Dock
tied to the top right.
When you view a folder in column view, Jaguar displays an arrow next to each
item. If these arrows bother you as they do some users you can ask
TinkerTool to remove them (see Figure 4-16).
Tired of the system font? You can change the fonts used by the system as well
as your applications, as shown in Figure 4-19.
Be careful with the fonts you choose; inappropriate fonts can yield some
unpredictable results, such as cropped sentences, as shown in Figure 4-20.
Stretch your screen real estate up to 100 times its size and organize
different views of your workspace with virtual desktop software.
Ever wish that you had a larger monitor? While not everyone can afford the
23-inch Apple Cinema HD Display (,
you can actually achieve the same effect (wow! factor not included) for as little
as $0 to get . . . well . . . near to unlimited screen real estate!
While the trial version allows for only two virtual screens, it's more than
enough to get the idea. Pay for VirtualDesktop and you can have up to 100
virtual screens!
There are so many ways to switch desktops, one or more of them will likely
appeal. Click on a window in the pager and you're transported there instantly.
Mouse between one desktop and the other by moving off the edge of the
screen in the direction (according to the grid layout) of the destination
desktop. Hot-key left, right, up, or down between screens. Or use the handy
menu-bar icon to switch between open application windows or hop to another
desktop, as shown in Figure 4-22.
Not only can you move yourself from one desktop to the next, you can also
drag applications between desktops. Either grab the window you want and
mouse over to the appropriate desktop. Or drag and drop the icon representing
the application in the pager, as shown in Figure 4-23.
If you are not up for paying $40 for CodeTek VirtualDesktop, or if you are
willing to settle for something simpler without all the bells and whistles, then ( is a decent alternative. It is
free for personal and commercial use and distributed under the open source
GPL license.
Wei-Meng Lee
Hack 41 Top Screenshot Tips
These screen capture tips provide built-in and add-on solutions to just about
anything you might wish to snap.
41.1 Built-Ins
While the built-in screen-capture tool is good enough for just about all
purposes, it has a couple of drawbacks. It doesn't capture the mouse pointer in
any of the screenshots not even optionally (see Figure 4-27). This is a bust
for technical writers explaining the operation of menus, buttons, and so forth.
Second, while PDF is the be-all and end-all of all things GUI under Mac OS X, I
need my screenshots in PNG or TIFF. Sure, I can convert them using Preview
or the like [Hack #51], but that's an extra step I simply shouldn't have to
41.2 Grab
Figure 4-28. Using the timed screen mode to capture action, mouse
pointer included
There is one problem that I noticed with the selection capture. In order to
capture an active window using the selection mode, you need to switch to Grab
first. Yet doing so makes the window inactive and fall to the background. Now,
when I do a selection grab, I want to capture the window in its active state.
The selection grab will also display the size of the image you are capturing at
the bottom right corner of the selection region. This is useful if you need to
capture images of an exact size. One gripe though: you can't create a region
of a particular size and then move it about.
Oddly, while Capture Window is listed, it's grayed out and doesn't appear to be
The ultimate screen-capture utility is Snapz Pro X ($29, $49 with movie-
capture support; 30-day demo available) from Ambrosia Software Inc.
( It sports customizability
and multiple output formats, and it grabs the screen as you see it, including or
excluding that pesky mouse arrow, at will.
Set up your shot and press -Shift-3 (customizable) to freeze the screen and
take care of the details, as shown in Figure 4-29. You can choose the entire
screen, objects (windows or icons), or a region, even during Quicktime and
DVD movie playback (the built-in screen capture featrure is disabled while
DVD Player is active).
Selection capture, coming after you've set up your screen just the way you
like it (see Figure 4-30), allows you to take your time to mark out and alter
the region before double-clicking it to take the final shot.
Snapz Pro X can even capture the drop-shadows beneath a window. Simply
change the Border option under Image Options to Drop Shadow. Prior to Snapz
Pro X, I'd always have to switch the background to white to capture the nice
shadow around the window without including a slice of my desktop image.
% screencapture
screencapture: illegal usage, file required if not going t
usage: screencapture [-icmwsWx] [file] [cursor]
-i capture screen interactively, by selection or wi
control key - causes screen shot to go to clip
space key - toggle between mouse selection a
window selection modes
escape key - cancels interactive screen shot
-c force screen capture to go to the clipboard
-m only capture the main monitor, undefined if -i i
-w only allow window selection mode
-s only allow mouse selection mode
-W start interaction in window selection mode
-x do not play sounds
file where to save the screen capture
You can grab a screenshot of a remote Mac's desktop or even the login screen thanks to
screencapture and some not-so-fancy remote access footwork [Hack #71]. Simply log
in to the other Mac remotely, run screencapture on the command line, and copy the
resulting screenshots back over to your local Mac.
Wei-Meng Lee
Hack 42 Checking Your Mac's Pulse
Yes, it does strike us as a little esoteric and more than a little unnecessary at
first blush. However, it's well worth the few minutes it takes to decipher its
interface and the few cycles it takes to leave it running in an unused corner of
your desktop.
CPU utilization (inner blue circle), both user and system space
Memory usage (middle ring between nine and three o'clock) in percentage
used/unused and page swapping in/out (outermost ring between nine and
three o'clock)
Disk-space usage (middle ring between three and nine o'clock) with disk-
full warning
Network traffic (outermost ring between three and nine o'clock), both in
(red) and out (green)
Each gauge, along with its graphical representation, displays an absolute value
numerically for quick perusal.
iPulse even sports a nifty analog clock with second hand (that black dot in
Figure 4-32) and day of month (that "9" at the top of the clock face).
iPulse is fully configurable via a set of preference panes, from which you can
turn particular guages on and off, alter their degree of granularity, and fine-
tune the overall display. You can even choose not to show iPulse as a floating
window, using instead its tiny mirrored display in the Dock icon.
Don't dismiss iPulse out of hand as no more than eye candy. Having spent five
years as a system administrator, I've done my share of system monitoring via
a plethora of Terminal windows running top, netstat, df, and the like not to
mention the countless monitoring scripts firing email messages at me day and
night like so many party favors. Figure 4-33 gives you just a mild taste.
Blech! I sure could have used iPulse for a quick update on how a particular
machine was faring.
Here's a neat idea for those with a Mac-based server farm: place iPulse at the
center of your desktop and use Jaguar's fabulous screen zoom accessibility to
zoom it to full screen for a passing glance at how your web, mail, or other
server is coping. Option- -8 turns on screen zooming; Option- -= zooms in
on the mouse pointer and Option- - - (that's a minus sign) zooms back out
Some hacks are just too cool to bother rationalizing. This is just such a hack.
% /System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resourc -ba
Now lean back, press the Return key, and prepare to be amazed. No, you're
not imagining things; that is indeed your preferred screensaver running right
smack dab on your Desktop, behind and between your running applications
(see Figure 4-34).
Probably the most useful part of this hack is turning it off and returning your
Desktop to its unchanging self. To do so, type Control-C in the same Terminal
window from which you started the screensaver running.
While any of the screensavers will do, perhaps the grooviest is Flurry, shown
in Figure 4-34. More serene, but no less impressive, is one of the slideshows:
Forest, Cosmos, or Abstract. Of course, a homemade slideshow composed of
snapshots in your Pictures folder will keep those near and dear to you even
This hack is not for the faint of CPU and RAM. While it's possible to keep the screensaver
running while getting things done aside, of course, from the utter distraction it causes it'll
eat up quite a bit of your computer's brainpower, slowing things to a crawl on anything but
the latest hardware with plenty of memory.
First and foremost, to use Inkwell you need a graphics tablet; unfortunately,
you cannot use a mouse to simulate handwriting strokes. Perhaps this is one
reason why Inkwell has not been widely used, as not everyone has a graphics
tablet. For my experimentation, I used the Intuos2 graphics tablet from
Wacom (, shown in Figure 4-35.
The package comes with a tablet, a pen, and a mouse. For most of the stuff
that I am going to show you, using the pen is sufficient. But you may want to
consider using the bundled mouse; it's wireless and glides nicely on the tablet.
To invoke Inkwell, you need to plug in your tablet and install the drivers
provided by Wacom. A required restart and you should find a new Ink icon
under the Hardware section of your System Preferences, as shown in Figure 4-
Before you start using Inkwell, you need to do a little configuration. Click the
Ink icon.
Under the Settings tab (see Figure 4-37), you can configure Inkwell to let you
write anywhere on the screen or only within InkPad (more on this in a
moment). You can also set your handwriting style and fine-tune your writing
style by clicking the Options... button. Figure 4-38 shows the Ink options.
The next tab, Gestures, contains support for gestures. Anyone who's used a
PDA particularly a Palm will find these familiar. They're essentially scribbled
shortcuts for common actions you'd normallly find under the menu bar's Edit
menu: Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Select All, and so forth, as shown in Figure 4-
With configuration out of the way, let's get down to work. Make sure that you
have turned on handwriting recognition, as shown in Figure 4-41.
Whenever handwriting recognition is turned on, the InkBar (Figure 4-42) will
be floating about somewhere on your screen.
You can input text into your application with the pen in two ways: using the
InkPad or writing directly on the application. To use the InkPad, click on the
InkPad button and start writing on your tablet, as shown in Figure 4-43.
The InkPad is a temporary writing space, not unlike a sticky. In Figure 4-43, I
have opened a TextEdit document and used the InkPad for writing. When you
are done with the writing, you can transfer your writing to the application by
clicking the Send button at the bottom of the window. The Clear button clears
the content of the InkPad.
To create a drawing, you can click on the Drawing button (see Figure 4-44).
This is useful for signatures or when you want to insert drawings into your
documents, as shown in Figure 4-45.
Besides using the InkPad, you can also write directly onto the document. In
this case, you need to set Inkwell to write anywhere, as shown in Figure 4-46.
When you move your pen into your application and start writing, a yellow
writing pad will be shown. The writing pad will expand as you write to
accommodate the text that you are entering.
While the ability to write directly into my application sounds cool, I am quite
skeptical of its practical use. I am better at typing using my keyboard, as it is
definitely much faster than scribbling onto a tablet. Furthermore, the
handwriting recognition requires you to print the characters in order to
achieve the best result. If you write like a doctor (read: illegibly), Inkwell is
going to have a lot of trouble deciphering your handwriting. In my test, it
works quite well when I print slowly. Cursive writing is definitely not
While Inkwell has the potential to bring back some of the joy of writing to the
keyboard-addicted geek, as yet it is of limited practical use.
Explore Mac OS X's speech recognition and its suitability for building
useful, voice-driven commands that invoke external as well as local
web services.
When Scotty tried to talk to a Macintosh through its mouse in Star Trek IV
(1986), the joke was on Apple. Why couldn't this famously easy-to-use
computer accept the most natural form of input? Over the years, I dabbled
now and then with voice command systems, but they never seemed worth the
trouble until now. I've been exploring the speech technologies in Mac OS X on
an 800MHz TiBook, and I'm really impressed. Apple has done a marvelous job
with the recognition and control systems, and now that you can script the
Internet so easily in OS X, it's straightforward to build useful voice-driven
commands that invoke external as well as local services. Consider this dialog:
Me: "Temperature"
There are, of course, a million ways to look up the temperature on the Web.
Most of them start with the browser. You fire it up and go to a bookmark, which
in my case is There are at least
two problems with this scenario. First, you have to translate the request into
an application context (the browser) and a procedure (go to bookmarks, select
Local Weather). Second, you destroy your original context. For example, I'm
typing these words in the Emacs Terminal-based text editor. I'd like to keep on
typing, and reading what I am writing, even as I ask for and receive the
temperature. Speaking the request and hearing the response is an ideal
solution. Here are a few ways to implement it.
I started with a Perl script that uses SOAP::Lite to hit a web service at
XMethods (, like so:
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use SOAP::Lite;
my $temp = SOAP::Lite
-> service('
-> getTemp('03431') . " degrees";
`osascript -e 'say "$temp"'`;
three six period zero dee eee gee are eee eee ess
It would be handy if you could just save this as a file called Temperature in the
Speakable Items folder (for example,
/Users/john/Library/Speech/SpeakableItems) and launch it by speaking the
name "temperature." But so far as I've been able to determine, scripted
speakable items (as opposed to those that invoke key-driven commands) have
to be written in AppleScript and, further, saved from the script editor as type
application (not text or compiled script). Fortunately, AppleScript can invoke
the Unix shell, which can invoke the Perl script. Let's refactor slightly, and
have the Perl script simply return a bare value, suitable for downstream use in
any kind of application, whether voice-enabled or not:
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use SOAP::Lite;
print SOAP::Lite
-> service('
-> getTemp('03431');
This is easier in one way, harder in another. It's easier if you're not a Perl
programmer or if you haven't added SOAP::Lite and its required substrate
(expat, XML::Parser) to the Perl kit that comes with Mac OS X. But when a
web service is described by a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file,
it's easier to use SOAP::Lite than AppleScript, since the former can use the
WSDL file to simplify access.
It's ideal when there's a web service that will give you the answer you're
looking for, but when that's not the case, there's always good old HTML screen-
scraping. In that case, a language like Perl or Python will run rings around
AppleScript. Here's a script that speaks my weblog's current rank and page-
view count for today:
! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
my $res = get "
$res =~ m#(.+)Jon's Radio</a></td><td><td align="right">(\
my $preface = $1;
my $count = $2;
$preface =~m#">(\d+)\. </td><td>#;
my $rank = $1;
'osascript -e 'say "Rank $rank, count $count"'';
In this case, it's more trouble than it's worth to return raw results from Perl
and format them for speech output in AppleScript.
I have to confess I'm still tempted to dismiss this speech stuff as an amusing
parlor trick. But it may finally be reaching a tipping point. Look, Dad's talking
to the computer, my kids snickered. When I showed my son he could play
GnuChess using voice commands, though, he was riveted. It's a case-by-case
thing, but when an application has a limited control vocabulary ("pawn a2 to
a4"), the Mac's speaker-independent speech recognition can give you hands-
free control that's accurate and more effective than mouse control. Well, to be
honest, mostly accurate. I'm having a little trouble getting GnuChess to
distinguish between "d" and "e" a problem that could be solved by also
supporting "delta" and "echo."
Not many of the XMethods services are likely candidates for voice treatment.
Complex inputs and outputs don't make much sense. You can build IVR-style
(interactive voice response) menus, like so:
Unless you really want to inflict voice trees on yourself, though, you'll probably
soon tire of this approach, once the novelty wears off. Complex output is a
nonstarter as well. It's faster to read than to hear more than a word or short
phrase, the Mac's synthesized voices work best on short snippets, and there's
no way for the computer to usefully speak structured output.
The namespace mode of the files in the Speakable Items folder is active
system wide. There are separate per-application namespaces. For example, the
Speakable Items/Internet Explorer subfolder defines voice commands just for
MSIE. You can, in fact, extend that namespace in a hands-free manner, using
the "make this page speakable" voice command. If the current page is, for example, then "make this page speakable"
prompts with the page's HTML doctitle, Google News. When the prompt is
active, the valid speech commands are "save" and "cancel." If you say "save,"
you will create a voice-activated bookmark triggered by the phrase "Google
News." Pretty darned slick! It's IE-specific, though, and that's a shame because
I prefer Mozilla on the Mac to the IE version (5.2) that came with the TiBook.
The per-application namespaces are segregated from one another, but as you
extend the main namespace, you'll start to run into conflicts. New commands
that sound too much like existing ones will cause misrecognition. The problem
is easily solved, though. Just open the Speakable Items folder and rename files
either preexisting items or your new items in order to step around these
As you build up vocabularies, it's easy to forget that the recognition engine is
speaker-independent, not language-dependent. For example, I've been
enjoying Brent Simmons' Huevos [Hack #85], a nifty little tool that can float
in a small window and send a search term to any of a user-defined set of web
sites. The voice command to launch it "switch to Huevos" works best when I
anglicize the name as "Hoo-eee-vos." Apple's site says that a Spanish
recognizer is available but, for now, I'm still trying to decide whether to
mangle the pronunciation of "Huevos" or rename it for speech purposes.
Jon Udell
Hack 46 Using AppleScript in Contextual Menus
Back in the old days, there was a magical little utility called FinderPop
( FinderPop was pre-OS X, and many users saw
that it was good . . . very good, in fact. Along with a healthy dose of other
features, you could add a number of new abilities to your contextual menu,
including the abilities to browse compressed archives, change file types, run
AppleScripts, and more. FinderPop, sadly, won't ever exist for OS X, but what
else do we have?
True to its purpose, BigCat operates on context. When you install the BigCat
scripts, there are two subfolders: one for Text, which includes such basic
examples as Copy, Google Search, and Open Selection in BBEdit, and the other
called Files, containing Copy Path, Open in TextEdit, and Stuff (i.e., Archive
with Stuffit). Even though there are two folders, you'll see only one based on
you guessed it context. Got some text highlighted? You'll see only the scripts
in the Text folder will be shown. Selected a bunch of files? Only those in the
Files folder.
And what about changing file types and creators [Hack #6]? For a pure
AppleScript solution, changing a file's info to that of a common GIF is done like
Or, if you wanted to run a shell script, you could wrap it in an AppleScript as
well. Here's the same script as before, only using the utilities provided with the
Developer Tools CD:
There are two types of Mac users: those who find the brushed-metal look-and-
feel of iTunes, Address Book, iChat, and the like just plain fab and those who
wonder what some of these app designers are thinking with all this futuristic
nonsense. Thank heavens for Metallifizer
( (freeware),
another terrific haxie from the folks at Unsanity. Give any Cocoa application
that brushed-metal appearance if you're so inclined. Or pry the default chrome
right off that otherwise-favorite app.
Perhaps a quick recap of the three Mac OS X application types is in order. Classic refers to
applications built pre-Mac OS X; these run in Classic mode, effectively a Mac OS 9 emulator.
Carbon applications have been modified to run under both Mac OS X and Mac OS 9;
examples include: iMovie, Internet Explorer, QuickTime, and iTunes. Cocoa applications like
iChat, iPhoto, and the Address Book are built specifically for Mac OS X. Metallifizer works
only on the last category of applications.
47.1 Installation
With APE installed, download and install Metallifizer by dragging it into your
Library/Application Enhancers folder, as shown in Figure 4-48. If the folder
doesn't yet exist, go ahead and create it.
Figure 4-48. Installing Metallifizer
You'll need to log out and back in again before the Metallifizer will work. Once
you've done so, open the System Preferences APE Manager preference
pane, shown in Figure 4-49.
You'll notice that the Metallifizer plug-in is in operation; its checkbox should be
checked. Altering the appearance of an application is then just a matter of
adding it to or removing it from the APE Manager and selecting Metallifize (add
the brushed-metal effect) or Demetallifize (remove the brushed-metal effect).
Figure 4-50 shows what iSync looks like before and after demetallifizing.
Figure 4-51 shows a before and after composite for TextEdit, the ubiquitous
Mac OS X text editor not metallifized by default.
Figure 4-50. iSync before and after
Wei-Meng Lee
Chapter 5. Unix and the Terminal
Beneath the sleek, elegant, Technicolor and, yes, at times whimsical candy
coating of Mac OS X's graphical user interface beats the heart of an honest-to-
goodness Unix operating system. It's a world of high-contrast plain text, at
first blush not entirely unlike the much-maligned DOS shell of the Windows
While much of a Mac user's life is lived above the desktop abstraction, an
occasional dip beneath the surface brings powers unimaginable and simply not
possible with a point-and-click interface. There are servers to run, remote
machines to manipulate, settings to tweak, events to schedule, and more.
Many of the hacks in this book are best dealt with on the command line.
This brief tour of the Terminal introduces you to some of the more
basic commands required to find out where you are, move about,
manipulate files and directories, and get back out again when you've
had enough.
This brief tour of the Terminal assumes you're either an old-time Mac hand
who's been thanking your lucky stars you've never been near a command-line
interface (CLI) or a recent Windows switcher who's been previously scared
away by the complexity or unimpressed by the functionality of the rather ill-
equipped DOS shell. It is meant as a quick-start guide, introducing you to
some of the more basic commands required to find out where you are, move
about, manipulate files and directories, and get back out again when you've
had enough. Come on in, the water's fine!
A few Dock bounces later and you'll have a fresh Terminal window in which to
work (see Figure 5-2). The Terminal informs you about the date of your last
visit and welcomes you to Darwin, the Unix core of Mac OS X.
Need another Terminal window? Simply click File New Shell or -N and another will
make itself available to you.
You'll be issuing all your commands at the prompt, with the cursor that black
block keeping track of your typing in much the same way the I-beam does in
your text editor.
Let's make sure we know where we are, shall we? Type pwd, short for "print
working directory":
Unless you've gone anywhere since opening your Terminal window, you should
be in your home directory, /Users/login, where login is your Short Name [Hack
#1] on the system. Again, this is the same as the ~ shortcut.
That's all well and good, but where exactly is /Users/weimenglee with respect
to the folders in the more familiar Finder? The screenshot in Figure 5-3 should
help you to get your bearings.
Backslash, under Unix, has magical properties of its own. It's used to escape or call out
special characters like spaces, question marks, or the like. You'll most likely use it for
dealing with files containing spaces on the command line, letting Unix know that you're still
talking about the same file and haven't moved on to another. Notice the semantic
difference between the file this\ is\ one\ file versus file1 file2 file3.
Now that you know your whereabouts, let's take a gander at the content of the
current directory. The ls (list) command displays the content of a particular
[Apple-s-Computer:~] weimenglee% ls
Desktop Documents Library Movies
Music Pictures Public Sites
The ls command in this example displays the content of the current directory.
You can also ask ls to list the contents of a specific directory and display the
result in a particular format by passing it command-line options and a
directory name.
As shown in Figure 5-4, ls -al Documents asked ls to list all (-a) the files
using a longer (-l) listing format in the Documents directory.
Figure 5-4. Output generated by ls -al
By default, files beginning with . (dot) will not be displayed by ls. To display
them, use the -a option. The two files listed with names . and .. are special
files known as the current and parent directory, respectively.
Occasionally, you may have a long file listing, with output flowing off the top of
the screen. To page through, one screenful at a time, send known as piping
because of its use of the | (pipe) character the output to the more command:
After trying out these comamnds, your screen will no doubt be full of files and
directories. To clear the screen, type clear or press Control-L.
Notice how the current directory the bit after the : in your prompt changes
to ~/Public. This is a constant reminder of where you are at any moment in
time; no need to keep typing cwd to find out. Remember that the ~ refers to
your home directory; so, in this case I'm actually in /Users/weimenglee/Public.
There are two ways of specifying a particular directory. The first is to use the
absolute or full path (e.g., cd /Users/weimenglee/Public). The second,
much shorter when you're moving down the path relative to your current
location, is to use the relative path (e.g., cd Public). Assuming you're in
your home directory, these examples are equivalent.
Let's now turn our attention to the contents of the Public folder:
[Apple-s-Computer:~/Public] weimenglee% ls
Drop Box
Inside of Public, there is one subdirectory, Drop Box, and no files. Change to
the Drop Box directory by typing cd Drop\ Box. You can also use tab
completion to save yourself a little typing; simply type cd D and press the Tab
key. Bingo! The directory name is automatically completed for you. This works
on both files and folders, relative and absolute paths. If there's another file or
folder with the same initial letter, type the second letter and press Tab and so
on, typing as much of the name necessary to distinguish it from others.
48.6 Moving On Up
To move up one step in the directory hierarchy, use .. to refer to the special
parent directory:
cd . will have no effect, changing the current directory to, well, the current directory. But
. will come in handy in a moment when we start copying files.
To go to the top of the directory (known as the root directory), use / all by
[Apple-s-Computer:/Users] weimenglee% cd /
[Apple-s-Computer:/] weimenglee%
[Apple-s-Computer:/] weimenglee% cd
[Apple-s-Computer:~/] weimenglee%
To create a new directory, use the mkdir (make directory) command, followed
by the directory name either relative or absolute path. Note that if your new
directory name contains spaces, you need to escape them or enclose the entire
directory name in "" (double quotes). Otherwise mkdir will think that you
mean to create multiple directories, as the following failed attempt to create a
new folder called Temp Folder shows:
To copy a file, use the cp (copy) command, followed by the file to copy and its
intended destination. Use either a relative or absolute path for each. For
example, let's copy the file index.html from the directory Sites to Documents:
To copy a file to the current directory, use the special . filename, like so:
To delete a file, use the rm (remove) command. The following example deletes
that index.html we just copied to Documents:
To move a file from one directory to another, use the mv (move) command,
followed by the space-separated name and destination path. The following
example moves the file index.html from the directory Sites to Documents:
The mv command is also used for renaming files. The following example
renames the file from index.html to index.txt:
[Apple-s-Computer:~/Documents] weimenglee% mv index.html i
[Apple-s-Computer:~/Documents] weimenglee% ls
Let's put everything back, shall we? Type mv index.txt ~/Sites/index.html, and
all should be as it was when we started this ride.
At times, you may want to take a quick peek at the contents of a text file. To
do so, use cat (concatenate), specifying the file or files to display, like so:
% cat .lpoptions
Default _192_168_254_149
The standard editing suite, select all, copy, and paste, works as expected in the
Terminal, whether invoked with -A, -C, and -V or pulled down from the
Edit menu.
A nice bit of interaction between command line and GUI is the ability to drag a
file, directory, or bookmark from anywhere you may be in the Finder right
onto the command line. Want to edit a file in a Terminal-based editor [Hack
#51] without navigating the directory hierarchy to get to it? Type pico (or the
like), followed by a space, and drag the file right into the Terminal window. It's
a shortcut that comes in handy more often than you'd think.
There is only so much I can cover in this quick tour of the Terminal. You'll
encounter a plethora of commands and applications on the command line.
Whenever you need any help, try consulting the manual. Simply type man (as
in manual, not oh, man!), followed by the command name. Your average
manpage looks something like Figure 5-5.
At any point you can always close the Terminal window as you would any
other. It is far more polite not to mention cleaner to log out of the shell
session you're running by typing exit or logout:
% logout
[Process completed]
So many commands, so little time to learn them all. Here are a few
more command-line tips and tricks that you are sure to find useful.
With a plethora of commands and various ways in which to combine them and
string them together, you can do virtually unlimited things on the command
line. Here are a few more tips and tricks you'll find useful while working your
way through some of the hacks in this book.
Of course, this crash course combined with [Hack #48] barely scratches the surface of the
powerful Unix operating system. For a more in-depth treatment, we highly recommend
Unix Power Tools (
Over time, you will no doubt be bored with Terminal's plain black-on-white
settings. Here are some tips for adding some spice to your Terminal windows.
Longtime Unix users would be familiar with the green-on-black settings. Those
were the days when dumb terminals ruled and a color monitor was more a
luxury than a necessity. In Mac OS X, you can change the color of your
Terminal window to mimic the good old days.
If you simply want all Terminal windows to adopt the settings you have just
created, select File Use Settings As Defaults.
To save your modified settings without applying them globally, select File
Save As... to save them to a .term preference file, as shown in Figure 5-8.
You can even have a particular .term file run a specific command when it
opens. Open a .term file in your favorite plain-text editor [Hack #51] and look
for this:
Alter the value of the <string> element to be whatever you'd like run on the
command line when the Terminal window opens. I have a shell script for port-
forwarding my mail [Hack #70], called, which I run every
time I come online after being off for a while simply by double-clicking my
mailforward.term file in my Dock. That .term file's ExecutionString looks
like this:
Often, you may have many Terminal windows lying about. Switching between
them using mouse clicks can be more trouble than it's worth. Thankfully, there
are a few keyboard shortcuts. Press -1 to switch to the first window, -2 for
the second, and so on. If you want to loop through the open Terminal windows,
type -right arrow or -left arrow for forward and backward, respectively.
At times, you may want to reuse the commands that you've typed previously,
especially if a command has lengthy options and parameters; you wouldn't
want to type everything again, now would you? You can always use the up and
down arrow keys to navigate previously used commands, but when you're
reaching back a number of commands ago, there's a better way than wearing
away your fingerprint hitting that up arrow repeatedly. Use the history
command to display the list of previously executed commands:
% history
1 11:34 cal 2003
2 11:34 ls -al
3 11:34 clear
4 11:34 man open
5 11:34 history
The history command even lists the time at which the command was
executed. To reuse a particular command, type ! (exclamation point or "bang"
in hacker-speak), followed by the number listed alongside the command you
want to reuse, then press the Return key. Here, for example, I run the second
item in the list:
% !2
ls -al
{a long-format listing of all files in the local directory
If you have a long history list I always do you can also use the first few
letters of the command line instead of the command number, like so:
% !ls
ls -al
{a long-format listing of all files in the local directory
% !ls:p
ls -al
% !ls
ls -al
{a long-format listing of all files in the local directory
You can also use :p to recall and then slightly alter an earlier command by
pressing the up arrow right afterward, editing the command line, and pressing
% !rm:p
rm a.txt b.txt c.txt
{hit the Up arrow}
% rm a.txt b.txt d.txt
The man (manual) command [Hack #48] allows you to check for the usage of
a command. But how do you know which commands are available to you in the
first place? You can take a gander at the entire list of available commands by
pressing Control-X, Control-D.
The Unix command chmod (change mode) alters permissions on files and
directories, allowing you to fine-tune access control and protect files from
unauthorized users or accidental deletion (hey, it happens!).
