Tryout (1) Bahasa Inggris PDF
Tryout (1) Bahasa Inggris PDF
Tryout (1) Bahasa Inggris PDF
1. Berdo‟alah sebelum mengerjakan soal tryout ini.
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1. As part of interactional competence, conversational competence which is inherent to
the turn-taking system in conversation includes the following dialogic genres
A. how to get, hold, and relinquish the floor
B. How to apply aspects of metacognition
C. How to open and close conversations
D. How to establish and change topics
E. How to collaborate and backchannel
2. A theory about a cluster of four abilities was developed and factored into language
learning aptitude which was used as the basis for a language aptitude assessment for
adults. The four abilities include the following EXCEPT….
A. Phonetic coding ability
B. Grammatical sensitivity
C. Rote learning ability
D. Hypothetical ability
E. Inductive learning ability
3. Audio- lingual method involves providing a stimulus to which students respond; if the
response is correct, they are praised in order to…..
A. Know the words exposed by the teachers to their students
B. Reinforce the correct use of language and learning
C. Repeat exercises and ask the students to say it again
D. Continues with the next exercises with or without stimulus
E. Continue doing exercises until all forms have been practiced
4. In designing a curriculum, a designer is concerned not just with lists of what will be
taught and in what order, but also with the following EXCEPT ….
A. the planning
B. the implementation
C. the management
D. the supervision
E. the evaluation
5. Error analysis studies the types and causes of language errors which are classified,
among other things according to the following EXCEPT ….
A. modality (i.e. proficiency in speaking, writing, reading, listening)
B. linguistic levels (i.e. pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, style)
C. aims (e.g. instrumental, external, internal)
D. form (e.g. omission, insertion, substitution)
E. cause (e.g. interference, interlanguage)
6. A rubric is a tool used in writing assessment that can be used in several writing
contexts. It is compiled from a series of raters whose comments are categorized and
condensed into a five-factor rubric, four of which are the following EXCEPT ….
A. Form: organization and analysis
B. Ideas: relevance, clarity, quantity, development
C. Genre: descriptive, narrative, recount, procedure, etc.
D. Mechanics: specific errors in punctuation, grammar, etc.
E. Wording: choice and arrangement of words
8. The following are four main activities in the PPP format of an EFL learning lesson plan
A. teacher produces a situation and presents L2 in context
B. students practice L2 items using accurate techniques
C. students use L2 and make sentences of their own
D. students discuss what they have learned during the lesson
E. teacher and students a game using the target language
9. When determining your methods of Direct Instruction in your lesson plan, consider the
following questions EXCEPT ….
A. How can I best tap into the various learning modalities?
B. What materials are available to me for this lesson?
C. What relevant vocabulary do I need to present to my students?
D. How can my students engage in discussion and participation beyond classes?
E. What will my students need to learn to complete the lesson plans objectives?
10. The presentation phase of a lesson plan can take a variety of forms. The following are
suggestions on how to present new materials to class EXCEPT ….
A. teacher centered explanation
B. student presentation
C. reading selection
D. listening selection
E. guided exercises
11. To facilitate students to have sufficient practice in guessing the content of a reading
passage, a teacher can make the best use of activities in which the students….
A. relate the accompanying pictures with the content
B. use a flowchart mapping the content of the passage
C. answer several comprehension questions provided
D. complete a table containing the passage outline
E. rearrange jumbled paragraphs of the passage
12. For the students to get the data from not just written, spoken, but also pictographic
materials for them as a basis to explain in a written text on why cats purr when
sleeping, a teacher can most appropriately make use of ….
A. video recordings
B. audio recordings
C. journal articles
D. online sources
E. text books
13. Controlled yet contextual use of vocabulary items of a written descriptive text may be
best practiced through which of the following?
A. Minimal pairs
B. Cloze exercises
C. Simulated Dialogs
D. Substitution drills
E. Matching tasks
14. To get the most out of the potentials of extroverted students, Mr. Marzuki will set up
learning activities that allow them to do a lot of….
A. listening and reading
B. speaking and listening
C. reading and writing
D. writing and speaking
E. speaking and reading
15. In a reading class, Janet is at loss when Mr. Rohanda asks her a question about the
topic of the passage they are dealing with. The appropriate emphatetic communication
strategy Mr. Rohanda should hold is….
