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Discursurile (post)moderne ale arhitecturii

The (Post)Modern Dialogues of Architecture


Datele edi]iei
Data about the edition

Editor/Publisher: Monografiile «Arhitext»

Arpad Zachi Funda]ia Arhitext design
Str. Academiei nr. 18-20, Sector 1, Bucure[ti, Romånia
Redactori/Editorial staff: tel./phone number: 40(21) – 311.10.12
Arpad Zachi e-mail: arhitext@b.astral.ro
Livia Ivanovici arhitext_redactie@b.astral.ro

Design/Graphic design: Copyright©2008 Arhitext

Faber Studio Funda]ia Arhitext Design are dreptul de copyright
(Silvia Olteanu, Alexandra R`dulescu, Dinu pentru toate materialele con]inute în acest volum.
Dumbr`vician) Reproducerea integral` sau par]ial` a textului sau
a materialului ilustrativ poate fi f`cut` numai cu
Tehnoredactare/Make-up editorship: acordul scris al posesorului dreptului.
Silvia Olteanu The book is subject to copyright, therefore any
reproduction of the text or illustrations or otherwise
Traduceri/Translations: should be approved in writing only by the copyright
Magda Teodorescu holder.
Claudia Rada
Livia Ivanovici Sponsori principali/Main sponsors:
Simona Gala]chi
Livia Ivanovici Sponsori/Sponsorship:
Fotografii/Photos: BAUMIT ROMÅNIA
Ioan Andreescu SC BA&KI SRL
Vlad Gaivoronschi SC NGF CONSTRUCT SRL
Schi]e [i desene/Sketches & Drawings:
Ioan Andreescu Cartea a ap`rut cu sprijinul
Vlad Gaivoronschi Administra]iei Fondului Cultural Na]ional.
Romi Adam The book appeared with the support of the
Administration of National Cultural Fund.

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a Romåniei

Discursurile (post)moderne ale arhitecturii = The

(Post)Modern Dialogues of Architecture / trad.:
Magda Teodorescu, Claudia Rada ; pref.: Dana
Vais ; postf.: Arpad Zachi. – Bucure[ti : Editura
Funda]iei Arhitext Design, 2008
ISBN 978-973-85482-9-9

I. Teodorescu, Magda (trad.)

II. Rada, Claudia (trad.)
III. Vais, Dana (pref.)
IV. Zachi, Arpad (postf.)



Prolog «Star Telefonica»

«Star Telefonica» 118
Prologue 5 Sediul CFR Marf` Timi[oara
Curriculum Vitae Ioan Andreescu Headquarters of Timi[oara CFR Marf` Branch 122
Curriculum Vitae Ioan Andreescu 6
Vlad Gaivoronschi
Curriculum Vitae Vlad Gaivoronschi
Curriculum Vitae Vlad Gaivoronschi 10 Vlad Gaivoronschi 128
Pandora Boutique
Dincolo de certitudini. Andreescu [i Gaivoronschi.
Pandora Shop 132
Beyond Certainties. Andreescu and Gaivoronschi. 14 Casa Sere Traian
Sere Traian House 138
Lucrari [i proiecte Casa Bistriceanu
Works and projects 32 Bistriceanu House 144
Lucr`ri realizate \n comun Casa Dr. Cioc
Common projects 34 Dr. Cioc’s House 152
Amenajare Sediu de Proiectare Andreescu & Gaivoronschi Casa Ionescu
Fitting Out Andreescu & Gaivoronschi Office 38 Ionescu House 158
Bijuteria «Gold Tim» Hotel Savoy
«Gold Tim» Jewelry Store 44 Savoy Hotel 164
Pia]a Badea Cår]an Locuin]` familial`, zona C`ii Martirilor
Badea Cår]an Market 48 Family dwelling, C`ii Martirilor District 176
Hotel Reghina Locuin]` de vacan]`, R`b`gani

Reghina Hotel 56 R`b`gani Holiday Villa 184

Casa Po[a
Agen]ia comercial` [i de rela]ii cu publicul Romtelecom, Timi[oara
Romtelecom, Timi[oara Commercial and Public Relations Agency 62 Po[a House 190
«City Business Centre»
Complexul hotelier Perla
Perla Hotel Complex 68 City Business Centre 196
Ioan Andreescu Epilog
Ioan Andreescu 84
Epilogue 210
Cofet`ria «Trandafirul»
«Trandafirul» Confectionery 88 Arpad ZACHI
Centrul de documentare al Camerei de csomer] Sub semnul dialogului
The Documentation Centre of the Chamber of Commerce 92 Under the Auspices of Dialogue 212
Casa Jumanca List` de proiecte [i colaboratori
Jumanca House 96 Projects and Collaborators List 214
Hotel Reghina Blue
Reghina Blue Hotel 102
Galeria 1
Gallery 1 112


Ioan Andreescu

1957 N`scut \n, Timi[oara, Romånia

1979 Diplom` \n Arhitectur`, Institutul Politehnic Traian Vuia Timi[oara, Facultatea
de Construc]ii, Sec]ia de Arhitectur`
1982 Diplom` \n Arhitectur`, Universitatea de Arhitectur` «Ion Mincu», Bucure[ti
1999 Doctor cu lucrarea «Origini spirituale \n Arhitectura Modern`», Universitatea de
Arhitectur` «Ion Mincu», Bucure[ti

Experien]` profesional`

din 1990 Partener principal la S.C. Andreescu & Gaivoronschi SRL

1983-1990 Arhitect la I.P.R.O.TIM Timi[oara; autor [i coautor al mai multor proiecte, unele
construite, coautor al unor proiecte pentru concursuri interna]ionale

Proiectare, realiz`ri

– peste 80 de proiecte, inclusiv de concurs, dintre care peste 50 realizate

Activitate academic`

2002 – 2008 – Conferen]iar la Facultatea de Arhitectur` din Timi[oara, titular al cursurilor

«Modernizare [i reabilitare» (anul VI, sem.I), «Istoria arhitecturii moderne» [i
«Proiectare \n stil» (anul IV), «Curente [i metode contemporane» (anul VI, sem. I),
«Regenerare urban`» (sem I [i II – Master class de Urbanism) [i «Teorii [i
metode \n restaurare [i reconversie» (Master class – Restaurare, sem. II),
coordonator al activit`]ii de proiectare de sinteze – restaurare [i reconversie
(master, sem. II), preocupare pentru noile proiecte complexe de regenerare
urban` [i de landscape [i noile curente din arhitectura contemporan`,
preocupare pentru interven]iile \n situri istorice protejate
1991-2002 {ef lucr`ri, Universitatea «Politehnic`» din Timi[oara, Facultatea de Arhitectur`
1990 Asistent, Universitatea «Politehnic`» din Timi[oara, Facultatea de Arhitectur`

Premii [i distinc]ii

1981 Premiul II la «Central Glass International Design Competition», Tokyo (al`turi de

Vlad Gaivoronschi, Florin Colpacci, Adrian Iona[iu, Claudiu Panaitescu)
1986 Premiul Uniunii Na]ionale a Arhitec]iilor din Romånia (cu {erban Sturdza, Vlad
Gaivoronschi, Dan Popa, Mihai Botescu, Doru Covrig, Nicolae Bu[il`) – Centrul
Civic Timi[oara
1987 Premiul II la Concursul «O cas` poetic`» – Bucure[]i
1990 Premiul I la concursul local pentru Catedrala Ortodox` – Fabric (\mpreun` cu
Vlad Gaivoronschi)
1994 Dou` cita]ii la Bienala de Arhitectur` Bucure[ti

1957 Born in Timi[oara, Romania

1979 University degree in Architecture, Traian Vuia Polytechnic Institute, Timi[oara,
Faculty of Constructions, Architecture Section
1982 University degree in Architecture, awarded by «Ion Mincu» University of
Architecture, Bucharest
1999 PhD with the thesis «Spiritual Origins in Modern Architecture», awarded by «Ion
Mincu» University of Architecture, Bucharest

Professional experience

from 1990 Main partner with S.C. Andreescu & Gaivoronschi SRL
1983-1990 Architect at I.P.R.O.TIM Timi[oara; author and co-author of various projects,
several materialized, co-author of certain projects for international contests;

Design activities, achievements:

– over 80 projects, including competition projects, 50 of which have been materialized

Academic activity

2002 – 2008 Principal lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture, Timi[oara, permanent professor
for such courses as «Modernization and restoration» (VIth year, Ist semester),
«History of modern architecture» and «Designing in style» (IVth year),
«Contemporary trends and methods» (VIth year, Ist semester), «Urban
Regeneration» (Ist and IInd semesters – Urbanism master class) and «Theories and
methods for restoration and conversion» (Master class – Restoration, IInd
semester), coordinator of the synthesis design activities – restoration and
conversion (master, IInd semester), concern with the new complex urban
regeneration and landscape projects and with the new trends in contemporary
architecture, concern with interventions in protected historical sites.
1991-2002 senior lecturer, Polytechnic University, Timi[oara, Faculty of Architecture;
1990 Assistant, Polytechnic University, Timi[oara, Faculty of Architecture;

Prizes and distinctions

1981 IInd Prize at the «Central Glass International Design Competition», Tokyo
(together with Vlad Gaivoronschi, Florin Colpacci, Adrian Iona[iu, Claudiu
1986 National Prize of the Romanian Architects Union (together with Serban Sturdza,
Vlad Gaivoronschi, Dan Popa, Mihai Botescu, Doru Covrig, Nicolae Busila) –
Timi[oara Civic Center
1987 IInd Prize at the Contest «A poetical house» – Bucharest
1994 Nominalizare \n cadrul Bienalei de Arhitectur` Bucure[ti pentru amenajarea
magazinului de bijuterii «Gold Tim» (\mpreun` cu Vlad Gaivoronschi, Ioan Trif,
1995 Premiul special al revistei «Arhitext Design» pentru lucrarea «Centrul de
Documentare al Camerei de Comer] Timi[oara» (\mpreun` cu arh. Adrian Iona[iu)
1995 Premiul trianual «Mac Constantinescu» (\mpreun` cu Vlad Gaivoronschi)
1996 Premiul Bienalei Interna]ionale de Arhitectur` de la Bucure[ti – Arhitectura de
interior: «Amenajarea Camerei de Comer]» Timi[oara (\mpreun` cu Adrian Iona[iu)
1996 Premiul Bienalei Interna]ionale de Arhitectur` – Bucure[ti –«Pia]a Badea
Cår]an», Timi[oara (\mpreun` cu Vlad Gaivoronschi [i Adrian Iona[iu)
1997 Premiul European pentru cea mai bun` construc]ie metalic` (ECCS) – pentru
«Membran` tensionat` hibrid` pentru o pia]` \n Timi[oara» (\mpreun` cu:
Vlad Gaivoronschi, Adrian Iona[iu, prof. ing. V. Gioncu, ing. V. V`caru, dipl. ing.
H. Dürr [i dipl. ing. R. Essrich)
1998 Diploma de performan]` pentru finalizarea lucr`rii «Consolidare [i restaurare
Castel Banloc» oferit` de UNRMI – Uniunea Na]ional` a Restauratorilor de
Monumente Istorice (\mpreun` cu Vlad Gaivoronschi)
1999 Premiul special al revistei «Arhitext Design» pentru Hotelul Reghina Timi[oara
(\mpreun` cu Vlad Gaivoronschi)
1999 Premiul «Cel mai complex proiect ArchiCAD» oferit \n cadrul «Simpozionului de
arhitectur` ArchiCAD» pentru lucrarea «Casa Jumanca», Timi[oara (\mpreun`
cu F. Konig)
2000 Nominalizare la Bienala de arhitectur` Bucure[ti pentru «Amenajare Agen]ie
comercial` [i de rela]ii cu publicul Romtelecom», Timi[oara (\mpreun` cu Vlad
2000 Premiul special «Helios» al Bienalei de arhitectur` Bucure[ti pentru «Amenajare
Agen]ie comercial` [i de rela]ie cu publicul Romtelecom» Timi[oara (\mpreun`
cu Vlad Gaivoronschi)
2001 Premiul revistei «Arhitext Design», sec]iunea Design Interior pentru «Amenajare
Agen]ie comercial` [i de rela]ii cu publicul Romtelecom» Timi[oara (\mpreun`
cu Vlad Gaivoronschi)
2005 Nominalizare a revistei «Arhitext Design» pentru amenajare exterioar` «curte
japonez`» Hotel Reghina Timi[oara (\mpreun` cu Dan Munteanu)
2006 Premiul filialei OAR Timi[oara pentru design interior – magazin «Star
Telefonica», Timi[oara (\mpreun` cu arh. Marius Hår]a [i arh. Claudiu Toma)
2007 Nominalizare \n cadrul Festivalului «|ntre/|ntru culturi» organizat de revista
«Arhitext Design» la Sibiu pentru hotel Reghina
2007 Nominalizare \n cadrul Anualei de Arhitectur` timi[orene pentru proiect
«Victoria» Sibiu (\mpreun` cu arh. Dan Munteanu) [i pentru proiectul Club
nautic [i birouri Timi[oara


Participant la expozi]ii \n ]ar` [i str`in`tate (Bucure[ti, Cluj, Timi[oara, Salonic, Istanbul, Szeged,
Budapesta, Leipzig, Viena, Bienala de la Vene]ia)
1990 Ist Prize at the local contest for the Orthodox Cathedral – Fabric (together with
Vlad Gaivoronschi)
1993 IIIrd Prize at the National Contest for the refurbishment of «700 Square»,
Timi[oara (with Vlad Gaivoronschi and Adrian Iona[iu)
1994 two mentions at the Bucharest Architecture Biennale
1994 nomination within the Bucharest Architecture Biennale for the refurbishment of
«Gold Tim» Jewelry Shop in Timi[oara (together with Vlad Gaivoronschi, Ioan Trif)
1995 Special prize granted by «Arhitext Design» magazine for the work «Documentation
Center of the Timi[oara Chamber of Commerce» (together with architect Adrian
1995 «Mac Constantinescu» triennial prize (together with Vlad Gaivoronschi)
1996 The prize of the Bucharest International Architecture Biennale – Interior
architecture: «Refurbishment of the Timi[oara Chamber of Commerce» (together
with Adrian Iona[iu)
1996 The prize of the Bucharest International Architecture Biennale – «Badea Cår]an
Square» Timi[oara (together with Vlad Gaivoronschi and Adrian Iona[iu)
1997 Prize granted by ECCS Steel Design Awards for «Badea Cår]an» Square, Timi[oara
(together with Vlad Gaivoronschi, Adrian Iona[iu, Enginner professor V. Gioncu,
Enginner V. V`caru, Engineer H. Dürr and engineer R. Essrich)
1998 Performance diploma for completion of the work «Consolidation and restoration
of Banloc Castle», awarded by UNRMI – National Union of Restorers of Historical
Monuments (together with Vlad Gaivoronschi)
1999 Special prize of «Arhitext Design» magazine for Reghina Hotel, Timi[oara (together
with Vlad Gaivoronschi)
1999 The prize «Most complex ArchiCAD project», awarded during the «ArchiCAD
Architecture Symposium» for «Jumanca House» project, Timi[oara (together with
F. Konig)
2000 Nomination at the Bucharest Architecture Biennale for «Refurbishment works to
the Romtelecom commercial and public relations agency», Timi[oara (together
with Vlad Gaivoronschi)
2000 «Helios» special prize of the Bucharest Architecture Biennale for «Refurbishment
works to the Romtelecom commercial and public relations agency», Timi[oara
(together with Vlad Gaivoronschi)
2001 The prize of «Arhitext Design» magazine, Interior Design section, for «Refurbishment
works to the Romtelecom commercial and public relations agency», Timi[oara
(together with Vlad Gaivoronschi)
2005 Nomination of «Arhitext Design» magazine for exterior arrangement works –
«Japanese garden» at the Reghina Hotel, Timi[oara (together with Dan Munteanu)
2006 Prize of OAR Timi[oara Subsidiary for interior design – «Star Telefonica» shop,
Timi[oara (together with architect Marius Hår]a and architect Claudiu Toma)
2007 Nomination at the Festival «Inside/Insight Cultures» organized by «Arhitext Design»
magazine in Sibiu for Reghina Hotel
2007 Nomination at the Annual Architecture Event organized in Timi[oara for the
«Victoria» project, Sibiu (together with architect Dan Munteanu) and for the
project nautical club and offices, Timi[oara


Participant in Romanian and foreign exhibitions (Bucharest, Cluj, Timi[oara, Salonic, Istanbul,
Szeged, Budapest, Leipzig, Vienna, Venice Biennale)

(Translation: Claudia Rada)



Vlad Gaivoronschi

1956 N`scut \n Cluj-Napoca, Romånia

1979 Diplom` \n Arhitectur`, Institutul Politehnic Traian Vuia Timi[oara, Facultatea
de Construc]ii, Sec]ia de Arhitectur`
1982 Diplom` \n Arhitectur`, Universitatea de Arhitectur` «Ion Mincu», Bucure[ti
2000 Doctor cu lucrarea «Matrici ale spa]iului tradi]ional», Universitatea de Arhitectur`
«Ion Mincu», Bucure[ti

Experien]` profesional`

din 1990 Partener principal la S.C. Andreescu & Gaivoronschi SRL

1983-1990 Arhitect la I.P.R.O.TIM Timi[oara; autor [i coautor al mai multor proiecte, unele
construite, coautor al unor proiecte pentru concursuri interna]ionale;

Proiectare, realiz`ri

– peste 80 de proiecte, inclusiv de concurs, dintre care peste 50 realizate

Activitate academic`

2003 – 2008 Conferen]iar la Universitatea «Politehnic`» din Timi[oara, Facultatea de Arhitectur`,

titular al cursurilor de Teoria arhitecturii pentru anii II [i III, atelier de proiectare anii
III [i V, membru \n comisia de diplom`
1993-1994 {ef lucr`ri, Universitatea «Politehnic`» din Timi[oara, Facultatea de Arhitectur`
1992 Profesor asociat pe un semestru la anul I, atelier de proiectare, École D’architecture
de Paris Belleville \n cadrul programului TEMPUS \ntre Universitatea de Arhitectur`
«Ion Mincu», Bucure[ti, École d’architecture Saint Luc en Vallonie de Liège -i École
d’architecture de Paris Belle Ville
1990 Asistent, Universitatea «Politehnic`» din Timi[oara, Facultatea de Arhitectur`

Premii [i distinc]ii

1981 Premiul II la «Central Glass Interna]ional Design Competition», Tokyo (cu Florin
Colpacci, Ioan Andreescu, Adrian Iona[iu, Claudiu Panaitescu)
1986 Premiul Na]ional al Uniunii Arhitec]ilor din Romånia (cu {erban Sturdza, Ioan
Andreescu, Dan Popa, Mihai Botescu, Doru Covrig, Nicolae Busila) – Centrul Civic
1988 Premiul Na]ional al Uniunii Arhitec]ilor din Romånia, imobil bul. L. Salajan Timi[oara
1990 Premiul I la concursul local pentru Catedrala Ortodox` – Fabric (\mpreun` cu
Ioan Andreescu)
1993 Nominalizare \n cadrul Concursului Bianual «Arhitext Design», Pandora Shop, Timi[oara
1993 Premiul III la Concursul Na]ional pentru reamenajarea «Pie]ei 700», Timi[oara (cu
Ioan Andreescu [i Adrian Iona[iu)
1994 Premiul III la Concursul Na]ional pentru Biserica Martirilor, Timi[oara (cu Adrian
Iona[iu [i un colectiv de studen]i)
1994 Nominalizare \n cadrul Bienalei de Arhitectur`, Bucure[ti – Bijuteria Gold Tim

1956 Born in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

1979 University degree in Architecture, Traian Vuia Polytechnic Institute, Timi[oara, Faculty
of Constructions, Architecture Section
1982 University degree in Architecture, awarded by the «Ion Mincu» University of Architecture,
2000 PhD with the thesis «Matrices of traditional space», «Ion Mincu» University of
Architecture, Bucharest

Professional Experience

from 1990 Main partner of S.C. Andreescu & Gaivoronschi SRL

1983-1990 Architect at I.P.R.O.TIM Timi[oara; author and co-author of various projects, several
materialized, co-author of certain projects for international contests

Design activities, achievements:

– over 80 projects, including competition projects, 50 of which have been materialized

Academic activity

2003 – 2008 Principal lecturer with «Politehnica» University, Timi[oara, Faculty of Architecture,
permanent professor for the courses Theory of Architecture, IInd and IIIrd year, design
workshop, IIIrd and Vth years, member of the university degree commission
1993-1994 Senior lecturer with «Politehnica» University, Timi[oara, Faculty of Architecture
1992 Associate Professor for one semester, during the Ist year, in the design workshop, École
D’architecture de Paris Belleville within the TEMPUS Program concluded between the
«Ion Mincu» University of Architecture, Bucharest, École d’architecture Saint Luc en
Vallonie, Liège and École d’architecture de Paris Belle Ville
1990 University assistant, «Politehnica» University, Timi[oara, Faculty of Architecture

Prizes and distinctions

1981 IInd Prize at the «Central Glass International Design Competition», Tokyo (with Florin
Colpacci, Ioan Andreescu, Adrian Iona[iu, Claudiu Panaitescu)
1986 National Prize of the Romanian Architects Union (with {erban Sturdza, Ioan Andreescu,
Dan Popa, Mihai Botescu, Doru Covrig, Nicolae Busila) – Civic Center, Timi[oara
1988 National Prize of the Romanian Architects Union, for the L. Salajan building, Timi[oara
1990 Ist Prize at the local contest for the Orthodox Cathedral – Fabric (together with
Ioan Andreescu)
1993 Nomination within the Biannual «Arhitext Design» Contest, Pandora Shop, Timi[oara
Timi[oara (cu Ioan Andreescu [i Ioan Trif)
1995 Nominalizare \n cadrul concursului Bianual «Arhitext Design», Casa Fam. Sere, Timi[oara
1995 Premiul Trianual «Mac Constantinescu», Casa Fam. Sere, Timi[oara
1996 Premiul [i Medalia Bienalei de Arhitectur`, Bucure[ti – pentru Pia]a «Badea Cår]an»
(cu Ioan Andreescu, Adrian Iona[iu)
1996 Nominalizare \n cadrul Bienalei de Arhitectur` Bucure[ti – Hotel Perla 2 (cu Ioan
1997 Premiul ECCS Steel Design Awards pentru Pia]a «Badea Cår]an» (cu Ioan Andreescu,
Adrian Iona[iu, Victor Gioncu)
1997 Nominalizare \n cadrul Concursului «Arhitext Design» – Hotel Perla 2 (cu Ioan
1999 Premiul Na]ional al UNRMI pentru proiectul de restaurare [i refunc]ionalizare
Ansamblu Conac Banloc – (cu Ioan Andreescu)
1999 Premiul special al revistei «Arhitext Design» – Hotel Reghina (cu Ioan Andreescu)
2000 Nominalizare \n cadrul Bienalei de Arhitectur` Bucure[ti [i Premiul special al firmei
«Helios» pentru amenajarea Agen]iei comerciale [i de rela]ii cu publicul – Romtelecom
(cu Ioan Andreescu)
2001 Premiul «Arhitext Design» – pentru amenajare Agen]ie comercial` [i de rela]ii cu
publicul – Romtelecom, Timi[oara (cu Ioan Andreescu)
2002 Nominalizare \n cadrul Bienalei de Arhitectur` Bucure[ti pentru cartea Matricile
spa]iului tradi]ional.
2003 Premiul pentru arhitectur` «Arhitext Design» pentru Locuin]` Zona Martirilor, Timi[oara
2004 Nominalizare \n cadrul Bienalei de arhitectur` Bucure[ti pentru Locuin]a Zona
Martirilor, Timi[oara
2005 Nominalizare pentru design interior «Arhitext Design» pentru Amenajarea Sediului
SC Andreescu & Gaivoronschi
2006 Nominalizare \n cadrul Bienalei de arhitectur` Bucure[ti pentru Hotel Savoy, Timi[oara
2006 Nominalizare la categoria Cel mai bun arhitect pentru anul 2006 \n urma cercet`rii
sociologice \ntreprinse de CURS, TNS-CSOP, IMAS [i INSOMAR, reprezentånd opinia
arhitec]ilor romåni pentru proiectul «Zece pentru Romånia», realizat de Realitatea TV
2007 Nominalizare \n cadrul Festivalului «Arhitext Design», Sibiu – Hotel Savoy
2007 Premiul de Excelen]` pentru Arhitectur` \n cadrul Anualei de Arhitectur` organizat`
de Ordinul Arhitec]ilor, filiala Timi[, pentru Imobil de birouri, comer], servicii – City
Business Centre Timi[oara


Participant la expozi]ii \n ]ar` [i str`in`tate (Bucure[ti, Cluj, Timi[oara, Salonic, Istanbul, Szeged,
Budapesta, Leipzig, Viena, Bienala de la Vene]ia)
1993 IIIrd Prize at the National Contest for the refurbishment works to «700 Square»,
Timi[oara (with Ioan Andreescu and Adrian Iona[iu)
1994 IIIrd Prize at the National Contest for Biserica Martirilor (Martyrs’ Church), Timi[oara
(with Adrian Iona[iu and a group of students)
1994 Nomination in the Architecture Biennale, Bucharest – «Gold Tim» Timi[oara Jewelry
Shop (with Ioan Andreescu and Ioan Trif)
1995 Nomination in the contest Biannual «Arhitext Design», for the Sere family house,
1995 «Mac Constantinescu» Triennial Prize, for the Sere family house, Timi[oara
1996 The prize and the medal of the Bucharest Architecture Biennale – for «Badea Cår]an»
Square (with Ioan Andreescu, Adrian Iona[iu)
1996 Nomination in the Bucharest Architecture Biennale – Perla 2 Hotel (with Ioan Andreescu)
1997 ECCS Steel Design Awards Prize for «Badea Cår]an» Square (with Ioan Andreescu, Adrian
Iona[iu, Victor Gioncu)
1997 Nomination within the «Arhitext Design» Contest – Perla 2 Hotel (with Ioan Andreescu)
1999 National Prize of UNRMI for the project of restoring and rendering operational the
Banloc Mansion Ensemble – (with Ioan Andreescu)
1999 The special prize of Arhitext Design Magazine – Reghina Hotel (with Ioan Andreescu)
2000 Nomination at the Bucharest Architecture Biennale and the Special Prize awarded by
the «Helios» firm for refurbishment works to the Romtelecom commercial and public
relations agency (with Ioan Andreescu)
2001 the «Arhitext Design» Prize – for refurbishment works to Romtelecom Timi[oara
commercial and public relations agency (with Ioan Andreescu)
2002 Nomination at the Bucharest Architecture Biennale for the book Matrices of
traditional space.
2003 «Arhitext Design» Architecture Prize for the Martyrs’ Area dwelling, Timi[oara
2004 Nomination at the Bucharest Architecture Biennale for the Martyrs’ Area dwelling,
2005 Nomination for interior design, from «Arhitext Design», for refurbishment of the
headquarters of SC Andreescu & Gaivoronschi
2006 Nomination at the Bucharest Architecture Biennale for Savoy Hotel, Timi[oara
2006 Nomination at the category Best architect for 2006 following the sociological research
conducted by CURS, TNS-CSOP, IMAS and INSOMAR, representing the opinion of
Romanian architects for the project «Zece pentru Romånia» (Ten for Romania) at
Realitatea TV
2007 Nomination within the «Arhitext Design» Festival, Sibiu – Savoy Hotel
2007 The Excellence Prize for Architecture at the Annual Architecture Event organized by
the Order of Architects, Timi[ Subsidiary for office, trade, services building – Timi[oara
City Business Centre


Participant in Romanian and foreign exhibitions (Bucharest, Cluj, Timi[oara, Salonic, Istanbul, Szeged,
Budapest, Leipzig, Vienna, Venice Biennale)
(Translation: Claudia Rada)

Dincolo de certitudini. Andreescu [i Gaivoronschi.

Beyond Certainties. Andreescu and Gaivoronschi.


Firma Andreescu [i Gaivoronschi este un reper, pe care te The Andreescu and Gaivoronschi company is a landmark one
po]i baza atunci cånd vrei s` define[ti ceva categoric can definitely rely on when one wishes to name something
reprezentativ pentru arhitectura romåneasc` de azi sau highly representative for the Romanian architecture of our
pentru un mediu arhitectural local remarcabil – Timi[oara. days or for a remarkable local architectural environment, i.e.
Ioan Andreescu [i Vlad Gaivoronschi ocup` de aproape Timi[oara. Ioan Andreescu and Vlad Gaivoronschi have been
dou` decenii o pozi]ie de autoritate cert` [i continu` s` nu occupying a firmly authoritative position for almost two
o dezmint`. decades now and are continuing to do so.

I. Premise I. Premises
De[i A&G, ca toate firmele din Romånia, este parte din Although A&G, like all firms in Romania, is part of the new
lumea nou` de dup` 1989, totu[i Ioan Andreescu [i Vlad world which came into existence after 1989, Ioan Andreescu
Gaivoronschi apar]in unei genera]ii care [i-a tr`it primul and Vlad Gaivoronschi belong nevertheless to a generation
deceniu productiv în comunism. who lived its first productive decade in the communist period.

Timi[oara postmodern` Post-modern Timi[oara

Nu au fost deloc ani pierdu]i. La Timi[oara au existat dou` Those were not wasted years. Two sets of circumstances
complexe de împrejur`ri salvatoare pentru mediul helped to rescue the local architectural environment in
arhitectural local. A existat în primul rånd, în anii ’70, o Timi[oara. There was first, in the ’70s, a truly remarkable
via]` artistic` într-adev`r remarcabil` (grupul «Sigma», cu artistic life (the «Sigma» Group, which promoted personalities
nume devenite ulterior cult, precum {tefan Bertalan sau who subsequently became cult names, such as {tefan
Constantin Flondor), care i-a contaminat pe viitorii Bertalan or Constantin Flondor), who contaminated the
arhitec]i ai acelei genera]ii în formare. Iar în al doilea future architects of a generation in its formative years.
rånd, în anii ’80, a fost [ansa adun`rii la un loc printre Second, in the ’80s, there was the chance to bring together
arhitec]ii de la IPROTIM – institutul de proiectare de stat – several remarkable personalities among the architects
a cåtorva personalit`]i remarcabile. working at IPROTIM, the state design institute.
Cånd a ie[it în lume în Pavilionul Romåniei de la Bienala When it stepped out into the world, at Romania’s Pavilion, on
de la Vene]ia din 1996, arhitectura timi[orean` însemna the occasion of the 1996 Venice Biennale, Timi[oara
de fapt mult mai mult decåt cei [ase ani de post-comunism architecture meant in fact much more than the six years of
pe care-i prezenta acea expozi]ie. Ceea ce se vedea acolo post-communism presented at the Biennale. What could be
era rezultatul unui mediu profesional foarte con[tient de seen there was the result of a professional, extremely self-
sine [i puternic coagulat în jurul acelora[i teme înc` din aware climate, consistently focusing on the same themes as
anii ’80. Acest mediu profesional avea «dou` extreme early as the ’80s. Such professional environment evinced two
tari» – dup` cum observa atunci Ana Maria Zahariade (1): strong extremes, as Ana Maria Zahariade (1) remarked: on
echipele lui {erban Sturdza [i Andreescu & Gaivoronschi. the one hand, {erban Sturdza’s team, on the other hand, the
Ultimii doi au f`cut parte din grupul coagulat în IPROTIM Andreescu & Gaivoronschi team. The latter two belonged to
în jurul personalit`]ii primului, care era pe atunci [ef de the group reunited at IPROTIM around the first, chief of the
proiect al «Centrului Civic Timi[oara» (1985-86). De[i tem` «Timi[oara Civic Centre» project at the time (1985-86).
standard a ora[ului comunist [i mijloc de distrugere în Although a standard theme of the communist city and an
majoritatea ora[elor în care a fost aplicat, «Centrul Civic» instrument of destruction in almost every city where it was
a devenit în acest grup timi[orean, din contr`, un prilej de implemented, the «Civic Centre» became, within this group
reflec]ie serioas` asupra ora[ului. Sturdza le atr`gea from Timi[oara, on the contrary, an opportunity for
aten]ia asupra conexiunilor urbane, definirii sc`rii – ceva thoughtful meditation on the city. Sturdza was drawing their
deloc de la sine în]eles în Institutele de Proiectare ale attention on the urban connections, on defining the staircase
vechiului regim [i, într-un fel, f`r` nici o leg`tur` cu ceea – matters which were not at all taken for granted in the
ce se întåmpla în «lumea real`». În acei ani, cei doi au Design Institutes of the former regime and which, in a way,
înv`]at în ce m`sur` conteaz` datele obiective, de care had no connection with what was going on in the «real
trebuie s` ]ii seama în ora[. Referin]a curent` era atunci world». In those years, the two learned to what extent the
pentru ei neo-ra]ionalismul lui Aldo Rossi. A fost [ansa lor objective data, which one has to take account of in a city,
de a tr`i corect Postmodernismul. actualy matter. Their usual reference then was the neo-
Mediul arhitectural timi[orean mai avea îns` o rationalism of Aldo Rossi. It was their chance to correctly
sensibilitate bine cultivat`, spre importan]a materialului, experience Postmodernism.
[i un model bine ales, Carlo Scarpa. {coala de arhitectur` However, the Timi[oara architectural climate boasted
din Timi[oara în anii ’70 fusese centrat` explicit pe another well-cultivated, material-oriented type of sensibility,
materialitate (2). A&G au putut avea a[adar ca repere and a well-chosen model, Carlo Scarpa. The school of
fondatoare pe Aldo Rossi fa]` în fa]` cu Carlo Scarpa, altfel architecture in ’70s Timi[oara had been explicitly centered on
spus, urbanul intelectualizat ra]ional pe de o parte [i materiality (2). A&G had therefore two ultimate heroes to
materialul experimentat cu intensitate pe de alta. Într-un look up to, i.e. Aldo Rossi confronted with Carlo Scarpa, or, in
fel, nu s-au desprins de aceste repere fundamentale nici other words, intellectual and rationalized urbanism on the
pån` în ziua de azi. one hand and intensely lived material on the other. In a way,
Tema materialului e îns` poate mai pu]in tare la ei doi they have not relinquished either of these fundamental
decåt cea urban`. Al]i arhitec]i timi[oreni – Radu landmarks to this day.
Mih`ilescu, de exemplu, care a avut parte [i de Liceul de The theme of the material may be, however, less represented
Arte de acolo – i-au întrecut în ceea ce prive[te aceast` at the two than, for instance, the urban theme. Other
Dincolo de certitudini. Andreescu [i Gaivoronschi.


1981 – Capel` de medita]ie, Tokyo (concurs) / 1981 – A Meditation Chapel, Tokyo (contest)

explorare a materialului, ca forma]ie specific` a [colii din architects from Timi[oara, such as Radu Mih`ilescu, who also
Timi[oara. Vlad [i Ioan au venit îns` dinspre domeniul attended the local Art Highschool, favored them as far as this
Liceului Real – ei doi au fost crescu]i în rigurozitatea exploration of the material is concerned, as a specific
abstract` tipic` de «profil matematic`-fizic`». formation of the Timi[oara school. Vlad and Ioan were,
Predominan]a principiului asupra materializ`rii concrete however, graduates of an exact science highschool; they had
este cea care îi caracterizeaz` mai degrab` pe ei. De-a been educated in the spirit of the abstract preciseness typical
lungul anilor, ei au evoluat mai aproape de modelul Rossi for a «mathematics-physics profile». The predominance of
decåt de modelul Scarpa. Cu timpul, [i-au descoperit [i alte the principle over specific materialization is what
referin]e afine, precum Auguste Perret sau Adolf Loos. characterizes them in particular. Over the years, they have
Modelul lor ideal, în general, este modernitatea care mai evolved rather closer to the Rossi than to the Scarpa model. In
p`streaz` înc` înrudiri genetice cu certitudinile clasicului. time, they have equally discovered other similar references,
La Bienala de la Vene]ia din 1996, A&G a fost prezentat` such as Auguste Perret or Adolf Loos. Their ideal model, in
ca o echip` cu o teorie «ra]ional`», «generalizatoare», «ba general, is modernity which still preserves some genetic
chiar doctrinal`», care caut` «esen]ialul» prin forme cåt relations to the certainties of classicism.
mai diverse. (3) Este aproape o descriere a ideii «tipologiei» At the Venice Biennale in 1996, A&G was presented as a
lui Rossi. {i exact ca la Rossi sau ca la Loos, toate sistemele team with a «rational», «generalizing», even «doctrinal»
formale sunt înc`rcate de dubl` m`sur`, de dubl` lectur`, theory, searching for the «essential» through forms as
de dubl` realitate, pån` la limita paradoxului. «Spa]iul, ca various as possible. (3) It is almost a description of Rossi’s
[i via]a» – scria Andreescu (4) – «este magic [i, în mod «typology idea» and, just like in Rossi’s or Loos’ case, all
paradoxal, o strict` disciplin` formal` nu face decåt s`-i formal systems are assigned a double measure, a double
înt`reasc` calitatea non-ra]ional`». A c`uta, paradoxal, s` reading, a double reality, to the limit of paradox. «Space, like
treac` dincolo de certitudini prin certitudinea ordinii life» – Andreescu wrote (4) – «is magical and, paradoxically, a
înse[i va r`måne pentru A&G metoda prin excelen]`. strict formal discpline only strengthens its non-rational
quality». To seek in a paradoxical fashion to go beyond
«Orice poate fi un subiect» certainties by means of a certainty of order itself will remain,
Anii ’80 au fost îns` pentru Vlad [i Ioan în primul rånd for A&G, the method par excellence.
anii concursurilor. Concursurile au însemnat pentru ei o
via]` profesional` paralel` cu activitatea practic` din «Anything Can Be a Subject»
IPROTIM-ul comunist. La unul dintre ele – «A Meditation Also, the ’80s chiefly meant for Vlad and Ioan years of
Chapel» (5) (Tokyo, 1981) – au luat chiar un premiu doi. contests. The contests amounted to them to a professional
Concursurile le-au demonstrat intuitiv, spun ei, c` exist` life lived in parallel with the activity carried out in the
multe dimensiuni ale arhitecturii [i c` orice poate fi un communist IPROTIM. At one of such contests – «A Meditation
subiect. Un teatru pentru turnee pornind de la o pictur` de Chapel» (5) (Tokyo, 1981) – they were even awarded the second
Chirico, un muzeu imaginar ca muzeu-text, o cas` a prize. Contests intuitively proved to them, they say, that there
p`pu[ilor pentru a exersa conceptul camufl`rii – toate are numerous dimensions of architecture and that anything
astea respirau o libertate creativ` pe care realitatea can be a subject. A tour theatre, starting from a painting by
profesiunii nu avea cum s` le-o permit`. Prin concursuri Chirico, an imaginary museum conceived like a text-
au putut tr`i o via]` dubl`, în dou` lumi paralele. Poate cu museum, a doll house to exercise the concept of camouflage-
atåt mai mult au prins gustul ideilor în sine, traduse în all these breathed a creative liberty that the reality of the


proiecte conceptuale, cu materializarea cumva mereu profession could not afford them. By means of such contests,
amånat`, secundar`. Nu în ultimul rånd, în pur spirit al they were able to live a double life, in two parallel worlds.
anilor ’80, desenul devenise un mediu predilect. A fost This is probably why they grew accustomed to ideas per se,
timpul plan[elor desenate frumos. «Noi am fost o translated into conceptual projects, the materialization of
genera]ie care f`ceam lucrul pe carton» – spune which comes always second, is always somehow postponed.
Gaivoronschi. «Eram formali[ti, desenam în acuarele» (6)... One should also remember that, in the pure spirit of the ’80s,
Proiectul-concept cel mai reprezentativ, poate, pentru drawing had become a favored tool. It was the time of
felul în care firma A&G î[i va defini certitudinile este beautifully drawn boards. «We were part of a generation
«Casa Nautilus» (Bucure[ti, 1987). Desenat` pentru un who worked on cardboard», Gaivoronschi says. «We were
concurs pe tema «locuirii poetice» (7), casa e într-adev`r o formalists, and did our drawings in aquarelle» (6)...
arhitectur` «poetic`», îns` doar pentru c` utilizeaz` The most representative project-concept for the manner in
explicit metafora; altfel, e cu totul altceva decåt propriu-zis which A&G will define its certainties is probably the «Nautilus
«poezie». E de fapt o enun]are conceptual-teoretic` destul House» (Bucharest, 1987). Drawn for a contest on the theme of
de explicit` a arhitecturii centrate pe tradi]ie. Nautilus e o «poetical dwelling» (7), the house truly is an instance of
fosil`. Dar e o fosil` vie. Iat` cum era descris atunci «poetical architecture», but it is so only because it makes
proiectul acelei case: «asocierea tripartit` între <canonul> explicit use of the metaphor; otherwise, it is quite different
clasic, a[a cum l-a definit Harold Bloom (ca valoare from poetry as such. It is in fact a quite explicit, conceptual-
stabil`), tehnologie [i natur`». Este a[adar vorba aici, pe theoretical enunciation of architecture centered on tradition.
scurt, de un trinom cultur`-tehnologie-natur`, în care Nautilus is a fossil; but it is a living one. The project of the
cultura este categoric în pozi]ie prim`. Aducerea în house was described, at the time, as follows: «the tripartite
formul` a «canonului» în sensul în care îl folose[te teoria association between the classical <canon> as defined by
literar`, [i înc` în chiar centrul proiectului, este foarte Harold Bloom (as a stable value), technology and nature».
relevant` pentru ce fel de certitudine se afirm` aici: We are dealing therefore, in short, with a culture-
arhitectura se centreaz` pe valoarea stabil` instituit` technology-nature trinominal, in which culture ranks
de o autoritate care selecteaz` în mod ini]iat. categorically first. The promotion of the «canon» in the
Dar s` urm`rim mai departe explica]iile proiectului meaning used by literary theory, and at the very center of
însu[i: «A rezultat o structur` imaginar` puternic` – o the project, is extremely relevant for the type of certainty
cas` plutitoare [i scufundabil`. În mijlocul unei insule asserted here: architecture is centered on the stable value
tehnologice se afl` un elegant portic clasic; insula se established by an authority which selects in a
poate scufunda gradual astfel încåt apa modific` knowledgeable manner.
permanent propor]iile coloanelor, oferind privitorului But let us examine closer the explanations provided in the
spectacolul unei apocalipse domestice controlabile, fizice project itself: «A strong imaginary structure resulted – a
[i simbolice în acela[i timp. Marea, tehnologia [i floating and sinkable house. In the middle of a
arhitectura umanist` se unesc într-o puternic` metafor` technological island, there appears a classical elegant
a desprinderii de contingent.» portico; the island can gradually sink, so that water
Desprinderea de contingent [i centralitatea esen]ial` a permanently changes the proportions of the columns,
canonului clasic umanist – iat` ce afirm` ca definitoriu offering to the on-looker the spectacle of a controllable
pentru arhitectur` acest proiect. «Atriul cu portic» este un domestic apocalipse, physical and symbolical at the same
centru esen]ial, ceva ce r`måne neschimbat chiar [i în time. The sea, the technology and humanistic architecture
condi]ii de evident` inadecvare practic` (un portic clasic come together in a powerful metaphor of the separation
nu e un submarin). Aceasta nu e o teorie ra]ional` [i nu e from the contingent.»
nici poezie. E un credo. The separation from the contingent and the essential
Este credin]a în arhitectura ca esen]` cultural` umanist`, centrality of the classical humanistic canon – these are the
în condi]iile tehnologiei considerate ca fiind exclusiv defining traits of architecture, in the vision of this project. The
instrumental` [i a naturii v`zute ca o mare «atrium with a portico» is an essential center, something that

1988 – Casa Nautilus / Nautilus House

Dincolo de certitudini. Andreescu [i Gaivoronschi.