% mkdir my_folder
Change into the newly created directory and list all the files therein; there
shouldn't be anything aside from . (this directory) and .. (the parent
% cd my_folder
% ls -al
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 weimengl staff 68 Dec 13 09:31 .
drwxr-xr-x 18 weimengl staff 612 Dec 13 09:31 ..
Next, create a new text file. One of the simplest ways to create a quick test file
is by echoing some text to it, literally sending some text toward the file,
indicating toward using the > redirection operator:
Take a look at the default permissions for the file we just created; they're at
the left margin associated with file1.txt:
% ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 weimengl staff 10 Dec 13 09:33 file1.txt
Permissions come in three sets of three: owner, group, and world, each with an
associated read, write, and execute permission. Our file1.txt is readable and
writeable (rw-) by the owner (that's you), readable (r--) by the group (that's
anyone who's in the staff group along with you), and readable (r--) by
anyone else.
We will concern ourselves only with owner permissions at this point. Let's
change the permissions on file1.txt so that it is not writable by you, thus
protecting it against accidental overwriting:
The parameter u-w tells chmod to remove the write permission from the user
(owner). To confirm, take another look:
% ls -l
total 8
-r--r--r-- 1 weimengl staff 10 Dec 13 09:33 file1.txt
Try deleting the file. You'll be prompted to override the permission settings. If
you weren't the owner, however, you'd simply be denied permission altogether:
% rm file1.txt
override r--r--r-- weimengl/staff for file1.txt?
Try appending some text to the file (>> means append rather than write to).
Since you've denied yourself write permission, you'll fail:
To grant yourself write permission again, do the inverse of the previous chmod
using +, like so:
Now let's return to the home directory and examine the permission settings for
the my_folder directory:
% cd ~
% ls -l
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 3 weimengl staff 102 Dec 13 09:39 myFolder
Try removing the execute (x) permission from the directory for yourself, the
owner. Then try visiting it again using cd:
Why are you locked out? Directories are special files requiring execute
permissions before allowing you into or across their borders. Since you don't
have execute permission, you're barred.
Put back the execute permission while at the same time removing write
permission and cd into my_folder again:
As you might have guessed, while you can visit the folder thanks to executable
permission, you can't alter it in any way without write permission. You can't
create, move, or delete anything. You can, however, still edit file1.txt, since a
file's permissions take precedence when dealing directly with it.
There is also a way to refer to permissions numerically (e.g., chmod 755 script.cgi),
but we'll leave that to a more advanced Unix text.
This is all well and good, given that all the files in your directory (presumably)
belong to you. But what of files that aren't yours yet need some dealing with?
That's where chown (change owner) and chgrp (change group) come in.
Take a quick look at the document directory for your onboard Apache web
server [Hack #88]:
% cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/
% ls -al
total 376
drwxrwxr-x 38 root admin 1292 Dec 13 00:24 .
drwxrwxr-x 5 root admin 170 Dec 10 17:39 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root admin 3726 Jul 27 14:31 PoweredByMacOSx.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root admin 31958 Jul 27 14:31 PoweredByMacOSx
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root admin 2326 Apr 14 1999 apache_pb.gif
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root admin 1884 Oct 17 2001
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root admin 1062 Jun 19 18:23 index.html.zh
lrwxrwxr-x 1 root admin 38 Dec 13 00:24 manual -> /Library
Notice that, by default, they're all owned by the root user [Hack #50] and
admin group. I'm not root, but I am an admin user, as shown by the whoami
and groups commands:
% whoami
% groups
staff admin
Given the permissions on the files and the directory they're in, I should be
able to create, edit, move, and remove anything I need to in order to tend this
machine's web site. But what of the nonadministrative users I have helping
me? There has to be some way to give them ownership of some of these files.
And there must be some way to claim ownership of a file and block admin
access to it except by the root user, of course.
The chown command does just that. Perhaps you'd like to take ownership of and horde write permission:
Now the file is owned by you, and nobody but you has write permission to it.
Since you can't simultaneously be the owner of the file as it stands and the owner you're
about to give it, chown requires becoming the root user for a moment [Hack #50].
Perhaps you want to give write permission to everyone working on the web
site. You could change permissions so that all the files are world writable
(chmod o+w), but that's generally regarded as bad form. Instead, you could
simply change the group ownership (chgrp ) of the particular files you'd like
them to all share, in this case, all the index.html files:
If you have some reason to change both owner and group at the same time,
you can combine these actions into one command: chown
Unlike Windows (or DOS, in particular), the ls command in Unix does not
display the total number of files displayed. Consider the following example:
[Apple-s-Computer:~] weimenglee% ls -l
total 2200
drwx------ 12 weimengl staff 408 Dec 12 11:35 Desktop
drwx------ 6 weimengl staff 204 Dec 11 20:17 Documents
drwx------ 24 weimengl staff 816 Dec 9 21:09 Library
drwx------ 3 weimengl staff 102 Dec 9 17:08 Movies
drwx------ 3 weimengl staff 102 Dec 9 17:08 Music
drwx------ 4 weimengl staff 136 Dec 9 20:36 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x 4 weimengl staff 136 Dec 11 08:53 Public
drwxr-xr-x 5 weimengl staff 170 Dec 11 09:05 Sites
-rw-r--r-- 1 weimengl staff 380235 Dec 11 15:17 foo.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 weimengl staff 412280 Dec 11 15:48 image.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 weimengl staff 328970 Dec 11 15:38 test.pdf
For directories with few files, this generally is not a problem. But at times you
need to know the total number of files and you do not want to wade through a
long list of files.
To count the files, you can use the | (pipe) character and the wc (word count)
command with the -l option to count the number of lines:
% ls -l | wc -l
Note that the actual file count should be 11, but the count includes the line
total 2200 and so is off by 1.
And if you want to count the number of directories, you can use the grep
command. The grep command looks over incoming text and prints out lines
that match the specified pattern. To find all lines starting with d, you'd use ^d
as the pattern, the ^ signifying the beginning of a line:
% ls -l | grep ^d | wc -l
And if you want only regular files, you'd look for lines starting with -:
% ls -l | grep ^- | wc -l
If you'd like to see a listing of only PDF files, you can again use a pattern, this
time grepping for the characters at the end of the line. The end-of-line
pattern indicator is $:
% ls -l | grep pdf$ | wc -l
It found foo.pdf, image.pdf, and test.pdf, as it should have. One could more
easily have used * (star or splat) as a stand-in for the bits of the files we didn't
know and simply listed everything ending in .pdf like so:
% ls *.pdf | wc -l
Need to check the date for last Wednesday? Here is a quick way to do it in the
Terminal. Use the cal (calendar) command:
% cal
December 2002
S M Tu W Th F S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
Without any parameters, cal will display the calendar for the current month.
You can also display the calendar for the entire year. cal supports years 1 to
% cal 2003
% cal 1 2003
January 2003
S M Tu W Th F S
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
January February
S M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S
1 2 3 4 32
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
26 27 28 29 30 31 54 55 56 57 58 59
November December
S M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S
305 335 336 337 338 339 340
306 307 308 309 310 311 312 341 342 343 344 345 346 347
313 314 315 316 317 318 319 348 349 350 351 352 353 354
320 321 322 323 324 325 326 355 356 357 358 359 360 361
327 328 329 330 331 332 333 362 363 364 365
Wei-Meng Lee
Hack 50 Becoming an Administrator for a Moment
Your Mac does its best to protect you from yourself and your family by
requiring authentication, both in the GUI and on the command line,
when you're about to do something potentially problematic.
OS X, being a multiuser Unix system at its heart, tries to prevent you (or your
family) from doing anything that might adversely affect your Mac. It does so
by denying access to particular files that keep your system running and
disallowing actions that it considers potentially harmful. Every now and again,
however, you need to install a piece of software or touch a vital Unix
configuration file to get something done. Before it'll let you do so, OS X will
require that you authenticate yourself as an administrative user, known in
Unix parlance as root.
While most applications can be installed simply by dragging them into the
Applications folder, some require a little more tomfoolery. Application and
package installers often need to create folders, drop files into place, and adjust
configuration settings in restricted parts of the operating system.
At these times you're either not allowed to continue if you're not listed as an
administrative user of the system (take a look at the System Preferences
Users pane) or prompted for your password if you are. A typical Authenticate
dialog looks like Figure 5-9.
Type in your password and the Installer will continue. What you've done, in
effect, is become an administrator with full power over your system, if only for
a moment. You've then granted the Installer similar power to do what it needs
to do.
Whenever you authenticate yourself to an application, realize that it's going to be fiddling
with your system and make sure you have some idea what it's trying to do. Read the
notices displayed by installers carefully.
You'll also encounter times when you need to authenticate yourself to make a
configuration change in the System Preferences or the like. If you find that
you're unable to change some settings that seem as if they should be editable,
look around the window for a little lock icon. If it's locked, you may need to
unlock it (click on it) and authenticate yourself. If you feel the need to lock the
settings again when you're done, click the lock again (see Figure 5-10).
On the command line [Hack #48], there is no fancy dialog for authenticating
you as the root user. The sudo utility (substitute-user do) allows you to gain
temporary root privileges on a per-command basis. To use sudo, simply
preface the command you wish to run as root with sudo and a space, and
sudo will prompt you for your (not root's) password. If you have administrator
privileges, entering your password will run the sudoed command as if the root
user were doing it.
Use sudo with care. You can easily make mistakes with sudo that could require a complete
reinstallation of the OS to get going again. If that thought makes you queasy, it would be
wise for now to use sudo only as directed in this hack.
The first time you run sudo, you'll see another reminder to use sudo with
You'll need to enter your password only when you haven't already used
sudo within the last five minutes.
It's not necessary to activate the root account or do anything else special
to start using sudo.
You may find a reason at some point to enable the root account on your Mac.
While it's a rare hack indeed that would require logging in as the root user, it
does come up (e.g., [Hack #1]).
Figure 5-12. A warning about the root password not being set
Click the lock icon again to disallow any further changes, and close NetInfo
Manager. The root account is now active.
To disable the account, follow the same steps, but select Security Disable
Root User.
Log in as root just as you would log in as any other user. The only difference is
that root won't appear in the list of users and their associated cute icons. Click
Other, enter root as the Name, and enter the password you assigned to the
root account as Password.
Special Unix files need special handling. You can't simply edit them in
Word and expect things to work. Here's a crash course in editing using
the pico command-line editor and TextEdit GUI editor.
You've no doubt discovered OS X's default text editor, the aptly named
TextEdit. Hopefully, you've also heard of and downloaded the outstanding
BBEdit (, favorite text editor of generations
of Mac users. But unless you're a Unix jock, you probably don't know that OS
X ships with several other feature- and history-rich Terminal-based text
editors. Veterans will tend to swear by either vi (the Visual Editor) or Emacs,
but seldom both. Then there's pico, the simplest of the three, yet still more
than sufficient for most simple editing work.
Here we'll provide a crash course in editing those special Unix files we talk
about in this book: httpd.conf, /etc/inetd.conf, plist files, and the like. We'll
skip the two with the steepest learning curve vi and Emacs and stick with
pico and TextEdit.
Now that you have pico warmed up, let's take it for a spin with some common
51.1.1 Moving about
Move about within the text file you're editing, as you might expect, using the
arrow keys. Beyond basic character-by-character movement, however, your old
habits will fail you. None of the - sequences work here. To scroll through long
text, you cannot use the Page Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard; it's
Control-Y for page up and Control-V for page down. To jump to the beginning
of a line, press Control-A. To jump to the end, type Control-E.
To search within the current file for a snippet of text, press Control-W, enter
the text to find at the Search: prompt, and press Return. To search for the
same text again, press Control-W, followed by Return. To change your mind
and cancel a search, press Control-C.
51.1.2 Saving
You can also use the built-in file and directory browser (press Control-T) to
locate a particular directory into which to save your file (see Figure 5-18). Use
the arrow keys to move about, Return to move into a directory, .. to move up
a directory, and e to select a directory and return to the File Name to
write: prompt. You can also select a filename, and whatever you save will
overwrite what's already there.
Figure 5-18. The pico directory browser
51.1.3 Opening
Oddly enough, pico doesn't have an Open File command. Instead, you insert
the contents of a file into the editor, as shown in Figure 5-19. Press Control-R
and everything's pretty much the same as it was with saving, directory
browser and all. The only difference is that you use Return rather then e to
make your final selection. The selected file's contents will appear in the editor,
appended to anything you've already been editing.
To select a block of text, use the arrow keys to position your cursor at the start
of the text you want to select and press Control-Shift-6 (a.k.a. Control-^).
pico will respond with [ Mark Set ]. Move about until you've selected all the
text you wish; selected text is called out in inverse colors.
To cut the selected block, press Control-K. To paste it somewhere, move the
cursor to the right place and press Control-U. Note that there's no copy in pico.
To copy, just cut and paste (Control-K, Control-U) in place and then paste
again with Control-U anywhere and as many times as you wish.
51.1.5 Deleting
Use your Delete key as usual to delete the character before your cursor. To
delete the character after the cursor, press Control-D. Delete an entire line
with Control-K.
51.1.6 Leaving
To get out of pico at any time, press Control-X. If you've not saved what you're
currently editing, pico will offer you one last chance to Save modified
51.2 TextEdit
TextEdit (Applications TextEdit) is the default GUI text editor. Being more
like any other application you've used than pico, TextEdit is also much more
As in most Mac applications, you drag and drop selections made with your
mouse. Saving, opening, cutting, copying, and pasting work as expected.
Moving about with the arrow keys and -modified arrow keys also holds no
surprises. Page Up and Page Down shift up and down a page.
To set your command-line editor of choice to pico, create a file in your home
directory called .tcshrc containing the following single line:
The next time you invoke a Terminal command that requires a default editor
(and respects the EDITOR environment variable), pico will be used instead of
One answer is that editing on the command line is far better integrated into
working with special Unix files than throwing them out to a GUI text editor and
jumping back to the command line when you're done. This is especially true
when it comes to editing files you don't have permission to edit without
becoming an administrative (root) user [Hack #50]. Just type sudo pico
special_filename, authenticate yourself, and you're editing. Try opening
that same file in TextEdit and you won't be allowed to save it once you're done
That said, you can invoke TextEdit as the administrative user from the
command line:
% sudo /Applications/
You have added a step, though, since you'll still have to open the particular file
you were after from within TextEdit.
Another reason to use the command line is that some Terminal commands
automatically open your default editor for you and rely upon knowing when it's
done. This doesn't always work particularly well with an external GUI editor
like TextEdit.
For those who regularly log in to a remote machine [Hack #71] for
administrative tasks, there's no choice but one of the Terminal-based editors
either that or running a desktop-sharing app, which is overkill for editing a
configuration file.
And, as mentioned, vi and Emacs are powerful editors, enabling far more than
would be possible within a traditional text editor. This power takes some know-
how, but it quickly becomes indispensable.
The choice is really yours. If you're more comfortable using a GUI editor like
TextEdit or BBEdit (which can authenticate as an administrative user from the
GUI), go right ahead. If you're using the command line quite a bit and it's
starting to grow on you, pico, vi, or Emacs might turn out to be your killer
Wei-Meng Lee
Hack 52 Setting Shell Environment Variables
Smart developers who care about code integrity use something called a
versioning system to ensure a system of checks and balances, easy reversion
to previous code, and preventive overwriting (by an automatic or manual
merging process). It's such a common part of a developer's toolkit that the
popular open source web IDE provides it as a default service.
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.amphetadesk.sourceforge.n
These two lines log you into a CVS server as the user anonymous and then
check out the entire source tree of a program called AmphetaDesk. A cursory
examination shows that the largest part of the command line is the -d flag;
it's also repetitive, as it needs to be a part of every cvs command. It can make
a person nuts when she has to worry about committing modifications to a
dozen different files. Wouldn't it be great if you never had to type the -d flag
and its heavy payload?
If you haven't been fiddling with the Terminal preferences, then you're using
the tcsh shell. There are lots of different types of shells, tcsh being the default
on OS X (with an additional choice of bash under 10.2). Setting an
environment variable will change depending on which shell you're using, but
under tcsh, enter the following:
If, on the other hand, you've tweaked Terminal to use bash, enter the following
export CVS_ROOT="-d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.amphetadesk.sour
With the preceding command, you'll notice that nothing seems to happen.
That's because environment variables are invisible there's only visual
feedback when you've screwed up the previous command (or else use a
program that uses the variable). To see your variable set properly, type
printenv (for either shell). You'll see your CVS_ROOT, as well as a number of
other variables already defined by OS X.
You can now enter the much smaller, and more readable, commands:
cvs login
cvs -z3 co AmphetaDesk
The problem with setenv and export are that they're both temporary; once
you close the Terminal, your CVS_ROOT will be forgotten and you'll be back in
the forest with a command line a mile long. What do you do? Make it
permanent, of course.
Doing so again differs depending on what shell you've chosen. Each shell has
the ability to read a startup file something you create that says "hey,
everytime I start this shell, do the commands within this file." These files are
located in your home directory and normally are not visible to the Finder. With
the tcsh shell, the file is named .tcshrc; under bash, it's .bash_profile. Creating
those files, adding the matching command from before, and then starting a
new Terminal window will set the CVS_ROOT at startup (you can check this
with the printenv command).
Another alternative is using the plist preference file format. More information
is available in the See Also section later in this hack, but creating a file at
~/.MacOSX/environment.plist with the following contents would do it for you:
You might not know it, but your Mac does quite a bit on its own behind your
back or under your fingertips, I should say. Your system regularly purges itself
of outdated, space-hogging log files, updates system databases so utilities like
locate (type man locate on the command line for details) can work
effectively, and performs several other maintenance tasks that keep your
system running lean and mean.
The lists are kept in crontab files associating a particular action with a
timetable. Each user account can have its own crontab file. The system itself
has a special crontab, found in the /etc directory; it belongs to the superuser,
or root, account and takes care of actions requiring the kind of system access
allowed only to root [Hack #50].
The format of a crontab file might appear rather esoteric at first, but it's really
rather simple. For example, Figure 5-20 shows the system's crontab for
carrying out regular maintenance. The numbers in the circled area specify the
time cron runs the scripts (there are actually three of them).
The first five columns or fields of each line specify at exactly which interval the
script will run. The fields specify, from left to right, the minute, hour (on a 24-
hour clock), day of the month, month, and weekday (either short versions,
MON-FRI, or numerically, with Sunday as 0 or 7). An asterisk instead of a
number in a field means "every."
Since the rest of the columns contain asterisks, the daily script will run at 3:15
a.m. on every day of the month, every month, and every day of the week that
is, every day at 3:15 a.m.
Line 2 specifies that the weekly script runs at 4:30 a.m. on every weekday
number 6, or Saturday:
And line 3 specifies that the monthly script runs at 5:30 a.m. on day 1 (the
first) of each month:
As I mentioned, you have your own personal crontab with which to have the
system automatically and regularly do your bidding. To take a gander at what
you've already got scheduled, open a Terminal [Hack #48] window and type:
crontab -l (that's l as in list):
% crontab -l
crontab: no crontab for rael
crontab is not only the name of a file, it's also a command used for viewing and editing
your crontab.
If, like me, you've not yet scheduled anything, crontab -l doesn't produce
anything particularly remarkable. Let's change that by editing your crontab
and adding something interesting.
Before doing so, you should set your default command-line editor [Hack #51]
so that the file opens in an editor you can use. The crontab command uses
this editor to edit its files. Here, I set my editor to pico and open up my
The -e option, as you might have guessed, stands for edit. pico launches and
I'm editing an as-yet-empty text file. Don't worry about what file it is or where
it lives; crontab takes care of all those details for you.
Using the guidelines explained earlier in The crontab File, let's add a reminder
to exercise at 4:00 p.m. every weekday. The only difference is that the who
field (see Figure 5-20) doesn't apply, since this crontab already belongs to
someone you:
I've taken the liberty of copying the comment from the system's crontab
(removing the who field) to remind me what goes where. Any line prefixed
with a # (hash or pound sign) is treated as a comment for a human reader's
information only and is ignored.
Each entry should be contained on one line. The previous example is split only
for presentation purposes and would not run. It's generally better form to push
long commands out to a script and just invoke the script via cron. I might put
that AppleScript invocation into a file called in a bin directory in
my home directory:
I'd make it executable [Hack #49] (chmod u+x and alter my
crontab appropriately:
The nice thing about cron in this case is that it doesn't run when the
computer's asleep or shut down; it'll remind me to exercise only when I'm
working at four in the afternoon, Monday through Friday.
Apple has preconfigured the system's crontab to automate various tasks you
wouldn't know to do in the first place. The not-so-good news is that they've
scheduled these groups of tasks to run between 4:00 and 5:00 in the morning
a time when your Mac is likely not even on! And if your Mac is never on during
these times, these important tasks will never happen. If your Mac is powered
on but in deep sleep, the jobs still won't run.
Let's modify the system's schedule slightly so that these tasks occur at more
reasonable times. Of course, what counts as reasonable depends on your own
situation, so consider these factors when deciding:
Choose a time that is unique for each script. You don't want to schedule
scripts to run at the same time.
For example, these times might be good for a machine that's on only during
normal work hours:
Regarding the monthly job, the first of the month sometimes falls on a
weekend or holiday, but for now that's the best you can do.
To modify the system's crontab file to reflect these new times, you'll need to
open it up in pico, edit it, and save it yourself since the jobs don't belong to
one user in particular, rendering crontab -e inapplicable.
Next, change the time in the weekly script line as shown here:
Once you've made the changes, save (write out) the document by pressing
Control-O. You'll then be prompted to confirm the save; just press Return to do
so. Finally, quit pico by pressing Control-X.
Once you've saved the crontab file, the new scheduling takes effect
immediately; there's no need to restart.
Chris Stone
Hack 54 Opening Things from the Command Line
The open command launches applications and opens files, directories, and
URLs from the command line just as if you'd double-clicked its associated icon
in the Finder.
You'll notice that Internet Explorer ends in .app while Microsoft Word does not. Cocoa
applications are postfixed with a .app extension. Carbon or Classic apps have no special
% open ~/Music
Just as the Finder mysteriously figures out which application is associated with
any particular files, shortcuts, or URLs, so too does open determine which
application, if any, to use. The underlying magic involved comes in two flavors:
type/creator codes and file extensions [Hack #6] , from the Mac OS 9 and Unix
worlds, respectively. The Macintosh operating system maintains a database of
type/creator codes and their associated applications, quietly looking up the
application best suited to deal with a file you double-click and launching it for
you. The Unix world doesn't know such codes and relies instead on file
extensions, like .txt for text files, .doc for Word documents, and .url for URL
shortcuts. Being a hybrid, Mac OS X relies on both.
For example:
% open ~/Desktop/Apple.url
opens the Apple.url Internet shortcut [Hack #66] on the Desktop, directing my
default web browser to the Apple home page, In this
case, the type code of LINK informs the application choice rather than the .url
file extension.
You can even open a URL directly using open URL, like so:
What about a file without either type/creator codes or a file extension? A little
experimentation reveals much:
% touch somefile
% open somefile
2002-07-09 01:29:46.744 open[7344] LSOpenFromURLSpec( ) r
application (null) path /Users/rael/somefile.
2002-07-09 01:29:46.748 open[7344] Couldn't open file: /Us
% open -e somefile
% open -a /Applications/ somefile
Perhaps you prefer to edit the file in Microsoft Word or view it in Internet
The best course of action for a file you'll be visiting again and again is to
associate it with a specific application. Either fiddle with type/creator codes
[Hack #6] or, as a quick fix, give the file an extension by renaming it in the
Finder or on the command line:
% mv somefile somefile.txt
Or, if you're one to avoid ugly extensions, alter the "Open with application"
setting in the Finder's Info inspector, as shown in Figure 5-21.
Whichever you choose will have the same effect, that of associating somefile
(or somefile.txt) with the default text editor, usually TextEdit. In fact, it turns
out that assigning a file extension, either on the command line or through the
Finder, quietly sets the type/creator codes in the background.
To open more than one file at a time, whether with the same type or not, go
ahead and list them space-separated on the command line after the open
command. You can, of course, make use of the full complement of command-
line wildcards:
This is all well and good, but why wouldn't I simply double-click the associated
icon and skip all this command-line tomfoolery? The open command is really
useful only when you're on the command line in the first place, deep in some
directory tree somewhere, and want to open that file right there in front of
you. Sure you could hop on up to the GUI level and navigate your way back
down via the Finder's friendly interface, but why?
Hack 55 Introducing and Installing the Mac OS X Developer Tools
Mac development has taken a quantum leap forward, thanks to the Mac OS X
Developer Tools ( Originally written for the
NeXT operating system, they've been ported across to OS X. The major
bundled components are: Project Builder for managing application
development, writing code, and building apps and Interface Builder, a
marvelous application for designing user interfaces and binding their
components to application code.
So why, you may ask, should you care? After all, you're not a developer
(maybe you are) and are just after a few hacks for your Mac. Alongside the
main tools for building applications on Macintosh are a host of Unix commands
and utilities vital for configuring, compiling, and deploying a plethora of
applications and services most open source and free for the taking. You'll need
the Developer Tools installed to follow along with some of the hacks in this
book, especially in the Unix, Terminal, Mail, and web sections.
You may already have the Developer Tools installed (check for the /Developer
folder on your hard drive), not yet installed but on your hard drive as a
package (check Applications/Installers/Developer Tools), or on CD in the box
your Mac arrived in, assuming your system's fairly recent. If you don't have
them handy, don't worry; you can download them for free from the Apple
Developer Connection web site (, either as
one large distribution (around 200 megabytes) or as 21 separate files (about
10 megabytes each). (All sizes and numbers are correct at of the time of this
writing but will almost certainly be different by the time you read this.) You'll
need a free ADC account; if you don't already have one, sign up online
( You'll also gain access to lots of documentation,
samples, and a range of development tools and utilities.
You'll need the right version for your operating system. If you're running 10.2 (Jaguar),
use the latest and greatest. If you're running an earlier version of OS X, download an
appropriate version of the Developer Tools.
The Developer Tools, no matter which way you get them, come as a Mac OS X
package. Double-click on the Developer.mpkg icon to start the standard Mac
OS X Package Installer, which will lead you gently through the process.
Once you've agreed to the license conditions, the installer asks you for the
destination volume and defaults to the startup hard drive. You probably want
to leave that as it is because other third-party tools expect to find the
Developer directory there.
Please be sure to install the BSD Software Development Kit (SDK), as this
contains the commands and utilities for building many of the open source
applications you'll find in this book and elsewhere. To be sure, on the
Installation Type screen, click the Customize button and be sure the checkbox
associated with the BSD SDK package is checked, as shown in Figure 5-22.
When you're ready to continue, click the Easy Install (or Upgrade, in my case)
button and the Developer Tools will be installed. It'll take a while, so now's
probably a good time to go grab that coffee.
brian d foy
Hack 56 Top 10 Mac OS X Tips for Unix Geeks
Author Brian Jepson offers the top 10 tips he gathered while working
on O'Reilly's Mac OS X for Unix Geeks.
These tips will show you the differences between Mac OS X and other flavors
of Unix, help you find the bits that resemble the Unix you are used to, and
even feather your nest with XFree86 and ports of popular open source
A Unix geek won't get too far without a shell, right? You can find the Terminal
application by navigating to /Applications/Utilities in the Finder. Drag the
Terminal application to your Dock so you can access it quickly.
When you start up the Terminal, you'll be greeted with the default user shell,
tcsh. You can customize the Terminal's appearance and settings by selecting
Window Settings from the Terminal menu. You can set the startup shell by
selecting Preferences from the Terminal menu.
If you need a root shell, you can always use sudo tcsh or sudo bash. If you
want to enable the root user, it's as simple as giving root a password with sudo
passwd root. You'll also want to open System Preferences, choose Accounts,
then Login Options, and change "Display Login Windows as" to Name and
Password. Then you can log out and log in as the root user.
56.3 3. Startup
Mac OS X startup [Hack #13] is nothing like other Unix systems. Most
significantly, Mac OS X has nothing like the /etc/init.d directory. Instead, it
finds its startup items in either /System/Library/StartupItems (for system
startup items) or /Library/StartupItems (for locally installed startup items).
You can use existing startup items as a template or check out Mac OS X for
Unix Geeks for detailed instructions. At a minimum, you need to:
Put a startup file in that subdirectory. It should have the same name as its
parent folder, as in /Library/StartupItems/MySQL/MySQL. For an example, you
can look at Mac OS X's startup item for Apache,
After you've done these steps, you can start the service with SystemStarter,
as in sudo SystemStarter start MySQL.
If you open up a Finder window to the top level of your hard drive, you'll see
that familiar friends like /var and /usr are missing. They are actually hidden
(more on that later). If you open up a Terminal shell and do an ls /, you'll
see the missing folders, as well as a few others, such as /Library and
Table 5-1 lists some of the folders that you'll see (Appendix A of Mac OS X for
Unix Geeks contains a more comprehensive list).
Directory holding all your Mac OS X applications. Check out its Utilities/ subdirectory
for lots of fun stuff!
Apple's Developer Tools and documentation. Available only if you have installed the
Developer Tools.
Library/ Support files for locally installed applications, among other things.
System/ Support files for the system and system applications, among other things.
