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Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune

Board of Distance Education Studies


Bachelor of Computer Applications


Second Year Third Semester

Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune

Justice Vishwanath Palshikar (Retd. Chief Justice, High Court, B’bay)


Dr. Deepak Tilak


Dr. Umesh Keskar


Mrs. Sunita Dighe

Head, Faculty of Distance Education

Mr. Sudhir Soman

Program Co-ordinator


Mr. Anup Girdhar (Member, Technical Advisory Board, IGNOU)

Dr. Ajaykumar (Director, JSPM, Pune)

Dr. Rahul Kulkarni (Member, Board of Studies, Computer Science, North Maharashtra University)

Dr. Anurag Seetha (Prof. & Dean, Computer Science & Engineering, Dr. C.V. Raman University)

Mr. Vishnu Abhyankar (Consultant)

Dr. Seema Rani (Consultant)


Mr. Ketan Ganu

Mrs. Swapna Panse, Ms. Reena Bhati

Mr. Chandrashekhar Kadam

2013 (Revised)
© Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune - 411 037.
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other
means, without permission in writing from the Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth.

Printed and Published by Registrar, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Gultekadi, Pune-37

Printed at Kesari Press, 568, Narayan Peth, Tilak Wada, Pune - 30.

Friends, it is indeed with great pleasure that we are placing the material
for B.C. A. in your hands.

It is well known that Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth was established in

1921 with the aim of imparting national education. The Vidyapeeth was known
at the national and international level for its contribution to the fields of Sanskrit
and Ayurveda. After Independence, sensing the need of time a variety of courses
were introduced. The Vidyapeeth has done remarkable work in the field of
Social Sciences and Distance Education. After receiving the status of a
‘Deemed University’ in 1987, its horizon is further widening.

The concept of national education propounded by Lokmanya Tilak

implies that type of education which would enable a student to make
contribution to the development of our nation. With the inspiration of Hon.
Vice – Chancellor Dr. Deepak Tilak, the program of B.C A. was launched in
the year 2001. It aims at providing education in computer applications to a
cross-section of our society and enable them to participate more efficiently in
the process of national development.

The B.C.A. programme has been designed particularly to introduce

basics in the first semester. This will enable students to cope with little-
advanced topics in the following semester. A couple of management subjects
have also been included in the curriculum to equip them with managerial
abilities. Special efforts are taken on grooming the students in soft skills, with
the purpose of nurturing them to emerge as a valuable asset in the professional

We take this opportunity to express our gratitude towards

Hon. Vice - Chancellor, Dr. Deepak Tilak and Registrar, Dr. Umesh Keskar
for all the guidance and support that is always provided to us. We are sure
that with their encouragement we will be able to reach many more milestones
in the future.

We are thankful to Mr. Ketan Ganu, Mrs. Swapna Panse and Ms

Reena Bhati for their co-operation in SIM Preparation.

We wish all the best to you for your educational career.

Mrs. Sunita Dighe

Faculty of Distance Education
How to use the Study Material

 The outline given at the beginning of a chapter highlights the main points.
So you will come to know what the chapter is about.
 For concentration, constant reading is not beneficial. Considering this,
every chapter has been split into subparts.
 Read the sub-parts. If necessary take the help of the meanings of the
foreign or difficult words, signs and concepts given at the end.
 The margin provided on each page is for noting down your points. Make
proper use of the same.
 After you read one part of a chapters, stop for a while and solve the
objective type or short questions given in “Check your progress”. Check
your answers with those given at the end of the chapter and correct the
wrong answers, if any.
 Before starting the reading of the next chapter, first of all, read your
answers to “Check your progress” and make corrections therein. By
this you will remember what you have read.
 Study all the chapters in this way.
 The field work given at the end of some chapters is to link your experience
and your observations. Before starting the next chapters make a quick
revision of what you have studied earlier. For this read the summary of
the previous chapters.
 For a total comprehension of the subject, the study of the complete
book is essential.

About the Subject
Object orientation and object-orientated languages are playing an increasingly
important role in the computing industry today. C++ is the most widely used object-
oriented language. This book helps you in understanding the concept of object-
oriented programming.

This book has been divided into 12 chapters. The first chapter i.e., “Introduction
to Object Oriented Programming” gives a brief introduction about the history of C++
as an Object Oriented language, and its various features. It explains the
characteristics of object-oriented programming language and its advantages.

The second chapter introduces C++ as an object - oriented language. It

explains the difference between C and C++. Then it explains different data types,
control flow structures, looping constructs and variables.

The third chapter deals with arrays and pointers. It explains the concepts of
array and pointers, manipulation of two-dimensional array and pointers and
how character array is defined in C++.

The fourth chapter is devoted to functions. It explains advantages of function,

what we mean by function prototyping. It also explains how function gets overloaded
and what inline functions are.
The fifth chapter highlights the most important features of C++ classes and
objects. Class is really like a new type that is defined by the user. It explains the
difference between structure and classes, how classes are defined and declared,
what access specifiers are. Then it clears the concept of constructor and destructor.
Chapter 6 explains the concept of operator overloading. How unary and
binary operator gets overloaded. It explains the friend class and friend function. The
7th chapter explains the concept of new and delete operator.
Chapter 8 begins with a discussion on one of the most important aspects of
object-oriented programming – inheritance and moves on to discuss single inheritance,
multiple inheritance and multi-level inheritance.
Chapter 9 deals with polymorphism. Polymorphism is the third essential
feature of object-oriented programming. It also explains the virtual and pure virtual
Chapter 10 elaborates stream class and discusses all file handling.
Chapter 11 concentrates on exception handling and gives a detailed
description of how they can be handled in C++.
The last section introduces the concept of static member functions,
manipulators & templates. We hope that you will find this book useful.


Sr. No Chapter Page No.

1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming 1

2. Beginning with C++ 9

3. Arrays and Pointers 19

4. Functions 25

5. Classes and Objects 35

6. Operator Overloading 51

7. More of C++ Classes 73

8. Inheritance 81

9. Polymorphism 99

10. File Handling 109

11. Exception Handling Appendix 125

12. Appendix 133


C++ programming Basic
Object Oriented programming, Characteristics, Advantages of object
Oriented programming
over procedural language.
Data types, constants, references, Variable, Loops and decisions
Arrays, strings and Structures Revision
Classes and objects
Data Members, Functions, Scope resolution operator,
Access specifier
New, delete operator, Static members.
Encapsulation, Inline functions, and default parameters
Pointers and ‘This’ pointer

Function Overloading, Operator Overloading
Default Arguments

Base class, derived class, Virtual Class, Abstract class.

Virtual functions, Pure Virtual functions and abstraction
Function Overloading and ambiguities
All remaining types of functions

 FStream classes, working with files with functions for reading and writing
Fundamental, Multiple catch statements, catching all exception
Templates concept
Revision and completion of all theory and practical assignments

Reference Books
1. Complete Reference C++

2. Object Oriented Programming C++ - Robert Lefore

3. C++ - Yashwant Kanitkar

4. Object Oriented Programming Language C++ - Balguruswami


Introduction to Object Oriented

1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Programming background
1.3 Structured programming
1.4 Object oriented programming
1.5 Characteristics of object oriented programming
1.6 Advantages of object oriented programming
1.7 Summary
1.8 Check your Progress-Answers
1.9 Questions for Self-Study
1.10 Suggested Readings

This chapter gives a brief introduction about the history and evaluation of C++
as an Object Oriented language, and its various features in detail. After reading this
lesson you will be able to
• describe programming background
• state structured programming
• state object oriented programming
• describe characteristics of object oriented programming
• state advantages of object oriented programming

Object oriented languages are playing an increasingly important role in computer
industry. With the gradual decline in the hardware costs, the cost of computing systems
is largely dominated by software. Developments in software technology continue to be
dynamic. New tools and techniques are announced in quick succession. This has
forced software engineers and industry to continuously look for new approaches to
software design and development. As a result, the relative cost of software (both
development and maintenance) is increased substantially. These developments created
a situation of crises in the industry. To overcome the software crises is the Object
oriented paradigm.


In the earlier edges of computers, computer programs were written in binary.
Mechanical switches were used to load programs. As the need for more sophisticated
programs grew so did the need for better ways to write these programs. The need to
make computer programming quicker and simpler, the invention of ‘Assembly language’
and shortly thereafter high-level language. With their arrival, instead of thinking in terms
of bits and bytes, programmers could write a series of English like commands that a
compiler could translate into the binary language of computers.
With the advent of high-level languages programming become accessible to more
people. Writing program code was no longer exclusively the domain of specially trained
people. As a result, computing was used in increasingly complex roles. It was soon
clear that a more efficient way of programming was needed to perform the complex

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming / 1

tasks. As these languages suffered from the following limitations.

• There were no facilities to reuse existing code. Wherever the same piece
code was required, it was simply duplicated.
• The control was transferred via go to statement. As a result, there was too
much jumping around in the program, often without any clear indication of
how, where and why the control is flowing.
• Writing, understanding and maintaining long programs became very difficult.
Programmers needed a new way of using high-level language as, one that
enabled them to partition their programming into logical section that represent general
task to be completed. Thus the structured programming paradigm was born.


In Structured programming (e.g. ‘C’, FORTRAN) approach is top-down the problem
is viewed as a sequence of things to be done such as reading. calculating and printing.
A number of functions are written to accomplish these tasks. The primary focus is on
functions. A typical program structure is shown in Fig.1.2.

Procedure (Structured) oriented programming basically consists of writing a list

of instructions for the computer to follow, and organizing these instructions “into groups
known as functions. In procedure oriented programming emphasis is on algorithms.
While we concentrating on the development of functions, very little attention is given to
the data that are being used by various functions.
Problems with procedure programming are.
• In a structured program, data types are processed in many functions, and

C++ / 2
when changes occur in data types, modifications must be made at every
location that acts on those data types within the program. This is a time
consuming task for large sized programs.
• Another drawback is that it does not model real world problems very well.
Today the need for efficient programming methods is more important than ever.
The size of average computer program has grown dramatically and now consists of
thousands of code lines. With these huge programs reusability is critical. Again a better
way of programming is needed and that better way is object oriented programming.


The Object Oriented paradigm is built to remove some of the flaws encountered
in the procedural approach. Object oriented programming is designed around the data
being operated upon rather than upon the operations themselves. The sole purpose of
the program is to manipulate data. The basic idea behind object-oriented language is
to combine into a single unit, both the data and the functions that operate on the data.
Such a unit is called an object.
The organization of data and functions is object oriented program is shown in fig.

The data of an object can be accessed only by the functions associated with
that object. However functions of one object can access the functions of other objects.
Some of the features of object-oriented programming are: -
• Emphasis on data rather than procedure.
• Programs are divided into what are known as objects.
• Functions that operate on the data of an object are tide together in the
data structure.
• Data is hidden and cannot be accessed by external functions.
• Objects may communicate with each other through functions.
• New data and functions can be easily added whenever necessary.
• Follows bottom-up approach in program design.

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming / 3

• OOP facilitates creating reusable code that can eventually save a lot of

1.3 & 1.4 Check your progress

Q.1 State true or false
1. The main emphasis of procedure-oriented programming is on algorithms
rather on data.
2. Structured programming does not model real world problems very well.
3. Object oriented programming follows top-down approach in program design.
4. Object oriented programming languages permit reusability of the existing


It is necessary to understand some of the concepts used extensively in object-
oriented programming. These include:
• Objects
• Classes
• Data abstraction and encapsulation
• Inheritance
• Polymorphism
Objects :
Objects are the basic run time entities in an object-oriented system. They may
represent a person, a place or any item that program has to handle. When program
is executed the objects interact with each other by sending messages to one other.
For e.g. if ‘students’ and ‘marks’ are two objects in a program, then student object may
send message to the marks object requesting for the total marks. Each object contains
data and code to manipulate the data.
In structured programming problem is dividing it into functions. Unlike this, in
object oriented programming the problem is divided into objects. Thinking in terms of
objects rather than functions makes the designing of program easier.
Following are the few terms that can be treated as objects in different programming
situations: -
• Employees in payroll processing system
• Data structures like linked lists, stacks, queues etc.
• Hardware devices like disk drive, keyboard, printer etc. Computers in
network model
• Customers, sales persons in a sales tracking system.
Classes: -
We just mentioned above that objects contain data and code to manipulate data.
A class is a description of one or more objects with a uniform set of attributes and
services including a description of how to create new objects of the class.
Once a class has been defined, we can create any no. of objects belonging to
that class. Each object is associated with the data of type class with which they are
created. Thus class serves as blueprint or plan.
For e.g. mango, apple and orange are the members of class fruit. Classes are
user defined data types and behave like the built in type of programming language. The
syntax used create an object is similar to syntax used to create an integer variable in
If fruit has been defined as a class, then the statement fruit mango;

C++ / 4
Will create an object mango belonging to class the fruit.

Data abstraction and encapsulation: -

Encapsulation: - encapsulation enables you to hide inside the object, both data
fields and functions that act on that data. The data is private to the object other parts
of program cannot have direct access to that data. Access to the data is possible
through the objects interface.
Abstraction: - abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features
without including the explanations. Classes use the concept of abstraction and are
defined as a list of abstract attributes such as size, cost and functions to operate on
these attributes. They encapsulate all the essential properties of the objects that are
to be created. The functions that operate on these data are called as methods or
member functions.
Inheritance: -
Inheritance enables you to create a class that is similar to a previously defined
class, but one that still has some of its own properties. For e.g., the animal ‘dog’ is
a part of the class ‘mammal’ which is again a part of the class ‘animal’. The principal
behind this is that each derived class shares the common characteristics with the
class from which it is derived.
This means you can add additional features to an existing class without modifying
it. This is possible by deriving new class from existing. The new class will have the
features of both the classes.
In OOP, the concept of inheritance provides the idea of reusability.

Polymorphism: -
By using polymorphism you can create new objects that perform the same
functions as the base object but which perform one or more of these functions in
different way. For e.g. you may have a shape object that draws a circle. By using
polymorphism you can create a shape object that draws a rectangle instead. You do
this by creating a new version of methods that draws shape. Both the old circle drawing
and the new rectangle drawing method have the same name but accomplish the
drawing in different way.
Fig 1.4 illustrates that a single function name can be used to handle different
number and different types of arguments.

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming / 5

1.5 Check your progress
Q.1 Fill in the blanks
1. Two major components of an object are .......................& .......................
2. ....................... are user defined data types and behave like the built in type
of programming language.
3. The process of building new classes from existing ones is called
4. ......................& enables you to create new objects that perform the same
functions as the base object but which perform one or more of these functions
in different way


The object-oriented analysis has got many benefits when large projects are
The benefits of using Object oriented analysis (OOA) are:
1. Tackle more challenging problem domains; OOA brings extra emphasis to
the understanding of problem domains.
2. OOA organizes analysis and specification using the methods of organization,
which pervades people’s thinking.
3. OOA uses inheritance, through which we can eliminate redundant code
and extend the use of existing classes.
4. It is easy to partition the work in a project based on objects.
5. OOA organizes results based upon problem domain constructs, for present
reuse and future reuse.
6. Software complexity can be easily managed.

In this chapter we have studied evaluation of C++ as an object oriented
programming language.
Developments in software technology are increasing dynamically. New tools and
techniques are announced in quick succession. These developments created a situation
of crises in the industry. To overcome the software crises is the Object oriented
In the earlier edges of computers, computer programs were written in binary. As
the need for more sophisticated programs grew so did the need for better ways to write
these programs. The flow was machine language, assembly language, procedure-
oriented language and object oriented language.
Then we studied what procedure oriented language. In procedure oriented
programming emphasis is on algorithms. Disadvantages of procedure oriented language.
Object oriented programming is designed around the data being operated upon
rather than upon the operations themselves. The sole purpose of the program is to
manipulate data. Advantages of object oriented programming.
At the end, characteristics of object oriented programming and advantages of
object-oriented analysis. Characteristics of object-oriented programming are objects,
classes, data abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.

Source : http://www.wiziq.com(link)

C++ / 6
1.3 & 1.4 1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
1.5 1. Data & code
2. Classes
3. Inheritance
4. Polymorphism


Q.1 What is procedure oriented programming? What are their disadvantages?
Q.2 What is object oriented programming?
Q.3 Explain the following terms.
a. Objects and classes
b. Inheritance
c. Polymorphism.
Q.4 What kinds of things can become objects in OOP?
Q.5 What is the advantages of OOP?


1. Complete Reference C++

2. Object Oriented Programming C++ : Robert Lefore


Introduction to Object Oriented Programming / 7


C++ / 8

Beginning with C++

2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Evolution of C++
2.3 Difference between C and C++
2.4 First C++ Program
2.5 Fundamental Data types
2.6 Operators
2.7 Programming constructs
2.8 Summary
2.9 Check your Progress - Answers
2.10 Questions for Self-Study
2.11 Suggested Readings

In this chapter gives a brief introduction about the history and evaluation of C++ as an
object oriented language. After studying this chapter you will be able to
desirable evaluation of C++
state difference between C and C++
define fundamental data types
state operators
state programming constructs

C++ is an extension of c with a major addition of the class construct feature of
simule 67, so it was initially named as ‘C with classes ’. Many new keywords have been
added has been explain. In this chapter how C++ program is written has been explain
then identifiers count & cin are predefined objects that represent the standard output /
input stream in c++. The ‘// ’ (double slash) symbol is used for single line comment.
Data type in c++ are classified under various categories fundamentals and user


C++ is an object-oriented language. C++ was developed by Bjarne stroustrup at AT &
T Bell laboratories in U.S.A in the early 80’s. He wanted to combine the object-oriented
features of language called Simula 67 and power and elegance of C. The result was
C++. Therefore, C++ is an extension of C with a major addition of the class construct
feature of Simula 67, so it was initially named as ‘C with classes’. The most important
features that C++ adds on to C are classes, inheritance, function overloading and
operator overloading. These features enable programmers to create abstract data types,
inherit properties from existing data types and support polymorphism.
C++ is versatile language for handling very large programs. It is suitable for virtually any
programming task including development of editors, compilers, databases, communication
systems & any complex real life applications.


C++ is superset of ANSI C. C++ is improved version of C by expanding its features to
support new software development concepts such as object-oriented programming.
Many features have been added to C such as comment- C++ supports one more type
of comment in addition to the existing comment style /* ..... */. The new comment style
(‘//’ double slash) is useful for one line comment. Unlike C, which requires all the
declarations to be made at the beginning of the scope, C++ permits us to make
Beginning with C++ / 9
declarations at any point in the program. Many new keywords have been added; it also
defines new operators new and delete to manage dynamic allocation functions they can
be used in places of malloc () and free ().

2.2 & 2.3 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the Blanks.
1. C++ is the combination of two languages ....................... .& .......................
2. C++ was originally known as .......................
3. ....................... And ....................... operators can be used in places of malloc ()
and free ().


Let us begin with a simple example of C++ program that prints the string “My first C++
program” on screen. # include <iostream.h>
void main()
cout<< “My first C++ program”; // C++ statement
Program features: -
Like C, the C++ program is collection of functions. The above example contains
only one function, main (). Every program must have a function main (), where the
execution starts. Like in C, C++ statements terminate with semicolons.
Comments: -
In C++, symbol for comments “//” (double slash) is introduced. Comment starts
with a double slash and terminate at the end of line. A comment start anywhere in the
line and whatever follows till the end of the line is ignored. Note that there is no closing
symbol. The double slash is basically used for single line comment. Multi line comment
can be written as follows.
// This is example of
// Multi line comment
The C comment symbols /*-, */ are also allowed and more suitable for multi line
comments. The following comment is allowed.
/* This is example of
multi line comment */
Both the styles can be used in programs.
Output operator: -
The only statement in the above example is the output statement. The statement
cout << “My first C++ program”
causes the string “My first C++ program” to be displayed on screen. This statement
introduces two features specific to C++, cout and <<. The identifier cout pronounced
as ‘see out’. You consider this to be an object that is connected to standard output
device. The operator ‘<<‘ (bit wise left shift operator in C) used to send the string to
the object called cout. The operator ‘<<‘ has a simple interface, i.e., it is not necessary
to specify the data types of the variable on its right. Operator automatically assumes
the data type of variable.
The iostream.h file: -
The iostream.h file should be included at the beginning of all programs that use
input/ output statements. This header file contains the necessary instructions for using
the object called cout.
Input using cin: -
Like cout, cin is an object that is associated with the standard input stream; that
is, the keyboard. The right shift operator (“>>”) works similar to %s specifier used with
scanf () function. It is used to send the input from the keyboard to the variable.
Example using cin
# include <iostrem.h>
void main ()

C++ / 10
float r;
cout << “Program to calculate area of circle...\n”;
cout<< “specify the radius:”;
cin >>r;
cout << “Area of circle:”<< 3.1415926 * r * r; }

2.5 Check your progress.

Q.1 Fill in the Blanks
1. The object .......................is associated with the standard input stream.
2. The .......................header file must be included in all programs that use
input/output statements.
Q.2 State True or False
1. cin and cout are objects.
2. The 7/’ symbol can be used for single line as well as multi line comments.
3. The output function printf () cannot be used in C++ programs.


