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Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 8490–8495

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Expert Systems with Applications

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The application of artificial intelligence in auditing: Looking back to the future

Kamil Omoteso ⇑
Department of Accounting and Finance, Leicester Business School, Faculty of Business and Law, De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester LE1 9BH, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: ICT-based decision aids are currently making waves in the modern business world simultaneously with
IT-Audit increased pressure on auditors to play a more effective role in the governance and control of corporate
Artificial intelligence entities. This paper aims to review the main research efforts and current debates on auditors’ use of arti-
Expert systems ficial intelligent systems, with a view to predicting future directions of research and software develop-
Neural networks
ment in the area. The paper maps the development process of artificial intelligent systems in auditing
Decision aids
in the light of their identified benefits and drawbacks. It also reviews previous research efforts on the
use of expert systems and neural networks in auditing and the implications thereof. The synthesis of
these previous studies revealed certain research vacuum which future studies in the area could fill. Such
areas include matching the benefits of adopting these intelligent agents with their costs, assessing the
impact of artificial intelligence on internal control systems’ design and monitoring as well as audit com-
mittees’ effectiveness, and implications of using such systems for small and medium audit firms’ opera-
tions and survival, audit education, public sector organisations’ audit, auditor independence and audit
expectations-performance gap.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction templates are PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)’s Risk Control

Workbench and Deloitte’s Visual Assurance.
Accounting is arguably the first area of business in which Infor- Due to the steady advancement in computer technology, most
mation and Communications Technology (ICT) tools and tech- of the large accounting firms have introduced the use of artificial
niques have been applied. Although the application of ICT was intelligence in making audit judgements as part of their integrated
first undertaken on the basic accounting systems, financial model- audit automation systems. As earlier predicted by Abdolmoham-
ling packages soon proved highly beneficial in the analytical as- madi (1987) and Bell, Knechel, Payne, and Willingham (1998),
pects of accounting (Carr, 1985; Clark & Cooper, 1985). Barras ICT devices such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Electronic
and Swann (1984) were of the view that the pace of ICT adoption File Transfer (EFT) and image processing are gradually replacing
by accounting as a profession was considered slow due to the con- traditional audit trails thereby completely changing the entire
servative approach of its practitioners. However, by the late 1990s, audit process.
the profession had been compelled to computerise its operations In spite of the metamorphosis the audit profession has experi-
as a way of promoting efficiency, withstanding competition and enced in the last one and half centuries, the central theme of audit-
reducing expenses (Manson, McCartney, & Sherer, 1997, 2001). ing remains providing an independent third party expert opinion
ICT tools are now commonly used in a range of tasks, from sim- on the truth and fairness of financial information being presented
ple assignments such as arithmetic calculations to complex ones by the management and the compliance of these information with
such as flowcharting and statistical analysis. Such tools include applicable accounting standards and relevant legislation. Thus,
audit toolkits (comprising standard software packages and pur- auditing is considered to comprise an information-intensive set
pose-written software), checklists, logit models, audit enquiry pro- of activities involving gathering, organising, processing, evaluating
grams (capable of analysing and testing data in-depth), integrated and presenting data with a view to generating a reliable audit
audit monitor modules (programmed routines that continuously opinion (decision). This final audit opinion is usually an amalgam
monitor real data and processing conditions), expert systems and of the audit judgements (based on pieces of relevant, appropriate,
internal control templates commonly utilised for identifying the adequate and convincing audit evidence) on different aspects of
strengths and weaknesses of a system. Examples of these the financial statement.
