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Demo Lesson Plan General Biology

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The lesson discusses the structure and function of organelles in plant and animal cells and having students construct cell models.

The topic is the anatomy of the cell, specifically describing the structure and function of different organelles in animal and plant cells.

Supplies for the cell model include recyclable materials to construct 3D models of plant, animal, and bacterial cells.

Lesson Plan in General Biology 1

Content Cell
Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of cell
structures and functions.
Performance Standard The learner shall be able to construct a 3D model of
plant/animal/bacterial cell using recyclable materials
Learning Competencies The learners describe the structure and function of major
and subcellular organelles
Code STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-2

I. Objectives:

At the end of the 60-minute discussion, the students should be able to:
1. describe the structure and function of different organelles in animal and plant
2. construct a model of a plant and animal cell .
3. appreciate the value of creativity, patience and teamwork in doing a task.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Anatomy of The Cell

B. Reference: Biology: Today and TomorrowFor Non-Science Majors
by Starr, Evers and Star, pages 49-55
C. Materials:
LCD Projector & Screen
Whiteboard and marker
Supplies for Cell Model

D. Values: Creativity, Patience, Teamwork

III. Procedure

1. Routinary Activities

1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Bio-Bits (Trivia of the Day)

2. Motivation

The class will be divided into five groups. Scrambled letters will be flashed on the screen
and the students should guess what the word is. Answers shall be written on the Meta
card given and paste it on the manila paper. The group with the highest point wins.

Scrambled Word Answer

3. Lesson Proper

Using a PowerPoint presentation, the teacher will present the topic using active learning
and/or collaborative learning.

4. Generalization

The cell is considered the basic unit of life. Organelles are small structures within cells
that have specific jobs that include ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
apparatus, vacuoles, lysosomes, mitochondria, plasma membrane and others.

5. Application

Cell Model Construction

The class will be divided into five groups. Using the available materials they have on
hand, the students will construct their model within 10 minutes. After the time given,
the teacher will choose the best model.

IV. Evaluation

The group will going to present their output using the teacher-made rubric. (see
attached rubric)

V. Assignment

Draw and label the parts of an animal and plant cell.

Prepared by:

Michelle Ann C. Degran

Group No. ______ Date: ______
Section: ________

Name of the Members:

1. ___________________ 4. ___________________
2. ___________________ 5. ___________________
3. ___________________ 6. ___________________


Cell Type: ________

Grade: ________ out of 30 Rubric points x 100 = __________ %

Model Criteria Excellent (5) Great (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Creativity & Model is 3-D. Model is 3-D. Model is 3-D. Model is 3-D. Model is not 3-
Design Uses different Uses different Uses different Organelles are D.No edible
edible edible materials edible all made out material is
materials for for each materials for of the same used.
each organelle. organelle. Cell each edible
Cell proper proper shape. organelle. Cell material.
shape. not proper
Imaginative. shape.
Labels Name, period, Missing one Missing two Missing more Organelles not
cell type element: name, elements: than two labeled on
present. All period, cell name, period, elements: model.
organelles type, organelle cell type, name, period, Difficult to
labeled neatly label organelle cell type, read and
and legible on Legible and labels organelle understand.
model. neat Neatly labeled. labels. Not
Organelles All required Missing, Missing two Missing three Missing three
organelles misplacement, organelles or more or more
shown. Proper improper size or from cell. Most organelles. organelles.
size, shape and shape of one organelles Most Most
placement in organelle in cell. proper shape, organelles organelles not
the cell. Including an size and proper shape, proper shape,
extra organelle. placement. size and size or
placement. placement in
the cell.
Key Criteria Excellent (5) Great (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Functions All organelle One organelle Missing two Missing three Missing four or
functions are function missing organelle organelle more organelle
correct for cell or incorrect. functions. functions. Not functions. Key
model. Neat Extra organelle Neatly written. neatly written. is difficult to
and legible. function added read.
Identification All organelles All organelles Most Most Organelles are
are correctly are correctly organelles are organelles are not labeled on
labeled. labeled. Pictures correctly NOT correctly key.
Sample drawn to labeled and labeled and do
organelle on represent match model. NOT match
key. Match organelles. model.
Presentation Excellent (5) Great (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Part & Function Discusses all Does not Does not Does not Does not
cell parts and explain one explain two explain three explain four or
functions. organelle or its organelles or organelles or more
Explains what function. their their functions organelles or
was used for functions. their functions.
each organelle. Does not
Total Points

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