Data types in C++ can be classified under various categories as shown in fig.
Data types allow a programmer to create variables for manipulating data in
programs. The fundamental data types are the data types at the lowest level, i.e., those
that are used for actual data representation in memory. The fundamental data types and
their functions are listed below.

Data types Bytes Functions

Char 1 characters and strings
Int 4 integers
Float 4 floating-point numbers
Bool true or false values

Beginning with C++ / 11

User defined data types such as struct, enum, union & class.
We have used user-defined data types such as struct and union in C. These data
types are legal in C++, some more features have been added to make them suitable
for object-oriented programming. C++ introduces new user defined data type known as

Variables are fundamental to any language. Values can be assigned to variables,
which can be changed during program execution. The value assigned to a variable is
placed in the memory allocated to that variable. Variables can be created using key
word float, int, and char.
Declaration of variables
The declarations of variables in the C language are allowed only in the beginning
of their block, prior to executable program statements. In C++, declarations of variables
can be interspersed with executable program statements. Variables can be declared
anywhere in the program or function as and when required. The scope of the variables,
however, remains the same- the block in which they are declared.
# include<stdio.h>
int main (void) {
int X=10;
printf(“the value of X = % d\n”, X);
int Y = 0 ; // another variables can be declared here .
//this variable Y can be used anywhere
// after but not before this.
for(int Z = 0 ; Z< 10 ; Z++) // variable Z declared here
printf(“\nz = %d”, Z) ;
Z++ ; // variable Z can be used here.
Although, a deviation from the old style of declaring all variables in the beginning
of the block, this does save some amount of memory, i.e. a variable is not given
memory until the declaration statement. Also, since a variable can be declared just
before using, it is suppose to give a better control over variables.

A variable, when declared of a particular type is a set of legal operations that can
be performed on it. For example, when integers are declared, operations such add,
subtract, multiply and divide can be performed them. Operators perform those operations
on the variables.
Different types of operators available in C++ are: -
1. Arithmetic operators- are +, -, /, * and % operator. ‘%’ Operator divides the
second value from the first and return the remainder.
2. Relational operators – are >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=. These operators compare
two values and return the appropriate result.
3. Logical operators- are && and ||. This operator evaluates two expressions,
and evaluation stops as soon as the true or false value of result is known.

C++ / 12
4. Unary operators: - The unary operators operate on one operand – variable
or constant. C++ provides the two unary operators ++ and - for incrementing
and decrementing variables. The increment operator adds 1 to its operand
while decrement operator subtracts 1. The operators can also be used
either as prefix or postfix operators.
Manipulators are the operators that are used to format the data display. The
most commonly used endl and setw.
The endl manipulator used to insert a new line. It has the same effect as using
the newline character “\n”.
For example: we have 3 variables x, y, z and values of variables are 1250, 56,
If we write
Cout << “X =” << x << endl;
Cout << “Y =” << y << endl;
Cout << “Z =” << z << endl;
Output will be
If we want output as
X= 1250
Y= 56
Z= 265
Here numbers are right justified. This form of output is possible only if we can
specify a common field width for all the numbers. The stew manipulator does this job.
It is used as follows.
cout << stew(5) << “X=” << x << endl;
cout << stew(5) << “Y=” << y << endl;
cout << stew(5) << “Z=” << z << endl;

Type casting
C++ permits explicit type conversion of variables or expressions using the type
cast operator. Two different types of typecasting syntax are supported in C++.
int a=999, b= 365, c;
c= (a+1) * b; // error since integer range is exceeded on manipulation
c= (a+1) * (long) j; // C style casting, also supported by C++
c= (a+1)* long (j); // C++ style typecasting
2.5 & 2.6 Check your progress
Q. 1 State true or false
1. In C++, variables can be declared anywhere in the program
2. Arithmetic operator operate on single operand
3. The setw manipulator used to insert a line


1. If statement: - If statement is implemented in two ways.
Beginning with C++ / 13
• Simple if statement
• If ---- else statement
If ---- else statement

# include <iostream.h>
void main()
int a, b;
cout << “Enter values for a and b\n”;
cin >> a;
cin >> b;
cout << “value of a is more than b\n “;
cout << “Value of b is more than a\n”;
2. Switch -- case statement: - This is a multi- branching statement. This statement
tests the value of an expression against the list of constants. When a match is
found, control is transferred to that constant for execution.

# include <iostream.h>
void main()
The break statement: -The break statement causes exit from switch body.
Control goes to the first statement following the end of the switch construct. If the break
statement is not used the control passes to the statement for the next case, and the
remaining statements in the switch construct are executed.
The conditional operator: - The expression ? : operator is called conditional
operator and takes the form.
Exp1? Exp2: Exp3;

Exp1, Exp2& Exp3 are expressions.

Exp 1 is evaluated for true condition, if it is found true Exp2 becomes value of
the expression, if false Exp3 becomes value of the expression. For example consider
the following statements.
N=(a>5)? 15:0;
N will be assigned the value 15.

Looping constructs: -
Loop causes a section of your program to be repeated a certain no of times or
until a particular condition is satisfied. When a condition becomes false, loop ends and
the control is passed to the statements following the loop.

C++ / 14
1. While loop: - following program illustrates the use of while constructs.
// program to find sum of first 10 numbers
# include <iostream.h>
void main()
int n, sum,
n= n+1;
cout << “Sum of first 10 numbers is “<< sum;
In the above program loop is repeated till the value of n becomes 11.
Output of the program
Sum of first 10 numbers is 100.
2. Do - while loop: - in the while loop test expression is evaluated at the
beginning of loop where, in case of do while loop, test expression is
evaluated at the end of loop. Following program illustrate this.
# include <iostrem.h>

void main()
int n, sqr;
char reply=’y’;
cout<< “Enter a no”;
cin>> n;
sqr=n *n;
cout<< “Square of a no is” <<sqr;
cout << “Do you want find square of another no (y/n)?”;
cin>> reply;
} while(reply!=’n’)
Sample output of program

Enter a no 5
Square of a no is 25
Do you want to find square of another no (y/n) n
On entering ‘n’ the test expression becomes false and loop gets terminate
3. For loop: - For loop allows us to specify three things about a loop in a
single line. Setting a loop counter to an initial value, testing the loop
counter to determine whether its value has reached the number of repetitions
desired, increasing the value of loop counter each time the program segment
within the loop has been executed.

Arrays and Pointers / 15

The general format of loop is
For (initial value; test; increment)
Following program illustrates for construct.
//program to find sum of 10 numbers

# include <iostrem.h>
void main()
int n, sum;
for (n=1; n<11; n++)
cout<< “Sum of 10 numbers is”<< sum;

Sample output of the program

Sum of 10 numbers is 55

2.7 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the blanks

1. A ...........................causes a section of the program to be repeated a

certain number of times.

2. The ...........................statement causes an exit from the body of the loop

in which it is executed.

3. In case of ...........................loop, test expression is evaluated at the end

of loop.

4. The ...........................loop is used for fixed number of iterations.

In this we studied an object-oriented language C++. C++ is an extension of C
with a major addition of the class construct feature of Simula 67, so it was initially
named as ‘C with classes’.
What is a difference between C and C++? Many new keywords have been added;
it also defines new operators new and delete to manage dynamic allocation functions
they can be used in places of malloc () and free ().
We learnt, how C++ program is written. Then identifiers, cout and cin are predefined
objects that represent the standard output/ input stream in C++. The ‘//’ (double slash)
symbol is used for single line comment.
Data types in C++ are classified under various categories- fundamentals and

C++ / 16
C++ allows us to declare variables anywhere in the program. C++ permits
explicit type conversion of variables or expressions using the type cast operator. Then
we learnt about the programming and looping constructs.
C++ also provides manipulators to format data display. The most commonly
used manipulators are endl and setw.

Source : http://books.google.co.in (Google book)


2.1 & 2.2
Q.1 1. Simula 67 and power and elegance of c.
2. C with classes
3. New and delete
Q.1 1. Cin
2. lostream.h
Q.2 1. True
2. False
3. False
2.4 & 2 .5
Q.1 1. True 2. False 3.False
Q.1 1. Loop 2. Break 3. Do while 4. For


Q.1 Write a program to accept two numbers from user and display sum of two
Q.2 Write a program to display the following output using a single cout statement
Bird= Pigeon
Flower= Rose
Fruit= Mango
Q.3 Write a program that will ask for a number and display square and cube of that
Q.4 Describe the major parts of C++ program.
Q.5 What is a difference between while and do while loop?
Q.6 Why do we need the preprocessor directive # include <iostream.h>?


1. Complete Reference C++

2. C++ : Yashwant Kanitkar


Beginning with C++ / 17


C++ / 18

Arrays and Pointers

3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Arrays
3.3 Pointers
3.4 Summary
3.5 Check your Progress - Answers
3.6 Questions for Self - Study
3.7 Suggested Readings

In this chapter we will discuss about arrays and pointers.After studying this you
will be able to
• state Introduction to arrays
• describe Array manipulation
• state Pointers

In this chapter we are discussing about arrays & pointers. An array is the collection
of the similar data types , which can be referred to by a single name with a number,
known as the index, to access a particular field or data
Pointers are addresses of memory location. Any variable, which contains an address
is a pointer variable

In every day life similar objects are commonly grouped into units. We buy fruits
in dozes or tablets in strip or bottle instead of one at a time. Similarly, in computer
language we need to group data items of the same type. In C++ the mechanism that
enables this is the array.
An array can be defined as the collection of the similar data types, which can
be referred to by a single name along with a number, known as the index, to access
a particular field or data.
Arrays can be of string or integers. It can be one-dimensional or two-dimensional.
Following program illustrates how array is declared. The program accepts five
numbers and stores it in array
# include <iostream.h>
void main ()
int num[5],c;
cout<< “Enter 5 numbers”;
cin<< num[c];
for (c=0;c<5;c++)
cout << “Number:”<< num[c] <<“\n”;
An array is declared like other variables are declared in C++. Arrays must be
defined before they can be used.

Arrays and Pointers / 19

In the above program we have declared an array num of size 5. it was declared
lnt num[5];
It means num is an array of integer type and it’s size is 5 (i.e. it will hold 5
integer values).
The items in an array are called elements of the array.
For example if you enter 10, 20 ,30, 40, 50 the array elements are stored in the
memory as
Num[0]--------? will contain 10
Num[1]--------? will contain 20
Num[2]--------? will contain 30
Num[3]--------? will contain 40
Num[4]--------? will contain 50

3.2.2 Initializing an array

Values can be given to each array elements even when the array is first defined.
It is initialized as follows
lnt num[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; or
lnt num[]=={1,2,3,4,5};

3.2.3 Strings
In C++ a string is defined as a character array terminated by a NULL character.
A NULL character is represented as \0. You must declare character arrays to be one
character longer than the largest string they are to hold since the last byte holds the
string terminator.
For example if you wish to declare an array arr that will hold 5-character string,
the declaration should be
char arr[5];
Initializing String array
Direct initialization is possible in two ways:
char cStr[5]={‘l’,’ u’,’c’,’ k’’\O’};
char cStr[5]={“luck”};
In the first case, individual elements are moved into the array, and therefore it
is essential that the string terminator be specified explicitly.
In the second case, the string terminator gets attached automatically since the
string has been assigned.

3.1.3 Two-dimensional array

A two dimensional array is a grid containing rows and columns where each
element can be accessed by specifying the row and column coordinates. General form
of declaration of two-dimensional array is
Datatype arrayname[no.of rows][no. of columns]; Int num[5][5];
Two-dimensional array is initialized as follows
int arr[4][3] = {{0,1,2},{3,4,5},{6,7,8},{9,10,11}};
The nested brackets are optional.
Note: Difference between char & int type of 2 dimensional array is that in char
arrayname[a] is enough to access the content of the array whereas in the case of int
both rows and column are required . i.e. int arrayname [a][b];

C++ / 20
Following program illustrates this.
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
char cWeekdays[7][10];
int a;
//loop to enter weekdays
cout<<“enter weekday “<<a+1 << “day”<<endl;
//loop, to display weekdays one by one
cout<<“weekday “<<a+1<< “is”<< cWeekdays[a]<<endl;

3.1 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the blanks
1. An ........................is the collection of the similar data types, which can be
referred either individually or together.
2. In C++ a ........................array is terminated by a NULL character.
3. A ........................array is a grid containing rows and columns.

The computer memory is a collection of storage cells. These locations are
numbered sequentially and are called addresses.
Pointers are addresses of memory location. Any variable, which contains an
address is a pointer variable.
Pointer variables store the address of an object, allowing for the indirect
manipulation of that object. They are used in creation and management of objects that
are dynamically created during program execution.

3.3.1 Initializing pointer

Pointers are declared using the (*) operator. The general format is:
data_type *ptrname:
Where type can be any of the basic data type such as integer, float etc., or any
of the user-defined data type. Pointer name becomes the pointer of that data type.
int *iptr;
char *cptr;
float *fptr;

Arrays and Pointers / 21

The pointer iptr stores the address of an integer. In other words it points to an
integer, cptr to a character and fptr to a float value.
Once the pointer variable is declared it can be made to point to a variable with
the help of an address (reference) operator (&).
int num = 1024;
int *iptr;
iptr = &num; // iptr points to the variable num.
The pointer can hold the value of O(NULL), indicating that it points to no object
at present. Pointers can never store a non-address value.
iptr1=ivai; // invalid, ival is not address.
A pointer of one type cannot be assigned the address value of the object of
another type.
double dval, *dptr = &dval; // allowed
iptr = &dva|; //not allowed

3.3.2 Manipulation using pointers

# include <iostream.h>
void main()
int *iPtr,iVar=10;
iPtr=&iVar;//iPtr points to the address of iVar
cout<<“value of iVar is”<<iVar<<endl;
cout<<“value of iVar accessed thru a pointer <<*iPtr<<endl;
cout<<“the memory address variable ivar is”<<iPtr<<endl;
cout<<“the address of pointer iPtr is”<<&iPtr<<endl;

3.3.3 Arrays and pointers

While discussing arrays, it was mentioned that the name of the array holds the
address of the first element in that array. Thus in the declaration char cStr[10];cStr
holds the address of cStr[0] .A pointer has also been defined as a variable that holds
the address of another variable. Therefore the conclusion that follows is that the name
of an array is actually a pointer .There is a subtle difference between the two. Both cStr
being the name of the array and cPtr are pointers to char data type.
However, cStr as a pointer is constant that is constant it always points to the
first element in the arrray. But cPtr as a pointer is dynamic. It can be made to point
to any address in memory. To understand the concept better consider the following.
// dynamic pointers
#include <iostream.h>
char cStr[]=”life is beautiful Directed by Robereto”;
void main ()

C++ / 22
char *cPtr ,cVar =’A’;
cPtr=cStr // both cPtr and cStr point to the same location
cPtr=.&cVar//cPtr is now pointing to cvar

3.3 Check your progress

Q.1 State true or false
1. Pointers are addresses of memory location.

2. The * operator returns the address of the variable

3. The unary operator ‘*’ is used to obtain the value of whatever the pointer is
pointing to.

in this chapter we learnt about the concept of array and pointers. An array is the
collection of the similar data types, which can be referred to by a single name along
with a number, known as the index, to access a particular field or data. How an array
is declared and initialized.
How string array is declared in C++. In C++ a string is defined as a character
array terminated by a NULL character. A NULL character is represented as \0. What
is two-dimensional array? A two dimensional array is a grid containing rows and columns
where each element can be accessed by specifying the row and column coordinates.
Then we learnt about pointers. Pointers are addresses of memory location. Any
variable, which contains an address is a pointer variable. How pointer is declared and


3.1 Q.1 1. Array
2. String
3. Two-dimensional

3.2 Q.1 1. True

2. False
3. True


Q.1 What is an array? How string array declared in C++?
Q.2 How is a pointer declared in C++?
Q.3 Write a program to accept /initialize an array and display the array content.
Q.4 Write program to access and display the contents of variables and pointers.


1. Complete Reference C++
2. Object Oriented Programming Language C++ : Balguruswami

Arrays and Pointers / 23 


C++ / 24

4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Function prototype
4.3 Function call by value, reference
4.4 Function overloading
4.5 Default arguments in functions
4.6 Inline function
4.7 Summary
4.8 Check your progress- Answers
4.9 Questions for Self-Study
4.10 Suggested Readings

During this chapter you will learnt about:
• describe use and concept of function.
• describe function prototype.
• state function call by value, reference
• discuss function overloading.
• describe inline functions.

Dividing a program into functions is one of the major principles of top-down,
structured programming. Another advantage of using functions is that it is possible to
reduce the size of a program by calling and using them at different places in the
Every program must contain function, main() which is the starting point for the
program execution. The main() function may call another function, which in turn, may
again call still another functions. When a function is called control is transferred to the
first statement in the called function. The statement following the function call, or
expression being evaluated with the function. After function is executed, control returns
to the calling function, and execution continues with the evaluation of expression in
which the call is made. A value can be returned when a function completes the
specified task.


A function prototype is a declaration that defines both: the arguments passed to
the function and the type of value returned by the function. The C++ compiler uses this
prototype to ensure that the types of the arguments you pass in a function call are
same as those mentioned in the prototype. If there is mismatch the compiler points
it out immediately which does not exist in C.
Remember that all the functions in C++ must be prototyped. This means every
function must have its argument list declared, and the actual definition of a function
must exactly match its prototypes in the number, order and types of parameters.
General format to declare function prototype

Functions / 25
Float volume (int x, float b)
Note that each argument variable must be declared independently inside the
Function definition: - contains the code for the function. It consist of type of
value it returns, its parameters and statements that are executed when function call is
# include <iostream.h>
void main()
cout<< “Calling display function\n”;
void display ()
cout<< “Function is called”;
The function definition for display () is
void display ()
cout<< “Function is called”;


Arguments to a function are usually passed in two ways, call by value and call
by reference.

4.3.1 Function call by value

Whenever we called a function and passed values of variables to the called
function, such function calls are called ‘call by value’. With this method, changes made
to the parameters of the function have no effect on the variables in the calling function.
For example:
# include <iostream.h>
void main ()
int a=5, b=10;
void swap (int , int );
swap (a ,b);
cout << “\n a=” << a<< “b = “ << b;
void swap (int a, int b)
int c;
c= a;

C++ / 26
4.3.2 Function call by reference
Call by reference is a method in which the address of each argument is passed
to the function. By this method, the changes made to the parameters of the function
will affect the variables in the calling function.
For example:
# include <iostream.h>
void main ()
int a=5, b=10;
void swap (int *, int *);
swap (&a ,&b);
cout << “\n a= “ << a<< “b =” << b;
void swap (int *a, int *b)
int c;
c= *a;
*a= *b;
*b= c;

4.2 & 4.3 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the blanks
1. ............................is declaration of both arguments and the type of return
2. Values are passed to the functions in two ways .........................&
3. A function definition consists of .............................& .............................


Another significant addition made to the capabilities of functions in C++ is that
of function overloading. With this facility we can have multiple functions with the same
name unlike C, where ail functions in program must have unique names’
The following program illustrates this.
# include <iostream.h>
void main ()
int a=5, b;
float f=8.5, e;
long l=2000, m;
int square(int);
float square(float);
long square(long) ;

b= square(a);
e= square(f);
m= square(l);
cout<< b << e << m;

Functions / 27
int square(int x)
return (x * x);

float square(float x)
return (x * x );

long square(long x)
return (x * x);

Sample output of the program.

25 72.5 4000
If you look at program, you will see that the program contains three functions
by name square. So, in our program, the functions called square is overloaded.
How does the C++ compiler know which of the square () s should be called when
a call is made? The compiler makes the selection by looking at the types of parameters
that are passed to the function when it is called. For example, if an int is being passed
the integer version of square () gets called. If a float is being passed then the double
version of square () gets called and so on.
The minimum requirement for function overloading is that the functions must differ
in type, number or sequences of parameters. Two functions of the same name cannot
be overloaded if their return types alone are different.


In C, if a function is defined to receive 2 arguments, whenever we call this
function we have to pass 2 values to this function. If we pass one value then some
garbage value is assumed for last argument, As against this functions in C++ have an
ability to define default values for arguments that are not passed when the function call
is made.
Following program illustrates this.

# include <iostream.h>

void main ()
float amount;
float value(float p, int n, float r=0.15);
void printline(char ch= “*”, int len=40);

printline(); // uses default value for arguments

amount= value(5000.00,5); // uses default value for 3rd argument.
cout <<“\n Final value=” << amount <<“\n\n”;
printline(‘=’); // use default value for 2nd argument.

float value(float p, int n, float r)

int year= 1;
float sum= p;

C++ / 28
sum= sum* (1+r);

void printline(char ch, int len)


for(int a=1; a<=len; a++ )

cout<< ch; cout<<“\n”;

Sample output
* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *
Final value= 10056.8
The program defines function called value. A function takes 3 parameters; amount,
no of years, rate and return final value. Default value for the parameter (rate) is specified.
In the program we call the function by passing 2 parameters i.e. amount (5000.00) &
no of years (5). Like this, program defines another function called printline. Function
takes 2 parameters character and for how many times character to be printed. Default
values for both the parameters have mentioned. First we have called this function using
default arguments and then by passing value for 1st parameter.
Default arguments are useful in two cases.
1. We can use default arguments to add new parameters to the existing
2. Default arguments can be used to combine similar functions into one.

