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Devdept - Eyeshot.entities Classes

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Eyeshot 12 WinForms API Reference

WinForms Assembly / devDept.Eyeshot.Entities Namespace

devDept.Eyeshot.Entities Namespace
In This Topic

See Also

Provides classes for Eyeshot entities.

  Class Description

AngularDim Angular dimension entity.

Arc Arc entity.

Attribute AutoCAD attribute definition.

AttributeBase AutoCAD attribute definition.

AttributeReferenceDictionary AttributeReference dictionary class.

Bar Bar entity. A 3D line drawn like a cylinder.

BlockReference BlockReference entity.

Brep BRep solid entity definition. A manifold solid B-rep is

a finite, arcwise connected volume bounded by one

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or more surfaces, each of which is a connected,

oriented, finite, closed 2-manifold. There is no
restriction on the genus of the volume, nor on the
number of voids within the volume.

The Boundary Representation (B-rep) of a manifold

solid utilizes a graph of edges and vertices
embedded in a connected, oriented, finite, closed
two manifold surface. The embedded graph divides
the surface into arcwise connected areas known as
faces. The edges and vertices, therefore, form the
boundaries of the face and the domain of a face
does not include its boundaries. The embedded
graph may be disconnected and may be a pseudo
graph. The graph is labeled; that is, each entity in the
graph has a unique identity. The geometric surface
definition used to specify the geometry of a face
shall be 2-manifold embeddable in the plane within
the domain of the face. In other words, it shall be
connected, oriented, finite, non-self-intersecting,
and of surface genus 0.

Faces do not intersect except along their boundaries.

Each edge along the boundary of a face is shared by
at most one other face in the assemblage. The
assemblage of edges in the B-rep do not intersect
except at their boundaries (i.e., vertices). The
geometry curve definition used to specify the
geometry of an edge shall be arcwise connected and
shall not self intersect or overlap within the domain
of the edge. The geometry of an edge shall be
consistent with the geometry of the faces of which it
forms a partial bound. The geometry used to define
a vertex shall be consistent with the geometry of the
faces and edges of which it forms a partial bound.

A B-rep is represented by one or more closed shells

which shall be disjoint. One shell, the outer, shall
completely enclose all the other shells and no other
shell may enclose a shell.

Brep.Edge Brep edge definition

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Brep.Face Brep face definition.

Brep.Loop Brep face loop definition.

Brep.TessellationMesh Face tessellation mesh definition.

Brep.Vertex Brep edge definition

Circle Circle entity.

CompositeCurve Composite curve definition.

ConicalBar Conical bar entity. A 3D line drawn like a cone.

ConicalSurface Conical surface definition.

Curve Nurbs curve entity.

CylindricalSurface Cylindrical surface definition.

DiametricDim Diametric dimension entity.

Dimension Radial dimension entity.

Ellipse Ellipse entity.

EllipticalArc Elliptical arc entity.

Entity Base class for all Eyeshot entities.

FastPointCloud Fast point cloud entity. Suitable for huge number of


FemMesh Finite Element Method mesh entity. Can be 2D or


Ghost Ghost entity.

HitVertex Vertex hit by a mouse definition.

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Joint Joint entity. A point drawn like a sphere.

KnotVectorExtender Knot vector definition.

Leader Leader entity (sequence of segments with an


Line Line entity.

LinearDim Linear dimension entity. Dimension line is always

oriented as the plane X axis.

LinearPath Linear path entity (piecewise linear curve).

Mesh A triangle mesh is a type of polygon mesh in

computer graphics. It comprises a set of triangles
(typically in three dimensions) that are connected by
their common edges or corners.

Depending on the types of vertices and triangles,

it can assume different configurations, see table

Triangles type / devDept.G devDept.Ge

Vertices type eometry.P ometry.Poi
oint3D ntRGB

devDept.Geom Plain1 MulticolorP

etry.IndexTriang lain

devDept.Geom Smooth1 MulticolorS

etry.SmoothTria mooth

devDept.Geom ColorPlain

devDept.Geom ColorSmoo

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etry.ColorSmoo th

devDept.Geom RichPlain

devDept.Geom RichSmoot
etry.RichSmoot h

1 Allows transparency to be used

Mesh.FaceCollection Class that represents a collection of

Mesh.FaceElement objects.

