Fos 820a Fabricextengde
Fos 820a Fabricextengde
Fos 820a Fabricextengde
10 April 2018
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Brocade, a Broadcom Inc. Company, reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliability,
function, or design. Information furnished by Brocade is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Brocade does not assume any liability arising out of
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The product described by this document may contain open source software covered by the GNU General Public License or other open source license
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Major sections of this publication affected by additions and corrections include the following:
• Throughout the document, updates are made to include both static and dynamic Link Aggregation Group (LAG) support.
Dynamic LAG support is new in Fabric OS 8.2.0.
• The portcfg lag command is deprecated. It is replaced by the lacp --config command and portchannel commands.
• IP Extension and IP networking on page 20 is updated for LAG and Link Level Discover Protocol (LLDP), sometimes referred
to as neighbor discovery.
• Extension HCL operation on page 24 is updated with Gen 6 parallel operation support.
• Extension HCL enhancements in Fabric OS 8.2.0 on page 28 is new content.
• Memory use limitations for large-device tunnel configurations on page 38 is updated for new 2.6 GB DRAM limits.
• Considerations for tunnel control block memory and device configuration on page 40 is updated to include a count of OXID
Tables that have been allocated per VE_Port.
• IP security on page 35 is updated with additional X.509 information and minor corrections.
• Trunking on LAN ports using LACP on page 72 is updated for dynamic LAG and LLDP support.
• The KAP support for LACP and LLDP on page 73 is new content.
• Neighbour discovery on GbE ports using LLDP on page 73 is new content.
• Upgrade and downgrade considerations for LAG and LLDP on page 73 is new content.
• Configuring IPIF on page 97 contains new information on using the portcfg ipif modify command.
• Configuring static and dynamic LAGs using LACP on page 94 contains new information on LAG configuration steps.
• Configuring IPsec on page 105, X.509 certificates are supported.
• Configuring IPsec on the Brocade 7840 and Brocade SX6 on page 106 contains new information on how to modify active
IPsec policies.
• Configuring a service-level agreement on page 102 contains updated information for displaying SLA summary output.
• Using WAN Tool on page 212 and WAN Tool commands on page 213 contain updated information.
• IP Extension Flow Monitor overview on page 185 is a new chapter for Fabric OS 8.2.0.
• Displaying LAG information on page 222 is updated.
Document conventions
The document conventions describe text formatting conventions, command syntax conventions, and important notice formats used in
Brocade technical documentation.
A Note provides a tip, guidance, or advice, emphasizes important information, or provides a reference to related information.
An Attention statement indicates a stronger note, for example, to alert you when traffic might be interrupted or the device might
A Caution statement alerts you to situations that can be potentially hazardous to you or cause damage to hardware,
firmware, software, or data.
A Danger statement indicates conditions or situations that can be potentially lethal or extremely hazardous to you. Safety
labels are also attached directly to products to warn of these conditions or situations.
Format Description
bold text Identifies command names.
Identifies variables.
Format Description
Convention Description
bold text Identifies command names, keywords, and command options.
italic text Identifies a variable.
value In Fibre Channel products, a fixed value provided as input to a command option is printed in plain text, for
example, --show WWN.
[] Syntax components displayed within square brackets are optional.
In Fibre Channel products, square brackets may be used instead for this purpose.
x|y A vertical bar separates mutually exclusive elements.
<> Nonprinting characters, for example, passwords, are enclosed in angle brackets.
... Repeat the previous element, for example, member[member...].
\ Indicates a “soft” line break in command examples. If a backslash separates two lines of a command
input, enter the entire command at the prompt without the backslash.
Document feedback
Quality is our first concern at Broadcom, and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this document.
However, if you find an error or an omission, or you think that a topic needs further development, we want to hear from you.
Provide the publication title, part number, and as much detail as possible, including the topic heading and page number if applicable, as
well as your suggestions for improvement.
Brocade extension products support both FC/FICON-based data flows and IP-based storage data flows. Brocade extension solutions
maximize replication and backup throughput over distance, using data compression, disk and tape protocol acceleration, and WAN-
optimized TCP. Brocade extension supports applications such as remote data replication (RDR), centralized backup, and data migration.
Brocade extension uses the existing IP wide area network (WAN) infrastructure to connect Fibre Channel and IP fabrics between distant
endpoints that are either impractical or costly using native Fibre Channel or IP connections. The basis of the connection is the extension
tunnel, built on a physical connection between two extension switches or blades. Extension tunnels allow Fibre Channel and IP traffic to
pass through the IP WAN. The extension tunnel connections ensure lossless transmission, and that FC and IP frames are delivered in the
correct order. The Fibre Channel fabric and all targets and initiators, whether FC or IP, are unaware of the presence of the IP WAN.
The extension tunnel provides load balancing across separate network paths, optimization for extended links, rate-limiting to ensure
optimal performance, and lossless link loss (LLL) recovery.
The two Brocade protocol technologies implemented in Brocade extension products are FCIP and IP Extension.
• FCIP, or Fiber Channel over IP, is a tunneling protocol to link Fibre Channel over distance on standard IP networks. Used
primarily for remote replication, backup, and storage access, FCIP provides Fibre Channel connectivity over IP networks
between Fibre Channel devices or fabrics. The FCIP link is an inter-switch link (ISL) that transports FC control and data frames
between switches. The following table outlines FCIP.
• Brocade IP Extension is used primarily for IP storage applications, such as remote host-based or database-based replication,
NAS replication, IP backups, and tape grids. IP Extension uses the same VE_Ports and circuits that FCIP uses, or it can use its
own. The following table outlines IP Extension.
For additional information about implementation and technical details of Brocade extension technology, refer to the Brocade white paper
Extension Trunking.
Circuits exist within tunnels. A circuit is a connection between a pair of IP addresses that is defined within an extension tunnel. Circuits
provide the links for traffic flow between source and destination interfaces that are located on either end of the tunnel. Each tunnel can
contain a single circuit or multiple circuits.
In this publication, the “source” or “local” is the switch that you are configuring, whereas the “destination” or “remote” is the
switch on the other end of the tunnel or circuit. Local switch and remote switch will depend on which side of the of the tunnel
you are configuring.
You must configure unique IPIFs as the local and remote endpoints of each circuit. On the local side, a circuit is configured with a source
IPIF address and a destination address. On the remote side of the circuit, its source IPIF address is the same as the local-side destination
address. Similarly, on the remote side of the circuit, its IPIF destination address points to the local-side source address. Multiple IPIFs can
be configured on each physical Ethernet interface.
On the Brocade FX8-24, the IP address (or IPIF) for each local and remote address must be individually unique. However, on
the Brocade 7840 and Brocade SX6, each address pair must be unique. For example, the following address pairs use the
same source address in each pair, but the destination addresses are different. For the FX8-24, these addresses are not unique.
For the SX6 and 7840, the address pairs are unique.
• --local-ip --remote-ip
• --local-ip --remote-ip
The circuit configuration parameters on the local and remote sides of the circuits and tunnel must match, in addition to the source and
destination IPIF addresses pointing to each other. For example, if you configure IPsec on a tunnel, each end of the tunnel must be
configured to use the same IPsec parameters. Other parameters for each circuit must match, such as MTU size, bandwidth allocation,
QoS, VLAN ID, and keepalive values.
You must configure a gateway IP route for the circuit to the destination network when the remote IPIF is not on the same subnet as the
local IPIF. You can define a specific number of routes per IPIF based on the extension platform. Refer to Tunnel and circuit requirements
for Brocade Extension platforms on page 61 for specifications.
When using Brocade IP Extension, the local and remote LAN subnet addresses must be different.
The following figure shows an example of two extension tunnels. The first tunnel is a trunk of four circuits, and the second tunnel is a
trunk of two circuits. Each circuit is assigned a unique IPIF address. Those IPIFs are, in turn, assigned to Ethernet interfaces. In the figure,
each IPIF is assigned to a different Ethernet interface. This is not required. Ethernet interface assignment is flexible depending on the
environment's needs, and assignments can be made as desired. For instance, multiple IP interfaces can be assigned to a single Ethernet
interface. The circuit flows from IP interface to IP interface through the assigned Ethernet interfaces.
For specifications and restrictions on tunnels, circuits, and trunks for the Brocade 7840 Extension Switch, SX6 Extension Blade, and
FX8-24 Extension Blade, refer to the Extension Platforms and Features chapter of this publication.
VE_Ports and VEX_ports are virtual because they face the extension tunnel and thus enable communication across an extension tunnel.
Extension trunking—multiple circuits in a tunnel—operates the same whether the virtual port is a VE_Port or a VEX_Port.
VEX_Ports are supported only on the Brocade FX8-24 Extension Blade. The Brocade 7840 and the Brocade SX6 do not
support VEX_Ports.
EX and VEX ports are FC-routed (FCR) ports. Routed ports are the demarcation point of fabric services for a fabric. Fabric services do
not extend beyond an EX or VEX port. Remote edge fabrics are edge fabrics connected through a WAN connection and VEX_Port.
Because an extension trunk is logically a single tunnel, only a single VE_Port or VEX_Port is used for each end of the tunnel, even
though more than one circuit can be contained within the tunnel.
Once the tunnels are configured and the WAN-optimized TCP (WO-TCP) connections are made for a circuit, a logical inter-switch link is
established between the switches. VE_Ports operate like E_Ports for all fabric services and Fabric OS operations, except that VE_Ports
use TCP/IP and Ethernet as the transport instead of FC.
Because a VEX_Port is exposed by the extension tunnel to form an ISL connection, you can configure a VEX_Port to support FCR
demarcation. From the point of view of a switch in an edge fabric, a VEX_Port appears as a normal E_Port. It follows the same Fibre
Channel protocol as other E_Ports. However, VEX_Ports terminate the attached fabric at the port and do not allow fabrics to merge by
propagating fabric services or routing topology information beyond that edge fabric. This provides edge-fabric or remote-edge-fabric
isolation outward from the EX_Port or VEX_Port.
VE_Ports or VEX_Ports cannot connect in parallel to the same domain at the same time as Fibre Channel E_Ports or
An extension tunnel is assigned to a VE_Port or VEX_Port on the switch or blade at each end of the tunnel. Because multiple VE_Ports
are supported on the extension switch or blade, you can create multiple tunnels on a switch or blade.
Fibre Channel frames enter an extension tunnel through the VE_Ports (or VEX_Ports) and are encapsulated and passed to TCP layer
connections. A data processing (DP) complex on the switch or blade handles the FC frame encapsulation, de-encapsulation, and
transmission to the TCP link.
A GbE interface can be configured for WAN operations or LAN operations on platforms that support Brocade IP Extension. A GbE
interface is used for WAN operation when it functions as the endpoint of a circuit. The interface is WAN-facing, and you create the
tunnels and circuits. WAN is the only allowed GbE interface mode when a platform is configured for FCIP-only operation.
When a platform is configured for hybrid mode, which supports both FCIP and IP Extension, you configure the LAN-facing GbE ports
for LAN mode operations. When GbE ports are in LAN mode, they can be members of a static link aggregation group (LAG) or dynamic
Ethernet interfaces
Ethernet interfaces are assigned by associating them with IP interfaces (IPIFs). IP interfaces on the extension platforms are virtual entities
within the platform. The IPIFs, via their IP addresses, are assigned to circuits by designating the source IP address. The circuit is grouped
into an extension trunk by designating the VE_Port (or VEX_Port) to which it belongs. Tunnels/trunks are identified by their VE_Port
number. If an extension trunk already exists, you can create an additional circuit and include it in the tunnel.
Each Ethernet interface on the Brocade SX6, Brocade 7840, and Brocade FX8-24 can be used by circuits from multiple VE/
VEX_Ports. Each VE/VEX_Port can use multiple Ethernet ports. Each VE/VEX_Port can have multiple IP interfaces, or circuits. Each IP
interface or circuit in a VE/VEX_Port is associated with an IP address. In turn, those IP addresses are assigned to specific Ethernet
For Brocade Extension Trunking, the data processor (DP) that owns the VE_Port controls all member circuits. There is no distributed
processing, load sharing, or LLL across DPs. Failover between DPs is done at the FC level by the Brocade FC switching ASIC, provided
that the configuration permits it. The only components that can be shared are the Ethernet interfaces.
The IP network routes the circuits over separate network paths and WAN links based on the destination IP addresses and possibly other
Layer 2 and Layer 3 header attributes. Ethernet interfaces on the Brocade SX6, Brocade 7840, and Brocade FX8-24 provide a single
convenient connection to the data center LAN for one to many circuits.
• Control virtual-tunnel, which includes F-Class traffic. The control tunnel is "higher" priority and has no guaranteed minimum
bandwidth. As needed, it can use all available bandwidth up to the maximum configured bandwidth rate although this traffic
utilizes very little bandwidth.
• High priority data virtual-tunnel. The high data tunnel is for high-priority QoS data and via PerPriority-TCP-QoS has its own
WO-TCP for this traffic class.
• Medium priority data virtual-tunnel. The medium data tunnel is for medium-priority QoS data and via PerPriority-TCP-QoS
has its own WO-TCP for this traffic class.
• Low priority data virtual-tunnel. The low data tunnel is for low-priority QoS data and via PerPriority-TCP-QoS has its own
WO-TCP for this traffic class.
QoS settings define the allotment of bandwidth during times of contention. The default settings are 50/50% between FCIP/IPEX, and
within each of those there are the default allocation settings of 50/30/20% (the minimum configuration) respectively. You can change
these settings as needed. If contention is absent, bandwidth to the virtual-tunnels is unrestricted; the available bandwidth can be used by
any virtual-tunnel requesting it. These configurable bandwidth allotments apply only when the data waiting to be sent exceeds the
available bandwidth to send it (termed "contention in the egress queue").
Data virtual-tunnels adhere to the minimum bandwidth configurations and will always receive those amounts. For example, a 10 Gbps
circuit used for both FCIP & IPEX and experiencing contention would by default reserve 1.5 Gbps for a medium FCIP virtual-tunnel (10
Gbps x 50% x 30% = 1.5 Gbps). The lesson is that bandwidth allocations are not oversubscribed. Virtual-tunnels can consume at most
the maximum communication rate configured on the circuit provided other virtual-tunnels are not currently using their allotted bandwidth.
The Brocade FX8-24 does not support IPEX; it creates only four FCIP virtual-tunnels (1 control and 3 data).
An additional tunnel group is created for high availability (HA) when eHCL is configured on the Brocade SX6 or Brocade 7840. That
tunnel group contains a main tunnel, a local backup tunnel (LBT), and a remote backup tunnel (RBT). When eHCL is active; the high,
medium, and low QoS data tunnels collapse into a single QoS data tunnel for the duration of the eHCL update. For additional
information, refer to Extension Hot Code Load on page 24.
FCIP extension
FCIP or Fiber Channel over IP is part of Extension that uses tunneling technology thru standard IP networks to transparently link Fibre
Channel over distance across an enterprise WAN infrastructure. We use FCIP primarily for remote replication, backup, and storage
access. FCIP provides Fibre Channel connectivity over IP networks between Fibre Channel devices and/or fabrics. An FCIP link is an
inter-switch link (ISL) that transports FC control and data frames between switches.
FCIP is supported on all Brocade extension platforms.
• Network resiliency using Extension Trunking, which is a single logical tunnel comprised of one or more autonomous circuits
• High Efficiency Encapsulation: protocol transport with relatively negligible overhead
• High performance capacity for high-speed WAN consisting of one or more 10 Gbps links
• TCP Acceleration with WAN Optimized TCP (WO-TCP)
• Aggregation of circuit bandwidth
• WAN bandwidth pooling-pool bandwidth from multiple links/providers
• Failover/Failback
• Failover groups and metrics
• Spillover
• Use of disparate characteristic WAN paths
• Nondisruptive and Lossless Link Loss (LLL)
• Adaptive Rate Limiting (ARL)
• In-Order Delivery (IOD)
• Deterministic path for protocol acceleration
• High-speed compression
• High-speed IPsec (AES 256)
• Diagnostic and troubleshooting tools: SAN Health and WAN Test Tool
• QoS enforcement
• QoS DSCP and/or 802.1P marking
Within the architecture of the Brocade 7840, SX6, and FX8-24; there are Brocade FC application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC),
which know only FC protocol. The VE_Ports are logical representations of actual FC ports. VE_Ports are not part of the ASICs. Multiple
FC ports feed VE_Ports, permitting high data rates well above the speed of a single FC port, which is necessary for supplying adequate
ingress data to the compression engine during times of high compression rates and for high-speed extension trunks.
On the WAN side, the Brocade 7840 and SX6 feature 10-Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) and 40-GbE interfaces for connectivity to the IP
network and WAN. The Brocade FX8-24 feature 10GbE and 1GbE WAN interfaces. Think of VE and VEX_Ports (VEX_Ports are only
on the FX8-24 blade) as the transition point between the FC world and the TCP/IP world within the extension device
IP Extension
The Brocade 7840 Extension Switch and the Brocade SX6 Extension Blade support IP-based storage data flows as well as FC/FICON-
based data flows. The IP Extension feature provides enterprise-class support for IP storage applications, using existing IP wide area
network (WAN) infrastructure. IP Extension features are offered only on the Brocade 7840 Extension Switch and the Brocade SX6
Extension Blade platforms.
IP data flows across Brocade tunnels are referred to as IP Extension. IP Extension enables you to use existing IP WAN infrastructure to
connect IP storage. Additionally, IP Extension gives you visibility into and control of flows using various diagnostic tools, IPsec,
compression, QoS, extension trunking, and lossless tunnel resiliency. IP Extension supports applications such as array-native IP remote
data replication (RDR), IP-based centralized backup, and VM replication. In addition, IP Extension supports host-based and database
replication over IP, NAS head replication between data centers, and data migration between data centers.
Brocade WAN Optimized TCP (WO-TCP) ensures in-order lossless transmission of IP Extension data. IP Extension establishes a proxy
TCP endpoint for local devices. Local devices are unaware and unaffected by the latency and quality of the IP WAN. This accelerates end
device native TCP. IP Extension data across the IP WAN uses WO-TCP, a highly efficient and aggressive TCP stack for moving data
between data centers.
• The LAN interfaces are on the local side of the network, for example, a single portion of the network that is within a data center.
By comparison, WAN interfaces are on the side of the network that sends traffic outside of the local network, and they
potentially communicate with multiple routers before arriving at the final destination. In the following illustration, Data Center A
and Data Center B are examples of LANs. The communication between the two data centers is through a WAN.
• IP Extension supports dynamic and static link aggregation groups (LAGs) on the LAN interface. A LAG is a group of physical
Ethernet interfaces that are treated as a single logical interface.
• Beginning with Fabric OS 8.2.0, IP Extension supports neighbor discovery by means of Link Level Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
on the GbE interfaces.
• IP Extension requires different broadcast domains on each end of the extension tunnel. This means that a single subnet cannot
span the extension tunnel.
• Beginning with Fabric OS 8.0.1, IP Extension supports policy-based routing (PBR), which allows a router to be connected to
the LAN side of an IP Extension platform.
• IP Extension uses traffic control lists (TCLs) to filter traffic to the correct destination. The default action, if no TCL is configured,
is to deny all traffic flows. Configuring TCLs on each extension switch or blade that allows traffic to pass from endpoint to
endpoint through the extension tunnel is critical.
IP Extension does not allow FIPS mode, and when a platform is operating in FIPS mode, IP Extension is not allowed.
FIGURE 2 Extension tunnel concept and TCP/IP layers for FCIP and IP Extension
IP extension switching and processing are done within the Ethernet switch, the field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and the data
processors (DPs). IP extension uses VE_Ports as well, even if no FC or FICON traffic is being transported. VE_Ports are logical entities
that are more accurately thought of as a tunnel endpoint than as a type of FC port. IP extension uses switch virtual interfaces (SVIs) on
each DP as a communication port with the IP storage end devices. The SVI becomes the gateway IP interface for data flows headed
toward the remote data center. At the SVI, end-device TCP sessions are terminated on the local side and reformed on the remote side.
This is referred to as TCP proxying, and it has the advantage of providing local acknowledgments and acceleration. WAN-Optimized TCP
(WO-TCP) is used as the transport between data centers. Which side is considered the local side or remote side depends on where the
TCP session initiates. Up to eight of the 10-GbE interfaces can be used for IP extension LAN side (end-device or data center LAN
switch) connectivity. Eight 10-GbE interfaces are reserved for WAN-side (tunnel) connectivity.
Extension Trunking
Extension Trunking is an advanced feature of the Brocade Extension platforms for both FC and IPEX that enables bandwidth aggregation
and lossless failover for increased resiliency over IP WANs. It is means of managing the use of WAN bandwidth and providing redundant
paths over the WAN that can protect against transmission loss due to WAN failure. Furthermore, Extension Trunking provides granular
load balancing per batch weighted round-robin.
Trunking is enabled by creating multiple circuits within a tunnel, members of a single VE_Port. The tunnel will utilize multiple circuits to
carry data between a source and destination data center. For circuit capacities on Brocade Extension switches and blades, refer to Tunnel
and circuit requirements for Brocade Extension platforms on page 61.
Extension Trunking provides lossless link loss (LLL). LLL ensures that all data lost in flight is retransmitted and placed back in order
before being delivered to upper layer protocols. This is an essential feature to prevent interface control checks (IFCCs) on mainframes
using FICON and SCSI timeouts for open-system-based replication. For more information about LLL on specific Brocade extension
switches and blades, refer to Circuit failover on page 75.
When you create multiple parallel tunnels between the same switch domains, you must enable lossless dynamic load sharing
(DLS). This is because there can be routing updates that occur when tunnels come up or go down. Each routing update can
cause dropped or unrouteable frames if the destination is to a domain via a switch connected through a peer tunnel.
For additional information about circuit failover configuration, refer to Circuit failover on page 75.
Spillover circuits
The spillover feature is supported on the Brocade 7840 Extension Switch and Brocade SX6 Extension Blade. Spillover lets you
configure a set of primary circuits to use all the time, and a set of secondary circuits to use only during high-utilization periods. When a
tunnel is configured for spillover, it will run over the lower metric circuits (metric 0) until the bandwidth utilization is reached on those
circuits. When the lower metric bandwidth is exceeded, the remaining traffic is sent over the higher metric 1 circuits.
For example, consider three 1-Gbps circuits that are configured on a tunnel.
• Two circuits are metric 0 circuits.
• One circuit is a metric 1 circuit.
• Each circuit supports a maximum of 1 Gbps.
In this configuration, if host traffic is started at 2 Gbps, it runs over the metric 0 circuits. If the host traffic increases to 2.5 Gbps, the
additional 500 Mbps of traffic runs over the metric 1 circuit and the metric 0 circuits continue to support the 2-Gbps traffic.
For more information about spillover circuit configuration, refer to Configuring spillover on page 131.
Failover groups are not used when the tunnel is configured for spillover, and any failover groups that are defined will be ignored.
Spillover behavior is similar to failover, in that if metric 0 circuits are not available, the metric 1 circuits are used.
Service-level agreement
The service-level agreement (SLA) feature provides automated testing of a circuit before it is put into service. An SLA works with the
existing WAN Tool, which is supported on the Brocade 7840 switch and the Brocade SX6 blade. When using an SLA, you can define a
set of network service-level parameters, such as packet loss, and make certain that the network meets those parameters before bringing
the circuit into service.
When configured, the SLA automatically invokes WAN Tool and runs the test on the circuit. WAN Tool uses the same circuit configuration
parameters to verify the network path condition, so no additional configuration is needed. After the network parameters are met, the
WAN Tool session stops and the circuit is enabled and placed into service. If the circuit goes down (bounces), it reverts to test mode and
the SLA parameters must be met before the circuit is enabled again and placed in service.
For more information about SLA configuration, refer to Configuring a service-level agreement on page 102.
These features require deterministic FC frame routing between initiators and targets when multiple tunnels or VE_Ports exist. TI zones
and LS/LF configurations provide deterministic flows between the switches. Noncontrolled, parallel (equal-cost multipath) tunnels are not
supported between domains when protocol optimization is enabled on one or more tunnels unless you limit the routing of source ID and
destination ID (SID/DID) pairs to a specific tunnel by using TI zones or Virtual Fabric (VF) LS/LF configurations.
– On the Brocade 7840 and Brocade SX6 blade, the Brocade WO-TCP implementation selects a port between 49152 and
65535 as the ephemeral (or initiating) port to open up to port 3225 and 3226.
• On the Brocade 7840 switch and the Brocade SX6 blade, the TCP URG flag is frequently set. Make sure that these flags are
not dropped or modified from ports 3225 and 3226.
• The Brocade FX8-24 blade uses TCP port 3225.
• The Brocade 7840 switch and the Brocade SX6 blade use TCP ports 3225 and 3226.
• To enable recovery from a WAN failure or outage, be sure that diverse, redundant network paths are available across the WAN.
• Be sure that the underlying WAN infrastructure can support the redundancy and performance expected in your implementation.
• If you use jumbo frames on the Brocade 7840 switch or the Brocade SX6 blade, ensure that the WAN network will support it.
Extension HCL supports serial upgrades on the Brocade 7840. Recommended practice is to perform firmware upgrades on
switches at the local site, followed by upgrades on the switches at the remote site. Beginning with Fabric OS 8.2.0, concurrent
(or parallel) HCL is supported on Gen 6 chassis. Refer to Extension HCL enhancements in Fabric OS 8.2.0 on page 28 for
additional information.
When using hybrid mode in Fabric OS releases prior to Fabric OS 8.1.0, Extension HCL is disruptive to any IP Extension
traffic. Extension HCL is nondisruptive to FCIP traffic.
A Brocade extension platform has two data processor (DP) complexes, referred to as DP0 and DP1 (refer to Network DP components
on page 51). An Extension HCL firmware update occurs on one DP complex at a time. When a firmware update is initiated, the process
always starts on DP0. Before DP0 is updated to the new firmware, traffic fails over to DP1 to maintain communication between the local
and remote switch.
As shown in the following figure, Extension HCL uses three tunnel groups contained within the extension tunnel to perform the
nondisruptive firmware upload process. The local backup tunnels (LBTs) and remote backup tunnels (RBTs) are automatically created
when you configure an HCL-compliant tunnel. Not all tunnels are HCL capable. To create the tunnels, you configure IPIF addresses on
the local DP0 and DP1 and on the remote DP0 and DP1.
You create circuits for the main tunnel (local DP0 to remote DP0), the local backup tunnel (local DP1 to remote DP0), and the remote
backup tunnel (local DP0 to remote DP1), as shown in the following figure. When you configure these circuits, you designate that they
are used for high availability (HA). This collection of circuits and tunnels form the HA tunnel group.
When HCL is properly configured, the following events happen during the firmware upgrade. All traffic, FCIP and IP Extension, is
maintained without interruption during the upgrade.
• The main tunnel (MT) group provides connectivity during normal operations.
• A local backup tunnel (LBT) group maintains connectivity from the remote switch when the local switch DP0 is being upgraded.
This tunnel, dormant during non-Extension HCL operations, is created automatically on the local DP1.
• A remote backup tunnel (RBT) maintains connectivity from the local switch when the remote switch DP0 is being upgraded.
This tunnel group, dormant during non-Extension HCL operations, is created automatically on the remote DP1 when the
corresponding local HA IP address is defined.
The MT is what you normally configure to create an extension tunnel from a VE_Port using the portcfg fciptunnel command and
appropriate tunnel and circuit parameters. The MT carries traffic through the extension tunnel to the remote switch. The LBT is created
upon specifying the local HA IP address for the circuit, and the RBT is created upon specifying the remote HA IP address for the circuit.
All three tunnel groups (MT, LBT, and RBT) are associated with the same VE_Port on the local and remote DP complexes.
When an extension tunnel is configured to be HCL capable, the LBT and RBT tunnel groups are always present. These connections are
established at switch bootup or when the tunnel and circuits are created.
The QoS traffic for high, medium, and low priorities is collapsed into a single QoS tunnel for the duration of the HCL operation.
QoS priorities are restored when the HCL operation completes.
If the tunnel is configured with Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP), all traffic is tagged with medium DSCP when it
enters the WAN.
These tunnel groups are utilized in the following Extension HCL upgrade process:
2. The control processor reboots from the backup partition with the new firmware.
3. The local DP0 is updated with the new firmware using the following process.
a. Perform feature disable processing on the MT on DP0.
b. Traffic from the MT on DP0 is rerouted to DP1 through the LBT to the remote switch. In-order data delivery is maintained.
c. DP0 reboots with the new firmware, and the configuration is reloaded.
d. Traffic from the LBT is failed-back to DP0 through the MT.
4. The local DP1 is updated with new firmware using the following process.
a. Perform feature disable processing on the MT on DP1.
b. Traffic from the MT on DP1 is rerouted to DP0 through the LBT so that data traffic can continue between the switches. In-
order data delivery is maintained.
c. DP1 reboots with the new firmware, and the configuration is reloaded.
d. Traffic from the LBT is failed-back to DP1 through the MT.
5. After the firmware is updated on DP1 and all MTs, the LBT, and the RBT are online, the Extension HCL firmware update is
During the update process, tunnels and trunks change state (up or down). The MT provides connectivity during normal operations. It is up
during normal operation and down only during the Extension HCL process. The RBT and LBT are normally up during normal operation,
but do not handle traffic. They operate to handle traffic during the Extension HCL process. The RBT handles traffic when the remote
switch DP0 undergoes the Extension HCL process. The RBT is visible as a backup tunnel on local DP0.
To configure Extension HCL, refer to Configuring Extension Hot Code Load on page 137.
• The Brocade 7840 switch and the Brocade SX6 blade have two data processor (DP) complexes: DP0 and DP1. During the
HCL process, each DP reloads one at a time, while the other DP remains operational. Consider the following for planning and
use of the switch during this process:
– Because only one DP complex remains operational at a time, the total switch capacity is temporarily diminished by up to
50 percent.
– FCIP and IPEX data is not lost and remains in-order. eHCL does not cause FICON interface control check (IFCC).
– The use of eHCL requires proper planning. Considerable bandwidth may be available based on licensing and compression
to the Fibre Channel (FC) and FICON side of the extension switches. Furthermore, there are typically A and B paths in
redundant replication networks, which provides additional bandwidth during firmware updates. Deployment planning may
include apportioning one of the two DP complex to HA, or limiting maximum use to 50 percent of the licensed capacity
across both DP complexes to reserve adequate bandwidth for high-availability operations.
– The aggregate of all FC and FICON application data passing through the Brocade extension platform cannot exceed 20
Gbps per DP complex multiplied by the achievable compression ratio, or 40 Gbps, whichever is smaller. For example, if
2:1 compression can be achieved, then the storage application could maintain 40 Gbps of throughput across the
Extension connection. This is true for both 10VE and 20VE operating modes. 20VE operating mode is not available when
the Brocade extension platform is in hybrid mode.
• Although most firmware updates for Fabric OS 7.4.0 and later will support eHCL, not every Fabric OS release will guarantee
firmware capable of using this feature. Refer to the Fabric OS release notes for details.
• The firmware on the switch at each end the tunnel must be compatible. We recommend that you start with the same version of
Fabric OS and upgrade to the same version on both ends. If not, this will either introduce instability and aberrant behavior or
prevent successful tunnel formation when the main tunnel attempts to come back online.
• eHCL does not require any additional communication paths. For the normal operation of data replication and/or tape backup,
you will have an existing extension tunnel (MT) connected across the WAN. The two backup tunnels will exist alongside the main
• eHCL leverages the RASlog warnings and error messages (WARN/ERROR).
• If parallel tunnels (VE_Ports) are configured between local and remote sites, if each tunnel has multiple circuits, you must enable
Extension Trunking and set the VE link cost to static. Else, FC traffic might be disrupted during eHCL activity.
• When Teradata Emulation is enabled on an Extension tunnel, eHCL is not supported. You must perform a disruptive firmware
• Do not configure certain pairs of VE ports in different logical switches with different traffic routing policies. For example, on a
Brocade 7840, one logical switch has Exchange-Based Routing (EBR) and the other has Port-Based Routing (PBR), which
may be common in mainframe environments. VE_Ports 24 and 34 are used in the different logical switches. During eHCL
these VEs share backend Virtual Channels (VC) when the VE is on the HA path. This configuration can cause unexpected
results. The following table shows the VE_Port pairs to avoid. On the Brocade SX6 blade, the pairing restriction is per blade.
24 34 16 26
25 35 17 27
26 36 18 28
27 37 19 29
28 38 20 30
29 39 21 31
30 40 22 32
The NTTCP traffic is queued and non-terminated WAN streams are flushed only when all participating DPs on a VE_Port are running
Fabric OS 8.2.0 or a subsequent release.
After receiving the WAN flush complete indication for all LAN connections on a VE_Port, each LAN TCP connection can be
independently resumed as soon as its LAN Tx is complete. This action decouples having to wait on a slow-draining LAN connection
before all LAN connections can be resumed on a given VE_Port. All participating DPs on a VE_Port must be running Fabric OS 8.2.0 or
a subsequent release.
Brocade ARL always maintains at least the minimum configured bandwidth, and it never tries to exceed the maximum level. Everything in
between is adaptive. Brocade ARL tries to increase the rate limit up to the maximum until it detects that no more bandwidth is available. If
it detects that no more bandwidth is available, and ARL is not at the maximum, it continues to periodically test for more bandwidth. If
ARL determines that more bandwidth is available, it continues to climb toward the maximum. On the other hand, if congestion events are
encountered, Brocade ARL reduces the rate based on the selected back-off algorithm. ARL never attempts to exceed the maximum
configured value and reserves at least the minimum configured value.
For additional information and details of ARL, refer to the Brocade white paper, Brocade Adaptive Rate Limiting.