4.4 & 4.5 Check your progress

Q.1 State true or false.
1. A function can be overloaded any no. of times.
2. Two functions can be overloaded if their arguments are similar but their
return values are different.
3. If default values are mentioned for the four arguments in the function prototype,
we can call this function and pass it the first and fourth argument.


One of the important advantages of using functions is that they help us to save
memory space; it also increases readability of the program and reduces maintenance
costs. As all the calls to the function cause the same code to be executed; it Involves
an overhead in terms of the time taken on passing values, passing control, returning
values and returning control.
In such situations to save the execution time you may instruct the C++ compiler

Functions / 29
to put the code in the function body directly inside the code in the calling program. That
means replacing the function call with the actual body of the function itself.
It is possible in C++ by declaring the function as inline. An inline function is
almost like a normal function. The only difference is that, while writing the heading for
the function, you have to write the word inline at the beginning. When you define a
function to be an inline function, what happens is that, whenever this function is called
from somewhere else in the program, the entire code for the function is actually
expanded at the place where the function is called.
All inline functions must be defined before they are called. The syntax for inline
function is as follows.
Inline function- header
function body

The program shows the use of inline function.

# include <iostream.h>
# include <math.h>

inline float root(float x)

return (pow(x, 0.5));

void main()
float a=1, b=4, c=9;
cout<< “Square root of a = “<< root(a) <<“\n”;
cout<< “Square root of b = “<< root(b) <<“\n”;
cout<< “Square root of c = “<< root(c) <<“\n”;

Above program has inline function root (). When we call root (a) compiler substitute
the code corresponding to the root () function. Look at the program we are calling this
function 3 times. The compiler is actually going to substitute the entire code for function
at all these places. This is almost like macro substitution.
With a # define we can define a macro. When we define a macro, the entire
macro is expanded at every place where it is referenced. Inline functions are very
similar to that. But of course you have to remember that inline functions are functions
and not macros.
After compiling the source program is going to be bigger in size because the
code for function to be duplicated in all places when it is called. But then, you will find
that there are situations where speed is more important than size of program, and inline
function do speed up the execution of program because they eliminate certain overheads
that are involved in calling functions.
Sample output:
Square root of a= 1
Square root of b= 2
Square root of c= 3
You should use inline function qualifier only when the function code is small.
Some of the situations where inline expression may not work are:
1. For function returning values; if a loop a switch or a goto exists.

C++ / 30
2. For functions not returning values; if a return statement exists.
3. If functions contain static variables.
4. If inline functions are recursive.

4.6 Check your progress

Q.1 State true or false.
1. The side effects of the macro definition get eliminated if we use inline
2. When we the function to be inline there is no guarantee that its code would
get inserted at the place where the call is being made.

In this chapter we have studied that apart from main () function we can have user
defined functions. Advantage of using functions is that it is possible to reduce the size
of a program by calling and using them at different places in the program.
We learnt about function prototype. A function prototype is a declaration that
defines both: the arguments passed to the function and the type of value returned by
the function.
The call to the function can be by value or reference. Functions in C++ have an
ability to define default values for arguments that are not passed when the function call
is made.
We studied a new feature called inline function. Inline function is a function that
is expanded at the place where the function is called.


4.2 & 4.3
Q.1 1. Function prototype
2. Call by value & call by reference
3. Return type, argument list, code
4.4 & 4 . 5
Q.1 1. True.
2. False.
3. False.
Q.1 1. True.
2. True.


Q.1 What do you mean by function overloading?
Q.2 When do we need to use default arguments in function?
Q.3 Explain the inline function? When the inline function may not work?
Q.4 Write a function called display () to print a character (specified by user) for
specified no. of times. Use default value 5 for no of times character to be printed
when this argument is omitted. Write a main that gets the value of character and

Functions / 31
number from user to test the function.
Q.5 write a function that performs the same operation as that of Q.4 but takes a
number instead of character to be printed. Both the function should have the
same name. Write a main that calls both the functions. Use the concept of
function overloading.
Q.6 write an inline function that returns largest of 3 numbers. Test the function using
a main.


1. Object Oriented Programming C++ : Robert Lefore

2. C++ : Yashwant Kanitkar


C++ / 32

Functions / 33

C++ / 34

Classes and Objects

5.0 Objective
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Structure revised
5.3 Class definition
5.4 Access specifiers
5.5 Classes and objects
5.6 Defining member function outside the class
5.7 Constructor
5.8 Destructor
5.9 Struct vs class
5.10 Summary
5.11 Check your Progress - Answers
5.12 Questions for Self - Study
5.13 Suggested Readings

This chapter gives a brief introduction about the most important features of C++
- classes and objects. After studying this chapter you will be able to know
• Differentiate between structure and classes
• state Introduction to classes
• explain access specifiers
• Declaring classes
• Creating objects for class
• describe constructors
• describe destructors
• describe structure vs classes

The most important feature of C++ is the class. A class is an extension of the
idea of structure used in c. It is a new way of creating and implementing a user defined
data type.
The fundamental idea behind an object-oriented language is to combine into a
single unit both data and the functions that operate on the data. Such a single unit is
called object.
A class is a way to bind the data and its associated functions together. When
defining a class we are creating a new abstract data type also called user-defined.


A structure is a user-defined data type, which may contain different data types
as its members. Creating a structure is a two-part process. First, a structure template
is defined. This template gives a lot of information to the compiler. For instance, how
it is stored in the memory? How many member variables are there in this composite
data element? What are the types of its member variables? For data types like int,
float, double, char this information is built into the compiler. But for the user-defined
Classes and Objects / 35
data types like structures, it has to be provided to the compiler. This is given in the
definition of the structure template. This template creates a new data type. Variables
of this new data type can then be declared and used like basic data types.
struct Student
int Rollno;
char Name[15];
int Marks[6];
float percent;
The above example depicts structure called students with enclosed data variables.
The keyword struct is used to define a structure template. Student is a name or tag.
The variables of this type can be declared as follows:
struct Student s1,s2;
In C++ you can even omit the struct tag and declare the variables as,
Student s1 = ( 100, “Sanket” , 20,10,30,40,50,60, 35.0};
Student s2,jack;
Student *sptr = &s1;
Student s [100];
In C++ , functions also can be declared in a structure template These functions
are called as member functions.

struct Student
int Rollno;
char Name[15j;
int Marks[6];
float percent;

void Getdetails();
void Putdetails();
int ClacPercent();

There are three functions in the template given above. These functions have been
incorporated in the structure definition to make it a fundamental unit. The building
together of data and the functions that operate on that data is called as data
encapsulation. But the problem is that the member variables of this structure can be
accessed by functions other than the ones declared in the structure template. This
direct access of member variables of a structure by functions outside the structure is
not what OOP has to offer. The actual OOP methodology in this regard is implemented
in C++ not by the structure data type, but by the data type class. The data type class
is just like structures, but with a difference. It also has some access specifier, which
controls the access to member variables of a class.


Class is really like a new type that is defined by the user. It is almost like a
structure in a C program. But there is only a difference between structure and a class,
In a class member data or functions are private by default whereas, In structure
members are public by default.

C++ / 36
Genera! form of class declaration is.
Class class-name
variable declaration;
function declaration;
variable declaration;
function declaration;
The class declaration is similar to a structure declaration. The keyword class
specifies that what follows is an abstract data of type class-name. The body of class
is enclosed within braces and terminated by semicolon. The class body contains the
declaration of variables and functions. These functions and variables collectively called
class members. They are usually grouped under two sections, namely private and
public to denote which of the members are private and which of them are public.

5.2 & 5.3 Check your progress

Q. 1 State true or false
1. A class declaration in C++ is similar to a struct declaration.
2. in a class member data or functions are public by default whereas, in
structure members are private by default.


The keywords private, public and protected are access specifiers. Access specifiers
control the visibility status of the members of a class.
The class members who are defined with private cannot be accessed by the
functions, which are not members of the class. Public members can be accessed from
outside the class, i.e. functions, which are not part of the class, will also be able to
use them. A program can access the private members of a class only by using the
public member functions of the class. This insulation of data members from direct
access in a program is called information hiding.
The use of keyword private is optional. By default, members of class are private.
class circle
float radius;
void getradius ()
void showradius()
void showarea()
The class circle specified in this program contains one data item i.e. radius and
3 functions getradius (), showradius () and showarea (). For the class circle radius is
a private member so, radius will be available to the member functions, but not other
functions including main function will not be able to use radius. The other three member
functions defined after writing keyword public. They are public members of class. That
means functions, which are not part of the class, will also be able to use them.

Classes and Objects / 37

Generally, in the definition of class, member variables are declared as private and
member functions are declared as public. But that is not a rule. It is possible to have
private member function or public member variables also.


Once a class is declared, an object of that type can be defined. An object is
said to be a specific instance of a class just like Maruti car is an instance of a vehicle
or pigeon is the instance of a bird. Once a class has been defined several objects of
that type can be declared.
Remember that the specification of the class does not create any objects, but
only specifies what they will contain. It is the definition that actually creates objects.
In C++ the class variables are known as objects. An object is an instance of a class.
For instance, an object of the class defined above can be declared with the
following statement:
circle x, y;
where x and y are two objects of the class player. Both the objects have their
own set of member variables. Once the object is declared, its public members can be
accessed using the dot operator with the name of the object.
x.getradius ();
Above syntax is used to call a member function that is associated with the
specific object. Since getradius is member function of circle class it must always be
called in connection with an object of this class. That means member functions of a
class can be accessed only by an object of that class. Dot operator connects the
object name and the member function.
# include <iostream.h>
# define pi 3.1415926
# define cr ‘\n’
class circle
float radius;
void getradius ()
cout<< “Enter the radius:”;
cin >> radius;
void showradius()
cout<< “Radius = “ << radius<< cr;
void showarea()
cout<< “Area = “ << pi* radius * radius<< cr;
void main()
circle x,y;
cout << “circle x.... \n”;
x.getradius ();
x.showadius ();
x.showarea ();

C++ / 38
cout <<05
cout<<“circle x... \n”;
y.getradius ();
y showradius ();
y.showarea ();
cout<< cr;

Sample output of the program.

Circle x ....
Enter the radius: 5
Radius = 5
Area = 78.539815

Circle y ...
Enter the radius: 10
Radius = 10
Area = 314.15926


Member functions can be also defined outside the boundaries of the class using
the scope resolution operator (:: ). Their definitions are very much like the normal
functions. They should have a function header and function-body.
Genera! form of a member function definition is.
Return type class name: function name (argument declaration)
function body
The membership label class name:: tells the compiler that the function function-
name belongs to the class class-name. That is the scope of the function restricted to
the class-name specified in the header line.
Following program illustrates this.
# include <iostream.h>
# define pi 3.1415926
# define cr ‘\n’
class circle
float radius;
void getradius ();
void showradius ();
void showarea ();
void circle:: getradius ()
cout<< “Enter the radius:”;
cin >> radius;

Classes and Objects / 39

void circle ::showradius()
cout<< “Radius = “ << radius<< cr;
void circle:: showarea()
cout<< “Area = “ << pi* radius * radius<< cr;
void main()
circle x,y;
cout << “circle x.... \n”;
x.getradius ();
x.showadius ();
x.showarea ();

cout << cr;

cout<< “circle y... \n”; y.getradius ();
y.showradius ();
y.showarea ();
cout<< cr;

5.4 5.5 & 5.6 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the blanks
1. In most class definitions, data elements are declared as .........................and
methods are declared as .........................
2. An .........................is said to be instance of a class.
3. .........................operator connects the object name and the member function.
4. Member functions can be also defined outside the boundaries of the class
using the .........................operator.

A constructor is a special member function that is invoked automatically whenever
a class object is created. The name of the constructor function is exactly same as the
name of the class.
Characteristics of constructor function
1) The name of constructor function should be the same as the name of the
2) Constructor function is automatically called whenever an object of that
class is created.
3) Constructor function does not have return type. It’s not even void.
4) If no constructors are declared then compiler invoked is own constructor.
5) They can not be inherited, though a derived class can call the base class
6) Like other C++ functions, they can have default arguments.
A constructor declared and defined as follows.
# include <iostream.h>
class score

C++ / 40
int marks;
score ();
int showmarks ();
score:: score ()
cout<< “Enter marks:”;
cin>> marks:
if(marks>= 0 && marks <=100)
cout<< “*** Invalid marks ***\n”;
int score:: showmarks ()
return (marks);
void main ()
score a,b,c;
cout<< “Percentage =”;
cout<< (a.showmarks () + b.showmarks() + c.showmarks())/3;
cout << ‘\n’,

The program defines a class called score. This class has 3 members marks, and
two member functions score () and showmarks ().
Score is a constructor function as it has the same name as the class. Constructor
function does not have a return type so; we have no? specified any type such as int,
float... for function. The score function invoked automatically whenever an object of the
score class is created. The function contains while loop, the loop terminates if valid
value is enter. If marks are not within the range it prints message “*** Invalid marks***”.
The showmarks () functions return marks. If any function wants to know the value
of variable marks for an object of the score class, it must call the
showmarks (). The marks is private member of class sore it is not accessible
to any other functions which are not the member of that class.
The main functions declares three objects a, b & c of score class. As soon as
the objects are created constructor function is automatically executed to accept the
values. Then program calculates percentage and display it.

5.7.1 Constructor function with parameter

The constructors that can take arguments are called parameterized constructors.
For example the constructor integer () may be defined to take arguments as shown
Class integer

Classes and Objects / 41

int m,n;
integer (int x, int y); // parameterized constructor
integer:: integer(int x, int y)
n = y;

When a constructor has been parameterized, the object declaration statement

such as integer i1 may not work, we must pass the initial values as arguments to the
constructor function when an object is declared. This can be done in two ways.
• By calling constructor explicitly
• By calling the constructor implicitly.
integer i1= integer (0,100); //explicit call
integer i1 (0,100); // implicit call
Now we will see how we can define a constructor function that accepts parameters.
# include <iostrem.h>
# include <string.h>
class employee ‘
char name[30];
int salary;
employee (char *string, int number);
void printdetails ();
employee::employee(char *string, int number)
strcpy(name, string);
salary = number;
void employee:: prindetails ()
cout<< “Employees name: “<<name<<“\n”;
cout<< “Salay: “<<salary<<“\n”
void main ()
employee a(“George”,2000), b(“patel”,4000);
a.prindetails ();
b.printdetails ();

The program defines class called employee. It has 2 members such as name
defined as array and salary. If also has 2 member functions. First member function is

C++ / 42
constructor which takes 2 parameters, first parameter is string. It is defined as pointer
to character and second parameter is number which is integer. Second member function
is defined to print name of employee and salary.
Constructor function is defined to copy the string of characters specified by the
first parameter into the array and number into variable called salary. Strcpy () function
is used to copy the string.

5.7.2 Defau!t function argument for constructor function

Constructor function can use default function argument.
# include <iostrearn.h>
class date
int day, month, year;
date (int d, int m, int y);
void showdate ();
date:: date (int d=1, int m=1, int y=99)
day = d;
month = m;
year = y;
void date:: showdate ()
cout << “Date = “ << day <<“/”<< month<<“/”<<year<<“\n”;
void main ()
date d1(10,4,95), d2(10,4), d3(10), d4;

cout << “d1 =”; d1.showdate ();

cout « “d2 = “; d2.showdate ();
cout<<“d3 = “; d3.showdate ();
cout << “d4 =”; d4.showdate ();

The program defines a class called date. Class date has three members called
day, month and year. It has 2 member functions. First member function is date, which
is a constructor function. Default values have been specified for all three parameters
which are accepted by constructor function. If somebody creates an object of class
date, by default, that is, if no values are passed to the constructor function, it will create
date using default values i.e. 1/1/99.
Main function starts creating 4 objects called d1, d2, d3 and d4 belonging to date
class. The object d1 passes 3 parameters where as d2 and d3 passes two and one
parameters respectively. In this case default values are set for omitted parameters. In
case of ,d4 object no parameters have been passed, so, constructor will assign date
using default values.

5.7.3 Copy constructors

A constructor can accept a reference to its own class as a parameter. Like this
Classes and Objects / 43
class A
In such cases, the constructor is called copy constructor.
A copy constructor is used to declare and initialize an object from another
object. For example, the statement
A a1(a2);
Would define the object a2 and at the same time initialize it to the values of a1.
Another form of this statement is A a1= a2; this statement will not invoke the copy
constructor. However, if a1 and a2 are objects, this statement assigns the values of a1
to a2, member by member.
Copy constructor takes a reference to an object of the same class as itself as
an argument.
Simple program of constructing and using a copy constructor
# include <iostream.h>
class code
int a;
code (){} //constructor
code (int b)
a = b;
code (code & x)
void display ()
cout<< a;
int main ()
code c(100);
code d(c);
code e=c;
code f;
f = a;
cout <<“Value of c “;<<c.display();
cout <<“Value of d “;<<d.display();
cout <<“Value of e “;<<e.display();

C++ / 44
cout <<“Value of f “;<<f.display();
return 0;

A destructor, as the name implies, is used to destroy the objects that have been
created by a constructor. Like a constructor, the destructor is a member function whose
name is the same as the class name but is preceded by a tilde (~).
A destructor may be called either when the object goes out of scope or when
it is destroyed explicitly using delete operator. A class cannot have more than one
destructor. And a destructor cannot take arguments or specify a return value.
Program, which illustrates how destructor is declared and used
Before writing this program you have to create 2 text files called text1.txt and
# include <iostream,h>
class example
example ()
cout<< “\nlnside the constructor”;
cout<< “\nlnside the destructor”;
void main ()
example e;
Another example of destructor
# inciude <iostream.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>

class textfiie
FILE *fptr;
char name [30];
textfile (char * filename);
void printfile ();
~textfiie ();
Classes and Objects / 45
textfile;:textfile (char *filename)
fptr = fopen (filename, “r’);
strcpy(name, filename);
void textfile:: printfile ()
char c;
cout << “\n File “ << name << “: \n\n”;
while (1)
c= getc(fptr);
if(c = = EOF)
void textfile:: ~textfiie ()
fclose (fptr);
cout << “File “ << name << “closed, \n “;
void main()
textfiie f 1 (“text1.txt”), f2(“text2.txf);

The default Constructor and Destructor

If you fail to write a constructor and destructor function, the compiler automatically
supplies them for you. These functions have public access and essentially do nothing
useful. If you were to write these functions yourselves, this would look like:
class employee
public :

C++ / 46
5.7 & 5.8 Check your progress
Q.1 State True or False
1. Member functions of a class have to be called explicitly, whereas the
constructor gets called automatically.
2. Constructor cannot be overloaded.
3. A constructor never returns a value.
4. When an object goes out of scope its destructor gets called automatically.


In C++, you can even define a class using the keyword struct instead of class.
The only difference using class and struct is that, in case of a class, the members are
private members by default, whereas, in case of structure, the members that you define
are public members by default.
In case of class definition private members are written first and the public members
afterwards. In case of a structure definition, the public members are written first and
the private members are written afterwards. You can write private members first and
then public members; in that case you have to specify word public before defining them.
Following program shows how class declaration is done using struct
# include <iostream.h>
struct date
date (int d, int m, int y);
void showdate ();
int day, month, year;
date:: date(int d=1, int m=1, int y= 99)
day = d;
month = m;
year = y;
void date :: showdate ()
cout<< day << ‘/’ << month << ‘/’ << year<< ‘\n’;
void main()
date d1 (10,4,98);
cout<< “d1 =”;

Classes and Objects / 47

Sample output:

In this chapter we have studied the new data type called class.
Class is really like a new type that is defined by the user. It is almost like a
structure in a C program. How class is declared and used. The keyword class specifies
that what follows is an abstract data of type class-name. The class body contains the
declaration of variables and functions.
Then we learnt about the access specifiers. Access specifiers control the visibility
status of the members of *a class. The keywords private, public and protected are
access specifiers. Generally, in the definition of class, member variables are declared
as private and member functions are declared as public.
An object is an instance of class. We learnt how object for the class created.
We learnt about constructor and destructor. A constructor is a special member
function that is invoked automatically whenever a class object is created. The name of
the constructor function is exactly same as the name of the class. A destructor is used
to destroy the objects that have been created by a constructor.
Lastly we learnt how a class is defined using keyword struct in C++.

Source : http://www.crazylearner.com(Link)


5.2 & 5.3
Q.1 1. True
2. False

5.4 5.5 &5.6

Q.1 1. Public and private
2. object
3. Dot
4. Scope resolution

5.7 & 5.8

Q.1 1. True
2. False
3. True
4 True


Q.1 How does a C++ structure differ from a C++ class?
Q.2 How is a member function of class is defined?
Q.3 what are the access specifiers? Name the different access specifiers in C++.
Q.4 Create a class called Time that has separate int member data for hours, minutes
and seconds. Write functions for accepting time and displaying time.