If core dumps are enabled (with tcsh's limit and bash/sh's ulimit commands),
cores/ they will be created in this directory as
dev/ Files that represent various devices.
As with other Unix flavors, you can make a file invisible by prefixing its name
with a ., as in /.vol. This has the effect of making it invisible in the Finder, as
well as when you issue an ls without the -a option.
Mac OS X also uses a file in the root directory (.hidden) to maintain a list of
files that should be hidden from the Finder.
Also, HFS+ (the filesystem used by Mac OS) files and directories can have a
hidden attribute set using the SetFile[Hack #6] command, as in SetFile -
a V SomeFile. This setting won't take effect until you relaunch the Finder.
You can log out and log in again or use the Force Quit option from the Apple
menu. You can turn off the invisible bit with SetFile -a V SomeFile. See
the manpage for SetFile for more details. (Note that invisible files set this
way are invisible only from the Finder; you can still see them with ls.)
56.6 6. Aliases and Links
There are two ways to create links to files [Hack #9]. The first is to select the
file in the Finder and drag it to a new location while holding down the Option
and keys (or select Make Alias from the File menu). This creates a Mac OS
alias that Cocoa, Carbon, and Classic applications can follow. However, Unix
applications will ignore those links, seeing them as zero-byte files.
You can also create a link with ln or ln -s. If you use this kind of link, Unix,
Cocoa, Carbon, and Classic applications will happily follow it.
56.7 7. X11
Mac OS X does not come with the X Window System. Instead, it uses an
advanced graphics system called Aqua. But if you want to run X11
applications, you're in luck: XFree86 has been ported to Mac OS X. You should
first download and install XDarwin (, which provides
the X Server and essential tools. The next step is optional. OroborOSX
( is an X11 window manager with an Aqua
look and feel. You'll be able to run X11 applications side-by-side with Mac OS X
applications, and they'll look great.
At the time of this writing, Apple has also released a beta of its own X11 system, which
you can download for free from
56.8 8. Fink
Are there some Unix or Linux applications that you're missing? Check out the
Fink project (, which modifies open source
applications so they'll compile and run on Mac OS X. Fink [Hack #58] already
includes an impressive array of applications, and more are on the way.
If you've come to Mac OS X from another Unix OS, you may expect that you
can add users and groups to the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files. By default,
Mac OS X uses these files only in single-user mode. If you want to add a user
or group, it will need to go into the NetInfo database, a repository of local
directory information.
The quick way to add a user or a group is to feed a record in either the
passwd or the group format into niload (commands you type are shown in
bold; the ? is used by the here-document syntax that starts with <<EOF and
ends with EOF):
After you've created the new user, you need to set the password, use the
ditto -rsrc command (a copy command that preserves HFS+ resource forks
when accompanied by the -rsrc flag) to create the home directory, and set
permissions correctly:
At the time Mac OS X for Unix Geeks was written, we had indications that
Jaguar (Mac OS X 10.2) would execute the shutdown actions in the scripts
contained in /System/Library/StartupItems and /Library/StartupItems. As it
turns out, it doesn't. So, if you are running a sensitive application such as a
database server, be sure to shut it down manually before you shut down your
computer. It's disappointing that Mac OS X does not include the facility to
gracefully shut down daemons when the system is powered down. However,
the infrastructure is present, and we hope it's switched on in a future update.
Brian Jepson
Hack 57 Turning a Command-Line Script into an Application
What do you get when you combine the power of Unix scripting with
the simplicity of the OS X GUI? A powerful droplet application limited
only by your scripting prowess.
Perhaps an example is in order. I'll create a shell script to zip any files passed
to it on the command line:
gzip "$@"
% chmod +x
% echo "something" > file1
% echo "something else" > file2
% ./ file1 file2
% ls *.gz
file1.gz file2.gz
57.1 Options
57.2 Services
The most intriguing attribute of DropScript is that its applications can be made
to export their functionality as services, appearing in the Services menu of
just about any application.
# SERVICEMENU : "SomeService"
where SomeService is the name under which the service will be listed in the
Services menu. You can even specify that a particular service live within a
submenu by including a path in the option:
# SERVICEMENU : "SubMenu/SomeService
Drop the script on DropScript and drag the resulting application to, where else
but, your Applications folder. Log out and back in again and your new service
will be right there in the Services menu, as shown in Figure 5-24.
ScriptGUI (, a
similar Unix-script-to-GUI-application converter. It doesn't provide
exported services, but does include a handy GUI window for running and
inspecting scripts.
Hack 58 Installing Unix Applications with Fink
Apple's latest OS now gives you a wide range of software from two
different worlds: our beloved Mac and open source. Thanks to utilities
like Fink, installation is about as simple on the command line as it is in
the GUI.
Fink appeared shortly after Mac OS X started picking up speed and, through
constant development by the open source community, has become a powerful
utility for installing other open source software. Fink itself is based on open
source utilities that have been available under Debian: dpkg , dselect, and
apt-get. Those utilities (installed with Fink) can be used seperately, or you
can run them together through the made-for-OS X Fink utility. One of the
nicer aspects of Fink is that it will install Unix code only in a root directory
called sw, ensuring that you won't mess up your current OS X installation (or
corrupt existing files).
Since a good portion of the packages available through Fink are shell-based,
let's set about installing Fink through the shell as much as possible. These
steps were written using Fink v0.40a, the latest release at the time of this
The first command uses curl to download the file [Hack #61] into a local copy
called fink-0.4.0a-installer.dmg. We then use open [Hack #54] to use the
default Finder application associated with .dmg files (typically Disk Copy).
Since mounted items are stored in the shell under /Volumes, we move into
that directory and then use open again to start the installation process.
There's nothing special about the install, so run through this as you would
normally. When the installer is finished, we need to prepare Fink's
environment. To do so, in the Terminal, type:
This works under the default tcsh shell, but if you're using bash, add
/sw/bin/ to your .bash_profile. When your respective line has been
added, open up a new Terminal window so those changes take place, and enter
the following (entering your normal password):
% fink scanpackages
% sudo dselect
Our final step to setting up Fink is to choose Update Packages at the dselect
screen. If you recall, dselect is one of those Debian packages we mentioned
earlier; it gives you the ability to choose the packages you wish to install from
a console-based menu. Depending on your overall skill with console
applications, dselect may be confusing, so this is how you'd update the
packages through the Fink utility:
% fink selfupdate
The first time you run this command, you'll have the option of choosing
whether you want to look at the CVS for package upgrades. If you're willing to
have the latest and greatest, enter Y; if you're panicky about not-perfect-yet
software, enter N. The selfupdate command will also check to see if Fink
itself has any new updates available and will install them if need be.
Depending on your Internet connection and decision concerning CVS, this
could take anywhere from a few minutes to more than 20.
Once Fink has updated itself, you'll obviously want to check out the list of
available packages for installation. To do so, enter the following, which will
display a long list of packages, along with a short description:
% fink list
You can find more information about packages by using Fink's describe flag.
Next, we ask for more information about the wget package, where we're
rewarded with a few paragraphs, a web site for more information, and the
current maintainer:
The wget description tells us it's a free network utility to retrieve files from
the World Wide Web using HTTP and FTP. It has some advantages over another
downloading utility named curl, which is shipped with Mac OS X. To install the
wget package, enter the following:
% fink install wget
You'll see a progress report during installation, as well as a lot of output you
won't need to understand, but you can add -v to any Fink command line to get
even more dirt on what's going on. Software installed by Fink is always located
in the /sw directory of your hard drive. Once installation is complete, you can
immediately start using your new software. The following two commands will
you give more information about wget, and a further example of its use is
available in [Hack #61]:
% man wget
% wget --help
If you've installed something you don't like, it's just as easy to remove:
As its name suggests, rsync synchronizes files and folders from one location
to another. That location could be another directory on your current machine,
or any other rsync-enabled machine that you have access to. Using the
rsync protocol, only differences between files are transferred; if you're
transferring a 30MB text file that had only a few spelling corrections, you'll
transfer only those corrections, not the entire 30MB. You won't believe how
much of a time-saver this is until you turn your head back and realize it's
Let's break that down: rsync is the name of our utility and -vaz are some
flags we've passed to it. By issuing an rsync --help at the command line, we
quickly find out what that means:
The second part of the rsync command line is what we want to back up or
mirror. In this case, we're saying "hey, take my entire Library directory and
back it up to the third part of the rsync command," which is a location in our
home directory called Backups. We can back up anything on our drive to
anywhere else on our drive. The following command, for instance, backs up
the movies in my home directory to another mounted hard drive (named
As mentioned, the best part of rsync is the protocol; once you do the initial
backup, all future backups will be immensely faster than normal, since only
the changed data will be acted upon. This is especially important when you
start thinking about rsync over the network, like the following:
This is almost the same as the first command, only this time we've added an IP
address and a colon to our place to back up the files to. With this command
(and rsync installed on the machine at, we'll be backing up
the files over the network to a different machine entirely. If one day I delete
my ~/Library/ directory accidentally, all I need to do is reverse the procedure:
which takes all the files located in the Backup directory at and
sticks them into my Library directory on this machine. Thankfully, we can
exclude certain files from a backup or restoration. In the following example,
we won't back up any file or directory that has the word Cache in it:
You can use as many excludes as necessary; here, we're stopping caches as
well as our Mail directories:
In this case, we've removed the verbose option, added --delete, which will
remove files in Backup that no longer exist in Library, and added a nice little
ending report with the --stats flag. There are many more rsync options
available, including inclusion or exclusion of patterns listed in an external file,
throttling bandwidth, stopping after a large number of deletions, and so forth.
Probably the most confusing part of rsync is how it reacts to an ending slash
character. The manual covers a bit of this confusion within the opening usage
explanation. The following examples will hopefully make things a little clearer.
Either of these commands backs up the contents of the Library directory into
Backups (i.e., Backups/Application Support):
There have been many tales of users who have lost a backup (or worse yet,
horrifically screwed up a restoration with the --delete command), all due to
a little slash being in the wrong place. When in doubt and experimenting with
new rsync commands, use -n:
The added -n says "hey, this is only a dry run, so show me what you're going
to do, but don't actually do it." Be sure to do this with verbosity (-v) so that
you can see exactly what would be deleted and added.
Hack 60 Using CVS to Manage Data on Multiple Machines
Work with your data wherever you are without fear of getting out of
sync with your home machine.
Here's the scenario: instead of just using one Mac, you regularly use two (a
desktop and a laptop) and would like to keep up-to-date copies of all your data
on all of your machines. After all, when working at home, you want to take
advantage of the large monitor and dual processors of a desktop Power Mac,
and when you are on the road, you want all the portability of an iBook or a
PowerBook. Most solutions to this problem are haphazard and error prone.
However, a tool that software developers use can help you. It's called CVS. And
with it you can work with all your data no matter where you are.
CVS is an open source tool that provides version control. Version control is the
practice of maintaining information about a project's development by tracking
changes and coordinating the development efforts of many programmers. CVS
uses a centralized repository (sometimes called an archive or a depot) to store
all the information about each and every file, as well as every change to those
files, contained in a project. These kinds of systems are used in projects small
and large, including the development of operating systems like Mac OS X.
Each and every developer of the project has a copy of these files on her own
machine. As a developer makes changes, they are committed back into the
central repository, allowing the other developers on the project access to the
latest code. This allows many people to cooperate on the same source files
with a minimum of fuss. If two developers make changes to the same file at
the same time, CVS will defer the commit of the second file until the second
developer resolves the conflict. Usually, these conflicts are dealt with easily,
and development proceeds.
CVS supports all sorts of additional operations that are useful to large teams.
However, for our purposes (which are much less demanding than software
development), we can take the functionality that we've just described and use
it to solve the problem of managing our own data on multiple machines. Even
if you are the only person to use your data, CVS can help you maintain it
easily on as many machines as your bank account can fund.
CVS comes as part of Mac OS X's Developer Tools. In order to use it, you'll need to install
the Mac OS X Developer Tools [Hack #55].
So, how should we use CVS for the purpose of replicating our data on multiple
machines? First, you need to identify a machine that can serve as the
repository. If you have two machines, such as an iBook and a Power Mac, then
you should use the Power Mac as your repository. If you are lucky enough to
have a third machine that you use as a server for other purposes (maybe you
are hosting your own domain or web site), then you should probably use that
machine to store your repository.
Once the repository is set up, you can access it from the machine on which
you set it up or from other machines. The first case, wherever both the
repository and the working copy of your files are located, is an example of
local usage. The second case for example, when you check out your files onto
your iBook is called remote usage. In both situations, you use the same set of
CVS commands, but you have to do a bit more setup work for the remote case.
Once you've decided on which machine to place the repository, you have to
pick where on that machine you want your repository to live. You want to
make sure it's in a location that you'll remember easily later. For my setup, I
use the /Library/Depot directory. Once you've decided where you want it,
create the directory and then initialize your repository with the following
The -d argument lets CVS know where the repository is located. init tells
CVS to initialize the directory as a new repository. This blesses the directory as
a CVS repository and installs a copy of the files that will control how it works.
To make sure all is well, we are going to perform an initial check out of the
repository. To do so, make an empty directory (on the same machine as the
repository) and execute the following command in that directory:
Once again, the -d argument lets CVS know the directory in which the
repository is located. The checkout . (don't forget the dot) tells CVS to check
out a copy of everything in the repository. You should see the following output
from CVS:
The files that were checked out are the administration files. By editing, and
then checking these files back in, we can change how CVS works. Mostly, we
will want to leave these alone for our use, but there is one file that we will
need to modify.
In addition to several quirks, CVS has one major irritation: it wants to treat all
files as text files and can't, by itself, tell the difference between text and
binary. It wants to treat all files as text because then it can save space in the
repository by storing only the difference between files. For HTML files, this is
great. However, for binary files that we work with all the time, such as
Microsoft Word files (.doc) or Excel files (.xls), this strategy falls on its face and
will make a mess of your data.
# binary files
*.ai -k 'b'
*.doc -k 'b'
*.bmp -k 'b'
*.class -k 'b'
*.classes -k 'b'
*.dmg -k 'b'
*.eps -k 'b'
*.gif -k 'b'
*.gz -k 'b'
*.GZ -k 'b'
*.icns -k 'b'
*.jar -k 'b'
*.jpg -k 'b'
*.jpeg -k 'b'
*.nib -k 'b'
*.ofile -k 'b'
*.pdf -k 'b'
*.png -k 'b'
*.ppm -k 'b'
*.ppt -k 'b'
*.pqg -k 'b'
*.prj -k 'b'
*.ps -k 'b'
*.psd -k 'b'
*.sl -k 'b'
*.strings -k 'b'
*.tif -k 'b'
*.tiff -k 'b'
*.ttf -k 'b'
*.xls -k 'b'
*.Z -k 'b'
*.zip -k 'b'
This is not an exhaustive list, but it serves as the day-to-day list that I use in
my repository. Make sure that any binary files that you plan on putting in your
repository are on this list.
Once you have edited the file, you need to check it back in. To do this, issue
the following command:
This tells CVS to commit our changes back to the repository. The -m argument
is the commit message that will be kept in the repository. When you execute
this command, you should see the following output:
You might notice that we didn't use the -d argument to CVS this time. We
need to tell CVS where the repository is only if we haven't checked it out yet
into the directory that we are working in. Once checked out, CVS leaves itself
enough information to figure things out.
To check out a repository on other machines, we are going to use the ability to
run CVS over SSH. This requires two things:
The SSH server is up and running[Hack #71] on the machine that the
repository is located on.
There are a few different ways you can satisfy the second requirement. You
can set the environment variable on the command line with the setenv
command. To do this, simply execute the following line:
Of course, this will soon become annoying, as you'll always have to remember
to execute this command. You could always set it in your ~/.tcshrc file, but the
better option is to set it in your ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file. This will
make sure that it is set for every application that runs, allowing programs that
have built-in CVS integration, such as Project Builder, to use your repository
seamlessly. All you need to do is create the ~/.MacOSX directory (if it doesn't
exist) and save the following as your environment.plist file:
This is by far the best solution, although you'll need to log out of your machine
and back in for it to take effect.
Once you've done this, you're ready to check out the repository. To do so,
we're going to use a variant of the cvs checkout command that we used
before that will tell CVS that our repository is located on a different machine.
This command is of the form cvs -d :ext:[user]@[machine]:[repository
directory] checkout. On my machine, I execute the following:
Once again, don't forget the dot at the end! If this is the first time that you've
used SSH between your machines, you'll see some output asking if you are
sure you want to connect. You will then be challenged for your password for
the machine containing the repository. After that, the files will be checked out
as before.
Now that we've successfully checked out the repository onto two machines,
we're ready to start using CVS for our files. The rest of this hack will give you
the basic commands you need to work with your new repository.
Let's say that we want to keep some pictures in the repository. To do so, we
create a Pictures subdirectory in our checked-out copy of the repository, copy
the images into it, and then add the files to CVS. The following commands
illustrate how we do that:
To check out the file onto the other machine, we issue the cvs update
command as follows:
The -d option to the update command tells CVS to check out any
subdirectories that were added since the last time we performed an update.
You should see the following output:
Voila! Your data is now mirrored and updated between multiple machines.
Anything you add to one machine will appear on other machines. All you need
to remember to do is to add files to the repository, commit any changes you
make, and regularly run the cvs update -d command.
Occasionally, you'll want to remove a file from the repository. To do so, simply
remove the file from your local copy, then issue a cvs delete command.
Here's an example:
[Mercury:~/tmp] duncan% rm Pictures/me.jpg
[Mercury:~/tmp] duncan% cvs delete Pictures/me.jpg
cvs remove: scheduling 'Pictures/me.jpg' for removal
cvs remove: use 'cvs commit' to remove this file permanent
[Mercury:~/tmp] duncan% cvs commit -m "Sync"
vs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining CVSROOT
cvs commit: Examining Pictures
Removing Pictures/me.jpg;
/Library/Depot/Pictures/me.jpg,v <-- me.jpg
new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.1
Moving files is a pain with CVS. There is no cvs move command, so you have
to delete the file from where it was and add it to wherever else you want it to
This hack gets you started with using CVS to manage your data. However, at
some point you'll probably want to dig deeper into what CVS can do. The
following resources can be of help:
The CVS web site ( contains the source code for
CVS, FAQs, and the 184-page official user manual for CVS by Per
Cederqvist et al.
Few Mac users know of the utility named curl, shipped with every 10.2
Macintosh, or of the easily installed wget. Both allow you to download
from the command line and with a little magic to boot.
There are hundreds of ways to download files located on the Net FTP, HTTP,
NNTP, Gnutella, Hotline, Carracho, the list of possible options goes on and on.
There is, however, an odd man out in these protocols, and that's HTTP. Most
web browsers are designed to view web pages (as you'd expect); they're not
designed to download mass amounts of files from a public web directory. This
often leaves users with a few meager choices: should they manually and
slowly download each file themselves or go out and find some software that
could do it for them?
With OS X, your answer comes in the form of free software allowing you to
download from the command line [Hack #48] one installed by default, and
one obtainable through Fink ( [Hack #58]. Investigating the
preinstalled utility makes it sounds innocent enough:
Almost immediately, the manual instructs you of curl's range power, so you
can download a list of sequentially numbered files with a simple command:
The -L flag tells curl to follow any redirects that may be issued, and the -O
flag will save the downloaded files into similarly named copies locally
(./file0.txt, ./file1.txt, etc.). Our limitations with the range feature show all too
clearly with date-based filenames. Say I want to download a list of files that
are in the form of yymmdd.txt. I could use this innocent command:
If you are patient enough, this will work fine. The downside is that curl will
literally try to grab 900,000 files per year (which would range from 1996
through 2002). While a patient downloader may not care, that will create an
insane amount of bandwidth waste, as well as a potentially angry web host.
We could split the previous command into two:
These will also work correctly, at the expense of being lengthy (technically, we
could combine the curl commands into one, with two URLs) and still causing a
large number of "file not found" errors for the web host (albeit not as many as
the first one).
Solving this sort of problem can be done easily with a freely available utility
called wget, which used to ship with earlier versions of OS X (Apple replaced it
with curl). You can install it again quite easily with Fink [Hack #58]. With
wget, we simply enter the following:
We start off in mirror mode (-m), which allows us to run the command at a
later date and grab only content that has changed from what we've previously
downloaded. We accept (-A) only files that end in .txt, and we don't want to
get anything from our parent directory (-np or no parent); this stops wget
from following links that lead us out of the text directory. wget (as well as
curl) will show you a running progress as it's downloading files. More
information about wget is available by typing man wget on the command line.
Hack 62 Software Update on the Command Line
As Apple moves onward and upward in its efforts to synchronize what happens
above and below the shiny Aqua desktop, some previously GUI-only bits have
made their way to the Terminal command line. One such function is Software
Update; just like its pretty GUI counterpart, softwareupdate (man
softwareupdate) checks for updates to OS X itself and other associated
applications, installing them upon approval.
Aside from simply appealing to Unix jocks, Software Update on the command
line affords administrators (especially those with multiple Macs to keep in
sync) the ability to log in remotely and perform updates without having to
wander physically from machine to machine. A good admin can actually go so
far as to automate the process.
It's always advisable to close out of all applications except the Finder and Software Update
or the Terminal in which you're doing a software update. This is the best preemptive
medicine for avoiding complications and conflicts that might arise from updating the system
beneath the feet of running applications.
The first step is to see if any updates are available. Launch the Terminal[Hack
#48] application and type softwareupdate at the command-line prompt.
Software Update calls home over your network or dial-up connection,
returning shortly with a list of updates, if any.
Should your system be completely up-to-date, Software Update will simply tell
you so:
% softwareupdate
Software Update Tool
Copyright 2002 Apple Computer, Inc.
% softwareupdate
Software Update Tool
Copyright 2002 Apple Computer, Inc.
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Brazilian Portuguese Language Support (10.1.5), 5712K
- DanishSU
Danish Language Support (10.1.5), 6000K
- FinnishSU
Finnish Language Support (10.1.5), 5492K
- KoreanSU
Korean Language Support (10.1.5), 40640K
- NorwegianSU
Norwegian Language Support (10.1.5), 5592K
- SecurityUpd2002-08-02
Security Update 2002-08-02 (1.0), 5300K - restart required
- SimplifiedChineseSU
Simplified Chinese Language Support (10.1.5), 37580K
- TraditionalChineseSU
Traditional Chinese Language Support (10.1.5), 39060K
While installing any particular update is up to you and your particular system
configuration, some, like the security update hidden among the others here,
you'll want to install right away. To install a particular update, type
softwareupdate, followed by the name or names, since softwareupdate,
like its GUI counterpart, can install more than one at a time of the package
you wish to install; you'll need to sudo [Hack #50], since software updates
invariably involve changing global system files and settings:
Software Update downloads, verifies, unpacks, and installs the update. Notice
the admonishment to "Please restart immediately"; when Software Update
advises an immediate restart, take the advice and restart your Macintosh
before doing much of anything else. While the GUI-flavored Software Update
won't let you out of Software Update without restarting when necessary, the
command-line version leaves you, in true Unix style, to your own devices and
What happens if you don't restart immediately? Bad things, no doubt. Perhaps
you were editing the Apache configuration file, since updated beneath your
feet by the software update. Or you've made some seemingly minor change
via NetInfo that's incompatible with an updated system setting. While it's best
to close down everything except the Finder before doing a software update, it's
certainly strongly advised that you restart when told to do so.
62.2 Snooping About
Whether you're running Software Update from the GUI or command line, the
mechanics are the same. While an understanding is in no way needed to use
softwareupdate, the more inquisitive user might find the underpinnings well
worth a quick gander.
% ls /Library/Receipts/SecurityUpd2002-08-02.pkg/Contents/
BundleVersions.plist VolumeCheck
Dutch.lproj da.lproj
English.lproj fi.lproj
French.lproj ko.lproj
German.lproj no.lproj
InstallationCheck package_version
Italian.lproj pt.lproj
Japanese.lproj software_version sv.lproj
SecurityUpd2002-08-02.loc zh_CN.lproj
SecurityUpd2002-08-02.sizes zh_TW.lproj
Of course, the actual files themselves have been installed into the appropriate
places all over the filesystem. However, for a glimpse of all that was installed
and altered, we turn to the bom (man bom), or bill of materials, file, viewable
with the lsbom command (type man lsbom on the command line for more
% lsbom /Library/Receipts/SecurityUpd2002-08-02.pkg/Conten | more
. 41775 0/80
./System 40755 0/0
./System/Library 40755 0/0
./System/Library/Frameworks 40755 0/0
./System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework 40755 0/0
./System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/Resources 120
3302263027 Versions/Current/Resources
./System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/System 120755
285767527 Versions/Current/System
./usr/share/man/man8/rotatelogs.8 100644 0/0 4150 11650731
./usr/share/man/man8/sftp-server.8 100644 0/0 2087 1556173
./usr/share/man/man8/ssh-keysign.8 100644 0/0 2375 3700322
./usr/share/man/man8/sshd.8 100644 0/0 26471 342712072
Hack 63 Interacting with the Unix Shell from AppleScript
AppleScripters can use the Unix shell in two different ways with Mac OS X. The
do shell script command executes a Unix shell statement without having
to target a specific application. For example, type the following script into a
Script Editor window; then compile and run it. It will issue three Unix shell
commands, separated by semicolons:
The script then receives the return value as a string (a bunch of characters,
like a written sentence, surrounded by quotes), which it can then process as
needed. Here is a portion of the return value of the latter script:
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 7 brucep staff 264 Nov 24 20:27 AllProps
drwxr-xr-x 5 brucep staff 126 Jan 4 19:57 Applications
drwx------ 17 brucep staff 534 Jan 18 10:24 Desktop
drwx------ 14 brucep staff 432 Jan 18 10:17 Documents
You can also script the Terminal application, which is the command-line utility
installed with Mac OS X. The following script will open a new Terminal window
and launch the Apache Tomcat Java servlet engine and MySQL database server.
Very useful!
Bruce W. Perry
Hack 64 Running AppleScripts on a Regular Basis Automatically
That's all well and good, but what if you wanted the time spoken each and
every hour, on the hour? Under Mac OS 9 and earlier, you would have had to
make use of a third-party scheduling application or just clicked Run every
hour on the hour.
Meet cron [Hack #53], a Unix shell program whose life revolves around
running things every minute, hour, day, week, month, or year. Give it a
command or script and a schedule and let it go. Of course, cron is available as
part of the Unix goodness existing beneath the colorful OS X shell. Each user
on the system can automate his own tasks with no restrictions: hear the date
spoken every minute, have a backup performed every three days at 12:15, or
automatically open his email every day at 7:00 a.m. and then again at 6:00
p.m. Whatever your scheduling needs, cron will satisfy them.
But cron is a Unix utility, and AppleScript traditionally lives above the GUI;
how do we connect the two? A shell utility called osascript, which runs
AppleScripts from the command line, can take our simple script and run right
from the command line:
And, if you can run it from the command line, you can run it out of cron, as
these examples show:
These three entries will speak veiled threats every weekday morning at 7:00
a.m., wonderful news at 6:00 p.m. the same day, and a questionable alarm
clock at noon on the weekends. These are all parlor tricks, however; what you
really want to do is run a complex operation with hundreds of lines of
AppleScript, and you certainly don't want to include it all written out as part of
a command line.
In that case, simply leave the -e option off osascript, and point to your
AppleScript file:
osascript /Users/morbus/Scripts/Backup_Email.scpt
Merging the preceding osascript into your crontab will have your email
backed up the 15th of every month at 9:32 a.m. assuming Backup_Email.scpt
exists, of course:
32 9 15 * * osascript /Users/morbus/Scripts/Backup_Email.s
Hack 65 Running Linux on an iBook
However, this story is different from the recent Mac conversion you may have
heard about
My day-in, day-out operating system of choice isn't Windows; it's Linux. To be
precise, Debian GNU/Linux ( And on my new iBook,
it's still Debian. This hack tells the story of why I switched to Mac hardware
and how the installation process went. It includes some handy hints and tricks
I picked up along the way and, finally, my verdict on the hardware.
As both a writer and programmer, my needs are pretty diverse. I spend quite a
lot of time traveling to conferences and plenty of time working from my home
office, too. For the last two years, my faithful companion in these activities has
been a Dell Latitude CPiA laptop. Although not especially light, it's a compact,
good-looking machine. For about a year and a half I've been using it with
Debian GNU/Linux as its operating system; running the GNOME desktop gave
me a good environment to work in, for both writing and programming needs.
Unfortunately, the Dell developed an awkward fault that caused the screen to
be unusable, so it was time to look for a new machine.
I spent a lot of time looking at options for replacing the ailing machine. Small
size was an important factor, as was low weight. Unfortunately, it seems that
to get that these days you must also pay through the nose. As a reasonable
price was also very important, this made things difficult. One of the most
frustrating things about current PC hardware is that it is overfeatured.
Manufacturers are endlessly pushing the latest-greatest this or that into the
machines, keeping the prices high and bundling stuff you will never need. For
a Linux user, latest-greatest hardware is generally a bad sign: it more than
likely means something won't work quite right for you.
I was complaining about how expensive small laptops were when a friend
mentioned that he thought iBooks were cool. I'd never considered this before
but headed over to the Apple site to check them out. I specced out a 12.1"
screen 500MHz iBook with the sort of features I required, and it came out at a
pretty favorable price compared to the Intel-based laptops I'd been looking at.