Brocade 7840 switch and Brocade SX6 blade support for ARL
ARL accommodates shared bandwidth; however, the amount of storage data using Extension connections continues to grow and
consume larger and faster links. On supported Gen 5 and Gen 6 platforms (Brocade 7840 switch and Brocade SX6 blade), the
enhanced response time of ARL provides faster rate limiting adaptation, which permits optimized throughput of not only the extension
traffic but also the competing flows.
The back-off mechanism implemented by ARL is optimized to increase overall throughput. ARL dynamically preserves bandwidth and
evaluates network conditions to see whether additional back-offs are required.
ARL maintains round-trip-time (RTT) stateful information to better predict network conditions and to allow intelligent and granular
decisions about proper adaptive rate limiting. When ARL encounters a network error, it looks back at prior stateful information, which will
be different relative to the current state. Rate-limit decisions are then modified using the ARL algorithm. When configured for automatic
selection, ARL will dynamically determine which algorithm to use based on the changing network conditions.
On the Brocade SX6 and Brocade 7840, you can configure the type of ARL algorithm that is used for backing off the traffic. The default
is automatic, and the ARL logic determines the best approach. The ARL choices for these platforms are as follow:
• Automatic (default)
• Static reset
• Modified multiplicative decrease (MMD), or step-down
If multiple parallel tunnels are used, configure Lossless DLS. This action avoids FC frame loss during routing updates that are made
because of bandwidth updates.
Multiple parallel tunnels are supported, but their use is not recommended.
ARL considerations
Consider the following limitations when configuring ARL:
• As a best practice, the aggregate of the maximum rate bandwidth settings through a VE_Port tunnel should not exceed the
bandwidth of the WAN link. For example, given a 2-Gbps WAN link, the aggregate of the ARL maximum rates connected to
that WAN link can be no more than 2 Gbps. For ingress rates, there is no limit because the FC flow control (BBC) rate-limits the
incoming data.
• The aggregate of the minimum configured values cannot exceed the speed of the Ethernet interface, which is 1 Gbps for GbE
ports or 10-Gbps for 10-GbE ports, and 40-Gbps for 40-GbE ports.
• Configure minimum rates of all tunnels so that the combined rate does not exceed the specifications listed for the extension
product in the Tunnel and circuit requirements for Brocade Extension platforms on page 61.
• For 1-GbE, 10-GbE, and 40-GbE ports, the ratio between the minimum committed rate and the maximum committed rate for
a single circuit cannot exceed five times the minimum. For example, if the minimum is set to 1 Gbps, the maximum for that
circuit cannot exceed 5 Gbps. This limit is enforced in software.
• The ratio between any two circuits on the same tunnel should not exceed four times the lower circuit. For example, if one circuit
is configured to 1 Gbps, any other circuit in that same tunnel should not exceed 4 Gbps. This limit is not enforced in software,
but is strongly recommended.
• For any circuit, the minimum bandwidth values must match on both the local side and the remote side, and so must the
maximum bandwidth values.
• ARL is invoked only when the minimum and maximum bandwidth values on a circuit differ. In other words, if you configure both
the minimum and maximum bandwidth values on a circuit, say, to 1,000,000 (1 Gbps), ARL is not used.
Compression options
Brocade Fabric OS software provides advanced compression architecture that supports multiple modes to optimize compression ratios
for various throughput requirements. The available modes include hardware-based compression and software-based compression. The
compression mode available depends on the Brocade extension platform and the protocol (FCIP or IP).
Throughput for all compression modes depends on the compression ratio achievable for the data pattern. Brocade makes no
promises, guarantees, or assumptions about the compression ratio that any application may achieve.
Follow the guidelines for assigning explicit compression levels for tunnels in the following table.
The enhancements for IP Extension allow you to configure compression on the tunnel at a protocol level. The compression options
override the main tunnel compression level and set the compression for the specified protocol to the desired mode. The available modes
depend on the protocol, FC or IP.
Follow the guidelines for assigning explicit compression levels for tunnels, as shown in the following table.
Open Systems Tape Pipelining (OSTP) enhances open systems SCSI tape read and write I/O performance. When the extension link is
the part of the network with the longest latency, OSTP can provide accelerated speeds for tape read and write I/O over tunnels. To use
OSTP, you must also enable FastWrite.
OSTP accelerates SCSI read and write I/O to sequential devices (such as tape drives) over extension links, which reduces the number of
round-trip times needed to complete the I/O over the IP network and speeds up the process.
For FastWrite and OSTP to work, both ends of a tunnel must have matching FastWrite and OSTP configurations. You enable FastWrite
and OSTP during the tunnel configuration process. They are enabled on a per-tunnel basis.
The following figures show network configurations supported by FastWrite and OSTP. Neither configuration contains multiple ECMP
paths. The first figure shows a single tunnel with FastWrite and OSTP enabled. The second figure shows multiple tunnels, but none of
them creates a multiple ECMP path.
Only one emulating tunnel is supported between an initiator port and a peer device port.
Brocade extension devices can distinguish between storage flows that use protocol optimization and those that do not use protocol
optimization. For example, SAN Volume Controller (SVC) from IBM Corporation does not use FastWrite, but Asynchronous Symmetrix
Remote Data Facility (SRDF/A )from EMC Corporation does use FastWrite. Both applications functioning over the connection are fully
supported for FastWrite because FastWrite will not engage with the IBM SVC flows yet will engage with the SRDF/A flows across the
same VE_Port. This is also true when using OSTP with IBM SVC. Both flows can utilize the same VE_Port with FastWrite and OSTP
FIGURE 5 Multiple tunnels to multiple ports with FastWrite and OSTP enabled on a per-tunnel, per-port basis
In some cases, Traffic Isolation Zoning or VF LS/LF configurations can be used to control the routing of SID/DID pairs to individual
tunnels. This provides deterministic flows between the switches and allows the use of ECMP. Refer to the Brocade Fabric OS
Administration Guide for more information about Traffic Isolation Zoning.
FICON Acceleration
FICON Acceleration provides specialized data management techniques and automated intelligence to accelerate FICON tape read and
write and IBM Global Mirror data replication operations over distance, while maintaining the integrity of command and acknowledgment
To use the features of FICON Acceleration, you must obtain the Advanced FICON Acceleration license, which allows interoperability for
the following features:
• Write and read tape pipelining
• IBM z/OS Global Mirror emulation
• Teradata emulation
FICON Acceleration licenses are available on the Brocade 7840 and the Brocade DCX 8510 family for the FX8-24 on an individual
slot basis.
This license is not required on Brocade Gen 6 platforms with a Brocade SX6 blade.
For additional information about FICON configuring and administration, refer to the Brocade Fabric OS FICON Configuration Guide. In
addition, you can refer to the eBook, Brocade Mainframe Connectivity Solutions.
VM Insight
VM Insight is a feature implemented in Fabric OS 8.1.0 that allows flows between virtual machines (VMs) to be tracked and identified
with greater granularity. VM instances can include an optional header that contains a VMID that identifies the specific VM instance that is
initiating the I/O. The VMID header is supported with all emulated FCP I/O sequences. If the server added the optional VMID header, the
header will be used between the FCIP complex and the target device and will be included in FCP sequences back to the initiator.
Support of this feature requires that the drivers for HBA and storage vendors support the VMID frame-tagging method that identifies
each subflow through the fabric.
(all Fabric OS) (before Fabric OS 8.1.0) (Fabric OS 8.1.0 and higher)
(FastWrite, OSTP)
FICON-emulated tunnels Not supported Not supported Not supported
For more information, refer to the Brocade Flow Vision Configuration Guide, the Brocade Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite
Configuration Guide, and the Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual.
IP security
Internet Protocol security (IPsec) uses cryptographic security to ensure private, secure communications over Internet Protocol (IP)
networks. IPsec supports network-level data integrity, data confidentiality, data origin authentication, and replay protection. It helps secure
your extension traffic against network-based attacks from untrusted computers.
The following sequence of events invokes the IPsec protocol.
• IPsec and Internet Key Exchange (IKE) policies are created and assigned on peer switches or blades on both ends of the tunnel.
On the Brocade FX8-24 blade, you enable IPsec and provide a preshared key inline on the tunnel. There is no
specific policy creation.
• IKE exchanges policy information on each end of the connection. If the policy information does not match, the connection does
not come online. Some of the exchanged security association (SA) parameters include encryption and authentication
algorithms, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, and SAs.
• Data is transferred between IPsec peers based on the IPsec parameters and keys stored in the SA database.
• When authentication and IKE negotiation are complete, the IPsec SA is ready for data traffic.
• SA lifetimes terminate through deletion or by timing out. An SA lifetime equates to approximately two billion frames of traffic
passed through the SA or after a set time interval has passed.
• When the SA is about to expire, an IKE rekey will occur to create a new set of SAs on both sides and data will start using the new
SA. IKE and SA re-keys are nondisruptive.
On the Brocade SX6 and Brocade 7840, IPsec support in Fabric OS 8.1.0 and subsquent releases support Suite B Cryptographic
Suites for IPsec, which allows configuration of the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) for key agreement and Elliptic Curve Digital
Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) for peer authentication. Suite B configuration requires the generation and importation of Suite B-compliant
X.509 end-entity certificates, and the issuing CA certificates used to sign them.
The following table shows the algorithm selection for a Suite B compliant configuration as against the configurations supported in prior
Fabric OS releases.
TABLE 9 IPsec Suite B comparison on the Brocade SX6 and Brocade 7840
Attribute Prior to Fabric OS 8.1.0 releases Suite B in Fabric OS 8.1.0 and later
As part of Suite B support, you can use digital certificates and third-party certificate authority (CA) to verify the identity of the certificates.
This requires each end of the secure connection to have access or a means to lookup the CA certificate for verification purposes. X.509
Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) are not supported.
When you define an IPsec policy, you can select between two profiles. The preshared key profile allows you to specify the key when
IPsec is configured. The public key infrastructure (PKI) profile uses CA certificates.
After the key lifetime of 4 hours or 2 billion frames has been reached, new keys are generated and the old keys are discarded,
This process of rekeying is nondisruptive.
• Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) is used as the transport mode. ESP uses a hash algorithm to calculate and verify an
authentication value, and it encrypts only the TCP header and TCP payload.
• A circuit in a nonsecure tunnel can use the same Ethernet interface as a circuit in a secure tunnel.
• Brocade IPsec is a hardware implementation that does not degrade or impact performance.
• Brocade IPsec does not preclude the use of compression or QoS.
• Unlike AES-GCM, AES-CBC does not have an integrated integrity algorithm. Therefore, HMAC-384-192 provides integrity.
IPv6 addressing
IPv6 addresses can exist with IPv4 addresses on the same interface, but the circuits must be configured as IPv6-to-IPv6 and IPv4-to-
IPv4 connections. IPv6-to-IPv4 connections are not supported.
This implementation of IPv6 uses unicast addresses for the interfaces with circuits. The link-local unicast address is automatically
configured on the interface, but using the link-local address space for circuit endpoints is not allowed. Site-local unicast addresses are not
allowed as circuit endpoints.
TABLE 10 VE_Ports and DRAM pool sizes for Brocade Extension products
Product DP VE_Ports DP DRAM pool size
Tunnel processing will create more control blocks when any type of emulation feature is enabled, such as FCP or FICON. In those cases,
be sure to not include too many devices running over the tunnel. If too many devices are present or activated at one time, emulation
operations can be negatively impacted. Even without emulation enabled, too many devices running over the tunnel may impact
operations at some point because of memory consumption.
A configuration that works without an emulation feature, such as FICON Acceleration, FastWrite, or Open Systems Tape
Pipelining (OSTP), may not work when emulation features are enabled.
48 0x1800/6144 0 14 14 14 0x00015000
51 0x1980/6528 0 9 9 9 0x0000e580
---------- ---------- -------- -------- ----------
15763317 3070 0x001B7680
Total Bytes in DRAM2 Pool: 2678401024 (free) 1799808 (fastfreed)
Total DRAM Bytes Allocated: 7753344 (in use)
The total number of FICON device control blocks (FDCBs) that will be created over a FICON emulating tunnel is represented by the
following equation:
FDCBs = Host Ports x Device Ports x LPARs x LCUs x FICON Devices per LCU
This number grows quickly in extended direct-attached storage device (DASD) configurations, such as those used in IBM z/OS Global
Mirror, also known as Extended Remote Copy (XRC).
FDCBs example
The following example assumes that the tunnel is used to extend two channel paths (CHPIDs) from a System Data Mover (SDM) site to a
production site. It also assumes that there are two SDM-extended LPARs, that the IBM DS8000 production controllers have 32 LCUs
per chassis, and that each LCU has 256 device addresses.
Using the preceding equation, the number of extended FICON device control block images created would be the following:
2 Host Ports * 2 Device Ports * 2 LPARs * 32 LCUs * 256 Devices per LCU = 56,536 FDCBs
Use output from portshow xtun slot/ve-port -fcp -port -stats command in conjunction with output from the portshow xtun slot/ve-port
-dram2 command to determine how a tunnel configuration is affecting tunnel control block memory. As a rule of thumb, no more than
80 percent of the tunnel DP complex control block memory pool (dram2) should be allocated for SID/DID pair-related control blocks
(ITNs, ITLs, FDPBs, FCHBs, FCUBs, and FDCBs). When more than 80 percent of the pool is allocated, consider redesigning the tunnel
configuration to ensure continuous operation. When you redesign the tunnel configuration, examine the existing number of SID/DID
pairs in the configuration and determine whether new switches, chassis, or blades are needed to reduce the impact on DRAM2.
For Fabric OS releases before 7.4, RASlog message XTUN-1008 provides notification of DRAM2 memory usage. The message is
generated by the DP complex when significant memory thresholds are reached. The following thresholds are shown for the Brocade
FX8-24 blade:
• 66%
• 33%
• 17%
• 8%
• 0.07%
For Fabric OS 8.0.1 and later, each FX8-24 blade, SX6 DP complex, and 7840 DP complex generates the XTUN-1008 RASlog
message when the following percentages of the DRAM memory pool are available:
• 50%
• 25%
• 12.5%
• 6.25%
• 0.05%
RASlog messages include the amount of allocated memory from the pool, the amount of free memory in the pool, and the total pool
size. Refer to RASlog messages to determine if you need to reduce the size of the extended configuration or to plan for additional switch
Brocade switches and blade DPs are expected to support no more than the number of FICON device control blocks (FDCBs) and
extended LUNs (ITLs) noted in the following table.
The Brocade 7840 switch and Brocade SX6 blade have 2.6 GB of DRAM2 memory allocated per DP. During Hot Code Load (HCL)
operations, duplicated emulation control blocks are created on the same DP for the high-availability portion of the tunnel. That means
that at one point in time during the Extension HCL process, twice the normal memory requirements are consumed. This duplication
process occurs on the remote non-Extension HCL DP when the primary local DP is undergoing feature disable processing.
The amount of DRAM2 memory on the Brocade 7840 and Brocade SX6 should be able to support Extension HCL operations with
approximately 512K FICON devices active through the VE_Ports on that DP.
Because each customer configuration is unique, the supported number and types of devices will be different. In large configurations, the
administrator should review memory usage periodically to ensure continued, reliable operations of the tunnel and emulation features.
Firmware downloads
For the Brocade FX8-24 blade, if Fibre Channel traffic or FCIP traffic is active on Fibre Channel ports, the traffic will be disrupted during
a firmware download.
The Brocade 7840 switch and the Brocade SX6 blade support the Extension Hot Code Load (HCL) feature. During an Extension HCL
action, traffic is failed over to one DP complex while the firmware upgrades in the other DP complex. With Extension HCL, active FC
traffic on Fibre Channel ports and VE_Ports is not disrupted during a firmware download. For more information on this process, refer to
Extension Hot Code Load on page 24.
You must configure HCL if you want to perform nondisruptive firmware downloads. Otherwise, all traffic is disrupted during the
When Teradata Emulation is enabled on an extension tunnel, Extension HCL is not supported. Any Teradata connections are
disrupted by a firmware download even when Extension HCL is configured.
The best practice is to update the switch or blade at both ends of the tunnel with the same maintenance release of Fabric OS software.
For details on downloading firmware, refer to the chapter on installing and maintaining firmware in the Brocade Fabric OS Administration
Some features may require additional Fabric OS licenses to operate. For information about available Fabric OS licenses, refer to the
Brocade Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide.
Note the following about extension connections between these platforms in Fabric OS 8.2.0:
• Extension connections are not supported between the FX8-24 blades and previous generation products such as Brocade
7500 switches or FR4-18i blades.
• Extension connections are not supported between the FX8-24 blades and the Brocade 7800.
• Extension connections are not supported between the Brocade 7840 and previous generation products, such as Brocade
7800 switches, Brocade 7500 switches, FX8-24 blades, and FR4-18i blades.
• Extension connections are not supported between Brocade SX6 blades and previous generation products, such as Brocade
7800 switches, Brocade 7500 switches, FX8-24 blades, and FR4-18i blades.
• Extension connections are supported between the Brocade 7840 and SX6 blades.
The following table summarizes the allowed extension connections between platforms supported in Fabric OS 8.2.0.
LZ and Deflate Deflate, Aggressive Deflate, Fast Deflate Deflate, Aggressive Deflate, Fast
Protocol acceleration Yes Yes Yes
• Brocade
• Open Systems
Tape Pipelining
– OSTP read
– OSTP write
QoS Yes Yes Yes
• Marking DSCP
• Marking 802.1P
- VLAN tagging
• Enforcement
802.1P - VLAN
FICON extension Yes Yes Yes
• FICON emulation
• IBM z/OS Global
• Tape read
• Tape write
• Teradata
IPsec Yes Yes Yes
• AES-256-GCM Transport mode encrypted data Transport mode encrypted data transfer Transport mode encrypted data
• SHA-512 HMAC transfer (ESP) method (ESP) method transfer (ESP) method
• IKEv2
VEX_Ports Yes No No
Support for third-party Yes No No
WAN optimization hardware
Support is limited to Silver Peak
for Fabric OS 7.1.0b and to
Riverbed for Fabric OS 6.4.x.
IPv6 addresses for Yes1 Yes Yes
extension tunnels
IP MTU of 1500 is the maximum. IP MTU of 9216 is the maximum. IP MTU of 9216 is the maximum.
Path maximum No Yes Yes
transmission unit (PMTU)
Maximum discoverable size is 9100 Maximum discoverable size is 9100
bytes. bytes.
Hot Code Load (Extension No Yes Yes
WAN Tool service-level No Yes Yes
agreement (SLA) support
Link level discovery No Yes Yes
protocol (LLDP)
10-GbE and 40-GbE ports 10-GbE and 40-GbE ports
Hybrid mode and FCIP mode Hybrid mode and FCIP mode
Keep-alive packets (KAP) No Yes Yes
for LACP and LLDP
The Brocade 7840 Extension Switch and the Brocade SX6 Extension Blade
• Two data processor (DP) complexes, DP0 and DP1
• Up to 20 VE_Ports
The following table shows the Ethernet interface properties on the Brocade 7840 and Brocade SX6.
10-GbE Interfaces 16 1/10-GbE interfaces shared by both DPs 16 1/10-GbE interfaces shared by both DPs
40-GbE Interfaces Two 40-GbE interfaces shared by both DPs Two 40-GbE interfaces shared by both DPs
Maximum Bandwidth per VE/VEX_Port 20 Gbps 20 Gbps
Maximum WAN Bandwidth per DP 20 Gbps 20 Gbps
Maximum IP Extension Bandwidth per DP 20/20 Gbps 20/20 Gbps
Maximum Number of VE_Ports No VEX_Ports No VEX_Ports
You would manage the switch as if it had 16 FC ports and 6 Ethernet ports as below. The VE port number will follow the FC port
The user manages both physical and virtual out-facing ports. With regards to the area assignment, all the front end FC ports including
VE ports will get assigned areas in the same as the ports on any switch. No area is assigned to GE ports.
Extension tunnels created on Brocade 7840 or Brocade SX6 cannot connect to interfaces on a Brocade 7500 switch, 7800
switch, or FX8-24 blade.
The following figure illustrates the FC ports, 10/1-GbE ports, and 40-GbE ports on the Brocade 7840 Switch.
The Brocade 7840 Extension Switch provides 24 16-Gbps FC ports (FC0–FC23) numbered 0 through 23 on the switch, two 40-GbE
ports (ge0–ge1) numbered 0 through 1 on the switch, and 16 1/10-GbE ports (ge2–ge17) numbered 2 through 17 on the switch. Up
to 20 VE_Ports are supported for tunnel configurations. Typically, only one VE_Port is needed per remote site.
The 40 GbE ports are enabled for configuring IP addresses with the 7840 WAN Rate Upgrade 2 license.
The following figure illustrates the FC ports, 10/1-GbE ports, and 40-GbE ports on the Brocade SX6 Extension Blade.
3. 10/1-GbE ports 2 through 9 (right to left) 6. FC ports 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15 (right to left)
The Brocade 7840 and the Brocade SX6 support eight groups of Ethernet ports. Specific recommendations can be applied to ports
within a group to help alleviate traffic congestion problems.
Switch Ethernet ports are numbered with the 40-GbE ports as 0 through 1. The 10-GbE ports are numbered 2 through 17. Refer to
Brocade 7840 Extension Switch ports on page 48 and Brocade SX6 Extension Blade ports on page 49 for illustrations of the port
numbering. Port numbers contained in the Ethernet port groups are shown in the following table.
0, 1, 13, 17 1
2, 6 2
3, 7 3
4, 8 4
5, 9 5
10, 14 6
11, 15 7
12, 16 8
Note that port group 1 contains the two 40-GbE ports (0 and 1) and 10-GbE ports 13 and 17. The remaining port groups contain the
10-GbE ports from 2 to 16. Consider the following when using ports from these port groups:
• A port can block any port in its port group, but it cannot block a port outside of its port group.
• A port could affect another port in the same group due to differences in port speed or if the port is back-pressured due to
Ethernet pause from an external switch. A blocked port may result from a slow-draining device or other congestion.
To avoid these effects on ports within the same port group, it is best that you do not mix speeds for ports within the group.
Recommendations for the port groups are as follows:
• In port group 1, because the 40-GbE ports are fixed at 40 Gbps, use either the 40-GbE ports or the 10-GbE ports at 10 Gbps
or 1 Gbps.
• In port groups 2 through 8, which contain all 10-GbE ports, configure the ports at either 10 Gbps or 1 Gbps.
The table applies to ports configured in WAN mode. If the ports are configured as LAN ports, the grouping and blocking does
not apply. As a recommended best practice, allocate a LAN port out of the same group as a WAN port.
For full details on trunking requirements and configuration, refer to the Brocade Fabric OS Administration Guide.
Network DP components
The Brocade 7840 switch and Brocade SX6 blade share a similar design architecture. The following information discusses platform
operation in FCIP mode, not hybrid mode when both FCIP and IP extension are enabled.
The following figures illustrate components and connections for each data processing (DP) complex when the platform is enabled in
10VE or 20VE modes. All 10-, 20-, and 40-Gbps connections shown in the illustrations are full-duplex and internal to the platform. For
more information about 10VE and 20VE port modes, refer to 10VE and 20VE port distribution on page 54.
The following figures apply to the extension platform when it is in FCIP mode and not hybrid mode.
FIGURE 9 Brocade 7840 switch DP components and VE_Port distribution in 20VE mode
If a 4:1 compression ratio is achieved using fast deflate compression, then 80 Gbps is available to external FC ports. The maximum
compression ratio depends on a number of factors and is not guaranteed.
Typical deflate compression may achieve different compression ratios. Brocade makes no promises as to the achievable
compression ratios for customer-specific data.
The Adaptive Rate Limiting (ARL) aggregate of all circuit maximum values on a single DP complex cannot exceed 40 Gbps. The ARL
aggregate of all circuit minimum values for a single DP complex cannot exceed 20 Gbps. All circuits includes all circuits from all tunnels,
not just all circuits from a single tunnel. ARL is used only when minimum and maximum bandwidth values are configured for a circuit.
Specific VE_Ports are associated with each DP complex. The VE_Port that you configure for a tunnel also selects the DP complex that is
used for processing. Refer to 10VE and 20VE port distribution on page 54 for more information.
For additional specifications and requirements for switch ports, tunnels, and circuits, refer to Tunnel and circuit requirements for Brocade
Extension platforms on page 61.
In 10VE mode, a VE_Port (and the total bandwidth of its circuits) can use all Fibre Channel bandwidth available to the DP complex where
it resides, a maximum of 20 Gbps.
In 20VE mode, a single VE_Port (and the total bandwidth of its circuits) on a DP complex can use half the Fibre Channel bandwidth
available to the DP complex where it resides, to a maximum of 10 Gbps. This option allows you to use more VE_Ports, but at a lower
maximum bandwidth.
On a single VE port on a Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade, each tunnel that you create is limited to a maximum of ten
circuits. The maximum committed rate of a single circuit is 10 Gbps, whether configured on a 10-GbE or 40-GbE port.
For a complete list of tunnel, circuit, and IP address requirements and capacities, refer to Tunnel and circuit requirements for Brocade
Extension platforms on page 61.
WAN Rate Upgrade 1 Increases bandwidth available to all extension WAN Rate Upgrade 1 license
tunnels configured on the switch from 5 Gbps
for the base hardware to 10 Gbps.
WAN Rate Upgrade 2 Allows unlimited bandwidth for all tunnels WAN Rate Upgrade 2 license
configured on the switch. This also enables the
40-GbE ports so that they can be used for
configuring IP addresses.
You must have a WAN Rate
Upgrade 1 license to activate the
WAN Rate Upgrade 2 license.
Advanced FICON acceleration Enables accelerated tape read/write, IBM z/OS Advanced FICON Acceleration (FTR_AFA)
Global Mirror, and Teradata emulation features in license
FICON environments. Slot-based license.
Advanced Extension License This is enabled on the Brocade 7840 switch at Advanced Extension (FTR_AE) license
the factory. Required for multiple-circuit tunnels,
Trunking, and ARL.
For complete information about the licenses described in the preceding table and additional licenses available for the Brocade 7840
switch, refer to the Brocade Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide.
For complete information about the licenses available for the Brocade X6 Director, refer to the Brocade Fabric OS Software Licensing
The blade can be installed in a Brocade DCX 8510-8 or DCX 8510-4 chassis.
The following figure shows the FC ports, GbE ports, and 10-GbE ports on the Brocade FX8-24. There are 12 FC ports, numbered 0
through 11. The FC ports can operate at 1, 2, 4, or 8 Gbps. There are ten GbE ports, numbered 0 through 9. Ports xge0 and xge1 are
10-GbE ports.
1. 10-GbE XGE ports 0–1 (right to left) 5. FC ports 0–5 (right to left)
If you are permanently removing a blade from a Brocade DCX, DCX-4S, DCX 8510-8, or DCX 8510-4 chassis to relocate to
another slot in the chassis or if you are removing the blade from the chassis entirely, you must follow these procedures before
removing the blade.
1. Delete all fciptunnel configurations. Use the portcfg fciptunnel slot/vePort command.
2. Delete all IP routes defined on the blade. Use the portcfg iproute command.
3. Delete all IPIFs defined on the blade. Use the portcfg ipif slot/geX | xgeX command.
4. If logical switches are used on the switch, move all FX8-24 ports to the default logical switch. Use the lscfg --config FID slot/
port command.
5. Remove the blade from the chassis.
10-GbE support Allows 10-Gbps operation on 10-GbE ports. 10-Gigabit FCIP/Fibre Channel (FTR_10G)
Slot-based license. license
Advanced FICON acceleration Enables accelerated tape read/write, IBM z/OS Advanced FICON Acceleration (FTR_AFA)
Global Mirror, and Teradata features in FICON license
environments. Slot-based license.
Integrated routing (IR) Required to configure EX_Ports and VEX_Ports Integrated Routing license
to support Fibre Channel Routing (FCR).
Chassis-based license.
Advanced extension Required for multiple-circuit tunnels, trunking, Advanced Extension (FTR_AE) license
Adaptive Rate Limiting (ARL), and other features.
Slot-based license.
For complete information about the licenses described in the preceding table and additional licenses available for the switch, refer to the
Brocade Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide.
To use both 10-GbE XGE ports, the FX8-24 blade must be in 10-Gbps mode. When the blade is in dual mode, you can use port xge0
for multigigabit circuits, but not port xge1. When the blade is in 1-Gbps mode, the 10-GbE ports are not available.
There is no difference in latency or throughput performance for single or multigigabit circuits.
For DP0 and its local xge0 port, the crossport is xge1. Likewise, for DP1 and its local xge1 port, the crossport is xge0.
Typically, IP interface addresses (IPIFs) used by ge0 through ge9 and xge1 are used for any circuits that use VE_Ports 12 through 21.
The xge1 port is the local XGE interface for VE_Ports 12 through 21. Likewise, IP addresses configured for xge0 are used by circuits for
VE_Ports 22 through 31.
Configure a crossport by assigning an IP address to the remote XGE port that can be used by the local XGE port. For example, assigning
an IP address to xge0 as a crossport makes the address available on the remote xge0 for VE_Ports 12 through 21 on the local xge1.
You can also assign IP routes (iproutes) used by the local port, VLAN tagging, and circuits with metrics to the remote XGE port to allow
failover to the crossports.
Crossports contain the IPIFs and IP routes that belong to the remote interface. To use crossports, both XGE ports must be configured in
10-Gbps mode.
Each DP complex has 10 Gbps (full-duplex) of available bandwidth. Therefore, each VE_Port group (VE_Port 22-31 and VE_Port
12-21) has 10 Gbps of bandwidth available to the internal port complex back-end ports. When the tunnels using VE_Ports in a specific
VE_Port group consume the group’s back-end bandwidth, additional circuits cannot be created for those tunnels. The port complex has
10 Gbps of front-end bandwidth available for each of the XGE ports. Tunnels (VE_Ports) cannot consume more than 10 Gbps of
bandwidth over an XGE port. The internal port complex has another 10 Gbps of bandwidth available for the crossport.
The following figure illustrates the internal DP complex with VE_Port groups, internal port complex, front-end and back-end port areas,
and the crossport (xport) on an FCX8-24 blade.
ARL limits
Bandwidth allocations are subject to the minimum committed rate (-b) and maximum committed rate (-B) set for circuits and tunnels
using the Adaptive Rate Limiting (ARL) feature. For more information on ARL and ARL restrictions, refer to Adaptive Rate Limiting on
page 29.
Failover groups allow you to define a set of metric 0 and metric 1 circuits that are part of a failover group. When all metric 0 circuits in the
group fail, metric 1 circuits take over operation, even if there are metric 0 circuits still active in other failover groups. Typically, you would
configure only one metric 0 circuit in a failover group. For detailed information, refer to Circuit failover on page 75.
When calculating total bandwidth usage for a tunnel, you must also add the total bandwidth usage per failover group.
To calculate the total bandwidth usage for the failover group in the tunnel, for each failover group (0 through 9), perform the following
1. Add the consumed bandwidth for all metric 0 circuits in the failover group.
2. Add the total consumed bandwidth for all metric 1 circuits in the failover group.
The greater of the two values is the total bandwidth usage for the failover group in the tunnel.
For example, suppose that two 10-Gbps circuits are configured for a tunnel on VE_Port 12. Circuit 0 has a metric of 0 on xge1, and
circuit 1 is a failover circuit with a metric of 1 on xge0 (refer to the figure under Front-end and back-end bandwidth on page 58). Note
that configuring circuit 1 on xge0 is a crossport configuration. Although this configuration is allowed, you cannot create additional circuits
for VE_Port group 12 through 21 or group 22 through 31 for the following reasons:
• For VE_Port group 12 through 21, VE_Port 12 is consuming the maximum 10 Gbps of allocated back-end port bandwidth.
Refer to Calculating crossport bandwidth on page 60.
• You cannot create a crossport so that VE_Ports 22 through 31 use xge1 because VE_Port 12 is consuming the maximum 10
Gbps of crossport bandwidth for its failover circuit. Refer to Calculating crossport bandwidth on page 60.
• If VE_Port 12 fails, all 10-Gbps traffic will flow over the crossport and the xge0 front-end port. If additional circuits were already
configured for the VE_Port 22 through 31 group, the front-end port bandwidth would exceed the 10-Gbps limit for xge0. Refer
to Calculating front-end bandwidth on page 59.
When the extension platform operates in hybrid mode, 20VE mode is not allowed.
• You can have a maximum 20 VE_Ports on the switch. In the default 10VE mode, only 10 VE_Ports are enabled. In 20VE
mode, all 20 VE_Ports are enabled.
• On the Brocade 7840, there are two VE_Port groups in 10VE mode. Each port group can share 20 Gbps.
– DP0 controls VE_Ports 24-28.
– DP1 controls VE_Ports 34-38.
– The remaining VE_Ports 29-33 and 39-43 are disabled.
• In 20VE mode on the Brocade 7840, there are four VE_Port groups. Each port group can share 10 Gbps.
– DP0 controls VE_Ports 24-28 and VE_Ports 29-33.
– DP1 controls VE_Ports 34-38 and VE_Ports 39-43.
• On the Brocade SX6, there are two VE_Port groups in 10VE mode. Each port group can share 20 Gbps.
– DP0 controls VE_Ports 16-20.
– DP1 controls VE_Ports 26-30.
– The remaining VE_Ports 21-25 and 31-35 are disabled.
• In 20VE mode on the Brocade SX6, there are four VE_Port groups. Each port group can share 10 Gbps.
– DP0 controls VE_Ports 16-20 and VE_Ports 21-25.
– DP1 controls VE_Ports 26-30 and VE_Ports 31-35.
• VE_Ports are not associated with a particular Ethernet port.
• As a best practice, VE_Ports should not be connected in parallel to the same domain at the same time as Fibre Channel
E_Ports or EX_Ports. Instead, configure tunnels with multiple circuits.