C++ / 48
Q5 Create a class called sum that has a int member data for two numbers, a
constructor function to have sum of two numbers and a member function which
will display addition of two numbers. Write a program for this.
Q.6 WAP to add. co-ordinates of the plane. The class contains x and y co-ordinates.
Create three objects. Use a constructor to pass one pair of co- ordinates and
a function to accept the second pair. Add these variables of two objects and
store the result in the third.


1. C++ : Yashwant Kanitkar

2. Object Oriented Programming Language C++ : Balguruswami


Classes and Objects / 49


C++ / 50

Operator Overloading
6.0 Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Defining operator overloading
6.3 Overloading binary operator
6.4 Overloading unary operator
6.5 Operator overloading using friend function
6.6 Operator overloading to multiply matrices
6.7 Rules for operator overloading
6.8 Conversion functions
6.9 Summary
6.10 Check your Progress- Answers
6.11 Questions for Self - Study
6.12 Suggested Readings

In this chapter you will learn about operator overloading.
• define operator overloading
• describe overloading unary and binary operators
• describe operator overloading using friend function
• describe operator overloading to multiply matrices
• describe rules for operator overloading
• state conversion functions

Operator overloading is one of the most interesting features of C++. C++ has the
ability to provide the operators with a special meaning for data type. By overloading
operators we can give addition meaning to operators like ints and floats etc.
We can overload all the C++ operators except the following:
1. We can overload .,::,? and :.
2. Size operator (size of).
We cannot change the precedence of operator. For example * operator always
has a higher priority over the + operator. When an operator is overloaded, its original
meaning is not lost. That means operator + which has been overloaded to add two
vectors, can still be used to add two integers.
Operator overloading is one form of Polymorphism, an important feature of
object-oriented programming. Polymorphism means one thing having many forms, i.e.
here an operator can be overloaded to perform different operations on different data
types on different contexts. Operator Overloading is also called operational polymorphism.


When you define a class, you can define operators to have special meaning with
respect to the class. This is done with the help of a special function, called operator
function, which describes the task. The general form of an operator function is:
Return type class name:: operator op (argument list)

Operator Overloading / 51
function body
Where return type is the type of value returned by the specified operation and
op is the operator being overloaded.
Operator functions must be either member functions or friend functions. A basic
difference between them is that a friend function will have only one-argument foe unary
operators and two for binary operators, while a member function has no arguments for
unary operators and only one for binary operators. This is because object used to
invoke the member function is passed implicitly but in case of friend functions; arguments
may be passed either by value or by reference.

6.1 & 6.2 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the blanks
1. Operator overloading is one form of ........................
2. The operators that cannot be overloaded are........................,
........................and ........................
3. Operator functions must be either........................or........................


Binary operators are those, which work on two operands. Example for arithmetic
operators include +, -, *, / and %, arithmetic assignment operators include +=, -=, *=
and /= and those for comparison operators include>, <, <=, >=, = = and!=.
Following program illustrates how binary operators overloaded
# include <iostream.h>
class time
int hours, mins;
time(int hh=0, int mn=0)
mins= mm% 60;
hours= (hh+ mm /60) % 24;
void printtime()
cout << hours<< “:”<< mins<< “Hours\n”;
time operator+ (time rhs)
time result;
result.mins= mins+ rhs.mins;
result.hours= hours+ rhs.hours;
result.hours+= result, mins/ 60;
result.hours %= 24;
result.mins %= 60;

C++ / 52
void main()
time t1(7,30),t2(1,45) t3;
t3=t1 + t2;

The program defines a class called time. It contains two member variables called
hours and mins. The constructor function accepts two parameters denoted by hh and
mm and the values are stored in member variables called hours and mins. The default
value for both the parameters is 0. Before storing the values, it ensures that the value
stored in mins is less than 60 and value stored in hours is less than 24. If the values
of two parameters are 2 and 70 respectively, mins will be stored as 10, and hours will
be stored as 3. The constructor function is described within class definition itself. So
it is obviously an inline function.
The next member function in the time class is printtime (). It Is used to display
The next member of the class is a function denoted as operator+. This is an
operator function; it overloads the +operator for the objects of the time class. Look at
the function; it says time operator+ (time rhs) means that the value returned by the
function is going to be of type time. The operator)- function will be automatically called
whenever we write an expression that uses a + operator after a time object. That means
when we write t1+ t2 operator+ function gets called. T1 is the object that invokes the
operator+ function, so it is automatically available to the operator function. Since we
wrote t1 + t2, t2 is passed as a parameter to the operator+ function, The parameter
received by the function is denoted as time rhs. This means that the parameter received
is also an object of the time class. T2 object passed to the operator+ function stored
in the rhs.
Look at the operator+ function. It has one variable called result, which will store
addition of two time objects. The next statement result.mins= mins + rhs.mins; here
mins is the value of the t1 object, which is automatically available to the operator+
function and rhs.mins is value of t2 object. Similar calculation is dione for hours parts
of the objects. Next three statements normalize the mins and hours parts of the result.
It ensures that the value stored in mins is less than 60 and value stored in hours is
less than 24.
Sample output
7:30 Hours
1:45 Hours
9:15 Hours
It is possible to simplify the description of the operator+ function used in the
above program. It can be written as:
time operator+ (time rhs)
time result(hours+ rhs.hours, mins+ rhs.mins);
It creates a new time object called result, by passing hours+ rhe.hours and mins
+ rhs.mins as parameters to the constructor function. Normalization of hours and mins
not required, since the constructor function normalize the values while creating the

Operator Overloading / 53
Unary operators are those operators that act on a single operand. Examples for
unary operators include’++’ and ‘--’ operators.
Following program illustrates how unary operator gets overloaded.
# include <iostream.h>
class distance
int feet;
float inch;
distance(int f, float i);
void operator ++(void);
void display();
distance:: distance(int f, float f)
f= feet;
i= inch;
void distance:: display()
cout<< “Distance in feet” <<feet << endl;
cout<< “Distance in inch” << inch << endl;
void distance:: operator++(void)
void main()
distance dt(10,10);

The program defines class distance, which has two members called feet and
inch and 3-member function. Class has a constructor function to assign values to feet
and inch. It also has operator function ++ and display function that display values.
Prefix and postfix:
The ++ operator, overloaded in the above program cannot be used as a postfix
operator. The compiler invokes the operator function with an int argument for the postfix
application of the operator. For example
int operator ++ (int)
The int argument here is a dummy argument, which is used only to distinguish
between the prefix and the postfix operators.
x++ is translated to x.operator++(0);
++x is translated to x.operator++(0);
C++ / 54
6.3 & 6.4 Check your progress
Q.1 Fill in the blanks

1. Unary operators acts on a.............................operand.

2. The.............................argument is used only to distinguish between the

prefix and the postfix operator.


First we will see what is a friend function. If you remember, we had said earlier
that the private members of a class can only be accessed by the member functions
of the class. But they can be accessed by friend functions. Friend functions are
themselves not members of the class. In other words, they don’t belong to the class.
They are some outside functions, which will be allowed to have access to the private
members of the class.
Some of the features of friend function:
1. A friend function can be either global function or can be a member function
of another class.
2. Since a friend function is not part of the class, it can be declared anywhere
in the private, protected and public section of the class without its visibility
getting affected.
Following program illustrates how friend function is used.
# include <iostream.h>
# define PI 3.1415926
class circle
float radius;
void showarea ();
friend void main();
void circle:: showarea ()
cout << “Area =” << PI * radius * radius «”\n”;
void main()
circle x;
x.radius= 5.00;

The program defines a class called circle. It has just two members, radius and
showarea(). The function void main() is a friend of the class circle. This means that the
function main () will have access to the private members of the class just like the
member functions.
Now look at the main function. It creates an object x to class circle. The next
statement assign the value 5 to the to the radius member of x. this would normally be
not allowed. That is because, radius is private member of x and it can be accessed
only by member functions or friend function. We have declared main function as friend
so it can have access to the radius. This is not really a good programming practice.

Operator Overloading / 55
But in exceptional situations, it might be necessary to allow some functions to have
access to the private members of a class objects.
Now we will see how operator overloading is done using friend function. Following
program illustrates this.
# include <iostream.h>
class time
int hours, mins;
time(int hh=0, int mm=0)
mins= mm% 60;
hours= (hh+mm/60) % 24;
void printtime()
cout<< hours<<“:”<< mins<< “Hours\n”;
friend time operator+ (time Ihs, time rhs);

time operator+ (time Ihs, time rhs)

time result(lhs.hours+ rhs.hours, lhs.mins+ rhs.mins);
void main()
time t1(7,30), t2(1,45),t3;
t3=t1 + t2;
t1 .printtime();

This program is almost the same as the first program. The only difference is in
the description of the class time, and the operator+ function. In the earlier program, the
operator+ function was defined to be member of the class. In this program the operator
function is defined to be a friend of the class. Now look at the function, it is written
as time operator+ (time Ihs, time rhs). It returns a time. Function takes two parameters
Ihs and rhs. Let us suppose there are two objects called t1 and t2 belonging to the
time class. When we write an expression such as t1+ t2 the operator function is
automatically invoked. T1 is passed as first parameter and t2 is passed as second
Now we will see how the operator+ function works. It starts by defining result to
be an object of the time class. While creating the object result, the constructor function
is automatically called, so the parameters to be passed to the constructor function are
specified in the brackets written after the name of the object. The first parameter is
Ihs.hours + rhs.hours. The second parameter is Ihs.mins + rhs.mins. The constructor
function creates a time object called result with these values.

C++ / 56
6.5 Check your progress
Q.1 Fill in the blanks
1. ...........................function allowed to have access to the private members
of the class.
2. A ...........................function can be either global function or can be a member
function of another class.


We will study how an overloaded * operator may be defined for multiplying
# include <iostream.h>
# include <stdio.h>

class matrix
int rows, cols;
float *ptr;
matrix (int rr, int cc, float *data)
int i.j;
float *p;
rows= rr;
cols= cc;
ptr = new float[rows * cols];
for(i=0; i<rows; ++i)
for(j=0; j<cols;++j)
if (data= = NULL)
*p= *data;
delete ptr;

Operator Overloading / 57
void setval(int i, int j, float value)
*(ptr+i*cols+j) = value;
float getval(int I, int j)
return (*(ptr+i*cols+j));
void print()
int i, j;
float *p;
char output[11];
for(i=0; i<row;++i)
for(i=0; j<cols;+=j)
sprintf(output, “%10.2f”, *p);
cout<< output;
cout<< ‘\n’;
friend matrix operator*(matrix mat1, matrix mat2);
matrix operator* (matrix mat1, matrix mat2)
matrix result (mat1.rows, mat2.cols,NULL);
int i.j.k;
float prod;
if(mat1.cols != mat2.rows) return(result);
for(l=0; l<result.rows; l++)
for(j=0; j<result.cois;j++)
for(k=0; k<mat1.cols,++k)
prod= mat1 .getval(i,k)* mat1 .getval(k.j)
result. setval(i, j, result. getval(i,j)+ prod);
return (result);
void main()

C++ / 58
static float data1[] ={1,2, 3, 4,5,6};
static float data2[] ={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
matrix m1(3, 2, data1), m2(2, 4, data2);
cout<< “Matrix t:\n\n’”
cout<< “Matrix 2 : \n\n”’ m2.print();
cout<< “Product Matrix : \n\n’” (m1*m2).print();

The program defines a class called matrix to store matrices of any size. The
class has three member variables- rows, cols and ptr. Rows and cols denote no. of
rows and columns that are there in the matrix object. Ptr is a pointer to the floating-
point data values, which form the elements of the matrix. The constructor function
creates the matrix object by allocating required memory for storing the data in the
The constructor function starts by coping the first two parameters rr and cc to
the member variables rows and cols. The next statement uses the new operator to
allocate memory for storing rows* cols floating point numbers and store the pointer to
the newly allocated memory in the member variable ptr. The next statement stores the
same pointer in a local variable called p. The constructor function now has two for loops
that copy the data pointed to by data to the newly allocated memory, pointed to by
p. inner for loop checks to see if data is null; if the third parameter to the constructor
specified as null. In that case, the newly allocated memory for the matrix is initialized
to 0.
The class also has a destructor function ~matrix (), which deallocate memory
that was allocated by the new operator. The class also has 3 other member functions
called setval (), getval () and print (). Setval () function can be used to set the value
of a particular element of the matrix object. Getval () can be used to get the value of
a particular element. Print () is used to print entire matrix, in the print function sprintf
() function is used to convert the floating-point value of the element into %10.2f format.
The converted value is not printed directly; it is stored by the sprintf() in the array called
output. The string stored in output is then printed using cout.
There is a friend function called operator * () that is used to overload the *
operator for the objects of the matrix class. The overload operator * () function takes
two matrix objects denoted by mat1 and mat2 as the parameters. The purpose of the
function is to multiply two matrices and return the resulting matrix. When you multiply
two matrices of size a*b and b*c the resulting matrix is of size a*c. Our function needs
a temporary matrix for storing the product of mat1 and mat2; so it starts by creating
a matrix object called result having mat1. rows and mat2.cols. Since null is specified
as the third parameter while creating result, all the elements of result are initialized to
0. Function starts by checking whether the number of columns in the first matrix
matches the number of rows in the second matrix. If it doesn’t the function simply
returns result without doing anything further.
If mat1.cols matches mat2.rows, the function proceeds. Three nested loops are
used for multiplication. The first two for loops assign all the possible values to i and
j corresponding to the rows and columns of the resulting matrix. For each combination
of values of I and j, the innermost for loop adds to result [i][j], the products of all the
elements of the ith row of mat1 with corresponding elements jth column of mat2. When
the execution of the innermost for loop is completed, result [i][j] contains the correct
value for the element in the ith row .and jth column of result matrix. Two outer loops
execute the innermost loop for every combination of values of j, thus defining the entire
result matrix and I. The last statement in the function returns the calculated result

Operator Overloading / 59
This summarizes the most important points you need to know in order to do
operator function overloading.
• The only operators you may overload are the ones from the C++ list and
not all of those are available. You cannot arbitrarily choose a new symbol
(such as @) and attempt to “overload it.
• Start by declaring a function in the normal function fashion, but for the
function name use the expression:
Operator op
Where op is the operator to be overloaded. You may leave one or more spaces
before op
• The pre-defined precedence rules cannot be changed. i.e. you cannot, for
example, make binary V have higher precedence than binary ‘*’. In addition,
you cannot change the associativity of the operators.
• The operators that can not be overloaded are:
. direct member
* direct pointer to member
:: scope resolution
?: ternary
• No default arguments are allowed in overloaded operator functions.
• Friend functions can not be used to overload certain operators like =,(), [
] and ->.
• Unary operators overloaded by means of a member function take no explicit
• Binary operators overloaded through a member function take one explicit
argument and those that are overloaded through a friend function take two
• Binary operators such as +, -, * and / must explicitly return a value.
Consider an example, which depicts overloading of += (Compound assignment),
<, >, = (Equality),!=, + (Concatenation) using String class.
# inc!ude<iostream.h>
class String
public :
String ();
String ( char str []);
void putstr();
String operator + (String);
String operator += (String s2);
int operator < (String s2);
int operator > (String s2);
int operator == (String s2);
int operator != (String s2);
char s[100];
String::String () // CONSTRUCTOR WITH
s[0] = 0;

C++ / 60

String:: String( char str []) // CONSTRUCTOR WITH


void String:: putstr() // FUNCTION TO PRINT STRING

cout<< s;

String String :: operator+(String s2)

String temp;
return (temp);
String String :: operator+=(String s2)
return (*this);
int String::operator < (String s2)
return (strcmp (s, s2.s ) < 0);
int String: :operator > (String s2)
return (strcmp (s, s2.s ) > 0);
int String::operator== (String s2)
return (strcrmp (s, s2.s ) == 0);
int String::operator != (String s2)
return (strcmp (s, s2.s ) != 0);
void main()
String s1 = “welcome”;
String s2 = “ to the world of C++”;
String s3;

cout << endl << “s1 = “;

cout << endl <<“s2 =”;

s3 = s1 + s2;

Operator Overloading / 61
cout << endl <<“ s3 =”;

String s4;
cout <<endl<<“ *********************”;
s4 = s1 + = s2;

cout<< endl <<“ s4 =”;


String s5 =” Azzzz”;
String s6 =” Apple “;

if( s5 < s6 )

cout <<“= “;
else if( s5 > s6 )
cout «” >”;
else if( s5 == s6 )
cout <<“ =”;
else if( s5 != s6 ?ý
cout <<“ < “;

S1 = welcome
S2 = to the world of C++
S3 = welcome to the world of C++
S4 = welcome to the world of C++


We know that when constants and variables of different types are mixed in an
expression, C applies automatic type conversion to the operands as per certain rules.
Similarly, an assignment operation also causes the automatic type conversion. The
type conversions are automatic as long as the data types involved are built-in types.
What happen when they are user defined? Since the user defined data types are
designed by us to suit our requirements, the complier does not support automatic type
C++ / 62
conversions for such data types. We must, therefore, design the conversion routines
by ourselves, if such operations are required.
Conversion functions arc member functions used for the following purposes:
1. Conversion of object to basic data type.
2. Conversion of basic data type to object.
3. Conversion of objects of different classes.
Conversions of one basic data type to another are automatically done by the
compiler using its own built-in routines (implicit) and it can be forced using built in
conversion routines (explicit), However, since the compiler does not know anything
about user-defined types (classes), the program has to define conversion functions.
int i = 2, j=19; float f = 3.5;
i = f; // i gets the value 3 , implicit conversion
f = (float) j; // f gets 19.00, explicit conversion
Conversion from Basic to User-Defined variable
Consider the following example.
class Distance
public :
Distance(void) // Constructor with no
{ // argument
feet = 0;
inches = 0.0;
Distance(float metres)
float f; //Constructor with
f = 3.28 * metres; // one argument
feet = int(f); // also used for
inches = 12 * (f - feet);// conversion

void display(void)
cout << “ Feet = “ <<feet <<“,”;
cout << “ Inches =” << inches << endl;
private :
int feet;
float inches;

void main (void)

Distance d1 = 1.25; // Uses 2nd constructor
Distance d2; // Uses 1st constructor
float m;
d2 = 2.0 ; // Uses 2nd constructor

Operator Overloading / 63
cout << “ 1.25 metres is :” « d1 .showdist();
cout << “ 2.0 metres is :” « d2.showdist();
1.25 metres is :FEET = 4 , INCHES = 1.199999
2.0 metres is :FEET = 6 , INCHES = 6.719999
The above program converts distance in metres ( basic data type) into feet and
inches ( members of an object of class Distance ).
The declaration of first object d1 uses the second constructor and conversion
takes place. However, when the statement encountered is d2 = 2.0;
The compiler first checks for an operator function for the assignment operator.
If the assignment operator is not overloaded, then it uses the constructor to do the
Conversion from User-Defined to Basic data type
The following program uses the program in the previous section to convert the
Distance into metres(float).
class Distance
Public :
Distance(void) // Constructor with no
{ // argument
feet = 0
Inches = 0.0
Distance(float metres)
float f; // Constructor with
f = 3.28 * metres; // one argument
feet = int(f); // Also used for
inches = 12 * (f - feet); //conversion
operator float(void) // Conversion function
{ // from Distance to float
float f;
f = f + float (feet);
return (f/3.28 );

void display(void)
cout<<“ Feet =” <<feet <<“,”;
cout << “ Inches =” << inches << endl;
int feet;
float inches;
C++ / 64

void main (void)

Distance d1 = 1.25; // Uses 2nd constructor
Distance d2;// Uses 1st constructor
float m;

d2 = 2.0 ; // Uses 2nd constructor

cout << “ 1.25 metres is :” << d1 .showdist ();

cout << “ 2.0 metres is :” « d2.showdist ();


m = float ( d1 ); // Calls function explicitly.

cout <<“ d1 =”<< m;

m = d2; //Calls function explicitly,

cout << “ d2 =” << m;

1.25 metres is :FEET = 4, INCHES = 1.199999
2.0 metres is :FEET = 6 INCHES = 6.719999


d1 = 1.25
d2 = 2.00
Actually, this conversion function is nothing but overloading the typecast operator
float(). The conversion is achieved explicitly and implicitly.
m = float (d1);
is forced where as , in the second assignment statement
m = d2;
first the compiler checks for an operator function for assignment ( = ) operator
and if not found it uses the conversion function.
The conversion function must not define a return type nor should it have any
Conversion Between Objects of Different Classes
Since the compiler does not know anything about the user-defined type, the
conversion instructions are to be specified in a function. The function can be a member
function of the source class or a member function of the destination class. We will
consider both the cases.
Consider a class DistFeet which stores distance in terms of feet and inches and
has a constructor to receive these. The second class DistMetres store distance in
metres and has a constructor to receive the member.
Conversion function in the Source Class
class DistFeet

Operator Overloading / 65
public :
DistFeet(void) // Constructor with no
{ // argument
feet = 0;
Inches = 0.0
DistFeet(int ft,float in)
feet = ft;
inches = in
void ShowFeet(void)
cout<<“ Feet = “ <<feet<<“,”;
cout << “ Inches =” << inches << endl;
int feet;
float inches;
class DistMetres
metres = 0 ; // constructor 1.
DistMetres(float m)
metres = m ; // constructor 2.
void ShowMetres(void)
cout << “ Metres = “ << metres << endl;
operator DistFeet(void) // conversion
{ // function
float ffeet, inches;
int ifeet;
ffeet = 3.28 * metres;
ifeet = int (ffeet);
inches = 12 * (ffeet - ifeet);
float metres;

C++ / 66
void main (void)
DistMetres dm1 =1.0;
DistFeet df1;
df1 = dm1 ; // OR df1 = DistFeet(dm1);
// Uses conversion function

df 1 .ShowFeet();

In the above example, DistMetres contains a conversion function to convert the

distance from DistMetres (source class), to DistFeet (destination class). The statement
to convert one object to another
calls the conversion function implicitly. It could also have been called explicitly
df1 =DistFeet(dm1);
Conversion function in the Destination Class
class DistMetres
metres = 0 ; // Constructor 1.
DistMetres(float m)
metres = m; //constructor 2.
void ShowMetres(void)
cout <<“ Metres = “<< metres << endl;
float GetMetres(void)
float metres;
class DistFeet
public :
DistFeet(void) // Constructor 1 with no
{ //argument
feet = 0;
inches = 0.0;

Operator Overloading / 67
DistFeet(int ft.float in)
feet = ft;
inches = in;
void ShowFeet(void)
cout <<“ Feet =” <<feet << endl;
cout <<“ Inches =” << inches << endl;
DistFeet( DistMetres dm) // Constructor 3
float ffeet;

ffeet = 3.28 * dm.GetMetres();

feet = int (ffeet);
inches = 12 * (ffeet - ifeet);
private :
int feet;
float inches;

void main (void)

DistMetres dm1 =1.0; // Uses 2nd constructor
// class DistMetres
DistFeet df 1; // Uses 1st constructor
// class DistFeet

df1 = dm1 ; // OR df1 = DistFeet(dm 1);

// Uses 3 conversion function
dm 1.ShowMetres();
df 1 ShowFeet();

This program works same as previous function. Here constructor is written in the
destination class. Also, we can see a new function GetMetres(). The function returns
the data member metres of the invoking object. The function is required because the
constructor is defined in the DistFeet class and since metres is a private member of
the DistMetres class, it cannot be accessed directly in the constructor function in the
DistFeet class.
Since you can use any of the above methods, it is strictly a matter of choice
which method you choose to implement.