There were several particularly attractive features: the small size, the long
battery life, and Apple's sane approach to memory pricing.
My interest was piqued, but I was still a little skeptical. I spent some days
researching whether Linux would run on iBook hardware. In particular, I was
pleased to find that my current OS, Debian, ran just fine on an iBook.
Eventually I was satisfied and decided to order the machine. Friends were
definitely surprised.
After all, a lot of the fuss about the new Mac centers on the beauteous Mac OS
X as much as anything. Did I intend to run Mac OS X? No. Isn't that a little
odd? Well, umm, I guess . . . it just turned out to be the best and most
economic decision. It seemed odd to people that buying Apple was purely a
hardware-based choice.
It took seven days from ordering my iBook (12.1" screen, 384MB, 30GB disk,
CD/DVD, AirPort card) until its arrival on my doorstep. I was slightly annoyed
when it came, as it arrived at 3:00 p.m. and we had guests that evening. A
lovely new toy and I wouldn't be able to play! Nevertheless, I switched the
computer on that afternoon.
Before I could do anything, I had to feed the machine four system-restore CDs,
which appeared to install a complete disk image onto the hard disk. That took
about 45 minutes, after which I was free to start Mac OS X. As I knew I would
shortly trash and repartition the hard disk, the wait was moderately
frustrating. I had chosen to proceed with a network-based install of Debian.
There are two other prominent PowerPC-based Linux distributions, Yellowdog
and SuSE, but as I've been a Debian user for some years, it made sense to
continue with a system I was familiar with.
When our guests had gone, I avoided going to bed and decided to make a start
on the Debian install. The best resource for this is Branden Robinson's
Installing Debian 3.0 onto an Apple iBook page
( Branden's page gives
instructions for installing Debian in a Debian-only; Mac OS X and Debian; or
Mac OS 9, Mac OS X, and Debian configuration. I knew I didn't need Mac OS 9
but thought that it might be handy to have Mac OS X around, so I pursued the
second option.
The first thing to do was repartition the hard disk. This meant junking the
current setup and booting from the Mac OS X setup CD. You can then launch
the disk configuration tool from the first screen of the install process. I set up
a 20GB partition for Linux and a 10GB one for Mac OS X. The Linux partition is
a placeholder Mac OS X tools don't know about Linux filesystems, so you just
set up a partition to delete later and fill it in properly. I made both partitions of
type Mac OS X Extended. Branden suggests that using UFS for the Mac OS X
partition might work too, but this caused problems for me later in the install
process. Figure 5-25 shows the Debian login screen on my iBook.
The final step was to install Mac OS X into its new home. I reflected at this
point how wonderful it was to have a full install CD for the operating system,
in contrast to the current trend from PC manufacturers to give you some poxy
restore disk-only solution. Apple should be thanked for not trying to lock you
out of using alternative operating systems on its hardware.
Typical Debian installations proceed by means of a bootstrap floppy disk that
loads enough to get your machine on the Net; from there, you can download
the rest of the operating system. The iBook has no floppy disk. Instead, there's
a nifty program called yaboot. You download the image of the boot floppy onto
your Mac OS X partition, then you use the machine's Open Firmware to
instruct it to start up from that image. I had no idea Open Firmware existed,
but it can be entered by holding down a magic key combination at boot time. It
reminded me of the boot managers of Sun Sparc workstations. Doubtless,
there are many magical and strange things it can do, but I stuck to doing what
I was told!
Once you've booted into the Debian install image, things proceed more or less
as they do when installing on x86-based machines. The only real difference is
in using the partition editor. Before you can install Linux, you need to create a
boot partition, a swap partition, and as many Linux filesystem partitions as you
need. Under Debian PowerPC, there's a specialized tool for this, mac-fdisk.
As Branden notes, this is a cruel introduction to Debian. Happily, his
installation notes enabled me to sail through this process.
The second quirk is that, rather than running the normal "make operating
system bootable," you must drop into the command line to configure the
yaboot boot manager for your machine. The effect of installing the boot
manager is to give you a short menu screen when you switch your iBook on.
You can press L to boot into Linux, X to boot into Mac OS X, or C to boot into a
CD-ROM. If you press nothing, the machine boots into your chosen default (for
me, Linux) after a few seconds.
I won't document the ins and outs of a Debian install: they're described in
detail in other places (
I will describe, however, the quirks that are specific to the iBook.
Debian is often criticized as being difficult to set up. In part, this is due to the
poor user interface at the package-selection stage. My personal policy is to
select as little as possible for installation during the install process and install
the software I need later. In particular, selecting the laptop-specific package
isn't much use for the iBook, as it has a different style of power management
and doesn't have any PCMCIA devices (even if you have an AirPort card, it
does not use PCMCIA).
The machine booted the first time with a Debian 2.2.x series kernel. One of
my first steps was to install a 2.4.x series kernel (Debian PowerPC currently
has 2.4.16). I then proceeded to try and configure as much as I could. I had
read that to get the most from the iBook you needed to compile your own
kernel, but I intended to see how far I could get with the standard kernel as
provided in Debian.
I had no problems at all with the built-in Ethernet port, screen, USB ports, or
CD-ROM drive. They all worked just fine. Even configuring X Windows turned
out to be easy enough: just run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 and
answer the questions. Figure 5-26 shows the Debian desktop on my iBook.
Setting up the AirPort wireless access was a little more difficult. For users
accustomed to using wireless PCMCIA cards on Intel laptops, there are some
differences. The main one is that there's no wireless.opts file that you can edit
to set up your wireless network configuration, so when the machine enables
the AirPort card, it can't find which network to join. I set up a simple
workaround for this, after installing the wireless tools package.
In /etc/network/interfaces, I added:
It would be easy to adapt this script for your own needs and, indeed, write
some housekeeping scripts so you can easily change between wireless
networks. Note that I run an ad hoc network, rather than owning a base
station. That iwspy line enables me to keep a log of the signal strength to the
machine I'm using as a gateway to the rest of my network.
Support for the AirPort can be started either manually, by running modprobe
airport as root, or by adding airport into your /etc/modules file.
As soon as the AirPort card worked, I breathed a sigh of relief: the rest of the
configuration could take place from the comfort of my armchair!
One major physical difference with the iBook is that the trackpad has only one
button. To do the install, I plugged in a USB mouse to circumvent this problem.
However, a more permanent solution needed to be found. Another issue was
that I had no access to sound, either. Investigation on both of these scores led
me to conclude that the time had come to compile a new kernel.
Adding second and third mouse button emulation was quite simple. The latest
"benh" kernel sets up an easy way to get Linux to interpret keyboard keys as
mouse keys. I simply had to run these commands in order to make F10 work
as the middle button and F11 as the righthand button:
I got everything I've mentioned so far done within 24 hours, even managing a
little sleep. However, there was one fly in the ointment. According to all the
newsgroup posts I'd read, there should be no problems using the iBook's
internal modem. However, I had no joy.
To get the best from owning your iBook, you can install several useful
The iBook has keys for adjusting the volume and screen brightness, as well as
ejecting the CD. With a "benh" kernel install, the brightness keys worked but
neither of the others did. Stefan Pfetzing has written a small program called
ikeyd ( that makes the other keys work
as advertised with a minimum of pain for the user.
Since most of the devices I will plug into my iBook are USB based, I don't want
to be manually configuring all the kernel modules I need to drive these
devices. Instead, I installed the hotplug system. Hotplug implements plug-and-
play and loads the correct device drivers when you plug in the devices. This
also keeps your /etc/modules file down to a short and manageable size.
So far, I've verified compatibility with a USB mouse, my Frontier NEX II MP3
player, and Kodak DC3400 digital camera; all work just the same as with the
Buying the iBook for its hardware alone turned out to be an excellent decision.
It is, however, a big change for PC laptop users. There are no mouse, parallel,
serial, or docking ports. Instead, you get two USB ports, a FireWire port, a
mini-VGA port for external monitor (adapter provided), and a
speakers/headphone jack. The biggest difference is probably the lack of
PCMCIA slots. This inevitably means that if you own any PCMCIA cards, this
investment will be lost if you move to an iBook. This also puts you more at the
mercy of whatever hardware Apple decides to put into the machine.
One of the iBook's best features is the screen, which is rock solid, bright, and
very sharp. I was a little worried that such a small screen would be a problem,
but my fears turned out to be unfounded, even at the maximum resolution of
1024 x 768 pixels. The keyboard is easy to type on and feels satisfying to use.
The sound through the built-in speakers works surprisingly well: a lot less
tinny than I had expected.
The iBook is very portable. Although not the world's lightest laptop, at just
over 2kg it's eminently totable and appears pretty rugged in its construction. It
also runs at a pretty cool temperature, so you can use it resting on your legs
for prolonged periods. Putting the iBook to sleep by closing the lid works just
fine, and waking it up again takes next to no time. Both Windows and Linux
have problems doing this reliably on many PC laptops, so I was delighted to
find how well it worked on the iBook.
Visually, the iBook is a winner. It has some great little touches, such as the
LED indicator on the power cord that shows whether the battery is being
charged. The machine's simplicity is very appealing. With other PCs, there's a
trend to add many blinking lights and extra keys to the keyboard: Apple has
chosen the minimalist route with great success. There are some cute surprises
too: the first time I put the iBook to sleep, it was late at night and dark in my
office. I nearly fell off my chair when I noticed the book breathing in its sleep
with a little white light next to the lid clasp slowly pulsating.
There was one disappointment, however: Apple changed the modem inside the
iBook to one that wouldn't work with Linux. As described earlier, I've got a
remedy, but I'd love to see native support for the internal modem.
All in all, I'm exceedingly happy. The iBook feels, both inside and outside, as
though it was designed to be a whole. It is a pleasure to work with: so much
so, that I'm considering replacing the Windows PC on my home network with
an iMac. Modem troubles aside, the iBook makes a fine platform for running
Edd Dumbill
Chapter 6. Networking
Communicate about as easily with Windows and Unix machines as with other
Macs. Run Windows itself on and from your Mac's desktop. Connect to the
Web, FTP sites, WebDAV shares, Windows (SMB) shares, networked printers
almost anything with an IP heartbeat. You can share your Internet connection
via Ethernet, WiFi, or FireWire or connect one-to-one with another computer
even when there is no network to be found.
Drag a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) from your browser's address bar to the
desktop and OS X kindly creates an Internet Shortcut (Favorite, if you're
coming from the Windows world), something.url, for you. Double-click or drag
the shortcut back into your browser and you're returned to the URL you were
Under the covers, an Internet Shortcut is a perfectly ordinary text file with
little in the way of magic. A shortcut to the Apple web site, for instance, looks
like this:
Building a new Internet Shortcut from scratch is a simple affair. Fire up a text
editor, type the requisite incantations, and save. Name it anything you like,
but you should tack on a .url file extension [Hack #6]. The first line should
The second line is the URL itself, prepended with URL=. A shortcut to the
O'Reilly Mac DevCenter would read:
Any valid URL will do, whether pointing to a web site (http:// . . . ), FTP site
(ftp:// . . . ), email address (mailto: . . . ), or whatnot just so long as your
browser knows what to do with it. A shortcut to the email address would, via your browser,
create a new email message to the president using your default mail
You can actually embed more complex addressing and a subject in a mailto:
shortcut, like so:
You may find that your shortcut won't work because of line-break issues [Hack
#5]. Also, you may need to bless the file as an Internet Shortcut and associate
it with your preferred web browser[Hack #6].
Hack 67 Renewing Your DHCP-Assigned IP address
Getting your Mac to renew its dynamically assigned IP address is sometimes all
that's needed to get stalled network traffic going again.
Launch System Preferences by either clicking its icon in the Dock or selecting
System Preferences from the Apple menu at the top left of your screen. Select
the Network control panel.
From the Network panel's Show menu, select the source of connectivity you're
currently attempting to use, Built-in Ethernet for wired or AirPort for wireless
connectivity. Select the TCP/IP tab. Using DHCP should already be selected in
the Configure menu; if not, then you may well not be using DHCP, and this
hack won't be of much help to you.
The DHCP Client ID field should be empty, unless you've used this hack before
or your server uses client IDs (in which case this hack won't work for you).
Type anything you like in the field hack1 is as good a choice as any and click
the Apply Now button. You should see the IP Address field go blank for a
moment, replaced by a shiny new IP address, as shown in Figure 6-1.
Turn your Mac into an Internet lifeline for those unwired systems
around you.
Unfortunately, as such stories always go, one of the two disabled laptops didn't
even have a PCMCIA card slot. There were mumblings about USB WiFi dongles
and even one vote for buying an Ethernet hub; we had the cables.
Thank goodness all this scurrying was for nought. There were already at least
10 Ethernet hubs cum wireless bridges right beneath our very noses. Everyone
had plumb forgotten about the Jaguar's ability to share Internet access.
Dongles and cables produced from various backpacks were used to plug each of
the unfortunate laptops into a nearby iBook, and a few moments later
everyone was wired and happy.
Just like its hardware counterpart, your software base station has its own
identity and can be configured to stick to a particular channel, remain open for
neighborhood use, or be locked down using WEP encryption and password. The
one thing you can't do is restrict by MAC, the hardware address burned into
your wireless card.
Now take a look at the screenshot in Figure 6-4 and see if you notice anything
out of the ordinary.
Where the heck did that second Ethernet adaptor come from? Remember, I
have an iBook with only one Ethernet card and no room for expansion. OK, so
there are USB solutions, but I have no need of them.
Give up?
[Hack #69]
Hack 69 Creating a One-Wire Network
You're on a plane and desperately need to pass a file to (or play Quake
against) your coworker. You both have Ethernet jacks, but there's no network
available to you. You both have wireless cards, but transmitter/receivers are a
no-no aboard airliners. She has a floppy drive, but your iBook has never heard
of these floppy things. You have a USB drive, but the file's massive. And you're
fresh out of CDs, or you'd simply burn one and pass it across.
If you have an Ethernet cable handy, you can plug one end into the Ethernet
jack of each of your machines, open your System Preferences Network
pane, and select Built-in Ethernet from the Show pull-down menu.
If at least one of the computers is a Macintosh of recent vintage (PowerBook G4, iMac 17",
or iBook, at the time of this writing), you don't even need one of those special crossover
Ethernet cables. Refer to the consummate list at
Figure 6-7. FTP and SSH from Windows to Mac over the one-wire
Heck, you could fire up your Mac's Apache web server[Hack #85] and visit it
from a Windows browser.
Go ahead and transfer to your heart's content via FTP or SSH (scp, if available
on the Windows side). To disconnect, simply unplug the cable.
Mac OS X's built-in Virtual Private Network client and SSH offer two
secure ways to tunnel in to your company or organization.
Mac OS X 10.2 includes a Virtual Private Network (VPN) client for tunneling
securely into your company or organization's network, authenticating yourself,
and gaining access to shared resources otherwise available only to those on
site. This works regardless of whether your connection to the Internet is dial-
up, DSL, cable-modem, or what-have-you. You'll sometimes hear VPNs
referred to as Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP). Whatever you call it,
previous versions of the Mac OS didn't include a VPN client, leaving you to
third-party software like DigiTunnel (
The endpoint of your VPN connection (i.e., your office) will need to be running a VPN server
in order for this to work.
To initiate a VPN connection, the first step is to ensure that you're connected
to the Internet in some form. Once you're online, launch Applications
Internet Connect or select Open Internet Connect . . . from the Internet
Connect menu bar icon, as shown in Figure 6-9.
Select File New VPN Connection Window or press Shift- -P. Enter the
server address, your username, and your password into the appropriate fields.
Save the password to your keychain if you'll be using this connection often and
don't feel like typing your password each time. Click Connect when you're
One gotcha and quick fix: if you're logging into a Microsoft Windows-based
VPN/PPTP server, you may need to provide the authentication realm in addition
to your login. If so, tack the realm on before your login and separate the two
with a \ (backslash), as shown in Figure 6-10.
Once established, all of your traffic will flow through the VPN connection. This
may be a disadvantage if your home network is, for instance, faster than that
running through your office; you'll be limited by the maximum throughput of
both your connection to the Internet and your office's. DigiTunnel does have a
workaround, sporting a split-routing feature that allows you to route requests
directly to Internet sites while routing requests meant for your office via the
You may also need to fiddle with your PPTP Network settings (System
Preferences Network PPTP), but most of the time you can just leave
things as they were. Consult your local system administrator or Internet
service provider if you're having trouble finding or reaching anything inside
the destination network. Figure 6-11 shows the default PPTP Network settings.
When you're ready to leave the office behind, click the Disconnect button.
SSH [Hack #71] isn't only for securing interactive remote sessions; you can
piggyback just about any network traffic on it, adding a wrapper of ironclad
security to anything you may be doing over the network: sending and
receiving email, web browsing, backing up, synchronizing two computers you
name it.
Many a time I find myself in a strange locale without access to a mail server
through which to send my outgoing mail. So, I simply tell Mail to direct all
outgoing email to my local port 25 (that's the port or channel on which
sendmail [Hack #82] usually lives) which, in turn, is forwarded over SSH to
my mail server at work.
And it's all just a rather cryptic-looking, yet really very simple, command
I (-l rael) am forwarding all traffic for local port 25 (-L25) to port 25 on my
mail server at work (mailserver_at_work:25) via my mail server at work
itself (mailserver_at_work). I could have routed the data via any machine
that, in turn, is allowed to access the mail server at work, but since I have
SSH access to the mail server itself, it only makes sense to cut out any further
middlemen. The -N specifies that I'll not be running any remote commands,
only forwarding the port.
You can add as many forwards as you wish to that one command line. I like to
secure the mail I'm receiving as well as sending, so I can just as easily forward
POP mail (port or channel 110) as well, like so:
You'll notice that each time you do any port forwarding, you need to
authenticate yourself to the remote machine; see SSH Without Passwords in
[Hack #71] for a workaround. Also, since ports 25 and 110 are privileged
ports, accessible only by the root user[Hack #50], you'll have to use sudo to
authenticate yourself before you're able to forward them. A simple way around
this is not to use privileged ports on this side of the SSH tunnel. Just about
anything above 1024 will do. Picking 5000 as the base, for example, I can
forward all traffic for port 25 from 5025 and 110 from 5110.
That did the trick, allowing me to avoid sudo and local authentication.
For use of arbitrary unprivileged ports to work, the application you're using (Mail, in my
case) must allow you to specify a port along with a hostname. Figure 6-12 and Figure 6-13
show me configuring Mail to use localhost:5025 for SMTP and localhost:5110 for POP mail.
Figure 6-12. Configuring Mail for SMTP
Interact with a remote machine from the command line via SSH, the
Secure Shell.
Once you've acquired a taste of the Unix command line underlying Mac OS X,
it's hard to stick only to the machine at hand. You want to log in to that old-
but-upgraded PowerMac 7500 with G3 card in the closet to see how your web
server's faring. Your friend invites you to drop in on his X Server across the
country to check out his latest Perl hacks. The FTP server in your office doesn't
appear to be allowing incoming FTP requests, despite being pingable (read:
online and alive).
For everything you ever wanted to know about SSH, take a gander at O'Reilly's SSH, The
Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide (
Of course, this does little good if the computer isn't accessible from wherever you need to
be while accessing it. This usually isn't a problem when you're on the same local network in
your house or office. If you intend to log in remotely from somewhere else on the Internet,
check with your system administrator or Internet service provider about addressing [Hack
#78] and reaching your machine.
% ssh -l username
Substitute your login name on the remote machine for username and the
name or IP address of the remote server for remote_machine. If, for example,
I were logging into a machine called using the login
raelity, my session would start out a little like this:
If your remote login name is the same as your local one, you can forego the -
l username bit, typing only:
% ssh remote_machine
That's all there is to it. You should now be on the command-line of a remote
machine. Depending on the operating system running over there, it will look to
some degree or another like your local Terminal command line.
It's just about as easy to copy files to and from an SSH-enabled machine as it
is to copy them from one local directory to another on the command line,
thanks to an SSH-based version of the cp [Hack #48] command, scp. It goes
like this:
% scp login
% scp filename
The first line copies a file from remote_machine, using the username
login to your local current directory (.). The second line does the exact
opposite. For example, to copy a file called notes.txt in the /tmp directory on
the remote machine,, as user sam to your local Documents
directory, like so:
% scp sam
~/Documents's password:
notes.txt 100% |*****************************| 22 00:00
scp works just about the same as cp, allowing you to copy multiple files (this
works when copying files from here to there, not there to here), rename them
during copy, and so on:
SSH isn't only for securing interactive remote sessions; you can piggyback just
about any network traffic on it, adding a wrapper of ironclad security to
anything you may be doing over the network. For an example of so-called port
forwarding over SSH, see [Hack #70].
Your remote machine's stuck for some unfathomable reason, the screen frozen
and mouse immobile (not that you can see it). Yet you still seem able to log in
remotely. To remotely reboot that machine, SSH in and type:
% sudo reboot
Wait a short while and, assuming it comes up cleanly, all should be well.
Simply log in remotely, type screencapture filename.pdf, and scp the file
back over to your local machine.
This is a nifty way, by the by, to capture the Mac OS X Login screen.
When you're working with more than a few machines, having to type ssh (followed by a password) is not only tedious, but it breaks
one's concentration. Suddenly having to shift from "Where's the problem?" to
getting there and back to "What's all this, then?" has led more than one admin
to premature senility. It promotes the digital equivalent of "Why did I come
into this room, anyway?"
At any rate, more effort spent logging into a machine means less effort getting
your work done. Recent versions of SSH offer a secure alternative to entering
a password endlessly: public key exchange.
To use public keys with an SSH server, you'll first need to generate a
public/private key pair:
% ssh-keygen -t rsa
You can also use -t dsa for DSA keys, or -t rsa1 if the machine at the other end is
using SSH Protocol v1 (Protocol v2, the default, is a better choice).
After you enter the preceding command, you should see this:
Just press Return to accept the default. ssh-keygen will then ask you for a
pass-phrase; just press Return twice (but read the note on security later in
this hack).
This created two files, ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/ Now you need to
get those keys over to the destination machine; future SSH sessions will
notice that you've got matching keys on both sides and not bother you for a
password. Let's use SSH itself to copy the keys. The first command creates a
remote .ssh directory, while the second copies the keys there:
Of course, you should substitute the remote machine's name or IP address for
server. It should ask for your password both times. Now, simply SSH in (e.g.,
ssh server) and you should be logged in automatically, without a password.
And yes, your shiny new public key will work for scp, too.
If that didn't work for you, check your file permissions on both your local and
remote ~/.ssh directories and the files within. Your private key (id_rsa) should
be 0600 (and be present only on your local machine), and everything else
should be 0655 or better.
Some consider the use of public keys to be a potential security risk. After all, one only has
to steal a copy of your private key to obtain access to your servers. While this is true, the
same is certainly true of passwords.
Ask yourself, how many times a day do you enter a password to gain shell access to a
machine (or scp a file)? How frequently is it the same password on many (or all) of those
machines? Have you ever used that password in a way that might be questionable (on a
web site, a personal machine that isn't quite up-to-date, or possibly with an SSH client on
a machine that you don't directly control)? If any of these possibilities sounds familiar, then
consider that an SSH key in the same setting would make it virtually impossible for an
attacker to gain unauthorized access later (providing, of course, that you keep your private
key safe).
Rob Flickenger
Hack 72 Running Windows on and from a Mac
Sharing files between the Mac and the PC is good, but not enough for me. It
would be better to be able to run my favorite PC applications on the Mac.
While running a Windows application directly on the Mac is not technically
possible, there are a couple of ways that come close to that. The first is to
pump out the display of a PC to the Mac. Microsoft provides the Remote
Desktop Connection (RDC)
( for that purpose
(see Figure 6-15). The second way (discussed in the next section of this hack)
is to run a software emulator that emulates the Windows operating system.
The RDC allows you to hook up your Mac to the network and control your
Windows system remotely. To test-drive RDC, I downloaded it and used it to
connect to my Windows 2000 Advanced Server. To use RDC, you need to run
Terminal Services on the Windows machine before the remote desktop
software can connect to it.
In the RDC connection window (see Figure 6-16), you can specify the login
information, screen size, key mappings, and so on. You can use the IP address,
fully qualified machine name, or netBIOS name to connect to the Windows
Windows XP
However, when two or more RCS instances of Windows are created, the
performance degrades drastically. But this is really the problem with the
Windows server, as multiple clients connecting to the Terminal Services chalk
up a lot of resources. Nevertheless, my notebook equipped with 512MB RAM
and a 1GHz processor does not seem to digest the workload well.
72.1 Virtual PC
If you don't have a spare Windows PC to connect to or if you are on the road
with only your Macintosh notebook, another option is Virtual PC from
Connectix ( Virtual PC emulates the PC's CPU and
hardware so that Windows, Linux, and other operating systems can run on it.
If you purchased an operating system with Virtual PC, you'll be able to start
working with it right away. If you purchased the version that includes only
DOS, you'll need to install Windows. For instructions on installing another
operating system, see the documentation in the /Applications/Virtual PC
6/Extras/Installing Other OSes/ directory.
Windows XP runs well on Virtual PC (see Figure 6-20), but you need to
optimize it heavily to get the best performance. Plenty of memory is suggested
(256MB is good for Windows XP Professional), and you should consult the
Optimizing Windows XP Professional and Home Edition For Connectix Virtual
PC document, available at
Aside from the tips in that document, we suggest aggressively diminishing the
number of services you are running. TechSpot has a good article on this topic
(, as does ExtremeTech
So how well does Windows XP run under Virtual PC and RDC? To find out, we
chose a CPU and disk-intensive test: building Microsoft's Shared Source CLI
( We tested it on an 800MHz PC and a
600MHz dual-USB iBook running various Mac OS X versions and Virtual PC 5.0
(we weren't able to test 6.0 in time for this book).
The CPU column lists the CPU of the machine running the test, and the MHz
column shows its speed. Real RAM is how much memory is installed inside the
system, and VM RAM is how much was allocated to the virtual machine (in the
case of the Pentium running Windows XP, this was not applicable). The
duration is shown in hours:minutes.
The abysmal performance under the initial release of Jaguar (10.2, build
6C115) is due to bugs that were fixed in the 10.2.1 release. So, if you're going
to use Virtual PC with Jaguar, make sure you run the Software Update in
System Preferences to bring your system up-to-date.
From the times, you can see that running applications on a real PC is a huge
win; 10.1.5 and 10.2.1 are very close, but running under 9.2.2 shaves about
25 minutes off the build. Still, the performance compared to a real PC is
disappointing. And in everyday use, Virtual PC does not feel terribly snappy.
For example, launching Visual Studio .NET takes 1 minute and 19 seconds
before the start page appears using Virtual PC under Jaguar 10.2.1. Compare
that to 28 seconds on the Pentium III machine. In fairness, once an application
launches under Virtual PC, we've found that it performs adequately.
You can get by with Virtual PC, especially if you are willing to make some
concessions. For example, instead of using Visual Studio .NET, you could use
Notepad or another lightweight editor for editing .NET programs, and compile
them with the command-line compilers (cl, csc, vbc, and jsc). With these
kinds of adjustments, life under Virtual PC is not so bad.
Virtual PC is the best bet for people who want to take their Macintosh on the
road with them. But as 802.11b access points become more prevalent, and 3G
networking takes off, it would not be unreasonable to use a Virtual Private
Network connection in conjunction with the Remote Desktop Client to access a
Windows server on a home or corporate network.
Apple has incorporated technologies into Mac OS X that allow easy file
sharing across platforms.
Mac users often have to share files with Windows machines, both at work and
at home. Occasionally, using portable media such as a ZIP disk or USB portable
storage does the job nicely, but for daily use a cross-platform network is more
robust. Apple has incorporated technologies into Mac OS X that allow easy file
sharing among platforms. And with the release of Mac OS X 10.2, networking
became even easier.
In this hack, we'll discuss how you can share files between your Mac and
Windows machines. All the examples have been tested with Mac OS X 10.2.1.
The first thing I want to try after connecting my two machines is to enable file
sharing. On my PC, I create a folder and share it using the name Macshare. On
my Mac, I want to be able to access that folder. To connect to the shared folder,
select Go from the Finder menu and click Connect to Server.
You should be able to see the PC name displayed, as shown in Figure 6-21.
Select the PC and click Connect.
If the connection is successful, you will see the share icon (see Figure 6-22).
Besides this method, two alternative ways to share Mac files with PC users are
to use Web Sharing or FTP.
To use Web Sharing (using the built-in Apache web server), check the Personal
Web Sharing item under the Services category in your System Preferences, as
shown in Figure 6-24. Likewise, to allow FTP access, check the FTP Access
checkbox. By default, the folder exposed by the web server is ~/Sites.
To access the Mac files using FTP, you can use the command window in
Windows and issue the following command (see Figure 6-26):
C:\>ftp IPAddressOfYourMac
For Web Sharing, you can use a web browser, such as IE, and enter the IP
address of the Mac, followed by ~/username/ (see Figure 6-27).