• VEX_Ports are not supported.
• The number of circuits that you can configure on an Ethernet port is limited only by the number of IP address pairs available
and how the addresses are allocated. Each circuit requires a unique IP address pair. A unique pair means that one of the two
addresses (local IPIF and remote IPIF) be unique in the pair. For example, the following address pairs use the same source
address in each pair but the destination addresses are different, therefore each pair is unique:
– --local-ip --remote-ip
– --local-ip --remote-ip
• You can configure a maximum of 10 circuits for a trunk (VE_Port).
• You can configure a maximum of 40 circuits per DP.
• A limit of 20 circuits can be configured per VE_Port group (12 through 21 or 22 through 31) when using a 10-GbE port. For
the 20 circuits, 10 are configured on local ports and 10 on crossports.
• You can configure up to 10 circuits for a trunk (VE_Port).
• The FX8-24 blade contains two 10-GbE ports. You can define up to 10 circuits per trunk spread across the 10-GbE ports.
• A limit of 10 circuits can be configured on a single 10-GbE port. Each circuit requires a unique IP address.
• The blade contains ten 1-GbE ports. You can define up to 10 circuits per trunk spread across the GbE ports.
• A limit of four circuits can be configured on a single 1-GbE port. Each circuit requires a unique IP address.
• On the FX8-24, a unique pair means that both of the addresses (local IPIF and remote IPIF) must be unique and cannot be
reused. For example, the following address pairs use the same source address in each pair, only the destination addresses are
different. Because the source addresses are the same, the pair is not unique:
– --local-ip --remote-ip
– --local-ip --remote-ip
Brocade IP Extension
Brocade IP Extension is supported on the following platforms:
• Brocade 7840 Extension Switch
• Brocade SX6 Extension Blade installed in a supported platform, such as the Brocade X6-4 Director or Brocade X6-8 Director
IP Extension provides Layer 3 extension for IP storage replication. The IP extension platform acts as the gateway for the LAN, but there
is no Layer 2 extension, which means each side of the network must be on a different subnet.
The extended IP traffic receives the same benefits as does traditional FCIP traffic:
• Compression
• High speed encryption
• Frame based load leveling and lossless failover
• Network bandwidth management through rate shaping and QoS
IP Extension requires that you configure the switch or blade to operate in hybrid mode. Hybrid mode supports 10VE mode only.
Configuring hybrid mode is disruptive because a reboot is required to load the hybrid mode image. Internal connections are remapped to
provide 20 Gbps of LAN traffic and 10 Gbps of FC traffic. A maximum of 20 Gbps of WAN traffic is supported.
When in hybrid mode, the switch or blade allow up to eight of the 10 GbE ports to be configured as LAN ports. LAN ports are not
grouped, as opposed to WAN ports which are grouped. In general, LAN ports do not block each other, and LAN ports do not block WAN
ports. The recommended best practice is to pick one port from each port group to be a LAN port.
Compression is supported on a tunnel in hybrid mode. With FC traffic, all compression modes are supported: fast deflate, aggressive
deflate, and deflate compression. IP traffic is limited to two compression modes: aggressive deflate and deflate compression.
TCL rules must be configured. One default rule exists, which is to deny all traffic. This default rule cannot be removed or
modified. It is the lowest priority rule, 65535, so it will be the last rule enforced. To have traffic over an IP extension tunnel, you
must configure one or more rules that allow traffic to pass through.
Each TCL rule is identified by a name assigned to the rule when it is created. Thereafter, rules are modified or deleted by name. A TCL
name contains 31 or fewer alphanumeric characters. Each name must be unique within the IP extension platform (such as a Brocade
7840 Switch or Brocade SX6 Blade). Rules are local to each platform and are not shared across platforms.
When traffic is allowed, the TCL rule specifies which tunnel and which QoS to use for that traffic type. When the rule denies traffic, it
applies to both DP complexes unless a specific DP complex is selected.
The TCL priority number provides an order of precedence to the TCL rule within the overall TCL list. The priority value must be a unique
integer. Smaller numbers are higher priority and larger numbers are lower priority. You can modify the priority to reposition the TCL rule
to a different location within the list. When removing a rule, or even when creating a new rule, you can leave gaps in the priority numbers
to allow subsequent in-between entries.
The priority value must be unique across all active TCL rules within an IP extension platform. For example, if a chassis has
multiple Brocade SX6 blades installed, the priority must be unique across all blades. If a TCL is defined as priority 10, that
same priority cannot be used for another TCL rule, even if that rule would be assigned to another DP. A check is performed
when the rule is enabled to ensure the priority value is unique.
The TCL input filter inspects a set of parameters to help identify the input traffic. It is based on several of the fields found in the IP, TCP
and other protocol headers. The TCL input filter identifies a particular host, device, or application by means of the Layer 4 protocol
encapsulated within IP, Layer 4 destination ports, Layer 3 source or destination IP addresses and subnets, DSCP/802.1P QoS values,
or VLAN tagging.
When defining a TCL rule, the TCL action and TCL target will determine the behavior with regard to the DPs. For the TCL action, the
following actions are possible:
• When the action is set to “allow,” the target must be an IP Extension-enabled VE_Port tunnel.
• TCL rules consist of either two or three main parts depending on if it is an “allow” or “deny” action.
• The “allow” priority rules are activated on the DP that is associated with the selected VE_Port target.
• When the action is set to “deny” the rule is pushed to both DPs to deny matching traffic. No target should be supplied in a deny
priority rule, because the traffic will ultimately not be sent to any tunnel.
• Deny rules are pushed to both DPs, thus accounting for traffic that may arrive at either DP. Traffic not specifically destined for
one of the unicast LAN IPIF addresses cannot be internally forwarded to a specific DP LAN IPIF. For example, BUM
(Broadcast, Unknown unicast and Multicast) traffic has no specific known destination, which means the specific DP LAN IPIF to
forward the traffic to is unknown. Because the LAN ports cannot determine which IPIF to forward such traffic to, both DPs
receive the TCL “deny” rule. If no particular LAN IPIF can be determined, both DPs must be capable of handling this type of
• If you must select a specific DP for a deny rule, you can configure the deny rule for that specific DP. The rule is pushed to the
specified DP, denying any matching traffic on that DP only.
Once traffic is matched to a TCL rule, it is sent to the tunnel, and further TCL processing stops for that traffic. The TCL target parameter
specifies which VE_Port tunnel the matched traffic will be sent to. Optionally, you can specify a traffic priority. For example, when
configuring the TCL rule, specify --target 24 or --target 24-high. If no priority is specified, the input traffic is sent over the IP Extension
medium-priority QoS on the target tunnel. IP Extension traffic priorities are scheduled separately from the FCIP traffic priorities. Each
traffic type has its own set of QoS priorities in the egress scheduler.
The TCL is evaluated for allow and deny actions one time only when a TCP stream performs its handshake to form the traffic stream. If
you make any changes to the TCL, including changes to priority rules or disabled rules, the particular stream those changes apply to will
have no effect on the existing streams. There is no effect on an existing stream because that stream is already formed and the TCL is no
longer being evaluated. If you do not see any traffic changes after changing a TCL, it is because the traffic stream is already formed.
Newly established streams that do match changed priority rules will be affected.
Before TCL changes can take effect on established traffic streams, one of the following actions must occur:
• The end-device must reset its TCP stream, forming a new stream. Disabling and enabling an end-device interface resets its
TCP streams.
• The tunnel VE_Port must be disabled and re-enabled. Disabling a VE_Port disrupts all traffic passing through the tunnel (FCIP
and IP Extension).
• The LAN interfaces must be disabled and re-enabled.
A recommended approach is to configure the fewest number of “allow” rules that will pass specific traffic. Unmatched traffic will
encounter the default “deny-all” rule. You can prevent a subset of the allowed traffic by an “allow” rule with a “deny” rule. For example, you
can deny a smaller IP subnet that is within a larger allowed subnet.
When IP routes on the end-device are configured correctly, no undesired traffic should appear for the TCL to process. However, you can
configure specific “deny” rules to ensure that certain devices or addresses cannot communicate across the IP extension tunnel. Always
limit how you use “deny” rules. Configuring (and trouble-shooting) complex sets of “deny” rules results in more work and more chance of
In some situations, all traffic that appears at the IP Extension LAN interface is intended to pass through the tunnel:
• Directly connected end-device ports in which all the traffic from the end-device is intended for the remote data center.
• IP routes on the end-devices are closely managed such that only desired traffic is allowed to use the IP extension LAN gateway
In these cases, the simplest solution is to configure an “allow” rule that allows all traffic to pass through.
A default TCL is always created when the IP extension platform is configured for hybrid mode. It has priority 65535, which is the lowest
possible, and is set to deny all traffic. This rule cannot be deleted or modified. If no other rule is created, all traffic will be dropped.
Therefore, it is critical that you create at least one TCL rule and set it to target an IP Extension enabled VE tunnel.
When using Virtual Fabric Logical Switches (VF LS), it is important to know that the IP extension LAN Ethernet interfaces must
be in the default switch. IP extension LAN Ethernet interfaces cannot be separated and assigned to different logical switches.
The lan.dp0 and lan.dp1 IPIFs behind the IP extension LAN Ethernet interfaces are not part of VF LS contexts and cannot be
assigned to an LS. If a datagram arrives at a IP extension LAN IPIF, it will be processed and is subject to the TCL.
Even though a VE_Port can reside within a VF LS, there is no requirement for the IP extension LAN Ethernet interfaces to also
reside within that VF LS. In fact, the IP extension LAN Ethernet interfaces must remain in the default switch. The TCL directs
traffic to the specified VE_Port regardless of the VF LS in which it resides. The VE_Port must be native to the DP hosting the
lan.dp0 or lan.dp1. If the VE specified in the TCL is not native to DP hosting the LAN IPIF, the TCL will not find a match and
the traffic will be dropped.
You can configure TCL rules that allow traffic to go to a specific tunnel when more than one tunnel exists.
The following figure shows three local IP storage applications communicating to two remote data centers. The DB application
( is destined for DC-B. The NAS and tape applications ( and respectively) are destined for
DC-C. The target specified in the matching TCL rule directs traffic to the correct tunnel. Extension tunnels are point-to-point, therefore,
pointing matched traffic to a particular tunnel sends that traffic to the desired data center. When traffic encounters the first matching TCL
"allow" rule, that action is performed and no additional TCL processing occurs for that particular traffic stream. Any subsequent rules in
the TCL are not evaluated.
As shown in the figure, the first rule is for a specific host source IP address of When there is a match, all traffic sourced
from is sent to tunnel 24. The TCL looks just for this specific host IP address because the prefix length has been set to
32 (subnet mask, which indicates that all bits in the address must match. It is a host address and not a subnet
address. If the traffic is not sourced from then it will fall through to the next priority in the TCL.
The IP addresses and do not match priority rule 10 (as shown in the figure). Priority rule 20 is evaluated
next. That rule allows IP address with prefix length of 24 (subnet mask, which means that the first 24 bits
of the IP address are significant and must match. The last 8 bits are not significant and can vary. If the incoming traffic is sourced from
10.10.10.<any>, it matches this rule and is sent to tunnel 25.
All traffic that does not match the first two priority rules (10 and 20) encounters the final default priority rule 65535. The final rule, which
cannot be altered or removed, is to deny all traffic. Any traffic processed by this final priority is dropped.
You can use the portshow tcl command to display the configured TCL rules.
Pri Name Flgs Target L2COS VLAN DSCP Proto Port Hit
Src-Addr Dst-Addr
*10 DC1 AI--- 24-Med ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY 0 ANY
Flags: *=Enabled ..=Name Truncated (see --detail for full name)
A=Allow D=Deny I=IP-Ext P=Segment Preservation
R=End-to-End RST Propagation N=Non-terminated.
Non-terminated TCL
You can create a TCL rule for traffic that does not terminate at the Brocade 7840 or Brocade SX6. The non-terminated TCL option
allows TCP traffic to be sent as-is to the other endpoint over a tunnel. This traffic is unlike terminated TCP traffic in that it does not count
as one of the allowed 512 TCP connections at the DP.
The non-terminated TCL option is meant for use by low bandwidth control-type connections. It is recommended that you use the
highest TCL priority value possible for the non-terminated traffic based the traffic handling requirements. This option can be enabled or
disabled. However, you must stop and restart the traffic from the application or host to ensure proper handling after the TCL is updated.
For LAN traffic through IP Extension, three additional QoS priorities are created and default distributions are provided. The three priorities
are IP-High, IP-Medium, and IP-Low. The QoS is added when a tunnel is enabled for IP Extension. Again, you can change the QoS
configuration or use the default.
With IP Extension introduced in Fabric OS 7.4.0, a second level of QoS is introduced, called QoS groups. The IP group is for IP
Extension traffic. The FC group is for Fibre Channel (or FCIP) traffic. This allows you to prioritize your traffic between FC and IP as
needed. For example, you can specify a QoS distribution group ratio of 60 percent FC and 40 percent IP. The default group distribution
is 50 percent FC and 50 percent IP. In other words, QoS distributions are specified separately for FC traffic and IP traffic when the
Brocade 7840 or Brocade SX6 are operating in hybrid mode.
Minimum allocation for a single QoS type (high, medium, or low) should be 10 percent. QoS allocations within a group must
total 100 percent. In addition, allocation for either FC or IP cannot exceed 90 percent.
Compression can be configured at the QoS group / protocol level when the switch or blade are operating in hybrid mode. Different
compressions can be applied to FC extension traffic and IP extension traffic on the same tunnel. With the protocol selection, you can use
fast deflate for FC traffic while the IP traffic is using deflate or aggressive deflate compression.
Compression is configured at the tunnel level, for all traffic on FC and IP protocols, but you can override the tunnel settings and select
different compression at the QoS group / protocol level.
In Fabric OS 7.4.1 and subsequent releases, NIC teaming or other similar methods are not supported.
In Fabric OS 8.0.1 and subsequent releases, policy-based routing redirection is supported for LAN interfaces.
When using IP storage arrays, the IP storage can be connected either to a Layer 2 switch or directly to a Brocade 7840 or Brocade SX6.
The following figures show LAN deployment as direct connect and as Layer 2 switch connect.
As a guideline, configure the IP storage array with the SVI on one of the DP complexes as the next hop gateway. Based on the next hop
configuration, the storage device will learn the MAC address of the Brocade 7840 SVI IP address through an ARP or Neighbor
Discovery (ND) protocol request.
When IP storage devices are connected to a Layer 2 switch, as shown in the following figure, you can use LAGs to connect to the
Brocade 7840 LAN ports. The maximum number of ports in a LAG group is four. The maximum number of LAG groups is eight. Make
sure that there is only one path between a single Layer 2 domain and the Brocade 7840.
Beginning with the Fabric OS 7.4.0, static LAG is supported.
As shown in the figure, the Brocade 7840 switch ports are connected to the IP storage array by means of the Layer 2 switch, and the
WAN ports are connected to the WAN gateway. You must configure at least one SVI LAN IP address for each DP complex that is used.
The router can be used as the WAN gateway, but it cannot be used on the LAN unless it is acting as a Layer 2 device.
The following figure shows IP extension used with a router that is configured with PBR to direct specific traffic to the Brocade 7840. This
allows a data center router to support WAN traffic and to take advantage of the IP extension features for IP storage arrays. The PBR
configuration simplifies the IP storage array and Brocade 7840 connectivity. With the PBR configuration, the IP storage array and a
Brocade 7840 SVI IP address can be in different subnets. Configuration in a data center can keep existing IP address and router
configurations. The data center router configuration is modified to add policy-based routing to send specific traffic to the Brocade 7840
instead of the WAN core router.
All GbE ports that are configured as LAN ports can access the SVI addresses of each DP complex. This allows for multiple GbE ports to
access a single IP gateway. In addition, link aggregation groups (LAGs) are supported. A single LAG can contain up to four ports. A total
of eight LAGs are supported. The eight supported LAGs can be any combination of static and dynamic.
(combination of
static and
Brocade X6 32 96 96 4 8 8 4
Director (0 to 32—
(combination of
on Brocade static and
SX6 Extension dynamic)
(64 to 96—
on Brocade
FC32-64 Port
In the Fabric OS 7.4.0 release through Fabric OS 8.1.0, only static LAGs are supported. In Fabric OS 8.2.0 and later, both
dynamic and static LAGs are supported.
The following table shows the timeout values and transmission intervals for LACP and LLDP protocols. The timeout values are the target
recovery time from hot code load (HCL) events to ensure non-disruptive upgrades. Keepalive support is designed to minimize the time
during which no KAP are sent.
When downgrading from Fabric OS 8.2.0 to an earlier release, consider the following:
• Firmware migration to an earlier release is non-disruptive.
• Firmware migration to an earlier release is not allowed if the Fabric OS 8.2.0 contains dynamic LAG configurations. All dynamic
LAG configurations must be removed before downgrade can occur.
• It is not recommended to download a configuration file for Fabric OS 8.2.0 firmware to a switch running a lower version
firmware, for example Fabric OS 8.1.0.
• When a valid configuration file is downloaded, reboot is mandatory for the new configuration file to be applied.
• Before downloading a configuration file, make sure you enter the switchdisable command. A configuration file should be
downloaded only when the patform is in switchdisable mode.
When downgrading from Fabric OS 8.2.0 to an earlier release, consider the following:
• Firmware migration to an earlier release is non-disruptive.
• Firmware migration to an earlier release is not allowed if the Fabric OS 8.2.0 contains non-default or user defined LLDP
configurations. All LLDP configurations must be removed before downgrade can occur.
• It is not recommended to download a configuration file for Fabric OS 8.2.0 firmware to a switch running a lower version
firmware, for example Fabric OS 8.1.1.
• When a valid configuration file is downloaded, reboot is mandatory for the new configuration file to be applied.
• Before downloading a configuration file, make sure you enter the switchdisable command. A configuration file should be
downloaded only when the patform is in switchdisable mode.
Based on the largest ICMP Echo Reply datagram received, the PMTU discovery process sets the IP MTU for that circuit's IP interface
(ipif). Each circuit initiates the PMTU discovery process prior to coming online. This is required because the circuit may have gone offline
due to a link failure, rerouted to a new path, and now has a different MTU. If a circuit bounces, the PMTU discovery process will be
initiated when attempting to re-establish the circuit. The PMTU discovery process can result in more time for the circuit establishment.
The smallest supported MTU size is 1280 bytes. On the Brocade 7840 and Brocade SX6, the largest supported IP MTU size is 9216
bytes; however, PMTU discovery will not discover an MTU greater than 9100 bytes. If the IP network's MTU is known, the best practice
is to set it manually in the portcfg ipif command. This will avoid values determined by PMTU discovery that are less than the exact MTU
of the IP network.
PMTU requires that ICMP is permitted across all IP network devices and the WAN. A rudimentary check would be if you could ping
devices across this network. Brocade PMTU discovery uses ICMP Echo Requests. If there are no firewalls most likely ICMP is free to
traverse the network. If PMTU discovery cannot communicate with the peer switch, the circuit will not be established.
Enable PMTU discovery by setting the MTU value to "auto" when configuring the ipif for a circuit using the portcfg ipif command. Use
the portshow ipif command to show the configuration of the MTU parameter and portshow fcipcircuit --detail command to display the
actual discovered PMTU value being used. You can also initiate PMTU discovery using the portcmd --pmtu command.
Circuit failover
Circuit failover provides an orderly means to recover from circuit failures. To manage failover, each circuit is assigned a metric value,
either 0 or 1, which is used in managing failover from one circuit to another.
Trunking with metrics uses lossless link loss (LLL), and no in-flight data is lost during the failover. If a circuit fails, Trunking first tries to
retransmit any pending send traffic over another lowest metric circuit. In the following figure, circuit 1 and circuit 2 are both lowest metric
circuits. Circuit 1 has failed, and transmission fails over to circuit 2, which has the same metric. Traffic that was pending at the time of
failure is retransmitted over circuit 2. In-order delivery is ensured by the receiving extension switch or blade.
FIGURE 16 Link loss and retransmission over peer lowest metric circuit
Modifying a circuit metric disrupts traffic.
In the following figure, circuit 1 is assigned a metric of 0, and circuit 2 is assigned a metric of 1. Both circuits are in the same tunnel. In
this case, circuit 2 is not used until no lowest metric circuits are available. If all lowest metric circuits fail, then the pending send traffic is
retransmitted over any available circuits with the higher metric. Failover between like metric circuits or between different metric circuits is
Only when all metric 0 circuits fail do available metric 1 circuits cover data transfer. If the metric 1 circuits are not identical in
configuration to the metric 0 circuits, then the metric 1 circuits will exhibit a different behavior. Additionally, if the metric 1 WAN path has
different characteristics, these characteristics define the behavior across the metric 1 circuits. Consider configuring circuit failover groups
to avoid this problem.
Typically, you would only define one metric 0 circuit in the group so that a specific metric 1 circuit will take over data transfer when the
metric 0 circuit fails. This configuration prevents the problem of the tunnel operating in a degraded mode, with fewer than the defined
circuits, before multiple metric 0 circuits fail.
The following table illustrates circuit failover in a tunnel with circuits in failover groups and circuits that are not part of failover groups. In
this configuration, all data is initially load-balanced over circuit 1, circuit 2, and circuit 3 (when they are all active). The following occurs
during circuit failover:
• If circuit 1 fails, circuit 4 becomes active and data is load-balanced over circuit 2, circuit 3, and circuit 4.
Reason: Circuit 1 fails over to circuit 4 (both are in failover group 1) and circuits 2 and 3 are active with 500 Mb bandwidth.
• If circuit 2 fails, data is load-balanced over circuit 1 and circuit 3, and no other circuit becomes active.
Reason: Circuits 1 and 3 are the only active circuits, because circuits 4 and 5 only become active when circuits 1 or 3 fail.
• If circuit 2 and circuit 3 fail, circuit 5 becomes active and data is load-balanced over circuit 1 and circuit 5.
Reason: Ungrouped circuits 2 and 3 fail over to ungrouped circuit 5, which has a metric of 0.
• If circuit 1, circuit 2, and circuit 3 fail, circuit 4 and circuit 5 become active and data is load-balanced over both.
Reason: Circuit 1 fails over to circuit 4, which is the failover circuit for group 1 with a metric of 0. Ungrouped circuit 5 is the
failover circuit for ungrouped, failed circuits 2 and 3.
Failover in TI zones
In Traffic Isolation (TI) zone configurations with failover enabled, non-TI zone traffic will use the dedicated path if no other E_Port or
VE_Port paths exist through the fabric or if the non-dedicated paths are not the shortest paths. Note that a higher-bandwidth tunnel with
multiple circuits will become the shortest path compared to a tunnel with one circuit. A TI zone cannot subvert the Fabric Shortest Path
First (FSPF) protocol. Data will never take a higher cost path because a TI zone has been configured to do so. It may be necessary to
configure explicit link cost to produce Equal-Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) or to prevent trunk costs from changing in the event that a circuit
goes offline.
LLL is supported per VE_Port on the VE_Port's DP complex. Because a VE_Port cannot span GbE and 10 GbE interfaces, neither can
LLL. LLL is supported on both GbE and 10 GbE interfaces, just not together.
Benefits and limitations of 10 GbE lossless link loss (LLL) failover include the following:
• LLL provides failover to protect against link or network failure and 10 GbE port disable.
• Data will not be lost due to failover.
• Failover supports active-passive and active-active configurations.
• Dual mode is not supported for 10 GbE port failover.
• Failover does not protect against failure of a DP complex.
• Disabling a VE_Port will not use LLL. In this case, route failover will occur at the FC level based on APT policy, if there is
another route available, and may cause loss of FC frames.
All circuits and data must belong to a single VE_Port to benefit from LLL.
Circuit spillover
Circuit spillover is a load-balancing method introduced in Fabric OS 8.0.1 that allows you to define circuits that are used only when there
is congestion or a period of high bandwidth utilization. Circuit spillover is configured on QoS tunnels on a VE_Port.
When using spillover load balancing, you specify a set of primary circuits to use all the time, and a set of secondary circuits (spillover
circuits) that are used during high utilization or congestion periods. Primary and secondary circuits are controlled using the metric field of
the circuit configuration. For example, when a tunnel is configured for spillover, traffic uses the metric 0 circuits until bandwidth utilization
is reached on those circuits. When bandwidth in metric 0 circuits is exceeded, the metric 1 circuits are used. Conversely, when the
utilization drops, the metric 1 spillover circuits are no longer used.
The failover behavior of a tunnel remains intact with regard to the lower metric circuits. If a tunnel is configured for spillover and the lower
metric circuits become unavailable, the higher metric circuits function as the backup circuits. Metric 1 circuits always behave as backup
circuits whether configured for spillover or failover.
Failover load balancing, in comparison to spillover, requires that all lower metric circuits become unavailable before the higher metric
circuits are used. When you have multiple lower metric circuits, this means that all of them must fail before any of the higher metric
circuits are used.
Circuit failover groups can still be configured and will behave as before, however, only the metric value determines whether a circuit is
considered a spillover circuit or a primary circuit. For example, if a tunnel is configured with four circuits, with two metric 0 and two metric
1 circuits in two separate failover groups, both metric 0 circuits are used, and only when they become saturated are the metric 1 circuits
used. The failover grouping is used for failover scenarios only.
Because of how spillover is implemented, the observed behavior may not appear as expected. For example, consider QoS traffic flows of
high, medium, and low with a bandwidth percentage assigned to each priority. QoS traffic is carried by the active circuits according to the
percentage allocated to each priority. Say the QoS low priority traffic reaches saturation before hitting its bandwidth allocation limit, it will
spill over from a metric 0 circuit to a metric 1 circuit.
For example, consider QoS traffic flows designated as high, medium, and low. The high QoS traffic flow can be assigned to metric 1
circuits, while the medium and low QoS traffic flow can be assigned to metric 0 circuits. In this instance, the spillover circuit (metric 1) is
used even though the metric 0 circuits are not saturated. When the metric 0 circuit is saturated, additional traffic will spillover to the metric
1 circuit.
Using the portshow fciptunnel and portshow fcipcircuit with the --qos and --perf options will display additional details.
In the flag list for both tunnel and circuit output, a spillover flag (s=Spillover) is listed. The spillover flag applies only to output for
the portshow fciptunnel command.
If one end of the spillover circuit is using a version of Fabric OS software prior to FOS 8.0.1, the mismatch is identified and the circuit
behavior defaults to circuit failover.
The following portshow commands can be used to verify spillover usage of metric 1 circuits. Using and --qos/-q option provides more
detail about which QoS tunnel the spillover is occurring on. Some commands provide PDU/byte counts, and others provide throughput
portshow fciptunnel –c
portshow fciptunnel –c -q
portshow fciptunnel 24 -c
portshow fcipcircuit 24 –c [-q]
portshow fciptunnel 24 –scq –-perf
Use the portshow fciptunnel and portshow fcipcircuit commands with and -perf option to display the main utilization values used by the
spillover algorithm. An example header and flag table for these commands is as follows:
Tunnel Circuit St Flg TxMBps RxMBps CmpRtio RTTms ReTx TxWAN% TxQ%/BW Met/G
<display output values not shown>
Flg (tunnel): c=Control h=HighPri m=MedPri l=LowPri, I=IP-Ext, s=Spillover
St: High level state, Up or Dn
TxWAN (tunnel): Tx WAN utilization high of primary circuits (--qos for range)
Some understanding of how resources are allocated will help understand the utilization numbers. A VE has multiple QoS tunnels, each of
which can be separated internally into independent resource groups, each with its own instantiation of the configured circuits on the VE,
the TCP connections, and the prorated bandwidth allocations. The number of resource allocations is based primarily on the configured
The TxWAN and TxQ utilizations numbers shown in the output are calculated over a 10-second period for each individual resource
group. TxWAN represents the average utilization of all primary TCP connections within the group. TxQ represents the average use of the
buffering mechanism provided by the group. TxQ provides a close estimate of the amount of data the host application is sending and
data that is readily available (buffered) when bandwidth becomes available on the WAN. If utilization is present, it most likely indicates that
some pushup back to the host is occurring.
The values displayed for the tunnel and circuit represent the highest level measured within that object.
The values displayed for the QoS tunnel level represent the range of these measurements, lowest and highest measured.
In general, the WAN utilization of 96 percent or greater must be sustained for approximately 15 to 20 seconds before spillover is
activated and the metric 1 circuits become spillover eligible. When the metric 1 circuits are activated/eligible, they are used only if all the
data cannot be sent over the metric 0 circuit.
The utilization numbers may not be an exact value, because they depend on the timing of how the data is collected. For example, a circuit
may show 94 percent whereas the tunnel may show 93 percent high utilization. The circuit utilization is measured independently across
all resource groups and the tunnel utilization is measured as a single resource group.
To accurately see why or why not throughput spillover is active, use and --qos option. By looking at the displayed utilization range, you
can determine if the resources are being evenly used, or which QoS is being used or not. If the low-high utilization range is tight, it means
that the resource groups are being evenly used for that QoS.
Tunnel Circuit St Flg TxMBps RxMBps CmpRtio RTTms ReTx TxWAN% TxQ%/BW Met/G
24 - Up --s 1138.8 6.2 - - 0 99 0 -
Tunnel Circuit St Flg TxMBps RxMBps CmpRtio RTTms ReTx TxWAN% TxQ%/BW Met/G
24 - Up --s 1138.2 6.2 - - 0 99 0 -
24 0 ge0 Up --- 990.4 6.2 - 1 0 99 9500/9500 0/-
24 1 ge1 Up --- 147.9 0.0 - 1 0 13 9500/9500 1/-
Tunnel Circuit St Flg TxMBps RxMBps CmpRtio RTTms ReTx TxWAN% TxQ%/BW Met/G
24 - Up c-s 0.0 0.0 - - 0 0-0 0-0 -
24 0 ge0 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 0/9500 0/-
24 1 ge1 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 0/9500 1/-
24 - Up h-s 712.6 0.7 - - 0 99-99 0-0 -
24 0 ge0 Up --- 564.4 0.7 - 1 0 99-99 2375/9500 0/-
24 1 ge1 Up --- 148.2 0.0 - 1 0 12-13 2375/9500 1/-
24 - Up m-s 0.0 0.0 - - 0 0-0 0-0 -
24 0 ge0 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 1425/9500 0/-
24 1 ge1 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 1425/9500 1/-
24 - Up l-s 0.0 0.0 - - 0 0-0 0-0 -
24 0 ge0 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 950/9500 0/-
24 1 ge1 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 950/9500 1/-
24 - Up hIs 426.7 5.5 - - 0 72-82 0-0 -
24 0 ge0 Up --- 426.7 5.5 - 1 0 72-82 2375/9500 0/-
24 1 ge1 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 2375/9500 1/-
24 - Up mIs 0.0 0.0 - - 0 0-0 0-0 -
24 0 ge0 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 1425/9500 0/-
24 1 ge1 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 1425/9500 1/-
24 - Up lIs 0.0 0.0 - - 0 0-0 0-0 -
24 0 ge0 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 950/9500 0/-
24 1 ge1 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 950/9500 1/-
The next series shows the utilization not quite reaching the spillover thresholds, thus no spillover.
Tunnel Circuit St Flg TxMBps RxMBps CmpRtio RTTms ReTx TxWAN% TxQ%/BW Met/G
25 - Up --s 505.4 1.8 - - 0 84 0 -
Tunnel Circuit St Flg TxMBps RxMBps CmpRtio RTTms ReTx TxWAN% TxQ%/BW Met/G
25 - Up --s 505.2 1.8 - - 0 85 0 -
25 1 ge5 Up --- 505.2 1.8 - 1 0 85 2000/5000 0/-
25 2 ge2 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0 2000/5000 1/-
Tunnel Circuit St Flg TxMBps RxMBps CmpRtio RTTms ReTx TxWAN% TxQ%/BW Met/G
25 - Up c-s 0.0 0.0 - - 0 0-0 0-0 -
25 1 ge5 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 0/5000 0/-
25 2 ge2 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 0/5000 1/-
25 - Up h-s 0.0 0.0 - - 0 0-0 0-0 -
25 1 ge5 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 500/5000 0/-
25 2 ge2 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 500/5000 1/-
25 - Up m-s 506.7 1.8 - - 0 85-85 0-0 -
25 1 ge5 Up --- 506.7 1.8 - 1 0 85-85 300/5000 0/-
25 2 ge2 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 300/5000 1/-
25 - Up l-s 0.0 0.0 - - 0 0-0 0-0 -
25 1 ge5 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 200/5000 0/-
25 2 ge2 Up --- 0.0 0.0 - 1 0 0-0 200/5000 1/-
Service-level agreement
A service-level agreement (SLA) works in conjunction with the existing WAN Tool features to provide automatic testing of a circuit before
it is placed into service. It is supported on the Brocade 7840 switch and Brocade SX6 blade.
The primary purpose of an SLA is to provide automated testing of a circuit before it is placed into service. The SLA checks the circuit for
the packet loss percentage. If you need to verify the circuit for additional network performance, such as throughput, congestion, or out-
of-order delivery, use WAN Tool to run tests manually. Refer to Using WAN Tool on page 212 for information.
You must configure an SLA session at each end of the circuit being tested. The SLA session uses information from the circuit
configuration to configure and establish the SLA connections. If the circuit configurations specify different transmission rates, the SLA
negotiates and uses the lower configured rate. This allows the SLA to start even when circuit configurations have a minor mismatch.
When the session is established, traffic starts automatically. For the duration of the test, the traffic must remain under the specified loss
percentage before the circuit is placed into service. Up to 20 SLA sessions can be defined per DP. Refer to Configuring a service-level
agreement on page 102 for information about configuring and using an SLA.