C++ / 68
6.8 Check your progress
Q.1 State true or false
1. To carry out conversion from an object to a basic type or vice versa it is
necessary to provide the conversion function.
2. To carry out conversion from object of one type to another it is necessary
to provide the conversion function.

In this chapter you learnt about the one of the most interesting features of C++
i.e. operator overloading. C++ has the ability to provide the operators with a special
meaning for data type. By overloading operators we can give addition meaning to
operators like ints and floats etc.
Operator overloading is one form of Polymorphism, an important feature of object-
oriented programming. Polymorphism means one thing having many forms. Then we
saw how unary and binary operators get overloaded.
Then we saw what is a friend function Friend functions are themselves not
members of the class. In other words, they don’t belong to the class. They are some
outside functions, which will be allowed to have access to the private members of the
class. How friend function is used in operator overloading.
We learnt about the conversion functions. Conversion functions are’ member
functions used for the following purposes: Conversion of object to basic data type,
Conversion of basic data type to object, Conversion of objects of different classes.

Source : http://www.tech-faq.com (Link)


6.1 & 6.2

Q.1 1. Polymorphism
2. Scope resolution, dot and question mark
3. Member function or friend

6.3 & 6.4

Q.1 1. Single
2. Integer

Q.1 1. Friend function
2. Friend

Q.1 1. True
2. False


Q. 1 What is operator overloading?

Operator Overloading / 69
Q.2 What are the general rules of operator overloading?
Q.3 What is a conversion function?
Q.4 We have two classes x and y. if a is an object of x and b is an object of y and
we want to say a = b; what type of conversion routines should be used and
Q.5 WAP to add, subtract and multiply 2 matrices using OOT.Sort an array of
objects. Each object has a string as a member variable. Overload >= or <=
operators to compare the two strings.
{ make use of constructors and destructors whenever possible }
Q.6 WAP to create a class called DATE . Accept 2 valid dates in the form of dd/
mm/yyyy. Implement the following by overloading the operators - and +. Display
the result after every operation.
a. no_of_dasy = d1 - d2, where d1 and d2 are DATE objects;
d1 > - d2 ; and no_of_days is an integer.
b. d1 = d1 + no_of_days - where d1 is a DATE object and no_of_days is an


1. Object Oriented Programming C++ : Robert Lefore

2. Object Oriented Programming Language C++ : Balguruswami


C++ / 70

Operator Overloading / 71

C++ / 72

More of C++ Classes

7.0 Objectives
7.1 Introduction
7.2 New and delete operator
7.3 Passing and returning objects
7.4 Pointers to objects
7.5 This pointer
7.6 Array of objects
7.7 Summary
7.8 Check your Progress- Answers
7.9 Questions for Self-Study
7.10 Suggested Readings

In this chapter we will discuss about how dynamic allocation and de-allocation
of memory is done in C++ and various C++ Concepts. After studying this chapter you
will be able to
• describe new and delete operator
• discusses passing and returning objects
• state pointers to objects
• state this pointer
• describe array of objects

In this chapter we learning various c++ concepts how dynamic allocation & de-
allocation of memory done in c++. An object can be created by using new , and
destroyed by using delete as and when required then we learnt about the this pointer
array of objects. The keyword ‘this’ is used to denote the pointer to the object that
invokes a member function of its class.
Objects can be passed to a function and returned back just like normal variables.
Object can also be passed by address.


The C language has defined library functions- malloc() and free() for dynamic
allocation and de-allocation of memory. C++ provides two special operators to perform
memory management dynamically. They are the new operator for dynamic memory
allocation and the delete operator for dynamic memory deallocation.
An object can be created by using new, and destroyed by using delete, as and when
required. A data object created inside a block new, will remain in existence until it is
explicitly destroyed by using delete. The pointer returned by the new operator need not
be typecasted.
General form of the new operator is as follows

Pointer variable = new data tupe;

char arr[100];// Compile_time allocation of an array
char*arr; //Character pointer
More of C++ classes / 73
arr = new char[size]; //Run time allocation of an
//array. Size can be a
//constant or a variable,
In the above example, new returns a pointer to a block of size bytes. It is
synonymous with declaring a character array. However, declaring an array is an example
of static binding - the array is built at the compile-time. This array remains in existence
right from the beginning of the program to its end, even if not in use. Whereas, the array
declared by new operator can be allocated memory only when required and can be
released when over with, using the delete operator. This is an example of dynamic
It is possible that the system may not have enough memory available to satisfy
a request by the new operator. In this case, new returns a null pointer. Thus, the
returned value from the new should always be checked before performing any operations
on it, which otherwise may lead to an adverent system crashes.
Delete operator
This operator is used to free the block of memory allocated by the new operator.
The format of this operator is

Delete pointervariable;

Where pointervariable is the pointer returned through the new operator.

int *a = new int(10); // a block of 10 integers.
double *d5 - new double(5); // a block of five doubles.
delete a; // release memory,
delete d5 ;


Objects can be passed to a function and returned back just like normal variables. When
an object is passed by content, the compiler creates another object as a formal variable
in the called function and copies all the data members from the actual variable to it.
Objects can also be passed by address. The following example uses the class String
to demonstrate the passing and returning of objects.
Given below is an example to pass and return objects from a function. This example,
however, passes an object to a member function of the same class. The member
function is invoked with the name of an object, which can be accessed in the function
without any object name. But, the name of the formal object has to be used to access
its members. Thus, passing an object to a member function of the same class results
in two objects being accessible directly in the function.
class Employee
private :
char Name[60];
int Compare(Employee e);
void main(void)
int flag;
Employee GM, RM;

C++ / 74
flag = GM.Compare(RM);
int Employee::Compare(Employee emp2)
return(strcmp(Name, emp2.Name));
Compare() function in the above example makes a reference to the data member
Name of two objects. One is passed to it as a parameter - RM, which requires the
name of the formal object - emp2, as a qualifier. And the other -GM, which is used to
invoke the function.

7.2 & 7.3 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the blanks
1. ............................... & ............................... are two special operators to
perform memory management in C++.
2.. ............................... operator is used to free the block of memory.


Passing and returning of objects is, however, not very efficient since it involves
passing and returning a copy of the data members. This problem can be eliminated
using pointers. Like other variables, a pointer can point to an object created by class.
A pointer variable containing the address of an object is said to be pointing to that
object. Pointers to objects can be used to make a call by address or for dynamic
memory allocation. Just like structure pointer, a pointer to an object also uses the
arrow operator to access its members. Like pointers to other data types, a pointer to
an object also has only one word of memory. It has to be made to point to an already
existing object or allocated memory using the keyword ‘new’.
A simple example of using pointers to objects is given below.
class player
public :
void getstats(void);
void showstats(void);
private :
char name[40];
int age;
int runs;
int tests;
float average;
float calcaverage(void);
void main()
player Sachin;

More of C++ classes / 75

player *Dravid;

Dravid = new player;



The keyword “this” is used to denote the pointer to the object that invokes a
member function of its class. To understand what this means, consider what happens
when you invoke a member function for an object of a class. You know that the object
that invokes the member function is automatically available to the member function. For
instance suppose there is a class called student, a is an object of the student class,
and showmarks () function is a member function of the student class. We may call the
showmarks () function by writing a.showmarks (). This invokes the showmarks ()
function for object a. within showmarks () function, we may refer to private members
of the student class. When we do that, we are actually referring to the private members
for the object a. We don’t mention object a anywhere; but it is understood that we are
referring to the private members of the object a, because a was the object that invoked
the showmarks () function. So, we can say that, when we write an expression such
as a.showmarks (), the object a is implicitly passed to the member function.
Actually, when we write a.showmarks (), pointer to the object a, which is invoking
the function, is implicitly paased the showmarks () function. We can even access that
pointer within the showmarks () function. The keyword called this is used to denote the
the pointer to the object that invokes a member function.
Following program illustrates this.
# include <iostream.h>
int days[ ] = {0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};

class date
int day, month, year;
date (int dd, int mm, int yy)
day = dd;
month= mm;
year = yy;
void showdate ()
cout << day << “/” << month << “/” << year<< “\n”;
date operator++()
if (day > days[month])

C++ / 76
if (month > 12)
month =1 ;
return *this;
void main()
date today(24, 4, 95);
cout << “Today’s date:”;
today.showdate ();

cout << “Tomorrow’s date:”;

(++today).showdate ();

cout << “Day after tomorrow’s date:”;

(today++).showdate ();

cout << “The final value of the variable today :”:

today.showdate ();

The purpose of the program is to show you how the key word called this is used.
The program defines class called date to implement date arithmetic. It overloads the
++ operator to increment date objects. In order to carry out this operation, it uses a
global array called days that contains the information about the number of days per
month in the year.
Program defines a class called date for storing dates. A date consists of 3
members’ day, month and year. It also has member functions for manipulating date
objects. The first member function is a constructor which, accepts 3 parameters and
stores their values in the member variables day, month and year. The showdate ()
function is to display date.
The next member function overloads the ++ operator for the date class. The word
date, written before the name of the function, indicates that this function returns a date.
Name of function is written as operator++. But, of course to call the function, you just
have to use the ++ operator. The purpose of the function is to increment the date. In
order to that the function first increments the day number part of the date. However we
must ensures that the day number does not exceed the total number of days in the
month. If statement is used to check this. The days array is used to get the values
of the number of days in the month. When date is incremented the operator++ ()
function must return date. But there is no variable that refers to the date, we can refer
to the parts of the date as day, month and year. But there is no single variable that
denotes the full date object. The date object that invokes this operator++ () function is
implicitly passed to the function. It is not explicitly available. However, we can refer to
this object by writing *this.
This is a reserved keyword that denotes the pointer to the object that is invoking

More of C++ classes / 77

a member function. This is only a pointer. To get the actual object we must write *this.
Thus our operator++ function return the value of the object by saying return *this.
Effectively it returns the value of the object that invoked the function. Thus the operator++
() function increments a date object that invokes the function, and returns the incremented
In the main function as soon as we write the expression ++today, the operator++
() function is automatically invoked. The object today is implicitly passed to it as a
parameter. The operator function increments the date stored in today, and returns the
value of incremented date. You can write, operator as pre-incremented or post-


Following program illustrates how an array of objects may be used
# include <iostream.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <math.h>
class station
char name[12];
float distance;
void setstation (char *s, float n)
strcpy(name, s);
distance = n;
float getdistance () {return distance;}
char “getname () {return name;}
void main ()
static char name [5] [12] = {“cst”, “dadar”, “thane”, “kalyan”, “mulund”};
static float distance[5]= {0,10,40,60,68};
station x[5];
int a, j;
for (a=0; a<5; ++a)
x[a].setstation (name[a], distance[a]);
for (a=0; a<5; ++a)
cout<< “Distance from : “<<x[a].getname ()<<“\n”;
for(j=0; j<5; ++j)
cout<<“To” <<x[j].getname () <<“-”;
cout << abs (x[a].getdistance ()-x[j].getdistance ());
The program defines class called station that is used to store the information about
stations. The class consists of two member variables called name and distance. It also
has 3 member function- setstation (), getdistance () and getname (). All of them are
described within class definition; so they are inline functions. The purpose of setstation
member function is to accept a string and a number as arguments and copy those to
members name and distance. The getdistance function returns the value of the member
distance. The last member function returns a pointer to the array, name, which is a
member of class.

C++ / 78
The main function defines a two-dimensional array called names that contains the
names of 5 stations. The next statement x[5]defines an array called x having 5 elements
of type station. That means this is an ‘array of objects belonging to the class station.
Each elements of this array is an object; thus this is an array of objects.
Look at the for loop it assigns the values 0,1,2,3,4 to the variable a. For each variable
of a, it calls the setstation function for the object x[0]. Thus when a is 0, it calls the
setstation function for the object x[0]. For this value of a, the statement inside the for
loop becomes x[0]. Setstation (name[0], distance[0]).Thus the setstation function is
called for x[0] and the value of name[0] and distance[0] is supplied to it. The setstation
function stores the value stores the value of name[0] and distance[0], that is “cst” and
0 respectively in the member variable x[0]. Name and x[0]. Distance. Similarly procedure
is carried out for all values of a.
Now main function proceeds to calculate the distance between all the pairs of stations.
To calculate distance from station 1 to station 4 two for loops are required. The
procedure contained inside the second for loop is executed for every combination of
values of a and j. The statement cout << abs (x[a].getdistance ()-x[j].getdistance ())
calculates and prints the distance between the station[a] and station[j]. abs()function
is used in order to get the magnitude of the difference between distance of x[a] and
distance of x[j]. thus how the for loop works.

7.4 7.5 & 7.6 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the Blank
1. The keyword ............................... is used to denote the pointer to the
object that invokes a member function of its class.
2. Passing and returning of objects can be done using ...............................

In this chapter we learnt various C++ concepts. How dynamic allocation and de-
allocation of memory done in C++.
We learnt about the new and delete operator. Delete operator is used to free the block
of memory allocated by the new operator.
Then we learnt about the ‘ this’ pointer, array of objects. The keyword “this” is used
to denote the pointer to the object that invokes a member function of its class.
Objects can be passed to a function and returned back just like normal variables.
Objects can also be passed by address.


7.1 & 7.2
Q.1 1. New operator, delete operator
2. Delete Operator
7.3 7.4 & 7.6
Q.1 1. This
2. Pointers to Object


Q.1 Explain how new and delete operator is used?
Q.2 Explain with example this operator.


1. C++ : Yashwant Kanitkar

2. Object Oriented Programming Language C++ : Balguruswami


More of C++ classes / 79


C++ / 80

8.0 Objectives
8.1 Inheritance
8.2 Defining derived classes
8.3 Protected members
8.4 Multilevel inheritance
8.5 Multiple inheritances
8.6 Hybrid inheritance
8.7 Virtual base class
8.8 Constructor and destructor in with derived classes
8.9 Summary
8.10 Check your Progress - Answers
8.11 Questions for Self - Study
8.12 Suggested Readings

After studying this chapter you will able to object oriented programming-
inheritance, as implemented by C++. You will also understand
• describe what is inheritance?
• state defining derived class
• explain protected members
• discuss multiple inheritance
• discuss multilevel inheritance
• state hierarchical inheritance
• describe hybrid inheritance
• explain virtual base class

Now we will see another important concept of C++ called inheritance. Inheritance
enables you to create a new class, called derived class, which is similar to a previously
defined class, called base class.
The derived class inherits all the properties of the base class but can add some
of its own properties.
A class can also inherit properties from more than one class. A derived class
with only one base class is called as single inheritance and one with several base
classes is called as multiple inheritance. The properties of one class may be inherited
by more than one class is known as hierarchical inheritance.
Following diagram illustrates different forms of inheritance.
One of the advantages of inheritance is that it permits code reusability. Reusability
is one of the features of C++. Once a base class is written and debugged, it can be
adapted to work in different situations. A programmer can use a class created by
another programmer without modifying it. He can derived other class from it to suit his
requirements. It saves time and money and increases program’s reliability.

Inheritance / 81
A derived class can be defined by specifying its relationship with the base class
in addition to its own details. The general form of defining a derived class is:
Class derived class name : visibility mode base class name
members of derived class
The colon indicates that the derived class name is derived from the base class
name. Visibility mode (access specifier) is optional, if present, may be private, public,
or protected. By default visibility mode is private.
Class abc
int a, b;
void setdata();
class xyz: private abc
members of xyz // private derivation
class xyz: public abc
members of xyz //public derivation
class xyz: abc
members of xyz //private derivation by default.

