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Advances in Engineering Research, volume 120

International Forum on Energy, Environment Science and Materials (IFEESM 2017)

Key Points Discussion of the Heating Furnace HAZOP Analysis

Li Qiandeng1,2
SINOPEC Research Institute of Safety Engineering, Qingdao Shandong 266071,China
State Key Laboratory of Safety and Control for Chemicals, Qingdao Shandong 266071,China

Keywords Heating furnace; HAZOP analysis

Abstract Heating furnace is the key and core equipment in the petrochemical production plant,
therefore using risk assessment method to effectively identify and control the possible risk is very
important. In this paper, how to consider the heating furnace danger and operational problems in the
HAZOP analysis were introduced. Through using delayed coking furnace HAZOP analysis as an
example, combined with the key points that need to be concerned and analyzed in heating furnace
HAZOP analysis, the author provided the heating furnace HAZOP analysis results under these key
points, and a meaningful reference for the personnel engaged in HAZOP analysis and safety

For decades, the technical innovation brought enormous changes to the petrochemical industry,
new products constantly emerging, unit scale gradually expanding, process systems are becoming
more and more complex, operating conditions are becoming more and more severe. Followed by a
series of major process safety accidents, which make the whole industry gradually realized that
system methods and techniques are in urgent need to prevent process safety accidents.
Due to the advantage of comprehensive, systematic and meticulous, hazard and operability
analysis (HAZOP) analysis has been widely applied to the process hazard analysis of petroleum and
petrochemical, etc [1][2], and recommended by many international safety standards [3]. In addition,
HAZOP analysis has also been widely spread and applied by the global petroleum and
petrochemical companies, chemical production enterprises, design and construction companies.
During the process of HAZOP application abroad, in order to guarantee the analysis quality and
guide the enterprise personnel to do the HAZOP analysis better, many large-scale petrochemical
enterprises have established the HAZOP analysis methods and main points suitable for their own
enterprise. Heating furnace is the high temperature reaction and heating equipment in the process of
chemical production. With the development of chemical industry, there are more and more types
and kinds of chemical industry heating furnace, many furnaces are key and core equipment among
the production facilities. Therefore, how to consider the risk and operability, make the focus points
clear, seize the key points of the heating furnace HAZOP analysis, play a key role in identifying and
controlling the possible risk, preventing the accidents, protecting the environment, and saving
Based on the heating furnace HAZOP analysis, through using examples, this paper will study
and discuss the HAZOP analysis key points of the heating furnace combustion side and process side,
and give the HAZOP analysis results and effects.

Copyright © 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 705
Advances in Engineering Research, volume 120

Heating furnace HAZOP analysis

Select a delayed coking unit heating furnace as an example, the heating furnace is double side
radiant, the furnace tube is placed in the middle of the chamber, combustors are placed on both
sides of the tube rows, flame and hot flue gas is double side radiant to the furnace tube. All the
parameters and date of the heating furnace system, including the equipment, pipeline and control
system is known, but with no specification due to the space limitation. Choose the piping and
instruments diagram (P&ID diagram) of the heating furnace system, and divide into four nodes as
shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Heating furnace node partition

Using the “parameter precedence” form from the 《Hazard and operability studies (HAZOP
studies) —Application guide》(BS IEC 61882:2001)[4] and 《the Hazard and operability analysis
(HAZOP analysis) —Application guide》(AQ/T3049-2013) [5], and part of the deviations from the
“description of the commonly deviations” [1] in the 《the Hazard and operability analysis (HAZOP
analysis) —Application guide》 as shown in Table 1.