In addition to packet loss, the SLA can also test for timeout duration. If the timeout value is reached during the SLA session, the session
is terminated and the circuit is put into service. A timeout value of "none" means that the test runs until the runtime and the packet-loss
values are met.
Interaction with an SLA while it is running is limited. You can view statistics, and you can abort an active session. Any attempt to modify a
session while it is active is blocked, which means the WAN Tool commands cannot be used while an SLA session is running.
Whenever a tunnel or circuit goes offline and comes back online, or when a circuit is administratively disabled then enabled, the SLA
session is started and tests the link before allowing the circuit to go back into service. Configured SLA sessions are persistent across
reboots, because circuit configurations are persistent across reboots and the SLA is part of the circuit configuration. However, user-
configured WAN Tool sessions are not persistent.
After configuring an SLA, you assign the SLA to a specific circuit with the portcfg fcipcircuit command.
During an HCL reboot, the SLA is disabled and no new SLA sessions can be created until all HCL operations are complete.
After all HCL operations are complete, the SLA is re-enabled.
Configuration overview
Configuration consists of two main phases. The first phase is the planning and preparation phase. The second phase involves logging
into the Brocade extension device and issuing commands that configure the features available on that device.
For the planning and preparation phase, refer to Configuration prerequisites on page 86. You can use that information as a checklist for
When you configure the Brocade extension platform, the recommended sequence is as follows:
1. Configure the platform mode. Select the application modes and VE modes. On the Brocade FX8-24 Extension Blade,
configure the GbE port mode and VEX mode.
2. On the Brocade SX6 Extension Blade and Brocade 7840 Extension Switch, configure the GbE port speed on the 10-GbE
3. Configure the IP parameters. This includes the IP interface (IPIF), IP route information where needed, and VLAN.
5. Configure IPsec policies for the Brocade SX6 and the Brocade 7840. IPsec policies are not supported on the Brocade
FX8-24. Instead, IPsec is configured when the circuit is created or modified.
7. Configure the Extension Hot Code Load (HCL) feature. HCL is supported on the Brocade SX6 and the Brocade 7840.
8. Configure IP Extension if you are using this feature. IP Extension is supported on the Brocade SX6 and the Brocade 7840.
Configuration prerequisites
Before you begin, review the information in Tunnel and circuit requirements for Brocade Extension platforms on page 61, and then
consider the following points:
• Determine the amount of bandwidth that is required for the extension features deployed in your network.
• Confirm that the WAN links are provisioned and tested for integrity.
• Confirm that the LAN links are provisioned.
• Make sure that cabling within the data center is completed.
• Make sure that switches and other devices are physically installed and powered on.
• Make sure that you have admin access to all switches and blades that you need to configure.
• For the FX8-24 blade, determine which of the three possible GbE or XGE port operating modes will be used.
• For the FX8-24 blade, determine which 10-GbE crossports to use for active-active or active-passive configurations.
• For the Brocade 7840 switch and Brocade SX6 blade, determine the VE_Port operating modes that will be used (10VE mode
or 20VE mode).
• Determine which Ethernet ports will be used. The Ethernet ports on the Brocade 7840 switch and the Brocade SX6 blade are
in groups, and connections should be spread across the groups and not within the same group if possible.
• Obtain subnets and assign IP addresses for each circuit endpoint that you intend to use, plus the netmask and IP MTU size.
The IP MTU size may be smaller than 1500 if there is an IPsec device or similar device in the path. If the IP MTU is larger than
1500, use the following guidelines for your extension product:
– For the Brocade 7840 switch and Brocade SX6 blade, the IP MTU size must be at least 1280. If the supported maximum
IP MTU size in the network is larger than 9216, the IP MTU must be 9216. You can use Path MTU Discovery to
automatically set the IP MTU size for the circuit's IP interface.
• Determine the gateway IP address as needed for each route across the WAN. The gateway IP address will be on the same IP
subnet as the subnet used for the IPIF interface that will use that gateway. The route will be the subnet and netmask on the
remote side.
• Determine the VE_Port numbers that you want to use. The VE_Port numbers serve as tunnel IDs. Typically, the first one is
• Determine source and destination IP addresses for circuit 0 and the minimum and maximum rates for ARL. These values are
set by the portCfg fciptunnel create command. If ARL is not being used, set the minimum and maximum committed rates to
the same value.
• Determine how many additional circuits you want to create. You will need the source and destination IP addresses for each
circuit and the minimum and maximum rates for ARL. You will need to know if you intend to assign metrics to circuits so that
lower metric circuits fail over to circuits with higher metrics. For all circuits except circuit 0, these values are set by the portCfg
fcipcircuit create command.
• If you are using IP Extension, make sure that you have the LAN information available for your site.
• When configuring tunnels to support large numbers of devices, consider the memory limitations of the extension switch or
blade if you are enabling any type of emulation feature, such as FCP or FICON. If too many devices are present or activated at
one time, acceleration operations can be negatively impacted. Refer to Memory use limitations for large-device tunnel
configurations on page 38.
You can configure the Brocade 7840 switch and Brocade SX6 blade in either FCIP mode or hybrid mode by using the extncfg --app-
mode command. This command is disruptive and requires rebooting the switch.
When switching modes, there can be no conflicting configurations or the extncfg command will fail. For example, if you are in
20VE mode on a Brocade 7840 switch and have a tunnel configured on VE_Port 30, you cannot change to 10VE mode
because VE_Port 30 is not available in 10VE mode.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. To set the switch to FCIP mode, use the extncfg --app-mode fcip command.
Configuring VE mode
The VE mode on a Brocade 7480 switch or Brocade SX6 blade controls how many VE_Ports are available.
In FCIP mode, you can configure the Brocade 7480 switch or the Brocade SX6 blade in either 10VE mode (default) or 20VE mode
using the extncfg --ve-mode 10VE | |20VE command. This command is disruptive, because it requires rebooting the switch.
For the 7840 switch or the SX6 blade, only configure the maximum number of VE_Ports for the switch or blade.
10VE mode will accommodate nearly all environments and is the default.
The following table lists available ports in 10VE and 20VE mode.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the extncfg --ve-mode command to select the VE mode.
• To set the operating mode to 20VE, enter the following command.
You can clear the configuration for an SX6 blade when the blade is removed from the chassis by using the extncfg --config command
with the -clear option. When the configuration is cleared, any additional configuration information for that blade is removed from the
configuration database for the blade that is no longer in the chassis. If you clear the configuration for a blade that is still inserted in a slot,
only the configuration database is affected. To fully clear the configuration for an inserted blade, use the slotpoweroff command and the
slotpoweron command.
Another way to clear the blade configuration is to reset the blade to its initial default configuration. Use the extncfg --config command
with the -default option to reset the blade as though it was newly inserted into the chassis. This clears the active running configurations
on an extension blade that is active in the chassis. This command is valid only for enabled/active extension blades in the chassis. The
command clears the active configurations and removes all extension-related configurations.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. To clear the configuration in a chassis-based system when the SX6 blade is removed from slot 2, enter the following command.
switch:admin> slotpoweroff 3
Slot 3 is being powered off
switch:admin> extncfg --config -clear -slot 3
switch:admin> slotpoweron 3
Powering on slot 3.
The slotpoweroff and slotpoweron commands must be used to clear the configuration entirely.
4. To reset the default values for an SX6 blade that is inserted in slot 3 of a chassis-based system, enter the following command.
The result is as if the blade were newly inserted into the chassis and there were no extension configurations.
The GbE ports on an FX8-24 blade can operate in one of three ways:
• 1 Gbps mode: In this mode, GbE ports 0 through 9 are enabled as 1 GbE ports, with the XGE ports disabled. The 10 GbE
(FTR_10G) license is not required.
• 10 Gbps mode: In this mode, 10 GbE ports xge0 and xge1 are enabled, with GbE ports 0 through 9 disabled. The 10 GbE
(FTR_10G) license is required and must be assigned to the slot in which the FX8-24 blade resides.
Switching between 10 Gbps mode and 1 Gbps mode disrupts traffic.
• Dual mode: In this mode, GbE ports 0 through 9 and the 10 GbE port xge0 are enabled. The 10GbE port xge1 is disabled.
The 10 GbE (FTR_10G) license is required and must be assigned to the slot in which the FX8-24 blade resides.
Auto-negotiation is enabled by default in 1G mode. In 10G mode it is disabled and not supported. When the port is set for 1G mode,
you can disable auto-negotiation using the portcfgge ge --disable -autoneg command.
The following table shows which VE_Ports are available in each mode.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
Before changing operating modes for a port, you must delete the port’s configuration.
Use the bladeCfgGeMode --set mode -slot slot-number command to set the GbE port mode of operation for the FX8-24
The following example enables 1g mode for GbE ports 0 through 9 on an FX8-24 blade in slot 8. Ports xge0 and xge1 are
The next example enables 10g mode for ports xge0 and xge1 on an FX8-24 blade in slot 8. Ports GbE ports 0 through 9 are
The following example enables dual mode for GbE ports 0 through 9 and xge0 on an FX8-24 blade in slot 8. Port xge1 is
3. Use the bladecfggemode --show command to display the GbE port mode for the FX8-24 blade.
The following example shows 10 Gbps mode is configured for the blade in slot 8.
A virtual EX_Port that connects a Fibre Channel router to an edge fabric. From the point of view of a switch in an edge fabric, a VEX_Port
appears as a normal VE_Port. It follows the same Fibre Channel protocol as other VE_Ports. However, the router terminates VEX_Ports
rather than allowing different fabrics to merge as would happen on a switch with regular VE_Ports.
If you are going to use a VEX_Port in your tunnel configuration, use the portCfgVEXPort command to configure the port as a VEX_Port.
If the fabric is already connected, disable the Ethernet ports and do not enable them until after you have configured the VEX_Port. This
prevents unintentional merging of the two fabrics.
VEX_Ports are described in detail in theBrocade Fabric OS Administration Guide. Refer to that publication if you intend to implement a
The following example configures a VEX_Port, enables admin, and specifies fabric ID 2 and preferred domain ID 220.
Configuring ports
On the Brocade SX6 Extension Blade and Brocade 7840 Extension Switch, you can configure port speed for 1 GbE or 10 GbE on the
ports that support 10 GbE. You cannot change port speed on the ports that support 40 GbE.
On the Brocade FX8-24 Extension Blade, available ports and speed are configured for the blade platform. Refer to Configuring GbE
mode on the Brocade FX8-24 on page 89 for more information.
Auto-negotiation is enabled by default in 1G mode. In 10G mode it is disabled and not supported. When the port is set for 1G mode,
you can disable auto-negotiation using the portcfgge ge --disable -autoneg command.
Auto-negotiation is for 1G GE PHY negotiation. It is not a speed negotiation. The GE port can be set to either 1G mode or
10G mode. A port set in auto-negotiate mode is negotiating full duplex and pause frames (802.3X) with the attached switch.
The port will come up if there is a mismatch in the negotiated parameters. However, the port will not come up if one end is has
auto-negotiate enabled and the other end has auto-negotiate disabled.
Use the following steps to configure port speed on the Brocade 7840 switch or the Brocade SX6 blade 10-GbE ports. The example
commands are for a 7840 switch because no slot number is used.
If you change the port speed on a port that is in use with FCIP circuits, the traffic will be disrupted.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Perform one of the following steps:
• To set the port speed at 1 Gbps for port ge4, enter the following:
• To set the port speed at 10 Gbps for port ge4, enter the following:
3. To display the current port speed configuration for ge4, enter the following:
LLDP is enabled by default on GbE ports and the global parameters are applied to all ports.
1. LLDP is enabled by default. If LLDP is not enabled, enable the LLDP protocol on the switch using the lldp --enable command.
2. Configure the LLDP global parameters using the lldp --config command.
3. Enable the required TLVs globally using the lldp --enable -tlv command.
The dcbx and sys-name TLVs are enabled by default globally.
• sys-desc—System Description
• sys-name—System Name
4. You can use the following commands to display the LLDP neighbors and statistics.
You can have up to 512 LLDP profiles in a switch or chassis.
2. Configure the LLDP profile parameters using the lldp --config command.
3. Enable the required TLVs on the LLDP profile using the lldp --enable -tlv command.
4. Use the lldp --show -profile command to display the configured LLDP profile parameters.
5. Enable the LLDP profile on a group of ports using the following command.
Enabled TLVs:dot1;mgmt-addr;
Profile ports: ge13;ge14
Enabled TLVs:dot3;sys-desc;mgmt-addr;
Profile ports: ge16;ge17
Auto-negotiation is part of IEEE 802.3 and applies only to 1-Gbps Ethernet (GE) interface mode. 10-Gbps and 40-Gbps interfaces
have no auto-negotiation settings. Auto-negotiation does not apply to link speed, because the speed is not being negotiated. Auto-
negotiation is specific to the use of Ethernet pause frame flow-control and full-duplex link settings. These settings can be determined by
auto-negotiation between the two endpoints. If the data center LAN switch is configured for auto-negotiation, the IP extension platform
must also be set for auto-negotiation. Otherwise, the links will not come online, because both ends of the link must be set identically.
On 1-Gbps interfaces, auto-negotiation is the default setting. Beginning with Fabric OS 8.1.0, half-duplex is not supported.
Configuring a LAG is optional. However, without a LAG, you can connect only a single Ethernet link from the IP extension platform (such
as the Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade) to the LAN switch in your data center. However, if you use multiple VLANs, you can
have one connection per VLAN, which provides one connection per Layer 2 domain or Layer 2 VLAN. A single link does not provide
redundancy. A LAG provides redundant links with redundant cables and optics. The recommended practice is to configure a LAG when
connecting to a data center LAN switch.
A LAG cannot have more than four interfaces (links) assigned. Each LAG is configured with its own LAG name and ID.
The following steps configure a link aggregation group (LAG) for a GbE LAN port.
A link aggregation group (LAG) treats multiple connections between two components logically as a single connection. The GbE port
must be configured to operate in LAN mode before you can configure a LAG. On chassis that have multiple extension blades installed,
GbE ports from different blades cannot be combined into a single LAG.
Fabric OS 7.4.1 through Fabric OS 8.1 support static LAGs. Fabric OS 8.2.0 and subsequent releases support both dynamic
and static LAGS. In Fabric OS 8.2.0, the portcfg lag and portshow lag commands are replaced with the portchannel
command for LAG settings.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the lacp --sysprio command to set the global priority between 0 and 65535 for Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)
on the platform followed by lacp --show to view the settings. This step is optional, and it applies only to dynamic LAGs.
The LACP system priority is set to 100. The default system priority is 32768.
3. Use the portchannel --create command to create a group for LAG. The commands show how to create a static group and a
dynamic group.
switch:admin> portchannel --create dlag101 -type dynamic -key 555 -speed 10G
switch:admin> portchannel --create slag101 -type static -key 100 -speed 10G
In static LAGs, the modified LAN GbE ports are disabled by default and must be enabled after completing all the configuration
on the LAG. When you add a port to a disabled dynamic LAG, the port gets disabled. When you remove a port from a disabled
dynamic LAG, the port gets enabled. If a disabled dynamic LAG is deleted using the portchannel --delete, all the member
ports get enabled.
5. Use the portchannel --config command to set the speed for all the ports in the LAG. For 1G ports, you can also enable auto
negotiation. Auto negotiation cannot be enabled for 10G ports.
The 1G ports are disabled after changing the autoneg configuration. The ports must be manually enabled.
6. For dynamic LAG member ports, you can configure the KAP timeout and priority.
By default, the admin state of a LAG is enabled.
8. Use the portchannel --show -detail command to show detailed information about the LAG groups.
Name :slag101
Type :Static
Key :100
Speed :10G
Autoneg :Off
Admin-state: Enable
Oper-state : Online
Portchannel Member count = 3
Port Oper state
ge15 Online
ge16 Online
ge17 Online
For additional information about additional options for the portchannel command, refer to Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference
Configuring IP
IP configuration consists of the following tasks.
• Configuring IP interface (IPIF) addresses.
• Configuring IP routes, if required.
• Configuring VLAN tag IDs on the Brocade SX6 and Brocade 7840. On the Brocade FX8-24, VLAN IDs are configured when
a tunnel is created or modified.
• Verifying IP connectivity.
Configuring IPIF
An IP interface (IPIF) is the end point of an extension tunnel or circuit. You must configure an IPIF for each circuit that you want to create.
On a Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade, each IPIF used in a circuit is associated with a GE port and data processor (DP)
complex, either DP0 or DP1. The Brocade FX8-24 does not use DP parameters when configuring circuits.
To configure an IPIF, use the portCfg ipif create command. The IPIF consists of an IP address, netmask, an IP MTU size, and other
options depending on the extension switch or blade. On the Brocade X6 chassis or Brocade 7840 platform you can modify an existing
IP address. On the Brocade DCX 8510, you must first delete an existing IP address and then create it with modified parameters.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portCfg ipif create command to create an IPIF. The following example shows an IPIF created on a Brocade 7840
switch using GE port 2 and DP0.
switch:admin> portcfg ipif ge2.dp0 create netmask mtu 1500
The following example shows an IPIF created on a Brocade SX6 blade in slot 4 of a Brocade X6-8 Director.
The following example shows an IPIF created on a Brocade FX8-24 blade in slot 8 of a Brocade DCX 8510.
You can use either a CIDR prefix or a netmask value for IPv4 subnet masking. Any MTU larger than the default 1500 is
considered a jumbo frame.
3. On the Brocade DCX 8510, you cannot modify an IPIF. To change an IPIF, you must first delete it. Use the portcfg ipif delete
command to delete an IPIF.
The following example shows an IPIF deleted on a Brocade FX8-24 blade in slot 8 of a Brocade DCX 8510. A DP parameter
is not used.
You cannot delete an IP interface if there is a tunnel or circuit configured to use it. Be sure to delete all tunnels, circuits,
and IP routes using an interface before deleting it.
4. To modify an IPIF IP address on a Brocade X6 or Brocade 7840, use the portCfg ipif modify command.
The following example shows creating an IP address and then modifying the MTU value for that address on a Brocade 7840.
The VLAN value can also be modified. The netmask value cannot be modified.
Note: This operation can take a long time depending on the size or complexity of the configuration.
It may take up to 3 minutes in some cases.
If the IP address is a tunnel that is in use, the tunnel is brought down before the modifications are made. The tunnel is brought
up after the modifications are applied.
5. Use the portshow ipif command to display IPIF information.
The following example shows IPIF information for a specific slot and port.
Configuring IP
Routing is based on the destination IP address presented by an extension circuit. If the destination address is not on the same subnet as
the Ethernet port IP address, you must configure an IP route to that destination with an IP gateway on the same subnet as the local
Ethernet port IP address.
To configure a route, use the portCfg iproute create command to specify the destination IP address, subnet mask, and address for the
gateway router that can route packets to the destination address.
Optionally, on the Brocade FX8-24 blade, you can configure an IP route for a failover crossport using the -x or --crossport option. For
information on configuring IP routes using crossport addresses, refer to Configuring IP routes with crossports on page 171.
The following figure shows an IP route sample configuration. The Brocade X6 Director connects to the WAN through a gateway, as does
the Brocade 7840. Notice that on each side of the WAN, the IP addresses for gateway and switch are in the same subnet.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg iproute create command to create a route on the Brocade X6 Director to the gateway.
The following command creates an IP route to destination network for port ge0 on the SX6 blade in slot 8 of the
director. The route is through local gateway After the destination address, either specify a pfx (prefix length) or
network mask.
3. Use the portcfg iproute create command to create a route on the Brocade 7840 to the gateway on its side of the network.
The following command creates an IP route to destination network for port ge2 on the Brocade 7840 switch. The
route is through local gateway Because Ethernet ports are shared between DP complexes, the ge1.dp0 option
directs the command to a specific DP.
5. Use the portcfg iproute modify command on the Brocade 7840 switch or SX6 blade to modify the local gateway address of
an IP route. You cannot use this command to modify the destination network address. If this needs to be modified, you must
delete the IP route, and then recreate it. Also, you cannot use this command to change the prefix length or network mask.
The following example modifies the gateway IP address for an existing IP route on the Brocade 7840.
Configuring VLANs
When a VLAN tag is created on a circuit, all traffic over that circuit will use the specified VLAN. When the layer 2 path for the IPIF is
tagged in a VLAN, the extension circuit must be configured with the matching tag. This tagging ensures that all traffic using that circuit is
sent with the appropriate VLAN tag and all incoming traffic for that circuit will be checked to ensure the correct tag is set.
The Brocade 7840 Extension Switch and the Brocade SX6 Extension Blade use the portcfg ipif command to include the VLAN tag
information when the IPIF is created. To change the VLAN tag, you must first delete the IPIF then create it with the new values.
The Brocade FX8-24 Extension Blade uses the portcfg vlantag command to add VLAN tag information to an interface IP address. You
can also include the VLAN tag when you initially define the FCIP circuit on the FX8-24 so that you need not perform the additional step
of adding the tag after the circuit is defined. In addition, VLAN tags can be added to the XGE ports on a Brocade FX8-24 when the
blade is configured to use crossports. For more information, refer to Configuring VLAN tags with crossports on page 172.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. On the Brocade 7840 or Brocade SX6, use the portcfg ipif command to add VLAN tag information to an IPIF.
switch:admin> portcfg ipif ge2.dp0 create mtu 1650 vlan 200
Operation Succeeded
The following example shows VLAN 200. When the IPIF with VLAN 200 is used in a circuit, the destination IPIF must also use
VLAN 200.
Verifying IP connectivity
To verify that you have IP connectivity, use the portcmd --ping command to confirm the source and destination IPIF addresses can
communicate. You must have IP connectivity between the two circuit endpoints for them to talk to each other and bring the circuit up.
The following example shows a successful ping operation, which confirms network connectivity between the source and
destination addresses.
The following example shows port information on two different switches, Switch_A and Switch_B, which are connected back-
to-back. You can see that Switch_A has VLAN 200 and Switch_B does not. The ping from Switch_A to Switch_B fails.
Switch B
The SLA feature is supported on the Brocade 7840 and the Brocade SX6.
You must configure an SLA session at each end of the circuit being tested. The SLA session uses information from the circuit
configuration to configure and establish the SLA connections. If the circuit configurations specify different transmission rates, the SLA
negotiates and uses the lower configured rate. This allows rhe SLA to start even when circuit configurations have a minor mismatch.
When the session is established, traffic starts automatically. For the duration of the test, the traffic must remain under the specified loss
percentage before the circuit is placed into service. Up to 20 SLA sessions can be defined per DP.
In addition to packet loss, the SLA can also test for timeout duration. If the timeout value is reached during the SLA session, the session
is terminated and the circuit put into service. A timeout value of "none" means the test runs until the runtime and packet-loss values are
Interaction with an SLA while it is running is limited. You can view statistics and you can abort an active session. Any attempt to modify a
session while it is active is blocked, which means the WAN Tool commands cannot be used while an SLA session is running.
Whenever a tunnel or circuit goes offline and comes back online, or when a circuit is administratively disabled then enabled, the SLA
session is started and tests the link before allowing the circuit to go back into service. Configured SLA sessions are persistent across
reboots, because circuit configurations are persistent across reboots and the SLA is part of the circuit configuration. However, user-
configured WAN Tool sessions are not persistent.
After configuring an SLA, you assign the SLA to a specific circuit with the portcfg fcipcircuit command.
During an HCL reboot, the SLA is disabled and no new SLA sessions can be created until all HCL operations are complete.
After all HCL operations are complete, the SLA is reenabled.
The following steps show how to configure, display, and abort SLA sessions. You can configure multiple SLAs.
1. Use the portcfg sla command to create an SLA session. You must create an SLA session at each end of the circuit, but the
session names need not match.
The SLA named networkA is created with a packet-loss limit of 0.5 percent. It will run for the default 5 minutes and never
The SLA named networkB is created with a packet-loss limit of 1 percent. It will run for 10 minutes and timeout after 30
2. Use the portcfg fcipcircuit command to assign an SLA to a circuit. The following command modifies a circuit and assigns the
SLA “networkA” to the circuit. Remember to configure the other end of the circuit with a matching SLA.
3. Use the portshow fcipctunnel -c command to display the status of tunnel and circuits and see whether the SLA session is
actively testing the circuit.
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met/G
24 - Degrad -------I 1m36s 0.00 0.00 1 - -/-
24 0 ge2 Test -S-ah--4 0s 0.00 0.00 0 5000/10000 0/-
24 1 ge3 Up ---ah--4 1m36s 0.00 0.00 1 5000/10000 0/-
Flags (tunnel): c=Control h=HighPri m=MedPri l=LowPri I=IP-Extension
i=IPSec f=Fastwrite T=TapePipelining F=FICON r=ReservedBW
a=FastDeflate d=Deflate D=AggrDeflate
(circuit): h=HA-Configured v=VLAN-Tagged p=PMTU i=IPSec 4=IPv4 6=IPv6
ARL a=Auto r=Reset s=StepDown t=TimedStepDown
The sample output assumes that both ends of the circuit are configured with matching SLAs, where packet loss, runtime, and
timeout values are the same. Any difference in transmit speed between the endpoints will be negotiated to the lower value. The
output shows tunnel 24, circuit 0 is under active test and has an SLA configured.
4. Use the portcmd --wtool show --detail command to display details about active WAN Tool sessions. SLA invokes WAN Tool
to run its tests, so the active SLA session are displayed.
When the SLA sessions complete their run, additional information is displayed in the portcmd --wtool show --detail command
that shows when the session either completed or was stopped, and the completion reason. Partial command output provides an
example showing the session was aborted.
5. Use the portcmd --wtool show --sla command to display summary information about active SLA sessions. The main
advantage of the summary display is to see the amount of time remaining for each session.
6. Use the portcmd --wtool <session> stop command to abort an SLA session. The session ID information is obtained from the
portcmd --wtool show command. The portcmd --wtool show --detail command to display session details and the
completion reason.
Configuring IPsec
IPsec is enabled on the tunnel level, not on the circuit level. This means that all circuits in a tunnel use the same IPsec settings. Different
tunnels can have different IPsec settings. IPsec uses Internet Key Exchange (IKE) to set up the security association. The key exchange
can be through a pre-shared key (PSK) or through public key infrastructure (PKI).
When you use a PSK, both ends of the secure tunnel must be configured with the same key string. If both ends are not configured with
the same key, the IKE session will not come up and will prevent the extension tunnel from coming up.
For information on configuring and managing certificates using the secCertMgmt command, refer to “SSL configuration
overview” in the Brocade Fabric OS Administration Guide.
When running IPSec, it is recommended that both sides of the extension tunnel should be running the same Fabric OS version.
Creating and using IPsec policies is recommended for the security of the data that is transmitted over the network .
On the Brocade 7840 switch and Brocade SX6 blade, you first define an IPsec policy. You can define multiple IPsec policies. The IPsec
policy is enabled on that tunnel when the tunnel is configured. For information on how to configure a tunnel with IPsec policy on a
Brocade 7840 or Brocade SX6, refer to Configuring IPsec on the Brocade 7840 and Brocade SX6 on page 106.
On the Brocade FX8-24 blade, the IPsec policy is defined and enabled when you create or modify a tunnel on the blade. For information
on how to configure IPsec on a Brocade FX8-24, refer to Configuring IPsec on the FX8-24 on page 110.
Beginning with Fabric OS 8.2.0, you can modify an IPsec policy while the policy is still assigned to a tunnel or WAN Tool session. You
must provide the new profile and new authentication data. If you are modifying only the authentication data, you need only provide the
authentication data. In some instances the local side and remote side can get out of sync and indicate an authentication error. Refer to
IPsec IKE authentication failures on page 109 for information on how to restart IKE authentication.
When you use pre-shared key (PSK), the IPsec policy must be configured with the same PSK on each end of the tunnel. The policy
name can be different at each end, but the key must be the same.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg ipsec-policy command to define a policy. The pre-shared key must be 16 to 64 characters long.
The following example creates an IPsec policy that has the name “myPolicy1”. The pre-shared key is 16 characters long.
3. After you create the IPsec policy, you can use it when you configure the tunnel. Use the portcfg fciptunnel command to enable
a policy on a tunnel.
This command is disruptive when an existing tunnel with active circuits is modified.
The following example uses the portcfg fciptunnel modify command to enable the policy “myPolicy1" for an existing tunnel on
a Brocade 7840. Remember to enable IPsec on each end of the tunnel.
4. Use the portshow ipsec-policy command to display the available IPsec policies.
The following example displays the IPsec policy name and policy key. You must use the --password option to display the key,
otherwise it is represented as a string of asterisks.
The following example displays IKE information on a tunnel with IPsec enabled. Notice that the --password option is not used.
The following example displays additional detail information on a tunnel with IPsec enabled.
The following example deletes the IPsec policy, “myPolicy1”. You cannot delete a policy that is in use.
7. To create an IPsec policy using public key infrastructure (PKI), use the portcfg ipsec-policy policy1 create --profile pki
command. You must previously obtain a CA certificate.
IPSec-policy: policy1
Profile: PKI
Encryption: AES-256-CBC
Pseudo-Random: PRF-HMAC-384
Integrity: HMAC-SHA-384-192
Diffie-Hellman: ECDH-P384
Authentication: ECDSA-P384
Key-Pair: sb127_kp
Certificate: sb127_cert.pem
Certificate Hash: aff6fea1b19d81ea43aa72f4275a9cf550edadc0
Num IKE Session: 0
The following example shows IPsec with active IKE sessions. The summary info for the IKE data will include the remote
certificate requested and an indicator if the hash matches or not.
10. To modify a PSK-to-PKI policy, you must modify the profile and the authentication data. Both actions must occur at the same
11. To modify a PKI-to-PSK policy, you must modify the profile and the authentication data. Both actions must occur at the same
12. To modify a PKI-to-PKI policy, only the authentication data must be modified.
To recover from an IKE authentication error, you must restart the IKE authentication exchange. Prior to Fabric OS 8.1.0, to restart the IKE
authentication, remove IPSec from the tunnel and add it back in. If a policy is in use, you must first disable it. Beginning with Fabric OS
8.1.0, you can restart the IKE authentication using the portcfg ipsec-policy restart command and naming the IPsec policy that you want
to restart.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
Prior to Fabric OS 8.1.0, follow these steps.
2. To disable an IPsec policy on a tunnel, use the portcfg modify command.
The following example deletes the IPsec policy, “myPolicy1”. You cannot delete a policy that is in use.
4. Use the portcfg ipsec-policy command to define a policy. The pre-shared key must be 16 to 64 characters long. After you
define the policy, enable it on the tunnel.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the --ipsec option of the portcfg fciptunnel create and portcfg fciptunnel modify commands to define a policy.
The following examples are for the Brocade FX8-24 blade. They show IPsec and IKE keys enabled for traffic from VE_Ports
2/12 and 2/13 across multiple circuits.
portcfg fciptunnel 2/12 create --remote-ip --local-ip -b 50000 -B 50000 \
-x 0 -d c0 -i -K12345678901234567890123456789012
portcfg fcipcircuit 2/12 create 1 --remote-ip --local-ip -b 50000 -B 50000 -x 0
portcfg fcipcircuit 2/12 create 2 --remote-ip --local-ip -b 50000 -B 50000 -x 0
portcfg fcipcircuit 2/12 create 3 --remote-ip --local-ip -b 50000 -B 50000 -x 0
portcfg fcipcircuit 2/12 create 4 --remote-ip --local-ip -b 50000 -B 50000 -x 0
portcfg fcipcircuit 2/12 create 5 --remote-ip --local-ip -b 50000 -B 50000 -x 0
portcfg fciptunnel 2/13 create --remote-ip --local-ip -b 50000 -B 50000 -x 0 -d \
c0 -I -K12345678901234567890123456789012 -l
portcfg fcipcircuit 2/13 create 1 --remote-ip --local-ip -b 50000 -B 50000 -x 0
portcfg fcipcircuit 2/13 create 2 --remote-ip --local-ip -b 50000 -B 50000 -x 0
portcfg fcipcircuit 2/13 create 3 --remote-ip --local-ip -b 50000 -B 50000 -x 0
portcfg fcipcircuit 2/13 create 4 --remote-ip --local-ip -b 50000 -B 50000 -x 0
portcfg fcipcircuit 2/13 create 5 --remote-ip --local-ip -b 50000 -B 50000 -x 0
The -l (legacy) option specifies to use the IPsec connection process compatible with Fabric OS releases prior to FOS 7.0.0.
Note that the -l option is a disruptive request that causes the tunnel to bounce.
In addition, you must verify IP connectivity before configuring a tunnel. Otherwise, the tunnel will not come up.
A Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade can connect only with another Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade
through an extension tunnel. It cannot connect to a Brocade FX8-24 blade.
When you configure a tunnel, you must configure the local side and the remote side before it comes up. A tunnel consists of one or more
circuits. When you first configure a tunnel, it contains a circuit that is identified as circuit 0. You can then configure additional circuits for
that tunnel.
Tunnels exist between end points. Each end point is identified by its IPIF address. Tunnels are established through the VE_Ports on the
switch or blade. For example, when you configure tunnel 24 on the local side, that tunnel is established through VE_Port 24, which is on
a Brocade 7840 switch. The tunnel configuration identifies the local IPIF and the remote IPIF. On the remote side, the local and remote
IPIF addresses for that tunnel are flipped. The remote side can have a different VE_Port for its end of the tunnel. For example, on a
Brocade SX6 blade, tunnel 11/16 is established on VE_Port 16 on the blade in chassis slot 11.
A suggested technique is to configure the tunnel with appropriate tunnel parameters only (no IP addresses or circuit options) using
portcfg fciptunnel command. This may be useful in staging a configuration without committing specific circuit parameters. Then you can
configure circuit 0 and additional circuits using portcfg fcipcircuit commands.
Persistently disable the VE_Port before you begin configuring the tunnel on the VE_Port. By default, the VE_Port is persistently enabled.