When a derived class privately inherits a base class, public members of the base
class become private members of the derived class. That means the public members
C++ / 82
of the base class can only be accessed by the member functions of the derived class.
They are inaccessible to the objects of the derived class.
When a base class is publicly inherited. The derived class has only access to
the public members of the base class. It does not have access to the private members
of the base class.
Simple example, illustrates inheritance.
# include <iostream.h>
# include <string.h>

class employee
char name[30];
float salary;
void set (char *s, float n);
void show ();
class officer: public employee
flaot hra;
void sethra (float n);
void showhra ();
void empioyee::set (char *s, float n)
strcpy (name, s);
salary = n;
void employee:: show ()
cout<<“Name: “<<name<< “\n”;
cout<< “Salary: “<<salary << “\n”;
void officer:: sethra ()
void officer:: showhra()
cout<< “HRA: “<<hra << “\n”;
void main ()
officer a;
a.set (“Gandhi”, 12000);
a.sethra (2000);
a,show ();

Inheritance / 83
a.showhra ();

The program defines employee as base class. It has 2 members i.e. name an
array and salary as float variables. It also has 2 member function called set () and show
The program has officer as derived class. Officer class is publicly inherited. That
means officer class will only have access to the public members of the base class
(employee class). Thus, objects of the officer class will have access to the set () and
show () member functions of employee class. But the officer class does not have direct
access to the members, name and salary. In addition to this officer class have one
member called hra and 2-member functions sethra () and showhra ().
Officer class is derived from the employee class. That means, objects of officer
class will have all the characteristics of the employee class. Thus, objects of the officer
class will have name and salary. Name and salary to officer class is set through set
() function. And they also have set () and show () functions. In addition to this specifically
it also have hra and 2 member functions.
Look at the main () function. It defines an abject called a, that belongs to the
officer class. The statement a. set (“Gandhi”, 12000) calls set function of the employee
class.A is an object of the officer class but officer class inherits characteristics of the
employee class. So we can apply the set function to the object of the officer class.
Sample output of program
Name: Gandhi
Salary: 12000
HRA: 2000

8.1 & 8.2 Check your progress

Q.1 State true or false
1. The class that inherits properties and functions is called the base class.
2. When, a base class is publicly inherited. The derived class has only access
to the private members of the base class.
3. A derived class can also act as a base class for another class


C++ provides a 3 rd visibility modifier, protected. Protected members are almost
like private members. Just as private members cannot be accessed by any outside
functions, protected members also cannot be accessed by any outside functions. By
outside function, mean functions, which are not members or friends of a class. The
difference between private members and protected members is that, private members
are not inherited by a derived class; but protected members are inherited by a derived
For instance, consider the employee class that we defined in the previous
Class employee
char name[30];
float salary;

C++ / 84
void set (char *s, float n);
void show ();
name and salary are the private members of the employee class. Look at the
officer class, which is derived from employee class.
Class officer; public employee
float hra;
void sethra (float n);
void showhra ();

Officer class inherits all the public members of the employee class; but not the
private members, name and salary. Of course, an object of the officer class will have
name and salary but we can’t access them within the officer class. Functions defined
inside the officer class, don’t have access to the private members of the employee
Protected members can be inherited. That means, if class have protected
members and if you derive class from this class, the derived class will have access
to the protected members.
The manner, in which protected and public members are inherited by a derived
class, depends on how the class is derived. There are two ways in which a class can
be derived from a base class.
1. class derived-class-name: public base-class-name
2. class derived-class-name: private base-class-name
In first case, all the protected and private members of the base class become
the protected and public member of the derived class.
In second case, we have used private access specifier. When we derived the
base class using the access specifier private, all the protected and public members of
the base class become the private member of the derived class.
Following program illustrates how protected members are inherited
# include <iostream.h>
# include <graphics.h>
# include <conio.h>

class Figure
int x, y;

Figure ()
cout<<“X co-ordinate:”;
cin>> x;
cout <<“y co-ordinate:”;
cin>> y;

Inheritance / 85
class Line : public Figure
int dx, dy;
Line ()
cout << “Displacement in x direction:”:
cin>> dx;
cout << “Displacement in y direction:”;
cin>> dy;
void draw ()
line (x, y, x+dx, y+dy); //this is a library function
class circle : public Figure
int r;

cout <<“Radius:”;
cin>> r;
void draw ()
circle (x, y, r);

void main ()
int gd, gm;

initgraph (&gd, &gm, “C:\\tc\\bgi”);

cout << “Creating a line object \n”;

Line l;
cout << “Creating a circle object \n”;
Circle c;

l.draw ();
c.draw ();

C++ / 86
getch ();
closegraph ();

The purpose of the program is to draw some graphics objects such as line and
circle. Program starts by defining Figure class as base class. The figure class contains
the information that is common to all figures. All the variables of the Figure class have
been defined as protected. They won’t be accessible to functions that are not members
of the figure class. However, they can be inherited. That means the classes that are
derived from figure class will be able to use them., Figure class has a constructor
function to accept values for x and y.
Line class is derived from the figure class. While deriving the class, we have
specified the access as public. That means, all the protected and public members of
the figure class wilt become protected and public members of line class. So, the line
class will be able to use protected members x and y just as if they had been defined
inside the line class itself. Line class has two private members such as dx and dy. It
also has 2 member functions Line () and draw (). Draw () to draw a Sine and constructor
function Line () to accept values for dx and dy.
In general, when object of a derived class is created, the constructor function
for the base class is executed first, and then the constructor function for the derived
class is executed. But when an object of a derived class is destroyed, the destructor
function for the derived class is executed and then the destructor function for the base
class is executed. Notice that the order is reversed in case of destructor functions.
When we create an object of the Line class, first the constructor function of the
figure class is executed and then the constructor function of the line class gets
In any program where you want to use graphics, you have to initialize the
graphics system. This is done by calling the standard function called initgraph (). Now
look at the main () function, we have declare 2 integer variables called gd and gm. The
variable gd is used for storing a code number corresponding to the graphics device that
is used inside the computer. Gm is to be used to for storing a code number corresponding
to the graphics mode that we wish to use. These two variables are required, because
when we call the initgraph () function, we have to pass pointers to the graphics device
and graphics mode as parameters to the initgraph (). We have set value for gd as
DETECT. DETECT is a defined name. Its value is specified in graphics.h . When we
set gd to the value DETECT, and call the initgraph () function, it automatically detects
the type of graphics, and selects the graphics mode with the highest possible resolution.
The third parameter in initgraph.() is the path name for the graphics drivers. In other
words, it is the name of the directory in which the graphics driver files are stored.
Usually it is present in the path “c:\tc\bgi”. However it would be in different directory
you would be required to provide the appropriate path.
The next statement in main () function is l.draw () will call the member function
draw () of line class. The purpose of the draw () function is to draw a line from the point
specified by x and y, to other end points whose co-ordinates are x+ dx and y+ dy. This
is done by calling the line () function. Line function is a built-in function that available
in graphics.h. The line function () takes four parameters. The first two parameters are
the co-ordinates of the first point of the line; the last two parameters are the second
point of the line. In our program we have calculated second points as x +dx and y +dy.
Here we are using x and y variables of figure class, this become possible because they
are declared as protected members.
At the end we close graph calling closegraph () function
Inheritance / 87
When a class is derived from base class, which is again derived, by-some other
class is called multilevel inheritance. For example if class ‘A’ is a base class for derived
class ‘B’, and class ‘B’ is base class for class ‘C’ is called as multilevel inheritance.
Multilevel inheritance is declared as follows.
Class A
members of class; //base class Class A
class B public A
Class B

members of derived class; //B derived from A Class C

class C : public B
members of derived class; // C derived from B

Following program illustrates this.

# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
# include string.h>

Class employee
protected :
char name [30];
int id;
void getvalue(char *s, int i);
void showvalue ();
void employee:: getvalue(char *s, int i)

name- s;
id = i;
void employee:: showvalue ()
cout<< “Name of employee: “<<name << “\n”;
cout<<“Employee’s Id: “ << id << “\n”;
class salary: public employee
int basic, da, hra;
void getsal (int, int, int);

C++ / 88
void salary :: getsal (int b, int d, int r)
basic= b;
da= d;
class tax; public salary
int total;
void showdetails ();
void tax;: showdetails()
total= basic+da+hra,

if(total) >60000)
cout<< “Employee has to pay tax\n”;
cout << “Employee need not pay tax\n”;
void main ()
tax emp1, emp2;
emp1.getsal (15000, 5000, 5000);
emp 1.showdetails ();
ernp2.getsal (55000, 5000,8000);
emp2.showdetails ();

Output of the program

Name of the Employee: Seeta
Employee’s Id: 10
Employee need not pay tax
Name of the Employee: Geeta
Employee’s Id: 12
Employee has to pay tax

In the above program tax class is derived from salary class, which is derived from
employee class. So tax class can also have access to employee class members.

Inheritance / 89
8.3 & 8.4 Check your progress
Q.1 Fill in the blanks
1. ...........................members are inherited by a derived class.
2. When a class is derived from base class, which is again derived, by some
other class is called................................................................


When a class is derived from more than one base class is called multiple
Syntax tor multiple inheritance is:
class A {---};
class B {----};
class C : public A, public B // base classes are separated by commas
members of derived class;

The program explains the concept of multiple inheritance

# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
class a
int m;
void getval(int);
class b
int n;
void getnum(int);
class c: public a, public b
void display();
void a :: getval(int x)
m = x;
void b :: getnum(int y)
n = y;

C++ / 90
viod c::display(void)
cout<< “M “ << m<<“\n”;
cout<< “N =” <<n<<“\n”;
cout<< “M+N = “<< m+n<<“\n”;
void main()
c d;

The class c in the above example is derived from two classes – a and b –
therefore the first line of its class definition contains the name of two classes, both
publicly inherited. The c class contain all the members of a and b in addition to its own

Problems With Multiple Inheritance

The following example presents a problem with multiple inheritance.

class Aclass
public :
void put()

class Bclass
public :
void put()

class Cclass : public Aclass , public Bclass

public :

Inheritance / 91
void main()
A objA;
B objB;
C objC;
objA.put(); // From Class A
objB.put(); // From class B

The above example has a class C derived from two classes A and B. Both these
classes have a function with the same name - put(), which assume, the derived class
does not have. The class C inherits the put() function from both the classes. When a
call to this function is made using the object of the derived class, the compiler does
not know which class it is referring to. In this case, the scope resolution operator has
to be used to specify the correct object. Its usage is very simple. The statement giving
an error from the above example has to be replaced with the following:
objC.A::put();// for class A
objC.B::put();//for class B


Inheritance is an important and powerful feature of OOP. Only the imagination of
the person concerned is the limit. There are many combinations in which inheritance
can be put to use. For instance, inheriting a class from two different classes, which
in turn have been derived from the same base class.

class base

class Aclass : public base


C++ / 92

class Bclass : public base


class derived : public Aclass, public Bclass


Aclass and Bclass are two classes derived from the same base class. The class
derived has a common ancestor- class base. This is multiple inheritance with a common
base class. However, this subtlety of class inheritance is not all that simple. One
potential problem here is that both, Aclass and Bclass, are derived from base and
therefore both of them, contains a copy of the data members base class. The class
derived is derived from these two classes. That means it contains two copies of base
class members - one from Aclass and the other from Bclass. This gives rise to
ambiguity between the base data members. Another problem is that declaring an object
of class derived will invoke the base class constructor twice. The solution to this
problem is provided by virtual base classes.

8.5 & 8.6. Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the blanks
1. When a class is derived from more than one base class is called
2. Multiple inheritance with a common base class is known as.......................


Suppose we have a base class called ‘A’ and two classes derived from it, ‘B’
and’ ‘C’, If we derived class ‘D’ from Class ‘B’ and ‘C’. Now suppose a member function
of derived class ‘D’ wants to access data or the function in base class. Since ‘B’ and
‘C’ are derived from ‘A’ each inherits copy of ‘A’. This copy is referred to as a subobject.
Each subobject contains its own copy of base’s data.
That means all the members of class ‘A’ are inherited into ‘D’ twice, first via ‘B’
and again via ‘C’ This means, class ‘D’ would have duplicate sets of the members
inherited from ‘A’. This is an ambiguous situation. To get rid of this ambiguity, we should
create common base class as virtual base class while declaring the direct or intermediate
base class which is shown as follows.
class A

Inheritance / 93
class B : virtual public A
class C: virtual public A
class D: public B, public C

When class is declared virtual base class, C++ takes necessary care to see
that only one copy of that class is inherited, regardless of how many inheritance paths
exist between virtual base class and a derived base class.
Abstract class:
An abstract class is one that is not used to create objects. An abstract class
is designed only to act as a base class to be inherited by other classes

8.7 & 8.8 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the blanks
1. In a ........................only one copy of the base class is inherited by
2. An ........................class is designed only to act as a base class to be
inherited by other classes.


If there are constructors involved in the base class and the derived class, the
compiler automatically calls both of them. This happens because as soon as the
derived class constructor gets control and establishes formal arguments, the base
class constructor will be called immediately, i.e., before the derived class initialization
list is honored.
Syntax in the derived class base/members initialization list:
 • The base class name ( name of base constructor)
 • A list of arguments between parentheses, as in any normal function call.
To explicitly invoke the base class default constructor, leave the argument
list empty.
Remember the base class constructor always is called first.
class base
public :
base(int n=0);
int get_base_number();
int base_number();
C++ / 94
base::base(int n=0)
base_number = n;
cout << “base constructor”;

cout << “base destructor”;

int base::get__base_number()
return base_ number;

class derived : public base


public :
derived(int b=0, int d =0): base(b),derived._number(d);
~ derived();
int get_derived_number();
private :
int derived _number;
derived::derived(int b=0, int d =0): base(b),derived_number(d)
cout<<“ derived constructor”;

derived::~ derived()
cout << “derived destructor”;

int derived::get_derived_number()
return derived_number;
void main()

derived d(1,2);
cout < “ d= “ <<d.get_base_number()<<“,”;
cout<< d.get_derived_nurnber();

Inheritance / 95
Base constructor
Derived constructor
D = 1,2
Derived destructor
Base destructor

As can be seen from the above example, the constructor for the base class is
invoked before invoking the constructor for the derived class. This is like building the
first story of the building before proceeding for the second. With destructors, it is the
other way round. Destructors for the derived class are invoked first, so that they can
clean up the mess done by the constructor of the derived class. Then the destructor
for the base class is called. It is like demolishing the top floor of a building before going
for the lower one. A destructor for the derived class is to be defined only if its constructor
allocates memory. Otherwise it can be just an empty function.

In this chapter we learnt about one of the most important aspects of object
oriented programming- inheritance, as implemented by C++.
inheritance enables you to create a new class, called derived class, which is
similar to a previously defined class, called base class. The derived class inherits all
the properties of the base class but can add some of its own properties. How derived
class is defined.
Then we saw the different forms of the inheritance that are: single inheritance,
multiple inheritance, multilevel inheritance, and hybrid inheritance. A class can also
inherit properties from more than one class. A derived class with only one base class
is called as single inheritance and one with several base classes is called as multiple
inheritance. The properties of one class may be inherited by more than one class is
known as hierarchical inheritance.
Then we learnt about the protected members. The difference between private
members and protected members is that, private members are not inherited by a
derived class; but protected members are inherited by a derived class.
What are virtual base class and abstract class? In a virtual base class, only one
copy of the base class is inherited by subclasses. An abstract class is designed only
to act as a base class to be inherited by other classes.


8.1 & 8.2

Q.1 1. False
2. False
3. True

8.3 & 8.4

Q.1 1. Protected
2. Multilevel

8.5 & 8.6

Q.1 1, Multiple inheritance
2. Hybrid inheritance

C++ / 96
8.6 & 8.7
Q.1 1. Virtual base class
2. Abstract


Q.1 What is Inheritance? What are the different forms of inheritance?
Q.2 What is a virtual base class?
Q.3 When do we use the protected visibility specifier to a class member?
Q.4 Create a class account that stores customer name, account number. From this
derive the classes current and saving to make them more specific to their
requirements. Include necessary member functions to achieve the following tasks
a. accept name and account no. b. accept deposit from customer. c. display
deposite d. compute interest. (Assume that saving account provides compound
interest and current account provides simple interest.)


1. Complete Reference C++

2. C++ : Yashwant Kanitkar


Inheritance / 97

C++ / 98

9.0 Objectives
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Virtual function
9.3 Pure virtual function
9.4 Limitations of virtual function
9.5 Virtual constructor and destructor
9.6 Summary
9.7 Check your Progress - Answers
9.8 Questions for Self - Study
9.9 Suggested Readings

After classes and inheritance, polymorphism is the third essential feature of an
object-oriented programming.This chapter will give you a brief introduction about,
 • discuss what is virtual functions
 • describe pure virtual function
 • describe limitations of virtual functions
 • describe virtual constructor and destructor

Polymorphism allows one name to be used for different purposes. It refers to the
property by which objects belonging to different classes are able to respond to the
same message, but in different forms.
Overloading functions and operators are one kind of polymorphism. C++ supports
polymorphisms at compile time, as well as run time. In compiler time polymorphisms
compiler itself decides which version of a function is to be used. Run time polymorphism
means, the version of a function to be used in a particular situation is decided at the
time of executing the program. The complier does not decide which version is to be
used. It is only decided at run time.
In order to understand run time polymorphism, we have to know how pointers to
a base class and derived classes can be used.
Following program illustrates how pointers to a base class can be used as
pointers to the derived classes.
# include <iostream.h>
# include <string.h>
# class employee
char name[30];
float salary;
class officer: public employee

Polymorphism / 99
float hra;
class staff: public employee
float bonus;
void main()
officer a;
staff b;
employee *p;

strcpy(p->name, “Gandhi”);
p->salary= 5000;
a.hra= 1500;

p= &b;
strcpy(p->name, “Patel”);
p->salary= 4000;

cout << “Officer (a) :\n”;
cout << “Name- “<< p->name <<“\n”;
cout << “Salary- “ << p->salary << “\n”;
cout <<“Hra- “ << a.hra << “\n”;

p= &b;
cout << “staff (b) :\n”;
cout << “Name- “<< p->name <<“\n”;
cout << “Salary- “ << p->salary << “\n”;
cout<< “Bonus- “ << b.bonus << “\n”;

The program defines a base class called employee, which is used to derive two
other classes called officer and staff. Base class employee has two members called
name and salary for storing data. Two derived classes officer and staff have single
members called hra and bonus.
The main function starts creating an object called a, belonging to officer class,
and an object called b, belonging to staff class. Then it defines p to be a pointer to
employee. Although p is declared to be pointer to employee, it can, in fact be used
as pointer to objects of the officer or staff class also. That’s because, in C++ a pointer
to the base class can also be used as a pointer to the derived classes.
The statement p= &a stores the pointer to the object a, in the variable p. a is
an object of the officer class but officer class is derived from the employee class. So,

C++ / 100
pointer to a can be stored in p. the next statement uses the pointer to access the
name part of a. it says strcpy (p->name, “Gandhi”); -> operator is the structure pointer
member reference operator. P->name means, the name part of the object that p is
pointing to a (as p is pointing to a), strcpy function copies the string “Gandhi” to officer
as name part of object. Same with salary we have written it as p->salary= 5000. The
next statement a.hra=1500 notice that we haven’t said p->hra. In fact, we can’t say p-
>hra because, p is really a pointer to employee class, so although we are allowed to
use p as pointer the officer class, we can use it to access only those members of the
officer class that are inherited from the employee class. So, we can access name and
salary. But hra is not inherited from employee class, so we can’t use p to access hra.
We can refer hra by simply writing a.hra. After storing values to a and b, program
displays these values.


Virtual means existing in appearance but not in reality. Virtual function is a
function that is declared as virtual in a base class and redefined in the derived class.
When we use the same function name in both the base and derived classes, the
function in base class is declared as virtual. When a function is made virtual, C++
determines which function to use at run time based on the type of object pointed to
by the base pointer, rather than the type of the pointer.
Following program illustrates how virtual function is defined and used.
# include <iostream.h>
# include <graphics.h>
# include <conio.h>

class Figure
int x, y;

Figure ()
cout<<“X co-ordinate:”;
cin>> x;
cout<<“y co-ordinate:”;
cin>> y;
virtual void draw ()
cout << “Derived class has not defined its draw function. \n”;

class Line : public Figure

int dx, dy;

Polymorphism / 101
cout << “Displacement in x direction:”;
cin>> dx;
cout << “Displacement in y direction:”;
cin>> dy;
void draw ()
line (x, y, x+dx, y+dy); //this is a library function

class circle : public Figure

int r;

Circle ()
cout <<“Radius:”;
void draw ()
circle (x, y, r);

void main ()
int gd, gm;

initgraph (&gd, &gm, “C:\\tc\\bgi”);

cout <<“Creating a line object……….\n”;

Line I;
cout<< “Creating a circle object………..\n”;
Circle c;

Figure *p;
p= &l;
p->draw ();

p->draw ();
getch ();

C++ / 102
closegraph ();
In the above program we have defined Figure as base class and two derived
classes Line and Circle. All three classes have draw () function Now look at the main
function first we have defined Line object called I, and circle object called c. we have
declared p to be a pointer to Figure. It can also be used as a pointer to objects of the
derived classes, Line and Circle. Look at the statements
p= &I;
It stores the pointer to I in p. So, p now points to I. The next statement says
p->draw(). That means we want to call the draw function for the object that p is pointing
to. But p is pointing to I. Therefore, effectively, this calls the draw function for the object
I. But remember that p was declared as a pointer to Figure. We are using it to access
members of a Line object. In the last program we saw that pointer to base class can
be used to access only those members of the derived class, which are inherited from
the base class. So, if we have to access draw () function using the pointer p, draw ()
function must be inherited from the base class by the Line class. That means, first of
all, the base class must have a draw () function. That’s why we had a draw () function
in the base class. But really we can’t have a sort of universal draw () function in the
Figure class, which will be capable of drawing any graphics object such as lines and
circles. For instance the draw() function in the Figure class won’t be able to draw line
as-it knows only x and y coordinates for the first point of line. That is why it is
impossible to have universal draw function in the base class. That means, we must
have separate draw function in each derived class. But you can’t have draw function
in based class and derived class also, if their parameter list is identical. That is
because if you have draw function in both class (base and derived) the derived class
will have two draw function one defined by itself and one inherited, compiler won’t be
able to decide which function to be used at particular situation.
In short, we want to have draw function in both class but compiler will not allow
that. To overcome this difficulty, we have made the draw function in the base class
virtual. By making the draw function of the base class virtual, we ensure that if the
derived class has its own draw function then that will be used otherwise, it derived class
won’t have draw function then function from base class will be used. By making draw
function of the base class virtual; we are giving it second priority. So, p->draw () will
call draw function of Line class as p is pointing to i and I is an object of Line class.
The statement p= &c; p->draw () will call draw function of Circle class as p is
pointing to c and c is an object of Circle class.
Rest of the program we have already discussed in earlier chapter.

9.1.& 9.2 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the blanks
1. ..............................refers to the property by which objects belonging to
different classes are able to respond to the same message, but in different
2, When we use the same function name in both the base and derived classes,
the function in base class is declared as ................................


When a virtual function is not redefined by a derived class, the version defined
in the base class will be executed. In situations like this, a base class may not be
able to define an object sufficiently to allow,a base class virtual function to be created
and in some other situations like all’ derived classes override a virtual function. To
handle these two cases, C++ supports pure virtual function.
Pure virtual function is a virtual function for which no description is given.