înconjur`toare indiferent`. E o lume etern` p`strat` will remain unchanged even in circumstances of practical
neschimbat` dincolo de timp, închis`, autoreferen]ial`, inadequacy (a classical portico is not a submarine). This is not
autosuficient`. Mai mult decåt valoare «stabil`», este una a rational theory, nor is it a poem. It is a credo.
ascuns`, elitist`, ne-natural`, ne-vulgar`. E lumea It is the belief in architecture as a humanistic cultural
amenin]at` a culturii, care trebuie salvat` în enclave essence, whereas technology is considered as exclusively
ini]iatice, în chiar mijlocul opera]iilor dezumanizante instrumental, and nature, as an encircling, quite indifferent,
ale tehnologiei [i ale naturalului popular al masei. sea. It is an eternal world, unchanged and time-eluding, a
E superioritatea cultural` care legitimeaz` în fa]a closed, self-referential, self-sufficient world. It is more than a
tehnicului instrumental [i a popularului vulgar. «stable» value; it is a concealed, elitist, non-natural, non-
E adev`rat c` azi, cånd cultura de mas` [i tehnologia au vulgar value. It is the threatened world of culture which
inundat [i înghi]it totul, o astfel de viziune e cum nu se must be rescued in esoteric enclaves, placed in the very
poate mai actual`. Într-un fel, aceasta e cheia în care se midst of dehumanizing technology and of the natural
poate citi întreaga oper` a firmei Andreescu & popular structures favored by the masses. It is that cultural
Gaivoronschi. superiority which gains legitimacy when confronted with
instrumental technology and vulgar popularity.
Temele teoretice It is true that nowadays, when mass culture and technology
Tocmai pentru c` «orice poate fi un subiect», conteaz` cu have flooded and taken over everyting, such a vision is as
atåt mai mult ce teme anume alegi s` pui în centru. Ioan topical as one could wish for. In a way, this is the key to the
Andreescu [i Vlad Gaivoronschi se exprim` teoretic pe interpretation of the body of work of Andreescu &
larg în dou` c`r]i: Origini spirituale în arhitectura modern` Gaivoronschi.
[i respectiv Matricile spa]iului tradi]ional (8). De[i diferite
ca stil [i ca subiecte explicite, exist` îns` un acela[i credo Theoretical Topics
ce leag` subteran aceste c`r]i. Ioan [i Vlad caut` amåndoi Precisely because «anything can be a subject», the specific
reperul fix, esen]ial, sigur, etern al arhitecturii. Pe dou` themes that one chooses to place at the core are extremely
por]i diferite, amåndoi urm`resc accesul spre acela[i miez significant. Ioan Andreescu and Vlad Gaivoronschi present
fondator ultim, absolut, cert. Amåndoi sunt ferm convin[i in detail their theoretical foundation in two books: Spiritual
c` acesta exist`. Origins in Modern Architecture and Matrices of Traditional
Cel mai relevant este felul în care ei în]eleg modernitatea. Space respectively (8). Although different in style and as
E un subiect predilect pentru ei, într-adev`r – dar nu explicit subjects, they share nevertheless the same credo, the
viziunea iluminist`, deschis` [i revolu]ionar` a modernit`]ii, subtle link between them. Ioan and Vlad are both looking for
ci latura ei ascuns`, spiritual` [i mistic`. Nu modernitatea that fixed, essential, certain and eternal landmark of
ca obsesie a c`ut`rii noului [i a creativit`]ii eliberate de architecture. Going through two different gates, they both
certitudini pre-existente, ci modernitatea ca obsesie a aim to gain access to the same ultimate, absolute, certain
c`ut`rii originii în adåncimi ira]ionale. Nu modernitatea ca and founding core. They are both firmly convinced that such
r`spuns deschis [i proasp`t la contingent, ci modernitatea core exists.
ca etern` reîncepere de la esen]ial. The manner in which they understand modernity is the
Istoria modernit`]ii ne poate oferi o multitudine de citiri. most relevant. It is a favorite topic with them, indeed. We are
Cum orice istorie se reinterpreteaz` prin selec]ie, un not referring however to the open and revolutionary version
subiect puternic, dac` e bine ales [i condus, le poate of modernity as contemplated by the Enlightenment, but to
eclipsa pe toate celelalte. În fond, toate istoriile [i teoriile its secret, spiritual, mystic side; not to modernity as an
care ni s-au servit [i ni se servesc asta sunt: teme bine obsessive pursuit of the new and of creativity liberated from
selectate, relevante, scoase în fa]`, prezentate a[a încåt s` aprioric certainties, but to modernity as an obsessive search
eclipseze restul [i s` se impun` exclusiv. Ioan [i Vlad aleg for the origin in irrational depths; not to modernity as an
citirea modernit`]ii în numele spiritualului originar [i a open, fresh answer to the contingent, but as an eternal new
structurilor matriciale. Spiritualul – ori c`utarea unui reper start from the essential.


esen]ial sau matricial/arhetipal – e îns` o tem` absolut`, The history of modernity can provide us with a multitude of
un subiect pentru care eclipsarea tuturor celorlalte subiecte readings. Since any history may be reinterpreted by selection,
e asigurat` aprioric. E un cap`t de drum, f`r` ie[iri spre mai a solid theme, if appropriately chosen and managed, can
departe. E prin defini]ie certitudine ultim`. E fie de o ne- thoroughly obscure all the others. After all, this is what all
modernitate categoric`, fie modernitatea absolut` – histories and theories that we were and are becoming
depinde de unde prive[ti. acquainted with actually amount to: well-chosen, relevant
Pornind de la aceste fundamente comune, cei doi cred de themes, brought to the foreground and presented so as to
fapt, fiecare, în tipuri foarte particulare de modernitate. outshine the rest and gain utter supremacy. Ioan and Vlad
Andreescu crede în prima modernitate, cea arhetipal` a choose that reading of modernity as search of primary
Rena[terii: nu caut` ra]iunea, ci mistica ra]iunii, nu spirituality and matriceal structures. The spiritual – or the
ordinea, ci ordonan]a divin`. Gaivoronschi crede în search for an essential or matriceal/archetipal landmark is,
modernitatea umanizat` prin fenomenologie [i however, an absolute theme, a topic guaranteeing in
capacitatea întoarcerii prin gest concret la arhetip [i advance to outshine all the rest. It is the end of the road, a
esen]ial. dead end. It is by definition the ultimate certainty. It is either
Cert este c` nici unul nu crede în avangard` ca principiu – categorically non-modern or absolutely modern – it depends
în noul pentru valoarea lui în sine de nou. on the perspective.
Noutate, avangard`? Mda... – spune Andreescu – dar ca Starting from these common foundations, the two basically
pentru un medic, care se ]ine la curent cu ultimele believe in very particular types of modernity. Andreescu
cerecet`ri, îns` scopul e în definitiv dintotdeauna acela[i, believes in the primary modernity, the archetipal modernity
s` vindece... of the Renaissance: he does not look for reason, but for the
Noul e a[adar cumva pur instrumental. De aceea trebuie mystique of reason, not for order, but for divine ordinance.
]inut la locul lui, închis în dialectica tradi]iei. Gaivoronschi believes in modernity humanized by
C`ci cea mai important` certitudine a firmei A&G e phenomenology and in the capacity to return, through the
tradi]ia. Totul st` în tradi]ie. Îns` e foarte important cum concrete gesture, to archetypes and to the essential.
define[ti tradi]ia. De cåte ori pot, ei neag` pasti[a, neag` What is certain is that neither of them believes in the avant-
mumificarea, neag` dogma, neag` intelectualismul – garde as a principle – in the new for its intrinsic value as new.
neag`, evident, toate caricaturile posibile ale acestei New things, avant-garde? Well yes... – Andreescu says – but
certitudini. new things from the standpoint of a physician, who keeps up
Tradi]ia trebuie considerat` ca «prezen]`», cred ei (adic` [i to date with the latest research, but whose final goal is
actualitate, [i imanen]` a divinului în lucruri). Tradi]ia e always the same, to heal...
«un sistem de tehnici prins într-un sistem de credin]`». The new is therefore purely instrumental. For this reason, it
Principala referin]` care e adus` în discu]ie apar]ine has to be kept in its place, closed in the dialectics of tradition.
modernit`]ii catolice: Romano Guardini. Tradi]ia, spunea Tradition, then, is the most important certainty of A&G.
acesta, presupune credin]`, iar credin]a e ritual. Dincolo de Everything boils down to tradition. However, the definition of
ritual nici o societate nu este posibil`. Tradi]ia este ritual tradition is extremely important. Whenever they can, they
tr`it, este pattern; nu ca doctrin`, ca atitudine. Cel mai fight the pastiche, fight mummification, dogma,
avansat sistem de gåndire – spune Andreescu – este intellectualism – they fight, clearly, all possible caricatures of
gnoza, totul e explicat prin gnoz`, iar din gnoz` nu se this certainty.
poate ie[i... Numai cu gnoza po]i s` ajungi la calitate. Tradition should be considered as «presence», they think
Percep]ia spiritual` asupra lumii înseamn` s` vezi în (both topical reality and the immanent divine are present in
manifestarea realului o oarecare densitate; c`ci cu cåt things). Tradition is a system of techniques caught in a
aprofundezi materia, dai de spirit – mai spune Andreescu. system of faith. The main reference which is brought in
Nu po]i lucra materia f`r` «prezen]`» – uite, Koolhaas discussion belongs to catholic modernity: Romano Guardini.
n-are detaliu, numai conceptul conteaz` la el, pentru c` el Tradition, according to him, presupposes faith, and faith is a
e ateu, în timp ce Scarpa e catolic [i respect` materialul... ritual. Beyond ritual, no society is possible. Tradition is a lived
Origini [i matrici, spiritual [i tradi]ie – aceste subiecte ritual, a pattern; not as doctrine, but as attitude. The most
r`mån în fond teme foarte conservatoare. Dac` advanced system of thinking, Andreescu says, is gnosis;
arhitectura romåneasc` mainstream este [i azi mai ales everything is explained by gnosis, and there is no escaping
a[a – conservatoare –, asta se datoreaz` [i faptului c` it… It is only by gnosis that one can reach quality. Spiritual
arhitec]ii cu autoritate real`, precum Andreescu [i perception of the world means that one can discern in the
Gaivoronschi, au fundat-o temeinic pornind de la o idee de manifestation of reality a certain density; because the more
ordine bazat` mai degrab` pe origini [i tradi]ie decåt pe thoroughly one researches matter, the more certain one will
nou [i avangard`, pe esen]ial [i pattern mai degrab` decåt be of encountering spirit, Andreescu also says. One cannot

1989 – Tokyo Forum, Tokyo

Dincolo de certitudini. Andreescu [i Gaivoronschi.


pe contingent [i diferen]ial. Îns` o astfel de viziune se work with matter without «presence» – see Koolhaas, for
bazeaz`, în cazul lor, pe o atitudine absolut necesar` în instance, who does not value detail; it is only concept that
mediul romånesc – modestia calit`]ii. Credo-ul firmei matters to him, because he is an atheist, whereas Scarpa is a
A&G este arhitectura ca profesie de elit`, într-adev`r, nu devout catholic and respects the material...
ca domeniu de imagine [i auto-promovare. «Menirea Origins and matrices, spiritual and tradition – these topics
arhitectului e s` nu fie actor», spunea Gaivoronschi; remain, at their core, extremely conservative themes. If
«arhitectura e totu[i o profesie nobil`, care nu trebuie s` mainstream Romanian architecture remains like that even
strige din toate puterile» (9). today – namely, conservative – this is due also to the fact that
În fine: în mijlocul intelectualiz`rilor celor mai sofisticate architects with real authority, such as Andreescu and
apare cumva [i intui]ia c` exist` c`i pe care ordinea Gaivoronschi, have laid solid foundations for it, starting from
teoretic` nu te poate conduce. Talentul se ghideaz` în an idea of order based on origins and tradition rather than
definitiv singur, nu-i trebuie nici o certitudine exterioar`. on the new and the avant-garde, on the essential and the
Exerci]iile intelectuale ar putea fi tolerate, recunoa[te pattern rather than on contingent and differential.
Andreescu, numai dac` efectul lor e pur` pl`cere dincolo However, such a vision relies, in their case, on an attitude
de intelect; îns` atunci cånd aprofundezi anumite lucruri, which is absolutely necessary in the Romanian environment
a[a încåt ajungi la acea pl`cere personal`, din momentul – the modesty of quality. The credo of A&G is architecture as
acela «nu le mai po]i transmite». an elite profession, indeed, and not as an area of expertise
dedicated to image and self-promotion. «The mission of the
II. Ordinea în proiect architect is not to be an actor», Gaivoronschi said;
Înfiin]at` în 1990, A&G e o marc` timi[orean`. Aproape «architecture is a noble profession, nevertheless, which need
toate lucr`rile firmei sunt în Timi[oara sau în apropiere not cry out loud» (9).
(de[i mai recent au proiecte [i pentru Bucure[ti, Sibiu sau To conclude: beyond the most sophisticated intellectual
Gala]i, iar în ceea ce prive[te concursurile nu [i-au pus reasonings, there emerges somehow the intuition that there
niciodat` limite geografice). Firma nu e mare – ei doi plus are routes along which theory cannot lead one. After all,
vreo 8 angaja]i, to]i tineri. Cele în jur de 65 de proiecte talent guides itself; it does not need any exterior certainty.
realizate [i peste 100 în total sunt foarte diverse [i reflect` However, intellectual exercises may be tolerated, Andreescu
nu numai evolu]ia lor în timp, mereu lega]i de timp, ci [i admits, only if their effect is pure delight beyond the intellect;
multitudinea de experimente [i c`ut`ri diverse – chiar but when one inquires too profoundly into certain things,
dac` aceast` diversitate experimental` [i prospe]ime reaching that state of personal delight in them, from that
conjunctural`, aceast` ne-desprindere de contingent, n-a time on one «can no longer express them».
pus niciodat` sub semnul întreb`rii certitudinile lor
teoretice fundamentale. II. The order in the project
Established in 1990, A&G is a Timi[oara brand. Almost all of
Firma the company’s works are in Timi[oara or nearby (although
Chiar dac` din 2000 încoace s-au separat în they have recently completed several projects in Bucharest,
responsabilitata proiectelor [i le coordoneaz` acum Sibiu or Gala]i, and, as regards contests, they have always
distinct, anul 2000 nu poate fi v`zut în nici un caz ca o ignored any geographical boundaries). The company is not a
ruptur`. Ioan Andreescu [i Vlad Gaivoronschi r`mån o large one – the two of them, plus some other 8 employees, all
entitate coerent`, r`mån o «firm`». Cei doi au sens doar of them young. The approximately 65 projects achieved,
împreun`. Au încetat de fapt demult s` se produc` totaling over 100, are very diverse and reflect not only their
individual. evolution over time, always connected to time as they are,
Începuturile lor personale [i mediul fertil timi[orean – but also the multitude of experiments and various quests –
originile [i tradi]ia într-adev`r – explic` aceast` fuziune. even if this experimental diversity and freshness of
Cei doi sunt prieteni înc` din liceu. S-au format deodat`, circumstances, this non-detachment from the contingent,
s-au modelat reciproc (acas` la Timi[oara, apoi în timpul has never shaken their fundamental theoretical certainties.
studen]iei de la Bucure[ti [i, în fine, înapoi la Timi[oara,
lucrånd al`turi ca arhitec]i, într-un deceniu de comunism The Company
[i înc` dou` de timpuri noi) mereu împreun`. Patruzeci de Even if they shared responsibility for the projects in 2000 and
ani: o via]` de om. have coordinated them separately since then, the year 2000
Asta nu înseamn` c` nu au r`mas dou` personalit`]i cannot be seen in any case as a rupture. Ioan Andreescu and
puternice, fiecare în parte. Dar au deprins s` se echilibreze, Vlad Gaivoronschi remain a specific entity, a «firm». The two
s` se completeze, s` se suporte, s` se respecte [i s` se make sense only together. In fact, they ceased long ago to
sus]in` reciproc, chiar [i în diferen]ele lor majore. achieve projects individually.


Cei doi sunt într-adev`r destul de diferi]i. De[i amåndoi se Their personal beginnings and the fertile environment
exprim` consistent atåt în text, cåt [i în arhitectur`, se existing in Timi[oara – the origins and the tradition indeed –
poate totu[i vedea cu ochiul liber c` parc` Andreescu e explain this fusion. The two have been friends since
ceva mai tare în plan discursiv, iar Gaivoronschi ceva mai highschool. They trained together, they modeled each other
tare în plan concret-construit. Ioan argumenteaz` mai (at home in Timi[oara, then during their student years, in
mult, Vlad intuie[te cu talent. Prima tenta]ie ar fi de a Bucharest, and finally, back in Timi[oara, working together as
concluziona, cam facil ce-i drept, c` sunt un tandem tipic, architects, in a decade of communism and other two decades
aproape previzibil: unul e mai mult cu teoria [i cel`lalt during the new times) always together. Forty years: a lifetime.
mai mult cu practica. Dar ar fi o percep]ie în[el`toare. This does not mean that they have not remained two distinct,
Oricåt de clar conturate ar fi personalit`]ile lor individuale very strong personalities. But they learnt to balance, to
[i oricåt de mult ar vrea poate chiar ei în[i[i, nu se poate complete each other, to bear with each other, to respect and
trage, dar chiar deloc, o linie clar` între contamin`rile lor support each other, even when it came to major divergences.
reciproce, între contribu]iile lor decupate distinct. În ciuda The two are indeed quite different. Although both express
aparen]elor – temperament, proiecte, scrieri diferite – ei themselves in a fairly consistent manner, both in text and in
sunt fundamental afini [i, chiar sub semn`tura izolat`, architecture, one can easily see that Andreescu appears to be
cel`lalt e de fiecare dat` cumva [i el acolo. stronger in the field of discourse, whereas Gaivoronschi’s
Nu în ultimul rånd, trebuie men]ionat` deprinderea lor de strong point seems to be the specific-built environment. Ioan
a colabora. Adrian Iona[iu, Ioan Trif, Mircea Morovan, reasons more, Vlad excels in brilliant intuition. The first
Marius Micl`u[, Beatrice Lucaci, Georgeta Tråmbi]a[, Sorin temptation would be to conclude, rather too quickly, it’s true,
Ciurariu, Iacob Bolbo[, Cristian Nicolae, Alfons Hudescu, that they are a typical, almost predictable, tandem: one more
Marius Nicorici, Carmen Calance, Sebastian Schön, Victor skilled in theory, the other, in practice. However, that would
Gioncu, Ciprian Branda, Gabriela B`rbu]`, Mircea Cri[an, be a misleading perception. However clear their individual
Rodica Gaivoronschi, Ramona Nicolaescu, Francisc König, personalities may be outlined and however much they might
Marius Hår]a, Plamen Stanchev, Oana Sårbu, Drago[ wish it themselves, no definite line may be drawn between
Bocan, C`t`lina Bocan, Costin {elariu, Maja Baldea, their mutual contaminations, their distinct contributions.
Bråndu[a Havasi, Claudiu Toma, Attila Wenczel, Katalin Despite the appearances – different tempers, different
Szabo, Dan Damian, Alex. M`l`escu, Iulia Fr`]il`, Michael projects, and different writings – they are fundamentally
Wiczorek, Dan Idiceanu, Ovidiu Micsa, Ligia Stafie, Bencze related and even when either affixes his individual signature,
Csongor, Dan Munteanu – lista de colaboratori ai firmei e the other is somehow also present there.
consistent`. Last but not least, we should mention their habit of
Dar exist` în special dou` nume care au fost [i sunt collaborating. Adrian Iona[iu, Ioan Trif, Mircea Morovan,
importante pentru ei: Adrian Iona[iu [i Dan Munteanu. Marius Micl`u[, Beatrice Lucaci, Georgeta Tråmbi]a[, Sorin
Adrian Iona[iu – care apar]ine aceleia[i genera]ii ca ei doi Ciurariu, Iacob Bolbo[, Cristian Nicolae, Alfons Hudescu,
– le-a fost asociat; a colaborat la multe proiecte ale firmei Marius Nicorici, Carmen Calance, Sebastian Schön, Victor
în anii ’90 [i a r`mas «un bun sf`tuitor» – cum spun ei. Gioncu, Ciprian Branda, Gabriela B`rbu]`, Mircea Cri[an,
Dan Munteanu este un tån`r din noua genera]ie produs` Rodica Gaivoronschi, Ramona Nicolaescu, Francisc König,
de [coala din Timi[oara, care le-a fost student [i care Marius Hår]a, Plamen Stanchev, Oana Sårbu, Drago[ Bocan,
lucreaz` deja de mul]i ani în firm`, cu contribu]ii C`t`lina Bocan, Costin {elariu, Maja Baldea, Bråndu[a
consistente la majoritatea proiectelor mai recente. Havasi, Claudiu Toma, Attila Wenczel, Katalin Szabo, Dan
Damian, Alex. M`l`escu, Iulia Fr`]il`, Michael Wiczorek, Dan
II.1. Canon [i teorie Idiceanu, Ovidiu Mic[a, Ligia Stafie, Bencze Csongor, Dan
Munteanu – the firm’s list of collaborators is quite long.
Ordinea clasic` There are two names in particular who are and have been
Credo-ul în ordinea clasic` este prima certitudine. Pe important to them: Adrian Iona[iu and Dan Munteanu.
pere]ii biroului A&G el este afirmat explicit: proiecte de Adrian Iona[iu, who equally belongs to their generation,
Andrea Palladio, frumos expuse, (îi) afirm` prezen]a. was their associate; he participated in various projects of
Traseele regulatoare [i conceptul de villa – iat` datele the company in the 1990s and has remained a «good
fundamentale [i sofisticate ale unui canon arhitectural, advisor», as they say. Dan Munteanu is a young man from
certitudinea «valorii stabile». the new generation, produced by the Timi[oara school, who
Foarte multe lucr`ri se bazeaz` explicit pe ordinea was their student and who has already been working with
traseelor regulatoare. Studiul pentru Pia]a Sf. Gheorghe, the company for many years, having significant
Vila Jumanca, Hotelul Reghina Blue, sediul CFR Marf` sunt contributions in the company’s most recent projects.

1989 – Tokyo Forum, Tokyo 1986 – O casa pentru ast`zi / 1986 – A house for today
Dincolo de certitudini. Andreescu [i Gaivoronschi.


expresii ale unui astfel de sistem de ordine înainte de a fi II.1. Canon and Theory
orice altceva.
Traseele regulatoare sunt pentru A&G o «garan]ie de Classical Order
civiliza]ie»: «arhitectura trebuie s` devin` o form` de The credo in the classical order is the first certainty. On the
civiliza]ie», spune Andreescu, [i de aceea trebuie s` alegi o walls of the A&G office, it is explicitly asserted: projects by
paradigm` de ordine. (S` alegi, nu s` inventezi; adic` s` Andrea Palladio, beautifully exhibited, signal its presence.
descoperi, s` cuno[ti, s` în]elegi, s` accep]i, s` adop]i o The regulating paths and the concept of villa – these are the
ordine preexistent`.) Omul trebuie s` g`seasc` aceast` fundamental and sophisticated basics of an architectural
ordine preexistent`, nu e chemat s-o fic]ioneze. Este canon, the certainty of the «stable value».
important s` fim con[tien]i c` noi, oamenii, suntem Numerous works rely explicitly on the order of such
structuri fundamental ritmice – mai spune el. regulating paths. The study for St. Gheorghe Square, Jumanca
Sistemul de trasee regulatoare, afirm` Andreescu, este Villa, Reghina Blue Hotel, the headquarters of CFR Marf` are
singurul sistem de ordine care merit` aprofundat, dar expressions of such a system of order before they are
aceste sisteme sunt de fapt foarte multe, sunt infinite, anything else.
ceea ce se face în [coli e ceva foarte rudimentar. E Regulating paths are, for A&G, a «guarantee of civilization»:
adev`rat, traseele regulatoare nu se potrivesc deloc la «architecture should become a form of civilization»,
arhitectura de tip landscape, care e acum a[a de actual`, Andreescu says, and therefore one has to choose a paradigm
dar nici paradigma topografiei de tip landscape of order (to choose it, not to invent it; that is to discover, to
architecture nu func]ioneaz` decåt de la o anumit` scar` know, to understand, to accept, to adopt a prior order). Man
în sus, deci cånd pierde oricum scara uman`. has to find this prior order; he is not called upon to create it
Pe scurt, conchide Andreescu, traseele regulatoare sunt ca out of fiction. It is important to be aware that we, people, are
furculi]a [i cu]itul: nu sunt scopul måncatului, dar numai fundamentally rhythmical structures, he adds.
cu ele po]i månca civilizat. The system of regulating paths, according to Andreescu, is
«Villa» este o alt` paradigm` de civiliza]ie pe care o iau ca the only system of order which deserves to be studied
referin]`. Vilele palladiene nu erau spa]ii de domesticitate. thoroughly, but there is actually a multitude of such systems,
Nici casele Popa sau Jumanca nu sunt. Sunt obiecte [i they are infinite in number, what is taught in schools
spa]ii tari, monumentale. Vilele lui Palladio nu erau f`cute remains in a rudimentary stage. It is true, regulating paths
s` fie locuite, ci s` ordoneze teritoriul, s` centreze are not at all fit for landscape architecture, so much in vogue
Universul. Villa – a[a cum a fost ea definit` de Rena[tere – now, nor is the paradigm of a landscape architecture
este un centru cosmologic explicit. Vilele palladiene au topography able to operate but from a certain scale upward,
spa]ii interioare mari, de parad`, pur spectacol (doar c` la therefore when it loses trace of human scale anyway.
Palladio sc`rile nu ar fi putut niciodat` s` umple aceste In short, Andreescu concludes, regulating paths are like the
spa]ii, a[a cum o fac la Vila Jumanca, sau chiar – mutatis fork and knife: they are not the purpose of eating, but it is
mutandis – la sediul CFR Marf`; la Palladio, sc`rile nu only with their help that one can eat in a civilized manner.
ocup`, nu consum`, nu umplu niciodat` acest spa]iu The «villa» is another paradigm of civilization that they take
central esen]ial). Vilele palladiene nu sunt în primul rånd as a landmark. Palladian villas were not domestic spaces, and
locuin]e, ci spa]ii în care via]a e complet dominat` de nor are the Popa or Jumanca houses. They are strong,
principiul compozi]iei, care face vizibil` ordinea divin`. monumental objects and spaces. Palladio’s villas were not
(Sunt case crucificate.) made to be inhabited, but to arrange a territory, to align the
Este certitudinea preluat` de exemplu la Vila Jumanca Univers. The villa, as defined by Renaissance, is an explicit
(1998-2002) (o cas` aproape în sens literal crucificat` – cosmological center. Palladian villas have large indoor
chiar dac` în numele unei compozi]ii suprematiste de spaces, for parade, for pure show (it is though to be
Malevich). Cum spune Andreescu, «casa opereaz` dup` un mentioned that with Palladio the staircases could have never
principiu canonic îndelung verificat de istorie: un cadru filled such spaces, as they do at the Jumanca Villa, or even –
suficient de generos din punct de vedere spa]ial [i de mutatis mutandis – at the headquarters of CFR Marf`; at
inteligibil în sens ra]ional-umanist poate suporta altera]ii Palladio, the staircases never occupy, never consume, never
[i varia]ii ale stilului de via]` de-a lungul timpului f`r` fill this essential central space). The primary role of Palladian
a-[i pierde caracteristicile.» (10) Cu alte cuvinte, casa villas is not that of dwellings, but of spaces where life is
pre-exist` [i post-exist` stilului de via]` al locuirii din ea imbued with the principle of composition, which make visible
[i oric`rui context interior sau exterior. Asta înseamn` divine order, (They are crucified houses).
«arhitectur` puternic`»: «Arhitectura puternic`, fie It is this certainty which has been employed, for instance, in
umanist` [i/sau suprematist`, împreun` cu gestiunea the case of the Jumanca Villa (1998-2002) (a house almost

1986 – O casa pentru ast`zi / 1986 – A house for today 1992 – Centru Civic Nara (concurs) / 1992 – Nara Civic Hall (contest)


metaforic` a naturii, sunt valori autonome [i vehicule ale literally crucified – even if it is so in the name of a
separ`rii de context.» (11) Ce-i drept, la Vila Jumanca, supremacist composition by Malevich). As Andreescu says,
teoria e justificat` de contingen]`: contextul imediat «the house operates according to a canonic principle long
(blocuri comuniste în vecin`tate stringent`) e într-adev`r verified by history: a framework which is sufficiently
imposibil de rela]ionat. generous in terms of space and intelligible from a rational-
Dar aceast` teorie a arhitecturii tari [i autosuficiente humanistic standpoint can bear alterations of lifestyle over
(atriul cu portic clasic scufundat ca un submarin) conduce, time without losing its characteristics.» (10) In other words,
în mod paradoxal, la cea mai interesant` concluzie the house precedes and survives any habitation lifestyle and
posibil`: arhitectura «puternic`» poate tot a[a de bine [i any exterior or interior context. This is «strong architecture»:
lipsi cu totul, cum observ` Andreescu. Prezen]a ei «Strong architecture, whether humanistic and/or
material` nu conteaz`. Vilele renascentiste italiene sunt supremacist, and the metaphorical use of nature are
de fapt mult mai mult decåt numai ni[te obiecte de autonomous values and tools for the separation from
arhitectur`, sunt un sistem de ordine înscris puternic în context.» (11) It is true that in the case of the Jumanca Villa,
teritoriu. Simbolistica concret` a vilei era un program al theory is justified by the surrounding environment: the
discursului teritoriului însu[i – discurs umanist al unei immediate context (communist blocks of flats in contiguous
genealogii mitologice. Cånd lipse[te casa, explic` vicinity) renders any connection impossible.
Andreescu, a[a cum se întåmpl` în unele cazuri unde ea However, this theory of strong and self-sufficient architecture
chiar a disp`rut cu timpul, î]i dai seama c` ea era de fapt (with an atrium with classical portico, sunk like a submarine)
lucrul cel mai pu]in important dintre lucrurile din acel leads, paradoxically, to the most interesting conclusion
peisaj. Chiar [i numele de «villa» poate r`måne în possible: «strong» architecture may just as well be non-
continuare ata[at domeniului respectiv, cu vila absent`. existent, as Andreescu notices. Its physical presence does not
Este unul din paradoxurile vilei clasice, acela de a avea a[a matter. Italian Renaissance villas are in fact more than mere
o «capacitate de a fuziona intim cu propriul s`u teren» architectural objects; they are a system of order powerfully
(12), încåt la limit` s` poat` disp`rea... inscribed in that territory. The specific symbolism of the villa
was a program of the discourse of the territory itself, the
II.2. Tehnologie [i modernitate humanistic discourse of a mythological genealogy. When the
house is missing, Andreescu explains, as it happens in some
Ordinea modern` cases where it actually disappeared in time, one realizes that it
Ordinea modern` se poate g`si în lucr`rile firmei A&G în was actually the least important of the things in that
recuperarea mo[tenirii modernismului interbelic [i, mai landscape. The name of «villa» can remain attached to that
pu]in, în tenta]ia actualit`]ii tehnologice. Nici una din location notwithstanding the absence of the construction itself.
aceste teme – limbajul modernist [i tehnologia – nu este It is one of the paradoxes of a classical villa, that of being able
îns` o tem` prioritar` pentru ei (exist` arhitec]i romåni to have «such a capacity of intimately merging with its own
azi care se opresc mai mult asupra lor), ci mai degrab` ele land» (12), to the point of actually fading away in it...
sunt parte a diversit`]ii lor de interes, teme pe care le-au
atins în anumite proiecte. Dar de cåte ori au f`cut-o, le-au II.2. Technology and Modernity
asumat pån` la cap`t.
Modernismul interbelic – marea obsesie a «canonului» The Modern Order
romånesc – este parte a tradi]iei reconsiderate [i în mediul Modern order may be traced in the works of A&G in their
arhitectural timi[orean. De[i neo-modernismul nu are effort of recovering the legacy of inter-war modernism and, to
deloc aceea[i intensitate ca la Bucure[ti, el este prezent a less extent, in the temptation of current technological
totu[i ca not` de fond [i aici, la Timi[oara, în special în achievements. Neither of such themes, however – modernist
obsesia specific local` pentru «De Stijl». Între lucr`rile language and technology – is a priority for them (there are
firmei A&G, cele mai atinse de estetica «De Stijl» sunt Romanian architects nowadays who dwell more on them), but
poate Casa Popa [i unele amenaj`ri interioare, ca Star rather, they are part of their various interests and themes that
Telefonica. Casa Cioc [i, par]ial, Casele Bistriceanu [i they have adopted during various projects. However, whenever
Duda[ sunt case îmbr`cate în limbaj neo-modernist în they did it, they assumed it until its last consequences.
spiritul mai general al modernismului cubist abstract al Inter-war modernism – the great obsession of Romanian
anilor ’30. Casa Cioc este chiar de un manierism «canon» – is also part of reconsidered tradition in Timi[oara’s

1985-1986 – Centru civic, Timi[oara (concurs) /

1992 – Nara Civic Hall 1985-1986 – Civic Center Timi[oara (contest)
Dincolo de certitudini. Andreescu [i Gaivoronschi.


streamlined de anii ’30 foarte explicit; într-o anumit` architectural environment. Although neo-modernism does
m`sur`, proiectul pentru Facultatea Mihai Eminescu de not have the same intensity as in Bucharest, it is nevertheless
asemenea. present in the background in Timi[oara, as well, especially in
Dar poate cea mai interesant` lucrare pe tema recuper`rii the specifically local obsession with «De Stijl». Among the
mo[tenirii moderniste este una care o face în sens propriu: works of A&G, those that are most influenced by «De Stijl»
Hotelul Savoy (2000-05). Hotelul recupereaz` [i aesthetics are probably the Popa House and several interior
restaureaz` o vil` de anii ’30, pe care o extinde apoi în arrangemet works, like Star Telefonica. The Cioc House and
adåncimea parcelei cu un corp distinct, de limbaj în tent` partially the Bistriceanu and Duda[ Houses are neo-
neo-ra]ionalist`. Între corpul vechi [i corpul nou apare un modernist houses in the more general spirit of ’30s cubist
spa]iu-atrium de metal [i sticl`, cu expresie voit abstract modernism. The Cioc House actually evinces a
tehnologic`, care face articulat trecerea de la streamlined mannerism going back to the ’30s, and very
modernitatea-tradi]ie la modernitatea-actualitate. Nici explicit for that matter; to a certain extent, the project for the
una din cele trei p`r]i nu are îns` vreo sugestie de Mihai Eminescu Faculty evinces the same features.
avangard` – nici modernismul anilor ’30 al corpului vechi However, probably the most interesting work on the theme of
(la care a fost subliniat`, prin p`strarea unor elemente the recovery of modernist heritage is one that strives to
existente [i prin decora]ia ulterioar`, mai degrab` nota achieve such recovery literally: the Savoy Hotel (2000-05). The
Art Deco), nici ra]ionalismul cumva neutru [i contextual hotel recovers and restors a villa dating from the 1930s, which
al corpului nou, nici m`car tehnologia moderat` expus` it subsequently expands along the depth of the plot by a
explicit în atriul-ser`. Totul este de un echilibru distinct, neo-rationalist building. A space-atrium made of
confortabil [i pragmatic. metal and glass, conspicuously technological, which makes an
Galeria 1 (2001-05) [i Sediul CFR Marf` (2000-08) sunt articulate transition from modernity-tradition to modernity-
varia]iuni pe tema modernit`]ii contemporane generice, current reality has appeared between the old building and the
pentru c` sunt mai explicit comerciale [i pragmatice – new one. None of the three parts, however, is suggestive of
amåndou` cutii (una de comer], celalat` de birouri), avant-garde – neither the ’30s modernism of the old building
amåndou` recondi]ion`ri ale unor hale de anii ’60, (prima (where the Art Deco has rather been emphasized by preserving
fost` hal` de mezeluri Comtim Carnex, a doua fost` existing elements and adding other decorations), nor the
cantin` a Fabricii Electromotor), amåndou` învelite în somehow neutral and contextual rationalism of the new one,
materiale ce subliniaz` cumva artificialitatea nout`]ii nor even the moderate technology explicitly displayed in the
(prima sticl` [i placaj de lemn plastifiat, a doua sticl`, atrium-greenhouse. Everything demonstrates a comfortable
policarbonat [i schel`rie de metal). and pragmatic balance.
Galeria 1, ca orice «hangar decorat», poart` mesaje scrise Gallery 1 (2001-05) and the headquarters of CFR Marf` (2000-
(din care cel mai interesant nu e numele explicit [i prea 08) are variations on the theme of generic contemporary
evident de pe fa]ada principal` înclinat`, ci mesajul modernity, because they are more explicitly commercial and
abscons [i ireveren]ios – sic! – al codului de bare alb- pragmatic – both of them, box-like structures (one for trade,
albastru de pe fa]ada lateral`). O serie de rafinamente în the other, for offices), both, restorations of large industrial
detalii, de care beneficiarul n-a [tiut s` se foloseasc`, pe spaces dating from the ’60s (the former was the Comtim
care nu le-a în]eles [i de care n-a avut nevoie au constituit Carnex meat products hall, the latter was the cafeteria of the
aici un fel de risip` sacrificial` pe altarul sacrului Electromotor factory), both covered in materials which
comercial; în final, a fost o supralicitare a unui efort de somehow emphasize the artificiality of the new (the former
design, pentru o hal` folosit` ca un simplu bazar. in glass and plastified plywood, the latter, in policarbonates
Sediul CFR Marf` este o cutie propor]ionat` subtil în and metal frame).
ordonan]a clasic` a traseelor regulatoare. Ea are în plus, ca Gallery 1, like any «decorated hangar», has its own inscribed
tem` major` [i ultra-actual`, o preocupare pentru tehnici messages (the most interesting of which is not the explicit and
de control fizic ambiental: interiorul dezvolt` un hol too conspicuous name catching one’s eye from the main
central cu ventilare natural` foarte studiat`, în care scara sloping façade, but the more obscure and irreverent – sic! –
principal` (de metal [i sticl`, pentru a-[i atenua cumva message conveyed by the white and blue bar code on the
prezen]a prea material`) plute[te peste un bazin cu ap`, în lateral façade). Several refined details, which the beneficiary
inten]ia cre`rii unui spa]iu cu microclimat controlat. Pe did not know how to use, which he did not understand and
fa]ada principal`, într-un fragment bine delimitat ca did not need, have represented some sort of sacrificial waste

1985-1986 – Centru civic, Timi[oara / 1985-1986 – Civic Center Timi[oara 1985-1986 – Centru civic, Timi[oara (concurs) /1985-1986 – Civic Center Timi[oara
2007 – Hotel Victoria, Sibiu / 2007 – Victoria Hotel, Sibiu 2003 – Locuin]` familial`, zona C`ii Martirilor / 2003 – Family dwelling, C`ii
Martirilor District

propor]ie, expus cumva demonstrativ, este prezentat un on the altar of sacred commerce; in the end, it was an excessive
mod ecologic de a utiliza cortina de sticl` pentru fa]adele design endeavor, for a space mainly used as a bazaar.
cl`dirilor de birouri – în dublu strat, permi]ånd circula]ia The headquarters of CFR Marf` are in the shape of a box with
aerului [i brise-soleil-uri. Astfel de sisteme de fa]ade de subtle proportions, following the classical order of the
sticl` dubl` vor fi dezvoltate, înc` [i mai amplu [i coerent, regulating paths. They suggest, as a major and extremely
la City Business Center. topical theme, a concern with ambiance control techniques:
Modernitatea ca înscriere în actualitate este a[adar the interior develops a central lobby with natural ventilation,
prezent` în preocup`rile mai recente ale firmei, prin very carefully studied, where the main staircase (of metal and
aceste tehnici ecologice [i de «dezvoltare durabil`», poate glass, to somehow diminish its too material presence) floats
conven]ionale [i «corecte», îns` adoptate natural [i f`r` over a water basin, with the intention of creating a space with
exhibi]ionism. Acestea aduc implicit tehnologia într-o a controlled microclimate. On the main façade, in a fragment
pozi]ie mai important` în ultimele lor lucr`ri. Atitudinea well-delimited as a proportion, exhibited somehow
lor fa]` de tehnologie, în general, respect` îns` consecvent demonstratively, an ecological mode of using the glass curtain
conceptul enun]at înc` din Casa Nautilus – tehnologia e for the facades of office buildings is presented, that is, in a
parte pur instrumental` a arhitecturii, secundar`, supus` double layer, enabling air circulation and brise-soleil. Such
mereu unor obiective mult dincolo de ea. façade systems of double-layered glass will be developed in a
Au fost tenta]i îns` – doar o dat` – [i de tehnologia ca vaster and more coherent manner at the City Business Center.
obiectiv explicit. Acoperirea de metal [i pånz` a Pie]ei Modernity as an embracing of present times is, therefore,
Badea Cår]an (1994-96) a fost pentru ei cu adev`rat o present in the firm’s more recent concerns, through these
arhitectur` de tehnologie experimental`. Este singurul ecological techniques aiming for «durable development»,
exemplu în cadrul operei firmei A&G în care tehnologia perhaps too conventional and «politically correct», but
dep`[e[te condi]ia purei instrumentalit`]i [i devine totul, nevertheless adopted naturally and without exhibitionism.
devine personaj principal al arhitecturii, devine They implicitly grant technology a more important place in
arhitectura îns`[i. Este bineîn]eles rezultatul unei their latest works. Their attitude towards technology in
colaborar`ri în domeniul ingineriei (cu inginerul Victor general observes, however, the concept put forward as early
Gioncu). În context romånesc, a fost într-adev`r un gest as from the Nautilus House– technology is a purely
extravagant, ne-necesar – o structur` cum nu mai fusese instrumental part of architecture, a secondary one, always
pån` atunci realizat` nic`ieri în Romånia, o noutate local` coming second to objectives which go far beyond it.
absolut`. Extrema ei vizibilitate, prezen]a ei ca imagine However, they were tempted once – just once – to regard
nou`, foarte remarcabil` în ora[, a fost [i ea «folosit`»: a technology itself as an explicite objective. The covering in
fost pus` în slujba unui gest politic. Aceast` pia]` de lux metal and cloth of Badea Cår]an Square (1994-96) truly
tehnologic a fost «o revolt` fa]` de vederile meschine meant for them an instance of architecture focused on
referitoare la investi]iile urbane», «un refuz fa]` de experimental technology. It is the only example, within the
pragmatismul îngust», un gest «de sus]inere dat noilor works of A&G, in which technology surpasses the condition of
autorit`]i locale care apar]ineau opozi]iei (la neo- pure instrumentality and becomes everything, becomes the
comuni[ti)». (13) main character of architecture, becomes architecture itself. It
is, of course, the result of collaboration with an engineer,
II.3. Natural [i artificial Victor Gioncu. It was indeed, in the Romanian context, an
extravagant, unnecessary gesture – a structure never before
Ordinea fenomenologic` achieved in Romania, an utter novelty locally. Its
Casa Bistriceanu (1996-2000) se înscrie [i ea cu adev`rat conspicuousness, its presence as a new, remarkable image in
în spiritul ordinii moderne, în primul rånd prin felul în the city, was also «used»: it was made to serve a political
care lucreaz` foarte diferen]iat cu spa]iul. Spa]iul este aici gesture. This technologically luxurious square was a
explicit ierarhizat. Un living imens [i deschis amplu spre «rebellion against the miserly approach to urban
gr`din`, cu un loc de discu]ii scufundat [i un [emineu cu investments», a «rejection of narrow-minded pragmatism», a
hot` plutitoare de geometrie riguroas`, e un spa]iu major, gesture of «support of the new local authorities which
cu o imagine puternic`. Celelalte spa]ii de dimensiune belonged to the opposition against neo-communists». (13)
secundar` ale casei se desfac din acest spa]iu «alfa» la
jum`tate de nivel, evitånd astfel închiderea circula]iilor II.3. Natural and Artificial
verticale într-o cas` a sc`rii banal`. Ce e [i mai remarcabil
la aceast` cas` este c`, în afara spa]ialit`]ii diferen]iale [i Phenomenological Order
a spectacolului vizual, în spiritul pur abstract al The Bistriceanu House (1996-2000) also embraces modern
2003 – Locuin]` familial`, zona C`ii Martirilor / 2007 – «City Business Centre»
2003 – Family dwelling, C`ii Martirilor District