You manually change the state of the VE_Ports from persistently enabled to persistently disabled. This action prevents unwanted fabric
merges from occurring until the tunnel is fully configured. After the tunnels have been fully configured on both ends of the tunnel, you
must persistently enable the ports.
Persistently disabled ports remain disabled across power cycles, switch reboots, and switch enables.
If you enter portCfgPersistentDisable and receive “command not allowed in fmsmode” or “command not found” messages, FICON
Management Server (FMS) mode may be enabled. You cannot use the portcfgpersistentdisable or portcfgpersistentenable commands
with FMS mode enabled. Use the portdisable and portenable commands instead.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfgpersistentdisable command to disable any VE_Ports that you will use in the tunnel configuration.
switch:admin> portcfgpersistentdisable 24
This example shows the status of VE_Port 24. You can see the status of persistent disable in the output. (The “<<<<<” is not part
of the actual output.)
switch:admin> portshow 24
portIndex: 24
portName: port24
portHealth: Not Monitored
Authentication: None
portDisableReason: Persistently disabled port <<<<<
portCFlags: 0x0
LocalSwcFlags: 0x0
portType: 12.0
portState: Persistently Disabled <<<<<
Protocol: FC
portPhys: 255 N/A portScn: 2 Offline
port generation number: 24
state transition count: 20
portId: 0b1800
portIfId: 43020817
portWwn: 20:18:50:eb:1a:13:ad:16
portWwn of device(s) connected:
Distance: normal
Port part of other ADs: No
4. When FMS mode is enabled for FICON, use the following steps to disable a port.
a) Use the ficoncupshow command to show the FMS mode.
b) Use the portdisable command to disable a port when FMS mode is enabled.
switch:admin> portdisable 24
The following example shows that the port is offline and disabled. (The “<<<<<” is not part of the actual output.)
switch:admin> portshow 24
portIndex: 24
portName: port24
portHealth: Not Monitored
Authentication: None
portDisableReason: None
portCFlags: 0x0
LocalSwcFlags: 0x0
portType: 12.0
portState: 2 Offline <<<<<
Protocol: FC
portPhys: 255 N/A portScn: 2 Offline
port generation number: 26
state transition count: 22
portId: 0b1800
portIfId: 43020817
portWwn: 20:18:50:eb:1a:13:ad:16
portWwn of device(s) connected:
Configuring tunnels
Before configuring tunnels, make sure the following are in place:
• IPIFs are configured for the local switch and remote switch end points of the tunnel and each of its circuits.
• IP routes are configured, which is required when the end point are on different subnets.
• VLANs are configured (optional).
• IPsec policies are configured (optional but recommended).
• IP connectivity is verified.
The following table shows the platforms supported in Fabric OS 8.2.0 that you can connect with tunnels. For example, you can create a
tunnel between two Brocade FX8-24 Extension Blades, but not between an FX8-24 and a Brocade SX6 Extension Blade.
Tunnels are created between the VE_Ports of a switch or blade. You use the IPIFs on each switch to identify the local and the remote
endpoints of the tunnel. You configure each side of the tunnel so that the endpoints point to one another.
When a tunnel is created with the portcfg fciptunnel create command and you specify the local IP and remote IP address endpoints, it
contains one circuit, which is circuit 0. To add additional circuits to the tunnel, use the portcfg fcipcircuit command. You can create a
tunnel with no circuits, but no traffic will pass.
Any options that you specify when you create a tunnel must match at each end. The VE_Port can be different.
Refer to the Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference for additional information on the options available with the portcfg fciptunnel
1. Connect to the local switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg fciptunnel create command to create a tunnel on the local and remote switch.
a) Create the local tunnel.
The following example creates a tunnel (and circuit) on the local Brocade 7840 switch.
The following example creates a tunnel (and circuit) on the remote Brocade 7840 switch.
Notice that the local IP and remote IP on each switch point to one other.
3. Use the portshow fciptunnel -c command to display the tunnel and circuit information.
The following example displays the tunnel and circuit information on the local switch. The OpStatus shows Up, which indicates
that both sides of the tunnel are configured correctly.
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met/G
24 - Up --------- 18h3m 0.00 0.00 5 - -
24 0 ge2 Up ----ah--4 18h3m 0.00 0.00 5 5000/5000 0/-
Flags (tunnel): i=IPSec f=Fastwrite T=TapePipelining F=FICON r=ReservedBW
a=FastDeflate d=Deflate D=AggrDeflate P=Protocol
(circuit): h=HA-Configured v=VLAN-Tagged p=PMTU i=IPSec 4=IPv4 6=IPv6
ARL a=Auto r=Reset s=StepDown t=TimedStepDown S=SLA
4. Use the portshow fcipcircuit command to display the circuit information for a specific tunnel.
The following example shows the circuit information for tunnel 24 on the local switch.
The KATOV should be based on application requirements. Check with your FC initiator or IP initiator providers to determine the
appropriate KATOV for your application. The sum of KATOVs for all circuits in a tunnel should be close to the overall FC initiator I/O
timeout value. As an example, a mirroring application has a 6-second I/O timeout. There are three circuits belonging to the VE_Port (3
circuit members in the tunnel). Set the KATOV to 2 seconds on each circuit. This will allow for maximum retries over all available circuits
before an I/O is timed out by the initiator.
Refer to the Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference for additional information on the on option format and value range available with
the portcfg fcipcircuit command.
1. Use the portcfg fcipcircuit modify command to change the KATOV value.
The following example modifies circuit 0 on VE_Port 24 and changes the KATOV to 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds).
The following example displays the tunnel values for tunnel 24 with the KATOV pointed out. (The output is truncated.)
. . .
Using the FICON emulation features requires the Advanced FICON Acceleration licenses installed on each slot where FICON emulation
is configured.
Refer to the Brocade FICON Administration Guide for more information on FICON emulation and emulation features on a tunnel.
Compression mode must be set the same on each end of the tunnel.
Follow the guidelines in the following table for assigning explicit compression levels for tunnels on the Brocade SX6 blade and the
Brocade 7840 switch.
The enhancements for IP Extension allow you to configure compression on the tunnel at a protocol level. The compression options
override the main tunnel compression level and set the compression for the specified protocol to the desired mode. The available modes
depend on the protocol, whether FC or IP.
The following table shows the compression choices for the Brocade FX8-24 blade.
1. Connect to the local switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg fciptunnel --compression command to set the tunnel compression mode.
The following example uses the extncfg command to verify that the switch is in FCIP mode and the portcfg fciptunnel modify
command to change the tunnel compression.
3. Use the portcfg fciptunnel --ip-compression command to set the IP protocol compression mode. The switch must be in
hybrid mode.
The following example uses the extncfg command to verify the switch is in HYBRID mode and the portcfg fciptunnel modify
command to change the tunnel compression for IP protocol.
Quality of Service (QoS) refers to policies for handling differences in data traffic. These policies are based on data characteristics and
delivery requirements. For example, ordinary data traffic is tolerant of delays and dropped packets, but real-time voice and video data are
not. QoS policies provide a framework for accommodating these differences in data as it passes through a network.
If your storage device supports Fibre Channel CS_CTL prioritization, you can use the CS_CTL values in the FC header to
prioritize QoS traffic. Refer to the Brocade Fabric OS Administration Guide for additional information.
QoS for Fibre Channel traffic is provided through internal QoS priorities. Those priorities can be mapped to TCP/IP network priorities
using zone name prefixes and VCs. The different priority TCP sessions can be marked upon egress. The TCP marking is done at the IP
layer using Layer 3 Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) or at the Ethernet layer within the 802.1Q tag header using 802.1P.
There are two options for TCP/IP network-based QoS:
• VLAN tagging and Layer 2 Class of Service (L2CoS)
You can configure QoS, DSCP, and VLAN tagging at the tunnel and circuit level for data path traffic.
Configuring ARL
Adaptive Rate Limiting (ARL) is configured on a per-circuit basis because each circuit can have available different amounts of bandwidth.
Any single circuit is limited to 10 Gbps, unless the hardware imposes a lower bandwidth. ARL never attempts to exceed the maximum
configured value and reserves at least the minimum configured value.
The ARL minimum and maximum bandwidth is configured when a circuit is created or modified. The minimum bandwidth is considered
the floor and the maximum bandwidth is the ceiling. Refer to ARL considerations on page 30 for information about bandwidth values
when configuring ARL.
On the Brocade SX6 and Brocade 7840, you can configure the type of ARL algorithm that is used for backing off the traffic. The default
is automatic, and the ARL logic determines the best approach. The ARL choices for these platforms are as follow:
• Automatic (default)
• Static reset
• Modified multiplicative decrease (MMD), or step-down
• Time-based decrease, or timed step-down
On the Brocade FX8-24, when the minimum and maximum bandwidth differ, the ARL algorithm performs a static reset to the
transmission floor, and then ramps the traffic back up.
Best practice is to configure the minimum and maximum bandwidth values to the same value if you are not using ARL.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. When you create a tunnel, circuit 0 is automatically created. Use the portcfg fciptunnel command to create a tunnel and assign
upper and lower bandwidth values for ARL.
The following example creates a tunnel and configures circuit 0 with lower and upper ARL bandwidth values of 3 Gbps and 5
Gbps. With an upper limit of 5 Gbps on circuit 0, a 10-Gbps tunnel can support an additional 5 Gbps.
3. Use the portcfg fcipcircuit command to create an additional circuit on tunnel 24 and assign ARL bandwidth values.
The following example modifies circuit 0 to lower the ARL bandwidth values and creates circuit 1 with ARL bandwidth values.
Circuit 1 is modified with the ARL algorithm set to step-down.
The following example shows the information for circuits on tunnel 24 with the configured bandwidth values. The display is
truncated. Notice the Online Warning, because the local and remote ARL bandwidth values are different. The ARL algorithm
type is shown for circuit 1.
QoS high, medium, and low priority traffic are assigned a percentage of available bandwidth based on priority level. QoS priority is based
on the Virtual Circuit (VC) that carries data into the DP complex. For example, if data enters on a high VC, it is placed on a high TCP
connection; if it enters on a low VC, then it is placed on the low TCP circuit. Data is assigned to the proper VC based on zone name
The following figure illustrates the internal architecture of TCP connections that handle PP-TCP-QoS. Note that this illustrates a tunnel
containing a single circuit only that is in FCIP mode. When the tunnel is in hybrid mode (FCIP and IP extension), the three QoS priority
tunnels exist for both the FCIP traffic and the IP extension traffic, a total of six QoS VCs.
If your storage device supports Fibre Channel CS_CTL prioritization, you can use the CS_CTL values in the FC header to
prioritize QoS traffic. Refer to the Brocade Fabric OS Administration Guide for additional information.
You can modify the default QoS priority values on Brocade extension switches and blades. Note that this only changes the QoS priority
distribution in the tunnel and does not reconfigure the fabric.
When a Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade is configured in hybrid mode, QoS traffic can be prioritized by protocol with a
percentage assigned to FC and a percentage assigned to IP. The initial setting is 50/50. For each protocol, FC and IP, you can assign a
percentage of the bandwidth to each of high, medium, and low levels. When configuring QoS percentages, remember the following:
• The three values (high, medium, low) must equal 100 percent.
• A minimum of 10 percent is required for each level.
• QoS priority settings must be the same on each end of the tunnel.
Priorities are enforced only when there is congestion on the network. If there is no congestion, all traffic is handled at the same
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg fciptunnel --distribution command to change the default bandwidth values.
The following example modifies the protocol bandwidth distribution to 60 percent for FC and 40 percent for IP. When you
change bandwidth distribution, the QoS values are reset to their default.
This command is disruptive.
Warning: Modification of the distribution ratio will reset the QoS ratio values to default.
3. Use the portcfg fciptunnel --qos-bw-ratio command to change the ratio for high, medium, and low.
The following example modifies QoS bandwidth ratio in an FCIP-only tunnel to 60 percent, 25 percent, and 15 percent for
high, medium, and low. The three values total 100 percent.
The following example modifies QoS bandwidth ratio in a hybrid tunnel (FCIP and IP). The first triplet of values is for FCIP and
the second triplet is for IP. Each triplet totals 100 percent.
4. Use the portshow fciptunnel command to display the configured QoS values.
The following example shows the QoS values for tunnel 24 configured to 60 percent, 25 percent, and 15 percent. The output is
The following example shows the QoS virtual circuit information. Over each physical circuit, there is a virtual circuit for each of
the high, medium, and low QoS tunnels, and a VC for the F-class control data. In this example, there is only a single physical
circuit configured, circuit 0. The switch is in FCIP mode, not hybrid mode.
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met/G
24 - Up c-------- 2d3h2m 0.00 0.00 3 - -
24 0 ge2 Up ----ah--4 2d3h2m 0.00 0.00 3 0/5000 0/-
24 - Up h-------- 2d3h2m 0.00 0.00 3 - -
24 0 ge2 Up ----ah--4 2d3h2m 0.00 0.00 3 2500/5000 0/-
24 - Up m-------- 2d3h2m 0.00 0.00 3 - -
24 0 ge2 Up ----ah--4 2d3h2m 0.00 0.00 3 1500/5000 0/-
24 - Up l-------- 2d3h2m 0.00 0.00 3 - -
24 0 ge2 Up ----ah--4 2d3h2m 0.00 0.00 3 1000/5000 0/-
Flags (tunnel): c=Control h=HighPri m=MedPri l=LowPri
i=IPSec f=Fastwrite T=TapePipelining F=FICON r=ReservedBW
a=FastDeflate d=Deflate D=AggrDeflate P=Protocol
(circuit): h=HA-Configured v=VLAN-Tagged p=PMTU i=IPSec 4=IPv4 6=IPv6
ARL a=Auto r=Reset s=StepDown t=TimedStepDown S=SLA
Priorities are enforced only when there is congestion on the network. If there is no congestion, all traffic is handled at the same
For information about changing the QoS priority values at the protocol level, which applies to the Brocade SX6 and Brocade 7840, refer
to Configuring QoS priorities over a tunnel on page 121.
Change the priority percentages on 16-Gbps and 32-Gbps extension platforms using the optional percentage tunnel argument for the
portcfg fciptunnel create and portcfg fciptunnel modify commands. When configuring QoS percentages for each level, remember the
• The three values must equal 100 percent.
• A minimum of 10 percent is required for each level.
• QoS priority settings must be the same on each end of the tunnel.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg fciptunnel command to create or modify a tunnel and change the default QoS priority values.
The following command sets the QoS priority ratios on VE_Port 12 to high (50 percent), medium (40 percent) and low (10
percent) priorities, respectively.
The following command displays details of the tunnel configuration, including the QoS percentages for high, medium, and low
Configuring DSCP
Layer 3 Class of Service Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) refers to a specific implementation for establishing QoS policies as
defined by RFC 2475. DSCP uses six bits of the Type of Service (TOS) field in the IP header to establish up to 64 different values to
associate with data traffic priority.
DSCP settings are useful only if IP routers are configured to enforce QoS policies uniformly within the network. IP routers use the DSCP
value as an index into a Per Hop Behavior (PHB) table. Control connections and data connections can be configured with different DSCP
values. Before configuring DSCP settings, determine if the IP network you are using implements PHB, and consult with the WAN
administrator to determine the appropriate DSCP values.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg fcipcircuit command to modify the DSCP marking.
The following command modifies circuit 0 on tunnel 24 and sets the DSCP high value to 1 for fibre channel.
Only change DSCP values after consulting with your WAN administrator.
3. Use the portshow fcipcircuit command to display the configured values for DSCP.
The following example shows the DSCP high value on circuit 0 in tunnel 24 for FC. (The output is truncated.)
Configuring L2CoS
VLAN traffic is routed using 802.1Q-compliant tags within an Ethernet frame. The tag includes a unique VLAN ID, and Class of Service
(CoS) priority bits. The CoS priority scheme (also called Layer 2 Class of Service or L2CoS) uses three Class of Service (CoS or 802.1P)
priority bits, allowing eight priorities. Consult with your WAN administrator to determine usage.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg fcipcircuit command to configure the L2CoS values.
The circuit must have a VLAN tag before you can configure L2CoS values.
The following example shows the L2CoS values for circuit 0 on tunnel 24 for FC traffic. The output is truncated.
Configuring failover
There are two types of configuration supported:
• Active-active: Data will be sent on both 10-GbE ports to initiate weighted balancing of the batches across the trunk circuits.
• Active-passive: Data fails over using LLL to a passive circuit (one with a higher metric) if all active lower metric circuit paths fail.
You must establish a metric for failover circuits. If no metric is provided, circuit data will be sent through both ports, and the load will be
balanced. Circuits have a default metric of 0. A metric of 1 is required for a standby (passive) circuit.
Active-active configuration
The following example shows an active-active configuration in which two circuits are configured with the same metric, one circuit going
over xge0 and the other circuit going over the crossport using xge1 as the external port. The metric values of both the circuits are the
same (default value), so both circuits send data. The load is balanced across these circuits. The effective bandwidth of the tunnel in this
example is 2 Gbps.
If the source and destination addresses are on different subnets, you must configure IP routes to the destination
addresses. Refer to Configuring IP on page 98.
Active-passive configuration
The following example shows an active-passive configuration in which two circuits are configured with different metrics, one circuit going
over xge0 and the other circuit going over the crossport using xge1 as the external port. In this example, circuit 1 is a failover circuit
because it has a higher metric. When circuit 0 goes down, the traffic is failed over to circuit 1. The effective bandwidth of the tunnel in this
example is 1 Gbps.
If the source and destination addresses are on different subnets, you must configure IP routes to the destination
addresses. Refer to Configuring IP on page 98.
Typically, you would only define one metric 0 circuit in the group so that a specific metric 1 circuit will take over data transfer when the
metric 0 circuit fails. This configuration prevents the problem of the tunnel operating in a degraded mode, with fewer than the defined
circuits, before multiple metric 0 circuits fail.
Use the portcfg fciptunnel or portcfg fcipcircuit commands to configure the circuit metric and the failover group ID for a circuit. The
metric value can be 0 or 1. The failover group ID is a vaule between 0 and 9.
The following steps modify an existing tunnel and create new circuits. The result is two failover groups for tunnel 4/16 that contain two
circuits each. Note that circuit 0 is typically created automatically when the tunnel is created.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portshow ipif command to verify IP addresses.
The following example shows the IP addresses configured on slot 4, port GE15, DP0 for an SX6 blade. This is the local switch.
The following example shows the IP addresses configured on slot 4, port GE15, DP0 for an SX6 blade. This is the remote
3. Use the portcfg fcipcircuit command on the switch to create four circuits and configure the metric and failover-group values.
The following example modifies circuit 0 and creates circuits 1 through 3, and assigns metric and failover values on the local
The following example modifies circuit 0 and creates circuits 1 through 3, and assigns metric and failover values on the remote
switch. Notice that the source and destination circuit endpoints on the remote switch are the reverse of the local switch. The
failover group ID must match at each end of the circuit.
4. Use the portshow fciptunnel command to verify the metric and failover values are configured correctly at each end of the
The following example shows the portshow fciptunnel all -c -h command and that all circuits on the local switch are up,
indicating that both sides of the tunnel are communicating.
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met/G
4/16 - Up -M------- 55m47s 0.00 0.00 17 - -
4/16 0 4/ge15 Up ----a---4 44m2s 0.00 0.00 17 1000/1000 0/-
4/16 1 4/ge15 Up ----a---4 40m3s 0.00 0.00 1 1000/1000 0/1
4/16 2 4/ge15 Up ----a---4 51s 0.00 0.00 5 1000/1000 1/-
4/16 3 4/ge15 Up ----a---4 14s 0.00 0.00 2 1000/1000 1/1
Flags (tunnel): l=Legacy QOS Mode
M=MainTunnel L=LocalBackup R=RemoteBackup
i=IPSec f=Fastwrite T=TapePipelining F=FICON r=ReservedBW
a=FastDeflate d=Deflate D=AggrDeflate P=Protocol
(circuit): h=HA-Configured v=VLAN-Tagged p=PMTU i=IPSec 4=IPv4 6=IPv6
ARL a=Auto r=Reset s=StepDown t=TimedStepDown S=SLA
Configuring spillover
To configure spillover, use the portcfg command. If you do not configure spillover, the default action is to use failover.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg fciptunnel command as shown in the following example to modify an existing tunnel for spillover.
4. The following example shows the configuration warnings when one side of the tunnel is configured with spillover and the other
side of the tunnel is configured with failover. (The output is truncated.)
5. The current PDU/Byte counts that are maintained for each circuit can be used to verify spillover usage of metric 1 circuits. The
--qos/-q option provides a more detailed view as to which QoS the spillover is occurring on. The following examples are of
commonly used commands, with some providing information about PDU/byte counts and others showing throughput. Only
the commands are shown because output will vary depending on the configuration and traffic conditions.
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met/G
24 - Up --------I 17m52s 309.05 0.00 2 - -
24 0 ge2 Up ----a---4 17m51s 309.05 0.00 2 3000/3000 0/-
24 1 ge3 Up ----a---4 17m52s 0.00 0.00 2 3000/3000 1/-
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met/G
24 - Up --------I 20m40s 306.29 0.00 2 - -
24 0 ge2 Up ----a---4 20m40s 285.33 0.00 2 2400/2400 0/-
24 1 ge3 Up ----a---4 20m40s 20.96 0.00 2 3000/3000 1/-
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met/G
24 - Up --------I 23m30s 305.17 0.00 2 - -
24 0 ge2 Up ----a---4 23m30s 249.70 0.00 2 2100/2100 0/-
24 1 ge3 Up ----a---4 23m31s 55.47 0.00 2 3000/3000 1/-
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met/G
24 - Up --------I 24m52s 304.78 0.00 2 - -
24 0 ge2 Up ----a---4 24m51s 178.11 0.00 2 1500/1500 0/-
24 1 ge3 Up ----a---4 24m52s 126.67 0.00 2 3000/3000 1/-
This example shows the status of VE_Port 24. You can see the status of persistent disable in the output. (The “<<<<<” is not part
of the actual output.)
switch:admin> portshow 24
portIndex: 24
portName: port24
portHealth: Not Monitored
Authentication: None
portDisableReason: Persistently disabled port <<<<<
portCFlags: 0x0
LocalSwcFlags: 0x0
portType: 12.0
portState: Persistently Disabled <<<<<
Protocol: FC
portPhys: 255 N/A portScn: 2 Offline
port generation number: 24
state transition count: 20
portId: 0b1800
portIfId: 43020817
portWwn: 20:18:50:eb:1a:13:ad:16
portWwn of device(s) connected:
Distance: normal
Port part of other ADs: No
3. Use the portcfgpersistentenable command to disable any VE_Ports that you will use in the tunnel configuration.
switch:admin> portcfgpersistentenable 24
This example shows the status of VE_Port 24. You can see the port is online and no longer disabled. (The “<<<<<” is not part of
the actual output.)
switch:admin> portshow 24
portIndex: 24
portName: port24
portHealth: Not Monitored
Authentication: None
portDisableReason: None <<<<<
portCFlags: 0x1
LocalSwcFlags: 0x0
portType: 12.0
portState: 1 Online <<<<<
Protocol: FC
portPhys: 255 N/A portScn: 16 E_Port
port generation number: 24
state transition count: 21
portId: 0b1800
portIfId: 43020817
portWwn: 20:18:50:eb:1a:13:ad:16
portWwn of device(s) connected:
Distance: normal
Port part of other ADs: No
5. If the switch is in FMS mode, use the portenable command to enable a port.
The following example enables port 24, a VE_Port on a Brocade 7840 switch.
switch:admin> portenable 24
By comparing the command output at each end of the tunnel, you can usually identify configuration issues. The display will often indicate
if there is a mismatch between parameters.
1. Use the portshow fciptunnel command to display information about the tunnel. The examples show various uses of the
This example shows basic use of portshow fciptunnel. The tunnel is up, but has a warning.
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met/G
4/16 - UpWarn --------- 3d19m 0.00 0.00 17 - -
Flags (tunnel): l=Legacy QOS Mode
i=IPSec f=Fastwrite T=TapePipelining F=FICON r=ReservedBW
a=FastDeflate d=Deflate D=AggrDeflate P=Protocol
2. Use the portshow fciptunnel command to show additional information about a specific tunnel (or VE_Port).
This example shows the portshow fciptunnel slot / port command, which expands the basic portshow command information.
The tunnel is up, but has a warning. (The “<<<<<” points out the warning; it does not appear in the actual display.)
This example shows the portshow fciptunnel slot / port command with a specific circuit specified, 4.16/1. The configuration
warning indicates a mismatch in the ARL settings at each end of the circuit. (The “<<<<<” points out the warning, it does not
appear in the actual display.)
This example shows the portshow fciptunnel slot / port command with a specific circuit specified, 4.16/0. The output indicates
there circuit is functioning and no configuration errors exist, by lack of any warning indicators.
Extension HCL uses the DP complexes, DP0 and DP1, on the Brocade SX6 blade or Brocade 7840 switch to provide uninterrupted
traffic flow when the switch firmware is upgraded. The primary circuit, or main tunnel, is the circuit that is created between the DP0 on the
local switch and DP0 on the remote switch. The backup tunnel is a circuit created from the local switch DP1 to the remote switch DP0.
When a firmware upgrade occurs, the local DP0 is brought down gracefully and its traffic processing is moved to the local DP1. The local
DP1 uses the backup tunnel to the remote DP0 to continue the uninterrupted traffic flow. When the local DP0 comes back up, traffic
processing is moved from the local DP1 backup tunnel to the DP0 main tunnel.
For releases before Fabric OS 8.1.0, HCL is disruptive to any IP Extension traffic.
• The IPIFs for the MT and LBT side of HCL must be on different DPs.
• When you create or modify a circuit, only those circuits that specify a local and remote HA IP address are protected.
• If a circuit is not specifically configured for HCL, it will go down during the firmware upgrade process.
• When the switch is in 10VE mode, you can configure up to five circuits on each DP for HCL. This allows a total of 15 addresses
on the DP to use for HCL: five each to use as endpoints for the main tunnel, local backup tunnel, and remote backup tunnel.
• When the switch is in 20VE mode, you can configure up to 10 circuits on each DP for HCL, for a total of 30 addresses to use
for HCL.
• Whether you use DP0 or DP1 as the main tunnel, the backup tunnel must be configured on the other DP.
• The tunnel and circuit parameters of the main tunnel are replicated on the LBT and RBT, including the circuit properties such as
QoS markings, FastWrite, and FICON Acceleration.
The following example shows IPIFs on the local switch. The address on DP0 will be used for the main tunnel, and will be used for the backup tunnel.
The following example shows IPIFs on the remote switch. The address on DP0 will be used for the main tunnel,
and on DP1 will be used for the backup tunnel.
3. Use the portcfg fciptunnel command to configure the tunnel and circuit 0. On each switch (local switch, remote switch), the
destination address of both the main tunnel and backup tunnel is on DP0 of the other switch
The following example configures tunnel 24 on the local switch with a main tunnel and backup tunnel.
The following example configures tunnel 24 on the remote switch with a main tunnel and backup tunnel.
4. When the switch is in hybrid mode (FCIP and IP Extension), use the portcfg fciptunnel command with the --ipext enable
The following example configures tunnel 24 on the local switch with a main tunnel and backup tunnel in hybrid mode.
The following example configures tunnel 24 on the remote switch with a main tunnel and backup tunnel in hybird mode.
5. Use the portshow fcipcircuit command to display the configured values for HCL.
The following example shows the high-availability (HA) configuration values. You can verify the endpoints for the main tunnel
and backup tunnel on the local switch.
The following example shows the endpoints for the main tunnel and backup tunnel that are configured on the remote switch.
(The command uses short notation for the options.)
The M flag identifies the main tunnel. The R flag identifies the remote backup tunnel. It shows the local IP on DP0 as the
endpoint of the remote backup tunnel. The L flag identifies the local backup tunnel. It shows the remote DP0 IP as the local
backup tunnel endpoint.
The following example shows the status of a correctly configured HCL when no firmware is being upgraded.
In the following figure, the 7840-A switch and the 7840-B switch both use their DP0 complexes as the endpoints for the main tunnel.
Each switch uses its DP1 for the local backup tunnel. On each side, the local backup tunnel on DP1 points to the remote backup tunnel
on DP0 on the remote switch. In the simplest HCL configuration, a single circuit is configured between the local and remote switches and
the circuit consists of the main tunnel, local backup tunnel, and remote backup tunnel endpoints.
The DP complex creates the following TCP connections between 7840-A and 7840-B:
• to The main TCP connections for the MT between the switches
• to The connection from 7840-A LBT to 7840-B RBT
• to The connection between 7840-A RBT and 7840-B LBT
The following table shows the possible options for configuring MTs and LBTs on a Brocade 7840 switch. The options show ports
available in 20VE mode and 10VE mode. In 20VE mode, up to 10 HCL circuits can be configured on each DP. In 10VE mode, the limit
is 5 HCL circuits on each DP. The VE_ports used on the local and remote switches need not be bidirectional. That is, you can use one of
the VE_Ports 24-33 on the local switch and one of the VE_Ports 34-43 on the remote switch for the main tunnel. GbE ports 0 and 1
(ge0, ge1) are 40-GbE ports; the remaining ports are 10-GbE ports.
24–33 / 24–28 One of ge0-ge17 on dp0 One of ge0-ge17 on dp1 24–33 / 24–28 One of ge0-ge17 on dp1
(such as ge2.dp0) (such as ge2.dp1) (such as ge2.dp1)
24–33 / 24–28 One of ge0-ge17 on dp0 One of ge0-ge17 on dp1 34–43 / 34–38 One of ge0-ge17 on dp0
(such as ge2.dp0) (such as ge2.dp1) (such as ge2.dp0)
34–43 / 34–38 One of ge0-ge17 on dp1 One of ge0-ge17 on dp0 34–43 / 34–38 One of ge0-ge17 on dp0
(such as ge2.dp1) (such as ge2.dp0) (such as ge2.dp0)
34–43 / 34–38 One of ge0-ge17 on dp1 One of ge0-ge17 on dp0 24–33 / 24–28 One of ge0-ge17 on dp1
(such as ge0.dp1) (such as ge0.dp0) (such as ge0.dp1)
Between two Brocade SX6 blades, the options for a similar SX6-A and SX6-B setup are shown in the following table.
16–25 / 16–20 One of ge0-ge17 on dp0 One of ge0-ge17 on dp1 16–25 / 16–20 One of ge0-ge17 on dp1
(such as ge2.dp0) (such as ge2.dp1) (such as ge2.dp1)
16–25 / 16–20 One of ge0-ge17 on dp0 One of ge0-ge17 on dp1 26–35 / 26–30 One of ge0-ge17 on dp0
(such as ge2.dp0) (such as ge2.dp1) (such as ge2.dp0)
26–35 / 26–30 One of ge0-ge17 on dp1 One of ge0-ge17 on dp0 26–35 / 26–30 One of ge0-ge17 on dp0
(such as ge2.dp1) (such as ge2.dp0) (such as ge2.dp0)
26–35 / 26–30 One of ge0-ge17 on dp1 One of ge0-ge17 on dp0 16–25 / 16–20 One of ge0-ge17 on dp1
(such as ge0.dp1) (such as ge0.dp0) (such as ge0.dp1)
Configuring IP Extension
IP Extension features are available when you configure the Brocade 7840 switch or the Brocade SX6 blade to operate in hybrid mode.
When operating in hybrid mode, you can configure most tunnel features associated with tunnels, and additionally configure IP Extension
features. Most tunnel or circuit configurations done with the switch not in hybrid mode are carried over to hybrid mode.
Once enabled, FIPS cannot be disabled.
• Determine which Ethernet ports will be used for LAN connectivity. Ensure these ports are in the default switch and configured to
LAN mode.
The LAN ports do not participate in Layer 2 Ethernet switching on the Brocade 7840 or Brocade SX6. All traffic is
terminated and sent over the tunnel, based on the configured traffic control list (TCL).
• For the Brocade 7840 device or Brocade SX6 blade, the IP MTU size must be at least 1280. If the supported maximum IP
MTU size in the network is larger than 9216, the IP MTU should be 9216.
• Identify the subnets that will be extended through the Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade. Assign IP addresses, subnet
masks, and MTUs to be used as LAN gateways to the switch or blade.
• When the Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade are operating in hybrid mode and IP Extension features are enabled,
you must configure traffic control lists (TCLs).
• Determine the VE_Port numbers you want to use. The VE_Port numbers serve as tunnel IDs.
• Determine how many additional circuits you want to create. You will need the source and destination IP addresses for each
circuit, and the minimum and maximum rates for ARL, or the committed rate if not using ARL. You will need to know if you
intend to assign metrics to circuits so that lower metric circuits fail over to circuits with higher metrics. For all circuits except
circuit 0, these values are set by the portCfg fcipcircuit create command.
• You must consider the maximum limit of LAN connections allowed for each DP, which is 512 accelerated TCP connections
and 64 UDP connections.
• When planning for VE_Port and bandwidth usage, consider which VE_Port is hosted by which DP complex. This affects load
balancing between each DP complex.
1. Configure the operating mode on the Brocade 7840 switch or the Brocade SX6 blade for 10VE mode. In hybrid mode, the
default is 10VE operating mode. 20VE mode is not allowed in hybrid mode. This step is necessary if the switch or blade has an
existing FCIP configuration.
2. Configure the Brocade 7840 switch or the Brocade SX6 blade to operate in hybrid mode using the extncfg --app-mode
hybrid command.
Configuring the switch for hybrid mode is disruptive. On a Brocade 7840 switch, it reboots and loads the hybrid
image. On a Brocade SX6 blade, the blade reboots and the chassis is not affected.