As ICT-based decision aids continue to make waves in the modern
business world simultaneously with increased pressure on auditors
to play a more effective role in the governance and control of corpo-
⇑ Tel.: +44 (0) 116 207 8217.
rate entities, this paper aims to review the main research efforts and
E-mail address: komoteso@dmu.ac.uk

0957-4174/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Omoteso / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 8490–8495 8491

current debates on the use in auditing of a class of computerised Various benefits have been identified as accruable to the audit
decision aids, artificial intelligence systems. This is with a view to from auditors’ use of artificial intelligence-based systems for audits.
suggesting future directions of research and software development These include efficiency and effectiveness (Abdolmohammadi &
in the area. This review is necessary due to the recent developments Usoff, 2001); consistency (Brown & Murphy, 1990); structure for
in artificial intelligent systems at the turn of a new decade of this audit tasks (Pieptea & Anderson, 1987); improved decision making
young millennium. Besides, most of the existing studies on IT-Audit and communication (Brown & Murphy, 1990); enhanced staff train-
either consider decision aids generally or an aspect of artificial intel- ing (Elliott & Kielich, 1985); expertise development for novices and
ligence, whereas, this study focuses on the use of the two main types shorter decision time (Eining & Dorr, 1991). Nevertheless, the fol-
of artificial intelligence – experts systems (ES) and neural networks lowing have been identified as possible drawbacks of adopting arti-
(NN), in auditing. The next section sheds more light on the use of dif- ficial intelligence-based systems: prolonged decision processes as a
ferent artificial intelligence-based systems in auditing. result of exploring more alternatives (Mackay, Barr, & Kletke, 1992);
the huge cost of building, updating and maintaining systems
2. Auditing and artificial intelligence-based systems (Pieptea & Anderson, 1987); the inhibition of novices’ knowledge
base (Murphy, 1990); the inhibition of developing professional
According to Carlson (1983) as cited in Abdolmohammadi judgement skills (Yuthas & Dillard, 1996); the risk of the tools being
(1987), a typical decision process should necessarily encompass transferred to competitors and the possibility of their being used
three basic iterative phases. These are: intelligence (which involves against the auditor in a court of law for having over-relied on the
gathering data, identifying objectives, diagnosing problems, vali- evidence of decision aids (Abdolmohammadi & Usoff, 2001).
dating data and structuring problems), design (which comprises Having looked at the development in and the impact of artificial
manipulating data, quantifying objectives, generating alternatives intelligence on auditing, in the light of current literature, from a
and assigning risks or values to alternatives) and choice (which in- general perspective, it will be necessary to examine auditors’ adop-
volves generating statistics on alternatives, simulating results of tion of its specific components (that is, expert systems and neural
alternatives, explaining alternatives, choosing among alternatives networks) in more details.
and explaining choice). Artificial intelligence is therefore an inte-
gral part of the decision aids family that continue to be developed 2.1. Expert systems
and adopted in both technical and managerial operations of mod-
ern businesses and professions including auditing. One of the earliest efforts at expounding the meaning of expert
Dalal (1999, p. 1) had earlier observed that: systems was made by the British Computer Society Specialist Group
on Expert Systems. The group defined an expert system thus:
‘‘With the world’s population likely to increase to unimaginable
levels and due to the complexity in the nature of transactions, ‘‘An expert system is regarded as the embodiment within a com-
applying audit procedures will be increasingly dependent on soft- puter of a knowledge-based component, from an expert skill, in
ware. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems are therefore useful such a form that the system can offer intelligent advice or take
and perhaps, inevitable in the conduct of the present day audit’’. an intelligent decision about a processing function. A desirable
additional characteristic, which many would consider fundamen-
tal, is the capability of the system, on demand, to justify its own line
of reasoning in a manner directly intelligible to the enquirer. The
To confirm Dalal’s observation, over the last two decades, there
style adopted to attain these characteristics is rule-based program-
has been a sustained effort in the development of highly complex
ming’’ (As quoted in Connell, 1987, p. 221).
artificial intelligence-based systems (in the forms of expert sys-
tems and neural networks) to assist auditors in making judge-
Arnold, Collier, Leech, and Sutton (2004) defined expert systems
ments (Abdolmohammadi & Usoff, 2001). The objective of these
as software-intensive systems that combine the expertise of one or
systems is to assist auditors to make better decisions by taking care
more experts in a specific decision area in order to provide a spe-
of potential biases and omissions that could have ordinarily oc-
cific recommendation to a set of problems which assists the user
curred in purely manual decision making processes. While it is
in making a better decision than when unassisted. An expert sys-
widely believed that these systems should be used as mere aids
tem (ES) is a combination of system and process designed to imi-
or inputs into the auditor’s final determination of audit results
tate the judgements of experts. It is different from other
due to the degree of versatility and sensitivity such judgements re-
computerised systems because it possesses peculiar attributes
quire (Abdolmohammadi & Usoff, 2001; Elliott & Jacobson, 1987;
such as focus and application (Baldwin-Morgan & Stone, 1995).