«promenadei» lui Le Corbusier, ea conteaz` programatic [i order, first, by its different approaches to space. Here, space is
pe alte sim]uri – tactilitate [i sunet. Casa a avut parte [i de explicitly placed in a hierarchy. The immense living-room,
un adev`rat proiect acustic; sunetul, transmis de difuzoare with its vast opening toward the garden, with a receding
amplasate studiat, f`cea din spa]iul livingului [i o discussion area and a fire place with a floating hood,
experien]` muzical`. Iar lemnul care îmbrac` exterior o evincing rigorous geometry, is a major space having a strong
camer` «secret`», la mansard`, aduce o not` de contrast image. The other house spaces, of secondary size, unfold from
natural la albul modernist, cumva în maniera lui Alvar this «alpha» space at half level, thus avoiding the closing of
Aalto. F`r` a înceta s` fie modernist`, Casa Bistriceanu vertical circulation in an ordinary staircase. What is even
este [i cea mai natural` [i mai fenomenologic` dintre more remarkable at this house is that, apart from the various
toate casele firmei A&G, pentru c` lucreaz` cu spa]iul, spaces and the visual show, in the most abstract spirit of Le
materia, lumina, sunetul într-un mod foarte concret, Corbusier’s «promenade», it also counts on other senses – the
particular, ipostaziat, p`strånd în acela[i timp [i locuirea sense of touch and the sense of hearing. The house also
«în esen]a ei» (adic`, în pur spirit heideggerian). benefited from a genuine sound project; the sound,
Casa Duda[ (2000-01) repet`, adaptåndu-le îns` într-un transmitted through loudspeakers carefully placed, turned
context urban diferit, exact acelea[i gesturi diferen]iale: the space of the living into a musical experience as well, and
spa]ii care se desfac la cote diferite, în amplori diferite; the wood, covering a «secret» room on the attic floor, creates
deschideri diferen]iate dup` însorire; treceri diverse a contrast with the natural modernist white, somehow in the
interior-exterior (de la blindarea fa]adei spre strad`, plus manner of Alvar Aalto. Without ceasing to be modernist, the
stratul-retragere în fa]`, la pridvorul mobilat de terase [i Bistriceanu house also is the most natural and
de sera închis`, dar a[ezat` direct pe p`månt natural); phenomenological of all houses created by A&G, because it
trecerea de la pere]ii albi abstrac]i la materialitatea works with the space, with matter, light and sound in a very
special` [i structuralitatea nu mai pu]in special` a specific manner, preserving, at the same time, the habitation
lemnului. Casa Duda[ are îns` chiar [i un fragment din «in its essence» (that is, in true Heideggerian spirit).
canonul-portic: spre gr`din`, ea devine o vil` care î[i The Duda[ House (2000-01) reiterates the same differential
ordoneaz` ferm teritoriul. gestures, adjusting them, however, to a different urban
Materialul în sine nu e o tem` central` pentru A&G, dar context: spaces unfolding themselves at different levels, in
este asumat cu discre]ie [i pragmatism. În cazul different amplitudes; openings differentiated according to
restaur`rilor, materialul trece îns` neap`rat în prim-plan. the sunlight they allow; various passages from the interior to
În proiectul propus pentru reconsiderarea Sinagogii ca the exterior (from the armored street façade plus the
sal` de spectacole, ei au descoperit – spune Andreescu – c` receding layer in the front, to the porch endowed with
restaur`rile, în mod special, «se fac mai ales pe material, terraces and the covered greenhouse, placed directly on the
indiferent de ideologie». ground); the transition from the white abstract walls to the
Poate cel mai frumos exemplu în acest sens – [i un special materiality and special structurality of wood. The
monument de «ordine fenomenologic`» de asemenea – Duda[ house has, nevertheless, a fragment from the canon-
este amenajarea propriului birou, sediul firmei Andreescu portico: toward the garden, it becomes a villa which firmly
[i Gaivoronschi (2002). Amenajat într-un apartament de la orders its territory.
ultimul nivel al unui imobil de secol XIX, spa]iul de lucru Material in itself is not a central theme for A&G, but it is
se ridic` cu o supant` [i în structura podului. Lemnul assumed with discretion and pragmatism. When it comes to
[arpantei [i c`r`mida pere]ilor sunt puse în valoare ca o restorations, however, the material necessarily becomes a
prezen]` puternic`, dar f`r` striden]`. Dilatarea spa]iului priority. During the project for the restoration of the
pe vertical` [i lumina zenital` aduc o calitate excep]ional` Synagogue as a theatre hall, they discovered – Andreescu
atmosferei tactile din interior. Este un exemplu de lucru says – that restorations tend to «focus on materials,
cu materialitatea [i cu datele concrete ale unei situa]ii irrespective of the ideology».
particulare, p`strånd în acela[i timp calit`]ile esen]iale de Perhaps the most appropriate example in this respect and a
spa]ialitate [i lumin`: fenomenologie pur`. monument of «phenomenological order» as well is the
refurbishment of their own offices, the headquarters of the
Ordinea urban` Andreescu and Gaivoronschi company (2002). Placed in an
Dintre toate lucr`rile firmei A&G, inser]ia poate cea mai apartment on the uppermost floor of an XIXth century
natural` – prin chiar desfacerea ei în multiple building, the working space is elevated by means of a split
artificialit`]i (exact a[a cum se ]ese ora[ul, în mod level to the attic floor. The wood of the framing and the wall
natural-diferen]ial) – este Complexul de hoteluri Perla bricks are strongly, though not harshly, emphasized. The
(1995-2002). Piesele succesive se insereaz` în timp [i expansion of space along the vertical axis and the zenithal

1993 – Magazinul Pandora / 1993 – Pandora Shop 2007 – Casa Po[a / 2007 – Po[a House

spa]iu în intersti]iile unei insule urbane, în pur` light bring an exceptional quality to the tactile atmosphere
contingen]`, desigur, ca r`spuns direct la o situa]ie. inside. It is an example of working with materiality and with
Problema arhitec]ilor a fost s` lucreze aici nu atåt cu the concrete data of a particular situation, preserving, at the
tipologiile în sensul lui Rossi, cåt cu ]es`turile pragmatice same time, the essential qualities of spatiality and light: pure
ale unui program de micro-cre[tere urban` în depliere, în phenomenology.
intensitate. Spa]iile [i volumele se multiplic` în perfect`
continuitate. Urban Order
Multiplicarea expresiilor nu face, paradoxal, decåt s` Of all the works achieved by A&G, perhaps the most natural
sublinieze aceast` continuitate natural`. Adrian Iona[iu insertion – by its very unfolding in multiple artificial
(14) sesiza într-un articol multitudinea de analogii posibile structures, much the same way as the city is weaven, in a
la «mozaicul» de limbaje ale corpurilor distincte: natural-differential manner, is the Perla Hotel Complex
«ra]ionalist fascist`» la corpul dinspre curte, «anii ’60» la (1995-2002). Successive pieces are inserted in time and space
corpul dinspre strad`, «anii ’90» la pasarela de metal [i in the interstices of an urban island, in pure contingency,
sticl` – la care a[ ad`uga [i imaginea de modernism de naturally, as a direct answer to a situation. What the
Nou` Obiectivitate în perspectiva dinspre interiorul architects had to deal with here was not so much typologies
insulei spre cap`tul corpului lung. Complexul Perla este as Rossi understood them, as the pragmatic network of a
un exemplu de dezvoltare prin multiplicitate [i steadily unfolding urban micro-growth. Spaces and volumes
continuitate de scar`, care îmbog`]e[te [i respect` ordinea multiply in perfect continuity.
urban`. The multiplication of expressions, paradoxically, only
Cea mai recent` dezvoltare în «ordine urban`» – n`scut` manages to emphasize this natural continuity. Adrian
printr-un plan coerent, dar tot cumva natural, aditiv – este Iona[iu (14) noticed in an article the multitude of possible
ansamblul City Business Centre (2005-2008). Firma A&G analogies to the «mosaic» of languages of the distinct units:
este aici parte dintr-un angrenaj mai mare, avånd [ansa «rationalist-fascist» at the unit facing the yard, «60’s style»
s` colaboreze cu un developer dinamic [i tån`r, cu at the unit facing the street, «’90s» at the metal and glass
adev`rat interesat de arhitectur`. Dezvoltarea porne[te de bridgeway, to which I would add the impression of New
la fosta Fabric` de confec]ii Modatim (devenit` acum Objectivity modernism left by the perspective from the inside
Modatim Investment SA) [i este la o scar` destul de mare, of the island toward the end of the long unit. The Perla
un adev`rat fragment de ora[, în chiar apropierea Complex is an example of development by multiplicity and
intramuros-ului: o situa]ie poten]ial conflictual`. Oricum, continuity which enriches and respects urban order.
spun ei, azi solu]iile de pur` continuitate urban` nu mai The most recent development in the «urban order», arising
sunt valabile. Au înv`]at deja de la Koolhaas c` po]i opera from a coherent, although still natural, additive plan, is the
la scar` mare, [i chiar prin contrast, cu condi]ia s` realizezi City Business Centre Complex (2005-2008). A&G forms here
o unificare func]ional`, în layere. De[i e vorba aici, ca part of a larger team, having the chance to collaborate with a
program, de o dezvoltare imobiliar` tipic`, banal` chiar yound and dynamic developer with a genuine interest in
(birouri), tipologia urban` nu e tocmai banal`, cel pu]in în architecture. The development started from the former clothes
Romånia. A existat un acord perfect între arhitec]i [i factory Modatim (who has now become Modatim Investment
investitor pentru un ansamblu de construc]ii-bloc de SA) and unfolds at a fairly large scale, it truly is a city
în`l]ime medie, respingånd formula construc]iilor-turn – fragment, close to the intra muros – a potentially conflicting
tipologia care cucere[te de obicei, prin facilitatea imaginii, situation. Anyway, according to them, the solutions of pure
pe promotorii curen]i. Arhitec]ii au demonstrat îns` c` se urban continuity are no longer valid nowadays. They have
poate cre[te [i în suprafa]`, prin densitate mai mare, f`r` already learned from Koolhaas that you can operate on a
turnuri, care s-ar fi afirmat prea violent în silueta large scale, and also create a contrast, provided that you
centrului istoric, pe lång` c` ar fi fost [i mai scumpe. achieve a functional unity in layers. Although what we are
Prima din cele 5 cl`diri a fost deja realizat`. Fa]ada dealing with here, as a program, is a typical instance of real
reu[e[te s` scape din banalul celui mai banal con]inut de estate development, fairly commonplace (office buildings), the
Dincolo de certitudini. Andreescu [i Gaivoronschi.

1993 – Cofet`ria Trandafirul / 1993 – «Trandafirul» Confectionery

program, al «birourilor clasa A», prin utilizarea ingenioas` urban typology is not exactly commonplace, at least not in
a unor materiale altfel curente, sticl` [i ceramic`. Auto- Romania. There was perfect understanding between the
afirmarea arhitecturii ca design este perfect dozat`, nimic architects and the investor for the construction of a complex
nu e aici prea mult sau prea pu]in. of blocks-buildings of average rise, rejecting the formula of
Holul intr`rii con]ine o învelire a spa]iului cubic într-o tower-like constructions, which usually wins over the
]es`tur` de tuburi de sticl` trase pe sårme [i umplute cu o developers of our days through its facile imagery. The
pudr` str`lucitoare – un fel de decora]ie imprevizibil`, la architects proved that horizontal expansion can be achieved
mijlocul drumului între un element arhitectural [i o by means of greater density, without towers, which would
instala]ie de art`, rezultat al inventivit`]ii tån`rului Dan have asserted themselves too violently in the silhouette of the
Munteanu. E doza de ira]ional indispensabil` în inima historical center and would have undoubtedly been too costly.
unui irepro[abil pragmatism. Dar totodat` [i afirmarea The first of the five buildings has already been constructed.
unui alt credo al firmei A&G: arta are dreptul s` intre în The façade manages to elude the dullness of the dullest
arhitectur` [i s` se afirme ca o prezen]` de-a dreptul programmatic contents ever, «class A offices», by making
explicit`. ingenious use of otherwise ordinary materials, such as glass
and clay. Self-assertion of architecture as design is perfectly
Ordinea artei managed here, there isn’t too much or too little of anything.
Inserarea artei ca art` – [i deci colaborarea cu arti[tii – The entrance lobby contains a covering of the cubic space in a
este parte a unei deschideri programatice în firma A&G. web of glass tubes pierced by wires and filled with a shining
Cu pictorul Sorin Nicodim, de exemplu, au colaborat powder – an unexpected decoration, half-way between an
repetat. El a contribuit la decorarea interioarelor la cele architectural element and an art installation, product of the
dou` Hoteluri Reghina. inventiveness of young Dan Munteanu. It is the dose of
La amenajarea spa]iului de rela]ii cu publicul pentru irrationalism absolutely indispensable in the heart of
Romtelecom Timi[oara (1998-2000), sculpturile lui Victor immaculate pragmatism. It also is the assertion of another
Gaga au fost aduse pentru a contrasta cu rigurozitatea credo of A&G: art has all the right to join architecture and to
tehnologic` a finisajelor [i a obiectelor expuse. În spa]iul make its presence felt in an explicit fashion.
inten]ionat rupt de lumea exterioar` a str`zii, tehnologia
a fost subliniat` prin telefoanele expuse cumva plutind The Order of Art
izolat în spa]iu, aparate zbur`toare într-un negru sclipitor The insertion of art as art – and therefore the collaboration
de eter. Senza]ia de spa]iu-alien era înt`rit` de prezen]a with the artists – is part of a programmatic opening in A&G.
sculpturilor – arta [i-a jucat rolul într-un scenariu de They have repeatedly collaborated with painter Sorin
stranietate complet controlat; nu e de mirare c` Nicodim, for instance, who brought his contribution to the
amenajarea nu mai exist`. Era prea intens` ca s` poat` interior decoration of the two Reghina hotels.
rezista în timp. Victor Gaga’s sculptures were inserted in the public relation
Arti[tii sunt c`uta]i pentru ceea ce numai ei pot da, nu space inside the headquarters of Romtelecom Timi[oara
numai ca îmbog`]ire decorativ` a interioarelor, ci chiar (1998-2000) to contrast with the technological rigorousness
mai mult, ca inspira]ie propriu-zis arhitectural`. Cea mai of the finishing and displayed objects. Inside that space,
recent` întålnire a firmei este cea cu Silviu Or`vitzan. Nici intentionally separated from the exterior street space,
o form` nu transmite «devenirea spiritual`» a[a cum o fac technology was emphasized by the telephones exhibited
pattern-urile lui Or`vitzan – spune Andreescu. El va fi somehow floating in space, isolated, flying machines in a
colaborator, cu un rol capital, la un «design-hotel» în shining ethereal blackness. The sensation of alien space was
Gala]i (Hotel «Dun`rea», 2007-08). Acesta ar putea fi strengthened by the presence of sculptures – art played its
primul dintr-o serie de hoteluri cu o politic` de imagine role in a strangeness-focused, completely controlled scenario;
coerent` în jurul pattern-urilor artistului. Va fi îns` o it is no wonder that the arranged space no longer exists; it
întålnire problematic` a artei cu arhitectura, a artistului was too intense to stand over time.
cu arhitec]ii – iar paradoxul acestei întålniri va r`måne Artists are sought for what only they can give, not only in


probabil acut, nerezolvat, ca o etern` aporie. C`ci la terms of decorative enrichment of the interior spaces, but
Or`vitzan schimbarea, alunecarea spre altceva, «devenirea also in terms of architectural inspiration per se. The
spiritual`» se afirm` de fiecare dat` altfel, în pattern-ul company’s most recent collaboration is with Silviu Or`vitzan.
însu[i. A[a ceva nu se poate folosi. Va fi poate la limita No form conveys «spiritual development» quite like
imposibilului ca repetitivul static, func]ional, comercial, Or`vitzan’s patterns, Andreescu says. He will be a
standardizabil, instrumental al arhitecturii s` nu ucid` collaborator with a capital role, in a «design-hotel» in Gala]i
pattern-urile vii [i diferen]iale ale artei. («Dun`rea» Hotel, 2007-08). This could be the first of a series
Dar Andreescu [i Gaivoronschi [tiu deja de mult c` nu of hotels with a coherent image created around the artist’s
exist` provocare mai fertil` ca paradoxul. patterns. It will be, however, a problematic encounter, of art
with architecture, of the artist with the architects, and the
Încheiere paradox of such encounter will probably remain acute and
«Eu nu mai cred acum c` arhitectura e cel mai important unsolved, like an eternal aporia. Because, with Or`vitzan,
lucru, ci rela]ia» – spune Ioan. change, slide towards something else, the «spiritual
Orice «rela]ie» cere îns` obligatoriu o mic` tr`dare a becoming» is asserted differently every time, in the pattern
certitudinilor. În «rela]ie» nu po]i s` [tii dinainte precis itself, and this cannot be used. It is quite unlikely that the
unde ajungi. «Rela]ia» înseamn` deschidere, deci implic` static, functional, commercial, standardized, instrumental
risc. Dac` e ceva ce r`måne îns` absolut cert este rostul repetitiveness of architecture should not kill the living and
arhitecturii de a da densitate [i intensitate realit`]ii care differential patterns of art.
ne înghite ca o mare indiferent`. Legitimarea arhitecturii But Andreescu and Gaivoronschi have long known that there
prin calitate e o certitudine incontestabil`. isn’t a more fertile challenge than paradox.
Or, «cånd [tii c` ai ajuns la ce trebuie» – spune Vlad –
«atunci pur [i simplu [tii; atunci nu mai ai îndoieli». Conclusion
Ioan Andreescu [i Vlad Gaivoronschi au realizat deja, [i «I no longer believe now that architecture is the most
mai au cu siguran]` înainte, o oper` consistent`. Ea este important thing; I believe that relationship is», says Ioan.
definit` prin ceea ce ei pun în rela]ie, caut`, descoper`, However, any «relationship» obligatorily requires a betrayal of
inventeaz`, testeaz`, construiesc, asambleaz`, instituie. Ea certainties to a certain extent. In a «relationship» you cannot
datoreaz` poate destul [i certitudinilor – credin]ei în know beforehand where you are going. A «relationship»
sisteme de ordine esen]ial`, originar`, matricial`, etern` [i means opening, and therefore, taking chances. However, if
stabil`, credin]` pe care ei, cu modestia calit`]ii, o afirm` something remains certain, it is the role of architecture to lend
neclintit. Dar în ultim` instan]`, opera lor a reu[it s` fie density and intensity to the real world which engulfs us like
una de referin]` f`r` s` se opreasc` în ele. Totul r`måne an indifferent sea. The architecture’s gaining legitimacy
mereu de f`cut, de inventat, de demonstrat. E o oper` through quality is an undeniable certainty.
deschis`. Or, «when you know you have done the right thing – says
Singura certitudine este c` Andreescu [i Gaivoronschi au Vlad – then you just know; you no longer have doubts».
ajuns acolo unde trebuie – adic` în continu` devenire în Ioan Andreescu and Vlad Gaivoronschi have already
calitate – [i ei [tiu asta. achieved, and are definitely looking ahead at, a consistent
body of work. It is defined by what they inter-relate, seek,
discover, invent, test, build, assemble and establish. It
probably owes a lot to certainties – to the belief in systems of
essential, primary, matriceal, eternal and stable order, a
belief that is resolutely asserted by them with all the modesty
of quality. However, in the end, their work has managed to
become a landmark without confining itself to such
certainties. Everything remains to be done, invented, proven.
It is an open work.
The only certainty is that Andreescu and Gaivoronschi have
done the right thing – that is, they have achieved continuous
development through quality. And they are aware of it.

(Translation: Claudia Rada)

Dincolo de certitudini. Andreescu [i Gaivoronschi.


Note: Notes:

1. Ana Maria Zahariade, «Echilibrul uitat, Timi[oara 1991-1996», în: 1. Ana Maria Zahariade, «Echilibrul uitat, Timi[oara 1991-1996», in:
Catalogul Pav. Romåniei, 6a Mostra Internazionale di architettura/ The Catalogue of Romania’s Pavilion, 6a Mostra Internazionale di
Biennale di Venezia, Ed. Simetria, Bucure[ti, 1996, pp. 9-10 architettura / Biennale di Venezia, Simetria Publishing House,
2. Vlad Gaivoronschi, «Noi nu avem în arhitectura noastr` un Bucharest, 1996, pp. 9-10
Bråncu[i – un dialog între Vlad Gaivoronschi [i Arpad Zachi», în: 2. Vlad Gaivoronschi, «We do not have a Bråncu[i in our architecture –
«Arhitext Design», nr. 5/2003, p. 43 a dialogue between Vlad Gaivoronschi and Arpad Zachi», in:
3. Cei doi – mai spune Ana Maria Zahariade în catalogul Bienalei – «Arhitext Design», no. 5/2003, p. 43
«practic` o descriere hermeneutic` a arhitecturii», «în]eleg 3. The two – Ana Maria Zahariade also states in the catalogue of the
arhitectura ca pe o alternativ` ordonatoare la actuala celebrare a Biennale – «practise a hermeneutical description of architecture»,
haosului», «au parcurs un drum de la postmodernismul istoricist la «understand architecture as an ordering alternative to the current
modernism»; Ana Maria Zahariade, op.cit., pp. 10, 40 celebration of chaos», «they have come a long way from historicist
4. Ioan Andreescu, în: Catalogul Pav. Romåniei, 6a Mostra postmodernism to modernism»; Ana Maria Zahariade, op.cit., pp. 10, 40.
Internazionale di architettura/ Biennale di Venezia, Ed. Simetria, 4. Ioan Andreescu, in: The Catalogue of Romania’s Pavillion, 6a Mostra
Bucure[ti, 1996, p. 41 Internazionale di architettura/ Biennale di Venezia, Simetria
5. «A Meditation Chapel», concurs organizat de revista «Japan Publishing House, Bucharest, 1996, p. 41.
Architect» [i Central Glass, Tokyo, 1981 (autori Ioan Andreescu, Vlad 5. «A Meditation Chapel», contest organized by the «Japan Architect»
Gaivoronschi, Florin Colpacci, Adrian Iona[iu, Claudiu Panaitescu) magazine and the Central Glass, Tokyo, 1981 (authors Ioan
6. Vlad Gaivoronschi, op. cit., p. 43 Andreescu, Vlad Gaivoronschi, Florin Colpacci, Adrian Iona[iu,
7. Proiect pentru concursul «O locuire poetic`», Bucure[ti, 1987 (autori Claudiu Panaitescu)
Ioan Andreescu [i Dan D`ncil`). 6. Vlad Gaivoronschi, op. cit., p. 43
8. Ioan Andreescu, Origini spirituale în arhitectura modern`, Ed. 7. Project for the contest «A poetical dwelling», Bucharest, 1987
Paideia & Simetria, Bucure[ti, 2000; Vlad Gaivoronschi, Matricile (authors: Ioan Andreescu and Dan D`ncil`).
spa]iului tradi]ional, Ed. Paideia, Bucure[ti, 2002 8. Ioan Andreescu, Origini spirituale \n arhitectura modern`, Paideia &
9. |ntr-o discu]ie despre amenajarea sediilor de birouri de arhitec]i, în: Simetria Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000; Vlad Gaivoronschi,
«de arhitectur`», nr. 1/2000, p. 7 Matricile spa]iului tradi]ional, Paideia Publishing House, Bucharest,
10. Ioan Andreescu, «Casa Jumanca», în: «de arhitectur`», nr. 9/2003, 2002
p. 3 9. In a discussion on the architects’ arranging the office buildings, in:
11. Ibid. «de arhitectur`», no. 1/2000, p. 7
12. Ibid. 10. Ioan Andreescu, «Jumanca House», in: «de arhitectur`», no. 9/2003, p. 3
13. Ana Maria Zahariade, op. cit., p. 46 11. Ibid.
14. Adrian Florin Iona[iu, «Complexul Perla», în: «de arhitectur`», nr. 12. Ibid.
8/2003, p. 8 13. Ana Maria Zahariade, op. cit., p. 46
14. Adrian Florin Iona[iu, «Perla Complex», in: «de arhitectur`», no.
8/2003, p. 8

2003 – Locuin]` familial`, zona C`ii Martirilor / 2003 – Family dwelling, C`ii Martirilor
Lucr`ri [i Proiecte
Works and Projects
Lucr`ri realizate \n comun / Common Projects

Hotel Perla 2 /
Bijuteria «Gold Tim» / «Gold Tim» Jewelry Store e Pia]a Badea Cår]an /
Perla 2 Hotel
Badea Cår]an Market
Hotel Reghina / Reghina Hotel Amenajare Birou de Proiectare Agen]ia comercial` [i de
Andreescu & Gaivoronschi / Fitting Out rela]ii cu publicul
Andreescu & Gaivoronschi Design Office Romtelecom / Timi[oara
Romtelecom Commercial
and Public Relations
Cei ce ne cunosc se vor mira poate sesizånd \n titlul Maybe those who know us will be intrigued noticing, in the
acestei comunic`ri modul \n care ne \ndator`m ideilor de title of this communication, the way in which we subordinate
felul celor expuse cu atåta concizie de Philip Johnson: ourselves to ideas like those presented with such concision by
«Arhitectura nu este tehnologie, nu este inginerie, nu este Philip Johnson: «Architecture is not technology, is not
sociologie, … nu este politic`. Arhitectura este art`, art` engineering, is not sociology, ... is not politics. Architecture is
pur`, la fel ca [i pictura [i muzica [i, dac` ne mai \ndoim art, pure art, just like painting and music and, if we are still
\nc` de acest lucru, comitem o grav` eroare. Dar orice doubting this we are make a big mistake. But any adjoinings
apropieri sau asem`n`ri nu sunt, parafrazånd, nici voite, or resemblances are, paraphrasing, nor intended, nor
nici \ntåmpl`toare, ci INEVITABILE. ... accidental, but inevitable. ...
C`ci \nainte de a putea spune ca Vitruvius, c` arhitectura Because before we can say, like Vitruvius, that architecture is
este Soliditate, Utilitate, Frumuse]e, ea a fost Imago, Stability, Utility, Beauty, it was Imago, concrete projection
proiec]ie [i expresie concret` a ordinii cosmice. ... and expression of cosmic order. ...
Iar mi[carea modern`, \ntr-o ultim` neputin]` de a And the modern movement, in a last failure of implanting in
implanta \n realul dezgolit de sens, imaginea «cet`]ii the meaningless existing the image of the «ideal citadel»,
ideale», celebreaz` noii zei ai unei ere profane, ritmuri [i celebrates the new gods of a profane era, mechanic rhythms
armonii ma[iniste. {i nu este inten]ia noastr` aici [i acum and harmonies. And it’s not our intention here and now to
de a-i sonda rolul [i meritele, ci de a consemna sfår[itul dig out its role and merits, but to record the end of a
unui mod de a gåndi bazat pe devenire [i sens [i mentality based on becoming and sense and its replacement
\nlocuirea lui cu un altul bazat pe profitabilitate [i with another, based on profitability and meanings. ...
\n]elesuri. ... We are now finding each other in a world in which the
Ne g`sim acum \ntr-o lume \n care disocierea func]iilor dissociation tends towards disruption, <... an era in which the
tinde c`tre spargere, <… o epoc` \n care scizurarea dintre break between mind, matter and soul (to use Dante’s terms)>
minte, materie [i suflet (pentru a folosi termenii lui became so absolute that we prevent their turn-over...».
Dante)> a devenit atåt de absolut`, \ncåt presim]im On the ground of the complete separation between
r`sturnarea lor…». Pe fondul completei separ`ri dintre functional, esthetic and symbolic, we are assisting today at
func]ional, estetic [i simbolic, asist`m ast`zi la retragerea the withdrawal of architecture from the sociological and
arhitecturii din contextul sociologic [i ambiental, cu ambiental context, marking the intention of becoming pure
inten]ia de a reveni art` pur`, suit` «\ntr-un turn de art, climbed «in an ivory tower surrounded by an aura of
filde[, \nconjurat de o aur` a extazului [i a nelini[tii.» ecstasy and anxiety.»

De la geam c`tre vitraliu From window to stained glass

Vlad Alexandru Gaivoronschi, Ioan Andreescu, Vlad Alexandru Gaivoronschi, Ioan Andreescu,
Alexandru Florin Colpacci, Adrian Iona[iu Alexandru Florin Colpacci, Adrian Iona[iu
Catalog al Seminarului Interna]ional de Arhitectur` The catalog of The International Seminar of Architecture,
Bucure[ti 1982 organizat de CASC [i Institutul de Bucharest 1982, organized by CASC and The Architecture
Arhitectur` «Ion Mincu» Bucure[ti. Institut «Ion Mincu» Bucharest.
(Translation: Livia Ivanovici)

De-a lungul discu]iilor (textelor) noastre, [i mai ales \n Along our discussions (texts), and especially in the material
materialul trimis la Paris, am actualizat evolu]ia we sent to Paris, we updated the evolution (involution) of
(involu]ia) textului arhitectural: de la textul ca «val», \n the architectural writing: starting from the text as a
spatele c`ruia se g`se[te Sensul, pån` la textul ca proprie «wave» behind which can be found The Meaning, to the
textur`. (Barthes vorbe[te despre text ca o \ntre]esere de text as self texture. (Barthes speaks about text as an
mai vechi citate, \n loc de Sens, despre sensuri mereu noi interlacing of older quotations, instead of Meaning, about
ce se relev` prin acoperire [i dep`rtare.) meanings, always new, that reveal themselves by covering
and distancing.)
Vlad Gaivoronschi, Olimp, 12.09.1982 Vlad Gaivoronschi, Olimp, 12.09.1982
(Translation: Livia Ivanovici)
Neputånd vorbi decåt despre ea \ns`[i [i \nc` \ntr-un Being able to talk only about it and even so in a puritan
vocabular puritan [i restrictiv, arhitectura modern` a and restrictive vocabulary, modern architecture became for
devenit pentru majoritatea oamenilor «o arhitectur` the majority of people «a silent architecture»; even more, a
t`cut`»; mai mult, un limbaj autogenerat nu poate fi self generated language cannot be stylistically rich, a single
stilistic bogat, un individ nu poate produce singur bog`]ia person cannot produce the abundance of elements of an
de elemente ale unui stil constituit. Din cauza aceasta [i already formed style. Due to this matter and due to his
datorit` postulatului capital pentru el al omogenit`]ii, capital postulate of homogeneity, the modern architect, in
arhitectul modern, pentru a evita disonan]ele, caut` s` order to keep away from dissonances, looks for simple,
foloseasc` forme simple, f`r` caracter, indiferente, indifferent, without character forms to use, obtaining poor,
ob]inånd opere s`race, univoce [i neutre. Marilor ambi]ii univocal and neutral creations. The great modernist
moderniste, degradate \n banalitatea practicii curente – ambitions, degraded in the banality of regular practice –
cu efecte devastatoare asupra habitatului uman – le with devastating effects upon the human habitat – are
succede o arhitectur` neambi]ioas`, umil`, nesincer` [i being succeeded by an architecture which lacks ambition,
critic`: arhitectura post-modern`. Antiutopic`, reluånd being humble, insincere and critical: post-modern
bucuroas` dialogul cu tradi]ia, dezavuånd schimb`rile [i architecture.
glorificånd «status quo-ul», arhitectura aceasta ]ese fire Antiutopic, gladly picking up the thread with tradition,
de continuitate cu ultima verig` a lan]ului \ntrerupt de disavowing the changes and glorifying the «status quo»,
ruptura modernist`: cu sfår[itul secolului XIX. Repertoriile this architecture ties threads of continuity with the last link
stilistice ale clasicismului, eclectismului [i Jugendstil-ului of the chain which had been interrupted by the modernist
sunt reluate cu delicii, repetate cu pietate, refolosite cu brake: with the end of the XIXth century. The stylistic stock
cinism sau umor, modificate, transformate. Este o of classicism, eclectism and Jugenstyle are reassumed with
arhitectur` simbolic`, «o arhitectur` a sensului» feast, repeated religiously, cynically or humorously reused,
\nlocuind «arhitectura expresiei» (Venturi), o arhitectur` modified, transformed. It’s a symbolic architecture, «an
dedicat` valorilor comunic`rii, o arhitectur` a decora]iei architecture of sense» replacing «the architecture of
aplicate, a banalit`]ii a[a cum o define[te ECO: «pentru a expression» (Venturi), an architecture dedicated to the
introduce noi func]ii trebuie s` ne sprijinim pe vechi value of communication, an architecture of applied
forme cunoscute. Un principiu semiologic de baz` se decoration, of banality like ECO defines it: «to introduce
repet` aici… foarte bine explicat \n Poetica lui Aristotel: new functions we must base ourselves on old known
elementele de informa]ie bogate pot fi introduse doar shapes. A basic semiotic principle is being repeated here ...
sus]inute \n centuri de redundan]`. Fiecare vårf de very well explained in Aristotle’s Poetica: rich information
improbabilitate r`måne conectat cu posibilul». elements can be introduced only supported in redundancy
belts. Every pick of improbability remains connected with
Ioan Andreescu the contingent».
Text scris cu ocazia expozi]iei
Timi[oara, Topos [i adecvare – 1983 Ioan Andreescu
The text was written for the exhibition
Timi[oara, Topos and Adequacy – 1983
(Translation: Livia Ivanovici)


Amenajare Sediu Proiectare Andreescu & Gaivoronschi

Fitting Out Andreescu & Gaivoronschi Office

Amenajarea noului sediu al S.C. Andreescu & Gaivoronschi S.R.L. The refurbishment works to the new headquarters of
a presupus o opera]ie complex` de interven]ie \ntr-o cl`dire Andreescu & Gaivoronschi S.R.L. implied a complex
monument istoric de sec. XIX din centrul Timi[oarei. Situat` operation of intervention on a XIXth century historical
\n cadrul unui ]esut urban specific cet`]ii baroce (sec. XVIII), monument located in the center of Timi[oara. Placed in an
aliniat` la frontul stradal [i dezvoltat` \n adåncimea parcelei, urban environment characteristic of the XVIIIth century
cu curte interioar` [i cursive, cl`direa ad`poste[te ast`zi, \n baroque fortified town, aligned to the street front and
cele dou` etaje, sedii de firme, birouri notariale, un sediu de developed along the depth of the plot, the building hosts
partid, apartamente, iar la parter servicii de tip frizerie, today, in its two floors, company headquarters, notarial
coafur`, croitorie etc. Tot aici a existat pån` nu demult un offices, a political party’s headquarters, apartments, and
sediu al sucursalei timi[orene a cotidianului «Evenimentul on the ground floor, haircut services for men and women,
Amenajare Sediu Proiectare Andreescu & Gaivoronschi

Zilei» (care a ocupat complet curtea interioar` pe parter). a tailor’s shop etc. Not long ago, the headquarters of the
Acest amalgam de func]iuni prezent ast`zi urmeaz` unei Timi[oara branch of daily newspaper «Evenimentul Zilei»
istorii de peste 150 de ani; construit` \n 1852, ca hotel sub used to operate here (it has currently occupied the entire
denumirea «Cerbul de Aur», pe amplasamentul unei inner yard on the ground floor). This present
cl`diri de sec. XVIII avariat` \n timpul asediului din 1849, amalgamation of functions comes after a 150-year history;
cl`direa a ad`postit func]iuni diverse. |n anii ’40, cl`direa built in 1852 as a hotel under the name «The Golden Stag»,
a suferit o prim` interven]ie vizibil` \n parter [i etajul I. on the site of an XVIIIth century building damaged during
A doua repara]ie a avut loc \n 1977. |n prezent, prim`ria the 1849 siege, the building had various functions. In the ’40s,
inten]ioneaz` o interven]ie asupra ei, \n condi]iile \n care the building suffered a first visible intervention on the
\n anii ’80, o travee a acesteia s-a pr`bu[it. Interven]iile ground floor and on the Ist floor. The second repair works


Plan curent / Current floor plan

punctuale generate de dinamica accentuat` a interesului took place in 1977. At present, the mayoralty intends to
pentru aceast` zon`, precum [i de starea mozaicat` a carry out intervention works, because a bay collapsed in
propriet`]ii, au precedat interven]iile masive, coordonate the ’80s. Punctual interventions generated by the
ale prim`riei. |n aceste condi]ii, amenajarea increasing interest aroused by this area, and by the mosaic-
apartamentului de 85mp de la etajul II \n birou de like state of the property, preceded the massive coordinated
proiectare a presupus mult mai mult decåt un proiect de interventions of the mayoralty. Under the circumstances,
design interior. |n primul rånd, a fost necesar` interven]ia the refurbishment of the 85 sqm apartment on the IInd
par]ial` asupra st`rii fizice a cl`dirii, aceasta floor and its conversion into a design office implied much
presupunånd lucr`ri de restaurare, consolidare: – more than an interior design project. First, partial
repararea [arpantei vechi, \nlocuirea c`priorilor [i altor intervention on the physical state of the building was
elemente putrezite, \nlocuirea \nvelitorii de ]igl`, required, which implied restoration and consolidation
asanarea podului etc. – repara]ii ale zid`riei, consolidare a works: – repairing the old framework, replacing the rafters
co[urilor de fum, inject`ri (interven]ii specifice pentru and other rotten components, replacing the tile roof
ziduri vechi) – repara]ii ale tinichigeriei – cur`]area covering, drying up the attic floor etc. – repairing the
vechilor straturi de tencuial` pån` la c`r`mid` \n brickwork, consolidating the smoke chimneys, infusions
apartament. Din punctul de vedere al organiz`rii (specific interventions for old walls) – repairing the tin
func]ionale, cei 123mp pot ad`posti maxim 12 persoane objects – cleaning the old plaster layers until reaching the
(secretara inclusiv) lucrånd la computerele \n re]ea [i la brick in the apartment. In terms of functional
mesele de desen. Pot fi organizate \ntålniri cu organization, the 123 sqm can shelter maximum 12 persons
colaboratorii sau clien]ii precum [i [edin]ele de lucru (including the secretary) working on the computer network
interne \n trei zone distincte, unde au fost amplasate and at the drawing tables. Meetings with the collaborators
locuri de discu]ii: la intrare, \n camera de primire, \n or the clients, as well as internal working sessions may also
cap`t, \n spa]iul de lucru al arhitec]ilor principali [i la be organized in three distinct locations where discussion
supant`, \n spa]iul de lucru al asocia]ilor. Arhiva este mai areas have been arranged: at the entrance, in the guest
sus, sub acoperi[, \n zona de pod \nchis`. Spa]iul biroului room at the end, in the working space of the main
a fost prev`zut cu instala]ii complet noi, pe lång` cele architects, and at the split level, in the working area of the
electrice de alimentare cu ap` [i canalizare [i re]eaua de associates. The archive is placed higher, under the roof, in
Amenajare Sediu Proiectare Andreescu & Gaivoronschi


Plan mansard` / Attic plan

computere \n plint`, fiind prev`zut` instala]ia de senzori the closed attic area. The space of the office has been
de fum anti-incendiu, instala]ia de securitate antifurt, provided with brand new fittings, the smoke sensor fire
instala]ia de aer condi]ionat [i cea de \nc`lzire proprie. installation, the security anti-theft installation, the air-
Utilizarea por]iunii de pod de deasupra apartamentului a conditioning installation and its own heating installation
\nsemnat o schimbare de ambian]`, lumin` etc. a being added to the electrical wiring, the water supply and
spa]iului ini]ial [i de asemenea a presupus o sporire a sewage pipes and the computer network on the plinth.
suprafe]ei cu 38 mp de supant`. Introducerea celor [ase Making use of the attic floor portion located above the
ferestre «Schindler» de pe acoperi[ a generat o modificare apartment meant a change of ambiance, light etc. of the
radical` a atmosferei, diferit` de cea mohoråt` a initial space and also implied an area increase with 38 sqm
apartamentului ini]ial. Spa]iul a dobåndit un dinamism of split level. The introduction of the six «Schindler»
ascensional generat de lumina prelins` pe pere]i printre windows on the roof generated a radical change in the
grinzile de lemn (marginea supantei este retras` cu 1.70m atmosphere, different from the gloomy one characterizing
fa]` de conturul exterior al zidurilor, permi]ånd luminarea the initial apartment. The space acquired ascending
[i ventilarea); cinci ferestre din acoperi[ situate c`tre sud dynamics generated by the light sliding down the walls
definesc \n interior \n anumite momente fascicule through the wooden beams (the margin of the split level
paralele de lumin` diafan` [i efemer`; a [asea fereastr` recedes by 1.70 m from the outer walls, allowing
din acoperi[, de pe latura nordic`, asigur` iluminarea illumination and ventilation); five roof windows looking to
unei zone mai \ntunecoase aflat` \n inima the South define on the inside, at certain times, parallel
apartamentului. Scara interioar` din lemn de frasin cu beams of diaphanous and ephemeral light; the sixth
trepte trapezoidale \ntre vanguri este abrupt` [i, pe cåt a window in the roof, located to the North, ensures
fost posibil, ergonomic`. Este, totodat`, obiectul dinamic illumination of a darker area located at the heart of the
ce contribuie la atmosfera general`. Strategia proiectului apartment. The indoor staircase, made of ash wood, with
s-a nuan]at pe parcursul [antierului, odat` cu trapezoidal stairs between the stringers is abrupt and
descoperirea sub straturile de paie [i scåndur` tencuite ergonomic, to the extent possible. It is also the dynamic
ale tavanului a vechilor lambriuri a[ezate \ntre grinzile de object which brings its contribution in creating the general
lemn. Toate elementele vechi din lemn au fost l`sate la atmosphere. The strategy of the project refined in stages,
vedere, ignifugate [i impregnate cu culoarea brun \nchis throughout the works, once the old wainscoting placed


(«nuc antic»). Tåmpl`riile originale (u[i [i ferestre c`tre between the wood beams was discovered under the layers
strad`) au fost cur`]ate [i finisate de c`tre restauratori de of straw and plastered board. All the old wooden elements
mobil` veche. Parchetul original a fost ra[chetat [i were left visible, provided with a fire proof layer and
paluxat. Reflectoarele negre pe grinzile de lemn, aplicile painted in dark brown («antique walnut»). The original
semnate Antonio Citerio la supant`, l`mpile «Artemide», joinery (doors and windows facing the street) was cleaned
scafa de lumin` orizontal` ce accentueaz` efectul de and applied a finishing by antique furniture restorers. The
fluiditate – continuitate spa]ial`, definesc un ambient original parquet was scraped and polished. The black
prietenos de «cas` de proiectare»; acesta este \nt`rit [i de reflectors on the wood beams, the lamp brackets signed
tablouri cu operele lui Palladio de pe pere]ii tencui]i Antonio Citerio on the split level, the «Artemide» lamps,
sub]ire [i zugr`vi]i alb, al`turi de care, piese de mobilier the horizontal light soffit which highlights the fluidity
original de la \nceputul secolului XX, amintesc de effect-spatial continuity, define a friendly ambiance of this
preocup`ri ale celor ce lucreaz` aici. «design house», strengthened by Palladio paintings put on
the thinly plastered, white walls. Next to them, original
Vlad Gaivoronschi early XXth century furniture pieces remind one of the
Text publicat ini]ial \n «Arhitext», nr. 9-10/2004
interests of the persons working here.