3. If an existing configuration is present, persistently disable the existing VE_Ports. Refer to Configuring VE_Ports to persistently
disabled on page 112.
4. Create an IP interface (IPIF) for each circuit that you want on a port by assigning an IP address, netmask, and an IP MTU size to
an Ethernet port using the portCfg ipif command. Refer to Configuring IPIF on page 97. Note that this step applies to overall
WAN configuration and is not specific to IP Extension LAN configuration.
5. Create one or more IP routes to a port, if required, using the portCfg iproute command. Refer to Configuring IP on page 98.
Note that this step applies to overall WAN configuration and is not specific to IP Extension LAN configuration.
6. Test the WAN IP connection using the portCmd --ping command. Note that this step applies to overall WAN configuration and
is not specific to IP Extension LAN configuration. Refer to Verifying IP connectivity on page 101 for details.
If a VLAN is present in the Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade, it needs to be configured on only the IPIF. In
addition, the VLANs need to match with only the local Ethernet hop configured. Refer to Configuring VLANs on page
100 for details.
Stacked VLAN tagging is not supported on the Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade. Stacked VLAN tagging
is defined in IEEE 802.1ad.
7. Create IPsec policies before creating extension tunnels. Though optional, this step is recommended for security. Refer to
Configuring IPsec on page 105. Note that this step applies to overall WAN configuration and is not specific to IP Extension
LAN configuration.
8. Create extension tunnels using the portCfg fciptunnel command. Refer to Configuring Extension tunnels for FCIP on page
111. Note that this step applies to overall WAN configuration and is not specific to IP Extension configuration.
9. Configure bandwidth distribution for IP Extension using the portcfg fciptunnel command. The bandwidth distribution
determines how QoS traffic is distributed between FC and IP bandwidth.
10. Configure compression mode for IP Extension using the portcfg fciptunnel command. Note that IP traffic compression cannot
be set to fast-deflate.
11. Create FCIP circuits (after circuit 0) and enable or disable features using the portCfg fcipcircuit command. Refer to Configuring
a tunnel and circuits for IP Extension on page 153 for information. Use the portshow fciptunnel and portshow fcipcircuit
commands to verify tunnel and circuit status before proceeding. Refer to Verifying tunnel configuration on page 134 for
additional information. Note that this step applies to overall WAN configuration and is not specific to IP Extension configuration.
1. Identify the subnets that will be extended through the Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade. Assign IP addresses, subnet
masks, and MTUs to be used as LAN gateways to the switch or blade.
The local-side LANs that contain the end devices must be on different subnets. For example, you cannot have end-
devices on DC-A subnet communicating with end-devices DC-B subnet Those are the
same subnets on each side.
3. Configure the GE port for link aggregation group (LAG) operation using the portcfg lag command. (This step is optional.)
4. Configure a switch virtual interface (SVI) to provide IP access for LAN devices using the portcfg ipif command.
5. Configure the traffic control list (TCL) for the port using the portcfg tcl command. A TCL consists of a rule name, a priority, an
input filter, and a target for the rule. Refer to IP Extension and traffic control lists on page 65 for details.
The Brocade 7840 DP or the Brocade SX6 DP cannot be configured in FIPS mode. FIPS is not supported in hybrid mode.
The Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade must be in 10VE mode before you can enable hybrid mode. Changing VE modes is
disruptive as it requires rebooting the switch. If you plan to use IP Extension, configure hybrid mode during initial deployment. Because
20VE mode is not available in hybrid mode, it is normal for the 20VE_Ports to be disabled in 10VE mode. The following table shows
the 20VE and 10VE ports on the two platforms.
Configuring the switch or blade for hybrid mode is disruptive.
If you configured tunnels and circuits while in FCIP mode, that configuration is carried over to hybrid mode if the configuration
is compatible with hybrid mode. If the configuration is not valid for hybrid mode and 10VE mode, you will be prompted to
make changes.
The following steps are required to configure the Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade to operate in hybrid mode.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the extncfg --app-mode command to enable hybrid mode. When prompted, confirm the command action.
This action will configure the system for Hybrid (FCIP/IPExt) mode.
WARNING: This is a disruptive operation that requires a reboot to take effect. Would you like to
continue (Y,y,N,n): [ n] y
A VLAN ID is only needed when the traffic from the WAN core router/switch is VLAN tagged. The core router/switch the circuit connects
to must be doing VLAN tagging on the traffic to the IP extension platform (such as a Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade)
before VLANs apply. In most cases, the port on the data center switch is a member of a particular VLAN, but is not setup to do VLAN
tagging, which makes VLAN tagging on the IP extension platform unnecessary. Communication with the data center LAN switch will not
work if VLAN usage is mismatched. VLANs are used on the Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade when multiple circuits pass
through the same Ethernet interface, and the connected data center LAN switch directs those circuits to various paths based on the
VLAN tag.
For additional information and examples, refer to Configuring IPIF on page 97.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg ipif command to create a circuit endpoint IP address.
In the example, the endpoint IPIFs of two different circuits on the same Brocade 7840 are created and assigned to GE2
( and GE3 ( respectively. A 24-bit subnet mask is being used ( = /24). Both IP addresses
are processed by DP0, and later when the tunnel circuits are created these local IP addresses ( and will both
be assigned to the same VE_Port as members of an extension trunk. There is no requirement that extension trunk circuits be on
the same subnet.
You cannot use the portCfg iproute interface-number.dp-number modify command to modify the destination network address. To
make changes to the IP route definition, you must delete the IP route, and then recreate it. Also, you cannot use this command to change
the prefix length or network mask. This command is intended to change the gateway IP address only.
When you create an IP route for IP Extension, the route is created on a LAN interface of DP0 or DP1. This differs from creating
IP routes for FCIP. For more information on configuring IP routes for FCIP, refer to Configuring IP on page 98.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Verify the switch or blade is in hybrid mode. You must be in hybrid mode to configure a LAN IPIF.
3. Use the portCfg iproute lan.dp-number create command to create the IP route from the LAN IPIF gateway to the destination
network address.
The first route is a host-based route, meaning that it is a single IP address route to a host, which is indicated by the full
netmask, /32.
The second route is a subnet-based route, meaning that it is a route for an entire subnet, which is indicated by a partial netmask,
in this case /24. By specifying a subnet route, you can save configuration time if there are multiple WAN circuits in the same
subnet. In a subnet you need not add an IP route for every circuit IP address. The same LAN IPIF gateway is used for each
4. Use the portshow iproute command to display IP routes configured on the interface. IP routes for FCIP are configured on a GE
interface, whereas IP routes for IP Extension are configured on a LAN interface.
The following example shows IP route information where WAN gateways and LAN gateways are configured. The WAN gateway
is configured on the ge10.dp1 interface, and the LAN gateway is configured on the lan.dp0 interface.
The portshow iproute command may display more routes than you have configured. Some routes are added by
default. Do not remove or alter these other routes.
5. Use the portCfg iproute lan.dp-number delete command to delete IP routes configured on a LAN IPIF gateway.
The Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade must be in hybrid mode. GE ports must be configured for LAN operation. Optionally,
LAGs are defined.
To use IP Extension features, you enable IP Extension capability on a tunnel. You can create an IP Extension capable tunnel or you can
modify an existing tunnel to support IP Extension.
At least one circuit is required for each tunnel before the tunnel can become operational. If the circuit parameters are included in the
tunnel creation, circuit 0 is automatically created when the tunnel is created.
A recommended practice is to stage your tunnels and circuits. When you stage your tunnels and circuits, you create a basic tunnel and
use the portcfg fciptunnel ve-port modify command to add, remove, or change values. When your tunnel is configured, you can add
circuits with the portcfg fcipcircuit create and portcfg fcipcircuit modify commands.
When circuit options are specified on the portcfg fciptunnel ve-port create command and the portcfg fciptunnel ve-port
modify command, they apply only to circuit 0 because these are tunnel operands and not fcipcircuit operands. When
additional circuits are added, circuit options must be applied per circuit using the portcfg fcipcircuit create or portcfg
fcipcircuit modify commands.
When you configure a tunnel, it is strongly recommended that you apply IPsec policies. IPsec is used for data in-flight across
the WAN-side circuits. IPsec is applied to the entire tunnel and all member circuits. You cannot apply IPsec to just one
individual circuit of a tunnel. Brocade IPsec has been implemented in HW and operates at line rate, adding negligible
propagation delay. Refer to Configuring IPsec on the Brocade 7840 and Brocade SX6 on page 106 for additional information
about IPsec implementation.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg fciptunnel ve-port create command to create an IP Extension capable tunnel.
This example creates and enables an IP Extension tunnel on VE_Port 24. Notice that protocol and QoS distribution are reset to
default values.
Warning: Modification of the distribution ratio will reset the QoS ratio values to default.
3. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
4. Use the portcfg fciptunnel ve-port modify command to modify an existing tunnel to be IP Extension capable.
When you configure bandwidth distribution, you can change the default allocation of 50/50 between Fibre Channel (FC) and IP
Extension (IP) traffic in a tunnel. All bandwidth allocations are expressed as percentages.
The minimum percentage allowed for a QoS priority or a distribution group cannot go below 10 percent.
After configuring the FC and IP bandwidth distribution you can configure QoS high, medium, and low priorities in each of the FC and IP
distributions. The default priority values for QoS are 50/30/20 for high, medium, and low.
Creating or modifying distribution bandwidth can disrupt traffic on the specified tunnel for a brief period of time. The tunnel is
brought down before the new configuration is applied, then the tunnel is brought up.
The Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade must be in hybrid mode. GE ports must be configured for LAN operation. Optionally,
LAGs are defined. A tunnel must be configured to support IP Extension.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg fciptunnel create --distribution protocol command to create protocol bandwidth distribution.
This command creates protocol bandwidth distribution at 60 percent for FC and 40 percent for IP traffic.
3. Use the portcfg fciptunnel modify --distribution command to change traffic protocol distribution. The first value applies to FC
traffic and the second value applies to IP traffic.
This command modifies protocol bandwidth values to 40 percent for FC traffic and 60 percent for IP traffic.
Warning: Modification of the distribution ratio will reset the QoS ratio values to default.
4. Use the portcfg fciptunnel modify command to change the QoS priority bandwidth allocations in the FC traffic group and the
IP traffic group.
a) Use the portcfg fciptunnel modify --fc-qos-ratio command to configure the FC QoS priorities.
This command modifies the FC QoS priority bandwidth values for high to 30 percent, medium to 50 percent, and low to
20 percent.
b) Use the portcfg fciptunnel modify --ip-qos-ratio command to configure the IP QoS priorities.
This command modifies IP QoS priority bandwidth values for high to 60 percent, medium to 30 percent, and low to 10
The following example displays the results of QoS protocol distribution to 40/60 percent, and the results of changing the IP
QoS and FC QoS bandwidth values. (The output is truncated.)
Remember that the distribution and bandwidth values should be configured the same at both ends of the tunnel.
Most configuration steps for PBR are done on the router. You configure a next-hop gateway address on the router that identifies the
extension platform interface as a next-hop, and you configure a policy, such as an access control list, that determines what traffic is sent
to the extension platform.
On the extension platform (Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade), you create an IP route to the next-hop gateway. Steps for
configuring the IP route for PBR are similar to configuring an IP route for WAN.
When you configure an address for the next-hop gateway, the extension platform learns the MAC address of the next-hop gateway
through an ARP message. Thereafter, any packets to the next-hop gateway are forwarded to the learned MAC address through the LAN
FE port.
The following illustration shows an example network topology where the Brocade 7840 functions as a next-hop gateway for policy-
based routing traffic from the DC router. Traffic that is not diverted to the Brocade 7840 by the PBR in the DC router passes through to
the core router.
The policies are implemented in the data center (DC) router at each site. In the configuration steps, the router configurations and the IP
storage configurations are generic. You must refer to the documentation specific to your equipment for the detailed steps.
It is assumed that the WAN tunnel configuration across the core router is complete. It is also assumed that DC routers are
configured and can route across core routers using the path between sites A and B.
These commands configure a LAN route with the destination subnet of the local storage using the DC router LAG interface IP
as the gateway.
Configuring the routers at each site
You must refer to the documentation specific to your router equipment for the detailed steps. The following steps provide
generic information.
4. On the DC Router at Site A, configure the router interface for the LAG that is connected to the Brocade 7840.
DC Router Site A:
IP: mask
5. On the DC Router at Site B, configure the router interface for the LAG that is connected to the Brocade 7840.
DC Router Site B:
IP: mask
You must refer to the documentation specific to your router equipment for the detailed steps. The following steps provide
generic information.
6. Configure DC Router at Site A with a policy-based route to direct a specific IP traffic type or ACL, destined to the remote site, to
use the Brocade 7840 LAN interface as the gateway or next hop.
DC Router Site A:
Destination subnet: mask
Source subnet: mask
Type: <specific protocol or well-known port or ACL>
7. Configure DC Router at Site B with policy-based route to direct a specific IP traffic type or ACL, destined to the remote site, to
use the Brocade 7840 LAN interface as the gateway or next hop.
DC Router Site B:
Destination subnet: mask
Source subnet: mask
Type: <specific protocol or well-known port or ACL>
You must refer to the documentation specific to your storage devices for the detailed steps. The following steps provide
generic information.
8. Configure the IP interfaces on the storage devices at Site A, which are shown in the illustration as IP Storage 1A and IP Storage
IP Storage 1A:
IP: mask
IP Storage 2A:
IP: mask
9. Configure the IP interfaces on the storage devices at Site B, which are shown in the illustration as IP Storage 1B and IP Storage
IP Storage 1B:
IP: mask
IP Storage 2B:
IP: mask
10. Configure the destination routes for peer-site subnet using the DC Router at each site as a gateway. The Site A IP storage
devices have a destination route to Site B IP storage devices, and the Site B devices to Site A devices.
The enhancements for IP Extension allow you to configure compression on the tunnel at a protocol level. The protocol compression
options override the main tunnel compression level and set the compression for the specified protocol to the desired mode. The available
modes depend on the protocol, whether FC or IP.
The IP priorities do not support fast-deflate compression, so only the deflate and aggressive deflate options are allowed with the --ip-
compression option. If the main tunnel compression is set to fast-deflate, the IP priorities are set to none. The protocol-based
compression modes can be set to default, which causes the protocol compression to inherit the configuration from the main tunnel
compression setting.
The configuration steps show how to set compression for a tunnel and how to set compression overrides for traffic in that tunnel.
The Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade must be in hybrid mode. GE ports must be configured for LAN operation. A tunnel
must be configured to support IP Extension.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg fciptunnel modify --compression command to configure fast-deflate compression level for a tunnel
a) Configure the fast-deflate tunnel compression.
3. Use the portcfg fciptunnel modify --ip-compression command to change the IP compression to deflate.
a) Configure deflate compression for the IP protocol.
4. You can use the portcfg fciptunnel modify command to return compression values to their default, inherited values.
When you configure a circuit, carefully consider the keep-alive timeout value (KATOV). Keepalive Time-Out Value (KATOV) is important
for proper error recovery. The KATOV should be based on application requirements. Check with your IP storage application provider to
determine the appropriate KATOV for your application. The sum of all circuit KATOVs in a tunnel should be slightly less than the I/O
timeout value. As an example, a mirroring application has a 6-second I/O timeout. There are three circuits belonging to a VE_Port (3
circuit members in the tunnel). Set the KATOV to 2 seconds on each circuit. This will allow maximum retries over all available circuits
before an I/O is timed out by the IP storage application. In many cases, a 2- to 3-second KATOV is optimal for IP Extension and should
be strongly considered.
Refer to Keep-alive timeout value for FICON on page 116 for more information.
There is a 2-second KATOV boundary for support. When KATOV is set for 2 seconds and above, the supported round-trip
time (RTT) is 250 ms and a 1-percent packet loss. When KATOV is less than 2 seconds, the supported RTT is 200 ms and
0.1-percent packet loss.
1. Use the portcfg fcipcircuit command to create and modify circuits. Use the portcfg fciptunnel command to create a tunnel
with no circuits. A tunnel must be in place before you can add circuits.
The example shows adding two circuits (0 and 1) to VE_Port 24. The keepalive is changed to 1 second, which decreases the
link loss recovery time. The ARL value for the circuit is modified with the ARL floor at 5 Gbps and the ceiling at 10 Gbps. When
configuring the remote side, the commands are nearly the same except for the local and remote IP addresses are switched.
2. Use the portshow fcipcircuit command to display circuit values. This command is useful for keeping track of the staging activity
while you modify circuit values. You can also see when circuit configuration has all the required values and is considered
The example shows output for VE_Port 24 and circuit 0 before any values are configured, such as the local and remote IP
addresses, bandwidth values, or KATOV.
The Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade must be in hybrid mode.
To use the IP Extension features, you must configure a GbE port to operate in LAN mode. IP Extension features cannot function without
a LAN interface. The end-device storage on an IP network communicates with IP Extension by means of the LAN IPIF gateway, a
function provided through the GbE port when it is configured as a LAN interface. If the interface is not configured as LAN, it defaults to a
WAN interface and incoming traffic is treated as WAN traffic and dropped.
Any existing IP configuration must be removed before changing a GbE port to LAN mode. Once a port is configured as a LAN port, it
cannot be used as a WAN port for any circuit definitions.
Only the 1-GbE/10-GbE ports, or Ethernet interfaces, can be configured as LAN ports. The 16 available Ethernet interfaces are
numbered from GE2 to GE17. Up to eight 10GE interfaces can be configured as LAN ports. Speeds of 1G or 10G are supported. The
40-GbE ports, GE0 and GE1, cannot be configured as LAN ports.
The following steps are required to configure a GbE port to operate in LAN mode.
1. Use the portcfgge command to configure a GbE port for LAN operation.
3. Use the portcfgge --show command to verify the GbE port is in LAN mode and to show the port speed.
4. Alternatively, use the switchshow command to verify the GbE port is in LAN mode.
switch:admin> switchshow
Index Port Address Media Speed State Proto
ge0 id 40G Online FCIP
ge1 id 40G Online FCIP
ge2 id 10G Online FCIP
ge3 id 10G Online FCIP
ge4 id 10G Online FCIP
ge5 id 10G Online FCIP
ge6 id 10G Online LAN
ge7 id 10G Online LAN
ge8 id 10G Online LAN
ge9 id 10G Online FCIP
ge10 id 1G Online LAN
The IP extension platform (such as the Brocade 7840 or Brocade SX6 blade) must be configured for hybrid mode. GE ports must be
configured for LAN operation.
There is only one SVI interface per data processor (DP) complex, meaning one LAN-side Ethernet device and MAC per DP. There can be
up to 8 SVI IP addresses defined per DP, but they all use the same single SVI interface.
For this discussion, the SVI IPIF is referred to as the LAN gateway, because that is the function it provides for directly
connected devices.
You must configure a LAN gateway (SVI IPIF) for each different subnet that an end device has an interface on. On the end device, for
each different IP subnet used on interfaces, you must add an IP route on the end device that points to the LAN gateway. These IP routes
are required before the end device can send traffic to the IP extension platform.
Local end-device IP addresses can be on the same subnet, different subnets, or a combination of subnets. The local and remote end-
device IP addresses must be on different subnets.
In the following situations, separate LAN gateways must be configured:
Multiple LAN gateways belonging to the same IP subnet cannot be configured on the same DP. A separate IPIF gateway is
needed for each VLAN on the LAG.
If the LAG is not configured to use VLAN tagging (802.1Q) on the data center LAN switch, do not associate a VLAN ID with the LAN
IPIF because that will prevent communications with the data center LAN switch. Tagged traffic can only talk to interfaces that are
configured to recognize tagged traffic.
When there are multiple VLANs, the LAG is a VLAN trunk and the traffic is tagged. In this instance, multiple logical ISLs pass over the
physical LAG and the different VLAN traffic is tagged with the appropriate VLAN ID. For the tagged traffic to be properly forwarded to the
corresponding LAN IPIF gateway, the gateway must be configured with the matching VLAN ID for each VLAN. If the LAG to the LAN
switch is tagged, a LAN IPIF gateway is created for each VLAN.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use portcfg ipif create to configure a LAN gateway port on a DP.
This example shows a tagged LAN gateway on DP0 configured for the maximum MTU of 9216 on VLAN 200.
PMTU auto-discovery is not supported on the LAN gateway interface (SVI IPIF).
switch:admin> portcfg ipif lan.dp0 create vlan 200 mtu 9216
A LAN IPIF can be deleted while still in use. Clean-up enforcement checks are not done on a LAN IPIF. Inadvertently deleting a
LAN IPIF will disrupt all IP extension flows using that LAN gateway.
4. Use portshow ipif to display the IPIF ports.
The example shows shows two LAN ipif gateways ( on VLAN 100 with MTU 1500, and on VLAN 200 with
MTU 9216) configured on DP0, as well as two WAN circuit endpoint IPIFs ( on GE4 and on
GE17) configured on DP0.
TCL rules must be configured. One default rule exists, which is to deny all traffic. This default rule cannot be removed or
modified. It is the lowest priority rule, 65535, so it will be the last rule enforced. To have traffic over an IP extension tunnel, you
must configure one or more rules that allow traffic to pass through.
Each TCL rule is identified by a name assigned to the rule. Each name must be unique within the IP extension platform (such as a
Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade). Rules are local to each platform and are not shared across platforms.
The TCL priority number provides an order of precedence to the TCL rule within the overall TCL list. The priority value must be unique
across all active TCL rules within an IP extension platform.
The TCL input filter inspects a set of parameters to help identify the input traffic. The TCL input filter identifies a particular host, device, or
application by means of the Layer 4 protocol encapsulated within IP, Layer 4 destination ports, Layer 3 source or destination IP
addresses and subnets, DSCP/802.1P QoS values, or VLAN tagging.
When defining a TCL rule, the TCL action (allow or deny) and TCL target will determine the behavior with regard to the DPs.
Use the portshow tcl --help command to view the options available for displaying TCL information.
The configuration steps show how to create a TCL named FromSubnetA, enable it, identify a target, source address, and set the rule
priority all with a single command. The source IP address identifies a subnet.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
switch:admin> portcfg tcl FromSubnetA create --admin enable --target 24 --src-addr --
priority 10
Operation Succeeded
Pri Name Flgs Target L2COS VLAN DSCP Proto Port Hit
Src-Addr Dst-Addr
*10 FromSubnetA AI--- 24-Med ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY 0 ANY
Flags: *=Enabled ..=Name Truncated (see --detail for full name)
A=Allow D=Deny I=IP-Ext P=Segment Preservation
R=End-to-End RST Propagation N=Non-terminated.
Multiple tunnels are typically used to go to multiple data centers. Normally, only one tunnel is used per data center between two IP
extension platforms (such as a pair of Brocade 7840 switches or a pair of SX6 blades). A single tunnel can leverage Extension Trunking
for aggregated bandwidth using multiple circuits, failover and failback, lossless link loss (LLL), and other benefits.
Refer to the following figure. It shows three local IP storage applications communicating to two remote data centers. The DB application
( is destined for DC-B. The NAS and tape applications ( and respectively) are destined for
DC-C. The target specified in the matching TCL rule directs traffic to the correct tunnel. Extension tunnels are point-to-point, therefore,
pointing matched traffic to a particular tunnel sends that traffic to the desired data center. When traffic encounters the first matching TCL
"allow" rule, that action is performed and no additional TCL processing occurs for that particular traffic stream. Any subsequent rules in
the TCL are not evaluated.
As shown in the figure, the first rule is for a specific host source IP address of When there is a match, all traffic sourced
from is sent to tunnel 24. The TCL looks just for this specific host IP address because the prefix length has been set to
32 (subnet mask, which indicates that all bits in the address must match. It is a host address and not a subnet
address. If the traffic is not sourced from then it will fall through to the next priority in the TCL.
The IP addresses and do not match priority rule 10 (as shown in the figure). Priority rule 20 is evaluated
next. That rule allows IP address. with prefix length of 24 (subnet mask, which means that the first 24 bits
of the IP address are significant and must match. The last 8 bits are not significant and can vary. If the incoming traffic is sourced from
10.10.10.<any>, it matches this rule and is sent to tunnel 25.
All traffic that does not match the first two priority rules (10 and 20) encounters the final priority rule 65535. The final rule, which cannot
be altered or removed, is to deny all traffic. Any traffic processed by this final priority is dropped.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg tcl command to create the TCL rules.
switch:admin> portcfg tcl DCB create --admin enable --target 24 --src-addr --
priority 10
switch:admin> portcfg tcl DCC create --admin enable --target 25 --src-addr --priority
3. Use the portshow tcl command to display the configured TCL rules.
Pri Name Flgs Target L2COS VLAN DSCP Proto Port Hit
Src-Addr Dst-Addr
Flags: *=Enabled ..=Name Truncated (see --detail for full name)
A=Allow D=Deny I=IP-Ext P=Segment Preservation
R=End-to-End RST Propagation N=Non-terminated.
The following figure shows traffic is filtered based on source address, destination address, and VLAN tagging:
• The first rule (priority 10) is processed to deny traffic from IP source address Because the address prefix is /32
(netmask all bits of the address must match. This address is a single interface and not a subnet address.
• The next rule (priority 20) is processed to allow traffic from IP source address, and is configured as a subnet
address. The address prefix is /24 (netmask The traffic target is the tunnel at VE_Port 24.
• The next rule (priority 30) allows traffic destined for a single interface at IP address The address prefix /32
identifies it as a single interface, not a subnet. None of the traffic for this destination address is from subnet,
because that traffic was filtered by the previous rule (priority 20). Instead, this traffic must be from a different subnet, or interface,
and destined for
• The next rule (priority 40) allows all traffic tagged with VLAN 22 (802.1Q). Any traffic that matches this rule will not have a
source address from subnet, and will not be destined for The priority 20 and priority rule 30 have
filtered that traffic.
• The final rule is the default rule (priority 65535), which denies all traffic that is not specifically allowed.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg tcl command to configure the TCL rules. Each rule must have a unique name and priority.
switch:admin> portcfg tcl MYTCL10 create --admin enable --action deny --target 24 \
--src-addr --priority 10
switch:admin> portcfg tcl MYTCL20 create --admin enable --target 24 \
--src-addr --priority 20
switch:admin> portcfg tcl MYTCL30 create --admin enable --target 24 \
--dst-addr --priority 30
switch:admin> portcfg tcl MYTCL40 create --admin enable --target 24 \
--vlan 22 --priority 40
As a best practice, configure the non-terminated TCLs with a higher priority than the terminated TCL. For example, a priority value of 10
is higher than a priority value of 100. By doing so, lookup overhead for the non-terminated flows is reduced.
The following steps are required to configure TCL for non-terminated traffic. By default this option is disabled.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg tcl create command with the --non-terminated enable option to create a TCL rule and enable it.
switch:admin> portcfg tcl control_1 create -–priority 500 --proto-port 3400-3500 -–non-terminated
enable -–admin-status enable --target 25-High
3. To disable a non-terminated TCL feature, Use the portcfg tcl modify command with the --non-terminated disable option.
4. Use the portcfgshow tcl command to display a summary of TCL rule information.
Pri Name Flgs Target L2COS VLAN DSCP Proto Port Hit
Src-Addr Dst-Addr
500 control_1 AI---N 25-High ANY ANY ANY TCP
3400-3500 0
Flags: *=Enabled ..=Name Truncated (see --detail for full name)
A=Allow D=Deny I=IP-Ext P=Segment Preservation
R=End-to-End RST Propagation N=Non-terminated.
5. Use the portcfgshow tcl command with the --detail option to display detailed TCL rule information.
TCL: control_1
Admin Status: Enabled
Priority: 789
Target: 25-High (tid:8)
Source Address: ANY
Destination Address: ANY
L4 Protocol: ANY
Protocol Port: ANY
Action: Allow DP0
RST Propagation: Disabled
Segment Preservation: Disabled
Non Terminated: Disabled <==
Cfgmask: 0x08cc3807
Hit Count: 0
You create an app-type when you have a custom application that uses a port, or port range, that needs to be provided in a TCL filter list
so that the traffic for that port can be allowed or denied.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Use the portcfg app-type command to configure the app name and port or port range.
3. Use the portshow app-type command to display the configured app-types. All app-types are displayed,
The configuration example is based on the following figure. The examples use “left>” to indicate the data center as shown on the left side
of the figure, “right>” for the data center on the right side, and “both>” for actions affecting both sides of the data center.
Create IPIFs for ge2 and Create IPIFs for ge2 and
left> portcfg ipif ge2.dp0 right> portcfg ipif ge2.dp0
create ge3. IPIFs are on a create ge3. IPIFs are on a subnet.
left> portcfg ipif ge3.dp0 right> portcfg ipif ge3.dp0
create create
Configuring IPsec
It is recommended that IPsec should be configured for traffic that goes across the WAN. The following table shows IPsec configuration.
TABLE 39 Brocade 7840 switch, verifying WAN connectivity with ping and WAN Tool
Action / command on left> Description Action / command on right> Description
TABLE 39 Brocade 7840 switch, verifying WAN connectivity with ping and WAN Tool (continued)
Action / command on left> Description Action / command on right> Description
In this example, TCLs are configured to allow traffic that matches the IP address of the storage arrays on the left side and the right side.
No other traffic will pass through the Brocade 7840 LAN interfaces. After the TCL configuration is complete and the ports are enabled,
the Brocade 7840 switch configuration is complete for the network topology shown in the preceding figure.
Typically, IP interface addresses (IPIFs) used by ge0 through ge9 and xge1 are used for any circuits that use VE_Ports 12 through 21.
The xge1 port is the local XGE interface for VE_Ports 12 through 21. Likewise, IP addresses configured for xge0 are used by circuits for
VE_Ports 22 through 31.
Configure a crossport by assigning an IP address to a remote XGE port that can be used by the local XGE port. For example, assigning
an IP address to xge0 as a crossport makes the address available on the remote xge0 for VE_Ports 12 through 21 on the local xge1.
You can also assign IP routes (iproutes) used by the local port, VLAN tagging, and circuits with metrics to the remote XGE port to allow
failover to the crossports.
Crossports contain the IP interface addresses (IPIFs) and IP routes (iproutes) that belong to the remote interface. To use crossports, both
XGE ports must be configured in 10-Gbps mode.
2. Configure interface on remote port xge1 to be available for VE_Ports 12 through 21.
The output from portshow ipif for xge1 shows the crossport tag.
Delete the crossport address using the delete option instead of the create option for the portcfg ipif command.
When deleted, output from portshow ipif for xge1 will not show the crossport.
If the crossport or -x option is not specified and the address is on the crossport, the command will fail with an
unknown IP address. The command will also fail if the crossport option is specified and the address is not on the
Display local and crossport interface configuration details for a specific XGE port using the portshow ipif slot/xgeport
command. Use the portshow ipif command to display details for all interfaces.
For DP0 and its local xge0 port, the crossport is xge1. Likewise, for DP1 and its local xge1 port, the crossport is xge0.
Typically, IP interface addresses (IPIFs) used by ge0 through ge9 and xge1 are used for any circuits that use VE_Ports 12 through 21.
The xge1 port is the local XGE interface for VE_Ports 12 through 21. Likewise, IP addresses configured for xge0 are used by circuits for
VE_Ports 22 through 31.
Configure a crossport by assigning an IP address to the remote XGE port that can be used by the local XGE port. For example, assigning
an IP address to xge0 as a crossport makes the address available on the remote xge0 for VE_Ports 12 through 21 on the local xge1.
You can also assign IP routes (iproutes) used by the local port, VLAN tagging, and circuits with metrics to the remote XGE port to allow
failover to the crossports.
Crossports contain the IPIFs and IP routes that belong to the remote interface. To use crossports, both XGE ports must be configured in
10-Gbps mode.
You must establish a metric for failover circuits. If no metric is provided, circuit data will be sent through both ports and the load will be
balanced. Circuits have a default metric of 0. A metric of 1 is required for a standby (passive) circuit.
Active-active configuration
The following example shows an active-active configuration in which two circuits are configured with the same metric, one circuit going
over xge0 and the other circuit going over the crossport using xge1 as the external port. The metric values of both the circuits are the
same (default value), so both circuits send data. The load is balanced across these circuits. The effective bandwidth of the tunnel in this
example is 2 Gbps.
If the source and destination addresses are on different subnets, you must configure IP routes to the destination
addresses. Refer to Configuring IP on page 98.
Active-passive configuration
The following example shows an active-passive configuration in which two circuits are configured with different metrics, one circuit going
over xge0 and the other circuit going over the crossport using xge1 as the external port. In this example, circuit 1 is a failover circuit
because it has a higher metric. When circuit 0 goes down, the traffic is failed over to circuit 1. The effective bandwidth of the tunnel in this
example is 1 Gbps.
If the source and destination addresses are on different subnets, you must configure IP routes to the destination
addresses. Refer to Configuring IP on page 98.
Delete the route using the delete option instead of the create option for the portcfg iproute command.
If the crossport or -x options are not specified and the address is on the crossport, the command will fail with an unknown IP
address. The command will also fail if the crossport option is specified and the address is not on the crossport.
Display the static IP routes for the local interface and crossport using the portshow iproute command:
Display the IP interface configured for the local interface and crossport using the portshow ipif command.
If an XGE port has both regular and crossport addresses configured on it, and they use the same IP route, then two routes must
be configured: a regular route and an identical route on the crossport.
Delete the VLAN tag using the delete option instead of the add option for the portcfg vlantag command.
Display the VLAN tag configuration using the portshow vlantag command.
To tag Class F traffic or data path traffic, use the -v or -vlan-tagging options for the fcipcircuit create or fcipcircuit modify
command. The portcfg vlantag command is primarily used for ping and traceroute operations and not for tunnels and circuits.
For more information on managing VLAN tags, refer to Configuring VLANs on page 100.
For more information on managing VLAN tags, refer to Configuring VLANs on page 100.