Manson et al., 1997), some empirical results indicate that auditors
In the words of Eining, Jones, and Loebbecke (1997, p. 5),
sometimes over-rely on these systems’ output (Glover, Prawitt, &
Spilker, 1996; Swinney, 1999). However, regardless of the nature ‘‘Expert systems differ from more traditional decision aids in two
of tools and techniques an auditor utilises before arriving at a par- fundamental ways. First, they place emphasis on knowledge, typi-
ticular decision (opinion), he/she is ultimately responsible for the cally generated as rules, rather than algorithmic solutions. Second,
judgement. As it is the case with auditors relying on other experts they provide access to this knowledge base to the user of the deci-
(such as Estate Valuers and Solicitors) for establishing audit evi- sion aid. In addition, sophisticated expert system software gives
dence as bases for audit opinions, artificial intelligence tools numerous capabilities for enhancing the dialogue between the user
adopted by auditors are considered as mere ‘‘agents’’ being hired and the system’’.
for the accomplishment of a particular task. The onus is on the
auditor to ensure the relevance, reliability and effectiveness of As far back as the 1930s, early applications of artificial intelli-
such tools for his/her purpose. Furthermore, the use of artificial gence had centred around the manipulations of physical objects
intelligence-based systems in arriving at a judgement is like a dou- by program-controlled machines but these had few commercial
ble-edged sword. An auditor may be liable for not adequately using or practical benefits. These limitations were addressed by govern-
a modern decision aid in arriving at a judgement that turns out to ments of different countries through certain collaborative efforts of
be erroneous just as he may be liable for basing his judgement so- both academics and industrialists. Examples are the Japanese Insti-
lely on an expert system to make an incorrect judgement (Ashton, tute for New Generation Computer Technology and the British Al-
1990; Sutton, Young, & McKenzie, 1994). vey Programme both in 1982. The Alvey Programme focused on
8492 K. Omoteso / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 8490–8495

four broad research areas which included software engineering, that an appropriate combination of user and aid may improve the
very large-scale integration, man–machine interfaces and intelli- expert decision-maker’s decision quality but the novice decision-
gent knowledge-based systems (Connell, 1991). This leading re- maker may be susceptible to poorer decision-making if intelligent
search into intelligent knowledge-based expert systems enlisted decision aids are more expert than the user. The research adopted
the participation of large banks and accounting firms in developing an experimental approach on two groups of expert and novice
an expert system, ALFEX (ALvey Financial Expert System). insolvency practitioners using a decision aid called INSOLVE (See
Although the efforts on the Alvey Programme were truncated half Leech, Collier, & Clark, 1998).
way through, the experience and exposures gained by participating Eining and Dorr (1991) conducted an experiential learning re-
accounting firms proved useful for the European Community ini- search using 191 upper level students of accounting to serve as
tiatives such as ESPIRIT. This initial experience also spurred these novice audit decision makers in evaluating the adequacy of an
firms into developing in-house expert systems for different aspects internal control system with a view to investigating the impact
of their professional practice (Connell, 1991). of an ES on experiential knowledge acquisition. The study revealed
An effective ES is expected to provide several benefits to the that of the four groups to which research subjects were classified
audit profession. These include understanding of task processes, for the exercise (no decision aid, questionnaire, ES with no explan-
increased knowledge and knowledge transferability. These explain atory capability and ES with explanatory capability), participants
why most accounting firms, particularly the large ones, are increas- allocated to the two expert system groups performed significantly
ingly adopting ES in several areas of their operations (Brown, better than the other two groups.