Advances in Engineering Research, volume 120

Table 1 Description of the chosen deviations

Deviation description
Flow rate is too low/no flow rate Flow rate is lower than design/operation requirement/ no flow rate
Flow rate is too high Flow rate is higher than design/operation requirements
Reverse flow Flow toward to the opposite direction of the design or operation target
Pressure is too low Pressure is lower than design/operation requirements
Pressure is too high Pressure is higher than design/operation requirements
Temperature is too low Temperature is lower than design/operation requirements
Temperature is too high Temperature is higher than design/operation requirements
Fire/explosion External fire/explosion effect
Concentration is too low Concentration is lower than design/operation requirements
Concentration is too high Concentration is higher than design/operation requirements
Empty tank Container liquid level loss
Liquid level is too low Liquid level is lower than design/operation requirements
Liquid level is too high Liquid level is higher than design/operation requirements
Corrosion Excessively reduce the operation life period
Sampling/test/maintenance May cause harm, production delay and property loss
Production startup May cause harm, production delay and property loss
Production stop May cause harm, production delay and property loss
Effect on human from design/operation requirement (such as Continuous working time,
Human factor
labor intensity and ergonomics )
For each analysis node, select the key equipment in the node, make it collocate with the chosen
deviations to form detailed deviation, and then according to the detailed deviation to analyze the
causes, consequences, existing protection measure, acceptable risk and suggested measures, then
complete the heating furnace HAZOP analysis. Combined with the practical application in the
HAZOP analysis process, the HAZOP analysis key points of the heating furnace will be discussed

The heating furnace combustion chamber side

Node 1, the fuel gas separate tank
For the PID figure of the heating furnace combustion chamber side as shown in Figure 1, node
1 is the fuel gas separate tank. Through general deviation, detailed deviation was generated, the
reason of the deviation was analyzed, and serious safety consequences that lead by the detailed
deviation without consideration of protection were analyzed (the following node analysis was
according to the same idea). Part of the HAZOP analysis record form of node 1 was shown as

Advances in Engineering Research, volume 120

Table 2. The HAZOP analysis record form of node 1

Number Detailed deviation Consequence Available Recommended
protection measures
May lead to the fuel gas mixed with liquid, the
Liquid level of the furnace temperature rise sharply; positive pressure
1 fuel gas separate in the furnace, fire squirt from the fire window;
tank is too high emit black smoke, burn out of the furnace bottom,
flash fire and explosion.
Corrosion of the May lead to leakage of the fuel gas separate tank,
2 fuel gas separate flammable gas cloud will be formed, fire explosion
tank will happen when meet ignition source.
1、 May cause too much condensate, and easily
Temperature of the
lead to the fuel gas mix with liquid.
3 fuel gas separate
2、 May cause water contained in condensate, and
tank is too low
lead to frozen when temperature is low.
Drainage operation
May cause fuel gas straightly drain to the floor
4 of the fuel gas
drain, risk of fire and explosion may exist.
separate tank
Key point 1: can liquids enter into the fuel gas system? If so, whether corresponding measures
were being taken [6]. Consideration and analysis needed:
(1)whether fuel gas separate tank was set in front of the fuel gas main pipeline of the heating
furnace burner, and whether cut-off valve was set in the entrance of the fuel gas separate tank.
(2)whether pilot gas and exhaust gas system could with liquid, if so, whether fuel gas
separate tank was set.
(3)whether high liquid level alarm was set, whether steam heating coils were set in the cold
(4)whether necessary insulation or heating measures of the pipeline between the fuel gas
separate tank were taken according to the local climate condition.
(5)whether the condensate of the fuel gas separate tank was discharged into the closed
system; Whether the reverse flow risk of the condensate discharge system and reverse current
protection were.
Through the consideration and analysis of the key point 1, the HAZOP analytical records of node 1
is shown in the figure as bellow.
Table 3. The HAZOP analytical records of node 1
Number Detailed Consequence Available protection Recommended measures
deviation measures
May lead to the fuel gas mixed with
Liquid level liquid, the furnace temperature rise
Consider adding remote
of the fuel sharply; positive pressure in the Be equipped with
transmitting liquid level
1 gas separate furnace, fire squirt from the fire on-site liquid
indicator, and set high liquid
tank is too window; emit black smoke, burn indicator
level alarm
high out of the furnace bottom, flash fire
and explosion.
Consider adding shut-off
valve at the entrance of the
Be equipped with fuel gas separate tank on the
Corrosion of May lead to leakage of the fuel gas
regulating valve and main fuel gas pipeline, so that
the fuel gas separate tank, flammable gas cloud
2 stop valve before the when fuel gas is leaked, the
separate will be formed, fire explosion will
entrance of the fuel main air valve can be shut
tank happen when meet ignition source.
gas separate tank down automatically to cut off
the gas supply and prevent the
serious accidents.
Temperature 3、 May cause too much Fuel gas separate Consider adding thermal
of the fuel condensate, and easily lead to tank is equipped with insulation or heat tracing