Vlad Gaivoronschi
The text has been previously published in «Arhitext», no. 9-10/2004
(Translation: Claudia Rada)
Amenajare Sediu Proiectare Andreescu & Gaivoronschi


Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi Colaboratori / Collaborators: Arh. / Arch. Ioan Andreescu, Arh. / Arch.
Marius Hårja, Arh. / Arch. C`t`lin Bocan, Arh. / Arch. Drago[ Bocan (releveu mapping), Arh. / Arch. Maja B`ldea, Arh. /
Arch. Costin {elariu (urm`rire [antier on-site construction superviser) Rezisten]` / Structural Engineering: Ing. / Eng.
Victor Gioncu, Ing. / Eng. Marius Mo[oarc` Instala]ii \nc`lzire – climatizare / HVAC Engineering: Ing. / Eng. C`t`lin Bojan
Instala]ii electrice / Wiring: Ing. / Eng. Mihai Fara Antreprenori / General Contractors: S.C. Castrum Tim S.R.L., S.C. Star
Instal S.R.L., S.C. Electroinstal S.R.L. Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara; Construc]ie Construction: 2002 Fotografii /
Photographs: Ioan Andreescu, Vlad Gaivoronschi


Plan / Plan

Bijuteria «GOLD TIM»

«GOLD TIM» Jewelry Store

Aceasta a fost lucrarea de debut pentru noi ca arhitec]i This was our debut effort as architects working independently
independen]i, desprin[i de Institutul de Proiectare. from the Design Institute. These indoor and outdoor
Problemele puse de aceast` amenajare interioar` [i arrangement works have been far from painless. On the one
exterioar` nu au fost deloc u[oare. Pe de o parte, din hand, it was difficult in functional terms, namely, to
punct de vedere func]ional, a acomoda \ntr-un spa]iu accommodate in a confined area both the selling space and
restråns atåt spa]iul de vånzare, cåt [i atelierul the jewelers’ workshop; on the other hand, the achievement of
bijutierilor, pe de alt` parte realizarea unei interven]ii la an intervention in Alba Iulia Street – maybe the sole most
nivelul str`zii Alba Iulia – poate cea mai important` [i important pedestrian and commercial street in the city, a
unic` strad` pietonal` comercial` din ora[ (fragment de true piece of Lipscani in the midst of Timisioara – was quite
«Lipscani» timi[orean). Men]ion`m c` aceast` strad` se challenging. Please note that such street lies in the reserve
afl` \n zona de rezerva]ie de arhitectur` a Cet`]ii, legånd area of the Fortified Town, and connects Libert`]ii Square,
Pia]a Libert`]ii constituit` \n secolul al XVIII-lea, cu Pia]a constructed in the XVIIIth century, with Victoriei (Operei)
Victoriei (Operei) constituit` la finele secolului al XIX-lea Square, constructed at the end of the XIXth and early XXth
[i \nceputul secolului al XX-lea, amåndou` pietonale. century, both of them, pedestrian areas.
|nainte, aici exista un mic magazin de \nc`l]`minte, This place was formerly occupied by a small shoe store;
parterul acestei case de secol XIX, pe structur` de zid`rie however, the ground floor of this 19th century house, propped
de c`r`mid`, fiind transformat \nc` din anii ’60, \ntreaga by brick masonry, was transformed as early as the ’60s, when
fa]ad` la strad` sprijinind pe stålpi [i grinzi de beton the entire street façade was provided with pillars and beams
armat. of reinforced steel.
|n locul acestei transparen]e existente, clientul a solicitat Instead of the existing transparency, the client requested that
o solu]ie cåt mai blindat` c`tre strad`. O prim` variant`, the structure facing the street be as armored as possible. A
«minimalist`», care p`stra spa]iul de vånzare \n totalitate first «minimalist» version, which kept the selling space
la strad` [i atelierul \n spate nu a convenit clientului mai positioned so as to look toward the street, and the workshop,
ales din motive func]ionale, dorindu-se un alt raport \ntre in the back, was not to the client’s liking, particularly on
suprafa]a spa]iului de vånzare [i de atelier, \n favoarea functional grounds. What the client wanted was another
atelierului. |n acest fel s-a ajuns la un spa]iu de vånzare relation between the selling space area and the workshop, in
mai intim, dezvoltat \n adåncime, separåndu-se astfel [i favor of the latter. Thus, a deep, more intimate selling space
biroul directorului de spa]iul mare al atelierului. took shape, also enabling a separation of the manager’s office
Am preferat, [i la solicitarea clientului, o solu]ie care s` from the large workshop area.
ias` din anonimatul general, contrastant`, \n locul unei We have preferred, together with the client, to identify a
reiter`ri aproximative a vechiului parter sau de vreo solution which would escape and contrast with the
jalnic` pasti[` istoric`. surrounding anonymity, instead of an approximate re-
iteration of the former ground floor or a pathetic historical
Vlad Gaivoronschi pastiche.
Text publicat anterior \n Catalogul Bienalei de Arhitectur` Bucure[ti 1994
Vlad Gaivoronschi
The text has been previously published in
The Catalogue of The Bucharest Biennale 1994
(Translation: Claudia Rada)


Desf`[urare de front / Unfolded view

Axonometrie / Axonometric view

Bijuteria «GOLD TIM»


Autori / Authors: Arh. / Arch. Ioan Andreescu, Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi, Arh. / Arch.
Ioan Trif Antreprenor / General Contractor: PRIMACONSTRUCT Timi[oara Beneficiar /
Beneficiary: GOLD TIM S.R.L. Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara Construc]ie / Construction:
1990-1991 Fotografii / Photographs: Ioan Andreescu, Vlad Gaivoronschi


Plan de situa]ie / Site plan

Pia]a Badea Cår]an

Badea Cår]an Market

P`strånd, la prima vedere numai o banal` acoperire a Apparently an ordinary covering of a 4000 sq.m area, this
unei pie]e de 4000 mp, acest proiect ascunde anumite project hides certain specific meanings. First of all,
semnifica]ii deosebite. |n primul rånd, el are o politically speaking, the project was intended to
semnifica]ie politic` legat` de faptul c` a fost gåndit ca architecturally support the new local authorities’
un gest de sus]inere arhitectural` dat` noilor autorit`]i opposition to the inherited obsolete petty views concerning
locale, care apar]ineau opozi]iei. Astfel, el s-a constituit the urban investments drive. It was a refusal of the narrow
\ntr-o revolt` fa]` de vederile meschine referitoare la pragmatic interests, which would have been pleased with
investi]iile urbane, \ntr-un refuz fa]` de pragmatismul just a functional standard solution, thus risking to
\ngust care s-ar fi mul]umit cu o solu]ie func]ional` compromise a precious urban space endowed with a richer
standard, compromi]ånd astfel un spa]iu urban pre]ios vocation.
[i cu o alt` voca]ie. Aici intervine adev`rata Here comes the real architectural meaning of the project,
semnifica]ie arhitectural` a proiectului, care se refer` la which deals with the wish to rehabilitate this site, the old
voin]a de reabilitare a acestui sit, vechea pia]` de fån a hay-market of Timi[oara, placed on an important
ora[ului. Aceasta este m`rginit` pe laturile lungi de pedestrian route, in a rather densely built neighborhood,
fronturi valoroase de secol XVIII, recent restaurate, bordered by architecturally valuable 18th century streets
fiind amplasat` pe un traseu pietonal important, \ntr-o fronts on the two sides, recently restored. Therefore, this
zon` relativ dens construit`. De aceea, acoperirea pie]ei covering was meant to become a kind of non-definitive
a fost gåndit` s` devin` un fel de primitor dar, non- inviting container of the urban changeable event: daily
Schi]` realizata de Romi Adam / Sketch by Romi Adam

definitiv, container al evenimentului urban market, occasional trade exhibitions of agricultural

schimb`tor: tårg zilnic, expozi]ie ocazional` de produse products and farming tools, popular feasts, rock concerts,
[i obiecte agricole, s`rb`tori populare, concerte rock etc., certainly responding to the commissioner’s
etc., r`spunzånd totodat` [i cerin]elor imediate de requirements. But, most of all, the project became a huge
igienizare a pie]ei existente. Dar, mai mult decåt orice, urban room, defined by the two old, delicately rhythmed
proiectul a devenit o uria[` camer` urban`, definit` street-fronts reverberating through the strength of the
atåt de cele dou` fronturi vechi, delicat ritmate, care metallic structure and the winding curve of the covering, as
reverbereaz` printre liniile de for]` ale structurii well as by the delicate contrast between the constantly
metalice [i unduirea acoperirii, cåt [i de contrastul diffused, warm light filtered through the tent and the
delicat dintre lumina cald`, difuz filtrat` de pånza genuine, moving sunlight which falls on the variegated old
\nvelitorii [i lumina crud` care cade pe vechile fronturi façades.
pestri]e. Trebuie subliniat c` inten]iile promo]ionale It has to be emphasized that the promotional intentions of
care au \nso]it acest gen arhitectural nu ar fi fost this architectural gesture would have never been possible
niciodat` posibile f`r` \ndr`zneala inginerului Victor without the courage of the civil engineer Victor Gioncu,
Gioncu, deoarece o astfel de structur` nu a fost ridicat` since this kind of structure has never been erected in
pån` acum \n Romånia. Romania before.

Ana Maria Zahariade Ana Maria Zahariade

«Echilibru uitat» 1991 – Timi[oara – 1996. Prezen]e ale trecutului «Forgotten Balance» 1991 – Timi[oara – 1996. Emerging voices from the past

Pia]a Badea Cår]an


Sec]iune transversal` / Cross section

Pia]a Badea Cår]an


Sec]iune longitudinal` / Longitudinal section

Plan \nvelitoare / Roof plan

Plan parter / Ground floor plan

Autori / Authors: Arh. / Arch. Ioan Andreescu, Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi, Arh. / Arch. Adrian Iona[iu
Colaboratori / Collaborators: Arh. / Arch. Carmen Calance, Arh. / Arch. Beatrice Lucaci Rezisten]` / Structural
Engineering: Structur` metalic` / Metal structure: Ing. / Eng. Victor Gioncu Infrastructur` [i hal` de lapte-carne /
Infrastructure and milk and meat market house: Ing. / Eng. Victor V`caru Membran` Textil` / Textile Membrane:
Ing. / Eng. Horst Dûrr, Ing. / Eng. Reiner Essrich (Germania / Germany) Instala]ii ap` / Canal Plumbing: Ing. / Eng.
Nacov Vichente Instala]ii electrice / Wiring: Ing. / Eng. Emil Cornea Beneficiar / Beneficiary: Consiliul local al
Municipiului Timi[oara / Timi[oara Local Council Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara Construc]ie / Construction: 1994-
1996 Fotografii / Photographs: Ioan Andreescu, Vlad Gaivoronschi, Mihai Botescu


Plan de situa]ie / Site plan

Hotel Reghina
Reghina Hotel

Hotelul Reghina reprezint` pentru arhitec]ii Ioan Reghina Hotel represents for architects Ioan Andreescu and
Andreescu [i Vlad Gaivoronschi o nou` tem` de Vlad Gaivoronschi a new theme for the investigation of the
investiga]ie a programului hotelier [i a c`ilor de urmat hotel program and of the approaches which may be taken
\n rezolvarea unui asemenea obiectiv \n condi]iile to meet such a challenge, given the conditions imposed by
impuse de teren [i, mai ales aici, de dimensiunile destul the land, and, in particular, its relatively small dimensions.
de reduse ale lui. Situat destul de excentric fa]` de gar` Located rather far from both the railway station and the
sau aeroport, construit pe o parcel` restråns` ca airport, constructed on an undersized plot, in the
Hotel Reghina


dimensiuni, \ntr-o zon` imediat \nvecinat` stadionului, immediate vicinity of the stadium, Reghina Hotel will
Hotelul Reghina se va dovedi o reu[it` investi]ie [i, \n prove to have been a good investment and at the same
acela[i timp, un proiect reu[it, care va fi remarcat \n time a successful project, and will be noticed in 1998, when
anul 1998, cånd va fi prezentat la Bienala de Arhitectur` it will be presented at the Bucharest Architecture Biennale
din Bucure[ti [i va primi Premiul special al revistei and will receive the special prize of «Arhitext Design»
«Arhitext Design» anul urm`tor. magazine the following year.
Exploatånd situarea sa pe o parcel` de col], extrem de Making use of its location on a corner spot clearly visible


Sec]iune / Section

vizibil` de pe artera principal`, arhitec]ii hot`r`sc o from the main avenue, the architects resolved upon a
abordare clasic`, o cl`dire \n form` de L cu aripi aproape classical approach, i.e. an articulated, L-shaped building
egale, articulat` [i marcat` pe zona de schimbare a with almost equal wings, the change of direction of which
direc]iei de un turn cilindric, a c`rui masivitate trebuia was marked by a cylindrical tower. The massiveness of such
atenuat` prin folosirea unui material transparent [i a tower was to be offset by using a transparent material and
unor reflectoare, care urmau s` fie amplasate \n by placing projectors in the continuation of the pillars,
continuarea stålpilor, care s` marcheze \n noapte [i s` meant to stand out in the night and prolong this signal-
prelungeasc` acest obiect semnal. Imaginea clasic` a object. The classical image of the building, given by the
imobilului dat` de turnul de col] [i de ritmica sacadat` corner tower and the rational, cadenced sequence of gaps –
[i ra]ional` a golurilor – la etaj ferestre \nalte fran]uze[ti high French windows on the upper floor and windows with
[i la parter ferestre cu deschideri mai mari, dar \n care wider openings on the ground floor, which take over the
ritmul vertical de la etaj este preluat printr-un fel de vertical rhythm from the upper floor and disperse it
mici bovindouri – este \ntrucåtva atenuat` de nivelul through several small bow windows – is somehow
ultim, \n \ntregime vitrat [i de mici accente pres`rate mitigated by the uppermost level, entirely covered with
peste tot, copertina de intrare fiind unul din acestea. stained glass, and by small touches scattered everywhere,
Copertina \ns` poate fi citit` [i ca o cita]ie la vechile such as the entrance cover. However, the entrance cover
peroane acoperite cu metal [i sticl`. may also be interpreted as a reference to old railroad
Intrarea \n hotel se face, firesc \n situa]ia dat`, prin zona platforms, covered with metal and glass.
de inflexiune, pe sub o mare \nvelitoare de sticl`, un loc The entrance to the hotel is naturally made, given the
care te poate face s` z`bove[ti, \ntr-un hol rotund, circumstances, through the curvature area, going under a
acoperit cu o cupol` \ntoars` pe dos, zugr`vit` \n culori large glass cover – a place that can make one linger for a
\nchise [i luminat` de o puzderie de mici l`mpi cu while – into a round lobby covered with a dome turned
halogen, asemeni unor stele. Holul face tranzi]ia c`tre inside out, painted in dark colors and lit by dozens of small
celelalte spa]ii [i c`tre scar`. Amplasat` chiar \n axul star-like halogen lamps. The lobby makes the transition to
intr`rii \n hotel, scara de acces la etaje este, la råndul ei, the other spaces and to the staircase. Located right on the
dispus` \ntr-un turn cilindric cu ferestre mici, p`trate, axis of the entrance to the hotel, the staircase ensuring
care genereaz` pe exterior o imagine postmodern`, access to the upper floors is, in its turn, arranged in a
articulånd \n curtea din spate cele dou` aripi ale cylindrical tower with small square windows, which create
construc]iei. |n partea dreapt` a intr`rii este amplasat` a post-modern image on the outside, articulating the two
recep]ia, \n timp ce pe partea opus` se face intrarea \n wings of the construction in the back yard. To the right of
restaurant. |nainte de restaurant a fost pozi]ionat un the entrance is the reception desk, while the opposite side
Hotel Reghina


Plan parter / Ground floor plan Plan etaj curent / Current floor plan

bar, care, prin forma sa lung` [i diagonal`, de accommodates the entrance to the restaurant. Right before
perspectiv` invers` v`zut dinspre intrare, d` senza]ia entering the restaurant a bar has been positioned, and its
c` \ncetine[te p`trunderea \n sala de consuma]ie. long and diagonal shape, enabling a reverse perspective
Efectul de perspectiv` invers` urm`rit, cred, pentru a when seen from the entrance, seems to slow down the
limita dimensiuna lung`, destul de ampl` a spa]iului, access to the eating place.
este contrazis, oarecum, de amplasarea p`r]ii din spate The reverse perspective effect sought, I think, in order to
a s`lii de consuma]ie cu cåteva trepte mai sus, \n timp limit the long, rather ample dimension of the space, is
ce folosirea unor decupaje \n tavan, cu rol de «a[ezare» somehow counteracted by the rear side of the eating room
[i delimitare virtual` a locurilor de stat, \nt`resc being placed several steps above the rest, while several cut-
percep]ia ritmic`. Dinamica spa]iului de restaurant [i outs in the ceiling, used to «arrange» and virtually delimit
bar, diferit` dup` pozi]ia \n care te situezi, este marcat` the seating places, strengthen the rhythmical perception.
\n cele dou` puncte ale sale de rotundul holului de The dynamics of the restaurant and bar spaces, different
intrare [i, opus, de peretele «ilustrat» \n culoare de according to the position where one places oneself, is
pictorul Sorin Nicodim. marked in its two points by the roundness of the entrance
Camerele de cazare sunt repartizate pe trei nivele lobby, and, on the opposite side, by the wall colorfully
inegale ca tratare a vederilor c`tre exterior, primele «illustrated» by painter Sorin Nicodim.
dou` etaje cu ferestrele fran]uze[ti de care pomeneam, The accommodation rooms are distributed on three levels
care creeaz` un decupaj vertical, [i al treilea etaj, cu un approaching differently the outdoor views: the first two
bandou orizontal de ferestre, care las` privirea s` lunece floors are provided with the French windows mentioned
nestingherit`, peste casele \nvecinate, c`tre est [i sud. |n above, creating a vertical cut-out, while the third floor is
zona de col] a hotelului sunt amplasate apartamentele provided with a string-course of windows, leaving one’s
care, prin tratamentul vitrat pån` jos al turnului, look to glide over freely towards the neighboring houses, to
beneficiaz` de o senza]ie unic` de deschidere (alta decåt the East and to the South. The corner area of the hotel
privind dinspre afar`, unde, ar trebui spus, probabil c` shelters the apartments, which benefit, due to the stained
efectul de demasivizare al turnului de col] ar fi fost mai glass wholly covering the tower, from a unique sensation of
pregnant prin folosirea unui geam clar, neoglindat). opening (different from that experienced when looking
Materialele [i culorile folosite sunt dintre cele mai sobre from outside, given that the effect of depriving the corner
[i mai restrånse: alb pentru zugr`veli, alb pentru tower from its heaviness would have probably been
holurile [i spa]iile de la parter – \nc`lzite sau r`cite stronger if a clear, non-mirrored glass had been used).
relativ de tipul de lumin` folosit: neon, halogen sau The materials and colors employed are from among the
incandescent –, negru pentru tåmpl`rii [i p`r]ile de most sober and tranquil: white for the wall painting and


metal, alb, negru [i un pic de argintiu pentru scaunele [i for the ground floor lobbies and spaces – with a sensation
pultul de bar, bejuri naturale pentru pardoseala of warmth or coolness depending on the type of light used,
parterului [i pentru draperii, culori mai vii pentru i.e. neon, halogen or incandescent –, black for the carpentry
fundalul pictat al s`lii de restaurant. work and metal parts, white, black and a touch of silver for
Surprins \n imagini, la pu]in timp dup` inaugurare, de the chairs and the bar counter, natural shades of beige for
arhitectul Mihai Botescu, Hotelul Reghina se dezv`luie the flooring on the ground floor and for curtains, livelier
ca un obiect de arhitectur` care-[i tr`deaz` autorii de- colors for the painted background of the restaurant room.
atunci, un obiect precis ritmat [i articulat care-a pierdut Captured in images short after its inauguration by
ceva din semnalul cu care urma s` fie investit – architect Mihai Botescu, Reghina Hotel appears as an
proiectoarele de pe turn, dar a cå[tigat \n schimb o architectural object which betrays its authors, a precisely
incitant` belvedere peste ultimul nivel. Imaginea articulated object which lost something of its signaling
aceasta extrem de precis` [i aproape clasic`, clasicizat` potential – the projectors meant to equip it – but gained, in
[i mai mult de folosirea unui film alb-negru, am exchange, an exciting belvedere over the uppermost floor.
rev`zut-o de curånd (cånd am trecut pe-acolo pentru a This extremely accurate, almost classical image, classicized
revedea unele detalii pentru articolul de fa]`), pu]in even more by the use of a black and white film, I have seen
schimbat`, altfel decåt o [tiam, schimbat` prin ceea ce again recently (when I passed by the place to review some
se cheam` via]a cu care o cl`dire este investit`, cu details for this article), a little changed and different from
flamuri colorate atårnånd pe belvedere, [i jos, sub what I knew it to be, changed as a result of what is usually
copertina de sticl`, o mare de fani ai fotbalului veni]i de called the life which animates a building. It had colored
aiurea, a[teptånd \nceperea unei partide pe stadionul flags hanging from the belvedere and looked down to a
din apropiere. crowd of football fans come from all over the place, waiting
for a football game to start in the nearby stadium.
Adrian Florin Iona[iu
Text ap`rut ini]ial \n revista «de arhitectur`» Adrian Florin Iona[iu
The text has been previoulsy published in «de arhitectur`» magazine
(Translation: Claudia Rada)
Hotel Reghina


Autori / Authors: Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi, Arh. / Arch. Ioan Andreescu Colaboratori / Collaborators:
Arh. / Arch. Branda Ciprian, Arh. / Arch. Carmen Calance Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara Construc]ie /
Construction: 1995-1997 Fotografii / Photographs: Ioan Andreescu, Vlad Gaivoronschi, Mihai


Agen]ia comercial` [i de rela]ii cu

publicul Romtelecom, Timi[oara
Romtelecom, Timi[oara Commercial
and Public Relations Agency

Lucrarea de reamenajare a parterului cl`dirii Romtelecom, The works for the refurbishment of the ground floor of the
situat` \n centrul Timi[oarei, \n imediata vecin`tate a Romtelecom building, located in the centre of Timi[oara, in
esplanadei Oper` – Catedral`, nu este doar restilizarea unui the immediate vicinity of the Opera House – Cathedral
spa]iu, ci este reconversia, transformarea aceleia[i func]iuni, esplanade are aimed not only at re-stylizing a space, but
cea de rela]ii cu publicul, \n cadrul unui nou ambient, a unei also at converting and transforming the same function, i.e.
noi atmosfere. public relations, within a new ambience and a new
De la «ambian]a» de tip ghi[eu – «grani]`» puternic` \ntre atmosphere.
func]ionar [i client – se trece la dematerializarea acesteia sub The ambience forming around the agency’s counter, a firm
imperativul lui «Romtelecom, de la om la om». Se na[te astfel boundary between the clerk and the client, is
o altfel de rela]ie, mult mai direct`, mai intim`, punånd noi dematerialized following the slogan «Romtelecom, as from
probleme pentru ambii parteneri pu[i fa]` \n fa]`, cele ale one person to another». Thus, a direct, more intimate
exers`rii tonului potolit, a dialogului [i bunei cuviin]e. relation is taking shape, raising new challenges for both
Celalalt imperativ, «Romtelecom dincolo de cuvinte…» partners placed face to face, namely, to employ a poised
este interpretat prin generarea unei atmosfere magice, \n tone of voice, to favor dialogue and propriety.
care caracterul dematerializat, minimal, clar-obscur [i The other slogan – «Romtelecom beyond words…» is
lucios al spa]iului este completat de piesele senzuale ale interpreted by generating a magical atmosphere, in which
sculpturii – pultul [i cele cinci piese de suport telefoane the dematerialized, minimal, obscure and shiny space is
din spa]iul comercial. Caracterul dual al opera]iei este supplemented by the sensual parts of the sculpture – the
\nt`rit de dialectica centrului [i al cojii conform desk and the five telephone support devices in the
principiului con]in`torului con]inut, al spa]iului \n spa]iu: commercial space.

Plan / Plan
Agen]ia comercial` [i de rela]ii cu publicul Romtelecom, Timi[oara

un spa]iu general mai \ntunecos, ale c`rui margini sunt The dual nature of the operation is strengthened by the
definite de rela]ia cu publicul, ad`poste[te \n sånul s`u dialectics of the centre and of the shell, according to the
un altul, luminos [i transparent, al magazinului de principle of the contained contents, of the space in space: a
telefoane. Atmosfera nea[teptat` este \nt`rit` de general, darker space, the margins of which are defined by
«proiectul sonor» (boxe r`spåndite \n spatele tavanului the relationship with the public, shelters in its core another,
fals), izvoråt atåt din necesit`]i practice (anun]urile lighter and transparent space, of the telephone shop.
inerente ale func]ionarei aflate la pultul de recep]ie care The surprising ambience is consolidated by the «sound
\ntåmpin` clien]ii), dar [i din dorin]a de a conferi o project» (loudspeakers placed behind the false ceiling),
sonoritate special`, \n armonie cu restul atmosferei. De which came into being due to practical purposes (the
aceea, temele dezvoltate de pian [i vibrafon au fost alese inherent announcements made by the lady clerk at the
ca un binevenit leit-motiv sonor (Chick Corea [i Gary reception desk), as well as from a desire to lend special
Burton – Christal Silence, ECM Records 1971) sonority, in harmony with the rest of the ambience. For this
reason, the piano and vibraphone themes have been
Vlad Gaivoronschi chosen as a most welcome audible leitmotif (Chick Corea
Text ap`rut ini]ial \n «Arhitext», nr. 11/2001
and Gary Burton – Christal Silence, ECM Records 1971).

Vlad Gaivoronschi
The text has been previoulsy published in «Arhitext», no. 11/2001
(Translation: Claudia Rada)
Autori / Authors: Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi, Arh. / Arch. Ioan Andreescu Colaboratori / Collaborators:
Arh. / Arch. Carmen Calance-Nicorici, Arh. / Arch. Ramona Nicolaescu, Arh. / Arch. Francisc Konig
Sculptur` / Sculpture: Victor Gaga Mobilier de birou / Office furniture: Daniel Stamoreanu Loca]ie /
Location: Timi[oara Data finaliz`rii / Completion date: iunie 2000 / june 2000 Fotografii / Photographs:
Arpad Zachi, Ioan Andreescu, Vlad Gaivoronschi, Octavian Topai

Complexul hotelier Perla
Perla Hotel Complex

Hotelul Perla II
Perla II Hotel

Complexul format din hotelurile Perla II, III [i IV The construction of hotel complex composed from Perla II,
demareaz` \n anul 1994 prin realizarea unui prim pas, un III and IV hotels starts in 1994 with the first step, a discreet
hotel discret, ascuns \n spatele caselor [i ale blocurilor de hotel, hidden behind the houses and the apartment blocks
pe str`zile Sorin Titel, Turgheniev, Evlia Celebi [i, ceva mai standing on the Sorin Titel, Turgheniev, Evlia Celebi Streets
departe, B-dul Victor Babe[. Discret, denotånd o fin` and a little further Victor Babe[ Boulevard. Discreet,
elegan]` arhitectural` ce-[i trage r`d`cinile din perioada showing a fine architectural elegance rooted in the ’70
anilor ’70, ce ne aminte[te prin ritmica fa]adei principale period, with the rhythm of the main façade making us
de cl`direa Borgo House (1974) din Vicenza a lui Carlo remember of Carlo Scarpa’s Borgo House (1974) in Vicenza,
Scarpa, hotelul Perla II a fost prezentat pentru prima dat` Perla II hotel was first presented at the 1996 Venice
\n expozi]ia romåneasc` de la Bienala de arhitectur` de la Biennale, in the Romanian pavilion. We chose to speak
Vene]ia din anul 1996. Am ales pentru a vorbi despre el about it the person who presented it in the national
Complexul hotelier Perla


pe cea care l-a prezentat \n catalogul na]ional, doamna catalogue, Ms Ana Maria Zahariade, architect, with the
arhitect Ana Maria Zahariade, cu textul pentru acel same text created for the event.
eveniment. «It’s a very special intervention, on the free space of a
«Este o interven]ie foarte special`, pe spa]iul disponibil al bigger parcel which, in the future, is intended to be used for
unei parcele care urmeaz` s` fie utilizat` \n viitor pentru a more appropriate arrangement of the surroundings of
o amenajare mai adecvat` a \mprejmuirii acestui hotel this sic hotel.
[ic. De aceea, hotelul este numai primul pas, cel care For this reason, the hotel is only the first step, making the
stabile[te regula, al interven]iei complexe care urmeaz` rules, of a more complex intervention which is due to take
s` se desf`[oare. Cl`direa sintetizeaz`, \ntr-o manier` place. The building integrates in a simple manner, the
lipsit` de ostenta]ie, afinit`]ile celor doi autori, dånd unui preferences of both architects, giving a sensible and elegant
sit problematic un r`spuns sensibil [i rafinat. Scara mic` a answer to a problematic site. The small scale of the


Plan parter, ansamblul hotelurilor Perla II, III, IV / Ground floor plan, Perla II, Plan \nvelitoare, ansamblul hotelurilor Perla II, III, IV / Roof plan Perla
III, IV Hotel Complex II, III, IV Hotel Complex
Complexul hotelier Perla


interven]iei este o replic` dat` vecin`t`]ilor printr-o intervention is the answer given to surroundings by a
compozi]ie pavilionar`, fiind \n acela[i timp [i o pavilion composition, in the same time being a variation
varia]iune pe tema spa]ii servite spa]ii servante lansat` on theme of served spaces, serving spaces launched by
de Kahn. Astfel, proiectul respect` demersul programatic Kahn. In this way the project respects the programmatic
propriu autorilor. Nivelul tectonic este remodelat cu intercession inherent to both architects. The tectonic layer
discre]ie, creånd o gr`din` mai coboråt`, care protejeaz` is carefully modeled, creating a lowered garden which
[i ascunde u[or intrarea. Dezvoltarea principal` a protects and slightly hides the entrance. The main
volumului orizontal de cazare este un alt exerci]iu ritmic evolution of the horizontal accommodation volume is yet
sofisticat, menit s` deghizeze cu m`sur` imaginea an other sophisticated rhythmic exercise, intended to
standard de hotel, \n timp ce tema plutitoare a slightly hide the standard image of a hotel while the
acoperi[ului este gåndit` de a[a natur` \ncåt s` realizeze floating roof is considered as an unifying element for the
o unificare calm` a \ntregului. Ascuns \n spatele unui bloc entire building. Hidden behind a four floor apartment
de patru niveluri (singurul acces la parcel` pån` acum), block (the only access to the site so far), the small hotel
micul hotel apare ca un discurs modern lipsit de stands as a modern dialogue, lacking aggressivity,
agresivitate, discret integrat \n zon` [i conferindu-i acel discreetly integrated in the area and adding that extra
plus de pre]iozitate care evident \i lipsea.» primness that was evidently lacking.»

Adrian Florin Iona[iu Adrian Florin Iona[iu

(Translation: Livia Ivanovici)


Autori / Authors: Arh. / Arch. Ioan Andreescu, Arh. /

Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi Colaboratori / Collaborators:
Arh. / Arch. Carmen Calance, Arh. / Arch. Marius
Nicorici Loca]ie / Location: Str. Turgheniev, Timi[oara;
Construc]ie / Construction: 1995 – 1997 Fotografii /
Photographs: Ioan Andreescu, Vlad Gaivoronschi,
Mihai Botescu

Plan etaj curent / Current floor plan

Plan parter / Ground floor plan

Complexul hotelier Perla


Sec]iune transversal` / Cross section

Hotelurile Perla III [i Perla V
Perla III and Perla V Hotels

|n anul 1997, Complexul Perla \ncepea s` prind` contur, In 1997 the Perla Complex was beginning to take shape, not
nu doar la figurat, ci [i concret, prin realizarea unui al only as a manner of speaking, but also specifically, through
doilea hotel \n zon`, hotelul Perla III, un hotel mai the construction of a second hotel in the area, the Perla III
restråns din punctul de vedere al mijloacelor folosite – dar Hotel, more unassuming in terms of the means resorted to,
[i al resurselor –, care se a[az` \n frontul de case de pe as well as in terms of the resources employed. It was located
Strada Evlia Celebi [i deschide o bre[` – la timpul on the house front on Evlia Celebi street, but also opened a
realiz`rii lui doar vizual` – c`tre primul hotel al break – at the time of its construction, it was only a visual
complexului [i c`tre interiorul cvartalului. break – to the first hotel of the complex and to the interior
De[i nimic nu o mai tr`deaz`, planul acestui hotel a fost of the residential sector.
dictat de existen]a unei case pe parcela a[ezat` la strad`, Although nothing betrays it any more, the plan of this
pe care proprietarii [i-au dorit s` o p`streze, s` o hotel was dictated by the existence of a house which looked
supraetajeze [i s` o extind` \ntr-o cl`dire care s` to the street, which the owners wanted to keep, to elevate
ad`posteasc` un altfel de hotel, unul bazat pe by more upper floors and to expand, into a building
apartamente care s` fie \nchiriate pentru o perioad` mai sheltering another type of hotel, one based on apartments
lung` de timp. Din acest punct de vedere, proiectul rentable for a longer period of time. The hotel building
pentru cl`direa hotelului va fi tributar casei ini]iale, project will be much indebted therefore to the initial house,
preluånd ritmica sacadat` a golurilor ini]iale, epuråndu-le taking over the rhythmical sequence of the initial gaps,
de toate artificiile avute, ancadramente, muluri [i altele, cleaning them of all ornaments, rigid frames, moldings
[i creånd o fa]ad` cu un ritm inflexibil, potolit, oarecum, and others, creating a façade with an inflexible rhythm,
doar de ultimul nivel, al doilea, \n \ntregime vitrat. Tot din somewhat composed by the second uppermost floor,
acest motiv, nivelul de acces se situeaz` pu]in peste entirely covered in glass. For the same reason, the access
nivelul intr`rii [i peste cel al cur]ii din spate, obligånd la level rises a little above the entrance level, forcing a
rezolvarea diferen]ei de nivel prin rampe \nclinate, solution to the level difference by means of inclined ramps,
procedeu care aduce \ns` un cå[tig ca urmare a marc`rii which procedure has the advantage of marking the
intr`rii, care ]inte[te astfel mai focalizat c`tre interiorul entrance, which thus aims more precisely to the interior of
cvartalului [i c`tre primul hotel al acestei serii de trei. the residential sector and to the first hotel of this series of
Rezolvarea func]ional` a fost impus` a[adar de existen]a three.
construc]iei parter care a obligat o dezvoltare asimetric` The functional solution was thus imposed by the existence
cu un corp cu dublu tract c`tre stånga intr`rii [i o bar` of the ground floor construction, which compelled an
lung` c`tre partea dreapt`, parte care ad`poste[te [i asymmetrical development with a two-way unit to the left
recep]ia hotelului. Aceast` configurare planimetric` se of the entrance and a long bar to the right, a side which
Complexul hotelier Perla


Plan parter / Ground floor plan

manifest` c`tre intrarea \n incint` ca relativ simetric`, shelters the front desk of the hotel. This planimetric
ascunzånd diferen]a care exist` de fapt [i care produce ca configuration also appears, upon entrance to the premises,
efect func]ional o mai bun` orientare a apartamentelor as relatively symmetrical, concealing the actual difference
din corpul lung – sud-est \n loc de vest altfel – [i o mai whose functional effect is better orientation of the
pronun]at` dinamic` orientat` c`tre centrul cvartalului [i apartments in the long unit– to the South-East instead of
precedentul Hotel Perla. Reparti]ia camerelor de hotel [i a West – and a more powerful dynamics oriented to the
apartamentelor respect` asimetria fa]`-spate a cl`dirii, center of the residential sector and to the previous Perla
c`tre strad` fiind orientate camerele de dou` paturi, iar Hotel. The distribution of the rooms and apartments in the
c`tre curte fiind dispuse apartamentele. hotel observes the front-rear asymmetry of the building:
Stilistic, Perla III se diferen]iaz` de precedentul hotel – two-bedded rooms look toward the street, while the
subtil inserat \n teren [i cu o fa]ad` extrem de muzical` – apartments look toward the inner yard.
avånd o rigoare a fa]adei [i o simetrie care-l apropie mai Stylistically, Perla III differentiates itself from the previous
mult de un modernism tårziu. hotel – subtly inserted in the field and with an extremely
Construirea \n anul 1998 a acestui hotel, Perla III, a[az` cu musical façade – having a rigorousness of the façade and
titlu de provizorat un element important al unei strategii symmetry more characteristic of late modernism.
\n curs de cristalizare, aceea de ocupare a unui teritoriu, Building this hotel, Perla III, in 1998 meant a provisional
care, cu fiecare pietricic` – perl` – pus`, schimb` stage in a strategy about to materialize, namely, that of
obi[nuin]ele [i \nf`]i[area unui pa[nic cartier, occupying a territory. Each stone – or pearl – which is being
transformånd-i \ncetul cu \ncetul func]iunea sa de baz`. set changes the customs and appearance of a peaceful
Poate p`rea pu]in ciudat ca un program sprijinit pe neighborhood, slightly transforming its basic function.
acelea[i elemente de baz` ca [i programul reziden]ial – It may seem strange that a program relying on the same
somn, relaxare [i hran` – s` constituie \n fapt un element basic elements as the residential program – sleep,
«subversiv» pentru zon`. relaxation and food – should actually represent an
Ceea ce face diferen]a \ntre programul reziden]ial [i undermining element for the area.
programul hotelier [i introduce elementul de schimbare What makes the difference between the residential
\n zon` o constituie atitudinea diferit` fa]` de loc [i program and the hotel program and introduces the
conven]ii. Hotelul este un loc pe care ]i-l aproprii element of change in this area is the different attitude
temporar, este un nod de schimb, o etap` mai scurt` sau toward the place and conventions. A hotel is a place that
mai lung` \ntre alte locuri, \ntre alte st`ri, un loc one temporarily grows accustomed to, a crossroad, a
subversiv prin atitudinea fa]` de timp [i tradi]ii. Hotelul shorter or longer halt before reaching other places or
este un loc care-]i refuz` dorin]a de stabilitate – de experiencing new feelings, a subversive place by its


perenitate, mai ales cea impus` de casele tradi]ionale, a[a attitude to time and traditions. A hotel is a place which
cum sunt cele din zon` – [i, dac` o fac, ca unele hoteluri denies one’s desire for stability and permanence,
istorice – prin data de fondare sau personajele ilustre care particularly imposed by traditional houses, such as those
le-au str`b`tut – o fac pentru a lini[ti nevoia de stabilitate in the area –and if some of them, for instance, historical
a unora din noi, nevoia de certitudini. hotels, choose to specify their foundation date or the
Pentru a dovedi c` lucrurile se dezvolt` cu vitez` maxim` illustrious persons whom they hosted, they do so because
\n aceste zile, un nou venit, Hotel Perla V – sau III bis, nu they are trying to satisfy the need for stability and
[tiu cum ar fi mai corect – a fost construit alipit de certainty felt by some of us.
Hotelul Perla III. In order to prove that things are evolving at maximum
Problemele de rezolvat ale acestui nou hotel erau atåt cele speed these days, a newly-arrived building, Perla V Hotel –
de ordin func]ional – rela]ia cu hotelul de al`turi –, cåt [i or III bis, I don’t know what would be more appropriate to
cele de ordin compozi]ional – Perla III avånd o simetrie call it–, was attached to Perla III Hotel.
destul de accentuat` [i o \n`l]ime destul de redus`, cel The issues raised by this new hotel were both functional –
pu]in fa]` de blocul P+4 din dreapta lui. Solu]ia aleas` the relation with the adjoining hotel – and compositional,
pentru a rezolva cele dou` probleme a fost aceea a unui Perla III having rather strong symmetry and a small
construc]ii cu un regim de \n`l]ime parter [i trei nivele, elevation, at least when compared to the P+4 block on its
din care ultimul asem`n`tor hotelului de care se alipe[te, right. The solution chosen to solve the two problems was to
cu o retragere general` \nchis` \n sticl`, precum [i construct a building with a ground floor and three floors,
introducerea culorii pe ambele hoteluri, lucru ce ar the uppermost of which was to resemble the hotel to which
rezolva astfel diferen]ele stilistice dictate de programul it was adjacent, with a receding glass structure and
u[or diferit [i mai ales diferen]a de ani, turnåndu-le \ntr- identical color for both hotels. This solution would solve the
un tot unitar, compozi]ia rezultat` prezentåndu-se sub stylistic discrepancies dictated by the slightly differing
forma unui joc de volume primare vopsite \n culori programs and particularly by the year gap, and would lead
primare. Din punct de vedere func]ional, a[a cum se to a consistent whole, the resulting composition appearing
poate observa [i din planurile celor dou` hoteluri, s-a like a play of primary volumes painted in primary colors. A
proiectat o legare func]ional` nu doar la nivelul parterul, functional link was achieved, as it can be noticed from the
ci [i la celelalte niveluri. plans of the two hotels, not only at the level of the ground
{i din punctul de vedere al publicului ]int` se poate spune floor, but also at the other levels.
c` cele dou` hoteluri \nvecinate se aseam`n`, fiecare One could say that the two hotels also resemble one
dintre ele fiind proiectate \ntr-un melanj de camere de another as far as the target clientele is concerned. Each of
dou` paturi [i apartamente de dou` sau trei \nc`peri, cu o them was designed as a mixture of two-bed rooms and
focalizare special pe acestea \n solu]ia de fa]`, fiind two– or three-room apartments, particularly focused on
dedicate a[adar pentru clien]i care-[i propun s` petreac` the latter, being thus meant for clients who intend to spend
mai mult timp [i doresc s` beneficieze de tot confortul more time and wish to enjoy all the comfort of a dwelling,
unei locuin]e, combinat \ns` cu restul serviciilor hoteliere. combined, however, with the rest of the hotel services.
De fapt, orientarea c`tre acest tip de public nu este nici In fact, the orientation on the public is neither accidental,
\ntåmpl`toare [i nici hazardat`, \n Timi[oara ap`rånd \n nor far-fetched. A special category of foreign visitors has
ultimii ani o categorie aparte de str`ini care-[i petrec made its appearance in Timi[oara in the latest years, who
Complexul hotelier Perla


mult timp \n acest ora[, str`ini pentru care a ap`rut [i o tend to spend more time in this city and who determined
nou` categorie de oferte de sejur, reprezentat` de the appearance of many long-stay offers, putting forward
apartamente de bloc amenajate peste standardul accommodation in apartments located in blocks of flats,
obi[nuit, combinat` cu unele servici asemeni celor providing above standard conditions and offering certain
hoteliere. Din acest punct de vedere, Hotelul Perla III [i hotel-like services. From this point of view, Perla III Hotel
extinderea sa (Perla V) acoper` aceast` ni[` de pia]` [i and its expansion (Perla V) cover this market niche and
poate \ntåmplarea (fericit`) a f`cut ca ele s` fie amplasate maybe a (happy) chance made it so that they are located
pe o strad` care combin` construc]ii de blocuri [i case. on a street which combines constructions of blocks of flats
Din punctul de vedere al schemei func]ionale folosite se and houses.
poate observa dispunerea de camere de dou` paturi pe Considering the functional scheme used, one notices the
primul nivel [i apartamente, chiar \n sistem duplex, pe arrangement of twin rooms on the first floor and of
ultimele dou` etaje, cel superior fiind un interesant apartments, including duplex ones, on the two upper
penthouse. De men]ionat la apartamentele de la etajele 2 floors, the uppermost being in fact a most interesting
[i 3, gåndite \n sistem duplex, este aten]ia aparte de care penthouse. With respect to the duplex apartments located
au beneficiat \n proiect dormitoarele din penthouse, unde on the 2nd and 3rd floors, one can easily notice the special
patul este urcat pe un fel de soclu \n care se \ncastreaz` [i attention paid to the penthouse bedrooms, where the bed is
o cad` de baie cu jacuzzi. mounted on a sort of plinth also incorporating a bathtub
Din punct de vedere compozi]ional [i estetic se poate with jacuzzi.
remarca folosirea de goluri mai ample decåt la Perla III, In compositional and aesthetic terms, one notices the use of
dar [i deschiderea optic` a parterului rezultat` din gaps more ample than in the case of Perla III Hotel, but also
folosirea sticlei, lucru imposibil la precedentul hotel, the optical opening of the ground floor, resulting from the
construit pe o cas` parter existent`. De asemenea, se use of glass, which was impossible in the case of the
poate observa [i utilizarea unui concept diferit de previous hotel, built on an already existing one-floor house.
precedentul hotel, cel de macro-elemente combinate One can equally notice the use of a concept different from
\ntr-un joc de volume primare vopsite \n culorile de baz`. that of the previous hotel, i.e. macro-elements mingled in a
play of primary volumes, and painted in the basic colors.
Adrian Florin Iona[iu
Adrian Florin Iona[iu
(Translation: Claudia Rada)