1991). Moreover, a research into the use of expert systems by Eining and Dorr’s study was based on a sound theoretical
accountants in the UK, USA and Canada showed that audit had framework famous in educational psychology, the Cognitive Learn-
the highest number of expert systems developed by accounting ing Theory. This was combined with an appropriate methodology,
firms (Edwards & Connell, 1989). ES used in auditing have been controlled laboratory experiment and the result of the research
identified as encompassing systems that support audit planning, provided one of the earliest insights for practising firms venturing
compliance testing, substantive testing, opinion formulation, into the use of expert systems for novice auditors. Changchit and
reporting and audit client engagement decisions (Gray, McKee, & Holsapple (2004) developed and evaluated a similar ES that could
Mock, 1991; Greenstein & Hamilton, 1997). Other studies on audi- be useful for evaluating internal control effectiveness.
tors’ use of ES are discussed in the following three sub-sections.

2.1.3. Assessments of expert systems’ impact on different types of

2.1.1. Models for assessing the impact of auditors’ use of expert
Eining et al. (1997) suggested using decision aids in the com-
Baldwin-Morgan and Stone (1995) proposed a two-dimensional
plex decision process of assessing the risk of management fraud.
framework (matrix model) to address the possible multiple im-
The study adopted a laboratory experiment approach on ninety-
pacts of ES on accounting firms. This matrix comprised the levels
six auditors to examine the use of an expert system to enhance
of impact (industry, organisation, individual and task) on the one
the engagement of the user. Compared to the use of checklists
hand and the categories of impact (efficiency, effectiveness, exper-
and a logit statistical model which provides only a suggested
tise, education and environment) on the other. The rationale for
assessment, the study’s results indicate that the use of expert sys-
choosing different levels of impact was the fact that each type of
tems enhances auditors’ ability to better discriminate between cir-
task or industry might have unique effects caused by ES. Bald-
cumstances with different levels of management fraud risk.
win-Morgan and Stone’s study therefore provides a useful frame-
Therefore, expert systems appear, from this study, to be the most
work for studying ICT’s impact on accounting practice as it takes
technologically advanced and provide a higher level accuracy de-
into consideration some necessary peculiar contingency factors
vice in assessing such a risk.
(task, industry, environment and size).
Eining et al.’s study is one of the few that compared the impact
Baldwin-Morgan and Stone’s study was able to present a model
of three decision aids (checklists, statistical models and expert sys-
to assess the impacts of ES on organisations and individuals that use
tems) in auditors’ assessment of the risk of management fraud.
them and this is totally unlike what is found in most prior studies
Also, while the study’s incorporation of a constructive dialogue
which only discussed how ES works and why they have been devel-
mechanism in using expert systems further advances knowledge
oped or at best their potential impacts on audit. The model was
in the area, its use of a laboratory experiment might not have pre-
grounded in previous empirical studies on the impact of audit
sented a realistic perspective of the phenomenon being studied
expert systems and management accounting expert systems avail-
especially since it was a one off exercise. In addition, the use of a
able in the literature as at then (Baldwin-Morgan, 1993; Brown &
single highly structured firm of a ‘‘big6’’ status might not form
Phillips, 1990; Yamasaki & Manoochehri, 1991). The study there-
an adequate basis from which to generalise the study’s results.
fore combined a sound theoretical model with empirical insights.