Mac OS X has support for WebDAV built right into the operating system and
integrated seamlessly into the desktop environment. Simply point to a server,
much as you would an AppleShare or SMB (Windows) share, log in, and
bingo!, you have a new virtual drive right on your desktop. WebDAV is actually
the technology behind much of iCal calendar publishing [Hack #30] and iPhoto
To connect to a WebDAV share, you'll need to start from the Finder. Click the
Finder icon in your Dock or on any open space on your Desktop. Select Go
Connect to Server . . . or type -K (that's K as in Konnect) to bring up the
Connect to Server dialog box shown in Figure 6-28.
Enter the URL of the WebDAV share into the Address field. In Figure 6-28, I've
used a share created with [Hack #95], on my private local network.
You'll notice that the share doesn't show up in any of my local AppleShare and SMB
(Windows) domain lists; unfortunately, WebDAV doesn't offer the same level of discovery
of shared resources as with other sharing protocols.
If the WebDAV server at hand isn't using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for
secured, encrypted interaction, you'll be told as much (see Figure 6-29). If
you're comfortable continuing (sending your username/password and content
over the network in the clear), click Continue.
You can browse around, add, update, and delete anything for which you have
permission to do so, just as on any local drive. Of course, since the mounted
share is treated just like any other drive, you can browse around and alter its
content from the Unix command line via the Terminal (see Figure 6-32).
Unmount a WebDAV share just as you would any other removable media (CD,
DVD, iDisk, etc.): drag it to the Trash can in your Dock a little silly, if you
think about it or select the drive icon and press -E to eject it.
Hack 75 Mounting a Remote FTP Directory
Mount an FTP site right on your Desktop for perusal and easy
downloading of files and turn on remote FTP access to your own Mac.
It used to be that just about any time you wanted to download something from
the Internet, it was hosted on an FTP server. I've spent many an hour perusing
FTP sites in search of some piece of open source software, a driver for my
Linux box, or Perl modules. These days almost anything you download is made
available to you via HTTP by clicking a link on a web site.
Still, sometimes a little FTP spelunking is in order. You can do it the old-
fashioned way using ftp or ncftp on the command line. You can also open an
FTP directory in your web browser. But if you're grabbing more than one file at
a time, nothing beats a GUI FTP client. Nothing, that is, before OS X granted
you the ability to mount remote FTP shares on your Desktop alongside
AppleTalk, Windows [Hack #73], and WebDAV [Hack #74] shares.
To mount an anonymous (read: open to all) FTP site on your desktop, you'll
need to start from the Finder. Select Go Connect to Server . . . or press -K
to bring up the Connect to Server dialog box.
Enter the FTP URL into the Address field and click the Connect button. In
Figure 6-33, I'm connecting to a mirror site for the Comprehensive Perl
Archive Network (CPAN), the place to find Perl modules.
The technique is the same for mounting FTP shares requiring authentication.
In Figure 6-34, I'm logging into the Mac in my closet. The only thing special is
the addition of my login name to the URL, followed by an @ (at sign).
You'll notice, by the way, that I can refer to my computer by its Rendezvous name,
iCloset.local; take a gander at the System Preferences Sharing pane to find out and
set your Mac's Rendezvous name.
75.3 Disconnecting
You can allow remote FTP access to your Mac by turning on the FTP Access
service. Open the System Preferences Sharing pane and select the Services
panel. On the left is a list of services supported by OS X. If it's off, start FTP
Access either by selecting it and clicking the Start button on the right or by
clicking the associated checkbox. Your Services panel should look something
like Figure 6-36.
Mac OS X 10.2's built-in support for Bluetooth wireless data means you
have yet another way to exchange data with another Macintosh, PC, or
mobile device.
If you're using WiFi (802.11b) wireless access, chances are you discovered it
through Apple's fabulous AirPort base station and AirPort-enabled iBooks and
TiBooks. The same is about to happen to an oft-dismissed technology called
Bluetooth. Originally billed as a cable-replacement technology, Bluetooth is
taking off as the standard for low-range, reasonable-speed, small-footprint
connectivity between computers, PDAs [Hack #32], cell phones [Hack #31],
modems [Hack #77], cameras any device with data to share.
To send a file to another machine using Bluetooth, simply drag and drop it onto
the Bluetooth File Exchange icon, as shown in Figure 6-37.
Figure 6-37. Drop and send a file via Bluetooth File Exchange
The Send File dialog will appear (see Figure 6-38). Click the Search button to
search for Bluetooth devices in the vicinity.
To receive files over Bluetooth, you need to ensure that Bluetooth File
Exchange is running on your Mac. Double-click the application to start it.
Figure 6-39 shows a file being sent from my Pocket PC, prompting me for
acceptance of the offer.
Once the file's safely across, you'll be asked if you'd like to open it (see Figure
6-40). Click Open to do so. In this case, opening the proffered VCF contact file
adds it automatically to my Address Book, where it belongs.
The odd part is that even if you've paired two devices in the recent past, Bluetooth File
Exchange doesn't take this into account and still requires that you make the other device
Bluetooth discoverable and scan the surroundings for it.
The application also supports grabbing a folder of vCards from the phone's
contact manager or a vCal from the events manager or making a full backup to
your Mac for restoring or transferring bulk information from one phone to
another (via your Mac, that is).
Wei-Meng Lee
Hack 77 Using Your Cell Phone as a Bluetooth Modem
With Bluetooth finally hailed as a strong buy, it's surprising how little detailed
information there is on actually using your new Bluetooth-enabled phone with
Mac OS X. When I went searching for instructions on setting up my Sony
Ericsson T68i to allow my Mac to connect to the Internet via AT&T Wireless
Services GPRS (a.k.a. mMode) service, I wasn't able to find anything
comprehensive. I have been able to piece together instructions from other
sites to form a working solution, though. This hack offers step-by-step
instructions for getting online via Bluetooth and AT&T mMode.
This hack assumes you are running Mac OS X 10.2 (aka Jaguar) and have a Sony Ericsson
T68i mobile phone and iSync via Bluetooth [Hack #32]. For the purposes at hand, make
sure both Address Book and Internet Access are checked (as shown in Figure 6-43) and
click OK.
Now that your phone and Mac are able to talk to each other, we'll work on
treating your phone as a Bluetooth modem. Click the Bluetooth menu bar icon
and select Open Network Preferences, which will report New Port Detected.
Click OK.
Ready to connect? From the Bluetooth menu bar icon, select Open Internet
Connect and click Connect. Your phone will display Connecting and after a few
seconds, Internet Connect should show you as being connected to the
Internet. To disconnect, click Disconnect.
Matthew Sparby
Hack 78 Setting Up Domain Name Service
Of course, bringing a server (particularly a web server) online isn't all that
helpful unless you make sure it can be found and reached from the outside
The problem is that most DSL/cable companies give you a fat connection, but
they don't include a static (nonchanging) IP address. They usually assign you a
dynamic IP address that might change hourly, daily, or whatever. The problem
is that you can't point to a domain name or locate your computer on the
Internet if the IP address is always changing. It's like having your computer in
the witness relocation program. Luckily, there is a solution.
Your first option is getting a static IP address from your DSL/cable provider. My
DSL provider wants to charge me an additional $10 per month for that service,
but I'm trying to cut down my costs, not increase them.
Traffic on the Internet is simply routed from one IP address to another. No one
can remember to type when they want something like Yahoo!, so
someone created a way of locating machines called Domain Name Service
(DNS). When you type in, DNS servers are able to resolve
the proper IP address associated with it and take you to that location.
78.3 How Does This Help Me?
If your dynamic address at home is always changing, how do they know what
your current address is? Simple: you use a client application on your computer
that pings your current local IP address, detects whether there has been a
change, and updates the dynamic DNS service's database (see Figure 6-46).
So, if my current IP changes from to, the program
takes that second number and sends the update to the dynamic DNS service.
Easy as pie!
Now, I want to point out that you don't have to register your own domain
name to use this service. DynDNS has a number of existing domains that you
can use. For example, you could create a domain name similar to This saves you the nominal cost of setting up a
domain name and still gives you the ability to point people to your computer.
Go ahead and set up an account and make the donation. It may take up to 48
hours for confirmation from the donations department that your donation was
received, so be patient.
Go to the Network Preferences pane and make sure your network connection
is set to DHCP so that your ISP will assign you an IP address properly.
A note about firewalls/routers: if your Internet connection travels though firewall software
or a router, you may experience some trouble accessing your computer. Make sure it is set
to accept inbound connections to port 80 (the default for HTTP requests). If you are using
a DSL/cable router, make sure you've set up port forwarding properly (check your router's
manual for instructions). Still having trouble? Check whether your ISP blocks inbound
connections to port 80 (some have done this because of Internet worms). If this affects
you, set up your HTTP server on a different port (for example, 8080).
Now, if you've made your donation and followed the DynDNS instructions to
create your account, you need to add this account information to the Mac
Dynamic DNS application. It has an easy-to-follow wizard that will walk you
through creating the client account (see Figure 6-47). Set this as your master
account, turn the account on, and click Check Now to update your IP address
with the DynDNS service. When it has communicated with the service, it will
show your current IP address in the window. Don't forget to set the
application's preferences to update the address automatically!
The agraham999 account is on, displays my IP, and shows the last time it was
checked. Hopefully, your IP address will look different. You can click Check Now
to have it override the schedule.
Because I don't know how often my DSL provider updates my IP, I've set the
Dynamic DNS application to check my connection every 15 minutes and notify of any changes.
Be sure that you set this application (and its background application) to launch at startup
via the Login Preferences pane.
Alan Graham
Chapter 7. Email
Just about everyone you know has an email address these days. But how
many of them can truly customize their email environment? If you have a
Mac, you're in luck. More than just a choice of excellent mail applications, OS
X's powerful Unix underpinnings provide access to an array of the most
popular and versatile mail servers and filtering systems on the planet.
Some of these, like the ubiquitous sendmail mail server, are built in and just
need some configuration and switching-on. Others, like the UW IMAP server,
are freely downloadable and ready to be built and installed.
This chapter takes you through setting up SMTP, POP, and IMAP servers,
turning your Mac into a personal intranet mail server. We also teach you a
little more about some of the mail applications you may be using and how to
get the most out of them.
Hack 79 Taming the Entourage Database
The first time I heard about an Entourage database crashing and leaving the
poor user with neither mail nor contact info, I immediately dashed up to my
hotel room and backed up my laptop. This wasn't going to happen to me.
The way I see it, we have two noteworthy alternatives for handling mail on
Mac OS X. Choice number one is the Mail client that comes with the operating
system. Apple's Mail is clean, stable, and pretty. It handles POP3 [Hack #81],
IMAP [Hack #80], and secure mail transfer. The application is still evolving,
getting stronger with each release of Mac OS X. But at the moment, it doesn't
have all the bells and whistles some users want.
Until recently, the maximum size for the Entourage database that manages all
of your mail and contact info was 2GB. That should be more than enough room
for all but the heaviest users, but if it isn't enough headroom for you,
download Service Release 1
which increases the database limit from 2GB to 4GB and also enhances
Entourage's overall performance and stability. If you haven't updated your
Office suite with Service Release 1, then I recommend you add it to your to-do
I back up the entire Identities folder at least once a week and more often when
possible. You can do this manually by dragging and dropping the folder onto a
separate hard drive or CD-RW disk. Also, for about $50, you can buy
Retrospect Backup Express (
SCREEN=intro_mac_retrospect&sid=uMwlledDW2fgV5jB) for Mac OS X. Dantz
offers a free trial of this software, so you can try it out first to see if it's right
for you. Either way, develop a regular backup procedure you can live with and
will use regularly.
Chances are, you have lots of junk mail in your database that can be purged.
When you highlight mail and press the Delete key or click on Entourage's trash
can, you're simply moving the mail to the Deleted Items folder, not removing it
from the database.
To really purge these messages, hold down the Control key and click on the
Deleted Items folder. Select Empty Deleted Items from the pop-up window, and
Entourage will remove this content from your database. This is not a speedy
process, so save this task for when you have a few minutes to go get a cup of
If you ever have to restore your database from a backup copy, simply quit
Entourage, replace the corrupted database in the Identities folder with the
clean copy from your backup, then relaunch the application. If your restored
information doesn't appear, try Switch Identities to jump-start the restored
Once you've backed up and thinned out Entourage, you can optimize
performance and regain some hard-disk space by rebuilding the database. It's
quite easy.
First, check the current size of your database by using the Show Info
command ( -I) on the Office X Identities folder. In my case, this folder was
occupying 261MB of hard disk space. Then make sure you have enough hard
disk space available for twice that amount. As part of the rebuilding process,
Entourage creates a second database file. This means that I need 522MB to
Then quit all Office applications (including Entourage). Now hold down the
Option key and relaunch the application. In a few seconds you'll be greeted
with a dialog box asking if you want the Typical Rebuild or the Advanced
Rebuild (see Figure 7-2). Choose Typical. The Advanced Rebuild is only for
emergencies and should not be used for maintenance.
Entourage will then compact your database and optimize it (see Figure 7-3).
This normally takes less than 10 minutes for 300MB or less (your mileage may
vary depending on your hardware).
So how did things turn out? My database size was 261MB before optimization
and only 180MB after I completed the operation.
By following the three steps of backing up, thinning out, and rebuilding, you
should avoid all but the unluckiest of Entourage disasters. I have heard of one
case in which the database corruption didn't manifest right away and was
present in the backup copies as well as the current database. This was
unfortunate, because the user lost all mail and contact information.
But I've uncovered only one such devastating incident. Chances are, if you
follow the guidelines in this hack, you should be in good shape.
Derrick Story
Hack 80 Using IMAP with Apple's Mail Application
Set up and use an IMAP-enabled mail account through Mac OS X's Mail
IMAP gives the most benefit to people who connect to a mail server using more
than one computer, since an IMAP-enabled mail account will look the same on
all these machines, from overall mailbox structure down to the status of
individual messages, and any changes made to a mailbox on one machine
become visible to the rest.
This hack will guide you through setting up and using an IMAP-enabled mail
account through Mac OS X's Mail application, covering IMAP-specific concepts
and terminology as they come up.
Of course, before you can start having fun with IMAP, your mail server must
support it! You can find out simply by asking your ISP or network
administrator, or you could poke your mail server machine directly to find out,
by launching the Terminal [Hack #48] application and trying this:
% telnet
Replace with the hostname of your mail server. If you've
installed a local IMAP server (you've just arrived from [Hack #81]), use
localhost. The 143 is the standard port number (think television channel)
on which the IMAP server listens.
If you have an IMAP service at your disposal, you'll receive a response a little
something like this:
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is
2001.315 at Mon, 29 Jul 2002 15:31:46 -0700 (PDT)
If so, you're good to go. If you instead receive a blunt "Connection refused" or
something altogether different, check in with your service operator.
To end the IMAP session you just started, type foo LOGOUT and press Return.
Launch Mail (Applications Mail from the Finder). To create a new account,
you'll visit Mail's Preferences dialog, Mail Preferences . . . , and select the
Accounts tab. Click the Create Account button. Select IMAP Account from the
Account Type menu on the resulting sheet (see Figure 7-5), and fill in the text
fields with information appropriate to this account, just as you would for a POP
Visit the Advanced tab to see Mail's IMAP-specific options, shown in Figure 7-6.
(The controls that appear under this tab depend upon the type of account
you've selected under the Account Information tab.) Mail will fill the "Connect
to server using port:" text field with 143, the usual TCP port of a mail server's
IMAP service. Change this value only if you know that your host runs its IMAP
service on a different port. Activate the Use SSL checkbox if your host
supports secure IMAP (a.k.a. IMAPS) and you wish to take advantage of it.
The Account Directory text field lets you specify the location of this account's
cache folder on your local filesystem. Unless you have good reason to do
otherwise, leave this field blank; Mail will use its default location of
~/Library/Mail/IMAP/account-name, which should work just fine.
You'll notice that once you've started to use the account, this field becomes
grayed out and uneditable, so choose wisely and type carefully.
The Account Path Prefix text field specifies the path that Mail will prepend to
all mailbox names when it's trying to locate them on the mail server. If you
keep all your mailboxes in a directory called mail within your home directory,
then you should put ~/mail here.
On the other hand, if you never log into your mail server machine directly, or
are otherwise not sure what to put here, then you're probably safe putting
nothing here at all and letting the server figure it out for you.
To help keep things efficient, Mail keeps local caches of your IMAP accounts'
content, even though the real messages reside on the server. By default, an
account's cache lives in ~/Library/Mail/IMAP, unless you specified a different
location when you created the account. Every account gets its own folder
there, named IMAP/account name.
Through the Message Caching pull-down menu, you can specify how much of
your incoming email Mail should cache and when it should cache it:
This will direct Mail to download the entirety of every new message upon
connection. This will allow you to read these messages and their
attachments when you're offline, much as you can do through a POP
When selected, Mail will cache all new messages' text bodies, as well as a
list of any attachments for each, but not the attachments themselves
(unless they're relatively small). If you specifically request to see a
message's attachment (by clicking on the attachment's icon in the message
view window), Mail will fetch a fresh copy from the server for you.
This is a good choice if you like the convenience of having all your textual
email stored locally (which allows nice features like indexing and
searching) but would like to avoid downloading large attachments you may
not always want.
This directs Mail to hold off on any message caching when fetching new
mail. It will display new mail in the message list as usual but doesn't
actually fetch a message's content until you select one for reading. Once it
loads a message, Mail places the body into the cache. Subsequent visits to
this message will read from the cached copy (unless the server's version of
the message changes).
Like the previous menu choice, this does not cache large attachments.
Mail forgets about caching entirely. Every time you access a message, Mail
will fetch its contents from the server anew, regardless of whether you've
read it before.
While you'd think this a good idea if running a local IMAP server after all,
why have two local copies of every message in fact, if you want to take
advantage of Mail's searchability and indexing, you'll need caching on.
In the mailbox list underneath an IMAP account's header, you'll find a list
containing an inbox, any mailboxes you create, and any mailboxes Mail creates
in order to support some of its own special features.
80.5.1 Inbox
An IMAP server abstracts all a user's new and otherwise unsorted mail into a
single mailbox called Inbox, so you'll always have at least this mailbox
available to you.
Mail's commands for creating and organizing mailboxes and folders, found
under the Mailbox menu, remain consistent across all its account types, IMAP
included. When you create, rename, and delete mailboxes through the
commands in this menu or move mailboxes around by dragging their icons in
the mailbox list drawer, Mail echoes these actions on your IMAP account's
structure. Thus, all the changes you make in one session with Mail will carry
across to any future connections you make to this IMAP account with any mail
While Mail takes full advantage of IMAP's ability to let you create and organize
mailboxes any way you like, the application also has the ability to map its own
functionality onto some special server-side mailboxes, if you let it. In all of the
following cases, Mail will create these mailboxes on the server as necessary:
By default, messages that you save as a draft (File Save As Draft, -S,
or the message window's Save As Draft toolbar button) stay in Mail's
special Outbox mailbox, stored only on your Mac. If you wish, you can
instead store unfinished messages on an IMAP mailbox, so they'll be
available to choose and complete from other machines.
Sent Messages
It's worth noting that Mail does not keep its Sent Messages mailbox on the
IMAP server; it's only on your Mac. Mail stores copies of all the mail you
send through all your accounts, IMAP and otherwise, here.
If you have the "Move deleted mail to a folder named" checkbox set under
the Viewing tab of the Preferences panel, Mail will create a folder on the
server to serve as a trash can, where deleted mail will move itself.
You don't need to have a special folder for maintaining deleted messages,
since IMAP lets you store deleted mail in any mailbox. However, Mail
doesn't let you see any deleted messages except for ones in this special
mailbox, and only if you have this checkbox activated.
Mail works with most flags in a fairly straightforward fashion, but it gets a little
squirrelly when it comes to IMAP's Deleted flag.
There's nothing particularly magical about how message flags work; they exist simply as
headers the IMAP server adds to the messages on its end as their status changes.
Mail displays IMAP flags through symbols in the Flag and Status columns of a
mailbox's message list (see Figure 7-7).
80.7.1 Recent
A message gets a Recent flag if the current IMAP connection is the first to have
seen it. Mail places a blue dot in this message's Status column, marking it as a
new, unread message. Mail unsets this flag once the user reads a message.
80.7.2 Seen
Mail reacts to the absence of this flag; a message lacking a Seen flag (which
all Recent messages do, by definition) gets a blue dot. Mail does not
distinguish between unread mail that arrived since the current session started
(and has a Recent flag) and unread mail carried over from a previous IMAP
session (and therefore has no message flags).
Selecting Message Mark As Unread (Option- -M) removes this flag from
selected messages, and Message Mark As Read (Option- -M) sets it. (One
of these two commands appears in the Message menu, depending upon the
status of the selected messages.)
80.7.3 Answered
Replying to an IMAP message prompts Mail to set its Answered flag. Mail
displays such messages with a little U-turn arrow in its status column, unless
the message lacks a Seen flag.
80.7.4 Flagged
The Flagged flag can mean whatever you want. Generally, it's meant to signal
that a message requires urgent attention.
In Mail, you can toggle this flag for the selected messages through Message
Mark As (Un)Flagged (Option- -G). Flagged messages receive little flag icons
in the message list's flag column.
80.7.5 Draft
Mail sets a message's Draft flag if it's an unfinished, unsent message you're
storing in an IMAP mailbox (see "Drafts" item in the previous Special
Mailboxes section).
80.7.6 Deleted
Mail gives messages Delete flags when you delete them (pressing the Delete
key on your keyboard, selecting Message Delete, or dragging them into
your Dock's Trash icon). This seems fairly straightforward, and it does more or
less what you want, but this flag's actual implications are convoluted enough
that it's worth spending a little time on the subject.
IMAP uses a two-step process for deleting messages. Any message can set a
Deleted flag on itself, which marks it as susceptible to actual deletion but
doesn't actually get rid of it or even move it out of its original mailbox. A
separate IMAP command purges a mailbox of all the deleted messages it
Different mail clients have different ways of representing deleted (but not yet
erased) messages to the user. Mail chooses to simply not show deleted mail at
all, unless it's inside the designated Trash mailbox.
Mail's IMAP response to deleting mail changes depending upon how you've set
the "Move deleted mail to a folder named" checkbox. If you've checked it, then
deleting a piece of mail will cause Mail to move it to your chosen Trash
mailbox, rather than setting its Delete flag.
If, instead, you've left that checkbox unchecked, Mail will set the message's
Deleted flags but otherwise leave them be. Since Mail refuses to display
deleted mail in mailboxes other than the Trash mailbox, this action will also
make the message vanish from sight, even though it continues to exist on the
server (and perhaps remain visible to other mail clients).
That same checkbox also dictates Mail's behavior with actually erasing Deleted
messages. If checked, Mail gives you a Mailbox Empty Trash Mailbox ( -K)
command. This will have Mail send the IMAP EXPUNGE command to its Trash
mailbox, and since it contains only messages with the Deleted flags set, they'll
all go away (unless you've been weird and snuck other mail in there through
sneaky means; those would stick around). Deleted messages in other
mailboxes, however, simply remain present and invisible to you, at least as
long as you use Mail as your client.
If you leave this box unchecked, then Mail instead offers the Mailbox
Compact Mailbox ( -K) command. This will simply expunge the selected
mailbox, permanently erasing all its unseen deleted messages and seeming to
shrink the mailbox's size without affecting any of its visible messages.
(Compact, in this case, is Mail's positive way of spinning the fact that it doesn't
have a way to deal with deleted mail in arbitrary IMAP mailboxes, and so they
appear as so much deadweight.)
Note that both these commands share the -K keybinding, so pressing this
combo will always erase deleted mail, one way or another.
Jason McIntosh
Hack 81 Setting Up IMAP and POP Mail Servers
There's tremendous value in having all your email with you at all
times. Unfortunately, this usually means being tied to a particular mail
client. IMAP allows you to have this particular cake and eat it too. This
hack focuses on IMAP but installs POP along the way, since it's just so
simple to do.
Switching email clients can mean a pile of work and a plethora of less-than-
great import/export/conversion functions and scripts. Wouldn't it be great to
switch seamlessly between Entourage's gorgeous GUI, Mail's simplicity,
Eudora's feature set, and the powerful, text-based Pine Unix mail app?
IMAP allows you to have this particular cake and eat it too.
But what if you're offline? Aye, there's the rub. Most mail applications can be
set to keep a cache of messages locally for offline use, syncing with the server
on occasion. This is hardly an efficient way to do things, messages being
duplicated and needing ongoing synchronization between server and desktop
not to mention the fact that you don't have offline access to messages that
just don't happen to be cached locally on your desktop.
What if you moved the IMAP server to your desktop or laptop? You'd have all
of your mail right where you need it, yet not suffer the tax of being tied to a
particular mail application.
There. That wasn't so bad, was it? You now have fully functional IMAP and POP
servers just waiting to be used.
We need to do two things to configure the servers. The first is to set up SSL
certificates that will be used by each server. The second is to enable the
servers to handle requests.
To install a self-signed certificate (perfectly adequate for our needs), use the
following commands. You will be asked a few questions as part of the process
of making this certificate. The answers I used are highlighted in bold; yours
will be different.
Now do the same for the POP server using the same values for the fields; only
the command-line invocation changes:
The last thing we need to do is configure Mac OS X to start up the IMAP server
when it sees requests to the IMAP over SSL (port 993) and the POP server for
POP SSL requests (port 995). This functionality is handed by inetd, the
Internet daemon; it patiently listens for requests for particular services,
farming them out to the appropriate applications for handling. Telling inetd
about our new IMAP server is accomplished by editing [Hack #51] its
configuration file, /etc/inetd.conf:
Add the following lines to the very end of the file. If you want to enable one
without the other, simply leave out the appropriate line (the first for IMAP, the
second for POP):
Congratulations. You're done. Now it's time to set up your mail client to use it.
This book provides information on using IMAP with Mail [Hack #80], but the
settings should be similar across clients. Just be sure to turn on SSL security
for your IMAP or POP account as we've set up your servers to use SSL.
sendmail is complicated software, no doubt about it. But sendmail is also the
Swiss Army Knife of mail servers, and I don't mean one of those little keychain
trinkets. Instead, it's the monster three-inch-wide kind with all the tools, most
of which you have never seen before and have no idea what they do. However,
with a little time and patience, you too can become proficient enough with
sendmail to make it accomplish everything you need.
The file will load. Use the arrow keys to navigate the file and edit the
MAILSERVER line to look like this:
The number one trick to setting up sendmail on Mac OS X is dealing with the
way that Apple has configured the permissions on the various directories of
the filesystem. You see, in its quest to make Unix more Mac-like, Apple decided
that it would be best to allow users, at least administrative users, to be able to
move files in and out of the root directory with impunity. Apparently Apple
doesn't want users to see a "You can't drag that file here!" dialog box.
This clashes heavily with sendmail's built-in paranoia. You see, sendmail really
wants any directory that it is involved with to be modifiable only by the root
user. This includes the / and /Users directories. It will complain bitterly and
refuse to start up with a statement that looks something like this:
Configure sendmail to ignore its instincts and operate even though the
permissions on some folders aren't exactly as it likes.
The first of these solutions is a bit more extreme, but it is the safest way to set
up your server. It is the correct solution for the paranoid system administrator
who wants to make sure that nobody, not even any of her users, can
compromise the system. It does have the side effect that nobody, not even the
administrator, will be able to use the Finder to copy files into the / and /Users
On the other hand, as long as you trust every person you give a user account
to (or at least every user that you allow to administer your machine), there is
a better way to go about this. This is to use the DontBlameSendmail
configuration parameter with sendmail. Think of it as administering a small
amount of medication to sendmail to reassure it that not everything in the
world is a risk. For most people running Mac OS X (who aren't admins of
systems serving hundreds or thousands of potential users and don't have
untrusted or unknown users on the machine), this is the appropriate strategy
to use.
In order to implement this solution, we're going to have to dig into how to
work with sendmail's configuration files.
As soon as you decide to work with sendmail's configuration files, you'll find
out that there is a lot of confusing stuff in there.
Take a look at the /etc/mail/ file. The first thing you see is a header
that says:
##### DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! Only edit the source .mc file
Scroll down a bit further and you'll see some stuff that could look friendly only
to an old-time Perl hacker:
So, if you're not supposed to edit this file, and really wouldn't want to even if
you should, what are you supposed to do? The answer is to ignore it. Treat it
like a binary file. You don't muck about in the /bin/sh executable to use it do
you? Take the same approach to /etc/mail/
Instead, we're going to see how to edit the source code for this file. Take a look
at the /usr/share/sendmail/conf/cf/ file. The body of it looks
like this:
This is much more approachable than ever could be. This is
actually a script written in the m4 macro language. m4 has been around for a
while and Mac OS X ships with GNU m4 Version 1.4. Luckily, it is simple
enough to use without having to learn much about it. If you are interested in
learning more, see the GNU m4 project page
So, this is the source code we'll use to configure sendmail. Let's make a copy
of it and put it where we will remember where it is:
% sudo cp /usr/share/sendmail/conf/cf/ /e
We now have a copy of the source code for the file in a place
where we can edit it and keep track of its location. However, even if you have
a copy of the source code, you still have to know how to compile the file. In
our case, the set of commands to compile the file to are:
% m4 /usr/share/sendmail/conf/m4/cf.m4 /etc/mail/
> /tmp/
% mv /etc/mail/ /etc/mail/
% mv /tmp/ /etc/mail/
Yikes! That's too much to remember. It goes against my philosophy of keeping
things as simple as possible (without being too simple, that is!). Luckily, I've
written a little script that should help this part of working with sendmail's
configuration files.