Polymorphism / 103
Pure virtual function is defined by writing the word virtual, followed by the type
of the function, followed by the name of the function, and the arguments that it take.
The =0 written at the end makes this a pure virtual function.
If the base class contains a pure virtual function, all the derived classes should
have an actual function with the same name, and the same type of arguments.
A class that contains a pure virtual function is an abstract class. An abstract
class can’t have objects. But classes derived from an abstract class can have objects.
Although you can’t have objects belonging to abstract class, you can have pointer to
the abstract class.
Following program illustrates the concept of pure virtual function
# include <iostream.h>
# include <graphics.h>
# include <conio:h>

class Figure
int x, y;

Figure ()
cout<<“X co-ordinate:”;
cin>> x;
cout<<“y co-ordinate:”;
cin>> y;
virtual voiddraw () = 0;

class Line : public Figure

int dx, dy;

cout << “Displacement in x direction:”;
cin>> dx;
cout << “Displacement in y direction:”;
cin>> dy;.
void draw ()
line (x, y, x+dx, y+dy); //this is a library function

C++ / 104
class circle : public Figure
int r;

Circle ()
cin>> r;
void draw ()
circle (x, y, r);

void main ()
int gd, gm;

initgraph (&gd, &gm, “C:\\tc\\bgi”);

cout << “Creating a line object...... \n”;

Line I;
cout << “Creating a circle object……..\n”;
Circle c;

Figure *p;
p->draw ();

p->draw ();

getch ();
closegraph ();

The program is almost the same as the previous program. Look. at the class
Figure, it defines virtual function called draw (). In the previous program, we saw why
it is necessary to have such a function in base class. We also have draw function in
derived classes. So, the draw function in base class actually has no use, and there
is no reason why we should describe the function. When you don’t want to describe
a virtual function, you have to simply write =0 at the end. This makes a virtual function
pure virtual function. Basically a Pure virtual function is a virtual function for which no
description is given. A class that contains a pure virtual function is known as an
abstract class. The Figure class in our program is abstract class as it contains pure
virtual function called draw.
Polymorphism / 105
The reason for calling this class an abstract class is that, the definition of the
class is not really complete. It contains one pure virtual function for which no description
is given. Therefore it won’t be possible to have objects of the Figure class. Of course,
we could derive classes based on the Figure class, and those classes can have object;
but the Figure class itself can’t have objects. That’s why we called this is an abstract


The various limitation associates with virtual functions are listed below:
• Global function cannot be declared virtual; only the member functions of
a class can be declared virtual.
 • Virtual functions cannot be declared static, because static functions can
be invoked without referencing a specific class instantiation.

9.3 & 9.4 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the blanks

1. .............................function is a virtual function for which no description is


2. A class that contains a pure virtual function is an ...........................

3. ...........................function cannot be declared virtual.


C++ standard does not allow constructors to be virtual. C++ allows declaration
of destructor as virtual. The invocation of virtual function requires vectoring through a vptr
into the table of virtual pointers vtab. Before an object is constructed in memory, no
such table exists. So one can’t have a constructor to be virtual.

In this chapter we learnt about the third essential feature of an object-oriented
programming polymorphism. Polymorphism refers to the property by which objects
belonging to different classes are able to respond to the same message, but in different
Overloading functions and operators are one kind of polymorphism. C++ supports
polymorphisms at compile time, as well as run time.
Then we saw what is meant by virtual function. Virtual function is a function that
is declared as virtual in a base class and redefined in the derived class.
Pure virtual function is a virtual function for which no description is given. Pure
virtual function is defined by writing the word virtual, followed by the type of the function,
followed by the name of the function, and the arguments that it take.
C++ allows declaration of destructor as virtual but one can’t have a constructor
to be virtual.

Source : http://oopweb.com (E-book)


9.1 & 9.2
Q.1 1. Polymorphism

C++ / 106
2. Virtual

9.3 & 9.4

Q.1 1. Pure virtual function
2. Abstract
3. Global


Q.1 What is the purpose of specifying a function virtual?
Q.2 What is a pure virtual function?


1. Complete Reference C++

2. Object Oriented Programming Language C++ - Balguruswami


Polymorphism / 107

OOAD with C++ / 108


File Handling
10.0 Objectives
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Hierarchy of stream classes
10.3 Stream insertion/extraction
10.4 File input and output
10.5 Reading and writing text files
10.6 Detecting end of file
10.7 Binary input/ output
10.8 File pointers
10.9 Error handling
10.10 Summary
10.11 Check your Progress - Answers
10.12 Questions for Self - Study
10.13 Suggested Readings

This chapter deals with stream and binary manipulation of files. After studying
this chapter you will be able
• explain what is a stream,
• describe stream insertion/extraction class hierarchy
• state stream insertion/extraction
• state use stream classes for file input or output
• state use Text binary file input and output
• discuss read and write through the get() and put() -file pointers
• discuss randomly access of data files through seekg() seekp() tellg()
tellg() functions.

You have come across cout and cin statements in C++, which are nothing but
Streams. A Stream is a sequence of characters (strings) some people refer to it as
channels also. When you start the execution of a C++ program, several streams are
opened automatically. They are: cin, cout, cerr, clog.
Streams are of two types
1. Output streams-, which allow to write or store characters (Insertion).
2. Input streams-, which allow to read or fetch characters (Extraction).
The input and output streams so far dealt with only the standard input and output
streams .The User -defined streams are in the form of files supported by specific
Classes in C++.
The file handling techniques of C++ support file manipulation in the form of
stream objects. The stream objects are predefined in the header file, iostrean.h that is
a part of the C++ language. There are no predefined objects for disk files. All classes

File Handling / 109

declarations have to be done explicitly in the program. Each stream is associated with
a particular class, which contains member functions and definitions for dealing with the
particular kind of data flow. There are three classes for handling files.
Ifstream - for handling input files
Ofstream - for handling output files
Fstream - for handling files on which both input and output can be
Advantage of stream is: when you open a file using a function such as fopen (),
it is associated the file with a stream. So, once the file is opened, in order to read or
write characters to the file, you have to only read or write characters to stream. We
have to call getc() and putc() functions for reading and writing characters to the stream.
The advantage of having stream is that, once a file is opened, you don’t really have to
bother the physical characteristics of the file. It doesn’t matter whether it is a file on
disk, or whether it is console.


C++ I/O system is defined by hierarchy of classes that are defined in the header
file called iostream.h of these; three derived classes are particularly useful to us. They
are istrem, ostream and iostream.
An extensive use of some of these classes has been already made. The extraction
operator » is a member of the istream class, and the insertion operator << is a member
of the ostream class. Both these classes are derived from the ios class.
The hierarchy of C++ file stream classes is shown in Figure


lstream ostream


Ifstream Fstream ofstream

Fstream base

The ios class defines the basic formatting and error control capabilities The class
ios is a virtual base class for the istream (input stream) and ostream(output stream).
The iostream (input and output stream) is a class with multiple inheritance from both
istream and ostream. The definitions for these classes are in the header file fstream.h.
These classes are used for output to the screen (stdout) and input from the keyboard

OOAD with C++ / 110

10.1 & 10.2 Check your progress
Q.1 Fill in the Blanks
1. The stream objects are predefined in the header file..............................
2. The class...........................is a virtual base class for the input stream and
output stream.


Stream insertion:
As discussed Stream classes have their own member data, functions and
definitions. Class ostream contains functions defined for output operations. The object
cout is appropriately overloaded in ostream. This is used to output text to a file. These
operations are called stream insertions. The << is called the inserter.
The statement:-
Cout<<“Hello students”<<endl;
cout is predefined object of the ostream class attached to the standard output
device which is the screen.
Thus in the above statement the right hand side of the operator is text string
which is to be stored/written in the stream object on the left. It also accepts all
fundamental data types.
Stream Extraction:
Class istream has the functions defined for input stream operations. Here cin is
the predefined object of the istream class attached to the standard input device namely
the keyboard. Like the inserter operator the extractor operator>> accepts any fundamental
data type. The important point to note is that the extractor skips leading white spaces
such as (‘’, ‘\n’, ‘\t’).
Character extraction
String extraction may yield unexpected results when the extractor (>>) reads
characters from input after skipping white spaces.
Example :-
String str1, str2;
If user inputs
<space> hello <space> student
Then str1 will contain- hello and str2 will contain student instead of the entire
<space> hello <space> student in str 1 expected.
Float extracting:
This deals with floating point (decimal) numbers, similar to character extraction
it bypasses white spaces and reads input character until a non-floating point character
is found.
Consider the following example;-
Float fvar;
If the input from the user is -200.2k
Then -200.2 will be stored in fvar
Integer extraction:
File Handling / 111
Integer extraction also bypass white spaces, and read input characters until they
encounter a character that cannot be an integer.
Consider example: -
Int ivar; Cin>>ivr;
The input from the user is <space>123v
Then ivar will contain 123


C++ also provides specific classes that deal with user-defined streams which are
in the form of files. To perform file I/O, the header file fstream.h must be included in
the program. It defines several classes, including ifstream, ofstream and fstream. These
classes are derived from ios, so ifstream, ofstream and fstream also have full access
to all operations defined by ios.
Before a file can be opened a stream has to be obtained which are more powerful
than predefined streams. Each file is linked to a stream. The stream classes which
deal with file input and output are:
Ifstream-derived from istream, used for file input (reading/extraction) ofstream-
derived from ostream, used for file output (writing/insertion) fstream-derived from iostream
, used for both file input and output
File opening and closing:
The statements ofstream out(“samp!e.txt”);Means that an object called out of the
ofstream class is created and its constructor invoked with the value sample.txt. This
constructor allocates resources and opens the file sample.txt. but we didn’t mention
whether the file is to be opened for reading or writing. This is not necessary since the
constructor uses the defaults. When the scope of an object is over its destructor is
automatically invoked. Likewise when the. scope of any stream object in a program
gets over the destructor of the stream class is automatically called and the file is
Open ( ) Function
There is another way to open files explicitly; each file stream class has an open
() member function. The prototype of the function is
Void open (const char *filename, int mode, int access= filebuf::openprot);
Here, filename is the name of the file, which may include a path specifier. The
value of made determines how the file is opened. It must be one (or more) of these
los::app -appends to end of file
los::ate -seek to end of file when file is opened
los::binary -open file in the binary mode
los::in -specifies that file is capable of input
los::nocreate -causes open function to fail if the file does not exist
los::norepace -causes open function to fail if the file exists
los::out -specifies that the file is capable of output
los::trunc -causes the contents of a preexisting file by the same name be
The value of access determines how the file can be accessed. Its default value
is filebuf::openprot, which specifies a normal file.
To open a normal output file:
ofstream out;

OOAD with C++ / 112

out.open(“Sample”, ios::out);
To open a stream for input and output, both the ios:;out mode values must be
specified. This can be done as follows.
fstream mystream;
mystream.open(“sample”, ios::in I ios::out);
Close ( ) Function
Each file stream class also has a close () function Ofstream of il;
Ofil.open(“sample.txt”);Ofil.close();Here the sample.txt is closed ,and the object ofil is
still available in the program without any association.

10.3 & 10.4 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the blanks
1. To perform file I/O, the header file .........................must be included in the
2. .........................is the predefined object of the istream class.
3. The ..............................specification in the open function opens the file in
binary mode.


Reading from and writing to a text file is very easy. The<< and >> operators are
used the same way the console I/O operations are performed, except that instead of
using cin and cout, the stream that is linked to the file must be substituted.
Consider the following the program which creates a file and writes some values
in it

void main()
ofstream out(“student”); // create stream object associated with
a file
char name[20];
int marks;

cout<<“Enter student name:”;

cin >>name;// get name from keyboard
out<<name<<“\n”; // and write to file student

cout<<“Enter marks:”;
cin >>marks;
out.close(); //close the file

In the above example an object called out of class ofstream is created and
associated with a file The file name is given within quotes and parenthesis and a new
file is created in the hard disk. The program accepts student name and marks and then

File Handling / 113

writes it in the file student.
Following program shows the contents of the file student on screen

void main()
ifstream inf(“student”);
char name[20];
int marks;

inf>>name; //read name from the file student


cout<<“\nStduent name: “<<name<<“\n”;

cout<<“Marks: “<<marks<<“\n”; //marks are displayed on screen


The program opens the file student in the input mode. The input stream reads
the values into the variables. The values are displayed using the cout statement.
When a file is opened for writing only, a new file is created if there is no file of
that name. If a file by that name exists already, then it contents are deleted and the
file is presented as a new file.
Another program which creates a file and writes some values in it. Then open
the file and contents of file are displayed on screen.

void main()
ofstream out(“items”); // create output stream char item[20];
int cost;

out<<“Scanner”<< 4500<<endl;

out. close();

OOAD with C++ / 114

ifstream inf(“items”); // create input stream

inf>>item >>cost;
cout<<item<< “ “<<cost<<“\n”;

inf>>item >>cost;
cout<<item <<“ “<<cost<<“\n”;

inf>>item >>cost;
cout<<item <<“ “<<cost<<“\n”;



Within the while loop we keep checking whether we are through with reading the
entire contents of the file. We have function ifstream::eof() this function returns zero if
end of file is reached.
E.g. ifstrem fin;
fin.open (“sample”);
while (fin)
Another way to detect end of file is.
If (fin.eof() !=0) {exit(1);}
Eof () is a member function of ios class that returns a non-zero value if the end-
of -file condition is encountered and zero otherwise.
Following program illustrates this
# include<iostream.h>
# include<fstream.h>
# include <conio.h>
# include<stdlib.h>

void main()
of stream out;
out.open (“country”);

out<<“United states of America\n”;
// Reading the file ifstream inf;
const int n= 80;
char line[n];


File Handling / 115

cout<<“Contents of the country file\n”;
inf.getline(line, n); // read a line
cout<< line<<“\n”; // display the text read from the file

The above program first opens the file country for output. The values are stored
into the file using the output stream out. Then the file is opened in the input mode. We
have used the getline () function in the program. The function is used to read one line
at a time. The function is a member of istream. It reads characters until it encounters
the end of line character, ‘\n’, and places the resulting string in the buffer line supplied
as an argument. The maximum size of the buffer is given as the second argument. The
contents of the buffer are displayed after each line is read using cout. This goes till all
the lines have been read (end of file is encountered).

10.6 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the blank
1. ...............................this function returns zero if end of file is reached.
2. ...............................function is used to read one line at a time.


With binary I/O the problem of accepting and writing character /strings with
space is solved. This also has a drawback in which it accepts only single character
at a time by using the put( ) and get( ) functions for writing and reading respectively.
In the case of numeric values the read () and write () member functions are used
which is covered later. It is also possible for float and object input/output as well.
Binary output of characters
//writing character using binary input and output functions

#include<string.h> // string.h is used for strlen function to use it
char cstr[]=”one fine day”;
void main()
ofstream ost(“fex.txt”);
int i;
// note

OOAD with C++ / 116


The following program illustrates the use of the get () function for binary operation-
to read character by character from the file.

//reading character using binary input and output functions

//note:string.h is not required in this case
void main()
char svtr;
ifstream ist(“fex.txt”); while(ist)
{ ist.get(svtr);

In the above program ist stream checks for the value end-of -file (false) if not
(means if the value is true) then the program keeps reading in the variable svtr in the
while loop followed by a condition.
To read and write more than one characters the following function is used
get(char *str,int len,char delimit=’\n’) where get fetches characters from the input stream
into the array str and it stops fetching if the no of characters fetched reaches the length
len ,fetching also stops if the delimiter character is encountered as stated in the
The following program illustrates the use of the get() function
void main()
{ char svtr[10];
//does not extract string terminator
cin.get(svtr, 9);

There is also a getline( ) function which also extracts the string terminator the
remaining parameter remains the same.
It is possible to input and output the numeric values by the read( ) and write (
) functions.
The read ( ) function has to be called with 2 arguments namely
- the address of the buffer into which the data is to be read
- the size of the buffer
The write functions requires similar arguments
The following is the example of write
void main()
{ ofstream srt(“integer.txt”);

File Handling / 117

int ivar=0;
The way the write () has been used here & ivar is the address of the variable
having the contents to be written to the file. The type casting is done (char*) so that
the compiler assumes that the variable is of character type and because the first
parameter to the read() and write () is character pointer.
The following program illustrates the use of read () function for integers
void main()
ifstream srt(“integer.txt”);
int ivar=0;
srt.read((char*)&ivar, sizeof(ivar));


The term file pointers here should not be confused with normal C++ pointers
used as address variables discussed earlier. Here the get pointer for read operations
and put pointer are for write operations.
The get pointer, which specifics where in the file the next input or read operation
will occur. The put pointer, which specifies where in the file the next output or write
operation will occur. In other words these are the current positions for read and write
operations respectively. Thus the C++ input and output system manages two integers
values associated with a file.
Each time an input or output operations takes place, the pointers are automatically
advanced sequentially.
The Default actions often are to start reading an existing a file from the beginning
and continue sequentially until the end. When writing we normally start at end of the
file by appending to the existing contents.
But at times when you must manipulate the file pointers so that you can read
from and write to an arbitary location in the file .The following functions allow you to
access the file in a non-sequential or random mode.
The seekg() and tellg() functions allow you to set and examine the get pointer,
and the seekp() and tellp() functions perform these same actions on the put pointer.
The tellg() and tellp can be used to find out the current position of the file pointer
in the file.
The seekg( ) member functions takes 2 arguments which are the offset points
and reference points.
All the fstream classes can be repositioned using either the seekg( ) or the

OOAD with C++ / 118

seekp( )member function. These functions move the get and put pointers to an absolute
address within the file, or to a certain number of bytes from a particular position.
For example :
Where the first argument is offset (no of bytes)
The second argument is reference point, which is defined in the ios class. Such
as ios::cur, ios ::end and ios::beg which stands for current, end of file and beginning
of file.
If there is only one argument of offset then the reference point will be by default
beginning of file as discussed earlier.
The tellg() member functions on the other hand does not have any arguments .It
returns the current byte position of the get pointer relative to the beginning of the file.
For example
int ivar=Filstreamvar.tellg();
Would result in the variable ivar taking the value of current position of the get
The seekp() and tellp() member functions are identical to the above 2 functions
but they are identified with the put pointer .The seekg() and tellg() member functions
are defined in the istream class. The seekp() and tellp() member functions are defined
in the ostream class.
The following illustration Program finds the no of records
class student
int stdno;
char stdname;

void main()
student stvar;
fstream fil(“sample.txt”,ios::in);
fil.seekg(0,ios::end); //end of the file
int chek;
cout<<“the size of the file is”<<chek<<endl;
cout<<“size of one record “<<sizeof(student)<<endl;
int crec=chek/sizeof(student);
cout<<“no of records are”<<crec<<“in the file sample txt”<<endl;
seekg and tellg belongs to istream
seekp and tellp belongs to ostream
File Handling / 119
10.8 Check your progress
Q.1 State true or false
1. The tellg () function takes no argument.
2. The ios::end in the seekg (), positions the get pointer at the end of the file.


In real time environment, many users try accessing files without any predefined
access pattern.
The following are some of the situations that arise while manipulating a file.
• Attempting to open a non-existing file in read mode.
• Trying to open a read-only file in write mode
• Trying to open a file with invalid name
• Attempting to read beyond the end of file
• Media (disk) errors- reading/ writing a file
Such conditions must be detected while manipulating files and appropriate action
should be taken to achieve consistent access to files.
Every stream (ifstream, ofstream, Istream) has a state associated with it. Errors
are handled by setting and testing this state appropriately.
The ios class supports several functions to access the status recorded in the
data member io...state. These functions and their return values are shown below.
Functions Meaning of return values
Eof () True (non-zero) if EOF encountered while reading. False,
Fail () True if read or write operation has failed. False otherwise.
Bad() True invalid operations is attempted or any unrecoverable
errors False, otherwise however, it can be recovered.
Good () True, if operation is successful.
Rdstate () Returns status-state data member of the class ios.
Clear () Clear error states and further operations can be
Some of the error checkings are given below:
• Opening a non existing file
Ifstream infile (“myfile.text”);
// file does not exist
• Detecting end of file
// processes file till end of the file

OOAD with C++ / 120

• Read file
Infile.read (....);
If(lnfile.bad ())
// file cannot be proceed further
• Processing unopened file
Infile.read (....);
If(infile.fail ())
// file is not opened

In this chapter we learnt about the stream class and file handling.
A Stream is a sequence of characters (strings). When you start the execution
of a C++ program, several streams are opened automatically. They are: cin, cout, cerr,
clog. Then we learnt about the hierarchy of stream class.
The file handling techniques of C++ support file manipulation in the form of
stream objects. The stream objects are predefined in the header file, iostrean.h. Then
we learnt about stream insertion and extraction.
To perform file I/O, the header file fstream.h must be included in the program.
It defines several classes, including ifstream, ofstream and fstream. These classes are
derived from ios, so ifstream, ofstream and fstream also have full access to all operations
defined by ios. We saw how file be write and read. Then we saw open () and close
How end of file is detected. Function ifstream::eof() is used to detect end of file.
The function returns zero if end of file is reached. How error handling is done.


Q.1 1. iostream.h
2. ios

10.3 &10.4
Q.1 1. fstream.h
2. cin
3. ios::binary

Q.1 1. ifstream::eof()
2. getline ()

Q.1 1. True
2. False

File Handling / 121

Q.1 What are streams? What are the different stream classes?
Q.2 what are the parameters passed to seekg () function.
Q.3 Write a program to create a file that accepts student name and marks in two
subjects then display the contents of file on screen.


