Healthcare Analytics
Healthcare Analytics
Healthcare Analytics
C-Suite Advisory
Healthcare Solutions
Analytical Platforms
SMAC Solutions
Diagnose Address Enhance
HCAHPS Impacting Patient
Surveys Drivers Experience
Patient experience and satisfaction are the top priorities of HCAHPS questions and NPS recommendation
Healthcare Industry. Survey inputs are valuable feedback to are key for hospitals to improve their Patient
improve patient experience. SentyRx provides a ready-to-deploy Experience.
framework for analytically identifying the hidden drivers.
Pinpoint drivers of Patient Experience and
HCAHPS scores and NPS Scores are pointers of healthcare quickly fix them to help hospital's NPS climb
consumerism in healthcare industry. Both structured and open
ended responses need to be understood for a swift and apt
response. From the large volume of data, it is important to NPS gives a clearer view of how the patient
know the value of data. The traditional cross tabulation is not perceives experience at the time and place of
helpful to identify smart drivers that are needed to be care.
Identifying Drivers to improve NPS gives
SentyRx brings to healthcare industry a scientifically validated
incremental improvement that turns into
data. This is aimed at enabling healthcare executives with drill
transformational change.
down and analytical insights addressing people directly
responsible for delivering day-to-day patient care. Patient experience is not a campaign. It's an
Feel the Pulse of actual, critical part of culture. SentyRx helps
to nourish it.
Patient SentyRX helps hospitals how to measure,
improve, and incorporate patient experience
Experience into hospital processes.
SentyRx uses customer data and highlights their behaviour & transaction trends. It enables chat, transcripts and agent
dispositions into business drivers with hindsight and help to move beyond CRMs & legacy MIS reports.
SentyRx comes with a built in dashboard that gives Executive snap shots, Patient level drill down, NPS attributes,
Promoter, Passive and Detractor feedbacks. Analyst insight is added on a periodical basis besides any day to day triggers
as early warning signals that impacts business outcomes.
SentyRx helps organizations to deploy visual analytics deep into the patient level feedback, helps to align with business
potential, and drive targeted healthy outcomes.
Certainty on Account Receivables
Swifter Turnaround Time
Strategic Segmentation
We bring success to
your receivables
the power of
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SentyRx features, may subject to the terms of a customer’s agreement, change in design and/or functionality over
the applicable subscription term. All rights reserved.