For more information on using Fabric OS commands, optional arguments, and command output refer to the Brocade Fabric OS
Command Reference.
When using VLANs, VLAN tagging ensures that test traffic traverses the same path as real traffic. A VLAN tag entry for both the local
and remote sides of the route must exist prior to using the portCmd --ping command. Refer to Configuring VLANs on page 100 for
When using VLANs, VLAN tagging ensures that test traffic traverses the same path as real traffic. A VLAN tag entry for both the local
and remote sides of the route must exist before you can use the portCmd --traceroute command. Refer to Configuring VLANs on page
100 for details.
For more information on using traceroute, refer to Using traceroute on page 212.
After you create logical switches, the chassis appears as multiple independent logical switches. All of the ports continue to belong to the
default logical switch until you explicitly move them to other logical switches. The default logical switch always exists. You can add and
delete other logical switches, but you cannot delete the default logical switch unless you disable Virtual Fabrics.
1. Enable Virtual Fabrics mode on the switch using instructions in the "Managing Virtual Fabrics" chapter of the Brocade Fabric
OS Administration Guide.
2. Configure logical switches to use basic configuration values using instructions in the "Managing Virtual Fabrics" chapter of the
Brocade Fabric OS Administration Guide.
3. Create logical switches using instructions for creating a logical switch or base switch in the "Managing Virtual Fabrics" chapter of
the Brocade Fabric OS Administration Guide.
Port assignment
Initially, all ports belong to the default logical switch. When you create additional logical switches, they are empty and you can assign
ports to those logical switches. As you assign ports to a logical switch, the ports are moved from the default logical switch to the newly
created logical switch. Following are some requirements for assigning ports:
• A given port can be in only one logical switch.
• You can move ports from one logical switch to another.
• A logical switch can have as many ports as are available in the chassis.
• Ports with defined configuration settings in a logical switch or the default switch cannot be moved to another logical switch
without first deleting the current settings. For example, you cannot move a VE_ Port with a defined tunnel in the default switch
or a logical switch to a different logical switch until you delete the circuits and the tunnel in the logical switch currently containing
the port that you want to move. Similarly, you cannot move a GE_Port between logical switches until all IP routes and IP
interfaces have been deleted in the logical switch currently containing the port that you want to move.
Use the lsCfg -config slotge_port command to move ports from one logical switch to a different logical switch. The FID is the fabric ID
of the logical switch to where you want to move the ports. The ports are automatically removed from the logical switch where they are
currently assigned.
As a recommended best practice, leave Ethernet interfaces in the default logical switch and do not move them to another logical switch.
There is no reason to move them because of the Ethernet Port Sharing (EPS) feature. A VE_Port in any logical switch context can use an
Ethernet interface in the default switch. In addition, by moving a physical port from the default switch to a logical switch, it will not be
available to tunnels configured in other logical switches. Refer to Ethernet port sharing on page 175 for details.
Only logical switches with the same FID can form a logical fabric. If you connect two logical switches with different FIDs, the link between
the switches segments.
Create logical switches using the lsCfg command. For details, refer to the instructions for creating a logical switch or base switch section
in the Brocade Fabric OS Administration Guide and to the lsCfg command in the Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference.
There are two methods for changing to the context of a specific logical switch so that you can perform configuration or other tasks:
• Use the setcontextfabricID command. This changes the context to a specific logical switch and changes the command line
prompt to reflect the new FID. Any commands entered at this prompt are initiated on the logical switch with that FID.
• Use the fosexec --fid FID -cmd "command-string" to initiate a specific command on a specific logical switch, where
command-string is the command string you want to perform.
Using the fosexec command to issue the command string on any logical switch runs the specified FOS command string on the
specified logical switch, whereas using setcontext command issues the command string in only the current logical switch.
For Fabric OS 7.4.0 and later versions that support IP Extension, an Ethernet port that is used as a LAN port must be in the
default switch.
For Fabric OS versions before Fabric OS 7.0, in order to use a Ethernet port for a tunnel, that port must be in the same logical
switch as the tunnel's VE_Port.
With Ethernet port sharing, you can have the following configuration, as an example:
• Default switch has port GbE0.
• Logical switch 1 has VE_Port 24 (or tunnel 24), which has a circuit over GbE0.
• Logical switch 2 has VE_Port 25 (or tunnel 25), which also has a circuit over GbE0.
• There are no LAN ports associated with GbE0.
All of the committed-rate restrictions and bandwidth sharing of the Ethernet ports for ARL remain the same for shared ports in the
logical switches. VE_Ports created from shared Ethernet ports initiate as regular VE ISLs in their respective logical switches.
When IPIFs are created for physical ports (including crossports) located in the default switch, these IP interfaces can be used by circuits
assigned to tunnels created in other logical switches. This means that multiple VE_Ports in multiple logical switches can use the same
Ethernet port. Although multiple circuits can use the same Ethernet port, these circuits can be differentiated in the IP network using
VLAN tags or access control lists (ACLs) set for the source and destination IP addresses in the circuit. Refer to Configuring VLANs on
page 100 for more information on using VLAN tagging for Extension features.
CURRENT CONTEXT -- LS: 2, FID: 50 *Note that this is one of the logical
switches (not the default switch).*
portshow fciptunnel all -c:
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met
1/22 - Up cft---- 14d18h 226.60 2.73 5 - -
1/22 0 1/xge0 Up ---4v-s 7d17h34m 64.80 0.78 7 1000/3000 0
1/22 1 1/xge0 Up ---4v-s 7d5h24m 48.59 0.59 7 1000/2000 0
1/22 2 1/xge1 Up ---4vxs 7d17h34m 64.60 0.78 7 1000/3000 0
1/22 3 1/xge1 Up ---4vxs 7d5h24m 48.60 0.58 7 1000/2000 0
Flags (tunnel): M=MainTunnel L=LocalBackup R=RemoteBackup
i=IPSec f=Fastwrite T=TapePipelining F=FICON r=ReservedBW
A=AdvCompr L=LZCompr d=DeflateCompr D=AggrDeflateCompr
(circuit): h=HA-Configured v=VLAN-Tagged p=PMTU 4=IPv4 6=IPv6
ARL a=Auto r=Reset s=StepDown t=TimedStepDown
CURRENT CONTEXT -- LS: 4, FID: 70 *Note that this is a different logical switch
(and not the default switch).*
portshow fciptunnel all -c :
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met
1/12 - Up c--F--- 19d15h 0.00 0.00 1 - -
1/12 0 1/xge0 Up ---4vxs 7d17h34m 0.00 0.00 3 1000/3000 0
1/12 1 1/xge0 Up ---4vxs 7d5h24m 0.00 0.00 4 1000/2000 1
1/12 2 1/xge1 Up ---4v-s 7d17h34m 0.00 0.00 3 1000/3000 0
1/12 3 1/xge1 Up ---4v-s 7d5h24m 0.00 0.00 4 1000/2000 1
Flags: tunnel: c=compression m=moderate compression a=aggressive compression
A=Auto compression f=fastwrite t=Tapepipelining F=FICON
T=TPerf i=IPSec l=IPSec Legacy
Flags: circuit: s=sack v=VLAN Tagged x=crossport 4=IPv4 6=IPv6
L=Listener I=Initiator
You must issue the portcfg ipif and portcfg iproute commands in the logical switch context where the Ethernet port resides. If the
Ethernet port is in the default switch, then the commands must be entered from the default switch context. If the Ethernet ports are in a
logical switch other than the default switch, you must issue the commands in that context. In the latter case, the Ethernet ports cannot be
used by tunnels created in any other logical switch in the chassis.
In the following example, port ge2.dp0 is on a Brocade 7840 is on the default switch. The default switch FID is 128.
1. If you are in a different logical switch context than the default switch, set the context to 128 using the setcontext 128
2. Enter the portcfg ipif command to create the interface on port ge2 on DP0.
switch:FID128:admin> portcfg ipif ge2.dp0 create netmask mtu 1320
3. Configure an IP route using the portcfg iproute command in the FID 128 context.
The following command creates an IP route to destination network for port ge2.dp0. The route is through local
4. Use the portshow ipif and portshow iproute commands in the FID 128 context to display IPFI and IP route information.
Other than issuing commands for IP interfaces and IP routes from the correct logical switch context, other aspects of the commands
used in this procedure are the same as for any switch. For more information, refer to Configuring IPIF on page 97.
The following example steps show how to configure a tunnel between two logical switches. Other than issuing commands to move
VE_Ports and to create tunnels and circuits from the correct logical switch context, other aspects of configuring tunnels and circuits are
the same for any switch. For more information, refer to Configuring Extension tunnels for FCIP on page 111.
1. Use the lscfg command to create a logical switch with FID 60.
2. Move the VE_Port from the default switch to the logical switch with FID 60.
3. Set the context to the logical switch with FID 60 using the following command.
switch:FID128:admin> setcontext 60
4. Create a tunnel endpoint on the new logical switch using the IP interface created for port ge2.dp0 on the default logical switch
for the blade and a destination address for a remote endpoint. In the following example, the local address ( is
specified first, followed by the remote address ( ARL minimum (-b) and maximum (-B) committed rates are
specified for circuit 0, which is the default circuit created automatically when you configure a tunnel. The example command
also enables IP extension and configures spillover.
switch_60:FID60:admin> portenable 24
switch_60:FID60:admin> portcfg fciptunnel 24 create --local-ip --remote-ip -
b 4000000 -B 4000000 --ipext enable -L spillover -k 1000
Operation Succeeded
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met/G
24 - Up --------I 9s 0.00 0.00 1 - -
24 0 ge2 Up ----a---4 9s 0.00 0.00 1 4000/4000 0/-
Flags (tunnel): i=IPSec f=Fastwrite T=TapePipelining F=FICON r=ReservedBW
a=FastDeflate d=Deflate D=AggrDeflate P=Protocol
(circuit): h=HA-Configured v=VLAN-Tagged p=PMTU i=IPSec 4=IPv4 6=IPv6
ARL a=Auto r=Reset s=StepDown t=TimedStepDown S=SLA
5. Set the context to FID 128 and show the IPIF and IP route information.
switch:FID128:admin> portcfg ipif ge4.dp0 create netmask mtu 1360
8. Use the portshow command to display the created IPIF and IP route information.
switch:FID128:admin> setcontext 60
10. Use the portshow fciptunnel command to display existing tunnel and circuit information.
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met/G
24 - Up --------I 5m18s 0.00 0.00 1 - -
24 0 ge2 Up ----a---4 5m19s 0.00 0.00 1 4000/4000 0/-
Flags (tunnel): i=IPSec f=Fastwrite T=TapePipelining F=FICON r=ReservedBW
a=FastDeflate d=Deflate D=AggrDeflate P=Protocol
(circuit): h=HA-Configured v=VLAN-Tagged p=PMTU i=IPSec 4=IPv4 6=IPv6
ARL a=Auto r=Reset s=StepDown t=TimedStepDown S=SLA
12. Use the portshow fciptunnel command to confirm the new tunnel and circuit information.
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met/G
24 - Up --------I 5m36s 0.00 0.00 1 - -
24 0 ge2 Up ----a---4 5m37s 0.00 0.00 1 4000/4000 0/-
24 2 ge4 Up ----a---4 9s 0.00 0.00 1 4000/4000 1/-
Flags (tunnel): i=IPSec f=Fastwrite T=TapePipelining F=FICON r=ReservedBW
a=FastDeflate d=Deflate D=AggrDeflate P=Protocol
(circuit): h=HA-Configured v=VLAN-Tagged p=PMTU i=IPSec 4=IPv4 6=IPv6
ARL a=Auto r=Reset s=StepDown t=TimedStepDown S=SLA
GE Port 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
FID 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 |
GE Port 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
FID 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 |
You can display the logical switch configuration and the VE_Ports assigned to each logical switch using the lscfg --show command. The
following output shows that besides the default switch with FID 128, other default switches have been created with FID 80 and 60.
Note that some of the VE_Ports have been moved from the default switch to other logical switches. In this example, VE_Port 24 is in
logical switch 60 (FID60).
Port 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
FID 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 |
Port 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
FID 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 |
Port 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
FID 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 60 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 |
Port 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
FID 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 |
Port 40 41 42 43
FID 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 |
When in 10VE mode, all unused VE_Ports must be in the default switch. If the unused VE_Ports are not in the default switch, the VE-
Mode cannot be set to 10VE mode. Unused VE_Ports cannot be moved to other logical switches while in 10VE mode. Refer to the
following table for available ports in 10VE and 20VE mode.
An XISL connection can be created between base switches, instead of using separate ISLs. The base fabric provides the physical
connectivity across which logical connectivity will be established. The XISL can carry combined traffic for multiple logical fabrics while
maintaining traffic separation for each fabric.
Because of the expense of long-distance links, this feature has particular benefit for the Brocade extension platforms. This feature is
supported as follows:
• On tunnels between Brocade FX8-24 blades running Fabric OS 7.0 and later.
• On tunnels between Brocade 7840 switches running Fabric OS 7.4.0 and later.
• On tunnels between Brocade SX6 or Brocade 7840 switches running Fabric OS 8.0.1 and later.
• FICON Emulation features are not supported on a Brocade FX8-24 VE XISL port. FICON Emulation features are supported on
a Brocade 7840 or Brocade SX6 VE XISL port.
To create a base switch on the Brocade FX8-24 blade, use the -base option for the lsCfg command when creating a logical switch. To
use XISL, refer to instructions for configuring a logical switch to use XISLs in the Brocade Fabric OS Administration Guide.
For the Brocade FX8-24 blade, if an XISL is enabled, it is recommended that you do not configure VE_Ports on both the logical switch
and the base switch because tunnels support only a maximum of two hops.
You might use Traffic Isolation Zoning for the following scenarios:
• To dedicate an ISL to high-priority, host-to-target traffic.
• To force high volume, low-priority traffic onto a given ISL to limit the effect on the fabric of this high-traffic pattern.
• To ensure that requests and responses of FCIP-based applications such as tape pipelining use the same VE_Port tunnel across
a metaSAN.
Traffic isolation is implemented using a special zone, called a Traffic Isolation zone (TI zone). A TI zone indicates the set of N_Ports,
E_Ports, and VE_Ports to be used for a specific traffic flow. When a TI zone is activated, the fabric attempts to isolate all inter-switch
traffic entering from a member of the zone to only those E_Ports or VE_Ports that have been included in the zone. The fabric also
attempts to exclude traffic not in the TI zone from using E_Ports or VE_Ports within that TI zone.
Traffic Isolation Zoning is an advanced feature, but does not require a license. A strong understanding of Fabric Shortest Path
First (FSPF) is required.
For more information and details about configuring TI Zoning, refer to the "Traffic Isolation Zoning" chapter in the Brocade Fabric OS
Administration Guide.
A recommended best practice is to use zoning in your network. Zoning is a fabric-based service that enables you to partition your
storage area network (SAN) into logical groups of devices that can access each other.
For example, you can partition your SAN into two zones, “winzone” and “unixzone”, so that your Windows servers and storage do not
interact with your UNIX servers and storage. You can use zones to logically consolidate equipment for efficiency or to facilitate time-
sensitive functions; for example, you can create a temporary zone to back up nonmember devices.
A device in a zone can communicate only with other devices connected to the fabric within the same zone. A device not included in the
zone is not available to members of that zone. When zoning is enabled, devices that are not included in any zone configuration are
inaccessible to all other devices in the fabric.
By contrast, if no zones are defined, each device in the fabric can access every other device in the fabric. In a small network with few
devices, this might not be a problem. In large networks with many devices, having all devices accessible can present security issues. That
is why zoning is recommended.
Zones can be configured dynamically. They can vary in size, depending on the number of fabric-connected devices, and devices can
belong to more than one zone.
For more information on configuring zones, refer to the “Administering Advanced Zoning" chapter in the Brocade Fabric OS
Administration Guide.
IP Extension Flow Monitor is a feature separate from the Brocade Flow Vision and Flow Monitor features. IP Extension Flow Monitor is
accessed through Fabric OS CLI commands on the Brocade X6 and Brocade 7840 platforms running Fabric OS 8.2.0 or later. The
following table lists the types of IP traffic information that you can monitor.
Non-IP traffic is not monitored.
L3 • IP source and IP destination address
Non-TCP traffic is not monitored. UDP traffic monitor is not supported.
L4 • TCP port information based on TCP port number
• TCP port information based on TCP port range
• TCP port information based on TCP application type
Non-TCP traffic is not monitored. UDP traffic monitor is not supported.
Limited boolean operations are allowed so that you can further refine the definition for a named flow. Up to 32 flow names can be
created on a chassis or platform.
You can view dynamic information and historical information. The dynamic information is displayed when you enter the CLI command.
In the view of historical information, statistics are collected from the saved list of connections from the DP. The saved list includes only
the closed connections. When an active connection is closed, that connection is moved to the saved list. Statistics for closed connections
include information about the reason for closure, the time of closure, and optional detailed information.
You can freeze and thaw the historical statistics. When you freeze historical data, that action freezes the saved list in the DP. Connections
that are closed after the freeze are not added to the saved list. When you thaw the historical statistics, the saved list returns to its normal
operating state, which means that closed connections are again added. During the freeze, no additional information is added to the
Monitoring IP pairs
The second use of IP Extension Flow Monitor is to view IP pair statistics. IP pair statistics are useful for tracking traffic between local and
remote nodes. For example, you configure storage replication traffic which flows over one or more TCP connections between the nodes
and you want to see traffic bandwidth patterns.
Current IP pair information and historical IP pair information are available. You can view historical IP pair information as a total of the past
24 hours that is captured once every 24-hour period. Up to seven consecutive days of information are retained. The day 1 data drops off
when day 8 data is stored. The IP pair information is automatically configured and maintained for each TCP connection and stored when
a TCP connection closes on the DP. With the historical information, you can monitor the traffic patterns for each day to analyze the
replication bandwidth and view the transmitted and received data for each closed TCP connection during a 24-hour period.
When there is no TCP connection on an IP pair for seven days, the IP pair is removed from the list. New TCP connections initiate creation
of a new IP pair. Statistics are updated from the creation time and not necessarily from the time traffic started.
IP pair statistics can be reset with a CLI command. In addition, the following situations also resets IP pair statistics and results in loss of
current and historical information:
• Firmware upgrade or downgrade
• HCL operations
• DP reset
Refer to Using IP Extension Flow Monitor on page 187 for usage and configuration information.
Before you can use IP Extension Flow Monitor, you must configure IP Extension on the platform. Refer to Configuring IP Extension on
page 141 for information. The IP Extension Flow monitor is useful only when IP traffic is flowing through the extension tunnel. To use the
commands that display the IP Extension Flow Monitor statistics, you must connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to
the admin role. For information on all command options, see Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference.
NTTCP and UDP traffic is not included in the IP pair statistics.
IP Extension Flow Monitor provides default views for traffic flow statistics. You can define and name additional flows so that you can view
a specific set of details. You can define up to 32 named flows on a single platform, for example Brocade X6 Directors or Brocade 7840
Extension Switch. For additional information on how to configure flow views, refer to the following:
• Configuring a port-based flow on page 188
• Configuring an IP address flow on page 191
• Configuring a TCP port flow on page 193
• Configuring a flow using logical operators on page 194
• Displaying historical flow statistics on page 195
In addition to named flows, you can use IP Extension Flow Monitor to view statistics for IP pairs. An IP pair is established automatically
for each TCP connection created between source and destination IP addresses. A historical snapshot of the IP pair information is
automatically created every 24 hours and retained for seven days. By using command options, you can filter or expand the information
displayed for IP pairs. For information on how to modify the IP pair display, refer to the following:
• Displaying IP pair detail on page 199
• Displaying IP pair history on page 200
• Resetting IP pair statistics on page 201
The following steps show how to display the default output for flows and IP pairs.
1. To display the default view of flow statistics, use the portshow lan-stats --per-flow command.
The default display will show up to the top 25 connections sorted by throughput. Each connection is identified by a unique
index number as shown in the Idx column.
2. To display the default view of IP pair statistics, use the portshow lan-stats --ip-pair command.
The display shows summary information for all IP pairs. In the example output, DP0 has 101 active TCP connections between
the source IP address and the destination IP address. DP1 has no IP pair connections, so no information is displayed.
3. You can select and filter statistics by using available options for the portshow lan-stats command without creating flow names.
To display all available options, use the portshow lan-stats --help command.
For information on all command options, see Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference.
The flow name is case-sensitive. “GE3” is not the same as “ge3.”
1. To create a port-based flow, use the portcfg lan-stats --flow create command. This step shows how to create a flow for a GE
port with the name “GE3.”
portcfgshow fciptunnel
b) To create the flow for a VE_Port, use the portcfg lan-stats --flow create command.
3. To view the flow names that you created on the platform, use the portshow lan-stats --flow command.
The Flow Info column shows the flow definition associated with the flow name.
4. To view the flows that you created, use the portshow lan-stats --per-flow -flow name command where name is one of the
flow names you created.
Aggregate Info:
Flow Pro Cnt TX(B/s) RX(B/s) CTx(B) CRx(B) CR ReTx
test TCP 31 591.8m 0 - - - 198
Pro=Protocol Cnt=Connection Count
CTx(B)=Post-Compression bytes CRx(B)=Pre-Compression bytes
Individual Info:
DP Idx Src-Address Dst-Address Sport Dport Pro Tx(B/s) Rx(B/s)
DP0 20 53023 59780 TCP 19.6m 0
DP0 23 53012 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 21 59779 52994 TCP 0 0
DP0 25 53016 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 26 53025 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 30 53021 59780 TCP 19.9m 0
DP0 27 53020 59780 TCP 19.8m 0
DP0 13 53018 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 8 53003 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 15 53001 59780 TCP 19.6m 0
DP0 12 52997 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 18 53008 59780 TCP 19.8m 0
DP0 16 53024 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 10 53006 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 22 53011 59780 TCP 19.6m 0
DP0 14 53007 59780 TCP 19.3m 0
DP0 7 53013 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 6 53002 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 4 52999 59780 TCP 19.6m 0
DP0 1 53004 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 3 52998 59780 TCP 19.8m 0
DP0 28 53010 59780 TCP 19.4m 0
DP0 0 53022 59780 TCP 19.8m 0
DP0 9 53017 59780 TCP 19.8m 0
DP0 17 53014 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 29 53026 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 11 53009 59780 TCP 19.8m 0
DP0 5 53005 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 2 53000 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 24 53019 59780 TCP 19.3m 0
DP0 19 53015 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
Sport=Source-Port Dport=Destination-Port Pro=Protocol
[Output is truncated.]
2. To create a flow using IP address, use the portcfg lan-stats --flow create command.
3. To view the flow names that you created on the platform, use the portshow lan-stats --flow command.
The Flow Info column shows the flow definition associated with the flow name.
4. To view the flows that you created, use the portshow lan-stats --per-flow -flow name command where name is one of the
flow names you created.
Aggregate Info:
Flow Pro Cnt TX(B/s) RX(B/s) CTx(B) CRx(B) CR ReTx
host TCP 31 591.7m 0 - - - 198
Pro=Protocol Cnt=Connection Count
CTx(B)=Post-Compression bytes CRx(B)=Pre-Compression bytes
Individual Info:
DP Idx Src-Address Dst-Address Sport Dport Pro Tx(B/s) Rx(B/s)
DP0 20 53023 59780 TCP 19.6m 0
DP0 23 53012 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 21 59779 52994 TCP 0 0
DP0 25 53016 59780 TCP 19.7m 0
DP0 26 53025 59780 TCP 19.8m 0
[Output is truncated.]
DP0 19 53015 59780 TCP 19.9m 0
Sport=Source-Port Dport=Destination-Port Pro=Protocol
1. To see the TCP ports that are in use, use the portshow lan-stats --per-flow command.
The Sport and Dport columns show the TCP port numbers.
2. To display a list that shows TCP ports associated with known application ports, use the portshow lan-stats --known-apps
command. This step is optional.
App Port-Id(s)
CIFS 139,445
FCIP 3225-3226
FTP 20-21,989-990,115
HTTP 80,8080,8000-8001,3128
iSCSI 3260
Isilon-SyncIQ 5666-5667
LDAP 389,8404,636
MS-SQL 1443
MySQL 3306
NFS 2049
ORACLE-SQL 66,1525,1521
SRDF 1748
SSH 22
TELNET 23,107,513,992
VERITAS-BACKUP 6101-6102,6106,3527,1125
VTS-GRID Control 1415-1416
VTS-GRID Data 350
Data-Domain 2051
You can use the port IDs to create a TCP port flow. You can also use the application information to create an application-based
3. To create a TCP flow using port address 49883, use the portcfg lan-stats --flow create command.
4. To view the flow names that you created on the platform, use the portshow lan-stats --flow command.
The Flow Info column shows the flow definition associated with the flow name.
5. To view the flows that you created, use the portshow lan-stats --per-flow -flow name command where name is one of the
flow names you created.
The following steps show how to create flows that use logical operators.
1. To combine a specific DP with an IP address and VE_Port using the AND operator, use the portcfg lan-stats --flow create
switch:admin> portcfg lan-stats --flow dp1_225 create --dp dp1 --and --ipaddr --
port 35
Operation Succeeded.
In this example, DP1 is selected along with an IP address on a specific port. Traffic flow statistics that meet all criteria will be
displayed for the dp1_225 flow.
2. To combine a DP with an IP address and VE_Port using the OR operator, use the portcfg lan-stats --flow create command.
switch:admin> portcfg lan-stats --flow dp0_ve35 create --dp dp0 --or --ipaddr --
port 35
Operation Succeeded.
In this example, the statistics for all TCP traffic on DP0 will be displayed, along with all traffic on VE_Port 35 or IP address
3. To view the flow names that you created on the platform, use the portshow lan-stats --flow command.
The Flow Info column shows the flow definition associated with the flow name.
You can apply options to the command to filter specific information. For example, you can filter on a DP or you can define additional
The default display for historical flow statistics shows a summary view of the first five and last five entries. When you select a detailed
view, it is recommended that you first freeze the historical statistics.
1. To display the default view of historical statistics, use the portshow lan-stats --hist-stats command.
The snapshot display shows the first and last five entries and summary information for each DP.
2. To freeze the historical flow data, use the portshow lan-stats --hist-stats -freeze command.
3. To thaw the historical flow data, use the portshow lan-stats --hist-stats -thaw command.
4. To display a detailed view, use the portshow lan-stats --hist-stats -detail command. This command displays details for the
first and last five entries. When 10 or fewer entries are stored, all connection details are displayed. Use the -all option to display
details for all entries stored in the DP instead of the first and last five entreis.
25 59767 52973 TCP 1.0g 14.5m
13 59767 52961 TCP 752.1m 10.5m
30 59767 52978 TCP 755.1m 10.6m
21 59767 52969 TCP 754.8m 10.6m
Last 5 Connections:
12 59767 52960 TCP 1.0g 14.5m
3 59767 52951 TCP 755.3m 10.6m
1 59766 52947 TCP 220 168
11 59767 52959 TCP 755.0m 10.6m
31 59767 52979 TCP 1.0g 14.5m
Notice that the information is thawed and a messages recommends that you freeze the data before displaying detailed statistics.
5. To display all options that you can use to filter the historical statistics, use the portshow lan-stats --hist-stats -filter -help
command. This command returns a list of all options available for the portshow command.
portshow lan-stats --hist-stats [<hargs>]
The output shows detailed information for a Brocade 7840 switch. Each IP pair has a unique index value, which you can use to
filter the results. In this example, only DP0 has an active IP pair connection.
2. To display IP pair information detail for a specific DP and index value, use the portshow lan-stats --ip-pair [slot]/[dp] [index] -
detail command.
You can see that the displayed output is limited to DP0 and index 0.
It can take several seconds to accumulate the snapshot data, so the 24-hour time-stamp can vary from day to day. For information on
how to display historical flow history, refer to Displaying historical flow statistics on page 195.
1. To display the IP pair history information, use the portshow lan-stats --ip-pair -hist command.
The values in the Today column are a snapshot as of when the command was entered.
2. To specify a DP and index value for the history display, use the portshow lan-stats --ip-pair [slot]/[port] [index] -hist
command. Add the -detail option to obtain a detailed history display.
There is no warning displayed or confirmation required when you reset IP pair statistics.
You can control which IP pair statistics are reset. For example, you can reset statistics on a specific DP, or you can reset statistics for a
particular index number.The following steps show how to reset IP pair statistics:
1. To reset all IP pair statistics, use the portshow lan-stats --ip-pair reset command.
2. To reset only certain IP pair statistics, you can specify values for the DP and IP pair index by using the portshow lan-stats --ip-
pair reset command with the DP option and index option. Use the portshow lan-stats --ip-pair command to identify a DP and
an index, and then use the portshow lan-stats --ip-pair reset command.
a) Display the IP pair information.
Any IP pair that has no active connection is removed from the display table when the statistics are reset.
In-band management
In-band management is supported on the Brocade FX8-24 blade only.
In-band management allows management of an extension switch or blade in conjunction with FCIP traffic through Ethernet ports. This
enables a management station located on the WAN side of the Brocade FX8-24 blade platform to communicate with the control
processor (CP) for management tasks, such as SNMP polling, SNMP traps, troubleshooting, and configuration. Through IP forwarding,
inband management also allows a management station connected to the management port of one extension switch or blade to manage
the blade at the far end of the network through the WAN.
The in-band management path is achieved by receiving the management traffic from the Ethernet port and transmitting the traffic to the
CP through the inband interface. The CP then handles the management traffic as it would handle any other management requests from a
normal management interface. The in-band management interface is protocol-independent, so any traffic destined for these in-band
management interfaces passes through the data processor (DP) to the CP. It is then handled on the CP according to the rules set forth
for the normal management interface and follows any security rules that may be in place on the CP.
One in-band management interface can be configured per Ethernet interface to provide redundancy. This allows the management station
on the WAN side of the network to have multiple addresses for reaching that switch and provides redundancy if one of the Ethernet ports
cannot be reached. Communication is handled through external addresses configured independently for each in-band management
The following functions are not supported by the in-band management interface:
• Downloading firmware
• IPv6 addressing
IP routing
The in-band management interfaces are separate from the existing IP interfaces currently used for extension tunnel traffic. These
interfaces exist on the CP and are added and maintained on the CP routing table to ensure end-to-end connectivity. Because this routing
table will be shared among all devices on the CP, including the management interface, precautions must be taken to ensure that proper
connectivity is maintained. To ensure proper handling of routes, the in-band management devices should be configured on a different
network from the management interface and from every other in-band management interface.
In-band management interface addresses must also be unique and cannot be duplicates of any addresses defined on the Ethernet ports.
An in-band management address can exist on the same network as an address defined on one of the GbE ports because the in-band
management interfaces use the CP routing table and not the routing table normally used for the GbE ports.
FX8-24 L1
FX8-24 R1
Management Workstation
FX8-24 L1
• Configure the in-band management interfaces.
FX8-24 R1
• Configure the in-band management interfaces.
Management station
• Add route entries to access the Brocade FX8-24 blade external in-band management interfaces.
• Access the Brocade FX8-24 blade through the external in-band management interfaces.
FX8-24 L1
• Configure the in-band management interfaces.
FX8-24 R1
• Configure the in-band management interfaces.
Management Workstation
• Add route entries to get to the Brocade FX8-24 external in-band management interfaces.
• Access the Brocade FX8-24 blade through the external in-band management interfaces.
1. Configure an IP address and route for in-band management interface using the following command format.
IP forwarding support
IP forwarding is supported over in-band management to allow communication to the remote switch through the WAN connection. This is
done by enabling IP forwarding to allow IP packets arriving at the CP interface to be forwarded through the in-band management
interface to the remote side. To prevent network routing and actual bridging of the LAN side of the network to the WAN side of the
network, the forwarding rules of the ipfilter command will default to deny any forwarding traffic. To allow forwarding, new ipfilter
command rules must be added to specific destinations. This will prevent any unintended network traffic from being forwarded from the
LAN side to the WAN side of the network.
The following figure shows an example network where the management station is located on the LAN side of FX8-24 L1. Using in-band
management, the station can also communicate with FX8-24 R1.
Once all of these configurations are complete, proper IP connectivity should occur through the network. In the case where there are
routed networks between the Brocade FX8-24 blades, you will need to add in-band management routes to each Brocade FX8-24
blade. Using host-specific routes will help eliminate undesired traffic. If network routes are needed, they can be substituted, but you
should note that this will allow anything on that network to be forwarded, which could result in undesired disruption of traffic.
In all routed network cases, all intermediate hops must have route entries to get to the endpoints.
To create an IP forwarding rule, you must first create a new policy if one has not yet been created. The easiest way to do this is with the -
clone option to create a copy of the default policy.
Valid dest_port values are any TCP or UDP port numbers or a range of port numbers that you want forwarded. Valid protocol values are
tcp or udp . The destination_IP is the IP address of the in-band management interface on the remote side. After a rule is added, save the
policy and activate it using the --save and --activate options of the ipfilter command. There can only be a single IPv4 policy active at
any time. Each policy can consist of multiple rules.
The tperf option operates with a pair of Brocade FX8-24 blades. One blade plays the role of a data sink and the other switch or blade
plays the role of the data source. During the data generation process, traffic flows from the source to the sink, then the sink responds to
this traffic. The process continues for a duration that you specify with command options or until you terminate (Ctrl +C).
Normally, you should establish one Telnet or SSH session for the tperf source and one for the tperf sink. Also, open additional Telnet or
SSH sessions so that you can periodically display TCP connection statistics using the -tcp or -p options of the portshow fciptunnel slot/
veport command. These statistics can sometimes help you understand the tunnel bandwidth and IP network infrastructure capability.