1. Object Oriented Programming C++ : Robert Lefore

2. C++ : Yashwant Kanitkar


OOAD with C++ / 122


File Handling / 123


C++ / 124

Exception Handling
11.0 Objectives
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Exception handling fundamentals
11.3 Multiple catch statement
11.4 Throw statement
11.5 Summary
11.6 Check your Progress - Answers
11.7 Questions for Self - Study
11.8 Suggested Readings

After studying this chapter you will be able to
• discuses meaning of exception
• describe exception handling fundamentals
• state multiple catch statement
• state throw statement

Exceptions are the errors that occur at runtime. The reasons why exceptions
occur are numerous. Some of the more common reasons are-inability to open a file,
exceeding the bounds of an array, falling short of memory etc.
Using, C++ exception handling, the program can automatically invoke error-
handling routines when an error occurs. The user can specify a list of exceptions that
a function may throw as a part of a function declaration.


C++ exception is built upon three keywords try, catch, and throw. In the most
general terms, that to be monitored for exceptions is contained in a try block; it is
thrown (using throw statement). The exception is caught, using catch block.
The general forms of try and catch are shown here.
try // try block
throw exception;
catch( type arg)
............... // Statements that handles the exception
When an exception is thrown control goes to the catch block that immediately
follows the try block. Exceptions are objects used to transmit information about a
Exception Handling / 125
problem. If the type of object thrown matches the arg type in the catch statement, the
catch block is executed for handling the exception. If they do not match, the program
is aborted with the help of the abort () function, which invoked by default. When no
exception is thrown, the control goes to the statement immediately after the catch
A simple try-catch example is shown below.

void main()
int a,b,c;

cout<<“Enter two values:”;

cout<<“Result(a/b) = “<<a/b <<“\n”;
catch(int i)
cout<<“Exception caught: x= “<<x<<“\n”;

The above program catches division by zero problems. We check weather the
second no i.e. divider, is not zero. If no is zero or less than zero an exception is thrown
using b object. Since the exception object is an int type, the catch statement containing
int type argument catches the exception and display message.

11 1 & 11.2 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the blanks
1. Using .............................the program can automatically invoke error-handling
routines when an error occurs.
2. The three keywords of exception handling are ......................,
...........................and ...........................

C++ / 126
As stated earlier, code for handling exceptions is included in catch blocks. You
can have more than one-catch statements, but each catch statement must catch a
different data-type. The number of catch statements cannot exceed the number of data-
types supported by the language.
Following program illustrates this.
# include<iostream.h>

void test(int i)
throw i; // int type exception
throw “Zero”; // char type exception
Catch (int a)
cout<< “Caught an int”<< a << endl;
catch (char *s)
cout<<“Caught a string”<<st<< endl;
void main()
cout<<“Testing multiple catch statements”;


The above program has 2 catch statements. First catch statement have an
integer data-type and second have character data-type. When the program is executed,
it invokes the test function with i=1 and it checks whether it is equal to zero or not.
It is not equal to zero, it throws an int exception and it matches with first catch handler.
So, first catch statement is executed. In the last test function is invoked with i=0. This
time it throws a character type exception so second catch statement is executed.
Catching all exceptions
in some situations, we may not be able to anticipate all possible types of
executions and therefore may no be able to design independent catch handlers to
catch them. In such cases we require a catch statement that will catch any exception
instead of a particular data type. Defining catch statement using ellipses as follows can
do this.

Exception Handling / 127

// Statements for processing
// all exceptions
Here, the ellipses match any data type.
This is illustrated in the following program

void test(int i)
If (i!=0)
throw i; // int type exception
throw “Zero”; // char type exception
catch(...) //catch all
cout<< “Caught an exception”<< a << endl;
void main()
cout<<“Catching all exceptions in single catch statement”;

It is good practice to catch all exceptions using catch (...), as there is no need
to handle exceptions explicitly. By catching all exceptions unhandled exceptions causing
abnormal termination of program can be prevented.


While calling a function from within a try block, the type of exceptions thrown
by that function can be restricted. The function can be prevented to throw an exception
at all. This can be accomplished by adding a throw clause to the function definition.
The general form is given here:
re-type function_name (argument_list) throw (type_list)
Here, only the data type specified in the type_list can be thrown by the function.
If any other type is thrown, it will result in abnormal program termination. If no exceptions
are thrown by the function, an empty list is used. Example is:
# include<iostrem.h>

C++ / 128
void test(int a) throw(int, double)
if (a= =0) throw a;
if(a==1) throw 23.36;

void main()
catch(int i)
cout<< “Integer exception”;
catch(double d)
cout<< “Caught double exception”;

One important thing to be understood is that a function can only be restricted

in what types of exceptions it throws back to the try block that called it. That is, a try
block within the function can throw any type of exception so long as it is caught within
the function. The restriction applies only when throwing an exception outside of the
Rethrowing an exception
To rethrow an exception from within an exception, call throw by itself without an
exception. This causes the current exception to be passed on to an outer try/ catch
sequence. This allows multiple handlers access to the exception. An exception can be
thrown back only from within a catch block or from any function within the catch.
The same catch statement cannot catch the rethrown exception. The next catch
statement will catch it. The following example will illustrate this.
# include<iostream.h>
Void test()
char *str;
str= “First exception”;
throw str;
catch(char *s)
cout<< s <<“Caught a char * inside test\n”;

Exception Handling / 129

void main()
catch(char *a)
cout<< “caught char * inside main\n”;

11.3 & 11.4 Check your progress

Q.1 Fill in the blanks

1. The catch statements inv olv ed in catching any exceptions is


2. The same catch statement cannot catch the ...........................exception

In this chapter we learnt what is an exception? Exceptions are unusual events
that happen in a program under certain circumstances. The common reasons are-
inability to open a file, exceeding the bounds of an array, falling short of memory etc.
C++ exception is built upon three keywords try, catch, and throw. Exceptions
thrown by try block are caught by catch block. You can have more than one-catch
statements, but each catch statement must catch a different data-type. The number
of catch statements cannot exceed the number of data-types supported by the language.
While calling a function from within a try block, the type of exceptions thrown
by that function can be restricted. The function can be prevented to throw an exception
at all. This can be accomplished by adding a throw clause to the function definition.


11.1 & 11.2

Q.1 1. Exception handling 2. Try, catch and throw

11.3 & 11.4

Q.1 1. Ellipses 2. Rethrown


Q.1 What is an exception?
Q.2 Explain with example ‘catching all exception’


1. Complete Reference C++
2. Object Oriented Programming Language C++ : Balguruswami

C++ / 130

Exception Handling / 131


C++ / 132
During this session you will learnt about
• Static class members
• Static member functions
• Overriding insertion and extraction operator
• How to write a global inline function
• The Preprocessor Directives
• Manipulators
• Templates


As we already know all the objects of the class have different data members but
invoke the same member functions. However, there is an exception to this rule. If the
data member is declared with the keyword static, then only one such data item is
created for the entire class, no matter how many objects it has. Static data members
are useful, if all objects of a class must share a common data item. Whereas, the
visibility of this data item remains same, the duration of this variable is for entire lifetime
of the program.
For example, such a variable can be particularly useful if an object requires to
know how many objects of its kind exist.
class counter
counter ();
int getcount();
static int count;
counter: :counter ()

int counter::getcount()
return (count);
int counter :: count = 0;// INITIALIZATION OF STATIC MEMBER.
void main()
counter c1,c2;

cout << “ Count =” << c1.getcount() << endl;

cout << “ Count =” << c2.getcount() << endl;

counter c3;

Appendix / 133
cout << “ Count =” << c3.getcount() << endl;

counter c4,c5;

cout <<“ Count = “ << c4.getcount() << endl;

cout <<“ Count =” << c5.getcount() << endl;

Count = 2 // not 1 because 2 objects are already created.
Count = 2
Count = 3
Count = 5
Count = 5

In the above example, the class counter demonstrates the use of static data
members. It contains just one data member count. Notice the initialization of this static
class member. For some compilers it is mandatory. Even though the data member is
in the private section it can be accessed in this case as a global variable directly, but
has to be preceded by the name of the class and the scope resolution operator. This
example contains a constructor to increment this variable. Similarly, there can be a
destructor to decrement it.
You can use these to generate register numbers for student objects from a
student class. Whenever an object is created, he will be automatically assigned a
register number if the register number is a static variable and a constructor is used to
write an equation to generate separate register numbers in some order. You could
initialize the variable to give the first register number and then use this in the constructor
for further operations.


All the objects of the class share static data members of a class. The example
above demonstrates how to keep track of all the objects of a class which are in
existence. However, this function uses existing objects to invoke a member function
getcount(), which returns the value of the static data member. What if the programme
does not want to use objects to invoke this function and still the programme would like
to know how many objects have been created? If there is no object how the member
function is invoked? Further, as can be seen from the previous output, the number of
objects (count) remains same at a given instance no matter which object is used to
invoke the member function. In fact, the use of existing objects, like in the above
example, is not an effective way to access the value of the static data member. A
specific object should not be used to refer to this member, since it does not belong
to that object; it belongs to the entire class. C++ gives a facility to define static function
members, for the same. That is, to invoke such a function, an object is not required.
It can be invoked with the name of the class. The programme given below illustrates
its use.
class counter
public :
counter ();
static int getcount();

C++ / 134
static int count;

counter::counter ()
int counter: :getcount() {
int counter:: count = 0; // INITIALIZATION OF

void main()
counter c1,c2;
cout << “ Count =” << counter:: getcount() << endl;
cout << “ Count = “ << counter:: getcount() << endl;
counter c3;
cout << “ Count = “ << counter:: getcount() << endl;
counter c4,c5;
cout << “ Count =” << counter:: getcount() << endl;
cout << “ Count = “ << counter:: getcount() << endl;

Count = 2
Count = 2
Count = 3
Count = 5
Count = 5


Following program illustrates how insertion and extraction can be overloaded.
# include<iostream.h>
class student
char name[30];
int marks[4];

friend istream &operator>> (istream &s1, student&s2);

friend ostream &operator<< (ostream &s1, student&s2);
istream &operator>> (istream &s1, student&s2)
cout<<“Enter name :”;

Appendix / 135
cout<< “Enter marks in 4 subjetcs :\n”;
for( int k=0; k<4; ++k)
s1>> s2.marks[k];
return s 1;
ostream &operator<< (ostream &s1, student s2)
s 1<< “Names : “ << s2.name << “‘\n”;
s1<< “Marks:”;
for(int sum=0, k=0; k<4; ++k)
s1<<s2.inaiks[k]<<“ “;
sum+= s2.marks[k];
float percents = sum/4.0;
s 1<< “// percentage of marks = “ << percents << “\n\n”;.
return s1;
void main ()
student x;
cin>> x;


First, let’s get away from member functions for a moment and consider a global
function. To make a request that this function be inline :
Precede the return type of the function with the keyword inline.
Write the function body (the definition, not just the declaration) before any calls
to that function.
Here is a program that uses an inline function to compute and return the absolute
value of its input argument.
# include <stdio.h>
inline int abs(int x)
return x <0?-x : x;
void main()
for (int i=-2 ; i<2 ; ++i)
int value = abs(i);
printf (“Absolute value of %+d = %+d\n”,i, value);

C++ / 136

The output is:

Absolute value of -2 =+2
Absolute value of -1 =+1
Absolute value of +0 =+0
Absolute value of +1 =+1

When the call to the abs ( ) function is encountered, the compiler, instead of
making a function call, generates this assembly code.


A preprocessor directive which begins with a hash ‘#’,is an instruction to the
preprocessor, which acts on the source code before the compilation process. The
output from the preprocessor becomes the input to the compiler and is also called as
extended source code. It performs file inclusions, macro substitution and conditional
compilation etc.
The #define Directive
The #define directive defines a macro which is a text string represented by a
name. Whenever the preprocessor finds this name in the program, it is replaced by the
text string it represents. The is an following example which defines a value and gives
it a name PI.
#define PI 3.14285 // no semicolon given

void main()
cout<< PI;
This program is equivalent to :
void main()
cout<< 3.14285;
The # define directive works strictly on the basis of substitution of a text string
for the macro names.
The #undef Directive
This directive undefines a previously defined macro. For, example the following
will give an error since PI is undefined.
#define PI 3.14285
void main()
cout<< PI; // no error here
# undef PI;
cout<<PI; //error after undef.

The #ifdef, #elif, #else and #endif Directives

Appendix / 137
These directives are used for conditional compilation. They are used in the
following ways.
#ifdef condition

#ifdef condition

#ifdef condition 1
#elif condition2

#ifdef condition 1
#elif condition2

Just like #ifdef there is also #ifndef which negates the condition.
These directives control which portions of the code will be passed to the compiler.
For example, these directives can be used for compiling the program written for two
different machines. On MSDOS machines, the program can make use of certain
MSDOS features. Otherwise, some other code depending on the machine is executed.
void main()
#ifdef ___MSDOS____

The #error directive

This directive facilitates putting diagnostic messages into the preprocessor
statements. Sometimes, working with conditional compilation, error messages need to
be displayed. In this case the #error directive is very useful. The following example
illustrates the usage of this directive.
#error Compile this program in the large model only
The example shows a program, which has to be compiled only in the large
C++ / 138
model. If the compiler switch for a large model is not on, the preprocessor prints the
given error message and stops compilation.

As discussed earlier, there are several classes in the iostream.h header file. One
of them is ios class. This class stores the format state. For instance, some bits define
the base in which the numbers will be printed, some bits define the field width. This
header file has functions called manipulators, using which the output format can be
controlled. There are 3 manipulators dec(), oct(), hex() to set the base in which a given
number will be printed. These manipulators are called in two ways :
hex(cout); // Pass the object name
cout<< hex; // use the insertion operator.
But since these manipulators are not member functions of the class, it cannot
be used as follows:
cout.hex(); // Not allowed.
void main(void)
int i =110;
cout << “ Default Base Decimal:”<< i << endl;

cout << hex; // Print in hexadecimal

cout << “ Hexadecimal:” << i << endl;

cout << oct; //Print in Octal

cout << “ Octal :” << i << endl;

dec(cout); // Back to decimal

cout <<“ Decimal :” << i;
Default Base Decimal : 110
Hexadecimal : 6e
Octal :156
Decimal :110

Changing Field width

The printf() and scanf() functions from the standard library, use width specifier for
controlling the width of its output. Similarly, the ostream class also has a member
function width() for the same. This function has the following prototype.
int width(void);
int width(int newsize);
The first form returns the current field width. The default is always zero. That is
because , the cout object always uses space just wide enough to output the values
and a default size if zero matches all. The second form can be used to change the
current width setting. The argument passed to it is the new width to be set. It also
returns the previous width. The width() function affects only the next item displayed. The
filed width reverts to default afterwards.
void main()

Appendix / 139
cout<<“ default width=”<< cout.width()<<endl;
cout.width(10); Set width to 10
Default width = 0;
[ A]
This is very useful in preparing reports.
Padding the Extra Places
By default, C++ pads spaces to extra places, if the width specified is more than
the actual output . ostream contains a function fill() to set a new fill character. The
function prototypes are :
char fill(void) //Returns current fill character
char fill(char c) //Set a new fill character.
void main()
int amt1 = 100, amt2= 12345;
cout.fill(‘*’) ;
cout << “ Amount 1 : [“;
cout<< amt1 <<“]\n”;
cout << “Amount 2 :[“;
cout << amt2 << “]\n”;
Amount 1 : [**100]
Amount 2 : [12345]
Setting a precision
By default, C++ prints six decimal places after the decimal point, except for
trailing zeroes. The function precision() can be used to change this default behavior. The
function does not merely truncate the trailing digits, it rounds them up. This function
has the following prototype :
int precision(void); //Returns a Current Value.
int precision(int p); // set a new precision
void main()
float f1 =123.43;
float f2 = 10.0/3.0;
float f3 = 10.0/6.0;
cout <<“Default f1 =[“<<f1 <<“]\n”;
cout << “ Default f2 = [“<< f2 <<“]\n”;

C++ / 140
cout << “ Default f1 = [“<< f3 <<“]\n”;


cout<<“f1 =[“<<f1 <<“]\n”;

cout << “ f2 = [“<< f2 <<“]\n”;
cout << “ f3 = [“<< f3 <<“]\n”;
Default f1 =[123.43]
Default f2 = [3.333333]
Default f3 = [1.666667]
f1 =[123.43]
f2 = [3.33]
f3 = [1.67]

Function templates provide you with the capability to write a single function that
is a skeleton, or template, for a family of similar functions.
In function overloading technique it relieves someone who is using your functions
from having to know about different names for various functions that essentially do the
same task. Unfortunately, overloaded functions are not the ultimate solution to the
problem that is inherent when writing functions that are similar in their behavior.
Consider the following example:
int max(int x, int y)
return (x>y)?x:y;
float max(float x, float y)
return ( x > y) ? x : y ;
long max( long x, long y)
return ( x > y) ? x : y ;
char max(char x, char y)
return ( x > y) ? x : y ;

void main()
cout << max( 1,2) << endl;
cout << max( 4L,3L) << endl;
cout << max( 5.62,3.48) << endl;
cout << max(‘A’ ‘a’)<< endl;
Appendix / 141
The output is;
Even though function overloading is used, the problem with this example is that
there is still too much repetitious coding. In other words, each function is essentially
doing the same task. Now, instead of you having to write many functions, it would be
nice if were to write only one function and can accommodate almost any type of input
How a Function Template solves this problem
A function template solves the problem by allowing you to write just one function
that serves as a skeleton, or, template, for a family of functions whose tasks are all
This function template does not specify the actual types of the arguments that
the function accepts; instead, it uses a generic, or parameterized type, as a “ place
holder”, until you determine the specific types. The process of invocation of these
functions with actual parameter types is called the template instantiation.
How to write a function template
A function template should be written at the start of the program in the global
area, or you may place it into a header file. All function templates start with a template
The syntax is :
The C++ keyword template
A left angle bracket ( < )
A comma separates a list of generic types, each one. A generic type consists
of two parts
the keyword class ( this usage of class has nothing to do with the key word
class used to create user-defined type.)
a variable that represents some generic type, and will be used whenever this
type needs to be written in the function definition. Typically the name T is used, but
any valid C++ name will do.
A right angle bracket ( > ).
template < class T>
T max(char x, char y)
return ( x > y) ? x : y ;

void main()
cout << max( 1,2) << endl;
cout << max( 5.62,3.48) <<endl;
cout << max(‘A’,’a’) << endl;
cout << max( 4,3) << endl;.
The output is :

C++ / 142
Each of first three max () function class causes a template function to be
instantiated, first with an int, then with a double and then with a char. The last call using
two integers does not cause another instantiation to occur because this call can use
the instantiated function that was generated as a result of the first class that also uses
two integers.
The template needs to have parameters, either a template type representing a
type or a template non-type parameter representing a constant expression.
template < class Hello, const int size >
Hello min ( const Hello ( & array)[size])
Hello min_val = array [0];
for(int i=1; i<size; ++i)
if( array[i] < min_val)
min_val = array[i];
return (min_val);
Where Hello can be built in or user defined type and size is always constant and
A template type specifier can be used for variable declaration ( in the above
example , it is used to declare min_val), casts etc., just like normal variable.
We can have more than one template parameter type in the same template.
template < class T1, class T2, class T3>
T3 min (T1 a , T2 b);
We can even overload function templates,
template <class T>
T min ( T *, int);

template <class T>

T min ( T , int);

template <class T>

T min ( T , T);

Class Templates
In addition to function templates, C++ also supports the concept of class templates.
By definition, a class template is a class definition that describes a family of related
classes. The philosophy is essentially the same as that of function templates, i.e., the
ability to create a class (or structure) that contains one or more types that are generic,

Appendix / 143
or parameterized.
A class template is defined in a manner similar to that of a function template.
You start by writing a template declaration followed by the class definition:
Template <class T>
class test
private : T item;
// data and functions
The generation of a class from class definition is called template instantiation.
We can declare variables of this class as follows:
void main()
test<int> intobj;
test<double> doubleobj;
In the first instantiation the entire template types i.e. variables of type T will be
converted as integers. In the second case they are converted as double variables.
Of course, you may have more than one parameterized type between the angle
Template < class T1, class T2, class T3>
class classname;
Each parameter should be preceded with the keyword class.
Template < classT, U> // Error
Template < class T, class U> // O.K.
In this session we have seen how a static variable and static function combination
can be used for variables, which are shared by all the objects and hence can be given
a single memory location and how objects are not required to invoke them. We also
learnt how to share our private details with friends, which though should not be overused,
but becomes extremely necessary sometimes. Using the manipulators and iostream
objects we can enhance the way our output appears on the screen. Functions can
be made as inline functions if they are small. These are substituted in place of
function calls and are faster compared to calling and returning as compared to-normal
functions. We also learnt how the shortcomings of function overloading could be overcome
using template functions.
A non-type parameter represents a constant value.
Template < class T, const int buffer > class classname;
The functions of the template classes obey the rules of the function templates.


C++ / 144

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