Hotel Perla III

Autori / Authors: Arh. / Arch. Ioan Andreescu, Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi Colaboratori /
Collaborators: Arh. / Arch. Gabriela B`rbu]` Loca]ie / Location: Str. Turgheniev, Timi[oara
Construc]ie / Construction: 1997 Fotografii / Photographs: Vlad Gaivoronschi

Hotel Perla V
Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi Colaboratori / Collaborators: Arh. / Arch. Oana Sårbu
Loca]ie / Location: Str. Turgheniev, Timi[oara Construc]ie / Construction: 2002


Hotelul Perla IV
Perla IV Hotel

Complexul Perla \ncepe s`-[i defineasc` \nf`]i[area – [i Perla Complex begins to define its appearance – and its
\ntreg perimetrul – prin construc]ia hotelului Perla IV, perimeter – with the construction of the Perla IV Hotel
a[ezat pe strada Turgheniev, \n locul unor imobile parter. located in Turgheniev Street, in the place of ground floor
Hotelul deschide accesul auto c`tre interiorul cvartalului on the place of one-floor buildings. The hotel opens the
[i de pe strada amintit`, a[ezånd provizoriu \nc` o access of motor vehicles to the residential section and on
pietricic` \n mozaicul acestui complex, rezolvånd o atåt the street mentioned above, provisionally setting one more
de necesar` fa]` a \ntregii interven]ii, articulånd [i legånd stone in the mosaic structure of this complex, providing a
totodat` elementele complexului. most necessary face to the construction works, articulating
Eterogen ca \nf`]i[are – dictat` probabil atåt de and also interweaving the elements of the complex.
multitudinea perturbatoare a elementelor luate \n calcul, With a heterogeneous appearance – dictated probably by
cåt [i de timpul parcurs de arhitec]i pån` la acest nou the multitude of elements taken into account and the time
obiectiv [i de afinit`]ile celor doi creatori – hotelul Perla elapsed before the architects started work on this project, as
IV melanjeaz` arhitecturi [i imagini \ntr-un mod care well as by the the affinities between its two authors – Perla
uneori surprinde, mergånd de la cele de inspira]ie IV Hotel mixes architectures and imagery in a manner
ra]ionalist-fascist`, \n corpul dinspre curte, trecånd prin which sometimes takes one by surprise, from those of a
anii ’60, \n partea de intrare spre strad`, c`tre una rationalist-fascist inspiration in the unit facing the yard,
nou`zecist` la pasarela de leg`tur` dintre Perla II [i IV. going through the ’60s era in the entrance area which
Conceput sub forma unei construc]ii \n L, hotelul Perla IV faces the street, to a ’90s appearance at the corridor
se manifest` c`tre strad` ca un imobil pe pilotis, cu un ensuring the link between Perla II and IV.
ritm al fa]adei amintind de primul imobil al seriei – salbei Conceived in an L-shape, Perla IV Hotel’s street side appears
–, dar cu ceva mai pu]in` consisten]` ritmic`, o fa]ad` like a building on a pilotis, with a rhythm of the façade
aproape ca un pod care ritmeaz` vizual cu cel`lalt «pod», reminiscent of the first building in the string of buildings,
pasarela care leag` func]ional Perla II de Perla IV. Cele but with less rhythmical consistency, a façade almost like a
dou` elemente de la nivelul parterului, un bar pe stånga bridge, keeping a visual rhythm with the other «bridge»,
[i accesul \n hotel pe dreapta, dep`rtate unele de altele [i the footboard functionally connecting Perla II and Perla IV.
Complexul hotelier Perla


legate doar printr un portic, deschid atåt accesul auto The two ground-floor elements, the bar on the left and the
c`tre interior, cåt [i privirea c`tre \ntreg ansamblul. access way to the hotel on the right, distanced from each
O dat` cu edificarea acestui nou obiect se punea other and linked exclusively by a portico enable the access
stringent necesitatea armoniz`rii cu celelalte imobile of motor vehicles inside, and an all-embracing view of the
deja construite – hotelurile Perla II [i Perla III –, ca [i a building.
creion`rii – \n fine – unui concept unitar de rezolvare a This new objective emphasized the pressing necessity of its
complexului. |n ideea aceasta, amplasarea noului corp harmonization with the other buildings already in place,
\n form` de L cu aripi inegale, cu deschiderea lui larg` i.e. Perla II and Perla III hotels, as well as of finding a
c`tre strad` prin porticul generos s-a f`cut pentru consistent concept for the entire complex. On the basis of
crearea unui ax lung, paralel cu hotelul Perla II, avånd ca this idea, this new L-shaped building with unequal wings,
elemente de interes accesul dinspre ora[ cu intrarea \n with its large opening toward the street through the ample
Perla IV, curtea definit` de elementele celor dou` portico, was located so as to create a long axis parallel to
imobile, unde a fost plantat un mic arbust pentru Perla II Hotel, having as main interest elements the access
echilibrare compozi]ional`, [i zona de recreere cu bazin from the city with entrance in Perla IV, the yard defined by
[i plaj` \n partea din spate a propiet`]ii, proiectat`, dar the elements of the two buildings where a small shrub was
\nc` neexecutat`, un loc care s` \mpleteasc` axul cu cel planted for compositional balance, and the recreation area,
]intit de accesul \n hotelul Perla III. with a swimming-pool and beach area, at the rear of the
Din punct de vedere func]ional, ultimul hotel venit property, designed, but not yet constructed, a place where
adaug` cåteva func]iuni necesare complexului, printre the axis and the access way to Perla III Hotel intertwine.
care cele pentru conferin]e – prin realizarea unei s`li From a functional perspective, this latest arrived hotel adds
speciale pentru aceasta, aflat` la parterul aripii dinspre certain necessary functions to the complex: conference
curte, un loc desenat \n fapt polivalent [i care permite facilities – by means of a special room located on the
desf`[urarea multor altor evenimente – [i cele pentru ground-floor of the wing facing the yard, a place with
recreere – bazinul \n curs de execu]ie. Nivelele superioare multiple roles actually, which may host various other
au func]iunea obi[nuit` de hotel, singurul element events – and the recreation facilities: the swimming-pool
Complexul hotelier Perla


Plan etaj curent / Current floor plan

Plan parter / Ground floor plan



special fiind un penthouse a[ezat pe aripa dinspre strad`, under construction. The upper floors fulfill the ordinary
care poate beneficia atåt de o splendid` imagine c`tre hotel function, the only special element being a penthouse
domul catolic, cåt [i o generoas` teras`. Cu ajutorul unei located on the wing facing the street, which can benefit
pasarele din metal [i sticl`, cu o form` aparte fa]` de from a splendid image to the catholic dome, and from a
context, dispus` \n a[a fel \ncåt s` \ncetineasc` large terrace. By means of a metal and glass footbridge,
rostogolirea vizual` c`tre interiorul cur]ii [i s` defineasc` with a peculiar shape as compared to the context, placed so
un spa]iu mai intim – locul dedicat piscinei – se realizeaz` as to slow down the visual slide toward the center of the
leg`tura fizic` dintre nivelele diferite ale hotelelor Perla II yard and to define a more intimate space– the place
[i Perla IV, asiguråndu-se necesara conexiune dintre reserved to the swimming-pool – a physical connection is
func]iuni asemenea, hotelul Perla III fiind pu]in mai achieved between the different floors of the Perla II and
aparte [i, oricum, pu]in prea departe de restul pentru a Perla IV Hotels, also ensuring the necessary connection
forma un tot [i, din acest punct de vedere, r`måne between their functions. Perla III Hotel is in fact slightly
important` pentru unitatea complexului realizarea \n more peculiar and too farther away from the rest to form a
totalitate a sistemului de spa]ii verzi [i de recreere, de whole; from this standpoint, it is important for the unity of
platforme [i alte amenaj`ri exterioare. the complex to construct the entire system of green and
Spuneam \n paginile precedente c` Hotelul Perla IV face recreation areas, of platforms and other exterior
un lucru extrem de necesar pentru complex, pune bazele arrangements.
Complexul hotelier Perla


strategiei generale de ocupare a dou` dintre str`zile I was saying in the previous pages that Perla IV Hotel does
cvartalului [i a sistematiz`rii interiorului acestuia, ca [i a an extremely necessary thing for the complex, namely it
\ntregului complex. {i este mai mult decåt o simpl` lays the basis of a general strategy for occupying two of the
opera]ie de combinare [i armonizare a unor elemente pe streets of the residential section and for planning the
un plan de situa]ie,prin realizarea acestui ultim hotel este interior thereof and of the entire complex. This is also more
vorba de a modifica \n \ntregime caracterul unei zone than just a mere operation of combination and
prin transformarea unui cartier eminamente reziden]ial harmonization of some elements on a layout plan, through
\ntr-unul de servicii, \n cazul acesta preponderent the construction of this latest hotel; it actually amounts to
hoteliere. wholly changing the appearance of an area by turning an
essentially residential district into one specialized in
Adrian Florin Iona[iu provision of hotel services, in this case.
Text ap`rut ini]ial \n revista «de arhitectur`» nr. 8/2003
Adrian Florin Iona[iu
The text has been previoulsy published in «de arhitectur`» magazine
no. 8/2003
(Translation: Claudia Rada)

Autori / Authors: Arh. / Arch. Ioan Andreescu, Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi Colaboratori /
Collaborators: Arh. / Arch. Francisc Konig, Arh. / Arch. Dan Munteanu Loca]ie / Location:
Str. Turgheniev, Timi[oara Construc]ie / Construction: 2000 – 2002 Fotografii / Photographs:
Arpad Zachi, Vlad Gaivoronschi, Octavian Topai
Ioan Andreescu

Cofet`ria «Trandafirul» / Centrul de documentare al Casa Jumanca / Jumanca House

«Trandafirul» Confectionery camerei de comer] / The
Documentation Centre of the
Chamber of Commerce
Hotel Regina Blue / Regina Blue Hotel Star Telefonica / Star Sediu CFR Marf` Timi[oara / Galeria 1 / Gallery 1
Telefonica Headquarters of Timi[oara
CFR Marf` Branch
... Arhitectura de ast`zi tr`ie[te, la råndul s`u – dincolo de … Today’s architecture lives, at its turn – beyond the
asumarea con[tient` a procesului – din multiplicarea conscious assumption of the process – from the
iconurilor, din delirul fragmentului, din rotunjirea multiplication of icons, from the delirium of the fragment,
imaginilor \ntr-o re]ea nesfår[it`... Pån` [i demersurile from the rounding of images in a never-ending network…
minimaliste nu fac decåt s` creasc` poten]ialul Even the minimalist intercessions manage only to rise the
fragment`rii, ad`ugånd gr`un]e de contrast. Paradigm` potential of fragmentation, adding grains of contrast.
reprezentativ` a arhitecturii [i urbanismului cu \ncepere Typical paradigm of architecture and urbanism, starting
de la mijlocul secolului al XX-lea, «Disneyland-ul» from the middle of the XXth century, the «Disneyland»
propune – la råndul s`u – o extrem de ingenioas` submits – at its turn – an extremely ingenious assembly of
asamblare de fragmente ale trecutului [i prezentului, un past and present fragments, a fast and false mosaic of old
mozaic sumar [i falsificat al culturilor vechi [i noi, al and new cultures, of popular myths and prophecies in a
miturilor [i profe]iilor populare, \ntr-un parcurs ciclic [i cyclic and infinite itinerary.
infinit ca traseu. «Disneyland-ul» nu se multiplic` The «Disneyland» is not only constantly self multiplying, it
permanent doar pe sine, el se amplific` la scara global` \n is growing at a more global scale, in the most diverse cases:
cele mai diverse ipostaze: parcuri turistice, shoping mall- touristic parks, shopping malls, casinos, «global
uri, cazinouri, «global containere», centre recreative, containers», recreation centers, science and technic
muzee ale [tiin]ei [i tehnicii, expozi]ii mondiale, museums, world exhibitions, «special» communities like
comunit`]i «speciale» cum ar fi or`[elele «de basm» de tip those fairytale cities, like «Celebration», built by Walt
«Celebration» construite chiar de Walt Disney Disney Corporation itself.
Corporation. Pån` [i \n «seriosul» cåmp al protec]iei Even in the «formal» field of Heritage Patronage, the
patrimoniului, asocierile heterodoxe de natural [i heterodox associations of natural and artificial, old and
artificial, vechi [i nou, tehnologic [i artistic, antic si new, technological and artistic, antique and futurist end up
futurist sfår[esc prin a inautentifica \ntregul [i prin a by privating the whole of its authenticity, and by opening
deschide drumul asocia]iilor inconsistente [i mincinoase. the way for cheaty and inconsistent connections.
C`ci esen]a hipertextului \n versiunea sa fizic-arhitectural` Because the essence of hypertext, in its physique-
este minciuna, care – a[a cum arat` Baudrillard – st` la architectural version, is the lie, which, as Baudrillard shows
«baza succesului lui Walt Disney, precursor abil al unei – «is at the base of Walt Disney’s success, clever predecessor
lumi de o promiscuitate radical`». Arhitectura modern` a of a radically promiscuous world».
stat \nc` de la timpuriile sale \nceputuri sub semnul Modern architecture was from its earliest start under the
c`ut`rii autenticului sub diverse forme: tectonic- sign of the search for authenticity under various forms:
construit, material, social, func]ional [i, \n cele din urm`, built-techtonic, material, social, functional and in the end
spiritual. Pentru marii mae[trii moderni – Wright, Mies, spiritual.
Le Corbusier [i Kahn – adev`rul era problema central` a For the great modern masters – Wright, Mies, Le Corbusier
crea]iei. Opera modern` – imaginat` cåteodat` la and Kahn – the truth was the central problem of creation.
dimensiuni colosale – era \ntotdeauna articulat` finit, The modern creation – sometimes seen in huge proportions –
autentic` [i integr`. |n destructurarea actual` a finitului, was always articulated in a finite way, authentic and
unii, precum Alberto Cerritas, v`d \nceputurile unei upstanding.
«Vårste a Con[tiin]ei Complexit`]ii ... dincolo de Vårsta In the contemporary destructuration of the finite element
Manifestelor». .... some, like Alberto Cerritas see the beginnings of an«Age of
The Complexity Conscience... beyond The Age of
Ioan ANDREESCU Manifestos». …
Arhitectura ca hipertext sau
«imaginea» ca moarte a integrit`]ii Ioan Andreescu
Architecture as a hypertext or the
«image» as death of integrity
(Translation: Livia Ivanovici)
Acceptarea deschis` a principiului discontinuit`]ii \n The opened acceptance of the principle of discontinuity in
compozi]ia spa]ial` a ]esutului urban – ceea ce \nseamn` the spatial composition of the urban tissue – which means
c` nici criteriile de continuitate formal` neo-tradi]ionale that neither the neo-traditional criteria of formal
[i nici cele avansate de modernitatea clasic` [i feluritele continuity nor those advanced by the modern continuity
sale neo-avataruri nu mai sunt considerate eficace. and its diverse neo-avatars are considered efficient.
Discontinuitatea stilistic` [i func]ional`, contrastul, Stylistic and functional discontinuity, the contrast, the
suprapunerea de zone distincte, crearea de micro- overlapping of distinct zones, the creation of divers micro-
ambiente diversificate \n cadrul «ondula]iei» generale – ambients in the context of general «undulation» – these
acestea sunt cåteva din temele master-planului lui are a few of the master-plan themes of Koolhaas,
Koolhaas materializate \ntr-un adev`rat mozaic de materialized in a true inlaid work of distinct locations –
«localiz`ri» distincte – cum ar fi: Pia]a Cinematografului, such as: The Square of the Cinema, Theatre’s Promenade
Esplanada Teatrului [i anfilada blocurilor turn de pe and the enfilade of the tower blocks placed on the lake
malul lacului, Bazinul Interior [i Centrul Cultural, banks, the Inner Pool and the Cultural Centre, the sequence
succesiunea de pie]e [i platforme ale Citadelei centrale of squares and platforms of the central Citadel etc.
etc. Efectul total – de uria[ colaj – ob]inut prin The total effect – of a huge collage – obtained by
suprapuneri de secven]e, siluete [i materiale distincte, a overlapping distinct sequences, silhouettes and materials
fost \ncercat pentru prima dat` de Koolhaas \n marele s`u had been experimented for the first time by Koolhaas in
proiect «Euralille». his big project «Euralille».

Ioan Andreescu Ioan Andreescu

Proiectul Almere Stad Almere Stad Project
Peisaj artificial [i arhitectur` urban` Artificial Landscape and Urban Architecture
(Translation: Livia Ivanovici)

Una din aceste \ntreb`ri – ocolit` cu grij` de mai toat` One of these questions – avoided with care by most of the
lumea – este: pe ce se \ntemeiaz` demersul arhitectului, people – is: on what is the architectural intercession based,
care este atitudinea intim`, stratul de credin]e care-i which is the intimate attitude, the layer of beliefs which
filtreaz` fluxul intui]iilor [i ideilor? C`ci fiecare dintre noi filtrates the flow of intuitions and ideas?
\n fa]a actului manifest`rii caut` o confirmare, o leg`tur` Because each of us, placed in front of the act of display,
cu un strat mai «tare» al realului, o convergen]`… searches for a confirmation, a connection with a «harder»
Privit` sub acest unghi, \ntreaga defilare a doctrinelor [i layer of reality, an angle of convergence...
\nf`ptuirilor arhitecturale ale secolului XX eviden]iaz` o Seen from this angle, the hole parade of the doctrines and
polarizare puternic`, o dualitate a punctelor de sprijin ce architectural achievements of the XX century, highlights a
aminte[te de disputa «universaliilor»; eterna disput` strong polarization, a duality of the support points, which
\ntre «nominali[ti» [i «reali[ti» \ntrupat` \n divergen]a reminds of the «universals’» argument; the never ending
\ntre cei pe care i-am putea numi (dincolo de orice alte argument between the «nominalists» and the «realists»
clasific`ri) fundamentali[ti [i formali[ti. Din punctul interrupted in the divergence between those who we could
nostru de vedere, ei ar putea fi grupa]i \n: name (beyond any other classifications) fundamentalists
– Arhitec]i ce urmeaz` curentele dominante, modele [i and formalists.
consensurile generale. From our point of view, they could be grouped in:
– C`ut`tori ai sprijinului public – a[a-zisa arhitectur` a – Architect which take up the current styles, models and
particip`rii, care-[i \nchipuie c` un dialog extins cu viitorii general beliefs.
locatari este \n sine \nsu[i singura garan]ie a succesului. – Seekers of public support – the so-called architecture of
– Cei care refolosesc tradi]ii, modele individuale sau participation, which imagines that an extended dialogue
colective \nlocuind, prin alegerea unui model, op]iunea pe with the future tenants is in itself the only guarantee of
care trebuie s-o fac` singuri. success.
|n loc de \ncheiere – o ciudat` constatare: deosebirile de – Those who reuse traditions, individual or collective
orientare (formalism-fundamentalism) care se reduc de models replacing, by the choice of a model, the choice that
fapt la acceptarea sau inacceptarea «alterit`]ii» ([i a they have to make on their own.
identific`rii finale cu ea) nu conduc \n mod necesar la Instead of an epilogue – a strange observation: the
deosebiri cerute la nivelul operelor construite. differences of orientation (formalism-fundamentalism)
which are drawn in the end to the acceptance or not of the
Ioan Andreescu «alterity» (and of the final identification with it) don’t
«|n c`utarea realului» sau ceea ce este continuu \n necessarily take the constructed creations to imposed
manifest`rile arhitecturale ale secolului XX differences.

Ioan Andreescu
«Searching for The Real» or what is continuous in the
architectural display of the XX century.
(Translation: Livia Ivanovici)

Cofet`ria «Trandafirul»
«Trandafirul» Confectionery

Situarea – \n plin centru istoric al Timi[oarei, \n cetate, Location – in the historical center of Timi[oara, the fortified
\ntr-un imobil masiv din sec. XVIII – palatul Dejan. town, in a massive building dating from the 18th century:
Supraetajat [i cu fa]ada modificat` la \nceputul sec. XIX, the Dejan palace. Superimposed and with a facade altered
palatul [i-a p`strat intact` «anatomia»: curte interioar` in the early 19th century, the palace has fully preserved its
cu arcade, fa]ad` simetric` penetrat` de un gang boltit, «anatomy»: an inner yard with arches, symmetrical façade
dou` mari spa]ii boltite la parter, de-o parte [i de alta a pierced by a vaulted gallery, two large vaulted spaces on
gangului, segmentate de un mare perete structural. the ground floor, on both sides of the gallery, segmented by
Cofet`ria ocup` de cåteva decenii spa]iul din stånga a large structural wall. The confectionery has been
intr`rii. occupying the space on the left of the entrance for several
Principiul abord`rii – reamenajarea acestei cofet`rii, \n decades.
cadrul unui buget extrem de limitat – s-a bazat pe dou` The principle of the approach – the refurbishment of this
«nivele» de interven]ie: confectionery – within the limits of a very small budget–
– \nt`rirea [i «densificarea» prezen]ei spa]iului istoric ca relied on two intervention levels:
element major. – consolidating and «concentrating» the presence of the
– suprapunerea unor fine elemente contemporane care historical space as a major element;
\nt`resc defini]ia spa]ial`. – superimposing subtle contemporaneous elements which
strengthen the spatial definition.
1. Spa]iul interior a fost tratat ca o dubl` realitate: 1. The interior space has been approached as a double
– ca abstrac]ie geometric`; eliberat de toate adi]iile, parti]iile, reality:
decora]iile [i \mbun`t`]irile, redus la cea mai curat` – as a geometrical abstraction, released from all additions,
expresie, tencuit uniform [i zugr`vit \n alb, dezvelindu-[i partitions, decorations and improvements, reduced to its
toat` for]a puternicei sale defini]ii – bolt`, penetra]ii; cleanest expression, uniformly coated and painted in
– ca materialitate, carnalitatea ascuns` \n spatele white, thus unveiling all the force of its powerful
abstrac]iei. |n acest scop au fost practicate decupaje \n definition–vault, piercings.
tencuial`, a fost complet expus peretele de fundal – as a materiality, the flesh concealed behind the
(peretele gangului), pere]ii unor ni[e [i a fost practicat` abstraction. To this end, cut-outs were made in the
o violent` t`ietur` ascu]it` \n tavan. C`r`mida a fost plaster, the background wall (the wall of the gallery) and
cur`]at` atent, c`p`tånd un aspect «carnal». several walls of recesses were completely exposed, and a
2. Interven]iile s-au rezumat la cåteva piese violent cut was made in the ceiling. The brick was
«anatomice» capabile s` «joace» atåt \n registrul carefully cleaned to gain a «flesh-like» appearance.
«geometric», cåt [i \n cel organic: 2. The interventions limited themselves to several anatomic
– ecrane din lame metalice la capete filtrånd fie lumina, pieces, capable of «playing» both geometrical and organic
fie percep]ia peretelui brut cu r`nile sale eviden]iate de roles:
spoturi tangen]iale; – screens with metal lamellas on the edges, filtering the

– o «tij`» de lumin` ca o pies` dintr-un straniu schelet, light, or the perception of the rugged wall with its wounds
abstract`, dar fireasc` \n trimiterile sale organice set off by occasional spots;
(coaste, ]eap`, etc.) – element direc]ional [i ritmic; – a light «bar» like the piece of a strange skeleton, abstract
– pardoseal` neagr`, uniform`; but at the same time natural in its organic references (to
– mici imagini contemporane, sofisticate, ale zonei ribs, spikes etc.) – a directional, as well as rhythmical
istorice, \nr`mate \n metal. element;
Din p`cate, mobilierul propus – esen]ial [i dematerializat – – black uniform flooring;
nu a putut fi realizat. Mobilierul – conven]ional – existent – small contemporaneous, sophisticated images of the
a fost l`cuit uniform \n alb, ca [i pere]ii, devenind la historical area, framed in metal.
råndu-i o abstrac]ie. Unfortunately, the proposed furniture– essential and de-
Pe parcursul \ntregii opera]iuni s-au evitat cu grij` orice materialized – could not be made. The existing
rapeluri «stilistice», «istorice» sau «memorabile» conventional furniture was uniformly covered in white
varnish, like the walls, becoming an abstraction in its turn.
Ioan Andreescu Throughout the entire operation, any «stylistic», «historical»
Text ap`rut ini]ial \n revista «Arhitext» nr. 6/1994
or «memorable» references have been carefully avoided.

Ioan Andreescu
The text has been previoulsy published in «Arhitext» Magazine n0. 6/1994
(Translation: Claudia Rada)
Cofet`ria «Trandafirul»


Plan / Plan

Fa]ad` / Facade

Sec]iune longitudinal` / Longitudinal section

Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Andreescu Ioan Colaboratori / Collaborators: Arh. / Arch. Beatrice
Lucaci, Arh. / Arch. Marius Micl`u[ Antreprenor / General Contractor: Argent S.R.L. Beneficiar
/ Beneficiary: Cofet`ria «Trandafirul» S.R.L. Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara Construc]ie /
Construction: 1993; Fotografii / Photographs: Ioan Andreescu


Centrul de documentare al
Camerei de comer]
The Documentation Centre of
the Chamber of Commerce
Detaliu scar` / Stair detail

Este o lucrare de arhitectur` de interior, constånd \n It is an interior design work, an insertion of new offices into
inser]ia de noi birouri \ntr-un spa]iu existent, cu un an existing space with a clearly defined character, i.e. the
caracter bine definit (galeria unui palat neo-clasic) [i \n gallery of a neo-classical palace and the renewal of the old
renovarea vechii biblioteci. Natura mai degrab` serial` a library. The serial nature of the program imposed a
programului a impus un r`spuns ritmic dat unui peisaj rhythmic answer to an architectural interior landscape of
interior cu o schem` ritmic` proprie, un fel de exerci]iu another rhythmic scheme, a kind of exercise perfectly fit
foarte potrivit afinit`]ilor arhitectului. Dup` p`rerea for the personal affinities of the architect. According to the
autorului, \ntre cele dou` se g`sea o ecua]ie perfect`, deci author’s, it was a perfect equation, hence, no hierarchy was
nicio ierarhie nu era posibil`, r`månånd numai aspectul possible, the only important matter being how to
armoniz`rii celor dou` structuri de ordine. |n consecin]`, harmonize the two ordering structures.
substan]a c`ut`rilor sale nu a constat \n subordonarea Therefore, the substance of his search was not the
fa]` de calit`]ile spa]iului existent, ci \n stabilirea jocului subordination to the existing space qualities, but rather the
f`r` ierarhii prevalente dintre masivitatea parti]ion`rii interplay between the massive partition of the offices and
birourilor [i discre]ia secven]elor neo-clasice. the discreet sequences of neo-classical details, never
Centrul de documetare al Camerei de comer]



Vedere interioar` / Interior view

Plan / Plan
Astfel, el reia \n acest proiect un punct de vedere mai proposing a prevalent hierarchy. Thus he resumed in this
vechi, datånd din 1985-86: ordinea existent` este un project a former approach, dated 1985-86, clearly
fundal pentru interven]ia nou`, iar folosirea materialelor expressing his opinion: the existing order is considered a
industriale imprim` o nou` schem` ordonatoare peste background, a backstage, for the main intervention, the
care poate s` intervin` spontaneitatea; de aceea, use of industrial materials impresses a new ordering
interven]iile punctuale, cum ar fi sistemul de iluminare, scheme on whose soil spontaneity may emerge, while the
mobilierul, detaliile decorative reprezint` numai un punctual interventions, such as the artificial lighting
pumn de confetti, semnul efemerului \ntr-o tram` stabil` system, the furniture, the few decorative devices, represent
creat` de primele dou`. only a confetti throwing, the sign of the ephemeral, within
the more stable frame created by the formers.
Ana Maria Zahariade
«Echilibru uitat» 1991 – Timi[oara, 1996. Prezen]e ale trecutului Ana Maria Zahariade
«Forgotten Balance» 1991 – Timi[oara, 1996. Emerging voices from the past

Autori / Authors: Arh. / Arch. Ioan Andreescu, Arh. / Arch. Adrian Iona[iu Consultan]i rezisten]` / Structural
Engineering Consultants: Ing. / Eng. Victor Gioncu, Ing. / Eng. Victor Vacaru Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara
Data finaliz`rii / Completion date: 1993; Fotografii / Photographs: Ioan Andreescu, Mihai Botescu


Casa Jumanca
Jumanca House

Datorit` contextului ingrat – o rezerv` de teren Due to the unfriendly context – a piece of land surrounded by
\nconjurat` de blocuri – [i a parcelei ample, dar blocks of flats – and to the appearance of the plot – deep
desf`[urate \n adåncime, proiectul casei Jumanca avea rather than long – the project of the Jumanca house had to
de negociat cu dou` teme dificile: deal with two difficult themes:
– manifestarea autonom` a prezen]ei pe un sit haotic; – the autonomous manifestation of the presence on a chaotic
– capacitatea de a fuziona intim cu propriul s`u teren – site;
ca o «villa» clasic` – prin stabilirea unei ierarhii spa]iale – – the capacity to intimately merge with its own plot, like a
fizice [i simbolice – \ntre «fa]`» [i «spate». classical «villa», by establishing a spatial hierarchy, both
Acestor cerin]e li s-a r`spuns ini]ial prin alegerea unei physical and symbolical, between the «front» and the
dispozi]ii cruciforme – cu un parter transversal care «rear».
ocup` toat` l`]imea parcelei [i un etaj longitudinal care These requirements were originally answered by choosing a
realizeaz` – fizic [i metaforic – rela]ia \ntre cele dou` cross-shaped position, with a transversal ground floor which
p`r]i ale terenului, permi]ånd trecerea pe sub el c`tre occupies the entire width of the plot and a longitudinal upper
teras` [i gr`din`. Intersec]ia dintre cele dou` volume se floor which achieved – both physically and metaphorically-
manifest` interior printr-un gol pe dou` niveluri luminat the relationship between the two parts of the land, enabling
zenital – care introduce un al treilea ax \n sistemul de access underneath it towards the terrace and the garden.
coordonate: cel vertical. The crossroads between the two volumes finds expression
Avem de-a face cu o combina]ie \ntre o compozi]ie inside the house in a gap on two levels, lit from the zenith –
suprematist` [i una palladian` reproducånd matricea which inserts a third axis, the vertical one, in the system of
villei Malcontenta. Evolu]ia ulterioar` a proiectului, prin coordinates.
apari]ia a dou` apartamente laterale la etaj, va accentua We are dealing with a combination between a supremacist
dimensiunea clasic`, dar – paradoxal – rolul corpului and a Palladian composition, which reproduces the matrix of
longitudinal \n organizarea intern` a spa]iului va fi the Malcontenta Villa. The subsequent evolution of the
consolidat prin «golirea» sa par]ial` [i transformarea project through the construction of two side apartments on
\ntr-un «den» – living familial de etaj \n direct` rela]ie the upper floor would emphasize the classical dimension, but
diagonal` – prin golul central – cu desf`[urarea de la – paradoxically – the role of the longitudinal unit in the
parter. internal organization of the space will be consolidated
|n final, cump`rarea unei parcele adiacente a dus la through its partial «emptying» and its transformation into a
posibilitatea articul`rii laterale a marii terase dinspre «den» – a family living-room on the upper floor, positioned
gr`din` printr-o pergol` shinkelian`. Cele dou` spa]ii diagonally – through its central gap – from the structures
externe – curtea de acces [i gr`dina – vor fi astfel puse \n unfolding on the ground-floor.
comunicare [i prin exteriorul casei; gr`dina urmeaz` \n Finally, the purchase of an adjoining plot enabled the lateral
scurt` vreme a fi organizat` prin contrapunctul \ntre o expansion of the large terrace facing the garden through a
tem` liber`, vegetal` (deja plantat`) [i aleile geometrice Schinkelian pergola. The two external spaces – the access yard
minerale care materializeaz` traseele regulatoare ale and the garden – will be thus joined through the exterior of
casei: o alt` tem` clasic`. the house as well; the garden will be soon organized by means
Holul central este nodul spa]ial manifest al casei; of a counterpoint between a free vegetal theme (the
direc]iile sale de expansiune sunt clar exprimate prin vegetation has already been planted) and the mineral
elementele arhitecturii: ritmul stålpilor, alinierea geometrical alleys which materialize the main routes of the
vertical` a luminatorului, linia grafic` a tavanului. house: another classical theme.
Scara nu este un element primar al compozi]iei [i – ca The central lobby is manifestly the spatial core of the house;
atare – este realizat` oarecum diferit de restul its directions of expansion are clearly expressed by the


elementelor: are o «scar`» fin diminuat` \n compara]ie architectural elements: the rhythm of the pillars, the vertical
cu elementele majore (tavan, gol, stålpi, luminator), este alignment of the skylight, the graphical line of the ceiling.
detaliat` pre]ios, rafinat, autonom [i articulat prin The staircase is not a primary element of the composition
folosirea metalului [i lemnului. Direc]ia ascensional` and, as such, it is somehow differently built from the rest of
este \ns` concordat` cu axul longitudinal \n citirea sa the elements: its scale is slightly diminished as compared to
normativ`: interior-exterior. the major elements (ceiling, gap, pillars, and skylight); its
Finisajele – atåt cele interioare, cåt [i cele exterioare – details are precious, refined, autonomous and articulated
subliniaz` ideea de simplitate, continuitate [i lux: through the use of metal and wood. The ascending direction
– o culoare unic`, «mais» – galben papirus – la exterior [i is however coordinated with the longitudinal axis in its
interior, cu excep]ia apartamentelor laterale, \ns` pe normative interpretation: from the interior to the exterior.
suporturi de granula]ie diferit`; The finishing – both the interior and the exterior ones –
– un singur tip de gresie nobil` – piatr` ceramic` – emphasize the idea of simplicity, continuity and luxury:
texturat` natural [i punctat` cu mici inser]ii de piatr` – one sole color, «mais» – papyrus yellow – inside and outside,
natural` atåt la parter, cåt [i pe marea teras` din except for the side apartments, of different granulation
gr`din`; however;
– culoarea corpului longitudinal central care «p`trunde» – only one type of premium sandstone– ceramic stone– with
\n apartamentele laterale. natural texture and strewn with small natural stone
Rela]ia palladian-suprematist este continuat` \n interior insertions, both on the ground floor and on the large garden
prin amplasarea cåtorva «prezen]e» de scar` medie terrace
[i/sau mic` care «plutesc» \n spa]iul general, cum ar fi: – the color of the central longitudinal unit which «pierces» the
Casa Jumanca


– «obiectele» care separ` sufrageria de «living»-ul side apartments.

principal; The Palladian-supremacist relation is also continued inside
– «cadrul» care separ` «den»-ul familial de golul sc`rii; the house, by means of several average and/or small-scale
– «prisma plutitoare» de deasupra patului din dormitorul «presences» which «float» in the general space, such as:
matrimonial. – the «objects» separating the dining-room from the main
Aceste obiecte sunt randate \n culori vii: albastru, ro[u, «living-room»;
oranj, folosind un material pre]ios: stucco veneziano. – the «framework» which separates the family «den» from the
Ca mediu de locuit casa opereaz` dup` un principiu staircase gap;
canonic \ndelung verificat de istorie: un cadru suficient – the «floating prism» above the bed in the matrimonial
de generos din punct de vedere spa]ial [i de inteligibil – bedroom.
\n sens ra]ional – umanist poate suporta altera]ii [i Such objects are rendered in lively colors: blue, red and
varia]ii ale stilului de via]` de-a lungul timpului, f`r` a-[i orange, by using a precious material: stucco veneziano.
pierde caracteristicile. As a dwelling place, the house functions on the basis of a
Arhitectura puternic`, fie umanist` [i/sau suprematist`, canonical principle well-verified by history: a framework
\mpreun` cu gestiunea metaforic` a naturii sunt valori which is sufficiently generous in terms of space and
autonome [i vehicule ale separ`rii de context. sufficiently intelligible from a rational-humanistic
perspective, which can bear lifestyle alterations and
Ioan Andreescu variations over time without losing its characteristics.
Text ap`rut ini]ial \n «Arhitext» nr. 4/2004
Strong architecture, be it humanistic and/or supremacist, and
the metaphorical organization of nature are both
autonomous values and tools serving to separate from the

Ioan Andreescu
The text has been previoulsy published in «Arhitext» no. 4/2004
(Translation: Claudia Rada)


Sec]iune transversal` / Cross section

Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Ioan Andreescu Colaborator / Collaborator: Arh. / Arch. Francisc König
Rezisten]` / Structural Engineering: Ing. / Eng. Lucia Tårc` Beneficiar / Beneficiary: fam. Jumanca;
Suprafa]a total` construit` / Total Built Area: 520 mp / sqm Construc]ie / Construction: 1998 – 2002;
Fotografii / Photographs: Ioan Andreescu, Octavian Topai
Casa Jumanca


Plan parter / Ground floor plan



Hotel Reghina Blue

Reghina Blue Hotel

Plan de situa]ie / Site plan

Hotel Reghina Blue


Cåteva considera]ii privind negocierea hotelului Several considerations concerning the negotiation of the
Reghina Blue. Reghina Blue Hotel

Despre arhitectura «\nc`p`toare» On «spacious» architecture

Una dintre priorit`]ile noastre, \n ultimii ani, a fost One of our priorities during the last years has been the
reducerea – pe cåt posibil – a «excesului de reduction – as much as possible – of architectural excess.
arhitectur`». Credem c` arhitectura \ndepline[te cåteva We believe that architecture fulfils several essential
func]iuni esen]iale: delimiteaz`, con]ine, deschide, functions: it delimits, it contains, it opens, it concentrates,
concentreaz`, ofer`. Nu credem deloc c` arhitectura it offers… We do not believe at all that architecture is the
este con]inutul, substan]a, prezen]a… content, the substance, the presence…
Hotelul albastru a[ezat printre gr`dini, \mbr`cat \n The blue hotel placed among gardens, covered in glass and
sticl` [i discrete linii geometrice \ncearc` s` fie cåt mai discrete geometrical lines, strives to be as little present as
pu]in prezent, s` ocupe cåt mai pu]in teren, s` ofere un possible, to occupy as little ground as possible, to provide
fundal [i nu un con]inut. the background and not the content.


Despre elemente… On elements…

Oricåt de pu]in plauzibil ar p`rea arhitec]ilor, However implausible the architects might find this, the
elementele universale nu sunt: inoxul, gresia, ghips- universal elements are not stainless steel, sandstone or
cartonul, etc. Elementele sunt: apa, aerul, focul [i plasterboard.
p`måntul, de cånd e lumea. Unul dintre rolurile The elements are water, air, fire and earth, as early as we
arhitecturii este s`-[i pun` recipientul \n rela]ie cu can remember.
elementele. Realizarea acestei conexiuni apar]ine One of the roles of architecture is to place its recipient in
utilizatorului. relation to the elements. The achievement of such
Hotelul Reghina Blue negociaz` cu aerul: este albastru, connection is the user’s responsibility.
diafan, transparent, translucid [i penetrat de curen]ii The Reghina Blue Hotel negotiates with the air: it is blue,
de aer. Reflect`, refract`, str`luce[te, prive[te [i exist` diaphanous, transparent, translucent and penetrated by
\n aer. air streams. It reflects, refracts, shines, looks up at the sky
Apa este prezent`, la råndul s`u, peste tot: \n curtea and exists in the air.
interioar`, \n bazinul pe[tilor, \n piscina \nconjurat` de In its turn, water is omnipresent: in the inner courtyard, in
suprafe]e de lemn, \n pic`turile condensate pe the fish basin, in the swimming pool surrounded by
copertinele de sticl`. wooden surfaces, in the drops condensed on the glass roofs.
P`måntul, rocile, vegeta]ia, lemnul – ca fuziune a The ground, the rocks, the vegetation, the wood – as a
elementelor – sunt [i ele prezente, gata s` fusion of elements – all such are equally present, ready to
contrabalanseze disolu]ia \n aerul albastru... counterbalance the dissolution in the blue sky.
Focul este prezent \n chiar inima casei: luminatorul Fire is present at the very heart of the house: the vertical
Hotel Reghina Blue


Sec]iune transversal` / Cross section

Plan etaj curent / Current floor plan

Plan parter / Ground floor plan

vertical care penetreaz` corpul principal este alc`tuit skylight, which pierces the main building, is made up of
din microprisme «Fresnel» care condenseaz` lumina Fresnel micro-prisms which condense the sunlight in
solar` \n form` concentrat`. concentrated form.
Orele zilei [i varia]ia focului ceresc sunt amplificate \n The hours of the day and the changing intensity of the
interiorul casei, un mod de a sim]i pulsa]ia continu` a celestial fire are augmented inside the house, a way of
universului. feeling the continuous throbbing of the universe.

Despre variabilitatea lucrurilor On the unsteadiness of things

Proiectul, a[a cum a fost \ncheiat, nu este cel care a fost The project, as it appears upon completion, is not the one
imaginat ini]ial. originally envisaged.
De-a lungul \ndelungatei sale elabor`ri, hotelul a Throughout its laborious construction, the hotel has grown:
crescut: piscina a devenit mai mare, a ap`rut the swimming pool has become larger, the penthouse has
«penthouse-ul», s-a definit curtea interioar`, odat` cu taken shape, the inner courtyard was outlined concurrently
corpul de conferin]e, [i s-a organizat bipolaritatea with the conference building, and the bipolarity of the
compozi]iei \ntre cele dou` ochiuri de ap`. Deschiderea, composition organized between the two ponds.
\n]elegerea arhitecturii ca margine, limit` [i coaj`, \n The opening of architecture, its understanding as edge,
loc de substan]` sau con]inut, precum [i realizarea limit and shell, and not as substance or content, and the
rela]iei elementale a u[urat cre[terile casei \n mod attainment of the relationship between the elements have
firesc. naturally eased the growth of the house.