Using a similar mechanism within a specific industry, insurance,
More recently, Dillard and Yuthas (2001) introduced an entirely
Pathak, Vidyarthi, and Summers (2005) combined fuzzy mathe-
new perspective to the impact of expert systems use in auditing by
matics with ES technology to design a system that can identify ele-
considering ethical issues inherent in the application of ES in audit
ments of fraud in insurance claim settlements.
practice. The study adopted Niebuhr’s theory of ‘‘the responsible
Swinney (1999) examined the reliance on expert systems devel-
self’’ to underpin the scope of what constitutes an ethical issue
oped to assist auditors in evaluating loan reserves by one of the
and as a framework for identifying responsible action – to always
then ‘‘big6’’ accounting firms. The research was grounded in previ-
consider ongoing interactions among the stakeholder groups af-
ous studies, which had ‘‘reached decidedly contrary conclusions sup-
fected by the implementation of expert systems. The study also
porting both under-reliance and over-reliance on expert systems’’.
suggested that the framework should be used to evaluate the ac-
Therefore, Swinney’s (1999) research addressed two research
tions of stakeholders before the development of the system side
questions within the social context of the accounting firm. These
by side with the potential consequences for the system.
2.1.2. Benefits of expert systems’ use in audits
i. Do auditors over-rely on expert system output in forming
Arnold et al. (2004) assessed the impact of decision aids on ex-
their own loan loss reserve judgements?
perts’ and novice decision-makers’ judgement. The study indicates
K. Omoteso / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 8490–8495 8493

ii. Do auditors over-rely more on negative expert system out- interconnected units (processing elements) that respond individu-
put than on positive expert system output in forming their ally to a set of input signals sent to each. Neural networks are use-
own loan loss reserve judgement? ful in making predictions based on a large database of past events
and trends. As audit judgements (decisions) are based on evidence
Swinney drew from relevant theoretical and empirical argu- extracted from historical accounting records, the applicability of
ments about organisational social context and factors that might NNs in assessing trends and patterns with a view to making audit
lead to under/overreliance on expert systems by accounting firms. judgements cannot be over-emphasised. Below is a review of stud-
Two hypotheses were developed from the arguments. In the first ies in IT-Audit that are related to NNs.
hypothesis, Swinney sought to examine how ‘‘the loan loss reserve To assess the risk of management fraud, Green and Choi (1997)
judgements made by auditors following consideration of erroneous developed a neural network fraud classification model using
negative system output are the same as the loan loss reserve judge- endogenous financial data through the evaluation of analytical
ments made by auditors following consideration of erroneous positive procedure expectations. This model was designed to prompt the
expert system output’’. The second hypothesis examined how the auditor to carry out substantive testing as soon as any financial
loan loss reserve decisions by auditors following consideration of statement is classified as fraudulent. However, none of the cur-
mistaken negative expert system output, the loan loss reserve deci- rently accessible literature substantiates the proposed model.
sions made by auditors following consideration of incorrect posi- Using a sample of 77 fraud engagements and 305 non-fraud
tive expert system output and the loan loss reserve decisions engagements, Bell and Carcello (2000) developed a logistic regres-
made by auditors who do not consider any expert system output sion model that predicts the possibility of fraudulent financial
are all very similar. reporting for an audit client based on certain fraud risk factors such
The study made use of a laboratory experimental research as weak internal control environment, rapid company growth,
method to collect empirical evidence to test the hypotheses in a inconsistent relative profitability and management lying to the
small case study sample while data collected were analysed using auditors or being covertly evasive among others. The results of
non-parametric statistical tests. The findings support overreliance the study indicate that the model was significantly more accurate
on expert system output and greater influence of negative expert than practising auditors in assessing risk for the 77 fraud engage-
system output. The study shows sufficient grasp of the issues in- ments while there was no significant difference for the non-fraud
volved in the study by drawing parallels between the theoretical samples. Although the model is likely to be effective given its
and empirical debates and the findings of the study. However, as incorporation of the fundamental risk factors, its use would be
identified by the author, the study’s sample size of just 29 auditors more relevant in large organisations than small and medium enter-
appears rather limited for a study of this importance. Besides, since prises as a result of its complexities. Similarly, Lin, Hwang, and
actual output from a working expert system developed by one of Becker (2003) evaluated the efficacy of an integrated fuzzy neural
the then ‘‘big6’’ accounting firms was used for the participants in network for assessing the risk of fraudulent financial reporting as
the study (from three different firms), there is a chance that some an alternative to the existing statistical models and artificial neural
of the participants were already familiar with the expert systems networks. The study was able to achieve the objective for which it
used in the research. This raises a possibility of bias and may have was carried out, that is, to investigate the effectiveness of informa-
affected the results. Nonetheless, the study was able to blend prac- tion technologies such as an integrated system of neural networks
tice with relevant technological and social theory to fulfil the mod- and fuzzy logic in fraud detection. Apart from the fact that the
est aim it set out to achieve. However, an investigation of real life model was more complex than ordinary statistical models or arti-
decision-making using INSOLVE would have been closer to reality ficial neural networks, its acceptability to practising firms remains
than the experimental techniques used in gathering data. uncertain.
