Paper 2: SL and HL
Focus and structure of paper 2 Section A focuses on section 3 of the syllabus (international economics), though
students may be required to draw on other parts of the syllabus. Students must answer
one question from a choice of two.
Structure of questions and marks Paper 2 consists of data response questions. Each question consists of four parts, (a),
earned in paper 2 (b), (c) and (d), which are based on a text/data provided. Students must answer all
Part (a) is subdivided into two parts, (i) and (ii), each of which is worth 2 marks;
therefore, part (a) is worth a maximum of 4 marks.
Assessment objectives in paper 2 Part (a) of the questions examines assessment objective 1.
Maximum marks earned in paper 2, Since the student must answer two questions, Paper 2 earns a maximum of 40 marks.
and percentage in total IB Economics
grade Paper 2 accounts for 40% of the student’s overall grade at standard level, and 30% of
the student’s overall grade at higher level.
Organisation of paper 2 questions by the fact that much of the section 3 material
in the CD-ROM (international economics) and nearly all of the
Paper 2 questions are organised by section, i.e. section section 4 material (development economics) is
A on international economics followed by section B common to both SL and HL. HL material is examined
on development economics. Section A questions are by HL question parts that are marked as ‘higher
further organised by chapter within the international level’. Each HL question part is accompanied by an
economics section. Section B questions in some cases alternative question part taken from SL/HL core topics,
are based on more than one chapter (the relevant which is marked as ‘core’. This way, all students, at
chapters are indicated). both SL and HL, can have the benefit of completing
Most (though not all) texts/data are used as the full 20-mark paper 2 questions. Note that you will find
basis of both SL/HL core questions as well as HL markschemes to many of the paper 2 questions on the
questions. (An exception is text/data 12 which is HL teacher support website at ibdiploma.cambridge.org.
only.) This is common IB practice, and is justified
Text/data 1
Text/data 2
(c) Using an appropriate diagram, explain how (d) (core) Using information in the text and your
removal of tariffs in the United States may lead to knowledge of economics, discuss the possible
job losses. [4 marks] consequences of a US policy involving increased
(d) (higher level) Using information in the text trade protection measures, as suggested by the
and your knowledge of economics, evaluate the author. [8 marks]
author’s perspective on the point that economists
should advise the government to ignore the theory
of comparative advantage. [8 marks]
Text/data 3
Question A.6 (d) (core) Using information in the text and your
(a) (i) Define the term overvalued (exchange rate) knowledge of economics, discuss the effects
identified in bold in the text (paragraph 1). of expansionary fiscal and monetary policies
[2 marks] on Vietnam’s trade deficit and the Vietnamese
(ii) Define the term monetary policy identified economy. [8 marks]
in bold in the text (paragraph 4). [2 marks]
Question A.7
(b) Using a foreign exchange diagram, explain the
(a) (i) Define the term current account deficit
effects of the central bank’s purchase of dollars
identified in bold in the text (paragraph 2).
(sale of dongs) on the value of the dong
[2 marks]
(paragraph 1). [4 marks]
(ii) Define the term inflation identified in bold in
(c) Using an AD-AS diagram, explain how a
the text (paragraph 2). [2 marks]
devaluation can affect the rate of inflation in
Vietnam (paragraphs 2 and 5). [4 marks] (b) Using an exchange rate diagram, explain how the
pegged (fixed) dong is maintained relative to the
(d) (higher level) Using information in the text
dollar. [4 marks]
and your knowledge of economics, evaluate the
effectiveness of expenditure-reducing policies that (c) Explain why the devaluations suggest that the
the Vietnamese government and/or central bank central bank is more interested in the size of
could use to correct Vietnam’s persistent current the current account deficit than in controlling
account deficit. [8 marks] inflation (paragraph 2). [4 marks]
(b) Using an exchange rate diagram, explain why (d) (core) Using information in the text and your
expansionary monetary policy puts a downward knowledge of economics, evaluate the policy of
pressure on the value of dong (paragraph 4). government intervention to influence the value of
[4 marks] the dong. [8 marks]
Text/data 4
Text/data 5
Text/data 6
Text/data 7
1 Current account
(d) (core) Using information in the text and table, (b) Draw an exchange rate diagram and use it to show
and your knowledge of economics, evaluate the effect of the change in reserve assets (row 14 in
possible economic consequences of depreciation/ the table) on the value of the Rvl. [4 marks]
devaluation of the Rvl. [8 marks] (c) Explain what would likely happen to the value of
the Rvl if Riverland switched to a freely floating
Question A.16 exchange rate system. [4 marks]
(a) (i) Outline the meaning of balance of trade in (d) Using information in the text and table, and your
services (row 3 in the table). [2 marks] knowledge of economics, examine the possible
(ii) Outline the meaning of capital transfers consequences of an overvalued Rvl. [8 marks]
(row 8 in the table). [2 marks]
(b) Considering the entry for reserve assets (row 14 in Question A.18
the table), explain what type(s) of exchange rate (a) (i) Outline the meaning of current transfers
system Riverland could have. [4 marks] (row 5 in the table). [2 marks]
(c) Explain what item in Riverland’s balance of (ii) Outline the meaning of transactions in
payments accounts is most likely to have led to its non-produced, non-financial assets
balance of payments difficulties. [4 marks] (row 9 in the table). [2 marks]
(d) Using information in the text and table, and your (b) Using the concepts of debits and credits and the
knowledge of economics, compare and contrast information in the table, explain how the current
the likely effectiveness of alternative exchange account, capital account, financial account and
rate systems in addressing Riverland’s economic errors and omissions are related to each other.