Despre rapoarte [i propor]ii On reports and proportions

Transparen]` [i variabilitate, disolu]ie [i rela]ie Transparency and unsteadiness, dissolution and
elemental`; unde este coeren]a? relationship between elements; where is the coherence?
|n strictul sistem modular, care subåntinde casa ca o Coherence resides in the strict modular system underlying
urzeal` sau o hårtie milimetric`. Pasul, ritmul, t`ietura the house structure like a warp or a scale paper. The pace,
regleaz` totul, de la organizarea ansamblului pån` la the rhythm, the cut adjust everything, from the
coordonarea detaliilor [i elementelor de finisaj. organization of the whole to the coordination of the details
|n libertatea formelor se ascunde ordinea precis` a and of the finishing components.
geometriei, astfel \ncåt putem \n]elege [i ultima The liberty of the forms actually shelters precise
caracteristic` a casei: geometrical order, a trait that enables us to grasp the last
characteristic of the house:
Calitatea finis`rii
Toate detaliile, materialele, prezen]ele [i absen]ele sunt The quality of the finishing
create pentru a sus]ine, suporta [i ad`posti activit`]ile All details and materials, any presence and absence are
utilizatorilor [i nu invers. Calitatea materialelor [i created to sustain, to support and to shelter the activities of
detaliilor, coordonat` prin propor]ii [i standarde, the inhabitants, and not the other way round.
sus]inut` prin rela]ia cu elementele este un ingredient The quality of the materials and of the details, coordinated
al acelui «ambiente» [i «ben essere» atåt de dorite de by proportions and standards, nourished by the
consumator [i nicidecum o impunere, o presiune [i o relationship with the elements, is an ingredient of that
intruziune a arhitectului. «ambiente» and «ben essere» so much sought after by the
Cåteodat` mai mult` arhitectur` \nseamn` de fapt mai consumer, and in no circumstances an imposition, a
pu]in`. pressure and an intrusion on the part of the architect.
Sometimes, less architecture is in fact more.
Ioan Andreescu
Text ap`rut ini]ial \n «Arhitext» nr. 3/2005 Ioan Andreescu
The text has been previously published in «Arhitext» no. 3/2005
(Translation: Claudia Rada)
Hotel Reghina Blue

Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Ioan Andreescu, Arh. / Arch. Dan Munteanu Colaborator /
Collaborator: Arh. / Arch. Dan Munteanu Rezisten]` / Structural Engineering: S.C. Histruct
S.R.L., Ing. / Eng. Victor Gioncu, Ing. / Eng. Ioan Cerghedi Instala]ii / Plumbing: S.C.
Dosetimpex S.R.L., Ing. / Eng. {tefan Duna Instala]ii electrice / Wiring: S.C. DNT S.R.L., Ing.
/ Eng. Gabriel Costea; Suprafa]` teren / Land area: 3134 mp / sqm Suprafa]` la sol /
Ground Area: 1239 mp / sqm Suprafa]a total` construit` / Total Built Area: 4596 mp /
sqm. Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara Construc]ie / Construction: 2000 – 2002 Fotografii /
Photographs: Ovidiu Mic[a, Tavi Topai
Galeria 1
Gallery 1

Locul [i tema – un sit industrial dezafectat, aflat nu The place and theme – a disused industrial site, not
departe de centrul istoric al Timi[oarei, \n dreptul unei far from the historic center of Timi[oara, across a major
importante artere de penetra]ie dinspre nord. thoroughfare from the north. The large site was
Situl, amplu, a fost convertit gradual c`tre utiliz`ri gradually converted to commercial use through sham
comerciale prin reconversii sumare – tipice pentru anii ’90 – conversions, typical for the 1990s, of the existing halls.
ale halelor existente. The appearance of the «Iulius Mall» (architect Radu
Apari]ia \n preajm` a monumentalului «Iulius Mall» Mih`ilescu) determined the investors, owners of the
(arhitect Radu Mih`ilescu) a decis grupul de investitori care industrial site, to convert the main hall into a
de]ine situl industrial s` converteasc` hala principal`, bine commercial center, of special kind in Romania: a «design
expus` c`tre gira]ia de acces spre centru, \ntr-un centru center» with a view to the center; that was supposed to
comercial, inedit \n Romånia: un «design center»; acesta offer ample show-room areas, perfectly equipped to
urma s` ofere ample suprafe]e de showroom perfect exhibit furniture, decorations, design products reflecting
echipate pentru expunerea spectacular` de mobilier, the recent real estate boom.
decora]iuni, produse de design, totul \n acord cu boom-ul The hall – initially meant for processing meat, offered
imobiliar f`r` precedent din ultimii ani. 5,000 sqm on each storey. The uniform reinforced
Hala – destinat` ini]ial proces`rii produselor din carne, structure of 6x6 m – done in the 1970s – was severely
oferea circa 5000 mp pentru fiecare din cele dou` niveluri. damaged during a fire and due to the industrial
Galeria 1


Structura uniform` din beton armat cu pasul de 6x6 m – processes it sheltered. The upper floor was
realizat` \n anii ’70 – a fost puternic degradat` de un compartmentalized so as the «cells» produced split-levels
incendiu [i de procesele industriale pe care le ad`postea. of 40 cm. The solution complied with the chosen goal: to
Etajul a fost compartimentat \n mod repetat \ntre diferitele produce free areas for showrooms with the state-of-the
«celule», n`scåndu-se denivel`ri de pån` la 40 cm. art equipment considering the flawed structure. The
Solu]ia adoptat` – a pornit de la obiectivul ales – realizarea hardly efficient structure was consolidated with carbon
unei suprafe]e libere de «showroom» echipat` «up-to- fiber strips to avoid the weight. Four big, rigid reinforced
date», \n condi]iile unei structuri deficitare. Structura, aflat` concrete tubes, sheltering the vertical circulation
la limita performan]ei, a fost consolidat` cu få[ii din fibr` (staircase and elevators), utilities, and services – were
de carbon, pentru a evita cre[terile de gabarit [i greutate. distributed in the lateral bays, two by two, like the legs of
Patru mari tuburi rigide din beton armat, ad`postind a table, thus making the ensemble rigid without further
circula]iile verticale (sc`ri [i ascensoare), utilit`]i [i servicii interventions. Two ample voids, covered with skylights,
au fost distribuite \n traveile laterale, dou` cåte dou`, were done in the upper floors; one of them contains the
precum picioarele unei mese, realizånd rigidizarea escalators; a fountain focuses the perception of the
ansamblului, f`r` a fi necesare alte interven]ii. Dou` goluri space. In the ample false ceiling, there is a massive
ample, acoperite cu luminatoare, au fost practicate \n «mattress» with installations and equipment for climatic
plan[eele superioare; unul dintre ele con]ine escalatoarele, control, all sorts of cables, power networks, light, security,


Detaliu \nvelitoare / Roofing details

\ntre care o ampl` fåntån` artezian` focalizeaz` percep]ia and surveillance. The floor of the upper level was leveled
spa]iului. with light concrete containing polystyrene aggregates,
|n amplele tavane false se afl` o «saltea» masiv` de while the lateral brick closures were replaced by
instala]ii [i echipamente destinate controlului climatic, sandwich panels.
cablajelor de tot felul, re]elelor de putere, de iluminat,
securitate [i supraveghere. Plan[eul nivelului superior a The bar code and night-lights
fost egalizat cu beton ultrau[or, avånd agregate din The lateral closures, pierced by numerous installations,
polistiren, iar \nchiderile laterale din c`r`mid` au fost were draped by a secondary façade of white-blue
\nlocuite cu panouri sandwich. polycarbonate strips, graphically organized as an
immense bar code – graphical symbol of commerce. The
Codul de bare [i str`lucirea nocturn` front façade – one that ensures the access – is «draped»
|nchiderile laterale, perforate de nenum`rate instala]ii, au in a huge red and black metal structure, shaped like a
fost \mbr`cate de o fa]ad` secundar` din få[ii de gigantic «Z» whose lower side makes the canopy above
policarbonat alb-albastru, organizat` grafic ca un imens the entrance. The luminous letters of the logo «drift» on
cod de bare – simbol grafic al comer]ului. Fa]ada frontal` – a large double net painted in matte black. By night, the
de acces – este «\mbr`cat`» \ntr-o uria[` structur` metalic` entire ensemble turns into a big Japanese lampion, with
ro[u-neagr`, pliat` ca un «Z» uria[ a c`rui latur` inferioar` the white-blue panels lit from behind and red letters
formeaz` copertina deasupra intr`rii. floating like some self-contained hieroglyphs against the
Literele luminoase ale logo-ului «plutesc» pe o mare nocturnal sky, while their matte background dissolves in
suprafa]` din plas` dubl` vopsit` \n negru mat. Noaptea, the dark.
\ntreg ansamblul se transform` \ntr-un mare lampion
japonez, cu panourile alb-albastru luminate din spate [i cu Evolutions
literele ro[ii plutind ca ni[te hieroglife autonome pe cerul The fact that Gallery 1 is sited between the new «Iulius
nocturn, \n timp ce fundalul lor negru mat se dizolv` \n Mall» and the older yet active commercial complexes in
\ntuneric. Ialomi]a Street, should have led to some favorable
outcomes, considering that none has wide thematic
Evolu]ii showroom areas for furniture and decorations. Not long
Situarea Galeriei 1 \ntre noul «Iulius Mall» [i mai vechile, before inauguration, a decision was taken to
dar foarte activele, complexe comerciale de pe strada compartmentalize the free areas into «cells» like in a
Ialomi]a ar fi trebuit s` produc` efecte comerciale «commercial complex». However, the designer decided to
favorabile atåta vreme cåt nici unul, nici celelalte nu sunt spare the physical and formal continuity of the ceilings
echipate cu mari suprafe]e de showroom tematic, dedicate and maintain the chance to resort to the original
mobilierului [i decora]iunii. Pu]in timp \nainte de configuration.
inaugurare s-a luat decizia de a compartimenta suprafe]ele
libere \n «celule» de tip «complex comercial». Decizia Ioan Andreescu
Stages of Industrial Reconversion
proiectan]ilor a fost de a nu afecta nici fizic, nici formal The text has been previously published in «Arhitext» no. 7/2006
continuitatea tavanelor echipate, pentru a conserva cvasi- (Translation: Magda Teodorescu)
intacte posibilit`]ile de a reveni la configura]ia original`.

Ioan Andreescu
Fazele unei reconversii industriale
Text ap`rut ini]ial \n «Arhitext» nr. 7/2006


Plan etaj / Floor plan

Plan parter / Ground floor plan

Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Ioan Andreescu, Arh. / Arch. Dan Munteanu Beneficiar /
Beneficiary: S.C. METALTIM S.A. Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara, B-dul. Antenei – Calea
Lipovei Construc]ie / Construction: 2002 – 2005 Fotografii / Photographs: Arpad Zachi,
Ioan Andreescu, Ovidiu Mic[a
«Star Telefonica»
«Star Telefonica»

Micul magazin «Star Telefonica» – amplasat \n anul 2006 The small shop «Star Telefonica» (2006) was intended as a
\n Iulius Mall Timi[oara – a fost produs ca exemplu de prototype for the serial production of similar stores, as part
preserie, definind un concept de «branding» pentru o of a branding strategy for a mobile network provider. The
re]ea de telefonie mobil`. Imaginea unitar` [i u[or de unity and the striking image of the composition is the result
identificat a cubicului este realizat` printr-o succesiune of the uniform layering of luminous and dark stripes, a
uniform` de benzi luminoase [i opace (alb-negru) distant homage to the famous façade of Josephine Baker’s
amintind de fa]ada loosian` a vilei pentru Josephine Villa by Adolf Loos. The light, transparent layers serve as
Vedere interioar` / Interior view Plan / Plan
Baker. Spa]iile luminoase servesc pentru expunerea showcases for the mobile phones and their small
telefoanelor [i a micilor accesorii. Tavanul, pardoseala [i accessories. The floor, ceiling and the panel presenting the
marele panou tutelar sunt randate uniform \n r`[in` gri, network’s logo are rendered in grey resin; the small
\n timp ce piesele de mobilier comercial sunt acoperite cu furniture pieces inside the cubicle are rendered in reddish
furnir ro[cat. Sigla – o constela]ie – apare pe panoul veneer. The logo – a constellation – shines on the panel
luminos cu numele re]elei «Star Telefonica»; literele au displaying the network’s name; the fonts were specially
fost create special. La realizarea elegantelor detalii de created for this purpose only. The furniture manufacturer
execu]ie a participat [i fabricantul de mobilier «Green «Green Forest» from Timi[oara had a seminal contribution
Forest»; \mpreun` am stabilit modularea ansamblului, in establishing the elegant detailing and the modular
pentru a permite reproducerea sa \n contexte diferite. partition of the whole.
Din nefericire, dup` cåteva luni de func]ionare, re]eaua Several months after the opening, the mobile operator
de telefonie mobil` a renun]at la concept [i apoi, \n 2007, closed the store and renounced the whole branding idea in
a \nchis magazinul. favor for a much simpler concept.

Ioan Andreescu Ioan Andreescu

Vederi interioare / Interior view

Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Ioan Andreescu, Arh. / Arch. Marius Hår]a, Arh. / Arch.
Claudiu Toma Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara, Iulius Mall Data finaliz`rii /
Completion Date: 2006 Fotografii / Photographs: Ovidiu Mic[a


Plan de situa]ie / Site plan

Sediu CFR Marf` Timi[oara

Headquarters of Timi[oara CFR Marf` Branch

Sediul sucursalei Timi[oara CFR Marf` s-a realizat prin The headquarters of Timi[oara CFR Marf` Branch was
transformarea fostei cantine, construit` \n anii 1960, a constructed through the conversion of the former cafeteria
S.C. «Electromotor» S.A. of S.C. «Electromotor» S.A. built in the 1960s.
Organizarea structural` compact` a fostei cantine: 7 The compact structural organization of the former
travei x 4 deschideri (6x6 m) a condus la o solu]ie bazat` cafeteria consisted of 7 spans x 4 openings (6x6 m) and led
pe conceptul de utilizare flexibil` [i eficient` a volumului, to a solution based on the concept of flexible and efficient
\n condi]iile \n care se propune o supraetajare a acestuia utilization of the volume, with a superimposed metal
cu o structur` u[oar` de metal, cu acoperi[ \n pant` din structure being put forward, having an inclined roof made
tabl` cutat`. of corrugated plate.
«Centrul» fizic, func]ional [i climatic al casei este un The physical, functional and climatic «centre» of the house
«atrium» de 7,50 x 6,20m care avanseaz` prin ultimul is an «atrium» of 7.50 x 6.20 m which advances through
plan[eu al cl`dirii existente ca un corp vitrat, dep`[ind the last board of the existing building like a glass structure,
u[or nivelul supraetajat cu 0,50m. Acest «atrium» going slightly above the upper level by 0.5 m. This «atrium»
permite iluminarea [i ventilarea natural` a spa]iilor enables natural lighting and ventilation of the spaces
Plan parter / Ground floor plan

situate \n centrul compozi]iei la nivelele I [i II, precum [i located inside the composition, on the Ist and IInd levels, as
accesul facil la nivelul III (supraetajarea). |n «atrium» se well as easy access to the IIIrd level (the superimposed
afl` o scar` metalic` cu trepte de sticl` mat` care level). There is a metal staircase with frosted glass stairs
organizeaz` rela]ia principal` \ntre etaje. Pere]ii atrium-ului which organizes the main relationship between the floors.
sunt vitra]i [i consolida]i cu profile metalice formånd un The walls of the atrium are made of glass sheet and
«tub» structural care permite rigidizarea casei f`r` a mai consolidated with metal profiles, forming a structural
recurge la consolid`ri [i contravåntuiri perimetrale. |n «tube» which strengthens the house, ruling out the need
partea superioar` a casei, deasupra ultimului plan[eu de for consolidation works and perimeter bracing. In the
beton, «atrium»-ul se manifest` ca un pavilion vitrat, upper part of the house, over the highest concrete floor, the
acoperit cu o structur` metalic` u[oar`, placat` cu tabl` «atrium» appears like a vitreous pavilion, covered with a
de aluminiu dispus` convex, care permite penetrarea prin slight metal structure, wrapped with aluminum plate
reflexie a luminii la interior; acoperi[ul se prelunge[te arranged convexly, which allows the light to reflect inside
lateral (N-S) pentru umbrire. De-o parte [i de alta a the house; the roof extends laterally (N-S) to provide
«tubului» central se afl` dou` «buzunare» func]ionale shadow. On both sides of the central «tube» there are two
care se lumineaz` [i ventileaz` prin acesta. La ultimul functional «pockets» lit and ventilated by it. On the
nivel, locul acestor buzunare este luat de dou` cur]i uppermost level, the place of such pockets is taken by two
interioare dalate, care permit luminarea [i ventilarea flagstone patios, which allow generous lighting and
generoas` atåt a «atrium»-ului, cåt [i a spa]iilor perimetrale. ventilation of the atrium and of the perimeter spaces.
Suprafa]a de pornire a sc`rii plute[te pe o fin` oglind` de The starting portion of the staircase floats on a fine water
ap` care contribuie – al`turi de plantele aflate \n mirror which contributes, along with the plants in the
Plan etaj / Floor plan

jardiniere – la \mprosp`tarea aerului. Avånd tiraj la flower pots, to refreshing the air. With a draft in the upper
partea superioar` – prin deschiderea ferestrelor – [i o part – through the opening of the windows – and a water
oglind` de ap` la partea inferioar`, tubul este un element mirror in the lower part, the tube plays an active role in
activ \n ventilarea [i climatizarea spa]iilor interioare. ventilating and air-conditioning the interior spaces.
De-a lungul perimetrului exterior al casei – \n grosime de Along the exterior perimeter of the house – as thick as a
o travee, adic` 6 m, se vor pozi]iona la nivelurile I [i II bay, that is, 6 m – on the Ist and IInd levels, the main
principalele spa]ii pentru birouri [i s`li de [edin]e, iar la spaces for offices and conference rooms will be positioned,
nivelul III spa]iile pentru conducere, protocol, camerele de and on the IIIrd level, the spaces for the management,
oaspe]i [i apartamentele de serviciu; aceste spa]ii sunt protocol, the guest rooms and service apartments; such
iluminate [i ventilate natural prin ferestre verticale spaces are naturally lit and ventilated through vertical
dispuse ritmic (4 ferestre de 90 x 180 m pe travee). windows arranged rhythmically (4 windows with bays of
«Coaja» de spa]ii perimetrale este delimitat` spre interior – 90 x 180 m).
la nivelurile I [i II [i par]ial la nivelul III – de un perete cu The «shell» of perimeter spaces is delimited towards the
dulapuri \nzidite pentru depozit`ri, care este pozi]ionat interior – on the Ist and IInd levels and partly on the IIIrd
astfel \ncåt \ntre el [i peretele perimetral s` existe o level – by a wall with encased storage cupboards which is
distan]` constant` de 5,60m, astfel \ncåt spa]iile de positioned so as to ensure a constant distance of 5.60m
birouri pot fi recompartimentate cu pere]i amovibili. |ntre between it and the perimeter wall, so that the office spaces
nucleul interior – format, la nivelurile I [i II, din «atrium» may be re-partitioned with detachable walls. Between the
al`turi de spa]iile anexe, iar la nivelul III din «atrium» [i interior nucleus – formed on the Ist and IInd levels, of the
cele dou` cur]i interioare – [i «coaja» perimetral` de «atrium» and its relates spaces, and on the IIIrd level, of the

Sec]iune transversal` / Cross Section

birouri, camere [i apartamente, se afl` un coridor cu «atrium» and the two patios – and the perimeter «shell»
mi[care circular` care realizeaz` leg`tura cu cele dou` consisting of the offices, rooms and apartments, there is a
sc`ri de evacuare aflate \n col]urile de NE [i SE ale circular corridor which achieves the connection between
cl`dirii. the two back stairs located in the North-East and Sout-East
|nc`perile care corespund la etajele I [i II cu fa]ada corners of the building.
principal` – cu excep]ia celor aferente traveilor de col] – The rooms which look onto the main façade on the Ist and
au o tåmpl`rie comun` de tip «double-glazing» care IInd floors – except for those related to the corner bays –
const` \n tåmpl`rii normale din podea pån` \n tavan have an ordinary «double-glazing» joinery which consists
spre interior [i panouri de sticl` montate neetan[ pe of normal joinery from floor to ceiling and non-sealed glass
montan]i de o]el la exterior. |ntre straturi sunt panels mounted on steel frames on the exterior. Powered
pozi]ionate jaluzele ac]ionate electric. Acest sistem shutters have been placed between the layers. This system
permite o excelent` izolare termic` [i o ventilare for]at` allows an excellent thermal isolation and forced
vara, prin efect de ser`, reducånd masiv sarcina termic` ventilation in summer, through the greenhouse effect,
a instala]iilor de climatizare \n aceast` zon` expus` massively reducing the thermal load on the air-
direct [i neumbrit spre vest, a casei. Acest mare ecran de conditioning system in this area of the house, directly
sticl` transparent`, situat deasupra intr`rii principale, exposed and which does not receive any shadow. This large
ofer` imaginea caracteristic` a casei, care – situat` \ntre transparent glass screen, located above the main entrance,
blocuri – se define[te contrastant prin geometria sa offers the characteristic image of the house, which –
precis`, al`turi de ritmul uniform al ferestrelor [i located between blocks of flats, as it is – is defines itself by
panourilor fa]adei ventilate. contrast, through its precise geometry and the uniform
Zona central` a fa]adei – organizat` simetric fa]` de rhythm of the windows and panels of the ventilated
axul intr`rii – este vizibil` de pe strada principal` façade.
General Dragalina; de aici importan]a imaginii frontale The central zone of the façade – organized symmetrically
[i a aparatului de intrare. Acesta \mpline[te dou` to the axis of the entrance – is visible from the General
func]iuni specifice: Dragalina main street; this explains the importance of the
– semnalizeaz` – prin relief [i material (pl`ci de aluminiu forefront image and of the entrance objects. The latter
mat) – zona de acces; fulfil two specific functions:
– realizeaz` continuitatea dintre exterior [i «nucleul» – signal – by relief and material (opaque aluminum plates)
casei, prelungind suprafe]ele exterioare \n interior, prin – the access area;
p`strarea geometriei [i a materialului (pl`ci de – achieve continuity between the exterior and the
aluminiu) [i orientånd mi[carea c`tre tubul vertical [i «nucleus» of the house, prolonging the external areas to
luminos al «atrium»-ului. the inside by maintaining the geometry and the material
Fa]ada ventilat` – a[ezat` pe trei laturi – permite (aluminum plates) and orienting the movement toward
simultan rezolvarea corect` a problemelor termice ale the vertical and luminous tube of the «atrium».
Sediu CFR Marf` Timi[oara


Sec]iune longitudinal` / Longitudinal Section

casei (prin stratul aerisit de vat` mineral`), precum [i The ventilated façade – positioned on three sides –
ob]inerea unui aspect personalizat al acesteia prin concurrently provides a correct solution to the thermal
textura lemnoas` a panourilor sintetice, \n contrast cu problems of the house (through the aired layer of mineral
aspectul metalic mat al c`ptu[elilor de goluri executate wool) and a customized air through the wooden texture of
din foi de aluminiu brut. Aspectul riguros al fa]adei synthetic panels, in contrast with the opaque metal
organizate vertical, cu placajul s`u lemnos dispus ritmic: appearance of the gap coverings, lined with sheets of rough
90/ 60/ 90/ 60 cm, \n corela]ie cu modularea interioar` aluminum. The rigorous appearance of the façade,
de 1,50m [i cu \mbin`rile sale elegante ofer` o imagine organized vertically, with its wooden plates arranged
contemporan` de calitate care contrasteaz` ne-ostentativ rhythmically, 90/ 60/ 90/ 60 cm, in correlation with the
cu mediul construit proxim. interior 1.50m modulation and with its elegant
Regimul de \n`l]ime este P+2, cota ±0.00 fiind stabilit` la connections, offers a contemporaneous quality image
52 cm deasupra terenului sistematizat. Cota la corni[` which delicately contrasts with the built environment in its
este la +12.30m. proximity.
Deoarece structura existent` nu are subsol, iar amplasarea The elevation regime is P+2, the ±0.00 quota being
instala]iilor tehnice voluminoase – central` termic`, established at 52 cm over the systematized plot. The cornice
chiller-ul instala]iei de climatizare, bazinul cu rezerva de quota is at +12.30m.
ap` pentru incendiu etc. – pe suprafa]a ultimului nivel al Since the existing structure does not have a basement, and
cl`dirii existente sau mai sus ar fi dus la m`suri placing the voluminous technical installations – heating
suplimentare de consolidare, s-a decis pozi]ionarea station, chiller of the air-conditioning system, the reserve
acestora \ntr-un Corp tehnic auxiliar, un mic pavilion water tank in the case of fire etc. – on the last level of the
aflat la limita de est a få[iei de teren mai late, situate \n existing building would have led to additional
partea de nord a propriet`]ii (6.80 X 4.10m). consolidation measures, it was decided that such should be
positioned in an Auxiliary Technical Unit, a small pavilion
Ioan Andreescu located to the East limit of the wider land strip located to
the North of the property (6.80 X 4.10m).

Ioan Andreescu
(Translation: Claudia Rada)

Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Ioan Andreescu, Arh. / Arch. Dan Munteanu Colaboratori /
Collaborators: Arh. / Arch. Francisc König, Arh. / Arch. C`t`lina Bocan, Arh. / Arch. Drago[
Bocan, Arh. / Arch. Oana Sårbu, Arh. / Arch. Marius Hår]a Beneficiar / Beneficiary: C`ile
Ferate Romåne / Romanian Rail Roads Loca]ie / Location: str. Gen. Dragalina, nr. 21,
Timi[oara Construc]ie / Construction: 2000 – 2008 Fotografii / Photographs: Ioan
Andreescu, Ovidiu Mic[a
Vlad Gaivoronschi

Pandora Boutique / Pandora Shop Locuin]` de vacan]`, Casa Bistriceanu / Bistriceanu House Casa Dr. Cioc / Dr. Cioc’s House
R`b`gani / Holiday
Villa, R`b`gani
Locuin]` familial`, Casa Sere Traian / Sere Traian House «City Business Centre» / Casa Po[a / Po[a House Hotel Savoy / Casa Ionescu /
zona C`ii Martirilor / City Business Centre Savoy Hotel Ionescu House
Family dwelling, C`ii
Martirilor District
Arhitecura, \mpreun` cu organizarea spa]iului la scar` Architecture together with the arrangement of space on an
urban` poate fi \n]eleas` ca «art` a locului». Nu putem urban scale can be understood as «art of the place». We
uita \ns` c` orice interven]ie \ntr-un sit, chiar [i una cannot forget that any intervention on a site, even a
atent`, disturb`, deranjeaz` o ordine deja existent`; careful one, intrudes, disturbs a pre-existent order;
interven]iile \n situri naturale apar]in \n bun` m`sur` interventions in natural sites pertain, in a vast proportion,
acestei categorii; la fel de bine se poate ameliora, repara o to this category; an unflattering situation can be improved,
situa]ie defavorabil`, aceasta fiind situa]ia siturilor fixed in the same way, this situation belonging to the
distruse, a celor f`r` caracter. Putem vorbi deci despre destroyed sites, to those lacking the character. So we can
ipostaze diferite ale sitului, \n ora[ sau \n natur`: acesta speak about different instances of the site, in the city or in
poate fi deja «un loc», se poate situa \ntre locuri sau poate nature: it can already be a «place», it can be placed
fi un «non-loc», un spa]iu rezidual. between places, it can be a «non-place» or a residual space.
Locul puternic presupune coeren]`, o atmosfer` specific`, A powerfull place means coherence, a specific, recognizable
recognoscibil`, caracterizat` de for]a expresiv` a mediului atmosphere, which resides in the power of expression
natural sau construit, cåt [i de natura intrinsec` a found in the natural or built environment, and also in the
lucrurilor, a materiei. A opera pe un sit cu asemenea inherent nature of things and matter. To operate on a site
caracteristici puternice ce-l definesc ca loc presupune un with such powerful characteristics which define it as place,
efort de ascultare [i de \n]elegere; locurile merit` a fi means making an effort to listen and understand; places
observate, analizate prin prisma genezei, istoriei si deserve to be observed, analyzed based on the genesis,
memoriei ce le caracterizeaz` [i se reg`sesc \n structurile history and memory which characterize them and can be
formale [i simbolice [i pot deveni stimuli puternici, found in the formal and symbolical structures and can
materie bogat` pentru proiectul viitor... become powerful stimulants, a rich material for the next
A construi durabil «pe p`månt sub cer» are \n mod cert project.
conota]ii multiple pentru locuire. O lectur` simbolic`, To build sustainable, «on earth under the sky» has by all
fenomenologic`, este important` pentru a \n]elege means multiple connotations for living.
valen]ele poetice ale gestului simplu, ale atmosferei A symbolic phenomenological reading is important for
bazice pe care, ca arhitect, ar trebui sa le oferim. Un understanding the poetic bonds of a simple gesture, of the
cuvånt cheie este probabil «t`cere»; arhitectura devine basic atmosphere that we, as architects, should offer.
«fenomenologie aplicat`», fiind atent` la valen]ele Probably a key word is «silence»; architecture becomes
existen]iale ale tr`irii spa]iului, este vorba despre un «applied phenomenology» taking notice of the existential
registru al «timpului calificat» ce ]ine de percep]ie, despre valences of living a space, its all about a register of
binomul permanen]`/schimbare, de senza]ii de o clip` ce «qualified time» which is linked with perception, about the
pot califica un \ntreg, de percep]ia subliminal` a unor duality permanence/change, about feelings of a second
rela]ii subtile... which can qualify a whole, about the subliminal perception
O lectur` cultural-istoric` are \n vedere pe de o parte of subtle relations…
«stratul vernacular», dialectele locale ce genereaz` A cultural-historical reading takes into account on one
caracterul de loc, pe de alt` parte valen]ele de limbaj ce hand «the vernacular layer», local dialects that generate
cap`t` caracterul de stil. the genius-loci and on the other hand the language choices
O lectur` armonic` pune \n eviden]` raportul complex which take the character of style.
dintre ritmurile locului [i cele ale omului; orientarea [i A harmonic reading, points out the complex proportion
caracteristicile numerelor cap`t` semnifica]ii noi, iar «a between local rhythms and those of a man; the orientation
pune la propor]ie» este mai mult decåt o op]iune estetic`; and the characteristic of numbers get new meanings, and
cuvintele cheie sunt fenomenele oscilatorii, emisiile de the action of «putting into proportion» is more than an
form`, orientarea spa]io-temporal` etc. O lectur` mai esthetic option, the key words are oscillating phenomena,
tehnic`, a[a cum o reg`sim [i \n Neufert, raporteaz` form emissions, time and place orientation, etc…
reguli clare, cunoscute, ale legilor ecologiei, mecanicii, A more technical reading, as the one we can find in
geologiei, geobiologiei, chimiei [i astro-fizicii, la procedee Neufert, relates clear, known rules of ecological,
de construire, alegere de materiale, alegeri ale locului de mechanical, geological, geobiological, chemistry and astro-
construc]ie func]ie de energiile telurice ale terenurilor, physics laws to the building techniques, the choice of
magnetism, re]eaua Hartmann etc. materials, of construction place based on the telluric
«Medicina habitatului» diferen]iaz` \n aceste condi]ii energies of the ground, magnetism, Hartmann network etc.
locurile bune de cele rele, materialele de construc]ie bune In this conditions «the medicine of the habitat»
fa]` de cele rele, amintindu-ne de tradi]ii locale sau differentiates the good places from the bad places, the good
extrem-orientale, pentru care locurile nu sunt spa]ii building materials from the bad ones, remembering us of
abstracte, ci noduri invizibile ale destinului. the local traditions or of those from the far east, for which
places are not abstract spaces but invisible notes of destiny.
Vlad Gaivoronschi
Despre «arta locului» Vlad Gaivoronschi
About «the Art of Place»
(Translation: Livia Ivanovici)
Discursul fenomenologic se refer` la o modalitate The phenomenological speech refers to a traditional way of
tradi]ional` de raportare a corpului la spa]iu, la dialectica reporting the body to space, to the dialectics of reverses and
contrariilor [i la \nsu[irea spa]iului prin asimilarea to the up taking of space by assimilating it to our own
acestuia propriului corp; spa]iul ra]ionalizat (al body; the rational space (of Renaissance) presumes this
Rena[terii) presupune acest criteriu al similitudinii criteria of similitude interposed using the geometric
mediat prin intermediul propor]iei geometrice, \n timp ce proportion, as in the same time the lived space of the
spa]iul tr`it al fenomenologicului apar]ine unui corp phenomenological pertains to an organic sensitive corpus
organic senzitiv ce se supune unor matrici psihologice which is placed under a series of physiological matrixes
specifice caracterului dual al spiritului uman. |n condi]iile characteristic to the dual character of the human spirit.
extinderii (dilat`rii) corporalit`]ii, a planului liber, a In the context of the expansions of corporality, of the free
flexibilit`]ii, etc. rela]ia elevat-\nr`d`cinat cap`t` plan, of flexibility etc., the bond between elevated and
valen]ele noi ale structurilor aeriene, desprinse de sol rooted receives the new possibilities of the aerial structures,
(high-tech), \n antitez` cu cele «grele», \nr`d`cinate (din lifted from the ground (high-tech) opposed to the «heavy»
beton aparent sau din piatr`); raportul pivni]`-pod se rooted ones (made of bare concrete or stone); the
dilueaz` [i este substituit de spa]iul oblic, dinamic, proportion cellar-attic is dissolving and is being replaced by
traseul de mi[care devenind mai important decåt cele the oblique, dynamic space, the itinerary of movement
dou` locuri opuse. |n momentul \n care modelul corporal, becoming more important than the two opposed places.
ra]ionalizat sau senzitiv este \nlocuit cu unul post-organic In the exact instant when the corporal, rational or sensitive
nongravita]ional, hibridizat, interfa]a instabil` \ntre ego model is beeing replaced with one which is post – organic,
[i lume, real [i imaginar, \ntre proiect [i realitate, hybrid, nongravitational – unstable interface between ego
valen]ele podului [i beciului se dizolv`. Arhitectura and the world, real and imaginary, project and reality – the
devine fluid`, dematerializat` [i mai ales dezr`d`cinat`... meanings of the attic and the cellar are dissolving.
Noul model nu mai este cel antropomorf, ci unul ce Architecture becomes fluid, dematerialized and above all
genereaz` arhitecturi nea[teptate, nem`surate [i uprooted…
viscerale, teritoriu hibrid \ntre real [i virtual, \ntre organic The new model is not the antropomorph one but one that
[i anorganic, \ntre digital [i genetic. Tradi]ionala poetic` a generates unexpected, huge and visceral architecture, a
pivni]ei [i podului face astfel loc unei noi forme hybrid territory between real and virtual, organic and
supermoderne de locuire \ntr-un mediu bio-virtual, lume anorganic, digital and genetic.
a unei alterit`]i infinite. The traditional poetics of cellar and attic thus make room
for a new super modern form of living in a bio-virtual
Vlad Gaivoronschi medium, a world of infinite alterity.
Din pivni]` pån` \n pod
Vlad Gaivoronschi
From the Cellar to the Attic
(Translation: Livia Ivanovici)

Pentru arhitec]ii contemporani dedica]i substan]ei, aten]i For the contemporary architects devoted to substance,
la dimensiuni senzitive complexe ale lucr`rilor lor, piatra attentive to the sensitive, complex dimensions of their
r`måne materie prim` a arhitecturii. Utilizarea nu doar ca works, the stone remains a prime material for architecture.
simple ve[minte decorative, inserarea creativ`, uneori Utilizing it not only as simple decorative robes, the creative
chiar paradoxal` a materiei pietroase, generånd insertion, sometimes even paradoxal, of the stone material,
caracterul [i atmosfera spa]iilor [i mizånd pe efecte generating the atmosphere and the character of spaces
complexe, de masificare [i stereotomie puternic` pe de o and counting on complex effects of masification and
parte, de dematerializare pån` la transluciditate pe de powerful stereotomy on one hand, of dematerialization till
alt` parte, iat` \n cåteva cuvinte caracteristici ale noii translucidity on the other hand, these are in a few words
vårste ale pietrei \n arhitectura actual`. |n m`sura \n care the characteristics of the new age of stone in contemporary
societatea actual` se exprim` printr-o arhitectur` din ce architecture.
\n ce mai mobil` [i mai efemer`, la fel cum, traiul nostru In the context of the contemporary society which expresses
\n mi[care din ce \n ce mai accentuat`, are nevoie de itself using an architecture more and more mobile and
«nodurile» de stabilitate conferite \n sånul locuirii, la fel, ephemeral, just like our living style which finds itself in a
este sterp s` ne rezum`m doar la materialele fabricate more and more accented movement, needs the «nodes» of
artificial. Cu har, inteligen]` [i pu]in` cultur` putem stability that can be found in the center of the living
\ncerca «s` eliber`m» piatra de uzuala sa asociere cu function, in the same way is poor to refer only to artificial
arhitectura oficial` a puterii (totalitar` sau mai nou a materials.
consumului). La fel, o putem elibera [i de un exces de With grace, intelligence and a little bit of culture we can try
rustic. Putem \ncerca [i altfel de explor`ri... «to release» the stone of its usual association with the
official architecture of power (totalitarist or in the recent
Vlad Gaivoronschi years of consumerism). In the same way we can free it of a
|ntre stereotomie [i textil` rustic abuse. We can try other ways of exploration…

Vlad Gaivoronschi
Between Stereotomy and Textile
(Translation: Livia Ivanovici)
Pandora Boutique


Fa]ad` principal` / Main Façade

Pandora Boutique
Pandora Shop

|n scurta perioad` scurs` din 1989 pana \n 1991, Strada During the short period elapsed from 1989 until present, Cluj
Cluj, leg`tur` important` a sudului ora[ului cu centrul a Street, an important route which connects the south of the
suferit o serie de transform`ri radicale. Dintr-un city with its centre, has radically changed. From a large,
bulevard larg, tipic reziden]ial, cu cl`diri interbelice typically residential boulevard, which sheltered inter-war
retrase fa]` de aliniament, Strada Cluj a devenit o arter` buildings receding from the street alignment, Cluj Street has
comercial` [i de servicii plin` de via]`, pe care casele turned into a bustling avenue, pumping with the life of daily
vechi se supraetajeaz` [i \[i trimit tentaculele trade and services, along which beautiful old houses,
\mbietoare c`tre trec`tori. climbing one on top of the other, are reaching out to the
Acestea sunt condi]iile \n care s-a n`scut mica passers-by.
construc]ie prezentat`. Clientul – o familie de tineri These are the circumstances under which our small
ingineri – a mai dorit \ns` ceva: a nu edifica pe terenul construction has taken shape. The client – a family of young
propriet`]ii lor, situat` strategic la intersec]ia Str`zii engineers – had a special wish: not to construct, on their plot
Cluj cu Strada 1 Decembrie, un chio[c. Chiar dac` le-ar fi of land strategically placed at the crossroads of Cluj Street
fost mult mai u[or, tinerii au preferat altceva, cu pre]ul with 1 Decembrie Street, a kiosk. Although it would have
unor eforturi sus]inute. been much easier for them, the young couple chose to do
Construc]ia prezentat` este o prim` etap` a unui something else, at the cost of steady efforts.
fenomen \n permanent` mi[care, cu care noi, ca The building presented by us is but the early materialization


arhitec]i, \ncerc`m s` ]inem pasul \n mod onorabil. of an overpowering phenomenon with which the architects
|ns`[i casa de col] a clientului va suferi o supraetajare are trying to cope honorably. The client’s corner house itself
\n viitor, devenind ori un sediu de firm`, ori un club, is about to witness the construction of upper floors in the
\ntr-o leg`tur` direct` cu construc]ia prezentat`. |n future and to become the headquarters of a firm or of a club,
aceste condi]ii, este de a[teptat ca, \n viitor, actuala in direct relation to the present structure. Under the
func]iune a acesteia – magazin [i snack-bar – s` sufere circumstances, it is estimated that its current function – of
modific`ri. Pån` \n aceast` faz` ea a suferit de shop and snack-bar – will suffer alterations. It has already
asemenea modific`ri din mers. Fiind ini]ial \n proiect suffered several alterations along the way; since the original
mai scund` [i mai scurt`, ea trebuia s` apar]in` organic project contemplated a shorter building, it should have been
gardului existent de c`r`mid` netencuit`, o completare organically confined within the existing fence, made of brick
re]inut` a acestuia tot din c`r`mid`, atåt la interior, cåt uncovered with plaster, and presenting a special touch: an
[i la exterior, avånd un accent – copertina –, gåndit` ca entrance cover designed like a green tray on an independent
o tav` \nverzit` pe o structur` metalic` independent`. metal structure. However, the client wanted travertine; such
Clientul dorind \ns` travertin, acesta a devenit material has therefore been consistently used, from the
Pandora Boutique


continuu, de la interior \nspre exterior, iar pila[trii indoor space to the outdoor one. The pilasters of the fence
gardului au fost \mbr`ca]i de asemenea \n travertin. have also been covered in travertine.
Mobilierul este executat \ntr-o leg`tur` organic` cu The furniture has been made in an organic relation with the
construc]ia, iar piesele mobile, \n special scaunele construction, and the mobile pieces, especially the ordinary
normale [i de bar, reiau \n mic motivul copertinei. and the bar chairs, re-iterate the motif of the entrance cover,
|ntr-un moment \n care kitsch-ul arhitectural este mai on a smaller scale.
prezent ca niciodat`, chiar [i pe Strada Cluj, avånd At a time when architectural kitsch is more present than
al`turi cåteva exemple, am optat pentru un design ever, even on Cluj Street, with a few examples right next to
interior [i exterior simplu [i modern. us, we have opted for a simple and modern design, both
indoors and outdoors.
Vlad Gaivoronschi
Text publicat anterior \n «Arhitext», nr. 1/1994 Vlad Gaivoronschi
The Text has been previously published in «Arhitext», no. 1/1994
(Translation: Claudia Rada)
Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi Antreprenor / General Contractor:
SCOREX S.R.L. Beneficiar / Beneficiary: PANDORA AZA S.R.L. (Poparad Adriana [i
Sorin) Loca]ie / Location: Str. Cluj Nr. 30, Timi[oara Construc]ie / Construction: 1991
– 1993 Fotografii / Photographs: Vlad Gaivoronschi


Casa Sere Traian

Sere Traian House

Situat` pe o parcel`, \ntr-o zon` reziden]ial` a ora[ului, Located on a land plot in a residential area of the city, this
aceast` locuin]` unifamilial` integreaz`, \n cadrul unei one-family dwelling integrates within a spatial, oblique,
dinamici spa]iale oblice, ascensionale, a nivelurilor ascending dynamics of displaced levels both its open, day
decalate, atåt zona sa diurn`, deschis` – camera de zi [i area-the living room and the dining-room developed on
sufrageria dezvoltate pe dou` niveluri decalate la two levels displaced at the half – and its more intimate,
jum`tate –, cåt [i cea intim`, nocturn` – cele trei nocturnal area-the three bedrooms also located on two
dormitoare amplasate de asemenea pe dou` niveluri displaced levels, together with the two superimposed
decalate, \mpreun` cu cele dou` b`i suprapuse, dintre bathrooms, one of which strictly corresponds to the couple
care una corespunde strict cuplului, iar cealalt` are un area, while the other is more accessible, including from the
caracter mai accesibil chiar [i din zona de zi. Zona day area. The semi-public day area also includes the access
diurn`, semi-public`, con]ine de asemenea holul de lobby, the kitchen and the heating station, connected to
acces, buc`t`ria [i centrala de \nc`lzire, legate de the two-car garage, which is lowered half-a level, being
garajul pentru dou` autoturisme, coboråt cu o jum`tate partly below the quota of the land plot. The cellar is the
Casa Sere Traian


Plan parter / Ground floor plan Plan etaj 1 / First floor plan Plan etaj 2 / Second floor plan


de nivel, par]ial sub cota terenului. Beciul este spa]iul «rooted» space, lowered by another half-level. Envisaged as
«\nr`d`cinat», coboråt cu \nc` jum`tate de nivel. Dorit` an alternative to the Banat Roma palaces, from a stylistic
ca o alternativ` la palatele rromilor b`n`]eni, din punct point of view we opted for a mild modernism, adequate to
de vedere stilistic am optat pentru un modernism Timi[oara[’s northern residential area, with relatively
temperat, potrivit zonei reziden]iale din nordul traditional tools. The major themes which generated this
Timi[oarei, cu mijloace relativ tradi]ionale. Temele work have been as follows:
majore care au generat aceast` lucrare au fost: – to occupy the Northern part of the land plot by an added
– ocuparea p`r]ii nordice a terenului cu un volum volume, almost linear, thus releasing as large a portion of
ad`ugit, aproape liniar, eliberånd astfel o suprafa]` sunlit land as possible on this relatively small, 700 sqm
cåt mai mare de teren \nsorit pe aceast` parcel` plot;
relativ limitat` – 700 mp; – to develop the house from the inside towards the outside,
– dezvoltarea casei dinspre interior c`tre exterior, \n in conditions of a spatial fluidity in plane and section,
condi]iile unei fluidit`]i spa]iale \n plan [i sec]iune, generated by the dynamics of displaced levels;
generat` de dinamica nivelurilor decalate; – to achieve transition areas on the inside and on the
Casa Sere Traian


Sec]iune transversal` / Cross section

– realizarea unor zone de tranzi]ie \ntre interior [i outside by means of intermediary spaces;
exterior prin spa]ii intermediare; – to the East, the access of both pedestrians and motor
– c`tre est, accesul atåt pietonal, cåt [i auto sunt vehicles is defined by subtraction:
definite prin substrac]ie: – to the South, the deep eaves-sun screen;
– c`tre sud strea[ina adånc`, parasolar; – to the West, the deep eaves;
– c`tre vest strea[ina adånc`; – achievement of a dialectics of rooting and ascendance, of
– realizarea unei dialectici a \nr`d`cin`rii [i permanence and mobility within the space and
ascenden]ei, movement inside the house.
a statorniciei [i mobilit`]ii \n cadrul spa]iului [i The dominant note represented by the large inclined plane
mi[c`rii din sånul casei. which integrates and «fosters» the majority of the spaces of
Dominanta marelui plan \nclinat care integreaz` [i sub the house contributes to the general dynamic character.
care se «cuib`resc» marea majoritate a spa]iilor casei It shelters the other two major components which define in
contribuie la caracterul dinamic general. fact the two centers: one, rooted, the other, dynamic,
Ea ad`poste[te celelalte dou` componente majore care namely the fire and the staircase. On the one hand there is


definesc de fapt cele dou` centre, unul \nr`d`cinat, the fixed landmark – the fire place, which is not positioned
cel`lalt dinamic, respectiv focul [i scara. Pe de o parte in the geometrical center, becoming a perspective center in
avem reperul fix, focul c`minului, ne-situat \n centrul the fluid interior of the house, noticeable from the gap
geometric, care devine cap de perspectiv` \n interiorul between the volumes of the bedrooms, even on the last
fluid al casei, perceput prin «strunga» dintre volumele landing of the staircase.
dormitoarelor, chiar [i de pe ultimul palier al sc`rii. On the other hand, there is the staircase, lit from the zenith
Pe de alt` parte, avem scara, luminat` zenital prin through the cut-out made in the inclined plane of the roof,
decupajul practicat \n planul \nclinat al acoperirii, located in the geometrical center which has become the
aflat` \n centrul geometric, devenind såmburele core of the entire dynamic spatial organization, defining
\ntregii organiz`ri spa]iale dinamice, definind the nature as «vertical being» of the house, going down
caracterul de «fiin]` vertical`» a casei, coborånd \n towards the dark space of the cellar, but especially going up
spa]iul \ntunecos al beciului, dar mai ales urcånd c`tre towards the light, to the intimate spaces sheltered under
lumin`, c`tre spa]iile intim cuib`rite sub acoperi[. the roof.