The following script will compile into and restart
sendmail so that it will notice the configuration changes. You can put it
anywhere you want; I happen to have placed my copy in the /etc/mail folder
so that I can find it easily. Fire up your editor of choice and type this in. Then,
if you want to mirror what I've done, save it to /etc/mail/update. Otherwise,
you may want to save it as /usr/local/bin/sendmail-update or some other fairly
easy-to-remember location.
#! /bin/sh
if [ /etc/mail/ -nt /etc/mail/ ]
echo Regenerating
m4 /usr/share/sendmail/conf/m4/cf.m4 /etc/mail/ >
mv /etc/mail/ /etc/mail/
mv /tmp/ /etc/mail/
/System/Library/StartupItems/Sendmail/Sendmail restart
We're going to add a bit more to this script later. But for now, we're ready to
feed sendmail that antiparanoia medicine.
Edit it to match the following code. The line you need to add is boldfaced.
Be careful to note that the quoting uses both the backtick (`) and single quote
(') characters around the arguments to the define statement. Save the file.
Next, we need to compile it. Execute your update script. You may need to
remember to give it execute permissions (chmod g+x /etc/mail/update)
% sudo /etc/mail/update
Restarting mail services
After sendmail restarts, you can verify that it is running properly by trying the
following in a Terminal window:
% telnet localhost 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Sendmail 8
10 Aug 2002 00:43:35 -0700 (PDT)
221 2.0.0 closing co
Connection closed by foreign host.
Simply type QUIT to end the interactive session. sendmail is now up and
running. It will accept mail addressed to any user at the local host. For
example, on my server, sendmail will accept any mail addressed to (my ISP's address), but not (my personal web site I want to accept mail
from). This is a good start and shows that the mail server isn't an open relay
that will possibly spread spam, but we need to do a little more configuration to
allow us to accept mail to our desired hostname.
To have sendmail accept mail sent to your machine's hostname, all you need to
do is edit the /etc/mail/local-host-names file. To do so, enter the following
Simply add the hostnames that you want to receive mail for, one line at a
time, to this file. For example:
For this to take effect, you'll need to restart sendmail. Instead of rebooting,
we're simply going to stop and restart sendmail. Use the following command to
do so:
% /System/Library/StartupItems/Sendmail/Sendmail restart
The next setting we are going to look at is the LUSER_RELAY. No, this doesn't
mean a way to deal with those 14-year-old kids who hold their hands up to
their foreheads saying "loooooos-errrr," but instead is a way of handling email
that comes to your server that is not addressed to any user. The LUSER_RELAY
setting will direct any piece of mail to your server without a user to a
particular user's account.
This is particularly handy when you want to be able to hand out lots of
different addresses, such as and spam-, without having to set up anything on your server. I
personally use this feature all the time when giving my email address out to
stores that I'm interested in getting email from but fear that they will sell the
address off or pummel me with too much information later.
So, to set this up, simply edit the file as follows (the bold line is
where you will replace duncan with the name of the local user you want to get
the mail!):
% sudo /etc/mail/update
Restarting mail services
Try things out. Use your mail client to send mail to all sorts of addresses that
don't exist on your machine.
This all assumes you've already set yourself up with Domain Name Service [Hack #78] and
have an mx (mail) record pointing at the Mac.
sendmail doesn't like to relay mail that isn't sent from trusted sources. The
designers of sendmail do this purposefully to try to alleviate the problem of
spam. You see, spammers take advantage of mail servers that will relay mail
from anyone in order to send mail to all of us while taking advantage of
somebody else's bandwidth costs. It's truly heinous. RELAY RELAY
You can also allow blocks of IP addresses or partial domain addresses to relay
through your server. For example, to allow anybody on a subnet, as well as let
everybody at the domain use my mail server, I could edit this file to
look like this: RELAY RELAY
192.168.145 RELAY RELAY
This will let anyone with an IP address that starts with 192.168.145 or whose
IP address resolves to the domain to use our server. We need to
compile this file into a form that sendmail can use. To do this, use the following
Yes, this is yet another command to remember, and I personally always have
to look it up to use it. Don't fear; we can fix this problem.
When the source for any of these files is out-of-date, it will be updated. Easy
huh? Now, all we have to do is remember to run the update script whenever
we edit one of the configuration files and the right thing will happen.
Running sendmail behind a firewall, especially if it's a NAT, can confuse it. You
see, sendmail does its best to try and figure out what its hostname is. As long
as your machine is a first-class citizen on the Internet (i.e., it has an IP
address visible from the Internet at large), it can usually do a good job at this.
However, when you are running behind a NAT or if your IP address doesn't
resolve to any hostname, you'll need to give sendmail a little help. For
example, if you are hosting mail for, you need to tell sendmail
that its domain name is $ The $w part is an important part of
sendmail trickery that means insert the local hostname here.
% sudo /etc/mail/update
Restarting mail services
Next, we'll take a look at one other common problem that people have that is
introduced by their ISP.
What do I mean by lame ISPs? Well, I mean ISPs that block all outgoing traffic
on port 25. Instead of letting you have access to the Internet on port 25, they
want you to use only their own mail server. They do this to try to stop
spammers from utilizing open relays on their networks. However, this means
that your personal mail server can't send mail to other hosts on the Internet.
Luckily, since sendmail is the Swiss Army Knife of mail servers, there is a
configuration directive to fix this. To have all mail from your server go through
your ISP's mail server, edit your /etc/mail/ file to match the following
% sudo /etc/mail/update
Restarting mail services
Problem solved.
You're running your own POP or IMAP mail server but don't have any
way of getting your mail from your ISP to your local machine.
fetchmail, a popular Unix utility, will fetch your mail for you.
In our ever-connected world, people are rabid about email. "Did you get my
email?" they clamor. "Did you read my message?" they beg. "I just sent you an
attachment!" they announce. Granted, Apple has thoughtfully included its own
nice email program with its latest OS, but you can also check your mail via the
Terminal[Hack #48] using a popular utility called fetchmail.
By itself, fetchmail does nothing more than fetch your mail. For those not
familiar with the shell, it does even this not so simply, as you've got to know
about mail directories and how things work together. Where fetchmail really
shines, however, is when it's used in combination with other hacks in this
email chapter combining fetchmail with a local IMAP or POP mail server [Hack
#81] creates a powerful one-two punch for email independence.
Getting fetchmail running is easy when you have some hand-holding. The first
thing we've got to do is create our storage file; this is the place fetchmail will
fetch our mail to. This, conveniently enough, is called a mailbox. In OS X and
most operating systems like it, this mailbox file is located under the var
directory something you normally wouldn't see through the Finder. To set up
your mailbox file so you have adequate permissions, perform the following,
replacing username with your own:
These commands will first create an empty file with the touch shell utility and
then modify the permissions and ownership until it's accessible only by
yourself. This ensures privacy as well as stopping a few warnings from various
utilities you may use during your exploration. The file we've just created will
be where our incoming mail will be saved, and messages will be stored in
plain-text format, where they can easily be imported or used by other utilities.
Our next step is to actually use fetchmail. fetchmail is one of the larger
utilities available and has an insane number of options enough so that it's
easy to look at the manual and run away screaming in arcane tongues. Once
you have an example though, fetchmail is pretty easy. Take a look at the
following command:
This command is safe to run; it'll merely check (not download) the supplied
mail server to see if there's any mail waiting for you. It'll automatically figure
out what type of server you're running (POP3, IMAP, etc.) as well as prompt for
your password, automatically assuming your current Mac OS X username as
the POP3 username. But what if it's not? How about:
This command will spit out more information about what fetchmail is doing, as
well as specifying the POP3 protocol (which should save a few seconds on your
initial connection) and your preferred username.
With this command, we're only checking to see if we have new mail; we still
haven't initiated any downloads. Let's swap out --check for --keep:
After running this and filling in our password, we'll see some output telling us
what mail is being downloaded and then delivered into our /var/mail/username
file. Again, even though we're downloading the mail to our local drive, that --
keep flag will save the messages on the POP server until we're good and
ready; removing the --keep flag will download and then remove the
messages from the server.
Typing that long command line each and every time can be pretty pesky and,
thankfully, fetchmail will read a configuration file that controls what fetchmail
should do. To create one, start a file in your home directory called .fetchmailrc
(it'll be invisible to the Finder because of the leading dot, but fetchmail will see
it just fine). In this file, add the following, tweaking to your settings:
We start off the file with set postmaster "username", which is really just a
precaution; it says "if at anytime, fetchmail can't figure out where the mail
should go, send it to this username." This option is primarily useful in
multiuser systems (or servers).
The poll option is where the going gets good. This is where we start defining
which mail servers we want to check. Until fetchmail sees another poll (or
skip, but we won't discuss that here) line, it'll assume that all further
directives are for the server we've just defined. That's fine with us, since this
example shows only one server, using the protocol (proto) of pop3. This is
the same thing as using -p or --protocol on the command line.
Our next two lines are obvious; they're the username and the password for
the mailbox we want to check. Unlike the command line, we can set the
password here (in plain text . . . be sure your file permissions are tight!) so
that fetchmail will run without our input. If you're panicky about leaving your
password in the open, just remove the password line and fetchmail will go
back to prompting you.
The next three lines aren't required but merely tweak the way fetchmail is
run. Here, we always want to fetch all the messages on the server
(fetchall), as opposed to just new ones, and we want to keep them on the
server after we've delivered them to our local box. We then set our mail
delivery agent (mda) explicitly to procmail something we won't be discussing
in this hack (by default, procmail is configured correctly, so this line is
Email aliases direct mail sent to webmaster@, me@, and so forth to the
right email address.
A fancy bit of email functionality in common use, especially among those with
their own domain, is having mail sent to so-called vanity email addresses
delivered to a single email address. This is accomplished by creating aliases for
a single email address. Perhaps you'd like webmaster@ on your web site so
that you can have your email application filter requests to another folder. me@
is a popular one, though I can't quite fathom why. Others include info@,
support@, sales@, and godlike@ OK, so that last one's not all that common.
This hack assumes you've already set up Domain Name Service [Hack #78] and have
sendmail [Hack #82] up and running.
NetInfo was OS X's answer (prior to Mac OS X 10.2, Jaguar) to slicing, dicing, and
otherwise managing both your individual local and multiple networked Macs. NetInfo
Manager is a desktop application front end albeit a thin layer providing little more than a
hierarchical Finder-like view to a comprehensive directory of users, groups, devices, and
network services. Apple is slowly phasing NetInfo out in favor of the more esoteric yet
more flexible text-based configuration files of OS X's Unix roots. Still, at the time of this
writing, it's the simplest way to create email aliases.
Launch NetInfo Manager. Click the lock button ("Click the lock to make
changes") at the bottom-left of the window to afford you the power to edit the
current NetInfo configuration. When prompted to do so, enter your username
and password and click the OK button.
Now that you're authenticated, you can get to work creating an alias. Click on
the aliases entry in the center column; you'll see a list of current email aliases
appear in the righthand column. Create a new entry, either by selecting
Directory New Subdirectory, typing -N, or clicking the "Create new
directory" button the folder labeled New on the left side of your toolbar. A new
directory called, appropriately enough, new_directory appears in the bottom
frame of the window. Double-click the new_directory value of the Name
property and rename it webmaster (or your preferred alias).
Now that you've created a new alias, you'll need to associate a real email
address with it. Create a new property, either by selecting Directory New
Property or typing -Shift-N. Rename new_property to members and
new_value to your short user name [Hack #1]. Mine's duncan.
If all went to plan, the NetInfo Manager window should now look something
like Figure 7-9.
Hack 88. Serving Up a Web Site with the Built-In Apache Server
You want browsers? OS X has browsers splendid enough to put the 1990s
Netscape/Internet Explorer browser wars to shame. Numbered among the top
contenders are Microsoft's Internet Explorer, default browser through Mac OS
X 10.2; Safari, Apple's brand new ultra-fast, super-sleek entry threatening to
replace IE as OS X's browser-in-the-box; and the Mozilla variants, most
notably Camino (formerly Chimera), built just for Mac. Then there are the
microcontent browsers, catering to quick searches and syndicated news
reading daring to take content outside of the browser. This chapter introduces
you to the pick of the litter.
Hack 85 Searching the Internet from Your Desktop
Searching the Web with Google in particular has become such a part of our
daily online lives that Google is now regarded as a verb and even the uber-
literary New Yorker gets webby with Google-related cartoons. You're being
Googled while on the phone with someone who can't quite remember who you
are or why they asked you to ring them. Without Google close at hand, you're
a day late and a dollar short.
Too bad web searching's so closely tied to the browser. For that matter, even
choice of search engine is most often hardcoded into the browser and can't be
pried loose without a modicum of hackery. Wouldn't it do wonders to be able to
search from any application for the highlighted text right under your mouse
Thanks to a collection of freeware and shareware apps and a few clever hacks,
all this and more is within reach. All of these solutions construct an
appropriate query URL, much as you'd see in your browser's address bar after
submitting a search directly (e.g.,
85.1 Searchling
Searchling ships with support for Google,, and eBay. Beyond
each engine's default search, a pull-down menu lets you home in on the type
of search you're after. Search Google for web sites, images, or news; search for a definition; or consult the thesaurus.
As one might hope, you're not limited only to the engines or types of searches
Searchling offers out of the box. You can alter the offerings by editing
Searchling's only mildly hairy sites.xml file. Perl maven Matt Sergeant added
quick access to the vast array of Perl modules on the Comprehensive Perl
Archive Network (CPAN), searchable by all, modules, distributions, and
authors; his sites.xml is available at Figure 8-2 shows a screenshot
of it in action, along with the results presented in my browser. Note the
generated URL in the address bar and appropriate search data in the web page
Notice how you need to escape & as & in the search URL so that it sits
well with the XML.
Alternately, if you prefer a more visual editing tool and have the Mac OS X
Developer Tools [Hack #48] installed, open
Searchling/Contents/Resources/sites.xml in Property List Editor (Developer
Applications Property List Editor).
Save sites.xml, quit (Control-click the icon and select Quit Searchling) and
relaunch Searchling. "groups" should now appear as a choice under Google
Search Types.
Adding an entire site, as Matt did for CPAN and I for Meerkat: an Open Wire
is just as simple. Copy an existing site definition, paste it alongside its peers,
and make the appropriate edits. Any valid query URL will do; just be sure the
last variable= is the one to accept query keywords (e.g., q= for Google,
query= for CPAN, and s= for Meerkat).
85.2 Huevos
Huevos's major boon is the considerable ease with which you can add search
engines to its stable. Select Huevos Preferences, click New, edit the Name
and URL and your search engine of choice appears in the alphabetical list, as
shown in Figure 8-3. No need for XML editing or even restarting the
application; changes take effect immediately.
Figure 8-3. Huevos
Have Searchling or Huevos available to you from the moment you log in by dragging its
Finder icon into the System Preferences Login Items Preferences pane.
85.3 SearchGoogle.service
85.4 Watson
85.5 Sherlock
Then again, perhaps the browser is the most appropriate place for a web
search. That doesn't mean you have to type and
fill out the form each time. There are various hacks available for building in
support for Google and other search engine searches right from the address
True, it doesn't take much to launch your browser and browse to your favorite
search-engine site. True, search results are usually returned in the browser
anyway. But why take that one extra step and smidgen of mindwidth when you
can click a menu bar icon, press Shift- -G, or the like. It's all about
integrating search into the fabric of your computing experience.
Hack 86 Saving Web Pages for Offline Reading
Save a single web page or even clusters of web pages in their entirety
for reading on public transportation, at 35,000 feet, or anywhere else
you happen to be.
There comes a time when we happen across a web page that is so uproariously
funny, we simply must archive it forever. On the other hand, sometimes we
want to save a few online transactions for proof of purchase. Even more
commonly, we may run across a large site that we want to read in its entirety,
but we don't want to tie up our phone line or incur bandwidth charges.
Thankfully, OS X satisfies our offline-reading desires in a number of ways.
When we need to archive a web page or site quickly, a few options present
themselves, depending on our goal. The quickest and closest opportunity is to
use Microsoft Internet Explorer, bundled with Mac OS X. Within this popular
browser lies a Scrapbook, as well as the ability to create Web Archives.
The concept of a Scrapbook harkens back to the pre-OS X days with a built-in
system accessory called, conveniently enough, Scrapbook. With it, you could
drop in files, text, sounds, movies, and pictures and then flip through the
pages, viewing each item as part of a grander book.
A similar concept is built into Internet Explorer. At any time, you can take the
web page you're currently looking at and save it into your the IE Scrapbook for
later viewing. To do so, make sure the Explorer Bar is enabled (View
Explorer Bar) and click the Scrapbook tab to slide out its panel. To add the
current web page into the Scrapbook, click the now-visible Add button.
You'll immediatley see the title of the current web page show up in the
Scrapbook panel along with a camera icon, signifying that this is a snapshot of
the current page. Now, or any time in the future, you can click an item in your
Scrapbook and see an exact copy of what you were looking at, along with the
time it was archived and its original URL. Just like bookmarks, you can
organize your Scrapbook items into folders, rename and delete, and give them
The Scrapbook excels at saving one page but doesn't do well at multiple pages;
you'll need to create new entries for each page of the site manually. If you're
looking to archive a whole site (the chapters of a book, news items in central
Florida, etc.), you'll want to look at Internet Explorer's Save As feature, which
has an easily-ignored Web Archive output.
There are a number of options available to a Web Archive, and all of them
concern how much you want to save to disk. By default, a Web Archive does
the same thing as a Scrapbook item, taking the current page (and all its
images), wrapping it up into one proprietary file, and then saving it to your
hard drive. The various options allow you to save sounds and movies but,
more importantly, specify how many levels of other linked pages you want to
archive, along with the current one.
Of course, the more things you want to archive, the larger the archive is going
to become. The Save As Web Archive option is certainly more powerful than
the Scrapbook, simply because of its namesake: it's more an archive then a
single page in a book. However, it does have two limitations.
Since the Web Archive feature creates a single, Internet Explorer-only file, it's
not ideal if you're looking to collect and store only certain data, like the
illustrations of your favorite artist; you're going to get the pages whether you
want them or not, and there's no easy way for you to extract the images from
the resultant single archive. The second limitation is how much you can
archive; you can't choose more than five levels deep, which, granted, is
probably enough.
If these limitations are deal breakers, then there are many other utilities for
you to explore. The shareware Web Devil
( has been
around for years and provides a handy, powerful GUI for your web-sucking
needs. If you prefer shell utilities, then look at GNU wget
(, which
provides a powerful, automated interface to downloading [Hack #61] and
mirroring. Both utilities support filtering (i.e., save only .jpg and .gif files,
Hack 87 Reading Syndicated Online Content
If you have been surfing the Web in the last couple of months, you
undoubtedly have come across sites known as weblogs (also commonly
referred to as blogs). Simply put, weblogs are like diaries of the thoughts and
wanderings of a person or group of persons, pointing at and annotating things
of interest on the Web. On the surface, a weblog looks no different than a
conventional web page, but one salient feature of a weblog is that its content
is usually exposed, in addition to the default web page view, as an XML
document (RSS, to be precise) for syndication.
News aggregators are applications that collect all these RSS documents at
regular time intervals. The advantage of using news aggregators is that you
need not visit each individual site in order to know about the latest
happenings. You can simply aggregate the news into one central location and
selectively view the ones that you are interested in. Nowadays, a great
number of online news sites and magazines have caught the syndication bug
and are distributing news via RSS, which makes it all the more convenient for
you to travel the world from the comfort of your Mac.
87.2 NetNewsWire
On the left pane is the list of news, web sites, and weblogs to which you are
subscribed. NetNewsWire comes presubscribed to a list of popular and Mac-
slanted blogs, news sites, and online magazines. The top-right pane shows the
list of headlines from the site that you have selected on the left. Select a
headline and an abstract of the content appears in the bottom-right pane.
Want to read the story in its entirety? Simply double-click the headline and
your default web browser will fetch and display it for you, as shown in Figure
Feeds in the Sites Drawer are grouped nicely into categories for your
convenience. Option-click on a feed and you're presented with three choices
(see Figure 8-9): subscribe to the feed, open it in your browser for a quick
taste of what it has to offer, or open the RSS feed itself in your default
Another way of subscribing to sites is supplying the RSS URL yourself perhaps
you've copied it from a web page of interest. Select Subscriptions Subscribe
. . . or press -Shift-S. Type or paste in the RSS feed's URL and click OK to
subscribe (see Figure 8-10). You'll notice the feed appearing and updating
itself on the bottom-left.
Many weblogs have a link to their RSS feeds right from the home page. These usually
appear as easily recognizable orange XML buttons.
87.3 Housekeeping
With a long subscription list, it makes sense to organize feeds into groups
akin to keeping like with like in folders on your hard drive. Option-click the
lefthand pane and select New Group (as shown in Figure 8-11) to do so.
Another feature that you may want to configure is the rate at which
subscriptions are refreshed and new stories dropped into your reader (see
Figure 8-12). The default refresh is manual. If you are pretty much always on
a network, you're better off setting it to refresh at regular time intervals so
that you're always reading the latest.
Wei-Meng Lee
Hack 88 Serving Up a Web Site with the Built-In Apache Server
Apache is one of the most popular, if not the most popular, web server
available today. It has support for literally anything you want to do. Jaguar
ships with Version 1.3.26 of Apache, and all you need to do to start it up is to
click a single button in your System Preferences application. Here's how.
Open up the System Preferences application. If it's not on your Dock, then you
can find it in the Applications folder of your hard drive. Once launched, click on
the Sharing button, then click on the Personal Web Sharing checkbox, as
shown in Figure 8-13. Don't let the name Personal Web Sharing fool you. This
is the full-strength Apache web server running, no matter how innocent or
lightweight it sounds in the preference panel.
That's it. You can now point a web browser at your machine's IP address,
hostname, or http://localhost and see the default Apache home page yes, the
one with the big "Seeing this instead of the Web site you expected?" caption.
This rather bland default home page is located in
/Library/WebServer/Documents, the home of your web site on this machine.
Easy huh?
If you've ever had a web site hosted at an Internet Service Provider (ISP),
you're probably used to having a URL that looks a little something like this:, where me is your login name. In addition to the
main web site you now have running on your Macintosh, each user remember,
whether you're the only user or not, OS X is a multiuser system also has his
very own site.
The files for your user site live in the Sites folder in your home directory [Hack
#1]. Point your web browser at http://localhost/~me, where me is the Short
Name[Hack #1] associated with your user account. You'll be greeted with a
friendly "Your website here" message, along with further instructions on
building your own web site. That page is actually a file called index.html sitting
in your Sites folder; edit it using your favorite text or HTML editor and reload
the page in your browser to see the results.
Why use user sites when you have a perfectly good main site at
http://localhost (/Library/WebServer/Documents)? Perhaps you share your
computer with others and each of you wants your own web site. Maybe you
want a space to experiment with content and functionality without reflecting
that out to the world. I've configured my Apache server [Hack #89] such that,
while my main site is readily viewable by anyone on the network, my user site
is restricted only to viewing from my computer itself. This gives me a place to
fiddle with all sorts of things without worry of anyone else stumbling across my
But what's really going on here? Let's look behind the scenes and see what the
Unix core of Mac OS X is doing.
When you click that innocent-looking Personal Web Sharing button in the
System Preferences application, what happens is that a flag gets changed in
the /etc/hostconfig file. This file tells Mac OS X which services should be
started. Mine looks like this:
% more hostconfig
# /etc/hostconfig
# This file is maintained by the system control panels
# Network configuration
# Services
By looking at this file and seeing the line WEBSERVER=-YES-, Mac OS X knows
that Apache should be on. If you are observant, you'll have noticed that in the
System Preferences screenshot in Figure 8-13, I have my Remote Login
service turned on, as well as Personal Web Sharing. This corresponds to the -
YES- flag being set for the SSHSERVER entry. We'll be back to this file in [Hack
#82] as we set up the mail services for our server.
The other file of interest is Apache's main configuration file, found at
/etc/httpd/httpd.conf. The default file in Jaguar is sufficient for most people.
But, if you need to do something with Apache that isn't enabled by default, all
you need to do is edit this file [Hack #89] and restart the web server.
For your own reference, the online docs are available at the Apache web site
Unlike the user configuration (later in this hack), this is the heart of Apache;
everything in this file controls what features (modules) Apache loads at
startup, as well as the default set of access restrictions, file types, and so much
more. When searching through this file for something specific (say, how do I
turn on CGI [Hack #92]), the quickest way to find and learn is to search for
the feature you want to enable. In our case, we'll start looking for CGI. The
first two matches we find are:
You'll see a number of these lines within the Apache config file. If you've ever
worked with a plug-in-based program, you'll easily recognize their intent;
these lines load different features into the Apache web server. Apache calls
these modules, and you'll see a lot of module names start with mod_, such as
mod_perl and mod_php. Lines that are commented out (that is to say, lines
that are prefaced with a # character) are inactive.
On the other hand, if you're not interested in the specifics of how Apache
configures itself, but rather about configurations specific to your web site (like, then you'll want to look into user configurations.
In most Apache installations, user-based web serving is handled generically;
for every user on the system, be it 2 or 2,000, the same configuration applies.
If an administrator wanted to change the capabilities of user mimi, she'd
usually have to create a specific <Directory> block within the httpd.conf file.
Apple and Mac OS X makes this a lot easier by creating a config file for each
user of the system; these files are located in /etc/httpd/users/, take the form
of username.conf, and are automatically merged into the main Apache
configuration file at startup. If I open the morbus.conf in that directory, I see:
<Directory "/Users/morbus/Sites/">
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
These are pretty common default settings for directories under Apache; you'll
see similar entries in the main configuration file for Apache's default document
root (for OS X, that's /Library/WebServer/Documents). Editing [Hack #88]
either the user configuration file or httpd.conf involves authenticating as an
administrative user [Hack #50] and then making your changes, such as this
one, to block outside access:
<Directory "/Users/morbus/Sites/">
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Each time you make alterations to any of Apache's configuration files and save
your changes, you'll need to restart Apache by issuing the following command:
And lest anyone be concerned, the Apache that ships with Mac OS X is the
genuine article. We're not talking about a weak, proof-of-concept port of
Apache that runs under Windows. Mac OS X's FreeBSD underpinnings allow for
the Apache web server to be as flexible and responsive as it is on any Unix-
based operating system. See [Hack #51] to get started web serving using
For those whose web-serving needs have exceeded the capabilities of the
Apple-supplied Apache, and for those who need to develop scalable web
applications built on Perl 5.8.0 and mod_perl, an important alternative exists:
you can build your own Apache web server on Mac OS X. In this hack, I guide
you through the steps necessary to build your own Apache server with
90.1 Preparation
Compiling your own applications means that you need a compiler. Apple kindly
offers one with the Mac OS X Developer Tools [Hack #55].
Next, we'll need to download the latest Apache 1.3 and mod_perl 1.x sources.
You can find the Apache sources on the Apache HTTP Server Source Code
Distributions page ( or at your nearest
mirror ( As I write this, the latest
version is 1.3.27, so that's what I'll use in the remainder of this article. The
latest version of mod_perl is available from the mod_perl distribution page
I also recommend that you grab the libapreq sources from their home page
( The libapreq library provides some useful
mod_perl-related modules for which I also include installation instructions. As
of this writing, the latest libapreq version is 1.1, so that's the version you'll
see in all the following examples:
% cd /usr/local/src
% curl -O
% tar zxvf apache_1.3.27.tar.gz
% curl -O
% tar zxvf mod_perl-1.0-current.tar.gz
% curl -O \
% tar zxvf libapreq-1.1.tar.gz
Following Apple's example, I move into the /usr/local/src directory and do all of
the work there. I've used the handy curl utility to download the Apache and
mod_perl sources right in my Terminal session. I then used the tar program to
unpack the sources. The Apache sources will now be in the directory
apache_1.3.27/, while the mod_perl sources will be in the directory
mod_perl-1.xx/ and the libapreq sources will be in the directory libapreq-
1.1/. As of this writing, the current version of mod_perl is 1.27, so I'll be
working in the mod_perl-1.27/ directory in the following examples.
Now, we're ready to start building the software. At this point, you should have
downloaded, compiled, and installed Perl according to the instructions from
Apple (with the source code still living in /usr/local/src/perl-5.8.0) and followed
the steps outlined earlier in this hack. Next, we'll build mod_perl.
% cd ../mod_perl-1.27
% perl Makefile.PL \
APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.27/src \
The perl script Makefile.PL creates the Makefile that will be used to compile
mod_perl. The APACHE_SRC option tells Makefile.PL where to find the Apache
sources. The NO_HTTPD option, meanwhile, forces the build process to use this
path but keeps it from compiling Apache before we're ready. The USE_APACI
option is what allows that flexibility, as it enables mod_perl's hybrid build
environment, wherein we can later compile other modules into Apache.
Meanwhile, the PREP_HTTPD option triggers the build process to set up the
Apache sources for mod_perl by preparing the APACHE_SRC/modules/perl/
directory tree. But we save the most important option for last. The
EVERYTHING option enables all of mod_perl's features.