problems. [8 marks] [4 marks]
(c) Using information in the table, explain why the
Question A.17
Rvl might be overvalued. [4 marks]
(a) (i) Outline the meaning of income (row 4 in the
(d) Using information in the text and table, and
table). [2 marks]
your knowledge of economics, examine the
(ii) Outline the meaning of portfolio interdependence of Riverland’s current account
investment (row 13 in the table). [2 marks] and financial account. [8 marks]
Text/data 8
10 25
Turkey Turkey
8 20
6 15
4 10
2 OECD 5
0 0
2003 04 05 06 07 08 09 2003 04 05 06 07 08 09
Text/data 9
Question A.21 the view that ‘the FTA is a gold mine for growth’
(a) (i) Define the term trading bloc identified in (paragraph 4)? [8 marks]
bold in the text (paragraph 1). [2 marks]
Question A.22
(ii) Define the term structural unemployment
identified in bold in the text (paragraph 3). (a) (i) Define the term free trade area identified in
[2 marks] bold in the text (paragraph 1). [2 marks]
(b) Using a tariff diagram, explain why Cambodian (ii) Define the term merit good identified in bold
textile producers are fearful of the Chinese garment in the text (paragraph 4). [2 marks]
industry (paragraph 3). [4 marks] (b) Using a trade protection diagram of your choice,
(c) (higher level) Draw a diagram illustrating explain why formation of a free trade area increases
economies of scale and use it to explain how competition among producers in the trading bloc
countries forming a free trade area can gain from (paragraph 2). [4 marks]
economies of scale (paragraph 2). [4 marks] (c) Using a tariff or quota diagram, explain why the
(c) (core) Using a supply and demand diagram, FTA is likely to lead to lower prices for consumers
explain how ‘access to cheaper inputs and (paragraph 2). [4 marks]
materials from China’ will help producers’ export (d) Using information in the text and your knowledge
competitiveness (paragraph 2). [4 marks] of economics, discuss the view that the costs
(d) Using information in the text and your knowledge of CAFTA membership may be greater than the
of economics, to what extent would you support benefits for CAFTA’s poorer member countries.
[8 marks]
Text/data 10
(b) Comment on the point that COMESA was called a (c) (core) Distinguish between a free trade area and a
‘common market’ before it became a free trade area customs union. [4 marks]
(paragraph 2). [4 marks] (d) Using information in the text and your knowledge
(c) (higher level) Explain the importance of the of economics, compare and contrast different types
statement that COMESA ‘has not led to much trade of trading blocs. [8 marks]
diversion’ for COMESA members (paragraph 6).
[4 marks]
Text/data 11
Text/data 12
Question A.27 (higher level) supply (such as crop failures in Australia or lower
(a) (i) Define the term investment identified in bold agricultural outputs in Europe; paragraph 4)
in the text (paragraph 6). [2 marks] can contribute to short-term fluctuations in the
(ii) Outline the meaning of primary terms of trade of a country exporting agricultural
commodities identified in bold in the text commodities. [4 marks]
(paragraph 1). [2 marks] (d) Using information in the text and your knowledge
(b) Explain the meaning of deteriorating terms of of economics, evaluate the view that countries that
trade (paragraph 2). [4 marks] have a comparative advantage in the production of
(c) Using the concept of price elasticity of demand, agricultural commodities should specialise in the
draw a diagram to explain why changes in production and export of these.b [8 marks]
Text/data 13
Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators; United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Reports.