A. ask her classmate next to her to help her answer the question
B. repeat the question to help her answer the question correctly
C. make her read the whole passage once again more carefully
D. ask her questions for not being able to answer his question
E. tell her to pay attention to him more seriously in his class
16. At the pre-reading phase, Mr. Mahmud raises a leading question about the theme of
the day‟s discussion. Sarah answers the question incorrectly. Mr. Mahmud‟s emphatetic
communication response should be….
A. “What is that your answer? Please let us know!”
B. “You answer wrongly Sarah. Please try again!”
C. “That‟s not the answer Sarah. Listen to me”
D. “Sarah, you do not answer my question.”
E. “Anyone, is it the correct answer?”
17. By being criterion-based, assessment means that….
A. students can be compared to other students
B. students‟ achievement is based on materials
C. assessing students‟ learning is required
D. students‟ learning is assessed on standards
E. learning should be followed by assessment
18. With reference to the condition element in the indicator, the authentic assessment type
that is appropriate to measure the indicator that follows:
Based on two contexts: online sources and observations, students
make a report on an extended account explaining reasons for a
kite to fly in the sky.
A. extended response
B. performance
C. interview
D. portfolio
E. project
19. Ms. Nastiti observed that her class was below the mastery learning criterion in writing
on how to do things. The reason is not due to language problems, but is more on
generating ideas to be written. To solve the problem, she designs an innovative
strategy through classroom action research the steps of which have the elements of….
A. think-pair-share
B. mind mapping
C. jigsaw
20. A research title for classroom action research encompasses these components: focus,
locus, and modus as suggested in which of the following?
A. Effectiveness of mind mapping to improve descriptive writing of first graders of
B. Mind mapping for improving teaching descriptive texts of first graders of SMPN 5
C. Using mind mapping to improve descriptive writing of first graders of SMPN 5
D. The effect of mind mapping on descriptive writing of first graders of SMPN 5
E. Mind mapping as a strategy for descriptive writing of first graders of SMPN 5
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24. How many options are available to save power?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5.
Snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). They belong to the same group as
lizard (the scaled group, Squamata) but from a sub-group of their own (Serpentes).
Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they had claws to help them slither along.
Snakes are not slimy. They are covered in scales which are just bumps on the skin. Their
skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the snake slithers along the ground.
Snakes often sun bathe on rock in the warm weather. This is because snake is cold-
blooded; they need the sun‟s warmth to heat their bodies up.
Most snakes live in the country. Some types of snakes live in trees; some live in
water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in thick, long grass, and in
old logs.
A snake‟s diet usually consists of frogs, lizards, mice, and other snakes. The
anaconda can eat small crocodiles and even bears. Many snakes protect themselves with
their fangs. Some snakes are protected by scaring their enemies away like Cobra. The
flying snakes glide away from danger. Their ribs spread apart and the skin stretches out.
Its technique is just like the sugar gliders.
Decorate with your own art with makers: draw lines, shapes, animals, people,
Cut some magazine pictures and stick them on it.
Totally cover the box with wrapping paper; and
Glue on shells, buttons, or anything else you want to decorate the pencil case
with. Add glitter if you like.
5. Show all your friends, and be proud of your unique pencil case
29. From the text above it can be concluded that we have to be ... in decorating the box to
have a good result.
A. mindful
B. careful
C. alert
D. risky
E. creative
A tsunami is usually composed of a series waves, called a wave train, so its
destructive force may be compounded as successive waves reach shore. People
experiencing a tsunami should remember that the danger may not have passed with the
first wave and should await official word that it is safe to return to vulnerable locations.
Some tsunamis do not appear on shore as massive breaking waves but instead
resemble a quickly surging tide that inundates coastal areas.