To use the tperf option, you must first create a tunnel with at least one circuit or modify an existing tunnel using the tperf flag -T. As with
any tunnel, this must be done on both blades. The following commands create a tperf-enabled tunnel with a committed rate of 10000.
The tperf option will test single and multiple circuit tunnels. The tperf option also tests the different priority connections that are provided
by a tunnel. When a tperf-enabled tunnel is operative, it is not an active VE_Port. Fabrics will not merge over an operative tperf tunnel. To
determine if the tperf tunnel is up, issue the following command:
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met/G
1/16 - Up ------- 1h21m43s 0.00 0.00 0 - -/-
1/16 0 1/ge3 Up ---4--s 1h21m43s 0.00 0.00 0 1000/1000 0/-
1/16 1 1/ge3 Up ---4--s 1h21m43s 0.00 0.00 0 1000/1000 0/-
Flags (tunnel): c=compression m=moderate compression a=aggressive compression
A=Auto compression f=fastwrite t=Tapepipelining F=FICON
T=TPerf i=IPSec l=IPSec Legacy
(circuit): s=sack v=VLAN Tagged x=crossport 4=IPv4 6=IPv6
L=Listener I=Initiator
The previous display shows VE_Port 16 as up, but a switchshow command for that same VE _Port will show the following:
For full details on syntax and using this command, refer to the Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference.
The following examples create a tperf data sink and a tperf data source on VE_Port 16.
The tperf option generates statistics every 30 seconds by default unless you specify a different value for -interval.
portCmd --ping slot/ge-port -s source_ip -d destination_ip -n num_request -q diffserv -t ttl -w wait_time -z size -v vlan_id -c L2_Cos
On the Brocade 7840 switch and the Brocade SX6 blade, because DP complexes share Ethernet ports, identification for the port is
gen.DP n , for example ge0.DP0. This directs the command to a specific DP complex.
Using traceroute
The portCmd traceroute command traces routes from a local Ethernet port to a destination IP address. If you want to use this command
to trace a route across a VLAN when you do not have an active tunnel, you must manually add entries to the VLAN tag table on both the
local and remote sides of the route using the portCfg vlantag command.
portCmd --traceroute slot/ge-port -s source_ip -d destination_ip -h max_hops -f first_ttl -q diffserv -w wait-time -z size -v vlan_id -c
On the Brocade 7840 switch and Brocade SX6 blades, because DP complexes share Ethernet ports, identification for the port is
gen.DP n , for example ge0.DP0. This directs the command to a specific DP complex.
The following example traces the route between IP addresses and over VLAN 12 from a 7840 switch.
The following example traces the route between IP addresses and over VLAN 10 from an FX8-24 blade.
To trace a route with crossport addresses, refer to Using traceroute with crossports on page 172.
For details of command syntax and output examples, refer to the Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference.
• After configuration, you can start a test from one switch only to test unidirectional traffic to the opposite switch or you can test
bidirectional traffic between both switches using the bidirectional option. If bidirectional is specified for the test session, you can
start the session at either switch.
• You can configure multiple test sessions (one per circuit) for a single port, but the total rate configured for all sessions must be
equal to or less then the physical speed of the port (40 Gbps, 10 Gbps, or 1 Gbps). For example, on a 10 Gbps port, you could
configure four 2.5 Gbps sessions. As another example, on a 40 Gbps interface, you could configure four 10 Gbps sessions.
• The MTU size used in the test session is obtained from the IPIF configured value. You can change the MTU size for the IP
address pair being tested using the portcfg ipif ge_port create command. For details on this command, refer to the Brocade
Fabric OS Command Reference or Configuring IPIF on page 97.
A tunnel and WAN Tool cannot operate at the same time since they both utilize the TCP ports 3225 and 3226. Therefore, you must
disable the circuit that you are testing at the local and remote switch before you can configure a WAN Tool connection. When you
configure WAN Tool on both switches with the necessary parameters, non-guaranteed TCP connections are established between the
switches. Issuing the WAN Tool start command starts traffic flow on these connections.
Multiple non-guaranteed TCP connections are established for the WAN Tool session to insure that the traffic being generated between
the IP pair is as balanced as possible. The configured rate is split equally among 500 Mbps connections. For example, if you configure a
10 Gbps rate for the test session, twenty 500 Mbps connections are created. As another example, if you configure a 1 Gbps rate, two
500 Mbps connections are created. If the rate cannot be split equally into 500 Mbps connections, connections with different rates are
created. For example, if you configure a 1.5 Gbps rate, four 375 Mbps connections are created. You can verify these connections are
created after configuring WAN Tool on both switches using the portcmd--wtool wt-id show -c command. Refer to the example output
of this command in Configuring a WAN Tool session and displaying results on page 214.
portcmd --wtool wt-id create --admin-status [enable|disable] --src src_ip --dst dst_ip -time test_time --rate link_rate --
ipsecpolicy_name [--bi-directional |-uni-directional] --dscp dscp --l2cos L2Cos --connection-type type.
You can create a WAN Tool session without all required parameters. However, all required parameters must be
configured before a test session can be enabled. For more details on WAN Tool command and parameters, refer to
the Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference.
Modify the link rate, test time, test direction (--bi-directional) parameters, and clear statistics for a WAN Tool test session after creating a
test session, using the portcmd --wtool wt-id modify command.
You must stop the WAN Tool session before modifying parameters using portcmd --wtool wt-id stop.
Start and stop a configured test session on a specific switch using the following commands:
• portcmd --wtool wt-id start . The test duration must be specified with the create or modify parameters. The time can be
modified while traffic is not running. The next start command will use the updated time value. portcmd --wtool wt-id stop
Clear test statistics using the portcmd --wtool wt-id modify --clear command.
Display historical statistics using the portcmd --wtool wt-id show --history command.
User WAN Tool session historical stats are collected when the start command is issued. There are no statistics to display until a
session runs to completion at least one time. Statistics are also stored when a session is administratively disabled. For
automated WAN Tool sessions, historical statistics are stored automatically when the session runs to completion and is
administratively disabled.
Disable the test sessions using the portcmd --wtool wt-id modify -a disable command.
Alternatively, you can delete test sessions using the portcmd --wtoolwt-id delete command. Delete all configured test sessions using
portcmd --wtool delete-all.
At this point, after disabling or deleting the configured test sessions, you can re-enable the circuit for operation in a tunnel using the
portCfg fcipcircuit create command.
Display statistics from a WAN Tool session using portcmd --wtool wt-id show , where wt-id is the ID (0-15) you used to create the test
session. Display all test sessions (if multiple test sessions are configured) using portcmd --wtool all show.
You can assign a WAN Tool session ID value between 0 and 15, but only 10 sessions can be configured per DP and a
maximum of 16 sessions can be configured per slot.
For more details on WAN Tool command and parameters, refer to the Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Disable the circuit for the IP pair that you wish to test at each switch using the portCfg fcipcircuit modify --admin-status
disable command.
The following example disables circuit 1.
3. Verify that the circuit is disabled using the portshow fciptunnel -c command. The OpStatus for circuit 1 should be "Down."
4. Establish a test connection on the circuit by configuring a WAN Tool session on the switch at one end of the circuit.
The following example configures a test connection (WAN Tool session 0) on circuit 1 between source IP of and
destination IP of
Switch1:admin> portcmd --wtool 0 create --src --dst --rate 10000000 --time 10 --
admin-status enable
5. Configure the WAN Tool session on the switch at the other end of the circuit.
Switch2:admin>portcmd --wtool 0 create --src --dst --rate 10000000 --time 10 --
admin-status enable
The wt-id (0) does not need to match configuration on Switch1, but this is recommended for easier comparison of test results
on both ends of the circuit when multiple test sessions are created. The rate must be the same for both switches. Note that the
source address of Switch1 becomes the destination address for Switch2 and the destination address becomes the source
address. Refer to WAN Tool commands on page 213 for a list of WAN Tool command parameter values that must be identical
for both switches in the circuit.
If the rate is not configured the same on both sides, the rate will be negotiated. The detailed output of the portcmd --
wtool wt-id show -d command displays the configured, current, and peer rates.
6. Verify that the WAN Tool test connection has established using the portcmd --wtool wt-id show command, the portcmd --
wtool wt-id show -c command, and the portcmd --wtool wt-id show -d command.
wantool-id: (0)
State : Established
Up Time : 7m37s
Run Time : 0s
Time remaining : 0s
IP Addr (L/R) : <->
PMTUD : Disabled
Comm Rate : 10000000 Kbps (1220.70 MB/s)
Tx rate : 4562.50 Kbps (0.56 MB/s)
Rx rate : 4539.69 Kbps (0.55 MB/s)
Tx Utilization : 0.05%
Rx Utilization : 0.05%
RTT (Min/Max) : 0.10ms/0.28ms
RTT VAR (Min/Max) : 0.09ms/0.34ms
Local Session Statistics
Tx pkts : 0
Peer Session Statistics
Rx pkts : 0
Ooo pkts : 0
Drop pkts : 0 (0.00%)
The example output from the --wtool 0 show command indicates that the connection has an established state. The example
output from the --wtool 0 show -c command displays the non-guaranteed TCP connections created between TCP ports 3225
and 3226 to balance the test traffic. For the 10-Gbps test connection, 20 non-guaranteed TCP connections are created. The
output from the --wtool 0 show -d command shows additional details.
7. You can display peer information using the --wtool show --peer command.
8. When using SLA for automated WAN tool sessions, you can show the configured and negotiated SLA configuration for the
session. This makes it easier to see the SLA requirements and whether the requirements were negotiated.
9. If you have created multiple WAN Tool sessions, you can verify basic connection information using the --wtool all show
Output for this example shows that WAN Tool session 1 was created to test the circuit with IP address pair and and session 25.0 was created testing the circuit with IP address pair and
10. Start traffic on the test connection by entering the portcmd --wtool wt-id start command.
11. Verify that the test session started by entering the portcmd --wtool show [wt-id] --detail command.
Note that the "State" shows that the test is running and other statistics display as well, such as test "Run Time" and "Time
12. Start the test from the other switch by entering the portcmd --wtool wt-id command.
If you used the bi-directional option when creating the session, you can start the session on either switch.
13. Verify that the test session started on the other switch by entering the portcmd --wtool [wt-id] show command.
14. You can delete the WAN Tool session on both switches, or you can disable the WAN Tool session on both switches. Perform
the following steps to delete the WAN Tool session on both switches:
a) To delete the WAN Tool session, use the portcmd --wtool wt-id delete command. This deletes the session and allows you
to enable the circuit for normal traffic.
b) To disable the WAN Tool session, use the portcmd --wtool wt-id modify --admin-status disable command. This disables
the session without deleting it, so you can use the same session again.
15. To verify that the WAN Tool session is disabled, enter the portcmd --wtool wt-id show command or the portcmd --wtool wt-id
show -d command.
16. Enable the circuit from each switch using the portcfg fcipcircuit port modify command. The following example enables the
circuit from Switch1.
Common problems in establishing a connection can result from the following WAN Tool configuration problems:
• The test rate doesn't match on each switch.
• The test rate on a single circuit or multiple circuits on a port is greater than the rate allowed for the port. Note that this will
generate a warning that the bandwidth has been exceeded and blocks you from creating a session.
• The IPsec policy doesn't match on each switch. Note that the IPsec names need not match, but the names must refer to the
same policy.
• Configured source and destination IP addresses are not correct on one or both switches.
Displaying IP interfaces
The following example displays IP interface information for a Brocade 7840 switch.
Displaying IP routes
The following example displays IP route information for a Brocade 7840 switch.
The following example displays IP route information for a Brocade SX6 blade.
The following example lists the MAC addresses of all the LAN and GE ports in the switch:
The following example lists the MAC addresses of the LAN ports on slot 8 in the switch:
The following example lists the MAC addresses of the GE4 port on slot 4 in the switch:
The following example displays LAG information for both static and dynamic LAGs.
You can display more detailed information by using the detail option.
Autoneg :Off
Admin-state: Enable
Oper-state : Online
Admin Key: 0555 - Oper Key 0555
LACP System ID: 0x8000,00-05-33-65-7b-c2
PART System ID: 0x0001,00-24-38-9c-00-00
Portchannel Member count = 1
Port Oper state Sync Timeout
*ge6 Online 1 Long
Name :slag101
Type :Static
Key :1
Speed :10G
Autoneg :Off
Admin-state: Enable
Oper-state : Online
Portchannel Member count = 3
Port Oper state
ge15 Online
ge16 Online
ge17 Online
Name :slag102
Type :Static
Key :123
Speed :10G
Autoneg :Off
Admin-state: Disable
Oper-state : Offline
Portchannel Member count = 0
The following example displays the TCL configuration information. A summary table shows the current TCL consumption on a per-DP
basis. The output is truncated
.....................[TUNCATED OUTPUT]......................................
Flags: *=Enabled ..=Name Truncated (see --detail for full name)
A=Allow D=Deny I=IP-Ext P=Segment Preservation
R=End-to-End RST Propagation N=Non Terminated.
You can display more detailed information by using the detail option.
You can sort the output by using the sort option. The following example sorts the configured TCLs by name.
The following example displays the global LAN statistics for a Brocade 7840.
For additional information about displaying IP Extension LAN statistics, refer to Using IP Extension Flow Monitor on page 187.
The following example creates a filter set called tcpErrors that looks for any retransmits greater than 100 and a byte count greater
than 1000000 bytes. This shows objects that are moving traffic.
switch:admin> portcfg filter-set tcpErrors create --retransmits 100 --and --bytes 1000000
Operation Succeeded
The filters of the portshow command provide built-in filter sets. The following example shows how to use the --ipaddr filter to show a
specific IPIF address.
For additional details on using the portshow filter command, refer to the Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference.
Tunnel Circuit OpStatus Flags Uptime TxMBps RxMBps ConnCnt CommRt Met/G
25 - Up --------I 14d15h 0.00 0.00 3 - -
25 0 ge11 Up ----ah--4 14d15h 0.00 0.00 3 5000/5000 0/-
Flags (tunnel): l=Legacy QOS Mode
i=IPSec f=Fastwrite T=TapePipelining F=FICON r=ReservedBW
a=FastDeflate d=Deflate D=AggrDeflate P=Protocol
(circuit): h=HA-Configured v=VLAN-Tagged p=PMTU i=IPSec 4=IPv4 6=IPv6
ARL a=Auto r=Reset s=StepDown t=TimedStepDown S=SLA
Compression : None
QoS BW Ratio : 50% / 30% / 20%
Fastwrite : Disabled
Tape Pipelining : Disabled
IPSec : Disabled
Load-Level (Cfg/Peer): Failover (Failover / Failover)
Local WWN : 10:00:50:eb:1a:14:a9:46
Peer WWN : 10:00:50:eb:1a:13:ad:16
RemWWN (config) : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
cfgmask : 0x001007ff 0x40000208
Flow Status : 0
ConCount/Duration : 1 / 5d1h51m
Uptime : 5d1h51m
Stats Duration : 5d1h51m
Receiver Stats : 7695768 bytes / 51751 pkts / 8.00 Bps Avg
Sender Stats : 6295972 bytes / 51748 pkts / 8.00 Bps Avg
TCP Bytes In/Out : 4459623112 / 4458165680
ReTx/OOO/SloSt/DupAck: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
RTT (min/avg/max) : 1 / 1 / 6 ms
Wan Util : 0.0%
TxQ Util : 0.0%
Compression : None
QoS BW Ratio : 50% / 30% / 20%
Fastwrite : Disabled
Tape Pipelining : Disabled
IPSec : Disabled
Load-Level (Cfg/Peer): Failover (Failover / Failover)
Local WWN : 10:00:50:eb:1a:14:a9:46
Peer WWN : 10:00:50:eb:1a:13:ad:16
RemWWN (config) : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
cfgmask : 0x001007ff 0x40000208
Flow Status : 0
ConCount/Duration : 1 / 5d1h50m
Uptime : 5d1h50m
Stats Duration : 5d1h50m
Receiver Stats : 7694964 bytes / 51746 pkts / 16.00 Bps Avg
Sender Stats : 6295372 bytes / 51743 pkts / 16.00 Bps Avg
TCP Bytes In/Out : 4459054876 / 4457597464
ReTx/OOO/SloSt/DupAck: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
RTT (min/avg/max) : 1 / 1 / 6 ms
Wan Util : 0.0%
TxQ Util : 0.0%
You can reset statistics counters to zero to display only new statistics with the --tcp option from the time you issue the reset using the
following command.
You can display the entire lifetime of statistics for the tunnel using the following command. The time basis for the statistics will display in
the output.
Displaying circuits
The following example displays all circuit information.
You can reset statistics counters to zero to display only new statistics with the --tcp option from the time you issue the reset using the
following command.
You can display the entire lifetime of statistics for the circuit using the following command. The time basis for the statistics will display in
the output.
switch:adming> geportperfshow
Throughput of GE port
slot 4:
ge 0 ge 1 ge 2 ge 3 ge 4 ge 5 ge 6 ge 7 ge 8
0 0 0 40 0 40 0 0 0
slot 8:
ge 0 ge 1 ge 2 ge 3 ge 4 ge 5 ge 6 ge 7 ge 8
0 0 50 0 51 0 0 0 0
DSCP (Ctrl) : 32
cfgmask : 0x40000000 0x00213def
Flow Status : 0
ConCount/Duration : 1 / 5d12m
Uptime : 5d12m
Stats Duration : 5d12m
Receiver Stats : 7592900 bytes / 51059 pkts / 16.00 Bps Avg
Sender Stats : 6211872 bytes / 51056 pkts / 16.00 Bps Avg
TCP Bytes In/Out : 1148929804 / 1147502276
ReTx/OOO/SloSt/DupAck: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
RTT (min/avg/max) : 1 / 1 / 4 ms
Wan Util (low/high) : 0.0% / 0.0%
Uptime : 5d12m
Stats Duration : 5d12m
Receiver Stats : 0 bytes / 0 pkts / 0.00 Bps Avg
Sender Stats : 0 bytes / 0 pkts / 0.00 Bps Avg
TCP Bytes In/Out : 1083589204 / 1083588460
ReTx/OOO/SloSt/DupAck: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
RTT (min/avg/max) : 1 / 1 / 4 ms
Wan Util (low/high) : 0.0% / 0.0%
The following example shows using portShow fcipTunnel with the -c option to display the circuits of tunnel 8/12.
Tunnel issues
The following are common tunnel issues and recommended actions for you to follow to fix them .
2. Confirm that the IP configuration is correct on both tunnel endpoints using the following command.
In this example, the Online Warning indicates a possible problem and the information identified by Configuration Warnings tells
where the problem might exist. Both ends of the circuit should be configured with the same parameters.
3. Enter the portCmd --ping command to the remote tunnel endpoint from both endpoints.
The ge1.dpo value identifies a port on a Brocade 7840 or Brocade SX6. The -s value is the source IP address; the -d value is
the destination IP address.
If the command is successful, then you have IP connectivity and your tunnel should come up. If not, continue to the next step.
When using VLANS, VLAN tagging ensures that test traffic traverses the same path as real traffic. A VLAN tag entry for both
the local and remote sides of the route must exist prior to issuing the portCmd --ping or portCmd --traceroute commands.
Refer to Configuring VLANs on page 100 for details.
4. Enter the portCmd --traceroute command to the remote tunnel endpoint from both endpoints.
5. If there are routed IP connections that provide for the tunnel, confirm that both ends of the tunnel have defined IP routes, and
the route gateways are correct. The tunnel or route lookup may fail to come online because of a missing or incorrect IP route.
Confirm that the compression, FastWrite, and OSTP settings match at each endpoint or the tunnel might not come up. Confirm
that the local and destination IP address and WWN are accurate.
7. Generate an Ethernet sniffer trace.
Rule out all possible blocking factors. Routers and firewalls that are in the data path must be configured to pass traffic (TCP port
3225, and for the Brocade 7840 switch and Brocade SX6 blade, TCP port 3226) and IPsec traffic, if IPsec is used (UDP port
500). If possible blocking factors have been ruled out, simulate a connection attempt using the portCmd --ping command,
from source to destination, and then generate an Ethernet trace between the two endpoints. The Ethernet trace can be
examined to further troubleshoot the connectivity.
3. Confirm that traffic shaping is configured to limit the available bandwidth by using the following command.
Examine data from both routers. This data shows retransmissions, indicating input and output rates on the tunnels.
4. For the FX8-24 blade, run the portcmd --tperf command to gather WAN performance data. For the Brocade 7840 switch and
the Brocade SX6 blade, use WAN Tool.
For issues specific to tunnel ports, run and collect the data from the following commands:
• slotshow
• portshow slot/ge_port
For a Brocade 7840 switch, run and collect the data from the following commands:
• extncfg --show
• portcfgge --show
For a Brocade 7840 switch that is running in hybrid mode (for IP Extension features), run and collect the data from the following
• portshow lag
• portshow lag --detail
• portshow tcl
If possible, run and collect the data from the following commands:
• portshow ipif all slot/ge_port
• portshow arp all slot/ge_port
• portshow iproute all slot/ge_port
• portshow fciptunnel slot/ge_port all|tunnel
• portshow fciptunnel all --perf
• portshow fciptunnel all -c
• portshow fciptunnel all --circuit --perf --summary
• portshow fciptunnel all --circuit --perf --tcp --qos
• portCmd --ping --traceroute --perf
• portCmd --ping
• portCmd traceroute
Refer to the Brocade Fabric OS Administration Guide or Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference for complete details on these
FTRACE is a support tool used primarily by your switch support provider. FTRACE can be used in a manner similar to that of a channel
protocol analyzer. You can use FTRACE to troubleshoot problems through a Telnet session rather than using an analyzer or sending
technical support personnel to the installation site.
FTRACE is meant to be used solely as a support tool and should be used only by Brocade support personnel, or at the
request of Brocade support personnel. The FTRACE command is restricted to the root switch user.
FTRACE is always enabled on extension switches and blades, and the trace data is automatically captured.
FTRACE configuration
A default configuration for FTRACE is provided for each of the two DP complexes on the Brocade FX8-24 blade, Brocade 7840 switch,
and Brocade SX6 blade. This allows tracing of events related to the DP complexes.
The portcfg ftraceslot/vePort cfg command is interactive. Use this command under the direction of an authorized support
representative. FTRACE configuration settings are described in Changing FTRACE configuration settings on a Brocade 7840 switch on
page 238.
The default configuration does not allow reuse of a trace buffer that includes one or more trigger events. The FTRACE configuration item
that controls this function is called Auto Checkout (ACO). The default configuration of FTRACE provides for capturing, at a minimum, the
first four error time periods in the four FTRACE buffers. That is because the default setting has enabled FTRACE ACO processing. When
a buffer is checked out, it will not be reused until it is manually checked in or cleared through the supportsave process.
If the FTRACE configuration is changed so that ACO is disabled, then instead of post-filling and then checking out, the buffer is marked
as triggered. If multiple trigger events subsequently occur so that all buffers are marked triggered, FTRACE will find the oldest triggered
buffer and make it the current buffer. In this configuration, FTRACE will be set up to capture the last three error time periods.
FTRACE data contents are included in a switch supportsave capture. After the supportsave has been captured, the FTRACE buffers will
be reset and all buffers that were previously either "checked out" or "triggered" return to an "unused" state.
Change the FTRACE ACO configuration using the following root command:
The Brocade 7840 switch and Brocade SX6 blade include two data processing (DP) complexes. Each DP complex has an FTRACE
instance. The default configuration for FTRACE on the switch or blade defines eight FTRACE buffers for trace events on each DP
complex. The default configuration defines 300,000 trace entries (trace records) per trace buffer. The default FTRACE configuration
enables auto checkout (ACO) for the first four buffers and disables ACO for the last four. The Brocade 7840 switch and Brocade SX6
blade have a solid state disk (SSD) file system in each DP complex. This can be used to save copies of triggered FTRACE buffers. Use of
the SSD to save FTRACE buffers is enabled by default and by the "Save to Flash" portcfg ftraceve_port cfg command.
On the Brocade 7840 switch or Brocade SX6 blade, you can enable ACO for each defined FTRACE buffer. FTRACE processing varies
when the FTRACE buffer is defined with ACO enabled or disabled.
ACO enabled: If the FTRACE buffer is defined with ACO enabled, when that buffer is the "current" FTRACE buffer and a trigger event
occurs, FTRACE will post fill that buffer to the end (or add the post fill percentage of more trace entries). When the post filling process is
occurring the FTRACE buffer state will be reported as "post fill". When the post filling process has completed, the buffer state will be
reported as "checked out," and the next sequential available buffer number will be assigned to the current buffer (state "current"). If all
FTRACE buffers are marked as "checked out," FTRACE will no longer be recording trace entries. The default configuration therefore will
capture at least the first four error traces, permanently check out those buffers, and then move them to the ACO-off buffers. FTRACE
buffers that have been checked out will be saved in a supportsave capture. When the supportsave is complete, the buffers will return to
an "unused" state and will be available for new traces. You can use the portshow ftrace ve_port cmd command to check in a checked out
ACO disabled: If the FTRACE buffer is defined with ACO disabled, when that buffer is the "current" FTRACE buffer and a trigger event
occurs, FTRACE processing will complete the same post filling process as described for ACO enabled. When completed, if the "Save to
Flash" configuration option was enabled, the buffer will move to a "saving" state, and the next available buffer will be made as the current
trace buffer. The Brocade 7840 switch (or Brocade SX6 blade) will save as many as eight FTRACE buffers in the DP SSD file system. If
there are already eight saved FTRACE buffers in the file system, the oldest trace buffer will be replaced by the current buffer being saved.
When the save-to-flash processing completes, the buffer will be marked as "triggered". If the "Save to Flash" option is not enabled, the
buffer will be immediately marked as "triggered" and the next sequentially available FTRACE buffer will be marked as the "Current" buffer.
In the default configuration, FTRACE will therefore capture at least the first four error events (in buffers 0, 1, 2, and 3). It will capture the
last three error events in triggered buffers (4-7) and will always have a current buffer. Buffers 4-7 will also potentially have as many as 10
saved prior trigger events reported and saved in the DP SSD file system.
FTRACE data contents are included in a switch supportsave capture. After the supportsave has been captured, the FTRACE buffers will
be reset and all buffers that were previously either "Checked Out" or "Triggered" return to an "unused" state.
Change the FTRACE ACO configuration using the root portcfg ftrace [slot/] ve_port cfg command. Refer to Changing configuration
settings on page 238 for more information.
To change FTRACE configuration settings on the first DP complex (DP0) on a Brocade 7840 switch, if applicable, set the context where
VE_ Port 24 is defined, and then issue the following command as the root user only:
To change FTRACE configuration settings on the first DP complex (DP0) on a Brocade FX8-24 blade, if applicable, set the context
where the VE_Port 22 is defined, and then issue the following command as the root user only:
To change FTRACE configuration settings on the second DP complex on a Brocade FX8-24 (DP1), if applicable, set the context to
where VE_port 12 is defined, and then issue the following command as the root user only:
To change FTRACE configuration settings on the first DP complex (DP0) on a Brocade 7840 switch, if applicable, set the context where
the VE_Port 24 is defined, and then issue the following command as the root user only:
To change FTRACE configuration settings on the second DP complex (DP1) on a Brocade 7840 switch, if applicable, set the context to
where VE_port 34 is defined, and then issue the following command as the root user only:
Note that portcfg is an interactive command sequence and will prompt you for configuration items.
User input lines in following example of this interactive command have been annotated to help you select configuration options.
Those notes in italic font, such as * Enables FTRACE (default is y) *, indicate options that you can modify. Those in between
double asterisk characters, such as **Sets the trace mask**, indicate options that you should not modify without direction from
a support representative.
To correctly and completely delete an FTRACE configuration and reset to defaults, perform the following command sequences.
Operation Successful
switch_10:FID10:root> reboot
/* After switch completes reboot sequence */
switch_10:FID10:root> portcfg ftrace 34 cfg
/* repeat the configuration or leave as default */
| | | | |Trace Header|Wrap | In | Out |Switch | Switch |
| Id | State | ACO | Size | Address |Count| OXID | OXID | Date | Time |
| 0 | Current | on | 200000 | 0x0b0f7480 | 0 | FFFF | FFFF | | |
| 1 | unused | on | 200000 | 0x0b0f7780 | 0 | FFFF | FFFF | | |
| 2 | unused | on | 200000 | 0x0b0f7a80 | 0 | FFFF | FFFF | | |
| 3 | unused | on | 200000 | 0x0b0f7d80 | 0 | FFFF | FFFF | | |
| 4 | unused | off | 200000 | 0x0b0f8080 | 0 | FFFF | FFFF | | |
| 5 | unused | off | 200000 | 0x0b0f8380 | 0 | FFFF | FFFF | | |
| 6 | unused | off | 200000 | 0x0b0f8680 | 0 | FFFF | FFFF | | |
| 7 | unused | off | 200000 | 0x0b0f8980 | 0 | FFFF | FFFF | | |
The table at the bottom of the output example has the following columns:
• Id: The FTRACE trace buffer identifier or buffer number.
• State: The FTRACE buffer state for that buffer number. The state can be one of the following:
– Current: The buffer is the current active buffer in use for events.
– Triggered: The buffer has been used to record an error event from the DP complex. This state is used only when the Auto
Checkout option was disabled.
– Checked Out: The buffer has been used to record an error event from the DP complex, and the buffer will not be
– Post Fill: A trigger event has been encountered, and the FTRACE buffer is currently being post-filled with a number of
post-error events. Once the post-filling has been completed, the buffer will transition to either a "Checked Out" or
"Triggered" state.
– Unused: The buffer has not been used to capture any events. The buffer will be used when the prior buffer in the list
transitions to either a "Checked Out" or "Triggered" state.
• ACO: Auto Checkout enabled (on) or disabled (off) status.
• Size: The number of trace records that are in the buffer.
• Trace Header Address: A memory address used internally for controlling access to the trace buffer.
• Wrap Count: The number of times that a trace buffer has been wrapped. The trace is a circular buffer that wraps after the size
number of trace events has been exceeded.
• In OXID and Out OXID: Not used until the buffer is being analyzed.
• Switch Date: Indicates the system date when the buffer transitioned to either a "Checked Out" or "Triggered" state.
Slot 0:
VE traces (0-31): (0xffffffff) On Trace Mask: 0x8000fefb (*)
FCIP Tunnel traces (32-64): On Trigger Mask: 0x00000001 (T)
TCPIP traces (65): On Display Mask: 0x8000fefb (-)
TCPIP Conn. traces (66): Off Tunnel Mask: Inactive
IP traces (67-83): Off Post trigger: 3% - 3600 events
ARL traces (84): Off Record Size: 128
ETHERNET traces (85-103): Off Auto Checkout: Enabled
IP API traces (104): Off FTRACE is: Enabled
FCIP MSG traces (105): Off Debug level: 4-Normal (low)
VDM traces (106): Off
*-Bit 31 [0x80000000]: Software Structure
Bit 19 [0x00080000]: EtRX - Ethernet Received Frame
Bit 18 [0x00040000]: EtSX - Ethernet Send Frame to Peer
Bit 17 [0x00020000]: TnTX - Tunnel Received Peer Frame
Bit 16 [0x00010000]: TnSX - Tunnel Send Frame to Peer
*-Bit 15 [0x00008000]: FcT - FC FWD Frame From Peer
*-Bit 14 [0x00004000]: FcR - FC FWD Received Frame
*-Bit 13 [0x00002000]: Dsc - Discarded Frame
*-Bit 12 [0x00001000]: Data - Frame Data
*-Bit 11 [0x00000800]: State Change
*-Bit 10 [0x00000400]: CpRX - Frame Received From CP
*-Bit 9 [0x00000200]: CpSX - Frame Sent To CP
Bit 8 [0x00000100]: ToP - Sent To Peer
*-Bit 7 [0x00000080]: Tfx - Emulation FC Frame From Peer
*-Bit 6 [0x00000040]: Rfx - Emulation FC Received Frame
*-Bit 5 [0x00000020]: Sfx - Send Frame
*-Bit 4 [0x00000010]: Gfx - Generated Frame
*-Bit 3 [0x00000008]: FC SOFi1/2/3 or Class F Frames
Bit 2 [0x00000004]: FC SOFn1/2/3 Frames
*-Bit 1 [0x00000002]: Msg - Information
T*-Bit 0 [0x00000001]: Err - Error
| | | |Trace Header| Wrap | In | Out | Switch | Switch |
| Id | State | Size | Address | Count | OXID | OXID | Date | Time |
The table at the bottom of the output example has the following information:
• Id: The FTRACE trace buffer identifier or buffer number.
• State: The FTRACE buffer state for that buffer number. The state can be one of the following:
– Current: The buffer is the current active buffer in use for events
– Triggered: The buffer has been used to record an error event from the DP complex. This state is used only when the Auto
Checkout option was disabled.
– Checked Out: The buffer has been used to record an error event from the DP complex, and the buffer will not be
– Post Fill: A trigger event has been encountered, and the FTRACE buffer is currently being post-filled with a number of
post-error events. Once the post-filling has been completed, the buffer will transition to either a “Checked Out” or
“Triggered” state.
– Unused: The buffer has not been used to capture any events. The buffer will be used when the prior buffer in the list
transitions to either a “Checked Out” or “Triggered” state.
• Size: The number of trace records that are in the buffer.
• Trace Header Address: A memory address used internally for controlling access to the trace buffer.
• Wrap Count: The number of times that a trace buffer has been wrapped. The trace buffer is a circular buffer that wraps after the
size number of trace events has been exceeded.
• In OXID and Out OXID: Not used until the buffer is being analyzed.
• Switch Date: Indicates the system date when the buffer transitioned to either a “Checked Out” or “Triggered” state.
• Switch Time: Indicates the system time when the buffer transitioned to either a “Checked Out” or “Triggered” state.