HDI rank Human GNI per Life Mean years Expected % of population Gini
(2010) development capita expectancy of schooling years of living below PPP coefficient
index (2010) (PPP $) at birth (2010) (2010) schooling $1.25 a day (2000- (2000-10)
(2009*) (2010) 08)
China 89 0.663 6890 73.5 7.5 11.4 15.9 41.5
El Salvador 90 0.659 6420 72.0 7.7 12.1 6.4 46.9
Sri Lanka 91 0.658 4720 74.4 8.2 12.0 14 41.1
Thailand 92 0.654 7640 69.3 6.6 13.5 <2 42.5
Gabon 93 0.648 12 450 61.3 7.5 12.7 4.8 41.5
Source (extract): ‘Lanka has made rapid progress despite conflict: UNDP’ in the Daily Mirror (Colombo), 8 November 2010; The World Bank,
‘Connecting people to prosperity and improving basic services are key to Sri Lanka’s economic prosperity, says World Bank’ press release,
9 August 2010; ‘Inequality a danger for Asia: ADB’ in Business Daily Update, 10 August 2007.
Question B.2
(ii) Outline why economic development is a multi-
(a) (i) Outline how we can tell which country of dimensional process. [2 marks]
those appearing in the table is most advanced
(b) Explain which indicators account for Sri Lanka’s
with respect to achieving human development
HDI rank in relation to its relatively low GNI
objectives. [2 marks]
per capita. [4 marks]
Text/data 15
Women in Cambodia
1 The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is sector, in spite of lower wages, risk of sexual exploitation
expressing fears that severe recession in Cambodia will and poorer conditions.
have serious negative effects on women, who make up the The UN fears that many families will resort to fewer, 5
bulk of the labour force. According to the UN resident co- smaller and less nutritious meals, to cutting back on health
ordinator, ‘We know that when women’s incomes are lost, care, much of which is paid for privately, to removing
the whole family suffers, especially the children.’ children from school in order to send them out to work,
2 Falling demand from United States and European Union and to selling their property such as land.
markets led to major job losses in the clothing sector. Acute malnutrition is on the rise, and infant and maternal 6
Further job losses are expected due to reduced foreign mortality are unacceptably high; five women per day die in
direct investment and declines in the tourism industry. childbirth. Poorer nutrition and lower access to health care
Migrant workers in neighbouring Korea, Malaysia and due to lower incomes will increase these mortality rates
Thailand are expected to return back home to Cambodia further.
due to rising unemployment in these counties as well, The government of Cambodia and the United Nations in 7
which could work to lower GNI per capita. Cambodia are designing a system of social protection that
3 About one third of Cambodia’s population live in absolute will protect Cambodia’s most vulnerable groups. A UN
poverty, and the absence of a social protection system spokesperson says ‘Investment in women and children
(including unemployment insurance, pensions, free health is the best way to ensure long-term prosperity.’ Public
care and education, etc.) means that the economic crisis provision of health care services, education, food and work
will push many more women and children into extreme ‘can help break the poverty cycle and we must not lose
poverty and hunger. sight of this focus.’
4 A large part of the rural population depends for their
income on money sent to them by urban workers (mostly
women). Yet many urban unemployed are returning to Source: Adapted from ‘In Cambodia, women and children hit hard-
their villages where possibilities for work are very limited. est by economic crisis’, United Nations Development Programme
Others are turning increasingly to the urban informal Newsroom, 8 April 2009.
Text/data 16
Question B.6
(b) Explain the difference between export promotion
(a) (i) Define the term free trade area identified in and import substitution as two different strategies
bold in the text (paragraph 5). [2 marks] for growth and development. [4 marks]
(ii) Define the term industrial policies (c) Using a diagram of your choice, explain why trade
identified in bold in the text (paragraph 7). liberalisation leads to job losses. [4 marks]
[2 marks]
(d) Using information in the text and your knowledge
of economics, discuss trade liberalisation as a
strategy for growth and development. [8 marks]
Text/data 17
(b) Using an AD-AS diagram, explain why limited (c) (core) Using the concept of price elasticity of
access to international markets, caused by tariff demand (PED) or price elasticity of supply (PES),
escalation, works to reduce economic growth in draw a diagram and use it to explain why coffee
coffee-exporting countries (paragraph 6). prices are highly volatile (paragraph 4).
[4 marks] [4 marks]
(c) (higher level) Assuming a perfectly competitive (d) Using information in the text and your knowledge
market for coffee, draw a diagram and use it to of economics, evaluate the desirability of
explain why decreases in coffee prices lead to losses diversification of production and exports of
for coffee producers (paragraph 4). [4 marks] countries that specialise in coffee production.
[8 marks]
Text/data 18
Text/data 19
Question B.10 (c) (higher level) Using a diagram, explain why larger
(a) (i) Define the term multinational corporation plantations can achieve lower average costs of
identified in bold in the text (paragraph 4). production than smaller ones (paragraph 5).
