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10AE62 - Aircraft Performance PDF

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USN Ip s s l"t J.: C] d t



Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100

Note: Answer FIVEJnII questions, selecting

at least TWO questionsfrom each part.

c PART _ A

o a. Derive the relationsto calculatethe pressure,

densityand temperature
in the gradientand
constantresions. (08 Marks)
b. On a cerlain day the pressureat sealevel is 758mm cr Hg and the temperatureis 25oC. The
temperatureis found to fall linearly with height to -55'C at 12km and after that it remains
d v
constantupto 20km. Calculatethe pressure,densityat 8km and l6km altitude. (08Marks)
c. Define the terms 'aerodynamiccenter' and center-sflpressureand derive an expressionto
- l


CqS locatethe aerodynamiccenter. (04 Marks)

.ecE ( . ) a. Draw a force diagram of an airplane in flight and derive the equationsof motion with
o> acceierationand hencededuceth,- equationsfor steady-.levelun acceleratedflight.
3n (08 Marks)
b. Derive the expression for power required and obtain the condition for power required
h {

minimum and plot the variationzero-lift-powerrequired,lift-inducedpower requiredand net
power required. (06Marks)
c. A single enginedpropellsrdriven airplanehaving the following characteristics:
b : 1 0 . 9 1 mS; : I 6 . 1 6 r f; W : l 3 4 0 k g e
; : 0 . 8 ;c D o : 0 . 0 2 2 .
Calculatethe thrust requiredat sealevel at flight velocity of l0V m/sec. (06Marks)

bs a. Draw a force dia gram of an airplanein a steadyclimbing flight and derive the expression
:: for rate of climb and also from analytical approach,obtain the expressionsfor maximum
o-i climb angle and velocity of the maximum climb angle. (10Marks)
?,Y b. Briefly explain with relevantgraphs,what is meantby 'absoluteceiling' and serviceceiling
olt of an airplane. (04 Marks)
c. An airplanepoweredby aturbojetengineweighs180,000 N, hasa wing areaof 50m2and
xa the drag polar is Cn : 0.016+ 0.048C1'.At sealevela rate of climb of 1200n/minis
ibo obtainedat a speedof l50m/min.Calculatethe rate of climb at the samespeedwhen a
rocketmotorgivingan additionalthrustof 10,000Nis fittedto the airplane. (06Marks)
L,< a. Obtainthe expression
for V,., , and Y,^ ,., ir rerms f+.'), K, Cnoand p* and
lcJ'* l?:1",, \s/

Z comparethe variationsgraphicallywith flight velocity for thesecases. (10Marks)

b. Discuss the different typesof airfoil stall with relevantgraphs. (05Marks)
c. What are high lift devicesand its requirements,list down the various types of leading edge
and trailing edgedevicesand show their aerodynamiccharacteristicsgraphically. (05Marks)

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5a. From the quantitative formulation derive the generic expressionfor enduranceand also
obtain the endurance expression for a jet engine propelled airplane and discuss the
parametersfor maximizingthe endurance. (08 Marks)
b. Estimate the endurancefor an airplaneflying at sealevelwith a velocity of 165 m/sec.The
gross weight is 33142 kg, usable fuel weight is 3393kg and the thrust specific fuel
consumption is 1.917 * l0-n/sec. other airplane characteristicsare : K : 0.08,
S 88.3m'. (07Marks)
c . Discussthe effectsof 'headwind' and tail wind on the airplanerangeand enduran.tia

6a. Describe the various phasesof take-off flight and derive the expressionto estimatethe
take-off ground roll distanceof an airplane and also discusson the various methods to
reducethe take-off distance. (12Marks)
b. Estimatelift-off groundroll distanceo1'airplanehaving the following characteristics:
p . : 0 . 0 2 ; C . , n u=* 1 . 0 ; b : 1 6 . 1 9 m ;W : 8 0 0 0 k g . D e n s i t ya t s e a l e v e: 1
l .225 kg/m3,
s :28m2; v:250 kmph andusingheightabovethe groundis 1.83m. (08Marks)

7a. Describe the various phasesof landing flight and derive the expressionsfor estimating
approachdistanceand flame distance. (12Marks)
b. Estimate the landing ground roll of lr irirnlane at SI- '"a,'ith
nr: thrust ier,ei'sai.iiowever,
spoiiersare used suchthat L - 0. The spoilersincreasethe zero lift drag coeficient by l0%.
The fuel tanks are empty, so neglect the weight of any fuel carried the airplane. The
maximumlift coefficientis 2.5.Theothercharacteristics
3 ; S :2 9 .5 5 m2tCoo:0.02; F,: 0"4.
W : 5 6 0 1 .6kg (08 Marks)

8 a. Derivetheexpressions
for thefollowingmaneuvers:
i) Levelturn
ii) Pull-up and
iii) Pull-down
And also obtainthe expressionsfor rn'u*in level turn. (12Marks)
Define load factor. What are its valuesin i) level flight; ii) free tall; iii) in a turn radius of
200m at a speedof 100m/secand iv) at the bottom of a loop of radius 200m at a speedof
100 m/sec. (08Marks)

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