When this command runs, you'll be prompted to configure mod_perl with the
APACHE_SRC sources. Do so by simply pressing the Return key. At this point,
mod_perl's configuration will quickly take care of all of its tasks without
further intervention.
Next, we'll build and install mod_perl. Fortunately, the tricky part is over. All
we need to do is this:
% make
% sudo make install
These two steps build mod_perl and install it. But before we can take
advantage of the newly installed mod_perl, we need to configure and build
% ./configure \
--with-layout=Apache \
--enable-module=so \
--activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a \
--disable-shared=perl \
Once again, the configuration is the most complex part of the process. The --
with-layout=Apache option sets up Apache to be installed with its usual
filesystem layout (i.e., in the /usr/local/apache directory). The --enable-
module=so option enables dynamically loadable library support, should you
decide later to build and use any third-party modules as dynamically loadable
objects. The --activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a option
activates mod_perl, while the --disable-shared=perl option forces
Apache to compile in mod_perl statically, rather than as a dynamically
loadable library. And finally, the --without-execstrip option is required on
Mac OS X to prevent the Apache binary from being stripped (whatever that
After configure does its job, we compile and install Apache with the usual
% make
% sudo make install
Now, Apache is completely compiled and installed with mod_perl. A quick test
confirms that the installation was successful:
This quick test confirms that Apache compiled properly and loads its default
configuration file without error. But it's more interesting to actually get it to
serve some web pages. First, make sure that Apple's version of Apache isn't
running, by disabling Personal Web Sharing in the Sharing global system
preference. Then, start up your newly compiled version of Apache:
Now, fire up your favorite browser and type in your Mac's domain name
("localhost" should do the trick). If you see a page that starts with "Hey, it
worked!" you're in business.
90.5 Testing mod_perl
As the final part of this process, we confirm to ourselves for the sake of our
own sanity that mod_perl is functioning properly, too. Fortunately, this is
rather simple to do, as mod_perl includes a module we can easily use for this
purpose. The Apache::Status module is designed to display information about
the status of your Apache web server, as well as mod_perl itself. To use it,
simply edit the default Apache configuration file [Hack #89],
/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf, and add these lines to it:
PerlModule Apache::Status
<Location /perl-status>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Status
Now, hit your web server again, this time entering the perl-status directory
name (e.g., http://localhost/perl-status/). You should see a page appear with
something like this at the top:
Now that you have a fully working custom Apache installation, you might want
to consider installing libapreq. This library includes Apache::Request and
Apache::Cookie (, two convenient Perl
modules that offer much more efficient processing than their analogs in the
commonly-used CGI module ( As of
Version 1.1 the libapreq library is fully supported on Mac OS X 10.2,
although it requires a special installation process. (Mac OS X 10.1 users should
read the INSTALL.MacOSX file for an alternative approach.) If you'd like to
take advantage of libapreq's efficiencies in your mod_perl server, follow
these steps to install it:
% cd libapreq-1.1
% ./configure --with-apache-includes=/usr/local/apache/inc
% make
% sudo make install
Next, we need to build the libapreq Perl modules. These follow the usual Perl
module installation procedure:
% perl Makefile.PL
% make
% sudo make test
% sudo make install
The Makefile.PL script will ask a series of questions and then build the Makefile
that will allow us to build the Perl modules. Be sure you enter the proper
location for your new Apache server when prompted; Makefile.PL will most
likely find Apple's Apache at /usr/sbin/httpd and you'll need to enter
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd instead. Of course, make compiles the modules,
while make test and make install test and install Apache::Request and
Apache::Cookie. Be aware that make test will work only if you entered
correct information when prompted by Makefile.PL and when the Perl modules
LWP and URI have been installed from CPAN. The great thing about make
test, in this case, is that it actually uses our Apache/mod_perl server to test
the new Perl modules. This means that, if all the tests passed,
Apache::Request and Apache::Cookie will be in complete working order and
ready to use.
Having a working Apache is all well and good but not worth much unless it's
running. If you'd like your Mac OS X box to function as a web server all the
time, you may want to create a startup bundle for it. Apple has documented a
specification for startup bundles in its Creating System Starter Startup Item
Bundles HOWTO
but it's a simple matter to adapt Mac OS X's existing Apache startup bundle for
our purposes.
Apple has created the /System/Library directory structure for use by the Mac
OS X operating system and the /Library directory structure for use by third-
party applications such as our new Apache server. All system startup bundles,
including for Apple's build of Apache, go into the /System/Library/StartupItems
directory. The startup bundles for third-party applications go into the
/Library/StartupItems directory. So, to adapt Apple's Apache startup bundle,
we'll first copy it to a temporary location. Later, we'll move the copy to its new
This command will copy the entire Apache startup bundle directory structure to
the desktop where we can easily edit it. Next, using your favorite editor
(TextEdit will work fine), open the ~/Desktop/Apache/Apache file. The file
should look like this:
# Apache HTTP Server
. /etc/rc.common
StartService ()
if [ "${WEBSERVER:=-NO-}" = "-YES-" ]; then
ConsoleMessage "Starting Apache web server"
apachectl start
StopService ()
ConsoleMessage "Stopping Apache web server"
apachectl stop
RestartService ()
if [ "${WEBSERVER:=-NO-}" = "-YES-" ]; then
ConsoleMessage "Restarting Apache web server"
apachectl restart
RunService "$1"
This file is a Unix Bourne shell script and is executed whenever your Mac
starts up and shuts down. There are essentially two changes we need to make
to convert this script for starting our newly-compiled Apache server. First,
change the location of the apachectl startup script. Just calling apachectl
will cause Apple's Apache server to start up. To get our new one to start, we
need to change the location to /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl. Second,
change the name of the variable to be checked in each if statement from
WEBSERVER to APACHESERVER. The result of our changes to the startup script
looks like this:
# Apache HTTP Server
. /etc/rc.common
StartService ()
if [ "${APACHESERVER:=-NO-}" = "-YES-" ]; then
ConsoleMessage "Starting Apache web server"
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start
StopService ()
ConsoleMessage "Stopping Apache web server"
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl stop
RestartService ()
if [ "${APACHESERVER:=-NO-}" = "-YES-" ]; then
ConsoleMessage "Restarting Apache web server"
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart
RunService "$1"
Next, add the $APACHESERVER variable to /etc/hostconfig. This file contains all
of the variables that are checked in the Mac OS X startup scripts, and we'll
need to add ours here, since our new script checks for it. The simplest way to
do this is to use the echo command on the command line to append it to the
the file:
You can also edit the file directly using TextEdit, but you must open TextEdit as
the root user in order to be able to edit the file. You can use the sudo utility
on the command line to accomplish this:
% sudo /Applications/
Once you've added the line APACHESERVER=-YES-, save your changes and
quit TextEdit. Now, move the entire startup bundle to its new home in
/Library/StartupItems and test it:
Point your browser to your local computer again and make sure a page loads.
If it does, you're in business and the Apache server will be started whenever
you boot into Mac OS X. If you ever want to prevent Apache from starting at
system startup, simply edit /etc/hostconfig again and change
David E. Wheeler
Hack 91 AppleScript CGI with ACGI Dispatcher
When Apple based OS X on a BSD kernel, they sought a way to combine the
power of GUI scripting with the power of shell languages like Perl, bash,
Python, and more. The result was osascript, a simple shell utility that could
run AppleScript from the command line.
That was fine and dandy for interactive or timed usage, but it didn't
immediately lend itself to using AppleScript as a CGI through the Apache web
server. ACGI Dispatcher from James Sentman, on the other hand, gives that
ability quickly, simply, and cheaply.
ACGI Dispatcher costs anywhere from $15 to $90, depending on your needs,
and a 30-day trial download is available for testing. Installation is simple:
extract, drag the dispatcher to your /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables
directory, and double-click to finish the installation. You'll be asked for your
administrator password so that the following lines can be added to your
/etc/httpd/httpd.conf file:
After those lines have been added by the dispatcher program, stop and restart
Apache via your Sharing system preference (alternatively, use sudo
apachectl restart from the shell). Once the web server has restarted, and
with the dispatcher running in the background, you'll be all set to serve
AppleScript-based CGI. Thankfully, you can test your new ability with the
included itunes.acgi.
CGI scripts allow you to serve up dynamic content on your web site
using a Unix-based scripting language like Perl.
It's now time to fiddle with the most commonly used way of generating
dynamic content and serving it up on your web server. We're talking about
Common Gateway Interface (CGI). Without getting overly esoteric, CGI allows
us to install thousands of different scripts that can be accessed through a
normal web browser. CGI scripts are most often written in a Unix scripting
language like Perl, Python, or Ruby. They can allow users to access databases,
use interactive forms, chat in bulletin boards, and so on.
Apache comes with two simple scripts that can verify CGI is configured
correctly. Before we test them, however, we've got to poke around our
httpd.conf file a bit. As mentioned earlier [Hack #89], the easiest way to find
out more about a feature is simply to search for the term in question. These
are all the relevant matches we'll find in our httpd.conf for CGI:
<Directory "/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables">
AllowOverride None Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
We've already described the first two lines [Hack #89], but the ScriptAlias
directive allows us to map a URL to a location on our hard drive. In this case,
Apache is mapping to the /Library/WebServer/CGI-
Executables/ directory. If you browse there now, you'll see the two CGI scripts
I offhandedly mentioned earlier: printenv and test-cgi we'll run those shortly.
Moving on, <Directory> isn't that important right now, so we'll jaunt off to
our final search result, AddHandler. This is your first major decision
concerning your Apache installation. When a certain directory has been
ScriptAliased (as our CGI-Executables directory has), the files within that
directory are always executed as CGI scripts. If the files were moved out of
that directory, they'd be served as normal text files.
Huh? Why didn't this work? Now is a perfect time to prove how useful the
Apache web-server logs can be. Apache's access file is located in
/var/log/httpd/access_log, so let's look at the very last lines of that file, easily
reached with this command:
% tail /var/log/httpd/access_log
You'll see that the last line looks something like this:
... - - [19/Nov/2002:21:59:46-0500] "GET /cgi-bin/te
This line shows where the access request came from (, the time the
file was requested, the protocol used (HTTP/1.1), the response code (403), and
the size of the response (292 bytes). This is all fine and dandy, but it doesn't
tell us what went wrong. For this, we'll dip into our error log:
% tail /var/log/httpd/error_log
And we see:
[Mon Nov 19 21:59:46 2002] [error] [client]
file permissions deny server execution:
Bingo! This tells us exactly what went awry: the file permissions were
incorrect. For Apache to run a CGI script, the script in question needs to have
execute permissions [Hack #55]. To give the test-cgi file the correct
permissions, type the following on the command line [Hack #48]:
% cd /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables
% chmod 755 test-cgi
After doing this, load the URL again, and you should be happily greeted with
gobs of environment information. (To learn more about permissions and the
chmod utility, see [Hack #49].)
With the basics of CGI out of the way, you can now install CGI-based
applications to complement your intranet. Need a content management system
for the developers to keep everyone up-to-date on their coding progress and
discussions? Try the Movable Type ( weblog
Much like server-side includes [Hack #94], PHP code is included and
interpreted into the actual HTML of your web pages. Here, we'll show you how
to turn it on (it's installed by default on OS X), as well as how to certify that
it's working properly.
As with the hacks on CGI and SSI, turning on PHP involves searching for the
feature name (in this case, php) within the Apache configuration file [Hack
#89]. The first entries we'll run into are:
# AddModule mod_php4.c
These two lines enable (or disable, if commented out with a #) the loading of
PHP on Apache web-server startup. Since they're commented out by default,
we'll have to uncomment them in order to have the modules loaded and PHP
functional. Do so, and the lines should now look like this:
AddModule mod_php4.c
In some OS X installations (notably, 10.2 and higher), you won't see the preceding lines.
That's alright; just add them in yourself.
In essence, these lines are saying that any file with the .php extension should
be processed by the PHP module we just enabled. As we'll see soon enough,
Mac OS X (Versions 10.1 and above) comes preinstalled with PHP 4, so go
ahead and uncomment the two lines for PHP 4.x, like so:
Save the Apache configuration file, and restart the web server:
We're going to return to our Apache error log for a second to illustrate a
simple, yet helpful, bit of information. Each time you start Apache, it will spit
out a single line telling you that everything has started successfully. With a
plain-vanilla Apache server, it usually looks something like this:
When you add a third-party module or feature (like PHP, mod_perl, mod_ssl,
etc.), Apache will graciously make mention of it in its startup line. If you just
restarted the Apache web server now, take a look at the error log by typing:
% tail /var/log/httpd/error_log
You should see Apache wax poetic with:
Apache tells us that PHP is enabled, but how do we really know for sure?
Rather easily, actually. Create a file named index.php in your Sites directory
using the following as its contents:
<h1>Gleefully Served By Mac OS X</h1>
<? phpinfo( )?>
Commonly, SSIs are used to include things such as headers, footers, and
"What's New?" features across an entire site. When you need to change the
background color of your site, for instance, you can change the header file
only, and the color will be reflected immediately wherever you've included that
This is done by Apache before the page is actually shown to the user; he'll
never know what you've included or where.
SSIs, by default, are turned off; no worries, since it's quite simple to turn
them on. Open your Apache configuration file[Hack #89] and search for
shtml. You should find:
Those simple Add lines tell us a lot. They continue a pattern based on what we
already know about CGI. If you recall in our Turning on CGI [Hack #92] hack,
we could have turned on the CGI feature for files ending in .cgi; in other
words, any file you created with the .cgi extension (whether it was a CGI
program or not) would be treated as an executable script.
Likewise, these lines tell us that we can turn on the server-side include feature
for files ending in .shtml. Whether we actually use the SSI feature in these
files doesn't matter; they'll still be treated and processed as if they did.
This is important. You may be thinking, if SSIs are so great, why not enable
them for .html filenames? Ultimately, it's a matter of speed. If you have 3,000
.html files, and only 1,000 of them actually use SSI, Apache will still look for
SSI instructions in the other 2,000. That's a colossal waste of resources.
Granted, processing SSI incurs very little overhead, but if you're being hit
50,000 times a second, it can certainly add up.
For now, uncomment the AddType and AddHandler lines:
This will turn on the SSI mojo power. But where? When we were learning
about CGI, we saw a configuration setting that said our CGIs lived in
/Library/Webserver/CGI-Executables/. We need to tell Apache where we want
SSI capability.
<Directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents">
# This may also be "None", "All", or any combination of "I
# "Includes", "FollowSymLinks", "ExecCGI", or "MultiViews"
# Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "O
# doesn't give it to you.
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
# This controls which Options the .htaccess files in direc
# override. Can also be "All", or any combination of "Opti
# "AuthConfig", and "Limit"
AllowOverride None
# Controls who can get stuff from this server.
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
We're going to skip the brunt of what this entire configuration means, but for
now, add the word Includes to the Options line:
<Directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews Includes
Options is an Apache directive that can turn on or off different features for
the <Directory> and all subdirectories beneath it. Subdirectories can
override their parent configuration. Simply by adding Includes, we're
allowing SSI in the main document directory.
To test that our SSIs are working properly, create an index.shtml file (because
.shtml is the only extension we've enabled SSIs for) in the
/Library/WebServer/Documents directory, and edit to match the following
<h1>Gleefully Served By Mac OS X</h1>
<pre><!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/test-cgi"--></pre>
Here, we're including a test CGI script into the contents of our main index
page. When you load (assuming you placed
index.shtml in /Library/Webserver/Documents/), you'll see our Gleefully
Served message, as well as the output of the CGI script itself. We could just
have easily created a static web page (say, navigation.html) and included that
within our page instead.
SSI is configured and working, but what can you do with it? What if your
marketing department wants to create an image gallery of the newest ads
they've planned? Take a look at the SSI Image Gallery URL under See Also for
one search engine-friendly way of doing it. Be sure to explore the Apache SSI
documentation for more possibilities.
Share a space on your web server for remote file sharing and
Prevents the confusion and data corruption caused by two or more people
editing the same content at the same time
WebDAV is (at least should be) seamless. Because DAV is simply a set of
extensions to HTTP, it's easy for companies to build support into any product
that already understands the Web. And, since DAV rides on top of HTTP,
firewalls tend not to get in the way of accessing your web content remotely.
While Mac OS X doesn't provide Apache support for providing WebDAV shares
right out of the box, WebDAV functionality is available as a small downloadable
module, easy to build and configure.
% curl -O
% tar -xvzf mod_dav-1.0.3-1.3.6.tar.gz
With the archive unpacked, it's time to build the module. It goes a little
something like this:
% cd mod_dav-1.0.3-1.3.6
% ./configure
% ./make
% ./sudo make install
Between each command, the screen will fill with line after line of
incomprehensible jibberish. I've left these out for brevity's sake; the only thing
to watch out for is the process suddenly stopping with an error.
The module should now safely be installed in the right location (along with the
other Apache modules) and DAV minimally enabled in the Apache server
configuration. But there's more to do than simply making Apache aware of its
new WebDAV functionality.
95.3 Configure WebDAV in Apache
Open [Hack #51] the Apache server's main configuration file [Hack #89],
/etc/httpd/httpd.conf , for editing. You'll need to authenticate yourself as an
administrator using sudo [Hack #50] to do so:
Zoom down to the end of the file and add the following text:
DAVLockDB /etc/httpd/dav/DAVLock
DAVMinTimeout 600
<Location /dav/>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "WebDAV Restricted"
AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/dav/.passwd
Require valid-user
The first line sets up a database file that WebDAV uses to track who's editing
which file. It will lock a file to prevent something dangerous from happening,
such as two people trying to update it at once. The second line tells the web
server not to wait forever if the remote computer loses connection with it. The
<Location> tags set the context of the WebDAV settings to be for the
directory /dav, which we will set up under the document root.
There is a risk to using basic authentication. The username and password are weakly
encoded, so it is possible that someone could listen to your network and steal the
password. A few years ago, a new authentication scheme called digest authentication was
developed for Apache. This scheme uses strong encryption to protect the password.
Unfortunately, the digest-authentication module that ships with Apache Version 1.3 (the
one that comes with Mac OS 10.2) is old and not compatible with most browsers and client
software. My attempts to use it with iCal failed. There is a more recent version of the
module, but it requires Apache Version 2.0, which is not trivial to set up and therefore out
of the scope of this hack. Hopefully, Apple will upgrade Apache to a more modern version,
but in the meantime, keep an eye out for an Apache v2 package that will compile on Darwin
(perhaps from the Fink project).
First, you need to set up the realm of WebDAV documents. Based on what we
put in the configuration file, this will be in a subdirectory of the document root
called /dav (that's /Library/WebServer/Documents/dav). You'll need to create
that directory yourself, as well as changing the permissions and ownership so
that the web server can write to it.
Next, you need to find a place for the WebDAV lock database file. For lack of a
better place, I created a directory alongside the httpd.conf configuration file,
/etc/httpd/dav. Again, set the permissions so that the server can write files
While our configuration specifies that only valid users [Hack #97] are allowed
to alter the contents of the dav directory via WebDAV, we've not yet created
said users. We'll do so now.
Don't use an existing user's name and password. A malicious hacker sniffing
your communications can grab that username and use it to sneak inside your
system. The username we will create will be limited to WebDAV files only,
which will be useless to a would-be intruder.
First, create a password file using the htpasswd utility. (Again, to keep
everything related to DAV together, I used /etc/httpd/dav/.) You'll
simultaneously create a user account and password for webdav. You'll be
prompted for a password. Invent something secure and save it someplace safe.
Make the password unique (don't use one that you use elsewhere), because of
the basic authentication risk I mentioned earlier.
An apache control script, apachectl, does away with the need to kill and
restart the Apache server by hand. Simply issue a start, stop, or restart
and apachectl will comply. In this case, you want to restart the server, so
Your WebDAV server is now ready for use by anyone (with the proper
authentication, that is) who can reach your Web server. Mac OS X has built-in
support for mounting WebDAV shares[Hack #74] and treating them like just
about any other hard drive.
[Hack #3]
It's easy as pie to get Apache serving something exciting, but at times,
the joy of a running web server needs to be curbed by the stern eye of
security. We'll take a quick look at how to enable hostname or IP
access control, creating a set of acceptance or denial rules for content
we want restricted.
While Apache can certainly handle authenticated access control, we're only
going to touch on the location-based side of it for this hack (we get to
usernames and passwords in our next one). To protect our Apache server,
we're going to open httpd.conf [Hack #89] with our favorite text editorand
modify (or define) the directory we want protected. In our example, we're
going to protect the entire web server, so we'll look for our document root,
which should look something like this:
<Directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
Quite simply, the Order Allow,Deny and Allow from all lines are the
magic that will stop outside visitors from perusing our site. Right now, as these
lines stand, we're wide open to the public. This is what we're going to end up
<Directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents">
Options Includes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from
See what we've done here? The first thing we did was flip our Order directive.
This tells Apache to process all Deny rules first, and then all the remaining
Allow rules. Likewise, our first Deny is from all, meaning no one can come
knocking. If we denied everyone, of course, no one would be able to see our
site, so we add an Allow rule for a domain of our choosing. We can also
Allow and Deny by IP, such as Allow from 209.204.146. This will allow
access to anyone from within that block, but no one from without.
Once you've made these changes, restart Apache (type sudo apache
restart) and you'll be protected nicely from the outside world, serving up
pages only to allowed sites.
To start the process, we're first going to create the user database. This
database will contain all the usernames and passwords that will be
authenticated against; they're not keyed to any specific directory, so you could
use one database for 300 users spread across two dozen directories. To create
the database, get into your Terminal and gaze blurry-eyed at the following
It's nice and innocent, right? htpasswd is the name of the utility that creates
and modifies the user database. The -c flag says if this database doesn't exist,
create it. /Library/WebServer/.htpasswd is the full path to our database
file, and you'll want to take special notice that it's outside Apache's document
root (which, in OS X, is defined as /Library/WebServer/Documents).
Sticking the file outside the document root ensures that no one can view this
database from the Web. Finally, morbus is the user that you want to add to
the database. Here's sample output from this command:
You'll want to make sure that when you add new users to an existing database
file that you do not use the -c flag. Doing so will overwrite your existing file
with a brand-new one. Adding a user is a simple matter (note the lack of the -
c flag):
% cat /Library/WebServer/.htpasswd
Next, it's really just a matter of telling Apache which directory we want to
secure. You can insert the following block of code into your httpd.conf file; it'll
protect the entire web server:
<Directory /Library/WebServer/Documents>
AuthName "Protected Directory"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /Library/WebServer/.htpasswd
require valid-user
AuthName will appear as the title or description in the password box that a
visitor's browser will show, whereas AuthType is set to the standard basic
authentication (a digest authentication exists but is outside the scope of this
hack). AuthUserFile should be self-explanatory.
The require line affords some discussion. With it, you can tell Apache to
allow any user in the AuthUserFile access (as we've done earlier), or you
can tell Apache to allow only certain people. In the following example, only the
users morbus and imam can authenticate to realms with the name Protected
Directory. Any other users in the AuthUserFile will be denied:
Users can also be defined by groups; for example, you could place dan, sbp,
and morbus into a group called Marketing, and steve, geomisk, and sal into a
group called Design. From there, you could restrict access by group instead of
username. For these configurations and more about digest authentication,
refer to Apache's authentication documentation
( .
Hack 98 Directory Aliasing, Indexing, and Autoindexing
When it comes to URLs that end in slashes and resolve to a directory on your
web site, Apache can serve data two different ways. The most common is to
serve the directory index, a list of filenames that can be used in place of the
directory slash. The other possibility is to have Apache generate a bland list of
filenames. In this hack, we'll talk about modifying the directory index to match
your needs, as well as making that bland autoindex more attractive.
98.1 Aliases
Before we begin indexes, let's talk about aliasing. If you've read [Hack #92],
you'll know a ScriptAlias directive is a way to map a URL to a location on
our hard drive. You can read more about the other capabilities of Apache's
mod_alias at the Apache web site
(, but here's a simple
example of making /Users/morbus/Pictures/ accessible as
When creating aliases like this, you want to be careful about permissions. Mac
users have never had to deal with permissions before, so they can be an
interesting thing to muddle through. We won't get into a detailed description
here, but in a simplified nutshell:
User directories like Pictures, Library, Music, and so forth are not normally
viewable by the Apache web server; the permissions are too restrictive.
Simply creating an alias probably will not work. Sure, you're telling Apache
to serve files from that location, but that directory is still protected from
other users (one of them is www, which Apache runs as). Again, the
permissions are still too restrictive.
In this case, to give Apache permission to access the
/Users/morbus/Pictures/ directory, we need to say chmod 755
/Users/morbus/Pictures in our Terminal [Hack #48]. This loosens the
permissions and allows Apache to read from, but not write to, files in that
<Directory "/Developer/Documentation/">
Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
Here, we're taking every file and directory accessed under /Users/morbus/docs
and instead serving them from /Developer/Documentation. Accessing would serve
/Developer/Documentation/Carbon/carbon.html; likewise, would return an index of the entire
/Developer/Documentation/Carbon/ directory.
Why does Apache sometimes serve a listing of files in a directory, as it did for
Carbon/, and other times serve an HTML document, often called index.html?
The key is a directive within the Apache configuration file called
DirectoryIndex. By default, on OS X it's:
DirectoryIndex index.html
What this means is that if a file called index.html is in a directory, Apache will
serve that file instead of autogenerating a file listing. Remove the file, and
Apache's back to spitting out what it can find: the contents of the directory
We're not restricted to only one possible directory index. We could use
index.html all of the time, index.php some of the time, and perhaps insomnia
caused the rather suggestive zzzdex.shtml. Apache can be told to look for all
of these, in order of preference:
You can add as many entries as you wish to the DirectoryIndex, but you do
want to try to keep the most common filename first. If you're serving
thousands of pages a second, a properly ordered directory index will save you
a tiny bit of time and processing.
There are times when we do want Apache to autogenerate a listing, and the
mod_autoindex (
Apache module gives us a lot of power in customizing the autogenerated
appearance. For instance, you can control the initial sorting order, the
descriptions of the files shown, and even include headers or footers (in HTML
with optional server-side includes or plain text).
Take the following example. This will add a descriptive element to all our JPEG
images and a different description to all our PHP files. When Apache
autogenerates the index, it'll display our blurbage for each matching file:
<Directory "/Users/morbus/Sites/">
Options Includes Indexes Multiviews
AllowOverride All
IndexOptions FancyIndexing
AddDescription "This is a short description" *.jpg
AddDescription "This is a description of questionable qu
There's one problem, however, and that's length. With the look-and-feel of
Apache's autoindex, the description is either cut off arbitrarily, or else the
browser will scroll the data off screen. That's where HeaderName and
ReadmeName come in. These directives tell Apache which files to use as the
header (controlled by HeaderName) and footer (controlled by ReadmeName) of
a directory listing. By default, these files are HEADER.txt (or HEADER.html)
and README.txt (or README.html), respectively.
<Directory "/Users/morbus/Sites/">
Options Includes Indexes Multiviews
AllowOverride All
IndexOptions FancyIndexing SuppressHTMLPreamble Descript
AddDescription "This is a <u>short</u> description" *.jp
AddDescription "This is a description of questionable qu
Besides the fact that we've now added our own HTML header that makes the
font smaller (via HEADER.html), we've also told Apache not to spit out its
normal header code (with SuppressHTMLPreamble). Our descriptions will no
longer be truncated, since we've given ourselves unlimited length via
DescriptionWidth (they may still scroll off the end of the browser window,
You may also notice that we've added an underline to one of our descriptions.
Including HTML within the AddDescription comes with no restrictions, but
you do want to be careful about truncating. If you're not, the HTML code could
be cut in half, distorting the rest of your page (in the previous code, there's
nothing to worry about, since we've turned off truncating with
There are many other options available. With a little ingenuity, a user wanting
to offer a large collection of downloadable files could have a complete web site
in 10 minutes. Think of it thousands of MP3s sorted and described, using only
two HTML files and some AddDescription lines. Need to add a new song?
Just stick it in the directory, add a description, and you're done. No muss, no
fuss, and you didn't need any database or programming knowledge.
Of course, you may not like the idea that millions of anonymous Internet users
could leech your MP3 collection. With the tips described in [Hack #97], you'll
be able to stop the tragedy of the commons and restore a little more order.
Chapter 9. Databases
Long the backbone of just about any open source-driven web site, the MySQL
and PostgreSQL database engines are just as at home on your Mac as they
have been in the more traditional Unix shop. With front ends like SQL4X and
MacSQL, you needn't fear being restricted to a command line-only view of your
data. And the combination of Apache web server, MySQL database, and web-
scripting capabilities of PHP provide you all you need to build amazing,
dynamic, content-driven web sites.
This chapter walks you through the installation and exploration of these two
remarkable database applications, both on the command line and the desktop.
Hack 99 Installing the MySQL Database
Add the functionality of the most popular open source database server
to the underpinnings of your Mac-powered web site.
MySQL is one of the most popular database servers, available for all flavors of
Linux, Windows, and now Mac OS X. Due to its immense popularity, you'll
often see web hosts and ISPs offering it as one of the default features for new
accounts. It's a good database to get your feet wet with.