Vlad Gaivoronschi Vlad Gaivoronschi

Casa «vertical`» «Vertical» House
Text ap`rut ini]ial \n «Arhitext», nr. 11/1995 The text has been previously published in «Arhitext», no. 11/1995
(Translation: Claudia Rada)
Casa Sere Traian


Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi Loca]ie / Location:

Timi[oara Construc]ie / Construction: 1993- 1994 Fotografii /
Photographs: Vlad Gaivoronschi, Mihai Botescu


Casa Bistriceanu
Bistriceanu House

Tema nivelurilor decalate dezvoltate de-a lungul unei The theme of displaced levels developed along an
dinamicii spa]iale ascensionale este caracteristic` [i ascending spatial dynamics is also characteristic of this
acestui exemplu. Deosebirea fa]` de Casa Sere este aceea example. The difference from the Sere house resides in that
c` organizarea spa]iului nu se mai dezvolt` pe o vertical` the organization of the space no longer develops along an
oblic`, ci graviteaz` \n jurul centrului – pom sc`ldat \n oblique vertical, but rotates around a center-a tree
lumin`, pornind de la acest centru c`tre restul direc]iilor, immersed in light-and evolves from this center to the other
dinspre \n`untru \nspre afar`. directions, from the core to the margins.
Caracterul \nr`d`cinat al acestei mari reziden]e situate la The root-like character of this large residence located on
marginea sudic` a ora[ului, \n cadrul unei viitoare the Southern outskirts of the city, within a future land
lotiz`ri, este generat de «scufundarea» unor spa]ii parceling, is generated by the «sinking» of certain spaces –
deservite – sufrageria, al`turi de miezul \nverzit al casei, the dining room, next to the green heart of the house,
cu deschidere c`tre curtea englez`. opening to the English yard.
De asemenea, locul cu foc reprezint` un alt centru de Also, the fire place represents another center of interest,
interes, aflat \n camera de zi, scufundat cu trei trepte fa]` located, as it is, in the living room, and three steps below its
de cota + 0,00 a acesteia. + 0.00 quota.
Locurile \nr`d`cinate – mas` – miez verde [i loc cu foc – The rooted places-table, green core and fire place-define a
definesc o ax` est-vest preferen]ial` a acestei dezvolt`ri, preferential East-West axis of this development, which falls
perpendicular` pe axa de acces principal nord-sud. perpendicular on the main North-South access path.
Dinamica mi[c`rii \n cadrul spa]iului se \nf`[oar` pe The dynamics of the movement within the space unfolds
vertical` la jum`t`]i de niveluri \n jurul centrului. Accesul vertically per half levels around the center. The main access
principal se face printr-o zon` median`, la nivelul din is made through an area in the middle, which mainly
mijloc care ad`poste[te \n principal camera de zi care se shelters the living room, opening towards the South and
deschide c`tre sud [i vest, beneficiind de un adånc spa]iu the West and benefiting from a deep intermediate space
intermediar pe ambele laturi. on both sides.
Zona liminal` a accesului este definit` de un spa]iu The boundary access area is defined by an intermediary
intermediar substras [i de o gradare, din p`cate subtracted space and by a gradation, unfortunately
insuficient`, a c`ii de acces. insufficient, of the access way.
A fost urm`rit` o dialectic` a \nchiderii [i deschiderii A dialectics of opening and closing was pursued according
func]ie de direc]iile cardinale [i de vederile dinspre to the cardinal points and the views from the inside to the
\n`untru \nspre afar`. Opac` \nspre nord, casa se deschide outside. Opaque to the North, the house opens towards the
c`tre celelalte trei direc]ii: curte englez` \nverzit` c`tre other three directions: green English yard to the East, the
Casa Bistriceanu


est, bazinul care \nvele[te casa, \nspre sud [i vest. Apusul basin around the house to the South and the West. The
este marcat [i de sculptura care plute[te pe ap`, \nr`mat` sunset is also marked by the sculpture floating on the
[i ad`postit` de zidul care limiteaz` zona semipublic` de water, framed and sheltered by the wall which delimits the
nord, a cur]ii, de cea sudic`, privat`. public North area of the yard from the South, private one.
Jum`tatea de nivel superioar` din cadrul mi[c`rii The upper half-level of the structures revolving around the
\nf`[urate \n jurul centrului este un moment important center plays an important role in the dynamics of the
\n cadrul dinamicii spa]iului: pe de o parte deserve[te space: on the one hand, it serves the most private areas of
zonele cele mai private ale casei; pe de alt` parte ofer` o the house; on the other hand, it offers a privileged
percep]ie privilegiat` asupra spa]iului camerei de zi, dar perception of the living room space, but also of the outdoor
[i \nspre afar`, c`tre ap` [i, mai departe, c`tre linia space, of the water and farther away, towards the horizon
orizontului cåmpiei timi[ene la apusul soarelui. of the Timis plain at sunset.
Cele dou` momente importante ale zilei sunt astfel The two important times of the day are thus captured by
captate c`tre \n`untru: razele r`s`ritului reflectate \nspre the interior of the house: the rising sun’s rays are reflected
centrul \nverzit, razele apusului reflectate de ap` [i by the water and completed by the fire in the hearth.
completate de focul din vatr`. Just like in the case of the Sere house, a choice was made in
La fel ca [i \n cazul Casei Sere, din punct de vedere formal terms of form and composition for a conspicuously sloping
[i compozi]ional s-a optat pentru o puternic` dominant` roof along the longitudinal direction. In both cases, there is
a acoperirii \nclinate pe direc]ia longitudinal`. |n ambele a correspondence between the orientation of the oblique
cazuri exist` o coresponden]` \ntre orientarea oblicii [i line and the inner spatial organization, its main
organizarea spa]ial` interioar`, axa sa principal` compositional axis. If, in the case of the previous example,
compozi]ional`. Dac` \n exemplul amintit anterior the obliqueness of the space is strengthened by it, in this
oblicitatea spa]iului este \nt`rit` de aceasta, \n acest caz case, the roof acquires «thickness», becoming a container,
acoperi[ul cap`t` «grosime», el devenind un con]in`tor \n at its most consistent, of the most intimate space in the
zona sa mai consistent` a celui mai intim spa]iu al casei – house-a place of refuge and privacy.
loc al refugiului [i solitudinii.
Vlad Gaivoronschi
Vlad Gaivoronschi A House Rooted Around a Tree
O cas` \nr`d`cinat` \n jurul pomului The text has been previously published in
Text publicat ini]ial \n revista «de arhitectur`», nr. 3/ 2001 «de arhitectur`» magazine, no. 3/ 2001
(Translation: Claudia Rada)
Plan de situa]ie / Site plan
Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi Colaborator / Collaborator: Arh. / Arch.
Carmen Calance Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara Construc]ie / Construction: 1996- 2000
Fotografii / Photographs: Arpad Zachi, Vlad Gaivoronschi, Octavian Topai


Plan parter / Ground floor plan Plan etaj / Floor pland

Casa Bistriceanu


Sec]iune transversal` / Cross section


Casa Bistriceanu

Casa Dr. Cioc
Dr. Cioc’s House

Solicit`rile din partea clientului \n privin]a acestei mari The client requested, with respect to this large dwelling, a
locuin]e au fost acelea a unei arhitecturi moderne, modern, abstract architectural structure, put in a
abstracte, puse \ntr-o rela]ie cu apa, existånd la un relationship with water. The client himself drafted, at some
moment dat chiar schi]e f`cute de client ale unei case pe point, several sketches of a house on water, compact,
ap`, compact`, centralizat`, precum o insul`. |n acela[i focused on itself as if it were on an island. At the same
timp, parcela de col], de form` relativ p`trat`, aflat` \ntr- time, the corner plot, relatively square in form, implied the
o zon` reziden]ial` \n sudul Timi[oarei, presupunea preservation of certain alignments, of a certain elevation,
p`strarea unor aliniamente, regim de \n`l]ime etc. etc. The first sketches interpreted both the relation with the
Primele variante schi]ate au interpretat atåt tema rela]iei water and the necessity to define an intimate space of the
cu apa, cåt [i necesitatea definirii unui spa]iu intim al back yard (to the North) in opposition to the semi-public
cur]ii din spate (dinspre nord), \n opozi]ie cu spa]iul area of access from the South.
semipublic de acces dinspre sud. A house with two nuclei resulted in the end, which:
A rezultat \n final o cas` binuclear` ce: – simulates its location on water like a bridge over an
– simuleaz` a[ezarea sa pe ap` precum o punte peste un «aquatic carpet»; the latter is formed of two parts: the
«covor acvatic»; acesta este alc`tuit din dou` p`r]i: shallow basin over which another bridge unfolds, namely
bazinul pu]in adånc peste care se desf`[oar` o alt` the access bridge, and the swimming-pool at the back of
punte, cea de acces, [i piscina din spate; the house;
Casa Dr. Cioc


– protejeaz`, prin limitarea pe dou` laturi, un spa]iu intim – protects, by delimiting borders on two sides, an intimate
ce ad`poste[te terasa, piscina [i zona verde de gr`din` space which shelters the terrace, the pool and the green
privat`; area of the private garden;
– define[te o serie de locuri \n sånul s`u, centre, spa]ii ale – defines several places inside, several centers, spaces of rest
repaosului [i intimit`]ii articulate [i \nl`n]uite dinamic and intimacy dynamically articulated and chained by
prin intermediul zonelor de tranzi]ie, a sc`rilor [i means of the transition areas, of the staircases and
pun]ilor; focul este g`zduit chiar \ntr-o zon` de limit` [i bridges. The fire itself is hosted in such a limit and
tranzi]ie \ntre living [i sufragerie, devenind centru [i transition area, between the living and the dining-room,
poart` totodat`, dialectica afar`-\n`untru este becoming a center and a gate at the same time. The
materializat` \n zona articula]iei \ntre cele dou` corpuri inside-outside dialectics is materialized in the area of
ale casei prin puntea acoperit` de copertina \n consol`; articulation of the two parts of the house through the
raportul public-privat \n cadrul spa]iului interior este footbridge covered by the cantilever roof; the public-
nuan]at de cele dou` sc`ri interioare; una este mai private relationship inside the house is nuanced by the
public` [i important`, cu podest intermediar, avånd un two staircases: one is public and more important, with
aer ceremonial [i urcånd la camera de oaspe]i [i la micul intermediary landing, having a ceremonial air and going
apartament destinat copilului; cealalt` este iute [i up to the guest room and to the small apartment meant
intim`, deservind strict zona cuplului; \ntre cele dou` for the child; the other is lively and intimate, strictly


Schi]e concept / Concept Sketches

Casa Dr. Cioc


zone de la etaj leg`tura se materializeaz` prin puntea serving the area meant for the couple. The connection
pasarel` care str`bate holul de primire; dialectica between the two upper floor areas is achieved by a
aproape-departe este cea care este mediat` aici \ntre corridor crossing the entrance lobby; the dialectics far-
zona cuplului [i zona copilului, prin intermediul pun]ii away is mediated here, in the couple and the child areas,
care separ` [i totu[i apropie. by the footbridge which separates and brings together at
Un anume caracter ceremonial al acestei mari reziden]e, the same time.
\n cadrul c`reia materialitatea [i sonoritatea spa]iului A certain ceremonial nature of this large residence, within
public – fluid de la cota + 0,00 este \n contrast cu cea which the materiality and sonority of the public space –
intim` de la etaj, este accentuat de promenada care poate fluid from the + 0.00 quota – contrasts with the intimacy
fi realizat` \n cadrul spa]iului utilizånd ambele sc`ri. of the upper floor is emphasized by a possible promenade
|n cadrul acesteia, puntea care leag` genera]iile devine within the space, by walking along both staircases. The
totodat` «locul \nalt» \n raport cu zona liminal` a bridge connecting the generations also becomes the «high
accesului. spot» in relation to the access area.
Menit` a acomoda traiul \n comun a trei genera]ii (la Meant to accommodate the common living of three
parter, pe lång` un birou existånd [i \nc` dou` generations (on the ground floor, in addition to the office,
dormitoare pentru bunici), marea vil` poate fi cu u[urin]` there also are two bedrooms for the grandparents), the
reconvertit` \ntr-o pensiune, sediu de firm` sau large villa may be easily converted into a pension house, a
restaurant. Aceasta este una din problemele tipice care company headquarters or a restaurant. This is one of the
apar \n aceast` perioad` de trecere de la familia typical problems which arise in this transition period from
tradi]ional` la cea modern`, aceea de a face case care pot the traditional to the modern family: that of building
rezista cu u[urin]` tranzi]iei. De aici structura scheletal`, houses that can resist the transition. This results in a
precum [i un limbaj arhitectural mai oficial. skeleton-like structure and a more formal architectural
Vlad Gaivoronschi
Casa ca punte [i limit` Vlad Gaivoronschi
Text publicat ini]ial \n «Arhitext», nr. 11/2001 The House as Bridge and Limit
The text has been previously published in «Arhitext», no. 11/2001
(Translation: Claudia Rada)


Plan etaj / Floor plan

Plan parter / Ground floor plan

Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi Colaborator / Collaborator: Arh. /

Arch. Carmen Calance Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara Construc]ie / Construction:
1996- 2000 Fotografii / Photographs: Vlad Gaivoronschi, Octavian Topai
Casa Ionescu
Ionescu House

Aceast` lucrare amplasat` \n marginea Timi[oarei, \ntr-o This building, located on the outskirts of Timi[oara, in a
viitoare zon` reziden]ial`, a constituit un exerci]iu future residential area, represented a peculiar exercise.
aparte. The project was envisaged as a work of interior and exterior
Proiectul a fost unul de amenajare exterioar` [i refurbishment of a brick structure, resulting from a
interioar` a unei lucr`ri aflate \n stadiu de «ro[u», rod al construction work undertaken on a contract basis subject to
unui proiect de antrepriz` bazat pe anumite cerin]e several strict requirements made by the client (a square
exprese solicitate de client (atrium p`trat descoperit \n unroofed atrium in the middle of a house equally square in
mijlocul unei case de asemenea p`trate, cu un garaj shape, with an added garage and an upper floor meant for
ad`ugat [i cu etajul par]ial, destinat copiilor sau/[i the children and/or guests, which provided access to the
oaspetelui, c`tre terasa circulabil`). passable terrace).
Interven]ia desf`[urat` atåt \n exterior (finisaje The interventions, which took place both on the exterior of
exterioare, gard, amenajare curte, gr`din`, piscin` etc.), the house (exterior finishing, fence, arrangement of the yard,
cåt [i \n interior ([emineu, atrium, scar` interioar`, swimming pool etc.) and on the interior (fire place, atrium,
finisaje, tavan, lumini etc.) s-a bazat pe poten]area staircase, finishing works, ceiling, lights etc.) relied on an
dialecticii interior-exterior [i inversiunea acesteia, amplification of the indoor-outdoor dialectics and on its
dublat` de dialectica texturilor [i culorilor. A rezultat, pe reversion, doubled by a dialectics of textures and colors. This
de o parte, accentuarea miezului atriumului, care s-a resulted, on the one hand, in emphasizing the core of the
transformat \ntr-o mic` gr`din` interioar` luminat` atrium, which turned into a small inner garden, lit from the
Casa Ionescu


Plan de situa]ie / Site Plan

zenital, pe de alt` parte \nt`rirea limitelor atåt a \ntregii zenith, and on the other hand, in consolidating the limits of
propriet`]i, cåt [i a casei propriu-zise. the property, as well as of the house itself.
«Something roughly in the middle», cel de-al 126-lea «Something roughly in the middle», Alexander’s 126th
pattern al lui Alexander, devine astfel «a garden under pattern, becomes thus «a garden under light in the middle», a
light in the middle», leg`tur` cu p`måntul [i cu lumina link with the ground and with the natural light of the inner
natural` a spa]iului interior al casei. space of the house.
Avånd \n vedere imposibilitatea de a genera de la bun Considering the aprioristic impossibility to generate the
\nceput spa]iile acestei case pe baza unui sistem de spaces of this house on the basis of an adequate system of
propor]ionare [i de compozi]ie corespunz`tor, s-a optat proportions and composition, radical procedures were
pentru procedee radicale, menite a conferi poetic` [i preferred, meant to lend poetic air and specific atmosphere to
atmosfer` locuirii. Al`turi de miezul viu al solului u[or the place. Next to the lively core of the slightly sunk ground,
scufundat, \nt`rirea limitelor a presupus op]iunea the consolidation of the limits implied the same option for
pentru aceea[i piatr` rugoas` ({anovi]a – jud. Timi[) la the same rough stone ({anovi]a – Timi[ County) used for the
gard, dar mai ales «anveloparea» cu aceasta a parterului fence, and particularly the wrapping of the entire house in it.
\ntregii case. Cele dou` limite concentrice succesive [i Once one has crossed the two concentric, successive rocky
pietroase, o dat` dep`[ite, ofer` o surpriz` prin limits, a surprise is offered to one’s eyes, in the form of a lively,
descoperirea miezului viu, luminos [i verde la interior. luminous and green inner core.
Sunt puse \n antitez` cele dou` stadii ale pietrei, Two sides of the stone are placed in an antithesis: a mono-


Plan parter / Ground floor plan

monomaterial, rugos, s`lbatic [i protectiv la exterior, material, rugged, wild and protective side on the exterior, a
material lucios la interior (granit italian, pe cei patru shiny side on the interior (Italian granite on the four pillars
stålpi care str`juiesc gr`dina, pe prima jum`tate de framing the garden, on the first half of the cantilever
scar` interioar` \n consol` [i pe [emineu). Acestea – staircase and on the fire place). These, the fire, the garden and
focul, gr`dina [i scara – constituie de fapt cele trei the staircase form in fact the three strong elements which
elemente tari care organizeaz` interiorul [i dinamica sa organize the interior of the house and its spatial dynamics.
spa]ial`. Scara interioar`, urcånd c`tre lumin`, confer` The staircase mounting towards the light confers quality to
calitate percep]iei dinamice a spa]iului. the dynamic perception of the space.
Aceea[i materialitate [i culoare a lemnului se reg`se[te The same materiality and color of the wood may be found on
[i la exterior, [i la interior: anvelopa etajului par]ial, the exterior and on the interior: the wrapping of the partial
materialitatea obloanelor la exterior, \nr`marea gr`dinii floor, the materiality of the shutters on the interior, the
atrium, u[ile, blatul [emineului, al doilea rånd de trepte framing of the garden, the doors, the smooth portion of the
ale sc`rii, grinzile tavanului la interior, precum [i fire place, the second flight of stairs of the staircase, the
majoritatea elementelor care alc`tuiesc pavilionul beams of the ceiling on the inside, and most of the elements
exterior barbecue. forming the exterior pavilion for barbecue.
Piesa principal` a interven]iei r`måne careul de lumin` The main piece of the intervention remains the square of
din centru peste covorul de verdea]`. Acesta este orbitor light in the center over the green carpet. It is blinding in the
la amiaz`, stins pe timp noros, violaceu la apusul afternoon, dull in cloudy weather, purple at sunset, dark blue
soarelui, albastru-mov pe \nserat. Careul verde, la and violet at dusk. The green square, in its turn, a flat carpet
råndul s`u, covor plat la \nceput, a c`p`tat \n momentul at the beginning, has now acquired some consistence. The
de fa]` relief. Caracterul relativ opac al parterului [i relative opaqueness of the ground floor and of the low ceiling
\n`l]imea joas` a tavanului genereaz` \n jurul generates a zone of obscurity and intimacy around the
atriumului dezvoltat pe \n`l]ime o zon` de penumbr`, atrium developed along its elevation.
de intimitate. The barbecue pavilion and the swimming-pool have
Casa Ionescu


Fa]ad` principal` / Main facade

Pavilionul barbecue [i piscina au reprezentat actul final represented the final act of the works, as part of the works for
al interven]iei, fiind amenajat de fapt \ntregul spa]iu de refurbishing the entire garden space around the house. The
gradin` din jurul casei. Covorul acvatic a devenit un aquatic carpet has become an important element, the
element important, suprafa]a orizontal` de oglind` horizontal mirror surface starting from beneath the offset
pornind de sub placa de teras` \n consola din dreptul piece of the terrace opposite the living-room and stopping
camerei de zi [i oprindu-se sub pavilionul «cu foc». beneath the «fire» pavilion. Their juxtaposition enabled a
Juxtapunåndu-le, s-a ivit ocazia de a transforma banalul transformation of the ordinary barbecue into a fire pavilion
barbecue \ntr-un pavilion al focului plutind pe ap`. floating on water.
|n concluzie, for]a substan]ei celor dou` limit`ri To conclude, the force of the substance of the two successive
succesive, \mpreun` cu magia luminii [i a gr`dinii din limitations coupled with the magic of the light and of the
miezul viu al casei compenseaz` absen]a «figurilor de garden placed at the living core of the house, compensate for
stil». O dialectic` mai subtil` este de asemenea the absence of «metaphors». A more subtle dialectics is also
prezent`: pe de o parte perenitatea [i statornicia zidului, present: on the one hand, the durableness and permanence of
pe de alt` parte dina-mismul, caracterul schimb`tor, the wall, on the other hand, the dynamic, changing nature
propriu ciclului zi-noapte, prezent \n mijlocul casei, specific to the day-night cycle, present in the middle of the
dublat de dinamica proprie vie]ii plantelor. house and doubled by the specific dynamic of plant life.

Vlad Gaivoronschi Vlad Gaivoronschi

|ntre såmbure [i coaj` Between kernel and shell
Text ap`rut ini]ial \n «Arhitext», nr. 2/2002 The text has been previously published in «Arhitext», no. 2/2002
(Translation: Claudia Rada)

Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara Construc]ie
/ Construction: 1999 – 2000 Fotografii / Photographs: Vlad Gaivoronschi, Octavian Topai


Plan de situa]ie / Site plan

Hotel Savoy
Savoy Hotel

Coinciden]a face ca, \n timp ce la Bucure[ti, la finele lui By way of coincidence, when in the exhibition room of
2005, se vernisau expozi]ii \n holul Universit`]ii Ion Mincu Ion Mincu University there was an opening of an
dedicate perioadei interbelice bucure[tene (fotografii de exhibition on Bucharest interwar period (with period
epoc`, de familie, al`turate celor de arhitectur`), la family photographs juxtaposed to architectural ones) in
Timi[oara s-a inaugurat un hotel care a pus \n valoare o Timi[oara we inaugurated a hotel that enhanced an
«veche» cl`dire interbelic`. «old» interwar building. The major themes of Timi[oara’s
Temele principale referitoare la patrimoniu, pentru heritage are the baroque fortress and the Secession
Timi[oara, sunt cetatea baroc` sau cartierele Secession. neighborhoods. They are compact zones we identify with.
Acestea constituie zone compacte, avånd un caracter [i o Interwar architecture, also present, develops in porous,
atmosfer` cu care ne identific`m. interstitial spaces, being stylistically different, from late
Arhitectura interbelic` se dezvolt` \n zone poroase, \n Budapest School of Arts and Crafts type or Amsterdam
intersti]ii, manifeståndu-se stilistic diferen]iat, de la ecourile School, to Duiliu Marcu’s middle stage, and finally, rare
tårzii ale [colii budapestane (cu influen]e de tip Arts and cases of cubist architecture of various sort (Rafiroiu, etc).
Crafts sau [coala de la Amsterdam), trecånd prin perioada Out of the few example of the latter kind, we can
intermediar` specific` operei lui Duiliu Marcu [i mergånd mention architect Purcariu’s house on the Bega
pån` la cele foarte rare cubiste, de diferite nuan]e (Rafiroiu, Embankment, close to «Corso» and the Cathedral. Being
etc.). Printre pu]inele exemple din aceast` ultim` categorie the town’s architect in the interwar period, Mr. Purcariu
este casa arhitectului Purcariu de pe Splaiul Beg`i, \n designed an apartment building for rent, and inhabited
imediata vecin`tate a centrului «Corso» [i Catedralei. one of the apartments on the tall ground floor. As high-
Arhitect al ora[ului \n perioada interbelic`, dl. Purcariu a school pupil and then as student, while walking along
construit imobilul de apartamente pentru \nchiriere, the embankment and Flora area, a traditional meeting
rezervåndu-[i la parterul \nalt apartamentul s`u personal. place of the 1970s generation, I appreciated this cubist
Ca elev [i student parcurgånd mereu splaiul [i zona Flora, building with art-deco accents, as well the one adjacent
loc tradi]ional al \ntålnirii tinerei genera]ii \n anii ’70, am to it, completely ruined in 2005 by the «creative fury» of
Hotel Savoy


apreciat \n mod deosebit acest imobil cubist cu nuan]e art- one of its dwellers, an entrepreneur.
deco, precum [i cel de al`turi, masacrat din p`cate tot \n The conversion of Purcariu building (1934), into a hotel
anul 2005 de «furia» creatoare a unui locatar antreprenor. was a great opportunity to rescue this building, while
Amenajarea ca hotel a Casei Purcariu, edificat` de acesta \n preserving and emphasizing, with slight alterations, the
1934, a fost un prilej pentru a salva aceast` cl`dire, style; what is more, we could create an atmosphere that
p`stråndu-i [i accentuåndu-i, cu mici modific`ri, stilul; mai would recall the interwar bourgeoisie, to which architect
mult, a fost o ocazie pentru a crea \n interior o atmosfer` Purcariu belonged to.
care s` aminteasc` de burghezia interbelic` timi[orean`, The project and execution were carried out in five years;
c`reia [i arh. Purcariu \i apar]inea. as it was the change of name from Athenée into Savoy,
Proiectul [i execu]ia s-au desf`[urat pe o perioad` de 5 ani; so it was the investor’s identity that brought along
precum metamorfozarea numelui din Athenée \n Savoy, la alterations and developments in the project, especially
fel s-a petrecut [i cu identitatea investitorului, aducånd during the last three years. However, the overall strategy
dup` sine modific`ri [i amplific`ri ale proiectului, mai ales remained the same, consisting of the old wing of the
\n ultimii trei ani. Strategia, \n mare, a r`mas aceea[i de la building articulated via an «atrium» hallway to a new
\nceput, aceea a corpului cl`dirii vechi, articulat` prin wing in the back of the parcel. Here are the major
intermediul unui hol «atrium» cu un corp nou \n partea din structural and functional problems pertaining the
spate a parcelei. Problemele majore din punct de vedere conversion of an eight apartment building into a
structural [i func]ional pentru a putea transforma un imobil profitable 4 star hotel:
de opt apartamente \n hotel de 4 stele rentabil au fost dup` a) the consolidation of the interwar house considering
cum urmeaz`: – the space flow and its liberation of the tectonic elements
a) consolidarea casei interbelice, \n condi]iile: of the tall ground floor and basement, where public areas
– fluidiz`rii spa]iului [i eliber`rii sale cåt mai mult posibil de were arranged (hall, bar, reception desk, restaurant);
elemente tectonice la parterul \nalt [i subsol, acolo unde – densification with partition walls between hotel rooms
s-au amenajat zonele publice (hol, bar, recep]ie, restaurant); on the 1, 2, 3 floors;
Fa]ad` / Façade

– densific`rii cu pere]i desp`r]itori \ntre camerele de hotel – the building of an extra light floor, a penthouse
de la nivelurile 1, 2, 3; overlooking the embankment and the cathedral;
– supraetaj`rii cu o structur` u[oar`, generånd un – complying with the anti-earthquake standards and
penthouse deschis c`tre splai [i catedral`; norms, specific to the hotel program, far more strict
– \ncadr`rii \n standardele [i normele de calcul antiseismic than in case of houses; thus, we introduced 8 cm thick
specifice programului de hotel, mai severe decåt cele ceramic ceilings that turned into casings, the chimney
pentru locuin]`; \n aceste condi]ii, plan[eele din corpuri stacks were filled in with concrete and became rigid
ceramice de 8 cm grosime au devenit cofraje pierdute, bodies, the longitudinal wall, the backbone of the
co[urile de fum au devenit elemente rigide umplute cu house, was consolidated, etc.
beton, zidul longitudinal, coloan` vertebral` a casei a fost b) the conversion ob both the extant house and the
consolidat etc. entire lot so as to house a certain number of rooms and
Fa]ade / Façades

b) transformarea atåt a casei existente cåt [i a \ntregii the additional services to cover the investment; thus:
parcele, astfel \ncåt s` poat` ad`posti un num`r de camere – we rearranged the entire parcel of 1,300 sq m vertically;
[i restul serviciilor specifice, \ncåt s` poate fi amortizat` given the ±0.00 to 1.50 level as to the pavement level,
investi]ia; \n aceste condi]ii: that we preserved in the atrium and the new wing, the
– a fost resistematizat` pe vertical` \ntreaga parcel` de courtyard level was lowered to allow a sunken area to
peste 1300 mp; \n condi]iile cotei ±0,00 la 1,50 fa]` de cota accommodate the parking lot under the new wing on
trotuarului, p`strat` continu` [i \n holul atrium [i la corpul pilotis to ensure access to the atrium;
nou \n spate, curtea a fost coboråt` astfel \ncåt s` permit` – the front access to the street was solved through a
amenajarea unei zone scufundate, \n principal pentru couple of stairs covered by a canopy, guiding the
acomodarea unor locuri de parcare sub corpul nou pe pilo]i tourists from the access to the reception desk,
[i pentru accesul de la aceast` cot` \n holul atrium; restaurant, and the rooms; the movement is axial, to


Plan \nvelitoare / Roof plan

Plan etaj 1 / First floor plan

Plan parter / Ground floor plan

Plan demisol / Semi-basement plan



– a fost rezolvat accesul principal dinspre strad` prin the depth of the ensemble; on both sides there are an
apari]ia unui pachet de trepte acoperite cu copertin` [i access hall, the bar with an adjacent large space, the
direc]ionarea unui parcurs logic al turi[tilor dinspre acces reception desk, the atrium with the main staircase and
c`tre recep]ie, restaurant [i camerele de cazare; mi[carea the panoramic elevator with access to all rooms,
este axial`, \n profunzimea ansamblului; pe acest traseu se restaurant, and parking lot;
reg`sesc, de o parte [i de alta o zon` de hol de acces, barul – solutions were found for the necessary utility spaces,
cu un spa]iu larg aferent, recep]ia cu zona sa pe hol, holul such as the thermal unit and the kitchen with their
atrium cu scara principal` [i liftul panoramic, de unde se annexes, located in the semi-basement of the old
accede la toate camerele sau/[i se coboar` \n restaurant house; offices were added in both the old and the new
sau la parcare; wings;
– au fost rezolvate spa]ii de serviciu obligatorii, cum ar fi – a new hierarchy was established on the vertical
centrala termic` sau buc`t`ria cu toate anexele \ntr-o circulations, the staircase of the old building being used
parte a demisolului casei vechi, oficii de nivel atåt \n corpul as service staircase connecting the kitchen and the rest
existent, cåt [i \n cel nou; of the floors, while the main staircase and the
– au fost ierarhizate circula]iile verticale, scara din corpul panoramic elevator are in the atrium, which is the hub
vechi devenind scar` de serviciu ce face leg`tura dintre of the whole ensemble;
buc`t`rie [i restul nivelelor, iar scara principal` [i liftul – 55 accommodation spaces were arranged, out of which
panoramic fiind amplasate \n atrium, care astfel devine 12 single rooms and 3 apartments, of which two are
miezul \ntregului ansamblu; placed in each of the two penthouses; the latter are
– s-a ob]inut un num`r de 55 de unit`]i de cazare, dintre rated as 5 star spaces;
care 12 single [i 3 apartamente, dintre care dou`, situate \n c) our goals concerning the atmosphere and style focused
fiecare dintre cele dou` etaje tip pent-house, sunt foarte on:
generoase, fiind practic de 5 stele; – the enhancement of the interwar house as to the
c) scopurile urm`rite din punctul de vedere al atmosferei [i townscape through its finishing, color, entrance and
stilului au avut \n vedere: cantilevered canopy design, the signal and lighting
– punerea \n valoare a casei interbelice, la scara ora[ului, systems during the night, etc; we took into account the
prin particularizarea ei ca finisare, culoare, design al existing building belonging to a front of ground floor +
intr`rii [i copertinei \n consol`, signalecticii, lumin`rii pe 3 upper story houses and trees that both define the
timp de noapte etc.; s-a avut \n vedere apartenen]a cl`dirii street character and T. Vladimirescu Embankment;
Hotel Savoy


Sec]iune transversal` / Cross section



existente la un front ritmat succesiv de case de max P+3 [i thus, we saved the linden trees of the front, although
copaci ce definesc \mpreun` caracterul str`zii [i splaiului T. they somehow make the car access difficult; the
Vladimirescu; \n aceste condi]ii, teii din fa]a cl`dirii au fost penthouse is withdrawn, so it can be only seen from
menaja]i, chiar dac` \ntr-o anumit` m`sur` inoportuneaz` afar; moreover the buildings is singled out as an
accesul auto al taximetrelor, iar nivelul penthouse este interwar building through the style and colors of the
\ntr-o retragere suficient` pentru a nu fi perceput decåt de additional wings; the penthouse is of aluminum, the
departe; o dat` \n plus, cl`direa existent` este atrium is a glazed, high-tech, dematerialized space, the
particularizat` [i prin diferen]ierea stilistic`, de parapets of glass, the handrail of wood balusters; the
materialitate [i culoare a corpurilor ad`ugate; accommodation space is different as style and color
penthouse-ul este \n aluminiu complet, holul atrium este from the interwar house, being a sort of backdrop;
complet vitrat, high-tech, dematerializat, structur` u[oar` (initially, this wing was imagined as «huge furniture»
din metal, parape]i din sticl`, mån` curent` din balu[tii with ventilated max façade or wooden panels; now, it is
lemn; corpul de cazare nou este diferit stilistic [i coloristic more like an atrium – some of the wing details being
de casa interbelic`, se constituie oarecum un fundal al present in the façade (the glass parapets of the French
acesteia; (ini]ial, acest corp a fost imaginat ca «o mobil` windows). Even if the wings are almost didactically
uria[`» cu fa]ad` ventilat` de tip max sau panouri de articulated along the vertical, they retain the
lemn); acum se apropie mai mult de atrium, anumite traditional tripartite rule of the articulation starting
detalii din interiorul holului reg`sindu-se pe fa]ada cl`dirii from the base course, body, and roof, and some
(parape]ii de sticl` la ferestrele «fran]uze[ti»); chiar dac` horizontal layers can be found in both wings, that is, in
pe orizontal` corpurile se articuleaz` aproape «didactic», the base course of the old house made of grey «baumit»
pe vertical` ele p`streaz` regula tradi]ional` tripartit`, a is almost similar to the articulated «base course» of the
articula]iei soclu, corp [i acoperi[, iar anumite «straturi» new building from the rear, displaying round piers
orizontale se reg`sesc la ambele corpuri, respectiv soclul sheathed in grey aluminum; the very same grey is
casei vechi \n «baumit» gri se apropie de «soclul» articulat present all over the atrium in the metal finishing; the
al cl`dirii noi din spate, respectiv stålpii rotunzi \mbr`ca]i upper layer of the penthouse, both in the old and new
\n aluminiu gri; acela[i gri apare \n tot atriumul \n ceea ce wing, is also grey. The articulation and its
prive[te finisajul elementelor de metal; stratul superior al fragmentariness are thus balanced through the
penthouse-ului este, de asemenea, atåt \n zona veche, cåt unifying layers of the ensemble;
[i \n cea nou`, \n aluminiu gri; articula]ia, discontinuitatea – the interior atmosphere of the old wing has a theme of
este echilibrat` astfel prin straturi ce unific` ansamblul; «retro» character; the hall area at ± 0.00, the bar, and
– atmosfera interioar` \n corpul vechi are o tem`, expus` the reception desk are arranged in the architect’s
anterior, u[or «retro»; zona de hol la cota ±0,00, barul, former apartment and take over Loos’s two lines of
recep]ia amenajate \n vechiul apartament al arh. Purcariu influence, defining a secondary axis perpendicular to
preiau cele dou` cercuri de influen]` Loos ce definesc un ax the longitudinal one; the finishing is paneling and
secundar de compozi]ie perpendicular pe cel major wooden carpentry (meranti) in windows, green granite
Hotel Savoy


longitudinal; finisajele sunt lambriu [i tåmpl`rie de lemn of Brazil extending to the exterior on the access steps as
la ferestre din lemn de «meranti», granit verde de Brazilia, a precious carpet, and then on the semicircular terrace
care expandeaz` [i la exterior, pe treptele de acces, precum of the existing building, and in the footbridges of the
un covor pre]ios pe treptele de acces, pe terasa atrium; both the reception niche and that of the bar
semicircular` a cl`dirii existente [i pe sc`rile [i pasarelele were always there, they are not distinct objects.
din holul atrium; atåt pultul recep]iei, cåt [i cel al barului Moreover, the ceiling defines a partial axis within the
apar]in locului, nu sunt obiecte distincte; tavanul, de hall; together with Silviu Or`vi]an’s painting, it
asemenea, define[te un ax par]ial \n cadrul holului, dominates the old space atmosphere; that is enhanced
alc`tuind, \mpreun` cu pictura lui Silviu Or`vi]an, o by the eight exotic «presences», Vlad Ardeleanu’s
dominant` de atmosfer` ce caracterizeaz` \ntregul spa]iu paintings, portraits in the interwar style of some
din corpul vechi; la aceasta se adaug` cele opt «prezen]e» evocative characters. As in other projects, the sound
exotice, picturi verticale ale lui Vlad Ardelean, portrete \n ambience is essential; besides the thermal, visual, etc.
stilul picturii interbelice ale unor personaje ce au for]a installations of the ensemble, the loudspeaker network
amintirii. Precum \n alte proiecte, ambientul sonor este generates all sorts of music, from «be-bop» to
esen]ial; al`turi de restul instala]iilor ce definesc confortul Romanian interwar singers that complete the devised
termic, vizual etc. al ansamblului, re]eaua de difuzoare strategy. In the semi-basement, the restaurant shows a
genereaz` o serie de teme retro, cu predilec]ie «be-bop», pub-like atmosphere, with much wood, beige leather
cånt`re]i romåni interbelici etc., venind astfel \n benches on three sides, and collection photographs with
completare la \ntreaga strategie urm`rit`; \n demisol period shots from interwar Timi[oara.
restaurantul se caracterizeaz` prin atmosfer` de «pub» – the atrium comes as a surprise for the visitor; it is an
intim, cu mult lemn, banchet` continu` \n piele bej pe trei «interior-exterior» dramatic space on the vertical; it
laturi, fotografii de colec]ie cu imaginile de epoc` ale has also a bioclimatic function as greenhouse in winter,
Timi[oarei interbelice; naturally ventilated space in hot summer, featuring a
– holul atrium este o surpriz` pentru cel ce accede prima tree in the middle; the sunken courtyard is planted with
oar` \n hotel; este un spa]iu «interior-exterior» dramatic, young birches; both the footbridges and the staircase
vertical [i dinamic; are totodat` o func]ie bioclimatic`, ser` with articulated steps float inside this soaring, dynamic
pe timp de iarn`, spa]iu de ventila]ie natural` pe timp space, characterized by the slimness and honesty of the
c`lduros, are bine\n]eles \n centrul s`u un copac, iar zona braced metal structure, the light filtered through the
verde din exteriorul s`u aflat` \n curtea scufundat` este spots from above, the movements of the elevator and
plantat` cu mesteceni tineri; pasarelele [i scara cu trepte that of outside light coming from east and west;
articulate plutesc \n sånul spa]iului dinamic, ascensional, – the rooms of the old wing have different sizes and
caracterizat de zvelte]ea [i sinceritatea structurii metalice configurations, yet finished in the same manner, with
contravåntuite, de lumina filtrat` de deflectoarele de heavy, somewhat retro furniture of brown-meranti
deasupra, de mi[carea liftului [i de mi[carea luminii wood, black and white chequered tile bathrooms; the
exterioare, prezent` direct la r`s`rit [i la apus; penthouse apartment is modern, characterized by a


– camerele din corpul vechi sunt diferen]iate \ntre ele ca fluid space, open, completely glazed to the green
m`rime [i configurare, finisate \n aceea[i manier`, cu terrace;
mobilier mai greu, u[or retro, lemn maro-meranti, b`i cu – the rooms of the new wing come in two types are quite
gresie \n [ah alb-negru, etc, apartamentul penthouse este modern, with beige furniture and bathrooms, following
modern, caracterizat de un spa]iu fluid, deschis [i este the spirit of the new wing; the corridors have a violet
vitrat complet c`tre terasa \nverzit`; background wall, perpendicularly emphasizing the
– camerele din corpul nou sunt de dou` tipuri [i se major axis of movement within the ensemble; the two
caracterizeaz` printr-un aer mai modern, mobil` bej, b`i apartments feature flowing spaces, free plan and
bej etc., \n spiritul cl`dirii noi; la råndul lor, coridoarele overlook the city in all directions; they are decorated
ce deservesc camerele \n corpul nou se caracterizeaz` with Sorin Nicodim’s paintings representing his
prin peretele de fundal mov, care este planul de cap`t enigmatic flowers.
(accentuat), perpendicular pe axul major de mi[care
(\n adåncime) \n cadrul ansamblului; cele dou` Vlad Gaivoronschi
Re-inventing an atmosphere
apartamente de peste corpul nou se caracterizeaz` The text has been previously published in «Arhitext», no. 6/2006
la råndul lor prin fluiditate a spa]iului, plan liber [i (Translation: Magda Teodorescu)
deschidere c`tre ora[ pe toate p`r]ile; \n apartamente
sunt amplasate picturile ce-l caracterizeaz` cel mai bine
pe Sorin Nicodim – enigmaticele sale flori.