Advances in Engineering Research, volume 120

gas separate the fuel gas mix with liquid. steam heating coils. measures to the pipeline
tank is too 4、 May cause water contained in between
low condensate, and lead to frozen
when temperature is low.
operation of May cause fuel gas straightly drain Consider discharging fuel gas
4 the fuel gas to the floor drain, risk of fire and condensate into the closed
separate explosion may exist. system.
Node 2, the main burner system
Node 2 is the main burner system, the same as node 1, part of the HAZOP analysis record form
of node 2 was shown as follow.
Table 4. The HAZOP analysis record form of node 2
Number Detailed Consequence Available protection Recommended
deviation measures measures
1、 When serious, the deviation may lead to
Pressure of flameout. If there is fuel gas pressure
1 the fuel gas fluctuation at this time, the furnace may in
is too low the danger of secondary flash explosion.
2、 May lead to temper.
Key point 2: whether necessary safety measures were set in the fuel gas pipeline[7][8]. The
following content need to consider and analyze:
(1)When the pipeline pressure before the heating furnace fuel gas regulating valve is equal to
or less than 0.4 Mpa, and there is no low pressure automatic protection instrument, whether
back-fire relief valve are set between each fuel gas regulating valve and heating furnace.
(2)Whether pressure regulating valve and remote controlled stop valve are set in the main
fuel gas pipeline. The distance between the stop valve and burner must be longer than 15m.
(3)Whether cock or ball valve are used as shut-off valve in the fuel gas system.
Through the consideration and analysis of the key point 2, the HAZOP analytical records of
node 2 is shown in the figure as bellow.

Table 5. The HAZOP analytical records of node 2

Number Detailed Consequence Available protection measures Recommended measures
1、 Each by-pass main pipeline 1、 Confirm the rationality of
1、 When serious, the
of the fuel gas system are set the main pipeline
deviation may lead
with shut-off valve temperature regulating
to flameout. If there
Pressure UV32101, and temperature valve group, whether
is fuel gas pressure
of the regulating valve pressure control need to
fluctuation at this
1 fuel gas TV32133/32134. The replaced.
time, the furnace
is too shut-off valve are set with 2、 Confirm the distance
may in the danger
low magnetic ball valve. between the shut-off
of secondary flash
2、 Flame arrester are set valve on-site location and
between the fuel gas and burner block are longer
2、 May lead to temper.
regulating valve. than 15m.

Node 3, the pilot burner system

Node 3 is the pilot burner system, according to the HAZOP analysis procedure, part of the
HAZOP analysis record form of node 3 was shown as follow.

Advances in Engineering Research, volume 120

Table 6. The HAZOP analysis record form of node 3

Number Detailed deviation Consequence Available Recommended
protection measures measures
The heating furnace is extinct, the fuel
gas may be smoldering in the hearth,
1 Main burner is extinct
and major risk of secondary explosion
exists in the heating furnace hearth.
1、when serious, may lead to flameout,
Pressure of the fuel gas if the fuel gas pressure fluctuates at
2 pipeline in the pilot this time, may lead to the risk of
burner system is too low secondary explosion of the hearth.
2、may lead to temper.
Key point 3: whether the pilot burner settings can meet the safety requirements [9]. The
following content need to consider and analyze:
(1)Each burner need to set up pilot burner system.
(2)The fuel gas used by the pilot burner should be delivered from the upstream of the fuel
gas regulating valve, and flame arrester need to be set up.
(3)Under any operating conditions, even when the main burner are extinct, air need to be
continuously provided into the pilot burner system.
(4)Measures need to be provided to observe the burner and pilot burner flame during ignition
and burner operation adjustment.
(5)Whether accident cut-off valve and self-reliance pressure regulating valve are set up in
the pilot burner pipeline. Whether local pressure gauge, low pressure alarm and low pressure
interlock are set up in the downstream of regulating valve.
Through the consideration and analysis of the key point 3, the HAZOP analytical records of
node 3 is shown in the figure as bellow.