31. From the text, we know that Tsunami can be very destructive because ....
A. they come after earthquakes
B. they are caused by volcanic eruptions
C. they are tall, fast, forceful and repetitive
D. they have a vacuum effect
E. they occur suddenly
C. It requires an associate degree.
D. From 2010 to 2020, this job will grow by 37%.
E. It needs no Short-term on-the-job training
Kaka was born in Brazilia. From age 4 to 7, his family lived in Cuiaba, following his
father, a civil engineer. At age 7, the family moved to the city of Sao Paulo, in the
neighborhood of Morumbi, near the stadium of Sao Paulo FC. As FIFA says,” Kaka fails to
fit the Brazilia stereo type of the kid from the Favela who first played the game in the
street with a ball made from rags. Coming from comfortable and cultured family, Kaka kept
up his studies as long as they were compatible with his profession.”
His talent was soon recognized. A professor called the family and suggested enrolling
him in a football school. At age 8, Kaka was playing with Sao Paulo FC, where he
succeeded in all categories. At age 14, Kaka used to wake up two hours early, to keep up
with his studies. Kaka managed to conclude the intermediary cycle (eleven years) in Brazil,
before dedicating exclusively to football.
In 2006, only 24 years old, Kaka was one of the main Brazilian players in the World
Cup. Despite the abundance of good players, coach Carlos Alberto Parreira already said
that Kaka would stars as a principle. The groups formed by Kaka, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo,
and Adriano was called “the Magic Square” by Brazilian media fans.
34. Having recognized Kaka‟s talent, the professor suggested that ... in the football school.
A. he becomes a supervisor
B. he enrolls as a member
C. he accommodates
D. he practices more
E. he spends his free time
36. “His talent was soon recognized” (paragraph 2). The underlined word is closest in
meaning to....
A. Predicted
B. Registered
C. Managed
D. Succeeded
E. Identified
The king did this everyday not knowing that it was an exercise. Within a few weeks
his body became fit and he felt alert and energetic. He thanked the doctor and asked the
cure‟s secret. The royal doctor said, “Your Majesty, the magic of this cure will keep you fit
if you keep on swinging these dumbbells. The day you stop you will became ill again.”
40. What will happen when the chlorophyll absorbs sunlight? It will....
A. change heat into kinetic energy
B. form complicated compound
C. make use of heat energy
D. change kinetic energy into chemical energy
E. change the sun‟s energy into chemical energy
41. From the text we know that ....
A. plant need to heat energy to live
B. all human beings need chemical energy
C. plants absorb sunlight to produce kinetic energy
D. chlorophyll is the most important thing in photosynthesis
E. sun‟s energy cannot be formed into kinetic energy
42. The green substance of plants is chlorophyll. The underlined word in the above is
closest in meaning to....
A. core
B. body
C. stuff
D. essence
E. material
The use of formalin and other dangerous preservatives in food has been a serious for
two reasons. Firstly, formalin is not for human beings, but it is for biological specimen and
experiments. Formalin in biology is a 10% solution of formaldehyde in water which is
usually used as a disinfectant or to preserve biological specimens. Thus, it is not for food
preservative, it will be very dangerous to human‟s body.
The second reason is that there is not tight control from the government. This
condition makes the people‟s health is really in a threat. When the control is weak and the
use of formalin is spread wide all over the Indonesia regions, and these days it has really
happened, the citizens‟ bodies will be badly contaminated with the poisons. Fish or food
traders still sell their product which contain formalin and dangerous preservatives. Can you
imagine that our digestive system absorbs the substance the should be for the human and
animal corpses?
Considering the reasons, we can makes a conclusion that the use of formalin and
other preservatives is really a serious problem if it is not resolved immediately.
Items 46 – 47 are based on the following passage.
Because theme-based teaching is very demanding the teacher is supposed to plan the
lesson in advance even if she/he is (26)…. Nevertheless there should always be some
choice points in theme-based teaching. Those choice points are for the teacher and the
students to decide which activity (27)… or how much time they spend on it.
The commonly used acronym BICS describes social, conversational language used for oral
communication. Also described as social language, this type of communication offers many
cues to the listener and is (50) …. BICS describes the development of conversational
fluency in the second language, which takes about two years for students from different
linguistic backgrounds to comprehend context-embedded social language readily.
50. Which option best completes (30)?
A. language context-embedded
B. context-embedded language
C. embedded-language context
D. language-embedded context
E. context-language embedded