[2 marks] [4 marks]
(ii) Define the term development assistance (c) (core) Explain how overspecialisation in bananas
identified in bold in the text (paragraph 5). may be a barrier to economic growth and
[2 marks] development in ACP countries. [4 marks]
(b) Using a diagram, explain the effects on Latin- (d) Evaluate the roles of the WTO and the EU–ACP
American banana producers that result from the regional preferential trade agreement as strategies
EU’s lower tariffs on banana imports (paragraph 1). for economic growth and development.
[4 marks] [8 marks]
Text/data 20
Text/data 21
Text/data 22
Foreign aid
1 In 2002, rich donor countries promised to make address to the US Congress, Shah noted that USAID is
contributions of at least 0.7% of GDP to development re-evaluating how it distributes aid with a view to becoming
assistance in order to help meet the MDGs (Millennium more effective.
Development Goals). The only countries that have met this One factor that seriously limits aid effectiveness is the 4
goal are Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway practice of tied aid. Relief organisations estimate that as
and Sweden. Some of the richest countries in the world, much as 75% of foreign aid by rich countries is tied, and
including Germany, Japan and the United States, have is intended to promote rich-country exports of goods and
fallen far short of that. On average, development assistance services. In the United States, for example, due to pressures
averages 0.31% of GDP of developed countries. on the government by farmer interest groups, most of food
2 In the United States, there is pressure by a group of aid (a type of development aid) requires recipients of aid
members of the House of Representatives (a part of the US to buy food from US agribusiness firms. This practice does
government) to reduce funding for USAID*, which delivers not encourage poor farmers to become self-reliant food
US bilateral official development assistance (ODA). growers.
They argue that the United States spends large amounts At a recent UN meeting, President Obama announced 5
on foreign aid, which is fiscally irresponsible in view of reform of US foreign aid programmes. Using food aid
the large US budget deficit. However, public opinion polls as an example of change, he said that the new approach
show that the US public believes that an amount that would would seek to empower communities to meet their own
be fiscally responsible for the US to spend on aid is 21 times food needs, rather than continuing with old models that
greater than the amount actually spent. Private donations just provided food for decades. That’s not development,’
by Americans to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) he said, ‘that’s dependence.’
abroad are three times as large as ODA, and it is very likely * United States Agency for International Development.
that this trend will continue.
3 Rajiv Shah, head of USAID, argues that cuts in funding
would have negative consequences for US national Source: ‘Cutting USAID’s budget threatens national security’ in
security. Projects in several countries focus on economic Grand Rapids Examiner (MI), 26 January, 2011; ‘Obama at UN summit:
foreign aid is “core pillar” of American power’ in Christian Science
development as a means to prevent extremist activities. Monitor, 22 September 2010; ‘Missed goals’ in The New York Times,
Lack of opportunities for employment and education, and 23 September 2010; ‘Aid versus trade’ in South Asia Investor Review,
lack of food security lead to resentful populations. In an 23 May 2009.
Text/data 23
Table 1: Statistics for Indonesia and South Africa, 2010 (unless otherwise noted)
HDI rank Human GNI per Life Mean Expected ODA Net ODA Population
development capita expectancy years of years of received receipts (million)
index ($ PPP) at birth schooling schooling per capita (US$ (2009)
(years) (US$) million)
(2009) (2009)
Indonesia 108 0.600 3957 71.5 5.7 12.7 4.6 1050 230.0
South Africa 110 0.597 9812 52.0 8.2 13.4 21.9 1078 49.3
Indonesia 13 7 17 23 7 23 2 8
Table 3: Top ten donors of ODA to Indonesia and South Africa, US$ million (2008–9 average)
Source (Table 1): United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2010; The World Bank, Development Co-operation
Directorate (DCD-DAC).
Source (Tables 2 and 3): Development Cooperation Directorate (DCD-DAC).
Text/data 24
Text/data 25
Question B.19 (b) Explain why foreign debt servicing has opportunity
(a) (i) Describe the meaning of foreign debt costs. [4 marks]
identified in bold in the text (paragraph 2). (c) Explain why the burden of debt has led to pressure
[2 marks] in favour of debt cancellation for heavily indebted
(ii) Outline one reason why countries borrow from countries. [4 marks]
foreign creditors. [2 marks]
Text/data 26
Chapter 19 Consequences of economic growth and the balance between markets and
Text/data 27
Question B.24
(c) Draw a diagram and use it to explain how the
(a) (i) Define the term social safety net identified use of health care services gives rise to positive
in bold in the text (paragraph 6). [2 marks] consumption externalities. [4 marks]
(ii) Define the term economic growth identified (d) Using information in the text and your knowledge
in bold in the text (paragraph 7). [2 marks] of economics, evaluate the use of interventionist
(b) Explain why good governance is important in policies in efforts to achieve economic
economic development. [4 marks] development. [8 marks]