Vlad Gaivoronschi
Re-crearea unei atmosfere
Text ap`rut ini]ial \n «Arhitext», nr. 6/2006
Hotel Savoy


Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi, Arh. / Arch. Marius Hår]a Colaboratori /
Collaborators: Arh. / Arch. Plamen Stancev, Arh. / Arch. Costin {elariu, Arh. / Arch. Oana Sårbu, Arh. /
Arch. Maja Båldea, Arh. / Arch. Drago[ Bocan Amenaj`ri interioare / Interiour Design: Arh. / Arch.
Vlad Gaivoronschi, Arh. / Arch. Marius Hår]a \n colaborare / in collaboration with s.c. Hotelline S.R.L.
Design grafic / Grafic Design: Arh. / Arch. Marius Hår]a Rezisten]` / Structural Engineering: S.C. H.I.
Struct S.R.L., Ing. / Eng. Victor Gioncu, Ing. / Eng. Marius Mo[oarc`, Ing. / Eng. Margareta Florea, Ing.
/ Eng. Cornici V., S.C. Mighera S.R.L., Ing. / Eng. Mi[ca Gherasim Instala]ii / Plumbing: S.C.
C`r`midariu S.R.L., Ing. / Eng. C`r`midariu, S.C. Capabil S.R.L., Ing. / Eng. Irina C`p`stranu Art`
plastic` / Art Design: Silviu Or`vi]an, Sorin Nicodim, Vlad Ardelean Antreprenor / General
Contractor: Avicons S.R.L. (2001-2002) regie proprie / self-development (2003-2005)
Subantreprenori / Subcontractors: Lipoplast, Profial, Lorimex, Siffe, NGF etc. Beneficiar / Beneficiary:
S.C. Tajtrans S.R.L. Suprafa]a Parcelei / Land Area: 1300 mp / sqm Aria construit` desf`[urat` /
Total Built Area: aprox. 4000 mp / sqm Valoarea investi]iei, inclusiv mobilier [i dot`ri / Total Cost
Including Furniture: aprox. 3 mil euro Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara Construc]ie / Construction:
2000 – 2005 Fotografii / Photographs: Ovidiu Mic[a, Vlad Gaivoronschi, Arpad Zachi, Marius Hår]a,
Oana Sårbu


Locuin]` familial`, zona C`ii Martirilor

Family dwelling, C`ii Martirilor District

Cele cåteva str`zi paralele din sudul Timi[oarei, precum The few parallel streets in the South part of Timi[oara, such
Memorandului, Cozia, D. Coresi, care se opresc \n Calea as Memorandului, Cozia, D. Coresi, which end in Calea
Martirilor definesc actualmente un ]esut urban poros, Martirilor, actually define a porous urban tissue, with
cu gr`dini generoase. Zona veche de margine a spacious gardens. The old area on the outskirts of the city,
ora[ului, cu case \n[iruite la strad`, [i-a schimbat with strings of houses looking toward the street, has partly
par]ial caracteristicile tipice de sfår[it de secol 19, pe changed its typical late 19th century characteristics further
lång` modalit`]ile tran[ante de ocupare a parcelelor to the occurrence, during the last decades, next to the
ap`rånd \n ultimele decenii [i case izolate sau lipite houses firmly gripping the land plots, of isolated houses or
doar la cåte un calcan. houses adjoining only at the rear wall.
Pe parcela studiat` exista o cl`dire parter de proast` On the studied plot there was a one-floor building of poor
calitate, de acest tip. |n aceste condi]ii, interven]ia quality. Under the circumstances, our intervention
noastr` a fost una de plomb`, de repara]ie a sitului, functioned like a filler, aiming to repair the site and to
ocupånd \n \ntregime latura \ngust` c`tre strad` a occupy the entire narrow street side of the plot. Taking
parcelei; ]inånd cont [i de dorin]a expres` a clientului account of the client’s express wish to have a small
de a avea o mic` zon` intermediar` c`tre strad`, a fost intermediary portion looking toward the street, the
p`strat regimul de aliniere al casei demolate \ntr-o alignment regime of the demolished house was kept
u[oar` retragere. A rezultat un dublu ecran c`tre through a slight recess. There resulted a double screen to
strad`, cel mai transparent al gardului [i cel mai opac al the street, the more transparent one represented by the
fa]adei, iar \ntre ele, \n zona de tranzi]ie, s-au n`scut o fence, and the more opaque, by the façade; between them,
mare jardinier`, treptele de acces [i marea copertin` in the transition area, there occurred a large flower pot, the
Locuin]` familial`, zona C`ii Martirilor


care protejeaz` intrarea, metamorfozat` \n glaf [i apoi access stairs and the imposing front door cover which
\n parapet. Acesta este elementul emblematic, semnul protects the entrance, first metamorphosed into a window
care marcheaz` latura nordic`, urban`, a casei. Acest board and then into a balustrade. This is the emblematic
element adi]ionat plinului fa]adei (lung` de 17.40 m) element, the sign that marks the Northern, urban sign of
este echilibrat de volumul substras al zonei de acces \n the house. This element added to the wholeness of the
garaj, rezultånd astfel o reliefare a acesteia care se façade (having 17.40 m in length) is balanced by the
\nvioreaz` la apusul soarelui (vara). subtracted volume of the area of access into the garage,
Din punctul de vedere al regimului de \n`l]ime – S+P+1 thus resulting an emphasized structure which comes to life
– casa se integreaz` \n context f`r` probleme. Fa]` de at dusk, in summer.
vechile tipologii ale caselor \n[iruite din zon`, diferen]a As far as the elevation regime is concerned – S+P+1 – the
este normal`. Acestea sunt de obicei constituite din house is integrated in the context without any problems.
mai multe apartamente, separate de ganguri \nchise cu When compared to the former typologies of the local
por]i mari din lemn [i cu fa]ade ritmate de ferestre houses, the difference appears to be normal. Such are
\nalte [i \nguste cu demisol [i parter \nalt, dezvoltate [i usually made of several apartments, separated by
\n adåncimea parcelelor. |n cazul nostru, tema program gangways shut with big wooden gates and with facades
diferit` – locuin]` pentru o singur` familie – genereaz` regularly cut by high narrow windows, with an
o diferen]iere net` a celor dou` laturi ale casei, precum underground floor and a high ground floor, also going
[i o dezvoltare \n benzi paralele \ntre ele, \ntr-un limbaj deep into the plot. In our case, the different program theme
relativ contemporan. Fa]` de latura nord-vestic`, cea – a dwelling for only one family – generates a clear-cut
sud-estic`, orientat` c`tre gradin`, este total diferit`: o differentiation between the two sides of the house, and a


Fa]ad` principal` / Main facade

mare prisp` devine un spa]iu con]in`tor [i intermediar development in parallel strips, in a relatively contemporary
totodat`, dezvoltat pe dou` niveluri, ad`postind sera language. As compared to the North-East side, the South-
winter-garten [i marea teras`. East side, oriented toward the garden, is completely
Aceasta cas` se situeaz` la grani]a dintre dou` situa]ii different: a large porch becomes a containing as well as an
aflate \ntr-o total` opozi]ie: intermediary space, developed on two levels, sheltering the
– c`tre strad` – nord, lumina apusului, spa]iu public, winter-garden greenhouse and the large terrace.
zgomot, praf, asfalt; This house is on the border between two, utterly conflicting,
– c`tre gradin` – sud, soare, lumina dimine]ii, lini[te, places:
intimitate, proprietate, natur`. – to the street – the North, the sunset light, the public
Traseul de mi[care orizontal major se desf`[oar` [i space, noise, dust, asphalt;
mediaz` aceste dou` realit`]i, traversånd benzile – to the garden – the South, the sun, the morning light,
paralele ale diferitelor func]iuni diurne: adiacent peace, intimacy, propriety, nature.
holului pe dou` niveluri cu scara care-l define[te The major horizontal route unfolds along and mediates
perimetral, traverseaz` camera de zi, sera [i apoi terasa, between these two realities, crossing the parallel strips of
coborånd \n gr`din`. Traseul de mi[care vertical se the various daily functions: adjoins the lobby on two levels
desf`[oar` pe nivelele succesive decalate ale etajului, by means of the staircase which defines its perimeter,
ajungånd mai \ntåi la dormitorul principal crosses the living-room, the greenhouse and then the
(miniapartament cu baie, panderie [i mic etaj sub pod) terrace, descending in the garden. The vertical route
situat peste garaj la cota +1.87 [i mai apoi la restul de unfolds on the successive displaced levels of the upper floor,
dou` dormitoare cu baie la cota + 3.06. |nainte de a first reaching the main bedroom (mini-apartment with
ajunge la acestea din urm`, parcursul popose[te \n bathroom, dressing-room and a small floor under the attic)
biblioteca deschis` \n supant` \nspre hol, amplasat` located over the garage at the +1.87 quota and then the
c`tre nord [i adiacent` benzii orizontale de ferestre, remaining bedrooms with bathroom, at the + 3.06. quota;
care pentru interior definesc un imens tablou al siluetei before reaching the latter it stops in the library opened in
ora[ului. De cealalt` parte, loggia dormitorului the lobby split-level, located to the North and adjacent to
principal \mpreun` cu balconul de peste ser` al the horizontal string of windows, which define, for the
celorlalte dormitoare se deschid protejate c`tre gr`din`. interior, an immense picture of the city. On the other side,
Locuin]` familial`, zona C`ii Martirilor

Sec]iune transversal` / Cross section

Materialit`]ile celor dou` laturi sunt de asemenea \n the loggia of the main bedroom together with the balcony
opozi]ie: \nchidere de zid zugr`vit alb [i clincher pe overlooking the greenhouse of the other protected
soclu, pe gard, jardinier`, trepte la strad` – metal [i bedrooms look toward the garden.
mult lemn al terasei [i structurii scheletale deschise The materialities of the two sides are also in opposition:
c`tre gr`din`. white wall enclosure and cement clinker on the plinth, on
|mpreun` cu garajul calibrat pentru dou` vehicole [i cu the fence, a flower pot, stairs toward the street, metal and a
subsolul cu centrala termic` [i restul anexelor, aria lot of wood on the terrace and the skeleton-like structure
construit` desf`[urat` a acestei case nu dep`[e[te 310 mp; facing the garden.
aria construit` este de 144 mp, cu un procent de Along with the garage arranged for two cars and with the
ocupare al terenului de 840 mp de 17,1% [i cu un basement sheltering the heating station and the rest of the
coeficient de utilizare a sa de 0,36. appurtenances, the unfolded built area of this house does
Bugetul alocat edific`rii acestei case a r`mas la un nivel not exceed 310 sqm; the built-up area is 144 sqm, the
relativ sc`zut, \n condi]iile unor materiale [i tehnologii percentage of occupation of the 840 sqm land being 17.1%
constructive abordabile [i ale unor finisaje normale. and its use coefficient, 0.36.
The budget allocated to the construction of this house has
Vlad Gaivoronschi
Casa la limit` been relatively low, given the approachable building
Text ini]ial publicat \n «Arhitext», nr. 1/2004 materials and technologies and the ordinary finishing.

Vlad Gaivoronschi
The Border House
The text has been previously published in «Arhitext», no. 1/2004
(Translation: Claudia Rada)
Plan de situa]ie / Site plan

Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi Coautor / Co-Author: Arh. / Arch. Oana Sårbu
Mobilier buc`t`rie / Kitchen Furniture: Arh. / Arch. Claudiu Toma Antreprenor / General
Contractor: S.C.Scorex S.R.L. Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara Construc]ie / Construction: 2000 –
2001; Fotografii / Photographs: Vlad Gaivoronschi, Marius Hår]a, Oana Sårbu


Plan parter / Ground floor plan

Locuin]` familial`, zona C`ii Martirilor


Plan etaj / Floor plan



Locuin]` de vacan]`, R`b`gani

Holiday Villa, R`b`gani

Situat` la poalele Carpa]ilor Apuseni, \ntr-o zon` Located at the foot at the West Carpathians, in a hilly zone,
deluroas`, comuna R`b`gani se g`se[te pe traseul [oselei R`b`gani commune is located along the Oradea-Alba Iulia
interna]ionale Oradea-Alba Iulia (Deva). Parcela pe care a (Deva) international road. The plot on which this holiday
fost edificat` locuin]a de vacan]` este adiacent` acestei mansion was built borders on this very busy road and also
artere foarte circulate, avånd [i o u[oar` declivitate de-a has a slight declivity. The vast 2,049 sqm plot area, with the
lungul acesteia. Suprafa]a generoas` a terenului de 2049 road side having 43.25 m in length, allowed a construction
mp., cu o desf`[urare la [osea de 43.25 m, a permis o in depth and a receding location of the house at
organizare \n adåncime [i amplasarea retras` a casei la approximately 26 m from the property boundary and the
aproximativ 26 m fa]` de limita de proprietate [i fa]` de noisy, dusty road. The location of the house has also taken
[oseaua zgomotoas` [i pr`foas`. Amplasarea casei a ]inut account of the numerous fruit trees on the land, being
cont [i de numero[ii pomi fructiferi de pe teren, fiind integrated among them.
integrat` \ntre ace[tia. The major cardinal directions taken into account have
Direc]iile cardinale majore luate \n considerare au fost been the sunrise and the sunset, which have also served to
r`s`ritul [i apusul, acestea marcånd totodat` [i calit`]i set off certain distinctive qualities of the landscape:
deosebite ale peisajului: – to the East, a vast perspective of remote church towers;
– la est, o perspectiv` \ntins` cu turle de biserici \n zare; – to the West, the close silhouette of the forested hill crest
– la vest, silueta mai apropiat` a crestei dealului watching over the commune.
\mp`durit care str`juie[te comuna. The house was located and organized according to the
Casa a fost amplasat` [i organizat` func]ie de aceste following coordinates:
coordonate ale locului: – a linear development in line with the important
– avånd o dezvoltare liniar` cu axa longitudinal` longitudinal North-South axis, parallel with the road,
important` nord-sud, paralel` cu [oseaua, amplasat` cåt located as close to the North side as possible, with
Locuin]` de vacan]`, R`b`gani


mai aproape de latura nordic`, cu spa]ii anexe la nord appurtenances to the North (a garage and a heating
(garaj, central` termic`) [i oferind la sud marea teras` – station) and offering to the South the large terrace-the
camera de zi \n aer liber; living-room in open air;
– dezvoltånd o serie de direc]ii de privire dinspre \n`untru – several directions of looking from inside to the outside,
\nspre afar`, \nr`månd succesiv peisajul \ndep`rtat de la successively framing the remote eastern landscape,
r`s`rit, focalizånd asupra turlelor (una dintre biserici fiind focusing on the church towers (one of the churches being
chiar construit` cu sprijinul financiar al clientei noastre) [i actually built with the financial help of our client) and
totodat` introducånd razele de lumin` ale dimine]ii \n also welcoming the morning sun in all important rooms–
spa]iul interior al tuturor \nc`perilor importante – camer` living-room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms etc.;
de zi, buc`t`rie, dormitoare, b`i etc; – the large horizontal window positioned so that the
– configurånd astfel \ntinsa fereastr` orizontal` \ncåt s` twisting hill line set off by the sunset may be noticed from
poat` fi urm`rit` de pe coridorul-pasarel` de la etaj linia the upper floor footbridge-corridor.
sinuoas` a siluetei dealului accentuat` de apusul This inside-outside relation, which gains consistency at
soarelui. least on the subliminal perception level, is celebrated in the
Acest raport \n`untru-afar`, care cap`t` consisten]` cel intermediary areas from the South and North extremities
pu]in la nivelul percep]iei subliminale, este celebrat \n of the house-the terrace on the 0.00 quota, the balcony
zonele intermediare de la extremit`]ile sudice [i nordice facing the South and the loggia of the bedroom positioned
ale casei – terasa de la cota 0.00, balconul dinspre sud [i to the North, over the appurtenances.
loggia dormitorului de la nord de peste spa]iile anex`. The effects created by the perception of the distance are
Efectele de percep]ie ale dep`rt`rii sunt compensate cu compensated by several close touches:
cåteva accente apropiate: – a small inner yard in the living-room lit by the setting
– o mic` gradin` interioar` \n camera de zi luminat` de sun through a window descending to floor level;


razele soarelui la apus printr-o fereastr` coboråt` la – the fire place located in the South-East corner of the
nivelul pardoselii; living-room.
– [emineul \n col]ul sud-estic al camerei de zi; The space expands vertically in the staircase area and
Expansiunea pe vertical` a spa]iului se petrece \n zona particularly over the eating place, where light descends
sc`rii interioare [i mai ales deasupra locului de luat masa, from the zenith. From the corridor above, one can easily
acolo unde lumina coboar` zenital, iar de pe pasarela de perceive the turf, with the church towers looking towards
deasupra se percepe ]arina cu turnurile bisericilor la est the East framed by the only round-shaped window in the
\nr`mate \n rotundul unicei ferestre de acest fel. house.
Privind lucrurile invers, dinspre afar`, casa este \ntr-o From a reverse perspective, i.e. from the outside, the house
oarecare m`sur` monumental`, datorit` dep`rt`rii fa]` is monumental to some extent, due to its distance from the
de zona de acces, a amplas`rii ei par]iale pe platforma access area, to its partial location on the massive platform
masiv` a terasei la o cot` mai ridicat` pentru a prelua of the terrace at a higher quota to take over the declivity of
declivitatea terenului [i datorit` elementelor majore the land, and also due to its major horizontal elements
orizontale care se articuleaz` [i se suprapun: which articulate and overlap:
– masivul de granit al parapetului terasei, care devine – the massive granite of the terrace balustrade, which
soclu pre]ios pentru obiectul alb [i mai dematerializat becomes a precious plinth for the white, dematerialized
de deasupra; object above;
– acoperi[ul simplu, liniar, articulat fa]` de restul corpului – the simple, linear roof, articulated, as compared to the
prin intermediul ferestrei orizontale; rest of the structure, by means of the horizontal window.
Scara major` a acestor elemente este nuan]at` de The imposing scale of these two elements is refined by the
Locuin]` de vacan]`, R`b`gani


ritmurile ferestrelor verticale de pe ambele laturi, estic` [i rhythms of the vertical windows positioned to the East as
vestic`, copertina metalic` care accentueaz` intrarea \n well as to the West, by the metal front door cover
cas` etc.. highlighting the entrance to the house, etc.
Suprafa]a construit` a cl`dirii este de 165 mp, aria The built area of the building is 165 sqm, the unfolded built
construit` desf`[urat` este de 258 mp, iar aria util` total` area is 258 sqm, and the total useful area is 204 sqm.
\nsumeaz` 204 mp. The load bearing structure of the concrete frame in the
Structura de rezisten]` a scheletului de beton din stålpi [i pillars and beams enabled the development of a free plan,
grinzi a permis dezvoltarea unui plan liber, fluid \n parter fluid on the ground floor and in the vertical expansion of
[i expansiunea pe vertical` a spa]iului \n spatele the space behind the screen of the main West façade.
ecranului fa]adei vestice principale.
Vlad Gaivoronschi
Vlad Gaivoronschi The House between Views
Casa \ntre priveli[ti The text has been previously published in «Arhitext», no. 1/2004
Text ini]ial publicat \n «Arhitext», nr. 1/2004 (Translation: Claudia Rada)

Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi Colaborator / Collaborator: Arh. / Arch. Oana Sårbu
Antreprenor / Contractor: regie proprie / self-development Beneficiar / Beneficiary: Eva Hen] Loca]ie /
Location: R`b`gani Construc]ie / Construction: 2002 Fotografii / Photographs: Arpad Zachi


Plan de situa]ie / Site plan

Plan etaj / Floor plan

Locuin]` de vacan]`, R`b`gani


Fa]ad` principal` / Main facade

Fa]ad` curte / Backyard facade

Sec]iune longitudinal` / Longitudinal section


Casa Po[a
Po[a House

Realizat` \n etape succesive (ad`ugire la o cas` Constructed in several stages (first it was added to an
existent`, demolarea acesteia [i \ntregirea \ntregului existing house, then the latter was demolished and the
ansamblu), casa familiei Sorin Po[a se integreaz` structure was completed), the house of Sorin Po[a’s family
discret \n ansamblul unei str`zi lini[tite din cartierul discretely integrates in the environment of a quiet street in
timi[orean Elisabetin. Organizarea spa]iului speculeaz` Timisoara’s district Elisabetin. The organization of the
[i interpreteaz` orientarea fericit` a casei pe «axa est- space speculates and interprets the opportune orientation
vest», captånd c`tre gr`din` r`s`ritul, oferind terasele of the house along the East-West axis: the garden captures
parterului [i etajului dinspre strad` apusului soarelui. the sunrise, while the ground floor terraces and the upper
Monumental` c`tre spa]iul privat [i adånc al gr`dinii, floor facing the street capture the sunset.
prietenoas` c`tre spa]iul public al str`zii, cl`direa este Monumental as far as the private, deep garden space is
definit` de dialogul acestor dou` case disjuncte. La fel concerned, friendly when it comes to the public street space,
de important este [i dialogul materialelor [i al the building is defined by the dialogue between these two
obiectelor, \ntre care calcarul «\nverzit» al fa]adei de distinct houses. Equally important is the association of objects
apus sau pielea alb`/maro \nchis de pe stålpii rotunzi, and materials, such as the «green» limestone on the West
care definesc atmosfera ludic` a acestei case destinate façade or the white/dark brown covering of the round pillars
\n primul rånd celor doi copii (un b`iat la 3 ani [i o which define the ludic ambience of this house primarily
feti]` la 6 ani) serving to accommodate the two little children: a three-year
old boy and a six-year old girl.
Vlad Gaivoronschi
Vlad Gaivoronschi
(Translation: Claudia Rada)


Plan de situa]ie / Site plan

Casa Po[a


Plan etaj / Floor plan

Plan parter / Ground floor plan

Sec]iune transversal` / Cross section

Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi Colaboratori / Collaborators: Arh. / Arch. Oana Sårbu, Arh.
/ Arch. Claudiu Toma Rezisten]` / Structural Engineering: Ing. / Eng. Gherasim Mi[ca Antreprenor /
Contractor: regie proprie / self-development Suprafa]a construit` total` / Total Built Area: 410 mp / sqm
Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara, str. Martir Ladislau Csiszmarik nr.1 Construc]ie / Construction: 2004 –
2007 Fotografii / Photographs: Ovidiu Mic[a


«City Business Centre»

City Business Centre

Cl`direa de birouri, comer], servicii amplasat` pe latura The office, trade and services building located on the West
vestic` a Pie]ei 700 – Timi[oara este prima etap` a unui Side of Timisoara’s Square 700 is the first stage in the
ansamblu de 5 cl`diri, galerii, atriumuri etc., ce vor construction of an ensemble consisting of five buildings,
constitui «or`[elul» City Business Centre. Ansamblul galleries, atriums etc. which will form the «small town» City
Modatim urmeaz` a \nlocui industria textil` existent` [i Business Centre. The Modatim ensemble is to replace the
presupune o conversie radical` a locului, generånd o existing textile industry and implies a radical conversion of
abordare mai generoas` a \ntregii zone. the place, stimulating a more generous approach to the
Aceast` prim` etap` este astfel «parte» a unui entire area.
ansamblu coerent, caracterizat prin suprapunerea This first stage becomes thus a «part» of a coherent ensemble,
straturilor func]ionale, respectiv subsol cu parcaje [i characterized by an overlapping of functional layers, namely
spa]ii tehnice, parterul [i mezaninul cuprinzånd servicii a basement with parking spaces and technical spaces, the
[i comer], etajele 1-5 cu birouri de clas` A [i etajul ultim, ground floor and the mezzanine, a place for trade and
\n retragere (penthouse) acomodånd birouri [i/sau services, the five floors with A class offices and the last
servicii. A rezultat o arhitectur` caracterizat` prin: receding floor, i.e. the penthouse, where offices and/or service
– «relieful stratificat», cu terasele \nverzite [i circulabile spaces are accommodated. The resulting architecture is
de peste mezanin [i etajul 5; characterized by:
– definirea «stratului» mezaninului ca dominant` – layered structure, with green passable terraces over the
«City Business Centre»


orizontal` a \ntregii compozi]ii, integrånd cele 5 cl`diri; mezzanine and the 5th floor;
– dialectica celor dou` coji ale fa]adelor, \ntre care se – a mezzanine «layer» defined as a horizontal component
nasc logii din cånd \n cånd, cu posibilitatea realiz`rii prevailing over the entire composition, and integrating the
unei umbriri [i transparen]e totodat` la interior [i 5 buildings;
permi]ånd \ntre]inerea u[oar` a acestora; – the dialectics of the two shells of the facades, which allow
– dialogul celor dou` materialit`]i ale «pielii exterioare», the intermittent appearance of loggias and create a
jaluzele ceramice fixe tip Creaton (Wiss Tehnic) \n shadowy and transparent inner space, easy to maintain;
dreptul logiilor [i al \ntregului mezanin, jaluzele de – the dialogue between the two materialities of the «outer
sticl` serigrafiat` mobile, cu senzori [i motora[e skin», i.e. the fixed ceramic Creaton shutters covering the
electrice pe restul fa]adelor; loggias and the entire mezzanine on the one hand, and the
– sistemul «inteligent» de management [i control (BMS) mobile screen printed glass shutters, equipped with sensors
al pierderilor energetice bazat pe principiul activ al and small electrical engines for the rest of the facades, on
senzorilor fa]adelor ce comand` \nchiderea sau the other hand;
deschiderea jaluzelelor de sticl` func]ie de parametrii – the intelligent system (BMS) put in place for the
climatici; management and control of energy loss, based on the active
– orchestra unui sistem dinamic pulsatoriu, de luminare principle of the sensors of the facades, which control the
artificial` indirect` a lamelelor de sticl` ale fa]adei shutting or the opening of the glass shutters, depending on

«City Business Centre»


Plan de situa]ie / Site plan



dup` trei scenarii diferite, coordonate de sistemul BMS; meteorological parameters;

– realizarea unor «locuri» puternice \n cadrul cl`dirii, – the orchestra of a dynamic pulsating system of indirect
caracterizate prin ambian]` [i atmosfer` aparte, artificial illumination of the glass lamellas of the façade
precum holul lobby cu a sa «org` de sticl`», scara «\n according to three different scenarios, coordinated by the
cascad`» de peste planul \nclinat deasupra rampei de BMS system;
acces \n parcare, terasa \nverzit` la etajul 1 [i cea cu – the disposition of striking «spots» inside the building,
pardoseal` din scånduri din lemn exotic la penthouse; characterized by a special ambience, such as the lobby with
– structura ampl` a stålpilor de beton cu arm`tur` its «glass pipe organ», the «cascading staircase» stretching
rigid` [i a grizilor metalice ajurate cu deschideri de over the parking space access ramp, the green terrace on the
pån` la 11 m ce au permis o flexibilitate maxim` a first floor and that with exotic wood flooring at the
spa]iilor de birouri organizate \n jurul nucleului penthouse;
central; – the ample structure of the concrete pillars with rigid armor
– un raport optim \ntre spa]iile de servicii [i cele and of the metal beams with openings of up to 11 meters
deservite generånd un maxim de suprafa]` which allowed maximum flexibility of the office spaces
«City Business Centre»



\nchiriabil` la nivel de birouri clas` A dup` normele organized around the central nucleus;
europene – \n`l]ime de aproape 3 m, pardoseal` – an optimal ratio between the service spaces and the spaces
flotant`, aproape 1000 mp/nivel etc.; benefiting from such services, generating a maximum
Suprafa]a cl`dirii este de 10 500 mp, din care cca 1700 rentable area for class A offices, according to the European
mp parcare subteran` [i spa]ii tehnice [i aproximativ standards – approximately 3 meters in height, movable
7800 mp destina]i \nchirierii. |n final, \ntregul ansamblu flooring, approximately 1,000 sqm/floor etc.
va avea cca. 60 000 mp, cuprinzånd [i cele 600 locuri de The building area is 10,500 sqm, approximately 1,700 sqm of
parcare \n subsol, la care se vor ad`uga cur]ile atrium [i which are represented by the underground parking and
galeria pietonal`, adev`rata coloan` vertebral` a technical spaces and approximately 7,800 sqm have he
ansamblului. destination of renting space. In the end, the whole ensemble
shall have approximately 60,000 sqm, also comprising the
Vlad Gaivoronschi 600 parking lots in the basement, the atriums and the
Sistem dinamic pulsatoriu
Text ap`rut ini]ial \n «Arhitext», nr. 1-2/2008 pedestrian gallery, the true backbone of the entire ensemble.

Vlad Gaivoronschi
Pulsating dynamic system
The text has been previously published «Arhitext», no. 1-2/2008
(Translation: Claudia Rada)


Plan etaj curent / Current floor plan Plan penthouse / Penthouse plan

Plan mezanin / Mezzanine plan Plan etaj 1 / First floor plan

Plan parter / Ground floor plan Plan subsol / Underground floor plan
Autor / Author: Arh. / Arch. Vlad Gaivoronschi, Arh. / Arch. Dan M. Munteanu Responsabil proiect / Project Manager: Arh. / Arch. Szabo Andrea
Katalin; PT, DDE Amen`jri interioare PT, DE, / Interior Design: Arh. / Arch. Szabo Andrea Katalin, Arh. / Arch. Dan Damian PUD, PAC PUD, PAC:
Arh. / Arch. Maja Baldea Macheta, studiu urbanism / Model, Urban Planning Study: Stud. Arh. / Stud. Arch. Alexandru M`l`escu Amenaj`ri
interioare / Interior Design: Stud. Arh. / Stud. Arch. Iulia Fr`]il` Management de proiect / Project Management: S.C. Drees & Sommer S.R.L. Ing. /
Eng. Marius Birsete Rezisten]` / Structural Engineering: S.C. H.I. Struct S.R.L. Ing. / Eng. Victor Gioncu, Ing. / Eng. Marius Mo[oarc`, Ing. / Eng.
Alina Br`teanu, Ing. / Eng. Florin Cioboiu Instala]ii sanitare, \ncalzire, climatizare / Plumbing, heating, climate control system: S.C. Daro Proiect
S.R.L. (PAC, PT) Ing. / Eng. Ioan Dobo[i, Ing. / Eng. Sorin Bårsan; Ing. / Eng. Ioan Diaconu; Ing. / Eng. Ladislau Kardos; S.C. Agasi S.R.L. (DE, execu]ie)
Ing. / Eng. Adrian Smadu; Ing. / Eng. Sorin Filimon; Ing. / Eng. Sebastian Golban Instala]ii electrice / Wiring: S.C. Capabil S.R.L. (PAC, PT) Ing. / Eng.
Dumitru Moisi, Ing. / Eng. Cornel Prodan, Ing. / Eng. Sorin Nann B.M.S. – building management system: S.C. Schneider Electric Romånia S.R.L. Ing.
/ Eng. Adrian Cucereanu, S.C. Imsat Cuadripol S.R.L. Ing. / Eng. Anghel Georgescu, Ing. / Eng. Ionu] Mih`ilescu Antreprenori / General Contractors:
S.C. Prompt s.a., S.C. NGF S.R.L., S.C. Alusystem S.R.L., S.C. Agassi S.R.L. Investitor / Investor: S.C. Modatim Investment S.A. Loca]ie / Location:
Timi[oara, str. C.Brediceanu – Pia]a 700 Loca]ie / Location: Timi[oara Construc]ie / Construction: 2006 – 2007 Fotografii / Photographs: Arpad
Zachi, Ovidiu Mic[a

Sub semnul dialogului
Under the Auspices of Dialogue

Dincolo de certitudinile exprimate de Dana Vais [i de Beyond the certainties expressed by Dana Vais and
care sper s` dea seam` [i monografia de fa]`, ceea ce successfully illustrated, I hope, in this monograph, the
m-a atras \ntotdeauna la Ioan Andreescu [i la Vlad thing that has always captivated me, at Ioan Andreescu
Gaivoronschi a fost deschiderea [i disponibilitatea lor and Vlad Gaivoronschi, has been their openness, their
c`tre dialog. Un dialog, de cele mai multe ori polemic [i readiness to engage in a dialogue. A dialogue which is
provocator la Andreescu, [i explorator [i ordonator la mostly polemical and challenging in Andreescu’s case,
Gaivoronschi. Acest dialog direct sau/[i indirect, cu sine exploratory and organizing, in the case of Gaivoronschi.
sau cu cel`lalt ca alter ego, transpare din lucr`rile lor This direct and/or indirect dialogue with oneself or with the
realizate \n urma colabor`rii de peste 20 de ani. Un other as alter ego transpires from their works, fruits of a
dialog imaginar sau real, mediat sau virtual cu ceilal]i 20-year collaboration. An imaginary or real dialogue,
(clien]i [i executan]i, prieteni [i colegi de breasl`, mediated or virtual, with the others (clients and
student]i [i ucenici) fundamenteaz` activit`]ile lor fie contractors, friends and colleagues, students and
ele didactice sau pedagogice, fie cultural [tiin]ifice sau apprentices) lies at the core of their activities, be they
artistice, fie chiar ob[te[ti. Aceast` nevoie permanent` didactic or pedagogical, cultural, scientific or artistic, or
de comunicare (cu deosebire la Vlad), aceast` pl`cere even of community interest. This permanent need for
acut` (aproape pervers`) a discursului (mai ales la communication (manifested particularly by Vlad), this
Ionic`) implic` cu necesitate existen]a unor parteneri acute (almost perverse) pleasure of discourse (especially in
(viabili). Iar dac` ace[tia nu exist`, dialogul lor \i Ionic`’s case) necessarily implies the existence of (viable)
provoac`, \i creeaz`, \i inventeaz`, \i produce. {i asta nu partners. If they do not exist, their dialogue challenges
la modul imaginar sau virtual, ci la modul concret, real. them, creates them, invents them, produces them, and not
M` gåndesc la unii arhitec]i tineri care s-au format [i in a fictitious or virtual manner, but in a concrete, real one.
au c`p`tat o personalitate distinct` fiindu-le studen]i [i I am thinking of several young architects who developed
apoi ucenici. M` gåndesc la al]i arhitec]i care s-au izbit professionally and acquired distinct personality as their
de prelegirile sus]inute de ei \n diferite seminarii, students and subsequently as their apprentices. I am

Reorganizare spa]ial`. Reamenajarea peisagistic` [i func]ional` Pia]a 700, Timi[oara / Spatial reorganising. Landscape and functional remodelling
of 700 Square, Timi[oara
Sub semnul dialogului


simpozioane [i colocvii, sau care au reu[it s` descifreze equally thinking of other architects who coincidentally
cåte ceva din nebuloasele acestei meserii citind witnessed their lectures delivered at various seminars,
articolele scrise de ei sau vizitånd numeroasele symposiums and colloquies, or of those who managed to
expozi]ii la care au participat cu consecven]`. \mi decode several of the obscure meanings of this profession
amintesc de Mihai, care s-a hot`råt s` dea la by reading their articles or visiting the numerous
arhitectur` dup` o vizit` plin` de vorbe la Andreescu [i exhibitions in which they regularly took part. I remember
Gaivoronschi, cånd Ionic` i-a spus s` nu fie prost s` se the case of Mihai, who decided to take the architecture
fac` arhitect, iar Mihai dup` plecare mi-a spus: Iubesc admission exam after a meaningful visit to Andreescu and
ace[ti oameni. Discursul este dincolo de cuvinte, cum [i Gaivoronschi, who was advised by Ionic` not to be stupid
arhitectura este dincolo de construc]ii. and become an architect, and who told me, after leaving
their office: «I love these people». Discourse is beyond
Epilog: noul proiect al binomului Andreescu [i words, just like architecture is beyond buildings.
Gaivoronschi, Pia]a 700, care \ncearc` s` produc` o real`
presiune \n a reconverti un spa]iu urban rezidual \ntr-un Epilogue: the new project elaborated by the Andreescu and
spa]iu public contemporan, articulat comparabil cu Gaivoronschi pair, i.e. Square 700, which attempts to exert
celelalte pie]e tradi]ionale aflate \n zona central` a actual pressure in causing the conversion of a residual urban
Timi[oarei, extinde nevoia de dialog de care vorbeam mai space into a contemporary public space, comparable to the
sus la nivelul \ntregii comunit`]i locale, apelånd la other traditional squares located in central Timi[oara,
principiile urbanismului participativ. Nu [tiu dac` vor expands the need for dialogue referred to above to the level of
reu[i, dar sunt convins c` demersul pe care l-au ini]iat va the entire local community, by resorting to the principles of
fi preluat de mul]i al]ii \n viitor [i pån` la urm` unii chiar participative town planning. I can’t tell whether they will
vor reu[i. succeed or not, but I am convinced that their undertaking will
be an inspiration for many other architects, and that some of
them will eventually be successful.

(Translation: Claudia Rada)


½214¹ List` de proiecte \n ordine cronologic` [i colaboratori

List of projects in chronological order and collaborators

Bijuteria «Gold Tim» / Centrul de documentare al Casa Popa / Popa House

«Gold Tim» Jewelry Store Camerei de Comer] / The
Documentation Centre of
the Chamber of Commerce

Biserica Ortodox`, Pia]a Badea Pia]a Badea Cår]an / Plan urbanistic zona Pia]a
Cår]an / Orthodox Church, Badea Badea Cår]an Market B`lcescu / Urban plan for
Cår]an Square B`lcescu Square area

Biserica Ortodox`, Str. {tefan cel Centrul Pedagogic Waldorf / Extindere locuin]`, Str.
Mare / Orthodox Church, {tefan cel Waldorf Pedagogical Centre Bråncoveanu / House
Mare Street extension, Bråncoveanu Street

Catedrala Ortodox` [i Centru Hotel Perla II / Perla II Hotel Casa Ionescu / Ionescu House
Religios / Ortodox Church and
Religious Center

Centrul Interna]ional de Conven]ii / Hotel Reghina / Cl`dire de birouri [i parcaj /

International Convention Centre Reghina Hotel Office building and parking

Pandora Boutique/ Locuin]` unifamilial`, 4 locuin]e duplex / 4 douplex

Pandora Shop Mede[an [i Sediul Trident houses
Electronics / Mede[an
House and Trident
Electronics Headquarters

Biserica Greco-Catolic` (concurs) / Casa Bistriceanu / Amenajarea fabricii East Stick /

Greco-Catolic Church (contest) Bistriceanu House East Stick Factory Design

Nara Civic Hall (concurs) / Casa dr. Cioc / Dr. Cioc House Reamenajare birouri
Nara Civic Hall (competition) mansard` Grafoprint /
Redesigning Grafoprint attic

Proiect de amenajare a Pie]ei Sf. Restaurare ansamblu Conac Restaurare asanare fa]ad`
Gheorghe / Project for St. Gheorghe Banloc / Restauration of the istoric`, V. Alecsandri /
Square Banloc Mansion Complex Restoration and drainage of a
historical façade, V. Alecsandri

Casa Sere Traian / Hotel Perla III / Cas`, zona C`ii Martirilor /
Sere Traian House Perla III Hotel Family dwelling, C`ii Martirilor

Biserica Martirilor / Campus Universitar – Reconversia Marii Sinagogi din

Martirilor Church Funda]ia Eminescu / Cetate \n Auditorium /
Eminescu Foundation – Reconversion of The Great Citadel
University Campus Synagogue into Auditorium

Cofet`ria «Trandafirul» / Casa Jumanca / Hotel Perla IV / Perla IV Hotel

«Trandafirul» Confectionery Jumanca House

Concurs Pia]a 700 Timi[oara / Sediu de Rela]ii cu Publicul Hotel Reghina Blue /
Contest for Square 700 Timi[oara Romtelecom Timi[oara / Reghina Blue Hotel
Romtelecom, Timi[oara
Commercial and Public
Relations Agency

{coal` \n Gross Gerau, Hessen / Restructurare [i ad`ugire Hotel Savoy / Savoy Hotel
School in Gross Gerau, Hessen ansamblu Datatim+Alcatel /
Restructuration and addition
of Datatim+Alcatel complex
List` de proiecte \n ordine cronologic` [i colaboratori


Sediu CFR Marf` Timi[oara / CFR Reamenajare [i extindere Arhitec]i cu care s-a colaborat de-a
Marf` Timi[oara Headquarters Hotel Tender Interna]ional /
Extension and redesign of lungul timpului / Architects who
Tender International Hotel collaborated with Andreescu &
Gaivoronschi in time

1980-1996 Adrian Iona[iu

Transformarea \n Centru Amenajare exterioar` faleza
Comercial imobil P-]a Sf. Crivaia [i hotel / Landscape 1980-1983 Florin Colopacci
Gheorghe nr. 2 / Commercial design and Hotel, Crivaia Cliff 1980 Adrian Cristescu
functional conversion 2 St.
Gheorghe Square
1981, 1982 Claudiu Panaitescu
1984, 1986 Nu]u Barbu
1985, 1986 {erban Sturdza
Plan Urbanistic Zonal INTERPORTO Casa Po[a / Po[a House
Sanandrei – Timi[oara Nord / 1987, 1988 Dan D`ncil`
INTERPORTO Sanandrei – North 1989,1992 Mircea Morovan
Timi[oara Urban zonal plan
1989 Pompiliu Alamoreanu
1985, 1986 Popa Dan
Galeria 1 / Gallery 1 Locuin]` unifamilal`
Ostaficiuc / Ostaficiuc Single 1990, 1991-1996 Ioan Trif
Family House 2007 Dan Idiceanu
2007 Michael Wiczorek
Hotel Perla V / Perla V Hotel «Star Telefonica» /
«Star Telefonica» {coal` dup` [coal` / School after school
(studen]i [i absolven]i ai [colii de
arhitectur` de la Timi[oara care au
lucrat sau lucreaz` la Andreescu &
Casa de vacan]` R`b`gani / Casa Vasiu-Andone / Gaivoronschi / students and graduates
Holiday Villa, R`b`gani Vasiu-Andone House of Timi[oara Architecture School who
have worked or are working at
Andreescu & Gaivoronschi)

«City Business Centre» / – Marius Micl`u[

Agen]ia de rela]ii cu publicul
Romtelecom Bucure[ti / City Business Centre – Beatrice Lucaci
Romtelecom Bucure[ti Public – Carmen Calance
Relations Agency
– Sorin Ciurariu
– Romi Adam
Reamenajare Aula Magna U.M.F. Casa Dr`gulin / Dr`gulin House
– Marius Nicorici
Timi[oara / Redesigning of U.M.F.
Aula Magna Timi[oara – Brånda Ciprian
– Francisc König
– B`rbu]a Gabriela
Reamenajarea m`n`stirii San Imobil birouri, locuin]e [i comer], – Lae[ Ramona
Gimignano / Refurbishment of San Calea Bogd`ne[tilor / Office, – Nicolae Porime
Gimignano Monastery commerce and apartment block,
Bogd`ne[tilor Street – Iacob Bolbos
– Tifan Laura
– Marius Hår]a
– Dan Munteanu Mure[an
Amenajare Birou de Proiectare Locuin]` unifamilial` B`l`rie / – Ramona Nicolaescu
Andreescu & Gaivoronschi / Fitting B`l`rie Single Family House
out the Andreescu & Gaivoronschi – Oana Sårbu
Office – Drago[ Bocan
– C`t`lina Bocan
– Hava[i Bråndu[a
Restaurare imobil, Pia]a Sinaia / Extindere modernizare Hotel – Costin {elariu
Restoration of Sinaia Square Victoria, Gala]i / Victoria Hotel
Building extention and modernisation, – Maja Båldea
Gala]i – Toma Claudiu
– Vali Capotescu
– St`morean Daniel
– Ovidiu Mic[a
Casa Octavian Mare[ / Birouri [i club nautic/
Octavian Mare[ House Offices and Nautic club – Szabo Andrea Katalin
– Dan Damian
– Ungur Mihai
– Vlad Albu
– Bencze Csongor
Hotel Re[i]a / Re[i]a Hotel Propunere de organizare – Ligia Stafie
spa]ial peisagistic` [i
func]ional` – Pia]a 700/ – Iulia Fr`]il`
Proposal for spatial, landscape – Lucia Floru]iu
and functional organziation of
Square 700 – M`l`escu Alexandru
– Zaha Bogdan
Locuin]` ANL / ANL House – Botici Alexandru
– Simici Andrea
Sponsori principali/Main sponsors:


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