Table 7. The HAZOP analytical records of node 3

Number Detailed Consequence Available protection measures Recommended measures
The heating
1、confirm that when the main burner
furnace is extinct,
stop burning, whether air need to be
the fuel gas may
provided into the pilot burner
be smoldering in
Main continuously by the blower.
the hearth, and Each burner sets up pilot burner
1 burner is 2、confirm that whether fire windows
major risk of system.
extinct are set up in the heating burner, so
that we could observe the burner and
explosion exists in
pilot burner flame during ignition and
the heating
burner operation adjustment
furnace hearth.
1 、 Accident cut-off valve UV
1、when serious,
32104 and self-reliance pressure 1、Set the position of the low pressure
may lead to
regulating valve PCV32121 are alarm PIAL32120 and low pressure
Pressure flameout, if the
set up in the pilot burner pipeline. interlock PIALL32110 in the
of the fuel gas
Local pressure gauge PG32159, downstream of regulating valve
fuel gas pressure
low pressure alarm PIAL32120 after the flame arrester.
pipeline fluctuates at
and low pressure interlock 2、In the PID figure, low pressure
2 in the this time, may
PIALL32110 are set up in the interlock cut-off valve UV32104 are
pilot lead to the risk
downstream of regulating valve set up in the pilot burner, but the
burner of secondary
2、The fuel gas used by the pilot actual interlock logic was cancelled.
system is explosion of the
burner is delivered from the We suggest that the pilot burner low
too low hearth.
upstream of the fuel gas pressure interlock logic need to be
2 、 may lead to
regulating valve, and flame re-confirmed and re-applied.
arrester is set up.

Advances in Engineering Research, volume 120

Node 4, the heating furnace combustion chamber

Node 4 is the heating furnace combustion chamber, according to the HAZOP analysis
procedure, part of the HAZOP analysis record form of node 4 was shown as follow.
Table 8. The HAZOP analysis record form of node
Number Detailed deviation Consequence Available Recommended
protection measures
1、when serious, may lead to flameout, if the fuel
Pressure of the fuel gas gas pressure fluctuates at this time, may lead to
is too low the risk of secondary explosion of the hearth.
2、may lead to temper.
Pressure of the May lead to poor combustion, and black smoke
2 combustion chamber is produced from the hearth. When serious, may
too high lead to hearth extinction, and explosion.
Oxygen content of the
When serious, may lead to heating furnace
fuel gas in the
3 extinction, flammable gas accumulation into the
combustion chamber is
heating furnace, and explosion.
too low
The heating furnace start The operability of the heating furnace start and
and stop procedure stop procedures.
Key point 4: whether enough protection measures are set up to prevent the combustion
chamber explosion [10]. The following content need to consider and analyze:
(1)Whether all the combustion chambers are set up with the pilot burner system or flame
monitoring system.
(2)Whether the pilot burner are set up with safety interlock system when the pilot burner
(3)Whether low pressure of the pilot burner fuel gas or the flame detector could interlock to
cut off all the fuel supply.
(4)Whether all the fuel supply could be cut off inside the control room.
(5)Whether the interlock cut-off system are independent of the DCS control and monitoring
system, and set up with the cut-off valve.
(6)Whether the interlock cut-off system could be test online, whether measures need to be
taken to prevent wrong operation or allow test interruption.
(7)Whether the interlock cut-off system are equipped with alarm to display failure state.
(8)Whether the pilot burner fuel gas is stable and reliable, and could be monitored.
(9)Whether safety and sufficient air or ventilator are provided for the combustion chamber to
prevent flameout and out of control of the combustion chamber.
(10)Whether high and low pressure alarms are set up in the downstream of the pipeline
control valve of the pilot burner and heating furnace fuel gas.
(11)Whether enough steam purging connectors are set up for the unit start-up.
(12)Whether high pressure alarm is set up for the combustion chamber.
(13)Whether oxygen analyzer are set up in each room of the chimney and multicellular flame
(14)Whether extra alarm and cut-off equipment are set up for the forced air heating furnace
to prevent interruption of the combustion air or high pressure in the combustion room(such as the
orifice plate ).
Through the consideration and analysis of the key point 4, the HAZOP analytical records of
node 4 is shown in the figure as bellow.