Mesh.FaceElement The face element.

MultilineText Multiline Text entity.

OrdinateDim Ordinate dimension entity.

The ordinate dimension consists of an X or Y value
with a leader line.

It measures the perpendicular distance from an

origin point (called the datum) to a defining point
(such as a hole in a part).

X-datum ordinate dimensions measure the distance

of the defining point from the datum along the X

Y-datum ordinate dimensions measure the distance

of the defining point from the datum along the Y

If the dimension is vertical it measures the X value.

Otherwise, it measures the Y value.

Picture Picture entity.

PlanarEntity Base class for all planar entities.

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PlanarSurface Planar surface definition. Adds the Plane property to

standard surface.

Point Point entity.

PointCloud Point cloud entity. Depending on the types of

vertices can assume different configurations, see
table below:

devDept.Geometry.P devDept.Geometry.Poi
oint3D ntRGB

Plain Multicolor

Quad Quadrangular face entity.

RadialDim Radial dimension entity.

RasterView Raster view class definition.

Region Region entity definition. By convention the first

contour in the list is the outer and has
counterclockwise orientation. Inners are oriented

RevolvedSurface Surface of revolution definition, created by rotating

the generatrix about the axis of rotation.

Solid This class represents the base class for 3D primitives.

Solid.Portion This class represents a portion of the solid object. To

keep booleans operation reasonably fast, the solid is
split in more portions.

SphericalSurface Spherical surface definition.

Surface Nurbs surface entity. Nurbs surface entity. Nurbs

surface entity.

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Surface.PolygonPoint Surface.PolyRegion 2D point definition.

Table Table entity.

TabulatedSurface Tabulated surface definition, formed by moving a

line segment called the generatrix parallel to itself
along a curve called the directrix.

Text Text entity.

Toolpath Toolpath entity definition.

Toolpath.CircularMotion Circular motion definition.

Toolpath.LinearMotion Linear motion definition.

Toolpath.Motion Base class for all GCode motions.

ToroidalSurface Toroidal surface definition.

Triangle Triangular face entity.

TrimCurve Trim curve definition (2D parametric).

VectorView Vector view class definition.

View View class definition.

  Interface Description

ICurve Common properties of curve entities.

IEntity Entity interface.

IEvaluable Common properties of curve entities.

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IFace Common properties of face entities.

IFaceSelectable Common properties for entities with selectable faces.

IText Common properties of text entities.

  Structure Description

Brep.OrientedEdge Brep oriented edge definition.

HitTriangle Triangle hit by a ray definition.

Solid.Cycle Cycle data.

Solid.EdgeData Edge data.

Solid.EdgeFace Edge face.

Solid.Face Face data.

  Enumeration Description

arrowheadType Dimension and leader arrow head type.

Brep.booleanOperationType Boolean operation type.

Brep.silhouettesDrawingType The Brep silhouettes drawing type.

colorMethodType Color method type.

cornerType Quick offset corner type.

elementPositionType Dimension item position type.

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entityNatureType Entity nature type.

FemMesh.clippingMethodType Clipping plane method type.

FemMesh.plotType Mesh plot type.

knotVectorType Knot vector style type.

linearDimensionUnitsType Units for the linear dimension types.

Mesh.edgeStyleType Mesh edge style type.

Mesh.natureType Mesh nature type.

Mesh.normalAveragingType Mesh normal averaging type.

motionType Motion type definition.

PointCloud.drawingStyleType Point cloud drawing style type.

PointCloud.natureType Point cloud nature type.

regenType Entity regen type.

Surface.curvatureType Surface curvature type.

sweepMethodType Surface sweep type.

Table.flowDirection Table entity flow direction.

Text.alignmentType Text entity alignment type

toleranceType Dimension tolerance type (DIMTOL).

torusType Torus type.

See Also

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