Added to the foregoing studies, some previous works studied ES Koh (2004) assessed the usefulness of data mining methodolo-
applications in other areas of auditing. For example, Rosner, Comu- gies such as neural networks, decision trees and logistic regression
nale, and Sexton (2006) demonstrated how a fuzzy logic ES could in predicting an entity’s going concern status through the analysis
allow auditors assess materiality, taking relevant qualitative fac- of complex non-linear relationships. The study concluded that such
tors into consideration. Zebda and McEacham (2008) advocated methodologies could save auditors the embarrassment of issuing
fuzzy logic as a possible solution to the identified deficiencies of an unqualified opinion to companies about to fold up.
probabilistic logic being used in ES for treating uncertainty while It can be observed from the foregoing review that of the previ-
Murphy (2008) introduced, based on cases from financially dis- ous studies identified in the literature as being related to the use of
tressed US companies, decision rules that correspond to an ES for NNs in audit, three are focused on designing and evaluating NN
auditors’ assessment of an entity’s going-concern status. models for auditors’ assessment of the risk of management fraud.
As financial audit is essentially a series of linked decisions each This suggests that NNs could be helpful in reducing control and
requiring professional judgement, it would be a complex and diffi- detection risks while enhancing auditors’ ability to predict and un-
cult task to develop one complete financial auditing expert system cover financial statements fraud. The consequence of these is an
with current technological capabilities. Therefore, accounting firms enhanced role for auditors in corporate governance.
and researchers are compelled to develop expert systems for various
narrowly defined audit domain tasks. Nevertheless, Gray et al.
(1991) predicted a composite meta-level expert system with the 3. Suggested areas for future research and software
aid of emerging technologies such as the blackboard system to share development
information between the individual expert systems given the on-
going evolutionary advancement in technology. The next section The foregoing review reveals that the current body of literature
discusses studies relating to the second form of artificial intelligence on the use of artificial intelligence in auditing have been examined
(as identified in the introduction section above), neural networks. from three broad perspectives. Some of the studies focussed on the
applicability of some proposed artificial intelligence-based models
2.2. Neural networks to specific types of audit assignments (e.g. Eining et al., 1997;
Swinney, 1999; Lin et al., 2003), some concentrated on examining
A neural network (NN) is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) theoretical frameworks that could be adopted for understanding
that attempts to mimic human brains. It comprises a set of the impact of artificial intelligence on auditing (Baldwin-Morgan
8494 K. Omoteso / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 8490–8495

& Stone, 1995; Dillard & Yuthas, 2001) while others investigated Arnold, V., Collier, P. A., Leech, S. A., & Sutton, S. G. (2004). Impact of intelligent
decision aids on expert and novice decision-makers’ judgements. Accounting
the relative benefits and drawbacks of using these systems in
and Finance, 44, 1–26.
audits (Arnold et al., 2004; Eining & Dorr, 1991). However, the cur- Ashton, R. H. (1990). Pressure and performance in accounting decision settings:
rent body of literature so far is yet to cover some crucial areas. Paradoxical effects of incentives, feedback and justification. Journal of
These are assessing the financial costs and benefits of artificial Accounting Research, 28, 148–186.
Baldwin-Morgan, A. A. (1993). The impact on audit firms of using expert systems as
intelligent systems in audit particularly in this current economic audit tools: A Delphi investigation. In A.A. Baldwin-Morgan, M.F. Stone, A
climate, practical litigation implications of using such systems matrix model of expert systems impacts, 1995. Expert Systems with Applications,
based on real past experiences of audit firms; and implications of 9(4), 599–608.