Advances in Engineering Research, volume 120

Table 9. The HAZOP analytical records of node 4

Number Detailed Consequence Available protection Recommended measures
deviation measures
1、Confirm whether flame detector are set up
in the pilot burner.
1、Pilot burner is set up in 2、Consider setting up low pressure interlock
1、when serious,
each combustion to cut off all the fuel gas supply on the pilot
may lead to
chamber. burner main fuel gas pipeline.
flameout, if
2 、 Low pressure 3 、 Confirm whether manual fuel gas
the fuel gas
indicator, and low cutting-off button are set up in the central
pressure interlock to control room.
Pressure of fluctuates at
cut-off the pilot burner 4、Whether the interlock cut-off system are
1 the fuel gas this time, may
fuel gas supply are set up independent of the DCS control and
is too low lead to the risk
after the pilot burner and monitoring system, and set up with the
of secondary
main fuel gas pipeline cut-off valve.
explosion of
control valve. 5 、 Whether the interlock cut-off system
the hearth.
3、Use blower to ventilate could be test online, whether measures need
2、may lead to
in the combustion to be taken to prevent wrong operation or
chamber. allow test interruption
6、Whether the interlock cut-off system are
equipped with alarm to display failure state.
May lead to poor
combustion, and 1 、 Add high pressure alarm in the
Pressure of black smoke combustion chamber pressure display
the produced from Pressure indicator PIC32119
2 combustion the hearth. When PIC32119 are set up in 2、Confirm whether combustion chamber
chamber is serious, may lead the combustion chamber high pressure interlock are set up in the
too high to hearth heating furnace to cut off the fuel gas
extinction, and supply.
1、Set up fuel gas oxygen
When serious, content monitoring and
Oxygen may lead to controlling system
content of heating furnace AIC32103 in the heating
the fuel gas extinction, furnace, adjust and Confirm whether combustion air interruption
3 in the flammable gas control the blower orifice interlock are set up in the heating furnace to
combustion accumulation plate(in another PID cut off the fuel gas supply.
chamber is into the heating figure).
too low furnace, and 2、Set up stop interlock in
explosion. the blower (in another
PID figure)
heating The operability
Confirm whether enough steam purging
furnace of the heating
4 connectors are set up for the heating furnace
start and furnace start and
stop stop procedures.

Above all, part of the HAZOP analysis key points were enumerated. To complete and improve
the heating furnace HAZOP analysis, and improve the safety production level of installations, on
the premise of fully understanding normative, and common-sense principles, the HAZOP analysis
personnel are required to master scientific analysis concepts, process intention and production
requirements, combine previous working experience, design experience, and design specifications,
focus on heating furnace HAZOP analysis key points and features,

Advances in Engineering Research, volume 120

[1] Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP) Application Guide [M]. Beijing: China Petrochemical Press, 2012
[2] T. Kletz, HAZOP & HAZAN, Identtifying and Assessing Process Industry Hazards, fourth edition, 1999
[3] Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP) Fundamentals and Applications [M] .Beijing: China Petrochemical Press, 2012
[4] IEC 61882, Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP Studies) Application Guide, 2001
[5] Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP Analysis) Application Guidelines [S]
[6] HAZOP Manual ExxonMobil Chemicals and Refining HAZOP Method [S]
[7] Refining Equipment Process Pipe Flow Design Specification [S]
[8] Petrochemical Design Fire Code [S]
[9] Petrochemical Design Manual [M] Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2001
[10] Chemical Technology Design Manual [M]. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2009


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