One of the drawbacks to its popularity, however, is the number of ways you
can install it. There are various double-clickable packages available, as well as
various ways to install and compile from source. We'll be focusing on the two I
found best:
The Login Picture and Password can be anything you wish. Once you've got all
the information filled in, click the OK button, and you'll see the mysql User
entry in the User list. This step is required both for the double-clickable install
and for compiling the source code don't skip it.
That's the extent of installing MySQL in package form nothing fancy, really.
There are a few more steps to configuring a properly working MySQL database,
but since they're needed for both the packaged and compiled versions, we'll
get to them after the next section. You can skim on down to Post-Installation
Wrap Up.
Compiling MySQL from source is relatively easy. In the next few steps, we'll
create and install the MySQL database with the same configuration as the one
available in the prepackaged form discussed earlier. To compile MySQL, you'll
need access to your Terminal and an administrative password. Also, the latest
OS X Developer Tools should be installed.
If you've installed the packaged version of MySQL (discussed earlier), you do not need to
do anything in this section.
The first thing, obviously, is to get the source code itself. You can find the
closest mirror on the MySQL site
( Once the download is
complete, get into your Terminal [Hack #48], create and move into the
/usr/local/src/ directory:
% cd /usr/local
% sudo mkdir src
% cd src
Next, we decompress our downloaded file (your path and filename will be
We then move into the new directory (again, yours will probably be different):
% cd mysql-3.23.49/
At this point, you're going to use three commands that are very common when
compiling source code. The first command is configure and, funnily enough,
it creates a configuration file that is used by the other two commands. In most
cases, this is where you choose how you want your program to act, where you
want it installed, and so on.
The next step is the actual compilation phase. This is where you take the
source code you've configured and turn it into an executable program for OS
X. To do this, simply enter the following:
% sudo make
make will take a look at the configuration you created (using that configure
command) and go about creating a custom installation based on your whims
and desires. Often, this can take minutes; it can also take seconds. (On my
Dual 450 G4, it took a good eight or nine minutes, with three or four other
programs open.) Either way, you're going to see a lot of stuff saunter by on
your screen. You don't have to worry about reading or understanding it all;
this is the art of a compile-in-progress.
Be careful that you don't get confused by the concepts of compiling and
installing. Just because we're compiling our source code with make, there's no
guarantee that we can use it to conquer the world. Our last command in our
trio-of-temerity handles that aspect:
This command simply takes all of the compiled code from our make and installs
it in the places we've requested (said places being overridable using the
configure command, if you recall). After you run make install, the code
you've compiled is ready for your use. You can either begin using the program
right away, or you can continue tweaking extra settings.
In MySQL's case, there are a few more commands we need to run basic steps
that ensure a properly running MySQL. Read on, stalwart traveler!
In the case of the package installation, your directory layout is shown here,
with /usr/local/mysql/ being a symlink to /usr/local/mysql-3.23.49/ (note,
however, that the client programs and server are also installed in
With the preceding hierarchy, your final steps are within walking distance.
% cd /usr/local/mysql/
% sudo ./scripts/mysql_install_db
% sudo chown -R mysql /usr/local/mysql
% sudo ./bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql &
% cd /usr/local/
% sudo ./bin/mysql_install_db
% sudo chown -R mysql /usr/local/var
% sudo ./bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql &
These orders will initialize the core MySQL database (which takes care of
access control), as well as start the MySQL server in the background. If
everything goes smoothly, you should see something similar to this (the
pathname is based on which install you chose earlier):
If the foregoing steps went smoothly, it's time to make a quick PHP script to
make sure database communication is possible. Copy the following code into
your favorite text editor (like BBEdit (, and save
the file as test.php within a web-site directory (either
/Library/WebServer/Documents/ or /Users/morbus/Sites, for example).
In order for this to work, you should have already turned on PHP [Hack #93] in your
onboard Apache web server. If you've not already done so, do so first and then come right
print "<pre>";
// log into our local server using the mysql root user.
$dbh = mysql_connect( "localhost", "root", "" );
print "</pre>";
We're not going to explore the syntax of the PHP script or the SQL commands that are
used. Suffice it to say that this script will create a table in the MySQL test database, add
some data, and then spit back the total contents of the wisdom table. If you need a
brush-up on PHP or MySQL, be sure to check out (
After you've saved the file, load it in your web browser. I saved my copy in
/Users/morbus/Sites/test.php, so I loaded
in my browser. After the first run, this is what I saw:
If I continue running the script, changing the INSERT line each time, my
output will start to look like this:
When we turn on our web server (through the System Preferences Sharing
panel), OS X will happily restart Apache if our machine ever needs a reboot.
Out of the box, MySQL doesn't restart automatically. Thankfully, there's a
double-clickable solution (
StartupItem.pkg.tar.gz), again from Marc Liyanage. Upon installing this startup
item, MySQL will be at your beck and call after every reboot.
By default, the MySQL root user has no password assigned to it. If you take a
gander back at our PHP script, you'll see that we connect to our database with
that field blank:
// log into our local server using the mysql root user.
$dbh = mysql_connect( "localhost", "root", "" );
// log into our local server using the mysql root user.
$dbh = mysql_connect( "localhost", "root", "new_password_h
Hack 100 Installing the PostgreSQL Database
Are you a longtime Mac user curious about working with databases in the past
but scared away by prohibitive prices? Are you new to Apple and would like to
put your prior database experience to use on the Mac? If you're either, read
on. I'm going to walk you through installing PostgreSQL
( on Mac OS X (I'm using 10.1.4), as well as using SQL
tools with it and connecting to PostgreSQL with Java. The Java bit is at the tail
end of this piece so that if programming (or Java itself) isn't your thing you
can easily skip it.
I'm a new Mac user. I recently made the switch from Windows 2000 to Mac OS
X and have become comfortable enough in my new environment to flex some
of my database skills on this exciting new platform having worked with
everything from MS Access to Oracle in the past. I've kept up with some of the
high-level news about what is going on in the open source DBMS realm. So
when I pondered which DBMS I should install on my Mac, PostgreSQL was the
rather quick answer. It has good third-party support from developers, and it
passes the ACID test (
100.1 Installation
If you don't already have a current version of Apple's Developer Tools [Hack
#55], now is the time to get and install them. We'll be using the compiler
during installation of PostgreSQL.
All right, now let's get PostgreSQL. You can download PostgreSQL 7.2.1 via FTP
( or HTTP
( I saved
the file to my Desktop, but you can save it wherever you wish. Use StuffIt
Expander to extract the files.
To install PostgreSQL, open the Terminal [Hack #48] and navigate to the folder
containing your newly unstuffed copy of the PostgreSQL source.
The first step is to configure the installation. configure will sniff out the
proper system variables to set for Mac OS X (10.1 or later is required).
Several files will be created in the build tree to record these customizations. To
run the configure script, you must type ./configure at the command line.
However, we are not ready to run the script just yet. First, let's discuss a few
switches we can append to customize our configuration.
Because I realize the audience for this hack is international, we're also going
to include locale support. We do this by passing the argument --enable-
locale. Additionally, if you plan to use your database with an interface that
expects all strings to be in Unicode, you need to add the --enable-
multibyte=UNICODE option. I'm turning on multibyte support because I plan
to use PostgreSQL as the DBMS for some Java applications I'll be developing. If
you're going to skip the Java portion of this hack, you can choose not to
include this argument.
You'll know configure is complete when you get back to a command prompt.
The build process can last anywhere between five minutes and half an hour,
according to documentation provided by PostgreSQL. The build on my 600MHz
iBook lasted seven minutes. Once the build is complete, type make install to
begin installing PostgreSQL. If you plan to do server-side program
development such as creating custom functions, replace install with
install-all-headers. If your install was successful, you'll see the following
You should type the following to reference the manual pages for PostgreSQL:
In order to simplify things for the purpose of this hack, we're going to create
the database as your own user, which should be set up as an administrator.
However, for production systems, it is recommended that you create the
database as a dedicated PostgreSQL user.
% initdb -D /Users/Shared/PostgreSQL/data
/Users/Shared/PostgreSQL/bin/postmaster -D /Users/Shared/P
/Users/Shared/PostgreSQL/bin/pg_ctl -D /Users/Shared/Postg
logfile start
This is just what we want to do. The first command will start the database
server in the foreground. The second command uses a shell script that
automates the commands needed to start the database server in the
background. Start the database with the second command.
% createdb foo
Congratulations, you just created your first database! Its name is foo. That
wasn't so hard.
Let's try accessing the database we just created. I'll touch on a couple of SQL
tools for the Mac: ViennaSQL ( and SQL4X
Manager J ( I'll walk you through setting up
ViennaSQL and connecting to foo with it. You'll also see a screenshot of the
key-connection setup screen if you wish to use SQL4X Manager J instead.
You will need to edit [Hack #51] your PostgreSQL.conf file in order to activate
TCP/IP sockets for PostgreSQL. The file is located in
/Users/Shared/PostgreSQL/data/. You will see the following line near the top of
the file, under the connection parameters section:
tcpip_socket = false
Uncomment the line by removing the pound symbol (#) and replace false
with true. Open /Users/Shared/PostgreSQL/data/pg_hba.conf in a text editor.
Scroll to the bottom of the host-based access file and enter the following to
allow access to all databases from any computer on the local network:
host all trust
% /Users/Shared/PostgreSQL/bin/pg_ctl -D /Users/Shared/Pos
logfile -o -i restart
OK, now start up ViennaSQL via its JAR file. Under File in the menu bar, select
Configure. This will bring up the ViennaSQL Options window. Click on the
Connection tab and create a new connection (see Figure 9-1). Fill in the
Connection name with PostgreSQL. Type org.PostgreSQL.Driver in the
Driver class text box. The URL should be jdbc:PostgreSQL:foo in our case.
Then fill in the appropriate information for your current Mac OS user.
Click the Test button to verify that your connection is working, dismiss the
Connection Test window, then click on the OK button in the New Connection
window and the ViennaSQL Options window. There is a combo box in the top-
righthand corner of ViennaSQL's main window; select PostgreSQL from that
box. This will connect you to the database. Type the following SQL into the
lower pane of ViennaSQL's window:
Select Query and Execute from the menu bar. Then select Query and Commit
from the menu bar. You've now created your first table. Congratulations again!
Now, let's populate it with some sample data. Type the following lines of code
in the lower pane, replacing what is already there:
You'll need to execute and commit these statements just as you did the last
one (see Figure 9-2).
Now, in order to view the data we just inserted, let's check out some Java
code! I've written some Java that will connect to our database and return some
values from each row of the books table. Download
to your desktop. Now, in the Terminal, switch to your Desktop folder and
compile the source. Then, run the resulting Java class. Here's what I had to
enter into the Terminal to accomplish this:
% cd ~/Desktop
% javac
% java connectPostgreSQL
After pressing Return on the third command line, you should see output
similar to this:
And that's all I wrote. Well, almost. I've included some links in the See Also
section for more information on PostgreSQL and some of the technologies that
were touched on in this hack.
Michael Brewer
Our look is the result of reader comments, our own experimentation, and
feedback from distribution channels. Distinctive covers complement our
distinctive approach to technical topics, breathing personality and life into
potentially dry subjects.
Brian Sawyer was the production editor and proofreader for Mac OS X Hacks.
Norma Emory was the copyeditor. Mary Brady and Claire Cloutier provided
quality control. Genevieve d'Entremont provided production support. Ellen
Troutman Zaig wrote the index.
Fixed wrenches offer more precise control over specific tasks, since their
stationary jaws always remain tight. Adjustable wrenches are ideal for jobs
that call for a variety of wrench sizes in circumstances that limit the number of
available tools.
Edie Freedman designed the cover of this book. The cover image is an original
photograph by Edie Freedman. Emma Colby produced the cover layout with
QuarkXPress 4.1 using Adobe's Helvetica Neue and ITC Garamond fonts.
David Futato designed the interior layout. This book was converted by Mike
Sierra to FrameMaker 5.5.6 with a format conversion tool created by Erik Ray,
Jason McIntosh, Neil Walls, and Mike Sierra that uses Perl and XML
technologies. The text font is Linotype Birka; the heading font is Adobe
Helvetica Neue Condensed; and the code font is LucasFont's TheSans Mono
Condensed. The illustrations that appear in the book were produced by Robert
Romano and Jessamyn Read using Macromedia FreeHand 9 and Adobe
Photoshop 6. This colophon was written by Brian Sawyer.
The online edition of this book was created by the Safari production group
(John Chodacki, Becki Maisch, and Madeleine Newell) using a set of Frame-to-
XML conversion and cleanup tools written and maintained by Erik Ray, Benn
Salter, John Chodacki, and Jeff Liggett.
[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
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archiving technologies
Backup application 2nd
802.11b networks, using with
C D archives
cost of
creating with rsync
Entourage database
psync command
restoring from
bandwidth, calculating for radio webcast
bash shell
.bash_profile (startup) file
BBEdit (Bare Bones Software) 2nd
BigC at utility, running Applescripts in contextual menus
Billionton USB Bluetooth adapter
binary files, identifying for C VS
bitmapped TIFF image, printing to
blocking booting from another device
blogs [See weblogs]
adapters for Macs
file exchange via
receiving files
sending files
iSync via
adding Ericsson T68 with Bluetooth
adding Palm m515
installing iSync
SMS and phonecall handling with
Sony/Ericsson cellphone, using as modem
boot manager (yaboot)
Boot ROM version
from another device
bootstrapping Debian Linux on iBook
brightness and contrast, altering for photos
brightness keys (Linux on iBook)
associating Internet Shortcut with
web searches with
BSD Software Developer's Kit (SDK)
buddy icon (iC hat), changing
buddy lists
adding names to
status messages
bzip2 compression
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
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m4 macro language
Mac OS X
applications, types of
Developer Tools
running on older machines
running Windows on
sharing files with Windows PC s
systems configuration
user logins from Windows
viewing Mac files from PC
viewing PC files from Mac
tips for Unix users
/etc files
aliases and links
filesystem layout
Fink project, open-source applications
hidden files 2nd
shell, finding
sudo command instead of su
X11 applications, running IMAP accounts
Mac::AppleScript module
RunAppleScript( )
Mac::iTunes module
Mac::iTunes::AppleScript module
MacDevC (tutorials on iMovie, iPhoto, and QuickTime)
Macintosh line breaks
MacOSX::File module
MacOSX::iTunes module
Mail 2nd
IMAP, using with
Account Path Prefix
checking for IMAP service
creating IMAP account
deleting messages
IMAP mailboxes, creating and editing
inbox accounts
message caching
message flags
organizing mailboxes
sent messages
special mailboxes
specifying account options
port forwarding
mailbox, fetchmail
MAILSERVER line in /etc/hostconfig
mailto shortcut
Make Alias command
make command
make directory (mkdir) command
make install command
Makefile.PL script
man (manual) command
man pages
consulting for commands and applications
gzip and tar
matching your keystrokes to what you might mean (LaunchBar)
memory cards for digital cameras
memory usage
message flags
messages [See email SMS]
Metallifizer, changing brushed-metal appearance of C ocoa applications
Entourage X (Office for Mac OS X)
Shared Source C LI
Windows [See Windows]
Word document, opening without Word
mirroring files and directories with rsync
mkdir (make directory) command
Moa Tunes
mobile devices, synchronizing contact and calendar information with the Mac
mod_dav module, installing
building Apache web server
Apache startup bundle
downloading latest sources
testing Apache
testing mod_perl
dynamically loaded, instability of
for Linux on iBook
Sony/Ericsson cellphone, using as Bluetooth modem
modules [See also individual module names]
configuring mod_perl for
loaded at startup
more command
mounting WebDAV shares
mouse button emulation on Linux
mouse pointers in screenshots
built-in screen capture tool
Grab utility
Movable Type content management system
move (mv) command
movies [See documentary, making your own]
Mozilla browser, keyword searching
converting iTunes file to
royalty-free clips for documentary
Audio Hijack
Bluetooth, using for SMS and phonecall handling
documentary [See documentary, making your own]
iC al calendars
controlling iTunes playlist with
subscribing to
iC hat
image conversion
iPhoto application [See iPhoto]
iSync via Bluetooth
controlling with Perl
sharing listening preferences with
running web ratio station [See web radio station, running]
slideshow [See slideshow, creating with iApps]
multiuser environment of Mac OS X
for documentary video
royalty-free MP3 clips
free, in iDisk
sharing your listening preferences
web radio promo clip
music database [See iTunes]
mv (move) command
MySQL database
compiling from source
directory layout
initializing core database and starting server
installing the package
server, restarting and securing
testing communication
user account for server
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
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as folders
for Linux on iBook
hot plugging
power management
special keys
Pager, VirtualDesktop
Palm OS devices
adding Palm m515 to iSync
HotSync Mamager for MacOS X
synchronizing calendar and contact information with your Mac
panning motion effect for images
parent directory
moving up hierarchy to with cd ..
partitioning iBook hard disk for Debian Linux/Mac OS X
controlling web-server access by
Open Firmware protection
forgotten passwords
root user, MySQL database server
setting for new users
for WebDAV files
absolute or full
launching applications from command line
prepended to all mailbox names by Mail
controlling iTunes with
Apache web server and
Apache web server and mod_perl
Tk and
C PAN, searching with Searchling
dynamically loaded mod_perl
installing latest version of
Mac::AppleScript module
MacOSX::File module
MacOSX::iTunes module
translating Mac linefeeds to/from Unix
using with AppleScript for speakable web services
version 5.8
mod_perl, using in
status check for
PerlSetEnv directives
admin user
aliases and
Apache running C GI script
changing with chmod
bypassing with sudo command
problems with emptying trash
fixing for renamed home directory
mailbox, setting up for fetchmail
owner, group, and world
read, write, and execute
root user
sendmail and
Personal Web Sharing 2nd 3rd
Photo to Movie application 2nd
photos 2nd [See also digital photography; iPhoto]
PHP 2nd
pico editor
default command-line editor, setting as
editing system crontab
inserting files into
moving about in
saving files
searching current file for specific text
selecting text
Pictures folder, storing iPhoto libraries in
PID (process ID)
piping output via more command
PixelNhance image editor
playlist, building for web radio
plist preference file format
plug-and-play, implementing for Linux on iBook
pmud and pmud-utils packages
POP 2nd [See also email]
certificates for servers
downloading mail with fetchmail
mail servers
port forwarding
authentication to remote machine
bypassing privileged ports
for cable/DSL routers
iBook vs. PC s
ISPs blocking outgoing traffic on port 25
for web traffic, POP mail, and SSH
Post Office Protocol [See POP]
PostgreSQL database
resources for further information
setting up the database
power management packages, Linux on iBook
PPP, setting up for Bluetooth
PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol)
preferences for applications
Preview application, converting image formats
print working directory (pwd) command
printenv and test-cgi scripts
printing to PDF or bitmapped image
privileged ports, bypassing
process ID (PID)
Processes drawer (DropDrawers)
Project Builder
promotional spot for web radio
Proteron, LiteSwitchX
Proteus (instant messenger)
ps (process status) command
psync command
deleting files
remote backups
restoring from backup
testing backups
Public folder
publishing calendars
email messages in Entourage
mailboxes of deleted messages
pwd (print working directory) command
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
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saving file in pico
scheduling tasks with cron [See cron utility]
scipt testing MySQL database communication
scp command
Scrapbook (Internet Explorer)
brightness key
extending with
extending with VirtualDesktop
screencapture utility (Terminal)
screensaver as Desktop
tips on
built-in capabilities
Grab utility
Snapz Pro X, using
Terminal screencapture utility
ScriptAlias directive (Apache)
scripting languages [See also AppleScript; shell; shell scripts]
Perl [See Perl]
scripting, turning command-line script into application
ScriptMenu utility
SDK (Software Developer's Kit)
for Bluetooth devices nearby
within current pico file for specific text
C PAN (C omprehensive Perl Archive Network), searching
Secure Digital (SD) Bluetooth card
secure IMAP (IMAPS)
secure mail transfer
Secure Shell [See SSH]
Secure Sockets Layer [See SSL]
secure tunneling with VPN or SSH
basic authentication, risks of
msql database server
sendmail file permissions and
WebDAV files
selecting text in pico
self-signed certificate for SSL
sending files via Bluetooth
sendmail 2nd 3rd
configuration files, working with
DontBlameSendmail configuration parameter
hostconfig file, editing for automatic startup
hostnames, specifying
ISPs blocking outgoing traffic on port 25
LUSER_RELAY, setting up
NetInfo database, modifying
relaying mail from certain hosts
running behind a firewall
Server Message Block (SMB)
SMB/C IFS Server
server-side includes [See SSIs]
IMAP and POP mail servers
configuring the servers
downloading and building IMAP server
OS X Server, running on older machines
QuickTime Streaming Server
general settings
SMB/C IFS Server
Unix, in Mac OS X
web [See Apache web servers]
connecting to
publishing calendars on
Service Release 1 (Entourage), downloading
exporting DropScript applications as
FTP and Web Sharing
Remote Login
setenv command
SetFile utility 2nd
settings for applications
shadowing the Dock
Shared Source C LI (Microsoft)
commands for unlocking files
commands to lock files
environment variables, setting
exiting sessions
installing Fink through
interacting with from AppleScript
Mac OS X, finding for
Macintosh Finder
startup files
text editors used through
shell scripts
startup/shutdown script
stream program
wrapping in AppleScript
Short Message Service [See SMS]
short name 2nd 3rd
changing for an account
Show Desktop program
Simmons, Brent
single-user mode, booting in
Sites Drawer
Sites folder
sites.xml file (Searchling)
sleep (iBook)
slideshow, creating with iApps
converting to video
fine tuning music track
how iApps work together
iPhoto image database
iPhoto, iMovie, and iTunes, using
opening titles in iMovie
putting it all together
soundtrack from iMovie, adding
SMB (Server Message Block)
SMB/C IFS Server
SMS (Short Message Service)
incoming messages, saving
receiving messages with Address Book
sending messages using Address Book
SMTP, configuring localhost for Mail
Snapz Pro X (screen capture utility)
SOAP::Lite module, calling XMethods service
soft links (symbolic or symlink)
software base station, Internet sharing over
Software Developer's Kit (SDK)
software updates on command line
Sony/Ericsson cellphones
sending file to
using as Bluetooth modem
sound effects, adding to recordings
sound, enabling for Linux on iBook
soundtrack, adding to slideshow
C VS (C oncurrent Versioning System)
XML-based messaging systems
speakable web services
namespace management
Perl and AppleScript, using
special keys, Linux on iBook
SQL tools for the Mac 2nd [See also ViennaSQL]
SQL4X Manager J
copying files over
C VS over SSH server
remote login via
allowing remote login
tunneling data over
SSIs (server-side includes)
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
certificates for IMAP and POP mail servers
IMAP, using with
WebDAV servers, use by
Apache web server
booting from another device
Mac OS X, tips for Unix users
password protection (Open Firmware)
shell startup files
turning your Mac into a hard drive
verbose booting
Startup Disk preference pane
static IP addresses
status of Apache web server
storyboard for documentary video
stream program
stuck image files
Stuffit Expander
tar.gz files
su command
subdirectories, delimited by /
subscribing to published calendars
subscriptions to syndicated online content
substitute-user do [See sudo command]
sudo command 2nd
authenticating for port forwarding
recursively deleting files without owning permissions
software updates
Sugalski, Dan
superuser privileges
switching among applications
symbolic links [See symlinks]
synchronizing contact and calendar information on mobile devices with the Mac
synchronizing file and folder transfers
syndicated online content (weblogs)
NetNewsWire reader
news aggregators
subscriptions to
system crontab file 2nd
system fonts, changing
system message buffer, displaying with dmesg
system monitoring with iPulse
System Overview section (Apple System Profiler)
System Preferences
Apache server, starting up
locked settings
system startup items
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tar utility
compressing files with gzip
unpacking Apache and mod_perl sources
tar.gz files, associated with Stuffit Expander
tarball archives
target mode, booting in
task-scheduling utility [See cron utility]
TC P/IP sockets, activating for PostgreSQL
tcsh shell
.tcshrc startup file
tell( )
archiving utilities
calendars, displaying
cat (concatenate) command
cd (change directory) command
changing file and directory permissions with chmod
changing owner and group with chown and chgrp
checking email via fetchmail
clear or C ontrol-l command
compressing .dmg file
copy and paste, drag and drop
counting files
cp (copy) command
changing window color
saving settings to .term file
df command, finding filesystem ID of a cd/DVD
dmesg command
editing special Unix files
pico, using
Texteditor, using
history command
listing all commands
ln command
logging out of shell session
ls (list) command
Mac OS X Developer Tools
man pages, consulting for help
mkdir (make directory) command
more command
moving in directory hierarchy
mv command, moving files with
pwd (print working directory) command
screen capture with
screensaver, closing
softwareupdate command
switching windows
user crontab file
Terminal Services
terminal-based text editors
text editors
.term file, editing
BBEdit 2nd 3rd
default command-line editor
changing from vi to pico
editing Unix and special files
line breaks, handling of
opening Word documents in
inserting/opening files
moving about in
saving files
selecting text
Textedit 2nd
text file, viewing contents with cat command
text-to-speech engine
Text::Template module
thumbnails (iPhoto), enlarging
TIFF images, printing to
timeline for video documentary, adding tracks to
TinkerTool, customizing your Mac GUI
adding shadow to the Dock
displaying multiple lines of a filename
Dock position
removing arrows
system fonts, changing
iPhoto pictures, adding to
opening, creating for slideshow in iMovie
Tk, controlling iTunes from
To Do List, synchronizing with Palm m515
transactions, adding to MySQL
transferring files with iC hat Rendezvous
transitions in movie scenes
deleted Mail messages
emptying, problems with
file permissions
file still in use
locked file in trash
mailbox for deleted messages
tunneling with VPN or SSH
type/creator codes for files 2nd
text editor handling of
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uchg flag
University of Washington Mac OS X Developer Tools
applications, installing with Fink
Bourne shell script for startup/shutdown
features in Mac OS X
line breaks
translating Mac to/from (with Perl)
Mac OS X tips
/etc files
aliases and links
filesystem layout
Fink project, open-source applications
hidden files 2nd
shell, finding
sudo command instead of su
X11 applications, running
server in Mac OS X
Terminal and
Darwin core of Mac OS X
editing special Unix files
unlocking files 2nd
FTP share
WebDAV share
Unsanity, Application Enhancer (APE)
up and down arrow keys, navigating previous commands
update -d command (C VS)
updates for software on the command line
URLs, opening from command line
USB hardware for Linux
Usenet news, Google archives of
user accounts
administrative privileges
home directory
MySQL server
name and short name, selecting
duplicating home directory
root [See root user]
user crontab file
user interface
AppleScript in contextual menus
brushed-metal appearance of C ocoa applications, changing
customizing with TinkerTool
adding shadow to the Dock
displaying multiple lines of a filename
Dock position
removing arrows
system fonts, changing
editing special Unix files
extending your screen
with VirtualDesktop
GUI text editors, command-line editors vs.
Interface Builder
scheduling tasks with cron
screensaver as Desktop
screenshot tips
built-in capabilities
Grab utility
shell environment variables, setting
speakable web services
namespace management
Perl and AppleScript, using
controlling web-server access by
/Users directory
users, adding
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verbose booting
versioning system [See C VS]
Audio In application
searching for messaging systems
vi editor 2nd 3rd
digital [See documentary, making your own]
importing clips into iMovie
slideshow, converting to
fine tuning music track
how iApps work together
iPhoto image database
opening titles in iMovie
database table, creating
setting up database connection
vim editor
Virtual PC
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
virtual screens
vocal track for web radio promo
voice commands
volume key (Linux on iBook)
VPN (Virtual Private Network)
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waking, iBook
wc (word count) command
Web Devil
web pages, saving for offline reading
web radio station, running
calculating bandwidth
help for QuickTime Streaming Server
installing/configuring QuickTime streaming server
playlist, building
promotional spot, creating
QTSS, starting
QuickTime Streaming Server, general settings
remote administration
resources needed
starting playlist
tuning in
web servers [See Apache web servers]
web services, speakable
namespace management
Perl and AppleScript, using
Web Sharing
Web, searching [See Internet, searching from your desktop]
Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning [See WebDAV]
Apache mod_dav, installing
configuring in Apache
directories, setting up
Mac OS X and
publishing calendars on
restarting the server
WebDAV share
connecting and mounting
NetNewsWire reader
news aggregators
subscriptions to
wget utility 2nd
whitespace, line breaks on different operating systems
whoami command
WiFi (802.11b) wireless access
connecting laptop to iBook via ethernet cable
hiding for applications
line breaks
translating to other operating systems
Mac concept of
running on Mac
versions supporting Terminal Services
Virtual PC 2nd
Virtual PC and RDC performance
sharing files with Mac OS X
systems configuration
viewing Mac files from PC
viewing PC files from Mac
sharing files with Mac OS X machines
FTP to Mac
logins to Mac from Windows
Terminal [See also Terminal]
switching among
VPN/PPTP server based on
W2KAS (Windows 2000 Advanced Server)
AirPort networks
Internet access
setting up
AT&T Wirless Services GPRS (mMode) service
word count (wc) command
Word documents, opening in text editors
world permissions
world-writeable files
write permission
writing by hand
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x (execute) permission
X11 applications, running
X11 system (Apple beta)
XMethods Web service
XML-based messaging systems
XonX (X Windows on OS X) 2nd
XPostFacto utility
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yaboot program
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