Baldwin-Morgan, A. A., & Stone, M. F. (1995). A matrix model of expert systems
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Bell, T. B., Knechel, W. R., Payne, J. L., & Willingham, J. J. (1998). An empirical
These gaps are therefore suggested for future research in the area. investigation of the relationship between the computerisation of accounting
Further research efforts are also needed to explore how the cur- system and the incidence and size of audit differences. Auditing: A Journal of
rent trend in auditors’ use of artificial intelligence could affect Practice and Theory, 17(1), 13–26.
Bell, T. B., & Carcello, J. V. (2000). A decision aid for assessing the likelihood of
auditors’ training from the points of view of professional examin- fraudulent financial reporting. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 19(1),
ations and continuous professional development. The area of the 169–182.
trend’s implications for auditing standards with particular refer- Brown, C. E. (1991). Expert systems in public accounting: current practice and
future directions. Expert Systems with Applications, 3(1), 3–18.
ence to audit evidence could also be explored by future research.
Brown, C. E., & Murphy, D. S. (1990). The use of auditing expert systems in public
Other areas for consideration could also include assessing the cur- accounting. Journal of Information Systems, 63–72 (Fall).
rent level of internal auditors’ use of artificial intelligence in Brown, C. E., & Phillips, M. E. (1990). Expert systems for management accountants.
designing and monitoring internal control systems in computer- In A. A. Baldwin-Morgan, & M. F. Stone, A matrix model of expert systems
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ised business systems. Finally, future research can assess the impli- Carlson, E. D. (1983). An approach for designing decision support systems. In A.
cations of auditors’ use of artificial intelligence on audit Abdolmohammadi, Decision support and expert systems in auditing: A review
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and challenge auditors’ judgements when such judgements are Carr, J. G. (1985). IT and the accountant, summary and conclusions. Aldershot: Gower
underpinned by artificial intelligent systems? Publishing Company Ltd./ACCA.
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managerial evaluation of internal controls. Intelligent Systems in Accounting,
it is being predicted that audit firms particularly the large ones will Finance and Management, 12(2), 103–120.
continue to invest in expert systems and neural networks that are Clark, F., & Cooper, J. (1985). The chartered accountant in the IT age. London: Coopers
industry-specific and audit task-specific in order to reduce their & Lybrand and ICAEW.
Connell, N. A. D. (1987). Expert systems in accountancy: A review of some recent
audit risks. Also, large multinational corporations could develop applications. Accounting and Business Research, 17(67), 221–233.
their internal audit function to the level of using such systems to Connell, N. A. D. (1991). Artificial intelligence and accounting. In B. C. Williams & B.
strengthen their internal control systems and reduce business J. Spaul (Eds.), IT and accounting: The impact of information technology. London:
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risks. Furthermore, intelligent systems are being predicted to be
Dalal, C. (1999). Using an expert system in an audit: A case study of fraud detection.
developed for enhancing up-coming auditors’ education and ITAUDIT, 2(May 15).
training. Dillard, J. F., & Yuthas, K. (2001). A responsibility ethic for audit expert systems.
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4. Conclusion Eining, M. M., & Dorr, P. B. (1991). The impact of expert system usage on
experiential learning in an auditing setting. Journal of Information Systems,
This paper maps the development process of artificial intelli- 1–16.
Eining, M. M., Jones, D. R., & Loebbecke, J. K. (1997). Reliance on decision aids: An
gent systems in auditing in the light of their numerous benefits examination of auditors’ assessment of management fraud. Auditing: A Journal
and some drawbacks identified in the current body of literature. of Practice and Theory, 16(2), 1–18.
It also discussed the significance of auditors’ use of artificial intel- Elliott, R. K., & Jacobson, P. D. (1987). Audit technology: A heritage and a promise.
Journal of Accountancy, 163, 198–202.
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